The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 14, 1861, Image 3

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110N14Y MORNING, 001! 14, 1861,
ilianaoLootcnn' Observations for the Gs
&dee by G. K. tiiiiaw Optician, 5S Filth street
--.xmrst.taa doily:
o'olis!ii, a.
29 . 2 10
• The Aneged Army Proondsi.
' Thiftbiladelphis Preis tbna notices the re
port of nit gentlemen ctintiniisioned to inves
tipte ttia.charges of fraud in army contracte:
imWe. have carefully read, and regret 'hit
its-areal length will prevent no from publish
fag tlp*r "column% the report of Meson. Fry,
'ltelifilirt; 'Abbott, Heywood, and Cope, the
Gotimiiisioners appointed by Gov. Cumin to
inquire into .the alleged frauds cothilued in
furnishieg_sipplies to oar volentearr; and it is
a gratiing fact that, alter a laborious invest'.
pains by those gentlemen, who are men of the
highest character, no simile, evidence of fraud
. attaches to the proper State authorities. That
OMNI were committed and peculation. at
tempted in some instances is doubtleis true;
'but considering the intones pressure uponzbe
State authorities—the necessity of organizing
army out of entirely:raw material In slew
de yo •p=the entire want of equipmeats, arms,
provision, &:., it is remarkable indeed that
the ardsous duties so suddenly imposed upon
Gov. Curtin have been discharged with so little
"tom to the Slate. Oar volunteers were sof
properly clothed, it is true; but the evidence
snows that _the material for Proper uniforms.
Wits scarcely to be bad; and that inferior goods
ware often neccuarily purchased, and at the
lowest etch prices, to equip our men.”
rel. Halm and tills Gate Command. ' 1
'A few deis slue we alluded to the with.:
drivel of Col. Hiram Halts from the command
r, of:a reglaisit which be wu forming. This
emu was serial; to diseatisfaction amass the
,seen and caters:and the tut that It had been
Aithested - that be bad consoled lands for the
regiment. cud misapproprLied than. Hi is
about to publish • statement of the matter,git.
tog the amounts which he received, with the
aspeedltsues, eta. tie - collected $133 for the
regiment, of•which amount he expended $72,
leaving a baleen of $6l in the hand, of John,
McOlarren, X.q., which will be paid at any tb
sto the party authorised to receive it. It,
properly due to him tharts should havi a
hearing WU* Wig condemned, as he I
to be entirely. free .from the charge of
wrongly spent a dollar of the funds es
for the use of the regiment.
, • -
Electlan fee. Treasurer mad
The Prothointary; Ur. Annetrong,
'mired additional returns from the army,
part of which has - as yet been opened. Al
.as the vote has beim conutid, it gives BL
the Union candidate for Treasurer, a
~ jority, of .76 votes over the Republican eandl
date, Mr. Floyd. The majority which Mr.
Floyd obtained to the comity having bass thus
overturned by the army vote, Mr. Blackmon's
aleetion Is perhaps no leave a matter of doubt.
. The vote At so very close, however, that the
atrial Ames meat alone determine the result.
fdr.'Hamilion; the Union candidate, is loom
' leg ep—the army retiree giving hies a majority
' over Loewi- Republican. The choice el the
Mb mason the A.lllOlOl, ticket, therefore, is
mow between Grose and Hamiltoethe sot.
diets bevies pet Mr.-Loew ant of the ring.
Mr. Aron, however, it so mach ahead of Mr.
Hamilton that the result will hardly be
• Cunt ran FEvEI AND AGUE . —A Plw lhae.
Oda physician recommends the following care
for fever end Jinni "We have a very-- taffeta
plant, growing panty in swampy and maim
lands, la this country, imperially plenly in the
vicinity of Philadelphia, &plant known as bone
. • sat, or thorovgbwort, (itupatoriuur pedalo•
teak) which . is highly useful iiikchtge and fe-
Ts!, intermittent lever, o. - taint aid ague.
Honeiet grow,' Irani three in lour test high,
the I I e dark green and connate oar
mere compound,' 1111111 sad -
pouring on . the top. To my own knowledge
:mineral persona have been mired ,Of liserand
by_talling lor_ about a,. wild, thin
plant, if 1011nirs -Boma I eeeee 4 at. ;
boiling water, .3 pints; net it - stand two bonen,
then strain it, and take it morning and even•
lag, in egad Dant. , -
Hirrnicarno Dirars.—On Wedneedaywnrer
lig Weems Sandals, aged about 6fteen years,
mid min of the *idols Sanders, of Gettysburg,
met with i shacking leatellt, which milted
in shoat histant death. He had:brien employ
ed on the farm by Mr. liderard Hall, or Cum
berlsed township, Ina mu in the field with
him aid' 'some other workmen cutting cow.
They halt with them a loaded you which had
Amor left- steadied at the fence whilst they
were at work. Upon tearing the Geld, the lad
proieeded to get the gun. A report mu
heard, aid when Mr. Hall came op to the
emit, be found that the boy bad been slot—the
whole contents of the gen *Merle' his mouth,
..:-producing almost lament death. Itis sup.
posed that in crossing the fence the gun wee
accidentally. discharged. . .
. - .
THE .RAILXOAD Tem.—Tim Philadelphia'
Ledge , says : correepondent asks, 'Please
be Mod enough to inform a subscriber; through
. the Ledger; when disinterest one be collected
on the Allegheny; enmity bonds I , We would
Willingly oblige this inquim it we could, bat as
the subject has puzzled oar Condi for several
yeenr, and some of the best of the Philadelphia
ere are sure our ignorance of the tact
*mill tie excised. The tax payers have not u
yet, }bat we are awars,eigalfied a disposition
so ply into - the county (Mandy . the _necessary
fluids. ° Possibly when the wee m over the sub
jict will be seriously cossideredin
Mearraar.—The Pailedelphie Ledger 01
atm 121 h ins. says:
....2.qThchasks of . Eustrargh having resumed
teal* payments, their billpere bought In this
* pin cern. 'diaconal. The bills of the
;beeini!or the State stall to dishredit are also
:-betterwid are now bought - at I* per cent. dim
' haunt.
.There Is rather more' demand for ear
. ranney'. and :the :banks are remitting more
promptlY, :The Bank of Weehingtoe, at Wash
-•tegton city, relates to take Trealery Notes.
The hank has not redeemed its owe LIMN ailliCe
hit ran, and Coigrese will probably nice, the
'::41laloyel-ismitation next - winter." -
Gas,: Beamed - Baloast,--Camp iiriltida
- haii again became a centre of attraction, Si
eosarquents tirquirterieg Mere the men who
are to compose Gas. Nagler' Brigsde. The
eyeing parade yesterday, under the directitin
of Col. liambright, war an imposingend cred
itable' affair. Supplies Ara being rapidly
aiahod plwasear loads of eloquag haying ar-
TimeA. here yesterday for this brigade. As
--seurn-aritruirand equipinintirerli finished,
the brigade will more of to filimouri.
. min named George Crania
was throws tom am oil- boat'while coming
down the Alleghemy river from Oil Creek. It
heaping.' near the Point, about 8 o!alock Sat
urday. Lie tied on' hisimilion about 8117— And no balance is paper money. .
The • body his out fat ban recovered. Amy
parfait discovering body would confer a
tsror by repining to Jacob Hill, 8i:
. „
-Rnetsisseton nth) Paostotionild. A. L.
liessell but resigned tbe office of Seerteary
. 14 Ttlmagter P.lfillt.Pittidugh &adenine's
tillibsA,sed W. tl. Iluglart ben bean
appointed to that position., klr.'ll. , is very
competent sad Will fill lb. position ably.
ORDZKID TO TIM Want—tlrhe Forty.ll(th
regintenti ander:.Colonel , Wdih. wbo boo been
V *mamma of Camp Catkin for several months.
is entered to leave Slat VIAL Tbalr duties-
Con, le all probability, will tut Alm Kentucky
or Yt..onri' '
Dttter, Cos an
urtao.L.The 'degree of Dm._
tor of; Diriaity wee conferred oi Rev.
Collier, Porahleat of the Pittsburgh Coster/nen
of the U. P. Clutch, at the late commence ,
MU at. Waynesburg College.
flotdoem Dzao.—Wm. EL Wailter, of Jet
;111110alartotahip,-Wsehregtoa minty, lad a
svadirethetetCapt. Templeton , . company* died
mt. Wuhiegtms, r a Tuesday from hemorrhage
of the bowels.
Bonn Comm. Er.mcnoi'-We learn, by
4110111111D1111 horn Bulge cavity, tbsi tbi su.
--:-.4irritspitneurrtheltet Vies elsetwilasno.
;,! 3
vVlTlOneoeirti.4 , 4rotlidon s Isportaiacc was
thd Dinka of Qaartet Balk*
os l'ists on Saturday. ,
. .
We take the following interesting items from
the Wheeling InleUtgenter of Saturday: .-- '.
Governor peirpoiat yesterday received the
following diapatch:
Porniwoorn, 0., Oct. 10, 1861.
- Gov. Pefrpoinf —Lugo secession forces are
lathering at Petersburg, Ky., (near onr.line,)
ead_Union men are leaving their lamilizi and.
homes, mid coneentranag at Cadet •buig.
Five regiments aught to be sent there imme
diately. We have been notified of an attack
to-night by fifteen hundred cavalry. Seam
sionista appear to be rampant in Barboursville.
[Signed:] T. N. Darr, Adjutant,
Readquartets Camp Petrpoint.
Oa Tuesday last, the rebel. at Worthington,
Marion county, killed a men named Sharp, a
member of Capt. Nara,liome Goarde. They
run his body through with a baynnet, - and vie'
a billet acrosshis breast lett hint. tying on the
ground. The neat day, a party of the Union
*Wien, came mime a body of the rebels and,
killed two of them, Jithe Anderson, a ring
leader, and another man named Gallahue. At
another time the Union men shot therhand off
of John Righter, seas was sneaking through
the woods. '
The country about WOrthington was being
most effectually scouted.
Some of our raiders are already informed that
on but Settiniay. weak, - Major Olmstead and
Lientenant Bleyeden, of Col.Ziigter's Sth Vir
ninth' Regiment, were abet seer Cawing
Waynneounty, Va., byerbOdy of concealed ai
essaionhan .. Tiro eomprinitte of the regiment,
with a small party of
,_epralr,i, the latter a hall
mile In &dynes, wear rotunda/ to Camp Pair,
point,' after an szpeditian into the actuary.
Major Ohnatead, Lwat filaysdest and inhere
had lino* behind ate cavalry, not dreaming
of danger,^ when the party wealirel upon and.
the two named killet, ,. .bodlet were taken
to Catiettaville, Ky., Ai de ceased others
resided. The snivel ot thocreated - the
latenesst excitement in the v' Which con
tinued through the next day iied. I after the
funiral. All of the prominent dentate of
the place were arrested, 'seam sniti In num
ber, and taken to Cluny Peirpolit, where they,
were kept a few days acid then sent to Louis.
wills.. Mint. Bleysclan's wife was alisiost dis
tracted. She is gild to have fallen epee the
grays of toe husband, to which the ciao; with
the wildest tdiaress.. nil, with other. similar
manes, armed the people to the highott pitch
of excitement. '
Me. Coma:our as "AMU. Mao warce."—Mr.
Cooidea hu generouly consented to postione
his Week= engagements for three Dighta, end
give all a chance to see him as "Abel Mag
'hob," in Dickens' new pley of "Great Ripen-
Anions," who were weather.hound on friday
evening lut, when It was produced here for the
first time. Consequently the floe programme of
.• ' at evening, comprising "Greet Reputations"
ri \ •,,,. One
of h Nature." will be repeated
t i l - h.t.ewspleeel"ell:braantteuld coin ;
0 , -fp
' • t. Homes Sraece.—A pamphlet edition
i - :` • ok's speech, at bring Hall, New
j f it . Si of September, has been printed
. ; / the N. Y. Chamber of Commerce
tone circulation. Codes will be for
or. without charge, on applacation to Mr.
th Romani, Secretary Chamber of Com
ig,;\ of/ ; ;O r os C. Bunk, Water
.Core and Rome.
thin Physician; also agent for ltalnbow'e cella
. rated Trues for Rupture'. Corner of Peen
end Wayne Streets. - • I
Draturfai.—Dr. C. sip, No. 146 Penn et.,
attends to all broaches of the Dental profession.
Arrivals at the
rlncipal Hotel&
Third sod Wood rtnrote
B Oran, Moto
A Cie PAIL, •
lira./ It Millar, N. Cottle
J W Blanchard, do
d Pooloon, - do
W B Adam% Clocttntf—
j H galeo, Jr, ljutLotomo
A 8 loner, do
Loa, Bittadnlrg
I MKT, It Chas. /tomes
RAW, Si - Liberty
T J Itttormaou,
P Fowler, BeltJava*
.7 Chamberlin, Medical
B I mlih, "
W Winura,,Clo Outlay
Id What aid 2 daughters
Col D Barclay, Bluanalas
II Walla, Blebry, Oone.
J Boadky I lady, Ironton
J • lady, Illzabet6
le II Blake,
.7 U Tsyk.r. Eptrla, 11l
W kluogroyo. elloabordrille
Mrs R Mean; Brookville
FL Id blood. do
T node*lay, 1L lir ickhi
A M Bill, Lut I,lborty; 0
T Hoax, Brownsville
W W Bentley, M. city
Bftors. do
W Boyd, Boston
Y BI tonear, Harrisburg
O Kimball. Clanton, 0
0 ft Brooks. N Y
J M Clarion co
J D McKee., Phil* -
r Green. Obto
B.ntoo. Philo
61 W Pranks, Mw
1.. Branchlor, ILver, 0
W Wocker, Phils
D O Badmen, Oallipolla
. noun
It Gregor, B.ldgrport. 0
Jearejt. Leutpatio-r
II Bo'toti o Baltimore •
A W Logan,
A - IdeDania% A du., V.
.844 Liberty
J R Clookoo. Olen laud .
J A randersoo, Cerilsle
Roeder, do
J - PObsppeoy, Odio
A A Tel, Its.l Wlr g, Nice
■ Yawn..
Jlalcbictirs, Pleasant II
O J Yearolty, Wen. co
T Bonsatt, do
W. shields, do
J Taney, do
B Duro% do •
Walklmbew, do
Mrs Warman, , do
T W IlAkrtr,Balliesere
A locates
W B Lattysoe, Chunk Hill
J Zellwood, Grantsburg I
0 Zillillagsly,ekhaVd,ll,
J Derminey, Blairsville
W Z Ealeraen, do •
A Wagner, inlaid:ask
Yr Green, !sly awl 1 chili
I IV Hetherington. 11 B A
I W fie`ai, Lancaster
il Bartel, Monolog
11 Vanillin, Hanover
I 6 gisibeer,Nair, Yosk
1 thwart, Uniontown
H I McAleer, Philo
A Vaiwy, Detroit, Midi
0 IV Emus A La, Itiensto'g
A W Harem
Lt. 0 A Van Doman, Mich
dent J A 'Eagle, toth
-igen Regiment
V &midi. Ashland. 0
D Eleektyynttdani, Hy
Id H Nrker.Losingro,K,
Nkhole,' do
J Ellowly Majiowiodllls
0 Kemble, lows
J Bytes, Plata
Chao Hausman lialtiro4rs
Et Heal, Beene, 0
II U Mamba& pa
O Warmer, 111111amsb'g, 0
T Woos, Womblnecti
0 11 Walker, Mare! LIM
Parker, Alta..
GIRARD 11#11.111.....&mw ;
. . . L noon&
B D Beltlay. tdon.dtp
X A Padre's Peoria
Br nod Xs. D L (Whoop;
Blffim townstap •
II e Woltb, X. Sithiehew
J B Itillar s isdalswilio
Wm B Conitonflirtisturg.
MA Mum. Alexandria
WO Dumont, Wsablosion
D B lio*mes, Chicago
Jersph Mews. Iliz tbeth
T J Mott, Bprionthild,sls
Pryer Lew* ttsrOostk. Ct
ilf„G /min, do
'IA L 1 aorstr-u.•
Win Its), Moo. city
Jaillblield nod Thtvt .tre.t.
J It Soong, POE*
JO hicConeba, ffersoo co
E A Bay & child,
Cape Ti &Wpm; •
A 0 Mealier, Ligonier
James Corr,
Shoo Rodgergiltr. Diadem
Wm B. Mailloga,Moo city
U Ppm', Jeff. co
♦ Hoch, db
M Bannon, N Brigktoo
Moors Thompson, .
T ilicflough, Pa
Wor H.rrimae, Erie
0 Meets, Ohio
Oa McKee, (bane tltillls
Ole MeCloattell.
J as Ma lharana.Jeff. co
Wm Turoer. Pdtlit
G Pennell, .lettereoorille
G Mortimer, tharioo
. lIARW3 110 TEL—In ew
1111110.1 Mak
W !cued, Oanoostetrg
K Wood. Germany
BB Pima a tan, Dayton .
J McDonald, PI eeb. co
Kat Crow, 011otoomPo
Km Magi% Watt.
W P Yamllton,.Mercer
B Geode. Cleords'e e taro
WII Beekkrd,Lstrobo '
Job. McOooneti, Wise. co
_ do'
Plowest Bdwarde,". do
W M to
COM Wear, Omenvido
J Lrvoogood t Man'
J V Gibbet* Browswrllio
,J W Mau; W. Pribileld
411) LION norm—
T. doom
- .
J W Botta, Pidia • -
oTenly,, - •
J durum, asocial rag
8 Ibop, Warn.
B 10104114,
A Wham, Poland.°
Jobs Porton. Osoootburg
WMirfall. Wane go co
itTedodolo, Weida. co
Jae Lusb, Vedasgo co
.lolus Odium Condor
2 G:Trootouus, Cderlem
J Mclrectim, Brook co,lie
JohoGraltas. taarloo co
Jokierlioroo, Prorpert
Theo liMu
ot, Brookillle
W r I FT. I4 '
,W Battu. W Broeretwllle
W Most, di d '
J Vanes P did it le - •
Jos Goodie', Phil.:
Jobs Joao, do
Leeman Lidiromoirlllo
r Mn Moalsora2 thltdres.
leaky.; Ps -
1 lien, do
sod. °brisk,. Areg'y co
R 3 Toylor, Artontrong co
E Us% 6,ookrllte
street, foot of PUtb.
PROM= 011.
J Solder,
J A Monow, N.w Lisbon -
II 0 Not on, 10Izobeth
. i Btorllog.
W Fervor A la. NoMect'a
J K Wan.. Mcctuaolcoeg
0 A oftaitoot, Wllklooe . g
a a Whigs. Onanocbori
II K Crolabwo. Mull. co •
O Id Oat', Indium co • •
John Smithson. Phil.
Rid Mb..,. Clonal. •
M P itaw. Thowpwovillo
Wm Skinner, Ohasobont4
J T °olio, . • '
W Oilcan! holAittlio M.
W D Bosom Gnaw co
D M Johnson, do
P K 4itarovo, Ohio
No. $. Bt. 01. k stmt.
• BoldloMarna co
V Portia, Elk co
John tkolth,Osorptown
I - J Johns tr, Opting Os%
111 0 Stelae& Camp Orr
A PUN, Jaguar,lrk It V
John Agnew, J e If moo co
0 0 Babcock, DeortalA
Its E feb i t, m
191 . 6 Wog t cat
W %Was, do 1
0 3 Nit Wimp; Ihilivtei
llngh Antorlogen,Pri f:
D - 11 Wiley; 174
roe l aloore,Vo • -
Anderson, pa
10 W LooLty.lflrealal
18 plastron, q.i.
It hi Mart, Woo. city
W ttasart.
fled, Lappl4ol 8 0
James Vaulty,
lho Risley, Greene co
OF Ow. Iloggenrvills
Ciallef OlulCCloemostl
1W mmud, PPWA
LOD ion, rogamailloto and 'dentin* preparation, 44.
embed ID 'author eolatatk Ib. an eattritlf new
asiootaq:and.aat •• coloceraded whit any of
the ntosaroas Want anieneinta Oly. 4•11 •
Eirtitg rowdy for all tho &omen 'epodgod; s o .
p 0117tbo.of n amnia Ofitnin—ot long standing
..or araoka, tnitattfiiatell you*. 1101rdso try iii
IlDosoL,Oolguit MORY, Of New York ate tha
mobtointsJor. Dorapsopropiors of--tin world.
ronowood Dr. -/Liigogro latunna Oosaux, so ores.
els ollagrovitiNlogbasboald boo la Orr medicine
GIOINI• la ONO of recdt ointfaillin& of if dote, no
ParegOrla at opiate of any kW, tt on berthed upon
spodisla ell cud
f aglllloll "•• 6 " 1444 .!•'.
*AM 4414140 W cia • " * 1 ""
dam ., si" l'Utieburitt. •
Lierrx.ft rams llannotraL
podal Ooneepoadendi of IM'
Sr. Loins oc4 9, 1861
Eritrea' C carver—Although' this! is one of
the important point* in theirosecittion of the
war, it is difficrid to fled oat whet to going no
here, as in Washington City, whims the Joliet.
itants wait, daily, until the New York papen
get in to let them know what is going on under
their very .noser. There is more enterprise,
here, however, widi the local preu, than in
Washington, and the morning and evening pa
pers furnish a steady fund of anny gossip, the
evening p . apers generally contradicting what
appeared to the morning, sad vice versa. The
Democrat kills off Ben. McCulloch to-day, and
the Republican brings him to life to-morrow—
so that it ts impossible to tell whether that
Border. Riffles is really dead or alive. The,
"reliable gentleman" who tarnishes the Wash
ington reporters for the New York press with
the latest and most contradictory newia_from
the South, hat his counterpart, here, in the
just-released prisoner from Lexington 'or dim
unguiehed citizen of Missouri, one or two of
whom arrive every day, utd bringsuch absurd
acclimate from the seat of war that, after read
ing them all, I throw down the paperi in de..
epair and exclaim, with Striations Blackpool,
"";Yea' a meddle."
I would, if I could, give you come idea of
"the position" in Missouri; but I c onfess to an
utter Inability to comprehend it. McCulloch
Is dead and alive; he is in Arkansas, raisins
150,000 men (more or less) to reinforce Pries ;
he is also marching on Fort Scott, in Hamm,
with 10,000 Indian devils (there or thereabouts).
In his train; he b also in Southern Missouri
forming a jortotion with Hardee and Pillow ;
Hardee, on the contrary, is in Arkansas, and he
is oleo boveringOn the Osage, between hare and
Jefferson City, waiting for Pros:loot to move on,
and then ponce upon St. Louis, (in which case
he intends to take MO prisoner.) A reliable
"contraband" last in from the Osage, (wherever
that .nasy_ be) btiop that information direct
from Head .clu otters. F.B.—The "confrab'sad"
has 'jost called at Fremont's Ilead.Qoartere
with his important intelligence, but that Ingo
cassiblis individual ocald itot be seen. (Mein:
inform the Adjutant General and call (or a
Court Martial.) .Pillow 'bar been' superseded,
having quarreled with Polk, who is 11180 in dis
grace; but he is, also, moving With 20,000 men
on-Padaeshi Ky.,'Whilo at the same time he I.
forming a•junotion with Hardee and „Ben lilo-
Calloch, intending to take Cairo, Bite's Point,
Cape Girardeau and Sc. Louis all at oncost
Such it the daily jamb's of news served up
by special telegrems from Jefferson City, nod
by letters from trustworthy correspondents all
over the State. Oat of all ibis man of , news
rubbish, twit facts, only, 'Tiler first
is that Price has /110 away from Lexington,
with 25,000 men, making ales-lies fur &Aili
ng; and the second that Fremont but left Jel.
Warm City for the South, with 35,000 - men,
ostensibly in pursuit of Price', bat with the
real purpose of the expedition concealed in the
mind of the commander. •
la the meantime, the people here plod along
alp beat way they ino, with bet little to do
except what government dihet them, end that
'although a gooddeilin thn aggregate, is but
little aivided among au many. _Ordinary holi
ness le much duller bere that in Chicago and
Toe lour guo.boafa building here are ap.
proachiag ctimpletion, but will not lie ready
to launch hntillioipuzber let. The Were
nod engines, mide for two of them in Pittsburgh
have arrived, with .lice Pittsburgh mechanics
to put them up, tind. their ituperiority to'-the
machinery made here is apparent at the flint
glance. The goveranieot made a great mis
saki in not building these boats at Pittsburgh.
They would have been finished sooner than
they will be bete, andlhe job would have been
much better done.
Thk public sebtim ent , . bete, Is unmistakably
on thikeide of Fremood. The Germans stand
by him to a man, and the general feeling la
strongly in his favor. Ile has had a great
many difficulties to contend with, Oct the least
of which has been the want of money, and has,
doubtless, committed some bilUldStl; bat he is
not above learning, and will profit by his sops
rienc% military men having to learn in that
school as well as all other men. , Ile is now in
the field, with a large and well.appointed force,
and hie plans have received the approval of the
beat military men whose advice he was able to
get. Ile has an ugly task before him, rendered
alkthe more so by the difficulty I hoes piloted
outoal getting correct news from OP enemy;
bet he has the confidence of his men and_of the
country, bed all lovers 41i tali' PTO cry out,
"Give him a chance." I would discuss his rase
further,tif I had room; but as I have , not, I
will take another opportunity of doing so. ft
From Youth-Western Kentucky and
♦ correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette
writs from L 90111111111):
\Perscitufhere declare they have reliable in
formation tint Recherche, on the Comberiand
river, as in possession of six hundred Federal
troops. Troops were moving list night
ttrongh4, ndiana, by rail, to Madison. ,The
Indiana N:b arrived this mornini shunt kill
alter one, add proceeded to the scene of ac
tion beyond this ctiy. Another regiment, the
name of which I did not learn, pursed - through
the city at a later hour.
From inquiries of loyal persons, who have
come through Bucknerre lines from Tennessee
within a week, 1 em inclined to believe the
Conlederateti-are trying to intimidate us - with
• game 01 brag. They report no more than
Jive thonsaid men actually in service under
Backner—ciany at them sidifierentlyermed.
le answer to my inquiries vs to preparations in
and around Nashville, they could inform me
01. none, save those of regular militia drills.
Tyranny vise exceedingly active is Nashville,
and swagger very determined. There were
financial troubles among the merchants which
some of them had not contemplated when they
joined the &cub. They expected to steal sit
they owed Northern Merchants "for keeps,"
but were surprised to find they must pay over
stealingir Into the Confederate Treasury. For
this es vie • merchant,' meeting had been Veld
for the purpose of begging the poor privilege
of paying, the Confederate Government Giese
Yankee debts in "good paper," drawn by their
country customers. Good Joke.
We have the msat cheering accounts MI to
the progress of the Onion cause in Green and
Monroe counties. A gentleman who arrived
in . the city yesterday from Greensburg, in
termed as that there were encamped at Camp
Andrew Johnson, near Greensburg, about fif
teen' hundred Federal troops, attached to Gen:
Wares brigade. The greater portion of Col.
Griderfe regiment, which is sow quite full, are
encamped -to Monroe county, upon the Ten
nessee line. Many of Col- Gridtes recruit,
are from Middle Tennill4oo. Col. Crider will
leave this city for Monroe enmity, to-day,
end will commence at once the thorough or
gmczttion of his regiment, which is composed
of the best material in Kentucky sod Tee
nessee.—Louithflle Journal.
Woor Declines the W n Command.
I:dricso from Washiontou are that Oon.
Wool, the officer wooed in tank In the United
fitola army; bad boon Mode:ad — the command,
so nacososor to Franco:, of thclifUltary Depart
meat of the Watt; and 'that, after tizscoloing
"the situatioo" hare, Si eibibited by edictal :I:-
ports at the capital, Gan. Wool doslinod to ad
opt, colasnaranteed lamediste ridnfori*-
meats, sod ad ditional sappiloial war material.
Thus could not be assured to him, and his cos.
sentient refusal was list. This significant foot
doubtless taught derfsla blab oftlelabi a much
needed . lasson.)- Probkbly Ahoy began. to open
their oyes upon the actual tumossitise of the Da
vi:4oml and the pattoity, of them:lane conooded
to Pismo:lt far his immense task. Perhaps
they ikon/lit that. altar all, nothing had occur
red that should weeks* the cogent rouonk that
had led-to the Itellattin of Fremont.
The Villain Wool was too sageoleus to peril
'his bird's's:sad fame by trailing ft to the in
adequate support sluggishly amordod to the
Western command. • His refusal, with this tea.
eons for It, is the loot .vMdloadon Fremont
could have. The' country esanoitall to murk
the emphatic justification and genuine
tiont . ;thes rendered by - General — Woll to the
ComMandent of this?apartment. Without
ttmilivompt aid easiest fast ,of Misgovernment
in men; firms, equisimentv, to., for the want of
which it is painfully evident that Fremont has
suffered, Wool vlrmailr °Wines his inability
to do more thin'Fiegiont.
Is. it thotiiipectod that Nnmeut can accom
plish imposdbilides ? Since no experienood
soldier ma be found to attempt Breaconee task,
-will some opiates from the civil Mb be must.
ed to crams it? No doubt tome inett porton
would reel himself perfectly competent to sap*
both !oil and Firamout --/fiesorml Democrat:
• 0.• GR &Fr aORAHAM.
L. O.
PROIL,M O /4 AND, cowman,"
1 4 10 Etc ErA-ISTTI3; "
No. 2045 Al= If nT,
Important from
Er. Jame, N. F., Oet. 11. The steamer
Glasgow. from Liverpool on the 24 Mat, via
Goeenetown on the 34, for New York, paned off
1 1 .. Cape Rena :.t 5 o'clock this (Friday) afternoon,
and WAS iuteroepled by the news yacht of the
Aksooleted Prato.
The 'roamer North Briton arrived at Liver
pool from Now York on the lot tom
The ateerner Baru:tools arrived out on the
3d blot.
The political tom is not importaet.
The ship Henry Clay was wrecked of Islay,
Bootland. The passengers and crew were eared.
The London Times, in expatiating oath. proo
huiration issued by General Fremont, says it is
not to be wondered at, as au expression of Abo
°titian doctrine may, if strife in-America goes
oei be. socomushally urged on th• Government;
but It hu furs that the resull4f.:eneh a pro
gremlin will not be satisfactory.
A compaoy is being fdrmed to London, the
purpose et which_ s to encourage the cultiva
tion of the cotton plant in Queenland by the
employment at Coolie labor. .
Thu Parts Constitutionnel au6rla that the
negotiations relative to contemplated interven
tion of the French and English' Governments,
in Mexico, had no definite result. No con
vett. ion had as yet been drawn up.
The Petersburg Bee predicts the early
recognition of the Smithern rebels.
The Anglo French contmetcild treaty went
into operation on the lit boat.,
An imperial deems opens the prinoipal ports
of .France to the importation of cotton and
woolen yards fnim Belgium and Ragland.
In the Paris Bourse renter hid destined to
68. 40e.
The French Government wilt intervene be
tween Italy and Spain.
The Bank of Prance bad advanced the rate of
dismal:it 8 %I amt. premium.
Liverpool autos Alarket, Wediteeelay, a. m.—
The Enloe of two dip, (Monday and Tuesday,)
amount to 18,000 bales. The market, since the
departure of the, last steamikqemained quiet,
and the sales have been limited, at prices then
quoted. The calm to epeeulatore and exporters
were 0,750 bales. The market 014.1011 quiet but
LAMM VIA Quasurrows.—Livapoot,
Thuraday.—The sales today are 'estimated at
6000 bates, the market eloaloir; ctm, but ,un
changed ; sales to speculator" nod exporter',
6000 bile.. •
Advice. Irons Manchester contidoe favor
M . Richardeoa, Spence &Cm report
the Breadatelrt market quiet, but ateedy. The
Flour market is easier ; sates el Ainericaa at
27e ®3os. Wheat quiet, bet steady, at 1014 d
@lts Gd for Red Western; 12ta72a 3d for Red
Southern; 125Sd ®l3l for Where Western, and
134 63 ®l3s for White Sentbero. Corn active,
with an upward- tendency; Mixed advanced
9d; isles et 42e 9d; Yellow 6d0321; White
354•®35a 3J.
I.arcer.Ottarr 3 —Corn is firm. Provis
ions continue dull. Beal is nominal. Pork is
quiet. Limon ie flat, with a declining tend
ency. Lard is quiet: Tallow is steady. Su
gar is firm.. Coireil is firm, with en advance
on low qualities. Rice is steady. Ashes are
quiet; Pots 32.; Pearl. 33.1. Rosin: Common
is firm, but no sales are reported.' Spirits of
Turpentine have an upward tendency. Con
sols 92}®9216.16• liii.
nolo Central 39.1g39i per cent discount; Kris
R. R. 231.
CAPI RACE, N. F, Oat. 12:—The following
Is the balance of the mama Glasgow's news:
The Glasgow left Queenstown on the evening
.of the 31 Inst. She ban a general urge and 65
cabin and 145 eteeroge psasengors, all well.
She experienced fresh westerly breasts during
the voyage. Oa the 4th she. signaled the
steamship City of Manchester, from Wow York r
bound to Liverpool, and on the nits night ex
stapled signals with a large etesaist supposed.
to be the Africa, from Nam York to. Liverpool.
ITAM—The issueof a pamphlet at Florence,
condemning the temporal power of the Pope,
produeett a great soneatitn. •
POWITiOAL —Rnpint says that the ging of
Pottugal is to marry a Princess of Savoy.
functionariea is the Coun
cil of Posth have tendered their resignation.
The Assembly Chamber at Pest!' Vas occupied
by military, sod the members toroth!) , present
ad teem entering.
Latent groin California.
PACIFIC EPRINGI, — Oat. 12.—The pony ex
press, going east, passed here at 9 o'clock this
Rae Prenviere, Oct 8 —Gen. Sumter hat
issued his proclamation ordering the manning
of the D. 8. military forts in the department by
the volunteers, and concentrating the regular,
(onset at convenient points for their embarka
tion for Panama. The horse egnipments Of the
regulars at the Dalt' will b' turned neer. to tile
Oregon voinntaer cavalry. ,
Lunen Col. Metronome will Metall foreknomps,
oleo, of twenty men each, Iron hie reglaidet to
garrison Forts Churchill, Ilattiboidr,'Bragg,
Croak, Gaston. Umpfula and Stnatam.
Capt. Mediator', ' , greatly appointed on Mo.
Clelltmeentaff,started for Washington, overload,
on the 4th.
-The Stockton Independent Days that heavy
failures are ',ported as having taken place on
Monday and Tuesday in that city,
A very fine regiment of horsemen is non, be
leg formed in this State •by W. Rome. 'they
style themiallres Cossacke; and are intended
to perform similar service for the American
Army that the Russian Cossacks do-for the
Russian army.
The Synod of the Pacific represeutation of
the Old School Presbyterian Church mei at
Nape on Tuesday. Reenhitions were pissed
complimentary to Rev. Dr. Scott, and-lament
ing toe treatment and popular demoostration
of violence in San Pametto°.
It in stated that Western Teals will be al
most deserted during the reliant year, the
loyal citizens bavibg determined to - remose to
new arid happier home io California, where
the coOtitution and laws are respected.
Healy Reid, agent of the San Amulet and
San Diego mad time, arrived here from Tama
yesterday. - Ne brines the following Wotan.
two Be left Fort - Yards tau week. Leery
thing was quiet in that Part. Two companies
of infinuy were there under Col. Aadrewe,
U. S. A. 'They were eery busily engaged in
Makingentrenchmentsind preparing Sro any
emergency. All fears 14 the citizen. •at an
attack from the Contederate troops loom Tessa
or Arkansas, hose been!illayed, se the lan re•
port nye there - :ere 'no snned bodies of men
west 01 Tuscan.
Pommes MONROE, 04 11— lie Boffripme,
-- , The steamer J. ft. Spaulding returned from
Portman Monroe this morn eg, bringing far
lima details of the recant engagement, which
diff ire in but few respects from the ancount al
ready telegraphed... The Indiana regiment lost
their tents, provision, and many of their knap.
seeks. Col. Brown states his loss at about 50.
Nona were killed by the fire of the rebel,: TM
inbabitinta along the beach setae In With the
'regiment. The loss of the rebels his been over-
Stated, but it was undoubtedly large.
Brigadier General Williams will take passage
for Hatteras on the steamer J. R. Spaulding,
,to•olorrow night.'
Fannin Mosios, Oat. 12.—A party of
(New, York Tonics', sent out from Newport
Newt this morning to oat fail, were attacked,
probably by • scouting party of confederates,
and driven In, with Utilise of one ham. Two
confederate toga appeared at the eame dm* on
tha t James' river. The 'teems, - Biomes went'
no a short dlstanos on 11 reoonnolesinee, but
mai-unable to mob the enemy.
The S. ft. Spalding sails tonight: with a
large shipment of ijuartennesteri• and commis
sary stores. Brig. Oen. Williams .goes with
her, and will assume the chief command at
Hatteras Inlet. -
NEW yomr, oct ! i3.-The steamer:Ohm.
pion hu arrived from Aspinwall, with dates
to the 6th inst.
- She brings $1,000,000 in treasure. 'Mond
from Sin Francisco on the 20th ult.
The Champion caned in company with the
U. S. corvette Macedonian .tor. Carthanena.
She war convoyed to latitude 23 by the Iran
boat Keystone Mate.
She lett in port at Aspinwall the U. S.aloop
ol-wat Palawan>.
adv ice . from Cardigans raped Moo-
Oars hemmed in at Bogota. UM furies have
hien defeated hy Arboledo, with a heavy lost.
The entire State of Carica-bad dictated in
favor of Arboledo. The !stoat bee hanged
Slur/ fitiseiera, in retaliation for those shot by
LOVISInitm, Oet,. -12.—Ttis .. Leader-I%w
learns aDoe nagentlovable wane:try that
itreekinridge, Premien, Johneon, Dash's, •Wil.
Minh /loom and othereareeesioi not..
Me 4 ara organising a large rebel asap at Pree:
*thrum Floyd °corny. It say. that they:ban
Lforetror" rtrorsarall — llailirind: They ara'
drlthag eightfibara per dpy, aid that they are
alarmloethe "moentalitiets by alronlattag
crediblwatoriet as to the condition of the gee.,
erantent The 'Arainulifkll the government "to'
place promptly the requisite fore, In the 11101111-
talus around whiob the Usk* toren may rally.
From Washington.
Wiateurotori, Oct. 12 —The ?Envy Depett
neen.this wonting received the following
OTT SQLFtd. Cenett.Oct. 11, 1861.
St . r.i I have the honor to submit the follow.
jag report for your 'information: Hein, in
formed 01 a large vessel lying on Quentmo or
Dumfries Creek, and knowing also that a large
number of troops was collected at that point,
with the view of crosalukthe Potomac, as was
reported to me, I conceived it to be my duty
to destroy her. With thie object in view, I
took two honchos and my boat and pulled in
for the vessel at 2; o'clock this morning. One
of the launches was commanded by Midsnip.
man W. F. Stewart, accompanied by Masters
&peel and Haynes, of the Rescue, and the
other by Acting Master Amos Foster, of the
Resolute. I took with me the pilot of the ena
mel. He was a Pennsylvanian.
Some little dif f iculty was at first experienced
on finding the entrance to the creek, which
you will remember is very narrow, but having
found it we pulled up the crooked channel
within pistol shot of either shore till we dig,
covered the schooner. She was close to the
shore 1113 charge of a sentry, who fled at oar
approach and alarmed the camp. She bad a
new suit of sails sad al , the furniture complete
in the cabin, which was collected together tad
fired, producing a beautiful coed igration, but
unfortunately revealing our position to the
enemy. who commenced a rapid fire from both
banks of that narrow and tortuous stream un
til we were beyond their range. Oar crews re
turned the fire from the boats and two steamer.,
gave cheers and pulled for their vessels, the
light from the burning schooner guiding them
on their way. Her destruction war complete,
and although the clothes of the men and the
boats were perforated with balls, not it man
was killed. The officers and men vied with
each other in the performance of their ditty.
Acting Master Foster applied the match in toe
cabin of the doomed vessel. Acting Assistant
Sulgeon W. R. Bunalll accompanied the ex.
pedition, ready, should hie services.. bo re
I hope what I have done will meet your ap
probation, notwithstanding I here acted with
out orders. This. little affair will show the
enemy at least that we are watching him, end
ready to meet and destrdy his preparations for
creasing this river at all times.
I have the honoree *your obedient ser
" N. D. Henan.,
Lienfenent Coroinanding.
Capt. T. Craven, Com'adieg Potomac Flotilla.
Telegraph News by !fa il..—Unfounded alga.
manta of a character prejudicial to the public
interests frequently appear among the tele;
graphic news of journals patiltehed at a die,
tabce from the capital, and the inquiry is of
ten made why the government permits each
dispatches to pass over the wires. 111, proper
therelore to ■ay by request that those state
menu really go by mail and not by telegraph,
or are prepared 01 the points where they ap
The case of Col. Fleeter, who anis - here ott
businese convected with the his
regtmvoi, nose in Kentucky. his filliffitibing
con. fifaj3r . Kime, Capt. hlaufr alio! Lieut.
Klrkke, representing their own. Marmite and
those of the other four officers who were dig.'
charged through Col. flecker's instrumentai,,
Ity, are mill in Washington. They byre pre
(erred, imbue charge, against Hecker, And
asked tbat he be court-martialed, but no de.
cision bite yet been made..
WAPIIINGTON, Oct. 12 —During to d , y the
rebels advanced in large force in the direction
of Prospect rim, driving in our pickets to that
point. The result wee that the Division of
Gen. McCall was loon formed into line of bat
tle, with ordera to advance. It was supported
by cavalry and• artillery. Several .bop ware
tired by the rebel batteries, but being out of
range no injury was summed by our troops.'.
The Divisions of Gene. Smith, Porter and
McDowell were elan loon prepared lot any
apprehended emergency, but nothing farther,
in addition to wharta already stated, occurred
to induce in adverse hostileannvement.
Gan. McClellan watt on the Virginia aide of
the Potomac. daring the treater pert of the
Wassaaavon, Oct 13.—1 t was stated !n yds.
terday's diaputch that the rebels were seen' in
large forms west of Lewinsville, and eeder snob
circumstances es to induct the belief that they
meditated an attack, end that aceordttiglY the
various divisions on the Virginia sidsLintatedl,
ately placed themselves in proper. position to
mutt the onemy,should ho venture upon hostil
ities. Early this morning new observations
*ore made, hot it could not be discovered that
the rebels hod taken any steps to indicate an
intention to advance upon our troops. "
Up to noon the excitement in this city was
Intense, consequent upon anticipated, as well as
reported, actual hostilities, hat indications
which none could mistake, grelnely quieted
'Otte of the balloons crsed for observation pur
poses, broke its nettings early this morning,
and took an easterly direction. • •
BALM one, Oat l2.—The Norfolk Day Book,
remixed this morning, coetains a dispatch from
New Orleans, giving an amount of a surprise
and attack made on Wilson's Zit:avail, at Santa
Rosa Island, on the Bth instant. Detachments
from several Mississippi, Louisiana and Ala
bama regiments landed.% the night,
drove In
the pickets and had a Beres battle. The Zan
eves are oredited with having fought with great
bravery, and the rebels admit a lone of forty
killed and about double that number wounded.
They shim to have spiked the guns of the
Ziumves and destroyed all their camp equipaga
They dab/m.lO have Committed great slaughter
among the Z olives, but gave no numbers of the
killed.' They also carried a several prisoners
. :-
BALTIMORE, Oct. 12.—The steamer Louisi
ana arrived here this morning. She brought
nearly a hundred pummels, including eixty
from Norfolk, permitted to leave by the rebel
authorities. A large proportion are ladies end
children. Before being permitted to leave,
.they were closely searched,4o prevent con
`cealinent of newspapers. One gentleman, who
had placed a Norfolk Day Book in hie trunk,
escaped detection.
It contain, a dispatch from New Orleans,
giving an account of a desperately-fought bat
tle between fhlly'Wilson's Z RITINI and one
thousand rebels. 'Mimi two o'clock an the
morning of the Stb, the rebels, coMmended by
Oen. Anderson, crossed the Bay and landed
On Santa Rosa Ishind, near the Z wave 011
campmeat, without discovery, drove in the
pickets and stormed the place. In less than
an hour they destroyed all the tents, excepting
the hospital, captured a large amount of ra
stone, equipments, stores, ammunition, and
spiked all the cannon placed in position„ '
Among the rebel lose are Capt. Bradford, of
Florida, Lient.,Neines, of Georgia,
Lints. Bugler and Byre badly wounded. The
rebel fords consisted of three companies of •
Georgia regiment, a portion of the Mobile Con.
Beanie's, three eampanies of regular detach
ments of illsalseipplans -and Georgians, two
hundred - Alabamian', and a number of naval
olSoers and seamen commanded by Capt. Brost,
formerly of the /federal navy: Jar. It; Slaughter,
while carrying a flag fora mutton of humili
ties, was badly wounded. Major Israel Veen,
of the lade:al:2d Light Artillery,"recently at
Bourses Monroe. was taken prisoner.
The Itlehmoad Repine says that the work
of transfernilng the'Jamestown Into a wit yea.'
eel Is rapidly progressing:
Busmen from Norfolleand Richmond glee
a gloomy swami or affairs. . • ,
The poorer clue of citizens are enirerhag
meek, and are really tired of war. • -
The government authorities have pnrchued
nearly all the coffee in Richmond and Norfolk
Benj. /Diger, formerly to command at Pikes-
Mlle Arsenal, i, comoduloned a Major General.
The prisoner. captured on the Peony reach
ed Norfolk. on Wednesday night, as follow,:
Lieut. F. M. Peacock, U. S. flary,.comiland-
lag the Fanny; Lieut. lease Hart, Quirtersomi,
ter of the 20th Indiana; Corporal J. T. Tattle,
Hudson count,; G. P. ~,,,,,,,,, York city ' ,
both of the New . York - 9.1 i. The following
are- ibe .pri : New • York 9tb, Bowan,
Havens and .Ed,oll, all of Hudson comity;
.Richmond 'comity; Dougherty
and Peg., Rene-county; -John' Carson, J , Bles
Berth, and .Prank Prom's, .New York. city{
; also Captain K. 1104291 lodine; Sergeant
- Bartlett and 12 privates, ell ludiaaisne and li
linoisian,.. The prisoners - captured at Chico•
mancomaco, include. Serpent-. Major. Comly,
of the 201 h Indium - And four migmatite, two
corporals and 37 private., also of - the 2041,11.
dins; G. W. Gabes, Colonel>. bey,al& years
old, and Henry. Hines, Captain's boy, 14 year,
old, both of Lancaeteri Pa. i
811/1C17104 No, Oot. 13.—a:epeeist ritspateh
to the St.' Ludt Rgeilierre skre. heUers from
the rebels In PriWir ahoy, deed ott the 9th
inst,..wro.been_ Intercepted sod brehaht here.
They' represent Prise - m4' Meg_ within 8a
miles of the Osage 'lmo. near Pc:pmerville. Be
has warm, .16,0!0 bersere„ end from
18,000 to 20.000 men:
son Thieiiiiikeleg blest 11 44 0
p. m. to-day, by model trete; for Bt. Lamle.
The Bleretety reviewed the troops at Bymesme
sad Tiptoe to•day.
m F... ~ -~. .. ~..
From Blissourl.
Sr. Louis, Oct. 12.—The .Ropubliain of
liossfotbio Ma following. doted Sisforie,
IL. Sept. 22:
New' Mexico Is still free from tension, but
the Texans; on the I4th jail.. at Part Bromtll=
ray, made in attack on that poet, and wee ivy ,
paired .erit.h.a lon of 20 killed, 44 wounded and
a nom* of prisoner*. The troops In the fort
had brit one Mai wounded.
CM. 0. yen boil resigned, and it is under
stood that Kit Careen will sensed him in corn.
The Jovarnment call for the enrollment of
all main, between the ages of 18 and 48, does
not swim to elicit much attention from thep•o
pie ; I have yet to hear of the ant man com
plying with Its requirements.
Sr. Louie, Oat. 14— Sanatory Cameron and
Adj. Gen. Thomas, anotepanted by Major
Plumley and Capt._MoKariver, of Gen. Pro.
mina's staff, left for the Geoeral'i headquarters
at Tipton, at 1.30 p. m. to-day.
Sr. Louts, Oct. 13 —ln the Convention, yet.
terday, Mc. Bendrichs, from the Committee on
Elections, introduced a bill to postpone the
State election till the fist Monday in August,
1862, and providing for the eontinoance of the
present Provisional Governor, Lieutenant Gov.
error, and Secretary of - State '
in office until
their SOCCOOOII duly elected and qualified.
The balance of the day was occupied by
speeches from [Joel Wright and Mr. Birch.
One of the gun-boau in course of construe..
lion at Caroadolet was lianced yesterday.
'Witmer:rues, Oat. 12.—The Erghilb Wise , ro
Ma Regiment, Col. Murphy, (all) armed and
equipped, lett Madison, Wis., this morning,
en route for St. Louis, all in good health and
groyirowa, PA., Oct. 12.—The Inialati
vote hilSomeireet county' II as folloire Stanek,
DemoeTat, 2,309 ; eeleat, Peop )1,012 ;
Howie!jollier, 2,163 ; Levee, 860.
Naw,iYonn, OoL 12.—The Owner Patton
nailed with 130 paisongere, and the Ed.
itibeiree with 248 winnows.
Oct. 12.—The United Staten Ileum
gun bon( Mohican will nail from *Ma port on.
Solurtui swentaly for :ha Pittsburgh ousethi.i
Enuatur, Cetobei 12.1661
ELOUIt.--ln fair local I■Talry, Valle prima ate
ataady and tally nialatalnad. Bala of 40 bbla Four
Ily at n1,.14,60 do do at 114,9e@5,101 100 do at J 4,111 for
Kara and $6,12 for lazily, 116 do Farollj; from
wharf, on brlvata Ursa
0R00101,1.1111.-qnfort but steady; Ws ern Mils Mo..
WNW it 608611;t hhdi N 0 Sugar at lOtt 10 awls
iooffes at 180, and Bdo prime do at 17417040. 10re'ir
4ln at 110(08 , ,4a, with but In mirket. '. '
• '
BAOON—daft, while prices remain ea before. 6ele
016.000 tbs etunaldsrs at o%c; 6,000 do Sides at 60.
sod 2 daces liapr Ctursd Hams at 93.
Eiii4There Is • good demand for this artlede with
,11 - Bin supply In market; sale on wharf of 100 bbl,
.):lelloBtraat $1,60, and 400 do from store at 81,76.
c.llO--nuchanged; we note sales from salsa at
itg6 - 811 ton.
OlLY—prude 00 bee decline.' .!root- 2c 'a bettor,
• whkb nay be attriboted to the large supply In mat- .
ket; we note • ints on Wharf ottbtkbbli, from - kiteghtt,
ay Wenn at Be la gap; sod 20 btle ItelbUd Clinton it
1011. • Theta lobo Inquire , thr bleb OIL
WillßlCY—tolthantled: WO of 121;6116 - ottroon at
17c, and 6 do Old lye at =496• 7
011111681—ateady tut unchanged; tale In two lota
of 65 bits Wit at 1330 V Dc ,
BROOMS—PaIe of 26 doslt sc,6o for Common ind
$2.30 for tansy. •
131D1311-6.aleu!ci bblioliolue mesa at $3 V• Dbl.
BlZA.Nii—olezdy; talc of IS Lath prime White at
$146 $ lmb.
filllD-13sJauf 4.000 lbs /diddling* at 750 lieut.
GRUEN APPLES—plenty, with sales at prkos
rauglog from $t 26.10 $2 V Istil; as to quality.
MUM M7AILY AND COlll/111111illtA4
Cncaao Alaitrt, o.4ober 10.--Iho dela, with LIT.
erpoolionicea to the glib, wal lelegnpbeo thie morn
ing—reporting wheat 1(414 lower on The week; Bug.
etaatiy; corn, declining tem:loner. Thia It the Dame
market reported a few day a alreW hr The Norwegian,
Lale* It eras stated that 'Nixes& hod au:lined 2,43 , 1, and
..The effect of the Axis.e new, therefor., was to
strengthsa theirs:WY niatliate for grabs. TV Imo ad.
sauced 16420 A ha., With oonsiderabie thity, uncer
• good epeculative and Waged shipping - trphy.
About 150,f 00 both of all grsdes changed howls at 13.
had; goo for No 2 sled: 65c for reboot. Had;
76){6)78543 for Nob gpri04;1043 . 13e for No 2 Epring;
and 81421640 for r.b ictect—t he comical cluing steady at
the improvement.
There was a very active demand tar Gam and the'
market savage 4 %Welk Mal, and eked quiet.—
about 120,000 bash changed hands at 26d40 hor canal
mixed shoat; 21%03223e for Mixed la stem, sad Iwo.
The Monr market was dull,iind fbe mare Itgbi at
111.4064:16 !for motor extras; 13,60443,76 for winter
roper, and 1M14,100 far low grade to good opting
Curcumen )1111111, Oct. 11,-Ikikr—Tbe mullet
b" tot kraffEtwo soy thane. the demand for saw.
floe le good, but oiler vadat umued.. The foreign
news had a ellgbt depreeMaft *Tact on the mortal_
Wegoat* superfine at $401,10, antra to badly. g 1,15
44,26., and Lacy bnuaas $4,8004,60.
bkity—The Mound le good at fall prim,. :Pales
of 1,160, Obis at / 4%ol4%c—the • letter rate We
Weiva. • , _
Provisions—The spirant anobsog ad,smallsalet
of Dacca were made K 4%, 654, end 614,'elor8bonblers,
Shim and class . Blolas, but /boulder. and drag Mlles
en geotn4ly bald 340 higher. Nees. Pork 1a held at
$l3, ago was pall bra lot of 26,01.011 a balk bides,
Watch la en aivaaarr; bulk !Moulders are bold et ao.
Groeortet—Thee market 1s unchanged sad quit=
Boger 91410,50; Mclnnes 084516 c. and Wife. 16%(b
17Ke, 00 begs good Gone mold of 16%r, and ;16 Dbl.
hlolaassa,ls c ypress cooperage, at Um.
I9nPorb• 1111111 M 1 1.,... -
PendiaAnt A CIIVICIAIMD-BanioAD,Ociobei 9.-
10 bra cheese, J Ross; 48 bale do, I do eggs, J B .04.-
Cad A c0;26 do do, A B MATO; 2 bale Abed Mac,
Jousall Lsoghtlau 20bis cheese, J Ora Mori Zl,ldla
cbairs.ltrauk Walker; ,1 bbt. egg., &dui jlerber% g
bides thump pelts, 1 do mol t a Solo; 11 eke War, J
B 0 =Bold • au 10 bbis apples, W Boom; 29 do do,
oalp t Shepard; 100 Dbl. lour, J 8 Llgpte A co; 1 car
bores., Juba Copeland; 10 by thumb, Aid, Atwell,
144 t oo; 61 empty soap bus, El 0 Sawyer Noe; 9 eke
wheat, 1, Wllmartb,_ . •
Pntouson, Pt Warn t Gnu:AGO •RialiolD.—
Oct 12.-1 be, 2 roll. leather, 8 Herbal& • co; 60
balls brooms, Used A lletsgar; 2 kp lard, a bbl eggs,
2 do apples, 20 kp buttes, 914Douald A Arhudthr 10
ate ens, NMI:Moue, Smith A co; 11-earptp
itbodee t Peron; 1 14...1 thwortig 4 kp butter, 1
be hooey, Wm )IcOutcheoulk co;131 bdielldte, nom
men Altuax, I
• Isisparts 1. 7 -
POILTd6IOLITEI—pir Rocket—T4 hbls tier, 6 B
Wareeldeph; 160601. do, W W Wllllametio; Itio ions
Iron ors, A Bnldlot;100 do do, 11.11 A Speer, 40 du do
Mag. Pennock 411 ci0.1.0 bids Nat Xrerolf • 81 . 11 •
*mope; 60 do do - dorgeo 11elly..
016101NUATI—per dogloassaa7-814 bkli Maar,
810 by wheal, 60 bble bud oil, lie to lard, 60011.
bee; 3 !Ada tallow,2lbbh; tal low ell, 10 blade bacon,
-60 bols (larks, A co; 60 tibia gaolers% Jams
aeration 160 bklee, 2 robters, 1 at trait, J ladder,
36 bide cooldilikbewl IYHan• 10 aka twatheradt 11
Blur 10 bac VIM@ h b good:, .1 6 Liggett• to; 63 do
apples, thilp • Shepard; 60 bbls whisky, if Motirtokezt
• an an bp waist, nitacco; *item:4la t 1 •13163,1
aosp, I b64oil,Ja, Ross; 33 to hams; 14 bhl. bats,
T balers cc; 4 bss soap, B L libosstock..dtoot .61
.coat, bbls, 12 bbls ale, dpeihr t Garrard; . 6 4.bbli •
pateloso, 11 011 IL .
0130INNATI—par Stoma Dom 4 an- bail audios,
1 do easy, 10 bp oottes,• - Y B R neat; 18 bbl<bunp,
Jobs' Irw la• 60 table Lour, Win Inspect; SO du whi•
by, Jos Solaald% 300 roll* reofilog t spar,' Hartman;'
80 ado's, John ~Irsriri; 30 bite soap, 10 do nodule,
Miller A SIAM/oat 1311 Ms wheat, II T gamely
tiro; 1134 Obis 110ur,36 ohs bacon; 60 tibia lard 011, 3:0
bp wbost, lOD able dour,Olarke tea
131114118TILLE—per Ltrale Nettlo-260 ski oars.
Dorttagtoo; 200 do do, Sadao; 108 do do, WIWI,: 100,
do do, itetrtsy;' bbls flour, 400 do, high Wad, Itt''
do dried apples, 36 rolls Mather, 6 lkya butter, 311 bble
pel do WIWI. Ilbyi beelya34olszkEt ea;
ltinion; Adams isprip:an sav, Jai *kr% •
10 Mt oil, Lubele off oo;18 do do,' A Itrotrn;,• 60 - 40,
Johnllooariml tta esodrial, Um 6 A Macaw; i 5,. ..
old metal,o a an: au sac 33 bb s Int#,Jeoniptaw;
p Ibis sweet potatoes; Jai • Fetzer; 811" head .
doyen& Reed. ' • -
PollllllooSll—per J B Tord-100 flair;
Loch i Entoblutoo; 113 do do, Marto g lxs lb. loos
ploy 'roe, Ooze, Obadaut t to; 10 do do, it CI Lomb.
Wllllllo.llo—pu 1111oervs—.41 bolos wool, 100 bbl!'
doe& T 4000 mob, Jimsbadllosllscd.llo-btdoLop-•
,t ll6 , 29 1 10 1 w% 1 tddo boson, Jr A Pow 60 door
bb, Mod= t atonsl:6 lons MIA rho: Weal •
m:1 dui, 3310..13z strop Iron; Zig & P 610666;
'odes wheat, J I. Nobl• A Ger 1 no maim., l bbl 4401 1 ,,J
Ilsibert: CC DWI. door, D laughllo; CO bdlo war, .
0 ALLlPloLlB—.peclJodloo-1010 . 11Le Ono, Oinks .
A to; IS do apples, iscdromi a fltecrerl; ISO 110114 4
Lig,t id ot I to; 12-do bend earee:2l6 - 0011, 1 , 00 1 11• 04 /:
18 lAb saassivaawka 111c1Cont6zotio 1 or,
erclecor cog 6 ski Wool, 41 Ode,: 16 bblerepples o
odo wheat, l 6 ckedo.9l tele. Kg 3011 0 1 6 14 '
vilaCaglirik... • ,
The weither iseterde/ eiceldn'ilillieet.end
vvia, &Geo not aemaeloaebk. The rives Moutionee
to toted. slowly. whit weal 8 het by: the pine mute
hoe eveileg.:—.slBo whale fee tee p 0 . drys
Aran the Lute Nevin Qom reeesellle, Llsittoe:fteas
tivillpoila, Becket eat T. J. rialto tram - Pertaintratb,
sad linos Daum item The llama
Stahl= Lea Itenasviile, sod Billie List from tom.'
month, wink load et the wharf abismoeniep ;The
Wriest ntsrm *Manse ~so; 5i z ...a.r..4 la..
late* as Wedesederiaoteing...--.lbe departures
wen the Vailiselleeesillpek,ltooket be Portsmouth,
Liestealerila- tee livalevithviltiedertueresitivalLia.
don I. Otatiiheil, and W.L"Macl5O roe at. l biOwsaldewhW , at.amu-llaogttd.,lide t ,Orptiklat•
rests; will salvo ban fia thaelatiett ateeeontielt..
go will La Nan imivertbeimpt ratansigiin
veiVishir—:4 l *lPlEValKigeof OP:=
•_4104d& **fir bind sposst battens
affil*stabs pleat of theiebea
sal a ceasidotable &dame while twashat In a. dense
be, not ilia fried the* the will have to Moja
visa oho k ;MU IMMO wiflaisit . nrW la On steer.
Merpirgellier bean trawiferreri to biota and will
rlwabillwittetotred up ta ttos city— --The Diadem,
Litt a lidgeti.lortt.•Lonh, an 6 the ATIZODik Capt. J.
M. WSW for Cheilaual aad Loatastllhatill be ready
to WOW alsoo—The ,41urots,,t1t.' Loots, Mslootte
MOM McLellan, Kenton and Argyle were Wray Wear
lagrisOincituatt in Pittsburgh on Elstordsp.
anketa by Telegraph.
Piatherielea, Oat. 19..L•Pheur unchanged; plloll Cl
ouparlite at $66086 Q. - -Wheat &close 286.1 m
at• 41186 bush vadat $1.278146, and white 0121 $7
1 97: Whisky Re lower; salsa at =,lO, • „
New lroan,Ochl6Nwinie4llour Own; sties 72,000
bbh. whoa -steady i aka sif , 66.000 boob:CW.l6o
sPchsl6 tehne,tl 15%; hillwaulteednbsl 20, red 80
sod • bite $1 91. Corn - film; *Melia 100,000 bulb at
'67c fee gwd mixed, and 01 for Whits/ Previsions arm
and tatichaenett. Whisky *essay at 20. sEaceitte—
floor, 28 , 14 7 Ws; Wheat, 107 671 bosh ; . Cern, 731,.
705 heath •
Nair Wax. net. 12—letenlog.—Cottoa firm; alai of
Boa bake. Floor firm; rake of 18 400 bldg _Wheat
kilovolt; salmi 23,800 bask et $1 14(118%( 1 for Chimp
*prim •$1 1441 20 for Billiraakes club, dl 1141 fit
forced aid 0401 42 t.r whit* Coro Arm tided or
203,400 bash at 1:444578. Pork Arm at dl4 74454116.
Lord buoyant at 8%. - it Milky firm it 2340208.
News from the Muff irmusdriara—The Gulf
.Bannyto cAtsßkroPs d ol m a.ort ricke'
The last new* frost the Golf Squadron left
Commander -McKean, who succeeded Com
mander Mervin* on board the Niagara, which
is now the flakelip of the tquadroe s instead
of the Colorado, off Pant POntrit. Com.
mender ffeKeen was meting active prtpari
tions for the complete closing up of the Alla.
eissippi: He would then move from that.poei-
Aloe to Penncole, the Colorado taking . the
place of the Niagara. The late , storm did very
little damage to the fleet. '
Catemander Menses, where departore was
mirth regretted by the whole fleet, intended to
ask a court of inquiry, but there was ippment
ly no dlepoidtioniaa the part of the Government
to censure him. f He is one of the oldest. cap
taint in the service.
The *hole coast from Galveston to' Florida
Reefs wee 'ioropletely blatkaded.
•Fort Pickens is prepared. to attack Pensa
cola, Forts. Mcßae and Barrarsoje, sad . bold
them. There is no doubt j o the opinion of the•
hot officers there that the place can be taken
without serious difficulty:
1: • One passenger . steamer SUNNY
BID% Caps„ V . Marsha, will bawl for 100s11/141110
and all teitermedlate ports; biz TOXIDAT;IISth lett •
SA 10 eleNxt. 'lot freight or passage apply Oil 001110
or to eon J. 11..LITING8ION 00,Asts.
18VILL1 -AND 19T. LOl/18.—The
The steamer DUDE IS, Capt.l hs. Boom erns mega
c .
ter lha Melee and all letermulUste port.,en- MB
DAY.- Ter Del i ght or pump apply onbo ard onto
oelo ' I J. B. LlYilffeaTtiN YCO. Slienta
LOIIIBI'II.LI4—Tha Boa ;meow
'learner ARIZONA, Cgs. J. B tkamay,ants Brnrepa
obove,on 'Via DAY, at 4 o'clock. Nor „Iralght or
pernsge apply oo board or to'
- ,
eat D. 11. LlOYlB,...kient.
PUKTSMOUTII.-.The steamer RODENT...;Trrahn
Wolf, will lean births - above and: all Intonnedlolo
loadings EVAILY SATUILUAY at 10 o'clock,
For Irenibt or Finings 'spry on board or to
MO J. B. LIVINGSTON I 00, , A rlinto.-
;wronger Marrow lIMPINIC Capt. lan .Wiloatera,
will leave Plttaborgo tor Gallipolls EVERT, BTUK.
DAY at{ p.m. II etunanClesves OaWpolle RIPECY
TUESDAY at 10 s. at., frelgitt or pummeijipply
on bawl or to
MITTS BURG II .1 C0N•=4....2 •
Tbsll22/1188 - PABBINGIII MUM will lava the "t -
Oompsaie BMW IiTATIUS. owner et item;
Bretteortilie strode, on TOD lIHDAY; at &ty. ate- :
'lotto. will be gleaned' therookuseacemoot ollireltht
b minas et the wiabauilallott whisk will be wise day.
itakertat. ' a!,.earsTuttir,,-
;x9.2tag .
Air ia lp
now and siden.lkb pasesuger. stssinow
ORB BAH. °apt. Ayers, leaves Pittsburgh toe rani .
vine ernry TUII.• Das% at it o'clock; g. wt. • Xleturntolt
loaves Z Renville for, Pittsburgh anti? PRIDAY sit 10
g. lb For losiglit or gamins apply on to cap
1. IL LIVINGSTON L Mb, Agents, Pittstiorgb.
11. 0.1.110..1trik00., - Agonts.-Eannwillin•_ sol 4
11.) .Klll3 LJA K 'WIkBELINu .
xi o psos thw, .Cramer bR:
Otatt,YA, Captain John Gordo, leaves„toa'.> vichweling
anti Intermediate pot.. every TUDDOLY,' INUND.
DAY anti DATUaOAY, at p'o'tluck, A. 1114 making
close connectionl with tho pokata rfterPark--
toksbarg and Cincinnati. peturntog, leaves Wheal•
fitinloct innt. Pawnor. recelptoi through tit
dation. for/night or gmnage apply act road or
•ntY Ili Water knot.
CMUAM Vir.Nitsaa ttlEr WA IN • •
M VOlOl Alen lialVIELk.
. Lending mid embarking fasetegem • -
at Quargoorown. (Inland.) Th• - iv. 'Am
York and Fbrladelphia larimetilp Onmxim Word
gamma(/*liar talt-powersd 170.ballt Irak Stomp.
CITV W WaSUINaToN--Batura.Z. October 12
Bleutdikl, October lb
Saturday, Octobor 211.
11.712 011 . PA.DIASI '
flan' it:tirttilltAtil........ll3l pa
do to botojoo. ....pi Oil do to Lawton. .1112 SI
Many. Astons Titbit& gooettor tilt Itouttd,"ift 1111
rairsagera tormutal Paris. Sono. ttatotratirb.
littoniro. Bounds:it. Antwerp. attott ridnead throtith
Perim wlse.tos to bring ont thous' helinii us '
trap *dote born at tr. follorine rota., to now York:
Enna Lltontoot or laneenstown ; lit Cobb.ei $UU. ig
008 Slot. Stung* Crank Llvattrool SIC fromiinsens-
sir Stitt drnfte far gala on Nostand, /intim&
Bootiano sad Watts.
That nioamiirsaMs laserlot moolomodattoin toe
sod our, ex porlasood Mammoth nor
aro Wm la Wator4Jobt loon gootloat;andiralro Pa.
Sent tiro /amMilitarism WWI • •• .;
/0211 Eh DAVI, afoul. II tiroadmao. Tt4,Ft
aollifluoursigr...v r l a .
410 Wort► .t,..l.
Inroad Way, Resit Torlf.j_
Board Reduced to $.2 per Day.
ißibl OE TIIE OPENING of this and
mmcKuou. mit,a. In 18:4,11 hie Isom the angle
leidetTOrnf the yroprletoretomake lt the Sneetatnnt.
Canna, nonviolent and comfortable borne for the elti•
ten and *lmager on this side of the Atlantis.
And whatever h,s seemed Ithtly, to administer to
the comfort gilts guests they hays sndUTaridfirlth•
out regard to coat, tapiovlde, and to nomidnn,4 the
elements of Individual sad social enjoyment elhlth
nunfein irthne Invented, and modern taste approved;
theilitiMcamo *bleds' It haeintraed - during
Idos put ate yearn fe . • gratifying proof that OKr ef•
fiats haveheen appreciated. ,
. . _
TO meet, the exlpualsi of the times, mhos , sll:sri
resulted Is . prsolk . .. sths Utoet
r rlglko
osorgyi . tbo un•
Redeem" the Piles .c.f Board ktiViro
Dollars per Day,
at the tame lime abating norm of * the lozarlei
which their table has hitherto bees supplied. `.-,`
TaIIADWELL, inirrooku.A.9o.
man/tuna • AND,
James IV,- Woodwell;
105.:97 and: ,9 Third 0780;:%
111 ty u sivria
Etotois • sae Private Devalue;
°WM Promptly miaow to, and te". far.'
unary aanfally pinked and boned. , -..• , A ..,-
Iltionaatte_ . andlintals fandanad at thortiaNfor.
Oataihat liars rappliad-atararany - artkolarlartha
-..• • • '
i_.looo**. 11111101N•A fancy Broom,
10,1 taxa Waimea Itweir•Obeise, -
-41 w, Wood.? Peal titarcb,
itiirdnittoothy risk
bbh. homy, elier-flein Pork. -
£ooairs nub. Irowle, tor , A.mliy Tat,-
a•ko aims Pother; • -
- - blocs trestrNA.:ll.od;tbr waif
Jiefroollro4 Awl 1,, mai ky. • _ _
bida. cbolpiOrom - Applos,
16 do Swot. Older.,
--- "'lQ - Itiitepitioiteof bird,
obis: troth dr.p.
3do potted Batter, - -
Is iforptod foc Pk bt- wmp.a.ausPA,
. ~,
1116-4 _
"440 141 %Sree,iasn u a;
totettv,iipt,,; JOUNA 1ti381441[4.,
0610 " Contirof Litart7 liud nandlan,"••
IaTAROLL-100 boxes for mile by _
ocII Ir. a. NAHMIIBTOOY & 00