Vittsburgt ,- - .7. . 7,t4:,;:-...:/0.:-- I.IISA D 1i1..£. - :ik - . 2. - C 0.„ ..--: ._ . I 5010,741111 k /SO 44444 OVI. . ..,. , ," ~ . Glikey tiAll street, MOO &Ka: PM y r -.:( 7 .*:'=7; - " .th: 4 47itost Nowa - sty to the .- orfpublkattoro. ...- ~. ~,,•.'..t-t ~ ~ .1:- - , 111Itioso—p pa sanwo l n onnnon, or 12 0 . .4,- , , . 111111114.....5yer Gnaws la itlronce, or ik. ' , .7112 *an sardari. _ - - .1111/ahooA' Ihiglo dorlos, $1 per Inmate; Aro .. ' 4 01 Nor% 11$ too or apinads, $1 Mr imam, t*. Tortolity la amok , . ", -...- MIPADIIIIITISING AT stAsoimms stais. I.:f • -7 -Piwzmiaourisiaiess ,:L.4.TEIIIRBDAIV MORNING, OCT. 10, 1861 icestmoky Neutrality. . Oa the 6th of. September, the very day aftee the Legislature of Kentucky, &seem bled at. Fraelifort, had ordered the United &Mae Sag to be hoisted above the hall in whist they • deliberated, the rebel Generals PWow sad Polk atoned from Tennessee Into Kiituoky, sad eotemeneed fortlfeing post. • lions at Illokroan and Columba*, Mein:Der situated near the Tennaeles line, and the latter abort twentyfiormilie farther north, as the KiirshatipPl river, This invasion of the 101 l of ICentucky; by the Tennessee and other rebel, from farther sough, assisted by .1 - A liege numberi of . her own 'disloyal obli drop, whom the demoralizing teachings of -- ---:iteeeseion had made renspdee and recreants both 'awards" their birthplace and their ~.., " .41nuntry7this open tot of outrage at length . 'nod the hltketto tame and falsely secure spirit of the people of Kentucky:And the Legtelstare, now rising to some nonviotion <•• - ••of . thi danger and greatnias of the olds 2-Fhielhed „hue brought upon them, were . _ In Ili few deye. ready to follow up the gym • belie sol,of loyalty of the 4th . of September, :Masi Snergetia and effective sole at .real and pracuieal significance. 1 -Bat before the Legislature; had dont any - — th 4, - anetheractor appeared on the stage. Immediately atter the movement of the, rebels upon Hickman and Col:imbue, Brigs _general Grant, in command of the .:___United States troops at - Cairo, with two re . /Orients of infantry, a ',employ of light ar. Ulla, and two Ilen-boate, took p ion of Piduoiii, an important Orate& point on' the Ohio river, connected by railroad with , town about, 80 miles south of it. " •••• Here was a situation to test the ' vitality iof "Neutrality—that very peculiar phase of loyalty which Kentualiy had in slated upon maintaining, sod had been so far indulged in by her sisters if more de sided character. But so tar sea mejority of the loyel`peo. ph' of Kentucky were Concerned, tills sophism of neutrality had - been exploded long Ifo, - aud new the hoar had struck when the Legbilatate, on their own behalf, would make a final and , formal sod of this hollow.sounding profeseloo, eo that it would sever again, rise to life trim the dust and, -'; ales" of its burial. . . Though good men sad tree had been week enough to jets it far a while, it hod been from the' first . only an invention of Me enemy, to enable him to work out hie plans in Ken suety.-" When Pelk's diep i ateh to the gym• pathetic rebel Governor, proposing that both the National and she rebel forces should be - withdrawn. einialtaneonolY, under equal etipnlatiou to respect the neutrality of : the BMW, was laid before the Legislature, both , breaches of tie tame, by a vote CI 71 to 28, directed the Governor to Name proolaraition ordering the rebel troops glen encamped in the But., forthwith to imamate Kentuoky. Bete was the extinellon of the neutrality doctrine;— that principle without principle *blob • ' had ruled So long and so detrimentally to the best interests of Kentucky, never even . Bared up in the socket after - this. Here in _ • died it did liars up just'onoe more, and for • , a moment,—but, Immediately, , as we have Odd, wee - extinguished, and, weever) false • hood and imposture should, in a fair men , Per met a foul death. For Neutrality found voice, and face, and broil enough to , more •• a eounter.reeolallia ordelltog both the is . _ Boast and the rebel troops to leave the soil _ •• of Kentucky ;—lint it was "ordered" down. Governor accordingly; not wit . ilogly, issued a proclamation to the effect that "the government of the Confederate • ---;" Seat's, the State of Tennessee, and all ----• others concerned, are herebyinformed that Kentucky apects, the Confederate de Ten t • seiser troops ha withdrewn from b i er soil Thus the' rebel sympatbies of Governor Megoffia toned down the more imperative ist: the proceedings of the Uoi Legislature. Bat what he did was equally • insignificant se if it had been done with a ;better will. wan no natural or acquired grate or courtesy of , manners that shone Ithrough the sentient - me of that word "ix. Pogo," arid& will-eras every reader as the met surprising word ever need in such : a _ . • • proclamation...oTOr used by • govuner • ' that lad to write suoh a Proclamation. We would fain go cn is trace the sabre. Aqueut progress of affsiro in Kentucky, but amino to day; —we have, hoireeer,eketrthed tai siosi itaiiiiiirg — traniltfil:filot; _and •-•• on a future day will follow up the sequence 4 • of sisals iron that to the present time. =Nan • • !4. . tl• .4; , . MEE MIME EME =ME ~' ~4~: ~. Sri:. ~!. .. • i. MEER • • •. • *•: - 4. :•*. =MG '•'• • ;14,;•%;• T.; 111* . ;44ti r ':1. 4.0,AN ..;;;;.:,:7;C! , !,• - :;' -- -:•••• ; ;.' ill SOF loir , DIT slims at Womblodton, the Sit. trWrerioo, *aro It r MO wastes *Moe; That thO'flOtimr - I . rlZ itst Thir , 4l:l3ltit z T , bar - f ir- f irgra haw t elb=c l :pp passurtwod. orUl Y. 'T'ilibrirsS remarks that st, is not • impossible some clergyman may have talked the absur dly, bat Mr. Chattels's.. who is bias. 177:: oppesped to capital sad is by ao mesas a fool. Bever tetsgieed iterldeg of the sort. The TrilorniSM. ; right. - Though it bit betie copied rrom juireil to . Janie!, the ' Ott,* foolish paragraph ban only this ionedt... •:• ; = I "P tt starless to Mr. Chanoing the fool _Maim _of Dr. Gurley,' who edified a highly hethigabbed auditory, including the President . ";with , this mirrimeg doctrinal disco ,. .ery, AO irelf r otilited, in more than qui or two Washington reports tt the time. The disiiegoished author "of so orsgMal and :ark= a Maw ol the war ought not to be so Poise torgotton, or to bo in danger of loilos the leanly be is fairly entitled to wear. Mors .`,Ol//mthdly u. , Mr. Charming on that day took 'a ~ eery 4lrays riew from that of the leashed Dr. G l atirms...a view so — s i oo vulgar, --- so owiemomitums wren, that we are uhareed hl to record it. - • • llamas g was so like other peOpie A,;,1 1 12, -- :;', - ;.mm , kittle Doctor latriiil.7thei be lost every o Stifd Oudot issule 64, °del" ad -04440 Is Tiow, u -- Doctor Garbiwai, Waled 4, , kart,. of - Die bumf§ i 1::011.1-imfIFsin and Off"4o.oi 7 .0004414111 4141 . 04:0,40'. : 1 4 .!; 812 Iliposta;A-11* ., *Pig 4 1 / 4 1 ku Animas lacier tst OUP r hit Slll:Prson Ellnd - „~-:. .' - '`J . ::;' 1,, ? , ...4' ; .:::. -. 'f' - ; .. ,•: . •. , ,,,.,.r. - : - ,,1 ,. ,? , ::.,-?-7,:- . f ~-1----- -~~= ~: ,--. ; Hen. hisien 6111M111033. ' Acts anted by Adjutant General Thomas, au • ' ' . rived i the city yesterday morales at 3 o'clock ' . as a brief tout, connected vvrth ' the. late:ism er,- the Government.. Pro were pleased to cee that, notwithstanding thecae of State, to. girter with the istraordtaary measure of au. !General upon . the War .11repartpset, !General Cameron is Woking well. Although 'traveling all Tuesday night, tie was up in thi mernlagirith theann, full of vigor, and after to early breakfast at the Monongahela House, took a carriage, atcampanied by his Honor, I Mayor - Wilsoa, Hon. J..M. Kirkpatrick and Thomas McConnell, 'Sas; and after a' hrlef visit to the Arsenal, made.a close personal ex amination •of the Fort Pitt Foundry, with which lie appeared to lie highly gratified.. After-a drive through our prienipal create, the General - returned to the 'Monongahela Hone, where he was visited by a number of, prominent citizens. The party left for Louie ville 'lrad the West and South . on the 12:25 train. Tbli trip . f the Secretary of War is eignifidant of the vigor and the activity of the 1 Gliforriment. The West will not be 02E1 , h kooks/. Washington City fn Danger Again. •The Ll:RavelPe Journal, of all the newepa' perm in the world, is of the opinion that the rebel demonstration upon Kentucky, and the remitted withdrawal of troop' from Virginia to reinforce Buckner. and Zsuicol.Tor, Helot so serious as have been imagined, and :that Washington is alter all the point of danger. We quote from the Journal of Monday : oh the first piece the rebel army could not retreat s lent!) , before the_eilent gene of-Mc- Clellan without aloes of prestige end of level other description of pcwer that would in i nil arocce break the backbone of the rebellion; and 'shim the rebel chiefs know lull well. In the aimed place, Zollicoffer's decampment, which is announced on -credible information, and Buckner's conversion of his enterprise WO a hogs marandirg is/pee1:4 , 44 which is announced by the report of the exploding locks end bursae; bridges, whose ruins fortify the'vandal ireabootee in his neaps, chow that neither hen Veen' reinforced from Virginit or elsewhere as has been suggested. In the third piaci, it is known that the rebel army in Virginia, notwithstanding the syinip ' toms Of retirement or reductien that have so piqued speculation in loyal quarters, is draws up in two columns, under Beauregard and Gus Smi:h -respectively, the track divisional officers of the rebels, heeded by Johnston, the ablest generalbisinso amongst them. It must be owned this attitude betoken, almost nay thing rather than voluntary fight. Finally, we are assured on excellent authority that the impression in Gen. Buckner.. military family is that the whole war will soon be ended by a coup de niatn,—en impression which enquira tionibly points to the movement ender notice. All tide together renders probable at any rate the view we have expressed. It this view is correct, as we believe it in, -time, indeed, but for the capacity and fidelity of our military leaders of the Potomac, the Capital would be in serums danger now for the first time. But the capacity aol fidelity of those leaders constitute under Providence the stronghold of their country., hope. Oar eon, &lance in them is implicit. We dismiss as altogether vain the apprehension that ei t her the stratagems of the foe or the importunities of Intends or both combined will induce Scott and McClellan to soleesen our army on the Potomac as in any event to miaow- the Capita." The }Rebels Tampiringwith the Dad tams. iorrespondent of the New York Tribune, writing from Washington, nye that a-letter; bearing date Sept. 18, has been received by - the President from the chiele, head men, and warriors of the Crooke, setting forth that emir series from the rebel Government have been among them telling them that their "Great Father" at Washington had turned against them, and intended to - drive them from their homes end deprive them of their property, and that they/can hope far nothing from hon. These emissaries farther say that all the friends of the - lading have joinedlhe new Government, *hick is deairoos to enter into treaties with their tribe, and 'to do tar molar for them then the old has done, and urge them to fight for it. The chiefs doubted the truth of these state ments, and areet to have a talk with the agent and Seperintendeet, bat found that they bad left their station. [The old_ officers • had proved traitors, and the new couched not had time to reach their field of labor.] This led some to believe that their Great father bad really forsaken them, and a very few in come quanta bad joined the rebel army. In their trouble the Indians called • Connell of. Creeks, Cherokees, Seneca, Slokepoos, Dll - and ether tribes and _bands of Cs. munches, Seminoles, and others. The Council, after a long disunion, voted to remain loyal, and, if possible, neutral. The Chits then went among their people and attempted to counter act the Inflames of the rebel emissaries, who yet remain there making trouble, while the Government has no official representative among them. The Chiefs now ask their Greet Father to send somebody to meet all the tribes in Coma, - o.po,the.tro-ga-to, an old - Creek Chieftain .who remained loyal to the Government during .the Creak war in Alabama in 1838, also Sent a similar letter dated Aug. 15, in which he asks ea aid of the President to defend the• Indians from theirliouthent white enemies. The Cbocktaws didaot attend the Council of the other tribes referred to, and it to thought that they have joined the Confederates. As many of the lediliasowe slaver, appeals hive doubtless bens made to these tribes to throw off their allegiance on the ground that Government would emancipate them. To guard against the effects of each appeals, the Commissioner of Indian Affsho in May tut addressed a letter to the I Chiefs, declar ing that the Government would not interfere with their institution. - The Character of PecsPs Army. A correspondent of too New Toth. Times, who wee made prisoner by the rebels while try ing to get a good sight of the siege of Lea intro% up it is impossible to littorals' ac. Curate - 1y Nee/ loss. He estimates it at from two tin, three hundred. The writer" describas Price ilia grey-hesded moo, about GAT years .old.. 'The writer wee quite tarorably napreued with the biseriii of the rebel ofSeers, but re. guded the private, u-a barlettOe opts gen. theme and soldiers. . - They thronged - the — etreeta in tun Minn., drunken hordes,-always mounted, armed with rifle or rhea gun, and a' bottle of whisky—fel• lows ragged in clothing, redundant in swat gar, copious in blupbowyiand beating, in dir• D ay respect, the most inten.iied conception of a dozen Bombutes Fortino., mingled in tine, Ignorant to the last degree, they affect a pro found knowledge of the political antra of the country,_ iodate_ princ iples. which underlie this gigantic war. Yet talk wittitifty of them, and forty•lioe well swear to you, with • pre. lece_ota.beiLßACll.4l.4.9o.4l.o.4o.o. o ;Abo . lttlonintrare wiling 'flit - war to steal ..ocir ..Our niggers In Take any thous. and trout the horde. that are howling on the tract of the Nationals in . Missouri, and Who prate about. °err tquere,” yid .siue burr died and eilety-eine of thew are too pox to buy a baby, U 101 l grown inners were genie, at tee cents a dam... . The Newlievernor Cameral of Caned*. The Canadian journals us iliscuesincthe pros and 'cons respecting the mewly-sppointed - GOinernor Osnerat, Lord • letonclkotho is' pseud during this month, to stitcenia Sir Ed mead Head inelliaGoversorship . of Canada. '- Lord blanch war formerly a member of par liament, and for a short time one of the jaaior lordeol the ireenry. • When defeated for parliament at - hi. but caneue, he fell short only twenty votes oat of nearly three thoneand given at Portimoutb...bie l a cc enpai competh . toFheicg F. T. Baring, who had been Grit lord of the ueuury and chancellor or the ex chequer,-add (ormarly, representative of the same (Portsmouth) borough.. - Efe , hat not made asj large matt In peottottelksid Judy. Log from the statementeoftbe Canadian jour nal., °his Gavin:or Generalship, amigo rank ing sawed only to the Most Indiana govern. *ant in the British caudal system, U nos * desirable mainly nos it comfort*. his one.” The Loudon Moriilgg ah r en te. aye: ‘qt u sot a prise worth the unbitten of any man who is tonacioui of abilities, or can countentalrosition entitling him to expect distinction of any.sort.akhamei”. Lord Knack is an Inshans. Hislats speech bigots the Bays! mob Agnealunsl Society' esithissionliginestd.neve coacendeg 4anauts sad other lideateial latent& Our aviaries. nl Monis foGund a will probably hies a wsna senelenstar is the sow Goverfiae. Speak fog dike value of isrlealtonl. motions Lord Week sold ' . ' ' 0 Mx* ft the common pintos!, epos Mink . 110. of oft node sod ;intim fos Tor*sp.. ;f" and-woak Ihrmonioi tti inkamediillj togethar for the promotion of the most ancient, as I be. Bare it lathe ?moat maportantOntereat of so! , elev.; and for the Ideaterneient of , their coon try and toe prosperity of its poptilatiot—Ttr these teciefies may be applied moti-juttl. the , bUotitot words of that great historian and (Macaulay pelmet lose we hare lately,', had reason to deplore : coos ere tor •parts—here altars kr the Elah I Haas the rich wan barman ;Cur, end the poor man P&p@ tha gnat!! inattasP itotitto WNOTIOIL—TO Tlllt Howl IR:MID oe AUNGIIIIII Comatt4—Ail the Gone Guard Computes hanag tailed to 1010111.111 , Untold am:. Ittlnt•Look Maskata and Elarpoe4 larty Mate, mutt Mani theta Wore InnfaDaY, Mb • Ron, tam , wait the bonds plated nth me wilt Ito hindod to an attorm, with ItiatTOCUOlll to proceed agalnat the Captain sad then tarettea._2. J /MIS PAM, Ja. oo7.lwda Oho:nowt of Oontaattal on Anise. 0.1014.1' YITT ANIILLIGES. WANTED: 36 experienced Teamsters. 6 OaddWs and Berneutlekme, • 2-Baglara. AdrGood Men can apply to J. M. E'. manta 106 11116 sheet. meond taw reZOUAVES. Ibis company. now is camp, requires a low mote yonnif - , - active. num. of t...t.0c habit., to fill up Ca ratan It te attanbad to !be lamMumurt 11133112/1, swept/al In Col. Hiram -lialta's loginmat. Canons prefentog tba ZOIAVS DIULL canuot do , bettor -tban by joining tell emptily. Call tcomedlataly Qty /1011, Market street. eelf.3teod D.AlUdOlt. Captain. WEL r BBe.ll FOR 'ill& Atail, 1.1111111--Tho Eno BMA Gluts belonging to the fort Pitt .Artillery tins been presented to WI. Genres Itestrosat. Tbeandersigned Is detailed by Col. Geary to raise an Artillery Ocenpasy to be att.etted to the Twenty. Itlgbtb Itsglatent - Y. V. wenty.ilm good men now ban a splendidebanoti I. to Join the beet arm of Ilia melee. Books open at Td Fifth street. second dory. J. M. BOAZ, Pint LW:tenant 2Mh P. V. 11. S. imp.-=.-44Watik MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY! TOR SIXTH RHOMBI:1T G. B. CATALBS RAGULAiI szainoP. TARNS Ol dERVICS ONLY TSBEIS YEARS. Bienlotsdng this P.esile.e,t will he OfiIfOIIILD as soon as enlisted. • The highest psy pet month In no se:vict , BOSON sod hqu.pmaato, A:toning. intststences (lusters, linel Iwo *Alai ottßudatico free of cbarg, $lOO BOUNTY! Advancement open to all. For farther partici:lan apply a the 01Tee. NATIONAL riuTia, W.,ter • teat, peer limitb• Geld, Pltteburgh. P. lIINItY B. Midi Re Ciptain, ElLtin Regiment U.S. Cavalry, itemnlting Ofecer IlliDSMatos So Barnum lets Ilso U.S. Intl, Sittchcfnb. September 23d. Mel• To the Twang Men of am ordered to recruit the Thin! Settallon of the 10th Regimes:AV. 8. Infantry In Perossyleasils, end bow appeal to Ton to show your patriotism by entering the service °flour gpantry Mb floe Ellie Regiment. to conelet of 2,413 En. Thep yla from Pa to SSA per moats, with abundant food, clothing sod all co,- essarlut. • Sway soldier of the Regular Ayroyas entitled, bc. 1112.5 peMfOrl, It dltsbled, sod InIINTY. Of ONN HUNDRED DOLLAR!. vb. t °amble dleobarged, toe comholable sopped, II by sick or dimbled. to the &Mere' homes. estaMlMed the grantiment. Immediate pm - Melon sonde for anform. arms, egnlpments, rah= and treasportelim kr all who =NUL Onwtbird of the CalMsny On/OCTO will be taken from the ranks. No better opportunity is offered to a . ff i l i t os ed c y r A;O 3 me t t n for good treatment, and a fate For fall Informal:lcm apply to Ilent. HOBERT StITLIEHLANIL at Me ROMATillc.Zio. CA fourth wt. WILL A. STORM, M.Jor 18di Reg. 0. 8. Intently. ar A FEW.. MORE RECRUIT , ensiled to MI th 3 3 auks of the WWII RIFLES, ander Dept TEIOB. B. ROSH. Tits Company will is officered as soon as corephiely ofigingres4snd will go into sirsloe an sharp .1,30,e.5. Armory in 9d story of Wilnto'. Ball, where good wen will be enrolled fors fen day. longa. engin! 2110.11 as 0. WWI. CsOrin Jaen rt bbttt us c tat nLs CAPTAINS OR LIE OTBN ANI 8, NOIMING oumeamas 3.3 . ola Tzair. Would do well to call =dirt their Pouter. sad Hand• bill. of H. S. HAVEN, No. 84 Third street, Who ti propersd to p ri n t roislloor latige.secord:og t t &wire ir . • FA;LIJOY 00.T.0Xt13. 121=3 ATTENTION. S ATHOSPIIERIC OHANGSS of the taut. exert tut influence over the howl= system .end erusattans; cram Weir murmuro owl persoos of chlettiodo titbits, sufferers from scrofula, cuteasoirs emptier's, stubborn cots from an lojudi• emu um Of moron,), sod In chronic constitutional disorders, &mild bus resort to /WYNN bAleddra. KILL/. the original sod panto* ankle ao lovg ebreted for We cars of the above ,natoeff &beam, and all oaten arising from an ireporedabed, vitiated 'ar lamed condition tf tht LIM or habit of the esw tees. Preparedand sold by A.B. R D.BANDS, Druggists, it /altos Meet, New York. Sold also by B. 1. PAIINISTOOLS A CO., Pitt. bomb, Pa. Bold oleo by lirerucleteernerally. ociddlw:witV WINDOW BU.ADSS of alt. desorip tiosig Macy Baal IdcMaid, widdia. at war ba J. • 8. PHILLIF• nein Nos, S 6 and .Z 3 at 0 la , r !dread. I[4•LOOR , OIL CLOTHS of all styles. and 1.. 1124the,rultable 13.100trul Igor bear.blab ‘lll be 44 at the !omit price; et the OIC 014 h State. [Dome. Na. 26 and Sea 2 0/air ft , ett. 0010 J. *-14-I.IIILLIPH. MIipAINTING AND GLAZING in all its I branch I done at abort notice, by can J, k u YIIILLIPEL AYr LES 1 APPLIIB 1-72 bbls. chola erten Apples received and for am by octfl HINNY IL COLLINS. JAPANNSD 101 LEN bra, of 41 t:3 funt patteraa and deeps, let:tiding glop jam yam bucket and NM tab for 'Weal sail lamily Groom Biotoof ' JOU/ A. 1111111114 W, oda (Wirral: Liberty sod Mod areas. PIRIAM COAL vestalipanned OW Vow' ofa ?platy of 'gators., handoomoly Illaathanatect owl gut, for lOW at thalami, Moors iron of JOHN A, B.llNaliaW. oclo 0031er of Liberty sod Used Wads. 111001 P 'COPIPSIEL NAVY 1011.kliTIIIIIIV, Donau es RUA act.i 00t.2.11161.' • PROPOBALS will be received at is swam auto irtz or =Ara. he the dw livery of 40D,000 pots& Qt., the bettgateliy 41,11111.1.. IliGlyT COdi'lle et the ertehtnwoo eat. Yarl, abject to the, lea sod Impeetton of . the proper ofh:eri of the yard. lOwirtreo to be wade .t, ohs ntwof ' 100.0t0 pottcde every Wm days from the slate of the notification of the sentarn of the probe. twi t or earlier, at the option of the mask n.tioo.. - Toe . bid Moab* sooompailed by the mat gaaraoke that If &weeded the comsat will be emeated. orfalWil f3_l", E.N 'l3 A 13.1., E Thi hundred/ of honaskeepsrs who hsvo [purl JOltrirrOX lUGILLY 00 . NOliNf SATED BENZINE, for 'Removal of Palut.flrosse SpoWillimiingoto , 4l4 • • Ratons, livirsyloge, • ,PrOntncoe It to be au article Indlipmesbly to Ivory household, It ls - trartaakd toped.rm W tb►tla elthacd krlt: Pispand and sold by 'AMON 3 . OIINSTON, Rimiest, and D odor Ist 0/1010111 Ooriri Batltisetd WA loath stmt s. STOVBS. D. .HAVEN tiON; .; • mAIMIAMIIIIIIIB 01 -; ST - OYES. .wareho.erid ge,, Fide:rid Street;ZneF New. eitrb /11.1211 NY CITY. dt i oi ka tbo auAam of&atm to oar Lap Mane moat at &Mai tad ibattia Dona, art-Wood lad Cbs•kirbkh we ammonia; at Oa towed prlcoo, Thaw old oar city ant Itiol It to state &distaste to shy at a watalowlas Ito* bedbro paretwdog whom _ • boa Woo froati r lria santas, - agog Doiu, .6aa?i,Thiikiw Piiln lad IT'anoy 2 -Orate front', . Ifendw, itaChidatio Wolf 'dads 'Mart AIosaILTIPI NM 6. j lIBRICIATING 011.-75 1)14I. No. 1 Labricathig Oahe We by ' - ad aaataigaisina, tab*. wi:EA e. - .7" 4f:i t 4 , 41 , ,igr-2tfr ' thi s vitbai-Autentsift 1\TOTIO.E.•11. pereonethhving Wail* rrimielh•,t.iiA..kawartlicas sistoh, ! wittoillled-to pretest. Mice -for oettleakeno , iit the time. 0tT11.024-te SSW& CO, Pot rtleete !bre the esbeiribei tozylo: tOOO4. ocB.lwo JO•lt 3114..AttottioN, wEaVLrB & CO., 1:1 ,1 0.• .I`.T.. 9 " . 24_1b1;t:ftr/in. ttsrsausea Pante. &Wiwi to nil o• Dutch's& OILS of any. desprlption am Motet la giTi , to a COIL °LIM 410. W. NOIDGELWK......)IIII. 11.001121LCZ. WOODVILLE OIL' REFINERY.— nouDaHIP, BrillrAN 11&11117,102t101 111. BORMIG OIL AMY 111111110111 W 011, • . • Hrep ocaeontiv. On hand , be very bat pointy of BORNIN4I OLy oloor and wte , ont .411onotao, • good 1:1113111 0 41.T011, pato white - 111177.01471 and Una sunken - " • - - • SWAN orders leg at No. BS 717 [ H &TtltT.Banl Block. wooed Boor, icltbkplonD/ I .T Warded to. ceramist BT. NICHOLAS HOTEL, Broadway: New York. Board Bldoeedlo $2 per Bay. - SIN 7E TIM ()WANING of tide vastind oontodlone Hoist, 12'1836, It hex peen the Mesh, endeavor of the' propdetare tom** It the moat mop ham', convenient and comfostible home tot the citi zen and stranger on this etde of the Atlantic. Ant whatuerhas seemed likely to aimlntetar to the comfort of De Aneetathei have GuthattotnAr oat regent to out, to val.:oi tad to_Ctnbine ail the elements of Individual end mist, enjopment which modern •:tile Invented, and modern testa approved; and the patronage which It Ilse ectitthanded Mains the put mix pears is s iv/4(1113g Prof that their af• kirtshare been roprecteted To meet the exnr i elef of the times,-when all ere rtqatrod to preetlee the melt rizid accmlf,• 4 , Mattel 'hive Reduced the Price of Board to Two Dollazs per Pay, at the isms time abating nani Of the luxuries with which their tabli hes lithe:Ulm° suppled• • TREALDWIELL, WIfITOOIIB & 00. , • . ENVELO-P:EI3. THE SUBsORIBER SIVIS LEAVY. to ealLthe attentnn of Bootsillers, Statiosen, Dealers In Yam Oasis, and au others, to the EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT AND - - Nuplazuon - QUAL 'TY -1•1 . V E P E- S LISUPACTURID 1111r4iNd. The kinds tontine - every style pt Lete , r. Note, OW Mat, WedOlog Portfolio, Drug: end other vedette@ Also, Parchment end Cloth Lined, ell ovule &advent med In the most perfect ininter, on tho best folding Mschtom tttttttttttt ,_ _ , At.,, the Irving Mutt Writing Mealy minutia turgid etpremly ter the subscriber. end. no better pe. per. can be kutud to thin comfit,. f ampies, with 'trade list of prime, 'eat by mall when requeeted. Neatens ere fawned to call sad examlnalda stock, quellties,prto" mpea. AO. 11.3. 8 MULL RAYNOR. oe`Am I 118 Street,. ► : CO•PARTNERBIUUP or HOLD. BRIO, ADAIR Ai 60. wis diaeolved bY tnatise content on the 2616 16111 mo. The betimes of the old dun will be settled by the new term of ROLTIEUEIP, BRYAN t 00.• be nodtralgued ham tut. elf y formed a do-pis tser; W. ern of HOLDBOIP. BICCat• I CO. sign larressed facilities for the marmfactur• of 0/12.., HOS OIL, and are prepared to tbraNh nuetomitiedttr• the be.t gustily of BURNING. AND LIOOIIO/.11210 OM also, BIENZILI ArIo.OnICOILIArE 9:W. 11OLDdHtd. 101117ZI. BRYAN. • trIZO. T. 1101X/Batlnit.. .Porarmest,Oct. 4,lB6l.—cabiedet •. • • QELLERS° IMPERIAL CUIIOII ••• lIIP eximatrzatPrßlAT., COllOll MVP, IitERMAI, 0000 H BY•DP, • EMIL 4P.W. 011t.EBIL•TIV LIMB Pius. BEL 14 1 7111 PILL& BILLIES' tINSIVALLID MIMING& BYLIIIRO` 110111,001. Prep.rid by - B. • 00., WbolasobbDragglabi, And sold by Di : mists and atom tbsoosboas Ibll COlltitry. L 011111 4 .66 1L til'Ulkih hysloian and Athurgeon Ornse. Ao. 36 riedstal Strett, Ovposleo Colowoodo row, war Abe • ftypondow Bridge, 11161, TLE IE ARTIC that will moat effootn etly caws Mathes. Dywatsey aid dismal/ Me &Saddam°, the bowel, Is the _ oautdllllll AND DISIENTEET MIXTURE, OHOLISA AND DISENTEDY 0 1 10LEItA AND DYPOINTIZT MIXPURE, OLIOLUA AND DifiNIT&HE Kamm Prepared daly by. JOSEPH PLINLIMO, Prepared may by., JOSEPH PLESEIHre, Prepared .ontj Dy :30 , 3Er1d FLEMING, Pterared rely by JOSEPH . PLIKI&U, Decoct SUMO skeet and the Dlassaadi:. Coned Hakes audit nod tlu Dimeard. ner , . . • No. 64:1,,wATaiker, irrrnsuaen If onntaoturer of DOILIIR 11.11,528, WHOLIGIEr 4:10MISOlf oodIiAILIWALI. of every cur, haler dud or shaped ISPID/A AND lIIVATB, Dino or naAll, =dd. wordet at short notice. . 411P.A Vod osoottmat coastaativ haul: - NOTiCE —The' Warehouse lately =lL pled by u havlne been destroyed by- en, we hut removed to No. Al 3 LIBERTY EtRIET,Wiew doom below my format W. ► • now reodelos.e ebe'ew Wt of lIAOON MOULDER% EIDER and' 114114.Elreet from tba Smoke House, awl gull pliples.ed fa NM eV en to. men. leßfat El N.B. RATER OD. i3.ldaikioC 0.301.1..4.18. -- eorwardlas & Coismlutou Metobalat trio intoutiko D4LI&A Cntoessc. 2Pattir4. &aid" Irbat. r and ProthiciolourAr, Pa. ti Mai feral. Pit/tion" COFVEN, tit:FOAM - AND MOLASSEB 600 bar Wino to oboko 8/01301660: , 160 Moo.. do - do N. D. dam 3T6 bbliechoko Plantatiod Idolodaed, 260 do •do ReSood Syropo, . • 200 do do •do - *Slgm Moro and for ado _ _ • SVONALO a 41113UOIELE, • 017.6 ' No. 363 Llbort2 stmt. tea Wood. 10 . 000 lISAR ' TSIBS.-If . pow *thin eo- phial this • will cell' et ItuItDOOWIIMAKLAND-1101411111M they will ate toms extra Peet Trees. row* menet mime eat u, the Garden Net, Sheen Minutia:, INDIA RUBBSR. reeitied a taro► ripply of Costa.lanta, DOOM . Wbtal will Da ►old at picot to Solt the' ltnist. at th•iadl► Bobber Doped of oes Nas.23 and Sm at-Cdate *tied. TI,R. At' O. JUNII6,' 1v non nvirLis Tritingr, CoRN niZAIr7S bug:, treA grcinp Corn l!ool Jost ioeitifil *oat& al • ' • eeroor leorlut end Wirall'ittelli. IAUSTIU bODA—lngiiik in •Iron for gato bys. A. rAahasOoß &co,. • IXB odrtilwrif VIM Ned WoOd Ptrbea,'-' - VXE kt Y . —Biort .Lospow,,GOO., lbs. fo Wt b 7.. R. 1 ARNISTOOK 4100 ocd. _ _ ..COMO Of Woid Mid Stria Arab. NDlEtu—AteminDLinn 800 I D. Al. 71111315T001011(10,, 006 coma of - Ilra and Wadaveta. Jest recsissd OC4g PaISIV L' 140 !Rapys,giscvi L l lPkix. lBll24 Jost ridelni at " "-: odt - ' w. • u.. 4 guava.. N'~)y !STY Whd ' ,• - itni*Mz Jost reostve4l at 4,II(IGARS. , i•i . -btitithi" Ihrustied Po* ljaowergraiikillOtiJents ceFai,' • suds* v" is Axe iinal Ike Weft • . aspillE "fir ' : 1500100iti Woo 4 atnos‘,..7 iIaSIMMG BILSINOLI, , ,_.•-.•. Lesther ii:mVstw I I . 11°11 "' " m** MBY TO ••15—A Lige assortment Ito us 2 *EMT IL Wm** 'gat " . CRABAAS 9 1 PNWS ;" 'WEIOLIMAIE DIWILII3 IMPL tia,vvr BRAIDS IR,LDBO __ R I. SILK TRIMMINGS, TIMM= Surrote, SILK NIIITGN.., OAMBRIO sad MOS BM L i TOrreiri' /44311rrs 13 Dm COLLAR:4 4** Laom o°Lt'A Roe's, ;.• niFAN OAP?. IRIAN? Jaaostra, ROGOW!" • sad INZIERTINGS, vewerou, AND TNIITAD . LAOS AND IDGINGI3,, ....NOOPOUSTL CIONSZTE, . EMMA 0 LOVIS, BUD D 8188 .1 4011 - arm' and co - BD NITE, lc' airCkir stock bobs no MI sod Valid, we teal WIT mud in saying we can please all who may hear n with a ea% . . oci 0 1.0A1(8, DIISTERBAND,SIIAWLS RA' NOWe el LIIIHNNY CITY nrratinaiL • - •11C - • suswts,olitautsita aim s*LitoAAL pan" W't'D HVeur. - W. I sioalfr BEV Goal% THIM G - BTORZ. - -No.-78 Mutat Streetr— NOW OPEN'AT S. M BURCHFIELD'S. IMPERIAL Aim • saws mvutsoN 00BUSG& Bu3iBIZITiEB. -_,NLIONALL% O OL ,DELAINWS, -LIAM 1NGLIEII• CRAPE, 6GICIIIINGLIBH ViILS nix avoß emirs • PIGITIVED DZIAtxII.3 - an d UZILINOS ..riiiii — s — aiWtmOcit of N 0 O'D.B Ant rota:wad and wain; low tor OAdQ, tor. money FRESH ARRIVAL NEW GOODS HORNET TRIMMING bTORE, No. 77 Maiket Street. Hayti* npmdmi direct _from ths Importms and Idennfsetornm our Nomad !apply of zurt* rAiit. and 'WINTER ROODE tarlona paranoid for dith. We are now taityarod to *nor 'tipsier adtantaget Ito sit dooms of Lot era. DEIIO TATIIMINGS, of all the =mot style.. NAIADOIDIDED conzava; BITS ASD. k9 ., 6 FP. atßaa.thanoaebilthenmelprla.; - BOATON DIADZDHOSINi "btu, mode 'Glad fa n cy maw AL for lID HOTS UNIT 100E8. ,BALMOILAL IMAM kr hese and males. •• , LAMA' MIMING BSJIred..AVD splAwin. • IMMO ADD !lOW MAD DI 111111118. - 111.118 NM ADD RIAD DAMADIS—new. HOOP Enna AND CIODAMCB.. . MILLINERY -GOODS In groat IritthAbw mist theloinist nuirkilt pike Josimi uow: V FALL tIOODS lATON, MACRUK do CO., No& 17 ettd 19 Fifth street, lath. the attention I 0 411. OEt 33 17 , "2" El .0 0 DHIsB sittmaratoo • IkONNWr 101BON8. /anus I/Low:sits scrawls. aIIADDIUMSISHOODHABOABJES _ _ Z 121171 I 88.11TLMID WOOL, StO WJEITGN BIBBED 11081 I—my cheap, 200 ALL WOOL I bLEJLINO Holle— 1.60 AND BIBBED USDOIVILIRTB AIM DILAWII2a.. 1411W.AZIA 1611104111 MT STILTS 01? TILL AND VIL T• It OLOV/a, 031100201 011111121M1S 0011 E AND EXTRA GOBI BEMS. BAILWORAL clam coltm • 7. 11. k bare Made a areelal arrangement 61 eihkh they hope to be able to supply the trade In .quaotity with • =llona saki of MIMS of Gamier quality and Ankh, at Waves pries* than an; In market .47:0-15holeselobuyanieopplkil at vary !Genet prime. • JA N, BIACILUM aM. m2ll . No. 17 and 15 Fifth onset. FALL STOOK NEW :.FALL• GOODS J. W. BAIIKER & CO.'S ati hieimst NOW IS - TEM :TIDED - TO BUT As the Prices 'are 'going up N' awn A grays or .NEW In Panay, Bolf•Colcired - and Black; AT . 11t031 . 594),•T0.51,00 PER TAPE.- View m aths ` most desizable-goods ! . for, the money aimed -this mason, and be men to be appreoiesd..-- CLOAKS` AND DUSTERS, Our own awe , from the moat carefully selected 'Paris styles end rustmisla-arki. are determined in, 'department we o . . idly to raehttaiu our reputation for-teete , arid .eimee;.catabined with ehespneas; ant m"ftWoutlyltivite the , ladies to exam ine ciEgtitexmlittts la - ne ire inoified they ea stind teit:; • - ‘.3nuisiss soOns..) "- - .ln"6ls.dapartmerkt'are ire - offering Usual. new sad Alltoioe styles and fabrics atrium, usually charged for indiairent loode• - • -ItIENTSANP SOTS' W SAE.- - A fall aminixessit I. illpada! n.Q tecrm . LArig : ffYLr.i A _LL' =Gv : O~ 2O ~-,~ .74tfliff 11110311Vitc; ituaooDs eardstharti •Ilisirtiolallutispartaimaist MOTELS VICANCII4 vehlotimi labor oa. itrtatd Xlll . ...A4,Viirbi 11We Wailar„h4 aimt wejibl timposol4, -Waft an - serly - 4alt - *inc. • '4 SABItiEL GRAY & soar, Muciats Union* Na. / 9 FM, EL - - ~,,-.. .. 5.-41:--t , , •, , r_ , ?.- - .... ,., ...V• 1. f44.. ' -477 . 4. ' -.S-7;-: k•-• glina • %II ANTED TO — AIN T-2311tI; PEtc PRATT (water power prefonad,) by practical Mater. %be beat of crt: more cant* gfreo. Kr parilrtdarz addtroa. Nna it it pure. Pittibmh,Pa....- WAN C&U-Bonds andsrletoitgages for $2.000 and $3,000, ba±rhAt from Lye to nuagious.torma:,.. Apgrat iittTra r la Mk greet. *Wt.: e& flo art. OW SALg (ig XCILO4III .7 1 10,00) bish.blinneltripiOres Coke. "L OR' SALE-=-A.vertcrouithodione and A! meter tette - iondeneo, la dedraeln bad In the 31 ,Ward„Msegthkuy, on toes and 'soy psy wank and sirs Low lama* of.— , •-• • , • & BMTI4I, is, Attorney ot Teret. 139 [moth ernes V ALUABLE P.KOPICRTY., frox ir • SAL[—Eltnnted on Wrench Cloak; eattmichig. between 10 and 11 acne, ' Than are on the rty nix weld In Taranto progress, three of w ars it standout depth to operethig. Counseled talth the volts le a powerful engine, In good running order. -"fhb property it seat:deg Cho celebrated Id'Oormick Arno and Is perhaps one of the best oil alto* In that, neon. -Wu offor e, great bargain on way terms of forniintic; wtitt exchange foe red east* In or ad joining t he city. Tor partially" *pill to soil . N 0.1.334, Yourth street. ' L&T. - -A , • firrt-olasa Dleelling new, 1,1419 Inoini,tind with an MIAMI llMprOVOMerita; JOGlted o 9 : Taanel,De. t • sett Wiley etraat and Fenasylvanliatenne: - Tenn. Loniataalln OWL SALV—AnOUT NOM Matti EA POW XII. In incgl antm, drlvlns Sturm - power moms le tnla vela. -..,W111 bn sot. el:Lewin! intab. o. Almost 1 / 1 111 - 111 MICA off-tf - • xtnini; abcnrs lindthEina. ..3300k5. , IioLDITOes - , - by Ameii• con Ttactiociely, end ion at BENTOULE,2Ii Et. Olstx street: THE BOLDIEWS toxin .treitiamiss Tont, to THE nOLDIER'd OI,SIP LIBBABY, 25 rots, In a - • ea riu S iliwszva entactra - P6O - arvinti, in sloth, neat 6 clots owl, or $5 ter banked. ?roast ot.trect. In solskle. In Irailaisbr t 5 'Ent°. do . do do'_" Getento43 do Also cheap BIBLES AND THEZILEZETS. Eta 0441 nm. - • • - • • •• otittlissis NEW .& GLIM' 11001113-;-llre /W. I 4.1 draw, 111..Phateoyhy of Stanufaottass.' Boa —l3rre-TbeCottatelfantdadois of Brest Britain. 2 - -Slavery and fromikoslnAmeeka.. , ByTtioata*. Lama krohlitetars. By James semi. • The alaglo of totem. Siloam* WWII !MDT. Tomas hy Paftlly,Frensan.m sable - tin ',inn' chkgs rotating foments to site War if lodispindsnos. • •If iltra's Poems.. Bohn's Inantifal edition. Inathh Puritanism and fti Leattsrs. -, JOllp Thol• huh A D. The Res Milo of Mist.` By Huh tYtPer. = Tao British fJorat.ltatlon. By _Lord Brougham.— Bohn. triumphed Invention. and fllsooraffs. Illustrated. The floyePlay Boot of reform. Ilts Boys' Play Boot of -Both handsomely Illastriaed. ' Hoolea Qatietand Cltant S. AL hauclacps edition of enrol Mogi wet. _ • - . • Bridal Bird; ftp . _ and Nuts, mptdsrly desorlbel. Y Braattfallmiorel !nutrition& 00011111EI Objectf fot_the klictosoope, nnfloral wiflk • from Its IndoriiilalMalthictari. By Ifalibilra Wycliffe and the "Bagnenots. BrDr:Hanna,ate., oto, Tor saleßy sa2S No. OA Wood weld:. 1)1001its FOEValtg=.3llV- - -7;•- AJ/ Regulations for the *nay of the United Mahn. (11thaml Mental fer Volmams and Mottle. U. 8. Infentry earl Allis Teaks complete: • Settee !identity Teaks. The ZollairiellsUl Moak.' Monad tee mr ßemelt to tballeiLlnfantry Deft. Arreoeid far thetlited State. peeves by the as 067..2:4920 - itiyonet ltsiveleesiorthel'Arety. terse:eel tilittly a Lord Bacon, ' Life of Fifteen Mechlin, flettlee.'lty Cruse,. tit. Walter By o.Blaptry. . the 'BP a Rceleg. 'Tom flrown st Weed. - 2 vale. '- !ceder Alitmeomy. - By Mitchell. MW °Meet% Caner. Skewer, of NogUeh Words. Hy Trench. • Beulah: BrAngoste • Mir School. Cleaelcel, Medical cud Theological %ohs.11111‘.1;(8)2811118 OhitheierV" --- ' : - 002 " • L. ILIAD: le meet. GROBS' -MILITARY -BORGICRY—'—A mairmarca-bumuy Emsgray. or Mottos) lhoshrhatass.ol Mehl, Camp sea hospital ?visitor— Py D.hrohi;lll. D. I VOLUM. Pith 60 anti. seas - - Al , l 00., 66:W00d stmt. • PilEts,l2oali Aunt csaaas, ,11,311)1JCBD P111.03W - ,' • - datnet .Woodwtill ;- if. lit 0 - iiiiet; v - o tuu, wr mi mum= ow . - Allia!ieyes of Biycs . and - Finlih, • -arms 1/011 • rdilato orders parompaty &Undo& toilindlOka Ter sdiaza mobility meted and b01d..: Otaguaboaa. aiditotalo i lr e l i nataaad at obolota too. To reirkiers and OtherN. GEOW/GY% SIIPERIUB. PATZNT - GRAIN FAN -AND-.-SEPARATOR.. PATS_'cTKD JAiifAAY 10, lOW. fritA.stiPERIORITY HP • THIS PAN A. Via all cdberi fa use °onside hi Its atmprma, eimpliellyund durabllity. groond,la deeming Grain fader; totter ant mare thoroughly, - with lam labor than =7 other WU. Th. ;mime tee of Goober* FAD hati been long ansepd la maordnaturlng and selling Agrfintltorilimplinnente. ooneleoed of the Armament at a good lan for abasing the Merest Mabel Gado end Gerdy primate this to the pliblle .. tilth fall math deem th at It tall mad - MO wants. ' : Toe ondereigned, baring purchased the ad* right to manufactory end sell the store Greta Ten and Asp grater In Western Penaplyirols, Wedeln Iflripinla, and all °Wood the right to sell la Ladle= and 114. note, le 00W to All ell orders, who:Male or retail, at 319 Marty sheet;Tattaltrib. Ts. se/ staloettlf , W. W. WALLACE& II AL 2' 0 -Si & 0 0 98U''A.G3MNTB, tiOaFiIfIBIOZ.V 1.38 Viralnut Street. DWJ I " i'LOOR 'GRAINTRODIJOBiTOBACoO ••• IVINUIS AND -LTQIIOIIO, atiktrielierrws to b•sisa•ort msktot (mtg. • mat , lid ' .; ' - ' R4T! AN4.0*13.-r FA.S.r.4 . - ST'ZI.33B ,;'-':',.• , 7 :,... , :" ', 1 1, . i . i. - ; i -.::'...';'..: '. ',.. VI 41-8,3) dr. O O• t ~ wow Hen ipwyn bijavrtif lure aad covipleilmt6oli at Oa • tr,;44,78 AFA.OAPs, taiithadtiiid goutly tradi,whlckttur aka mit at Ty/7 toW Ptak - -" tall/C-mooIIMWEIBZUIIB2III3.-- , mitred isoodier 41o,I*Lowleat , ot Mkt% csideldit Dispretri4 -Maus. non 'rho him Mad imola am-Umwik ond fa ntarinit, and wfU Mad i), Sr TOMS{ PAM 110 40.012 i: oak W0. , 112 Moir 01:04.... ULM 0 -perags. - Noel 'fftegralleldiG *it Wale !I Ogr :sum 1441111 i. 111'W . CILINAIr I'APBRS lOU Cia,catipouesonseaw ruin miss la, Mutat Aro/. :Olt • . JAW& MUM PARIBB: BOA • OA= ireir comireed neitoh *Ns SLICYMBEI—ein . qui .Doutti A dc--„ kissurc, ttAXIP, Klllll76.foraisttl No joys a Timm; isirweia t. 6AP KNlVilti Loral* bya. • • cs-, ion sowsal9lll%ll7. if* Wood Olird RgVOL . 110/8-44.h0i, • for - AtAtifriti, sowltasissait Iripprow,:- - • . z,..,...:,... ..t'L Ill w- .;,t' -- 77 . ' - : . - *. ,,, a . . - ' - I":' , ' ' , 7 - • , 7 .,.: , k `;'- • , ,, t - '4 I' . tF. ?. U '' ~.,,,,;'.,, .i,Z.'.. , . ,z,+:- 'f''''^' ' PITTSBURGH TREATS . — Mita . lkiazida y Igrinizig. 9, O. 4-111";' tikrit Of • 4.) . W _ . Q 0 .1 1 17 P, 0, • WlLLOW'corn. TrAnoriarauarz.=:Aninrinvotrumor KAU 112111 TON Tosamisdi viat es auseamair acNILINIL JOAN 1'ae1ir1y:.5—........K14-11.436010e001E• ~IAnuL-JauWt:>- ri . arvlliD BtX) • THY OTTHAILL; - lam LUIS OW EIOZALIIII:ABON: . HEW COLIttaINA MBA, SABBATH ZELL, OD • • , - - 'boas at ;smite: dasiii.Tait. atlatay oati, No. St Wood a Oyet,,..Ptltaburet. Bum.)Basx's ..• GOLDEN Sabbatit A 141 W nAusswra. SCHOOL &MOM SOOK ibe, most complas and perbotivimill eei Cm• Boot ems Isla& tar the am ot WOOL kabob. prio; *121. 0 bummed, or csidll i MOr s l . ll ° - per dccesk tor sek he ifi quantit or y :Joup,a. MAW& No.Bl74fratliereit. • • JANUS_ arILMARGA4S::: Eplndia Kew sad,Safx4,4.l,llo 68.136TL1 AtbUOZDTAIOZL EWSIMI , /MAU MY, A OLABSDJAL AN D OCINAUNNIAL -.. IrciliooL 'VOW - goys.. .10.12P1i L NAAVILLI, tiJitireseattom Thelblifj•Nhith wakii limreotatoesiße NON. DAY. November 40,,1361. . _ . lot Circulars, loqtare kiwi. Jahli . Troia kw, W Water maga or illesata.T. IL' Nate 110 0 q 26 Wood erred, =aerob e at of ,the Principal. le• emakloyMble,Allegbear Co. PC 1141hPliadarill Wir N OIOI4III SCHWA:. H. . VTLiMeTallff. L . ' flee opined a NoretelAhtiker - No:13 - 111`.OLAUG - 117_ WO. . Stamm of Theeheet..., thi the deitneellor"ot the Viettmei, the man to whorl slides loaf for edetoehalt lattnielteti; JOH N J. NOV:WT. I PPIR" mat heertiy w i th t e atop.ja,i„. I cheiChali oche:lr le tke optekhu v erel z W. abore. I lAiol/looluto Is oft at. uk, *mos OW the ketioloitrteceloofeattou la Odle . emehlet:- - 1 tool! of now" who CoTrooktilhlgejetthoon I his War. R;II.IIVLIVe. hilly ma ior to the above nooonoutadattos. Ile con peepers paella toe tholtletk Wiest vadat dm any other teacher In Newel% " - pee 'yea, =mum BEILBUT GRAMM 11131100 L, PUP - .TIIIIIO, - -81118EION - OP TIIIB .edicedloillooseeeisee mho 1113:1" moms Ihseef gloat ley meriewitemeithell i l a d o Sailor • do •• , , tlet • dcrj i 4 . 41 e OS - munuuntoz. The andeialgned barbs placed do' thalnaracilan of Mr. and Idra.rAVSIT daring the retatsear maid mole ebeestally,•reconnead there School to the p 'nonage 'of the - iinkds. The Teethe* 'era cianpatear• lend talthfal, • sad. thei regrew •• the pupils has been highly vatlafactra7: _ Witham L. 'Hersh. William IL !Rada. .Ih.A. - 11. Mph. Whites Dm. Theme Chetah. Den Sibtalesana • 01111014 U y. Dr.A. CLiderdott.• . Ifertlask err he 011utilam,da., - sgoly go the Prkeepel, Ifo. - e9 awed stiookbohfoefl • ohfiloPood - WooM ass .: , der. &boor hog* callow of lbfftrihr dream .. asillhdef UPLYpusi,Troir.,Emyt 4 apivemie. Dll3lrAitTliilliT. NianTaizsit SMISMII,. ti?;(4. ,iID '62. 111 - M i eroiami - n; L f 4 ea to east, a mmme , Fat Ma the Full Vain t r. • - of Mmti.Hitallea sale:airtod .G . fIEGABAY 1141g1TUTZ,;:".',,, trnurin - PU. Intl day, conducted fo two lain =a I this city, hytisnotni onsoomit and bsirsdhin "D,lriarttt;.o onihaape pthiditwis tbommi ta KII* York, nitsblishot there in the Tow MOM To on Ilandsir„ hepteadier eitth"tts - song wt. andeaoptsts mrMWfor the isdandbin Wrong tidies, under the♦dtreoWn, Of Madams -IDinornill7. allailiro, and all innisite fotaratinii*:tini be ots. Wort on optional= to thy Isinonsiste ';` PZNO INSTITUTE,' . • HANOCKS .iNillte•open ONDAT,thi lid.ds,y ISZYJIMIt! il.llsL , 'Zinaa XIIII,per madam el Its roastkis. J.lll. SWUM Pliadpot. OT/inS.-, WWII OF. -TEM joi moat TOM WAYSZ ANDONICINORAIL suask.—ni YETIO• et demo of this (Mond Mart at tho_Valtial Mae for the Northern District of Ciblo, fa a Mlle lo Miaow, , ifairidd - doloraddia i abordit °Mier Moran and otters an cardpudadatit, sad tha Pittlidollai Fort laikrao sod Moo liddrod Pow pan sno otk aregefendeadr, dad want WM. May ditties of the Mean": _ Canta ,il,. the Ward Veldt tot the Waddell D is trict of Iternailvsals, District Wham and die flOrtadra - Dattlet WITH. nolo rtirpeetfolly. la owed &void:lira tollbsantrai fn fad Omni falittltrell, "basin the isamipartlrs aro complainants sad Weiland rasps,aWftois la sold masa tnt shoe mentioned: the Jobs harms sad Th ema Z. Wal ter do Gnat.= hi Tn.& ant Trotter* So ordi of the mark Deeds ot Too or flatfoot riPon 'add' said deertaire kaailed, sad also se Rawls! Water Clotanddiorters id_ fold Owns grgTaly, doll appointed by.eald Mirk triport• r that porpoaeorill All at public leadore, to she Mahar, biadar, far eddy bat for witleidthes fhp dam to Mud ^ at the United Watts dourfiloada, la the OW of Mtdand, In 'aortae of OW, on then* day of Octriber,.A. MI, Wades the erect too Veda* a at:und War o'clock r.dt data dahlia M. looted drocrtbed to wit - ...The -Railroad of 4•15 • Fat Wayso dad Maio Rdbo doompull,ta eherlpktofway sbarease, thcrasd•bad, Ouzo; [be sasp:sibmtora ol4satts' Shimmy' tta wafts soil OW adddodbosos srall i rols 4 st gi igra 10.4 sib:m or tal _ ro• Mod so Ss add tlmatila. daft 'lx otadtrodllat sar pstelsayousdadomoblalsyktablsooliatabstract add maye — dastodobidoramoslidill flittstdor as efr , potrand •lialtalep satil • Mono - sad strootoiss - of lantlFOlllll/1100k0111111411'llisilaiplit(10/111 asmdeathemtus. tad Primfdat 1 0 to Ind la %wadi said toad so 3 Warr* *WSW sad whoa ra tit bi rail 441"8 , sod ber,lanmr, lodia dad, deoirrin Naar ti.9o4c9PßlOlialt Tties . msw sera mulaim bsto , rdsaborits, hat Wass and CldcralpflUdinad td be dirndls var. Out odd rooksibiarear dolath Maw titbaby Wkiebth 6 l ll l lll9 ow Midair 4 coldifigf. Or as Ni odidesl.oolll/140 0 . assasslly wflaid sorpbrase tessehims as( oldie add 47odigIbillglit dad ,frassablOo ads" wad Clempaalbs lo altar sganamadoo. growl&sadd mesa sadvity. isgtostossa tbstidvamoisoKimpos tit 'osallfilidal oldie sib sod iloidelisd oeuttla ....,, w ., 6oll d.lup!s elholo C dolt bola bil llblidsiddlf; o r - Idiaddlilla • by WitULM ty lbsy en ball by add !Vas Oodlason rad ova, Eno ton a• we of mu mita, Pm all WbR say debts adill Waged ar NIMISMIIII CataPotiti‘ir Orthada t itiof ItratAz.idatord ca *WOO q_d 3 333• l 'g 3 cok egg doildeabos. to alilM.Ximing.lol3l.,lllB3ellt dawdle ibs sols4ar, sonsbass *NW Nome NA Ifrande4 by odd dimeniam pdAatisliswommis de dm o ," l w asssidadderliai ibolsild,to yalll Womb& - , Tor 11111,-*lball.~ll ood loto, lawn eldr•ood3ddally sal parcluod bY Nil Age 10•4 111 .4% odd asiokiad tbobeldompsapirlyduid,W rod , sr AftztEaommt_o&lbo dity, - 4011 glati•OS 1 0 . 0 14: 0 1P AM. 41hosualevuni•triewi IA toe ptlwopent*lldi ibis" be msibalbr lbsesst isA °°l.l/011,110,11100061* =l , lfitAbsziviLi.. 4'— •••,•'','.--,;:,--pfr•F•••::---':;• -, ~ ,T,_,' r - -, f,"•- , ' - -- i ^,--- - oNfr .-•,_:,,,„•_,:._.:A/1100131111 e - • • .;••••,,:•,•:- 4=4; ii lei* it 'ollol k*hifit a Jld lll,lo. 4 rn i", Ammo topilliirskst 18 1= 4 " . tom... gnalkalls Om= 1 Nos IzOileilimielka si 1114_11,Apia de - _ Die me v s, I etd "troMi l iV a inna sismal!vi , i P jetkOihd -•-', - , ' -e; , - - , ' ,vul.L.4 I.IIIGA rittlat o $ •- LOl4 tinnucTs sums, MIM9 ~dcatiouat~.s~ ~: