The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 11, 1861, Image 4

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    In last TdridayleViAntester" Iletelleen" -
eser;‘ , Meat.*sasi "iiiinney:--st
Wet* of vie of id principal 'advertisinSl
oofellael eippeerti the eallovring notice
,ttigitzseaut--"wiill4Prearcut 04 1
ouriesi-boisal of.: the 1 1/4M :at
Wbeetleddi en the eight of setardai,
28th, ant of etif.NICR-XL4T
a s p l at signelri with tbediaillV B milked
upentieviral -of the pieces. $25 reward
willte- tehi' fat the return et the Har='
mak aid an additional SS6 for the arrest
• t h ief,
If it be any comfort to our whilem
friend, the retired Sage of Wheatlacd, we
offer him our hearty condolence over his
misfortune. and trust his 'silver-plated
doitik carriage harness, as good as new,
with the hexer B. marked , upon several
of tee t a ?eses," may be apishly restored
to bh n, the impudent depredator safely
lodged Lancaster prieon. Both are
amenumnations "devoutly to be wished,"
and sal the lovers of law and - order will
please take note of the strong incentive
bold out to -afloat them. For the mom
plethemmt of either of these desirable re
sults twenty-ilye siolleas the rennet
and ire, both the munificent sum of fifty
. With Dollish* to add to the distrom of
thilliminguished " 0. P. F.' , now that his
imam is miming, we yet cannot repress
-the :egret that he did not exhibit similar
',Jetsam or at lust something tbatapprox•
insetted to it, when in discharge of the rei•
smelt& trust of the Presidency of the
United States. The harness, it seems,
was stolen on Saturday night. On Sen
dai it is already mimed. On Monday
thin Is fie an adurtisement in the Intelli
gences office, guetdcg the loss to the
world, and oaring the money aforesaid .
for its recovery, and by Tuesday the
same has been heralded far and near. The
• entire huskies, therefore—theft, &scow
., try, advertisement, and circulation—am
,pied but thrill days time, which displays
&Wei OT Vigilance not oft& ex hib ited
biArsolt younger wide. What a adder
hale is is that a proximate *illumine
net vthibitial when John-- B. „Floyd was
atvalieg the funds of the nation's treasury
by millions, and misapplying - the nation's
mare military resources, in order to inau
gurate a bloody dell war l When he left
the Wee Department only a few WOOS
before the expiretion of-the four yeses
hum, this alms J. 8., in a published let
ter, nomPlimented him on the satisfactory
manner in which he had discharged his
publicidutits ; so that it *ould seem, he
had not discovered even then the temble
- stealing propensities of this arch thief and
traitor. Cobb and 'Thompson were in the
semi category, and yet the head of goy
' unotent did not discover their ras
cality until they Lail left, if he has .even
made the discouty now.
Ohl the differance,between the "mount
et taute"—the mien and thine—and how
utterly oblivious some are of the one,
while they are inanely solicitous about the
other I Here is the Istest instates : It
tools the Sege of Wheatland four long and_
wearisome years to - discover that the trai
tor gioia was plundering the nation; bat
wheneome petty Wet under the cover of
the night, breaks into Ids own private
oattlege-house and purloins his "silver pla
ted doable carriage harems," he knows all
about it next - day, (Sunday though it is)
and, by the next day, he succeeded in in
vidle kthe whole world and the net of
maskind ,, to amid in the recovery of dill
harness end thefpunishment cd the thief.
Are wo.not warranted, therefore, in &er
ected:ins this latter as en , exhibition of
vigilance-inevery way extraordinary ?
Clink" Press.
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r vOCTZ 11
. . .
olive Dose einoislagPs
--The following is from the.Boaton Tray
eller.—Let-tboter who-emoke eo and-do
_likewise, and the blessing wilrlollow the
Our friend delivered himself, thus, -hon
istly and in eaniest. As he emptied his
month of his last sew, our month be
calm full— fill of blessing
Bleated is the man himself. He Is more
*lst, jsota`eliilnly, Mole - SaiirY;aiid more
reasonable; than - when he went smoking
and puffing about like a locomotive.
Blessed is- the mans wife. She is - the
happiest woman, for the font reasons men
tioned in the : last sentence, and kerning
13he had hoped against hops for
thtlist puff; bat it-her been made at last.
Witeeem to_eiii her leis brighten, her step
ramose gestic- her voice is sweeter, her
welcome to her husband, as be reaches
horns; is more cordial. She has our hearty
songratulitiona. . •
tho =Ws house. An rums,
iory spirit has gone out of it. Mora easy
can Aus 1;94 nest and tidy. Old repel
- kiggtitifileputeit nir shot& ; •
Blessed is the man's apparel. A cer
tain fragrance has left it 1 but not to the
sorrow - of those oft inproximity with him.
— His wardrobe is minus areal annoyance,
and plus the benediction of many a trier&
''JLnd bleated is the nines health.
• the smoke and fire he so long kept beneath
-his =style, be fed an insidious enemy.
And his whole nervous and digestfie eye
bolt unite In the benediction we noir 111-
'll4. .
•- bland. is.. the mart's. pocket. A
leak is stopped: ' As much_ s taken will
Sow in, and less flow out . seem to
hoar a voice from that quarter, "there will
_les better days in the department of our
master's domains."
And blessed is the man's resolution.
_May :it town aloft, like a granite pillar,
*Aim the Simko. and 8:01- that may
@mint. That puff I Be it the last, 1
Ant though the. smokers will -notjoin,
jat,there to enough to. units In a hearty
,•.:A Ferran Covert Batto,—We are;
Miliably informed that Zadock Brownfisid,' t
Jr, ,oft Alexander Brownfield, Beg.,
of who la now in the Western
rartaj-ustif Oen:0=1161M mit a few days
slops scouting, wee 'upend and charged s body of Sear on cavalry. He
Muted to ran or eurrender,..but retained
:bit dm until, tie Captain approsobeivithin
• few y•rde. of blou ' do .au,, instant be
;levelled ids piece, and ;
Bred, Wog tbs
Captain, and muting apott bbn enured his
nrrolvets - and nroni--tbe latter be otit front
• Ihn Captain's body, and at once mounted
-*bow, when a rebel matoldng the bridle.
;41,41apincbad Min Captidultsword
• by. -watroka twee , the bead severing :his
dtaliptidi'donti be rode _off' at full Spssdi
.tainnattli gun, _which be could not carry,
Wisr4 2 l thl PT111:1"r the -balm* of the
rebel/sad; Rbo fired Mora tine fifty bol
kW VS/ --bfru—TExcbsogs,
„ .
Clllll.2ii. Slll2l.Ult CUIII/LTh —II fa a
sale the cureinnii Cperster:efela that this
,iltgetabed. military` wan ihortly after hie
, 1
Efetvil to this country, worked'at is hoe Min
dry a flue city, wherwhe was paid the rens.
r atite fewot $h a week. Jot LW epreteee.
Jratticate. War, b 'nate, "at
i; i i fetrpt k s i tarhe had obtateed work at
,:theifoatotry, ha cringed and entered that saw.
rap Ailvirrisfat• 'oleic . . Upon kii
this ell+, ill the close of the war, is rieratesd
but a _abort ilme;l4ll4- ioducte to la to pt.
.!•":4,eitiOabirre coon became the captain} or
tesochitlons Of rtfelllif sad
11110Criterarisivered WWI( at AI
" speech t! - :! meittai in
'_ftelir4ll l 4l
4 qPIWOO cla Ffilili I ismi:ksiali ial
-110-10 , 111914.—i - sii - Opii - toteht 4 t l • l4l
Gviitat-11.46 Wier: is
ii0t#1,1,1041.; rimlttriiklirillglatly ad.
4 0** 017,11"i216"
Wet lily faiew of lkePittaargh hash
Reporta vet - S.A, _for Utc.netobarpit
Pmeasozoi: ivirsai)lT. nn MCI
17rops,-Tbe, quotatiose snood In tbs-follonlecnw
lien, It must be eodsretood, ere the lawless* par«,
except voberentbonass wilted; end that le ell mere
In to* MIME of smell orders to toe coy sod montry
Wed.. en rename of ter.. w five * rem mill be
Oberged ovet_ltime-tpoptstloue
AP 1 Llitt.-Tte , uhdj trt •pwee lo Merlat I. .r pre
to meet tne dentate. We n I. far numbs of so..
et parse reining from $182,00 -srcead - ng to
AsUl3-qutiet sod dulL kb* Pestle SV, Rode Ash,
*ON; Poem mug* flow teak,.-
£t.-There I. bat little Clammed sad eblpmeote are
Innt*Al. net embllebod rear et present ars:
bat. Leif bbl..
14. 0 0
7 3 4 4 , 0 ,
• %Old
, a/WON—lb* mutat Ur Bacon con-loan dull ul
laagad,liltboat, however. ma paul.alar clump In
laic .B.: 'iodide's. airing/ad Iftraidol Bldea,ll%olQ
dials Ham 7)4(61lo, and Ungar t.or.d, 0.11}0,..
SuT raid asp 100d—Pruzle Roll Bauer la ream.
aao tensed as trom 11 to 12.30 fIL Zap Am, alth
a g out revue% alp:l4l4w
I Bllllat—TM -supple of bid la aboat'eabetutt d, 'and
1p etradeoaaaroailt quoiatiour,
BlLoo7ls—Tbe Ibllannas ara the nu Wafted la
Chs,aagstaf -way - taxa atone COIIMIOS 11/PlaIACk
Iragorrao44l.2k BUIS do Wl,Boorit,.
2 4
-AND , TUBlie.Tlaa Motor, (dash,
W e r s 4 o ll Mimeo sad Xing too are for
frOmereani, tratft l iell la tl!a ul eitir way et 4 4:52 4 :
, .I.24lllllR—eTbarel la.* molar demand ler Moo
"BO TAW Ira daddy but aschaaged. W. no
seaudarlia iiiideotlV Rad ayiap ID—etbdoh easy Le
worldind the ealllag %sm. -
~. . . .
= l, BOPII-001111*-11 Tannin Bops, ost,lo3* b
WM 2 2 8410 18 11:1 Heap bops, ont e leo * tb
8112 1 12 Rom no% Ile 1 /11 b Tarred Sam out, L b
Puking Yand,lln2,4lellb flaking Tern,:ocan 125.0
.11IND 0011,0141snills. $450,, *don-
Raub SIX TS • ditw.'
, ' ibenp eta 111 .
PLOlNiiii LlNlllli—baitll fon,
la. 81 ott ill dos. nem*
10s 8110. s. . ....
•. 9 y
I No 11--.........—... _ .......-----8 Oil yd
VANDULY I itinir —l2e following gootation•cas
be relied ones being strktiy correct:—Mould and dip
gab.. 102 No 1 Nombi - scap, 434 pg No 11 do do, do;
bansua do. Tot Obrotikal Olive w 0.4040; Not Toilet
(gimlet's stake). 100, No 2 do do. To; Friend to
illottia's•cap, ig berbree soap, lee.
, WITON YABSB—Tb• market la gm 10 d an ad
vents bu been artabilened. .Tbs following are toe
amoebas'e whirl are corrected to data -
Pee.BlololmW.9Bo lib
11..0.11A 12- ....JD o lb
Zo. Z
N 0.16 ...—.-.... 31 cp 03
NO. .. 34 open
o p . m
Era 600..---11 a* do►
c p dc.
No. 1000---- 12 c p dos
Wo. 400.-.--.10 o p dos!
tio. 400.__»».14 o 111 do&
Do. o 11 do.
No 100.-.---12 4) p dos
Osrpot &sin, wort. •
ed coloro.-.....-31do CI tb
Do Irldtopio 86 •
• cuts " •
Do 8/11, - 40 280
Wroth,. Yarn—doe "
aoadlewtok-..-. 230 "
Tertne--. 27e p lb
..............18oOeniking "
family Batik:4.--270 "
Do No. " •
D.) C0mm00.1153
ll c Vitt
Wagers-- 1010111144
,Ohaolls—The following Inas the vsnotemele
Was: w lo ater crocken, 6340 a lb; butter, 434; MA
734;80et0n,7%; m10112%43 phut brood, $4,60 1$ bb4
1100.71 MIA. --We eetosmall awes of prime OW
at ma, ilk 11 bush.
Datil D KBE r--qtarh, ern ocestlonal arcs of anger
cared et 111146171354411 b. •
1111.111 D rsurt — la a. moderate trquail I,r
prlnte—Pwohee at $2,4065160 14 bash. Apple. In
Wares_ tvq omit nod prore• Mad advulood to 904641.
FRATIIEII4I.-ere vary dell. Prima ere beta at 41
060 o; seized 80040; Pigeon 16, sod Chicken 103 -
OAS PlYY—the folloorlng are tee ;maraud= for
arrooight troll tubing:
Par foot. Per /oat.
'orb Goa Plpe..-.7 cr. Inca o.c Mc-. BS cr.
" e
•• tit
••• 17% I
1 1604..t . t0 . ttr. ern - , " tasccary ..." 4111.30uu1.
• P 1.0011-Ib•is IS • Derided Implewmrht to Ma
throe ms•kat, tha detaana t.lay more satire, • hila
.prefte see ace sad fatty istatatelata rites Y steady
at $4,60011:16; Matra Natally at TAW 2a. sad Panay
:$5,1440.73. Rae Flour etas ly at $1,16,42 Ft% la Dbl.
The-receipts of liter_ °asthma very hoer, the balk
soy stitch Y dimithaa far the Ilsatens a:valeta
Oitilrb—Oste ettody of: h soh. tram teat banCo et
2241134..0tif1. T 4 350 Mem stets. 0.1113 quiet with
atoll Wolof pct.* notglog fr.,. 40 to an P boalf-•
lb. Utter dints los
. prime Tel ow. bye nominal at
4044„Wtobt steady ;ore solo • Ws of 1803 boob palms
Kentucky hod, ou able, al IL* both. liarlty to
loolfact MVP sL, with so oetoolonot notol solo of prime
pticatitun—Twa la regular &meld for Orc
calor to the lora , trade, at prices verities bat very
little troot oar tut rip ft. 'eager le bets arm art°
451105g0 to bbd. and 10,.."; 10 01... Malmo. otrogypt
60 to ago doffed bar whatnot l 117):601;,. Ririe
Ards at wasyie
1101%—erealoa of Latent •ere retarted at 17(0111.
HIPILS—Gis WWI arta end bold at To try rl a
—Uat taw It market, and meg be uttered romleatle at
ll&Y—TheSsonsd I. Usr Is IlmHad sod lerless s
emiGioPIS tau.,
LSYD—aoouwfadßwl doll. Uolde.• ilat Da for
Dbl. Them boo Menke:id II la market.
LIIRTHEft—Them le ormshlerable &Meal la Ibis
artla e, while I,4tres are ratter aeretti.d. Neagh
cavalry Welber la Arm at 22023. Dressed Leather
ta quoted 1. follows:
Red Ilptaleh kola t 21
Illsaphter 29
=theilemther ' ll lb 27 29
LIM R—Ta• maw tristete have,csreled 'off.ruld
deetrot ad • mast auentlty of lumber, • and the 'malt
will probably be an seance ID prim a. The clock to
taarketis Het, be: it. came rem De sold of the &-
,11282 - PORK—dall ..o In the about. of elks we
063 rier..belorte.
OlLS—There la • fair Itqalry, for Cruhe 011• We
iota • eel* as :hart of 63 able, from Allegheny
wella,at gen, rarity sod 106,4 soh Lard OR Li
dull trot asensagerd.
PO rA2olol—oleaty an 1 dalhorei note ..... apt Pre
Nes 'latiloolts-iit We. Sweet Potatoes In En irlerats ro
goadilleltb stll,llo,ol.oland $2 25 II b5l. '
goodisiquisy e131;41 @Vali bbl for No
Lana No 1 2xtrs.
ami .baa declloa7 We quote at
e i rieggioMe
.4-otuarr baki At $4,25, Timothy at $1,76
el h, Times Is • regular &mend for al, tat b L
TALLOW—doIt and lobar. Hough may b quad
at 6a and Saudiamdieit de 9
WOOLorTher• he • brisk demand for clean Washed
mane moots at Abitibi:Oa bribbibila. line Tools also
Aram - but thirrequat la limited:
- 11111311 lelabeeellisr cud' to staid, demand id
way waive pare to cod' dry go 7t itq imhiect
t&o theerg uuml
dirommt. Had LAW MAI, out, sod L.
keei 9LAPS—ritee ate firm, and we repeat
acrwastlila* AWL - slum :city make:—Eta
bult, Wyk s24b, 'Vitt and 1011 k Sage,
11214 *ad Milk Oak Glib aud 14111, P100t
of 60 9 . mot &Omni oft ' •
waincr—ii gala but firm at
016 e for Itioeiglod. and no to 93 Set uld Rye. '
valavriumtilipairly erar
resaar ABIZEWA. Cap. B icowy, walls lo•to
above, on SATURDAY, at 4 o'clor.A. for Welt er:
pump oppliaoboord or to ,
• D. 11. LEWIN, A rot.. !
11:,;111TII.IA AND eT.
Tow elisaair. DIALEB,Oept,Ib op. to. 00:
for 11 rebore end oil pone, eri NATI111.!
DAY. For (Might or purse spplroo bored or to ; :
0010 A.H.LlVltWeiTtra h I'o . A Naito.
F "U-..
minim Aro sr. LOUtonna —Te.
taw stomper W. 1.• SA sLAYi coo; Umuiray,-ftsve•
Ytr &Wan sad WI talstawdlswport... on SATYR
.I)II7• • is IP* Ott
.14.4- alook. • lor itedikt-or paws
AG a it;
I ool' . .—Ttreetomer ROOKIIT,-Oapi.okbs;
war, wit; kor We AbOVA- A•Di all IntersoOlsol,
laidrogi EVERT SATUIWAY As JO, eolook,
• Aught of pang apply on Dowd or to
A.•virmsnintou AND liAlrg
-16100118PA011orDo-Toll iliacrow ,
poorropr,otooloor ITU iltiB44l3apt.. t Cahn wampum',
will Man l'lMOstg.* ke.Ghlbpolls Mall DAIUKA
DAT at 4p. m. I+ atoning. tooesoualupoth.ATMLY
TOSIIIMIM.IO a. m.,' 1P.,, freight or promo oiryit
NO7 - • TPLlvirionror r t oowtgloti;
Ise IXPASSe PASSINGS& MASI:ova. tester .
Ocespaira NSW STATEN. corner of Sou sod
lersekaarleirsiarasts. on 'IA OSSIPAY,st SO P.
Notice will Si glarcrof abe eamosmseemsnt of Soleil
balsam st the same etaii.m,oblob will to mole del
will Inst.' IL SLAG MINNS,
14.110 UL %V ZEKL 31,
. ..plandli • Plosester "0"41.%"1
ORAHAX, Ow A leaven - -FOOMsollir /Pi ew
viii. .very DV , . at o'oloo4 7.5. Pao roloii
- Immo ZuOmillkoft-Ilft.rbargb wiry /RID/LT.% /0
• Prr Iterr or potato oppllosilbira or to
LI,IQQatVSh 00; ipatialOfeb,ozitt.
11.11. riIOWS./1 PO , Aitoota. Zan•krfitio. molt
r[MAK , vvillfAbireu
riarinfo* :14147161r1M
mita stwaolis Gorfilan:' Yorrhu for wombat%
sad fa -rite wary TOII3IMT, MM.
DAY ittil SALTIPIDAT, at 111 Valock,A.. 11., math*
..kwii wwdootiosti with lbu liehti, parts limPsik•
orbhwrs and Ciookostl. Awisrtilog, lostoe WWll
big wrorrilOilliAlr; WlDllllllDalf and raway..t
I a.l-k ii:a . . , risipapn nosipte4 iimagbo chi.
aeon.. f9f 'Med or wimp apply. tw 'beim *
o MP ; ;.:;,,t.. :• • i X. 31 4,1 1 iaw. PPlet• '
• iiluiti:AM , bmireomus ant nth/.
• • '`Asimogroulme
. 1 M 1 4 1 1 : 1 111 41 1 ° "44 1.1 4 it.d.
r .
• . "
55tobcs,•simi*, 19NMI,,ktf._ •
- ;,
Duquesne ~r, r
1 etleeert-V • Le 'lieu., Outer .13apot.TP.0
Ali., Pi:
14 "..urat 4 u.e ilAUPlllit lam' PT.SOI - esel HOLE
IMPS.III.L IMINACIII ..AJ3-.1 INtilare ekEssere
deecaptiso , . ; - •L , '
I V i l, PiPS Delll.Sit-OASTINaP, Platt Pi o . B .
O Ts - ahkß, viatioN. BOX TA sato AND DOA
I% Pal, OftteTßlL ;IND flittetatHaSTS,f 3 TUP 000 K
WAYS, to- away' so bad sus,* sae tow.
Cadets left - vita' W. W. YOUNG, miner of Wood
crest sad Mama, alliq, win ItCIPITO przctis sties
ETNA. 131"OVII W 0,31.88.
A. 8.8. A .1:11 L. ffi Y
• ilsootaciuses every mild) of
&o. &o. aco.
Sole Proprietor 'of the - nelebrated
Pa MST 0.191#1191N0 dlitD .40.81 C0.1 , 78LL
Othoe and Sales Room,
No. 4. Wood throat,
Pirralllloll. PA.
Warehouse. No. 62 qt. Clair ea:
j3j, PA PICA stail analog wrovkik Parlor
suu- Attain *Maw, 'Bellew' Wen, - ate.: teal else
ghtsantwitiOiwilisi Williginfoga,Witlessringfilas,
%Ma and Artisan Pim Bad trotw,D,ogiroas; Wagon
Wake{ Door: Rettlet,'Pallen llangsai - Oaltleece.
Geopulegeouteortlevi - Alac,Jobbizqg and
mead...c.w.0....a. la order; Portable
with thawing Bono Vow*: . nollittad
Gin. ram a Remedial ilk dent.
ESPECIALLY designed for tho are 01
'tbe - lrectiod Profession sad the Reerfly,
superseded tbe so- celled Kilns,' *Ur murder r'Clarol.
NV "fledlestedr"Sebuipp7tte., leirne ',Arad
by MI of the Meanest yelehee, thoudets end
madman, we passably l of moo artsforie wed.
duel quarries ttenl6 and diuretic) ableb belong to en
014 end pure the. Pot.opmkticrt bottle end
mold by - all Mayen; meets, ese.
Dr. GNU. 11. - 1L1T811,140 el., Agent
Ltitabliebed Is i 779.1 SoloiToprlntore,
ocAbly No.lo Druid Ones. N. Y.
etcoltum az tradon•Chiti
• R...8.D.11 , 12, Preaidzr,t..
• JUHN /11,WIN, Jr., Bacqtary and Tri,aarat..
• In :pitman—R. ti.'Darle, Alarfir, J. L. Car,.
'ban, A. Cameron, John Irwin, .Ir.
UI itghtfrom the •olli of toe cOnlyally
aridlt, Croak, In Vsnango county, constantly on hat
nnb forint*.
iollos at T. U. N.vte t oo.'s,
mytlya NO. *6 Wood at., Pittsburgh.
(Qa►IIV Guarsotard.) PITTOIIO HOU, PA.
AilrOer Orem end ttentolecnostentty Oa head.
MOO' rceeltati for the present et Olintla,
A WS. Aster and PIM streets
3 — .1 - OKbuN & •ILTWNsIsNu.
rolis r,aczmun
'p y r e
tN L.11.()V I /6101Nri
Ponrlia street,
Elsvikuu I.ulla au. 'uvoitiasot W kiamo. I.J •u 2
Port, most dirlaida I. of c.a.
sou+lt CUR •)13, ot 114..da.•114.1.-ttLea
PLAIN %01, •Itb two tl34eut
SIDII3. ansokad *ad in dry aslt.
nisaa POSH, 1/..,1
LUX WILD, In bbla, Asiaw and palls. Pal ne als•
VOSSI3k. fornilf 0.4_00a oU of snob min nada tn.
011114.11. annani. lor rolling prawns.. an 3
• Laura expired by Matta%lca cra Lb* 1.1 day
aagust,lsBl. Tee bualgaa. of aaiii_grui bill be
withal by tba to. arm ado.. a Laughlin..
derslgned, raiding In the OS, of Pittsburgh,
hare Inroad • limited partnership noder the Mal .1
foam a Langattits, IX1511:10011 of mamatammting
std deollog to trachea suceemirta rs lb. arm Of lonia
A Lautb,) to stitch dna lb. general partaara Sr.
Semisoft P. Jame, notate It JOU.* George W.
akin. ilenryA. laoebtle, pad Irma, B. Laustitto.
and the special partner la Jame. Lineal°, Who tau
contributed vaunt, Manama tons hundred deli!, to
elm common atoct..ol-mkt -grartaarehtp, Wilco la ts
commeone as of the Al do of MMus; lids, and to
tersomete oa the lot - day of August IMO.
D. P. JO.llB, -
T. M. JON a&
IRWIN B. ILO ulttlN,
J AWES LaciatiLta,
e.pkmter 16;1861
ilia following Stock In lb. Deootah Mining (boot
ny, locution tor non payment of WI& • Sall* 01 50 etc.
pasha*, payable on the !.tat Joey lam artli bo rdd
at Tann° Minion. by J. 0. DAVIS a 00., at thole
Avon= Boon., mi )11thitsset, IA the OW of Paw
bomb. to, on N. NDAIf, th. 01.1 011 y of Octobtr,
15111, at leo'clock, S. in, elm
500 abates teptewented by menden* No 8.2.
850 co do co do do 511
184 do do do do do 612
110 do do do do do Olt
. 2500 do do do do do 85
. 200 do standlog In o. sown Space r, Vila A Co.
No certlicate lamed.
Df otel.r of the Road of Dteectorn
.tan Ita K. CO.)Pla,
Pec'y t Tread. Daoolah MAN' Co.
VALUMILIG iltraovstrEtirt--
In Steam and Atmosphnslo Hammon&
T MIMS PATENT wore panted on
lAA ISO, ith, MO, to Thomas. Bomb. fora rut
elaup am] atokst ;improvement to Steam and 11S,
liermaers whereby the fall Mote of the
lamas* isobtoined, to matter what be the Udeludem
Mittelman of iron to be heamend—theretry effect
hug timid tomeme of power when large pleas df
-metal are to be masted upon, sod • ecoreemudtog
smite of expellee.
The Estemibere are owner. of OM patentomaire
amucoas of 'Wang MOW to :me sold Improcement v
m well an.terttkey meter NMI patent. Amalie' of
cal haPrreertiatit le left at the Whole of Mawr Sate
well it Oneletag. !Moneys it Lew, comer Of Grant
and Meowed strestaorhers was 13:Mem:tad met:
cell awl salt, and learn alto Ow kerma - 4 .14 0 11 11 '
ale, P. B. Wlevsa,,. •
Maven, AnaWoar so. Pa.
e VAULT Titxr.b,
INDUOLIIIINT TO Pllltolli9illll4.
• melons *Souk of tholes Tioes of !selected 'TAW
dlin to dome from, with even .parable nun In3ton
to have every oortrld true to same.
1/1 'Apple JAMS. Vs note 111,[00-60,[00 rf ephlch
aro throe 'weld/410 COO four peer old Peer, 10,000
IWO 10 thrta dear oda. 'Peach, Plam, dr.,. rum
ItirtomediF7The state tu the barmy. Uall end
see them,
svneenistis from I to 11 feet, by the hundred,
thud ohm, ROAMS laps_ AND 8118103BItitT
. 1.6011111111 D and total.. , •
Addrehe Pfttshdrgh and Oakland NarorrlNVlltfe ,
butnlnto. Den.dowr JOUH 101711DIXIIIrdr.
`l3 TEAL
AV STORM boa. bleu roamed from No. as fifth
stnot ta
Foos Zoom boa Maly
ilsos . Oaks Paaeear-b h.J, is
900 Oozes Oman Chase,
IGtsl packed Swot. -
ADO • pauslitockTea, Totowa, to., tu Igorn otit
ttr artivo, ant lorirslodby
IIitIONALD t Assuoimi,
odol Wholetato Groom, 943 LlD.rty wee,.
AM 'tally tatt. taloa sad chola Mew Otisatillu t at
fa lOU Mal taL ay LTITLIO * 21111a2L1t,
mll4 111 asaaaa alma
L4'4° for sat( by
•v. talniltiTOM.4 CO. •
Alla altootsoA I haitoiets
p*bL2A — RUAWIR7.OOATta t , PANT B ,
ig M" ,4 l*, br, AWN soribl Mk
nava,. 4 , woU rate. nillitabl.
. 700: r Oideti
Hitob.i.,ll6l,at 11 o'clock.. Y., arn ballad for
naDDITIBS, thaatina • ith 144 Cattle on the bud, to
! he tatioirid st.;Clownhvraborg,-11.arrhtitug, or YOrt.
• In Os Sista ar?...roraals, nt, the Government cosy
' Bidders are rt.lstg•h,l t4.evplJ hi ail port/nitro
wtHithe I.em of tid pet•lhtiss bet,nrith
tloantnnwt.t 1,1.1 .1 1. to It•• 11 iho i lett to pay In
Tseuary notes or other foult ft bas be anharwatant,
and to re,act .y but and for any rause. No td
bo enterte'oea .0191 the btdcer b I'"'"' ° ' .. "P °4l
Government rift tea ire 4,063 !pod nuder the
contract, and rlii reserve tbr tight,to require any , no'.
Ottional noshes op to Inant
tiliverls• tone made neatly in tech ynantleen em
nay be r•quirra
ant. %nowt 1:1e0 pomr)t growl: bight;
and no animal will be receProo which wagta tea
than I.ooopoonts grow.
No p.n.:bloom bid slit be central.
Thithi.ta eirocled to Cl,,t. A. BECKWITH, U.
P. U. S. A, Washington, D. ti., nal endorand “Propo
'sista Yet! 0 mUm''
fiF DID.
I. A 11, do bereby'propcse to aedver t . .lthe Govern.
meet good Bet! Catt/e 00 the hoof ter - per hue.
dred pond@ grnas weight. • St. Cattle to to relltrer•
ad at ChstaberCoN. /lartsDnef. of Yetils In - the
01.10 Of Pero., resole, et the Gut/gement mafdaels.
nate. seonal:og ta Ito 'tram of the eschwed advertise
ment The "Cattle to be adftpal oa the res'ea led
the Wright io decent:Mel .to. be the patches° weight.
I hereby agree to glee a trod and stanotant bead (4
the toialle.ot of 11.0ontf001,114.1f010:01 , 0 Ti 003017
12 lee or otter Government lima In payment for C..,
Tee Brat delivery of the Cattle trill be revered to
to mods *boat the 10th of November, 1801 erikti
PI atsla.
1 2 •13.Z1.A.D3E7Z.P1 - lIA.
is the tmmedhte netzbhOrboott of the Jobbing nova
oalterket, third and Me/twit ■trcety the hanks, UOoq eterchants , attobantre, &0,41.0.
Board per Day. $1 50
Accommodation, sang rertand Pt IUROPIIISIS
TI AN. Zoom/ from 50 mat, and upward:, per day.
and ilferffloot angst CUM ILIAWMAMT a" t ka lL OO
ina Hares. Aloes according to Ow 1901a,0f
The City Oars' take Kros
any Station TO Or 01.1.011., - TO tee
ar English, Pesach, Gorman ud Sparkle!) spokes.
1,17•61 a
''IMLOEL B~HfJ If 113
Single Booms, fifty Cenh Per Day.
Clty Hall Hq mare, corner (frankfort at.
tUpposito City (loll.)
Mealy, so they may to ordene),ln the sysotom Re•
leotory. 'Thereto a Sabot% hop 110 Bath Room
attoobod to the Hotel.
R. B.—ltswaro of Ruminant and Back.
mem, who my we ere rell. , -
0e.27:1yd R. PllSHOWPrOprletur,
500eR131.8. PRIME N; 0. MOLAR
125 bbda. oar goad, far and orlam Roger.
IN bolos 62,82 sad 10•Lymehlrinrg, Va., Tobv.e.l.
' 100 bole. IL bock Sugar.
42.0 bogy a I J Cloffoo
EV bbis Pao any ado all llib
for kilo by BEIRIVER k DILWORTH,
002 102 Second +.,oet.
g.IL ttaSiNicit6-5 caste cheap Paint
V for oil barrel., matleg them rethitly tight,
For rale iy [telt) lISHRT A. OOLLINs.
Scrofula, or King's Evil,
is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the
blood, by which this fluid be,ndies vitiated,
weak, and poor. Being in the .circulation, it
pervades tie whole body, and may burst out
disevni on any part of it. No orra is free
from its attacks, nor is there one winch it may
not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously
caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis
ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth
and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and,
above all, by the venereal infection. What
ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con
em uttnn, deaf ending " from parents to children
unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed,
it seems to be the rod of. Sim who says, "I
will visit the iniquities o? the fathers upon
their children."
Its effects commence by deposition from the
blood of corrupt or Ulcerous matter, which, in
the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed
tubercles; in the glands, Swellings ; and on
the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor
ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses
the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions not only suffer from scrofulous com
plaints, but they have far less power to with
stand the attacks of other diseases; conse
quently vast numbers perish by disorders
which, although not scrofulous in their nature,
are still rendered fatal by this taint in the
system. , Most of the consumption which de
cimates the human fancily has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination ; and many
destructive diseases of the lifer, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or
are aggravated by the same goose. •
One quarter of all our people are:scrofulous ;
_their persons ails tavaded by this lurking in
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
To cleanse it from'the system we must renovate
the blood by an alterative medicine, and in
vigorate it by healthy fond and exercise.
Such a medicine we supply in
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
the most effectual remedy which the medical
skill of our times can devise for this every
where prevailing and fatal malady. lt is com
bined from the most active remedsala that have
been discovered for the expurgation of this foul
disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the
system from its -destructive consequences.
Hence it should be employed for the cure of
not only Scrofula, but also those other,affee
tions which arise from it, such as EttrPiiva
BLOTCHES, BLAINS and Bons, T axons, TErrun
TED on IMPURE BLOOD,. The popular belief,
in t. impurity of the and" is founded in truth,
for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The
particular purpose and virtue of this Sereapp
is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid,
without which sound health is impossible in
contaminated constitutions.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
are to composed that disease within the range of
their action can rarely withstand or evade them.
Their penetrating properties search and cleanse,
and invigorate every ' , cation of the human organ
ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring
its healthy stades. As a consequence of these
properties, the invalid' who' is bowed down: with
pain or physical debility is astonished to find his
health or enerq restored by ii remedy at once so
simple and inviting.
Not only do they cure the every-day complaints
of orrery :body, -bat also many formidable and
dangeterur &seaacs. The agent below named Is
pleased td furnish gratis my American Almanac,
containing .cettificates of their cures and direc
tions for.their: use in the following complaints:
Costiveness, Heartburn, Headache arising front
disordired Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion . Pain
in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, lialutency,
Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, and other kindred
complats, 'wiling from a' low state of the body
or obstruction of its functions.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Croup,Bronchills, Incipient Consump.
tion, and for the relief of Consumptive
Patients in advanced stages of the
Eo wide is the add of its usefulness and so nu
merous arc the cases of its cures, that - almost:
every section' of country abounds. in persons pub
licly known, who have been restored fromalarm
ing and even desperate diseases of the lungs bYits'
use. When once tried, its superiority Over every
other medicine arks kind Li too apparent to escape
observation, awl alone its virtues are known, the
public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ
for the distressing and dangerous attendant df the
puluunazy organs that are inclitentto our cilmeu.
many inferior, remedies thrust upon the
community hire %failed and been discarded, ttds
has gained friends by every trial, eonferred.bene=
fits an the *filleted - , they can - never forget, and
produced eons too nritnerout and too remarkable
to be forgotten.
R. -
sate ty an PIMPS " 141 man "167"'m
quLAILLKaital GanceAL'a Orro t,`
Vremblngteu, Jau. 21 , 1 41. j
Y. of-eete u e 1a1r4t414 L'.• trireleblog Army
byggsys Osgood.
Peop.A.Ale inceett efite,tie tett:wet ebt b they eta
be farobrbei st ate piece et blealulesture, or eet New
hll.lopLik Witimotc, t sablugLon, Cair
tinned, as yietorred by the bidder..
The mamma' o blob .0 b made by soy blatdor
In use co.:oath taw receipt d the cantor, oloo:Liao sum
Wave. mut taw:Jay tkonfut to to Its following
spicifLatkoos,aud to tline,aLlisted pattern.
Eiz male (coveted) wagons, of the .tee and deocrip
lion to va:
%he trout vise" to be date ItiVt tea lic:ta a htat4
Intel tea th.hee ta datester, and Ibnrrwo mid a went
k, 'ACCRA tong; Wad eked" tourfeet tee hither high,
hahe tea and inqa•rteir Lubae thatnetec, eau fourteen
and a quarter uachn r, att. t end • Dalt lachn
wide and Iwo .ed Web tido 'tit tatkee area 0.1
pipe boxes tacit* luau, I as, two and a half maga
at the large end and 01.0 CILIA beech tetthihe Inch at
email cod; tire two and • had Inaba' wide by des
tight he al an Inch thick, taat , ted with one screw bolt
end not In each foliar, hobo made of 'gusty toe spokes,
sad hue of the beet whale oak, free Wow dowel ,
each tablet to have a sand hatoketot linchpin baud
IRO low VOW qt. PT 41160 NO.B blood Iron,
and Caro drivialg baccla—ontalde . Dana Coe and • goer.
ter loch tl Cue.qcorthr lobo thick; MANI Dann one
loch by tbreoaliceentha adokomm the bind wMete
to be made and tosad so that they <sid measure from
the Inebth of the the t, the Imee cod of tin Doi sin
and lo half inthesonti boot wthela de, amigo, eighth
inches In •paraltelL line, mid cacti axle to taiihrog met
cloven atm Wish eighth thetas troth the untold, of one
thoondm mother tO the othglOg of too other, m ai to
have the masons Olt to track nee font Loco maim to
thane of the wheals. I=letrea to tm made of the
---- gadfly' recined Aweslnn iron, two and a halt
Inched .juice a. the shoulder, tapering down to on*
.rid. belt Wentz" We wldthe, wtth d *even eighths
torn irtujg-bolt tote In etch .:lotrer, 'sabers and
louctlytos Inc rash Blain.* also ut lb/unplug oua loco
olds, stire••••ttnnt or an loon Mai, with . hot* In.
each end. • wourtou 'took tour nod run:wino' tar loch•
n 'lda nod tour turbos dap (Waned aubsuinttalit to
naletotos with clip. on tho ands and with two
WO, nix inoboa tram the middle, and (maenad to the
hottods and tattier, (too Winter to be loco loot hos
inutita ion& aye anima wit:, 'and duds and a bail
deep.) with tour haltinen
The tongue to be too feet Opt 10, het long, lour
Inches walla and throe inched thick at front oneol
. - -
the bottnda,.abd two and • qnstisr Web. wide by
two and tblesloartir Itchy. atop at the hoot coo,
and so arranged i n to lilt up, the trout old of Is to
hong Wattle two {etc of Its: ground when the ear.o
tattooing at root on a heel earteCe.
The (mat hclutes to be six f. o 1 two Inctna long,
three Inches Ulna, sod tour Inches node over tattoo - ea,
and to rattan that width to the back cod of the tongue;
laws td the trOdnd• one toot vight Inches long mid
thole turbine:pare at the trout end, with a plat* of
lion two mad a half inches wide by th-ee elatithe of
at. huh Utica, featensdon top of the heaude over the
heck and of the toughs • Ith one heltdritb came bolt
In each and, and a "plate of Iron o' the lathe eine Mu.
td op et each end one and • half lotto* to clamp the
hunt bonds together, and Geo:rhea 'on tn. [hider
We. and at front eel of hearth, with half inch Am.*
...It thrtn‘h eie,tt booed, • sena eighth limb belt
thtoogn tongue and hothedtho the centre et to
eeture the tungne in We 110011dLi • pinto of Iron three
iriCore dde, onolearter fuck thick, sod one foot
eight Inch.. tang, secured on the Wade of jaw. 01
bloods glib two and • plate 01 the anise
Mtn/ions no each ride of the tttogue, when the tongue
anti being:ll roe together, lettlreil In .1/Re meaner,
brace LI setretvelOtas of as Inch 10[94 Iron to e
d atom wader ilia front !miaow., ►ad' ink. two lactic
front pal of toe h ..'me trans three-44nm.
of w Inch toned to caution° to the b.ct p►rt of
the bounds, and ta'ine • teetened with' two bolts, one
ear the bac% nod of the hound/,and one through the
slider and houtele; a braes over (tout hoittar one and
a bell inch aide. coo quarter of .an Mal Waver with
a wit In each end to famed It to to, bona* the
opening betleten tae jaws of the hounds, to receive
toe tongue, acid four nod theeaquarter Inches In
front, and four and a halt Inama et the bock past of
The blind bounds roar hoot two Inches long, two and
thrce.qoarter laths. thick, sod three Inches and%
Jaws wto foot long where they clasp t be coupling pole;
the Winer four teat live Indus loots, and Ore inches
wide, by three inches deep, with needy Iran two sod
a belt inches wide, by otitehalf Inch thick, mined up
two arid • hall inches sod wiener on esett ens with
three rivets; the boitter stock* and iwunde to be se
cured with lour Lain& Screw bolts, and coo bell
loth threw bolt through thevoupling pole.
lltothapling pole Mae feet eight makes long, three
Inch,. otay. end four-and a bell Whoa wide ot trout
end, Ana two and threcqnsrler loch. widest bark
out. dieted 'from the centre of Meg bolt hole to the
venue of the tact toilettes its met one limb, sod
tram the metre ail kingbolt huts to the ethtre of the
mortice to the . hind end of the pole eight leer slue
inch, s; king bolt oite sod • quarter thane. distinct r,
to ben locked Iron, drawn down to •evoneighthe al
so inch where It patios through the Iron aretn*
Iron plate as litoboe tong. throe locket wide, and one
I eighth elan inch thick. on the Cotiblatthe and tongue
stun they rob together, iron ;late oneand s hit. by
one quest, ot an Web cn the elidieg bar, hummed st
eatG end by • str,w bolt thron,y4 the houtidr, trout
bolster to bath ;anus irons and below - eleven Inches
long, Wee sod w ball inehos wide, end three &einem
of en leek thick, carom drawn cut and tut sled down
co (be atom of the , Muer, with • non to each cor
ner, and icor coutuenunk nails on the top; two bands
on the hind hunnes, tweabd two sad • half Inches
obit.. 01 No.lo band Iron; the rob plate on (he coup
1105 pole tu fro crib! lathe. lone, 0. 0 nod th , t , l-lihtr
tore loam/ wide, end out quarter ail at. Itch (blot.
Donbletree tutee Est teat Inches long, .iugieute too
butt eight Inch.. loog, all wait made of ttlatOtls with
to Iron ring and clip at e.cb end, the centre a fp to be
irell macatont; that her and ettittcher to be Wes lest
two Sheba long, two and • quarter inch.* wittio,:and
one end • quarter ince thick. LW bars, stretchers,
slid einelet, sea kr str.mule team; the two siugietrees
for the load molts to litho booth In the middle to
hook to the end 01 the fifth chant, the •heet and told.
ale patio with epee ring, to alteth them to the flout,.
tetra, and lend bar.
Tae mm chain to be too feet long to the fob: tho
fort the foot tau loch.. long, with the ettelcLet fib
thathel to spread the forks apart; the links of the
dottblettee, am; and tunote 010,10., three eighths of
so inch in *Matter; the farted chat., theensieteenth
inch m ditto:niter; the filth chain to be eoveo aishenth
loot. discos:et toots fort, the folk tone tiveensteeoth
inch damoter,the dots of threemont of the look chain,
to HI not more than two and • quarter inched Log.
The Cody to be straight, three fe.t d Inotseti
two feet deep, tan lent lung at toerbortcon, and tin fee:
Bii Inches to the top, eloping equally rat each end all
we clear or Ins dw, tbe b , eo plod , ' to be two and
nab hoses wale, Roe Lose' Lobes dews treat piers
Tao Itch.. detp . l4 gnu and a belt Isobel wadr; tell
piece two soda half Ilactiol nib anti three inches
deal; sad four Indira deep In the tiltdOle to lest ots the
coupling pain tip roll one rind a half loth thick by
bas and sec= regatta lath Wider, lower tall. one Moo
thick by one sac seven... Utah inch erl.,.e; three studs
std our rail In hood.. alto a .eat on strap taingem to
came It up as high oh the elder; • bee three feet fair
Itches long, the bottom' bee itchee wide front sloe,
nine and shad Inches at ep, and eigb t an tatted inchea
al tt. top In parnll,l line to toe body all in the class,
to b. Iniatautbol7 foolooooio..the front en 101 the
body. to Moe so Iron strip pausing round each 1.110,
reared to the bead pleats nod 110ut rail by a fleet in
sank end of it puma through Chain, the 114 to to
fastened to the trout roll with two good 'stamp binges,
• • rap of flurelehth non mend the bona hail inch
Cram the top edge, and too strapamsine sae on the lid
near the front edge, to &escalate male, from eating
the faxen to hare &Joint help fattened to the middle
el the 11d, with a goal wooden cleat on toe Inside, •
strap or fron on tile cerem - of the box •Ith a asp'
paw kg through lt, to hetes the lid to; eight shade
and two tail, on each aide; one Whiter teemed to the
hody,ax lathes deep and lour inches side at king
Lott hole, trop rod in iron; sod centre, of sleek:kali.
Menthe of au inch round iron, with • head on the top
of inn sod not on lower end: itch run sad brace ho.
Mud, With shoulders to top of tail piece, and cum or:
the andsr side, and *not on top et rail; • plate two
and • hell lacks, ulee, of No. 10 land Iron on tell
piece, wow tk e body; two morikee la tall piece, end
kind bar two end • quarter loam wide god one loth
thick, to receive pleas three Wit tour Inches long, to
be need as hateeee bearers four mare through tsoh
aide sired, and twit Mot. through each trout stud, to
moue the lining boards, lobe of tho tessi quality
end riveted on a good bar. one ring through eat-end
of the rails; Ilcor Ilreeigh . tire of an inch oak boards;
tide. Ave eighth* of an inch white pine, tall board
three quieten of au inch thick, of white pine, to bs
well award with dm oak cleats riveted at each epd
theme' ohs tall Weed; en iron plate three feet eight
Inches loog,two and Itqnsitet inches wide, and three.
eighths cuss loch thica on the ender aide of the bal
pie • to extend froerthe hind aid ot the toffy to eight
Inches in Trotter the lad belteff, to tn. tweened by
trio reel at th e end of the body, by the Miami eel and
tiro three-eighths of an Inch soria. bolt.. one at ti e
turash, ebd of the plate, and tho Other about ego.
Marna between It end the. Wad and. . ♦ halYiuth
mood iron rod or twit to pass diogonally through the
rolls. betweati the Iwo hind Muds to and through the
bed piece end gilt* hider it, Wltlfe 'good bead on the
top sod int sod sailer at Ire bottom to ho se the lop
we foot its' itichoritOm - 411 board, sad en
the betenn tan-inane. .from the hied tel. - in Iron,
damp two ache* &Mk Ono Tram, oi an inch thick
around the bidleer the anti& bolt to which the
look Mantis aillactad painting through It, to extend
seven Wines on the beide of the body, the end{'
'and .baties tb' tee tallned by two that-8110h'
inch Strew Lots, the middle bar et the 'Orde tube
tub with the bed piece oar the lowireldk . Tore look
Mains secured to Mei centre bolt or the tedyl'ene
bud eleven lochs, the other two lea MI loctia
long, to toot throe lgtobret an itch totediretr, tat d
IMO robsttbr het alkinetwilotig from ohs to
the whom and coda of oak, the date of yellow pine,
to tiseight lathes wide at bottom. [Waive loam wide
st top, and eight end g hail Inches 'deepen'', Ma
clear, well Ironed, w.tb • Wad of hoop iron around the
top, oo I erollll.l each end and three beam= the rode,
arum' and suitable Irons Whiten them war, toughs'
when fading; goad strong chains' to 1.9 &naked to
ik• of .the .body. ..mead ty a 'Kayla CM •
Wok to attaM .It to the laugh,- Mk born of goal
ash, two tubes • wide end: oneself loch thick; with
three otaplarito wane the ridge late to its plato;
two staples nn-the W.', to .recors each one.' the
bow' one ridge Ole Oristo hit long; one oaf three
quartet. Maim wide b 7, Ateeiglita of sit inch ilea;
the Warta As. of th• oretgdsiity tattoo deeklie
'khan lest Mug and clue Wit eight Maas wide, mode
in the bat manner, with foist heriP awda WM
aide, and one through each red to Moon both wade;
two rico an each end'of tha bird), t 'claw and secure
the ends of thecofet ; 'staple In eta lower tail, near
the second ladle= each cad, to lastenthe eidecorde.
The (libido of the body end I-aitime, to have tab
good arta of white lead, Whited tea bine tint, the
*lda of t h em to hero two coats of venetion re I point;
the running gar and wheel/ to hate two gum teals
of ft SWUMa red darkenal of a thocoistecolor, the hob
and I.lll'. to be well piloted, Instead of 'edam, if i s .
A tar pot, as emirs king Wit. and two extra single
tree to be tarnished with each Wagon, the king twit
aod tinglietrees anollat in all respects to thote lee
lonia; telt .
- .lath side of Me hod) of the wagon to be marked U.
, and cambered rs directed; all otter pub; lobe
leaked U. fit the wear, feed hot, bola, likotiplua,
tirpot. Goa imam basion for *soh Wagon to he put
in • strong bca, (coogated,) 'end the ephimata Makes
It fa tir he dlailany anderatood thattbewagohe are.
to Woo constructed that she meetsl perk of any one
Tapp "damps mai mottre:stas•oriray ether e°
is.torsiztdar so wobarbil or, raraitiAs rapport*
rattilltbiskaaar*Aiaml lbe War amitres.
'MOO 1 , 01 1 16 : 1 *-4 1114 0 1 wow .1,19000
ara - edned, arid thiLatori IT porta tallbfalty eye
awed In ttee boa yorkaradelo Sanaa.
I be work oiapiat hear:lH frau true to thus at It oddear or assass-or.rds goartarztaet.
sr .. IL partauos, sod C• 4111 of Ltabrll be µJAW:tasted
It abill tura We tapered ant appealed Py aala
leer or agenmt striboa toed to loopect3. .11 bar lislobad,
paiaied end act:road b, on retLer or sisal of tit.
Quattaroastel'a I,a;mrt dent, and delivered as bbtilika
weed. the, MAO be par H. Up ULIGIa.
eidittt tlt.rteruattnr gamma U. B.
Eupi Ai , AutoN
4.7iD old r. t1f...3.7713811A1L5.L313.; _.;
arrice or anal (:LOW' ANDlTigettarla,
(brecl Akisad and irrecer arrier.
. - dais. 30 0 0,...inagest 3, 1301.
Pei...sets w cesivedna shit 1:44.-iPf meant
tog. tts cat te.d, Army it'egoa Ihrtlega .
The propeelit artosl.telatcUtisprlca stt which air
an to to, the-Oust of in entifsettirsi and
the pt ice at which they ten, be defivered .at this dev
poi, the neuver watch can be Made by the bidder
~fill. one Itiontherreeveielplof the ..der; oleo the
camber ablett be can deliver within one wseki
hetet.e mkt eascUy Mike* to Cow bilawbfit
speNtlcations and to the efuidentted pittaras:
Ital . aisle Lanese as Fullness to wth . I •
two Coilurn—Dresch straps .3 fest 4 lochea 1014,434
Itches tuds,teeed into II loch ringsolNlnchtron;
hip eimpa 3 lest It incises long,2s6inisteateide,stity
puska 2 test lung, 156 tether wide; with 156 loch
buckler, trots gavot* buckle Into stay Venn.
. 1404 run. 156 inch wide Ude envy% tfecc long, 156
loch wide, tic straps 15 limbos loos, inch whs.,
reveling to • point.
Two Belly Bands Long side two feet 3 loch., long.
Inches wide, with • lido inch buckle; short side 1 OA
Inches long And 2 inches wide.
Two heir Coitus. 16 to 19 Inches loug,.with
stramiand solo leather. and snake ji WWI sale.
Two Pair of Strong Bernal to soft, nude of white ask
root, ironed with books, taloa slop 134 tact
staptcsand line zings. •
Two Pair of name Straps. Lower One 6 (este inches
hag, 56 loch wide; upper one 4 feet ft inches long, 34
loon wide.
Two - Br/31m Crown piece 2 feat lung. 156 lett wide:
cheek places each 15 niches long, 15s; bun wide, tr o ut
piece 1156 inches long, 136 teen wide; slay 'Ocoee,
trout Winds to crime piece*, 14 lochs. 10eg,154 Met
snarl men plea 11 Mehra foes j,l Men wide; blind.
11 inches long, 0.56 Inches wide; Woe, long std•• hem
lung, 1 inch wide, short sidt feet long,/ inch wide.
with 1 loch Locate; bum, tinned mullet., to weigh
6 be to the dozen.
Two Pea Chain Pipes, 2 foot touch 255 Inches wide.
Two Pair Trace Chens, 7 feet loon, leant. to the toot;
of he 3 iron. with Ton ace and, ',night 756 to 8 the
per pate. Twisted or straight.
One Pair or Mead Chaine,22 Inches long, 14 link. to
the het, of No 3 Iron. Twleted.
Two Neck Strap*, 8 feet 1 loch long, 256 Inchon wide,
with sy,tricJa buckle.
Two Neat WWII', 4 beta inches begin Hake to the
loot, do 4 Iron, T sod loop .to be riveted on to the
neck =rep. Telef.&
00e hadcllo, made oh Attekapes Sr.., bead, gullet
and cane, 'renal, covered in the metal way with
hal64annea horse hide; Ups 20 Inches lost, /I
Inches wide; laminate 7 het 8 Intheclong, 356
lathe. olds, with • *, Inch buckle no one end, to
be fastened to the social' by..being riveted te two
carved attraps.ls4. tech WA% tbeie strap are placed
one on each sale of the mottle tree, one rite is tied tO
tee trent weal - the 'bid, the ether end 10 the eV
Unties tot the ter behind the male, Ovalle& eiddril
isehicaa stirrup Waters 4 het 7 Inches Wog. 154
Inch. wide, with 15SI loch hock le; stirrups, malleable
Iron, tinned, bolt eye pattern, to weigh 1854 ID.
Cocoa pair. - . -
two Collet*, 1754 to 18 inches long, made the lame as
for wheel heroes*.
Two Pau of trams' to colt, of therm* material as for
wheel b'an'e, trend, with hooka basset rings and
Bee rings, with nape ee in wheel harness.
Two bridles, mine as for wheel hernews
Two Nest litrapsend Oltains,sentem for wheel hareem.
Two Belly Baum,
Two Pair Chula Pipes,
Two Peir Trace fawns,
Two droppers and flip Strap. Beck stns. 6 feet long,
tapering from 834 whir to 134 filcher wide. Hip
Strap sect, 2 feet 4 Inches long, 134 inch wide, each
with s hook Of one end.
Two Back Bands, 8 feet 4 inches long, 8% beam wide.
Two Martingales, 4 feet dreg, 1% luc k wide, to buckle
Into the id.
Om! Coupling Strap, 6 feet 6 indagiong,% Inch odds.
One Check Belnol feet loog,1;•*&;; wette,to buckle
Into the bit at each end, with a ring sewed la
the orntre to remise the Medlar.
Obeli:ea tine, 21 feet long, 34 inch wide, with
Boma le at one end, and an 8 Inca loop et the other.
One Whip, hes*" plotted bond hide, a feet 6 inches
CLIO LIFUNO Bali 1401ra, ol brinier,— by Inches.
'One Corry Comb, No. 242-8 bar. !
The *bole to be pecked In • lox about 18 Inches
wide, 17 Inches deep, 34 inches long, mode of I Inch
stuff, coopered, wood hoops Of tfOLL a may be required.
Poor Rome llamas, ea milowe, to wit:
TOO Giullora. Breech strap. 3 feet 8 Inched long. 8%
towhee wider awed into 44atch rings of % Inch boa.
hip ;dram 4 feet loci, 6-loch,. wide; may pieces 9
tat S lanes* inog, 8 Mahe* wide, with 134 loch
Luckier. cr.. Crepe to buckle Into stay pl• cm 6 bet
Mug, 134 loch wide, side straps 6 fest 6 inches long,
134 inch Wide tie straps 16 inches long, 134 inch
wide tapering too-porn. - •
Tee Deily bands. Long aide 8 feet 4 Maas long,
inches wide, with • 9 Inch but Me; short aidel soot
0 itches lons and 2 laths. wide.
Two Meer Collar.. 11 to =lnches luo With double
mien* end safe loiters% aid beau. 34 loth wide.
Two Pair of 'Strong Llama to snit, mss of white oat
non, framed with hooks, breed alaigs 154 inchmnarir,
empties sod line rings • ,
Two Pair Milano me Lower one 6 loot 6 inches
long, 34 lneisselem upper me 4 feet - 6 Inch.* long,
e % loch bf alum tanned Wither.
Twolf.talke. Crown , pleoe 2 feet f Inches long, - t54
inch wide; duet plasm each 10 India long, 13% Inch
wide; front piece 1.3% Inches long, 1%, lisch wide;
say pieces, from blind, to *town - pacer, 18 Inches
long, 1% Inch addle, -goes piece 18 lather keg, 1
Inch whim; blinds Inches long, 0 inches wkleX arose
long Maw 4 feet 9 latches long, 1 inch wide; Hurt side
2 lent long, I Inch - wide. with 1 inch bactlei
tinned tee olleu, to weigh lb' the Massa. -
'Two reit Chain Piper, 9 feet 6 inches tong, 134 Inches
Two rsir TraceCtielm, 7 feat long, lallolts to the toot,
of No 2 iron, terleted or straight, with Ton one end,
weight I IN per pair.
Ono petrol tinned Chains, 18 !nodes long, 14 Unto to •
the toot, of No 2 iron, twisted.
Two Necit Strap. feet* inches 10ng,234 Inches wide,
wale 1.54 run bottle.
Two Neck Chalm,4 Wet 6 !aches tong, to the
lout, teamed Nu 4 Min, T and loop to borreated ern
to the sect *trap, swivel the
One Meddle, made onnttlekspee trim isestl, gullet and .
cantle tromd, corned. in the usual- way with' half.
umbel Mine -WM; Sops 20 lecher long, 18 Masa
star sureingle 7 Mesa inches tomb 1154 trams wide,
with • 114-loch *wale on one mid, to he farmed to
the saddle by belagstested to two inonsaistreps,l%
inch wide, these rape are pieced one ma era sirs
of the seddleetres, ohs end Is tied bathe treat pert of
ths two, the, othermid to the eiteradan of therms
behind the cage, anent* saddlegiskilen; stirrup
leather. 4 feet( foram Magi I%inch ellele,Sehh 154
inch hookierstirenialy mutable Iron.. thined, bolt
eye pettern, to Wdatilk% be to admen pair.
Two Beldlemsetne es for wheel hamar.
Two Clolhen42/3 to 22 inches bog, made the setae es
for wheel barrio
Two Pelr of %Mee to milt, of same mamba for
wheel boners, ironed, with hooks,Apeest rings end
Ise rings, widest:ma as In wheel hernem.
Two reek Stripe and Chain, are se for wheel bar
neo ,
Two Belly Buds, tamer es Mr wheetkarneax -
Two Pair Chain Pips, time es tor wheal harness.
Two Pals Trees Maros, seem es Mc wheel banes*.
Two Cruppers sod Hip Strode; Hank stripe ket long.
mpg:Matrons 8% inches to 934 iodide Wide. Hip
Bump: with; buokleeeach 2 Wen 8 Witikes long, 134
inch whim with wrought Masks. • - -
Two Beck Sande, it beer* Mau* 100g,11% inches wide.
Two hi...rangers, 4 iser long, I%lncet wide, to hackle
Into the btt.
One iloophog Strap, 8 Wet 8 lnaheilong,% inch wide
lbw Checkcitelai 4 feet 1 Inch 1006.1 indelwido, to
buckle into the bit et each end, with'. ring bowmd
In tidiest:der to fireles the lead ltae.,
One Lied' Line; feet long, Inclt ' wldri With •
buckle of me rod, and; an 8 loch loop it the other.
'One Whip, hes?) pleitod bores Mete feet 6 inches
One Wine' Brosti„Ord, of Mirka, by Inches.
OnsOarry Cditrib, Oki 24-8 bar,
The whorl to be pecked In I bor. about 21 inches
wide, In inches - desp, - 68 lathes long, made of 1 loch
stall,Mopered. wood boom ea irch,sonsay be requited.
The !bola to IMAM, of the best easserladoreing
to be made nigh good waxed thread, end welded to
lempactire dertng the lumen of annedeettire metelso
when dabbed. •; • • • • t
;• ; •
When 6 horse hareem Is required, Mlle%
bridlen, hernee, neck ettspWbelly beak!, chola pipes,
to"tool. =WPM' alai hip strips, beck:bode dad
coupling elliwps ,are d'ope'd; one hearts' darn Bfeet '
Mew, 14,1mkota thefm,olNo4 ken. VIM Top each
end eadieti; and Iwod Um to be 80 ten key.
ihi wbolote be puede of lb* hag enstadel e MOM to
- be Made with, goad snarl thread, slid; galaised Otit
spention dialog the proOseo of. Manufacture slut lido
When 6 Mile benumb required, the lead college,
'bridles; harms, *Ada eiripel,,billy banded chain Piper .
Once chelnei'aripperand hip eta pk beck kends aid
.cooplinigetespe seedainblediter herring eilketa 9 Vet
long,'l6 Budgies tho MAW , llirli•koDa eel% en
seek led addeM lad leis line 26 tie NS lira;
, Prepared' will Olio bee reestridlor isrldmisad dew
iseletaaeptaujans tor ,two arrow mole or
buseresuarwe apsofikeatton of eitdcti tau be kerealMr
Sonnet prepaid Sad gumrsobbs*Ol famished
ups appltoWaa:ta thb alga, saf sons 'will bs- asa
sabres tbst do tux ebtilbra theists.
Tim prlslisse le yesorsal by sad for IThltad
Rates of Mows' saymyosslstbst any be Qam•i
troYusals war bi basing en the swag" bolo
slag them, .yrayassls forlsinfihlog Army' Wages
and •mbuiaaa (braes! and selfalllikl
lupe D. 11. VITON, -
Q. EIN DRI ti-400 fie& litilltutter,
1„ too do : 4o LosiLiid,
COO 00111112 fro& *xi.
74 do 'Pole, dap*. Br.oms
tv "lboothy fSbod•
itoo.el and for aids by . I 11.1LIDDLI,
• 00.24 • No;188 Mott, dirdOL '
11uld inisiLLING.---Pnre,:, ground 'am
vtota eon* 4sagetplisolthialr had
which Mustard Sad o wYlch Jaamataa Glow, litaatard,
ha, outland and e at the family emery Mare
at natl. 41, - .456111/1.8.W,
. , . canna ',Matti aad•BaDd ma.
iiii r«plvid imit*lippli aids au%
a:o.g Comet
rause Tor sale. 67 the Wets oust Mill, the Pam;
lie Gitaiert Store - - 40lit111:11R(SHAIN.
ten • eerier labsttitugl need etreete.
lC vklira.-150 lags strictly piime Rio
‘./ Caffee hislariaiadlat riSs by - .
fb't Lgo4.lsiT ,41OLD
. -
oseuri vrirt—irnatie • '
!1N and. after Monnzgainli
if as IQ* latt4.
will DWI; Id the Peassyinnts la
Ett tiarKadi tneirs,
putu ftn ps. "gni aiicinnaU Mr. 'Lbw.
No coact. of emu between Pittgit'aist Clactsosatl.
bum. Art - lvm M Antes. at irrhom at Antra at
001:11U'S CISPI ttiIIeAVULIA WT. Lows
1.2.56 a at U3B a in 4.10 p m ,
1210 pa. SAS p UM a M ,
TMs route I. atiorter to Machina; lonlerals, Co. a. .ad aU pain's Smith. than say other routs.
Aplindld Mmuing Cars Attnched to all Night Vitra
fttutittrok and flikroling Liss&
-Moms Arrive. at Antrim st Anises tt Antra at
riTTltirO, avOngt, It survis. &PDT, Warn%
ULU ani 1:10 a to 2.17 a to 4.13 a nt • In
Anda %Ma m Sttliain Mem MAIM
p p kit m Pttnpm 4911 p m
LOO p to ir.l6 p pm
The Inal, e. A. of t r. 7. Train* carmail with
Ttalas nt 0.0. P.. It. to Zanoiville, Lacuna, AA
The 410 p. to. Train "tops at all station* between
Roam for co" WeUrrttle.
rithnorda sot Clem:wt." hue.
Ll3b n, a irte a. at.
1210 r. o, Inn P. a. -
The Inaba. tn. trate mooeda at sayard Ppe Nee
PtitiMelphia sad station. en tte Tolicaraera. hlnec
?amongst' gaining to go to datokility,'Totsdo,
Otitcarr, or point. West ',to Chiretautt at bagor
Um:dor to am for Ticket. vta Cileielond. -
Through Tickets can pr.uns.l at the Liberty
gam Depot, littancirgh. , -
JOU:4 BT9WAIre, Ticket Aron
Tor Iczther imlurcustion Spar to
WI t• GIANI. stlVie al, Agent.
At the Company's Mita to freight Sutton, Yana at
IYSIIB, General' Vast *glut,
v.replunt. Obb
186 E.eiummer ,asrunitexneutasel
ifiti Z I"XN ti II V ANI4
tin and after ( dONDalt, ton, ibtlt, tbaTl/11011011
VIALL BIIALII testae the ramanger• Station army
matilao tszcept Burlap) at In•ZO A.R.; standing only at
prlncipal oL.Lono. cannentiag t lleutsbarg WW2 train
dtrent lor lithlmors, and arriving - PhhadalPhill
'lO . ll. P. al
TOM 41111.0Etall ZIPBII3B TRAIN learn tally at
-la nt. a t .sa t toppling onlyat ninepin etethme, malthng
direct oonserhun u Ihnieborg foe Baltimore. and Sr.
rtrltut In Pbll.4•lphla Or Baltimore at Ltlo
THE FAST LIME Oases the Station dairy tetteept
ilramay) at 401 stopping only at Gmenstamy
Latrobe. Jotn.tora, Willtuare, aalltzen, Altcantit
tad arrnting In Panadtiph.Mat 6.104 ae
Zohnstown Accomniodatlon :rain Immo daily
(actor Bundai)at2io e. 's tntoPYMII la en Itelkair
and aa fqr as Oommarigh.
lint 417Commodition train for Willa Mail= teams
daily (ammpt handy) at Mao a. ts. '
Boma Accommodation Train fcr Weird 130ydon
lama matt. glympt San 1140 a. at.
Third Accommodation Train for Walla Matt= Karma
daily garmoitt Sunday) at LIM
dough Acoommytialdott Train' Yor Wall's BMWs
law ra try it togyttladao —SO+ . L
ltagarnimaralna malls to Ritignamt la Wilma:—
la masa. y.iag 11:60A K.; but Unit i t
114 lohnitown lexgmmotlation, , 1000 IL4 Tint
Wall'a Ma.; A0031UU:14004 Al. tt4 US.I.r.
Were ligation Aocommodation, &SO A. ar.4.v01,
wain Madan Atmontroodattm, 1:15 matt; or.
Wail's Station Aeromuta4ation.4l:l3 D.Y. .
Train for Ulairmllis end Indiana contact at illert
Villa 'signor:lmo frith JobastoWn iloccaminalatkt sal
Ittpram Treas Cast `tl Wog. and with lad frtigt.t
It g
• ilttaburia. 4 Cor.notto' ttaler Tr4n4.144 - 71. nit al 44
storm. -uo tUs. ettlettsrgh , 6 Clamottsttlto Boob, tort,
dolly Oior•do2 sEsit.d) follOWErAigt ;
u..; Ilspzess Tomo, 410, P. r. tletorobtit
front rittsbtmtA t Othintiblillo Rasa, anise at Pltts•
bergh. let° a. B. sad ea& r.igr:• • ... .
'Co. troyellas poblto dill Gott It greatly to tbsif
War. 9b,, going Tait tErtesni by the Ption_
sytinotto etts4i so the' scooscrmcdotictoo now ofrn.l
cannot be rug:oho:103;1mq otter roots. The !toed it
boUtotoi uith storisodle isolfrely tree front dust.. We
tob prottlas Wily, vilest col toxotrt to all ebo 're •
Er= Oda , 2c03 irltbfr.ttr osfroosgs.
' OA.UP.
Stat,'lcrt .......117 101 Po Bsitiloolo—..—..o 0 .
PS63l4l3l3—Lancastw—..... 3
#arrliburg.-- f 461-
Bums Oti . rokod to all lisratilons on the Penaa.k2l4.
1914 all.] to Phtladianbla, Baltimore and Harr York.
Poutoaarennsoltasiontkketa in an will Do cairn.
ao fla t. t..rar.ilon to Malan= traralod ha Wiliam
to the otillon tram KW= lane the
OortrattY kat no &ant
f182102.-71,n ous of tow, the oo=pray win Gold
to.. satin ttryoralbla for parkosol boasag• only,
and for ea t=oankora elFoitog $lOO.
R. -a—to o=llOna Lim tun barn saaploy a
ad ,to
contaaaaltopota and Regina to and front M Rapt,
Madam,. oct to ex onott:b unto tat sub pm angat
' -
and baggage.
—ToeXtakata 5p. , •11 to J. fiTSWARZ, Ago*
At th* R. R. Pacontsz Moron, on Minty end
Onnst at
A. woo porebssiog tickets Mx El
Join& and Other pcdota l 0 !forth= At is
Buts of , Illano=or the Tonitotleo, oboold
barb= Ikkoto=ot read by the
The only ran mare from St. Louls,to Pt. &mes is
h. It
tbe shortest and quickest Hoe. by`- niftier° Wm. -to
the remotest point ruched by roll, ,and Is always AI
-cheap as any other.
tiny your tickets tb Kansas and all palate In Worth.
ern kilasourl by the north Inlesouri Ballston,
ISHOU H. onatiroN,'
President and 9edlSupt. of tbonortle . Mlsmorl at. N.
LION al H. 8131110 lid, Amt. ealnottloi
1141 , 1".41111% Oil V 1.1111161111 same Ea.
No. 65 Fourth titroot.
013.Ait,tliZZLO,IN lain.
O P"
D4ILZ 'FROM 9 TO 2 O s -
O'OLOOS. oleo on Wednesday and Wand=
=edge% en= 00 fat in November glate fro& T to
clnok and front tomato= Su= to MI lent,fram
o to scruoipt. , • •
Depot= received or all nicknet INN Una en*
Donn, end dividend of the rod= declared twin)
e d.c ma a.n linewerl y = 4,4 - ragm
ainm en- nee . been
the flank wee doodad, ed . the vate'ddrper cont.
Inicrat„ifnot dominant, Is Placid lo tee gamut
Ms =canton= prbselpdoend bean thee gas wired
fmottb.toi. emeintanue and Deannber;coglet
Mt= iesr Unbent ttenbilne the.glepattarlo eon
tir 'err= bpfpeattib tome boos. , • =Ur vste, meaty
doable to.loartgan 1,1 gun% esibing Innbenurs•
pin =WAD ela MAP Innilalte I• •
IknateankM !leke. Itmenet, irrenewn, wow nod
ten elate= ft.d • igentik.on.ettlicaton taut
. .uos nausseresg: ••• -
William , ;Siam 11.D.•11“114
.11111.13ariprin. • . Lim hi. PennociL
Beaajiimln L. rioltuiestatt N. Pollak; IL D.
lloproritt . am, .. •Hobert Rob% •
Juno Ifordzua, Janus '••
Joase lellay, 411ctineuallodb.
. .
- . cann .
MilMilidar Bridlay, Johia ifolltiehhim
Joan IL SaMoran Mar L. .114410‘,
• damp Black,. • John 11. Maks, -
John ii. Clonnold, Jaws IlaAnian,.
Limn A. Ostrim. John Wanhall_,
Charlet A . Opium, Walter Y. llanimil. .
WLlllatiDonglaa, John On,
Joluarmos, army 4 - 111mgralt,
John Bohm, John .a. , :igaboailegir,
William 13.11avin, alaniulor inmat.
U. Hanka:, William 11.Botimorta
Stlobard Ban.. • Iniaa Whitibm . ,
William B. tanip Minna% lasgar.
aseretcry end Treasurer—OlLlALSB 4.00Z1V11.
Lmibriciiting s Oil,
JIM. per GALLON, =dangly, on hand and tbr lab
by R. 0. It 3. H. SAW=
Al to the quality, no rotor to sanesstloartilkata
Beene. B. 0. a J. U. Saari= oento-41to Landon.
tin; On no ore netting front you we And to no tint
best for oar tempos= we ben ever nee. .
Tani 13.14/1:11.11.00.
Itir.lrs. lbws, Ptak.
FR.6811 ARRIVAL. or'
200 DO* No! Largo atamuutur
MO do No is do .. • do .
SOO ht464,Writ
100 bblotio 1
26 do Baltimore do
-10 do • do ' Mot
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