~.. ;, mum INZEZZIEri ::4 • ••: . .:•:•• • V.. • . MEM . . . . ... MIS MENEM SEEM ;.;•., , . ; . ,••••-• :;,..: I: ,4 :.•;!'• ... • -.::, ,:' 5I..;,_:;,11: ..,.., -.. ; , ', , i —4: ti.. "i:" - '! i":.. ,-. ai„.......:-.:-..0-••••!% hl thii ...:..i.l.:,::;:.:::.1.f. t ‘ i:• • :;,:_ *1••••;1:•;:':::-' L,...Nt,4.;i!.. a:,•;.:0:: : ::: 111';::,:, 1 : ; : t :., • :. )' . - ..' 4 ::%.14.:•: . ;,."'''''.• :- ' - '" '. ''''' ."• ..io+Sfe...:^..!+o•••,: • &'•'''''t .. ..: .4•l,tt!. .... :;:::.:7 : f .,' ‘-?11.•$II;;:!.0 4.; , .. •1.. -'l' V.Z.:4qt.45.r Cih.lv:,, 1,!: . ."! • .• ..-.: 4.Liti'.4..:?; ' - -L.'::i4:-.•:•:+,.;ri: .91.:_ttiF,1:: •''. ' " '1: ' ..; ;,•:' • •': 3; •:t ..e, N,•,' q . '.. : :* ~,,}. .::; • f. $17;4',1 :;•;:.; i :•:-:lSt ;:4 ' . t . '''. '':':r • 71 : ..` .t. '•:::: , •; I' . ' . . '-: , ';'):4li.*:::' ' •:.. 1' :!"*.:41 • 1 .' -;.•4110 %.::. • ' ..: 4 ! i . ':- 4 •.;•:* • ,• 0 , .1 . ... ' : 4 , 4` , 4•ao ,: '..A. '' ! : •.:. :::,....,:-.- '''' ttit"•`' , ..).. •-• -.• "- '•:' •:.,, 4 . .:.• ;.... o,i. ..4''.*l; '~:..' ~: `.I~: WIENE EMI DEM 1 01:•'••• 1 a 4 - • urgi- , galdte. %/117118DAY . MORNING, OCT. 10, 1861 .o,l*lol kl P 01' TB 1116.1T1 eITY AFFAIRS. iitalieieLeate66 Oliterrationi for tbe Ca - Mak i , a t f., Shaw, Optician, 68 Filth street &snit • Vek,ll,' a. 'II n ''' . ..; , 6 " liaromster 1 29 7-10 - i 'lttetrasni, .! CIIMICIL —This gentlemen, who noes* metatee minable 'baste this place, not possibly see all "hie patients during •lisswo dips sieit,'on Monday and Tuesday of Pik week. On Sutday, *hen he arrived, be m . • at for to go oineteen a miles to , man ,-,Tdoi.Wenattaeked with blaeditg , at the Inert, Thy gentiettisis liverneer Economyi , in Beaver . bounty, and bad'a Janette! who wair.nred by Dr. Scbeick; - and desired to see Sim. The inclemency:of the weather on Monday and VtiaffajfilleOtiateff Malty persona froM seeing deeired to do ao. To sach be would ..:„etatie that. will be, in Pittsburgh again op Oec. 10tb, and will remain until of that day, on hie retura from Ohio. Baboon has been tadutai to visit a pile* PaTestine, in ioneequOnce ot a %-natio performed there of I gentleman named - ''iaanner Baca, whose luaga wire badly affect. ".`ad . bad' them, and keno:ding to "deep ?Jr. Koch is . . emir a'periectly toned natn, and is able 10-do aa,mach work se say one, baring ainieted tido lext ptherine.biebereett.' Thorn on num ••• - ben of other tern which Dr. Schenck bee fight bete in Yitteburkb; bit delicacy: Eltrinis hint from the.nameti, except - of • "then who bees alreidy been ptiblisturti. • . , .IMaese , a•Tribenuotag aeons. ^. • "'".•;"' Ws Would fair our readers to this Well teams ~ ,i establithment,:on Market strut, Zire. 77. The • • ;gwatleonaldr proprietor , Mr. Horne, being equelly weft known to the ladies of , Pittabergh l'orietwroant of his Indispensable trhitinhrg *stab. ' • lialusaut, when the steak Ii alertlys fall, and wall belioted, and tor the reasonable prices at Witkatibe eell•-r•not omitting the politeness and ritleialty of all those Wide employ. I Ha Is jut • saw In the receipt of his Pell and W,inter stock; and Ma advertisement lets forth the leading ar• tile. oorapoebsg It. 'To detail or describe the i•sarious feature' and' names of goods for sale. • • -; would • bee very difficult task ; uMea to say e" they have everything in the trinuning line, from the outfield fabrio to the smallest of no r tioii; All of the lateet styles and from-the but of manufaotares. . • • t -,;llllUlaitti, country dealers, and all those who Cl - whole's!, are reminded that Mr. = m ks, uusurpa eed farilitiel for filling ordwa. wheissale rooms are up stairs. Oar advise to dealer* ¢ to call and examine kii - stook before reeking (hair selections. lib supply le kept up by, new soasselois daily, and 's •'• • •,111irose wbo•purebase a few, days hubs, will hive same referable opportunities as theft who. 'AVOW their forthwith., • . ',blame! nosed of EdemaUgly'. The Central Board of Education met on ''..Tinedayeenniag,, the S.b .Presest, • - 1 Wears, Small, Duncan, Hunter, Solver, 'Var and Nsgleyi President. ... . The minutes of the last nmetirg MiTei read -.and approved. - Tbe monthly reports of the Priuoipals of , the -----;'- - .-Hiereerd-colotat Schools - Wars read tied.or iTiTs4ised4o be filed. - - Tte .Monthly • report of the Secretary, was read and ordered to be Mad.: Warrants were ordered its payment Of the lollbwiag vicc,Jemest_Doesaa.,hoarbra tar ' :Colored' School,; $l9 Boise, cub paid fai freight, ice, etc., $2,11. • i Ori' motion or. My:Hinter ' an ippropriation_ -"01 $lOO each wan made to lb. Ist, 41,61, . - 11,-Bth sad 91 -wards, sod $l6O each to the 2d,-St arid4* ward'', for the lapped of night 4)r Mr: I"tia4 l' ge arsam - the time for the . bools ' eia. filed at oils 11;11 enure per as. MOM two -sem-a- . Mon..; Adjourned.- . Matilde. middle-grid man mimed D. Watioa, tor. . inatlY a broker of New Castle' Lawrence cow,- . • ty, committed suicide at the Janes. House, blartiaborg, au Sunday lea, by taking a large doer Of auyeltains. He went to Harrisburg • about tiro weeks lIIIICtI x for the !purpose, it is • - ,said, cf obtainieg rme position' in the army; bat net anteceding in this, he 'unfortunately pormittel'a natural.falling to get the better of kiariod:jodgment, cud sougbt to forget hie disaprinuneet ill the temporary' pleasures of Illsgs;; ,This course of dissupenou resulted last Saturday, eight , to an attack of delsrfien however, paired of, and on ' 'Sendai he seimed,rationat as usual. Daring the dal be ',totted a dreg store, mud asked for • a atilt**, Grin/jobless, stating that be wen a -physichm.: :While the druggist was - go eition. ta g him-es to bileobj set in par-chasing the poi. sea, bd grabbed' op the bottle sod made talc • Bates ha could be muted he hadlswallowed tie fatal dew, and died in a few minutes. Lim body was seat to Sew Castle for intarment. bank Not* • Aoltieted eqmotall7 to 1614 Alan, of,tb• • ancsatialn . at Alm lbw. falai Tart it.Tak ,54 • (Pitt.).--- pa „ f 77 --. (ttalleirlif7d, ):• 1 !. 01 ,4 . 'thali.of oohisiblik -ellliailsed, Salt..--, - 'NI . into 0w5n0..... Do ed. Osnilai6:- per. EEIEEI /hat industrial ileissido Pittsburgh. ----- TlielediesOf the. tintledartnal , School; Pthebutet, laving commenced lbmie ebota ti the Industrial and Mission ()hatch, corner of Diamond *test aid Pennsylvania avenue, take this opportunity of Murata, thanks to a gen erous gable for !Israeliteg them an excellent .honee. and contributions of nom and goods, bY which they wen able the lest year to dia. esthete 700 garments among the very netherou. _sods, their tore. Asi donatiose of goods, shots or mosey from the Weake of the incitation for tile coming envoy, will be gratilklly !seethed. • . 1 ' Gew:Nrour his received orders to baste!' ' • the seviameat aid orgsaissiienct his brigade; so u to mini to SC 'Louis et the earliest prim . Col.:lloweli's Regiment has ' bias Onlsrsd into- Gia:Neglee.s Brigade, in ,- mem' of SitweilWwiivzirlil be Mint Mecum ether direction. , , ' • ' We are glad to know, that .G I fleabag, , all-lue.Mdsfaigebbaelrerts at 'snout. . • al tifillitienities which - lay Is his pathway, of the - Elam bftedes in the mil, to enter upon a . .'lined career which wiil he ea piecemeal es be or his frieedisubd hop, fig. . c Psossam , On the .13ebolui . is lb* Piano floboolo or Allisbony tout, to solvo : It 871 -• - 116soitt to Alla • 8 118 1 8 . 7.18. 188 0 j 70,7 1118,871 por, maim tor the welvitogi of 'matt 41.498,04 worth of - liquor, bow visa Ithoor*Ul lber• bb told to tho thaw --77,40 4 t''ft‘to - 81i(AndltOr Glowal'e11& ofaltlag 'food $478,8817 logs "flotOomik:md: bow way voadsto tine be rogoirol to ash dwulotmt t • • Tisaisi.-.ollmi Widow Caput , ud I ..!Zba_ Cantato; bi,:piliforisad at -Us witkir:Mr. CoaldOck is Antall as. Casidoek has a Suit, wiaritilarpiay of 0 13 mat Zapata., &sop. draassisad'-,frau Diet.... last Rani, " • will 6. ISSClSOOdiialkal styli. • 1 " TifitsaELtild-lalaiidalag-deii:doolor, sill Pligidoomdbotailidt.elia.Loativillo .fouratiat 61 11. Mr 1".4101E fa ddy Ma J - -ado oilbaddlidahr , ram Kradadq , d . mot desirable, sad Shag M adies*" sea dose by Watt ea> Mr.. Pit, Nett at " 441 ~ 8 son doPoti PUIM• , • " ERZ '322, r Mr. Vets for DISTKIOTS PITTSIOSCIIL lit 3d do 3d do, lot procet..l 2d do I 1111011. • INADB 00 • H 60 22: 62 7th do ...... Bth do --....-.- 9th do -.......-. Erl=2! sa do Id' do, lot poet.. 2d do lit preet., 2d do 110300011111; • Bit'ham, lit proo't.. _ . Eastltiethittaliam.:. tawretteeville... Elhanabing. 111oKeesport— .... Temperance,'lle. &nth Pittaburgh. Weet - Pittabargh.... West Eilsabstb...... Maaahutsr...—... Elizabeth .. ... Monongahela_ ToNvianles... - Peebles, let prea'L I RA ' do Pitt, .... . .. Col ... Wilkins —........... Plum .......... Pllllll.. .... Jefferson.. -- Upper 81. Clair ' Lower 8L elair.-- Ohastiers... Robinkaa Misplay Moon 06 —.......-- Franklin, lot ploo'l 11- do' Bushy Baldwin !doOlur. Snow den Beath Payette-- - North -Weal Dear..-14. But Deer- ' Pawn, let preet. Neville ..... Beirioklep - Indiana .... 4:lnmeent Hampton -. Union Bolt . " Viola for Dlanabora 03 the I.olol.slaturs. . • Senator. Asseaddy. o . I 1 11 L: il I" f , ' a i ' DISTIOCI7II. " : . _ - ~ ~ 13 E l , el t r 21 ; . . .. . , .. . 1 prnucaaa. -1 - Ist Ward---- 291 929 201 160 20151 111 100111 24 ao .---- 2.9 335 209 260 31!0193 166 109 301 36 do,lst pret 298 111/ 298 176 172 172 168 163 IL 4 j 1 d&. 427 146 Au. a ua • 0.54.6,.. 41 - ' de .. 1173 VT 867 119 Zs 221 194 1661186 i 1 60. a/41416nel 788 270 275 96 111 113 177 176 145 24 do 413 431 440 191 106 190 272 =4 299 6.h do _...««.. 661.6171. 626 246 820135 249 241 113 Ith do --..-- IN 409 194 104 119 1 116 120 tit 115 816 'do -- 346 003 006 ON 000 000 493 000000 9.1. .3o -- 777 209 266 177 188 191 13 77 76 i5t111414..—.;... 311 260 257 160 141 251 121 107 1 123 1 1 24_, do 279 275r65 167 2 3 211 77 73 81 .33 10,144 prei 246 263 229 163 178 .8/ 63 69 71 117 219 '.05 67 188 76 10 141 147 410 421- ist, pret olso au SAI 293 ue 331 100 145 149 do, 173 1721162 63 76 72 107 91 103 antrostrl. , Blebs2o,lstinetll62 161151 91 100,103 701 1i 67 _, 24 do 11.10 181 173 97 L7o r „ 781 170 1 Zuneirnaostea. 133 SO 237 179 696 181 Its 1131 Notorsoo--..-- 76.80--78 39 42 46 31 33 lawreoctorlits- 271 2951182 189 160 168 163 141 sturpobarg...-.. 000 mow 000 000 coo 000 000 Idclierrport ....- I.DI 151 130 68 77 68 63 57 tscoperancerille. 149 145 16, _eB 92 73 76 78 1 roatllPitteborgb 143 161 141, 07 95 78 91 87 Westrlttiburpos 000 101 .931 70 81 47 e 2 Weatillsobstb- 000 000 OW OW OM 0= OW 1 1 Talisbun 000 000 000'000 000 1130 000 llisockestsr— 143 116 793 OA 12 09 105 51tatbeth.....,..... 000 000 010 OOP 000 003 000 Inosleklsr. . 96 96 91 25 21 23 46 Kooooptrels- 1111 101 95 ,49 47 61 15 rcorannro. I Peebles, Its poc'l 148 141 180 60 74 76 133 1 - 24 do 66 93 701 68 75 66, 39 Pitt .......... 214 199 117 99 141 120, 90 0011106:--...- 203 196 187 I= 10. 103176 Wahine .4......«.. 000 OM 000,000 000 0001100 ,- Plutn....-.........4- 000 000 0101000 000 0617 000 ...... 1 Pittot....- -L... 0:10 COO 0001000 COO 103 . 0 0 - Ppm ..".......... 000 000.000 043. 000 010 007 .....I. llars.. Vormi..: - 000 0301010 . 000 005 006:000,- imuooth--:— . . 000 000 0001000 000 000 ow ....I_ Jedfasou -,--'.. 000 000 000 000 000 000 003 ..-1- Mello - ISt 224 2141 91 , 90 91 186 17948 Upper 87,. " 13ta1r.. 000 000 030 000 000 006 000.- Loots It. Clair. 136 336 1.1 71 771 71 170 ppaiiii tharthirs....:-.... 86 83 70 14 II 34 erl 1 Roblesaa.-........ 000 191 lel CO 82 78 100 , 710.1141 ......-... 000 000 000 000 000 01X1 0,0 .- 18806--:..........000 000 000 01000 000 000 ..-.. 1 Ohio"- ..... ' . COO 003 000 000 000 000 600 .-.. 17603116, Id pet 000 000 000 000 600 000 000 ._ _ • 94 do 000 000 000 0001000 000 000 _- . 1 See 179 168 119 07 83 04 99 . 85103 - 8414w1 -....„..:. 166 103 170 139 105 108 62 67 61 184171ar5.,.;- - ..... 77 60 60 32 31 81 61 60 14 Boosolon •. 158 155 161 71 108 112 67 64 61 ocneth747•46/.....1131 :St 183 69 Se 05 61,-46 47 North faretts -.1111 113 130 37 47 51 801 71 71 H0e.._........_.. 000 000 000 000 000 0:0 000 - _- 170..--....—i030 000 000 G6OlOOO 000 110 0 _.- 11 , 0001404......... 000 000 000 COO 00/ COO 000 ..-. - . Won De0r„......1000 MO 000 OM 003 000 000 -... ..:. 11451Dear..:4-... COO 000 000 030, 000 MO tOO -. - 881474,143 met 000 00. 005 GOO 030 003 GOO ..... ... ' 2d do - .. 1 040 000 OA 1100 04 000 800 ..;.... Mani* -.. - .1010 OW 000 000 000 COO 007 - .. 2nrinkloy ........ 000 000 000 OW 000 000 010 - ~ 79.11446 ..........- 166 143 164 69 61 71 94 80 I Bhaler...-...-.... 000 000 000 000 000 (1.0 000 1. Smoot -,--- 000 .00 000 000 000 000 000 Plimpton ........... 000{000 900 000 000 000 Val _ ,SOlOO---- 703 101 96 01 78 72 04 35 Scott . :.'...-..« 000 000 000 000 000 o'9 000 Blehistr - . .. 000 00 8 00 000,000 000 000 _. i ... , _ r the Gonad by Maar. . Bawl -Rob Bella pnsiad : . . . imacrotau, OM 9, Int, il.ol:vabid..,„.-......n0 M. Geargia—,....;-- no Isle llMama . :,••........4( DO male 1i0u1dana y. ...—..«... so We tant0ck.............. , N, Teanatese... -........ne W. Oblo..;- - .......,....:...... ' g tadbuskfee..........-. i . - tit of State. 111b5e1............. no me lilscosata......-... no sak lows ...... 13 as New Tort, %; :on PLO, We give th 6Out to out as Liras we baie beard from at the time goisg-to press:. --fir,Licars . war audios and Sheriff. ret I 40ti.loodie age. I.7"Dij Jape I CC" g pl. 4 e It C F E ; ISO 1207 150 1 128 1220 :0234 433 325 309 1 3001 42C43711 3933791 35512681 4511460 • 701550 216 , 331 62 386 266 266 lit proolit 2d do 161 316 112 191 1661 163 160 1761170 000,000 78 1 74 279 1 1 38 0 000,000 126,119 143 149 156 1 131 1 110 1 000 000 000 000, 000 I 1000 iCmO 000 000 000 following summary of Ilium 61136 diutricto of am county, H. Woods,- R., majolity - 664 Hoary. Yawa, .11..ourgrego!! .. . 6.283 Robed Fiasay, U. R", do 3,773 Aaron. , 4a 4,899 340. blacknoo, U,Ll:,' do 4 917 Tkoo.,Wdlioato, R. U., do 8,167 T. J. iligitem, 11.: 0 'do ' 7,796 Sigiiimund , Lowly - - WE. ShooiO - a;11...11'; do . do . A. H. Gross, D. IL. • do L. H. Culialo, R. U.. do Udiontoo; D. do The rainalaior twenty 7 eight ihetriets • will Morgue thi majority of hilt: Woods some 500 vides. Mr.. Floyd shmild`overtake his oompatitot, liti:AliokinOre;-.who now leads 88 rote". aid hiss two or three hominid votes LtsW,who ialoWast on - riur /ignobly ,ticket, H. Gems, who ii highest 0404 .titleditichet i ii still erode sod donbtiol. Kr. ,!.; ) itill l °T7 6s "tek sheritiad lays rtsiiiactiible majority. Allowlaor probably 'soid McClung. considerably.. •- " The 404 is IL. - cusps is not yet in. But .-hlo the 'mtjotity, dtbn way,: I( sot likd! to stoat the isealt,altboreb at may be Lion roar to , . - • tiro hundred.: _ , ' - - , -- Tairefixas 0 Lit , „ attio bollot is Col t Rowlsr_o rogi roo.or, for inlaid sod Malmo, 18.01 4-- 10 b• FiiOT9GRAPA. 11 qt - v o low l t a m 'or ••••!*l4!-136- _ "ei Mijoiitf* -411# MAC,. j • • ;"Ciaal } »oNn 46 l/ 4.112.35 = 5d-"*liii zu rhaliCi"e w eikill". 44 .1 6 1 4 11 a. o'clock.alas C01414-011fItlograi r .' - Limy* EBICEMI PITTIIIIIIIOII 24 do 3A do 14t pr 3A ' do 24 do 4th d 0... 6th do lard% 6th do 21 do EEEN AIIIXIHI2IT. Lt Witrd.;.—.. 21 do 1111 01 140 168 111 3.1 do *urea 31 ao 21 do 4th do 14t preo 4th do 21 do 1•t pt do 2.1 do E. Blewtheme.. Dasettene.-.—... Lawrenceville... Temporsocevilie Welt Flttsboren West iltzebeth.. Manchester Monomials,le ..... •ro.tamrs Peebles, prta do lid de 07 i i". 39 84 40, Noll" ...... vanNila.-»....• BllasEetL._._.... JN.n0a.......„. I Upper et. Otatr.- 1 1 Lower rt. Olatr..l IthartZets..--. f Robinson —. Plod ter.......-- .....- , Fraultllo,llst pr - do 21 pr ilverve—.--.. Italdwlo--.... Spoweeo----.. Bauch layette.— ItcrthTOte Plas-- Mc West Deer twt Deer._ Yawn, Lt pre° do 2d do 8ew10t1e1......... Winks -- Usaipton--. Scott- Dacron C. BMWS, Water Cure and Whitt Physician; also agent for Rainbow brated Truss for Ruptures. Oorner c and Wayne Streets. "bartirraT.—Dr. C. Sill, No. U 6 1' attands to 1l broaches of the Dental pto LILOUES:In ToseMay morning,. r ct. Bth, at o'clock, NITUANIEL I. INGRES, to tho 19th year of his age. The formal will take place on WIDNIIBDAY MORNING, Oct. nh, at 10 o'clock, from the rat deoeiof his mother, No. 773 Pato Matt, to premed to Alleghtny Comeau. Arrivals at the. Principal notch. UP TO 8 I.7OLCK:IS LAST NIOUT. BT. C3l, BLEB--Oorivir 0, Third Clad Woad *haste._ li - „ agalr Sunda, r•OraratOss ' • B Hastaad, OM, 0 Wm Inwary, Phil. ' H Tarr, Womtar, 0 1 1 II Wilson, Nod city W I. Lay,ola,o 4 0 Nob and My to l „Hanmr, Yowl pho lc.. Jab* BI Illil Ile L 11 Harm, • lbany worn . 0 resin aMa 4101 . 1 bled,. ffainmldalut.- 3 - 11 dissaildtJaMmon f Illrett; Wuh, Ps J.l Love, Oration / Brody, do ' Chao Ponth . Oman Grain, Palla . J D Kau., rhit: 111 Rosanbarp, Wadi Pa " S W •Odermo •cd lady J iloidadditi, do Lb 11 11 &alloy r D O'Hara i lady, Wash 1, olt Lapham, Brashly -10 Lt P Martha., Oatimosbars I. IL Brewster, N Y W Grabast, Boffslo, Pa •It Donald - boo it .IN Wm Illehllller, do 1 0 W Sligo. Gramm B thro•,llanotl lIS 1 B B Wood, Ijolontown IA IC Wallace I stator It IS ! McCormack It lady J.l Gocrmey & lady 4 .' It W Shenk, Lancaster, Po S W Scowl, Hattlavila .51119 91 103 —N0.144 Liberty Kriel. _ _ 41C8101.1 1100156-1 41111 AGLIJ ni :t .,-, J Miles, Laneetter ee $e Si Measly a lady, Eat 1 118 121 .a J McAteer, 18 . 18 , a t.m • I Offutt. tuuth. 186 '"e - 19 El Brabeugb, Pickwell 888 8° 0 Hobo, PhDs 88 lt 8 Ilsrutso. Gettysburg 76 7 8 M Kerr, Phil* M a ,. l a II Gerrott, „ a „ . • „„„e. 1811 Aoo 86117, a „""' a a „ a eee Mho Carew, .8611 e, e"" ee" Mrs Jones, 88 / 141 JI. Orlabin * Jody. I) 8 a COO 000 117 a likUush.Buntlewl'a Vi a ee, a .1 PI Mailman a ladl7 e. 11 . W A Shreve. Franklin a , aa J L Goceb r, 11a1e 7 ee aa ee 71 Brotruge6l.lloloutaerri 2 1 Le 77 6Litanoo.Jobustewu n ee , ,r, el Z•eoey, PePs • ee , e` Mr.* Mrs 11 B finned Bloomington W Osylord, Palter, N Y W Woodcock, Mt Pleasn't rbewrold do J L Damao Clorieellavilis Mr McCullough, /mere GIRARD HOUBL-Cloraer BOOM - PI I Et Patterson, Dellesentou 631 P 9 W H doom. 11. 0 Howard, Moos Oily . D N Bolmeu, CihMago J H Dyeart„ Lancaster, 11.ose. • do 0 A J W tire., Ronierset, 0 ,W H lianeders, Delleverle W H ?chasm'. do Oley,Baism, DAGLI_HOTBL—Liber A M Gsrizer,oll dry B D Garfield, do w Haskell, do_ Jos Drregterty, Freeport Wes Peck Jr um, Co llistoo,'Herver Jl3 !Salon; do A J tiumbrirgei, Mus Doc 0 L Prissier, U B Army Jur, Pmelley, do T W Fraglsr, .do Jos Andel son, do BrooksPle dm Shubert, do ' Wm !coat, led 0 w Itlir+m, 0 a iltesnad, Ohlo J Walter, Wsynesburg A Drama, . do tool, Ban Tp Thu Morrow' *Hoene P patenion, Hasuillists 'HAILW3 HOTEL—Ltbarl WIC= gill, J Oltedoe, Prospect J It Orally, MIN Plan, Meildeilla J Paul, Apollo A Walket.lisai Co DBL Blare, de M Oliver A see,MIGIlo tp f 0 gab, klimetleld ablallhause O Faber, Tayforsiown Q Noble, Olaynille .0 plisse, W. Alexander 'L Graham. Boadarset ATOMS...II Izsboth W. McLaughlla, 0 • W.ll Sheep, West, .Mbs 111Surirsed Houma - '.BED LION NOTIL ' • ' • a. P. COMM Joe Eulach,Caskonalmrg - I A Curtis. Ashville W Woodward, 00,0rask WED Begllah, Werra D duo TIM; f ramfard wM Tosmfale, Wash ao D I Campbell, Crasfatd D II Brown,Praniillsi •O W Ome. llssmock.9a Joe ' .TaChmr. Viaszla eo_ , M M. Kleckner, .onorforid G W Hiecliser., dielhattel. Meadville, J *hoop; Tamato JnoWlisouilfarven Co Itertou, . . do D Laid, NATIONAL HOTSL-. .... , 4379 . 4,845 4,803 4,316 . 3,625 052 0 L Crayturd, 10habith L Lamm. LurisoosTill• N P Organ, Jeff Oo Legs b, Ittin,Lisolla; J Illatrr,lircen to. Wts L NoOlueityorapai . 00, Pa - TlNcOlars, do THE LATEST MVS. RECEIVED AT THE DAILY GAZETIE- OFFICE. FROM 11 4 iTTRRA8 INLET. 210 iliA 11132 • 113 IMO 101 Brilliant Exploit of 'our Iroops 1111 E. REBELS ROUTED! Fon sssss Mormon, Oat. B.— Via Batiineora The Digits Susquehanna has arrived from Hat. I tares Inlet, sod brings the most interesting In telligenoe. The day afters the rapture of the Fanny, the -Cruet and Putnam, truing one of the launches of the Susquehanna in tow, Sent up to Chico- 4 -mai/emetic° and landed seven days' pmts.. , 101114 returning the same evening, without ha,- leg sees anything of the eontederatea. -- On Fri day, however, word reached Hatteras Inlet by the Stare and Stripes that twenty.live hundred confederates, eonalsting of a Georgia,- South Carolina and Virginia regiment, had some over from the main land in sit email Steamers end sehoonere, with fiat boats, and had attacked the Indiana regiment, who were obliged to The Susquehanna and Monticello steamed up outside while Col., Hawkins marched up with sic cOnipanies and reached Hatteris Light by nightfall, a distance of thirteen miles, and during the night Col. Hawk* wu joined by' , the 20diadiana regiment, who had passed in the darkneu a large body of rebels, landed for the purpose of cutting them ell Cot. Brown reported a lou of 60 men, as prisoners, comprising - his sick, wounded and twenty pickets, who could not be called in. He succeeded in swing his tents, provim Mae, etc. _ OWSatutday ramming the Monticello-steam ed around the Cape, and when a feOniles up lire coast met the Confederates marching dawn the narrow neck of land to attack our troupe. 'Rebel steamers were also leading men to co operate with..them: TheY were in easy range and the Monastic. opened upon them 'with shells of fire seconds Meet, 21$ of which were `6P6dTlOm three - guns ie three lhours . iind thirty paktum', doing great execution. Tbri, Confederates at first tried to shelter. themselves behind a sand bill, and then in a narrow copse, but they loon broke in every direction and took refuge on board their vee-1 & shell passed Haul h the Wheel house, of the Finny, which woe already employed against us. •. It is supposed that their lose must have reached between two and three . hundred, kill ed end wounded. During the settlement a member of the In diana Regiment, who had been taken priime er, managed to break the rope by: which' he wt.' tied and mowed. He took .to the surf and was picked up by a boat trum the Monti cello. He reports t h at the first shell - from her killed Col. BartOli, of the Georgia regiment, and the havoc was frightful. He also reports when be left he killed • Coaled Captain with his pistol. Upon the withdrawal of the - Confederates the Monticello, and_ Susqtrehenea sod land forces returned to Hatters. lalsli ffiH 12221 179 232 72 MO 0001-J 1.21 1861- 68 1 P ;5. 1 .070. 80078 -.7 000 1000 000 OW 0 000 000 WO (KO 1000 OCO 1003 000 - 000 000 I COO 003 - 000 000 000 000 - OW 030 Iltukhead, of the Susquehanna, from whom I have obtained the above account, think* that no advance can made from the Inlet withait the auppost 01 a fillet of light dtaughtvesselv, and that our foice at the leiet should be epeadily iecressed. The S. R. Spauldiok hid artivid on the 7th, with Gen. Malarial'', and landed her men and Too ranch oral,* cannot he accorded to Limit. Brune, of the blimticallo, ;or thin bril liant achievement, which hae caused great el altation at Old Point, Col. Brown siorowly escaped with the In diana regiment. He wai shelled from the Cealedereite vessels, nod ; troops v were landed both above and below hint, yet he managed to isespii with comparatively small tots. The particulars of bit muted) , movement hate not yetorrived. boil:hero Items. I....uisTlLE.r. Oct. B:—Riebolood papers 6 ...4-cinnyiewo• of 44c aitsnaa. are ro On the among of the Gen. Lee jarred Gea. Floyd with four regiments and two pieces of *Killer, at F.eadaw Wulf. Floyd , e lore,. are represen , ed to be greatly demoralized since the battle of Mendez Ferry, and Wise , . generalthip is severely eritic zed by the Rich mond papers. The Enquirer says the 'illa tions between Gene. Ploy. and Wise are pain ful enough to @spline all oar reversal in West . ern V:rginia. Gan. %Vise, accompanied by Geo. Henning son, mired in Richmond. The former will probably be eau rt-in rti al ed. Lea takes enaimend of toe forces under himself and Floyd. A statement to the Galveston Neteimakes the number of Tenn troops now in the field at I:0.000, of which 3,000 are in Virginia, 4,000 in Western Missouri and Arkansas, and 4,0 . 00 in Arizona and New Merino. Robb Scott announces himielf a candidate for the Confederate Congress for Parquat DIM l .Cedsmnalemion over the East Tennessee Railroad was interrupted for toms daps to eon• sequence of the washing away of the track hi fisods. • W McKeown, N Y " 0 Borers, rirlogrield L W Hays, WaltmanWad 8 Barnes, 00oaellcvlile J L Dorn", Ilerelmola W Cbasey VlsS swells, Wheal'g W w Wallace k hely, 0 O D Pratt, Melanie 1 Meer, °nauseant Sire OeNee, Tank creek 41 l Waist, U B A B Crook*, 3 118•68166, 0 6 11 Ehrunte, Lwlestnr W Nevin 13 8 A M== T Fuer...PhDs D W Wheeler, Chicago I W /Weber, NIL* There h great rejoicing throughout the South over the captors of Lexingtpn and the Fremont difficulty. Gen. T. R. lirlabanO died at Bootetoreville. A South Carolina Reglement left for Suffolk, ,an the 23d ult. - A ..Rlohutoad dispatch to the Chirleston Courier-age Davis was nmeived at Federal Court House with great enthusiasm. L Beuvwd, Aporo nr W•odrag, Dina 3 IL Names W Browo, W Minor, lciend.blp , B Manta, Ilayetteclit' logthfled sod Third Knot. Gen. Van Goon has been assigned to duty in the army of the Potomac'. Manihiki& LovaU, W 11 Minos, Hong City ♦ Vannorn, Look Nu 3 .1 Vitro, t tads, Rites Lauding NlFes nods wick, R Lending Carna, Ligonier , lota of N Y., is appointed Brigadier General and le assigned to duty in Louisiana. Thermis a general growl throughout the Con, redelliCy et the lastßoteney of the matt arrange. menu. klellatartt Lankart, Wadi logtoo J S Polio, Jrlfemou, 0 Mr. Porter, of the First Michigan Regiment ; died at Outlet Piackney, on the 26th inst., at typhoid fever. The health of the other priso ner. b -aid to tripod. Soma French naval officers from the corrette Lovansie, lying et the mouth of the Minlasip pi, visited•N. aw. Orleans on the 2lat A dippatch dtked ,Nem Odessa, September 29, nya the atemnship Niagara and a aloop•of war were off Pani-a• and the steam inn beet Water;Wlteh 11111 Inside the Wen bet.. ••• y street, below Beneath. IsOISUROII4 IT Shattan,Oemy Orr Jos Hartley. do . Ise M001111'204; du L'Leecb. do, J . * Gaffey, do 4 Christy, Versailles J Daly, W Nestles " H dtaw, DonnelissHlO J R Heine, Cireemeorg J Bheilugoas, W Newton .ILO Welerdy, amiebileld W Holoollisto, West to Tees Holiest. re, T Cie* J Peoo,Siole City . id V Beesley, Armstrong tweed Bettui.e do D Denby, Wild cs ' . 4 Rep, do 90 Newloshees, Grens. bu g U fisrabbeger • The Goreencir oi North 'Carolina had limed a proclamation Inrbbidlng'any bacon or teeth. er being Cent Oct nl the State. Argue, of the 3044 , %contsice the folleeriag prociameliee) teeeeerrtng nn urpl, in the views exp 4by the, cotton- factor. of Nom Orleent Id the eireXed tom. munication : Petitions from bovines' men were prerintedorsylog tbal no Colton be sent to New Orleans doting the sentence of the block ade, and I hare deteiteleed to take thi omit decided mane to present the landleg ol cotton in this elty. Noun Is, therefore, beriby glees to all muter* end Munn of ateemboate, and :other water rink that from end after the 101 of October 'mum mut be breueht to NIIII Orleans, or within Owning mobtaoltig that se,e7 'lieu of the' /moony betwalo the 'fintilleatlons shore Genoliton add thou bele* the elty, and .extemdlog but to the lalke. Alleleataboate or other water mitifeartiring within thifpreuribed limits *Pith* forthwith placed to charge of an firmed fon* and sinned above the point In dicated. This douse will fie adopted In ell en* whether the quantity` of cotton brought be Jugs or soialL Tbe railroad ootensalis bare already Weed orders id *thermos of the ob ject of the praelernatioii, and as ebilation.of them will be pen:tilted. (Signed] , Taos, 0.-Nootur, - .': ' :Governor of LOada1111: I shall cooperate ,with Goy. Moore in the enforcement of thkabore order.; _ , .--totgo o di D. E.Tirteris,' • MO.' Gem Commanding. — Col. McKee, late editor. or the ',l:Daimon° ,Oberler, will take sommaed ol a regiment use. der Gen. Buckner. ...The titizeni Beak of, New Otleiss is Mr. ciliation Area cat in two, each piece to repre sent two,and:a-balf dollen, • - ' '- the hundred Indian warners crossed . the Ingenue sirer v dear _ Fort binitb, on the 25th hist., ea route 51,i Gee. bleCullochn army, Gen. Whitfield, late Of Nana, fa elm mow. Mg towards Southern* Minoan at the head of The Mend • prier:rem 'tient to New Cheese were escorted to their enquire-in that city : a colored calumny, ' e e ' As 'oxebutge of shot and shells took place as the 20,h ult. between tbe Pedant mumol-: War Water Witch acidthe Conledereiestesmer hit'whbout damage on IlltberaidM AL boat from the Water Witch. landed none ilia at the telegraph stating at the bead of the Panes, "ihtt - estried nit the itntratasate. The Coe fiddratio sfeannifiontliCirolina Mod ceptited ilduleadateandi off Galveston. Getab-Tfedie her MT, ibietek am eleeraf, fliiitorrilibif Worth . ' Certain': tetin'ebali*, erste Courtin. It is reperited that 15,000 Confmluntitroope vii.hpr.“*lFfflois,Jtivit ud .Ifmkir":4M ty strut, LAI a Vlllb surusus. J D Haab, New Drlshtou L Gang. Noblostawo N Nazar i bra Joao►['t , Li Dime, W klkkflotown J lioNaboo. Pinion . J U &brims,- pp • Chub* D:ostor I Orsblir. -do td ploltmsoi • J Elia* atm, - 8 Maxtor - W E Meter W Lantpitty D V Oestoll, Ta •,_. P Black, litturitt Palnt • 11 SC 1 , 064 Taploi Bora B lettistbutd.Bbttland G O Cbotter, WNW& itua J B W iNae, Robßoti t p No. LER Elilr erect_ P Pliziposni .1 Pulls L L [lot W Doloodihrilloo CPk 0 Brown, Tldionta L Footor, IlddvrTMO OoIoPtiIIkILCROOM Tiltej II Scott, /ills 00. o P Parlti Tidloito 5d4 Whits, Warns co domoltots,, do - Pow Boyd. Olartm do lld Oxbton, , do: - - - 4llaCbrrttod. Montle, IC t Thaw, N o ' oll l l l* - Bi DorMo. Warr en Joba LIVOIoo Po. 110, WolotoOroot. W bus, I 09okidied L M J Jews. ttch ,ddO o, - - I do oroooll 1.7 nor; Brownaolllo ' rJSboutpoos. Itnildha tq 0 Rolitouto,dtoo oily TPkbopyit• 'do =SE r TILB6RAPH EME=E=I -: ~is9-''-'k3 ..... aboiska, mirmast, per iiay . „ware arriving at Nashville from Southern points. " . ;1110e,cirfrlederatev claitilo.hayeito,ooo Dien 'in Kentachy. ThOromor Of the eaPtare of New Oriesii• ii revived at Nashville, and details thereof are, mid to have been received . there. - TO-morrOw morningio Journal will adnitur the eonaspondesee between, Net,. Anderson and Haldeman, the late editor of the ,Couritr, relative to the saspension-ol the Courier lad his exodus into the Southern Confederacy. Es•Gosernor Helm has taken the oath of allegiance to the United States, and, I returned home. areas Wier briars is mined and ready to be blown up by the Confederates. It is evident from the tone of the ilouthern papers that the rebel army of tbe Potomac will act strictly on:the defensive. From Washington. WAININOTON, Oct - 9. 1 -The pollry of the got , : ernment in regard to employing foreignersr in military service Is as follows, the - statement be ing made - on good authority : lst. No one bu been authorised to2eddlit or 'raise troops in ee has been affirmed to inOinderstood there: 21; No ooinminientions hive been of fered or other overtures -mode to -military men In Franei or other Miro - Peen Stable, u has been assumed there.- Si The government has Dot tendered tbs command of the army to Gem Garibaldi, as has - bees - repremted 1n Earope. What is true is: Ist. That every foreigner who Wu come with a gar:4 at:motor and oredentials and cffered his servioes to the government for the support of the Golan, bu been accepted, and uo other' is in the military employment of the tufted States.. sa. Gen. Garibaldi Wag d oatusidized eitteen, it was reported. to itie gore monad by ate of oar Consuls tba•the General wu contemplating wvisit to thiattonntry,-and that he had intimated, confidentially, • dime. 'Won to engage in the attire of the _United States.. He was informed that 14 thin Was 10, hie seteloes - would b•smeepted with plumate, sod he would metre a somas - Goa . as Major, General. being‘the same rank that was _con ferred on "-G en: Lafayette in the army of the revolution. Gen. Garibaldi,upon eonelderation of the subject, onoloded not to offer hie ser• vices at present, but thinks he may, by , and by, revisit the Vatted Mates; Brigadier-Geeeral Graham appeared batare. Tedge Merrick today to. answer a charge of contempt of Chart, in detaining the. minor, Jerentieb Lyons,in the'camii orate 231 Penn sylvania regimentnner the Court bid, 'under a writ of habeas corpui, ordered the release - . Geri. Graham snawered by filing : an affidavit and disavowing any intention of contempt, claiming that he acted in strict conformity with the law ? and literally obeyed the order of big superior officer. In this connection be quoted General Order No. 73, emanating from the Adjutant-General's officer._- Iris da. ted September.7th, and "grit '!Hereafter no discharge shall be granted on the ground ; ol minority." Geu. , Gritisiel'i encase! argued'. that the Court has no jurisdiction in the cabs, it being one of a purely military character to be detaimined alone by the military authoti ty, the power ofdischarge being officially neat. ed it the War Department. The Court differed altogether from the sr matnest, maintaining that, undisturbed by the clamors of the multitude, and Wooled, guard ing against dangerous preeedints, justice should be administered swordlng to tha Constitution and the law. If O . politiosi motive' ; ne reason of grate, nor plea of •neriesslty could justify a disregard of the solecen duties of the Judiciary; the power of discharging -Woofs by Jadielat practise bad heart itherolsed in various States, not only daring the 'war . of 1812, bet shwa toe commencement at the, present dell Writest, he himself had repeatediyermolied this Jeri,: diction Without any; *tulles' toeing Ilittoit as to the propriety of his mime. Toti solemn dads. _ ion- of the entire Supreme Court was , that the military caonot be . ezempted. from' gabardine-. don to the civil tritiaraisi'and at no tines ean a military officer purge himself froi33 011461 not by qriatiag the order.of Lis auperior celoer. Following the example- of - °humidor, in the ease of Commodore Chauncey and Gen. Luigi, the Court said that if by noon to-morrow the minor, Jeremiah Lyons, shall not be wren dered to the Court to be dealt with awarding to law, and to WV. out the provieua order, the rule for attachment against Graham for son. tempt at 0413/1. madeabaolate. . WtotHIPOTIM, Ott. 9 —The treaty of amity, commerce and navigation, and for the *wrens der of fugitive crinitnel", between the United Stated add the Republic • of Venezuela proclaimed. Its liberal _commercial, civil sari religious features ere calculated to consummate i a object, viz: A firm, ieviotable - and universal peace, and a true and sincere frieaship between the two countries. The cit:ens of each shall be prohibited from apply ing for or taking comurisaion or letter of merge, to am ae I privateer' ataiaer the com• merce of either republic, from say Prince Cr State with which the United States or Vette. suede may be et war. It is also declared dins lawful for any forage orivateets who have commluloas tram say Prince or State, in en mity with either. natton, to G. their ehipe in the poets of either, to sell than prizes, or In any manner to exchange them, neither 'hill -they be allowed to purchase Ooviiione, except such es shall he necessary to their going to the next port of that Pilate or Wats foal they -have received - their. commission. About 6 Valet* MI maniag the division under Oen. Smith, it Chain Bodge,' advanced and imeupard prominent resinous in the neigh borhood of Lawsnaville. . - . Permission has been given to Wm. F. Mar tin, who was in command at Hatteras,Mid is now io coefipemeot, with bis'rerren hundred aiwociates,..lit Fort Columbus, to tarnish winter clothing for the prisoners with funds to be re. csived by him from North Carolisa. The Hon. Jahal% Tatter, Chairman of the teaming:Ring CoMmitteit of House of Rep• resentatives, on the Bth met. called tbs atter'. Lion of the Navy toe statement in the alas. papers that Capt. J. It. Morrison, cri b s steeli er Fanny, recently captured by the rebels off Cape Hatters*. was imprisoned it . Fortress Mouroa for refusing to take the oath of allele sate, and leonine if the statement was tree, in whole or in part. The Department, to-day, replied as follows - , NAVY DEPAILINCIIT Oct. 9,'1861. Si.• : ' Vein letter the. - 8.% Jilt, relative to the newspaper reports concerning the mat tar of the steamer Satiny; kaa been received. The steamer alluded to was not, at the time of her capture:la the service of Depart ment, and has never been employed by it, and the same may. be said of her. cap•ein.• This Departmenthu no knowledge of hide whatev er, and I have no , reason maappose that at the time of the. capture of the Penny, ; , e single person'in any way connected • with 416 e Navy was on board of her. •••. • Very respectibllly,- ••• Gthion-,Ylp.tu. Grimes, of Georgetown,luni_belllt Cr. ruled on the .charge of purchasiog • govern ment property of the Qsarterouuters, &e., which they had no right to sell. It is said tout his books have been kept with each clear pre cision as to afford positive proof spinet Ile . parties implicated. . . • . • - Wastrincrow, Oct. 9 morning pd. , Mies Pall en d Woodbury, two of the :14- prisoners released from Richmond, ar-. rived in this city -and passed to their Second Vermont RfilMant. - Three "new laboratorisi, on Me site of the one blown up, ire nearly completed et the Washington Navy Yard. The foundations for e fourth has been itid. - - 'The•Preaudent his appointed Jelin De La Montape. Of-. Nair York, U. S. Consul at Nantes, France. - - • - • WAOUNiaTini Coy, Oct. B.Lr-Riglitsen bat terim,and six thoaund foirr_linadrad' eavalry ware reviewed to-day, Slat of ,the Capitol. Capt. Tidballf. Mounted Artillery,- organized 'sincethe bittle off Ithiisatas, Was'prOminent• on the right. There,was large con coursioi imamate* iselading promlasnt:olE cer. of the Oovertruientr—;ltipurSprd epee, A rebel well carrier Gras arrest gi Co'iday, ip one of the Potomac. river animate 61 Millialldt and was to-sight furoughttlii this city. A Wit, in which lie had !reticently lid clandes• timely cowed ovit,ipto Vspoth, wu secured, is addliion to a number of lettins.direeted to . • Surgeon attain, llogeistile and ROh lawn, of the 1401. BrotiMpt.tagllftint,'":a ed' Mot to day. as reamed primanaralrowaßichmond.' The imptsinisa •is that ilia :Pennsylvania People's ticket'recalasdnntsjorityol the votes ,• cut •Ixa the 'several eitstpelentsbciati, to-doh Italie the , teselt epees the Philadelphia vat alters will ;iv! - th ittieliteheat 3,000 Mai! 4cnity.' The . 4oveititeitit; witch hi( bid the man- - .eiteitient Washington branch 'Mahe tuners Ohio .Railioad for several months last, restored it:to Uri control - ot the ricimpany to-dais -• ..• • , ‘•••• - 1 The:bait to`orMyestrigilsogir,prd ikportior, London le - littattibite ittateltd. thee pravestieg . , the pantie of , Gotistasteet trains Ittno Aleristdtleto - Vatte Chetah. ..-Tbiriteisr . ., Alinct-Xclu4 itietitt etii sand:tit Limped this . • -76•010mmextd00004,1000:0400.11 Important from AllssourL, Usti: cote Cm,' Oct. S.—Coli Mathews_ telegrepherd Gov, Gamble, this morning, from Hermann, that itched been compelled to ear.. render_ bee cimp, with th ree, pieces of cannon,. (2 s 'superior torte. Col. Mit...Lowe camp wet twenty Mites from Hermann, ;and a sari- to have contained ai.out tour hundred Home Guards. The rebels numbered mime two thonund, and their design in ha bum the Gas. coned* bridge in that vicinity. Reinforch. mints have been sent both to Hermann and the bridge. On hearing of the approach oil thiii force our stoops at the bridge began erecting palisades for its defense. Price's army was on Grand. river, in Henry county, on Wednesday last, marching South. ward. A rebel named Weideme'ver is railing a regV iment at Osceola, for the purpose of making a forage into Kansas. Union men from the neighborhood of Lea.' Melon, deny that any Eamon of the Legiala-. Lure was held there, Efforts are being made here to organize several companies of ranger., to carry on a guerrilla warfare, after the style of the rebel,: Generals Sturges and Hama are understood to have received order, to march from Kansas City and join G e I Sigel at Sedalia. General Sigel sent out .a detachment of 300 meg, on Sunday lairt, cat off a rebel- supply train. J CITY, Oct 11.—The surrender of a federal oemp near Hermann, -reported his morning, prove. not to have been eo serious an affair seat first stated. Col. Matthews simply abandoned his camp on the approach of the rebels, and retired to r liamenn without iota of .any kind. The three cannon. 'mentioned In previcastitipateh, belonged to the rebels. CoL , Harding now telegraphs kora Hermann that he has no epprehirnslon of an attack on that piece, and that the Geationade and Oage bridges are well guarded and ware against %berths's. - Sr. LOVES, Oct. 9.—Memphis papers publish a proclamatieni (rem Ben MeCtilloch' to tar people of Arkansas, dated Sept. 951; asking. for three regiments of infantry immediately, to, serve one-year. - Dispatches .from Fort Smith' say that McCulloch is in want of men,-hte pre:. seat' force being only 3,500 strong. This would cam to prose that McCalloeh is still alive. The officers cf the Fremont Light Beard. deny that the recruiting effica of that rani- - meet were eloped on the announcement of theC o removal of Fremont, and the State enlistments on going on rapidly. , Latest from California. -Pursue Srattria, Oct, 9.-Tbe Pony Ea -pref. passed Imre it .noon to-day with ,San, Francisco dates.M.the 2d. . . The steamer Uncle Sam mailed for Panama on the Ist, carrying 250pimengers and Si,. 116 000 treasure, of which wire one 'million of iiollara for New York. - ' The United State' sloop-of-war St. Marys, sailed on the 28th to cruise along the Southern coast. • The Calder:tie:4llms is of nolinportenca. The Legislature of Hatreds territory iesseo6n vaned at Cuson City yesterday. Gov. Nye, sent in his mouse to-day, and redommendel ther adoption of the Can mining law for that territory, and speedily getting rid of the . Utah statutes, which are now the prevailing Jaw, and a Sunday law, closing with patriotic generalities.' The steamer Oregon brings Oregon date" to the 27th alt. Timelier* is unimportant. Bhe brought $90,000 in gold and a variety or . gov: mount stores, 100 mules and 45 Mines for the army. The latter oat $176 per held: Olindeloh lidadd data of the 74.11 nit: hove Wien remised. The bark Zero arrived aklion -elsin on the kb,' from the /teeth' Wean, bring'-'' ing the Srst report of-the whallag Seel, which is very brief and nnioallsfootOry, as good, however, ea the Bret report last year: • • . T. M. Dryer, American Oommiesioner, was o 4earionely Ut as to be unable to attend to businese. ' • The tsteninte of a snail (OWI3 had been dLi , novena - on htelden's letana, cupposed to hive been i itoppieg"plans for the buelrenenra three centuries ago. pennsylvanhi Electlow PHILLDIMPEIA.. Ost. 9...-The following re - turns-of the eleotlon have been received : Bcd-I frad tied Somerset Ate/ladee district, , ithrooly (Rep) to certainly elected, John Casing,. (Dam.) het 1000 majority to Bedford eounty; foul districts bare not reported. Houtheider, (Rep) is reported to have 1000 majority in domerset, so that the result is atpresent doubt ful. The entire -Colon Auembly- and minty thiltat is *looted htlencuter county, except the City ',Treasurer, 'bleb is still is doubt. in Cumberland wanly the vote for the legislative tleketis follows ahead', (Dim) 800 majority; Singer, (Dam ) about 300 mil. In the county, tEs whole of the Demornatle county ticket it eleeted. . PHIL.ADI7.3•IIII, 9.—The People's can didate for Sheriff his 478 majority in the city. McClietock, D., bee 1,700 -ma)orlty -for City Treasurer,. Janson, D., 600 majority for City Commissioner., The votes eist in the various' camps of the Peonsylvania 'regiments will have to be received before arriving at say re. snit. Tbel Judges, of the District Court end `Court ol Common Pleas, re....tiominated by the People's party, are all elected. The same party will have a small majority in the - city Councils. • . Lhoimuz, Ont. 9—The'Richmond Eratnr iner of the 48th alt., up: The priviteer &leiter coaled at Trinidad on the '. The 2;Ashville Mien 4- Alec:wand :the 2d says:-Two gentlemen . arrived last evening from- Frontrees county, who report' that the Union; men thereere'varyrefractory, ere 'vary refractory, that ahoy have killed - vr four vir. fore'Smithertl meur worths county Sheriff. : - I : Jell. Davis bad 'not returned to, Richmond' -Ibe Evansville -Jour,nal says,: ,Confederate Col. Eyrie has been airested at Padacati.' - The Rieman Curlew,, with wheat and tobac co, tali him a inaken fiat biiit on Saturday and was sunk. Lon $50,000; ignited. •Tke New Orleans Pimping asks the city anthoritMs to put every vessel in the harbor into COMIAlliiOll and utend the chain of forts to thellatias, and µ)a the taking.ot Wasting. ton or the occupition of Maryland is of no ronsaqtence compared with the loss* New . Orleans and the seem* of tle'cottoti crOp. The Marlboro &Mine , says that the tobacco crop is materially injured by the An oat rains. • ; • . Camas's', Oct. 9.—Th bu Caira vs 'Mal-1410am limn Paducah 'vermin - OE6n twain, preparing for the reception of thkrabalftw be ars in heavy force raid 30 be advancing against that place. The women 'and citildrea hare been sent away and everything denotes ata_approaching atruggiat Gan. MaClernand will LIMO tomorrow a • proclamation- closing all drinking and vimbling houses into:fro. ' The returns from the lowa.kleetion come in• slowly. ThoWt received tudiente th•Whretion Xirkwood, Itapubliean; foifidesister: - Haamz,Oct. 9.—Dr. Hayti' solar cape 11110s arrived here this morning le the halted Eltatee.' The party are all well. Two have died. SiglediscAugun Scotus, the ortroorw leer, aid Game Careens.- Dr. Hayti reached SteLth's Straits ci - the %tit of Avow, sat fear, hut could not penetrate the Streit with hie tassel either lot swami or ibis. Lie toad at Port Foulke, sear Cape Aleiseder, and; with a dog-sledge, reached latitude 81t95 on dlay 18th, of thicyear. • • Beaumont, Oct. 9—The electiou orment bete of the council to.day vireo quietly pn• ducted. The eleceesionists made so oPOaeb Mon, The total sots polled was 9,583, sod the whole !hien ticket wee obecteBWitbentfoPiosij don, ass siew.ecattetiog you., .Thicvote exceeds by 933 the eicestioa iota of last April, by winch the members of the Legislature, in Fart Lttlyelle, claimed. their . seam._ CieCeNNIVel, Oct. lgaguiritr,: this piper.:-to which all the Blair litid From out charges, lettaro,nreo, apkind original, in az• post to Fremont's. dispatch, eatulpatm • this; General , or tor-member of his Deputromit, unqualifiedly, from aor respoosibility II their pitiliCatlol4 The . papers _were.: e 3l 4Weed through an Sigrid, dills:sot amine. , _ er Wm+ , You , Oct: 9.:-,.The steam elly - 01 Washington arched thoi"moming. ,Her . mi% MOSS hare heen'amiMpete4. She benign lit tuildsed balm al coitus. iltubstb by Tobsiprager; Pantnitint.. Ott. 9.-,The .11qat mutat is WO 3.000 bola sold a 1 sl3lfdellollllo4oa4aapidlne and p 100 601 der triation Itystlastls man ad bat ad. " Ki d to WM. Oats awl fa staid/ II 111 In&OW yawls:pi or Moat ant modamink and Woe aw antad 101000 bomb tat at srieeiv be 410=1011 and pante tit Oct. . aim hi altratiLand 701 1 1010 I. *Mt 0010n:.ellti Asa' nem n= boil car .1400tasol4at ffie Pia buss Gran 011111110 tom Fai Oen - lard WV* teibannts.ooolol la , tapnr rittala ham ta San band& f. 110,10141natimlatabig-,Cottoin,r Nam 0111411101.0 Anti dantaillllllMllll* spat& N isussitisioalisikwideelbk 'Orli .1110 A 1L11010101110%110 0 actu n'atio 0f,19 . .01.4 - irits“ - tatzr i t =el=lll lol l' 4 , 4 41 2=g hods 00;11 rig% /taw Yak Oistailll 4 . Italatiaplit Itraifi ttes 04,111 .atria Mat OOOOlOl l 20 #1 0 ,M" . lb* !It lot • '• Lo z Mm; Dun or. a Tam= Ilosineralto hone Tuatato" • nut of some rielebeigrahisil - - at ague; Ohio. Am dap kto, fat u Oanlfaid ' last Wednuday, horseshit, a kith, which broke one of Ids fore lediatill disabled Vat that oat of lista to be shot. Tacks/toe about rif# o4l 4l and wu Imported true. Yentneky aosoktmolt/o years ago. He has been Lion for =say jeirs;abd retained hL -mettie and his His lut own - Sri obuittedlire arationplitSeg " abut one Minutia dollars, and ttle let4lllr boatennentljhw a many loss. to them.• , A 'Criiiis ACCIDENT/a:l:T' 8a ti ' : iiirtsier Finrint..Z.thi Saturday last, a Gehtiiii Waived Cleats, who lives in Centre. Wheeling,- had a ditficulty with: bin. wife, and in a iniddehAt or apse! thtew a tea cup at her. The wife was luring a child, and, -the:Cup, instead sink int the mother,ce thechild upon ,the head, inflicting an Waif: trim which-the rant died on Sunday morning..' The titbit is, said to be terribly dhureseed.btheoccamsnes, - -, and tease ue entertained that be willkiltrrin• self. The child wait buried, on,MovuOrd - A tenor Corriticilltiphei of Camden; Ohioi hair rattle altostnitt; by which be to to famish one hundred' stiCliny thousand cords of wood. Rir. the Ohlo' Central - Railroad Companj. The ,iignitildff- cif,this centaact can be undinitood - unly, ,aidten we - take into ectiaideration die leat'that snakes Al pile lour feat high, not lea thailtwit kindred and fifty-won cubes in length,..:and,ringibse the delivery-of nearly fi fty co ds a, : day•Allun• diya exceptedifor ten yowl" • COL. HOLTZ'S Arargair.-04 Has; resigned eomplazd of . the. tau Wapiti,* re-' . united for -hie regiment. 016209 Antlehli gations made spinet lia r the ocepaciikl.tsve skirled'. co join with theee,et GI ; Mien. et Beau, Rix in numbeiV• *hie% tiettipletel the regiment.' Wilson will tekithei - etaii*id. - . _ . TIM • Sew.tousr. GUABINI.,-liev. A. W. Taylor brOught in two wagon loads teen .front initlecconnty, yesicirday eiriltag. At this rani tho Captain mllllOO2 tiaateittall company. The recruits were -railed by a fine band al music furnished by r. Arator,of La:miter, Butler county, Ps. Mitivar. or Tnnert.:ftieirbinitinfiliglierei companies of Col. Huribtigirtte:Regintia4 et. molted to Gen. Negiere brigegvertiiriClest evening from .-Laneuter,,end.r.vmatellpteraered over Meg at WlllukllaU. corn: , or Sisprop !. :Olir Court IVII2 engaged, durieveleaiiholeory, dispoeinirel eurety 'magi-which are derayi trifling la their charade& • To aerie HU. SI WON'T* MOS ~61111 Se Teinetentelf FOIL NICCRIINS. b) = soli to, all cams of Lentessee,arklstifidglepridastA rubes or :Wreochbag, its effect la mspital sad ceutattqler• Scr . , hese or Saddle Gells..etehee,'MallYrid, it.xlll $llO are 'Teem ty. PPertniheßhuttenhitiaitejoilly prevented andtart' in their hitlyiens itayeilieltoos• Armed mace ere bOVIIIII the ponthillty ptierettliel own 8o can et the Md, however la ea heehOults or hopeless but lt - mirb elleilated by tbleAhstlitent, and It. tslttrbat applemstkes aluesyyteeserre the lemeusse sad eosins the bone to traviN . .,Rithripie army horse owner should WM thrlit, • LT lb timely Geo at the dot appeeraoser et aorsoise will eSectually prereot Mee tbradderW dleserms ineutiourd, tc which ell' home are RANI tudlillch reader no rainy at...rube valnahloleeee!A,Rearla Worthless. See advertisement. , _ R. N. SELLIIRS 4 CO, .techti,timier Wood and Second street., Pillsbury. eh.V:lydhwirOds _Btoon Foon.—Atttaltion is'.ottiled to this most remittable andeslestifto praPirsttot, 61. . estalsad ill another column. It 111 li:12111201 , 11f sew . .„ &satiety, antbsmit not be COluotaiddd wipe Inip of the numerous pitent midlcfries of tbii-`day. vft li,• eartate linker:fp - for theidleasses spicaliVensti es. potbelly tistsett. a, shrttio_luttre—ca Dwar. taindtag —orsestua mouths, and 'years. Boiretpttre t ttl. it) • Timm Om= it Dostat, of rifette Digit; are the acts tents fault, sad shit proprietors el mnownecl Dr, Serval Uranus ,coutut, an std• eta which sear, Mother thorn hays ht titration:lse skeet in case at twat sad - contataing, mitt does, no persist's cc opiate of arty.kind, It can be celled Ivan with the utmost couldescsomd will be fiend eh to. wsinabls speclts caeca of infantile pasepteilsts,— ,, Otialtatt,Totrreat, aksestriet ltflae sdreatleernest. Tor ale by 0.11013.141 i B. SIYBIII4 ialtat.HOWood at, Plttabatit. derlyikalm• 'N - § - ecrat MANHOOD:. HOW LOST I HOW 1111100 RED I • Jnot published In .• Dialed ltuvalli • A lecture -OD the nature, trestMeisti and aditAt airs of Sperrostaithoen or Zambesi WildismOsitot? Alarm Ilmhibms, lemma Debtllty, and Iluiptilmects . to madam) minsitaUs,NerrotuumssMannroptlen, &mond Mt; Mental motPbytleal /AtlVidt7s re milting from toll Abuts,- 10.447.8011 L :VIRWRLL,,B D., Author of the Green Thook,Ao "A Bonn to Thouttottlei of haptrusi• Heat molar Sell, In a plain onset:meet! ae7 Odreml pairpzia, Ca - roalpt of orz aura; _of two_Oarga tftb 3 Y l ' by Dr. ca. a. 13. num welhatlT IsT Bowery, New York, P. o.lier, 4666 .V rLWVi6 thifirlesm NV AI 146 q lira c• 1., I xi' Alt to - it. Br ririmmovaa-nt. ' AFARIE, DAITORDI": dit My' I , AIAN UFACTURERS OF BEELS.TH- IbIO. EILIZIZRZ' -and ZOLT Vailar, *MOW, 0 1 .1 1 PER BULTOMB, Wised Etill 134tilmi t Opener soldoir; 'Alto, Importers In 4 Darters _ - TIN PI.VI*.tITEV2 IRON; Wllll, te. OittiVatir Tlrnin's Ikea:mind-Toots: - Waraliftes, 149',fira 'and 120 ateinularoot, Ptusli*gh, PeJimi. 4.7.2ltectilcrdtea [Came al to u7 Qellliapit ' I. =sit irrenanw' agenarl--....."..—..wa50s aqua. ROBINSON, MINIS &MUMS, PODNDXII3 AND , INACIIIININTIp WGBHZNG}TON WO BRA. - • P t t•b ur gh 'Peirna. maser Nanabotars - W klndsci Stem lagbacand YIN Mutually Chutings, Ball Aid Work, Mai NOONT, Jobbing antl Bapaistagdoneoa likunttNike. ArafayallP Dr;;ELEI .001111411111". Dilworth...an WD. it [Wt ;; rutuorr. ibohritir.,— fifocontors P Artor, Mitt 4: / .. dlsorao:vase'h !talltO . RAIL ROAD Spirt% 011ALR8 AND BOAT MK:IM _ Cloraer of 3VAte_r,§treat and Ohm , / alley, - Pl,l9ooltoh. Mr*. ,40(12i0i - 4JUCAtiaIEIO4 rAnotax. munnorougar - Iron Ras.s, iron rauus; _Window Aluttuiollndok: 11004144 - Noe. 01 dare 4 &rod awl OS Inallidl4 . ' jlßr 014,riwa Wooda4 Marketj. PITIWRQX CII hind vs:lel of sr" ppm v.* sa,lts. ka elk ptaieirls. stica Sold 6, ekicolsOlziasiSi;4l4 short JO BA*=at'S .AND - t)U. . _ eissmims iIL 'Am al* allalatiYaglrr rtttat io - a ebaras—aa "tandalg atilahlithsal alksiskaal etas bead ;-• ballad Oda WNW zaelab. Pabseat Van. Mama pdaskiapalaystalt Madvaapal ' - 01.= ECOLdff3l4l MO. • . • , mums farelsa lad romellthilibitilditilif, OllTtllCb' maxim. ao arlitalitirf Murk; ranrtlae PA. .114 1 0110Alkor 1111efift=tige litroul. • tatiarow maw. 11. 73. dk -C. P. MIN mANuraciumase - .lL4D.dagsbit , Dm, PAM. CAPezzessa£ll3.Oraglimeoir Vria .4,..x 6 tun mime • thaliwo. w wow Joilow:"8* • - asidthlidd *rod. 111111110.047&,_,_ - - mroMarTadifte/ap- wellowirle it_,l4uNitiletlig" 44l, 4 l l l o - 41/41VrIl :., 3 ; JOlnalgi 4103r1)114,004,.. = . W ilte, ANIMOTIMENAP ., AII3I4:4O4; smut Aso. - Aiwa* /gig, got -1,.. , 1 ttneste j ' a '. ri tracltilary,.., 1,4=7.41i • ii4C4iikC I MULM I ZnWhoVroCat - 1:40. Lat• 40kin,litifikr1 t :foltathle44lll 5.140 1 40.4111 r :-Indthdrix Isektren etile p" Nu ' r*49° . azaw. ~ 1w