B. RIDDLB ie CO — .: —lllll,l, .ige Alit 1.10 4 444 I,o'lll Pubticatio.Offlee, )7/4 sired, mar Rirni4lfield I.,VSTE3 V"--.1.1.'"a.P3. 4 Wi'DNESIMY MORNING, Obi. 16, 1861 The K. G. O. Coatapiraoy. The recent developments of the seeret Workless of treason in certain district* of Ohio, Illinois, and our own State of ;Penn- Sylvania, seem to have tam) come good easy people very much by; storprise. ' Not a. feriof thtise amiable, unsuspecting, (Millet and-forgive old women of both sexes; who bare been toble to see .notbiug but loyalty men of - all parties—in' every body they met or didn't tomot—t 'sr since the show anti prefeeslobe of loyalty Income the safest , . and propereet garb for a man having a due regard to his own pow and prosperity, to assume and wear, et least in places of public resort, (especially if ho wanted a • contract from ihe Oovernment,)—we say, • sot • few of these amiable oitizene-have be trayed the moat nofeigned ; surprise at the before -mentioned develiOpments. "What! Fttights of the Golden Circle on the north. Of IltmOn and Dixon's Onei, do you say? Whe could have suppesedthat moat trea seeable' organlistion, - in the Intermit of. the propagandists of Slavery, would find a foot- Ing In any of the Fret Statis ?" • ' - Well, whatever may be the most propel', answer - tosuch ezolainatory interrogational clearly you friends, of the easygoing ored: , alone Sort, are not the_people to suppose ~snob a thing. But now, pray, when the Whole trouble and uncertainty of making or dealing with suppoiltions may be said to be Bayed, or se good as saved you,—how, 'ln the name of reason, do you propose to . place yourselves in dealing with the foots ? 'You can no ignore them:—they not only are, but they are known. After the late arreeleitt Ohio, one of the Cleveland •'. "attirepapere Thee traces the hietory . of this 'Wantons plot of the Southern traitord and _ their' Northern pro•slavery allies : "As long ago as Juno last it came to-the _ knowledge of the GoFfimment that lodges of the Haight!' of the Golden Cirole—or - similar secret political organietlions—were being instituted throughout the State. Just, here we may as well mention that, duritic Mr. PierOb'S Adwinistretion, elmilar organ - Isailens were established, having for . their. object the carrying of slavery into Kiang. When that design failed these societies die - solved or became dormant. Those old or ganizations ire genetally the nuclei around whiob the present ones rally. The emissary, duly . oommissioued by the Confederate powers, who has teen traveling over Ohio this Summer, reorganizing these old lodges and establitibine new ones, is - known Bo traveled from' town to town, sad a record of hid dotage is io existence. . - On arriving in a town,' ostensibly engaged In Bale of- good., he ',Mild inquire out the - prominent Democrate, and learn, as far-Om possible, the ,chssaoter-Of et . oh. Approach.tag these ,men as a brother Democrat and special hater of Abolitioniem and Black Re publicanism, he would, step by stop; open •-'"- his acheme, and proceed as far with Mixer .ttlatloi aMprurience, in each case,diclated. His pretenze,-upon introduoing the subject, watt a deeire-to preserve the unity of the Democracy; and make the party efficient tts spies - rite Black Republicten enemy. Thus ' - would. a lodge . be organized, with Hi vari ons circles. The emissary spoken of is now s Brigadier General in the Confederate ear - vice. • - Th - e outer circle—or degree ---merely -• ' looked to the efficiency of the party, by se -,. -oret, coofideatial,organinttion; soother cir r, -cle, to which theta' in the outer circle who were deemed-worthy (I) would be invited to eater, would; perhaps, control *encases and designs , . nomineee And so the circles 'would go on, each inner one admitting Its members—as .they -were found upon trial . • '..trustworthy—into deeper eohemee, until thilonermost circle wag 'reached where treuon and blood lurked. All the while the brethren were known, may be, se rotational Damocrile," and an oath was - taken.that such should be succored Cod de fended against all assailaots, and the pen ally for the violation of which oath was that the body ehould be cut into four pieces . and a quarter hung at each gate of the . lodge.' ' . This is the purport of tke•first oath—the fume of which hare the wool emphasis oa the subject of _secreoy—that inviolable le 0011107vidoh conspirstori taus eier aimed to nun by deaounclog-tis 'roost horrible platelike. Bat if the first oath was want lag in any degree in defining the objects slated at by thees conspirators, the -second oath, which has the following remarkably definite. pillage . 111 it, pats thee. objects Very clearly before as: "Aad I farther promise and swear in the -presence of Almighty God and the members of the Golden Circle, that funTl not rut or , "kV anal Abraham . Lineas, now. President, shalt be raaootd outof Me Presidential chair, Sail/ wIU wads in blood up to my buses, as as aims •Jejason Dartiiises proper to lurch hit army to take the city of Washington - mid the White House, to do the scant ,do help ins God and keep me steadfast to do the same." • So much for Ohio. As to Illinois, of coarse the most natural place to look for Ike K. G. 0. traitor/ in that State, is in Egypt; and there, sure enongh, we fled them it work: The Da Qaoin Miring Jour. saiwoppllee nit With the following intent. gentle from the western Egypt : We have It from a reliable soloroe that the Knights of the Golden Circle have organ kid lodges In the , aoaotie g of Jefferson and Franklin. Thus ie a society of Southern' 'origin—a regular secrandon affair from be. &tang to .e6d•- Some. two monthei ago man from the South traveled through dlt fireat counties in this portion of the State, organizing lodges of the it C C , sod to. day we believe that there are at lean thirty of them in full .bleat. At Spring,Garden, Jefferson county, there lea lodge, the mem. btu of which make no secret of lts exist ence, and In that place and In the Immediate neighborhood • military company wee raised . _ • •to serve in the - army of the - So - uthera Con. foderaoy. The members of this company traveled only at night after they left their homes °tall they reached Padooth; but - their movements were-oh el Mug perinea also left Williameou county for the purpose of going Into the rebel army. -We folly believe that the initiatory_ etepe of 1 the present rebellion were taken in the lodges of the B. O. • That the members -;are anomie, of the Baton tilie is no doubt, and that there ,le a determination among them to set at .naught the laws of the land sod overthrow' the Government we fully be , 'laic These lodges are becoming more pow - arta! tangy dsy, and their advantages for mischief re almost lactaltrulable. Is it not time that some steps were taken to avert the • • , :-faither 'spread of - the doctrines of the K. 0. 0., and to suppress all lodges ketown t Ainist In the Northern States ? • 7 We have had no development" so startling se these In any part of Paistaylesitin—but , we bare-had, la certain quarters, quite an ' `allong indications of something behind---the Wanes, as the people of th o se parts of Ohl , oeo , w to which e havereferred, could have Pointed to a mouth ego. The region apnied a Bigler to the of his growth, ha no 'resumption I. 14:favor writ hoer shore thsl which cherished a Yelz• landighsw. - - • - Indian Rrbcl Altl e i - The Rebels of the lieuth wejol,.itie mud aro" rapidly eelieline the ledlie 166 es - the wild and feroeictie Oltik/UohtB on their auto io their war agaio4The go , orosnoot Boob barbarity, if peraistact io w surely bring upon tbrm a terrifio re print Tho report at—butot;ered families bp the bands of ravagre will to madden the a people of the country, that no power of the government oae prevent the fire brand and the knife from beillg put into the hands of the Waves. Of the lottiadia, there are II few thousand who may he set at the diabolical work of murdering and scalping all ogre, eezre and conditions; Ant the ets grate, Amore daring and terribly when aroused Thanany red saysges, are counted by millions, and are already tuirgled with the unhappy women and children of the mad rebels. Tee horrors of St. Douiingo will be re-ecaoted, hut ou • far broader theatre; and should theAsork mule begin, no man can ever 4 guvss while it will end. Traitors as those people are, wo would if our voice could reach them, beg 'of them 'fur their owe sake, io berroi'ef Hollins • rapper The reported defeat rustained by the na tional vessels, at pew Orleansi , as given else where in our telegraphio column, coulee right on the heels of another and very tilfferent report from the came quarter. ;Possibly, this one is just as .little to be ilrustetras was Ito moot untruoterorthy pre ietteseer. When we beard, via Nashville 1 and Louisville, that our fle e t had taken New Orleans, we felt too skepzioal to make • single demonstration of jay, and now, when we hear, via Norfolk and Baltimore, that a the Confederate High Admiral Hallos bee sunk one of our'ehips, strandettbe rest, and "peppered" them in that forlorn tittle- Hon for r, full hour, we are rot going to put on sackcloth, by any meane! In foot; Ibis stovy is all over -mooned with Hollins's • "pepper." iitiokirtem Army. From a correspondent's letter, written from Louisville to the N. Y. Tribune, we make the following extract : Everythirg invites 'a bold movement through to Nashville, from this point. In spite of all the vapor and exaggeration about Buckner's army, 1 do not-believe be has had at any time more than 10,000 men—many of these insufficiently armed. But he has managed to impress many'tim id persons who have been permitted to pus his lines in this direction, with the belief that his force is much greater- This morning I conversed with a sedate, well informed gentleman from near Bowling Green, who left home but the other day. Re is of the opinion that Buckner's pres ent force does not exceed 4,000, and by a prompt movement, hie retreat might be cut off, and the entire army captured. Whether the rumors of the capture of New Orleans are true et' false, there is no doubt the Southern Rebels ,are alarmed for the coast, and they will have few men to re-enforce the invaders of Kentucky, so long as that alarm continues. Ruckneee re-enforcements, then, must •come from Tennessee ; and the great majority of the men of Tennessee who are not now in the Rebel service, would much rather help Gen. Sherman than Gen. Buckner I speak what L- know. If we move into Tennessee promptly, and speedily, and with respect able force, we can get soldiers from every part of the State. From this gentleman (whom 1 know personally, and can therefore vouch for the honesty of his statement), I get the same account of Buckner's soldiers which I have had from several others--that moat of them are badly armed. They,awagger about with shot-guns and great: knives, and talk about cutting Yankees to. pieces as if they were beef. I think it')ltay be set down as a general rule, that before a battle the Rebels always report their num bers at fully twice as many as they really have: and after a battle at half as many. This gentleman, who had time enough to make-pbeervations, did not lhink Buck- Jier's army exceeded four thousand; and there was no reserve at Nashville., Yet our people have been made to believe him fifteen thousand strong. /from the Kanawha. Oar readers will be gratified to read the fol. town%letter from this quarter, written by a - correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette, and illumine that on the 13th'(the day it is dated) (bere'were step. being taken to clear out the rebels whit fired on the halm, and forced her to return to Gallipoli. Colonel Gettaie received information on Friday evenieg, of an attempt by the rebels to - capture the newt:team Horizon cad lama. The Eforiacin passed the fire of the rebel", and leached Cbarleston in safety. The Item, as you are aware, returced to Cellipolta. The Firm Resnick: Regiment having ad-. awed all the niter to jota Geo. Rossetti:is, Col. Guthrie sent messengers to Camp Platt lor the immediate aovance oftbe Thirty-Fourth, Lleut Col. Tnland, left thy camp with about 000 men, Dr. - the steemer Glenwood. Colonel Grahrie jeined the advance under Lirut. Cot. Toland, at Charleston, arid reached Red House about ten o'clock a. The first charge made by Col. Guthrie was upon a ante owned by the leader of the rebel forces whafired into our boats. Col. Pan left hm cam p on Stturdey mornin with. the remainder of the regiment,. leafiieg g two commies at Charinaton to aid an the pro , tection 01 the place ed the Federal Court now in menden there. He went - down the river and found, upon turning at Red House, that The admen had renewed the -leavingan order for Col. Pau to advance with . his fonds and mice command of the toren.. If the reports at the Red Howie, SalurdaY I evening, are trebe relied re upon, coacernin-the rebels" pennon soil force, they will find t hem. wivescornered, teetered and caged, ited,per. ha" by the politeciew and ability of the Col. '.opel to pass them, they may get a ride upon the steamer !setts, which they fired into. The Thitty.fourth Regiment t'Firet Z 'unreel) have been actively engaged seta they came to the rauswha Volley. Since the glorious victory they woo - near Chapmeitaville, where . the rebel commander, Col, Davis, wee mor tally wounded, the Haieu sentiment has ad. warmed largely on the CON river. TIV., coin. patties have been organized, lad ore ready to go to work dr defend tacit, own homes and give the organiied regiments an opportunity to advance lobo * the heart the enemy's country. • The Thiiiy.fourth do unt 'believe in o tecting the homer end property of rebel. w hile they are madly fighting with bliaded zeal to destroy the homer and government of Union loving men, and they are "showing their faith by their works," and have captured one hun dred - and twenty-five cattle, about ten horses, a number of wales, and a quantity Of dry goods, &c., &e. All this in low weeks with one battle, and cmarta, during the unprecedented fitted, of over one hundred miles, and now in rapid ad. Vance/ afar the enemy, shuns the activity and working_ material of 'the Mirky-Fourth Regi ment. 1 hope to be able eueitko tepnti the en tire incest* of the pleeent 3 Opedition ageism the rebels:. The hens, after her repairs - at Gallipoli. west up the dyer lannight with her men and cargo unharmed. she will bs received with unbounded j•. 7. • From an -order muted yesterday, we, kern that en Government_boats are to go up the river, — tierealler, without a competent Ireataaby and Indiana. The following dispatch hotn Indianapolis allows the situation of 'faint in Weratocky, and hoar nOldrlndiana leas come sad is still Com. ins to the omens: ; . • ; . . . , Oor aisly id Paducah do lot leaven. attack, and cams hear`olany large force this side of Coltuebun, of the EleF.usiouistit hare fled I , _ . ..„ , from Pad unit, and 1. tkisf up rhiit liouseii.' , -, ..!'"- Col. Cotiurn.r Timm-third Indiana reg.toent:t.' ...' e ta, ...::.:.----......,-------•'.7.-Ce---..- him been nas.sned the e.a.atice by "7"''t .. :0 -Wg . ,--rtMtinday afternoon inf the Tbomeri and bee- moved 'forward ihirty Miles 1 7 1 ale 'S, i,! Alt,th,,,, lilit:p., o. rittatiurah, from Caton Dick Robinson. Col. Crit.tener•t3's PL DOLT nitlo'r.nnk rt•A , .. Tt, tlnd.r will con. Sat), Indasna is on the sdvimee on the Loots. 1 ( rt • a '•••,' •'• • ie r 111,1 ‘.. lats."' l'""""irs villa and N, ii miffs liai'fiitd, and fe vot ing I. s'suled• ''7 2 ft ,, a 2 ir • .. 'OPrel"*.E °.l-11:114' forward a 105.... ' ' -. I F I - 0 F . : 0 1 Isl A:t N N All AND :k at Indiana turns "hi voluMeera facet th,o :he i. 01- VII.LR.—Tbe Roe comer Government can arm there. At leak rive leg A 401 . , -RASON. R Pirti at, Mader, vrin Is-mime - . . 11113ftllia oro ready to march as so o n as they B,f. ths rthoe- no:Intl tuierroadt,t. ports. on RATT.I .DAS ea lied. ger fr. t,.ht or Ipo4sgs. 711 on resod lir to *, o 6 . ii. ft LWWIS, Agent, •.. The wit Depament ban contacted I.lr the - immediate building of a miiiiary teli•graph _E LEGANT ITALIAN MONUMENTS aIong the Indiana border, at the instance ul - • the Governor. Brig. Gen. Wood will leave for Ke.: tnek to-morrow, where he wilt at once eater up; the discharge of his duties. The Adjutant General , s book° ildiow that lo thane bee up to thin date 02 000 volunteer., 37,0130 ol erhem will be in the field the, week Tile Naval ExpedlUala Of the extensive preparations which have ,been making tar this great ancillary in the ap proaching campaign, the New Yolk i sin . e gives os the following particulars: • The great nasal expedniun - that his been in the COUttlt of preparation at this port for some w cake begins to assume colossal promoarms. The atcanters Cahawba and Ounizaconi cos sailed on Saturday evening, carrying the Rhode Island Regiment lately encamped of Fort Ham ilton, beanies a force of experienced cut :men, with their boats... Yesterday morning the Stir of the South followed, having on hoard Col. Serrellfs Engineer ttegiment, previously an nounced ae having gone to Washington. This regiment numbers seo men, all of vellum are prfictieal engineers or mecbanica. onring the day the transports Ocean Queen, Eagle, Daniel Webster, Ariel and Oriental also sailed on the same errand. The remainder Of the Beet will probably leave to-day. The tranapou. Rhode Island,. yesterday afternoon went down es tar as tjaarantine and aachored. It is understood that the Beet will rendez vous at Annapolis, where it is stated the OEM her of troops will ba largely augmented, in cluding infantry, artillery emu cavalry. Among the troops who are to participate in the r ape dition, are Col. Wilson's Regiment, that plow ed through here last week. It to impossible no give a full list of the sea eels that, will compose the fleet, as limy of them leave other porta beaidea New York. Among those:: that nail from this port, beside. the one above-mentioned, are the Wabaah— flag chip; the gunboats Ottawa and Unadill, ; transports, Baltic, Atlantic, Cahaw be, Vander bilt, Empire 'City, Parkersburg, Roanoke, Great • Republic; Steamship. Augusta, James Adger ' Florida, Curial, Alabama, Mercury, 0. M. Pettit, besides a - large number of other craft of various dimensions. The Atlantic and Baltic, and otheni among the transport., have gang mounted. Some idea may be formed of the magnitude of the expedition, when It is elated that one of the transports—tbe Daniel Webster—marries little else but water for the troops. Of the destination of •this large force, of course we have nothing to say. Heavy Robbery in Chicago. One of the most extensive robberies ever I known in the police annals of Chicago .occurred on Saturday last at the Sherman House, thecirenmstancea of which, as near as we can ascertain them, are as follows : I Sometime during the early part of last week an elderly gentleman, named Charles IL Stewart, a collecting lawyer, residing in New York, but formerly a resident of De troit, arrived in Chicago from St. Louis and took rooms at the Sherman House. Shortly after his arrival, a large sum of money. which he had collected :a St Louis for a New York business house, was re• calved by the Adams Express Company, marked to his address. This money, which was in two packages, one containing $15,000 in current Eastern, Ohio, Indians and Canada funds, and the other $21,000 in depreciated Illinois currency, the whole amounting to 4 126:000 in-real value, was loft at the Expresg Office until Sat urday. On that day he took it to his room at the Sherman House, but while he was at din ner, some rogue entered his room and car ried off the entire pile. Aoticss TILE Rho Drivio or Col. W. n.,L4binN, the Ufa law partner and friend of lho Proaident, O not oni , o toll, ' - ono men will to rooalwad either or oompardoa, partsof commanica, or aa Indlvidnaly, AND . ilaVa 0110101 Y Of MN 1111,ANOH ATAVIOIt wHIUH - Ttlii if PHU'S; 'finer la Artillery, Infantry or Ora. airy. A patine of the Brigade It now In active service 'lbis le a chance ra , elymet With, ay the Brigade win be a (amnia cite' Prom the date of enlistreen, men will be mahaldad, pant end clothed. Apply at lb* stable or Oast. B. 11. PASTBReON, 1,16 dlf Diamond street, ca.,. arant. vgood mon_to join 1:0*a Fifth:cleat going to %Natick, tbin wtrk. At good . a boot,' of TIEN DOLLARO piano:lC.4 Coll oatil 12 o'cinck TOIBDAY, at alderman II Is BR.Dlt'd, /Mb ttreet above Solltbflold atrent , pitta. harm or 0. O. IT altaittraff'd Acubrotype Rooms, iNa..lo.root;;Allegbeny. bergeikut W. W. T98.1N. Recrnitlog 'Moor. gfOK'C PITT ILLZEY W•FirlD, 30 experienced Teamsters, Paddler. and Ranee. Makers, 2 Boglere. 414rGood men can apply to J. M . RNA p eeidedif • led /DM strut, wood flour. ny- A tritW MORE HMOKIJITS wonted to MI the rooks of Me ONION FLAB, ender Claps. 111013. IS WAIL Ton Company will be officered as won u complitely organised, and will go into ••rsice am sharp strwiels. Armory_ In 2d glory of WiAIWA 11.11, where good men will be enrolied for • few days longer. &Olaf TElOllf An Y. BOOS. 0.04 U. itotices. 071. .0. F ---A ended meeting of • LLIO OHS Y AN° Ant.P.UENT No. /0.. will be behl on WADNIADAT NVANING, Oct. 10th._ All gbe marobera ins earnestly nesiore'ed to attend. oalerttJ J A. riHOLIP, Sertbs. `ssds" Stockhdldera of the Allegheny end Perrysville Plank hoed Onmpin era or notlfltd Zloctlonvilll he htld et [ he s:ue or I. C. LIG arose. on erur t AY, the 4tti day of November nen; butert.n the boor.. of I sod a del' et r. to elect raison for 'he ensiling year. By ord. rot the Prteldatil. 0n14:30.‘ MILK) WIIdPEELL, _ Arun 07 taa Pasare MUMMA 00. Or 1.122 0811/011. 1 Ptuabargb, oolober Ilia. 1601. J IC,..PILE STOCKHOLDERS OM THIS ••••aw employ an barely ootiflrd that the annual alsotion for Illreotora kw lb* eiwolag year will be bald at the a fills Nat. 63 fourth attract, aetiatan the htiOn of ten 0'04411 A. Y. and on 0 . 0104 I'. le .00 ill , NDAY. lb. 4th day of Nalrember, 1681 4 , 16441 •1. 42-411[11 isPROUL. 8.....terY FLANK HOED ZLICOTION ; ho took ho of the gaw- ill Ve Pnk Road Goma.,lders will moot at the OITION all or W. kH. WdLdEd, In the Third Ward of toe city of gheahot, lIIIMDAT, the 4th day of Nerembor next, tietween It sad 6 o'clock r X , for the pot pee .f tree. log (Motto of Ito Company for the etutolog year, rt.: oho Pretldaot, fi re Directors, toe rteaantor, cod. act. other Othere ea may Ito oeosarory lly mix of Um Hoard, —.l AS. W 4 fBON , Ja , oral 4h.1 Pr. aldaut. lire) Itanctitsnnente. =2=lEl ICIFLIIING uoaledsllis Fr 0 R FL Wa It W. old do wol to colt sod got Mots Poster* a+.4 bills of W. S. HAVEN, No. 84 Third atreot, WtwliredthprintmlfflormWord,agW ihe&ompin. ps..wo-sr. aoz.o.it,Ei, To aktnet ATTENTION sou pEABERAY TOOTH WASH—The moot nimbler proparatlow tow to ato kw the teeth. I will maks erdi. simegY some berg:rani hialth.Y. It will cm/4CW all uffeeetv• seerellone of the smith. It takes away all sdhsgrerablr odor . arising from the nee at gawp" act Imparts ri dellshfin I aromatic fragrance to the breath. • It will cure Plerdlng of thegame It ailParrest Oscar of the teeth. . No family mould as without It. Prepared only by JOPEPII ILIYIN6I.• oal6 Corner /dirket strict and the Diamond. 0014, OIL- 660 BBL& Pao)! PUNIC WELT.., lot sib by J AN= lickrosalv ‘ 0 MY b ado aim R. 00=11 4.. r .... s., .. `.• . . . , • , • • • • Will be .old at Pol.lln Sato, 013 mirmax mow/. INLi octobor 41,1, a: it oVock. •1 1626 ARitli ST.. la tb•bity of rbila.l,lphia. Al 11, EIANT ITALIAN . MALIBU MOSSY E ill nod 40 GAUDIN VASES. They woea briptitlol2 trent Italy for partial to Um J. oth and will be sold wlthoo • resTrro. NT., ready for eaaminatl 0. 0. J. WoLIISELTG23.. iclO.A.l Ace more. surii,Dß 6011SIONNIbITS. T 6 00... k.. I,l4llfiga. • 100 do N haattock Patatoel, 140 , O P. tke alb.rt do ! 100 6...Tri0 o•xtt 4 PPI"•_ to do orbits Swart P otatoes; 16 I.a. hots /...110arlt Hickory Nate, 6 ra. rata tont...rale& Jolt tecni-ed a d for ante by .. JAS. A. risPzia, 0010Ouroar Market and Eiret odrarta, QI`NAI litOßSE.—Was taken up run at largoan the arena of the Oily of titts burl L . 000 Rlr 11 , i08n, 'bent fifteen end • ball hence high, four 'tare old, star In his fort heed, both hind feet white, a whit/ toot on he romp, neer the root of the tat.. The owner of said bor. to hereby notifkd to com e forward, prove property. pet ghat Bt.l end tate him away; otherwise Wad bores will be 'old at public outcry.* t the e:eble of 00l BODY Pt TrEa. BOY on blarcond ellry, on Y/tIDAY, the 18th day of October Instant. at 10. o'cloct ,to defray coat.' and chargee ; J. a eATTURPON, Pitt/bora k. Oct. 11, 11101--ocl4-41d Chief of Police r y RIIITARLR Fort GAHDRSIMS Pliii2o• ES A , ' AUCTION, positively without reserve, within 4 miles of tile Court House, ant a abort distence from, the city Hoe, near the Connelleville lialtroad. which Is how Swotted, giving every facility to approach the property at a small charge, with a pleasant rids in limelwod Station on the Woods Itatate, adjoining residence of lion. therms Donde, lasso M. Pennock, req.. lion. &I. wartaweider. Mr. Rargiilo, and nth. ere. male to take piece on the premise., on THURS. DAY NEX.P,October rich. Aril o'cioeit. Woars 0111 attire from the station, near the Os. 01. at I% teclor kr, to canoe; those.wishing top., chem. Free skies will be given biltobert Robb, Reg, at the law clam of Meier.. Cobb # McConnell, Diamond street, between Smithfield and Giant stmt., or at the Auction Mouse of W. U. Illorlartney Fortner particulars can to /teen on banditti•. A plan of the property can he seen either Maus law of. lee of Metiers Robb st Mt/Connell, or et the Auction Elnom ol W. C. lictMrtnt y. 'fermata mils accommodating to all. JAMS'S IicHIRANa, flaltemel. W O, MOOORTNfiv , Artmltmeer. ,COLARS, BALMORAL SEIRTS ,Ok7C,C#X.I.3N 8i1.A.W1.8. BLACK AND WBITE VIIECK SHAWLS W. & D. lIIIOUB' r4ll UNNA COUNTRY BLANKETS. WHITE COUNTRY FLANNEL,B tat W. & D. 1-1 UGUS H ATs AND DAPS._ IIdcOORD d 00.'11 121 W 0..) STRELT, PITrBIIIIIIOEI Have now on hand a 'try largo and complete dock the latent atria, or 11A1S AND OAIS Both for the city sod gothic', trade, which they can WI at vary low Imam pp-Onleni promptly EINVEILOpES. tIE SUBbERIEER seas LEAVE A. to oats tho atteat:on of Rooks°Dam Stationers, Dealer. tu Pancy Goads, and all others, to the ESTEIS/Vl3 ASSORTMENT AND *UPICK/O.R. Qtrzu..ery OP ENVELOPES &Lib OFAOIRIRED BY Hill. • The Mods embrace every style of Letter, Note, O. dal. Wino's& Portfolio, Drug, 881 otter varietlao Alm, Parchment and Cloth Wood, all made andraniv vied fo the moot perfect mincer, of the beat folding Machine. )et too - anted, ' the la log Willa Writing Papers, mantas°. toiled exoreesily for the enbooriber, and-no bettor pa. pore can be &nod In this country. Pimples, with trade list of prices, sent by moll when reqeeetod. Dve/ere are invited to call and rattnino his stock, qualities, prin.. atyloii, se.-, to RA_YNOR. 116 William 11 ..... PETRONA OIL WORKS, LONG, MILLER & 00. Work. at Fharp tborg ktatlun Allegheny VADor RAll•oad. °M.& and Warekrtiso 23 MARBEr STRIEV, Prfl3lloBol.l. Mathafattorero of ILLUIDNATINO AND L 17211.1. OATEN° ruatenN OILS AtiD DINZOLIR, ARI-No 1 BEFINICo OIL, WAALIANtED NON. EXPV.4III7I. al guys no hint ue121711 NOlll.llL—nll persona having claims agelml ih,atemoboet CILIA DIAN are Mrs , uotltlod to prvsent thou for settlement. at the baimbf TUC/SIAS BELL t CO., lint street, "here the satscrlbef may be Mond. 0012.1ud JOAN RR*. Attorney. pled by c• havine bum destroyed by are, 1m ham removed to as 483 LIBBILTY STREIT,' kw duos below oar former koallou. Wo • e nom rewiring ■ Mokm lot of BACON e n tfULDN/A, BIDES sod NAM dtreet from the Amite 800.., and moll be planed to me Our en.to , WM:B. RABB /k CO. FINE EMBROIDERIES. A tits, 'ban one tell f the navelice bar , , 001.41115, ttANDßEßOtilltill, lpi e. rar4, jellieNZlP 1308413. CAPS AND WANTS, nuU:4016168, 116 1INIPV:1 tit 1.411.11 b laOak, 0012 77 Markst puutuuhApii 4Gouatti Portraits of distlogslialitd MEN AND WOMEN. Jost terelvi.l • !mtg. And LeantMal awortment of P HUTOOKA PIT ALBUMS A CARD PEEOTOGHAPIIa: R. 8. I.lltVitt, 83 Wood street. tt Iv A RD'S EDIN BURG ALE -A, uf eh'. choke. brendohi hh 3 , toond s 4 so .11paiiOr 10/3113 for the ese igdehilltated o,l 4thitione hi MON JOUNOTO9. Drage.; (cis Corner Votinh end hini , hileld strode. _ . utioUlizadOWti .1111 U.A.KRULIATIC or 1.) 13 e.-1 apc ln dlrrot from London, Of soother inpply or throe. oziellicit'DlDs. nIBI4N JOHN4TOd.. Drudge, col{ Corsn' Amlthaild and Pour* .treat, 13 1 LLINO fl M'S n'fl3l ULAI IN OM:JEMMY, reco"nimended by ieeptcleble deal. ere at the creatret H sir flatterer of the eye A sap Ply of ice gentile' received by [spree.. t o e gale bj SIMON JOHNSTON. Omer Stol.hfield 104 Fourth stmts. OrJete (rem Ibe country attended to el. weed itubssr A.PPLSS-50 bbla. choice Atuaot Apples lust rsoolvad and for .al• by JAB. A. NATZAk, Corm, of Market and 'lna lAA FE141.168 sacks aliddlinre A.T.L ilu.t received and kr aZ by al/JAB. A. iffeTZflll, ' earner of Market and Vint Oa. - - - 111,11V1241 YuTATUI2d---10 bbls, Mari po me swim Potstpal jolt trashed sad for solo el. JAL' A. JrIITZIIR. COroec Maker, sod thuds. GE APPLES-50 bblef. jut reed Std for zalo by MINIM: tr. tILLTIO. CHDEBB--50 boxes , &. D. Obeeee-re• D MOM sad kw alb by FIRMLY 11,00LLINL - - IDSII-10-bble: Sweet Vidor-ler wde by c . 2 J. s.tesnitip 011,25 OIL No. I Carbon Oil No'd by cc= RIM A. COLLIN& '147 _ 1 341.1,C.JL)EN V . 11.134 re. ALL OP TIM LATIGT RTYLEP 3Utt opcned •st Jest received .t FALL STYLEIS EE! = ELGIVO9, &a, tz.. HINTER '0L0Y.Ett74.1".414 li rle-DE all otlifiaterlilavaa aadritaaraltgarK or ask at lb@ brat weir, at • BOUM! mute r ittl MUM, oda JIM* gad. • flt Goub 4 . • tildritit TS for 500 worth p,,25. • LOVASi;ZTS 11r ii,werch t 3,60. NSIO/kliCilpliDpSTS for $1 75 , wortlii9,Eo lerKe lot of 0011SiTE. very -tboap. SNAG Btloll. EIIRROIDEIIKV 1100111 AN 10 O.IISWI'S. WOVEN 008 R TRAIL HOOP SHIRT.. LINIM HANDHEIICII/E7B, ESIULLOIDIRED and 1111k1ST/TJil 44' SWISS AND 1 4001 S EC EDGI3i JtOONZT LOUNOINO, DIItITY sauna WOOLEN EtOODA, ?MINAS, ZtPHYR 811AWL8, 1i9.301,11iN TARNS, 741PLIYEtIflesTICD NH ttLANO WOOL, DRESS Tanipazios, VIGLVBT RIBBONS VRI,VsT RIBBONS, GILTIaIDS, GLOVES, 11081E11,1", NOTIONS AND PAKOY_9(I3Di, Ohe.i. for cash..t blianLicstoPn EH'/ au 78 ' WHITS, BIRO AND' YELLOW PLINNII.L3 81tRIT RAMC FLANNILEI. , COUNTRY AND EANTICIIN BLANEINTA MONISTS, iiNTUCHVAIy/21, OAESIVIIIVS, CLOTHO DOR MEN AND BOYA' WEAR REEL WILDE PLANNKLE, CANTON' FLANNELS A full ofsortrootit of DRZBEI GOODS, SHAWLS, M. BURCHFIELIA. oratimer G° 10 J. W. BARKER & CO.'s, Z6ALWI-FrE'.7. wrEtaiLlwr TO BUY lOUS SHAWLS, CLOAK s, DUSTERS, CASHMERES, DE LAINES, POPLINS, PLAIN, STRIPED DRESS GOODS.: OF EVERY IC IND PRINTS, st OENTS PSB. YARD SHIRTINGS, ALOTIIS, CASSIBiIREg, SATINETS, JEANS, BLANKETS, &a., &o , • r Ilfr•We ddy competition . In paiou. onitock Is the most compl•to In the city. Ws off*, A 1311111 TAR VARIETY Than any caw. Boos*. 817011.11 PlafttlittalSOVe oelaireivt NEW FALL GOODS itATON, MACHUM & CO., .Nos. 17 - and 19 Fifth street, Invite the attentlop ef .414:S 17 'V' MI Xi To tholiAuw stock or DUNE TRIM NIRO, PAIBEEDIDARIVA, BONNET RIDIPRDS. IMMO 3 ILOWIIIIB A autinsß, DEAD DRESSRB , MODE A 130 ARVI 130 dcw. BIETRN RAERHIR ogETLADDW4OL 200 ALL WOOL Al ARID° J7l 1 1 0 8 0. 10ap. 100 • PLUS ADD RIDELZD 17311RDER1122a AND DELAWARE. 51W MO )16111 ART' ErYLRE OP PALL AND WCDTeE GLOVW I . • OSBORNE e CIINISIOLIEIIOOREAND ANTRA DRN exa maims! O . m usTs m —ait c 40100.001024.- • • A., M. & OD. have nimbi a s idol . ermines:lent !if which they hope la be sole. t supply Me trade In Triunity with ludiorm,anke Cl rlatin of superior quality end finish, at hour Prim than sap 1...,ka Apr wbsiscsoinkserseoppUrd at troy loud prices. mutual. MAMIUM -OM. —Nos • 17 end lir street. 112 A JI.Jd OS AL .Staft TS, ' 111)GP RILIBSP • '4l large lot oral! ryrlatl., for a st tW ' 71011N123111111111Ne fOrOla, WANO-.40 MBAIMr V Lett, B -..,. Apply W. a t&Tclrt. w .g. UT AN EL— goad Uunsmiths. —.A•r• Ty wy B aWts Ti Ts BY, 186 Wood IL lEU AIN• l• It; Lt--Bonds and Mortgages vlr frr 52,500 sad s3,Clia haring Ulm two to tbs. soars to rasa. Apply at PIITTVI3, ill at. Clair greet. tea - - - - • -- tv A N T h v Tu itiENT—'-A AILLL Tv PP. PRII,TY (eater power proton, d,) •by . practkal lithos- Shp best of rettrenco coo be glum !tor particulars addreft jPoG Salt & tto ar t. Fox SALE OR XXORANOR 10.0 . 03 lineb.Coiketellevine.Oven Co e. aO2J • Vo oT • Co. FOR SALE- A very Gamin - dna and • comfbrtable ividdenee, in a (infra In neighbor , hood In the 3.1 Ward, Allegheny, on log and easy twytnente, and very low. Inquire of 8. 80 80Y88, JR., Attorney at Law. 188 IlOorth atrial VA.LO.A BiE OIL PROPERTY FOR HA L 9 -84nated on 'trench Creek, eMbrating Lawmen 10 and 11 gore,. There are on the property Hz well. In melons program, three of whlrh are at melelent depth to Juethy operating. Ocomeetedwlth the walla le a powerful engine, In good running coder. Thle property le adjednlng k . celebrated Weermlrk farm And 4 perhape one of the beat oil Mtn In that 'rem. We Offer a great bargain on easy terms of payment, or with err-habit) for real estate In or wi Joining the city. for partionlare apply to B. MAIN 00, p rop - NO. Fourth letreat. - - ritU LET.-41 flret-elatis Dwellinm Douse entirely new, with g rooms, and within WI model's IMPinvements, locstad on Tunnel, I non Wiley street SW Pennsylvania arenas, Terms 04.97. 611E41 L. O. 011111% LNltti la IS NULL Alilltark—AßOClT 'LVI AU I / 4 111 UJ PO WAIL In wlodOrdtr, now delving three bowie ore Me LO tab; °Moe. Will be sold tor cash. A. %Ire 0, eszirra OrPlUl. ,s7.tt Path amt. above bad 'bible. ---- VNGLISII 'EDITIONS OF VALIIA .A24 Bibs BOONS jest received .t JIENTOUi.6, cc. °lair atreett TRIER'S tIIBTORY OP THS SILENOU RNVO LOTION, 2 volt., ball calf, $3; do I vols. to Goa, half calf, $2.10. 131101V54 . 8 (Thee.) MENTAL PIIILOBONIy, vol.. 11139,915V8 WORKS. 5 vain, calf, $4,60. MOUS% 001 151ENTAIty, 9 VOW, half call, new, 825,90. IHNLIANAN'EI IXPOSITION ROOLIGILABTFOL do LO FURUZO AND PALE:MINS. VA L.°LYRICA (These lasGH IFITPT t two will be ma lei free.) Oelitus3t !VIM J NULlbtl -sQUxs—Ure An AA draw. AL, Phi!, aaphy of Manufacturen 800 u. Lire, The Cotton klahniactare of Great Britain. TOW. B the riorery and Fecesalon In America. By Thomaa $/. Boon, F. A. el. Inerct Architecture. By James Ronne. 'llas folly 'Bogie of flinotralen. • demos. By Jame Wyldr; bunt!. Poems, by Po ilyp Francon. in rations stiblects . but shied, reiotiog to Mal:a he the %Vela red./gel/tenth. feitheee Bohn't beautifal edition. leogitah Porliattiout and Ita Leonora. by John' Inch D. D. The ileodehlp of Glider. By Hugh Bine, Tbo Brichn Licrotatotion. By Loan brougham Bobo - CLOAKS and DIIiTERS, ertomphsof Inventioas and iliscoretVe. Illustrated . The Boy? Pay Boca Of ruknoe. The Bop? Play Boot of 11.-bas. Both handsomely Illustrated. Efook'sgolve end Canto. A hendwatte edition of one of flood'. :est: ' British bird., Eggs and Neste, lapoistly describe I. B 'amnion; colored Ilia.tralioac Oummoo Otdests for the Microscope, uniform with the at::lN /row Ite Distory and Manufacture. By Ilairbalra Wycliffe aad she litinedolii. by Dr. Ilaatus, atom, Fur meld by B. DAVIK gab Nu. 9.3_W00d eirweL LIOOKB FOR-ME ARMY: J,7 Itegniskons for the Army of the Bolted /Gates. Gillum'. Manual for Vohmteers pad fdalltfa. U. 8. Infantry and lUDs Tuttlo. comr lett *ate. Ihbotry . The Zouna Drill Book. Mahon) fur the llocialt fa the Tight tuktatry Drill. Arty aged for the Ont-ed Beate. &ones by tree late Got. Ittlaborth. • Bayonet Szerritca for no Army. • ALO, Paral History of Lotd ß Bacon. • Lif ra e f efe Ehilip &Piney. Flamm Deed , . Buttes. By Creamy. hr Walter Finkle, BlU.Kingsley. Adventure. to the Booth Pacific. By :b Rolloa Petatn. Tom Brorra at Oxford. 2 Ma. l'opubtr Adtutnny. Dy Mitchell. Beauties of Rattle. Mar Ghbert'a Owen. • - • • Mowry of Rowlett Worth, By Trench. - • Beulah. 'By Augusta.; Stein. Atip - .9chnot, Ulamied, /ditties! sod Thooloilcal BOORS. Biala Books sad Iltatlonory. 002 I. L. itiNeD. 78 Fourth street MERINOS, t( my -A NJ! Manuel of 61111tary Imply, or Mute ;ma the itroorgiociee of held, Damp awl Ir Waal Pi.CMC— Py S. D. Grua; N. D. 1 volltroe. Price 60 mat,. .28 HAY et 00., 66 Wood &zee& Eta TOE( & . CO., PLAID AND COMMISSION MBACTIANTS 138 Walnut Qtr.-eat, FLOUR, OR AIN, PRODUCE, TOBACCO WINES AND LIQUORS. 0 'atm tor more to be roadwork reeedpt of goods. lllLLlberat cash adenoma outdo on contbinmente. arab ipd FAST COL'D MITOVIth. Ds IiAVEN & SON' D. ELS 24 IIPACTIOLEV3 OP • STOVES ; • . Warihnuee, Federal Street; near New ila..9•ll. l o.bridlM, eLLIGHINT CITY.. • . We out the attention of Woolen to oar large Emmet mut of Clocking and Ileatiog Stares, foe Wood and Coal, which we are wiling at the lowest prkog Mats slsffing our city will fled it to Wide whantaige to glee where ii and examine onextockbeforsparchasingMate. Out Iron Home Pronto, Iron natHog e Scalek, Rollos Wan, Wagon Boxes, Plain and Fanoy Grate Front% . Fenders, etc, Outings ofall klude made to order: wetly(' D. Dx RAVEN a tiOlti. psa, Y'D wax w --a. r arcoastm W OODVILLE OIL REFINERY.— HOLDSSIP, BRYAN & CO IdAIIMPAOTUIIRRR OP MEIN OIL.AAD LOBRICRING Hrap oonstantli on-wand Oaf vary Batt quality "of BURNING OIL, clan and wit, oat odor; good LUBRIoaTOR, yam white 88/MOLLS and UAIL (ULM order. left at No. 86 'Uri:, 8781171d,Bealt Mit, almond door, will be promptly RtieLdtrd to. 04k2•41111 FIjANNELS AIR bTYLEB FALL G_O 0 D S . We are now opented ehole.idock of FALL GoODII %tondos haat, of the West hoiortationeof OLOTHiI 01 .84113101.14 and VIIBUNGIB, whkh we Bever ow.. selves will be equal to any. savatnien . t to be tatted tile or Wed.. They will be =ado op to drabs.; to a_ earedor etyie, sad at pekoe to malt Um - amis.= We woold rasptotthili solicit en early sail from can petroae and the public. SAMUEL GRAY & SON, Elationsmr Timis, No. 19 Fume Sr tol4 • DK. 0111.11LSK 11. 1:11'0WE, k - hysieitin.. and Surgeon 01Bs% 1110. - 36 Vadoral Stritei, Opieddta Oolcanid• row ? now lb* AluiNiztifon nit. hi. O. JUNKS; LP 103 -MERINO UNDBK-GABMENTS; Ladies' and aliases' dit nutrall SIRIUS WOOL SHIRTS ANDDRAWREB• UAW REP A MISSES' BOSTON autiparnoss, WRITS KNIT SOULS, BALMORAL MOO AND KALB 11014, ' And a roll Ilia of WOOL= GOODS eavateßf advt- ea for Winter wear, for wee stamtp et MIALaWA TRIMMING' !MORK • t,3Matfrotetreati TRESPASSIZia JL .oreabee at th e =bom = ber, to AIM totrwilha a BEALL BRIDLE. 00IN, with 11, r%* mood bra auk wet • plow Ca the trent part ot tier kit Wm thew ao soda. Teo owaw Is ropested to man kr want, No= property, per thwrotand take harm% or she.WEI be aid amoral= to the. 1 , 0c123+41. , on- To' LOAN. iPassersts So sam.amboill sad mew: lag Ike aeZZ a rembig bus 10 1 P. O. Pti• will be most, acidisiad. Man R RUED, te2Eclmd NO. ft wan at Orem, Pittabarxh, Agin 3300t0 Et7ELLY z.crxarrxs. PIIILIDELPIII4 DIALIIIII-111 alvVzia. JUST REOZPiED ALLLf►IRNY CITY. Privastruan NTs. pIrTSBUttaitTHEATRE. WIIDNiaDAY EVA:NM, OOTOBIR let; Compllsentity Benefit and Lea eppiarase• of _ijß. C. TV, 1:YLD01.11C. STILL wiLTSRS HUN. DBBP. Jous Nl6t 31eY... .... aW. coiamoos 11113. AULDMAY—..-----YIES ;Rata NIWEIN Te conclude wan 'the •coaritim JOBN PROLIETE.....--....1da. a W. catIVOCX. eases__ .. . HATS NIWTON. . Ilhanoar--ilatiotc Seen M USIC BOOK •-• THY ORTMARA: JEtaltli; bI 3 fYLUTR OF 21034vDtaPRSON; OHRIRTIeN IflbinT3436; • .&R' OallmlNA PAORR; •": Hatillit 13Alifalarna 3.Ta raLl., 3313 '4113.ba abort, at $3.50 per d03..b. rub.' • Yrrr NW by 3011 N H. lilLtOlk 23.3. 81 W aaeroer _-tn`. GOLD/.N cIZ A TN' Sabbath &Mot Maladies. A NNW Sputa 'BCIIOOL 818111ING BOOK. The largest, meet oomph to and iinifeli4 byres ami I'me Book ever matte ter ore atom Sabbathaelmle. prk.,-119 per battered, or 11 onevabot, opv.so per de,ss /Mr me In qoaroPiro or stegty by W `otfl ood 81114 -0% No.Bl Wood 'trot. Pllttabnirgb. pI,iNW A GASES STOCIIC or .7 liplendld Hew •ad grce. : qa. tsod win be 'old at GUAM KIWIJOND rtilolll3. libucatinnal. 88Ls6r GflA acaooL. PRE TRIED SESSION Or THIS .A. ' , clip al will conutoup or. the /1/182,110BDAT Or FISPITAIBER. TXR1118: • Primary Dejmrtment,v o r sesakm of Am mouths-0 00 88Miom au • do do .da,- 11100 beam Rilni do do 4 LWOW O • d 0 ... 7.18 00 • it • ••' The undersigoal towing visaed their child:Gm fum the pa st un of Nr. sad Mn. AlfititT dating the par wectid most chserfully,recoteasend their School to the patroouge of the pataile. The TeeChett ere competent gad telt/the, sod the lirogrimi ff • the pupils ha. hove bigots extletectory: W 1121441 8. •fermt. Willie s it. Nimlck. CI Rao 011 GYM. , J. flovti. • P Loy. o.pt. Amain dialsLoOsole. Dr. A.. 0 Gt;elterti. Demi. • Thomas Waffstr.Ohorath . A litssimuof. itsrmisi Lindsay. hr..C. &fink. h T. Northam.: Sarrer ()eler., apply to the Prlaelpat. No. 89 tamed street, I,elfrosti Market sod Wood. on et the s chool Booms, cornet of Thir.t nod Market 111.1t41.. strAziti It. N. ftvLET. INSTeru'rx, lI&NONCE VERB PENN, BE re-opatt 810NDAY, tba 8d day of WIPER* L Tatum: IV I'"rftrzsloo of Eve moults •11DC:i ' .1. 5. MNfTR, Vrlffol f ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, Broadway, New York. Board Reduced to *2 per Day. . . sz/N:E TUE OPENING of this vastand P Vconscsllont Hotel. in.lati, it has born the single endthior of the proprietors somata It the mat gulp. tnoor, cOnconfrnt and comiottable home tor the citi men magi stranger on this akie of tho Atlantic. And;betaser hts icemrd likely-to eminiater to the comfort alit. garrets they base endeavored, with. oat regard to coil, to prorde, Anita Coati:duo ell h. elements of Inathinal end axle' soda) mint which modern tribes Insentad, and : 'modern tester approval; . and the patronage which it Lae commanded daring the put .Is years la e gretifying proof that thefr et. katehave been irppreciathi • . ' To meet the exigencies of the gleoti, 'rhea all are neutral to praotlce thi nioit rigid eeonomj, the an. &reigned ht vi - Rearmed the Priori of •9 • oara• to two Dollars per Day, at the same dtee . abatlng acne of the luxuries with which their table hue hitherto been mingled. TItanDWaLL, WHITOOMB a 00. cErTii k; 4 7 - iF sc au B , FORT Warta AND unigheo RAIL hue D—Ry virtue el decree of the Circuit thane of the Rolled Slane tar the Nth than Dbnict • none In Chancety therein crthesdiog,' . ernetera Merle. Moran and Others aro tomplantsatei and the Pittsburgh. Feet . Wayne . and Chicago Rallthad Cour psoy and otit re Sr. other/dant% sod purstio . it to sox. , glary dearth of the 'throult; Poona of the United antes kw the Weetern Dl.trict ot Penorthaths, the Dlstrkt of lodine, and the northers' Monist 0(1111 , ode respectfully, ha tame* depends g in Chancery to sent therm reepethlrely, eland a the nine partietero ooniplatnenot sad denudate!, respccathaly,ea ln rid atom firth sloth actutforter, the sodarelgnert, John Ferguson and Thomas Z. Welter, as Grantees Wheat an* Trosteee in one ot the several Duda of Trust or ilortgage coon which nod decree* are banded, sad also ea bowel blearier fetunstailthere ot. sald Courts respectively, duly *roasted- by meld Courts reepett. troll for Um Ferias°, wilt tell at puede am , nion, to the Itlgheet bleier; kr cash, bet for not IN than the snore' $500,1100. at the tbalted reatea Court Rouse, I. the Olta of tfieveleod in the t tat: of Ohio, Witte fifth cay of October. A. D. ISII, temente Ws hours of ten o'clock •K. and lour o'clock r. meld d.y, the fob beteg ascribed property; to *lb itth Ragusa of the Pfiothurgh, Fort Wayne thad Chicago Refined Comnany,i Wooing the right of way there:or, the road-bed thee co; the impatatracture a 01. sorts 'foresee, eta water and other stmtha houses and st oPit, and the rands and 'grounds connected therewith, and ell tools end hartementa used or w elded to to need therein, and In coustractlng snit no. petrlng mar end mutineer tor said and , or the tract and supthenttetethee afireathth all turn tatthal thl de pots and buildings and fixtures and etzuctures of , whatever nuns or nature, audthe land, and grenade montane! therewith, coed or presided to es need In operating mid road and belongthg, niceties, and whew ever another sad all oath, engines and rollin Mock belonging to fold Company; and all =polies e l tiltr• ber, lamb r, lien, fuel, ant every other thing provided . by end tompentes, the by the several ortictelle *reps° tales ItleCti Wan .roltrOltdatel Into old Itttebtanti, Fort Wayne and Munro nallreath, to be used ba dreg mid toad, Wherever eituate, by the same title t 7 width the same are holden by raid Cottrell,. ar by meld original Companlei, thowslly together, with all emporia* trenching of sold 0 01npulY, and of the amid orlgbat tionPutles svarily . lnetnalog the right and franehne of sold avail Cumpeoles ro be sod sot as &Corpora:Son, to be meld s an entirety. Said drew preside that tee patilmer, upon tbs oonibthetion of diesels sad tail conpllsnoe with the condition* theroefoball hold all the property, frenehhew, Mad the'appurienancee thereof to so by ~ the use title by ink!' they ars bald by Olt4 burgh, Yost Rayne sae Otroago Reinatel orsend otth 'and all of sold ceigleth Compentith bee froth the lien 01.11 saldthartipthen end free troth all Habil. AY for ally de/ti against end %Utast or coelendlial 001111eutise, *relater of .tioun, see front nil :else= Ott account of capital 'took; Led nibjeth, tnerertlithern, to • the liens, If eny each mat, upon any nal atheists. ; *hided la the side.' for parcluthe Lowy thereof not Provided ty end decrees to be Fad out of twaprothethe cd herwise. the ash, ay by krone orden cyder:nes to be pea ot The; right of way, depot grounds and lot Loath In toe City and nity of Ch 2 pinching by meld Company Pace she pwarlsorey said solos, and the bridge property 'no Mier nal Oh tthe of the Cloorpany meths City of •Plttaborgli; ant Satject to zeortirsgs Hasa The lathe edit bithacteded In the este. bat sublect to id hoentbranine, pay. vision hulas beennande kw sa the mutest iberthd. • ' JOHN ratiOCNOX • R. WaL i g, Tnsgass, sad water Comakeloacra, sit ellaweeld. winwad G As FIXTURES.— . - LARGIS AIIBOATENAST, .111 St :,;,,,, Por ssle by Julia; rmuow4olk, PIANOS ausatoTra BLOM!, No 02 note street.