The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 18, 1861, Image 4

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- 4 10 1 11114111, I Ilkotwoeat 91loyd tonm (Pasers
It ' the Wls• &e•
that the officers of the Wive
`reign ve dfoapproved of General
7/rloyd'w tondo* and published . their
• Opinion in the Richmond Enquiror; at
- , , which - Floyd fa
; tiered, and Benda
- - g latter to the qme.r, of which the
folknriseis anertract: .
In the Enquirer of Cctober let, you
hoe published 'Ceriaill letters dated in
' Camp - Peflance, purporting to, be written
1 X1:1„-• in the 'Wide Legion,.' under
my Ociiitteind;'.` pulsar, pretend to
Amite my conduct in this canipaign, par
-47 tbsiderly in the late actions on (be Gulley
And newest - Meadow_ •Bluff . Their
stalmante vtialtinniatiny falsehoods,
-haviug„nio shadow of truth for their Rim
dMke4 but their . intention, and not loss
their maligoity,is too obvious to permittne
to believe that they can be injurious,
. - either to. my own reputation or that of
the army -which I then commanded)!
, :„ Meths* proposes to leave tin -reputation
• !Whiskey, and to his giving countrymen
Who' love justice.' In conclusion, be
Wields: the names of the officers who , im
vented and published the libel:l.'o*unit
their, that they may be triad Sy
the, tribunals, and punished ;so
, lording the laws .of
rho army.” •
• -• To this letter the pprieoraand editors
thus reply.': - .
• • -allaquirer Office, Oct. 10 1881:
'lc" B. Floyd, q.—Sir : liner letter
OfOst. 6• is betore us. Not recognising
any authority yourself, either individually
ores of the army of Kanawha,' ,
:3e demand , the names of oar correspond
cents, we decline to comply with , your re
quest: "Timm* Wax & ALLEGES."
"We deeline to furnish the names of our
correspondents to Gin. Floyd, because of
_ purism to seek his vindication
through *.,court-martial, instead of the
- - nsnal...mode among gentlemen. When
' •• ever 'General 'Floyd proposes a personal
' '.-:vizillathionilhe names of our cxxcrespond-_
gate shall be furnished.
- "We Isbell diimiss the letter with the
statement that the characters of our ca
'reePaidents have never been stained by the
mwpicion of a crime, and that the charge of
Mahood against them is much easier
Made than proved. - They are gentlemen,
the equals of Oen. Floyd,in every respect, -
std what they have averred in then tom
..muzdestbnas we believe to be true in
Anbieblent In Dalttmonn :
• • kletter, from Baltimore says: "An
• ,cdfleer who came up from Annapolis was
lialldng in the street, when ho met a lady
~f: who gathered up - her darts dose to her"
"Don't touch me, you vile
' wretch; and passed on. The gentleman
, Made to reply, but, taming mud follow.
- • ad her to bandanna house on a fashion*-
his street, and, as soon as she entered he
ascended .the step '
and rang the bell.
servantesrvantanswered the summons, • and the
-.officer aided the name of the gentleman
rresiding there, and said that he wished to.
• see him. When he appeared the officer
add to him: %ir a woman- has just en
, tend this house who' grossly insulted me
on the street a fine:moments since, and r
. wlh 'to know if you are responsible for
• hei behavior P The gentle Man turned to
_e 1%4, who was standing behind tan,
and d. 'Anne, coma here and apologize
' to •
gentleman. I will not be drawn
100 thi s
=WI by your insolence.- I have told
you all along that you would get yourself
Into trouble by yrour unbridled tongue, and
_ you wouldn't listen to me ; now you may
take oonseigiences.' The lady then
earliAlnrani and made a full apology, and
, ,t
officer left the hocual.n
d.Coirramisso.— A. stoat, hearty negro
recently made his appearance at the Oenee
, tort °Moe on the Delaware Division , at
Allston, on a canal boat, bound for
• Caada.
„ r - lokeply to Several questions pat by Mr.
• • Ming be stated that he had made his es.
• -.4 3, cape from Virginia, where he had been ens
- ployed on the entrenchments in General
:Johnston's division of the Southern army.
• '• riewie asked if he had worked herd. "Yon
-' better believe I dad,o and as evidence of
'the trait of
In ho:t bard he hsidont his ; r : wcc akitinthe
One of the hands about
the _dike asked hiss If he "had -a pant."
replied ttie - _darkia. "I got a
• z pmes—l'ee going to New York on my way
•• to Canadian ailing an old piece of paper
. - out of his pocket he handed it to the col
lector, saying "dat's de man I want to see."
. 3 '. On the paper was written the name of
Henry Ward Be e cher, New York,
Tait seizure of all the pork in New Or
leans by the . Governor of Louisiana will
atdke some of the rebel . sympathizers and
ra along - the Elismasippi and Ohio
heavy. Before the close of the
Kbakiippi thousands' of barrels of pork
were shippxl
_off South 1n- the hope of
prices shoe the embargo was
-lead large %nautili= were held in New
` Orisons to take advantage of the advance. I t
is add that 1101:110 of the epeculatora in Louis
who had intended to assist the re
sod make money at the sami.time,
1 , rlU!bereduoed to beggary by this =eve
runt of the Governor of Louisiana:
A116=014 ]i Di -':J, : r ioter, woi trr
'the Ono and o/3 IntorioodLar porta,on DATUDDAY.
4' POT t. or polosirirrpp oo baud cr to
. trokk • ly
D. 8..4111W/8, Ajent.
. - vp ZGULAR- WICEA.LYAr ti p
Juii worn 110 h GaLLIPGLIB axu
WU, will Iris by the ohms and all latermeabse
Isaellage WIRY SATIIIIIDAY et 'lO. leeks k, s.
lbw freight or porno spid,OOTNen bcezd dr to
, IWO , J. B. LIVIS, W: Agent..
pomp, blamer uni Capt. John w Quo Wu n.
Immo. Pltneurisn for tialtmodo iTlattlt
'LD4II , slllte. pa. liscaztil g,laavai HT Ki
SIZSIDAY at 10 a- m. /or trolght at parole r44# 1 7
as boon* or to
_ _
J. H. LIVINGSTON a 00, Agents. ••
ZA30121911,141 roOlirr—Tto
"arm— Old aplated4 pleat tiger 5i14.1%, MLR*
fla.klitiall.o.__A.ayas, loans Plthloapa r - for
~74 pgje •4447 TIIII3DAY. at 4 teolotk, tor-llNeto a t
Loft Zukorrlll• for Pittabergh avter 7/111DAY at 10
lbr ftifirbt or panto apply on Wail or. to
- ..J.D.L/TlztaaTos A W. gavots, Pltlttottah•
IL IL Pingill &00 . Agents,. Zures•Ols. 444
r1144/01 '
L/!-414 fine met Mt-
Jam eordeiti brews tor w ow
porta *Tem . ..SUBWAY, ""'"
and IiULTUBDAY,. 11 deka, A. at, TilEri att
elketeanatiolkos with th e
regular pack eta for Para.
rilarlusatL Baur:gag, la e iLiee Wage.
alma Pamengera tatelptid througls to all.
i:.., 1ia11 f g1....j1 / 4 (11 *1 1,1 orWis . ea ward.
' ' • gang 0041,Ittat &DO. cr
No. lit Water atmt.
'-':::, , IMOVAL.-- Tim '
' , .4 , , awls au tom " ' KM - T"
.... • •P D •
. X% - 80 sw. oraux.
- Nogg Doors trim LlWety
dOOO oistatod to "Out
Alumpooirs OAKLAND mnunta
Ow eta No tom swirl — Rom Travois - Fourth - idne
•Yao Ms out to'ttialbudoo every Anon mfouloo.
8--300 bictea Bunch Baisime,
- 100 to do • do
, 103 do - ' Lover do
%flit Idlslihrd Not Mr oak by Nitro Kg a nos.
IORN MALL-75 flit& 'ground
*raises rece!vvi sad tat web) , • ---
, •••• •
7AB A. Pal ill&
• • . " Career ariret - mad IttriAstrrot
• '
filpoABl3.--litandard, Crushecl,
efaitallbk A sad Al , Opelkey'lliANed Su.
. i'O, l P-, 4 " 1414 m r i r
. • all
x yzri
. . , -
. _
t - rOMM - 8-1 - tt *t. -Ft
lieeki) Yodel! ut the Pitttitirgh Ihirkets
iii,part..; *amity loi• tift AtuiNrgr. 0.4414
Prrntrarta. icr.senl7, Ise!
' LOG/rt.—l U. grfoletiows• ghat/ in the rellowi.g no.
vete, It mull be nodetillood, are the wholesale prima,
except wherri otheraleW nottoutl; acurthat ha ail caw
in. the 'Wog of matt Indere to theclty and country
trade, - in advance or Wive W. Ore Pant will bei
civerWird Wier the. quotetions.) - •
APPL es—re. receipts retain/3e large, while the de,
- mend le fair end pricie are steady although ocuthanip
ed. We note large rate. at priQV rinialog from 11,60
to 117,U6 N bbl—meetly at &I;& tgy&on;
. A.9llES—riniet and dull. Halm Valeria 6!...i; Pod. A.h
3 i4Via; Pge reel. from d& 4 .54 - •
ALE.-There Is but flute demand aindeb Infants are
..n...dottii.ed rater at pretiv&ilt ars:
• '
.Bblt half bide
Sennett ........
3 40
d&OON—The market t,r lisCOu hat/ L onde:gone uo
particular change; with the ozwintku Aim tt 11, If
implitug. Miller and more del:retest. deowrat
.14.1104 and the transact lens ow s gatwi•l - IMO& are
teittkten to smell lot : •iborldefor e:mniani Gr,it
IndWl,,Wh's Wain name 73aud &eget - Tart d/ 7 4//oliv•
111sti -Allo IGIGIS-" a suet inquiry tor
Prtntl 801 l hearer, with bat little le I.leirmi
Lirtnalt WA* at-17411234c.. ltgre lionshiniat PgplOn per
~.!• i trie&lfl--11nore ten vial eh ipoinit drmaid for prime
inshiS r b(lp, 'With salon $1(41,25* Iw,b , axcirdieg
.• • ,
_.II , .OOIEWSECIT 11 .614• We•:• le •• • io of AA lbs.
(new wroo;.firinot th• 'emu. it VIVA cwt.
• /MOO kIA-- The followinrrans the rated Lobtaleed In
regular : the trey from stone Counsel i 1,2501,60;
1 , 0:a 17.00@/7,76; Xitrslo SA,6o@z76.
B.UOOIII-AND TUBS--The tectorY prices (man,
tor - finds} it FallattmAnd Now Brighton are for
Becker 11,10 441,76„-and Trilsa•tdi7bill46,76lldO/t
-trienAitvishircketa aetl In Om retell way at 1 1 . 76 002.
-O demauG. this/article is moderate,
voila pion are stemdy Ilia moue tte7eiltl Barite Intel
W.R.I.S - 11541 lb—which tiny be Wealth:red Vie
. 89islUhiiiiiiih.call10o p l 9 litallis Eo p% otit.,lo, pi 119
.Thiap.lkipo, 0011,G20 pi m Hemp Rope, rut, 110 p m 'artid Rope,coa, MIR lb Sacred-Rope; cat,l2olB lb
.Pickfogrard,ine, 1.2 c Sib Picking U114.1:0= I 2
MO OOHDP , --81,9111% $4 150 5 - $ 2 1 8 88112419 *Go.
1 Hmp, $1,81,741L 9080082,78* dos.
-Homp KA eta lb.
PLOUGH UNXS-10 ,, ith., 87 p a p do. IlecdP r
700 Pldca. .
'No ft-- ... .-- .. -. -------1334 at yd
-• OANDLIIIik 130,11.-The tolloiring qoutstiato. cab
De riled on se bolas strkaly wince: -bloold and dip
esndles, ltkr No 1 Rasta, Nap,' 4M,ai No 2 do do, iq
Carona ddi IA Cheidissi Mire dtr, 434 c; lito :1 Toilet
(Wryer's mike), .10q No- 2A°' do,:ith 'skid to .
Nrcusaces sov,listases . soap,' 250. ' . '
OOTTOEUTAXIIII-The roarket is tlroa Sad GU al
ums- basistata establtshbd." The &thrones are the
quotations vidolt srli corrected to due:
Nos.s thitlina'sebil a Illb No. L 5--.-..... NI s vil lb
Nos. 122 - 12.—..12 ell lb No. 17...—.--34 - o It lb
Na. at4...:__ - .:--zo o ili lb N0.18.-..............bha WM
do. it...—..., - DON No. / 9 .............36 o P lb
- No. 12,...-..:„..-.211 0111 lb N0.20.----.+21 c IN ID
No. (004...1....;.L111 a pdoslNo. 800.-- cli des
_tio. b00... - .....:..a4 0 IN d05 , N0.400-...-..-12 ilit dos
No. Boo_ ..:..:.78 e ill
aids, smart. dos No. /124........ 12 a lit dos
No. I , • 'lll4-...-....12 o I dos _ .
1 . :11 r eakir5.—......22i ll by
- Do widta,26l4, BO
oats ....Ala ..
:Do lart o -44a no ..
Janie— 0 *id
CAILCIrIiTha followhea are the weolleeale
pylori t, 'crackers, 630 *lin bitter, etc; sugar
litD &Mac, 63 aloe 123fic pilot bread. $ 4 .00 * Dbl.
.Aystigre Sliceik-We rota and, from story of 76 boob
pekes* aLltal 4bet ill boob.
'O 1111CIISBIDLLS —have declined, and prism West
ern betel s7* 111.
DfirllD DlClC—tordet, with oh:ad:mil Mei of sugar
cored at 10 1 461‘103.50 lb,
DltlßDSrlttlit —Peaches ino scarce and prim are
Steady at $2,6001276 11 bash. Apple. in Mr ro
ues; to ea Lase, at 90c0$1 $1 trash.
YEAT=llB—are very dull. Prime are held at 46
660 c; =bred aomix Pigeon 26, crud Chicken 10.
OAS PlPSL—the following are the quotations for
trrosnibil Iron tubing:
Per loot) Per look
ff,111011:0ee Pipe.-7 cta. 13qIncb1716 Pips— 82 Ma
2 SO
.." 90
..,L3 •4$ a ,-1,600
a "
— ..... 1 2 1% 4 a TA
l iqfileot to the omtomary discount
FLOllll.The deursad has been Mr, while prices,
although steady, here undergone no change. We
quote Yates at $1,40.1.0* Ours Family at $4,766
6,ls—mostly ai $ 5 4. 6 • 17 , and Fancy at 8:00016,76-
The bide, de yrioropOly confined to Data family.
The receipts orutintio h savy, the. balk of watch, bow
star, are hewing:l to the "Mem market& Dye
/lour le doll at $2,16 , 42,87 D bbl from note: -
El ...AlN—There Ism goo.* logmq for Oats at 22.2 U
from Oral bandit and 250 from story.. Wheel la steady
with • Moderate !hooky 950 for prime Red from
- Brit hies and $1 ® 1,06 nom stare • Barley is quiet
with °mama! salts Ism wagon at 406. Corn le In
csofisrste local Inquiry at from 47 to 46c—the tatter
Soar e for prtree. Stye a doll at 40...
GlttognlllB--The only her teeters to balite in
the Showy market h a elightlatprovernent in the
demand. germs sitbough fins have Godetgooe no
change. Sugar is held at from 914 to 1010 initsbds—
mostly at DM Molsseas, t 014674 Coffee, 16 17
atta iimelyiesy n o.
ROPS—nitiot roam were reportad at
HIDES--preen salted steady with • regulardentand
at 7Eo7Sfia. ' Dry Lot firm at 11414 e,
H&Y—Tbe demand for Bee fair - aid the market
has ruled eteady; sales from city melee at Wham
• Leg from $7 to $0 R ton. We could Misr of m
sales ef baled.
LARD—anchanged and dull Holders .et 11, for
primeleal In bbla and Om end 9640 in kegs. .
LIMN—a Sake of loct at
bbl. There Is no land lime In imille
=ikon $1,26-.
LEATHER—Thera Is considerable activity In this
article, while prices sire 'ra th er itasettled.„ Bo u gh comae; leather I. dim at 22M29. premed Loather
la quoted as follows:
" s
Ha , .—......—........... 40641 .
111Nrting feather . lb —.........e.....—......... 714020
mm ....... .. --. 264627
LUMBIE—This meat freshets hers carrkd off and
deationed a vast C 111130111) 01 lumber, and the ruin
will probably be an advance In prices. The Clock in
market is light, hut the same can be mild of the de.
MESS TOM—dull and neglected, with an. mica.
glottal smell sale as $14.602616 91 Uhl-
OlLs—Tim large receipt...of tlrud. 011 from the Al
legheny Meth had a depreaelug indoence on prices
during the early pert of the week. and bayou asked
and °insisted • ;redaction of I@2o f gall. Per the
pest two dust however, the menet has improved and
prime advanced lc 10 ital.. With A side on Wednesday .
of 200 bite item wheel at fn t gall—onobilf osieb,
balsam 4 moo. There le nothing doing in Laidoll
and prrentain se before. • . ..
POCATONS—The receipt. are mutually light for
this meson of the year. We note Wee on wharf of
prime Neshannuts at MM.. Marietta Sweet Potatoes
command 21,601Abb1, nod lenfty $16363. . ' '
• SALT—in good lucent, at 111,61691,7611 bbl for No'
1 and No I gum
lITZARINt.—doII shd has declined. We quail it r—Trter• la but little Inquiry for any deem*
tic,, of Seeds. Glover Ia held at $4,0004,26, Timothy
: t it:Wei, cleared of coMmen .
Wool, and the trade contuse. In the Came condition
recorded fa some time put—common and minim
grades realising higher Agora than fine deems. Prim
remain Arm with an upward Madmen, Ind Mad clips
of clean seabed mane
,weols comman d and 4 2 / 2 M
lb. Thellnar grades, however motto. - , sew attreeting , inore 114
TALLOW—doh Mid lower. Rough may leif. quoted
err 60. and liendered at do 16 Th.
WHITS- LA --A and in steady demand at
$2,60 9 tog for pure In 011,, and dry 90 11l ltc stitsfeet
M the mat discount. Bed Lead 83002, net, tad 1.1.. m x...
WINDOW GLASS—prime anelhsts, and we repeat
mu outatletta for the small slum, city make:--dtB
" 4 Tat fatdat 291 01 TAW 0112 anal 11:102, 112,0.
SAM 0214 and 10210, PATtcll2l6 and 10214, $.2 91 bog
of 6ilfeen-16 ',mut discoant Mt. '
WH/CET-1s quiet but Arm at 149160 for Raw, If
olge for Ramllled, sod 760 top be übl By.:
/ 10 Yeris by" Itlvor
. . . •
WilL27.l2o—por biloarea-4 bbds tottstoo, liss
gimaware' 16 LAI; 1 of do, 47 bbl. dried apylm, barks
a co; Ili bbl. bur, II tsm wheat, Jas a Mull 101
aka btrity,'llmmoor Omni* 49 oil bbl., tob bison
too: 290 obi Corp Job. Hamm; SO bdls P yriv
* a RE; Ilicarboys,Jsa Irwin: -8 oboe bilis.l hal m
prim, P B Wililtaiw 1 bz, W I 011 ownr, - .11 bga . kibbse
potatoes. 1 bx,l bbl bobs, owners.
__ol:9lll2NA2l—per Septum-100 bids omm.
Viagra it co; tWbbls whisky, M Cellar a;1000 dodo. Ra
bbis door, 93 do pork, 116 bids bwve , obits too;
bid mob* It A rabnostock A co: lot soodzios, Wm
Mallros; 100 WU Soar, Crdp ilbr pant IZO do do, .Iss
01 6 10INNATI—y.: Chow 'Dm a-60 bbts
100 do Boar, bat Wood': I Vtibla bitty, Attack.
alibiing.; 82 Dbl. lard, r a 100 bbls floor,
0 Llotbay; 410 bp boat; B T - ilettnady t bre; 60 tons
iai . ,d, woo 61bisaii; 69 bbls ,0 1 arta I os. •
.• . RIVAS. ai ha wei. .
The liver wai rsatdl og itt lily yesterday. with mot
d fist b 7 the pier moths brt eremitic Ths weather
oonttense Meaty, warm - wed untethed, with a drto
sling rain at hem was bat gale activity
at th•-ethel,which attribmtable - 1n some degree
to dislodgment atedltth, 4of the weather. The ant•
tali wen Um Neptette,ll tars Deanend Alma* from
thochumth and theist LS tor the lapis palm wee the
an* tram to here thawed for
frooYrlUa Int wangler bet as It woad be lota berms
her serge could be ithe .harowil, It tOp.robable that she
wield bold over notil +MU morning. (Mot• than Ia in
eteemand, with D. Patter In the
Jim Dumber If osametAilamibt.thspl, - 7. eon.
nem le sanottecedi) Wore
uDa 041 eferslug
144 f 44,144 a. 41 PLR theroe eight, ofilos.-
s--Tbe Astltsre ton, (apt R. UMW, la 11204auced
fat Pleadasti emu t ahem on linninta,y menthe—
lAeraa trout Owls Deli die to.
/ bilmlimitaterdsys _The 1114444
om aW e Point, and L Basting,Basting, MlD/ Lou,. t
en 4 i• ere /1141 fr
abso dam A
-The Henn* Ithineste.
thileeteh nodlth•l4 %le. lett Cllnclosatt Plttlitenh
Suethry. [rime Dames, Linden sad roma
went eitverthisd to 14444 on TPondaybereasue
Garden, Dr. Haan eml.bleabithe etc mufti, from AM.
LW" lot Ma dt,
tpllooBl,o BROBH-4 -tons of
rate - s, - art
4,1 ram
Duquesne Foundry,
Liberty mt.. near Outer IDepot
R. 6, Pr/Tenn:ill, PO.
.ilnanfaccare kIAWILNR, Urc BLarT Sad ROLL.
/ND 'HILL rfiIiNSCS 0.11 . 3.1:114 Gro3, .01 every
Oft. PIPE. BOIL WC 0.5.811.136, PIKE PlUrirci
tidier& BARS, WAGON-301Ra, HAD A fiD ittti
BOX alwayina Land wd for low.
Ur ko. 14. its W. W. YOIJNG, ...ow
slroet sod Diamond alli,j, wlll rocart, mompc atuti-
ova aro.aus
. Fi ft. A. D 1. x l"
Sleattfacturta etery variety .4
1:110K, PAiLLOR .11113
' Solo Proprietor of the celebrated
d r ihTe and Au
ba G ie A ft li = 6l2"ivr3 •
V .A. L L iC Y F 0 LT Fri; ui
Warehosarre. No. 52 St. °lair att.
PAIIIOII sod IlitA IN ETOVErt, parlor
noo Klub. Gratoa, Hollow Ware, stc,, Steel and
tilasa Hool4a, aolllttg 1411rCastlap, Mlll Ge.usa,t,Caa,
War and Artlasz Pipe, Bad irony Dog troaa,
}Stara, littgar Hetzler, Pollo3a, Hangar., Car Wltesia,
OcittplUtga, sod Castings gensrolly. Al.', lobbing •114
MU Mos Castlop made to oiler. l'atenust Portable
lOUs Steam or Horse Power. ool2Cmo
Jitgb)..Yort fibuertistments
in Eta a Remedisei
ESPECIALLY designed for the use of
the /fecund Pow/warn and too Atasay, baring
superseded tie swathed .. Gins," "Aromatic," "Omni.
./dedicated," "debonair.," etc., la now malorwal
by aU of UM prominent physicians, ebembde and
connolsoleure,as powleabg all LlU:nee tourtark med.
ales qualitirn (tonic aou diuretic) which belong to an
old •ud Faro Gln. Pat up in quart bottles and
sold by all drnl'gi 4 . l . EITC.6n4 01 e.
Dr. 050. 11. SEYI3 it, 110 Wood al. , Agent.
t&stAbllibed 1et,1778.1 Sole Proprietor.,
ornlrtly t1e.19 Broad skeet, N.Y.
iletcr!lcum & Cat on Oits
i l wlno.. • - - --...."....27c V lb
Batting., "
Do Na 2-180 .
DJ Oommuo.lbo "
Iv arks at Ebstpabarg etatlon Allegheny Vete,
021. and Warehoue 23 111/111.3.ET EMMET
NIPLOBIVIk always oo hood. .0012.11 d
DAVIS, PrldidenL •
Jour Ismer, Jr., Elecrelan and Timmer.
Masai.° U. Darla, T. IL ?Ando, J. L.. Chrn
Oin, A. Camaro% John Irvin, Jr.
01 light gravity, from the_ Tells of Lai company,
choll Creek to V.:mango ormoty, cooataittly on bona
sad forage.
Oteca at T. 11. Nada t We,
zogadyn $6 Wood et,' Plttetnirgh.
41111111/1111A AND DIALXIt3 IN
1P171 , 143 CIAL/RaertoN
(Qzs.Ui Goaranteed,) PITTSBUIIOII. NA.
Are. Groroe end Bon.lo coootantly oo burl.
Orden roomed for the premot at MIMI, SMYTH
A am Water nod lint rtrerto or2Atlm
No. 12 Fourth street:
llavoon hand sans smortment of Bacon, Lord and
Port, moot Oi which la of their own ours.
SUGAR WHIM Alia, of UnalnusU and other c •
PLAIN RAND, with NO without cativo&
SWAM, !hooked *ad In dry salt.
;IMI Pi?EL Harry
1111LARD,fa bait, firkins owl poll& Pat a? or.
proottyfar family wry awl all of their ran rendering
tiltl.lB2.oallablit for rains' mill parpuot . oat
ADAIR i CO. free dlssolvet by toottml
mama on thalith ultimo. The badnees of the old-
Itral VIII be nettled by the sew fern of 110LOSHIP,
1111YAN 00.
The tor deceived hew. Ude day formed a copartner.
ship, ender the arm of BOLDEMIP, BRYAN A CO
with increseed Wiliam for the meinatecture of 0.. R.
BON OIL, and are prepared - to Incubh customers with
the beet quality of BURNING ARO LUBRIUATINO
Pirnin o 4 Oct. 4. M4l.—wolkliedis
LAWEEtoxplred by Ilantatlon d
n from
lee day
of t
.wit z t ayie,lB . 6l. Tfibermbejneen esl
oot t : h r i r u m n. win be
• 7.
+A dersigaed, red/big to the City of Pittsburgh.
boos imbeds limited partnerithip under the arm of
4oalla_ALLmasitgai, hz the laminas of lasnafactaring
MS dealing la lron.(umesekin hi new climber
A - Latith„) In hkh da m the mo ners me
Banisnain if, Jones, Thom,. kL Janes.' George- W.
Sows, Henry A. Laughlin, end /roan IL Laughlin.
and the spectnizatner la James lisaghlitt, rho has
contributed amity thoemed four hundred dollars to
the 001n119/1 stock of said partnership, wham is to
comm.:moo as of the Ist day of August, 1901, mad to
sermaisio on the Ist day of August, 181181.
T. BL JONA& • - ,
1111181 f A. fruemart,
Dims B. LA110111.114,
September It, 1811. ..17.2m
The Billowing Becnk In Ms Deootaii idlnhegOompw
ny, furled tad for tionieryinent of souls mint of 60 cta.
Zww abate, payable on the lit of Jup tag, .111 be wild
at Public Anition„by J, G. DAVIS AOO., at theft
Boothia &Whit, oil igittb street, 14 Ws Oft; of Pitt.
burin. Pa, bn 119NBAY, the 21. day 01 October,
11101 at lo o'clock, s. m,
600 shapes represented by certifloals No /AG
800 do _ do do do do 611
681 do 'du do do do 512
100 do do do d0 d0 4.610
200 do standing In nests of Bpeacar, Vila A 00.
No oerttficate lamed.
By owner of the Board of Directors.
Ja.llllll If. COOPER,
rheas. Daeolab Minion CO.
In Mown and Atinosphotki Hammon.
. .
T ETTEES PATENT were granted on
Jul &pt. rth, MO, to Theism Bomb, for a eery
Maple and ablaut .thiprommeot In filmm and At
prwrßerld thdrlbterg Whereby tho full otruka of the
hammer b obtained. so matter what be the thickness
of the mese of boo to be boomared—tboroby abets
mg • great 1nc..... or power when . lorp idaoca of
metal are to be operated apon;and • correrponding
saving of expense.
TO. ontnarlbers are owners of rll pellet, a pt are
dextrous of • selling rights to nag add Impraireasank
is well as territory ander old latiatss_;4lnOdel Or
Bald Instnurecnont Is left u tbe moo or maim
well A Combing, AtlatiwP at law fiardar. Grad
and blamond streets, where tertitia bitereoted Mr 7
call and me It, end loam oho the bolos id Ileum
" 18 . P.& WWII,.
coda,d et ;.,.„ IP "nano . rest rya m. Ps.
411 Pit 17 L'lt;.T R XB,
INDIJOKSIMIT TO P 131011•1111611
A very large dock of cholas
Treed of selected art.
vtlec to shame from, with every paellas owe taken
to have twerp taMerp true to amt.
Of Apple stone wit have na,coo—acooo et which
au three vertreddtald COO four year old Pear,lo,ood
two to three peer oiL Pesch, Plum, Ara,* Pao
trim la the mar,. Gall acid
see them. '
ItYPIBOR4IOIII from I Ss tl /4044 the tissdes
cheap; Mao, BAD TBU3 AWO 01111t113911112Y
Adder* PlOtzritv NurMtlr burgh, ' - JOitf.
.. 9; Pp :13099141994;. _ .
' NIL moon 9999129.109 rksari.
'F, l lPr!" 4 , lt !.. l a tiO ikvair
&c. &c.. &el.
No. 4 Wood.
PPV - Phallittlili, PA
IALEO PROYOSA BF, titl the 21st u
Oskat-r,l I/ o'clock . or: favad to
any , flylug !lc S• my with heel Vault , flu the of. to
hr, rNMr.fl wt Cbambrnbarg, Una tabc , g, or York,
In the bash) of Peausi , ye.als4 at the Uortiturarlat ma)
HVldtri' era req,tetetl to :empty in all partttulm
with - the fortaFf nid published Laswtth
Gon.ratoPut STIOTOoII to ttulf the light to pay to
Tteutory note. or other tont. it bat for ..osltrequent,
nod to r.,:ect no bid nod fur any mane.. No 01+ *lll
hn rtatertnlneki noir.. the WC. LI prevent !..r respool
to htabol.'
The nt,vernteent whl re,eive 4.(00 i•ed ender th
c , ntreet; and will re he right to require any ad
i;ltioual number Op to 16.000 bead.
retie...l4 to beenade weal In such yttantiVee
rosy' be is quired.
The V•P to nir.: average 1.200 potandi vtaa weight
and no animal will be received chlch wdgba I
Ib. . 1 , 00 9 Palande .
NO 001:1^ItInra0 bl 4 Rlll be rte rived.
- .
The bid. to be tilnzted to 0%4. A. BRCS WIWI, a
P. U W.hletton, u., and *mensal' eropo
relyfor Pe, I asttle.
YO? 10f OW
- -
1. A B, do bet eby prepoes to deliver to the Govern.
maul good Bed Cattle on the hoof per hen.
dred pooula emu weight. Th• Cattle to le deliver.
st Chamberse,nr,r, Ilardsburg, or bath, In the
I,tste et peenuirenta, u the Govern Mentmay dreig.
este, •ccordtug to the terms of the enclosed sulvettlen ,
emu The Cattle to be weighed Ott the scales, and
the weight to determlual to be the parches° arelicht.
I hereby agree to give • good and trallltlent bond I,r
the fulfillment or the contract, sod to receive Treesur7
motes or other Gosernmentruude to payment for toe
Tee brat delivery at the Catch, will be required to
to made about the 10th of November. 1861. etiktd
In the Immediate nelabborhood of tbe Jobbing Elonaaa
onlnarket, Third and (natant atraeta, thy WAS, Otaoa, Marchante itichanim
Board per Day, $l5O
Aceaatitodation. when reratrai on the 111.11t0P11 ti
PL Rams froo• 80 mete sad espearde.pee
and Mai/. at a ftiln Cue! KIIIYAOSAMIT ATIAOI34O TO
taw lloya. Prides axarding en the NWiof .o‘re.
Who City Can tak• Paasevigere fro=
Amy Scaucia TO or OLOSIii TO tail
YT nnglisn, 'tench, Osman and lipsoldi spoken.
ON mimic zußoriawrz PLAN
Angle looms, fifty Coils Per Day,
City pall Square, earner Ffranakfort site
lOppodte City MIL] • ,
Mislaid! they maybe ordered, in the spacious it..
harry. Thereto • Barteeee Shop and Bath Roane
attached to the Hotel. •
N. B.—Beware of Rousts and flask.
moo, who ray we an BBL
N. 7819
500 BBLS. PRIM& N. 0. MOLAR_
125 bbd,, fair good, 6616 and prima Luger.
100 bow be. 86 and 106 Lyashbarg, Va.antaxo.
100 bola:Wand Sugar.
4SO begm b ia Doff*.
60 boll6.Peonspartslo 02611p.~
kr We by 811111THR • DILWORTH,
era 182 &mad ntreet.
ANFINERS-41 make cheap Paint
for oil barely making them pukaUy UAL
100 We b; (belt) 11.11NRY ELDOLLUib.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
A compi.und remedy, designed to be the most
effectual .:41terafre that can be made. It is
a concentrated extract of Para .Sarsaparilla,
so combined with other substances of still
greater alterative power as to afford an effec
tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is
reputed to cure. It is believed that such a
remedy is wanted by those who suffer from
Strum° e complaints, and that one which will
accomplish their cure must prove of immense
service to this large class of our afflicted fellow
citizens. Bow completely this compound will
do it has been prover. by experiment on many
of the worst cases to be found of the following
complaints :
RALGIA Olt Tic Dosmouritex, DEBILITY, Drs.
en ST. A:critoNT's FIRE, and indeed the whole
class of complaints arising from Isumarry of
rat BLOOD.
This compound will be found a great pro
moter of health, when taken in the spring, to
expel the foul homers which fester in the
blood at that season of the year. By the time
ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders
are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by
the aid of this remedy, spare themselves front
the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous
sores, through which the system will strive to
rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do
this through the natural channels of the bod 3
by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the
vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities
bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions,
or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob
structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it
whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell
you when. Even where no particular disorder
Is felt, people enjoy better health, and live
longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the
blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this
pabulum of life disordered, there - can be no
lasting health. Sooner or later something
must go wrong, and the great machinery of
life is disordered or overthrown. ir
Sarsaparilla has, and deserves mucli the
reputation of accomplishing these ends. But
the world has been egregiously deceived by
preparations of it, partly because the dreg
alone has not all the virtue that is elaime.l
for it, but more because many . preparations,
pretending to. be concentrated - extracts of it,
contain but little of the virtue of lliirsaparille,
or any thing eke.
During late years the public have been mis.
led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart
of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most
of these have been frauds upon the sick, for
they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa
rilla, but often no curative properties whatev
er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment
has followed the use of the various extracts of
Sarsaparilla which flood the market; until the
name itself is justly despised, and has become
synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still
we CAB this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend
to supply such a remedras Shall mine the
name from the load of obloquy which. rests
upon it. And we think we haveground for
believing it has virtues which are ureeistthle
by the ordinary run of the diseases iris intend
ed to cure. In order to secure their complete
eradication. from the system, the remedy should
be judiciously taken according to directions on
the bottle. •
DR. 3. C. AVER 8e CO.
Price, $1 per Bottle l - Six Bottles for lb.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
has won for itself such a renown for the core of
every variety of Throat and thug Complaint, that
it is entirely unnecessary for us to mount the
evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been ern-.
ployed. As it hal' long been in' constant use
throughout this section, we need net don:wire than
assure the people its quality is kept up to the best
It ever has been, and that it may be relied on to,
do for their relief all it has ever been found to do.
Ayer's CathartitPills,
108 TIII 01:188 OP
Costiveness, &mullet', ~Dyspepsia Rullgegion,
Dysentery, The semuleh;_Pryripeists, headache
Rhewnatism, Ersilsdans 601 4 ails Di eases,
Liver Complaint, Dropsy, TeibCr. Tun= and
Scat Rheum, Worms, Gout, Ifeettedgils, as a
Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the
They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi
tise can take them pleasantly. and they en the
host aperient inlay world for a ll the, purposes of a
family physic.
Price 25 cants per Bat; Five bozo for Kin
Greatnumbersofelergytnen. 'Physician; Mates
nurn, and eminent personages, lease lent theii
names to certify the unparalleled usefubaess of these
remedies, but our space here will not 'mimic tkr.
insertion or them. The Agentstelow named,for•
wish gratis our AMERC - cimUMANAO in which they
are given ; ,with also full descriptions of. the abseil
complaints, and the treatment that should be fol.
lowed for tthheii CUM -
Da not be put o ff by unprincipled dealers with
other preparations they make more Erofit
Demand Men's, and take do Mims. - The sick
want the beat aid there is for them, and they sista
have it. in
All oar re are
t e ter
PKOPUSALS rim Attila B s,GriAti/E
IV Zoritni
QttaraT/Intacton tinato;al.'3 V70:02, t
W.blaglau, rote 11.1, lat.
Protocols are invited for the tornishing of Army
ragtag , ' Wagons.
Provedla that: ante the plea at ahi do they can
be foreland at the Mae tl twiniature or at New
cot. rebtladelphis, Baltimore, It salagion, or thir
ilthatt,as preferred by the bklan.
The nueuner Which cm be mare by any bllder with
in bite Wotan after receipt of the =nor. atm the tilltn•
bet which he can Vetiver within one week.
The Wagons meet o tatty rata m to the following
apeciti. awn, and to the a:abated pemartie
hit omit (covered) wag me, of no, .100 at.J drecrip•
We ee fullowa, to we
the front tante to tin the, e in t ten inch , n high,
baba Leo lean to dole...ter, and tartan ands quay
tar leans tome; bled sheet. loot fed tool tech., higb,
haat.. arid • quarter Inch,. t. dianeter,min fourteen
and • quantifiable let i Bina two end e litho&
wido and two am; thraquerter focal. deem coat Men
pia boom twain tech. loot, two •odsa air lean
at the targeted and tee eon sevens ighiha loch at
wail end; tire two and • hal loam Witt by Ave.
eighths fan inch thick, laligrod inth ma meow bolt
and nut In tech fidne; babe made of gnat, tae crokta
mullahs of the tam white oat, tree from miecti
each %heel to have a nod band and iloonpin bend
two and tone gait.t inches wide,id $O.O band Ira,
bad two trivial; bends—oritaide bend nue sad a quar
ter both 1.1 oneemineter lea thick, Mollie trams one
Itch by threelixterni he tuthickneen the idiot wheels
to to made end Gouda that they will wans from
the Wide of the tire to the Inge End of the tot MX
mid • half India Nil fronts/Ina six, adopt, eighth
inch,. in a wren.' line, end whale tole Wesson
eleven and three eighth inches froin thoontaide clone
ationider wisher to the enielde of, the other, so a to
hove the wagon. all to track five feet bona centre to
centre of the sheets. A Metro.. to be made of the
best violin reined Annetta iron, two and a ban
Inane anion a. the 'boulder, tasking down to one
aide half inch lu the middle., with • rem eighth,
ina king-Milt bole In each &Moine; waters and
linchpins for each &Metre.; ingot lite:tiptoe ma Inch
wide, tnnanighthe of an Inch nibs, with. a loots in
each end; a wooden stock four rand tires-quarter inch,
ea wide ad four Inches deep (Weal subeentially to
the unto. with clip. on the own sod with two
bolts, six ladies Wm the middle, end fantail to the
hatin, and bonier, (the banter to be bur tent five
inches long, flee laCnca wide, and throe and a halt
deep,) with four halittuott bona
• The tongoe to`ho ten feet eight in. hes long, tour
inches wide and Woo inches thick ai front odd of
the hounds, and two and a varier loch. wide by
two and antenquarta Inaba drop at the front coo,
and.. arranged a to 1111 rep, the front end of it to
, hang within two feet of the grand . whoa the vow.
. Lit standing at teat cos a level thence
This front bounds to be eix feet two Indies long,
thralaties thick, and tour Whim wide over wean.,
atia do retain that width Conn bookend of the tisane,
la we'ot the bounds onue foot eight Inchra long sod
Walachia square at the front end, wish • Mate el
iron two and a halt Lucas wide by three naphtha Of
an inch thick, belenedea top of the howls over the
hock end of the tongue with one halielach screw belt
In each end, and a plate of iron or the auto eine turn
ed up et each end one and a half Inches to clamp the
front hounds together, and fastened on the ender
aide, and at front end at heunda,With initial wow
Dolt through eah hound, a wen eighth, loch bolt
through negotiant hounds In the centre of Jaws, to
acme theloagne In the handle a plate of Iran three
labia wide, onequatur Inch Wet, and one foot
eight 'bade long, seemed .on the Inside of Jam ot
hounds wlth two sleets, and a plate of the mime ell.
male= on each side of thetas., where the tongue
and homes run loather, secured la lite meaner, a
brace of teveitedghtthi of an inch round Ina to ex.
tend Win nailer the front axle[..., and tats two bolts
In front part of the Mande, same tow Wagner
tare of an fah round to continue to the back part of
boutoth and to be Menai with two bolt., one
mar the tack end of the hounda,and one through the
either and houndi • brace over groat baiter one and
a half inch wide, anew:tarter of an loci thick, with
• holt Mach end to fasten It to the hounds; the
opining Warm the jaws of the hound., to roma.
tee tongue, and brit and threataanow triton In
front, sod tar and a half Inaba at the back part of
The hind hands lone lest two inches long, two and
Weequarter babes thick, and three Inches wide;
jaws ea bet long when they aka the coupling pole
the bother four feet bre Lathes long, Mid five team
wide, by Wee Inches deep, with akedy iron two and
A ball lichee wide, by onahaf inch thick, Wood tip
two and • hell talks and named of each can with
three rlveth the Water stoats end hounds to he n
eared with tar half inch screw belle, and one half
'lnch aerie, bolt through the taping pole.
The coupling late nine feet ebbe inches long, three
labia deep, and four and • halt inches wide at from
end, and two ad threequarter inches wide et beet
end; thatince from the ware of king holt hole to the
made of the bark Wane Mx net one Inch, and
tram the Centre of khigenolt hole to the nuke of the
toortbilln the hind ead of the pole elgnt feet Ma
nukes; king-hell one ands gamer Mew diameter;
of eau reined iron, drawn awn to oeven-elghthe of
an inch where it pane. through the loon gannets
Inn plate nix thaw lag, three India wide, and on.
eighth elan Inch thick on the doubleues and league
when they rub together. Iron plate one and • hell by
onotteartar Mon ineti en the sliding bar, Isetaned at
each end by mann holt through the hound; front
Wales to ben place save and below eleven holies
long, three mod a hall inches wide, and throe efghtes ,
of an loch thick, content drawn oat and turned dawn
on the nets of the aohner, with a nail in each cor
ner and tone oninterounkuails on the top; two lands
on iba hind bounds, two end two and • hell Inches I
wide, of No. Id bad iron; [tenth plate on the coop
ling pole to be eight Incas loam one ad. thresequare
ten loch.. aide, and One quarter Man Wit thick.
Doubletree three feet ten Inches bog, singlet/a tic
fed diet Incas long, all well made of hickory, with
an Ws ring and clip Reach end, the centre olp to be '
well madam lead bar and wretches to be three met
two Indus nog, two nod • garter Whin wide,:and
one and • quarter bah thick. Lest bare, strettbare,
and Wean. for .1 aal. team; the CaO atioStas so.
for the lead mules to have hooka In the middle to
Mot to cadet the 040 ashi, the wheel and nth
alb part with open zings to attath them to the Moab.
letree - and lead bar.
The filth tato to be tem feet long to the fork: the
fork one loot tan base long, with the ottetcher no
tated to speed the forks earn the lithe of the ,
doublettes, may and tongue chains, threealghthe of '
an Inch in diameter; the forked chale severeantoenth
inch in enemata; the fifth than to wen elinienth
lea illainetel .tae fork; the fork to ilnaixtemath
hub dionetepthe /Inks of Woman of the loch chains
to be not more than two ands quarter Whoa 1008.
Th. body to be straight, three fat a limbos wlO4
two feesthep, ten teat long at the bottom, ant tautest
all Inches as the top, eloping eqiially snack end all
In the clear or Wed% the ben mew to be two end a
ben incise wide, and Woe Whoa deep; tent pieta
two Incas dap by two and a half !oche. watt tall
piece two and • bat inches wide and three inane
deer; and four lanes dam to the middle to reel on the
coupling pots; bp rail coo and a half tab thick by
nu and anti eighth Loa wide lower rails Quenon
thick by one and weraightli huh what three win
std Mui tali to front, with a leat on strap Wale to
close it up a high se the slam a nos three feet lour
Icahn lag, the bottom five Incas wide trout lade,
Wand shelf Inca. deep, and eight ands alginate
atettetop In pails! Has to the body ail in the Gear,
to be sabetantlally fastened to the front end of the
body, to tune an Iron strap miming round each end,
moused to the head plea and trout rail by a rivet to
mama of it pealing tbroath thom, toe lb to.te
fawned to the wont nil with two good chap binge.,
• • rap otilineeighth Inn round the ha a tad inch
from the top edge, and two straps same eke ou the lid
ear the front edge, to prevent the wiles from anon 1
the wile to bete infant hasp fattened to toe middle
of the red, with &good wooden cleat on the Inside, a
strop of iron on the centroof the ink with • staple
paring through 14 to fasten the lid tcveight nada
end two sell on nib aide, tine baiter thinned to the
bode en inches deep and far Riche. -wide at. king
bolt Lole, non rod in moot mod centre, of Wyman.
teentb. Man inch round iron, with • Mad on the I.op
of tail nod nut oa lower end; iron masted brace be
hlid. with Walden cm trip of tall pleno, and unto on
the under aideid a oaten top el ran: - • plate two
and shalt Batas wide, of 110.,10/tand iron on tan
Mena maw the body; two Mortices In toll piece, and
hind bear two mid • quitter Mato wide and one lath
thick, termini
three fain:int inches long, to
he need Wan Wane tale Meta thanget each
side thud, and two nate through each bent stud, to
rare nee Wag bawds, to hand the heat quality Iron,
and stated en • good bar, one rivet through each end
of the intim that derelittithei of an inch oat Doane
akteentimighthe of an Inch white pine, tall board
Wee quarters of an inch thick, of white plea, to La
welleleated with flu oak clean riveted at each end
thfutigh thie bard; an iron plate three feet eight
In long,two and • quanta Whew wide, and three
reghltui of st inch Wet on the uncial. Edo of the bed
pleattoestend heaths bind end of Wady to eight
linduafts front of the bind bolster; to be fastened ti)
the rod at the end of the body, by the lateral rod and
two theesaighthe Man Inch spew bolts, one et the
forward Mid of the plate, and the other about equt.
Meant haven tt end the lateral ad. A Inithich
road iron radar bcdt to pari dlogonally through the
rolls. between the Mrs hind node to andthrough the
tied piece and plate Under it, with a good head on the
top and ant end arenrat the bottom, to be at the .top
one Litt slx inches from loatheof tall board, and on
the bottom ten, When from the hind rot, An iron
damp two inches wide, one liana of an inch thick
around the bed pkeo,the tents.. bolt .to which the
loot atilt le attached pains through it, to extend
.van thalami the beide ot the body, the. smut, top
and bottom to be seared by two thiereighth
lock screw bola, the middle bar at the suds to be
dab witt, the bed piece on the lower eldi Tin kilt
chaina awned to the clean bolt of the body one
and ,aleveo labia, the other two feet Mx inches
Wig, to be of threat igtolis of an tech round Inn; feed
trough to be tour feet *lsaias. long from out to Om,
the bottom and code of oak, the eitlea of yellow pine,
to be Mein lathes wide at bottom, twelve trots wide
et top, and eight ands, hall Inaba - dap Alla the
clear, Won Wad, with a baud of hoop iron afonnd the
top, one around took end and threenotween the eat,
,o4ronji and miltale kw to testae them ore the tongue
white thalita.t mad strong chafes to be attached to
the tat tall of the Isidy, securedby a staple with a
hook .to.atiaott It a the trough, oil bow. of gad
Ink two lorhea eats and. onetalf loch thick, with
three - Maple. to tonna the, ridge pub y in place;
two Maybe on the her y, to ,stare aro one at tee
bows; cue Min poi wan feet long. one and three
quartos inches utile by 0.. eight...llm inch 10101;
the corer to bent the first gaiety cotton dock No—,
fifteen lint long and nine feet eight inch. wan, ondi,
In the bort - manuer, with kat heron cords on each
Mb. end one mod to claw ft at both coded
two lingo an each end of the body. to clan and mom
the made of thecae* . to gain in the Mar tallow/
the wad and from am Ontkittlaytou thy Aldo coeds.
The outside of the body and Led trough to have too
mood angled Witte ladookind to • bloc Bat, the id
Md. of Ibis to have two web Mattel:An Want;
the natal mar and whale 'to have two gad wee
af amities, red darkened of • thocaleteentr, th• hub
nd tallies In be well pttreil, banal of labile!, 1l te.
• 'A tax pok ma extra king kolk and two extra Anglo.
Moo to be tonlidnd witk took wag tke ktog bolt
and idaglntotto dollar In Olt rowan to thaw bb.
asba 'GIL • ,
laett lble of tha btaly of tlie wave to be mutt:all:
11,• atuabeined is 41reetad ; all other parte to be
Wend O. 8; the ewer, had lam bolt; lloctiplaa,.
gae.pos, sad barmen Waren fur each wagon tobepaa
fa sistnedbd;(coopsirsd,) sod Os mounds rtal di
. „ •
. .
— ltli.t9 lis eitiootb. audintood that tbiwagan sr,
to bow .conotnNtiol Unit the eirmalinets . of any Geo
**II vtli own and laoctly IL thale at ego other. • '
as losiiidessOal= a er . anuaglagioir • ~ • -
ogobaropillfill as end be *lir • •
*O4 0 ti Ste. bill loft; in theirmilhotositikr
... ,100 .wouci • thei .1! Da peens latthfullykWee
.cited in the Mel wnelunasdake mariner.
The work May Se. Mepecied tram time 1 .0=11 . 1t
yrogrewe m
s by an racer agas; et the Qa
D pnr!ratat, and cone c I it shed/ be pal7aTil until
It limit bare been Impetted ant approved by tow of
ficer or agententbortzed to Inapecklt. Vilma *dined,
Imbibed and accepted by Att utilmr spot Of the
Quarterinsatiee Department, and delivered de bereft
agreed. tbey stiall i bepald low. U. G. MUDS,
eel2tl Quartermaster Dewed U. B.
JIL AND .4.II4I:ILANON 11d111236.
Orrics or Azar lhortilatil sap Edattsas,}
arr.? Mustard .ad Afercer. street,l' -
New X crdri Auguste, 2661.
PscrJests will he salved at thia offirater turaals
log, by contrect, Array Wagon Borneo...
The proposal. should state the price at which they
can be forodshed at the plume id nnanntectiate and
the price at which they can be delivered at thte de•
pot, the ntuatur which can be made by thebidder .
within one month slier reevipt of a order; also the
which be cad &Meer with a one week.
'I he harness mast Saucily ochfor to the bliowlng
olociticsUons and to the establish pal.brrus:
Poor-mile harms. Mt follows, to trth
Two Quilurs.—Breich strays 3 feet 6 Incites long, 3%
inclav wide, sewed into 14 inch tinged Ali Inch Iron;
hip .trap. 3 feet II inches bag,234 inolue wide, may
proms 2 feet long, 2% Mama tottlet,,with 13 4 Inch
btrckles; crus Crepe to buckle into Stay plow., 6
loot lu g, 15ilneb wide; old. straps 4MN long, 1%
loch wide; tie stripe 16 inch. long, %Inch Ittlimi
tapering to 5 point.
Two Belly Banda. Long side two feet 3 loam long, 2
Inches wide, with a two Inch backlit admit aide 1 feat
6 loam long and 2 Inches wide.
pin Hair Collars 18 to a lushes 100, with double
straps and safe leathers sad heckle. jg Uwe adds
Two Pilr olitrang names to snit. node of .whlre oak
rout, Ironed with beets, lineal rrcge 1 34 loch
&Irma, staples and Ilne rings.
Two Pair of Elaine Straps. Lower one 6 tent 8 inches
• lung, 34 Ines wide; tipper one i fiat 6 lathes tong, 34
Inch wide
Two lid/ les. brown plots 2 feet long, 134 Itch add%
wont pieces each 10 inches long, 134, Wen wide; front
pima 11)i, inches 10ng,134 loch woe; atay pieces,
truer bilude to crown plecest.l6 Inches long, 1 34 mph.
wide; now piece 11 inches long, luicti wide; bliada
0 Made song, 6% Inches wide; reins, long side 4feet
• long, /loth wide, Aunt et& I toot king, / loch wide,
with 1 loth backlit tame, tinned Mahan, to Weigh
5 ths to she eosin..
Two Nit Chain Piper., 2 feet long, 234 lathes wide.
2 wo Pair Waste Chaim, 7 foot lung, 10 deka to the loot,
sat tie 3 iron, with Ton one end, weight 71i no 8 lbs
per pair. Tarkstett or etraight. ,
Ono Pair of•Breut Chains, 22 Melee lung, 14 Hoke to
the tout, of No 8 iron. Twist/4.
Two Neck &raps, 8 feet 1 loch' long, 2y, Welt. arida,
with 234 tow buckle.
Two hoc& Chains, 4 feet I Inches long, 14 links to the
foot, Ho 4 /too, 1 and. loop to be meted onto the
not Only. Twisted.
One huddle mane en Attekspail tree, head, gullet
and utak Ironed, covered to the meal way with
kW-gasmen home hide; flaps gia Indite ion, 16
loam wide; novangle 7 toot 6 inches long, 234
' forte. wide, with a 334 inch bockle'on oat end, to
be &Maned to Me motile by .being riveted to two
carved .tray 1% loch whist thine Amapa are placed
one sheath aute of the saddle Dee, one and I. tied to
the front part of the bar, the other and to the ex.
tansies 01 the bar behind thseasale, /Vanish .addl.
fishing &Wrap leathery 4 teat Thicties longi:l%
loch wide,-willa 134 Loch bookie; stlrrtipa, melte:able
iron, Mined, bolt eye pattern, to weigh 1334 Its tola
Colon Air.
Two Collard, 17% to,lB LlV:hos long, made the iv
for wheel hareem. -
Two Pair of flame. to emit, of the mime material a. for
wheel burner, ironed, with hooks; breast clogs and
hoe rings, with &trace as in wheel harness.
Teo Wintery eatao a* for wheel turner.
Two.Nect b traps end (Maine, maw , ky Wheel bet... 4.
Two Betty hams,
Two Pair Chain Pipes,
Two Pair Trace Chains,
Two Cruppers and Hip Straps. Back strap 6 feet long,
tapering from 8% mass to 2% *whew wide. flip
&wipe each Ilket 4 inches long, 1% loch wide, ouch
with a book et one end.
Two Back Bands, II teed 4 Inches long, B%lnchaa wide.
Two alarilogalse, 4 feet long. 151. inch wide, to buckle
lota the hit.
One Coupling Eltrap,ls feet 6 inches 10ug,% inch
Oros Check Kan, 4 bet long, t Inch wide, to buckle
into the bit at each end, with a ring scwo4 In'
the cvntre 10 receive the lead line,.
One One heed ties, u feet long, % Inch wide; with •
Mackie st one and, and an 8 Inch loop IL the other.
Ono Whip, heavy plaited bone bide, 6 feet 0 Inches
One horse Brush, oval, of bristles, bj— Inches.
One Corry Comb, bro. 312-8 her. •
The whole to be packed in a box about 18 Inches
wide, /7 lattice deep, 84 inches long, nettle of
etaff,...ropered, woodhoope or Iron rums, be required.
tour Florae Warners, as lollop', to win
-Two noilore. Brach .eCreit.3leet 8 Inches Nag, 8%
Inches wide, sewed Into *Loh tinge at, % Inch Noy
' hip 'tripe 4 feet long, 8 Inches wider, may pierce 2
feet 2 incite.. long, 8 tattoo wide, with : I% loth
bootleg cross mope to buckle Into Way plIN*6 994
bog, 11( loch wide, eldo inapt 6 feet 6 wawa long,
torit wide; to, etreps lb Inches long, 1% Inch
wido, tapering, to • palm.
Two Belly bends. bong ride 2 feet 4 Inches long, 2
Nebel wild., with s 2 Inch bucker; Mort Nide I toot
ft lichee long owl 2 Nam wide. •
Two Weir Col/ers. TA to 28 Inches lonA.Zithxdodable
Tw a tt " glr " ot mie rt i g Ett r eotortit, kl mlce of :ate oak.
root, Num" with hook., broom rings 1 1f lochutura
gropes end floe rugs. .•
Two Pair to name mina. Lower one 6 Let 6 Inches
long, % inch wide; opper ono {Jest 6 Lam long,
- 14 loch wide, of alum waned leather.
Two Brialy.. Crown piey, 2 feet I Inches long, 11,(
loch wide; cheek puma each 10 Incheelong, 11( loth
wide; front piece 135( lathe. bag e l% La widen
May pieces, from blind* to crown. plows, 16 loam
long, 11( loch wkle note piece 12 lochs long, 1
Inch wide: Mauls 6 Inches 10ng.13 loam wit* rotas,
loanable 4 Net 9 inches long, 1 bob wide; short eide
IA het Log, 1 took oleo. wutt 1 loch Oneid' bill.,
tinned zu Milo, to weigh a lbs the dawn.
Two bar Quin Pipes, 4 feet 6 Inspos 10ng,.2% Bohai .
Two l air Trawl:Maim, 7 feet long, 14 links to the loot,
of No 2 lino, telitol or straight., with Ton one end,
weight The per pair. -,
Oa parr alarmist Chaise, 28 loam long, 14 links to ,
the, toot, of leo 2 Nan, twisted. •
Two fleck tirepe, 8 Nate Imbee long, 21( Baku wide,
with 2% Inch buckle.
Two Neck Chilne,4 feet 6 Niches long, 14 links to the
fook•twleted floe Iron, T .00 Imp to to riveted on:
40 the molt strop, anvil In tho &au. ,
One Betide, nude on Attokapos try, load, gullet sod
math boned, aerered to the usual way with half.
tuned hour hide; flaps 70 Incites long, 16 inches
widen enrclngle 7 tem %
, 3
to b tochee wide,
with a 2% hob buckle ft
on ono e e foeloned to
the addle by lying riveted to two marred etrope,l%
loch wide; than straps aro placed one on each dap
of the enddleaseo, one end le tied to do/Boot port of
the tor, the other end to the eztetudon of toe bar
behind the male, nabob saddle fashion; Minim
leathers { tom I lochei Long, 1 16 inch wide, with I%
loch bookie; stirrup., Miltlenble Iron, tinned, bolt
eye patteru, to weigh la% IN to it Yuen pair.
Two Bridle , emu as for wheel
Iwo Coilmean to TA Inches lot= the tome as
tor wheel herniari
Two Pak of Munro to onit,of item inaterlal m far
Wheel buseee, Ironed, with hooks, brood rhip and
lino Hop, with strops oo In whom Mummy
Two Neck Strata and Chains, tome so lot wheel NIP
Two Belly Bands, some as for wheel banter.
Two Pail nrato Pipet, same to kw wheel heroes. •
Two Bar Troop Chains, two se for wheel hornewi
Two &Upper. and Hip Strops. Back strap Blest long,
topecieg from 8% limbo to 554 Inches wide. Hip .
Swipe with bucklekeach 2 feet 8 inches Nog, 1%
loch wide, with wrought books. •
Two Bock hands, 3 Sees 7 Licher 10ng,.8% inches wide.
Two Mattlogeleo, 4 ioot long, I% Inch wile, to bac kle
toot the tat.
•lits,oooupling Strap, 6 fret 6 inches long, h . ' Inch wide
Ono Chock /tan, 4 Net 1 Inch too& 1 loon:wide, to
boats Into the billet each and, with • ring sewed
in the center to melte the ll sad tine,
Ono Lead Line, 21 feet long, 1. lo c h )och wile., with a
buckle at one end, and an 8 loop et the odor.
One Whip, heavy plaited horse hide, 6 fart Lobes
Una Ilona Brink oval, of bristles, by -- inches.
One (harry &ebb, No 24-4 bar. '
- The whole to be pocked la • box about 21 Inches
wide, Is, inches deep, 34 Inches long, mode of 1 Inch
coOpere4.wood hooor Iron, malitY be fe'l ol Qui•
The whole to be - mode 'f ib s but
t o inetortal, itswing
be nude with good Wooed thread, and : subject to
impeottoo dating do pumas of miumbetuto and alp
when 601,610, -
' When Chores banuei bt wand, the lad cos,
brknea, hms, trek strops, batty , bends, chola plpm•llar
r trice Chain u ; crupper and hlp strop, bock sad
Caupllog straps ; are disabled; ono bearing chain 3 feet
long, i 4 links 1 0tH Not,o (No 4 Non, with • Ton each
end added; and lon:lnns to be 80 feet long. - - •
The whole to be made of the beet material, sewing to
be mode With good waged thread, and oottject to to-
'Denton dOliog the proceas- of manufacture and.
Whet, 6 mole Unmet' meld:ed. the Lid char;
bridles, haines, neck strove, bollybandi,• chola PIPos.
Inicedm mapper and hip Wraps. back bond s and
000phog straps ore dot:blot ono beating libain 9 Cut
loon, la Lobito the Not, of firi 4 ith • T on
eoch end aided; and feed lino to be 28 l a
st long. '
Proposata will abut ho molted ine snaking and di
thering mob/Luce lamas for two or tear mole or
bores terms-4 epecilicalba of which will be hereafter
- gowns of propOod and somantes wilfao (crabbed
upon opplluticm to tbfa OZOI. sad bow will IN cob
.Meted WK do oat coukerso eset46.. • .
- The prhiligo to gamma by and ler the United
SWANN reNetlng finy propmme thit i rosy ha Nested
.Pummls! will bo LAMA ott Abe entelopo Wiry
tang mem *Proposals for forniehlog Army Wagon
and Ailiboianc• liornialt" and eddrowild
NNW D. H. 911621616; '
- murtmatur. Army.
QUNDRIIB--601) lbs. fresh Ron Butter,
200 do _
do -List Uri,
000 doors froilt kr",
.78 do hop/ &Ooto,:aroomo
60 boa. Timothy Bead.
Ronobrod sod for mobo by . EL BUDDLIk
oat . 1f0..183 Marty stood.
VOR NUILLING.—Pure geoluld and
whole Bakes, of eyes y dwertpthat—blaok and
whtte llastird Bead, white Junks Glaser. Iltuderd
act., no hand and for sale et the Newts Grocery St . em
of - s
. does A. RENBIRAW,
w comer Wien; and Seed m.
jJ ACKURI briAT BRAJOhlef--Juat
read • ed s fresh supply of Iteadsna made exist
slitaity &gbbing Broolan alai • Nos. 413 4 2 Oszliet
&taw far oda by the dons or atrataL, at Os fam
ily Orocesi f!tore ot JOIDI 41.11.11NSUAW.
sal- (Wm. Llbetty gad Rand /unto.
ttIiFSJL-150 bags strictly prime Rio
11../ CbSos to Nonandfan lab
1,117L2 i TABULA
llitElyaid drat.
:121 , 1P1,]!/Wi44IXIIIIte mier
„Orai st
i7(71P7121 i!: 74 11gi
%.1 Jane the UM. Is6l.
- will leery the Diwt of sw Anuanlnnis audirad.
fittdranl4 a. Citidlillati Mari "Law• —•
tag lasabersing.
No clangs el airs between Pittsbwrukend ClactanstL
Lamm Arrive' elt /Tito at /mew at Arden at
Lttla • Os nag • to *44 tom"
MO to top 1110 • at .
nth route Is ettotter to Cinctnuatl, Logfi,Bb , Ott.
lure t n• and all Wats South, than any other watt
ipieeJld PWPlngOart atteched to al! Night Tridna.
illtabsop4 and Wateb4;
trams Arrives at *Mu* at amino at Arrives at
I . I7TSIt'B, WOW& W11.LN11,761.10/1; Wlllll,ll
1.1:01 ato 110 ato 267 ti at aISIS •ra kat • m
0:01 • to aati • on It:19 a.m . 220 • m 10410 a ie
1210 p lAD p a"2l6pn'lhlopm tda p
4:00 p n, LI6 p m tadt p m
The UM a. a. and 1210 P. L Train connect with
Trot. of C.V. It. lonerrillry lancaater, de •
The ano p. m. Tuba amps of 411 Moth= lornrrea,
Hooto..tar ono Won:nine. -
rittstnertrA owe Cradamt Lam
Lomeli anima
afff, O. M. 010 a. IL
12.20 P. 11. WO in M.
Tho /tab I. M. hralo comma M. Bayard for paw
Thlirdelphla mid • Mamma* tae Tumarourso Broach.
Puersgera Gaining avao to dandroty, Toledo,
Cibloogo, or polite Wed, via Ohnroland, meat to pen
titular to mo for Mho's PM,CLlerehind.
Through Ticket. can be promunt at Ea* :Liberty
dom. lfePot, Pflliburgb.
Itor further nionnation mitt to
it the tempi:ifs Oak. in PreindicAtsiion, Penn it
.. P. ft Giumptil 'Mita Agent.
leo aJesunamer ...3.yrtirlirre.ruent-1:641
9if; Inc petiNbYLVAVliiiallin
Mei that RAILROAD.
slawziatift kluttas
ou told ettrllofriDAY, /Pall 116th, lba T 13301.6011
:11A114' Isaves tits Pareager. . Station every
.mossoos (maps Sunday) at49oa.te., etapping only at .
PilaePtl .rnattedings.laisniitkong with Wen
disco for 1 hilcsa, sad arriving Philadelphia at
10.16 P.
• Wel THE. 06.1& 1141 1 11.1138.T5A1N team idly U
12 63. , a. a, napping cal 7 at pe mine etsticu, =ens
dime .s.::.asstues atltaniatarifor Seth:Gam and V.
culps; to fr:::: aelphis or Itsdliatore at 1:10 a.m.
:1111 Pan LIN* hails thelitattoa duty snout
klautsh rt 4100 P. it, stopping only et euineallar
Latrem Jrhus Lora, Willmore, SaUtten, Aflame, ha,
and arriena in rs:.odepldaat 6;104 At.
.1000611101.6aTieti TEAM
The .lohnstoars. AGOOMMogat4:4? Ueda ham deb
(stunt liandi2) et 3:40 fr. et, itopp log at all Calla%
sod nailing far siesttemangb.•
Pint acoonimodation Train Wail'illtation Imam
dally (except liooday) at COG a. N. .
Eksoond A.m.:Duda:ton Train for Warn litaillta
Now oath Ic sJt gauday)at Iliad a. a.
ltdrdlerototecdelon Tien tor Wall'e Ration leans •
datly (icrupt'Eanday) at 440 -
Routh Accoresalathot Train foe Warr litalfroa
lion etas (oxuopt ilandal) it ear P.
.ilaturang Tram anti* lesteran as 11011Ginlaws
/Whim /110 r. d; rdall, /1:404. /iliac Line, 1.164
Johnedarr ittocaustodanon, 1010 A. as; Nut „,
.11k1Pa Italics - Acooirmodation,496 A. It.; ramie
Were Italian Asiconialadeitali , lee A. 114 Tett
Wail% Stein: 4sMaidoodailes, r. ; Atari?,
WWI Citation ticenounrsiathmthla
Trrit. tor Blentels 'ad radius connect as BialM
rllL Intaruction with Johnstown latostimulatico and .
.ftsinas Tula hut end greet. and with fast theaLl
Mae .
. .
pittabargh 'a
Ointirtertile Trains, 'topping at au
station, on tho Mud:nosh it' Conn*Ravine Raul, lean
daily ( exotitrd) a. folknosP-itiall Troia, NO
a, 04 laposea Trala. tlO P. at, Retaining Trams
non Mounts', .t Cloansllsolllellossl, anises{ Plttr
barah.lit3o a. m. and ea.P. ot.- • • i
The tenant/0 ptibito eilll end It gnaitly to thals
toren, tr. going Seal or West, to travel by th• Penn.
syliaien harreod, x tha accoanicalatione now awed
oannot-be earber,iat On an, othar'roola Pb. load is
bellsatad with now end is =Roily free troin dna. We'
touipoorokiesataty, goad odd amain to all who may
briar this Road with task patoonags,
W Mit Icrit....-1.113 NNW° 1a1twara.........0 0 at
• • Pleitsderphia .—.. 10 001 ' Laneutar..—..... I
401. •
RaiiteseOhnito4 to all 11/011eat oo we Panne. Ralf.
iliaaand to Plaledelphia. Mittman and New Pork.
• Panialgers pnichaahis Rants In can will in oho"
ad an nom wording to distance traveledia addition
to the otatiOn tube, exer,,t from Rations when the
Company bail no Anat. • -.
NOTIOL—In motel los , ne — DomPaap Will bow
the. wins naparalble fa parloold _banns' 01117:
odd for an =want not exceeding 8100.
N. •11.—An Osioltan Lino bsa ben solplopid to
roan; Pasonaptin 'arid Baggage to and from Um Depot.
ei a.charst nos tined s 2 canto for swoh piwongar
and V i l u ir.
For Isispply , J. PTIWAJIT, Agan4
at the P. R. B. Paasenstr litaitoo. an Mut) r d
Myra ' l•ii
sone poscharring Witte for
Joseph and other potato to Norern Mom % the
atm of Kanass,or tho Torrltart th eri ohouldinold:ret
batingtichtia thotyead by the •
The 011 i, route from St. Laois to Bt. Jheepb. ti L
the shortest end quickest - Ilse, by darken boars. kr
the remotest point reath&d by rail, and Is 11 . 11 1 3 dd
cheep ad &spottier.
Buy your Haat" to Kama and Invalids In North
ern . kliseoorl by the North Illmoart Railroad.
Ynsaldent and Gael &mt. of the North Inwood E. a.
HINNY H. EIMMONft, Amor. -' selOuneat
No. 66 Yourthlitreet.
O a A•is it.ol D issa
DAILY .1 1 110111 9:TO 2 o'.
VOLOCK, elm oo Wedowee, sad Istardsy
eveolop, nom Nee Oral to November Ant, from 7 to
dole* end from November Amt to May iniartme
II to dole*. ,
PopOotti o•ohivad of all mai net
toots than on•
Diann, aid • dividend of th• milts diand Moo
• oar • V hots and December. 'lsfailet Ma bon
deelotl Ininf•nottillY. In Jan* and becionbm 11109
the Bonk woo organised, at thirst!, old* Iltir MS.
• poor.
Intoreff, ff not drown onl,h ploood to tbo or•ital
ovadtor on prtoofpal,soft boars the inooolotenni
tram tb•ars dare °Ulna andlloomber,
ink* • you wilbont troabflng the dopritro=
or doable prow to pm boolL. At dna Ms. saw
' to sea thou DI Ivory askbig fa Wagger
yam= man 804 taa ant a nu.
noossamousing lb. IThootor. 5 7 4 & 1111 , Rubs Ilad
Itte.dynona tornblomi grotb,.on applketke Was
naa normires
Wiuhun a. Autetrioi; 4agusilitl D. Yager,Unkliargwln. basollatealock
BenJanAAL. Nabnaliock A. K. Pnikxk, M. D.
uppuraUnevkam, Cobalt Robb,
Jam= Hindnum.. . Jamonallddle,
Jens. D. Una, Alcon/AW - Andln.
nun= •
Join B. I=2A.
• Punt A.
lawn. *Om
. Juni tinialsy,
John Matonan,
Wallas Y. Alsninnni
Um (hi,
13.ary L lThm ..nte
.1 14=.
Jan FL
A.sazandet , Spear. t
' WWhw.L. Womb
law WAnSinr,
Oticionan Xeager.
:1121411.1.110-4. OOLYONI
Alexander Bradley,
John 0. bishilm,
. Black
John B Ithadleld,
Alonzo A. Wrier.
Witham D A. eg*,
John teas,
John Holum, •
Pam G. ter,
Blehard Ha Hunn
Wllliena 8. leanly
iherldarY and Treasury" ,
hablead. • •
Litbirie,atinti 'Oil,
tor GALLON, ooturtaolly on band sad tor Ego
by ..• • • it 0, &AI. B. B.llWial
A. to the quality, we Mar to massed tootttkotre
Elressimez,Nor__ 27 MAL
Miteat. R. 0. &J. U. Burma eute-Milaubtiewx
tins Oil Is gotting•frota los we -.W to Um
for oar pui - pooso we bars aver toed,- , •
no2Lit .BY WAIL BUT, Pratt.
- EIRSEin A ' OF .118 H.— •
A: 90obbl. No large MACHIHNIO
930 do Nog do
• soo hsebbi Lag* Warn.;
100 bbl. No I tuning
lb do *Balthooni do
/0 do' do - not
NO tint& Lao Harbol; -
CO do wan 4 plotproo 0000lvonoof for
Ph Si Is m= prkes by_
JOHN souu
sokt/ oar. 8011111181 d Ind wquesta. etteskineb, Pa
fa UNDlttrds:—'
iO kJ no hhaLisr.o.aapri
bbls. Iteegtod boxer;
600 piton PlAatation
100 u smortal triao4
pook,st Jam Coffew -
100 boxes aimmated byasho"..Tobsooos
100 ANf eliaists nun . Upsets rut lb* Sias
00 004", bans !do . d o
60 bozos &eta eogg ,
!bald Osadlim
000 bbia. Mao sad Mars faially.Flo‘a,
Is don aziotit 111kb,;''.
(10,1 MB; 811Geft5 A1 4 7014.9108U5.
%AM bop plow de choke 513 .300N70c''
iobhio. _ 60. 61.;
Sid 004. ciwkoNiontoss4llo44%.
do do UMW 255450.•,..
WO do ' do ' do 25155415;., •
Is don and for aslo
425 . No. 221 Lawny otnolOodor Wood.
di bsie Ilaithesarilagsr nous &yelp ;
.13 do .do' Golan • do.
Ili do • do • hasottoole. • ,
6 blide da _ do- _ do
chopquellly. los lido try , • .
Liberty street.
TNIAA UMW.. UW/111103.--dast
AO ltftftwaim p Az ippromagaimtmiccasat DSc which wM We sold ar. son
wpm, at thaluMa Mthbow Depot
New am se It OW stmt.
latfLllB OLDRALMSCAAR-12 tax
'jai lost thaquird; aiparted :bin WI ealtrogyurr
Ads Saw also, a grist viiiifilSollbi
lia r a mew
act - .. :„ , ' Omit I ,t r lasteriliala straels.
wood is CULARBERUIS - 47 bbl C -10 &sib*
1,7 hatorozer co,