The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 19, 1861, Image 3

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0117014.1. ?1t e ras-curt.
_ .
Obtaivations for the Ga.
by .G. Z. Shaw, Optician, 59 Filth street
—contacted daily:
IN pine. IN 11911D1,
Vali* Y 94 00 61
s " - r. 00 63
I , - 70
Ilsrpsr , .....„.—....„ .. .. 29 4 10 .
Tee Vedumiteer Ballet IReaull—lsertase of r e j le — Prepasedftedueilea of lb.
The huge number of soldiers, who have en'',
liste4 hroin.Allegheny County, has swelled the
nnintrir of applicants for relief until they now
repeat the large, aggregate of two thouasad
and thirty - 470, as follows
Pittsburgb,—:„ .. :.. —.:....—..—... .... 6 57
Boroughs, .... .......... . ..--......—.—... 608
Townships, '
• -- Total, 2032
The amount paid to each applicant per week
varies according to cirMitnatances, but the
.average is about $2 25. Thus it will be seen
that the drain on the relief fond foots up. the
• enormous argregate of $4.600 per week. The
i • priiate sutismoptions have eantrely ceased
IMMO the two mill tax was ametsed," so that
dm Relief Board cannot command funds be
;end the limit of the tax. Under the county
valuation, a two mill tax raises $50,000, lass
the mist of collecting, exoneration', etc. Now
It is very plaip that, at the present rate of pay..
. • meat, the relief fund will be exhausted in sigh.
or ten weeks.
Wheals to be done r Another levy cannot{
be-made this year, and it it not likely that the
Belief Baud can obtaii accommodations be
yond the amount of the present levy. Under
throe circumstance', and in view of the sp.
• . preach Mf wintec e the Board is seriously die
. cussing the propriety of reducing the weekly
allowance jest one half. In fact, they have
almost determined upon this course as the on.
ly cote left to them., It is true dn. the allow
ance is now small enough in min; case,, but
it must be remembered that the government is
now paying its soldiers regularly—and paying
in each a way as will enable all to remit a
large proportion of their wages to their lam,
ties. Too many now , getting relief, expect
- rumor! as icing as the mu hat", and many
instances have"been broight to light
where persons fully able to support them
selves -have taken of the relief tend.
Officers' wives, whose husbands are paid over
one hundred dollare.per month, have drawn
their weekly allowance until discovered and
„stopped." The list of applicants will have to
be carefully scrutinized hereafter, and the
amount per week will have to 'be greatly re•
dated, or mazy poor families will suffer "for
the necessaries of life during the coming
ter.All who are not entitled to relief should
be stricken off forthwith, and provision cis
then be made fop 11101111 who are really in need.
- The SW' Law--Iseportant Deetnow.
, Judge Pearson, at Harrisburg, in Dauphin
comity, has jam mode two important decisions,
affecting what is known as the Stay Lair of
this State, paned Slot
.of May, 1861, the first
union of which gives jurisdiction to the Court
in which the judgment is entered, ore Judge
thereof m 'vacation, to order a stay of enca
lion for one year from the 21st °friday, 1861, on
jedgesents previously eutered,or for one year on
those obtained satistquent!y, provided , the de.
leaden, is the owner of real estate in the con
ty which toe same is.entered, or to which it
has been transferred, worth 'efficient to pay
and satisfy the debt over and above other in
cumbrance@ and the amount exempt by law
from execution. The Commonwealth obtain:
ed judgments in three several cases against the
kinks of a defaulting officer. The defen
dant. all resided in Lycoming county, and
writi of in@ FiCiLIS went ducted in each ease
to tin Sheriff of that eounty,who made a Titers
--wen stayed by the order of C. D. El
dred, au Associate Judge of that county, I
on the ground that the defends's@ were an-
- titled to a stay of execution, they hiving
spiffieint freehold within the comity to eat•
ley debt, interest, coats, Ac. Ou ibis re
turn,. Mr. Meredith the ,Attorney General,
asked for an attachment agaist the Sher
iff for - failing to execute his writ; and
caking eo inefficient return thereto.
Judge Pennon sustained the. motion on the
-ground that the 'edge in Lycomine_county
bad no jurisdiction: or, power to order a stay
of execution, which Most be done by'those
having Jarisdiction over the Judgment, and an
his order to the Sheriff wai a mere nullity,. au
anachaient mum be awarded agaiast him. The
counsel for the defendants then moved for a
rule to show cause why a stay of execution
should not be then tad, there ordered, which
was opposed on the groaad that the Common
_ wealth eras not embraced bylaw act artesian
My. his Ennio% was °Terrain on- the pita•
evict/Sat the State is, net affected by a din
clarets! her debtor under is general bankrupt
-law of - the tfaited States for. the meson that a
sovereign - State, like the king, is lot bound
ulna named. The "Court then decided that
the State pitmen cannot be stayed in its•effeet,
• and its debtor cannot demand an arrest of et
natio". These Stay Laws, end all lane. im
pairing the obligation of contracts, besides be
sag eaconstitation al, are obnoxious to centers,
and in practice result is mach More of sill
than goad. The Goner repealed the better.,
' 'name for Desertlioni—Matiens Corvine. •
• .Testerdar a liernoon,,Thomse 'Connolly and
Fetrisik Galvin; who barbs.' arrested on in
Antastion of Captain Foley, and committed to
jail sia_ deserters, were brought before Judges
• Mellon and Adams, upon a writ of habeas cot-
Jigs, and their discharge asked for • by their
cannel, Mr. Morelaad.„ It is alleged by Capt.
• Foley that these men enlisted with him, some
weeks eince;and were sabsiorted at Ms expense
for genual dile; that they leftinthout permia
'. • nee, and were not toped until -Wedneaday
evening, when they were arrested and commis!
ted se deserters. the other hand, it is
k aerted'that the men were never member, of
Capeskin Folere company, properly spatting;
that they saw he was usable to get op a
pany, when they west to New York : id en.
listed in the !nab brigade; that they meetly
obtained leave of absence to visit their [rinds
•hare, and were arrested as deserts's& They
are accompanied by their captain,',eilliktill
' man named McCarthy, who corroborates their
statement a, to their connection with the Irish
brigade, and the fiat that they are here_ on
Judge Mellon, by congest of both Parties,
poetponed the matter ..uetil ten orelock - this
=ming, whoa it will be finally settled.
Court oequistitirr Nu' tons.
nattax, Oat. 111.: , —to the as of Wm. Ks
Rudy, charged with us_ol and battiWy with la.
• slit to ravish ittlesbeth 'Tout, th e jar, vaunted
is •
sealed vordiet of "not
DaSid Lloyd, of Elisabeth towaabtp, wunut
upon - trial for catalog line trees, on hdonnation
ofJoku Joy oat.
George Age', a yssiog nun recant!, arrested
-hs ~lora, for slCo Jarmo, of airy or s!xtr
pounds of battle from various parties, plows
gaUty and was, tunsaded for sentsure.
- Mune Gudrun. a colored man famWarly l
known so 'Norte Glsorp,* w,a put upon trial
for assault and batter, on oath - of - Mrs. Bur..
troy. The panful reside on Itoberts streak, In
the Seventh Ward.. ottani,. _
seam or u Au.zaui y Souitsa.--We
regret to learn that Wm. Anastrong v a plug
mu formerly of Alleglieuy thy, but recently a
prirata is the Niath . Peruntyleasie mahout,
dud at Washington on Tuesday last, efter,s
protracted aid severe illness. The deceased
wu about twentylour or tweityArre year. of
age, was unmarried, and previous to jotalq
I/111 army was engaged in the„tobacco sad
;cigar truism, on -Ohio west, a. few doors
- from the Mayor's offico ia'Allegheny,. We
presume his remalaiwill be brought here for
01411.1117ATSD.In Der. ldsroantil• WIMP;
Pittsburgh: IL /14:Johnstoni Blairsville, Pa.;
11..,11wirrupi, Pitubmph; B.'lleyer,:Aanvthe,
.. , Prh, all of whim parted an lionorehiessuslinit
we awarded, the splendid new College
• -Diploma, zed' presented with elegant espies at
Duff sad Dozens& gemi or buiriess'imd
1111040i/11 perunaeship, as $ rastinionlid or *sir
exemplary eandeeedatior their' attindarioe;s4
Dia.nrt Iff.Ccorrar. , —The latest Dews IN.
. 4 . §tlio . (ritt 'Seibold) advises a' decline ii ikr
privet of tease is tnat great market. Tkia'wlll •
:_be good !ewe to 42011111111411 Moss who bare to
• " pay for Us airuchritiabar pilaw Una probably.
gra r bet ire ' -
Ilia ow
.otirremote and others vs.. Theiwer,
bobs aloill' - •
- for a !nary Injunction to re
strain defendant from taking oil from a (root of
land at the head of Oil creek, upon wbleb rho
Drab. wall (the drat ever sank) is located, de
velops' some Interesting facts connected with
the origin' of the oil trade of Pennsylvania.
The use was brought before Judge Grier, of
the United States Circuit 'Court iit - Phlledelphis,
who refused to grant the injunction—hissing
the ease still undecided. • From a history of the
salt, as published In the Legal Inlelligencer, we
tate the following
"In the 'beginning of the present century, a
stream wu discovered not far from Meadville,
in Crawford county, Pennsylvania, upon the
retrace of which, as of the smaller rivulet
running into it, a Species of Of/ frequently
flowed; and to such an extant, iu some places,
that when a candle wu applied to the sur
face, the oil would ignite and bless in a lam
bent finite on the creek itself. The people in
the neighborhood of the stream which was
now called 'Oil Creek,' were aware of this
peculiarity of the water; but the population,
thereabouts, was sparse in those days, and no
great deal of . mineralogical science was ap
plied to the subject. The schoolmaster called
it a 'phenomenon,' and this was regarded by
the learned as a full end lucid explanation of
the matter. - - The To-diens it is said, had
known this peculiarity of the stream, and ap
plied the oil to Surgical purposes, in the cure
of external injuries or sores. The early white
settlers used it in the same way, and also for
&direst domestic or farm purposes. It flow
ed along with the water...-on ins surface—but
the descent of the water being rapid, and the
stream itself shallow, the only mode in which
the people could get the oil' separated from
the water was by making little ditches or pits
along side of the creek, and drawing oil a
certain amount of the water 01 the streem
into them. This being left in a state of stir
nation, the oil would soon' collect in a coagu
lated form on the surface; when the women
would - go out, and iasening blankets *under the
water, raise them and secure the oil; the
blankets being porous enough to let the 6ter
flow through them, but sufficiently close to
retain, till they could empty it, the thicker
substance of the oil.
"Enough oil wu obtained in this way, to
make it worth while for the farmers and othet•
in the neighborhood occasionally to go through
:this somewhat laborious process of getting
ii; but the oil never beca•ne in those days a
subject of much value or - of any commerce.
Some time, however, in the spring of 1855, a
person named Edwin L. Drake, residing at
Titusville, a town on this creek,, conceived
that the oil must bee mineral substance some
way connected with coal formations; an d that
it probably came (rem a great depth bolo* the
creek, sad through tome figures in the rocky
formation, from coal strata .on the adjoining
lands, and therefore that it could be tar better
got by boring on the lands themselves. .His
conjecture proved to be right, and led the way
to a branch of industry which in five years has,
in Western Pennsylvania, become an immense
'mei covering whole regions from Lake Erie to
the Ohio, with operations in what is now call
ed 'Petroleum,' or 'Rock Oil.' In the case
above referred to—which was a bill in equity
to restrain certain. persons frpin boring on
some lands for this oil—Drake was examined
as a witness, and his account may deserve
perpetuation. It was in these words: 'That
sometime in the forepart of 1858, the Ilepo
neat entered 'upon toe lends 'which are the
subject of this hill, (or the purpose of gather.
ing oil, and developing the same; that he at
great expense during that, and the following
yeusunk, by boring, the first. well that was
known for obtaining oil in that region of -the
country. That ale method was wholly un
known previous thiseto; that in consequence
of thja, and the want of proper implements to
operate with, and the necessity of obtaining
new patterns for these, and especially for lion
pipe for driving to the rock, a very great ex
pease wai incurred, amounting at least to
$4 500, in establishing the first welt; that this
proved successful in obtaining large quantities
of m
Palatal II eeldent—liatsvaen Twenty and
Thirty Seidler* "Oared.
A very painful accident toot place at the
wharf, yesterday afternoon, on the steamer
Sir William Wallace, which resulted in some
twenty or thirty soldiers being injured—lour
or five severely and two dangerously. Some
five hundred men, belonging to COI. Ham•
bright's regiment, had jest embarked on the
boat a fit* momenta previous to the icoldent,
• Portidn of whom were in the cabin and on
the lower decks, but the majority of them were
on the hurricane - roof where the Linceeter
'Brass Band was diseoursing several patriotic
airs. Considerable entrement was created
about this time on the steamer Heilman,
'Which wan moored alongside of the Wallace,
soused by a horse being killed by become(
frightened and falling from the gangway to the
yhart. A gapersl rash was made for the front
part alibis boat, all anxious to see what was
the matter, when the roof saddenly gave way,
precipitating - quite a a number to the boiler
deck.- We were unable to learn the names of
all tbia parties injured or the exact number.
Adjutant 0. B. Fraley, of 001. Hambright's
•Regiment, was badly cut and bridled, and fears
are entertained of his recovery. We anlieretood
tiutt_ he was removed to the residence of a
Wend in the city, where be will receive every
attention his outvrignires.' Ile is a resident of
Daniel Lend's, a private in the nate regi.
meat, -- was' also badly injured,_ and but alight
hopes are entertained of his recovery. lie is
'from Lanesiter county.
Two or throe members of the Lancaster Band
were injured, more or lOU, but not seriously.
We were unable to learn the names of any of
the injured parties with the exception , of More
above mentioned.
.• The dump to the boat was trifling, u It
was soon nuked, end the was ready to leave
with'the others—the Clara Poe, lifodar.tor, Ar
gonaut, J. W. Hailman'tind Silver Wave -' at
its eolciek tut evades. The brigade num.
berid In the aggregate three thousand and
thitirmen which, if distributed "gushy, would
give to eat& boat five hundred and thirty men.
Arrive/ of the ha#lllthoesota Refitment.
The Ekeoud Minnesota Regiment, in own
maid of. Col. Vanden, arrived about 8 o'clock
last evening, via the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne
and Chicago Railroad, as route for Washington
Slily. After Mamba/king from the train, the
*agent was marched to City Hall, where the
Committee of Sabshienois had an excellent re
hi In readins. Altar upper, six companies
were quartand st Wilkins RAU and four at the
\Contrail Chambers.-for' the night. Tbs. rogi—
niont'sumbers 1,042 men, together with 28
women, who go In the capacity of uncut. It is
.certainly one of the finest looking bodies of men
that has passed through here yet. It is said
that there Is tort man In the regiment under
twenty-one year. of age, and that they have all
been examined by Burgeons and pronounced
paired In every respect. They were highly
pleated with their mapper, and acme of them TO
marked that it was the only good meal they
have had mina leaving home..
It eras ramored, we do not know upon what
authority, that this ritglanot bu been ordarod
from bora to Rentneky, and will leave forthwith
for that State,'
Perms . OierrasNow that the outer sea
son has fairly opened, we would sdaise our
readers to tall at the wholesale depot, No. 40
Filth street, red procures stpply. - The pre
prietor, Mr. Toter, (who never puts an infe
rior armee is the inarket,)"Ou now Aul hand a
splendid lot of oysters, .11. No. 1, which he is
prepared to hirthab pa the trade at the roost
naleozable rates.
Caatz.ant or yea 78rn Ittentart.—We
atate4 s
,few days since the foot that the Rev. K.
(Whiz,. of the Catholic Olwiteb. told - been
(shoos Chaplala of . the 78tb(O0L' Sitwell's) re
&mt. We believe that the feet wee as we
stated Its but we ere, now anthoeized to state
.that the appointment 'has not been confirmed,
sad that some ether gentleman will be chosen.
A 911.211011) Bter.. - -=A splendid bill I. offered
at the theatre for "the ainneenteat of our cit..
nag *ad stranpre la the eity, to-night. It
combos of the sgßobberap - s . Diughtar of the
Reglateite and the "Two Murderers!' On
Wallaiteday evening the long,promined sew
piece, milled the ...Angel of Death,"►will be
. . .
r". SAD CAADAL7C—F , racklia Boyd was almost
iastantly killed on
_: Saturday, the 12th Instant,
neaufauriew,Haneock toasty, Ira., by being
atsielron the heed by the limb 91 a tree, which
be harlehOppird down.. He was a young man
'and lad bear married bat a few months.
, .
Ataserce roe Dina'ann.—Thomas Con-
Roily and 'Patrick Galvin--bane been &treated
Mad eninditisd ea jail upon a ebarge of de
minion.- Mayor Winn committed Cam for a
flanker , beerier oi Tuesday seeti bat an effort
will be made to Inn them reigned.
• Doolonso.—Dr. C. 8W No. 240 Poup'sk i
oillsoio to al oftloiDolital gofoolkah
. •
False tk&FotoslßC.
, .
CAMP Jaisitson, near fort Lyon, Va , I
Oot. 13.h,„1£61
lorroas GazerrEr—Having been for some
time a constant reader of your valuable paper,
and feeling that your noble position in regard
to the present difficulties which enshroud,our
nation with so much gloom are in exam accord
ance with my own, I (naturally enough) coo.
eider myself pretty well acquainted with the
Gazette and its editors. Therefore, please
-excuse my (apparent) impertinence in trying
to open a correspondence with your raiders.
I left my native backwoods home, viz: Jef
ferson county, Pa., about three weeks ago, on
a visit to the city which bean the name of the
great and immortal Washington.
I have been visiting all the pencipal forte
and camps on the Virginia side of the Potomac.
It needs ne military eye to lee the advantage
in the positions which have been chosen by our
army. The rebels doubtless know what we
have to store for them, and •do not believe
they will attack us it. all. Should the traitors
be foolhardy enough to was a stand, their de
feat is certain and inevitable. I (knot consider
it prudent to give the number of fordHeations,
their relations and importance; but allow me
to say that I firmly believe that to two or three
weeks a comparatively small force will be suf
ficient to hold Washington against any force
the rebels will be able to sand against it. •
The camps on this side of thativer have been
selected with an eye to their healthfulneur and
the condition of tbo army Is excellent, indeed.
The hills are the points principally occupied,
and when the streets (ae I must state, hare, they
generally appear,) are kept clean, these tented
cities are indeed beautiful.
Peregrinating, as I have been for some time,
I haver at last stumbled into the camp from
which I addrius you, viz : Camp Jameson,irear
Fort Lyon. This ciamp to occupied by Colonel
fifellnight's Wild-Cat Regiment, Pennsylvania
Volunteers, who are attached to Gen. C. D.
Jameson's Brigade, and who, by the Way, is a
very superior looking man, and is expected to
make an excellent General. I understand Gao.
Jameson was • Colonel in the battle of Bull
Run, and for his gallant and meritorious con
duct in that engagement has been, promoted to
a Brigadier Generalship. I suppose you would
like to, know something about this "Wild-Oat"
Regiment. I will tell you. It is a regiment
organized out of the lumbermen of Jefferson,
Clearfield, Indiana and Elk counties. They
are noble looking soldiers, - and I believe as
hardy and determined a set of men as Sparta
ever produced. They must be Invincible: in
battle. The field officers of this. regiment are
CoL A. A. McKnight, of Brookville, Pa; Lieut.
Col. Corbett, Druokville, Pa.; and Major Dick,
of Westmoreland county, Pa. Better looking
or more talented offisers, your correspondent
has not met on either side of the river. The
officers and privates in this regiment are work
log hard for a No. 1 'regiment, 'ant from what
I baratieen of them I think you may set down
as a feet that the "Wild-Cat Lumbermen's Reg
imen.," will- be, in a few weeks, the beat regi
ment in the ea Your,, Osentivin.
Patlitav Static's-
The Brigade of Col. W. U. ',SHUN, the tats taw
patina and friend of the Pretleent, la not gut's toll,
men will tr, reostaed either as companies, parts of
cmaoauire v or so indirldnals, AND If Ali'w TUN
TIIKY PKIIFER, either as sable... 7, Infantry or Otr.
A portico of itlPLinda it now In active Bemire
Thia la if chance ra.ely met lih. aa tho Baguio will
be a favbrito one. ihom tho date of onitammu, mon
will be satiated, paid and clothe!. Apply at the
gable of Dort. B. H. PAITYRitON,
o lb dnf Diamond 'tree, sa.r grant:
iwFotit PITT Akil IL Ltli I
80 expedienneA Teamster;
6 6addlon and Darnel. Makers,
2 Buglers.
ANrOcod moo can apply to I. U. KNAP,
06 fifth street; peoand Mad..
cr i- A trlW MORS REORUIP3
ranted to Ell the tanks of the
The Company will be officered al moon ea =aspired,
orgetdred. and wlil gu Ina a•rrlco as Aare ax/rem
Arum, lo 21 nary of Wilklo's Will, whore good
meu will be morolleo l,rslaw days longer.
sofflrtf TIIOMOO It. WIS. Oaotaln
IlmlnSmsnae So Bartauos /ern Eno U.S. Inrs,
Pittsburg's, September yid,
.1,040 the Young Men of
o eimosyivaiat..-4 am
- Ordercd to recruit Mended Battalion of the ISM
Et easel U. A.-Infantry Panneyvania, end now
appeal to you to show yoor patriotism by entering
Me service or y oor country to Wallas ain. Regimes t,
to conetatof 2,112 Mt'. The pay Is from $l3 to gat
per month, with abondeutfood, eldthlng and allset
Every soldier of the tinnier Army la anti iled, bre
.Idol pension, if die•bled, and BOUNTY OF ONA
lIONDEIXD DOLLARS. alum' f oyor.hir db.:Larva.
to • comiortatd• twyport, tf aka nr dimblad in the
soldier." Louse. ostabliatted by Um gurnrament.
Juane Mato invention made for uniform. arms,
equipment., ratuma and lraimatles for all mpg
One-third of the Company Ofl/zrra will be taken
from the rants No batter epportoulty In offered to
spirited yoang mop for good treatment, and a fair
C 11.1301 for pronuafon.
For fall Information apply to Limit. ROBERT
SOYURILLAND, at the Itermeavrtte, N 0.66 fourth AL
seßalmd afalor 18% Reg. U.:. Inhotty.
11. Arniy.-41P1/4
MUM Or awwz ONLY TREES 711.18.
tienickhang this Reglmeit wnl 10 EINLYOULD to
con as enlisted.
The nlghret pay per month In the service.
Hone. and tqulpmenu; tlothlng, nnbalatettoe,
Quarter; /net and 2dedieal attendant free el charge.
isloo BOUNTY!
dvaneement open to ell.
Tor farther particaters spply et the lir.cnntlng
Once, Itealettat W:tor "net rwr Brottb•
BBNILY B. It►lß, '
-1 Chtptata, Bfzt6-Rfgiment ll.B.OsTalry,
.521 W Rearafttng Oran
.yet' teen offend - to the yablle. They are the
host for the followles reesonr.
L Betaoss, befog of an oral &aye, the glare le
serrywhess equally dhltiust frost tke same, is that
the trait hi Arrow awl moss regular.
2. The oral shape Is better emoted to autos the
effect of maiden arpnasket, so. that It le impoollibe to
creek them.
8. The slam la made largely of WA sod Parcfnah,
givingd ampest a gram
hometa of amenatta and elasticity: The
'Mkt' bo fou to_ be so
britde as to crook man arbeeou.n oporst In n
=a nd ,
ars Inuit*.
Eb inada of Lima alma loatemi dabs Mt Glum of
aibleb otos am manufactured. -
4. Bet the suatett advantage of these Ohlnuteys la
that 'ben yea here owe It will last Strayer, and if
any boneekeeper breaks by ;bit hest of the lamp,
let tier tell at the liannisotory and we will repine ha
cocked chimney bye dot= whale ones. .This puler
dues sot bland* emollients or those area Urdu"
wbere the chimney bee, through Intrudenes, bate
armed so closely to the lateP as to Prerebt 10 ex :
porton:hem bused. •
lalunietutere sad oonuanus of Ostben OS, who
hies felt the =wands of ths-obetsols. which has .
(anted tit the great expetue id dilater., In the way
of the onlvereel sum of the oil. bare tonna a aimed:
la the Oral XX runt Man Chimneys, erbkh bee our
"Melly lassoed the ant of Carbon With' to those
who use them. sad Ineresesd the wen:MPS= te all
consequent upon the lessened expense for chimneys.
/or Bile by .1.0. Nirkpatrick, I. Mums too.,
Rogers I Nesbit, P. Hayden, Luau° 011 On. Walden
1 Ogden os. W. P. Wooldridge, W. IL
Of at duo sinanbatory, Weabington street
near Pelturylvanis avenge.
salnturraatl IL D., DIVIRIDON.
'wet Trw__ll.,
tor lier t Aalil . Unizzar
and trout the nada:
se blepho Street. ot Ow .
weethmt, the great attar. GE bee bons and in
bra erseaW. 'tor the loot Watt; yam with lY met
istooletilut mew. Lb Sc .111101 reowdr It Is
without.' rival. sod WEI alleviate pain i st itemi i =d4ls
thew war other peowerablos. Lot ell
rst a Mt Bomb IregailL 1111111" litrure l L i :bet o ttri
euothlop. Isalltur and po etewititheabieteropew•
hies, estate the Jul wonder sod sataaishasewt of al
'bailsman wires .• Oyer foe hundred oer.
Vacates, of temarubleounta pilitarienild bp. It withim
pouthe how two' ream Mot holt. Lee admertlee•
ir..1.,8.11LL81U1 ay. assits,;iior -
BecantlAmu.. Pittaborgh. . .
IN order to settle with thel State, the
amity Irta•wer will I* (impelled on the WM
lint: to false malts pretest ill ;minks returned lobo
hie to tlyttste &anew ' -
Proweta. Broken; EliitaleriAlt4anollivatilde'd lbs
two clam >owners oflllillant, Itegetallo and Howlleig
selooneeed theaters take Rothe. ocleat
Jur 44144 dile nigh* breadopo elghllaiam•
Insnded m • topertor took, for du ow el dobilltated
omatitatiota 811110 N 302N8TON.Villaibit,
. oat - Owner Fourth pad ilesliblield oteesty.
16 Oszbon Oil reted
11, 7 wig agar a, comma
~.ems.. F..,.
a t Tll, RGRA P
From Washington.
Witainesirost, Oct. 18 —Gen. McClellan,
accompanied by 6C1:16. Smith, McCall and
Elancoeli, and a strong escort of reviler cavalh
ry, proCeined, yestetaay, to Vienna, winch Is
five miles west of Lewineville, end remained
there several hours.
The report§ about the rebel arm] beteg in
lull retreat for llieutteeee, ore founded on con.
jeeture t et teal( nuilathg 01 11 In kul.ol. In quar
ter. wont entitled to confidence.
As mimed in a previnu■ dispatch a large re
connoitering party proceeded a■ far a Vienna,
bat returned before Geri. McClellan bad quite
reached the village.
A hundred men only, on similar business,
proceeded to Avendaie, which is about au
equal oiatance from Springfield end Fairfax
Court House. Gen Wadsworth went within
a mile and a half of Fairfax Court House with
a comparatively small escort. From observa
tions it wag conjectured that the rebel force
was composed of about two regiments of in•
(entry and a battalion of cavalry. The escort
was.fired on but reached their camp without
resorting to any extraordMary haste. From a
gentleman, who is presumed to poeseu the
best opportunities ofjudging, it is ascertained
that the enemy -has been alternately retiring
and advancing within a breadth .of five or six
miles of our lines.
Bland Ballard has been appointed U. 8.
District Judge for Kentacky, in place of Mon.
roe, who has joined the rebel,.
The Trenaury Department, yesterday, sant
west $1,300;000 in treasury matte.-
An official dispatch received from Dimes
town the morning report all quiet on the Up
per Potomac.
Quite a • number of upward-bound vessels
ran the rebel blockade last night, and hive
arrived at the Navy Yard and at our wharves.
Among these is the Govarnthent Steamer Cour
de Leon, which towed op the Government
sloop Granite. They poised the batteries
shortly after midnight. rbs tugs Murray and
Panty were mmmmmm I times fired upon as they
passed, towing ape couple of schooners laden
with Government stores, but were not touched.
The Cone deinon spoke the Pawnee in Ches.
speaks Bay: — The Pawnee was not disabled,
'unspoiled, by the shots she received.
• • .
A large number of vessels are waiting at
Smith's Point for an opportunity to come-op.
The tog Robert - Leslie t ,While on to way down
last night, ran into the Hugh Jenkins, also
bound down, near Mount Vernon. The Jen
kins was struck near the bow, and so crippled
that she was compelled to run into shoal water,
where she rests on the mud bottom. She had
cavalry on board. The Leslie returned to the
Navy Yard for a scow to take the borne off.
The Harriet Line left the Navy Yard this
The new rebel battery at Timber Creek
mounts lour gene.
Col: Kerrigan, of New York, wlini has been
nailer arrest some time put, carged with
generating inenbornination, was to day placed
to charge of the Provost &terabit.
Goo. Banks, alter several dayesojourn here,
on official business, Jett to-day for his head
• The Secretary of Wax has ordered Col. Ber
dan teestablisb a camp of iIkIIMICiiOII in thin
city for hut new arm In the eerrice, and to col
lect all the shooters tie can during the next
ninety days, and, in ilia, with full' power to
accept companies and regiments who, on ex•
amination, may be lonod equal to the rt quire
meats the Colonel has adopted.
CINCINNATI, Oct. 18.—tbe Gazelle
rially says that when the Secretary of War
went to St. Louie he carried an order from the
President to Fremont, removieg him from the
command of the Western Department, and
tnitructiag him to transfer it to Gen. Hunter.
The delivery of this order wee left to the die.
oration of the Secretary of War. His visit to
the Western Department convinced him that
a change in the command eras pontivily re
quired, and hri-prefented the order to Fre
mont, who staked a delay for a law days in the
execution of the order. Bat his removal, de
cided on, will taco place nazi weak and will
probably be made on Tuesday. The Secre
tary of War has ordered modifications to be
made in Frementfa operations as St. Louis, in
'impact to foitifications, couttacto nod military
Yesterday, Gen. Shuman telelegraphed in
intent demands, for reinforcements. In the
turning Secretary Cameron and Adjutant Gen
eral Toomas arrived to this city from Louis
ville, and dispatcheemere immediately sent to
Pittsburgh, Indianapolis and Chicago ' ordering
8,000 t ro ops to be torwarded to Gen. Sherman
by special trains. Torte Arbor!, are now
doubting well on their way, and apprehen
signs for the safety of Louisville may, there
lore, be dismissed. Everything indicates ac
tion in that direction, and important news may
be expected speedily flora the Central Ken
tucky column.
DLINISTOWX, Oat. 111.—;41 gentlemen from
Berlin inform" ns that intellimos rushed
Point of Books to the effect that the enemy's
toms, winch retreated back to the foot of the
mountains and Shenandoah Palley, on the sp
inach of abolish', season along the slyer line,
left their retreats and are now. pushing for the
Potomac in large numbers. it to stated that'
they had reached Charlestown, and would make
their appearance at every ford or crossing on
the Upper Potomao. Should this intelligence
be connrmed, and I place credit in the state
ment, it It not unlikely we may have serious
gammon before nest
The ride from Great Falls to Ed wards' Ferry,
yesterday, prove. that all was gain on that
Heavy and continuous tiring was heard here
yesterday -morning and forenoon, to the dines-
Sion of Lewinstrilie or Yaffe: QOM Home.
OoL Wetuter, of the nib, has returned so his
regiment in improved health. His commend
,l2, perhaps, among the' best drilled and disci
,plined of the whale army, and U- noted with
pride by mitt 7 Ilassaehmetts vititor. Mr. Oen
wherry, oa behalf of the State Government,
visited the regiment yesterday, to look into
their condition and Wants.
BALTIYOII3, 001. 18.—A gentleman direct
from the•vicinity of Harper's terry, anima:ma
that the rebels again appeared on Linden and'
Bolivar Heights this ramming, and renewed
their attack on the ttalatt forms, who Waft
under the command of Major Gouldo and sup
ported with artillery. Maj. Gould fired upon
them with moister from the eolmabiad, which
wan captured from the rail" on Tuesday, and
drove them back, but not until the vandals had
burned the mill-of Mr. A. H. Herr, and took
the miller prisoner, who they charged with
giving information to the Union troops of the
12,000 beguile of wheat being brought there to
glad. Tie firing wu in program when our
informing left. The woman and children were
fleeing in great terror to the lliarylud Aare in
anticipation of the town being bused. Maim
Gould was throwing shot and shell from Mary.
land Heights after the rebels, and wan confident
that be could keep them off until his reinforce.
manta could roach him.
Clot, Gasses woosidfs only a slight out lo the
stator hie leg, alined b the exploalon of •
Sc. Loots, Oct. 17.—The following dispalch
was received from an officer at Pilot Snob,
dated 10 o'clock last night: Major Gaviit,tir
• • Putt Indiana Cavalry, made an attack on
the enemy this morning, when, discovering
the strength and position of the rebels, he felt
back until he came upon Col. Aiezander, with
600 infantry, of the TwentyFint Illinois reg•
iment, and one p4cei orirtillery.' The enemy
followed, fighting all the way. Miijar Guilt
then got hair= in 'position, and, concealing
his infantry, caused a part or his command' to
retreat aka kriberi drawing the enemy into an
'anabuctide, end forcing them to LW back with
heavy lose. -
TIN Republican learns that the work on the
fortification, eround_the city ku not been ens.
pinded. and that gnus will be 'mounted, and
everything completed within eight days=
•that $4,000,000 will arrive here nett week, to
pay off the Govarnment indebtedness.
C147111411D, 18:-The - following, bang
the fins memsge over the Pacille Telegraph
line, was reesimmi . bere this evening:
Great Salt Lake 04, Oct. its•-•;r0 Mom J.
H. Wade, Presided of' she Petirifie Teregnoput
Coetproty,'Okee/neel,—Sta: Permit ma to eon
grataleti you upon the completkatof the Over
land Telegraph Line to this city, and.. to oom
mead the energy displayed by yourself and 'es
oolitic, in the rapid and sitemesfal prosecution
of a work 10 imisilcioli and to s=prees the utah
that Its Wm may even tend to promote the true
interests - of thirdwellms upon both the Adentio
and Paclatt-slopos of oar continent; Ptah hu
not asesiled,'but is ism for the oonsthation
and Lows of ear ones happy conntryi-and it
warmly tots:hated in the. suceitiefel enterprhwt
so far completed. (Signed) .
Raw. You, Oat. 18.-4 u tepattiod that the
Reearetioat.,intaids'asodlag lame °Mara to
lateii• tot=skit tztey woolens, and the
iemot 'Lae 'owe d aoaakiseahha. eisituasell
moss car aaaeraitettek
. The 1 1 0017 .44 11 9 1 .1 4 : 11 r•
Batttircitieet. 113 gentlitika who
street the whole of yesterday at Hermit , ' Ferry
says that the anaemia-put:dished
the fight
there on Wed n esday ere is the mein' current.
The caisson captured Is a firth new siege •
gun, well mounted and is good order, with
the exception of a fracture of one axle.darisg
the fight. It 111111 stationed yesterday near the
abutment of the bridge. When it was about
being retakes by the rebels, a tenpesury nail
was arivEu into the vent, which has already
been drawn out.
The Ithode !stand battery did - not partici
pate in the fight, as was at first mated- They
were stationed on Maryland Highte,ead found
it impossible to discriminate in the distance
between friend and loe.
The fight, from eight in the morning till two
o'clock, wee a regular skirmish, with trying
results. The rebels, when hotly preened, re
treated into the wood., and at other times
they drove the Federal troops back into Boli
var, the main fight being beyond that town, on
the road to-Charleston.
At two o'clock, Col. Geary arrived with
three pieces of cannon, which roan ailenced
the enemytt gnat, patting their entire force to
The chaplain who wet taken primmer, says
that before he was taken Primmer eighty
were killed and wounded and carried from the
There was nothing positively known as to
Col. Ashby having been killed, and it was not
generally credited.
The Federal troops remained on the field
all of Wednesday night and yesterday morn
ing, having brought acrou the river the re
mainder of 10,000 bushels of wheat, captured
from the rebel's military depot, which they
were about to transfer to Leesburg.
An order was given for the whole force to
retire to the Maryland side.
Great distress prevailed among the few re
maining residents of Bolivar, information hav
ing reached there that it- was the intention of
the enemy lo destroy Bolivar and' Harperie
Ferry on Thursday night by fire, and they were
all packing up, preparatory to a flight into
Maryland. No information has been received
from there this morning as to whether the.
tbreal was carried out.
The river is still too high to ford, and trOops
were conveyed across in adorn.
he prieonere captured admit that their
force wee 2 000, wnilot theentire Federal force
mu only 900.
The change that has taken place in Harp,erhi
Ferry and the thriving village of Bolivar*
represented as most sad and shocking. Rain
was everywhere visible, and -the inhabitant*.
were bowed down with sovrowinddisuilation.
Col. McKaig, State Senator from Allegheny
county, who was u d some time since end
ied to Ohio and allowed the liberty of the_
State on parole, arrived here yesterday, in
violation of hie pledge, and was arrested last
night at his hotel by order of Gen. Dix.
Brnaouse, hfo Oot. 17.—A messenger from
Geri. li'remant's head.guartats at Warsaw,
reached here to-day with dispatchea for Gen.
It wu said Fria bad made a stand in Cedar
canary, twenty-eve mites from Osceola, with
20,000 well armed and disciplined troops, end.
largo force of regular militia.
Ou the arrival of Fremont at Warsaw, the
opposite bank of the Osage- river wu filled
with rebel horsemen, who were dispersed by
few rounds of oannister.
Fremont had begun preparations tole, a pon
toon bridge across the Osage when the met,
mega left, and it was supposed his army would
be ova, the rfver by Wednesday night. He
was determined to push on with the utmost
vigor, and would probably soon some op with
the enemy, and toms him to fight or retreat.
STRACIISZ, Mo., Oct. 18.—The rebel Har
dee, who has recently reported in Keetuckyi.,
is said to be marching to the aid of Price ailla
20,000 men, and ie expected to reach him next
Nothing has been heard atom advance guard
Lot:ramie, Oct IL—The rebel General
Limbo/no. of a' fdleslisippi brigade,itt Flop
kiosyille, Ky., ku transferred that poet office
into the charge of ■ confederate postmaster.
Thus the Southern Keutueity towns are revs ,
laxly supplied with Southern mails, under the
authority, of the rebel Patrolman General.
It a reported that Gen. Hardee is in com
mand at Bowling Green, with ten thousand
troop'', !neat:ding two thanes' d Texans, whew,"
Irom their wild — appearance, the people there
take.for Indians.
There is quite an soonsulstion of &taint
bound trusters at our hoteh4 who and it Im
possible to get through our ROM
Jacdrrow, Mo., Oct IB.—No other bridge
than that at Big River hu been interte ed
with on the Iron Monatain /Witold, and no
rebels ere now known to be near the road.
The 8.6 Wisconsin regiment is now hers and
another regiment, with Major Schofield, end
a battery of artillery I. undendood to be on
the way, which will make this point encore
against any attack. The rebelegre reported
in large force 1115 miles below here x but nothing
definite le known as to their nnimbers or de
signs. • .
FORTRESS Mosnoz, 17-oilll. Baltimore.
flags of truest will be permitted 'to start
jinni hen; for-Norfolk for : a number of days ;
neither will any from the rebels be permitted.
to come Ilia aide of Newell's Point.
Appearances indicate that •the rebel triple
Merrimac has been brought down a short dis
tance from Norfbik.
A IleTete ple, Irate the 1109th-east, la pre
vailing here.
Pnmanurnia, Oct. sait wu insti
tuted to-day by Mr. Hodson, proprietor of Me
We:tektite,' against. U. 8. Mar
shal Pdillwarn — and Deputies 'Jeanine and.
Schuyler for trespass, vi et Instr. - The writ
order, them to to appear before 110 Supreuiti
Court of Penesmania on tie' first Monday in
November. Willem B. Reed and George W.
Biddle are doomed for the plaintiff-
Nzw Yoart, 011., sisantsr Pulaski
was at Montesidso esptsober 9.b. •All
The transport steamer Viglinia sailed - this af.
tarnoon, taking 19 Rowers. prisoners.
Earlkella by 'Tastalpraplt.
Panazattazi. Oct. 78.-7loar market better; salsa
8003 bbla aapeloo4, and extra at 76. Wheat lo des
maid and pokes advaskoal 1103 e; elles of 8040 bush
not at 81 06®1 80, and 4000 bosh Hantacky whits at
81 40. Oorn aelim 6000 bosh yellow aotd at ft Poo.
visions Ire bot quiet BAWD Adel steady at %ea,
and &maiden at 00. Whisky nachaagesl, with . ash
Nsw Yalu, Oct 18-Noon,—)lour quit salsa 10,000
bbl.. Wheat Arils sales TOMM bosh; Chicago swiss
St. IS Milwaukee club SI Mel Vs led western jl 111
el 31; whits $1 44. Owe firm silos' 10,000 bask at
el.. Park Ana; owes Pea Lard Is Shaw at
MINX: Whisky firm at sIe2L,W. Ilacelpte— Maur,
ISMS Wrist, 103.145 bash: Oars, 141,802 bub.-
Nzw You. Oct 19—Toning.—Ootioa zteady; ..
It 91g0111%,...1k1ar quilt; sass of 0000 DNA.' .03
- 10 fur Stat., 0 7006 90 fir Ohio, mot $6lO
Q 6 26
for isoutheriz Wbeat 01010191 Wow 91$ 000 b.
at $1 1101 It for Mew, opting, 0 900196 foe 2111.
winks. olub, $1000194 forted western. and 97 41 it
1 47 Iwr white Kentucky. Cork firm; WNW-910,009
bash 0069002. Podc Arra. Whisk, Its. at 910,
DOOTOZ C. Bans, Watei'Cnra and Sown
puble P_bysiniaaraleo spat for Italabow'e eel&
brawl Tram for Rename. Come of Penn
end Wayne Streets.• . ' t
BLOOD FOOD.--AttentiOn is 012{4,4,1Y
this mat ramerzibls and aOvalle Tricinukey ed.
reaiieed In &nether edema. II Is 'ea eetirely wry
disamery and muse we be aloreanded with any o(
sha'nemerese patent taselleines ot-Ume any, te a
mama remedy fee all the dieser semaled„ firsa ea.
— he e e a h mnm at a ebraeylee a p r e s ta r f e— e o e r
a k r a e g , t ryisdding
Man.' OMR=b DOOM of ire Trak, en the
sale wets his It, sad also amanitas at the anothtt
nenarnat Dr. Duvet lawn= Ommax, aril. 'de width every Kotler should hen
in her inedielsse
dam In are of meet and eonsedetne. es It does. Cq
Pafib.: Opiate al any hind, It eon be retied upon
itgiort cadldeuchaul trill be' bead an ba,
Telastai eMmillo trail arm atedstatite
tell Ase edmrdemesed. for sale by 1 11011411,
111111111,/inut.lllo Wood re.
B. M. - -
--1031 WYLlit"
-• • 600 - 181A-1&ollIMINkoWILT I , v .:- •
12 LLIAII3II Ata'S evripuLATlNe
„si woomaseded by reeptchible
falai 'ha a artist 11.1 r Restorer of the ege.:l#p.
ply et sae maples received by repress. Irer eihs
saws JuRNIIO3I...
Career Ilittibteldeedgettrtk strode.
Orders heel the tarot* Weeded helhe head..
114 1 JAKLK 0/LOLOTUSof typal/And
wsdthmall bI.I r nioa. la lull& • bichidll at ter lowebt paces, at tacit 01,Worol, 111$ awl ZS Olgrritt •
SAMlLtiti; "P5A011.66-3W- -011011
/rah Notbst—is . •oo tsr qi —pat
WCOUTS% lad for age by • ' - -
•• • . , • IM AMS - VAN GO ZDISC,
0013 , - , '
040i100r-I011;'.1rllO0 .
*" ' •
AMA* et Ake Prinelpatilotels.
OHASLIW—Otow-co tddrd and Wood otsooto
ULM seam noriznya.
.3 Milroy A lady, Woe •
J 8 Bnple sa• do •
B *Claterrn. 86111onville
1/ Both, Tasulagtoo
A El •Alken,Potlawrllle
Orpt Ildlesarn, Op Rat's
W Blakely, Iflttanthg
PO Blidaly, • do
J learbrooi. Philo
8 111 Demon, Ohlo •
T B Dammam Moßsaipo it
A HMI% fp MOW*. 1
3 Warner, Stenbenvilla
Trownbridga laadeiUi
B D Kibbe, Cethockton
D Radaharer, do
A W Ramey, Blopectala l i
.1 Halm do
J ifeDans l d. Itonstarg
J (ay. Philo - •
W ktelbow
T R Taylor Ohlo
hits" 0 milt, Illtausnlng
Mn KORN d,
I ReLvaln t lady, Wash
111111 Piano*, 11111alla
row. Mart so
B J Bran, Butler
W f ReCnuough, Diykra
W 1111sLeln
RI Ceram
WRY ALaireon,79th Bit
J Bests, Allegheny
J Conn, Pinta •
W B Childs, Wadi co
Jlallkow, Bearer
A Raffles, Philo
J Bmltt, Ohio
Dr JBrown Cooper, Bellef r ontaln
.11 J, McAteer, Plata
K. Refer, Wait co
lira Darla Harrisburg.
II Bar, PhDs .
11 Renate, do
A MUMS, °Words
TO Babb. * Oartla
.1 A Willan, Mks, Lod
Dee. 0 aenaborg, Hy
W 11-Vanah, Randolph,
.1 if 11, 'filch, Randolph, 0
T A Blown, Phla
GIRARD ROllBl-oornar •
P II Birch. Wash
J B Jowls Melon' i
/ /Marks, 0 WOW.
W P Mom. linoßoidon
W B Sealdight, BtoorodY•
8 0 MelPlogb, ' do
J 8 Wog, Pdoiron, Pa
L B Mcßee, MID •
i i Orn . aly li. Pa
81808/ 1 .
Paokierrood, Bloom
3- AIWPOY. /arm. ea
Mr tialliland,
3 TIM; Phil.
B Maki Waynesburg
W 8 Stoekdolo, Nowt,
10 Mothers. Smithfield
B Ripon; Shipments
11.11bilpgrem do
Mkt 111 Shtppeo,So
H If Item Lu ?arts. lad
Kim • J. Newkirk, Woos.
ter. Ohia
II Map le, Baltimore,
D IL Moran; Ohlo
D Kane, ihdotdowk.--
0.884 Liberty sinter.
EI Hasa, Wash, 0
Wham bt Pant
J T Loan, bap Z child
Mks DkAmott, Weshlstitim
Sr. Derry,
I 0 Pony, Ktrkstrrille, 0
Dr T P Pottar.7th IRt
tl Luis. Phil.
Sooloker, RlVey
Gloltbromb, Ghoig a or
Wit T Work Dooroolop
Mau. do
Iles Wldoureyer & child
W H White; alt
Nn audinan. Pb Ps
Mn Dramon,Ctakago
J Bromley, lady I
G J la Y
P McFarland
L B Waning
I HilFarr, Columbus
Q 0 Youngblood, &Mance
J &Moon. Bearer
'J/lirmeo, Mt*
MeGtegor, Wheeling
B Bmith, &Bandit'
11. 1.1 • •• • • •
Pstanan. blaindeld •
P 13edBel Halm
gw l,
B Bea3,llmd.olslld, 0
T Otay, Patera, 0
r 8 Ohba., bleKeeeport
D Ellr Neptune • •
J B 13alllson, Greensboro
W loam, Athens, 0
.1 Master, do
SOME 1113.8.
IJ Notice A Agar, 0
Mrs Beery, Louisville
Johnson t lady, Coulters,
- villa, 0
W W Wallace, N &sickly
V Id ?Word, Studds
J Penney, Ide!Comport
A B Taylor, West Übeetev
A Beiget A Cie B Bettito
I' Whitney, Creetllne
Nowt, below Seventh.
Jai Blair, Ifitionalog
'AW at, JEffel
10 V 01.,, Prasklln
Zoo Motor&
Y Heikmay , Browmill•
JGrady, Brookville
. Geo Ruth Cochran, Marion co
Wm Amboy, Mut=
GI McHenry, do
• II Howe, (knell or
W Thomas, W Newton
Mao Iliwood, Apollo .
assra HOTEL—L • • •
wins NW.
J L Plateful,. Itellattais
B Met lamb, WWI, Pa
H M. Berta's, lelmeraVg
G B Porter; Porkies
It Tampion, Wellsburg -
W Rankin A son, Vrod. co
W P Brandon.° 0 Vince.
J Bdia A em, Abribenvila
W 0 Hawkirm
JP Ihativem
klettee, Payette
A II Boma
W Maltase, Morrow, 0
tl W Denny, Greens co
111. T. SOSSCII.
Wm Elbe:mood. West co •
W H , Armotrong
J N MoOleid , glitioulog
Job° Lama, to
J H Townsea, Apollo
J H 8011, Nobhada
J•M Sprats.
Jos P Chair, Philo
Joo Taylor, P.
J a Poen IDA
PoNt, Repoold.vllle
AII Work, Jr, do
°Hull, N Y
an Jack, Apollo
street, foot of Fifth
Jilayird, Jar mo
Ds belt, ' do
WM Porter, Heatork oe
W J Gilmore, IltidgerlUe
W Pettereen, Wert co
Joo !Hag, roland
W Raker. Wadi,
H Dunlap, 010, 0
OD Wood It Lisbon
JO ilemple. Marmot,
a H Aiken, Patternllie
LH CHAIM, 'Bakerstown
•a s, St. (LW aulac
A Welles, Venango
• Wolf, Bethany
J McK.y, Olarlngton
T llntfoseat, Greensburg
W J, Meredltla, Ohba
0 Sktnlth, Clarion
John Alckulih. do
J J lecOrtun, Johnstown
J Wailers. T.... 80
8 fly kw. Butler co
W MrweD, Kittanning •
• NATIONAL DOTAL—No. IV, Wator street.
Y. insrlol. nonsroa.
It Beaty, Mrs Await:rang
D Delay/ ft Carter, Brownsville
W Piper. A McCoy. US 0
Crew°, Woad co Ye It Y L Sturgis Boadlrg
J Berehly, do t. 3 Abeylar
J ArrowtrOng Too 1, .
G B Bandon. New Athens
J M Nun, Vesting° to
B Boomers; Wiz, o
J A Wallas', Franklin
T Hughes..
8 Browo, Butler
F 1 IA Craistorel. Pt tremor
VI Collins, Herrkttbeills
J antjon OamvestTrig
Fte•le, •
Brass hoiden aid Manufacturers:
Pump. & Brass Work
of lino, Copper of Dat, wlth Ord mat intro?'
Members tad Palm of N th
worreatid to
110 - Waver mut 1041:-.ef'ront rta.
172S4fimor • • - • ,PITTBIYORGIL •
1":4111 IGIOIII,IIOIIITWbett7 - '
NSW Iro/122 AMU myna-
VarrerMa i t ( Mr. o" M m 1 "le . la
barcetekber ens note 0 ism Mew.
otor or wiffirasonrog:.-:-.isoirtul, oda.. io.
owoow--4-sotobloyi October St
IttklA:-.:-..---:-...eicorday i lOctompor 2
ito to London.. .raio do to London.— in
Notate STok . ota, soon ( at :Na rat
totranritod to toes, limn • II iranotrits.
/treats. tiontaira. Antwoo t mined throng*
hums Mahar to bring oarthelr ?z1 ailo
bee tlakita bare at Mt followlips ram to. Now Yeti
haw Llissrpsol or Ila • 011.... n. $ll
SIM ammo tom ltraipool PM. hasp grime. , • .
VII IP SIght anal. tax asks as logisar Inftaff.
Biastlam awl WM. ,
him Irmazams Davi amidesnimaid : moolamodatlim tot
almiliszam and UM aap moa. nag
sr* Pim, Wmmtlalst nos liastlo Sa ws. and Wm Pa.
ma J PM IlamMelloss se based. _
OIN artpaihrair. P. or
sib Worm swot. !Islam sm.
It A -2' 0 EL 4C o_o ..
138 "Walnut Strobel.
P . lllLlDzarla.
77E418 .AZIO .41Q1Cromg,
a taw Ite Aaron totr ash on gpsipt of gecds.
03.11beral. cash *dumper undo op ,Foollipsellata.
, , •
1160003Z0 & OA.'l
WOO Prrralinfia.
Savo Cowin band irfiey !argil IF' umpiale!lec*
of tbs istsatetriee -
1141.8_'oLN D CAY •
. •,. •
Both it: this f°7
roll stymy few Op&
spOrary grorogtv-allat•
• 1210002 MINT 20 1PTE10221210L21:-
to bevevtory irsidett trim
Am& slim go Iwire . 1 7. 1 40 11 -14,000 e'r
e r . dim ea elds,lo Coollbar ear AI, Peer. MOM
rat to Ono - lest - dd. Phan, gt.,lcita•
hernia -Ms 4wilers. 0.1 4114
• Hinman boit:bi
thaw-61w SNOB 7203. AND 5...
-e koNabbeattaSsO.-:. ----- • •
4NdresoNMlo . _. __sod ,
buriii;, - Pa.• • - JOHN
Au-Wm, estaa,-; in 1.4,00,..- arid Inie
Loritita, crasotrur sessagem sumitteaml4-
oda bow
. .
*Mat 'Loma
Jost published b s Dat.led Dawdoisahlhksia , ;
lectuto on , be cobra, tresitosat, andswitcal
ours of Bpcnostor.hoca oi Pemba Wealtissi:lnrcl•
Mary linasokina,Sexual Debility, WWI .hopiditointa
tOrniffiNti enenakr, Nem:tram, coluituatt!". PP.
Baps, and Iltr, Mental and Physical Insapaolti, i.
=alibis from Balt Abuse, itc.—by MOW. L CAW
VIIRWILL, M. D. Anthar 4W' Was Onawi D00k,10.-
"A Booms to Thousaado of OutliOtora. , .
Pont under WM, fns 040 annabpa, to aoy tabu
post paid, on raoalpt of WY arab, or two
stumps by Dr. an. J. e. Kum'
wallitad? •IV Bowery, New York, P.
aso. V liolataile—~sal. WenDMA.
110i.D88IP, HSY&R & CO.. mazimrsorinoßs
MUM OIL AND 101106,11118 011,
Heap mototonol•,•• band t►e vary Wad quilt. of
BUNNING OIL, clear Dad.ortooost odors alio, • good
Allt-au Orden let si No. antra 8111111T.11sat
Block. wend door. wdl be promptly stroodedto:
o. Quart_ a aatitaa.
L G. GRAFF a GRARtaii.
rat •
BURGFI, TOUT WAYNE AND 01110/11301k1I.
110eD..—Ily virtue of • dram ot. the Circuit Curt of
the Dulled Bates far the Heinen District of Ohlo,ln
• cease in Chieeery therein depending. Wilinin
Charles Moran end others ire complainasts, and the
Pittritorah. }en Wayne and Chicago Bellread Cam
piny and nth rs are Cektidentm and pumas' tom°
Mary decrees of the Circuit Ontirlan thatfigted
Melee for the Western Markt of . }annoying% the
District of Indians, and the Northern Dietztet of /In
Inds respectfully, in canter depending to Okallitaf, b„
sell Omni connotively, whale the ume putter are ,
complainants and deteadenta respectively, as M said
Imam Bret stove elentlarod, the endinigual, John
Vergnion and Thomas & Walltor,iw Omani In Tenet
and Trusteed In one of theneveral Deeds of Intel er
Mortgage upon which wild decree,. are loatuled, and
else ea Special Kann COntadtrairtiors of said Carts •
respeotlvely, duly appointed by odd Courts Teepee'
holy for that purpose, will Nell at Wino meu, to
the Mahan bidder, for cash, but tor not Ism than the
sons of $500,600, at the Milted Inane Court Hood, la
the Cite of Cleveland, to Monate of Ohio, rte thelith .
day of October, A. D.lBll, between the hours of ten
o'clock • 0. and tour o'clock F. at of sold day. ttei fol.
lowteg deecrtbed property, to win
The Railroad of Cu Pittsburgh, }art Wayne and
Chicano Railroad Company,t nob:Wing the right clomp
teenier, the ned-ted thereof, the: supentrattene
MI. eons manor, Its water end other nation Musa
end nue, sad the lands and ground* connected
utsrewitb, and all tools end implements need at pro
rrided to Os used thereto, end to construing ewe nu
pairing can end machinery for said rose, or Mellen
and cupentructures aforeeeld all aura tabletian air
pate end building” and. fixtures: and rstmeturee of
whatever name or mann, and the Inds sad grown&
connected tberserltb; cud or provider:Clio me. and to
opinting mild road and beloorng the inn, and wher
ever Mute; and all ears, ernatess and ridliegidock
belonging to said Compsay; awl all *applies of tim
ber, lamb r, 11014 feel, anus:Try other thing provided
by end Conmentes, on by the several original Comps.
tan whim were ecosonlated into veld Yittelingta,"
Fort Wayne sod Chicago be castle Ver.
atirg mid road, Wenner situate, by the mama Inlet*
which the mune an holden riy sold Company, or by
old original Compute., severally together, with all
corporate frenchne at odd Company, sad lathe sold
original Campania, saverally, including the right end'.
franchise of wild sevreal Computes to be and in as'
mi=ston. to be end am an entirety.
i decrees provide that toe purenseer, lanais:Cie
couftmistion of the isle and 1011, cosiptimun wittithe
conditkeis thereof, Wall, 7d ail the property, rights,
!rennin*, and toe appurtenancee Merced sda d. by
the man title by which they aro held by laid Pins•
burgh, Fat. Wayne and Ohicuto Radmad Coonrant
and each sod all aeon misled Companne, free fro m
the lien of all sold mortgage*, end free from all Una.
toy for any dens against said original tir comelnated
Compaeles, or either of them, and tnim ill chinas on
account of culla stun boa suldeen, autunifees, to
We Ilona. Iran, Inch emu, ova any reel onus hp
eluded In the sale, for purchase coney naiad not
provided by said decrees to be pad out of gasp...ends
or the sale, or by former &an/ or aarets-co be paid
ethenries. The right of wet depot,gm=
lots, and land. to tee Cloy sod vicinity,of
purchased by said Company since the pond uocy of
sad snits, end the bridge property any erthernal ce.
tea of the Obtopasy as the Unit of ITtlabittkh, eta
reject to mortgage lieu. The mute will belocluded
In Mclean bututeecrto sold nanabanciwant gni
Mein having been made for the payment therunt:-.. -- .
JOAN /1111101 MOM: i •
'MOM eti Z. WALKS%
Trustee; and Muter Commiodoccit
Forwarding a ComndasionMasi
EINAUND. greedisOria .. i.
-., And Produceihserilly ;
Untli 2/.. 111 Wept Piltek;t9k
rortnugot.e.ung,dsbaci lq •
Jut r,Mved • large and benilfal-mMadat et
col IL B. DAVI& 93 111iika Arid.
OHARLIB }l. BTUWi , " .4
physician an a l . nr eon,
9211!•,, No. 50 .: 6'66604 Attu",
0PP: 411 4. 00101 ad row, mat:
13;VipLiNfik•;:, .
- Na."Fr, wamirstaFrauluman
lismaticauer an4mort,
9911.1110 N and - of
. inst.
fart/calor dud in. shaped BPLILISM/TIM
tarts or sash, made to order at atiatt •
• . AVM sod' ordetment coubstbriplifigt•
%JI bOls.olloSosoolocllai I •
SOO 4102.w:it'd Is tio"
tut Apt,-
100"bozoollrattot6 RootoweCtoos,
to .00,4,• Woods' Pearl Iltordto -11 •
I°sacks Tia l,4l .lAttd. _ •-• •
4' 10 Obto.tworry, marital razz.
ZOO anis trtsitetattoso, toioltjtooy,,
kags ko Goo* Ifooth
Crab !to. 1 Lontio r al'lla,
Jost mind soi fat sae ; ;• _ ,
A wilt Nubia prvaratke no* to eft for the
maks ih, irony roam hard andnor.
latbiftw ogarlidtp F0110111161111*..#4.
It takes Wei tha dintritaida
ise r kt tidad . Nikon
lb. am of tobsoco. 4110 impala lbeeleabb
fragrance to the breetb.
It well care blaeditee of the ram.
It will aunt ekes, a/the teeth: "
No tasqy ebbill4 .s WAkioolit'''
P emand only by ',10511P1/
! *di Genus bleirltet leaveteed theDlimeria.
.131 I bale toothed imam coolimpot of Only aikbested • Bog*, duvet 'M.& Thaw
Nobs» tried thequallti uJ U 10 1 .. F.110 1 1 11 “ ta
initket. sod viltbe sad at Mooed le dor oat
map • ' .2to. US Utmtt j stmt. •
NOTICB.-The Warebtiase bite 000n f
:pate De as await lean do Itegilitztle
lurtereaseeed to Ha Alta LIHUTT 81:1114rf, !Mr
dociriberstoarforstelaistlis; f'; _ _ _
r - We re. sow recelyisa a *bola let of laciarm
. 11000DIOW - UDlff sad' Rain .dtreet' *am She
Macke Mesa 'lli shall be &end to mew
.eta eallEat 14 , 11.11. ik 00.
sw THOUSAND DOLLARS am Do; obtain*,
to sioosgts t o bond mod Maggot tong mgr.
tog tbe mown, • ' Adam** Nix SW Tithes's*
f. 'Tho xawttl6aigOolyaattdmtUN.
13Alit.toR COALL .VOZB-4.pannoi
OrmlNmass or. varidzr at Potter's. tuladsmigy
Illato r ida , •- • it natidand 'V; tar Wa do Paula Oman/
ado • , Coma or Wats apill Hip! Mitts
--no Mat Oar to 40*, otos 14Am:slog
" e ter" 11raX144"algiiMinal
- NO.IIiS Mira iMISS or Mad.
GLUS-2150‘bbls. for sale .by,
a. a. NTIINWERAdif at 00.. -
all caner of Wood ioo /fit 'trade.
RWZIGT.' POTATOES-10 - bbbs. !dui
A 7•. *PO 1 11141 Poitsou pist-Puthillargebs
. -oda Cooler of llooltet mg Sionista.
_ seSt _-
4(111, 88143.- ; CaIIIERICTRo.
1. WV,. LOX, to Drily.. aa. ago
. . : 1:4110011LIIZO. •
121101430N5, DOOIII.IIAZDIAI63I4 BAs•
ma,!aalobta at amaikt ak plan, ,
ant snwN a TaTILMY: U. wma.c
14 Y g1:1-168 iseki iddlings
•43uvisette,ws . saKfcsditrkii i i Tzmt.
• oamiwouirduraikilitnims.
dalll4ll. :APPALSltt+so,buil, c h o i ce
Antes JO* reeekval and be wa
l e
oell 81111111 r. koLemeo.
rievra RSV g ii n g ir 6
V ob?t!. *1 ' 14 °,7 Mix
con " ' ',llNrWood Nerk,
CIDIII-40 - bblir Vidif;l6 *rive and
kTfiftftt,....l.!call -441116.4 1 44161ga ICO.
• rw. 4 5`11; Itir*
:I'?as ef.1.. - J Ltlith Tiva t 4 134 -