The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 15, 1861, Image 3

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- ittsbitrgt • ' =Ndte
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_TUESDAY MOWING, 00T: 15, 1861
Martozokoorcar. Observations for the Ga
c Me, by G. R. Shaw, Optician, AS Filth street
—corrected deity:
.". nisast. tu nuts.
9 Veloz2, 4.y.«»:....... OO 44
.12 N.. 84 73
%111 . . 14 - r. sr -60 •
The Vote for T
The resell 01 the election for County
emir is still in doubt—eome figuriog
Sim Black
`i, Democrat, ahead; while otbers place
Floyd, Republican,. at s sale distance in ad
vance. .Renune have been received from
about tffirty.five companies, and a calculation
Inds frost their, by a gentleman in the Pro
tionoteire office, gives the following result:
. .
Distliinors's maj 96
The majority for Mr. Floyd in the county is
298, so that with Blackinores army majority
deducted. Floyd• is still 202 votes ahead.
[nig calculation, it most be remembered, is
'wog offielalias the returns are sot yet received
tifjthet parties, who profess to have unofficial
.returns from those companies yet to hear from
Sire 'Muchmore a small inajarity.
Court of Quarter Sossions.
]foaday, October I{.—Terme Judges Weiner.
/ads= end Parke.
:Dommouwealtliva. Michael McKeever; in.
dictinent,-seseult and battery, on nub of Wil
liam Dallphin. The proaecutor, a etonemuon
14. trade, teslifild that while bunting work
lilt June, ha. stopped- at the t f Mc
:Keever, on the Steubenville pike; where be
played Amaral games of cards with a friend
and McK . The bat-keeper lost the
&like and inflamed to pay them, when prose
miter told himplitPuu a mean man. For this,
MaKeevei kneafed him down, cat his bead
aid broke his jaw, Irene the effects of which
be was confined to.tlie boose seven week,.
a. The other version of this difficulty was, that
, Da!taken came la with hie friend, got drunk,
r 5 Welk to pay for the liquor.tbey had ordered,
end.wete put out, after_which the prosecutor
opened the door and bantered Mel( to
fight, which banter was accepted, with the TO.
salt aa 'hove stated. _The jury found a verdict
of guilty. . •
i The next etre taken op was for assault and
• battery, to which Mr. Patterson, a conductor
. on the Hiranngham Panenger Railway, was
' charged with auaultibg Mr. thiamin, of Alle
- gleamy, by ejecting him from the car. Verdict
net , guilty—each party to pay and bait the
MAITLAIID.—Mr. Henry Miner, (successor of
Snit & Miner) Fifth street, has received this
map, which it just out. on rlarge sheet,
presenting both States drawn' on a large scale,
and having the counties colored. The price
is only 25 coots.
186.1,:—.1hii4olii P. Hunt, htssoulc.Hall, Fifth
street, Mt received the November number of
G‘dey, which has the usual attractions for its
fair readers. We seed not enumerate these,
-beginning with the "Fashions for November."
a double-page plate, colored, and ending-we
know not where amid the Ofversities of "fonns
and shaPes of Hangs unknown," which the
following pages display.
Mr. Hamer Minna, (successor of Hint &
Nicer,) Filth street,
has also .received the
. .NOvainber number of Coder Lady's Book.
rieMitallirantisia Murdered on the Lit.
• tie Kanawha.
We leare that a young-man =and John Di
tinny 7r - cesiding in Blainvills, Indiana co.,
isd who had bean engaged in the oil busineu
she Little Knitawha.river previous to the
war, left home. s, few days since for the purpose
of winding up his business in.the oil region.
While there be fell in with • party of Seem.
sionista, and upon his giving eapreniou to
Didon-senuuseuts was shot down—or rather,
.delib ly murdered. 'afore:nion of the
fact reached his home, and his father passed
through this city, on Sunday, for the purpose
of.bnegicg tip the body. • ,
. An Extensive Trimming Store.
Is noticing out most fashionable and earo•
sirs establishments we can notoverlook one of
the first kmpartaut in oar city, Menu.-Eaton,
&rectum & 131., Noe. 17 and 19,Fiftb street; and
in doing so we would remark that no better of
the kind exists in the country. The salesrooms
• ire capacious and well located, with every
coitmancece necessary for the accommodation
• ' • tif costomels and transaction of Mulatto with
- fseility,-while the clerks are lever wasting air
Courtesy zed attention. The stock is so lase
ud varied that the most fastidionmatibe far
bhbed with any article is the trimming or fan
cy fine to be found in both cities. The whole
sale rooms, up stairs, are also a combination of
a rare display. There the trader will find all
I. Dualists that' he would wish
`to purchase.
There the fancy einbroideries.the turionencr
stoup, the tare and costly silky, the millinery
articles, such as fancy bonnets. head-dresses,
etc.; which are manufactured ender their own
inspection, end in the most approved style;
and' last, thoegh - not least, a moat extensive
assortment of hoop skirts, of all sizes apd all
prices, meet the eye iiF the purchaser. The
gelitleunin comprising the firm bare a piculisr
aptitude for doing whatever they do right,
establishing tie feet that they have attained
the, enviable position as tradesmen, that - they
low hoId,'OVIIIHICeII beyond 'doubt that theirs
is the place to patronize, when yoti desire good
articles and good bargains.
Austral. or Taohrs.—Col. Samelt's Regi
ment, from Orr, Kittanning, numbering
men, attired to the city yuterday after
nee*, the the Allegheny Valley Railroad.
They iii a line looking body of men, ant folly
lialformed,- and four of the companiesare
alseadjurmed. They hare taken up quarters,
for lb* present, at Clamp -Wilding. This regi
ment eomposed, of men from . Annstrotig,
Weetinoreland, Jefferson and Butler countlis.
T*1014.11 still lour full companies remaining at
- (lamp Oir, which it is said will be attached to
another r egiment, now being raised to that
Iliccaorrs roa Jolts !Mower, Ja. , s Mop
UNT-Oa Thenedy last, three Philadelphi
ans, who bad served with the three months
soh:Mere nadir Gm Putman,. started for
Clavelsod, Ottio,with the intention of joining
L; tire regiment now being organized in that city
•by John Brown, Jr. On. of them was attached
to his Kappa band, end was well 'legislated
with him. Before starting be bad received
the asearaace that be, should receive some
non-commisidosed office in the regiment, and
was eiccessfal Ia inducing two of Ms conned',
to joie him. The too are probably encamped
by Ibis time.
Tell ticket. for the sale raced estate,. on'
Thursday next. Ostober 77ib, at 2 eolook ; on
the promises, Hastewood, our Realewood Sta.
. afoo t 'beneficent* Railroad; are now ready at
toe' Attrition Roan, corner Wood street and
• Virgin alley. Train 'atone at half-past one
o'sloolr, Irma the new station, corner Ross street
and the Monongahela-steer, on day of isle.
Tee tract comprises about tersely areas. It
wl4 be pit up in whole Or in part, to suit per:
eassarL It is divided Into Plots of from one to
three acres;:Title indispatabls, sods gamuts*
deed given tris or all eneumbrszem
'.lfiasoeraguig Recounts reaeb-os In regard to
'Mahal:ow In cot. Bltekra.regimeat. The-bods
`ofifitau nailed Young, belonging to one of
the ; Birmingham companies, who died Jut
week, wee brought here Sunder - tor Maw,
meet, and it to mud .that two ooere died about
the came time.' The prevailing , diseami is ty
. omM:fever. . .• • ,
Weak , s Regiment,
is sow ti the esti, and as will be seen bj ad
= isetemmitet, be m dtedroar of ealialiag a few
MIL" Tairregiemat Is corialdered one or tbe
Wit io abe service, is commanded by able and
4, experienced Mims, and will moss to ; Han
ths weak •
- -
KED weir, shoesbegiora rolling
udi 'llii" : i v r the' largest ill thil tith aid wh,lek
t.. 2 41 fib/idle lorittosttui past, wen! , law
•-' ''..
'_ . --opstaPheitypris l a
,lailKilinnikbei ,
..14:,6 •
• Gar!.
Reh. Gentle': We iirepliatied to learn that
this gallant officer, when" . we are proud to
claim as a Pittatiergiter, his received ti lie•
poletment an Captain in the 9th Infantry, 17.'
B. Regular Staliell; Although foi many yam's,
a resident of another State, Pittaburghere hive
claims epei him as one born in their midst,
aud, therefore,' brief sketch of his late gallant
conduct cannot, I fill muted, but be inter
esting to your readers—friends of himself and
family--and instructive to many of par young
For three or four years past, Capt. IL has
commanded the Governoi'a Grey., of IN
buque,Jows, Of late hiliblace of residence.
and bung • natural talent for military tactics,
has made them a peouliarstody, defend much
time to his company, and compared-as it was
of the firm business men of Daboqae, caused
it to be jelly considered the crack corps of
lowa. The first in the State, it tendered its
services, through him; to the Governor of
lowa, u early as January, aid held itself in
readier's to obey the first call of its • State.
Called to this city by the illness ot his brother,
our respected Clerk of the Orphans Court, Wm.
A. Herron,. Rutto aid him in the duties of
the office to which he bad been elected tan fall,
Capt. Herron, immediately after the fire eel
of the President for volunteent,ieceived *tel
egram from the Governor of lowa that hie
.company was ' accepted, and directing him to
report ?himself immediately. With buoyant
spirits be obeyed the command; returned to
Dubuque; recruited his company-to the war
standard; and having placed, it- in camp at
Kerner, wasted the Governor, an one of his
aids in filling op the quota of lowa, until the
First lowa, the regiment to which his company
was attached, was ready to start; made with it
its forced march of 650 miles to join Gen. Lyon,
and served with it until its return home. Hi.
was the regiment which remained with Lyon
three weeks alter the expiration of in three
months term, and participated so gloriously in
the battle of Wilson's Cretk or Springfield,
Where it foe over two hundred is killed sod
wounded,‘and wag the regiment which was led
by Lyon when he fell.
--- Company I, the one commended by Captain
Herron, in that fight alone lost twenty-one in
killed and wounded. He himself was struck
in.the side by a spent cann'eter shot and wan
carried' to -the rear by his men;
,but soon rely.
ing, In spite of the remonstrance' of the sur
geon, rushed to the front and gallantly led his
men until the end of the action. The follow
iog exfacurtrom a long and highly interest
ing and graphic account of the battle, from a
private In-his company, published izian limit
ers paper, if not too tong for publication, will
show the conduit of Capt. H. on that eventful
day to have been each as Pittaborgheri may
well feel-proud of:
"Soon after, Gen.- Lyon visited ue, rode
along the line,
battier betore each company,
and gave the following tourmalines: 'Always
keep your bayonet, fixed in haute. ' don't be
surprised - by a charge of cavalry; fi re lute and
keep' cool When he halted in wont of oar
company, be noticed oar rifled muskets (the
rest of thewiment being armed with the old
musket!) aed maid 'Boy., you have got the
beat musket there is in the merrier; I shall ex
pect a good account from you.' He than arid :
'Cape. Herron, you have gut a good looking
set of men. 1 think they will fight.' Oar
Captain replied that we only wanted the
chance, and we would convince' him of the
"Now a plume accent, bat it is of abort.dn.
ration. We fall back a little to secure a bet
ter position with Gen. Lyon, immediately in
the rear of what be calls hie brave'lowa boys.'
Ilia hat was off; we could swathe blood cours
ing down his weather-beaten lace, while the
surgeon was busy in' bandaging a wound in his
fig. The enemy had now 'evinced on the
right and was engaging the Kansas and Oster
haus' battalion, woes a fresh detachment was
discovered through the 'brut advancing upon
our flank. Gen. -Lyon thee said : brave
lons, give them a taste of • your bayonets
this time,' when some one cried out 'give us a
leader, and we will follow to the death.' The
enemy was now quite near, and had delivered
their first fire, when out brave General said :
'Boys, I will lead you.' These were the feet
word, of command he ever spoke, for on that
instant a rifle bullet pierced his breast, imme
diately over the heart, and be fell
into the
arms of his faithful servant and immediately
expired. ,
"The charge wes nobly made, but theene
my woad antenna the bayonet "
-"I cannot, however, rerun from mentioning
the names-of Capt. Herron and Lieuis. clack
and Washburn, the commissioned offices pf
our company, who, during - that bloody fight of
sir boars, were ever in the lead, calm and
' daring, end who, by their coolness and bravery
lin that despenne.struggle, cheered :us on to'
victory. Our , officers had, by their kindners
end suremittiniattentieins to their men, en
deared themselves to every member of the
company, nd there was not one upon that
field but would-have cheerfully bud down his
life to save that of his officer."
"Capt. Herron,. while standing only a few
feet from me, wee struck - is the aide by a spent
cannon ball, and rendered -
insensible for some
little time, but recovered sufficiently to ac
company us on our march to Springfield/2
"Immediately - dpon oar arrival home! our
Captain was taken dangerously but has
now eo tai recovered as to be considered out
of diner. He kept op until the last moment,
bat now his duty bad been nobly performed,
and be was forced to succumb. Had we pos.
reseed a few each men as he for captains, at
the battle of Manams, that diegracefal panic
woad never have occurred. In Major Ste-.
gee driest report of the battle to Gen. Pre--
moat, Capt. Herron's name waif mentioned in
terms of the highest peen, and he merited tt.":
"The regiment bad aillotiotis reeeption
tumuli. The streets through which it misread
were strewn with florae and evergreens. Capt.
H. was barely able to lead his men home—
having had a sun-stroke on the march - to Rolls.
the beat having been ineelbrable--and ins been
confined to his- bed almost ever since ' • for
awhile thee being hot little hopes of his re.
covey. Fortunately for his country, be is
elowlyregaining hie health, and will non, we
h'Ope, be able again 'to fake the field, either in
the position in the regular service, to which he
has been apPointed, or an Lieutenant Colonel of
an lowa reglinentiwhieh post has, we are glad
'to Muni been endued him."
You will pardon the length of this, bat the ,
example set by Capt., H. may show to others of
oar young ;meths duty they owe their country'
in the present crisis, and serve as an incentive
to them to try to distinguish themselves to Ike -
.A brother of -Capt. H., Richard 13.: Herron,
was Colonel of the 3d lowa regiment in the three
menthe eerviee, and another brother, David
Barton, was a private In the City Gaud', in the
12th Pennsylvania Regiment, tinder CoL Camp
bell., The father of etch- eons may well feel
oroadi • G.
DI _ n 6 /ticklent.
On Monday of last week John Rougher, r
siding near Centerville, Crawford county, met
With a moat distrening accident which reunited
in hie being'tilled almost instantly. It 6-
pears that be was engaged, on a keel boat, and
at the time of the accidmit the boat was pen
leg down 011 Creek. Wben at or neat
McClintoeY.4,-es this.btist was passing older
a loot log from . the shore to a deriink, Mr.
Rougher was standing with his aide 'toward
the log, but not mas to see it, which welkin
high enough to strike his neck. As the log
struck him on the side of the neck his oar
struck on the Opposite side, thus bringing_it
between the two, and 'so instantly cutting his
throat. Ile died in about four minutes. lie
!wee a family. .
Ms. COO/DOME'S Bientir.—To•monow ev
ening, this favorite actor bai it benefit, which
positively cloaca his engegement, an be leivia
the city on Thursday morning for the West.
De has already prolonged ids stay here beyond
his original engagement .at the earnest Nolici
teflon of many warm Mende and admirers,
and on to•morrow. evening he will no doubt
be getetad by each a huge crowd ol 'spent'.
tors as is seldom seen within the walls of the
"Old Drury... .To.itight be panorama! Able .
Magwitcb is Dacus' new play. The per.
forming, will conclude with an amusing farce
entitled the "New ftioiman.V.
A 'Lour RILL a. Raftl6ll - Snonn.—On
Friday • . yanuar lady In the Douse of John Mr.
mel;. Brg, of Bast Bothisbom; "Weibington
county, Pa,, suctountitted an enoruento reptile
new her reoldscos. Vito book Biri, instead at
running, so -zany would Joni din., pre bat
'as, and soon vonplobed the footnotes symbol
of Ma eda:At* truson. Upon szomblatlon ft
war faTl4 to , be a rattle snake,. forty-three
lobo long, ondiutvintidevsn oaths.
s O. Ntouvrs Biusatie —Tbe beautiful
flat sent by-Mr: Collins, of London, so Gen.
Negiers Brigade Will be, tonically presented,
on Tuesday afternoon, at . bit o'clock, at the
camp ground. ' - •
Osi, ?Utley bu received hi. arms and am.
11110111011, awl also tba eqeiftnents lot hie" bat
ato or twain, atilt the hone.
ua belitrattlutiod.
stun swiloval
Iparial94iisvmdaoca o!„pt c p.ttabstrgh gitatt..]
Sr. Loans, 031. ii, 1860.
waa.glad to reed the &vetch in this morn
ing's papers, from home, that the entire Repot.-
'Roan ticket wee elected The "little Middy"
'must be delighted with the result of his labors
in trying
,to break up the Republican party.
There ware some men engaged-in that "Union"
movement who will be sorry for it, and some
who were on tho ticket lam 'lorry for. They
are good:fellows, and as soon is I return home
:they can call on me lot an oMoe apiece. I have
so many, you knowrthat can supply all of
them and still have -enough left.
The rumors to this morning's papers contra
dict then of yesterday, and I have lesson to
inspect that the reliable "contraband" I wrote
about yesterday was ophrions. The Republican
kills Ben McCulloch, again, to-day, having
taken thatjob out of the Democrat'. hands, and
r hope the peetilent fellow will stay killed. Be
Is of no 'account, alive or dead, but then it
would be a gaiisfaction to know that he was
really one or the other.
Pillow, also, it seems, has got back into Ken
tucky, after having threatened every prominent
point in this State at one and the same time, and
being superseded besides. He is now threaten.
ing Paducah, Just as he bat been threateolog
the outpoeta in • Minoari, and it is to be hoped
that Paducabls not !oared.
Fremont is steadily marching southwards.
Row trirny men he has and where he going,
and what he purposes to do, nobody.knows, end,
of Caere,i nobody tells. And even if any one
did know, you dz not suppose that he would
tell? Certainly not. We all know our duty to
the country better than that. ,Still, we must
have all the credit we deserve for keeping back
what we don't know. The only hint lam able
to give fa ono which is thrown oat by &Jefferson
City eorterpondent done of themorning papers,
that Fremont said, before leaving, be had foto°
enough to march cleat; through to Now Orleans.
"Belly for him !"
One thing, however, I do know, and it will
do no harm' to tell it; and that is that he has
been sadly neglected by thegoverument. When
be got every thing reedy for .tile start Into the
enemy's country it was fouled that he had nor ri
dollar in hie etitifory - chest nor was there any
to be bed short of.Washieglon. Think 'of it.
here is a General entrusted with the control of
a large Department, with, say, 50,000 men to•
der his command, expected to retrieve the
losses at Springfield and.-Luington, drive the
Rebels out of Missouri, and carry the arms of
thellovernment victoriously into the enemy's
country, yet loft to da It without a cent In his
eaohequei I Be must make bricks without Straw!
Hail taxed with the achievement of what are/
almost tmpoeeibilitiee, and if he fails he is to be t
thrust to the wall and crushed. Fair play Is a'
Fortunately, he did not depart pencileer,.but
no sheet. to the loresight ol the Government
for that. Aid was supplied from other sources;
but the tact remains that the greet Pathfinder
is expected not only to find his own pulse, but
his own money.
And what is true of the neglect experienced
by Fremont in person, is true, also, of his De•
partment. The Government is incurring lie.
bilitiee here at the rata of hundreds of thous
ands—some soy a million—a•dsy. Yet, for
more than a week past the Government Treas
ury here has been empty. Crowds floor daily
to the Qoartermaster's, Commissary's and Pay-
Mallet'. offices with orderi for payment, but
everywhere they are met by the announce
ment, in glaring placards en the
. walle_of the
entrances, "No money to-day 1 2 " And so it
goes on, day after day, the outcry from disap
pointed sufferers growing hourly deeper.
The result ol this delay and neglect is, that
persons who base trusted the. Government,
expecting pay In coin or Treasury notes as
soon as their bills were approved, are com
pelled, by necessities, to sell their claims to
the banks, who pay out Missouri money for
them. Thus, Government creditors, who_
ebould be paid in soli, are paid in rotten him
coon paper trash, worth at best about 00 cents
on the dollar, and the poor workingmen, who
are employed in Government service, are con
tent to take it because they cannot wait.
' The bloke, however, make a good thing of
it. When money does come along from Wash
ington, they push in their claims as being the
first entitled to pay, sad so manage to get
about all the Government sends and tnen the
old round commences again, and no on with
out end. Trieltauke.and brokers git coin or
Treauly notes for that which cost them only
~ sum paper,-and as coin and Treasury notes
are 'at 10 per.ceill, premien' for thatiuu.d of
trash, they make .a suy hatidslkielf2ipefirtinti
out of it. The primula& gaarteranurter here
has been at it Out a few days; hitt he is said
to be a man of great firmness and decision ;
and Phripe, when the money really doestome,
he wilt Three these shaversio stand trick until
all the tither claimants are paid.
The worst thing the Administration has
done, since its eminent topower, is its disavowal
of Fremont , / proclamation, or rather Its modi
fication of it. That proclamation was right in
Mien, and would have done more to pot an
end to the Rebellion than any other measure,
had it been made general and adopted as the
policy of the Government. The modification
of it haa.crippled Fremont , s steps, and given
the utmost gratification to the enemy. They
dreaded more than any thing else the policy
indicated by Fremont, and are now released
from their dread. The slaves and the property
of the Rebels are now almost secure from con
fiscation, the process painted out by the act of
Congress being too slow to he feared; and the
Rebels, conscious of into, tarn upper an, con
ficate every dotlar's worth of property held
by Northern men in tint South, mid instead of
running cfl tbatimern slaves to the South, real
the Maven of Union men, send them to Arkan
san and Miisiasippi, and pocket the proceed..
.The result, - therefore, of modifying Fremont..
.proclamation bai been to save the property of
•the Rebels from confiscation and to ensure the
confiscation at that belonging to Union men.
The people, however, have not counted to
that modification. With them the Froclama•
tion stands intact ; and when Congress meets
it will be endorsed end made the-act of the
Government. We shall never be able to Nab•
due this Rebellion anti! Sito6 ;cation; by the
quickest possible process, becomes the settled
policy of the Admiaistration. R.
Sr. Louie, Oct. 11, 1961
Editors Gazette: Gen. Fremont, with true
wisdom, ban Li/hidden the publication of any
of his movement, ; so that we aro in total ig
norance as to his whereabouts and what he is
going to do. Oar chief con■olatioo. under the
clrcumstaccce, consists in hoping tbnt the Re
bele are as ignorant op the 'object as we are.
'The saute ignorance prevails se to the
movements of the Rebels. A correspondent
from Lexington. writing to the Repubhcan,
Says there it no doubt be bee gone to Adm.
eas—that be left on Monday, the 30th ult.,
with 25000 men and a baggage train of 1,200
wagons, his advance, under Goo. Rein., having
lett on the Saturday previous, Gov. Jackson
leaving with him to avoid capture. Price bait
.001 5,000 men across the Missouri on Friday
to tear up the Hannibal and St. Joseph Rail
road and lay Northern Missouri waste ; but a
messenger having arrived from St. Louis on
Saturday with news that Printout was after
biro with 30,000 else, Price recalled Ma el
;tradition, started his advance southward under
Asicir; - and followed with the rest on Monday,
entertaining the most wholesome tear of Fre
moSt aid intending to keep carefally out of
his way.
This story looks credible and in well put to
gether. It is MOIL probably toes. Yet the
Chicago Tribmme states, on the authority of an
ogieer.just arrived from Lane's command, that
Prienhad stopped at Roes Hill, on the borders
of Kansas, 20 miles from lazington, instead of
pushing on to Arkansas, and was throwing up
intzenehments. • This latter story teems im
probable, and I am inclined to fall beck upon
the theory of lb* ReptiMicinee correspondent,
and conolode that Price le making the tallest
kind of truth for Arkansas, where be may
_hope for reinforcements from MoCulloob, (If
alive) or bit ghost (If dad.)
This letter individual, by the way, hu come
to life again. Both the morning papers mom
in his resurrection, bat one give, him only 1500
troops while this other canoodle him 25,000.
or. Is in Adman', wilting for something or
The truth of the matter is that Missouri, from
one end to the other, has been overrun with the
troop!. of one or the Other of the contending
patties, and her people, distressed and battled,
are a prey to terror, stiving.beed to the wildest
reports, and passing them trout month to mouth
until, by the time they reach the lines of com
munication with the Press, those reports have
grown cot of airproportlon, and may have bad
little or no buts et first. - It le bud, therefor*,
to sift the troth from felsehdod, end almost lin
pessible to form an intelligent conception of
ghat is going en.. The,struggla le oonlinedj for
the present, to the region south of Jefferson
City, and lying between ek«alesourl river and
the KIIIDOU and Arkansas border, and that - re'
glen Is ankh:mod with Other railroad or moil
This,, of , conswii.issoreases- the dill
cony of obtaining eurrectinformation.
If the reader will SAC* =0 of Mfusiolifis
and, begi r Ruing at Cape Hinirdenni'mt'AitfhL"
a anappi, dra [:line tbeacie northweetvriftityg
to Rolla and Georgetown, Ara thence south.-7,
*inwardly to - Fort Scott, ert the Katmai
der r he will hate the line of Federal octal-pa
t on. All of the State north anCeast of 'the
line Rom Cape Gtrardeau to Genrgetown, and
all north and wen er the line from Georgetown
to Fort Scott, is now free or the Rebele, ez
rapt the guerrilla bands organized for plunder;
all on the other aide of the line, except the
Mitre of the Missimippi below Cape Girardeau,
as In the hand. of the Reba's. It is below this
line that Price has retreated, sad Fremont is
;supposed to have followedtem, passing south-.
wen From Jeflerton City. Sigel sa at George
town, Meg instry at the Infest datea was at
Sedates, and Hunter at Tipt . on. Pope arca
pim North Illiasouti, and Lane and Siurgia are
at Kansas day, qearreling with each other,
and v. ei.i.‘g tor orders hunt Fremont My
conjecture is that the furcec at Fitness City
wet he ordered to mitre southward aloe: the
Racists harder, and that, alter genitives:it
Geortetrient, Sedalia, Rolla, Ironton and Cape
Girardeau ' the whole line will move scnthward
and clear Mtssouri of the Rebels '
These, however, are mere lipeculations.
fiVerythirg is at eel, and any one elan can
.peculate on it as well as I. R.
Special Meeting of ♦llegheny Councils—
The Aleraet Itonse Project.
A special meeting of Allegheny Councils
was held last evening, to hear a report of the
Special Committee on New Market Houses
aid City Hall. The Councils met in [joint
session, when Mr. Riddle, Chairman of the
Speci4Committse, submitted a report, recom.
mending the following important modifications
and aching Councils to- sanction tbt same:
First —Your committee recommend that the
City Hall shall consist of bat two stories rad
basement, leaving out the, high sod expensive
story. allotted for a public ball—which in pro
perly a subject for privite enterprise, end
rarely proves a source of much revenue to a
city corporatiOn. This would atllk furnish am
ple accommodations for all the city offices,
and would reduce the cost of the buddies.
some $6,000, without any nacrifice of good
Second —That the plan for City Market
1101180 be so modified u to form o quadrangular
building, 200 feet square, enclosing , an area in
the centre of the square 90 by 96 feet. This
will tumid, 75 eligible butcher stalls (about the
number now rented in Pittsburgh,) 140 valua
ble garden stands, and four doff,* bonne or
fruit stands, All under roof, well lighted and
ventilated, with additio sal the enclosed
.arlactor.llo. additional strode, when required.
By Ohms modification the bill would gain some
what inothe'construetive dealgaoldbehuilding,
while saving aboutls - pertrant.-in anat. —
The above recommeoditions were accom
panied with a reaoluiloneor the adoption of
the same, and the report was signed by the
entire Committee, to wit: S. Riddle, James
Marshall, J. Hopkins, a Shiley, John Heath,
♦. D. Smith, and Loma Mout. .
The resolution was disunion...l at considerable
regal, and finally adapted with hot one or
wo negttive Totes.
A diecussion here sprung up in regard to
the location of the market house, when 'Mr.
Riddle moved to take the serum ollCommils by
• vote upon the location se made iu the plane
previourny adopted..
Mr. Walker objected, as he regarded this
action, in joint ssesion,'inlo.mal and not hied-
The yeas and nays were called, aid noodled
as follows
free—lllessin. Rimll, Lewis, Lockhart,
Riddle and Manned, of Salmi; Ball, Brown,
Heath, Hutchineon, Love, Miller, Maul, Mc-
Donald, Smut', Stile., White; and President
Smith, of Common Ci
Nays—Mesere. Aehworib, Patterson, Hop.
bins and Walter, ol Select; Alexander, Herat
and Wbi,ton, of Continua-7. '1
The evocation of location baring that boon
definitely settled, both branohe, ndjourned to
their respective chamber,.
In Cowman Cbuncii, the resolution modifying
tbe,plan WAR adopted.
In. Select, the question came up on concur
rent:a, when Mr. Walker movod to amend by
striking nut . "market house."
,Mr. Riddle called for the you and nays,
which method as follows :
Yeas—Memo. Ashworth, Bissell, Walker and
Patterson-4. .
Nays—Maya. Lockhart, flopkltta, levels
Biddle and Provident biarahall—b.
Bo the amendment to mike out was loot.
The original 210liOICIO concur woa then put,
astd-carticti.hy..a.-rota uf. h yeas to 4 nays—tha
Marmon giving the Casting vote.
The whom matter having been thus favorably
disposed of, beta bodies adjourned.
Junction of ILc,Force■ of lloseccans and
The correspondent of the Wheeling Pre.,
writing from Charleston, Va., under' date of
October 9.h, states Chit the Union forces under
Gen. Roseerans and Cox have united at the
point known as the Hawk's Neat, 1.1211 that in
telligence had been received that a large body
of rebel cavatry had eurrounded a Virginia
company of infantry at Hurricane Ridge, Put
nam county, ahem twenty miles from Charles
ton. Col. Guthrie, in command at Charleston,
had been appealed to fur aid, but his forcer were
es nomad that be could render them no as
sistance. The writer adds :
•Col. Guthrie boa never at any time had over
ail or eight hundred men at Charleston, and
Cot never over thirty-fire hundred men in his
command. But, by continual movements of
small detachments, preserving a guard over
the town, and over various places near their
camps, a■ well as by scouting expeditione,
they hare kept current the rumor that they
bad always tram twelve to fifteen thousand
men. Had Rosecrans been properly reinforced,
be would, ete this - , - Bave so 'messed upon the
enemy by po sssss ion of thii Virginia and Ten-
pewee Railroad, and threatvoieg of Rtebniond
by that route, that the rebel army at Wathing
ton would have been comneiled to retire.
However, we are confideat , that this matter
is now determined upon, and that in a short
tilhe Rosemarie will be very largely reinforced."
A. Soldier Murdered—• The Perintrato
4. correspondent ol the Wheeling Press,
writing Rum Charleston, Kanawha - county, Va.,
details the particulars of the Chanting el John
Terrill, or the Firer Kentucky Regiment, by
a German untried Meinrsd Wehrle, while the
former was endeavoring to procure some liquor
at the bar of the latter. The soldier died in a
few minutea v and the mindere! was imitated
and lodged in jilt. He was saved from lynch
ing with great difficulty, and - on the following
day wab tried by court-martial, toodemeed
and executed. lie met bit late sternly refus
ing spiritual consolation, though conhasigg
add deploting his act. He was a native al
Germany, but had been in the country fourteen
Daoween.—ii young man named Henry
Welts, formerly of Syracuse, N. Y., wan acci
dentally drowned at Tidieula oo Monday of
last week, while crooning the river in a skill.
From some cause the hoot waa'capsized, and
before be could rearh a Tab ivy Which be mart.
ed be finks
Dacron C. Basis, Water Coral and . Limnos
p_athic Physician; also agent for Rainboses oele.
bratad Vasa for Baptism. Corner of Penn
and Wayne Streets.
C. bill, Nu, 246 Perin et,
attend' to all branches of the Dental profession.
BLOOD FOOD.—AtIODMOII' ie called to
UM most remareetele and aciontitio Reparation; ad.
'received In another Memo. It Is an entirely new
Manama', and moot loot be umetaindod with any of
the nemerano patent medicines of the day. It Is a
acetone remedy for all the Maoism *plaided, and ea
penally Qom of 0 ctironie nature—ca long standing
—of Neck*, months, and years. Betrayers, try Itt
Mean, Menai it DOM?, of blew York, u• ttes
sole agents for It, and also proprietors of the world.'
mimosa:l Dr. lIITOWn Ili/anew 13olletit, an lath
ole which iota" Maier should Lava In hat medicine
Closet In cam of _need; and containing, as It dom., no
pa leer °plata of any kleid,lt can be rolled alien
with Maatm= contidenne,and will be fouled an In. valeabliapocite In all mules of leatantlie nomplaleto.—
Ohio State Jenmsal, Oataaks.
WII-Beo advertise l4o ment. Per aale by ODOILOiI
kerent, Wood M.. Plusbnrah. P..
- delbalawleo/
CeirFriond trt good; Tett
p i .
Mid from the ratalot el Dr. IDOPDen Myatt. of Cop
111141114, tlll gnat bona gotta. and ham bean trod In
ids orsotka for Inalatt 4404 yearn wan tie moot
astoolablad 41111111. At ao hunt 11111147 tt IA
'nitwit • rtral, and alleviate waltratota atandlly
thou may otbor tweparattaa. • For all Manual:kr and
t r lav borders It la truly Infallible, and ma.
tor t) Sono, W.:mod& dyralu, , 8ra1ma..&4.,, -
mootbloo. healing and PoIrd= 181 : 11 11theniolt ttol/4 .
tlell *Nana tn. out: wonder and 1111044444 Of all
4110 Eon soar divan a trial , Over foot bandied nor
Mato* of nnaarbable nova 44011014 IT It 4140 p
1 1 / 1 114 two roam West tbla Dot. Das admtfto.
dant. aniddreawlwolt
PILLDREI a CO. taints„ Oozier Wood and
Deem! anode, Pittaburgb.
rifNlTsireerlato AUbfl At ISTER
ROLtalac law by
_ 2 , • ~ • ,
oaf BAY VO. 011,1foOdt.
i 4
bblo.-1.10. 1 , 00 Oil nett
N.r,by • .ctS • plow OOLLINIL
TteLii.l'EST 'NEWS.
r Y ?us L r: fi• P
From Woil3Mgt on.
. .
‘VataILFGTOS, U T —There •e no toms
co below 'his morning.
Rickard A. Lacer, a minor, belonging to
this coy, Win brought before Judge !derrick,
to-day, on application to he. discharged' from
Col. Tait'. let District of Col umbra regiment.
The decision of the Court was that there was
ung circuctsiaatial evidence that the pe.
Wiener enlisted with the consent of his
parents, and the applieetion- was acenntingly
An escaped prianner, who has arrived from
Richmond, brings a copy of the Richmnild
Enquirer of the 10th inet. From it we flail
that there is a brisk quarrel going on between
-the two Vagieiti rebel Generals, Wise and
Floyd, arising nut at the conduct of the cam
paign in Western Viraini?.. The YegUrrer
takes the side of Wee, and say. that its cor
respondent has never bee tainted with sue
pinion of crime like Fiord. Gen. Wise, who
hey been sick ever since his return from the
war, was not eipactect to live on the 11th.
The engineer who ran the train off the track
on the day or the battle at Bull Run bait been
The War Department has 'ordered General
Sherman, Commending the Department at
Cumberland, to reinstate all the officers of the
24th Illinois regiment who were illegally die.
charged by Gent Fremont, through the instru
mentality of Col. Hecker. It is further die
fected that the charges the directly interested
partite may have to make, the one against the
other, shill be submitted to Gen. Sherman for
such action an the general interests at the
country may require.
The committee at aggrieved officers will
leave Washington to-morrow to report them
selves for duty; . .
The Conamiesioners to the Woilea Fair was
organized to-day by electing Secretary Sew
ard Chairman, and Superintendent of the Cen
tres, Kennedy, Secretary of•the thirteen Com
missioners. The Hon. Edward Everett only
weaabsent, and he sent a letter of earner. A
commute was eppointed to wait on the Pres
ident wit a requeet that he eend a national
venal to .oglapil to carry such goods an the
American contributora may desire to exhibit.
Gen. aValter,Jonee, an aged and distinguish
est retired lawyer, died to-day.
Wasninavosi Oct. 14.—1 t has been reliably
ascertained that thevetiel force which, made its
appearance zrest of Louisville on Saturday, con
sisted of only one company of Infantry and
another cif 'cavalry.
The promptitude of oar troops in obeying
Important orders during the lent two days, has
elicited encomiums from the moat prominent
military officers, and strengthened confidences in
their efficiency for any eonfliot in which they
may be called to participate.
Gen. Van Vika, of the Quartermasters' De
partmentila hesidnously engaged in the bull.
neas of providing overcoats and blankets for
our troupe. As time aitiolee - dre from time to
time received, they ate rapidly distributed by
Capt. Thomas, of the clothing department. The
contraotors in the Norther's — reties do notfurniah
the, supplies as expeditiously as the wants of
the soldier/ require, it being the purpose of the
government to allow none to cross the river un
less they are comfortably clad.
The rebate on Saturday aihranced to Pohick
Church, 12 miles ham Ailerandria, and barri
caded the road with wagons, but our pickets
paid no hostile attention to them.
.11epoete have been current toe several day,
that Snake had crossed the Potomac, and even
hard fighting is rumored, but it is certain that
no such inhumation bed officially reached
Washington to-night. Yesterday the rebel,
made a reconnoissance at Edward'. Ferry,
several prominent officer., judging by their
aniferme, being engaged in that business..
Srn.ecliag, Ma., Get. /4.—A special dispatch
to the ISt. Leeds Republican nape Gen. Cameron,
accompanied by Anjatant General Memo,
spent Saturday night "at Jeffeison City, and ar.
rived in Tipton about nine o'clock yesterday
morning. After lireakfesting In camp, they
rode over to this place, six miles, on horseback,
accompanied by Gen. Feculent and 'staff. Upon
its arrival here, the party called upon Gan, Mc-
Kinetry, and, after spending half an hoar with
him, proceeded in company with hied, his etaff
and several other gentlemen, to review Gen.jdo-
Kinstry's division, which is encamped here.
At the-oioae of the review, Gen. Cameron made
a few wall-timed remarks to the troop, express
ing the highest: graliffiation at the condition In
which he found them, and the utmost •conS.
deuce that in the hands of etch men the honor
aid success el our country's •arms were safe.
L ud cheers were given for Generals Fremont,
Cameron and Melanstry, alter which Gen.
Cameron and hie'• party, accompanied by Gen.
Fremont and staff, went by rail to Tipton,
where they reviewed Gen. Asboth's division,
which was also in ereellent condition, and then
they went on by special train to St. L eds.
It is understood that Gen. Cameron came
here at the request of the President to 'eng
ine the condition of affairs in this department,
and that he professes himself highly gratified
with the condition of Fremont , . army.
CoL Metritt'a cavalry have gone down the
Osage on a scouting expect . non. Gene. DiNE:m
iry and Steely are to remain here, and not go
east es reported.
Gen. Fremont M on the eve of moving, but
is uestly embarransed by want of transporta
Within A few days, parties of rebels have
been foraging 60 miles south of Sedalia.
1 have very late intelligence — from Prices
army. My informant, a citizen of this county,
deserted, sod is here to claim the atinesty
tared to rebels who lay down their arms. He
left Price on Wednesday, a short ,distance
south of Johnstown, in Bates county,:•movieg
southward. He represents that great dissatis
faction estate in Prices army; desertion, occur
every day, end if nietwancet could be convey
ed to them that they would not be herably
dealt with, he tbinkb that the greater part of
State Guard would lay down their arms
and return to their homer. They.are Wed of
war, and are only prevented from deserting in
large bodies by the assurances of their officers
that it they are caught they will - be hang as
traitors, end by the'storiea of terrible Union
outrages which are industriously circulated
among them. The moat triaggerratc4 accounts
of atrocities committed by our array, the der
et:intim of property, burning of Cowan, and
ravishment of women are circulated and lie.
lieved among them. Eight or ten other citt•
sons of his county who belonged to his cam•
ploy, deserted along with hint and are ready
to give themselves up.
CAIRO, Oct. 14.—The steamer Grampus,
with a dig of truce from
the enemy's camp,
Columbus asking for . an .richange of prison.
era, arrived here to•day. Gen. fdrant replied
that ol his own accord he could Make ho l es
change as he did not recognize the Southern
Confederacy, but would camomile:tie with a
higher authority for their view on the subject.
A detachment of Capt . ; Noleroatire cavalry
company, twenty-firs in nombar, had a skir
mish with. the 'rebel cavalry, ono hundred
strong; at Beckwith Farm, Missouri. 'I he Fed
erate were remilsed, with rdoss of one killed
and five Wounded. The rebel captain wtr
A detachment of the Twenty-Ninth Illinois
regiment yeaterday.seized a large quantity of
corn, and a number of nom., mules and cat
tle. They also took two prisoners at Thom?-
eon's farm.
Lourevms., Oct. 13.—Yesterday afternoon,
about fourteen miles eolith Rouvrean's ad
vance, and eight miles from therebel encamp
ment on Green river, a detachment of forty
men, of the Thirty-Ninth Indiana regiment,
attacked three b6ndred rebels, ball cavalry,
without any 10,19 to a100.1111 . E11. and
five of the• enemy, wounding three, and dtiv
log.oll Whole force beyond Bacon river.
.Loollortune, Oot.l4.—Secretary Oaretrion and
Adjutant General Thomas arrived .from the
West late last eight. - Baeretary Otimaron re
viewed the tithWiloolllllo regiment, under 001.
Murphy, which bad just rimier:l6y atiramboar,
before Barnum's Hotel; thin morning.
NEW YoulE t Oct. / 3,v , "The steelier Rich
mond wan it FarEJeffehion on the ,30th oh.
All were Well. - She hid been ore a coral reef,
bat got off undamaged.
Governor Andrew. 'of Mauachuletta, and
Colonel Frank....R. Rowe, the Munich
!gent in Nes' York, will leave .to-night tor
Fozektas Monitor, Oat. 13.—Twelve mem=
here of the 11th Nil York Fire Zneaves were
taken' prisonen by the.rehels .yesterday when
W short dinettes above. Newport Nero t L 1604
'Ziller,swho Was in command of the - party in
-quest of fuel, is under arrest for - cowardly be,.
- .
Loptsvnit, Oct. 14-+The iron bridge over
Green River, at. Altintordsville . , was blown up
by the rebels y rsterday pouting,
have, no Soittbent tiews papers.
ST. Lona, 90134.-:-geereury Cutiseen and
Adjutsat .aeserat Thomu left this afternoon
for"Washial4l" Lb, a ; spersial.-t!ilisishi
- j Markets DT
Paiteistram, Oct It —Noon-410w market dull,
but prima steady, at $5 871405 BO few .aperinei $5 02
015-7.1 Lir extra. and 68 25 for extra fasillL Bye
I. l loor eold as 3 75 and Corn Meal .163:5. wheat!.
.In active demand, for ahipment, and mined 16,000
Mai. at $12401 25 Cm Peen.ylvania and western red..
and $1 30 kir northern: white ranges lima at $1.15@
2 40. aye waisted at 65. Corn in deemed. and ague
advanced; arleso4o 000 tomb yellow at 01 Pate Woo
Mato. nod 10.600 bath mid, at 35 for Wawa aral•
366635 fur Pemmylvanta. to kneerleu thew. ls very
little doing. Provision. held. firmly: sm.ll sales of
Mss Pork at $15615 50; 1i5m.7144,9%, We. 7. and
thooldaes 65100 Lard firm at 9%. Cover Feed de.
,4: tiiis4 96@1 75. Whisky lower; tare of Ohio at
Now Poet, Ocl —Noon.—llour gold and prima
favor tinges; al. 10,000 bbls. Whey quit: slim of
80,000 bosh; Chicago wk.; $1 1554; bliWirsokee club
$1 Valhi 35, and red western $1 43.-
Ng, goal, Oct. 14—Evening.--Cotton quiet. lair.
at 51%igt1,7.4 Floor quiet; sales of 21040 bbk,at
$5 256)6 35 'for State, $6 7565 85 for Ohl,, mud 65 96
(4.0 10 for Ilootherm Wheat active., sales 290.0001budi
at 91 11/461 17 Lsr Chkago "wing. sl. lB®t 50 for MP
wank. club, slsB®l 3J for red western, $1117911 40
for white and $1 58(9145 for white liontackp.
advance:llc; sal. of 230,005 blab at 16316654. Penh Ii
firm. Ltd firm. WhiekyAull; io. of 1000 bbla at
Btaeti eadvis and - decidedly higher; Cbleago & Rock
Maud 60/4 'Cumberland Coal 6%; Illidola liantral R.
R C 7.910 do. Booda 69%; Bllchload Soothers 40%; N.
Y. Omani 294 ; .fteddiot .16M,; Ml..onrl 6., 4.1%;
Tabour, thr, WA: d0.12a, /90%; Ohio Os fift Yenizedons
6a, 42V.; Cloaerumant Coupon., 95; registered, 91.
Arrivals at the
Vlncipal Hotels.
Third sod Wood 'lnst.".
IJ T Kohn t "do, HIMII
BL UT 011111.3.
I /,Plankat,
E Crelora, Franklin
11 lk Range I. Phil•
J SI Alton, 0
W Padeird, Warren, 0
W R Fulton, Wret co
J 1 Beater, Elizatietti
0 Bonbaa•a, Wa.b Pa
J Cram A lady, Jchnet'n
W Wier, Indian■
R Blakely, Kittanning
Otil Barclay, Cy Wilktrit
D Frick, Van Buren, 0
J B Olaver, Baltimore
T M Grail , glen, 17 8 A
W Witten, do
0 0 Billing; Carnal.)
D V Etark. By
J Orman, N Y
O Tricker and ramry
J A Wkalleck,Freeliart
A• W Groins; Lancaeter
Dr Albrtgb,Op Wilkina
ft Dickman, PLIla
GIRARD 11011818.—Cornrr
Slimy Smith,
143, i7, New Plata
:U W BUCK Washington
W W Bruchneld, du'
i Auerbach, Phfla
H 0 Veltman, Hy
I: P Loge, ElLzsbeth .
J Zeigler, Butler
W 0 Loemen, do
0 Berliner, Boon, Ps
J W BAIT, Uniontown
W Adams, Warm, 0
o. Hai Liberty street.
• IlioPl/11.0S.
ISlr &Min White
idles J Boyd, Butler
T Cunningham, linen
d 0 Clark, Wash, Pa
W P McanfloCh, Wrceport
1.1 Kans, Aruistrong •
11 Oimnrcb, Phan
d A idc 7 Joy, Eltronglown
IT Weddle, Pittsburg •
1 N Ciraltoo, Deltaic .
A clarion, du • .
Smithfield and Third street.
& Robinson, Kittanning
J 0 Uolden, do
Hd Slater, Myelin,'
silts A X Helsey,.Chleago
Cleo Ettrgart,. • do
P. L. 110011111
G M Faber, Banda My city
Jao L Jon., Brady'e Bend
T El Baird. Jr
0 Id 'Blake, II B A
Wm Bylw, W Newton
Mrs P Baker, MoKeeport
00= NUB,
Ono Simmer. Petemborg
W I Glileaule
Ju Blackburn, W Newton
al Stewart, Ind co
Peter Johnson, do
A Christy, All. cb
W U Hutchison, West co
Jos Hatehleon, do i
Wm Buff, West co
A .1 McNeill, do
J R Orovi, do
Tine Marlow; Altoona
J N McLead, Kittanning
HA ItS'd HOTEL—Liber
W H RnwelL Wash as
Geo Illoy.L.Brldgewllle
W P tltlier, Witkinaburg
11 Wallace, Brownarila
D N Willa, N Manchester
W Kerr, Noblestown
.1 Wllwq Lonearille. Ky
J D Harris, N Beighton
A Do, eon, Hickory
A. P. 0011DOR.
ty etreet,below &ninth.
Joo Pitcollotock
a a McCurdy, Fayette
OW Mayers. Mt Flensint
D White. Jeit co
Tho &Wart
,Oeo Scott, Baltimore
Geo Reed, Fairmount, Va
W G itotartecn, N Alex.
Thcmpeon, Wilkinab'rg
Jno Crowe. Jeff to
0 Beard; Etentenrille
TB Beynolde, do
y etreat, foot of Fifth.
4 O McPberron,Nnototh'g
Dr Miller, Ohio
Joo Hays,Canonstong
fl McClung, Plom tp
Mart, Canonsborg
Jno holder, Uniontown
M Oaln. Osnonahorg
Joe McGill, do
No. 6, St. Clair street.
W P Henderson, Beaver '
W Toong.
W 0 Powell, N Brighton
0 Land, Pannonsteng
D P Delrd, Ntark e ru
.1 Baer,
D M Dontho,
r. sErEn
J lkarbark•
W Blackstone
I 0 friable, Oli City .
W B Dunlap lady, Caen
9 George.
W A &on, fimlttCle.d, 0
10 11 Gear,
No. 137, Water street.
'N Coon, Brownsville G Remley, Greece co
R Coleman, McKeesport W Coe. do
11 Mcßride, du I Wolff, Meng City
R Mcßride, II B 0 J Fortoer.-13 B C
Broadway, New York.
Board Reddeed to ta per Day
gIN OE TILE OPENING of this vast and
Comodlcuwlllotel, In 1811, It his been thseingle
endeavor of the proprietor" to make it the malt Bump.
Worm, convenient and pmfottable hemp for the da
wn and stripier ou this aide of tha
And whatever has named likely to administer to
the comfort of It. guests they bay, endeavored, pith•
out regard to cost, to provide, and to combine all the
elements of tudisidual and axial sployment which
modern as hag Invented, en 3 motion:l taste approved;
and tho patronage which it has comonnied during
the put mix years is a gratifying proof that their rf•
forts have been sppreclitoi.
To meet the intim:ldea cf the time., when ell Cr.
required to prwetioe the molt flight OCODOLO7, the an
&reigned have
Reduced the Price of Boatel to Two
Dollars por Day,
at the nue time 'bating nose of the luxuries with
which their table has hitherto bees supplied.
to call the attont:en or Booksellers, Stationcre,
heelers he rano, Goals, end all others, to the
The kind, embrime every style of Letter, Note, O.
clot, Weddlog. Portfolio, Dreg, and other vertatles
Alio, Parchment and Cloth Lined, Mimed, and gem
med In the moat perfect muter, oe the beet folding
Ibichlnes yet invented.
AIL , the Irving 11111 s Writing Piped, minable.
tura, expressly for the subterther, end no hotter pa.
pas can bo bound to Nate country.
Pimples, with trade list of price■, went by mall
when reqneeted. •
Dealers IT. Invited lo all and ermine hie ;lock
pricost 'Weis, La. La.
ocl fl ill -1N I 111 am , R. Y.
. 000011"101BINLT P&INTINO on=
Dcalgned for Small Motors, Stationers, Ur alita
diarrhea., Grocers, Hankers, 'Evostaus, the - army
and Navy. /la The Pronee we offer for vale are of
a If,. Pattern; see the simplest and strongest end
beat made of any cheep Presses aver faisited, and ow
copy km spsce; be operated by ran) one, whether
printer a not and are sold at prime blthee to nnbeenll
of, that Is to: say at about OtilieriNTH the price of
Job Prem. now In hie. Tha Vadat, (upon which
the Pevan steed,) srecomphied of. mell Owe, pea
ty and amply put tegelbar, end In, oompertheis and
oonvenknoe Mies never .been equalled. Cell and en.
amine, or lend for ambers, giving alma paces, as.
J. O. WARY 11-00.,
No. 1 Barnes yin*. W. T.
bisu w 4,2 r 4.)•,..wiert J2l W C*UUDIIi
Ociner of Penn oast Bt. Clair etea.
',Oswaldly Invitee poblte attention to his tow
stock of SPRING GOODS. octreniehm all Um cawed
styles of rashkosbls Matetisi adapted to GkWfLL
MINT MIAS, solkltitm an estlyMill t arid- trotting
IttOls &Willy to eshibit to them favarimg him with
the seem a stook of new goats equal total In this
city, without Smart to the aid of sessemei idealise
malts. mh27thr
pATANT 81101Gb
No mon trouble claming NM Ind.
No more trouble over red bot states en reuMgda
No more grumbling &boot sogod ebbtsur Ws"
No more troublesome Bog tram. _ ,
But the good old PLAT IRON fitte d with '
no. log worm swaniemP,,.
Opposite dm PmbOglco, - ' -
..I•lll.llderret • • • •
L. O. LI. illt*ttAbl.
P11.0011:1CIL A 11I'D - ki it Ec wavte,
2045 111111[117
fl` INSF.DI6:ISOO lbs. in store, for . sale
'- imam maw km •
lATBIRB-11.10 lbe.wfte Nathan
.11:. memos br 0:11 MO a °mum
-Soma/ Amato.
Etol , : ..Los.r t How ,aI3STOIIED t .
Ind yubliebed in • Faded Enveloped; Frio. 6 etc
A !ankle on the amm o treatment, end aWicai
CFO Of Bperonlon hoe• it Pro int.' Weakteralarol
untery [Wallow, P ammal Debility, and impedimenta
to maniage generally, Nerronarass.holumption,
Itelayandfiteg Venial and Pbyaleal InceDectty, r• •
selling from
,idelt Abase. &c.—by ROBT. J. CDL
lirgallyßDL, Aulhcr of the arms L'oa!:. 6o: -
"A' Boon to TbottaikAAA of lhaffi*ert."
Bout nn•cr sell, In • plalti'eMiredope, tJ ary'addresi-'
paml raid, co rerelpt of el. - ants, or two. rendlga.
damp* by Dr. OW J. C. 1C1.1141.
oriklmaT .17 a.m. Ne r York, P. O. 80.z4586
.. , • - nnstott:
%V 0 kc,
rAfitt, Arcp docw.,
CllATl.kns•'ewf 'BMA :niEPHIL,
P2Stt LOITOMS, !hill Cotton's, kipslist:
Iloldsr, Mso,'lmpeiters find' Dealers in Mk.T.0.4.
TIN PLATS We 1110N,W1111, ae. 00tSez.941
on bind, Tinunt's Sisolttnsur end ;
War ahouta, No. 110..r4r;t oral 110 Artumi 'iatrett,,
rattals,rgb. Missua;
itrOpocild ordwre of Poppor oot to ow" dostrodiikk„ ,
Flair 1.3yel Hair Dye! Hair
The Original and be•l ~ 114 .Worlcil
All othors are more imitations, and,
&mild be avoided, If you wish to escape ridloode.
awe*, RilD, On RUSTY HAIR. Dyed lootimill
to • Manila! Imo *total Brown cir .lll•tit:withobb
04 lout I%IEIII to Pookolror,,kto•
RFTE/IN, 11LIDAL.d. AND I)IYLOSLSti bare , p.m ,
awardd to Wm, A. liatcheior ;ince lUD, and Oct..
10,000 spying non. bare born made to tbo Ilatr`efhtb ('
patrons of big humus Dya.
WAL A. MATOLUILOWS DAIS Dl2 pro-dime' a ank.
not to be dbitingniabod from 'Attire. and le Walaitirlo!
In not tc Want In Mr bast, boweter long It buy
oontiunediand Ma ill effect. of gad Dyne nunedimli,
the Malt furlgoratcd to, I.4fe by this eplentlid bye;
Made, gold or appliod(ln D prima room) et eitel
Wig Fr tory, 2a2 browiway, New York.
dold In all elUm and towns of the Wilted inatiwity
gfetaind Yew Ocaida Dealers. • •
Milfrnie genuine bag the name and address upon...,
etas plate engraving on fodisidia of etch box, or -
Jelblyclawrier 10 Sabi urref,Nebliark-
tontrisca.. ...... u..muss:
warm, • a .......
Pitt•burigh, — P•nnir.- . •
0115 as, N 0.161 Market ititgelt.
Marafactoro all kludo of )3trom oasind MW.
Micamry;olsllHlll: RsltrbitO 'Work, titrorfillottort,
and Shoot Iron Wort. '
Jobblat nod aspoirlngdono on shadow-Ice...
1:7111 1 1171*Y /.11-,41:g.111.1•P414F 1,14'11
J ore via Dllievortia.--Ds IN; C. Elliforfoll.
fthsoussoro go Port/w e -8.49 d ,
Corner of Water Street and Oherrystkg:
Z 0132.7 ot>6.En-u5.144 'aE istittie•td;-.
1111111/41411111 ,`• tsrf;:f,t.
/ron Ruilug, Iron finals, nnd Yonll Doilsir
Window ablates,. Window (M , uds lll.2 •
„3 I
/foi. 91,tler.ond .tree! ca6.6e riani
Illititan Wood angfilarket,) PrITIDURGII.IA;
Haiti on bawl a varloty of now r4terni, Gine; lioA
plat. suitable fa all pnrocani. Particular attention
paid to ozoloalas Grave Lola. . Jobbing dont. at *tit
notice. • • • chile
Ke s.
EATOlittß'B WIGS AND: 4 1011-.
PEPS =pass all. They are. elegant, tight, owe/4
.d'rai iirk e;
Intg to • charm—no turning up bahhii - -;iio
alniatela ci tho hoed ; Indeed this • is the only-stab.
Iletnneut , senef. these tierce are yropetly pees:Motel
and nude •
telelvdneeT le.nned sheet. lirer.TOrh,
zioLaviiils *as 6024*.
Woreiga and Domestic Bifit of Kieha
**.Oollactlaus made on all theprincipal slakil
Lbw. act the United Etlt... 1122•411.
6: H. & C. P. fid&ELIELM,
And Doslonia
VIT R. A. PI 6T 43. P A.P.R.
Rim remand from No. 21 Wood moist to N0...2.3
. .
dmitbdeld ddreet. Plttaburgh; F. ' •
SarClaab ar Trade for Bags. .
Pittsburgh Steel Works. ,
OLIO 101111d...—.....1081 L i07D..........1/.R•OOLtOM/
JONES, Barri &••
TEIL, deo, Spring. Plow aol A. B. steel
P Itatokii slut 2 , ,,XL181EL, Corner Bags
sod First**, oat - PITTSSUBOUtPIi.
No. 54 St. Clair Street,
(DrAri.te.Nawenfidint.) rITITBU6(IO,.PI
Dr. Geo. dl. Keyser.
Wholesale Druggist,
No. 140 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pc
f -4
Marsh's Radical Cure Truss
-Ritter's Patent Trues.
Fitch's Supporter Truss.
• Self• Adjusting Truss.
Dr. Banning's Lace or Body brace, for the
of Prolog= Wart, PUN, Abdfnolool OW Bpi.
nal Weaknossa.
Dr. 5.,8. Pitch's Silver-Plated SupOirier.
Pile Props, for the support and cure of
Mastic Stockings, for weak and varfposa
Blaetie Knee Cape, for weak knee join*
Anne Supporters, for weak ankiejoitite.
Suspensory Bandages.
Self-ljeeting Syringes; also; every kind
Of Syringes.
Ds. limas has also a Tress erhicli - ,seill
radically cure hernia or-Rupture.
Office at his Drug Store, No. 140 itdod.
'et., sign of the Golden Mortar.
MEETS= pte.cribee . in ca.reol MEMO Drs.
11A018 and has Instruments far DEATABEB and
almost every Mesta matting mechanical moppet
Kdalitlll3,tor undloal purpeats; of a. very aim%
kind. will be sent true of ezprtent chine; lehenee
ea corm ran; upon ■ . intolttanetteranDollai •-
Address • 910.
No. INi• IYOC4 llZPOt•Plitiblinbe PS.
ju BOWS!. MEDIAL. Ivory' bottiirirstrontod
or mousy refunded. Hold at M. NNIBMII •
HNI-daw „ No.;NNlVrooklititttL,
- .
namieleepes ads. Ma at .D R.
149 Wood stmt. le sumrsisedy. •
RATSAND MION:--8111*.deatirttatjaik
totted' Vermin by' whiz TatilLtia • .101.:
TilaatlllaTOß, en entail,' um 'renr.lnidenc. sad .
traitantea to remove these pots fro atall7 halts:
Bold 1* , Ds.iicrissirs.-
-J l 3o4llir IlkWoodijettst.
ETRA, BAZO, 119.-1, hal e a few EX
miaow" which I will else oat ateat i
060. if.
10 Wood worm,
- • • • •
AtiPAMIW . CUHED ,- .AO Xll4lllible
core tae HoNortho will b found lo vitamin
NA ACIIII PILLS. Try them. At Da. XliTBTall
No. - 140 Wcalotrost: 111 , e 26 ants: • ,
firkiac p rima ..x.„.fre.h.ltutterioatrecalrial and formals by,
. . ~ ",-- 1 11Atilli VAN aoszwit4.
- to, -• ,