VatA*,4l! Oaytte. acct).....11: 'HIIynLB dessolie Ant pai , iiii.vo,l. - nat‘sti.: ,4Z .Vat ; wst anitruvid• xeraftg wad zwillng 11/Anions daily, ulaliehellay, the Latest News aa . 10 the ewer Of inibtleatiat. PITTES33 - 110111tDAT Moll.lolio, OCT. 12, 1861. I'lltsUirgh Westly Gazstte. Srti WI=LT diaxarre;': published this morolag, contains. fall dated* at *Lars fi Nantschy, of the progress of. 'Teats •in M. smart, aad trailed Wasbiegtoo, and the latest Aim by tesigrasit(and mill Irani' all impartial polite. ' • i4lkgs:t Prat- Ws pramme many of our reader. seldom No the Poet—that to, our aelghbor sad out- lauporary of that uatoo. Whether they ate fruitage or unfortunate In title, Iv not for of to cry. la Its ,betttr nioods, It would Waits on fraparthl person as s pretty fair 'maroon of an organ of , ha party. ,yo Its Ultimo's, of some, le' doss slot bailie so 'elk Few people do bebayo well to their- tantrums. pis Pal acimellainaieta angry Most people pit spiry sometimes. TM. 1. one of the tatitttuas of the Post—s very 144 - Quo, but sot exsotly tbe worst. Still, leiti r oi the ir - ey to the worn; it exposes it to the 'Leong temptation of going on to the wire.' : That in-to Bay; it generally dote so. Poor human estate g ly exposes itself when it gets angry--and the Post, (eplte, of its acme, which . Is egnisoasl,) is Just like irtluebbriumtan salami all mend It, and frontline tip to-the boitilto • of it. It gets . , , espy. It exposes Reel'. The Port—(rebirth le by tin means Ilk. some posts, patient and insensible, but rather rsoeesively like the other kind, inimitable mobile, even swift, egpsohaly to irrath)-11roye txposee itself sedly when it gets , nom. Yesterday, for instance, msfuilig,under, the discomfiture its poor . - „„ In the late contest, it inatiliettged th is Wily of temper Into , , strain: ippeele of the oftloe•holdere organ, the Gentle, were barely suomieful iw eletitinp a portion of the straight Repub --,. Run ticket.- Nine ' out or.- fi fteen, on the • • Raton ticket have been elected, and the halasica • imam within a few hundred votee of being suoonsful. The .most shameful appeals to patty, spirit were made to spur ass Into their nuke. Threats of being de ' someoed by seine were made, and gross mbrrepreseotatione resorted to, to acne*, • not the triumph of principle, bat the spoils of ofilos. mey be true, as the Gaulle and Ger- Isla Republican leaders asserted. that this is s Republican Adminlairation, and that . that pang I. abundintly able to do the , fighting and voting. There is s self-reliance in Ode aseertion which, if borne out by the foots, would be commendable. Bat It is not Ulm, yet they may be.foriied to try it. will not do much towards encouraging enlistments and Ailing with enthusiasm the make' of our sroey,Lby deneuecing Demo ' orate se traitors at heart and ineineere, even in uniforms. It le advertised here, and let It be ;forever remembered, that Demottrote are to be subdued, Inasmuch as thej but 7 leek the .opportunity to prostrate the floe. etweleut and clinch bands with-the South sad tot u, that their services ere not needed: • You are thus Intuited by luta beide!' nom enis•ilsos to the army end high and reopen officits tosyour midst." • '- .—And then . it goes lnooetinently into on _ attack 011 111718/1.4 Bain; whom we -11411110117 to observe that ii knew to be eh , . • Sent befote it made its attack. Bit if: the nit had :list been unmanned by its tit of . . choler, wo should certainly hare had no nu _ generous, numeoly personal attooks on a gentleman dozing hie abeencc. • • _.we don 't fuletidtc say one word by: ay _of reply to the littlish on the Oasyrra. 'Our :readeriAtiow shit we don't need to say, one wo shan't. The Spartans of old used to eslitbit a drunken sieve to their children, Au - alley them the degrading ants of that sloe. When the intemperance o( anger ' leads s man to misrepresent his neighbor, it may be dealt' with to a ettoills way. Oar neighbor will, however, resume his saber mood and by--sod then; we hope, all • will' be-as if nething had happened.... Ths Reported ottosapaetou of New ex. • leans.. W mast oltogolher, discredit nab , ' repo os_tbat wbioh comes by way of 1.21116*, ; - Nashailio frock tae 86atborbea ,tbs Wars of it ill dissiereetbio to (bobs wbb taut bad trauscoltted it to as. If it • 'were of a Miran' oomph:100,-1f it Were rousts with the Soh ^1 Confederate al . empb , ,spott •ths DIMS of some 'great on tory' oyer Itoseenos In Western Virginia, we would be loathed to being Incredulous_ . but when they tell us of defeat end disaster of losing the Crineett Clly, for intone, then le quite a differerece. The Louisville • • , .-.Josrotsi of Wetlands; nye • hive heard vague rnsiors,foreeveral - ;days bailie's Orleans had been oacupled by the Federal troops. Intelligence was received in thia city last evenieg, by way .. dr Nashville, width leads as to believe that the rumor has its fonodatton in foot, Coe report, In which we . place (madden% nye that the Fednal forces took possession of • the oily on the 6th tost-wititont firing a glut. It Li said that the fleet, after the desartiou -of Baip Island by the rebels, passed Mtn. . .tplppl eliy. Dalai, - and Pee Christian,- , whin were evacuated. sod .made so easy - conquest of the atty. It wee found that the Isoomplete fortification at ,Bay St. Loots . . indikeen &budgeted by the rebels, and the city eartounded on the "6th lasi, in Into. Pesos with the Want demand of the Om 'nudge of the Federal forces." The above stetemeet le the substanee. of &min said to have been pubilshog . is - papers of. the 6th lost. The Louisville" Democrat, of der sante • dats,does not discredit the fact, but wen ,. dan how the news could run the blockade. It nye : Pl'heitUy wu 101 l of , mitre last night 'relative:Ur/we going to substantiate the . inns of- New Otlasas. Thli party had ,laids Nashville paper in which the news ~,woe published; that one had seen a party when eorreepondeot bad sent him Worm, - - tin of the foot, That the city , le in • ponesslon of no Celled States forces we do not doitht. We are ooly iD43111116101111 so to the) malice ,by which the nalis - wonid reach se. .Natibtrille mere and Seaborne lettere , • esset - roo the blcokade st the Coes; sod we do sot look for soy very relish', news on the subject until -we receive ft from the .: 11eist, through a return boa s or lettere from las deer. Meantime let us poetess ofer Sethi la lettuce." :`l,trae of, the nabob as maistitert. :16o' Rev. Dr. Butter, of cmagie, dap ,r;falio! the bbb brigade, irattoaaaea Price. • oibe battli of teslagtia to b.poethfalse. • • It aertalalgstrookna _MAO, y_rbett Mo. Asir. YAW" 'faintest of literataiber of t h ollAedlard ireadded. It ..!—.4ooo„getriaeredibli goi• ~ .—. 1 1 1 040r . ' 41111. 1 ihtig,444100117.644-4* - dittibtebitiiit;4oslol6l • ONO 010110a111111, 4.11,f - NZ e, eonie evasion sr ome eubterfa etber, l ,of the „nature -of s frefuzo of 11, IMO swatted - ,expoedre till. farther evidence conld be beard, Dr. leaves tea,. Amon, to entirely conclusive, and now we need not to set it down so inference, but as feat, that Price made a kite report. He eaje that the statement of Price, about the small another of / killed-end wounded on the rebel side, was a petty quibble. The regularly enrolled army under Prie's com mand was toaroely 10,000 men; but in ad. dltion, there were 101Xle eigbteco or twenty . thousand men oompeting independent regi. ects;compsnies and equade, who fought on their own hook.' Page need this vast flood. wood army, as well so his cwn 10,000, In capturing Mulligan and his 2,700 brave soldiert; but he omitted to give any account of their killed and wounded in his report, craning himself to his own command, and grossly underrating the loss 'even among them.. • Price we that but eix'ot his men I were kilted In the fight on the 12th, whereas Dr. Butler unstated to bury the'bodies of seventeen, wiah the rebels did not carry away. Nor has all waiter of facd'erldenoe been carried Away or burled, for Dr. Dealer says that even now nearly every third house in Lexington is en hopital, containing wounded rebels, and for miles along every road leading into the country, the houses have been converted into horkitnle. What Forethought 1 The Louisville Journal, to ercutradiollog a story which appeared in several of our:" new/more, to thn offeot that the renegade and rebel Kentuckian, Simon B. Buckner, owns CiTer thirty bonus and lots In Chicago, *bighted some years ago by marriage to a Western lady, gives us a view of MEI man, Buckner, which shove that the provider= which was cmmmended of eld In the case of the Uojest Steward, le not wanting in this "modern Instance" of an unfaithful servant. The Journal says& Gen. Simon B. Buokoer owes neither houses nor lots in Illinois or in Kentucky. Be did have such posses sions, but, a fall year ago, he made a formal transfer of them so that they should not be Sabi° to confiscation for any misconduct of his. It is evident from this fact that he not only contemplated treason bat had fully *lade up his mind to it et a time when he Ina Tehemiutly professing to be one of the lost loyal men under the Government. his resolve to commit treason was fully `taken,uud, with the advice and under the instructions of his lawyer, he deliberately went to work to protect himself against p enults,' toes on account of his projected crime. This single fact exhibits the man an he Is—a thing to be teethed, detested and abhomd. From. Newpvrs News In a recent letter from thin point wo find the following : On Wednesday last we were honored by thediskinguithed visit of s "mesh" lady, a Mrs. IBchmeltz, from Yorktown, who came with an esoort of Colonel anti some other officers, for the purpose of being forwardTd to General Wool, whom she wished•to consult in regard to some negroes that had taken refuge in the fort. she .probably expected that we should gallantly offer her a passage on our steam er to Old Point, and thus give her the de sired chance to see our fortifications and camps. But some bow or other, General Phelps "didn't see it." and only granted her an meat of an officer and twenty men by overland route to Liampton, on the condition that her own suite warts left be hind. Ehe stated that the only wanted to get those slaves back, to see them well provided for during the winter. What disinterested benevolence. end what a set of cold hearted "Yankees" we must be, who cannot appreciate such magnanim•.. isy. We have not learned what was the result of the intended visit, but we rather think. that General Wool-- was not "sheepish" enough to let-the negroes to turn to their beloved mistress, unless they specially desired to do so. The number of negroes which have de serted from the other side of the river bra diminished considerably of late; because all the boats along the shore have either been broken up or taken inside of the batteries. Oa Tuesday laat,however, eight colored boys managed to escape, and such a lot of strong - and happy lati it would have done any one good to see. Having been work ing near - Bmithffeld, in Isle of Wight county, moral miles from the shore, they could not give us much new information ; they corroborated the old statement, that measles and Covers are raging in a - fearful degree among the white population over them. -We cannot•be too grateful for the boon of being encamped in such a charm ing and healthy spot as Newport News. The Command ha Kenttuskr aesszat. MIAS —NO. 6. DRPAINI I ILTIz & g n i wo iRC The following telegraphic order was re calved yesterday at these headquarters : Bantus= Gmaar. Annuals : To give you rut necessary to restora tion of health, call Brigadier General Sher .man to command the Department of the Cumberland. • Turn over to him your in. 'Unctions and report hero in person as soon you may without retarding your re— covery. Signed Wornetai ticorr. Wasarsavon Crrr, D. C. 03t. 6.1861. In obedience to the above order, I here by relinquish the command of this com mand to Brig. Gen. Sherman. Regretting deeply the necessity which renders thin step proper, I do it with lees reluctance because my . successor, Brig. ,Gen. Shor n:lag-is the man. I had selected for that purpoemi. God grant that he may be the means of delivering this Department from the marauding band, who, under the guise of relieving and.-befriending Kentucky, are doing all the injury they can• to those who will not join them in their amused warfare. • Roaster Ili 101/111014 Brigadier General II: EL A. Commanding Official : Oliver D. Green, Assisbuit Adjutant GENZBAL ORDERS-110. 7 ILO QTAI Rs DsLiglAtiz i r .IrtattsittiaND Brigadier General Hobert Anderson hash% relinquished the - ediiimand of this Department in General. Orders No. 6...0f this date, the noderained - matimea com• mand of the Department. Wm. T. Sussman, Brig. Gen. Offielst : Oliver D. Green, Assistant Adj. General PEPPIIILVArrer QUOTA Or TROOP" VOLL —Some of the newspaper/ of other Suitor, M speakang of the number of ovoldeteers ROM by the rcepsefiVefritatee to tbiaid of the'Ouvern- Myra, places Pennsylvania en the het orasoie States behind the reqsired quota.• - Ihipiueot so. :Intelligence from Harrisburg nye,,the quota demanded of ibis Suite by :the last Prof. idential felicitates tientirely tull, and all the rtglesate are either at Washington or at cants" is Renoryloants, ready to so on the hihrho to Weabingtoep Under 'the orders et the War,De• • ktllitelts Thew 'spites(' are composed or the roi-etest. material, both I o moo, arms and tqutomeitrohat btoojet both ouoiribitott !ti, the VoLtodStausitloveromotit. - It sooty itbox lis-tortssish4ts 4 tiisli the t abets_ ihourlitillhiht le* '4oldielt 61.161 ,4 5 4 4 V a P• i : tett . itOtiCn , . 711111 tlOllll van War .AlittosasS couitlL—Ait.tiPillsitis quad t7oUspaties it tying ,telled_O twin} thy Vlnt•dinsua tinaLreli ilsakets met Bert ses- TVA hilinia meta return them Steal:Fre IlaTintDAV, is-a; eibtrat pe the betide pimp! with mw .in bAUM V , an .attorory, with. instructlens to pretend solute Ma Ca itniana line their ineittrta • • J'aildfdi 'PAR Er.,4a, Chairman of Caitlin net co ems. tcrtoiil: FLIT Atia • • 1. 33 experienced Tesnistere, deddleri mid thrum Makers, -- 2 Boilers. 4fill•6ood men ran apply to • 3. if. WO ii 6 filth *tree*, ereon4 11,r. 1 ,4 r CI QUESN E 20 U AYES,- bia. CWllirl CI. DOW 12 Cll2op, regaires 11W mole rstiog, adorn, mom ,of eubtr hokbit., to ell no Its ranks. It le *cloche& to the /apselOtoir ens ammo; aocopta to Cot. ablaut ISWITZ'II I giant. Noma proton:log iha ZOII•VI IWULLywatot Ix her thou by Multi thlt - ccoolody. Cola logoadtotely at Oh Iblt, atlUtzod - • D ARDOR, Ciptalo. . r7 - 11r." RR AR FOR `Flit ARTIL LIMY 11 I—The One Rani Guns bilooking to the tort Pitt Artillery berm been presented to Col. Oases Brightest. Theondersigned le detailed by Col.Cletry b raise an Artilltry.Ootositurco - b• ettschei to the Twisty. litigtith liniment P V. setny.Are good Meknes have s splendid chance ti Join the beet itiot ot the ten tea Books open et 16 11111 .Itirret. Arwood story. • •J. M. ItNaP, Tint Lieutenant Orb P. V. titbitartisan. flirtation Rs*lna's, flltaborgh, Septimaner Mid, Dell. r, the • Young Men of i t am dered to recruit the Shied Bdiallan of - thrall di Regiment 17. B. Infantry In Pennsylvania, find tifue appeal to you to oho* rant .patnotism by entering the set 1105 oour COLMIIII In this fineitlfle Reenter t, to amidst with The pay la from gin to 134 per moon, abundant foodoluthing and alltaai• sworn.. Very antler of the Revise' Unity Is entltledrbe. ,;aide, owlet's. If dfiedited. mad `BJUNTY Of ON if LIMN WIRD DOLLARS; •han tunorablr dlsniarged, to a comfortable support, If tick or dhiabled. In the Oldies-It hop*. anabllaned by the goYerua.set. Imundfaie ;mantels made fur varmint arm ,e equipments, talons and trstsportatimi for ell who sulfa. - One-third of the OGtrosny Offiers will be taken from the rank. No tatter eppurnitity fe offend to /spirited young mon fur tiood treatment, mad a talc chance for gitomctfun. _Far toll Information apply to Lieut. ROOREIT SLIT If NHL &ft D, at the Rawest( s, N - 0.64 /mon au te nTORan, Msjor lOU E.g. 11. B. intantry. 11. B. Azmy.-"Wigkiil/4 MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY FOIL BLITEI HEGISINKT ;Lg. OVALRY, RI4IILAII ElItVlO7. TERMS Or SERVICE Oita' VIBES TEARS. Menlolnlng this Regiment will be lINIFOSBIND es loon Is satiated. The !dished pat per month In the meek& Honks -sod Ityn.pments, Clothing, natenteare Quarters, last sad Medical entenlance Imo et change; $l6O BOUNTY! Advancement open to all. • for further particulars anply it' the unice, lenTlONat. RtyTiL, W ter II Ra o near lhaltb• field, Pittsburgh, Pa. HiNEN D. 11.1.114, amptatc, Sixth Uegbaset 174. (levers, irebatztt - MeatWag 0111crr • Ea- A FEW MOBS -,IiSCAIIM 'rah! Wall the Tasks of' tse NIOX BIBLES, under Ospt. TBOS. S. ROSS. Tbeootopeo7 wfll be °Sleeted we won w ccropktelr oteenlred. and will go.,into write ee slop so.oteig. Armory In •Al - otory of Wilkin's 11.11, *bete good moo fors foo dog. fooscr. a/13:1 Stl K. !Wolf. Cgptidn • fublit Aotisig TIIE FIRST CONORECIATION of 1)(NUIPI.113 meta etttedy at a POLL() 416 et, bomeat Mallet an& wood. - Paul:this Otal e 'DAY. at 106 o'cltolt, a. al. p. m I , IIID2CMDAr svicnira.l..ctato at 7 0'c1...05. patio aro reapt.ctlutt, tovt.ed to staeol etftl2: YLSNICEuAI , ifii...,LOTitns.-1 no l'bocibiolden, of the Tater Nook {tout Cul:aging will weft et the c ifl.olluy W.l. H. WALS B fu Ike Third Ward of Ice city. bf 611rgbe.- 4booy,on DION tIY, the Iltb no or - licTelober betereerr 2 end 6 o'clock? x, for the polecee orrLecb log C 61310 of the Compeng.for the onatunglisr, ,, r.: one Pro4doot, doe LW - mews km. T‘eeouler, uud. tun MOT dificen Y msy 00 L000;04r/• ey order or the Baur., .3 nE. WATEKT6', 15 • octhdtd Pr, esdout. mood whoa II• thera:tturece act ten.11n3.411 or Otrbit, Oil, who Imre it We torgettne” et the otAtt,e , e. which hne e11.:01 in 1130 greftl. Cllprnut. of lit tintrrt, in alti weP ot the 411111.15.1 cad We till nets total I teneetly la the Oval XI. elletlthuut thltnnuys, , utdch 141 n me totally Ir.eeued the eat ut taboo Ott I.lgat Witte. *be nee theca. and itiettliel the conautniatod ist oil notterquen• own theletemed ezpotee tar e. by ..). CI. Ihutenn tCo.. Rep.! littblt., P. lle,ydurt, 1.12,15. Ott Ou., Miami ki,,,d4eha, W. Ogden ttu , W. P. Woutdridge, W. 2L hintray,or atthu toatatitetory, irtehlugt...o etruct Deer Penterylutele endOtatnitsttt • D • Would do we'l to all end get their Peolere andidond• [)4V Lb 6 rtillAdrb, bills of je.to3 'MUDS CltStlittltirs CAPTAINS OR LIEUTENANTS, FOIUIING 0031P181Z9 N'O.Et WAS. w. s. HAVEN, No. 84 Third street, Who te 1. minced to pint mall or terp, accord:cm to the deer, In. ri&zq - o-z COLORS 13=13 A.T T N T lON A THOSPIIER , IO °LUNGES' of the 1111/1141)9 rent Tait inflators over the hasion alarm and atbuiettele; 'lron their recurrence ail parlous of ghlettioric eafferiera from ecrefula, outeeeona °mottles, stubborn woe. from an Wadi. Motu trio of coo rent y, ea& IR obrool oaoeitt M 01%1 disorders. should bare retort to BINDS' hAlibil PA. itlliT.ll, trek original and genutas reticle to loop Col. rib Riad for theme of rho above awed disaitens, end all ethers &riming from se imp:medalled, abated .t r loamyd condition of the blear or habit of tho eie• tem. Drettiorad and told by A. B. A D. BANDS, Dtogilita. 100 Bolton street. Meer Yrrt Sold also be D. A: YARN 12S0011. A 00., Pith burg.. Pa. • &old else by Druguleasniearaliv. oclo,lllnerirT lONBIGNMENTS -1160 bbl.. tholes .I,lscla thaw /40- I, 100 des. waled fancy Pro say 10) boxes Wast , ro Elpseresobeess, 110 Wools Pond Aura, 1• sacks Timothy bead, 10 bbl.. ham. oissz Ness Peak, 100o:use huh P. be!, for tangly ass, 6 sacks Ogees feathers, &tags Irot, No. 1 Lard, far family sus, Jas. zoo Ired tar ads by MEANS VAN NORDEN, cell 116 Poona ellt4t. QUNDRIES -6.7 76 bOls. choke Green Apple, 14 do Sweet Older ID keg. prime Leal:ad, 4 bbl.. Inbk Rip, do packed nottor, in store and for ode by 0131,31111326111). cell 341 tabus, melt JAPANNED TOILET SETS , or dif fareut ;Mann and deolgo4 InoluMns Slop tart. warar bucket oni 104 tab, foe ado akt, the Dowdy Groan . , Sm. dr .I,oliii - .i. 151S$131111W, ocID Corwr or . 'Liberty sod Wart suede. I.)AltioJA CUM. VASAtti--' Japanned .1 Cool Vows ofa varlet, of Wimps, tawdoossoty Illosalostatosi and Olt, for W. of OW foonly O , CIXfI tOr• Of ' JOHN a, JONNISLIeW,_ orlo eo see of Llosittozof Hood 'two. 1.4 3 1.UU1t uIL OLU rn 3 of all ile an . d erbitboloultebbi f.e teAns'ind w bl cb t be obi at the lovie.t price', it ibis VII °tab . Wore toms, Noe. Se and VI t. ome *Peet • oelo • - J. a U. PUILUPP. NOTIUK.-1111 - persons haviagulaings opine, tkiittoombost OLARA Drip *to lore. vy waded to • pintos thoot , for oettlowest. at the Amos of TtiONAS JALt. t CO r flat mod, when the oefaerlbor sou be pound. ocfairo JOHN RICA, Ailansai..' _ - - MONNY TO WAN. A rzw TUVRAND. VAL ARB csu kw. ottaliid. In ikamobie IC ta.b an baud awl bootive.• folly COilyri. log lb. araoubi. by stUrsusing Bs bib, Pi 111 •bILf g 1! P. J. Tai applia.t 412 Win bik &Many cAbdtatbo. oclflviti . • ,- - D 6. 1 14 VW JUriZo via in. IsTrts Iry p Battu O. letAtUlirAP-30t1 cans A. Vaal) P.athrii—sietted quite—jait rectived and stir 4#4l•lpy - • • , . saarK TAN ODZINIB. '..t . 14..111 64 , ..444 sterol. I.IOLUX.- aUtiAki . UUAZD HAMS , - viJ illeitend clumped In _tbelauntst•-ti,ooo 111. rewind un connanm•ot and for Ws low &Y. „043 , Urns & Valhi Adm. its iwmati 0014 Pd KIIIVOLVNItb.-6 !I3 sbols. for rahly • )4)1 1 1111 it %OWN 1111•Wromicnot. Ati AFTI4I6;-450; bblti..'tArdoo Epywlatt'nal/ed ksil sia• by , oclf -:Bseilt,Tz 03Lt11111: ibta . piitOP 'received ElltWalt.ooLLlA4 /AI DialVirtiorki.sitatalit 1,,,r by, „,,,„61111110 +Avow& ,iVAl~rrnonstiwilb-bbh447.„womrivesla• ,frt . 9.03 IttibrittOMOttg. HOMESI:snaD N . AND PRO P Z RTY ; strtrAisut - E , }l omiostN 3 1 , ,13P0 - rev AT AInTiGN, po;ltrreta eldeeot tt , ete.Wteitilte Attlee of. the Court 110=2 , . bb o ellen ePttalko Wm. the c:ty Hoe, ciao . tn.. CI ltaftto.d, ehiih to no. Yarned, eI flog & '00.'6 1 ! ;cop 01111 IT ElTranDall. tgiiincror oo iiiiitinyerilarie pp s i empleteidc". .‘ 1 - Ida.* the Mt ste , tonal Vseeilibta , tUfe. , l. MO at Ttry qR prlosa. .1111,044011rowilefili1 4,-1,4= •,1011111A-10 , bbicliweet - ~o# Wil#l"* cg Goots. ...2 ;.!. ~, •.:: ' GA, T a.. 0 i ' N J. ,W. 11.ARKE1t,&,,,-00...5, ALAL"RIC.E.T 13TR8EIT, To soy Tour. SELAWLS, CLOARks, 1)11151ERS, CASHMERES, DE,LAJNES, POPLINS, PLAIN, STRIPED DRESS GOO DS, OF EVERY KIND PRINTB, 6} CENTS PER YARD SIIIRTINGS, OLOTEI2, CASSI6IERFIz 3 , SATINETS, JRANF, 111410111 DIS, &0., &o crw. defy compotithini to PAWNS, end ctiratock a the mJci comp 'etc is the city. We °Mir A °REITER VAMILT7 Form toy other boot. Arum BEFORB POZCIIASI 03"i1lt cc Manly, V Cl ROO LARD,. sezinonaL vrooL , zar. ex.r.A:wrzs, ALL OP ILES •L/ITIFT 6TIrIAiP; BLACK AND WIkrIE CHECK !SHAWLS Juit opened at W. & D. lIIIGUS' FIFTY YAM, COUNTRY BLANKETS, WHITE COUNTRY FLANNELS, W. & HIIGTJS Oat 0 LOAKti, DUbTMISAND,SUA LS ISOW OPIN AT J. N. BURCHFIELD'S. I(PEa!At REPB,_ riLlinGli milliNoa, cOuUdoe. „BoNBAZINILL ' NLACCALIAOOI DiILAI3II3, BLAME JINGLIiR CRAPS, BLACIC RSQLIKEI VAIL& RIX 8T , 115 RPM., PLOURID DAtAINE9 and MERINOS A fat' Entruezt of NEW GOOD& Jairt ter CAIII, par mote? 'AttRIVAL NEW' GOODS DAILY lIORNE'S TRIMMING STORE No, IT ,MatkOt .Itreet • • IiATIOS JOlt re:tired ?Ina from ‘ktfirrpoittre end Melinilsofturme onrenendi bpply et 'VIM PALL ilia Wii9T6bt.oooDS, vkikb was pcirckssel cot sub, we sre boerflitied to . olorp9s,r . lot *lva:dorsi° lileiwwe .4t .1111241 el All the Jodi?e" dlloll43ltatt catoots;bitro xu)Kip,. al Io thee Otarks:l , the musl.prks. i laTO3l RIBDILIIIU 11.luwblter . modaaadfWi MOUT*, for ladles sad Writes. • ; 341. Ahir /MTh KNIT MAUI& • • 111,LMOlual. PKIBMP L Ier lsdhiresd Wart. Loollar bilriP3lo alk;Bl'd AND DAAWNR9.. NSW do dode • do • ; , Midair AND 11011 W MM DRIMBIIS. 1 'll/I.ll3,'WilTd *NW QUAD Dlataltd—new, • :111:101P IItIIaTeANDOOkI33IT6;---- • • o VaINERY 01:30D$ ".• ' D rat' verloitim and at the lowest market , pikes.' IPSIN FtWitt-411/kv. , •76:' • *talk ;,. d aa,edgirreinat reiiihetif 3&4 41 :', 4 t11474X1111161 6114 - tßanti. - _ --- V1:1.) --- 1.iT fiCNY - -- Itayci; IV A N . - . —IL ,IT.r PIRTY Orstiir.rmiltei ruler?. di by • t trattlahl 2,111344, •tb !map! rtlitenre can bl. gtrut y.'tr man* iteclrces r togl µp, FAMUIL IL agr.D, I W.lnnt,tTeet;Pitt.tblarlb,Ps. likr A N'I • EG--itonds and Mortgages 13.c.C.0 f.:1,(110, !laving iTOCII two to ii tree y cal - a to tau. AI ply 0t narys, t.t. met. se ta.ra jrpc 81o• - pct:. FeitooB,l l .;,E. oa ' a R e I I s;ti (1 1 e A n C n I sca ; n. ---• I. OR SALE—A very commodious. arid Q....tar:Nei. ..dd,em to • daalranl• neighbor. hood lo the WI- Ward, Atoll:let,. on long and toy paym. urn, awl very low.- Inquire_ of . rtll.lo l lllli, Jo., AttOrttil rth st oil Lui, 189 Foureet. VAtMA.BLE OIL Ptc..R.EILTY Ftnt ten-51tturbel on french Cock, embracing between ICI and II acme.hors sro on tbs property Ms reed. various progresa, three - of whit b are at antbeent depth to Jsatlty eventing. Connected elth the melt. le a pdwertcl engine, In goodnandng order. Sib property to adlotolog th• celebrated 'bresernkk term and la perlmp• ass of ther.bent altar In that regicn. e crtfr • groat bargain on miry terms ct payment, er witb exchange for real Wale - in or ad Maine the city. lif , f pertlonbrts ripply tot E CM , sob N0:5354 Warmth greet. p 0 LET.—A fint-elami Dwelling en - IL Howe es tinily new, with 9 TCOLCIII, and with MI al modern inapwroments, kicalad int Tunnel, te• t nen Wiley street end Pennsyivonisl llll l llll . Terms 1,101. an9t( 1.. 0. GRAF,. MERINOS, G 911.11111 IN AMR SAJLK—ettUUT EOM nugal Es POW lit, in col orda, now &MAI th row nom pm.. to thin 011 , 54, Wul basal enema tor end'. la wnw.t. GAMMA 01/7101. POOk.otroot. anon lindOinel.l. , AO) 3Soolts. B°ORS FOP. bOLDARS, by Am — eri.• can Tract Society, and sold at aka rouve, 211 tL Ohdr groat: ' • TEE MIMES'S PIOHBP L188A11Y.25 rola, lo a ma. 55 Tag oULDIEE'S 1:1151P LIBBAItY. 23 rola, In • it • ONDMWELL'3 BOLDIEIVB PCOHET BIBLE, In cloth, atm, 6 uottda oath, or *5 ruadrod. Pactrt cf Tracu f:r euldleta, to Itualitto, 25 mtg. do do do Germ% St do Also, cheap BIBLES AND TES MIA ShTd. and German. oc9:l•raa PLAID AND NEW HAIOLIII BOOKS—Ure , An • dun, bI, Yhdc sephy of Marattamores. Bot e. Ore. The Cotton idsonteotore of treat Britain vols. B.ho lasers, and Fecessloo to &sautes. By Thomu El. neon, r.e. B. Infect Architecture. II dames Bums. The Magic of I CIODO. By Jams Wylde; Monti. I folly Illoarstsd. Poems, by Politic Ifreuten.m. Tattoos euttirchlebui alter relating to @Tarim fn the War of Independent:ea. Maya's Posers. Bohn . * lidulltiftli oda/cm English Indianian stalls Leaden. by dohol ha: Ia h D. U. The HeediAlp of MOM. - By Wultil Miller. • Toe Btitteh tkintltotlon. By Lord. Brush= Thempe of InvenUous sod DittOTELIIB. Hinstra tad. Due Play Bonk of educe. ha Boys' Play. Boos of 114.1 a. Butit handumely . illustrated. Hook's Quips sod Orson. A handsome edition of oneol }1004 . 4 hest. British Bleb, Eggs end Nests ; pcpularli described. B I.IIUIIIIII COLN.] Illutrstions.. OomeueoUldecte La the Microscope, ottikew with tho above, from, Its lllitar7 end ilannietdurs. By Vslrbalrn Wycliffe and.the fingrontou. By Dr. Hemeeti eto, Mo. for .ale by B. S. DAVIS, 6426 No. St Wood street. FAST COL'D BOOBS TOR tiME ARMY.— Begaisthine for the Army of the Unltaicatetes. Bahia's Manual for Volunteers and Mantle. 11. B, lufaotry end Rifle Tactics confiders. . BeetVelafentry Tactics. Tee Zama Drill Book.. .• Idealist for the Recruit in the light Infantry Brill. Am need for the Untted Mates, Loured •hr to. 1.1 6 Col. Ellsworth. .• , • Bayonet Yaeretroi for the Attu. Personal Ulster) of Lood DAM!. Life ante Pbillp Sidne3i. • • 11140.13 Btles. ••By rfr Ael t Webersat By o.lLlngstry. Adreitures -fn. the 'South Pala& By is - Moving Print.r. Tue Crowaat.Cefo72. rile. lapel/kr Aetna:easy, By . Intebell. neonate, of Iturfo.- • . Mies Bit bed'. (ireirr.:' . Illusory of angibib :Words. .--Dy Trench. ByMagnate SUMP. 411-Foheol. Cte.upl, litedlo4. and •ThaoldOca Banes Blatk Boot, cod Stationery. • • ou2y. to Ytleß, IS fourth. at.iet.. Gic PIR VtP FLANNSLS, 'I .ItOze MILITAsitY , SURGEtitir—A Ittatoral or Military eturry, or 'Blatt at the -7-umrCncie•c4 rirld,atOP •.Motpipa enietk..- 1 , ) S. D. Groin, M. D. 1 volume. Prtco W.:Cott. F. 2 6 . HAY i Ir., 66 Wool atrett 8 IS 'l' d EL. dc 0 0., COMMISSION, BiERCIIA.NTS 138 Walnut Street. FLOUR, GRAIN,PAADTIOE, TOBACCO wlrrns AND LIQUORS, • 0 halm for errors to be mgre on terslyt of socels. aft.Libeillt cult adulates imetts op conalgossu3lB, sosS lyd STOVZIII. D. STOVES. Warehouse, - ' Federal Street,- near 4erw - seveledowerwee, amantrater. - cric We ask the sheaths of &Wen to oar Line mart - meet Cleeklig and Heallett Stone, foe Wood' snd: Onal, which we are colons at the hornet pricia , rboae visiting our city will Aid It to their edrantahe to en e tall and okaadne oar mock beforestrohaWagehte. . . Out Iron Howe Frotst Ralllng, llolkhr Were, Waged 80ne. . -- • Plain and Fancy prate From, Pendent etweeettege at !it kinds made to order. • - triday D. Do HAVEN W KM. - I N DIbYENSABLE.-- ~Rh, bananas olkbonvekieepirs 'rho line tenet Joaseroi mciat4r ODSOINTRATBD BIeILLISI4 for mount of Pant:Groan pot Olossang Glove., lUbbons; fagrnions,g:. Promtactes it to be aullittele Indlepousably neonnry It le warranted to parkratall tbatts clainatd kr,tt rrea•. - oa and sold by Rad rester In CHOWS FAMILY MIDEOINE3 Q.ELLERW-.IbIPBRIAL ,pUuCill. BY ri O np. ' !MLL , " IMPERIAL DOUGH IV/ELM, 6ULZB.3' IDILPEBIAL cumin 15111.13 P. immune . 0114111811ATDD LTVIID. PILL& onuses crap LIV*II, PILL% - saunas , uNatvaux.D vaaelina. stLuctur 'ON A•VALIAD VIDDIUNINIJIL Pritirld bY • - . a. a. so I,lla uses* 00.,, ADd sold by Druggtats sod stores tb l earr i ld I Do COtiOtry. - oefLirti 1),K; CilliKLso li.. bTUVILI4 41-f .rnyeLiolan.. and- eurgecin I.IMoo. No. 30 , F•deral AIWA Oppirdte Coloankle row, 'new Abe, larpetiiion co-PARTNEKIIIIP or UMW, OUIP, ADAIR. 7.11 rO. was dllstortl by anthill °fluent on the •Tith-ulthos. atm botany ol'Obtold brio wul bo settled by tbs bow Mos of noLosalP. BRYAN t 00. . - 7he et dlnligned Mao Wed., formed A repel theta ship, ander the Arm of ROLD3IIIP, BRYAN CO. *Rh ilUTPUltia Isailidtt lot the =sunbeam* of 01114 BUNT 01.1...5ed its prepared to fornadi modem:sofa the blot quoilto ot BURNINO AND LUBRICATING 0114 su n, BENYJLIAN It BAR diallAbß• GM). W. gut,Dsut?. rBANIAG BRYAN. Pnrattlii. Oct 4,ll4l.—cictr.Swast ARTIOLAi that will =vet Viotti -41: sus dirt, bistaus, Dinßbory,!aut he 'ludas emotions of sbabowsis Wine c nt., lßtl AID -011001.ta u frIIIIIIIIIIKT NIXTuR., ,OuOLIRA •Earolartm&resitxtuitio. -01301.112411' ADD DI YIIITAIMM , KLITUAIt, 0111767 - Joalra isamina, Prepank owy • - 704syg yyjnyWa, br.y,red obi, 47 ~-,• ~104iviL•1101111tNas ' • Ilertecif col, by • Jourp, Rpm" Oeni,rldirktt'itteit abd the Conter.idarke! atnot and pit Dligkom fc..lbwriNs.'' roma:ding R. Commimgoti - An vatoposiii tquq.: ' kepi .130.0.07; 640(114,1111,11 And Prodnondloorndti, tars tee: vs vs s eityhr pUOTOOLLt.?iI, 4.l;BUide. Moirdikot atisungisatta` o.,v;xit o w **.:*4l.l' - 4140P4010 , 'cou 11. B. DOA w Waktoric aompta nonls• pwrgstrEqu ELEATILE. Poilittvaly the - Intight el IOULDOOIi. GREAT EXPECTATIONS I GREAT EXP ELITA - lION 8 I GREAT - EXPECTATIONS! MILB 0. w..b.I3LDOCK To meta& tettti the itettket Ittatos of RATE-KEARNY. a Mit lightlalt.ON. 813.1 r.A.Gactvre, PIIILADREY PELL DBALWAS ssovas• Da RAVEN it SON, BIANIIYAOTOILYSB OP to otor7,6ousettolL. SIMON JOLINBTON, mow. Cortin gmlthtlebl mut ntrrth attest, insattinor orry .MMISEMI4INT_._ ~ Ihano-==Pluo4'. QAt RE :Dili le ituu,KS--;.., 143 TEE CET AKA: J11 , 1111.E1p,,,“ . bEW L Ur MOE : . bLARAISON; AIUATLAN AIWIST6EC4 'KEW CAR.INA - Maltb; - f ani,uare LEUL,AUrio , • • • .ho übove et 010 rac doxae, tsar. astle by JOBS I,I.IIILLOa, cell• No. Bl wnr.4.cra,L,Piltul.brch. B 1 01111,11'S Cll4ll SabbAth ' Schm i d Melodies. A HIV 86BBATII EC aooL EINGISO DOGS. Shit Wyss, most complrt, and. pertwrbrmn icd t me Boot our mole br the area, 84bbatt.t trbooLs. Prim, sli per, or lb mists Willits: or $ l . lO per dwelt. for sale In qusit , Ptte or stilly i? JOllll H. Mi5t.4.014. octl No.AI Wont otre•t. Pitt,lntrgb. 1 )1A.P1 US AT A 13 ..111U4s. A DiEOR sthem Splendid New cid See,. n tend Y I A.l( 0 8 UREATLY ItRDUCE BLOM!, lib acattsinat SEWICIIiLtY 40.4 . 1.1EMY, "ACLAEISIOAL. AND corararstsi , "ROAILOIISO iiCHS39-1. FOIL -8015. DSC 0315P0 a 1111511.1. a. M., rionem: thaTtilitpNfolb Radon will commonee en ICON. DAY, )5 444555bar 41a,1841. " • Vos Circulars Inquire Or alums. Jobn It in Eons IT Water .Arses. or Means. T. U. 11 a514 A Co., 211 Woo, u arrts l'annirrah, or of nos Prlorrinl, no. aneghe4, 1... • oeia•reodarss BBLEILVIC Obt.M.LaiLl eictiooL fruE - TELIRD SES: . ION OP "flub Vcbool will commenee on the visor moNoeT or urrgasoir.s. , TERMS: • is r Prlonry Dopnrtment Lwr litnal6ll ctllre moatim-8 8 CO Mobutu tto do do do ...)S 00 eatdOT do do 0o . do . CO Ar.rgavziov. Thezacrognai >Oaring pieced thelr children OD der tba Imbactlon of Ltri end mn.••mntaY during the osit3ser.woctld Most cheertuity recommend their &toot to the patninago ot the pnbilo. The Teecbon ere competent and tatititol. and the progrme the invite-Mu been highly setlefectors: chlibm M. bomb • Wildnin H.Nimich . . Bruton Lore. J..kinaa. • • :. F. - Loy.. ' Anetne Labiate. Dr.A..O. Walters. Winiata Dean. Thomas n. Stalr. William Dika. Dale /Itzaknon , Samuel Lthdasy. Da. A. O. :Mule k. 11. T. Murtha. mirror 01xeulassot:•.. aPitta to Itio 89 netted atreet,•beiwnen Woke,. Rent Weak or al the Bebool Doom., center al Thiel And' Market thegt.. ara4altf SL.M. 41‘,MILY. kmtwui,. . Et. -,cv ix T. En. liet*petted a Normal Pchool at No.. 23 Er.. WAIN eIhUST. tt story. Tendattony of Te......thers. Ile Is the oanneollor et tee 'Penchan t ; the inan Ito Whine *lief at loth lot goatee and Instruction. I.eontete meet liearttly with the :store. blt.We APO U. CATON. .1 thearfaily tourer In t h e *pinion et.treteed abort. IV. N. TRW. I take vieestrre In it rimy cpfnlon that the foregoann traexanandattna It WI, atotiten. , lIIIRTT. I knew urea rme*Caa tiztutevra higher teenmony In hie tam. ft. N.A.VIB.Y. 1 fully concur In the *Lure teennuuendatloo. . . P. DEIN WON. Ile can preptave pupils for the Nigh &hoot naiad: than =mother teener In the clty. T. ItCAITHITT... per week. to edvenew sitt.3tawd t Nivirabrur or PAN rt 011411.1. - MEDICAL DEPART/1100 , *4 nurily:eizta sisaios 1861,*xi 62. . . Thie . regnlu Leeltnea of DIU Echani wlll CCMIS2OIIOII Molnar; ocmonta' 14, and terillita43 tha lut of Neb. Fee for the Full coufsi; vrii: a. titlolllB, Dean of the Median llacnity. wtt•: w•od VENN INSTITUTE, IIAtIOOOIIfrICIKET, MAIL HERM win rowan co BiONDAy, tbo du of MIL% S. Ti.M gm. per itellSloll of Ave mcdittow . 4 ..041.4 H. PhOOffilf. *.fkl OTlu6.—b.A Lt. lir IA BURG% WWI? Wor L YNE *ND OiIIoAGOBALL 11.-051 some et • deo re of the Ctstadtoentt of the - Qat:el litres for the Nen Catetet. thla, • cane, - -Chancery thereby cependleg, - alteretn Charles *wen WI °thereon' • complanesta,and the llttobergee. Wort Wayne and Cahn go flatintill Com. patty and olb rs are esekildantr, and gotranda tamp Mar domes of the Cie noir Coons of the United 11.1. We the Western Dhrtice Cyr Petteeliveles, tie Blefsfer or Inelaree endue Itcattleen•Dktitot of 1.111• nets respectfully, Id Wares depeadirg In Clenesry a etblPanttil trov'afftlj;wherel I. the sated &gee ef• ccondausents amide:tandems relpectseedyissin sakt banes And Mare 'eseildesed, andindswodo Jchn Pe/gluon and Thomas S. If alkeroui Grantee, thlrome she Tritsreer a on. Of the veinal Paid* of Ithef or Mortgage open whkh odd domed aro Galtdod, and - Lebo as epeeist Wader rammed Arr. of -eald Courts respeettvolyi duly appointed by meld Courts gropect. belt foiling purpose, wilt telt at poblid. anctlon, to the blithest herder. br rub, but hr; one's than the sal. otSWAMI, netts. tialustinatei Court Bowe, la the Olt.' of Uleedesid, In Ile kW* of Ohlo, ate the 24th Csji, of Condor. A. between the bona of ten cedecit a se. and bur teclock t. a. of aaid Cantle id -toorliedoictibed property, to wit . Ileltroad of_ .toe Pattsbeugh, Wort Wayne and Chicsge it dined Codpooyonot nelegthigight of way tnezetot; the rosel.bod tie sof, the 'stepastractara of all, wets theme, Ito 'wee sell ether station bonus and stem and , the tends and grenade connected tetwasitO, sod alltools and:looplements and or pro vided to se amendn, Woe consweethig sae nu palling cant machlesty tor add Wattear the twat and anperettachwei sfeendeb all turntable/it' all de. pots and batidkep •n 4 WitOrea end stractarie of whatowe name or nature, and the if sad grteads coseeeted therowitlu need pre:Weed to oe deed In Operating and reed andboldeg selletote,losed wher ever adman and ell cone, uortnevand rolling deck bstenglog to said Company, sod all supplies ef the. bejewel...xi hen. fad, sou oder thing provided by sold Compenee, or by the several orlglnsiOranpe nee whom were consalldatel Into add Plitiburgh, rat Wayne and be nadir: opens earn saul toad,'Wherotoraltaste, by the sane thlaby Ittt the Weser* halloo by: sald.::txonpany, or by told ortglnal Ceententee, eeteralt• together, with all • weporeas tran:leadi Kola Company; senior the add ortglaidCoapenlatetirirally,lneendlng the rlghtitout franchise:of odd etv,tal Coop/Lobs to 'b. and act as • Oxpordion, to be sold ran ontlfeel. Bald dexoes provide Meatus perctioscr, upon the coofmatdOQD/the2315..4101l 03'0pda:we with the andltions thorto*snall tioldelt %bp PtcPatl, Wahine fr_onehlote; and Cu egitgalsnancte. thereof 10 no, d by ids. Aqua flue by winch they Sr. held by add PIM.. bush, Wed - sons and. Ch cago Railreed CoWeente sad each and ad of said rule eel Compeller, free from tee lien(ell add nentgopei end free teem all Lida. 115 taw detta soled gold original or consolidated Companies, ore:Other of demi and than la chant. on mooned of -genital ateek;tat iraditct, rwerethdo." to the Hong If say such exist, .opt auy nod estate la. elided in ttswests.-lor purchase money tinned not provided hylalddeorcea tele veld oat of ti.e monde of the side, or by lonair ardns or 'decrees to Its pall othowbes , The 'tight LeAr Way', depot- aroma se low, and lands tel tS , II Chly . '.sad elefutty or thicago. gUtehaeedlll Cialtron.7 Wow , the laudeboY dr tall sof* and the bodge preport7 sal calm =hi br late of the Company at the. OLPlttannrgb, Asa 'owlet; ta-PottileSe Weld Lilt* Wale wilt us Inchtded 'too max teat eanfect to said locatabrances, to pro- Tl3lO bno l ug bWittnade for the. payment igma. ,L.hottre. Wend USW', Tau Wan S. WALlif . Traelece, sod -Mader Counneodonen, es slowasid. -- AAAIAU VY agjainuns lately DCOUs '144 b. aitawast arca. O.:strait:4 kr are, es bsteitwoie4 10ti041113 IJllabaX liTablai a few dm* Woe aarlarser Isosiwa Ws a' • eow iroolklug a 3 oli6SS kt !MOW SPOULDRILi, - SILLS sad -11aaivotaret. -from tali Snake Hoar. 'ban t liklued to no Car MVO ems,' - W llAlrb 41 i%7. I. hale roxiTtol gaoler , totalicont of L. °ray Oes - eobtoofoil 'Sops .Clifed- am. Stow ',bown wolf thogasflty - 041 UP coolusibmt to maks; azia offl bwooft - at s todsloof pfleto to close oat OoPoif fuf *Or; : ALJUDLLII• • ' Ift4 IRS 4.frorty swot. 1 1 0., 0U 0 , tit, 1.61.,1ttin.&-ri, Li. ,m -arid, eau- it unlearn via a raTinAiiia r thirtarlliaor Naar extra' Paw Trees:" PeattOltilvo; "we ram curia We Gardta ever' GUM Width& : ta:saali'Yrput p lt lvturp els% p1at0 11 • 46 4 90,1, Lairgl=4,ll4,9oas,4** 113 .t^ .X .er. 6 t • '" Jolt! A; Itilts="lr, col Wrote Mat, sad UNA and"