The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 12, 1861, Image 4

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• ", Tha_AuelusidfillUrheateenth simnel
• • Aun onof. - the Philadelphra- Baptist Am
eii } o 4 wig held lyst'week in the Second
,Biptiet 'Church, Philadelphia- The pro
iesaillnerWertr operied with iiertsen
George Biggies, hem the teat -fUtuat
3q Ist These. 6:13.- -The itermon was de-
Voted! to the 'beauties:Of Christiair 'Rife
ientf the true position of th 4,.
/he "Rev. Beithen Jeffrey was chosen
'Moderator, and i ldr.• II: G. Jones; Clerk.
*tart on societies give the `;membership
o this body at 12,000; Churches 68 ;
patois 46 ; and 36; ordained ministers.not
putout.' Roue of the ministerial =withers
id the ( Aeiociation, who have, at Gamer
isesioris taken an active part in its pro
oetylings and labors, mad pas tors of chureh
"tar in' Philadelphia, left them _congre
gations, and are now residents of:Oah
e= • States, The Canaille* on e.the
13tatesof the Country reported a seriitof
strong and out•spolten reirointioits is favor
of the 'Government. -We give two of the
series 'of eight - which ware-'passed fluid.
,: - /levolved, That peouliar obligations rest
- *POD Baptists in this country to stand
'firm and faithful in their allegiance to the
Gloyeniment of the - United States-the
first and bnty Governuitint that tuts over
seeniedto them that liberty of consclenoe,
that teerekrm of worship, and that - equality
'tit rights to which the laws'. of Matute
and olNature's God entitle their
. Reseleed, : That we deem it the privi
legiand duty of Baptists to : give to the
GoVerimint in its present Struggle their
qmilathy;"their co-operation • their means,
and: their prayers, that it may speedily
somas* the rebellion, restore peace to the
Huai, and renew lot tegitimate sway over
its original territory.
Attar the Asso
adjourned to meet in the Taberny
• elyeßitpldia; Church': t` year.
w•-?.. - Pleat, of - SE - Jilichael the
exclueriollikarprintie of heavenly heats,
soya Y.' Tama," occurring Sun
dey emir, Archbishop Hughes preached a
swoon at, the opening services in the
lower Part of St. Michael's Church, New
'York. The sermon wte kiinded on these
wears--''My racs. -- Tia house of prayer."
The , Archbishop *raw a comp yrison be
tires" the Temple at Jerualem and Chris-
OM pios 1 Worship: - Ile Bahl, Aaron's
red was the symbol of eacadotal authority.
In;the. consecrated Catholic Church God
Withal ipoke through tho ministry of his,
apoolited priests. The conAegations did
*teethe to listen to opinions and specu
, leMens, arid" thole vague things which
. filled - "meeting homes," but not churches.
They go to meeting houses to hear a dis
claims; oa if the preacher is" philosoph
ical' they hearken ; if be is witty, they
laugh. But this - teairietio. in a cense
. orated - house of prayer. When =they
mita there they should ciuster around the
basset the bill upon which the victim of
ths'ing redemption expired. • -how
• wash removed 7 By going to the house of
payer, seeking the priest, acknowledging
-their trine, turning evidence against
• thiessives, for no one but God knew
At .racent sertaion of.thri First
Sped of the , West 0. P. Church) in
Areglienr City, action WAS taken with
this yiew of the division of that 'body into
It is .reported that the Cortgrega
'Aktzpil Churches of • Diamichtikette sus
' biped about Iwo lendred and ilfty mis
.idermales last year by their_contributiona,
correspondent of the "Recorder"
writes hipeeting Western Virginia :--We
iesnt4tet-thenris-not•a- minister atom
lalemaltedtroh left in that, part of the
tbs - State, or rather - in the New State. ..
"Rsiiner" says the'Synod: of
AlGj<beu7 (fl lirriehy teilan) closed
rmitiviably harmoniorts meeting at New '
°aide, last week. Resolutions in
-'favor: snataining the Geyernmen_t_ja
putirlig7dirie4 the rebellion were parsed
r-Itimidtheialy by a standing 'vote. Bab
hath'evening the Rev. Dr. Swift of Alleghe
ny'lrly„proacheil au:able - and interesting
'smisiin,Comminnovitlve--ot the likvitia --
schir;:aallaixtrs of: the late Rev. Hebert
Jobritsorr, one of the early ministers in tilt;
• • —rliev. A. ,C., -McClelland pastor of
electlt thrrourth - ,Preith - iterleit :
entered upon the duties of
the'isatenate, • •
twelfth anniversary - of the
Anitalcout Bible Briton wee celebrated in
.Ne - w-torti r , ,Wedneeday therld -inst.--The •
Objed - of this Aeiiociation is.the revision 'of .
the Ellit4tures, with the view to an.expur
<. aatlou of the errors in Eng James version., .
Inuit" Yrepoit pmeeated, we ham that
Sines the'formation of the Union a great
saroatited - letof beeli aid;
its I slhave revised 'sod trataltited
the followingSalptures :, , :Mathew, -Mark,
• letbit;74loll4 ' Acts, Galatians,- Ephatians,
Theip#onians, let and 2d Timothy, Tites,-
- .Aimee; Reba:nye, Peter, 2d -Epistle,
Jokrils4 2d, 3d, Revelatione, Proverb;
, _
iaboe he been performed' within the peat
ids jean.
donations t to the American
30anl wf9ceniniasionen fa Foreign Mu.
iiittes, daring tie year .ending Angnet 31Y
1861, were $335,714,66.
!wetland anniversary of the
4,lolirian Trotesta!
`Maury .. Society
list Monday
the anneal report ti vu to*:
in a flourishing coot .waipta
40 , Past Yl*cPaitolir!ted 4 0 .51,8,0 00 ;
• plasm $lO,OOO ; balance in the tressuret4i
", : lwid Of SB,OOO. Rev. Dr. Ting preientit
illefollerrlogreaclution, which,. wac Anspi
-410.01VaddPai - •
rano:dim] of do
-54" -: .11aro
.„hred, That the P
„Inioos.requiree that w a m id dp
Net ip.ciafattentioo to one foreign pork
' 11"114446141 d01ma
(Adak lima, both shot on on
myna! learning
and the superstition
:- John J. Mantling, of the New
Oopferenee died at Tari-
N; neatly. Some years ago he
Add's* Impartial "office of Govettioe of
` - ilijoralas%lll4Srero Africa: -
RARL - iiitOAß.•
Homes for the Industrious
awn ros ards-
3..400.000 • A 0311,118
Rich Farming Lands
TRAM OP 10E2 P iglus AND 171*RD8
LONG ozxbrra
Tho attention of the euterprieln; hod . huperteiohe ar•
lion of the community le ditazt.d to the following stet.
Meats end Iltrmel Inducements < ffered them by the
which, sa they will perreive, will enel , le there by prove
energy, perseverance end indnetry, to provide "
Comfortable and Permanent Homes
for tbetriselres and &milks, lab, compuativoly.speaking.
very little capital:
NO State In the Valley of tho iiiiieseppl offers so areal
an Inducement to the metier as the State of Illinois. There
is no portion of the aced abets all the eooditions of
mats and moil so admirably, pimhios to perinea [harp too
groat itapka, emir and abash, si the Prairies of Illinois.
The deep rich loom of the prwlrite la celttrawl aoeh
wonderful Witty that the Warmers of the Vattern eel
Middle fatate• are
Moving to Illinois in great numbers.
The wee of Illinois ill l ,
21.43121. to that of linglmad, and
the e3ll Is .0 rich that ft VIII aopport twenty colltfoha of
Thee* land. are con lignone raltroed 71:ti wiles in
larogib, which MAIMS. with other roods anti navigablo
base and rivers, tbs. ollordin • - •
an unbroken communication
with the gselein aa4 Benthern metkets.
Thai far eapfall mat labor hare beea applied to develop.
leg thrall; the great vawaroart vh• Sate 1n 004 L sad
IhUN ere almost armada/4; the lavallsble rale thekthe
meckenle aru tleorhh bat where food sad feel Ise cheap
oil. Ida follow at in early der . la them:ante
of the hate Walesa the natural Naomi afteseltlitit of the
air warreat tee trek& thit at kat /IVY EUNDRIED
1 . 1100:941VD PIOPLg all be vadsgesl la the State of
Illlaabi la the Talons
Manufacturing Employments.
tivar 109,000,00 U of titivate eapitattave helm it.
plaited os the tangoed:system of Infoommb
pert of the locums from emeriti or Mese worts, with oral
futile pada liocril In Mole, poet to diminish the litate ex
peller, tie taiga are Ilea, mil poul,titistalaeotly, every
Tut /STATE prat
760 ElatOD*l4 L only $1.0;106103 14;arel whido the Wt
Was years has been - reduced Iyt,OSO 148 BO; and vs may
'reasonably expect that It tan parr win Wrenn extinct.
no:assr -POPULATION.
The State ta npldly 01104.0 p with population; 862,023
mann Melon been *02.4 sloes 1850, malting the pre',
population 1,21.2.426—ie rethiot - 102 per cent. to ten peee...
nil aviculture, 'products of lllhsois ure greater Mao
thous deny case Mato. The products sent ads doting th•
post pm stossdool,4oo,ooo toss. The wooer. crop of 1100
ignatectmo 35.000,000 tuakels„ while the cora crop yields
out lees tUals ta,acio,ooo ,
brumtie or MOIL.
Nowhere —. the ladastsfooe threw stow* rail knee.
Cate molts for hie labor es opal* theme prairie eolte, they
'being mapped of • deep;rteh knot, the gentility of which
oraFisi by soy on the globe.
Aso 1861, is Maw* haat said 1,300.000 eau. They
Mimi, to andtsal canto atom and every construct contains
ayreeessat •to csdtloate. The reed hell been constructed
Uoennin Asia Lads at an einosua y -884,006,000.
slit, 1860.
inspapuinensa qtforlyntose counties thrsigh *Ha w
11161 only MAYS, cineseisbnie43ll,9oLneverboisi added, sulk.
nue ma Watto a.Btd,tß2 141 percent.-
avansoss Au/ Rgoarstarg...
•Al al iHdioa Oted thritl or the slapreat bi meted
that UO,OOO tow of tritcht,toelo4l4 4600,000 hulk's rti
ttrali sad 900,000 barrels oSooov,,ereve forwarded ever the.
Ltd Wimeiint Sad tio /roe Bobool
opiiiMboursiod Of IA and oirloirod largo
remand for the rapport ,
of netioolof 4 .Tbrir clittdrou an Uri
In stip of Msda& and scrod lgOoosioasrgroliraip *Rh
the Pivirkikt ar, the liooltog Eltaterin...fte Gnat Wouern
• Minn AND
The Moil' of thew findrivf traeffe to pa Or acre...e.. •
waft to looatlonotsality, b. lirpachiar farminglan as
Jon ke about $lO or slaver acre. sod the Math. moue
CI eabdalog pratris lawful rammed with w..e.f.1a00 .bin
lawr roes at 111.10 to laverof the feriae: -The binge of
oak fret e troika Omni lands •
Olio'Yearto At'vanes,
. _
rta par ant. partranaue.and fi lett:mast - mates st six per
oat, payable ratpactnuly. In toe, two, three, four; On and
glibt flow daSitot ode; taal tour *mai
papabla to
loar, Sta, ds. and tantramdna, of.ashu
tbc austrast atipidatlng that aue-twillt at - Rat %envie.
thaaetaball ba..pd sad calllewad act and *Vier year;
for an ratio from tha data of sale, so that at the soda' Ito
yeah aue•bal I shell I*faesWoda tltil/T•14011.
. •
Twine], Pir beat will b•doimetAsta
M .
fruit the initiate::i fee cask
iseept theseta e shinild at
Ai &Ilan peewee, when the cub prke will be five ebliern
de.trtpdrebf.t the Wide. Gott, elhnsto, prop
dadicrimr p r i m fed lira* st. iityowat, esti bb on op
Piked, :' " • • .• "
#oliTga, teNI? -
• . •
„ Aire•orathiew.r. .
itritaisisiaof No?
Ultima Costal ra= "l l4. l / 1311. att4l "
= .
.. 44 L .3.15411-4161}74 "t .
D Foundry
'Liberty at...near. Outer Depot
.j.lia...lll.7.eauaaii, Pa.
IIocorattk , AIODULAINII, ocof
IND ea ILL,TURNIDI,O4.B . usicie of mil
Helix& v
etiveinit satiwpt.
NOPIA.4oz. atwayooo Mad and for Awls lour.
°Naos Jall vita W. W comer of WOOd
'We! and Diamond allay, orti!, rtootwo vrvsuyi 'tau.
if 1 r 13 - 1 ir - 6 S
rl9 K A L)
llmakiseturee•lery varinly of
din: deo. ;Szo.
Sole Proprietor of the oelebmted
Mee and Soles Room,
Na 4 Wood Street,
ALLEN, 011000RM/C8 t
VA Tr ovxn xi,
Warehouse. No. 62 et. Clair .t.
Mi. PARLOR sad Mal ISG STOTRS, Parlor
sou Sltebou Orate; Hollow 'Wm, etc Biael 'and
Oboe Moulds, Sontag Mill Oastings, Mill Gearlot,Gio,
Wow nod Artisan hr. Irmo, Dog Irons. Wigan
&mu% Sugar HMOs, Pullop, Haagen, Lir wne,a.,
Coe Bop, and Cardona generally. Ann, Jobning awl
Machine °Wisp meta to ardor: Pstanted NOW,
Villa. with' Bran or Her plow. solkedud
tor abbettussinsub.
6 . in as a Remedial A gent,
ESPECISILLY designed for the use of
the Megliesi :refection sad the Atway
supenedsd the walled natal," ...Aromatic,"
"Medladea," effehnappe; Ito., te now andoned
by all 01 the prondneat phydclans,; thendea and
condemn, aepaffeettng all of twee tuirtnefe eited•
dual Tatham (wale ene Mental Which belong to an
old sad pure Gin. Pat up tactual bottles and
add by all drilidele, eta.
Dr. CM. B. CllB 150 Wood al., Agent.
(Betebllthed la ITN1) Sole Proprietors,
wady N 0.19 Baud Emu, N. Y.
ilettotzum &gatbon 0410.
S. IL DAVIS, Praatient
JOHN IRWIN, Jr., Secretary and 'TrairMirer.
DraleuroaS—S. 11. Dub, T. 11: Sevin, J. L. Omni.
gnarl; 1. Cameron, John Lido, Jr.
01 4EO grseity,trom trup eeili of tee company,
onot. Creek, In Venal:trio musty, on henl
ann ferule.
Moe at T. D. Nevin & COL
royele le No. 86 Wood it., 'Plltsbarge.
itsrimilas LAND bliaLitte IN
P 1:7 RD O. LD 01.7
Mugu, Onstaattea,) PITNBUBMI,
akieVer Omen. and Penzole oenatantly on ttni..
lerJere reentval ter the preen. at OtilBl3. 8M VV3
a 00'P. tßater VIM etreeto ape2allat
J&UKbUN & TOWNStaily,
PORK vacuums
nEe.r_ar.Fts IN przovisioNe
No. , 12 Fourth street.
Baotou fond a flo, umortenent of Caron, Lori and
Port, moat of wittch h of heir owo corr.
Olean CIIIIILD AIId, dr Clantanatl and °thee cam.
PLIIII% LIABI2, .1113 and without canvas.
SIDII2, Omokod sad la dry V•lt.
LIAR LARD, in Dbl.., firkins sad palls. Put Up es.
prisulstar lustily use, and all of Melt own tendering
DRUAbiI, aultabis scaly telll purposes. and
A. • Laura expired by to!bales do Oa Ist dsy
of august, 188 L The balsam sitd- Osln sdl be
settlsd by the sai Arm at Jose. a Lasiblfss.
dersfgosa, roddlug Hu thts of-littsburgh,
hare formal 4 !halted pastaarshlo andel the Ono of
loom Lauesuis, In the bustooss of may lactating
sad dealing In Iran, (In succeoliou &slim Pm of Jonas
• leautb,) to %Mob Orin to general padotas sra
Bahlsmiu P. Poufs, ThOutas it. Ames, Prow W.
Jews. Usury A. Laughlloosid Irwin U. Langhtla •
and the spoofed portlier to James Laughlin, who bas
coutnbuto3 smut, thousand loco hundred dollen to
the tosses stock of odd partnership, le bko Is to
°masa. as of ties latday of AOpuot,ll6l, end IC
term taste QU Soo Ist day of August, us&
. D. P. J 0.113,
O. W..lONls,
September 16. 1861. selp.Ps
Tbe following Molt In the Decotab 1110140 daps•
ay, fortelted for nos payment of aast so meet 0160 rte.
pentium payabooa tba Lt el Baty bet, 4111 ba irtld
at Public &cotton. by J. O. CAWS & OU., at their
Altotionßootalcoo 1111 b street, %the OW of tftta
!moth.- Pi e ma Id, NDAY. the Slat day of October,
1661, at 10 oNdork, a. atone
600 shares represents& by mildest* No El
ISO do do do . do 'do 611
tall do do do do do 612
100 do Ao do do do 617
2400 tio do do . do do 66
. NO do ataadlog aessiof Bpsoo Vda & Co.
1f o cartyfiesta batted.
By oral. of the Board of Ifiractors.
JAMB M. 000P1B,
aatftlasd Prey &Tread. Dadotab Magog Co.
In eta= and Atincoophorao Hammen.
• .• , .
ETEERS PATBN7 were ted on
A. 4 &pt. ilb,• 160 e, to Thom..,bra .ry
1311106 sad teeieet tau to flataia and at.
toorpherto UMMUIP, y tM tall ottoko of Um
hammer Ls obtolued, no matter what MI the thlekatai
of the maze of boom be hamoutted—thersby alba.
foga rest mere...of ' whirs large pieces of
metal are to tel operated open, awl oontspondlng
meta' GS eapetaa.
• The Jobe:alba,' are owners of odd patent, end are
daimons of 'selling rights to •nao mid hapioratoont,
will sa territory antler aid patent. • model of
mkt hapiovoment la loft at the Mop of lifeeare Saw
a Oohing. Attorneys et km, mane Of 'Grant
end Dfintood alma, where. yanks .Initereetel may.
call sad We U. pad learn Worths . tor= otlloollia,
oale, ; tto,• • P u b. wisPna,_
Taomes inucun
rnmorl.Armsernent to. Ps.
• "..A Tar r Lap stock of choke TM/ Of OWN To . *
dies to abase from.' WA *von possible' ears Iskoa
to bin ems Saribty trail to ' -
. . . .
. Of fp* alone ire toms 1T6A0.-60011
►te tbts• lea *lot, 10 COO kw you old I Poor, 10,000
two three leg Peep, Plow , de., • Oue
. , um:ma—Tbs . troth the usury. Oill and
IItaBBRVIINB from 1 V. 8 feet, by the hundred,
throw also, EIDADD 211,1183 AND ifiIIUBBSZY
whote:eale 'ad retell:
/area Paitabergli
burgh. PS. sal9dtwP JOHN moaDoctarjr.
l) .1010 VAL. Tlf , .11:e
'Ai , Mal ha be"
, teemerned , turbo.; SS fifth
afoot to . .
O. 80 Wik 084410
' Four Daft tots Mint st.
-2CK,O bait:44ol Apples,
- -uol ,“ tick* Peethes—bilew,
- • . eOO b
o omOlean Mee*,
. k etlted Batter. ;
led * general stock of TIM , Tbl*mo,lta, la store and
to attire, end far tile b y
. .
- ee2ft Wholetele iltroates, '463 Labirte mom
N E W oRLEAIO,IB 81;1131AR:-4 ILO hhdt. -
)any Is% pion end Aoki, Jew Orliinsikagai
IP owe and tat WO by
- - nntioxinsonme.
T MW 011-30 bbla, Louie by .1
arn4hriv i gitrrar •
radii -ItUBBIIR- 00ATtli, PANTS;
4004. oventb.ustlap.elonatios.einhkai(
ibfag Jltip, its low Mist $ll-Nall =Oh OW
stmt. finl v j
- ... J, ia, NUMMI. • ,
alia&B, 1.141 D-700 /bor totAislis by ,---,
60441 .1.4. , -.AL 'A. 114111111111=j110. ,
QIALED PROPOSALS, till Ilia .21atiif Chnebsr, 1661, tt 11 °Vieth. id, are lowth-d flr
stipPifioit Usti witoy with Les( Cattle ea the boor s to
.be eettren it at Catatobiretwitit, Hertishtiei, or York,
1n the Orate of P•totelleasia, we Itia may
Bidder. are rayntated to optuply tu .11 pall.
watt that form otbld pnbWhad botawith
Uoyarnutaat retter•os to Hail, the .Ight to pay to
i.amory woos oi other :owls It as. bra.abors
rod to relict auy bld sod lor,any cause. No bt wUI
1..ai0rta . 12•4 thilAtialial la lament to ruepou
to btabld.
The froveromett vill tea tee 4,C00 /1.04 ouder the
outman. end will fewer> the right to require any ed.
ditlenal flambee au 1016000 heal
l'ettwerta to to meulo weekly to once gestalt!. es
they be e, quirsq
The what *wrap I Pilo I.o.leds gr . ...weight;
scri no animal will be received which errliter
Owl LOGO pounds 6g oec
No corcilLnaf Ind mill be receive].
The LI !a t.. be directed V.. Capt. a.. DiSCELWITLI,I.I.
B. U. P. 4, Waehhigion, D. U., and eadoreed “Propo
rah: Le Pe: I Cattle."
1, AB, do hereby propose to oetiver the iltrern•
meat good Boot Cottle on the hoot for - per had.
area pounds giaa wetght. Th• Cattle to bestehlrer•
al at. Chuntsuntor.4 Llertishurg. or York, In the
t tate or Poway mots, at the Gorertment losia 0001 g,
nate, according to tte terms of the eatkeped lideerthes
meat 'The Cattle to be weighed on the litiVelkand
the wslght m determined to be the patehsee weight.
I hereby ogres were • goal and sufficient bond IR
thisfulallieses of theoentraet, and towels° Tramurp
o .tea or other Government rondo In payment kr tnti
Cent.. • . .
To Ant delivery or the Cattle will be requ4o to
to made about the 10th of November,ll36l 11 •
In theimwodl►te neighborhood of the Jobbing Bounds
oulterket, i [din end Chestnut streets, the stank%
P.nt Cake, Illsiobsuni ilzottangs, An, to.
Board per Day. $1 60.
..loomunodasno, Lies retsina on As 1117ROPIAN
'Lin.; leer= front 60 cans and mnsards,or dash
end Mali at I PTIMCLILIS RUTATISAIR 41 , T6011111 TO
MI Rom. Price according to Me HiUs of An.
The City Cars saki Passengers frees
&ay Siouan TO. er CleteSir TO tee
11lir English, French, Gormin Spronlett avoken.
Single loom, Fifty Cents Per Day. 'i
City Ball Square. corner 'rankles. it ate
'Opposite City Belt.]
Seale, w they_tua.y be ordered, h: the' epsolous
aSt:tte tory. Than is
Barbee. Shop and Seth Rooms
chri MU, Hetet.
N. II -Llienwarie of Ransoms tad flask.
same, who say we ere full.
ae27:17111 PRSPOS, Prop:iota.
121 hhdo. fair good, fair mid prime Edgar.
160 boxes 61,01 mid 10f Lynchburg; Va., I .1 arm.
100 bblii.R•aned nagar. •
PRI hags b la Cafes.
10 bbie. Penesylvnia Syrep,
acT 18$ Peened sheet.
016 REFINIs:IKS-5 casks cheap Paint
for all blend., castle! them ter feel, tight.
For role by. [sell] • Klett hlr
Scrofula, or Sing's Evil,
is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the
blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated,
weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it
pervades tha whole body, and may burst out
in disease on any part of it. No organ is free
from its attacks, nor is there one which it may
not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously
caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis
ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth
and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and,
above all, by the venereal infection. What
ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con
stitution, descending " from parents to children
unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed.
it seems to be the rod of Him who says, "I
will 'visit_the iniquities of the fathers upon ;
their children."
Its effects Commence by deposition from the
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed
tubercles; in the glands, swellings ; and on
the surface; eruptions or sores. This foul cor
rtzpiion, whicl genders in the blood, depresses
the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions pot only suffer from scrofulous com
plaints, but they have far less power to with
stand the attackelyf other ',diseases ; copse
quently vast numbers perish by disorders
which, although sot scrofulous in their nature,
are still rendered` fatal by this taint in the
system. I Most of the consumption which de
cimates the{ human family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination; and many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or
are aggravated by the same cause.
One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ;
their persons are invade&by this lurking in
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
To cleanse it from the system we must renovate
the blood by an alterative medicine, and in
vigorate by healthy food and exercise.
Such a medicine we supply in
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
the most effectual remedy which the Method
skill of our times can devise for this every.
where prevaslingand fatal malady. It is com
bined from the most active reme&als that have
been ditcovered for the expurgation of this foul
disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the
system from its destructive consequences.
Renee- it should be employed for the cure of
not only Scrofula, but also those 'other affec
tions which arise from it, such as Etteertre
and Sarri - Duroass, Sr. Amoorres FIRE,
Rosa, or Eursrestos,' Peattpto,
BL4TCHES, Maros and Bona, Tuoons, TESTER
Rosemount . , SYPHILITIC and 14Encv mot RI s-
ran on breetis BLOOD. The popular belief
in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth,
for scrofula is ti degeneration of the blood. The
particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsap.a
'Ulla is to purify and regenerate this vital flmi,
without which sound health is impossible in
contaminated constitutions.
Ayr's Cathartic Pills,
are eo crunposed that disease within the range of
their action can retell withstand or 'evade thetaA
Their penetrating .properties search and cleanse,
and invigorate every portion of the human I: rigAn
icy, correcting its diseased action, and restor i ng
its healthy yita i lities, As a consequence of:these
properties, the inialid who is bowed (loan with
pain or physical debility is astonished to.find. his
health or energy restored by a remedy;atone
simple and inviting.• •
-Not only do they cure the every-day complaints
of every ba t but ' also many formidable and
dangerous diroases. The agent below named ds
pleased to furnish-gratis my American Alnianac,
containing ceifificates. of their cures and dirco
tions for their use in the following complaints:
COldiVC7let Efearaurti, Lleadachestricring . ;firom
disordered Stomach, Nausea indigestion, , Pain
in and Morbid hurction of the Bowels Flatideacse
Los ,
,mf Appetite, .Jeremdite, and other kindre d
complaints, arlsiti% from i low state of the body
of obstiuction of its functions.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Coughs, Cnlds, 'lnfluenza, Hoarseness,
Croux, Bronchitis, Incipient enlis:imp..
tion, and for the relief of Censimptive
Patients in advanced stages of the
disease. _
So wide to the field of its usefufnesa and so nu
merous are the :anises of its cures. Ahat - almost
evm7 Section of country abounds in, persons pub
lielyknown; who hate been restored from alarm
ing and even desperate diseases of the lungs by it
When once tried, its superiority Out eitrt
other medicine of its kind is too apparent iiscatio
observation, and where its virtues are known,the
public no longer liesiMte what antidote twemploy
for the
,distresaiing and dangerous affections of the
?piteously organs thature incident to out climate.
Whilr many inferior remedies - thrust mm' the
community have failed and been dlscarted, this
has gained friends by every trial, conferred -henti
flts on the afflicted they can never forgot, and
PrOduced hares toifnumerous and too remarkable
to beibrgottem:
L 0 WrIA . MASS.' .•
v. a. it/Loa a ca. Pfttaavgl.apaltS
*Oki in DeliaMoviDVldarliMirillOVA4olmen
• r , Y.. , ‘„
QOM=Amain °Mimes Orr Cs, t
Wait,looms. June XI. /eta. .1
Proposals are' Waited fut the fmniableg or Army
, sagg•g• Wageth.
Pt firma mate the price. at abl ti they ma
to furnished m the piece el manufacture or at New
York, f tuladelphis, Whitmore, Washington, or Ctn•
&Ahead, as prmeirred by the bkkierih-
The another which c.O be gm& by any bidder cute
to one isolate after receipt of the moor. el.O the num.
ber Which tie me Miner within one Week.
Tee Wagotse meet exactly eouform to the following
ispeetilVattheyarad to the es•aithated perterne
Ids mtile (covered) wag..., of the elm mid doodle.
tion-ao hthiere, to w,t:
-lb. trout en eels to Do thrce het to. high,
ituteiten unlit hi thunder ' and !mutton owl 41, quo.
tat luaus lobje,filocl laboolaloot fort lota btalau
bubotentodkquarterincbtw to diotto:or,suii fourteen
and a quarter Luaus !pa too and u bolt b L iine
arkie , ,Led two e od abr. tots tor tooted delta: out Ikon
pipe grim gales loch. toug, two and a half tech.:.
at tbo! !ergs end and one and MVO eighths kWh at
argil end; ate - two end a hal luche s wine by dn.
sten/se Of an lig thick, fancied with one screw bolt
and not In ugh Gitlin bug wade of gnat; the .pokes
aid Wills Of the beat white oak, trea brow detects,
en* taboill to sand
,baas' a Dowd and liceople band
' two and tlueenneinp giges wide, of No. b band Iron,
;gildbanda—.Ontalchl band en. and anger
ler tug 'Dy oneacineiter'ilres.thkk, king 'balm on.
lag by gressetzteen•ba In glamor, the hind when.
to, be magma Doted.. ibm they will measure front
. the Inside alibi fire to the large end of the box idg
ind it ball inches, aulftootwinolsatt, and one el,gtith
niches Inaparaltid ling sad wiggle to be three feet
*lgen and three eighth Indus from theouteld• of*.
hotiidee washes to the nuclide of the other, to af to
hove the wagons all to track five feet Loot centre to
centre of the - wheal. /Intense. to be nude of the
. bud qualllp; refilled Albuttoti Ire., two and shall
inch.. ;ging a: the shoulder, tapering down to one
gig half hag In lb. middle, with • mien eighths
Inch Itlmpboli bolo In each gingen wager. and
tioetiplgui for 'soh ailetren nasal HOOD plats Otall WWI
wide, threewighths of en !nab thins, with • hotel. -
each mid: a Wwidan *Mk contend threeogriarterlog
ee Wide nod looping.. dory-6/mug subetnittellp to
the ging* with nips oa the MIS and with two
bolts, LW' gob.. nom the middle, end fasteual to the.
boggle and bolster, (tee boleter to be tour leer die
Inches Wimp flee Items wide, sad three; and a ball
deep,) with Walt &Minch Dolts.
, . ,
'The . bo tin feet eight Itubea ling, foal
Luega wide and 'three inches thick aa (rout and to
gtie. bowl* NA two and a naintar litchis wide by
two' and thhieviartar loch. deep at the boat coo,
amig arranged. as to lid up, the trout end of It to
king :within two leetof nva grotto whom tho wagon
agodlng at rett an &level sorter..
the front tamale to bi abz fig two loch.. long,
thro inches Wok, and bierighee ertdoovur gawps,
and to retain that width to We INICS end oTtlut tongue,
1.0. ol the honsultona loot -Ittat' MMus Mug and
tlingebichas mama at the trout end; with • plate of
Mott two and a halt inches wide oy thee gambit:is of
lug thick, fanged *stop of the bound. over the
beck tudolthekaugua with one helfing acre. belt
lit exile end,' and a 1,1,1114 DI Iron or the 1•030 Slit tutu.
id newt, eachnictd aue add • half loges to clamp the
front: hounds together, and fisieum ou the under
shhe, and at, front and of bengal...with has( loch weir
welt through mesh bootie, la SON la eighth lock bolt
through sotto° and ttoDUCla 111 the metro of '
Maim. the tongue In the DOODda; a plate of 'lron three
Inge. wide, onsainsiter loch and one, foot
efgat Inge. long, secured on the tondo of Jews of
;bounds with two rind+, and • place in thegme
'ominous on each aide of - get:ague, where the baugoo
aid •01111•• run together; minced tn. like 01•Dribr, •
, lace of - setramighttui of an Inch tonal Iron to ea•
tend tram:wider the bout glen*, and take two bolts
talrgot.partult the Weeds, saute thew:gnu
:oars of Weigh round to eouttnue to the backback pert of
'the ,
hoggada, and do bo fattened VIM two bolta,nue •
hearth. back eon of the hOunds, and one thrint•h
'lllder.atidliounds; a brace one front bolster gm and
p half kg ogregarter of an inch •toloit, 11th
; a bolt In each audio. [step it to the heandg the
•upeolug between - UM AV. Of thn hoonds, to lOCOITO
lUD Walvis, and four and threoguarter lights in
treat, and four and • halt Inane at the beck part of
The hind bounds boor feet two Inehee long, two nod
larcequarter Inches thick, nod niece Inches wIdo;
Jaw, ens rout long whore they chap the coupling pole;
the Dobler lota foot glee Indus Wog, bud aye aches
wide, by three Inch.", deep, oath etealy iron two sad
• ball inches wide, by one-hell loch With, tweed no,
two and • half incase and lestrnel on bath red with;
three riven; the tower awoke sod Intrude to be no.
canatwita lour. hell acts meow Lolls, acci one half
weir area bolt int ough toe coupliog pole.
Rh* coupling pole wee fat eight throes Log, three
Inches. deep. and four and • Loll Inc Lev ride -t hoot
nod, and two nod tbrotsuo .tor lurk., wide at Lack'
end; distance from the matt* of king boll bole to the
antra of toe beta selectee Mx net one loch. and
Irmo ice centre al king•ooll bole to the mate uftles
mortice tel the Mod end of tbe pule elgut toot Saha
Inch; e; king bolt one and • quarter babes dlatnet r,
el Lea lolthea iron, crown more to sevenolghthe of
an Inch *tote It pima thraokh the Iron saleires;
Iron plate us towhee long, three In:ha wide, and one
mean of an loon thick on the [madonna and Wipe
when they rob together, Iron plate mos and • ball try
one epee ter of an Inch cu the eliding bar, fastened et
mph end by ear, w bolt through Ike hounds; trout
loiter to have plasm ante grin below edema Imhof
long, three end • ball Inches end', ant three elb tea
°Path inch thick, corners dawn mil andel:aced down
co ibis sides dl toe it oiler, mth a nail la each ten
one, ant leer tonaterallak nal. on the top; two taw" •
00 - rts hind henna, two and two and a calf ludas
wide, of tlo.lo hand nom the rub pith on the come
lug pule tobe axial lactase lows, ode and three ether.
tare inchea elle, and one qoarter of an Inch able'.
Doublettee three tat tau India. lung, .inftioin• two
lees tied. lochs lean, all well malt a bl-korj, with
an Iron ring and clip at each end, the metro alo to be
well secure.; lawl bar and ineicher to be threw teat
two Inches long, two alp a quarter indue •ideZaind
one and • gagster inch thick. l.eei ban, stretciare,
and ging,lghet• for Maroons team; the two ringlettegg
For the load conies to have boob in the middle to
took to the and or the nith chain, tha wheel and mid.
nn cob • with open slogs te attach throe to the dont:l
ist/a and lead bar.
its litih than tote let foot long fo the bib; the
fork one toot ten Inches long, with the Stro:Cber at.
locoed to 'pied the forks apart; the holm 01 the
doubletees, may and tongue chains threttefghtha of
an Hach in diameterthe Latta chat, oevenedataenth
inch in diameter; it'd ilith chain to be mho "taken th
non diemeclu to toe irk; the fork to oe 6thentheeolb
Inch douneter,the Unlit of thalami] 01 the to:lichen:a
to be not more than two and a goatee hub, long.
She body to be 'might, three tea 6 Iroba" wide,
two feet doep,,entiota loose; the bottonl, and ten feet
six incite. as the top, sloping equally at each end alt
in the clear or in. do; the bee puce' to be two and a
bell loon., wok, and three lochs" deep; front plave
tWOlerbell deep by two and • bell Jodie wide. tail
piece two and • half ache. wide end three-litchee
droll &Oa four inches deep lu the middle to-reet on the
couples, pom N p rail ooe and a Leif Inch flick by
one and Saran eighth loch whim lower rail. one ince
thick by one and wevenotighth inch wine; three muds
nod orn ran in front, wits a seat on strop Magas to
come it op as high so the elder,. box three Lot font
hates long; the bottom' flee helm lade Iron; side,
nin•aud • half inches *rep, and eight an -t • hall loth",
a top to parallel Ilse to toe, body all in the char,
to be sabstantlaily fattened to lb* front art of ehe
body, to lave en Iron strap paean round mitt end,
metered to the head pleat and faros roll by • rivet In
AGM and or lc pessmc Wreath them, the Ile 1.3 be
hateiteci to the trout rail with two good snap Warta;
a • rep of nvereitltth Iron mond the box a half inch
tram the top edgei and two maps sem* saes on the Ild '
Leer the front edge, to prevent the moles front eating
the toner; to have &Joint hasp fastened to the middle
lea the lid, with • good wooden cast on the Inalle,••
asap of Iron on thexentre of the box with f• ample
pea ng through It, to rattan the lid lo; eight stude
and two litile.on each side; one bolster festened to the
body, Mx. lothea aerie and lour Inches wide at king
bolt bole, 'waled In root and centre, of sieverealM
teentha oleo inch round Iron, with I had on the top
of tall and oat on lower sag inn Mann brace le'
hind, with Omaha on top trial' piece, and ante on
the underside, and • baton top of nib a plate
and shall Huhu who, of No. i 0 band boo on toll
pica, scrota the body; two airlift In tailpieces, and
bind bar Iwo and a spatter Labe* wide and one loth
thick, to receive pieces three feet bar inchis long, to
be need is barns' boatotr. tour Meta through each
aide stud, and two mete threugh each inatetsl, to
secure the Ibuing boards, WM of the keel quality non,
and ratted on a good bur, one rivet through each end
of the ram fixellve-eightla of au loth oak boucle;
sides flee algtabs of an-Inch white pine, tall bard.
three quarter" elan Inch thick, of white pine, to , be
well chimed with dire oak chat". rim red at each end .
through the tall busidten tron plat, three feet eight
Inches long.two and a quarter inthes.w/de, and three;
Metals' elan loth Mik on tha under aide of the bed"
pie e to extend from the had and of the body to elght
Inched In hoot 01 the kind bolster,, he be
the rod st the and or the bodir, by the lateral 104 and
two threcafglithit of ea Inch eater. bolts, one at the
*ornate end *Ms piste, and the. Otbor.about
dialaist between It and the Literal sod. A beirinch
rowed Iron rod or bolt to pan diagonally through the .
milt. between the owe bend stud" to and throno the"
'bed pica and plate under it, With a hood heed on the.
top snit aut and eallW et lee bottom, vi ho at the lop
one foot dew, inches Ineth budder., tell board, and ou
the bottonceu lathe" from the hied rut, Iron
Gimp two lacing wide, one quarter of an inch thick
- .MO the bpd eke+, the centre bolt to which the
look chain is attached pealing through it, to extehd
ATM lamas on the !adds of tithed,. the inns,- top
- Mid bottom to to Wend . by: two - thromoginb
lotharea bob a, the middle karat ths anti Lobi
flab with the bed pinata the lower side, Two Intl
chains securer the' their, bolt of the body outl
and eleven Inthes,' the other ;two lea six Inches
tong, to user threectgiellis of an lath round trosn'teed
through to bi kat fact animate hag from on; to ma,
the bottom and *ode cl tak,tho idea of eldlaarPhee
to Weight haute wide atleatum, twelve Inches wile.
at-top, and 'debt' acid • a half loam deep all In the
;their, well bawd, watt a bind Of hoop hen mound the
top, ens around each end and them between the
strong and ennoble nova to bathe llama oat the toogite
she, fading; good'etiong obelus to be attached to
the Lilanil of the boely.secored.ty • staple Wlthj•
knot' to Utah ;It to the trough. XIX bows ol good,
ash; Mai Maas nide nod one-ball loch thick, with
tare* staples to connue the ridge tole to it, plane:
two, Maples. Mt y, to wore each one or the
bon"; one ridge pole tweore fat lung, 000 and threw.
quo:Jere feeble wide by bye eights of au loch ail;
Ills moat to bent the ant qtality cotton stook ho.
drawn feat load 'and *lnd Salt tight limbs. wide, merle
In the beet manner, with Mr hemp cords on each
ado, sentenetheougiesch sod to des* trat both
ten staBball wen end 0111 . 4 . 11 .1. Odom atel amoral '
the end* of the cotter ; Emile to tLe r m
loweil, near
the socond Mod from matt ead e lo Watt the ildecordx
• The,..titelds . ofibeltody toed Led trough to have two
good aria whitalead,oalored to," blue' tint, the
gds of. them to Lei two ante of venetian rot petal;
the running gear and Wheels to have two goat ecara
ut vetionsa red darkened of a choccdae color, the hob
and WWI tote well thctied, Instead of painted, if re
A tar an antra Mad Ht. and two extra
treat° undated with each 'wage") the king bolt
and angleatme shells, in all respect* to those be.
Meta tilde of the body of the wagon lo be marked
8. dad' numbered Is- directed; Mintier pert. to be
XL 8 i the arm; teed - bow - bolts, linchpin;
gavot. and banana oaten.. tar, sash nava to banns
In strong ban k (Ocoaarro and tta coact. masked
It te to be &dinette atiderstood tbst Maligns ere
to beep ecnitt tbiefbblieeiererput. of cey ono
veva vIU epee sad 811041 0. Show a illy other, so
Y to main ao amatmettei oar arreasteg foe patNais
blether.itadall tbitestietal toed ft their posetnete
1594 16 Is Cr ' M t"' glintriallOsr*P4Bo.o.
seeeo.J. 504 the- sort Is all It• parts tat tblully Ott.:
outed An Oaten stitkozeuthtto manor,
.1 be wotk-tooy-to-tempro.e4 true Unie to time es ft
.irotoonetoy-loreillicer,de afoot ot IL* Quaturmaelp
l'oll‘putuattat, awl ;ow. of [retail be pelate4 boat
Jt laveoted au] appromi by via &-
bar otegentplitt . 4,Btad to ho•pecs It. 156ea8814104,
Isstrd, eel aux•pted b • so vjti .xt• 14 . aireat of Um -
Quatterni.atert U•imtt eauq slut delivered u beretti
egteett.tbeyeb.ol. v..t kn. . . 8111101 i.
ntrcl Q oertenaester Unmet U. 8.
r vlt Altaic VT AULII9
1 AND 11l VII 5103. tied HBd.
tleriCal ore sax OLOPIII , a LID I'tintriat,
'Cheney .11,1o.nti lidl6crser swats.
Near Anglia 3,1361
'Pm P ute et be to onset ertbla niticktor turoub
h., 1 - 1 , , t, army-ili•gun 'Herne.:
.rt,„ the price at which Ile,
toas lotatialted at the Oates 'O4 matal•clara And
th•p-6.:4 ea with/. they can le deltrored title de -1
Dot, the tittitolieteBhiti can be Mile by lb. bidder
naafi" o.e.tortetit alier-retelot of the older, alio the
nombor v Filch to tan deliver within one week.
The hatetena nand asectiy inofortu to the tillowing
epeciiinetioto and it the eetabitshedpoi/etas:
Pour mule hung. ma follow., to wln.
14111.2. L.
Two itiulleiv —Breed/ stripe 3 lett 0 loch. long, 334
locoes wide, seven Into id lortiringeot%loch tope:
70 Petraita3 lot% 11 inches long,334lnotaa wide. stsy
gnome hnt loon, 71%, Ito bra at We, iota 1341ach
bookie% come Crepe to buckle loco eta, pleove, 6
feet tong, 1 . 30.ttch wide, aide strops 4 tart Ithp, 134
loch wand, Ile 'trope 14 inch. ■ long, %Inc sloe,
tapering to a point
Two ltelly Ltathin Long aide two het 3 loch. long, 2
lotbee Wide. • two inch hackle; abort ado I ion
6 melees long and'. inches wide.
!Two Eilli Milton 18 to /9 lochs. long, with double
itrapeand sore leathers and rookies 34 Inch wide .
Two Peir - Of &rang Baum to mutt. made of white oak
gent, ironed. with hook., breast ring. 134 lack
&pone, stapkwind line rings.
Two of ltsono Wraps. Lowry one 5 feel bluebell
iting, - 34 inch widecupper one II feet 0 lochs* bin& )4
loco wide. • -
Two krildlet WOWLI pleas Y feet long, 134 inch telik4
cheek piece. each l 0 inches tong, 1% loch Widen hunt
piece 11%, tonna knigs.l% lock. lia4.stay piece%
train/inds to crown pace., 16 inches king. 1% tech
pods' puce plot. 11 lot he* lony3 loon indstrhilods
0 Inches Itnig,s%, lusher *lda: Niue. bog olde *feat
long; l inch wide; Itorteltio2icet Wag, I loch Wide;
with ' , loth Wicket brats, tinned - tunnel, 'to welsh;
6 the to the dozen.
Two Pair Üboto Plpea,2 foe/ Laps, 234 holes aside.
Two gals 'haw Chao., 7 foot lung, lo dots to tle lout.
of N. U true, with T no oho nod, weight 7% 10 9 Os
per pair. 'Twisted or strittOlt.
One Pair of Wend Obalas,l2 lathe. tong, 14 link. to
the tool, of No 3 Iron. Variated.
Two Nock Straps, 8 feet 1 inch long, 2% lichee wide,
with 2%, loch hackle, '
Two Noce. Maine, 4 feet d Inches loug,ll Hoke to the
foot, No titton, /' end loop to he .rated 40 14 the
beck strap. Todated.
One niddlN, Made on Attalaps. tree, bead, gullet.
and cantle, ironed, coriond to the mina way whit
helFlarrned horse hide; flaps 20 boohoo long, le
Inches veld% senliegle 7 tact 3 prime long, 3
inches wide, with 9 1 4 inch buckle on on. end, in
he hastened to dui kascole by 'being meted te.tersi:l
coned torsi* 134 lien Wide; theme lame ere 01,01.
one on each gide of libit saddle tree, oua en 4 J. tlytio.
tn. front part uf. tho bar, the other sad to the ox.
ignition of the bat heldnd the ninth% tipardith saddle'
fashion; otitrop loather. 4 test 7 loam Mpg, 134
Inch laid% wittt B e rnelt buckle; stirrup., malted:ft
Iron, tioned, Lois eye pattern, to weigh 1334 Ibe lo4o
[oxen pair.
Two Collate, 17% tolB long, made the same se
for wheel tottosse.
Two Petr of Hamm to eta, of the same castanet as for
whenharosee, troonS, with hook.; breast rings and
rlnge,:nth incept Mt In wheel har m..
Tin askilee, amens for s heel harness.
Two Neck thugs sin Obsinsomness br wheal bathos.
Two Belly hatutet •
'Twit Pair Clila t ftlpes, 4/
' Two Pat Ti nt. Utwtos,
Tito &divers and Hip Straps. Back strap 6 feet long,
towing • from 8% lachew to 2% Wahes wide. Hip
Otraps each 2 feet I Inches low, 114 loith wide, each.
with • tux* at one end.
Two /lack Banda,B feet 4 !aches 10ng,11% inch& yid...
Two Weitingales, 4 feet long, 1 14 loch ',no, to hoeing
icto the tat
Co. tampliag Strip, Ftest inches 1a0g,% inch:wide.
Oue Check isoldilt feet Wog, k Inch wtoe, to. buckle
toto the Olt at Medi and, with • :tag sewed In
the mount* reP•lll4 theJead
• vas Loam .1140,21 hot loon,: % inch wide, with •
tact 16 at one and,:end in 8 than loop at th• other.
Ono %lap, &tory plaited horse bide, 8 feet 8 tube'
One lionetßrask oval, Of brhilm, —by Inane.
.9oeiMlTS_Oastb,fiet:2M—llbetr. -
- The:whole - to 1,, packed Ina box shoot 18 iheb. 2
ide,4l lorine deep, 34 Inch& long, made of 1 loch
mid; mowed, SWOP hoopo'or Iron se obey be repulsed.
Four Hone names; se &loin, to wet:
Two Qattara Breech crepe 3 feet 8 inches! long. 1%
inches wide, lowed tato 440 ch singe of % Inch trom
hip tank a feet long, a bedew wide; any Memo 2
loot 2 Inches longs 1 Maes ride, with 1% Inch
buckle.% muse lumps to book/slut° ono pl. on 6 10 .4
• .long, I%inch wide, We. &spa 6 feet 0 ions. long,
1% that wide; tho lumps 'l6 Inches lung, /I% Inch
wide. tepatlatto • polar. •
Two Deity Lands: 'Long aide 2 feet 4' Inches long, 2
loam wide, with • a byes Ducklw abort Wel toot •
tt kebab long and 2 Inches wide.
Two HMS Collareq 42 to 23 Inches long, with donble
snips and wile leathers sad Miami ji loch wide.
Two Pal of boom thanes to malt, mane of white oak
root, ironed with Matte, brims ling. I% Inch Kamm
staples sad line doge. '•
Too Pah. of flame burps Lower one 6 feet 6 loch,,
Mon, % Inch wised . appek ono 4 feet 6 inches long,
14 loch wide, of atom mooed teethes.
Two Bridles. thaws piece 2 lest 2 Inches long; 1%
Loth ride; cheek photo etch /Olathe. long, I% loch
wider trout &en •12% hates long, 15 Inch wide;
stay plea* from blinds' to. ammo please, 10 loam
• long, I% Inch an ' piece 12 Inches long, 1
inch edam bliso lu lo g, 0 lath*" wines rel."
long able 4 feet a loch,. long, / !nab Widen short side
2 tees loog;/ Inch with 1 'lnch buckle; bins,
thnedraolleit.•toWelgh i IDsthe domm.
Two Sale Chain Pipes, 2 het 0 luta long, 2% fiches
Two Fair Trace Cholas, 7 feet Itmg, 14 Unite to the Wok
of No s Icon, twined or attalible With Tun Oho end,
weight 0 IN per pals. •
One pair of Orem: '4.llthlns, alnches long; 14 *ll tO
the' Mot, orNo 2.1r00, twined. ,
Two Neck kfreps, 8 fat 6.thchne 10ng,2% foci& wide.
•• • with 4% inch - bockie.
Tern Nick ClUtila“ fed 6 Inchon long, 14 links to the
foot, twisted Nod itOll.T laud'. loop to &sleeted on
lo the aer• 4l6 / 6 6$.1wtwil In the &am.
One Wale, am& on Attelkspea tea,Slmd,lollet mti
cantle Ironed, catered in the musk way.whh; hal/
tanned bathe bid. &pp 90 Inches lan, 18 inch',
wide; sturchtgla 7 bet 4 Itches low, 214 Mann *lda,
with • 2141nc4 bookie= ens mad, to be Motenad to
the saddiehy being nee/into too caned stripy 1%
loch raw; anage straps ars.plemed one on sack alas
lof tbosaddisstree, one cad hi nod to the [Mat pert of
the ttr, nut "that and to 011, extenekst of Um bar
behind ibe-catitleo bland & swifts feabloor entrap
leathern 4. feet 1 losheelang, 2% Inch wide, 111
loch 2066 ie4 etlrrap., maatoble hot; tinned, bolt
ejo penned, to.welgh 185-knl - to a damn pair /
Two Itridles, aline as f0r.006 baneres. Two •
Odlare,o3. to MI
th chist Moog, made. the math sa
wheel tar &roam •
Twd •.jolt of Aitooo to salt, of, mane material ea ,tar
Wheel tiaineae, Wooed, with hooks, brunt nage nod
lino Nage, with stresses lo Wheal ham, s.. '
Swo*N.clt ritr.oo awl (31iolno, mom.= lot • wheal her.
Two be:9l &side, same u wheel homes&
Twa her 96.1 a bre.; mama sa for .w tarsi Lames. Two PakTrace Utuans, I/ Tot whed barsws..,
Two et ttYpfro abd , Stripa: t Eagle atrsp 6 Met long.
ispesius Isola )I}6: .1% Inch.. 416 e. ' Hip
StrelPil with bucklakaaeli 9 feet r Inches Mai, 1,4
luob wble,,wltli wrought both. •
Two Beck boads..s feat 1 laths. long, es whistl .14..
Two ktartlooles, fete Wog, 115 lea p, to bookie,
lota the 149, • . . •- '
Uwe bluoylesi lltsep, 6 foil 6 Inches 100 p,% loth wl.l.
Oa. ;(tack 9416, 9, fret ' Inds loag. ;luso:lnas, to
buckle into the Mast with . wet, wltb • Hog mood
.1a ilk. cents to teoetrelbo 1014 Ilaa. ' •
Oho :Load lesse,•6l , feet lobe; RI inch wale, with •
battle 01.0 et 1 441a4 111 8 back k.. 9 at loofahs.:
Whle hoary. plaited tonebag, a feet 6 Ina s.
lons. -
OLI.I horse Emtb, on!, of brlitlei, —by
Oise Carry Comb, No 992-11 bar.
The whole to 'be pocked la a bad aboot.9l Indite
. 4 0.11 autos 41086,24 ladles lone, mad. of I lath
.tult.toOPs3. 9 .9ooAbwopaor bosoms may be required.
The wbfes to 6 1 140.6. otitis boat material, swing
lobe made with good wased aimed, and atiblost to
loved:am daring .h. peewee °lmmolator. end also
- .
When tl horse' hareem la roltdrol, the kart Malmo,
bridles, hams, neck Maps, betty base* Mode
true chile, Crupper aaA btratrapahmk heeds s te
ad .
coupling strap aredoubhat; cogs bearing chain a rest
ton, lebaks told* toMottfoll trim, gOth a Too each
ems added; aad load Mato to XI gm* kits, • ; '
'Me "bole to be made of the heat MatertMgmbg to
to made alto good waled Wild, sod as b:feet to ha.
ipoodoit aortae the promise_of-monatgetore Sod alto
• Whea 0 ands IMimam Is ravaged, the leadmatais;
bridles, balms, alma Mg" - pally Wads, thole Om'
trace chalets, cropper dad Pip amp. bgek 'beads aid
couplMg strap are doubled: MN beerhof chain to MA,
lobe, le Mika to the feat, of. No 4 from with • T on
am sad added; mad loadneitto bs Of het 10 04..
Propagate Will almabe , ,steetred for •italang a n d do.
Hem soatmlsoceliagaree tor•swo or tear ;NMI. to
hocai b.m. - -**PclattaPm at ahletatilll be bereettet
_ •
fotam urruPdral end veiniest trill be farnithed
wait appltembo to tale atop, and sone 'will be ove
rarmed teat do ookoontunotttaito.
Tim privilese .ia men* by _and for Use Milted .
&atm of +tisanes sujprepoestattiattoay W dental
Propotals will be Intoned omc ibe itmlope Mole:
Mug teem, ••Propoesla Nor funiliblas arms. Wagon
end ambiance liameal." aad addraesedla
aul23/- dolor Quartermaster 17.11: Ankrr.'
SILINDRIBI-400 lbe.freish Roll butter,
COO demo fresh ram - •
Th do Yaw Itracnis
wky .
60 bat. pa Bed
Itoixtml 610. far 4416.4 . H. lUDDLB, ,I
las IBS Liberty vtreet.
Mni::k/UILLUNIGi.-Pure -:ground and
1' whole Ppiats, of away; dasetdatioa-nplank I
wattell latent &et whits-Jima* Ginter, tallaord.
ao, CO hand and for sale at thalaNdlY reeidilhwe
of MN I. il/INSHAW.,
- M ' - - coma Wan tad Mod mi.
reedy d a fresh rui4dy or Isidori mods extra
qatOtylicrobthog Bivouac &oh - Nos.l sod! Oirpot
Wit Mt, Oy Itho doom or at retaU,ot , tho fru*
11, Wows Stone o f
_JO/111 4.8,1111148A11y
sea , Corner Meaty sod Mad itrooto
O uMISH,-150 bilge atititki primer Rio
L pa= 142(0131911141 Ws
, IN IN Maaillll4
01.141G0 11i Tllllll-30131111 111118.141111111 M,
.d• aftea Brzm
O Jauo ttialtatt, - 18
81, tit
I:wWar the tliprA or the Petal S.. '1; hood, I
„totts wet, se Soilowar-i , -..
Plattbecret. C•housbrot rind ebsdamotl Mart Lier,
Ka clump of ma bitirato OlestanatL
LAM* Tie at Ante*. at
1285 •la 11338 fla• y
1210 pm 8:46 to 200 •to
Tbia mutate shorter. to Clottlintill, Loefnßl, 00.
taw as sad all points South, thou any other rotas.
aptordt,titrepoot ears attarbal to all Nlskt baba.
Ptttabortiri orot niansw use.
iotarao Antra at antra; it Lecher at Mavis at
pyrrser, 8001e8. am*, WILMIL'I3
1:12tatolZO•ot tblaas 8:03 •at kV/ • a
tkOt • io LA • to &le • is MO • m
_10:211 o
-41.0 ot.tallp m &W. par p ap
LIM p m kl 6 p t Maa pas
The 12.8.5 A. Y. add 1710 P W Vial= oitanoct Eta
of C. ta. ri. Too lseeatBq innoastat, La
The 400 p. m. Vita nap, at all *tattoos Wenn
Wow-ter %rot -
Pittatarroa and Catietand Una.
LbaTl:4 - Anima
Ma m. I 710 a. B
IM P. at. Can r. at:
The Ma a ca. trod a connects at tiyard for Nam
toludelphlo and stations on the Toscarawin Branca.
Paieengers dialritat to ON to Bandnalty, Toledo.
Mika go, or potota Wed; atstaud, mast tm par
ttoolar to my for Tickets %la COacolaucl.
Tbs.ogh Ticket. ran, to Proof:lna at Ma I.lleny
son. Depot, Titraborab•
pad 11TIWAIIT. Ticket *sant
ror farther , igorntakinn apply to
It tan Ootoinnors Oaks in fret Itinnainoitern et
11Y/IRE, Uri:tent %lad Arne
.1•104 r
. I.66l .itrumumerr . ranlo3llllBlZUlr 61
‘ 1 3N7111.46111,110AD, -
. un alio. sitar MONDAY, &van 1161; thi rgAtti Ism:attar ParortiErr Eton miry
14X61.4 thircligniqtl:4o sa.. stopping only at
litibelpk: • t, t'coNONarmilig it ltarrskturg with triad,.
dirm lOr DIIVrICIejUtt acrrirlaa Philildiolphla a t
yIVaStiIX II IIII•AXPRE3B.7II/11Whisses dsfly at
it r ; • A. is, stopptug only at prinetjaat salaam, orsklui
dinkkoJanntion at Ifarrlsbarg forftaltlnctors, and sr.\
rivind lw Phar-dylphhcbr Baltimore at 1:10 A.
Ms PART Uhl!' harts the liptlon dant. lannal 4
. roantas.fl ai 4400 P. stopping only at Groantborg,'
Latrobe, Johnstown. 141111nors. GlaUtzsn, Altoona, Alai
and salvias In Phlikbylpyynt 6-.10, •
Was Johnstown docomaniXnation train tuna daft'
issospt ButadatjaattLto t, 'al. stopping at all ntidlona,
and tun alas u az as caosanmsugh. • -
flat lhootarn&litlins Train tot Will'o Mtatkns tmta
toll's (accept Masada') st0:10 w. •
&mid Ananamodation Trarn f:r ViCaLl a ltation
win oast • .isszsist lionlas)a 11:00 A. n.
Vital ace. , 4modikon Troia for Wand ham
darly (usawt Sunday) at 1.90 P. r,..
- Turriti - Maraidtittion " Train lot Station
liwrasittlylszosptetinday) aaeldl6 N. '
llitarno.4 Wants arrive to tittabargo asa
It MOM U4Q.L.184. if sp Att4 Marl •Lins, 12:114
A. 11.4 Jotuastown-,Asoostatatation, 10 3 0 a. a..; tint
„ Station Asoossaddatton, 450 A. ,
'Watts .a Station . AccddinanaHalron; - 10/ . 0 a. MA Toi.•
Waits Station Anahnsanaistion: 132 t. si ; r. rt. •
Wall's Illation eoconintothatlon, 015•
Trains far Illainatilliand Indiana =awe at Maass.
Insamodlon with Johnstoirn dooommcdattra and
gMautma transits,' and Wart. and with last "algal
•• • -
Pittsburgh it nocuiethnille Train, ns •
etstess, on sholltrebungla Pounellsollle Mese.
dully &code; tacelt , edr•efr blip** .%eitel2 Train.
a. N 4 tinges* Yule, .14,05,V....5t.' Returning Tregr.g
front Pittsburgh* 'COsololintlitifiloed. wire at Pato
badhadatte. id. and crait.x. , "
o f It 'greatly to nail,.
tetlettle Plug Cut or :eyed, to travel -by the Peon.
Ret.tosd o is the a=ounuodanotie now od-re:f
cannot be nurpefosoau any othtt touts. The Hoed ig
balleseed with Close mg le entirely thefioser dad. W•
ninietantieukty,apandanii comfort to all "ha r ar
iv= UM Rod With Ruh touornie.
, a Elite rir*".. .... 101 Tc Coltlefore... 0
PlaseLaitia....... 10 cc I Lazenister.......... .
• ilatoisburs— I ell.
Sieges. Cfh.tekoa to ell Etati=sintl to. Pease. tr lb
ale famst. Phtleclolphla, Ealtbaore tad Niro York.
Pezrogers prasheelog Ikkets la con will he veers.
id en soot. according to diatlnNte traTelad In addition
to the soma rata, azolot rroM . Ptationa when the
Mayan), has nD &gloat.
.egeepytill.--lio mese of loaf, the Company will bold
themselves. reeportalbis for personal Nome Only,
end for an emotrotto6t ergoodlog *lOO. _ •
ti. H.—A. Ocradbas Lino nu Dean alloyed to
oohs, tisseogers shd Doane to end from le Depot.
et ethers,. erg. to =sot 'A mute for e.achipaimeuger
toe apply to J. ETEWiftt, Agsalt,
Ate Y. a. B. Posativer etetiou, on Ltherty end -
t ' . • • ,
J. perzglam s
ewe pachasing ilekfla. for fit
Jumpb end other points In Norttwrn llissearl, the
State et Sannoyer - th. Tor Marlee, ationld Inikran
The ride nil rote. inm Bt. Lents to Fit. Joneph, It
lb* &Watt end quicken hoe, by thirteen sours, to
the reolottat.point reuttect by nil, end le unpin es
cheep u any other.
skkete to Kauai and all poltda Lom b . o4Vjgalotarl by t h e North kllsooorl ilthrood. •
- • 18HO.0 U. ENURNION,
'Pretlant and Oriel Rept. of the North Dilmoarl N. B.
USN nY H. BIIIUONd, *mot. ittletesem
•A wastes sAais,
.-, - .
No. 65 Youth Wrens.'
CIIPSN. . DAILY. FROM lit ,TO''2 o'.
.O'Ol.OOK, • also; on...Wathiseday and flatanhy
satatop,Atose day drat to Novemlne arta, boa T to
9 °Wang and front Nonmtar first told*, Orai,fron
'to Bo'dopk. ' -
, Amodio' rasalesd Or all soma hat Ira than ens
Omit. sod a Alrattad of the sesdta dtdared twice
a oar 'Clone and December. Inbred hoe teen
setateannally, to June and December, aloft
the Bank ina orgar.lrd, at the rata ofaix pet cont.,
tayttoot drarnsat. is Ploala to 'Um Mai 01
lb. oaspantor aa prtacipai,itathbearelha Nate tolerant
trokthaltrat lap dans azolDeabosbar,
Wow A yosamottunst tronSollon . aka dos=ro ldi a
or ergti totkeatot tilt Oat boos.. At QV rata, snooty
vfll lamb% Sn'
than tal taro ig ga•
ntesionaisniaaas ranoas Aa
Soon aWao toe .oharath ttylenso Mkt sag
litmelattons . t ar thed • pal* on mikados eta the
rty+ - 4 ,0 418,1Z8960/,
.' • Jaintall; D. Mods,
ILUI Loan ta. Pennook"
Beisism L..reanistoel A, IL Potkek, IL V.
Joao* lianiscan, • . matte -.-:
Jamie D. Orlary, Altranoarllndio
John B. tftiedslea,
• tster A '..aledstra, .
Totuall. Moll% 1
Jeer WcAtaley; ,
John liaritalli , .
Walter Y. MarsbatA
Irani Orr ; • . . -
uttlii L. Ringwalt.
John ft. ehootsbaser,
Alocaadar isyear -
WOW® IL Sktuaarta
-Woe Whittler; ...
EiVatato Yunnan
' . '' 4. COLSON.
• Alarm& Ott Bradby,
luta U. lisokolta;
Usage black; "
Abase AL.Clarrisar,
Craztes t=. •
!Flaws /IL Hann,
Pew dithltar,
NBIAm 8. rely,
B/M l6}plast • •
Lubricating Oil;
• per GALLONicositantly on timid sod for a&
• 0.4 J. 11.11117111 L
As to Ms quilts, we rotor to sinstod
, _....ental•sttlikaga
Nettie. 13. CI. 'A J. 11.1inarnau Gentellte Labeica.
ling 011 we ere getting twat yea we lad to be th e
beet far oat pavane we blare ever need: •
, Toe L 8.111. S. BALM,
nolgit By Wie.liget;Pne't.
a o o6rbw.Liggs
100 bby no l tieresig,, 4 -
• 10 d 0..: .; Sink- '
100 hcb Lake llorrlain
60_ r do
LBO . 1:0131 . ! CO,
award ma; dadeldield and wat ar sta. pandnniaa. Pa
- •
14, 140 .b1d5.X . :-Maapel
00 bbbs. , goloolootton -
ass olaom
to loo r - ialto! broads B M yrum
_•100 boxes ooliosul broods Totooom
Utah, . .A.) • • . do. • -
tio 6th:tuft Touilfg H e m sad
,-* derada Mani .
Wr OW-tar' diad Nitta ".ad/ Nioar, .. ,
/a store old for We by .
j•taiti .AT iitirAlU & 00.
so hbri. icamoisam.,
ioo.biss ilsocuhq -
110•Ead shoodo.TOOOff Bp= Teo,
20'. do do -Block do
10 ,to !Melia do
96 - coddles 7.11.205, Cad lii/Pd.d•Obs.
W bbl. blood bop ,00 bbl.. Cioldirs sod -
21 Imo* /Load
ire— tTobadeo,
' do - Botaeosll. - do
o. dege4.ll.lldlldas"..o tWiptTomoooo,
loaon.aatorul.y do..- -
26 81 thit Bodo, - •
4e4 • Waft a WridOlf.Ndt
0 bble. f 10.3 Large Mackerel.
do do s, do
zb kitto do 2 do
100 MAL Whits 2224 ' '
RC it 4 , 4l►- d ido
NDt 21124
Zr Mtln or lMM Mittarfee,;ef alau.
en dbodidido222
a 1 1226)41“ ,
s in =WO. Melt Oas 3 t • - • • -