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TUESDAY IIiORNING, OCII. 164:1861' The Comatrztued taßtulstess Prospects.- . In one respect this country—we mean the Northers Stades—presents the moat extra, ordinary spectacle ever seen. It is at once maga in vaat civil war,ind yet is lathe .•. enloysent Of unwanted 'peace. Even'the usual strife of party politics le hushed; and not *lnstils font hie trodden the soil of a single freoState. l The expenditure of the government is little if any short of a million and a half a day; yet_its credit stands firm, end no pe. cunlary aid lulet been sought beyond its Own boundaries. Since linnery last more thart seventy millions of dollars have been added to the coin of the country, and the infinx from the Pacific and .from Europe contioneinnabated. Busiuss was greatly disturbed, and moon of it paralyzed, in the early parrot this tremendous struggle; but confidence is being restored, and the indui. try of the country is likely soon to be fully employed. Winter is appriaohing; but from every appearanoe there will be bat little sat ' feting and less InvolantarY idleness. -.- Oar stook of morphia breadstuff's is very large; but large SS it fa, It is all likely to . find aready cash market in Europe, which :will keep, the, balance of trade largely and long in our favor. Experience has shown that this country can very well ; do without the boasted commercial advantages of the cotton crop. . Ths-whclasome protection afforded by the htortil tariff is putting one languishing: manufactories into profit•ble operatlon, and the whole country is becoming in love with the comfortable independence which snobs ' policy affords. Oar large 'city merchants 'no longer barter sway their honeet outdo. Sou, and crash the tone interests of their • country, in their eagerness to get Southern cnitom. "They now see that their interest and: that Of the great body of the Free 'Vain Are identical; and that, if they woulddo • thriving Vague', they must do it mainly in 4he eidange of commodities . or domestic production. In fact, the coun try. has already discovered that it is - more. profitable, in a Mere business point of view, to fight with the South, although it requires 800,000 men to do it, than to submit tails' policy andlte.baneful commercial rule. Tke 'enormous national debt which this tie will lives* upon . us will compel • ja :dhdous and stable oommercial policy in the , iegulation of Imposts, losteed of the shlp and fioctuating policy which has so • long cursed the country and crushed .so many tontines and - welillanned enter ' Tprisett. hianufecturers may now prosecute theirbueittess with a good degree" of oer fainty of a reasonable return for their labor and °spite!, end pair men will have some . r_ _ eatiouragement to . , make 'themselves prom. °list in their chosen handicraft. Whateier Any be the result of this was, whether we - . fantails -the seceded States in hermo- 1 lions political action with us or not, one Wag la sue, we shall-never again be a slavery ridden nation, or have a policy ha posed upon us more befitting semi-barbs, Nue than a highly civilized, skilful and energetic people. -We Well no longer haoe the abenrd dootrine crammed down our throats, that our true interest Ie to be a nation of producers of coarse raw materials, iastemd of diversifying our industry so as tamale the most' of oar unexampled id , outages, end call into full play the ad mirable skill of our people, and thus render this the *pietit and moat powerful and ladependent cation on the globe. ~~.x~~~ . 731- tr.. -TMy The Late Battle at Hatteras-.lllaller De- The New York Herald'. correipondent at Hatteras Inlet writes the , following detailed account of the late battle at ChiCamaciimico ogn order - to a clear understanding of the events of the put week,in which the Twentieth ladle,' Regiment haa played so important • part, it wilt oe necessary for me to give a re fills of entire. As you have before been in formed, the Indiana regiment was ordered by Col. Hawkins 'to proceed to Chicamacomico, and there establish a - damp. They went , by from the Islet in the propeller Fanny and gun. boats Ceres sad Gen. Putnam to Ms position —a point distant about forty miles trom'the Leleo.—were safely disenibaiked, and the camp established. Nothing Retinal or startling oc curred until the. 29th, when the Fanny, which had been sent up with a valuable cargo of provisions, dce., we. taken by three armed rebel steamers in full view of the camp. -On the day subsequent to the capture of the Fanny . , ( Wednesday ,) the crew of the G I Putnam, in charge of Lieut. Bankhsad, of the Susquehanna, whose launch also accompanied the steamers, were sent to Chicamacomico, with eight day. , ration. fin the troop.. On Thursday thestores were landed.and the naval formes cruised to the northward, in the dotted, in quest of the rebel steamers. The search Was unsoccusful, but the Cuts was chased by some rebelateamere on her rehire, hut es . OA Thriredey evenicg and night eigtals were observed at different points of the ,Soand by the Indiums, undoubtedly, con. 'eying .intelfigence of the departure of our 'gunboats from _CisiCICOACOMICO. These !eye •terions movements, when considered in ton, nectiou with the Met that the enemy , must have ,fieteme acquainted with their true condition ;a Members and etreastb, placed our troupe oo the gin cite diiiing the night, but it paned without en liarm. - At-daybreak, however, fife rebel 'termini appeared in eight, heading erre:city or-the camp. -_The 'long was beaten and the man were quickly undecarme. t, Soon after, a sixth steamer hove in eight and • '.,- - alio bore down towards the camp. Captain Jord'ine, of the Muth New York, who had bees sent up with provisions two daya pre eimie,:duicovered from a good stand point on a windmill, by chi aid of a ilea, that the steam ere were loaded with troop., and that a large - , 'schooner, one cotton barge, and two large flat - ' - boats, which the steamers had in tow, were also awply fades: with soldier.. At hall-put ;.;thi large cotton barge, contenting five or etz handfed men, with a steamer also crowded with Mops, approached within a mile ctr more of the camp and opened Ste from their guns, forward, with shell upon the: comp.- Upon tide Col. Brune divided his forces, ending a portion of theta down !beheads several sales, to &point Where the balance of the enemy* Sotilla wa, already under way, where the in ; kabitiate mated Col. Brown the enemy could lead. Pievious to opening firs by the enemy, • Col. Brown had taken the precaution'-to-with -, I draw his (ones from his vamp, and draw them • autthe wood, to oppose the landing. TO enemy amused binned( for a while , in Owning the camp, preparatory to a landing. PitI.WPWAS wee received during this tire. from a oeinpaay mat below to impede thilanding of the enemy at that place, chit the enemy had there appoint] in force, sad were preparing to disembark and out off Colonel Brown's re . treat Thenaptra he ordered his command to , tall bulk making It necessary foi him to leave his oemp equipage,' many aceentaiments, qttatee, in, to the enemy. He was unable ts .return to camp and bring away one or nesisick' , =gamin aonaequenoe of the hatalinnee of the l'r ;dallger, ef being eat off. Ma (oral retreated ?.-dews` the open as rapidly as puddle, and were 'emeossoftil In waning the point where the nem, • ',- essayed to land before they anneeled In their objed 'Throwing out a rear gaud to plak up etraggiers'and proton his retreat, the regiment '• mond forward ender a trot& ran, that seat Its helm down lite roles of heat, o:reale/Mit' and ',lteentene the drooping (Radler, 'as. he wearily ploughed through sand, ankle deep, glaring with a blinding twillianey upon 'him. Halts - were made as frequently as palate to rest the groom baths olio of them the men world drop :dad *Snake numbed, worn • oat, And ~r:~:~:::, . r-„ S~-.'~.:~s sue,°^',:~'~:.~-,~:~_•~.,< . , fate toi.o r a j farther, They were halm. the rear guard to pick' up. Sgina... Viwerer. laid down babied rand hide, or in the wood., and were undoubtedly taken by the enemy, who were Is pursuit. During the tig,y, and up to . midnight, the regiment had march's.' thirty six miles, under the moat dietnieriog an 4 dtic Atm giog circumstances, and lost only fifteen man, who had straggled off, overcome by iha haat and fatigue, sham the rebels undrubtedly oaptured. When we oonaider the intense heat of the day, the deep sand through which they marched, and the Ise's: to a great silent, of water, which they goi, in a limited qu entity, by mewl!". ing holes In the send, and the additional lact I that tbis was the first march of the regiment; it most be admitted that orgy behaved thee). naive , in the molt admirable manner, end evinced the high”t powers of ennui nom But to return to the affair, ,of the morales. Upon diacorering the streng th of the enemy and his intentions, Capt. J Mice, of Martina' 7...fuzee', started - on horeentek for II mere" Inlet, to obtain reinlorcements, and alter riding down two homes, arrived at Fart Clark at about tour o'clock, and Col. Hawkins, with three corn panies,,and Lieut.. Col. Bette, with foUr from Camp Woods, immediately set not fair the lighthouse, which they reached about mid night. Information semi sent by Cul..Hawkine to Cept. Lardner, of the Suequehrorm,ly lag off the inlet, of the &nation of affair., and be despatched Liet. Brame, with the Monticello, to cover the retreat of the Willa boys. The. Monticello immediately got under way, end ran up to Loggerhead Inlet, about eighteen miles above Cape Hatteras, and' soon came across theyebele, who were marching down the beach, with bands playing martial inturic, and rebels flags flanntmg bravely in the bra ze. There were hardly less than 2,000 of them, coesiatieg of Virginians, North and South Car and Get:olivine', and they were pronging' forward eagerly to capture the whole of our lit tle band. The island for twenty or thirty miles, Is not a mile wide, in any part, and cov ered here and there with stripe of woods,-of scrub oak and holly—all else is barren eand. The Monticello ran within • half or three qua., tare of • mile of the beach, and while the rebels were tooting their instruments with great effect, and marching along yelling and hooting, Lieu. tenant Commander Brain, mat a ten inch shell into them, the minute exploding with terrific, and to them startling, violence among their front ranks, cutting dawn a dome at one blow. Instantly thereafter a shell from his thirty-two poinder and a projectile from his rifts gun aft, exploded among them, doing terrible execution, and producing the utmost coosternatio - n. As quick en thought the mitsioiries timultaneoutly threw down their instruments, bringing their mnsioal entertainment tan sudden eta,, and with the color bearers and soldiers—who bad thrown down their flags and weapon—took to their heels and ran. They were brought back again, but Brained fire was too hot, and the entire advance regiment broke and scattered like sheep. The Monticello?' fire wee uninter rupted and rapid, the shells exploding in groups end companies of soldiers, shboting their death dealing. fragments about and tearing canon through the rebels. The enemy then retreated to a 'mall copse of wood', and endeavored toaheltcr themselves from the raining shells, but when they had bairn well driven from the bare beach, the Mondrian° would turn and pay its 'mpute to the woods. In this wool they found no safe ty, and again they would break and by the hun dreds rush mesa the barren beach, eXporied‘to tie tire of the Monticellea well direCted gine. So it went on for three and a half long hours, daring which time the Monticello bad expend ed, with great effect, one hundred and eighty shells, and undoubtedly killed two or three hun dred of the enemy, and wounded es many more, I as there was no protection- sestet!t the fire. During the shelling ; the rebel (bet came near the beach inside and endeavored to rescue many, who had thrown away everything and ran out into the - mooed, up to their' chins, to escape the exploding shells. Clecasionally a ten Inch hell would be thrown at the fleet, one of which struck' the Fanny, which the reticle had in use; and damaged her stern considerably. Two burger—one going out loaded down with wounded end fugitives and the other coming from the fleet with officer. and men—were observed and each honored with ten inch shell. One was seen to strike in the large.. barge carrying the wounded,. explode and, tearing the boat into fragments, it sent the bo , die of the soldiers high in the air, .and dis tributed them on the water in all directions. Another destroyed a barge containing a large number of officers end aoldiers, scarcely a dozen of whom escaped.. Colonel Banco and the Major of the Georgia regiment met their death in this boat. Persons who escaped de , "cribs the carnage among the rebels as horri ' his. The dead bodies strewed the beach for miles. The rand was also covered with MEW kets, 'swords, accoutrements; clothing, gkc., which the rebels had thrown away. The sup ply of Shell' giving out, and night approaching, after the enemy had been completely broken up and dispersed, the Monticello came down to Cape Hatteras, and covered the lodgement encamped for the night about the light house. Colonel Hawkins' command lay a lode above the light house, towards the enemy. Ttienight palmed qttietlyand in the morning both colo nnade marched to this poet, and tar the first time in thirty.stx hours toe In diana i lregiment obtained food. They were completely wore out, bat no ill effects have been obearved from their long march. The Indian' regiment was accompanied nearly to the light -bones by thirty families fly tog irom Chicamacomico on the approach: of the rebels. Their flight was marked toy the moat parole' circumstances. Ord men and women, children and babes borne in the arms of their parents, leaving everything they had in the world to the relentless enemy, trudged on under a hot ,on, over many milee . of heavy sand, glad to escape with life alone, led know. lag nothing of what the future had in store for them. The soldiers helped them along, car, Tying their children, and the officers giving up ' their horses to the old. What little the men had to eat and drink was cheerfully divided ' with.these poor creatures, but their flight was, Melee", distressing and painful in the el* name. They were all Union people, and Mena their fight the rebels have burned thkir houses and committed horrible. outrages upon theme who returned. One old men, seventy year■ of age, was ahnt in cold blond by a devil incar nate from Georgia. So it goes today with those poor people. Opiates. of the Cabhast"Ofiteere eta SIR. very. , • Mr. &Well, correspondent'of the Lon don Times, in ono of hie recent letters, writes es follows : . 'I he mesa of the South aro flAhting for a Union of their own, to which they have insensibly transferred their loyalty, and their national feeling, which negutistiona bly is great; in the old flag, and believe they are fighting against an alien enemy—ono Abraham Lincoln, who is aided and abett ed by the powers of darkness and their Yankee coefficient. And yet I have rea son tto believe Mr. Lincoln is one of-the most moderate men in the section of his own Cabinet .which looks to internal pol itics, and that in tne present distracting discussionti be generally inclines to the view, that the North is not making a war against slavery, and that Vtiresult of her success need not be the liberation of the negro. 'Mr. Blar, who is a downright dour Covenanter of the American sort, and with whom the Southern siavaholders.are sons of Belial—" a sword of the Lord and Gideon 7 man, who could smite Philistines hip and thigh from tbe rising to' the going down of the sun —and several hours after —with a grim satisfaction in beings cho sen instrument—l speak of course meta phorically, and not physically—has a great influence, derived from the 'clearness of his head, his Persistency, and the rigidity of his principles, among his party ; but his doctrines would moat likely end 41 confin ing the United States to the original New England settlements, or in establishing a dictatorship resting en bayonets. What prelacy, popery and monarchy were to the men of the first Covenant Southern rights. alareholding included, are to Mr. Blair. Nor are they less so to Mr: Chase, who poetesses; after all, the largest and moat solid brithrin the Cabinet, but who had no ottlection•at one time to let the South go if it liked,:. believing. that_the 1310111 on which Wren founded, in oat be in the end and that uot distantly, tho mettle of in flicting a punishment and vengeance on the seceding States, far more terrible than either the Arrepor Navy of the North could execute. It may readily,, then, be imegfried how Gen. Ikemontli protdiuna tion increaees the difficulty, and augments the animosities which eadstiot the sections of 'tbe Cabinet. •z• - _ lAA rstiwOaTti, Oct. 13..—Gibsonri bkitety; which nasally ammo io ham Utah, consisuog of two 12-potod howitztro and four 6-pottnd. e m , has been ottoobed to GU. Lllllll4l brigade, by order of the War Departing. ":_ -h _. ~ 7F.a'lT?~_' F'T•'i4'r~:A'R+:eiYT v~.~ ..w-*y~•r .~ _._.v_ Fr —..~..~.. 'nom. - .-'~v3~~1!?":: i3A::~:i~li✓i r _ 'sx'~'N- .Yttt ...-. ~" ,~^k_ ._ .. ~. i ... ;~":F~ . .. _ ~ - ~ _.. 5 Military _notices I' , •FOR THE WAR. of It. La SINS% the Inta law paciutt aud trtewl t.t the Preatfttitt,lawol qui e D • win to recd../ eltb , r alocumpautee, owls of ' ,, wt.t.tee. as lo4latdaalt, At-D Tug en 011.3 oS THI BKALLM. Ur esavioic WEILth Tll.ll PIiNEISII, elthar u Artilltry, Itilaatry wr Car. Wry. 4 p3rtiark of th• Brio Ie OW/ In 11,1144 rrrei:e TWA!. • chtnee en el) met 1.1111 .. 'Lb B+l,gtgle nit lit. (*runts one hos the date i f enlistmen, me .11/ b• - •tl reted. p.tl na ehtbed Apply tt tt, •tauln of p.tt R. H. PA ITSIieON, 15 dif Pl.mood Weer, re, "rant ri:WAN'llsto—Piiro good men to join • Regiment going to Kentucky tnl. weak. A• coorl •• • noun y.Ol UN 001.4AR3gukrent•ra. Call ninth 12 oieginck TO In , Dl Y, •t Alderman Me lia DCA, rolb attest •hove BmlthGebl latent. pltt•• burgh, or 0. O. • R8A13.111'.3 Ambrotype Itoomr, Irene, •l %trent, ADeuhesy. sergeant W. W. T 1 &IN, orikkitt Recruiting t bear. 213 Z BOMB GUARD OP ALI POMMY COOPIPT..-Al th t Hume ansfli Compatdee htetng tailed to lateen the Illet-d titeten Ilut•Lock hineketa sod Harper's Ferry ham. mutt retorn them Indere SAITIADAY, llnh otti.r. .1. the bead. plued wp b me will he handed m an attorn - ny, with !einem:Wm to proowd aigsttot tbd Oaptalue and thlie wireLles. '4lllll PARK, Ja. tn7.ll•dn Cbalrmatior Committe. to Arms. Whatt'f PITT Ain ILLIIRY WANTED: 20 experienced Teat:Were, 6' &Adler. and Harm. Make:e, 2 Buglers. 4.W . G00d men um apply to 3. Al. SNAP, seandif I#6 /in time', emend dour trrIMJQUESN E ZOIJA YES.- nig mmpany. now In camp, rxintren a few more young, natal% men, of sober habit•, to flit rip Its ranks. It b attached to- the DiDenanns, Bata list5HUS, accepted In COI. Hiram Brilta'a regiment Person. prferrlng the Ronal Dula almm do better !ban by Joining thin comprny. Call Immediately at City Hall, Market atrect. ael7.3teod D M. ARMOR, Captain. illADQUArtala aD Bat/Lupe/ lard Rao U.S. lariT Ylltaburgh, September 23d, 11/61. 10.1: w o • the 11(nong Men of t Penuanyliremata. am orderrilto recruit the Third Rattail:ln of the 18th Regiment U. S. Infantry in Pennayirattla, and now appeal.to you to show jour petriothim by eta/Sing the recital of your country In this fine Rifle Sternest. to consbd of 2,452 men. The pay Is from $ll to $34 per month, with abundant food, clothing and alines. smarten. Beery settler of the Regular Army is entitled, be. elan; petielou,ll dietbied, aud LIJUNTY OP Oliat liUNUKSD DOLLARS. •heo otwreto lo • comtortable enpport, d oat* or disabled. in the auldlrre house.. tetabl 'Abed by the govwttweits. Irsmodl.te prvViekko mule fur oUl'Orm. Anne, equlpmeuts, r.tlon. sad traosportett II for all who kblhL , Oua.thlrd of tleC..mpauy 001“.ra will be taken from the ratite. NO bettor ' , pp. - aloofly la offered to aplntad Y'oung moo for good trestrunot, ►od • fair thence for promotion. trot full Inform•tmu apply to Lieut. ROBERT SUTURIALAND, at the. Renate., tit, No. El Fourth at. W11•L A. gTOIIOI., .231,nd Major Reg_ U. B. Inr•ntry . 11. B. .49.my.-‘4RtNitk MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY! FOR RIXTII 6E011 . 113NT U.S. CAVALRY, RIGID Lt a 1311107101 TERMS OF 11Z8VIVE war TREE'S FEARS idenJohaing this Regloaeht will be UNif ()BAIRD as soon ea enlisted. The highest pay per month in t the serslos. llama end Rquipmenis, clothing, entatatence, Quarter., fuel nod bledieal attendance tree of charge. 10 0 BOUNTY! - 4.diranciernent, open to all. Nor farther tartlenlare eiiply It the R,truitlag Offier, Nratirbet. nunu, Water tercet, seer Bmlth• Pittaborgh, Par HRNRY B. 11).178, ' Oeptaln, Sixth Regiment 0.8. Cavalry, sea:matt malting °Meer cir A FE W MO RECRUITSktr wanted to all the tante of the lINIONRIFLRE, under Cept. THOS. R. ROHR. The Company will be officered as soon ae completely organised, and will go Into service as dump atismera armory in Mt story of Wilhite* Hall, whet. good men will to enrolled fora few days longer. an3lnf Tetosass IL LOAM flaPtaln iPubltc iLottzes. Orrlca or tomPogrealattlaanca 00- tat I littotrtod, E t ittaborgit, I.Petteher filth, Icel. I 11 : TIIIS THE STOCKHOLDERS Oe ?THE hereby nott6 d that the axonal electlen for Ihreceore for the etuoloß )•11.1, will be held et tha Do. 63 Fourth street, kettreen the boors of ten o'clock a. a. WWI one o'clock P. MI , 00 MONDAY, the 4:h day of gotrember. 1861 -asla dtd l. Galrlt SPROUL, tiectetery. WYL AN K /LOAD IL L ECTION.-1 he ktockholdera of the B.r•elll V.ile7 Plank Wad Otimpany yrill mei/ at the f lifilOrol? W. b U. W - A TIN In tha Third Ward Of the city of ililleghe gbenp, Ott M,)Nf &T the 4th day of November next, met Teen and b o'clock r r , far tbo pulp... of e Oct leg um 3tt. of the Company for lite *among yearrvitt one Pnoldent, Are Directors, cue Treamirer, sad t act caner officers ea may oe necessary. Ily mter of Ito Board, J:18. wArRoN, Jit , Pt... Went. PLANK OAD li;LEOTIO N .-1 he rtbrihnldere of the Allegheny and Perrytorille Plutt Jibed Gompany ore !may notified that en Iftection veil he 11.1 d at the home nt I. O. LIORTOAP, on MON ',AY. the 4th day of November next. between the boors 01 und.4 et r. au, to elect officer. for the eneulng tee, fly ord. rof the Pr•rlJont. ocl4:3ru at [LW OA 41PBNLL, *key. Attu , abbettuirments CAPTAINS OR LIEUTENAN'IS, FORMING OGIIPANIRS A4' 0 R }.IIC WAIL, Would do veil to eel) end get their Posters sod Hand bills of W. 8. HAVEN, No: 84 Third street, Who t preperetl to trlot small or large, ectord,og to the desire 10. P.A.wo - sr com.o.xts, GT= ATTNNTION VVANTED.—Any person having • fine riding Aurae or mare ms end purchaser.by calling with ;h t animal at liese-Quar. tom. Camp W aalue cola It PORTSMOUTLI PACKET. —Ttho steamer PA GLIM f.T, Cep, T J 1142044 will leers tcr the *Lee amt9ote•ro.ol. •te corks on TLIII4DA V, 16th lust, •1 4 o'clock, /or trecitht or peseeire ept,ll on loarJ, c.a. to J 8. Lllf(NOSTOO A CO., nelb D. U LIMB, ripketlEtiftY. TOuTU WAsU—The 11 .o.‘ venting preparation vow, in use for the teeth. 110111 make .11. epongy acme bard ant h)aithe. It will 114.11.1114 all offensive aecreilJos of the =ruin. - It takes away all phi dlrtgre:able olnr arising from the an of Wham*. and Impart@ • delikh tin I aromatic fragianca to Ih r breath. It mill core bleeding of the gams. It rill arrest decay of thoitesob • No family anosibl G voltrabot PreparW only by JufiNPII PLItifIN 0, nib Oorn, Markrt atreh t and tho 1,141114t11l RUCK. 6.4:1 BULK Stlo3l SUNK WBL'• lor Isl. by • oclll .1 .4 Mal. LULL 1 EON, 69 at VERA:ARMS EDINBURG ALE-A Afi c.f We choirs bread, so high y noon, meridai ae • f opeclor took , for the am of debilitated c =Oh attune SIMON JtAINOTON, Drag%let, .14 Merrier Fourth sod Smithfield •tre.te. B...O.S.EdULM'S ISt thtittiliNATZ or SODA Pl f•Ln.—l am In rooolpt, dinct I rom . • .ondoc, of another eapply of theme excellent Pills. i 1 /MON 1011filITON, Druggist, • ocl4 (tomer flemithfloldand Vourtli mtromox iLLlNOilikai'd ULA'fiNG B olausNT, rr commanded by reeprctable deal. an lb, • realeat 111.1 r Ilietorer of the ape Amp ply of toe poetice received by 'sprees; for vela by SIMON Ju Corner ImPbfield and Linn!. itrn.ta. Or.'era from tn. wintry attended . toe. canal Liatika APPLIGB-5O bbls. choice Ay nowt Apples 'slid received au d for we bj JAIL A: /int% Dell Consul:01111461m! Pint It.. miLIA ficsu-168 sacks middlings AU. lust repaid bad la rd. by , JAS. A. VIITZAR. otl4 Ctoryer . ollllllarket sort First etc jewEara PU'rATiMs---1111 bble. Maud -0..e eat. Pinot Potatoes Just reaped and for Belot/ JAN. A. ItItTZIIR. Dolt Comer of Market ♦od /Int eta. ptiOTUGUAPII • - Patna, of distlaigulaba Al S N" A N P .1 1fi r Jae tinceind large and tesutifol:ssicitment ct PUOTOGRAPII ALBUMS It CARD PIIOTOGIUIPUe. at IL 9..DAV10. 93 Wood Wed. la Witll-10 bbl. Sweet Older for sale by 111.12WP7IELLD 411 CO. Illtbatunmits. TRAY tIORSK.--Irliam taken up run t." ntap, et large 011 the eqe , te, f the iNty of Pl a t. bore] ooe nit IL.ttSP, Bite. %ad a edf It sues 100, toot a,• iter In hie lon hoed, both aka feet wane, a attic, *put on h.: romp, near the toot of the tat'. ..fhaoWner of said 1.10 . ..1 It hereby uoulled to come fm - word, probe property. ply chimera and tate him away; otherefae told horee Lll Mtold at public outcry, at the arable of .11.11 ROUV v. TPS L. ens on timord y, . YetIIIAY, the Idtb dig of Ontoher Instant, at 10 Afoot s: w , to defray owe sod t h 3 . 0 PATTAIL , OtiI, Plusher. h. Oet. 11, 10131--1:11.4t4 Chief of PoUce II thiIisSTEAD:I AND PROPSRTY, II SIIITABLIS FOR GARDENING PIIIIPG-Ed. At' poaivvely • afloat reserve, within 4 mile. of the Court Rouse, an a abort Olsten., from tbo cit 7 nos. neer the Oonteleville Railroad, *hit* la cow Atataned, atetna every 1.1114 to approach the property •t • amen charge with p pleaawet tide to ira.slartod Station fn the Wood. Fatale, wilalning real/tore of Hon. Camas Deride, Isaac M. Pennock, RN • Dow M. twertzwridee. Mr. bargain, sad °MI. era bale to take place on the premise., on THUM. DAY REX r,Caitober 6th, at 2 ech.ck. Can will wart from the Station, near the Dap Worts. at o'clock, to"coovej those wishing to por• chain. nee notate will be glean by Robert Robb. key, .t the law dike of Meese.. Robb & McConntil, Diamond attest, between Smithfield snd Grant streets, or at the Auction lionee of W. D. McCartney Fortner particulate., can to wen Co handbit• • A plan of the property can beaten either at the law of. ace of Newry Robb I McConnell, cr at the Auction Ronan of W. d. McCartney. Tenn:ea eats acoornmodation to all. JAM S 8 faleflßßNli Salreman. roll 6td W G. aIcO•RIN NY, A...10,H,, PETRONA OIL WORKS. LONO, .11fLLER & CO. Works at f harp,burg nation Allighsof Vitoy &inroad. OM. and Warehouse' 23 MARKET STRNEr, PITTBIIO EOM Martufartarery ur ILLUIPNATING AND MET. GATING °ARBON OILS AkD BENZ° AWE° I ?MDR() OIL WADRANIED NON. EXPLOSIVE, always on hand. 1.12 lyd TAKSN UP TEASPASSING on the c.r*Mtsed of tbe antscriber, toWilkins townablo, • BSIBLL BRINDLE 00 W., Itb • rope itroaud her acct and al piece oft the frvot part of per left ear; give. oti milt. .The owner to requoated to come h ward, prove props; ry, pay k h trim, and take her away, or .he will be sold acoordlog to law. col 2:3o1 JOHN hIcKBLVY. NOTICE.—AII persons having claims agthat 1124 tleamboat CLARA DEAN are here lf isolated to prattot them for eettlemeot. at the hmtte of THOMAS DIEU 00 , Firm etreet. • here the eat.eriber ma, be round. acl2.lerd JOIN ilk. CPI TEIJUSA N tkuLL lU3 tan be °Maned, to smoutile to in t, on bond and mouton Inlly Recur. log the amount, by eV:It/ming tlex r 69, Plttantrgh P. 0. Tne applieecen ',DI be strictly calrldentlel. ocl2titl CIRCULARS, MALMORELL SKIRTS WOOL'ZN ALL OF TEll LATE/ T STYLIIP; BLACK. AND. RITE CHECK 'SHAWLS, Jud opened st NV. &D. lIIIGUS' FIFTY PAIRS COUNTRY BLANKETS, /11D WHITE COUNTRY FLANNELS, Jae/ received at & D• HUGUS% LATE STYLES FALL GOODS JUST RECEIVed We are Dow cpmlog a cbolee gawk of PALL GOODS cotalatlog In ell of the latent froportatlecl. of CLOTHS CABI+I3IEBE3 ao:1 VRDTINGS, which we flatter onr- salvo, will La runs! to any ointment to be (mld gam or West. They will be made mi to order, In • eareilor style, •od •t 1 aces to salt the times We won't/ _respectfully solicit an early call from our paten . and the publin. SAMUEL GRAY & SON MARCLIANT TAILORS, No. 19 FIETTIS ST 1.14 DAVIS PHILLIPS, Bran Randers aad alanufilearers. PLUMB tIRYA GAB Writ. AM I , ri-rtr.Re !{LNUI6CTURfItI• !IND DELICHN IN GAS FIXTURES, Pumps & Braes Work 01 , MIRY aIIEORIMION OIL, lAriax.x. Ptris.amPs. of Dram, Copper or Trim, with lbe most approved, Chamber. and Volvo; of all aliis, and a emoted to Rive eatisiactirm. ANIMOTORT, 110 Water and 104 'front ate 1,32 ImsulP PITT9IiRRq 0. m ils rATitil./Tb ON* Ines. , s fil•lalmotype Portralts No. 1 EUP./111.8 PORTit lilt IN tillAS 7ILAkIN, 4.7 OOL• SAM. 13.LAO1C, . Photograph by Began. NbW newly. Price only 12 Cents. rvr it liUNT',yNE'W BToRE, Alteonia Ll4ll, Fifth Street. 1.01 • ' FIXTURES.- £SBOBTMENT JUST ItkOZITUO ..~ lifor E 4 ale by BAILY, FARRELL & CO., ID, 819 WOURTII .02(klyaolt0 HATS AND OAPS.- 1A.1;1. BTYL276 mazoooitn 'a0. , 1, 781 Wbo 811IIIT, PITTH.DOIIOII, Itavvnow on han.i• very Imp sr, toisple4stoek Of lb* laws atylmi . lIAIS AND 'OAPS, Both for the dly and ootuatry ludo, whlch (boy an Doll et very lOW talon. AlllPOrdots prompt* r. a ,~.:;~~ • - WHIM HID AND VNLLOW PLANNIVA GREY RAIN PLlfirilllLS. CODIVTRI ANDNASISIIN BLANBETe BATINIIIB, ICANITINCY JEANS, • °Aga; 11 BB Qi, otArns, sok NEN AXO BOYe Wil&R haat. WKLt7N VLANNELE, A full afoortmiest of DR RAS GOODS, EIIAWL 4 , DUSTERS, et J• N.-BURCHFIELD'S. oatinovr G 9 " J. W. BARKER & CO.'S I ItZ.A.ltir. Err EITREIET, TO-BUY YOUR SHAWLS, CLOAKS, LUSTERS, CASHMERES, DE LAINES, PORCINS, PLAIN, STRIPED DRESS GC 0 DS, OF EVERY. " KIND PRINTS, 6 CENTS PER YARD SIIIRTINcIS, OLOTIIB, OASSINERNS, - • SATINETS, JEANS, BLANKETS, Ac., Ac 40 . We defy compolitloo Io PHI° LB, guff cur stock Is the moot comp!ete le the oily. We offer A GRIRTER VAMITT Thin any other House. vw►w. 81/0111 PITRORASINGIIN retralwr • NEW FALL GOODS. EATON, MACHU & 00., Nos. 17 and 19 Fifth arrant, I=l C:I B 'CF. 'V' El Mt B To their new stock of DREES TRTHMINOS, EMBROIDEDIEn, BONNET ELEININS. FENNO 9 /LOWERS & RUCHES, LINED DRICSa ES, MODS & SO ARTS ZEPHI & tiIIitTLAWD WOOL, 860 doz. 137STI1N RIDDED HOSE—very cheap, 200 ~ A LL WOOL A ',HAIN° DP HOSE—them /60 " PLAIN AND BIBBED' UNDIREIHRTS AND DRAW/WM' NAM' AND ELIO ANT STYLES OP PALL AND ' WINT•R OLOVs4, 0811ORNI& 011ERSEHAWS GORE AND ItITRA ()ORE HUMS BALMORAL DELETE—aII dinky colors. N., H. & CO. bays we& ft 0:06101 arrulgenitEd by which they hopo to be .010 to .apply tee trade, In quantity whit a uniform make of MISTS of superior quality sod hulahott lower prkea than'any In market .Er Wholesale bnyera supplied at very lowest pricea. EATON. MACRUM 004 se29 Nos 17 and le pllll, sheet. CUAKLES (.11P.Nlat'd 2 . FtIBIMING B,TOBB, No. 78 hitrket Street UINTA, BRAIDS, • V ELY WO SIDED NP, BILK TM Mill IN:13, VELVET lIIIITONS, BILK DU UaIIIBRIC and SWIIO SETS, LINEN SETS, - LACE BETH, ' OAIISIIIIO cor,Luta, LAttiercou,Ang, INFANT'S ROBES, INVANI'B OAPS, JAGONITS, EDGINGS and INSENTINGS, • VALENCIA AND TIIREAD LACE'AND - ' - ; noqr ISEIRTS. CORSETS, -NUBfERY CLOVES, READ DRESSES, CHENILLE NIA - md, NETS, sc. floor Stock b.h4 go full and anted, .e feel war famed in saying we can idiom all who way hoof' with s cell. . oce FIDIN XBIBROIuERtzB. - : atlas Plan one hell thii tuna] irlooL %I t?, COLI4REI, tgANUILIIBOI3IIII I I, SIIIILTo t niteNLIV Izonns. .. . . OAPS AND WAISTS, PLOUtiCINOII; _ ,-- , ~ - • If fliNui 9, • ~ . . C.., /le., &a., at -Hoturivp Ilimmiso . me*,-- - tol2 . • . ' - -. -4 - -••- 11 Maim* Ptre•t. BILVdQUAL Sa.I.KTEI; ; OGP PRIATP. A largo lot Of all rarlattoa for isle at lb. Lowser At '.llollill'a Taimiusa 8083, OVA - fati--75131 - 4W to n w V. Weod at. E g... 341 (.4 ply to Ft IVA Tt T , c 9, 136 Woad at. _WAN TED--,-Bonde ano Id mimes v Gtr $2,000 sod $3,e00, haTleg from ma to th oe yet", to nut. Apply at bt. QWr otrkpl. Mle AIV Tu SENT—A NULL PR.'PKIITY (water power prelerr- ,)1 by gr.ei kw I 'be b. at of reb rant. Cllll green. For particolara oddreas • Pee. PAMUNI. IL R RD, ae3l.:imb Nu_ cd WalirotstrootyPittab Sec ,bait Ito 11.ci. L'O' t AI,E,ORIXCIJANuff i• 10 (o, bo,b. Cc. II vile Own Coke. .2) 14 EL 'Tuber +-:00. VOR LE--A very •cOmmodiods And notagirtablo midence, la a deairnele neighbor hood in ihe3d Ward. Allegheny, on king and nag pay tin Ida, and very law. Inquire of • ALUABLE OIL PuOPERTY v SALe—Pltrrated op Preach Creek, atntirichig between 10 and It acraa. flare are on the property eta well. in redone pregri•aa, three of which us at nifficient depth to )natty operating, Coatiacted with the well* Is a powerful engine, la good ralialog order. "hie property la adjohilag lb. celebrated IrConiakk Puna , rod la perhaps one of the beet oil situ hi that cegico. W e olikr a great bargitx on easy tenting •Palcoesit, or with exchange for real Mate in or ad. -plain the city. For partlaulare apply to • IL, &PLAIN 2 CO, not No. /59X,, Poorth street. %NO LET.—A first-019,es Dwelling dm IL „now. ID tinily new, with 9 rooms, and with etmodern Improvement; located on ToeueL ba it vbql Wiley street and Pennsylvania mune. Terme 1••74 aub.tl L. Q. GUI/. Er 1 "L i i, . PM nil I a =l I TT II P r = I° a Ore to this elm. Will to sold chew for euh. So. t GAZJITTS 011101, ' f Fifth Knot. ation Smithfield. zniTiisNp OF-VALlff:k -i2JIBLII BOOKS Jolt rfeelved at RZNIOU lid, SO es. Weir etteet TUIBIL'd MEMORY OP TUB TUT:BeII IMO LOTION, 2 vols., ball calf, 23, do 2 vols. le one, ball $2,60 HRUN'N'S (Thou.) NHNTIL PUT L9V,#. IY, Molt W011.1(9, 6 vale , calf. $4, . 005.1.51NNTABT, 9 von, ti( calf, am, $29,00 D'ULICIANAN'a 1/XPOBITIDN 9i/ EDOLWRIASTIO. Du CLItaIOAL eIIIILOUGH INEGYPT AND PALSITINE, $l,BB. (These last two will be (ree.) - ' 0012st181 VEW ENULISti BOOKS—The An drew, At , Kph? of Mona facture& Bot h. Urn The Cotton Manufacture of Ursa& Britain. • volt. BAHL tavery and f ecesslon In America. By Thomas lison./. 8.8. 'nowt Architecture. Dy Tames Bonne. The Magic of / demo. By Jamey Wilde; beau& folly illortrated. Proms by Paillip Franeatcor. various alibied, and, ndatiog to even . . In the Warof lodependoncie. lellitoo's Poems. Bolin's beauDfal Inglith Puritanism sod its Leaders. By7ohnThol. lo'h A D. The Ifotdshlp of Chet& By Hugh Miller. The. British Uonttitution. By Lord Brougham.— Bohn. e rhimpbs of %main. and Dlntoveries. Illustrate& The Boys' Play BMX of iscietcr. Ths Boys' Ploy Boot of Metals. Both handsomely Hook's Quip. and Cants. A handsome Willem of one of .Hood'a Meat. Delilah Birds, Ego and Nada, pcpululy dsemibed. D•autlhilly colored Illustnittons. Dominate Objects for the Microscope, uniform with the above. Iron; Its History itei Manufacture. By Pairbolno Wycliffe and the Ilugnewns. By Dr. Hanna, etc., etc. !for sale by • R. Y. DAVA .25 No. 91 Wood Wrest. IaRRINO°, PL &ID AND SooliB FOR TIU ARMY.- • Pr gnlat!oo. for the Army of the United States. Ilbauf'. Manuel for Volunteers and Idalitla.- 0. S. Infantry end Rifle Tactics complete. tiroti.'s infantry Tactics. The Team Drill Book. -- Manuel for the Roan It in the tight Inbutry Drill. Armond for the Unbolt Suites removes by the lets Col. Ellsworth. Loyouet Exercfsei for the Army. ALSO, Poisons! History of lewd Boon. Life of Sir Philip Sidney. Fifteen Declare Battle.. Ay Oreasey. fir Walter Raleigh. By. o.liffigsloy. Adventures In the Mouth Pacific. By} Boring Printer. Tom brown at Oxford. 2 vole. Fonnlsr Astronomy. By Mitchell. Boardles of lineklo. . Elsa Gilbert:. Career. Olowery of English Words. By Trench. Beulah. By Augustsl Evans. • 111SEchool. Olaselcal, Medical sod Theological Docks Dina Pools and Stationery. co 2 2. I. ARAD. 78 fourth oboe!. FAST COL'D GROSS' MILITARY SURGERY-A Manual 01 Military §urgery, or Hints on lbs Eraeriteneise of Gawp sad llospital Practical.— Ily A. D. Owes, M.ll. 1 volume. Pries 50 cents. se% KAY t 004 66 Wood street 6i-c PER To Farmers and Others GE:O iIIIPERIUR PATMAT GRAIN FAN AND SEPARATOR. PATENTED JANUARY 10, 1060 rfirlE 'SUPERIORITY OF THIS FAN jg, over alt *then m nee cantles in ha cheapness, simpheitrand enzability. Becond,in cleaning Grain faster, better and more thoninghly, with WA labor than an other mill. The patentee of the above Tan eat been long enraged in mantilla:ft:ring and selling Agrlenlincelimplementa. co n vinced of the great WSW] GI • good Fan be cleaning the different kinds of Grata and &eds, manta this to the peddle with fall moo. deem that et 'Mkt:met their want.. ' _ FLANNELS • ' " - Tee undersigned, having- pnretweed the aids right to re annteetors and sell the above Grain Nan sad tier. &ratans Western Pennsylvania, Western Vlrp.lnts, and sll Ohlo, end the right Co sell in Indiana and 1111• nuts, le nuw prepared to fill ill, orders, wholesale or retall;at 819 Liberty street, Patabnegh., Pa. reell niwtft W. W. WALLAIII. 114LTOEL & 00, SHIP 4 GrICNTB. COMMISSION MF.ROIIANTS, 13S Walnut Street,: FLOUR, CR AIN, PRODUCE, TOBACCO WINES AND L112170E18, • a fulum for uren lo be made on receipt of goals; vg.Liberel, cub edrincee made ob consignments.. anwe lyd liTOV?]S. STOVE& '—• D. Di 11.A-VEN & SON, hidNUTAOTI7R.RitiI OR * l l' YRS. Warahonee, Faders! Street, near Now Suependon bridge, ALLIINHEINT CITY. : We ask the attention of dealers to our large aural. meet 01 Cooking and Hasthnt Stoves, far Woad and Coal, which we are wiling at tne Iowa! prima, Thaw slatting our city will Red It to their advantage Inglis es • call and examine our stock heroin gruchaidog else. Out Iron Banta fronts, Iron Railing, Scam Hollow • - Ware, Wagon Boxes, : • Plain and Fancy 'Orate Fronts, Pandora,. etc, Outings of all kinds made to ordix. • • Yyliklyd • , D. Dwif./MOSI *-lON. an. w. oor.oesti--we. sartx....a. 10:10111106. W OODVILLE OIL RICTINIRY.— BOLDEIHIP ElaYan a CO., 1, • . . assrowireowOolas of -BURNIVI OIL MD 113111011111:011 4 Beep ommtantly on band Ars Tory best quality of IMIKSINO OIL, Mom and mitt oat odor, also,* good : LUBIELJATOIi, pars whit. BUIZOLI end OA MMS! Won left atto.36rlrya ItTELINT.Bar* Block. second door, oral lm promptly attot deo to. .oawdw K. 011ARLICS PITOWIb, rhy sioion and sur¢eon; ums., pro. as vsdetat sous, Oppositte Ooloanadi the Putionalim pit. M. U. JUNSD, 103 WYLINI 1131111.11 T . I'/313.31:01611 .s.ukcav . Iftsmardlng & Commisaloo Met °Waal atm wiloussma LW. Produce endnakr, dim .no; WI Med Midi. fti XRINO .lINDSR-GABMENTS, "- • Ist t mAtsA. as lthurs. MIRING: de • NAN'S RI SWIG NOOLSHIRtS AND DR AWZDAW LADllB's NOMAD' BOSTON RIBOAD HOBS,_ , Parra-KNIT MO. _7 _ SAMOSA 14 NOSJI, ANNUAL" NOSS; • ' • Mai Willi* et IVOOLIN GOODS issAASADY WAS. ed kr Mater wear for eels champ et . - - Oman! TiuminPti 82011, • •;- pett! - : , t• • — ll VAASA are*. wINISR -line of all kind' of Witten, Gloves sad alatiathita re. tatted or .Is at the lowest _plioma at' . nous% TILIMNING 111T01.114 - . ' IT Modatatiose. =ME 8011011 a, IL, Attorney at Lava, . 89 Paarth alma Pato Unto: FOR SALE, THILAIDELPILfA DILLIU IN A*USEMEN'rS. pITTSBUR9II 4 11 c iTRE. PullUm], the lAA • sppsstwn o! 0. W. CYOULDOCK, ss ABMS bitiOWITOH, In the as, drummed GREAT_ EXPILOTATIONS I • , GREAT EXPXOTATIONB 1 GREAT EXPECTATIONS! •o conclata with lato NEW •F'OOT ' MAN 11111101 .1 1 4 110 tr... Aelt Rale Bu s ias THE CITHARA:4I:IBIULE; Nor Lou or ztor DIEPEEEN;' ckaturrusx ICINcTEEL; NEW CLUIuLNA. RAMIE; ILLEILITIL CELL, aND TILINEcOLVIN C. . All ..bn &novo at SEED Ler dacen:ol.2l- 7 0/ 1 6 10 !* .. Jong H. itia4ol4 No. Sl'Wood atnet.lPticbaccd BKALBUItk'S GOLDEN Clad l:l6l' Sabbath School Meladle& NIW eaas►sa fca9ot, Enraiiro 8001.. Ike largest, most complete sad palest. brass Al Cm Book Gm mods for the mom Sabbath tatels. prim. SIB per honored, or 16 costs lag* 0066.06 per dozen. For sale to quantlflee or Matey by - /OLIN ri.,istiLLOß: all No.Bl Wend street, Plitebtret. pILANOS AT A, BARUAIN w - Lutes nom OP Epleudld New *ad &eenJ•6aad PI'ANOS RIB be ,old at anseny RBDUORD CHARLOTTS BLOI4I. 13batatiottal. NO:ii=N;M CLAIDUCAL AND camairaoist, screams° acnooL FOR novii. REV. JO3IIPII B. TEtkirllLtl. A. M., panrcunt. The Tblrtj•Ntntb Penton will commence en MOlt• DAY, November 4t/,1646 tau Oircalare, Leggin of Munn .Tobn Irwin & / 6°l'4 9 : 3 8 W a te r t 11 or A tt O g r i :t T int gi e veDkt wklrlegeftle, Allegheny On., Pa. oilldlereedmilwl GRIMM! GELIAJED !SCHOOL.- THE THIRD SZSEION OP ' 71.116 .11. /Moo' will (=meow. oo Abe I lIIET Al GNAW! OI SIPTRAIBER. TilL6lo: Primary Department per *radian of flyo monibii3 00 Medium do do do do - :..i000 Ranier do do - • ifo -do .;:11 00 -- • • sarssinoz: The tinderslgned having placed their ohllthen no. d.r the hittrnotlonot Kr. and Kra. AVERT dtlrhil the oast year would most cheerfully recommend theft School to the patronage of the pando. The Teatime are competent and talthrol: . sad. that: program. , the pipits has bean highly estielectory: Wilhelm K. tlmoh. William K. N lmlek. C. flati.on Loy.. J. p. L0y.... - . Aostht Loomle. Dr.& O. Walters. apt. William Dean. Thomas William March. David litulaums: Samuel Lindsay. Dr. A. o..Kordtvlc. . N. T. Northam. dar/or Circular., Av., apply to the Principal, No. 89 Wooed street, Lett/atm Karkat and Wood, or at the School Dooms, corner of Third and Market streets. . a:MUM - it. N. ADMIT... Olidnikla 8 01.10014 I. vir Alali Si. • Has opened a Normal &boil a t No. BT. Oldllft MINT, Tarim:my of Testae:a,' fs the teansalle: of, toe Troche*: the WSti to whom sU of ns looktor advice and hot:action. above.oLoorr. Tamar most heartily with t he e LICINAILD H. PATON. cheerfully canon: in the opinion eVressed above. I take Orman In filling it aa my: isplllonabat the foregoing recommendetion Inilynterited. - • A. =rim. • • I toots of no one who deserves higher 1 estlamaybs his laver. • N. N. ATHRT. 1 fatly motor in the shove remOsmendetfon. • • , D.DlititillBON. He can prepare papile tor Mc High SChooltinickee than any caner teacher In the city. • A. T. Darrtizrr. TOMS—al pm suet. in deems , eolhatswil TTNIVERAITY Of. MARYLAND. MED/C3A.I.t: - .TACCMTIRICIa. • The Wirt:Garth annual &salon of ' %be Mood or Medic:nu ,In the Untrandty of Maryland,. will coup meow on MONDAY,-October 14.1801, and end Miutb 1, 1862. - • The hinny ere aware of nothing in the promo indiappy condition °timbal affaire of a nature to in. golfers with the regular and fafthltd performance of thole duty Toachsra of Medicine. Ma* purpose to make - every effort to render their worse Of Marto donated and matiefitotore to etteir poplin rho Baltimore Infirmary, whkit belong to ate Reboot, continue to abed abundant seam for the Clinical ititortntion of the principlee of Idedkdbe and Sargia7. G. H. hmNuagamiLik. ati2l dlOtlaw . • Dam UN.V.SlizirtY or I'iFI4IrIbYLVAMLI. MEDICAL DEPARTMENE animmeirtz ansiolt, 1861 Ain) '62. Tba r4g4l sr Lectures of this Feliool wrd icanissagn 114 Kart, Ocrious 14, 444 tenutruts the lad of hip nosy. _ Fe* for tltme full Cor y ~ - $lOl. Doan or the Illedkal retell,, =MI RANI:MOIL 81112111 r, NEAR FEN, win reopen au MONDAY, the 8d day°, 8.111211. SKIL Tenor. $25 per. mike of in melba • Naltiva J. M. SU MU. TdeddraL NOTION.---EALE OF THE PITTS SCROD, POET WAYNE AND 01110AGOBALL virtue of a decree of: the Omit Court of the United Rube for the Neither. MUM MOM% In eagle in Chancery therein depeadlagothenta Chanel Mono and others are complatesste, end the Wtheourith. Port Wayne and °Mom lialtread *ay end *Mrs ere asfen dant; gad pursuant tome. Wary decrees of the We colt Courts* the United States for the Western Diet Mt of Peutunlvenbe, the Wart* rif Indians, and the Northern District Willi. ode twemlifelly, la causes desendleg Is Ohentery la add Oman respectively, ashen' the sues potterer@ complathistsmil defendants respectively, as maid emu Bret Mote mentlened, ths sedindgme, John Sermon endirkomute B. Walker, me emote* in Tram and Tmisteer Idowe of the several Seed a of Trust or Mortgage epon wbkb add decreer are foended, end she as Spec* Muter Cortuotasfonersof Courts rioneettrely, duly appellant by saki Courts respect. Imo, for that papaw, will sell M pub* *est*, to the highs* , th e mob, but kir not leis than the sets or gsoo,ooo, at Skated States Court limas, fa the Me of Cleveland, In the rots of Otio, on Sheilah day of October, A. D. MI, between the boars of tea o'clock A at. and lour o'clock r. is of sold day, the tot. bong described property, to wit The Raliteed of tea Pittsburgh, Yon Wayne and Chicago Relined CoMsny,incluoing the rig* of way therefor, the roadbed thereof, the mtharieructan of ell, sorts there*, Its water and other Math* home and Mops and the lands therewith, addall tools end end &wands ennected bunkmate used or pro. -tided to be mad Musts and. la eonetractlag sae re. palling aim sad milltinen tor old rose, or the Met sold enewslintethres allammith ell tura fabler. all de ' pats and building, and Suter* and straotorea et ' whatever mine or *ton, and the leads sod grounds, connected therewith, used or prole* tel.* need In: months saki read and beloareg .thatreba, end erber-:' ever (Mater, and all cats, engines and wolfing elder belonglog to said Comp loy; sad MI supplies et tka. ber: lumen, tron, fuel, ano *eery ether thlidgll,ovided by acid Companies, or by the 'seven' a.glaalOcmW. men olden wore consolthated Into meld Pittiburgh, Peet Wayne and Chicago itatheed, to baniteltn opar. Meg said road, whatever dtuate; by the same title by which the same are,bolden by sell thoopmay, or by amid MOW Computhes. emarally topther, will ail *norm trench** et maid sad cd the esti Mete* Coulninke to n g seweldl7,theloti the right end franchise of weld metal Companies to be ma act se st=to be sold we en entirety. a ' r n e provkle that the purchaser mon - the ocennostion the sale mit hal compliaim with the co: dithers thereof, then bold all the property,rth: holatilm, mid th by e mesurtinenetro thereof*, eo. 'by the game UM which they an held by .514 burgh, hat Wayne and Ch cage Nallrced Caintany. Ma soh and all of math MOW Conthenise, free trust the lion of W *ld mortgages, and tree tont all flab°, try for any debts *Met NW Mahn! R IXo6olldatel 001031 oridtbar - of them, and fratuall dame ma account of. capital stock; bul say*, rereetlist** to the Mon if say mach exist, aim any red *tete le. tended* 11.00 se* for puttees nosey thereof not provided by said *aces *be paid out of eepraieds of the sale,* by tonne orders or datum to be paid Otherwise. - The right of way, depot . grenade end led., end lands la In. Olty Lid Ttcalty Ot, purcbssed by said Company Moe ithe mO l isig ike t said sulk. end - the bridge pm/ern and atLee nal en tate of the Company at the .Wry of Plttshaigh, ems maim , ansortlPM linst.: The same will be Included to the ea* but **en amid leculdhameig no pee vtitcs hark' bete made for the moist bbieset. VIM ALS S.:W Mahn, • Tettileed, ieau Metter anninintiodera es efaressid. IXVfLI.II OLlVBlS—li.xtra quality, put ij eP th - Tuirt bottle* able, plies Treed' Obese sal 8 100 2 121 . 1 usfal.iese received trade sad Tot file me the naSy Gummi Store of , , oil . _ JOHN A. astaanaiw.. - 001114 lAtatrlllia allatiltreSSlL P2I.4IeUR 0 4 1111.:1,1116.101—Jspanued Opal Wass of Tither or pattaraa killAMl*l7 111•11113IIMCdlid sok far ask at tag ratans Oman , atonal aOR A. armatuar. , 0310 , Clime oildhartg sod Said aatattai