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The two arOineepare .• bly blended, but subject to numberiees cote " plioatione and *cootingeacies. . ,There can be nothiog truer than that Slavery was the cause of this Wai, and that the Rebels plunged the nation into it solely - - 'to build up a strong government devoted to- It. defense. How righteous, therefore: that a war begun bytfaustica to uphold Slavery should end in Its destruction f fr ' ' ' It is also tens that the wtr, on the part of do National Goveremant, wan not under. _ taken feg , the purpose of extioguishing Slavery, or at all interfering with that Sc. muted inetitution. The Government was Netted intei a struggle' with its rebellious eiblects, and entered upon the war with the Role object of eoppressinithe Rebellion and . _. TabliStiDg the sopreineay of the Govern ,. molt!, the Couetitutioc and the Union, just es they eeisted when the war broke out. The declared purpose was to recapture the fora'nd arsenals taken by the Rebels, re cover he stelae. government property, sled re este liehehe stater l ean, Gnu bd/ors. Bnti lt dote not folio w that, •Ithorigh un derlakkon with that eurpote, the people , wonlu not.; unseat to end the war with the present attainment of telt end. Purposes e • • cheze with changing eircumsetacee.. Were begun for one object end in the attainment of another. The American Revolution wee begun solely to get rid of an obaoxious tax ~... - upon tea. Had the English government e e ., eememented to yield that point to the Colo , sister, at the outbreak of the struggle, the / yielding would have ended it, and we attould bay been, to-day, Bridal' Colonists. But 1111 the war progressed, higher purposesj came in. What was a struggle spies: ob- 1 noxious taxes in 1775, became a War for i Independenee, is 1776, upon a Declaration, =brat:log the higheet and holiest rights of ' humanity. The blood shed at lo:login and Concord timid nut be wiped out by the removal of a tax upon tea. It had rendered • that sacred which at Ores war but common, end heroism hal aoceecrated the cause to tinShigheat and noblest aims. . , When David, in hie rnonataleehold, longed for a cool drink from the well of Bethlehem, shot from him by the beleaguering Philis tines, three mighty men of war broke . , through the Pailistiau array and brought book the cooling draught so longed for by their kingly master. But David, with the keenest appreciation of true heroism, re• heed to drlek the water obtained for him by men whietook their lives in their heeds and brought it to him at the perilous risk of their blood. Heroism had rendered-it. too eaored-to drink, and he poured it out as ie.... libetlon before the lord.' Had it been ob-, • Weed without risk the case would have beep different. And heroism consecrates what it obtains, : a, wall to-day as in 1776 Cr in the times of Zing David. Had we won back the arse , nide and torts and etoleu properly and ter. - ' sitory, for which. we eo ardently , longed; Tithed - bloodshed, we could well have at . loped to restore the statue guo, and go on ea before. Bot we aro to win them back, if at all, at the price of countless Pre - eine lives, anti there will be blood enough abed to cement: every particle in ; them, thetas over. They will be rendered aseredby he roism, daring and bravery, and we can no . ' more take them hole as mere forte, arsenals and territory, than David could drink the water obtsieed; by the valorous daring of Ideenighly men efeetar. ' .• • -No. The war - cannot end by merely re - sterlog thine as they were. Either we ..neat meteor Slavery or it must conquer us. Zither it moat be eubdued or wo must be - vassal under its feet. That which was be. gee merely to bring beak misguided men to their fealty, hae become or its becoming "a wetland weir for Independence. The effort _ Withrow off a tax upon lea culminated in that sublime declaration; "All men are•ore . Med equals" end tho effort -to restore the ---- .Constlintion to its supremacy has found a bleier espreasion in that equally sublime. declaration is Promo:We Proclamation, "Their alarms shall be free men." The Government may hesitate, sod falter, and modify that declaration as it donee; hut the People and the Army underwrite it, and . the result of the war, though not its policy hilts progress, 'must take that shape. At least so it seems to us, ' e " Who would be content, new, with the res. , Oration' of =the orates goof Porhape Solo mon Guntybege might, creme of his eon :mere who'cinnot mount above the later= eta of trade; but who, with a live heart id his bosom would be so content 2 Ate we to go back to eleve-calching for, the benefit of our southern brethren ; to the brutal beating down of the champions of Liberty In the Senate Member ; to the plundering of Weds and. relatrves in the South; to an mmtecubited gospel, a mauled press, au ex puegated lite.rature, tad a manhood degrn- ' ' ded to the dust? Have we marshaled an - .:srmy. of. 500,000 men, incurred a debt of Z 500,000,000, roused up the tree hearts of mations of true 'men, and dotted the land With the graves of brave men, fallen by the . hands of 'Rebels, and ell merely to bring bank thld thraldom tinder which we groaned e o . so long t - Have we got the mon ger by the threat, and shall we let him go Nisbet 'Rey, rather; shall we not etrangle blm, while in our grasp, and tio make the end correspond - to the means employed!! Al well ralatia tempest or -lash the Gann Into , * fury_. LTD watt a father or ti drowns ey," -- -- ' MEI • as prosecute the war, now, Upon Its original bails. - That ibis le a war 'Which Mist end la Ihe — triumph of Liberty or Slavery le a remit apparent olearkfto come, 'dimly to matp more, and not at all, perhaps, to a large lumber of other. : The war on oar part ' had not that objeot it.firet, nor has U aow bathe rapidly tending to that cod,; trilb oat the knowledge, it 'may be, or' Intent of 'thos . , ;carrying it onk , lt wa could all me iti alearly ano distinctly; Many woad dottipt! kim shrink from it Tite ligbe at that great . , VITTE3I3 : A Guarantee of Peace, We hove su effectual guarantee of peace, if not of good behavior, on the part,of the great maritime Powers of Europe, (led we are concerned about the dispositions of no others,) in the fact that both Fratoeand England are helplessiy dependent upon us for bread, and will continue to till harvest next. Oar alarmists, who audereand very little of the subject which supplies the oc casion of their alarm, es Is usually the cue indeed, only needed such • suppositious spark so they saw fall (rein the effioe of the Secretary of State, the other day, upon the tinder of their eneceptibility, to eat their wits all shim about a foreign war. la view of petal. oomplications with any foreign power, the circular of the Secretary of State was both politic and timely; but that either France or England is now medi tating any ochres of hostile policy towards this country, is nearly In the last degree improbable. We venture to assert that, of all the European Powers, Spain alone has given each signs of a troublesome dispoei. Lion as have reasonably excited suspicions of Air intentions. She declines to be a part; with France slid England to the interventionist Alealitau affairp proposed by those Powers, and we may very well eappose that she prefers to aoC independently, because her vieWs_go far beyond those which iht7 have avowed or would be disposed to tee carried out. Of all the Earbpean Powers, Spain alone has views,ef territorial acquisition on this con tineat ; but if no diplomatic ire6reglio be brought about, by which Spain might And an ally to help her in those schemes of am bitten, which she is supposed t% entertain for the re -conquest of her lost American Colrales, beyond the precantionripointed out 'in Alr. Seward's Circular—precautione which, as wilier* eaikit was both politic and timely' to indicate—nothing further need be done, and l,ut of, all need any great alarm be taken, even blatookholders.. The supplies of food which we hold arc our guarantees of peace with Prance and England. Oa this point of the war quo,. Y.Use tlie'N. Herald very justly remark, u foliates: Mr. Bewardta letter to Gov. Morgan has given rise to unkiended alarm in certain quartets, it nay be as well to abeam tbat we are the end o f shippif nAug, and 'hail _continue to ship until gust neZo, to Glen B:itain France, nearly three 'tediums of.licabels of grain weekly. T. large supply from tide country is the only guarantee which the pito. plc of Begisnd and Slut:ice have against...a famine unesimpled daring the prcsant ginner. anon; if at were stopped - for a wee, =onto, hundrode of 'thousands of incepts would perish of hunger. Nothing, in fact, steads . between Europe and nervation, bat its exiling peace. lot intercourse with the United h tuts. Fracas is carving alrcadi. ffOrtlfive Years have elapsed mace the hutch farmer, saw eo &east a harvest es that of of is Nothing bat enormous imports from due country and the infinitely 'lintel manageniont or the French markets by the imperial gdirernment have pre. Vented bread /iota already.; . . A month's stoppage of thy accustomed sup ply from this conatry would :leadno a resole non in France compared what which the mar iners of the unemployed workmen- et 'Lyons week( seem preposterously ',trivial.. Nor is England. in any condition to &pled) the cont. meraini relations now - existing be tweet *enroll and this country, It is tree that; she is safer lug severely—less from the want of cotton tben from the want of ber usual mutat for cotton guide: Bat her suffering would not be dingo.. imbed, but vastly leereased, and tendered ta tolerable, if, Oa addition to a reduced demand for labor, the had to contend with & diminish. ed supply of food, such an would fellow any Interruption At het - relation, with the United States. Wheat is already as.thigh as ii uite. miens la England, considering luitrwages paid at Manchester, a vary smart .advance would be severely felt. Open trouble with thin hone. try would cause an advance of 100 per cent an .4 few weeks. nese considnration, phew' how futile od:ridiculous it ie. to'appriiiiiid the adoption of an aggreunve policy *lawn as by the maritime powers of Europe: Gass: Psi , N.. 14., Oct. 1g....Ms fiat. set to wort of Jobs Townsend, at Mhos Mills, N.:EL, mu llama ibis worairs...; Tie /Off iS oscillated 11 5 30 . 0 00. ea whisk *bars k it par.. 1141 issunuwo. &awry was nuudsf oat Gotsniissatassottraot for army Amid. I feat bursting tali open their 'felon would'' I • - dazz'o sod appal them- They moot work np te it gredually, as :through tbe twilight to the ficli=blsze of day. Cromwell said Coat true men never wok so Well 113 whin they do not eee fully what Is to be the re eult of their labors. - Luther did not see what was to follow when he made the Pro test against the Diet of spires and the de oree of Charles V. Our fathers in 1775 did not eee what was to result from their retie , SI3Co to the tax on tea. All of the great upward movements which hate elevated humanity began with a circumscribed horl zsbk which gradually enlarged as the work went ea, andlbe gaze, which at first would have shrunk from the complete view, became accustomed to it as the tight broke upon ii by Imperceptible deeeee. , It is so in this case. ,We do not all see, ,perhaps none of ue tees, the great cone games to which this war must lead. We are beglonicg, however, to discern their outlives, through the shadowy mist which now envelopes them. It ie enough for us to know and comprehend-Cm cause which led to it, the influences oorttrolling it, and the ilutiee it (©poses upon those who love God and hatnity. The finger of duty points unerringly to the path all such must take. We oanoot afford to fight against God in this struggle. If we are not workers together with Him we will be overthrown. - After the Deolarstion of Independence in 1776 there were dark hours when good and true men desponded, end would gladly have compromised with the enemy. on decent terms; but God's arm, was with those who insorlbed upon their banners "All men are created equal," although they didnot see whither it..would lead them, as it will ba with those who rally to the second Declare tion, born Immortal, "and their 'levee shall be free men" — notwithstanding those who fight under It aro ignorant of the ghat evens carried in its womb. Diubtlees there are men throughout the North who would gladly accept peace on any terms, just as there were moo in David's time who would have drunk the draught from the well of Bethlehem, though every' drop of it had been nuclide - it by a life; but not to the men upon.whote shoulders the govern. meat reete. Na matter what was the par peso of the war et first. Events bare changed all that: Time is working out great problem; and hundred, of thousands of lives, and the faith and hopes of millions are elements in it, along with the fate of four millions of slaves. What the eointion will be, Time only con tell; but as he worke it out, much of the solution will depend upon the correspondence between our faith and hopes, and ante. Our readers can miner for themeelyes ; se for us, our band and voice is with Liberty and Humanity, and for the AIBE9L improvement of the ?regent Great Opportunity, the neglect of which =g=l - I:=M2! gescoo of Heaven The Great Naval Expedition. "Oar seeders may have- forgotten the - eu eon which base reached us, fur florae lime past, regarding • great Navel expedition Elting out et the tuners! Atlantic parte, enc.' concentraiing . to Hampton Roads. That such an expedition has been organized, we know; that it is of sufficient magnitude to elioit the deepest interest, we also know. Idjli probability, this morning's eon wit nessed the departure, from Fortress. Mon roe, of as proud a fleet as ever bore the Stare sod Stripes Ina few days, or weeks II farthest, we shall hire stirring news from this great . Southern expedition. The raptdition • The formidable character of the expedition fitted out against points on the Southern c•mat, which are known only to the commander m enet., may be inferred :Tom the' annexed figures. The subjoined lint of vessels have been chartered by Captain Saxton, Quarter. master P. S. A., who is charged with the preparations to be made at this port' and have been loaded with immense quantities of quar terries:eels end aubusterce stores. A powerful armament, consisting ol large and small acme of every description, have also been shipped on board these vessels, with un limited stores of Ammuattion. It is maeitestly the determination of the govenment to take and hold whatever position. are retailed, against ■it povvitsitity of recapture by the rebels. This list coataina snob vessels only as have bean chartered and loaded at that port, Sev eral other :shave been bought or char tered by government agents in other ports, and are loaded with similar stores. The following are the tonnage, draft and number of decks of the vessels indicated: The shipGrest Republic will be loaded with stores, and the remaining apace occupied by about five hundred horses, which she has taken op board, will materially diminish her berth room for troops. This,vessel, with the Peer less, which is chartered to follow the eirMai %sun with cattle, Is left out of the following table : Bteamore. Ariel attintic Alabama Too. Mak ft. too 2 8 18% 31 'S 8 11 .:. 1643 e li 8 2 16 3 Coatztao*los 2 goals: 17'sbstbr 108 a II 1 De bozo ......... ........ 187 E l6 b impire 01t,..._....__ 1761 14 a Hr1c5 , 0p...... . .... 18172 • 16 2 Flork.l2 —.11.111 16 2 Locree Point_._______._ aim le I 803 2 Mewobdits..---....- ....... 1070 31 a 1 Ceell2Qneen ..... ..._ 2802 10 1 Parkesboarg-..- ......... _.. 716 to 1 P61112c1.11.6.--.-----1238 11 licenoke ..... ...-. ...... _—..-20ti lo 22 easltlao r'..,C6176....-----.1260 16 v.n:rrbc.i... ..... ....................830 a 0 20 3 The lorry-bnam Commodore Perry, &limn Allen and dtepping fltorma, have been pur. cheer d by tbe government, and will aceotoptny the expeditiomito aid to toe more rapid trans. ler of the troops from the transports to land. The vogfille . of the gaped:don one fitted op under thin:oxen of the navy D•psrtment _ A, Y. cm.. Ado. Tan Cetrantair Enures/sex Can..—There was great anxiety yesterday to learn whether the CILIO of the Q.ltoll 11. Nankin .119 to be brought oa at the present ass nos, end much lutonnehinen4 was expressed that no eeoeuace• went was made en the subject. The govern ment 00010 to have abandoned the prosecu tion altogether, for they have taken no mop; to brio; the case before the Grand Jury. No one will be imputed at this resell. It is quite certain that Mr. Rankin cannot be convicted, and the failure of a governmeet prosecui.on in inch a ease is a disgrace to all concerned. Mr. Beaty and his agents have exhibited thetteolves to the public to their true, colors, bat have done no injury to anybod , ' bet themselves.— Toronto Globe. Vutlts Igiourtr, - - - --- Exceattai Uri or PrrrrAveos. October nth, 1881.1 O.AN ELECTION for Directors of this Meek 1.111 be DM at the 13.814 Mcrae on MONDAY, PIC(.66IbOr 18, 1181, betEctm toe bow. crll s. m. mod 2p. m. The apical OW tam or neck bolder, min De bald ort TUESDAY. November Is inn m. (oc19) E. M. !AUBREY, Cathie, Cram sal Burl, Plttettutth, Cot ta , 8:11. WAN ELECTION for Thirteen tireat ove of thh Sank will be held •t the Detklng MUG 00 IiONDDY,IBth doy of Noeember, pr,atetry tatwitio the Doom of 10 sod 2 p ea. Ihe eunsal meetlngof etockholdere .111 be 6.14 'co ITHISDAY, Nov 6th at 1014 o'clock .. m. 0016h101 010. F. VAN DOLLEN. OW:der; taoa errr Beg*, Oat. 17, MI. Tr Ali ELECTION for Thirteen Di. roam of Ibis bank, to sons donna the etto imolai ;worth to bobd at the Sacking Dons., on 711011 DAY, Nov, 18. h. between the hoots of 11 .. re kid 2 p. m. The =DIM mating of the atorkbo'Aers will beheld at **Banking Mum on TUESDAY; Nov. anti, ai 21 o'dloton a. m. (=Nam) J. .1141110 UTE, canter. latzintaar Lui, Ixt , e• L. tillarAN ELECTION for Directors of 'crab Bank, to ohne br the sheathe year, wed be bold at the Bankturanzeo. co tho 18th day of ho ember, betweeo the holm of e o'clock a. m , acd o'clock p.n. She ecincial Weitlilg of the Btotkholdees will La bold II the Sothic, Mose, oo TUIBDAY, the 6th day of Nov. sell o'clock a. m. oel&dtaoli .1. W. 000 L °fabler. • Bali • ' 2111101418, tics 170, 1101. fIAN ELECTION for Thirteen Direct. on of this Book will te held at the Deulttop Hone. on 110NDA.11, NaTtilaer 13th, between tte bonnet 10s. m. and 2 p. m. lbe Anneal bloating of the atocaboldere vlil La bald on rumour, Nov. kb, at 11 o'clock a mu coltdedklteri 101111 fiABP.III, 0..5d c. Illicoraxit. harm, 1 Elfteborgh,uotobar 17, .861,1 EllarAN ELECTION Or DIRECTOIIB 'of Mho to m for the sown& year, .111 be held at thß ull do g QOM. on WIND/LI, Mt vember 16th , NM.= the home of 10 o'olcct sod 2o'clo-lk T. IL A general mootbg of dm Ekekholdero will Do held on TINIODAY, Ifor.fgh, of 10-Vokst a. A. colTOOti OW. D. If oGILLIIIV, esiblor. • Owl os wtu ParralnatraMeos Oo ow Premstraon, 1 .Pitosborgh,, oaten. 11th, Mel. IgrIHE EITOOKHOLDF.RB OF THIS rteopany an hereby wielded that the anoint hNd aiectlon for Directors te dm •matting seer irlll be si calm., No. en Youth Moot, between the hoop, of toni o'clock ik. mi. sod one o'clock P. la, on MONDAY, ohs ath day of Scorienber, 1861. oolfkltd I. 98178 /SPROUL, fiecretar (PLANK ROAD IGLECTION.—The Moan°ldea of the Bar•oUl 14Hoy Plant Road Company will mod et th e 07/101 uf W. /L Inibt meet Ward of too city of Allegha gimpy.= dIONDAY, the 4th day of Bovombar Dent, Moeda 2 and 6 erdoolt P. al, for the pat poem of &err leg 0013 era atm Company for ago owning year, via: one Proddena, deo Menton, ma is immix, arid nth °Um deem am may oo oscootare. By cedar of the Board," JAL. WA raw, Ja , - colttd d Prudent. CLOVE ANODYNE TOOTIIAOIIfi open dolls end efOcakokue rozotdy ante loatautly open the nerve of the tooth, and tome. dial, relief It gtlrm. It .1.1 sot aorleassatly e2res the breath Moe Smote, Lupo,. the soon or destroy. the newel of the beta; tho t:melons cove It ben 1.0 Oacipthibed see well attested, ono, It has only to be. wow georraLy Yawn, to be h glity appreciated by the public se It ho. long been by !Amebae,. Preyeretlead sold by A. h. A U. tan WI. Prager:a 100 Sulam meet, hew &!d abed by 3. A. /Asprzerroan G ocx, Ditto borsb, /0. Sad she by Drsttutlttg;tenotallg. cr17,31.-entT Fr -- IRESR GROUND' CORN MEAL.- Just rocelved. prime Ids of olft,d Qomkosl, kosl,t pot op IA oIU polutS belpi,te for Sal. by the balattit et the Pop Grocery dab of JOAN'*. HAMM& P 7, ocIP cur. Lion fr sad flood stroli. 'ABLE SALT.-5 ease extra ground Table Hale, pus bp in bozos for heady use; else • MO/ fa smell [Age. for eels •y JOUN A. BEVUIAW, e•rzer Wert, and Uabd streets. - - - .54X70 barrels Ocoee! rand Prilluisad Lostiog.r, woo ao sank gum° of Cot Lost Begs, rcolvid for We id the no* 05oidxlitoro of alif a- USELA, ceraa Liberty and dood asst. UZ 15 .1D 5 EII ft biL i th e ::oko t it airee d.r t Applos, 10 kep prime Lout Loud, ibis. took lop; , do paokodilatiar - 711 : 0 nP u 142 4. 5,1 * oaf 13 1 Ui? lft Liberty oitroot, nn LALUN Iga a .°,... zi 8 PETRO r 1 for We il by W. A. IfaClLDitg. r I A *o ARRIVX 00N1:0014bIgN L -20 Wm Orribmsrlog bbla Otero Apples , 10 Ms &IMO Clam, ail L. IL VOIOT & CO, B ETON ' AND FON BA N-- 8 bbls frost' 101 l Battery 200 balm petsas Mem; 200 be& balm 001. 2,14. vOln , a co, illiVXD.on aoxisigameas— , Ohkititsg- • As par We ilasq, 41/1 : ii, I. VOMIT 4104 , g bogrttsgmertel. APTA s'io a Lii:olll3NAtiTf, lORUIZiri 00 . 30 i F1Y,.. , • • • , . 4 . • F sa. - r T-1 Fi, -97 tL.,. 51. R . ..ero and Bond. t f u :- 7 1. 1:: do oro,l to •"'^t W. S. HAVEN,, No. 84 Third street, ;:trp•red print Fl.ll , of hrke. •o:prd the ttreire lb. .E'..w_xsz 0 - 7 O OLORB ET= I.TTENTIOn SUPEttivItNoN-EXPL 1:%0 FLUID, !Kt:3N At'Zi) I -OA FOR RAIL: LOW AT ~.21 (I,u, r Vf,rt• t etre. t at 4 Ch. I.4mpull CELAND Al() Yanti • this dellcloes le,peration, composed cf ',Awed Moa,Gum er.Lle, Bogue and V.uithi, Is confhfehtly reoommeuded rut the nllavt••hen and on. of COUGUS, 6ORWILVA. , IT, riO I LAIMX9B. Je. CliON JJZINSiOn, In.g;:et Corn, ficalthaeld and PLartb N • • - oTitiE 1V PRlN'rEtszt.—The on aersta . aerlaf.,rs for role :n :II: moat reasonable trims, or aq.ll rx‘bengs for Prl Wm'. Paper, a large cinantley of PEOO;vD•E AND JOB TYPE. pApait GUTTER. OAED CUTTER, Two ITAND PEtEd E t and ONE 0 ARDzeB E.:4., all of wh'ch are nearly S 9 golf lam row. a7l,!nts I'ErpICEON Box bOt. Pit tabur gh, PS. co2latdA2m-T MaYrNlt Co 1.511VEg.11 AND araDiNtlil GOLD AND SILVER, 23 Suutia 2Jaird t Ire* gIItLADELPIIII. Gold and Silver Bona-lat. 116 - P.riaa forwarding packet. by Eaglets , 111 ode.t ,- Ith a papa gt and ante' t return . 4 - 13. tl t, S LIZZIZ .1 .a, GUeat. 0C19:24Wd/112 1 i' 7 "IP. .EQ,IIITY DRAP•"=" fiE EQUITY DRAFTSMAN, being tiaToctkw cf tonne of pb.filltr.g au ufl.quity. Nod sud eti:ti ol.b copt en notes end reuzes to Amencob Ella by. 21 KAY & W. . bb Wood 3t. ALf XANLk; :Ai T SNEW 11JBa1 111.. 78.6 n .z Too Bit., Cori. by Eb , rley !rook& (firm Xxperastlans. I.llostrate4 .01,i01:11 TOM Olowa Iwo VOWS° O Framl.7 ...re.am t d, US ALM. 11GO as tIIe Moor B; 11 re. Ultobopt. li,xenioas of o 0011litly Parson I.limi 21 Hides. Trtint, uu uao 6to ty cl Words Yaw oltsan. Lc 21 66Y 6 vu . bb a oo otrtot. Ax)) dtlCiAtiB ei bb!... B .I,4nr, 2,11c0 and S. r; rap, 14 da P5bc..y.14444. do 4 bb.l4. do co 24 Ws 2tatd42lna A C1 . ..ht.:C.4cm,, 14 do .1 , 44 1 .1c,41.44 Ureaularoo ld do . 4.10 rs ace oCvd4 .14 4.) do 'N. O. 11ollmed4, 10 bbds. N. 0 dagar, TO .boars primp tlitiaborg for nob by 4421 Ei.: 1 2‘.41.4141411 k LANG. CatttE-43 bad. prima W. li:Cietne just racbl , cd sod f..t. sue O. Jed. A. 22.TZ,M. od 21 Ccreer of 'bullet 420 Ydsst dts. LWE a r , PUTATuX bble. Mari • rz.t.. two Jog rteclved •nd tut sa!e by .14s. A. Oranor Qf friar keL and Olf.len, n(iTATOES-- 1 0 rushes Nosbawdock - Potstces, :3 barrels do 0 0 end fr, •,i*. hr .136. A. ItRTZ ZS, oval rum of Maths; god hut atr, /..01:3R A IN 1.) ADO bblo. DNA,' trseols ramify Float, 70 do .otro 47 do clleice COO lbc Rio tbsris Yar 111.16 by ACTONAELo I LANG. - - - r iI%V.EiNTY•ar.SENTII Liel' OF AP • J f•L10 ATivNti L snllio i Ltottrds, ftl,..d Ia th. 0.41 . . OMoe op to ()etcher Ulm, lkol. 0 Dean, Torero, lot W.M. Pittsburgh. Meta Jacob, other Rupee, ettolne towtkb p. Oau Pus Gurtl t a i t b, n, Tanta. & wick l W et a le ld y , b A o w teo h. ; Johnston, W. O. r:Atiog Down . Sd Ward, Pittst.argh. c Sarno isms; do Neuman, Aosta, Tesoro, II Ward, Adtgosoy. Bansbury 8., do loath Yttlabusgh. Butounahill J ho, du Plum toirszohtp. Ylernao AO. Gating:v*3d Ward, Alizglonv. no 0 tof Quart Dessions est.l tont on IiON. DAY. CAtAb.r 23m, co rot cm the above Mons., pal Ati.ts W. A. LiZhEtON, Oink. N.ki% W ;*Ot.).1)111 FALL AND wxNrste: &• /ALL ANb wlnEn Lilian ISTYLLSI - the ot4 IWO of JAMES Ct WATT, Corner of Penn end 8t Maim eta The heirs of lamed U. Wan, d , oeeded, moyAottally toske ;A:ha , stlontf on to the no .took of ?ALL AND WINTER GX D 3, comprlo:ni all the omen otyleo or lashlote.le met4iol adapted to GENTL.II. !HIM' WEAR, soliciting en early calL The boo!. nose IP. he eon:no:el on the inane aypreeed roamer as borctolora. The ototk of he'r goods to equal to 00 7 In ars city, cathelyd W . A. McRIAIRO, Commiaolost Zaorvhant, /or the ealr of Crude and Refined Carbon 01Is. NO. 61 91 606 &ritzier O. JUNLItt, - 103 WYLIkII3IIII.IOIM. Aimuutitchal tacPatoie 1.1(.11111a BALK—rotransot to an odder of the Of, him' Cannot Atlegh any conu,s, the undersigned, Rococo stia of the laet vlll end [fitment of Jamas Omer, E 9 . late of laid county deceased, win tea at Patio Bale, as tha Court case, In the City of l'lttairb, on BATURDAY, October 26th, 1661. at 10 o'clock ' s. ail that certain Int or War of land In Sewickley township, at ocaltelf 0,110 town ttbotatow 7 gpam iz o on the Potaburgilt. Port Wayne and Chicago Railroad, ,tiono Jed by land, of Thom.* L Shields, lifaq , him. flouvden, John Irvin, 3i., Dental Y. Nevin, and heirs of N. woo, dentate& containing thirty-urns (110)etzea more or km, no which is erected • tenant house. Ii neoecaary to suit purchasers, tho property be soudividod and eat In separate lots. Taws or Pita—One ban In bond on caul; inatkei of we. and residue In ono tear, stilt foterat, to be snared by boos and mortgage. ilerkollitell Wig fur. they Informati it, MAN 014/ on Panay a Bonnet, As terns) e, fi0.:.134 litoulh lucent, Pittsburgh. Ala ItY P. OVUM tide ocrtz of James Oleet. rcl.eletsxcTa T at: t'ilTicai4:Z UL' iron: hunt'• Ilelainotype ate ICo• 1 U131...VE rint - a IT, IN NRAIIV.AMP, COL• SAM. BLACK, Drum s rhotner.3.l3 by licsnre Now rumo r . Price only 12 Cents. MEM ITUNT'S NEW dTORE, Masada Hull: Fifth Street w. T wintßaos W OODVILIE Cal! REFINERY,.... HOLDSaiP, EMT tqf• & 31. 1 2131F.1071/11cal. OF BURNING OIL AND LUBRIC4ILIG 011; _ , gimp 00115 , st:of, on fund ,ery bat quality of 1311ithIbill OIL, olfor .mI MU. Ong cdor; also, • good L 131301,4•1•01/. Lam obit. and OAR 0131141611,_ • artrAllordera felt at No. ss rz •fl 6T lET.Saab Mick. seacaul door, ar,II b pr.:racily att."..ded to. to bawds • . . ti. . Li. biIiUAM Lr 0. O.llA.Fir & GRSUAtd, PRODVOS ARID; COinalliaoll ME lELOTIXA.NT/3; Na 2045 NAIZIT thitirr, PEI/ 4.•,.11E1rP az a, nol t ra ,ArNLVBR9.-6 inab, 11.,/ 'bow, for .100: ' 110 WE 4 snow, eau ,111•1114444444' N B . W GOO,y AGO NNW AND Baur? ann, ' arrive acoAile. 100 pn, Raw sax& Tam 37565. to 5)36 Per p ni ' 600 BROCOR AND PLAID LONG AND WILKE mans. • 201pos. PLAIN AND BIGURAD.PGINOII 61601. NUB—.II colon, 11.* PLAIN A 1/IGOANTO PRISON PO ?LINA 100 " PLAIN, CORDID a Inman vstbues. 203 " BTRIPID AND PIGUIL lD RIPP& 800 ofLeitras, from I* per YI IlL42ilikTri. FLANNEL/3, CLOTHO. 0 /13131ALNEVE PRINTd, SHEEVLEO3, turiaTlNG3, HOBIERV. GLOVE 3, E MAGID 111 trig JUEEPH PLENINWN LOW .1111-We oordlelly Invite the readers at this &dyer• tttement to call sod ex - smite oel l stock sod tME=LM COUNTRY BLANKETS WHITE COUNTRY FLANNEL 6, ,41 W. & D. HUGUS CIROD LARS, 11.9.LICORAL sitzwriv, Nvoozzq• BLAME AND WIII7E O . IILECtE SHAWL" & D. 1111017,5,, QOLDLEIR—Arrit.NTION I ILI 200 . 2.craw: WATER WILTER," The best Wagerer losentod for sole lent end fraTe bee- mold wholesale and melt by SA lON, ategitum 00., o:19 Nol7 Yhth moot. BISTrs AND ooLLAtki, WWI PLArsl AND NANCY 112412. BO Dos n MIN 001.1.0114 at 6to id% esch. 43 do DAM at 20 cts each. Wholesale buyera supplied at loss pekoe RATON, IiAODI33I A OD., tlo 17 liftti attest. ARD PHOTOGRAPH PICTURES IND Plintograph Frames. ALL TBD NOTAbrIATiOtO OP Tam T.MIEL earn'. moors A.Nb SWORDS. Out up to tha boot Dile of the sir, floodrati 004 for ludo by SKION, MACRON so OC., acte No. 17 11th arced. THE NEW 4, 10EiAL HOOP eull.t.'r In Red and Sleek—dm latest thing os 030091 9 111 & 0/21281191AN1 "I X.TRA GOBS TRAIT." WITH LETA& WEDS TAPS. Wot bars made to our own order ' TR. . 9 910T0 arriu ( was." TGI • ran *UNION ROHS TRAIL:" N Erumoino SPLIIAL TRAIL: 9 nintaat stn. prim a _ . atantal. Psalm ruppiled at loas th an Ludo% BATON, FROMM & CO., ccl9 No. IT and 19 01110 etztet. LINEN BETS for 500 worth $1,25 ZOV AVI BITEI for $l, worth $l4O. IMBIZOIDZILID BIM for $t,26. worth *2,60 A Inge lot of 0091ing. slightly Amami, soiling sty cheap. REAL PRILLICIL EMBROIDERED And MIIOOAN 0 tAMISSIB. WOVIN OOHS THUG HOOP MEWL Luxor Fur oZZECHI I i BI 3IBROIDIUD and 11.1111bTITJH do. SWINiI •ND 3 A00243i .11D011438 G&TICHT STYLES JACONNT PLOIINOING, MUTT BANDS WOOLIN noore, NUDIASI, UI'HIT. SHAWLS, W..101411:t YARNS, ZiPSTR .WOUTZD, iIIIITLAIgb WOOL, DIMS TRIMMING!, 'VELVET RIBBONS, VELVAT RIBBONS, GI iT BRAIN; OLOYtg , 1103IZRY, 'MOND AND /ANDY GO3D3, Mau for cub et (MARLS. OIP/1111011, oaf 78 Maar% street .}1314, LS, WEIT/1, BID AND YELLOW EL \ NEMO, ORNY BAWL FLANNILB. COUNTRY AND EASIZILN PI 2113CR912 unman ; EINTITCKT ;ZAN,. 0A&SIIIII/U, OLOTRit, YOB MIN AND BOW Wt* BEAL WELCiR nettnis, 0416.15C1S YLANNZLI A fall assortment of DREBB GOODS, BRAWL 9, ' M. BURCHFIELD'S. ocl7.ittiot Magal PALL GOODS JUST REOICIVRD We an oow Species s choke Stoic et TALLGOODS 'condoles In ell of the West beportstiooloi martin OdboIIUIRES sad vilatucir. 'Web. ws litt er wt. Mee+ will be equal' to soy emortioent to be krud beet or .Weet. they will be mode op to order, In a rape** idyl; sod al climb 10 wit the times We world wellPeotklie solicit ao eerie cell from cm pattogo and the public. SAMUEL GOAT & SON, MIACIZART TAILOIB, No. 19 Firm St, 6014 4SKIN° UNDXIt-GIekaMENTS, tad*? sad Muse' NISI NO de ,„ RIBS Id WO3BIVNTBISit)DRepnas. LADIES' 11118 SIS! BOSTON =BUD BOSH, tflaS'a KNIT SOUL'S.' ' ' - , BALMORAL NOSSI AND UAW ROM .Atid a Intl hat of WOOLEN GOODS especially adept. ed br irrikdat woo, ',Rey. cheap et BelitArd TRIMptiBQ MBA 11.4 4 stmt. VINE EMS 0 DEFUSE, AS teettbas aro hat ale anal Mow SSITS, COLLARD, ITANDimontars, stuars,,nirenrr BODES, CAM AND WAVES, !LOUNGING'S, HOUNIIN TIMM= !MORI, a.; . 11 :' 4* Is eon. Kuisikt Stmt., BALMOILAL - Hoc., sictivrd. •saiNga ocisSITS. • 190 ioi opal eistitris for Ms Mee: zoillin ?stank - • NEW GOODS J V 6 T 4.) p.m EcD. All of •bl:b Irla be sold at anatiostal J. W. BAKER & CO 59 Market street. dint rocelved at ALL OP TU3 LAIL. T ATTLV fun opened at CLOAE and D118T313, at Subway.ixat t tsti,rB ; 40 nets ltk , dila 100 do Itto r FoOdood, 100 Co Prince alb.. do ,100 bounds Ronal 1 do IlLoolotta boon Potollmo, 16 boohido abelibut 11 . 1 4 0 17 MAN • bomb Orooberriee• /art reOplud Sod for ailo 67... • _ ;aft A. Oar Warkot and Elrat mod% Gab ,S-60 halos ApplerJuir reratred and br rob tg • basalt U. OOLLIII3. • 11 411308, Cbble. %I tar NU by call 111DAUFUL GOLD MID TIDT&D iffiatir"l"4l,ll.l-4111,17ittIYA KIN WALL PARKES, R na.. S.' -WitZvaamiamion emi tai te. slostreaL-.1, us . Aas. fllNEtatarrojui, TT nalummaist. VEr AN TED -:ii:Cgood Filers. Apply sir B MR a T0L57.11 , 6 'Wood •t• ligreNTED— 41good Gunidithe.—Al v P , / 10 BO a TiTI.SY 186 wood _ WANTED—BMWs 'and hi l oltglagee for t 9.000 aad 63, 0 00, hallos trop two to s tioae yea" O. raw. apply at PrrICIS, LS at. Clair street solit ANT .& u TO MILL VT PRon ItTY (water pci p telatred,) by a orsetizat Tbe best or refereah can ba given. 1115,1 f.rtleclen, add MP Par.BAMOII4 R. afar), ae2falald No. al Wielnat!treet. Pitt•barzh, Pa. . - mot Abate at fLo pi as OR EXbliALitilk 10,00) bash. 00awilnille Own Otte. 1., H. VOWS" & 00. FQR SALE—A very eommodione and comfortable reeldente, la a deeitable neigbbor. boa] In the 8d Ward, Aliegheny, on long andFeey Paltoente e and very ow. IncinMs or B. IiCILLOTEIS, 0., Attorney at UR. 139 Worth envoi VALUABLE OIL PROPERTY FOR SALll—liltaated on Yreerli Creek, embracing between 10 and II sires. I here ere on the YropertY eft well, in various progress, three of *Win are st .21/ tiout &VOA 1 0 Justify diersiolug. Connected with the wells le powerful engine, in gruel ranning . order. This property Is sillehrtng the celebrated BC O. mirk farm at Is perhaps rue of the beat oil sites In that region. We offer a greet Corsair. Gummy terms of fitment, or with exchange for reel edam In or ad joining the dry. lor perdoeffere !Fp to d Lalll & CO, No. 6314 north erred. LET.—A flret-claes g I. Mows et tirelyttew, with Y room; mt 4 with al modem Improvernoute, located oa theca, be. t • ten Wiley area eel Prenirl - .tax smite. Terme =547 - k O. ORAPP. EuddINICI Vann ndildlG—anUldT poWIH, to rod wnw.r. now driving-Um* down! dreams In ttild ofiliwn Wilt so:d anal* few mu& 'in. Almt G*ZJIT II 1 / 1 10 0.7.tf iLsto - tiockg. 8° FOR f li t -- rattay gograotiots for the Artyy of.tbirteltod &atm Unborn's Mannar for Valuators and Hanna. Id: A. Intralry and Bide Teaks couplets •\ lkordsleanll7 Toolks. Tho Toone Drill Book. Mental for the Buena ts In the Light Infantry Dal. tau atoll for the Vol bet Notes Zcaarae hr the late UoL beroneeglaerolses for the finny. A personal Instory of Lord D SO, oom Life of Mr nhllly Sidney. If:Wan Declare Bank. Ily Moue,. air Ranter flairfgh. fryllanestoy. Advent - ores It the Booth Punk. By Roving Pshittr. Tom Broom at °Vila. 2 vac ?Gabler Astuimay. By &Inchon. Bonilla of Maths %es Othett's Career. Gloetary of Inglis& Word,. By Trench. Beulah. By Angulo J Uvula. Air School, Oluoloal, Medical and Theological Baum }nook Books and liestonory. oof- J . L. WOAD, TB fourth wen. TaiiM ENGLISH. EOOll5-rllre An drew, bf., acpby of Idanufocturee. Ban. Oca The Colton fiamificiurn of bloat Britain. vols. 11. Mn. t (army and eemnion la America. , By ;Ulnas El. Linn, F. e. tl insist d.raltrcture. By Tames donne. Ibe Magic of i Mono. By lemon Wylle; beautb hilt' tllna.atd. Po.urt, by Pullllp Praurau. or ration* imblects.but Cl 10 y ruletlog tOOTOWI In the Warn( lnd•penuynoe. Miltca's Poem uritanism sun ifll L s. bate. beautiful edition. 16.gliab Peaner& ByJobnlbol- Mat D. 11. The Hof &tap of Okla, • Ey Itegb ?diner. Toe Brlf fah Vorfaltatfor.. By Lord Brougham. Bohn. • •-• • . Triumphs of Instal:formai:4 Dfseetstl.s. Illustreted. The 'flop? Play Lott of culotte. l'pßoye Dap% of Metals. bath utiodoomety Illustrated. Heck's Quips and Craca a. A handsome edition of one of Voter. tad. British Bird., It and News, pilule:ly described. Bracattails colored 111as:radon& Comsr.ws Object. kr the Microscope, antic= with the above. Imo; I 4 lllMory Mid llamallietare. Yairbe!to. etc. c l ot mud sli he wiettoow By Dr . Menne, etc, ide by 8.. IL DAVIS, »=d No. w Wood street.. SEe' L A • BUD:IRBY—A Kunst Ot6l6lltary Iturceu, or Blots o the odes of Oaap sod baptist Practice.— 1 41 1 .1 ._ .Oros, Id. A l irds me.. Pelee 60 mite. • ee2ll HAY A 06, 66 Wood street ST. NiCHOLat.B ROTEL. Broadway, liTe w 'Work. otird Reduced to $2 per Day. isl OE TILE OPZNING of this vaet and N-. 7 m4'0.11008 notch In 1854, It !ma been the elagle .tr,a,or of the proptiatore to mats It tbe most rasp snots convenient and ootaketsble hems for the old. 4n and "Manger on MI" side of tbe !Mantle. .And whatever hr. seemed Iliail to administer to the contrast of its go to they have endeavoredoeitte. out regard to east, to provide, and to constdas all the element of Individual .14 steal etdeviment which moilern act has Invented, and InOderSi rata approved; and the parrotlike whieb ft hen commended 'during the put Isere II • trait/log proof t h at their er• fortehave been appreetateel To meet the exigencies of tie time, viten MI 4111 remelted to penciloe the most rigitfeconaing, the am &niggled hare • Reduced the Price of Board to Pero Dentate per Day, at the tame time abating acne of the fazartm with whirb their table hu hfthetto been supplied. TLIADWgLi r WHITOOIIII g 00. oeilaind BA 'BMWS ENVELOPES. IMLE 6111150REBER B&it& LEA.VZ local the atteaton• of Bookseller; litillosol; Dealers's' Buoy Cheets, end ell cam, to the RZTENISMB 4113139RTMENT SeIJP.ER/OIR QlVeliaarinr 01 E I•T V NoL D BY 0 R IL E S-• 611/1A 111 - The Made 01/ embraee every style of Letter. pm. Wtadlnli YortroPor pirda, end other es Moo. eamhment cod Bloth Lupe, all Med la Me moat perk«, man zer r on a tog:: btacbinie yet forented. (Al., the Indad Mille tritini Paper; inumfma tared mom* for the enbeerlber, and no better pa. mimeo be *and to Ulla country. hooks, with trade lltt of pilaw, pent by matt' - Deafer m - ire Ittelttel to rell and rzetelme hie stock quallUes,pelock etymee, 0., 111 M 111 0/1 1 LILAY1101, oeslmi 1111 WV 1111 ant Striker, 111. Ye o Farmers and Others. FGA SALE, GIZOWZYMI SIIPERIvit ITATZXT GRAIN FAN AND SEPARATOR, YATRitTn nuirtroy 20, um plug SUPERIORITY OF THIS PAN over elf inhere to an =slab In fee chenpueass simpLicity end Curabillty. ffeoend,ln aiesaing Grata tester, better ml mare thoroughly, With In.. labor than amp other mill. The patentee at the soo7lllltai has been long istateged to manatecturing and Peking Autultarallmplealeats. eCalrtho , 4 Of the grmit want et a good ion hr tleitatug the diderentlitads of Grata and &eels, preeents Oda to the putdie with tall wag; dense au it will valet their musts: The undersigned, having gauchsetd the sole slight to teenuteeture and sell the &ton Grath hap and lep water In Western 'Peensylvst.la, Watteau Vlrginhi. end all Me, and the right bash to hidlena and WU nebula now prepared b En on orders. Or . Wall, at 819 Lherty greet, Pittsburgh. Pa. ad gnawer W. W. WILIAM _ - A GENTS WAN TEE 11—Nale and to zak. 1361.3. all onor toe coan47, to nn the GOUT I 12:420N PRIZ2 and Irochteg=rh antilsalS• SD* sograTtog (0 by 10) of Stem B. KG. OLE/3AX Um limpuleoo of • The =IX q t y valaiakirTS colpes, etatlasery sod eavokpee pints; la Illoan dodos, vita of a wn saleable ails4o salmi te Mum, to - Caripsta art. arakiog from $1 to Slava, ay. 00ed map for oar inaammilt cfronsu. Masada' fall macula% • 211128.4M0a Mk. I carldvd 102 Nailmla meek 2 411 , Yong+ 1 - AIatLUIS Portraits ot dhasirdatird MEN • ND:_ .W 0 111 AN. Jaot ■largo NW latatifol ositartialoos d PHOPOGBAPEALII CKBA.OSIDPBO2OI3II4IIIIII. col. B. 8. DAVIS, Pa Weal atria. r 'g a to 0.0.44111LD ♦ 00. E.111...._jw1• ~ I • , .pITTEIBU4OII7 . 0040.11/11 11. rim sight of tbillll4W Nv watitiod A WEIEL tor-DX/01'H. TeX iNGEL—....—.---....2117111}T1ND1880X. . RATS NEWTOis DOTTOR Pain. 112ND111.11011. To toeselodo with the OOLLE Gjt tt - Y •0. 111 Ebucationit. UNI VERMYY Of MARYLAND, AILEDIC.44II, LEClTtrans. The Ility-fontth Annual Berko' or the &boa 0 4 Mediate ' ln the University ot Marylon •111 ann• maw oo MONDAY, Downer 14,1401, end end Morek 1, MM. Tao Thently are ovate st yeah* fa . the pram imheppy condition of potdfo antra do mann to to. team limb Um molar and tatlithil perstemance at their duty or Meadow They penmen to male every effort to midst thaifixoule of manta Moo social sod eatlefectori to Meer The Ultimate Benaol lalirseary, • Wasp Is LIU comlassel so MN Oundont atone ibr the unshed Dlesuenoo cd the priattphe ateektee W tunny. 0. et. MILTANAIIIOI3I, M. 1%. se* elOtlate Dan t'~3:7C7'~lt7~ _ • CLASPSOLL AHD 007,11EitOIAL • 1110^RDIMIS lIICRUOL OVA 1110,111. ARV. JOSEPH A. TEAVELAJ, A. IL, Psl=Pa. The Thirty.N.Dt& &oat& istdossee as ISM DAY, Hay.abar 1.101. for elscdsts, Logitire at "Hun Jobs Inds & Pos., IT Water unit lit RUM li. EWA & 0 5 , 25 250P5 •th.ts, entibifill, oral Ott* binelso4 No e Ailogboul, altEsmodat&wt === . i H. wiLLt-Anie. mu oPeoce • Normal Ir4hom et ' No. NI er. 04111 E MU% NI Mont , INlNltelai of resAen. 1 Be le his rowdier Dr me hetTeate.; the whom all atm had for ethics mkt bete man tomtma. i JONN.I; WOLOOTT. i COZI,Lir Sim heartrly urth the Him lakratalth N. N. I theertally cam= ht Me °Oahu e PATO t above. 1 - N P . I tale ploseam to t,hrtnilt ea ray uptake that the .Ibreutius raxammeatation la tally esselnal. .1.. BOUT. . I know of no one who Mart" Tee Mew tummy hi I - kb favor. R.N. AVIIIY. I rolly contur In the above remmummadatlou. ' ! ,', D. zaun thsow. He tan prepare papas for Mr Nigh &WM pukka than my Maar teacher In the thy. I. DOUTEINTT. TIMIII-11/ Pm meek. In whanto anlkkhrle d i 13/ 01.. Tllß TIIIRD BESHON OF THIS Ethos' will oammecteel72 Os MSC xottzus or osnioseira. TRUME Mutsu Department per Mahn of Oro moat ba-811 00 Medium do do do do • • .111 MI &tutor do do do do ...It 93 BM I. 81 IWO D. Th• nader a IS tf4 barite placed thefr children la. dia. the Initructlou of Mr. and Mn. AtllliT during ma raft year wound oven cheerfully moomosend that ' &boot to the patronage of the pustule. The Teaches sae competent and laltiohal, and the prod:mow the pciplis has teen highly satimactoryi 'William M. literal. Witham K. Idludch. • a fl a n-on Late. J. Doan,_ J. I' Loy. Austin Lanais. Dr. A. G. Wetter*. Capt. Wllllato Dean, Thomas e. Blatt. Wafts Church. David Mammon& gannet Lladsay. Dr. n.. O. tdtcado: It M. T. Northam. igrilac Circulars, to apply SO the P rlacilftli N 89 amino street, buries Maritsa:Pt Wood. oral dm &boot Wows, cotter of Third and Markel anens. etWotsf 8.. N. AoritY. p.N. DISTIVAX, RANcoog writs R'. NEAR rilsl a p ims. EL run to-rpea on SUNDAY, the &I day of II UL •Tonoas $A jr woof: b of 800 . months. floftlrf J. IIL &MTH. Prlooli ILL S 1 11100:::AUAIC. SACRED .RDSIO BOWER TDB OTTELULA: WNBIL/N ; ANN LUTE OW ZION; DiewisoN; 0,1 1118714iN ILINSTAn 1 NEW OAR NINA ILIOXLA tugoora WILL, as TIZAPTILEGIVINa. All .bo aboir at vuo per donor nob. For solo t 7 JOHN If. MILO No.lll Wood sheet, Plitrborik. fLADBURY'S GOLDEN CHAIN Sibbath School Melodies. A NSW SABHA= scam mom BOOK. The largest, teat complete sad what hems late Sots Bret arty . sada for lb* QM of Sabbath bahaols. Pore, $l2 par hitadred, or le 'onto ataget, or COO par kcal, /or ash In gauntries 07 616 6 1 7 6 7 JOHN R. littLi.o% No. el Woo* stmt. Pith bort* • P IANOS AT A ufiGalZi. ♦ tIEOF BOOE OF Ilplndia New mad Been J-band P ANOS WIII be sold at GRIATLY REDIIOI6 pains. auaziona Bums, GA S F : TUBS .LARGE AIidOIITMENT4 Jul? 111/IC.IIVID • For Sale by BAIL!, FARR= 004 • • NM. 119 IPOIDATIt • ISTAXIIII, . • • „ • nnupmtran £MD VBAUMS, SSDIICBi T pßtm. James W. Woodwe du. 97 aid 99 MN Bind, MOM= OP ail Ya N efles of Rylesld IMO, Wltuaii wet Hotels and Mists - ordtre Prowsl7 wit:maid tot INK earl Shaft carealty °` Mphwi lad llowatow. saw bbi twwwird *vet awthw,' °Ebbw 111/hin rhplith with atlas WI Ihw . htittlywhi TOlr3l • Da HAVEN & lON D. . zur,RAClftgis OP STOVES. Warehoinse„ .lederel ltreg er near Vot i rtl= as of= to to: 11ret soo• mat, ot Cooking aall tbodbetono. Wool it Ittdoh we to g PO karat totem I . 1••• • oar otty MU to tbotr ottnetoto vs a eallas4wasitne isur suck penirsbig ONS hoe EOM Fralb. Pm Pao& iltd•q4.l • Ware. wipe &am, phis end haw Grata hot-read" inet* chstb r D. Da 11•1,11 P • SOlti novvibi, hi , ist co s i au . and 116410 Fiderat Streit. OPP*** Ookaaatia,mw our the hew* V. 4"''l P 4 44 11 , .a. 44 XOll/ 'SD TUaz .-Delt—/09 • kstb inima mam as wee sun IN g i j i 11 7, : - ' Ten a No. ft Mfth diem. AID 1