_ I, ,-, -,---," ---7,,, , ~..71,, , :,,- L -;--- '--,-,--.-.i- -, ..,-.^- .--,.., .. ie'r,--:e74:-k A ,,,,,., r ,A ' - : 4::- -. M. , -'" 2 *:. -1, - ,.- - - ,-' *7l lp. ~: r"" 3 " ' ~ 1 1..'s ' -t. ..97,P k' 7 :- ',''' --:' 4 ' --` r' :': - — 7 7 - 1 r7f::!.. ,. .,r,', ',', ; , , -- t4 - t „C ~..-?; - - ' 7." .: l''''' ;1..t.11,7-..,9r...1,,,,1,,i.54.", , i ,-,4, z A t -41= ANI - ;. ,- .WfitE:= 4 7; .., '• ,:•.,::', - ,':.{,i: -,'„ : rt . ' ~$,-/,'-'..".: ' - -:::- ---. ' '':' - ' ''.. --- ' - ''' ''''V.‘ ' '' 7'. ), ,.T, , ~,..W' : :l, - . 4 4,- s • -•-s--...-q-I'4 '" )--, : -1 " 144 ' , • 7 4,t e - - -*'.., - ,.‘"Jr ~ 11 ' ,-., '''.. '' - .' -- ;,::_•q,,,'',..Y•' -, f' -- -`, - 1 'S- .. - 4: 2 ,4, 1 A, -- 7, - ...i1r" - ''..., -,-7 •2 4 ;' 4 :,'''' .2 -- 7.'"'-1.., ,, - .4: - . - '- - Z. , , - - -- ,-.'1.:- - j- J. • '.,..!.. ,-, 4 - : 'A: - 1-; f- '.rts ;- f. -- '':.„,.,, Vo - - - L 7 r- ‘; - - ' ---1. , -- ' ~.- ~.-.. `L• 'f- --- ' ' A.: , '.,_ . t , ...ik-' 41 z., `" ' .;-;.:.:. t - -. If ..-,... •-•-t,,,z--7,!2i.,=.4 1 , --:,'-`,, ''''' . L Pt' 'r , `' r --*----- V;:t l 'S.- :: 1.% , tit . 0 7 1, 4 uoutu. 011 I . l ' o 1, 4 4 " 1 "'• . 0 11 I'S ers I it 4 0 .: 04 -11 ".. op*" JlWYketregl, Hear s.I4F. . i tar id a g and zirsiii4s -_ swa . up . . the • r itiiteihifole• the teateat - - num •• . 13o.e#•••?..;-• • za,.....5 0 pet vap.l43 11,17193C4. .1"-Nnelown . ra u peit nto to &UMW*, at. ei gatittes—it from . WOW% • Satin—Platte wits, $2 t..m" lea • tea ea !L • Or WM., at Meant*. • n AVM a3LII • przre333 - 171% . 451 : 7x.... - •,„ , ': I4EDITESEikr HORNING, OCT.- 9, ,1861. ,i.,;-",' , -, ' i :..Con! Sinittgam. - . „.,;•.' -Otte responsibility, hes . oertaloly -been ,T,'• • • . : - •;-'` thrown ,upon Clenersi.premont which he :Alttete-did and never can be to ',.",•;,•,,,--: ' sesame, -We -meats -that ot, maintalolog ' - ` % -Colonel Utilltien in the neeltton which - he undertook to held at :Ltzlogton.. He had but some. , thousand. two thound troops ,onder his ~_,•,,, - fir:•-• - • -, - "cososand, aid whh such a force he' TOR' ki ::. ' tared to makes Mend, andinalnlain'hlmeelf !'•',.,-• "--).-": lii a peliftioi MUGU was M' tenable In the to --- ,- . • preemies of an enemy so superior in sum. •,, . 4 - :,;,..'5.. ' bore to ?doe's 'lvy. ' Per this 'mleaslionle g4.;t-, lion Of hie resources W/ certainly , bate no 4•12 44.1. -;rliiiio Of bleie to uttei. Though more con . ;, - ;i , ; - ;itintsimate generalthlp, we freely admit, t '‘,,• ,- .:.., . _ , w0u1d, by crossing tha Missouri Baer, hats ;,,,,,,, avoided such en *soot:tate altogether; yet .-- - the gallant determilistion of Mulligan so :.1 .-- •;. " nearly achieved the impossibility he under. • - k. .. 1,- : - '7! tiel,,that• hi were - .a tag, and , !man lig ' t:'•.. " ”="; `;A joritio indeed, who would - not more incline to 0, 4 7-",„.- tippland the .heroism than to' bedsore the "-; - abstegt rift/sloe daring of the,sot. 4 ?.. - :- -- •""- 4 - - But in order to be just to the oommand ttr '',-,•:, -- _. . , _ ty1,..!4,:,;,. ' tat -general, it Is necessary to rade.* the o.;! . 'f.';. 'olrobaistanoes.. under which Colonel Multi , •,• ,A..:.., „pa inidesteot ao .dcfend that position at i ' i:• * ,"-.-:;;• - :: 2•"lisUiglatiengelbet theoxerblielmingsoperi t-.;,-,-,7,:esdir it Mae* force. We lintiehe Jefier k,;j" .•' - _: , :,<, - ;aolt Oily ietresposident of the Chloago 'rei n- '.c r ' - itseedoes this,Sid enumerate. some of Ate t'W: R l - ........ - - ' ••=plalate'shio• mi l itary critics have aide against Colonel Mulligan, as follows: ,""Why did sot Mulligan cross the river .4-::yi . .,i - iij:t:lthen his learned that Price was marching it.,,,ei-, , ;!•••npoef'itlin with arsewtielming forces? :lite ~..".s ' !;`- , "[::., ''Xiotitia - informed Dim, - several days before O r , s,l,..'"'+' , ' , ..•:i r. ., Oil siege coointsnoed; that Price, Hereto, „iV.7 - ..g . ''',- , ..'. - ' , Green, Black, Bain, and other losurient - 4'47,1 , 1 -- -' : chiefs, had -combined their clans and were "4", - .•....,';' , "...loving towards Lexington. - .Price halted „ „gi.: '-•'' some days at-Warrensburg, thirty miles .„.,' - ' - •;;;- 9- South ot Lexiogtoo, to collect his "roving 7•••-'' - . .: binds together. The advance .guard of i , „.„_:•..fti.:"r - ; [Price' • army, under General Harris, three ki':".",.- , ,t2.: - ..; - • thousand strong , made their appeerance on ''.,-,,.-,-".„--- the evening of September 11th, and ii shsrp ;! ; ,:.battle ; was fought that evening between . F . ,„:".•;:;•;_".. - . , ': theca and Menhali's the Tide. ,„? - If :.: Utah Missouri regiment,tw o miles south t•t" , : l if..l:-• ',. of 2dulligen't- .intrenobotente, in which the loyal troops had the advantege. Next ...-,;,..••.-•,'",'-., tday. Price arrived 'with fifteen thousand L5ee,.,, ,, ,,,,.._........5ad when the elege ended the rebels ''''. 4 . - ':' - • had ''swollerk to over thirty iffouestid. ....;•",,."-•.: ---- It teems streogethat Mulligan did not for l'ol,,Zll ' 'as. that Its" siesinboate must 'immediately_ be minced and his supply of water out off ec,,.2..,e.,..'..;::.....avi5vir the enemy strived to strong faros t• . ; „.•,•: - ,t - - - -;, ,-- ; : . His boats were moored where they were be -, pond tho protection of hie guns. They were 4 - '''"' • _quietly taken &fief little or oo rteistanee. '' ''::-., :. - f-;....1-.. - ' :ills fairest scion the river was then cat Off, ... -.t•,• - • sad any reinforcements that might &Tanen 1 : : : • ' the opposite bank could sander him no as. :,-.i.t, - 1; ":.": ' statuses. No help from, the north side of '":' , s-•.?", ,---- the river was praotiosble after the (eptant tt ,- '. - - 'at klinuprotected attempts. Nor could he -",..t.k'.:'"' ; " '. beep the retitle out of . Lexington. They' t"..1..it,1 : -..4.: interlised into the town as soon ae , they came ' 1!.? . , - .k';','• .. - lii eight of hfie we•rite. Again, one quarter 1 Z.!• - 1 - t.,•=';- of his force consisted of cavalry, 'datlttite „"- ; ;t . ..•,. :et oghtnea and armed 'with horse pistols .Y ,:.5.1r• - _-:;.•_' sad - iwords, and consequently were unlit !'." 4 .. : . - 7-...' so' :defend entretiohmenta, except in aims 4`-'.7i.i,.„'-`-4-Sigliting.': Tit .captains of the . cavalry .7 7. , foresaw the trap into which they were about ~.,.."••••,:-•-'..- -.fallteg; tied seven of - them laid the matter 1 -- . - ,ci•.:' • r•- , before-Colonel Marshall, and - urged him to ,- - (,' , -;,;_ - - - • •- obtain triers for theirtraosporistion somas .„..p.; - ,,!,',•" :the river—et leant to have their - hones seta ~,.„.',,, , 51•1tt•- " ,,, - Deer andleft in charge of a detail. Bat no ~4 . - .; ,-' ' attention was p a id to this - timely advice. „..i . • - -I r -,17 .. '?;.; ...:Afterwards 00 implored bluebell to let - 0:.‘•';" - •• :,,,, - .them mount the men and charge upoulho ~,:: rebels, break through their ranks and atMe p.:i'i:t. , i;::, atleist the bulk of the regiment; but hers „--t*:--.4 "..•.-- filmed either to lead or follow them, and the •I's - '7f - .--;:•-': mule lir knower lied Colonel Mulligan "Iktr-i . , - ",t evacuated his traiohee and taken position 'l% , ;';'.- AO °the other lido of the Missouri, Price ”" - t - -.-.....c0u1d not- have surrounded him. He could - : .- bste - retrested north or west, aud for Med a ~1 • ..,..„jonatiou wilt Gummi Sturgia'::troops, and '4 , : ` ' jrtitiother treops under General Pope:. The 4..” whole matter may be. summed up in n short ~...„,, ' - etateneet It is certain that be fought vet, '- i .: - .._ ?" . :' : ', 4111 Pe! hart. hti planned 6 adty ." ~. . ...".i:"...•. `-‘"ltie idadistion 'phial ills been so lathier. , '." - i - ,:e_`;'• estlifejt forth! heroic . stand made bribe -,-., ,;Afar, Colonel Mulligan, has hlttierto, for the moat part, indisposed ell of us he; ex -47.,.,amine very olintelyths question whatitee his ,-• decision to make a steed there and thee, • •'.•., Was one that in Itself could claim to be ap _f__±'..4bittiled or otherwise, when Vail eye of soil. ....:: ~ Itazy criticlsm 'shall survey the whole pod -,-lion. The hapetuosliy which was 'so ;- - •.T.' ~ spleadid, ao, admirable, in a Mad, and ~1- --• :- ' .:"., - vkioh above all other qualittes made him, 68:i " r •, - ;. -: '•••.‘tAii the estimation of Nepoleat, the first r..:1"--•.7,7eavalry other to the worici.:..this - very tin. ;"',-,..::- potuoelly Itself was frequently a dot:it/one ". , ... , •L‘-'-defetet in the character of Murat, end to - ' ' deed Would lave alwsys teen so, had the - - soprano command in -the - field devedved i- - .• ::: -upon him. - Bat though as i splendid•defeot • • • ,•it, stamped the character of his . gettspilstilp, tiIF - , 7 •„,,•• •- . -, itid'illeekiallhed him to hold the_teieitien of ?,:i -•;••'' nostmeaderin- chief, yet ander NaPoleon, F - t, _ ,mito% *Blotr more distleguished, more'bril. ...-:•;.-" thistly suaottefal, than Josohtin Murat 1 - •••,tr,' , ,• . • The same qualities which were so ,00n -".--t'aplocioui la this gritst o ffi cer, seem to shine with n 0 faint lustre in the harp of Lexior: .•• ton. Bat the same , defeat, which lo getter. ...'i-iiity ie olciseliintetWoven !fhb those ,very - -:-. 4 . - •fr'igentlitise also meolfeete Itself. - pf shill, IN ‘ t : ; - . 2..t:-ptiOi. there cite Sashay. be room for a ~ '---•-, ??,, 4100 4 Inasmuch .ss the Isola Stated in the -.••--;' . .t•,tabove extract- ere oorrOborated•by, other ".. , :•itrietimopy, and In the main may be - oat down - -: as iliantroveilltla. ., ~ , Maturity. if intelligence hem Kesdetky, say? the " Thai Graertte, dote not to:Motto eny , ° l l " l o lDo o to . p: . ,:f u i n ha eu rebe th la n for m ipa ly m i ed u l e a u t d e I sioirnuiColumberr trot rather for looking out from Virehope that's prompt ht d 44451"" ' byou r • ' poi - mill be ,a4.."4'b`,1••• of that protracted — brief in dist Bum, 'ROM don width dinnallutibeg ' 'll t4lB-1 * 41 ! 4" i°lc d In We war a • a s s is t. I t is UM* that we be of mkt( a doing and element generalship weiung ter superior number', 1:1'.°'411114114 poreteeprilltatogiand we have as 140 a tbst Gen. wh ° l : 2 l male: ! f :• -7-41. ths. U1 bell* ai l Gmu. ai r G ie r the man t o to gager "211111114 iw•w a fe ' ecter. We knee 1 . 4 • 6 g something a little t s la action. A- ndommt , to 1-ricwout ' 4 A -3 . 1 " 111°11 BreWl* b° l tketto he - re . 4ari t,,,d a bargb,thstwo u ld = ukineJ Bogor , boom sd• o rg en t ac ky and take ". / dna to I" , rs -1- 4 ,. t h e war. A d • • + -4 • 1 , 4 ' • k„::::`.21. it aim ettfittli ate In Taunts,. Thy LT:n.l,lll* correerondetit of the twe,- anti Ti' il trays : The loyal men of Tenht.e* ere beteg de. moralised, trampled in the duet. Gate intelli gence from East Tennessee enows the condi ditiou of the patriots of the MOUlltat[ll to he indeed must aeploreble. Day atter day they are arrested iu large numbers by the war dogs of ZliliC3llar, end the civil midior• of. Haim, dragged hetore a Confederate judge, arid if they oil not for swear their coda ere they ate cast into prienn or driven from the State. Tee - other day, -iiittnor "miry Union men were brought tato Knoxville, arrested in various- parts of Emit renames. Fate the Confederate judge was constrained to riblike .the mud tyranny of the maniocs of Edlteoffer and Harris, Not a ' desen of al! wise - had absolutely done enough to alike,out any color of charge opne. 'Not, loug cued Y. Dickinson, Krq., Of Knolvilley-passed &rough thin city - on his way home. He had- voted against separationann against the permanent coestitution. Leivieg home about the 121 h day of August, hq hid obtained apm from Gov. Harrisoelong him • where it was going. and proceeded to New Yotk and Boston. At the latter place be found some' of hie old - friend", sailed •on the bay, fished and ate chowder, es wee his custom to I deys of yore. Returning to his home in per baps a month from the time of hts.departures he-was seised and analgued before the per. Jared JudgeHumphrey', and required to take en oath to suppOrt the rebellion. This Mr. Dickinson manfully relased to dO, delivering & short address to the court. linkad resided in Knoxville thirty years. • There be bad made his fortune, and there were interred the bodice of Wit 'relation". Ile had obeyed the law. -of his country, lied had not even offered any resistance to the rebel!. loaf nor was he counseling others so to do, but peaceably puriniug his usual avocation. Toffs man, this high-toned gentleman and honors. bletpetrlot, was required bye perjured Sedge _to enter into bondsan the sum tar $lO 000 for his good belinefor, and leave the bounds of de- Cerois within"' low as au alias enemy. The Confederate troops have been career leg over the people of the loyal town of Eno'. elite, sow for months, intuiting -them in their brital ignorancei abusing their women and children, and murdering-tittle to a copy of Brownian , " Whir, which has founds. way to this place, I notice the advertisement of poor widow, for theists of her house. -Her husband 'was shot by a Conftderets captain.- He was a hard working man, nod it bold Union man. He bed, the day before, hoisted the flag of his country on a polo, at a street cor ner-near by his awaiting. For this offense he was sat upon by two ruf fians, fired upon some half dim times with revolvers, and wounded. He ran into his house, where, seising a gun, he put hit cowardly es 'silents to eight. The nen dey his murderer posted himself in the attic et a house nearby, and espying his victim through The window. shot him, tasting a mortal wound. The nest Spy one of these ratite was promoted to a major's comonssion, and the other a cap taincy. They ire in_Col. Vaughn's regiment ot Tennessee 401{113tOtriti lately, and prologs now, in Virginia, near Manassas. Thoisfair occurred before Tenneme "seceded,. ',The widow. Is now endeavoring to sell her little home and get away. from the sight cf anch fiends. As 'normative of the base Ignorance and la. naticism of these brutal soldiers, 1 will give you another incident of recent occurrence in the name town. In former times,'when pence and prayer meatless prevailedrn the land,lhe good people of 'U4)111.110, of-Taboo , dermal nation., were wont to &rumble together in one place to worship God; snit 'over the door or the-house which they used for the purpose they placed the sign, in nest gjt letters, .Union Prayer Meetings.. The other day two of the ignorant soldiery, ado quartered 'mere, being of the "flower of the youth" of Mississippi, tore - down the 'lse, and broke it pieces. Being remonstrated with, by a minister who happened to be pass -leg, they swore vehemently that .ao damned Union sign should stay up" in their presence. Such is the rale to which the people or Ten nessee are subjected. • The Prospect to efiseourt. Daring the last three or four days the moat tuttaordluaty activity has prevailed to the iraniportation of um and arty supplies Wll%- ward,. to. These bad accumulated to greet numbers rod qnotitis at Jet/arson City, and tatter confusion prevailed' . steamboats ly ing at the wharf unloaded; the three piled in the specest disorder with the vasiona deteriptions of freight; Arens of core impeded by Irregular, ities ct arrivals and drpattartif, and the lark of help to loaf sad unload them; troop. lylog and lounging around the depot in the most uncona• Portable and dLheattealog,manuer for wait- of maseportation. 'Oa ,he snivel of General Pte. moot a work of great lab - t and embstrisiment lay Were him;: but brhoginst - to his aid the skill and thorough resale* ouslifee of Guaira! Mo: nutty, In a few dip eider via croktd - out of ahem, the freight and troopi began to. more off with regularity, and dispateS; allude and men muted to be lensed with a new epitit of Meer; fathers, and the grand forward sacrament mg be sold to be fully under way. From this en. eoureging condition aching@ wo are led to the cionelation that by the flat of eels week the Federal andel Will be moving from Sedalia townds,Lestegton. li If anticipated in tome stainers that our advance forces will be mat by General Price at or near Warrensburg, put the more reasonable conclusion would seemto be that the rebels would mike their only stend at Leetegton, where they are now welt farts fed, and ethers they eau doubtless make their best AOC- If ere ereto credit the =More that teach u., McCulloch is tasking a strong effort to join Prices tees body, nod so for as we can lelare, - GentreLFteraont will interpose no se. noes objeetion to such a junction. In follow ing this course Glottal Fremont:would un doubtedly conform to the wither aisle labor; dilate oficerssed their Men', whosSchief de sire noels to ha to get the rebels into Abe largest body they can muster and tben, give them a strong Gest, with odds of even two to treneeeplest them. , Agentleman of close oh ion who tots freely intermingled with the troops u for the past Week, UNTO us - that they are eatheelattic to a woadeffel degree; hare conOdence in theft tommandtsg diens, bare 'a jest appreciation of the superiority of their means of fighting, and only ask to be led forward.- AU these thins ,stigar wall for General Fit. moatamd the counnyli precious eausc—Et. Rsotwor Tams or A Ilar.arion rtx Vszonna.—The following extract is from • stray copy'of the Wchmond Impairer of Eeptember 2l : "It seems to us that aliens shou'd now be required to take the oath of allegiance to our government, and that the samerteat of loyalty might very Judiciously be ap plkd to those among us who are known to have voted, a few brief months ago, siiahist' the tatilication of the ordinance of seats= iou. Many dour wealthy men opposed isecession to the last, and may be still, op. posed to separation and dotal:ern Inds peudenco. If this class be Dot attended to, and if, by one of the v foissitudes incident to war, the enemy should happen, , for hostemr. er hide season, to approach the capital, we might at least have the spectacle of another nucleus of "reconstructionistar They would come out of their holes" and offer protection to the fearful, or attempt to intimidate the timid pon.combatanut We should provide for ovary contingency, and all who are not friends are enemies." In thew: admhdons and suggestions we hue anueinsight into the inherent rot ienness of the secession cause in Virginia. 'l be secessionists there appear to be haul ly less afraid of their own people than of at least a "temporary' , approach of the United_ States army towards Richmond. Enid:oiling Enlistments. The matter of controlling the eetistment of MOO to Making conticterable - The onn ernmeot watts the troop!, ad the (inventors of the States itant to Sob the arming, equiYythy„ Lo. The men itptitati. choosing between , thus two stools, end eo the Intuits do not come for. lard.- 'Aliens more time will .M given to - the OCIVIII3Ota to get troop. forward, and ttton" the Government will ' return to the system that him:3kt forward the man so raptdl, after the, battle, of Bell Rao. It welt amept compatiliss Ind reghisate (Broody, without, - the ottani:do: 'Cation and" distraetion of the titans - Interpol]. ' Iled' the 'Goverattitnt 'tater departed ftesithle system, washoold have Dow at toast , 21014100 setni mon in the dad, sad the 'Oseenr= zneucAtveritasted men' atom than it:ditios now. As. Lori', O. T.—Clem:rat Mowry, tad two. or three other dlatiniatsbul military mops kit thlt altYlby the Ohio and lalnimiopt train tbU I waulag. Usti abiatinetlos lesalmewm ~• Cbswei Leeson femme Xlperessea: Of the Whiostloo 'bleb is td saki Levy ponple, a portion will be girminl our mill- • tary leiders,but. thief -fourth. will bre.nstilled by the enemy. ;Tbe actsOunters of the battle field will teach "etsidiness And eourage=aur prices will touts station. • The capture of the golional propeller Fanny, io Pimlico Bound, shows mach is to learned la lbw last partials. lar. The little vissel—hoptiftestll seined and (tarrying a small body of totapidenocd,sclftlars —wee cruising shout those waters, as if every inlet, Bud tributary, and wave, Indeed were in the possession - of Union forces, and the rebels wholly Atermiested. Yet &moot* Island wu known to be thronged with hostile troops; It Was known that numerous armed vessels were anchtWod there,' ready to pursneany offired prey; and it was hardly possible that the op pOrtunity of recruiting their flotilla by the ad dition of the Fanny would be foregone by the insurgents. Tbese'cousideradons, which should. have imposed Guidon, required the actual lose or the little vineel - to reinforce them, and at this 001 t wit-bare probably saved ouenives from a display of. foolish hardihood which might come infinitely dearen—N.T.' ?ism Attains ft otitis airo l tiiix.- - 10 ...ill.. GUARD. or Alt Mtn? oalarrrr,s. 1 th, Home Guard Companies having telled to Wars the rutted Flares Tlet•lwck Muskets end Inures Terry Wars Junta return them before BATURDLY. lib tc•t.. other. • et. the bonds plated wl.b me will ba •bsodad toad ettareey. with teirtrodiutts to proceed eoltiet the Cip . talso Sl2 • J►Mse PAWL la., Oberman of Dominates on ann. arNat -VITT AWIALLAIRY WAYTP: 30 experlenrai TOOROStaII, .13 Seddon and Harem Meters, t.teilenh AOKI ood mem can epply to '-',T. MMtP. aemtdifas fifth street. sewed soon .4-.I I LIQUNNN N 7.013AVE8. '1 his 460. am:epoxy. acne Is camp, requires a biertecee roans, active, men. ot sober habit., to da op MI mate. 14 Is attached to the imagrixoin Bata somas, soiropted le MI. Shwa Salta., tegiatent. Perowe frefeniug the ZOl3ll Data es asa do better than brjeiniatt Varmints,: Isiasdistidy al city Ben, Idarliet street..evl4.3trad ABl lol ‘ NW' U-it t, RB a U FOB -.TUE, AtiTIL -I.asy I I—Tbe fine WM Gone banging to the Wort Pitt Artillery hate beta presented to tioL Grereallwelmebt. _The undeidened Is detailed by CE.l.oewry to rain Arttikry Compley to be atttohed loth.* TeWaty- Eighth essiment P.. 9. weaty.llre howl nets now bare a splendid • domes to Jots site beet arm of the service. Boots web at 76 Mat street, maid Awry. 7. IL SNAP, Pint tlienteeent Zeit P. 'V, .1103101ENT PA. TowsTitaa.• eoLom Ammon BATS ovrtio . 2 NO. 84 • poOSTB BTLIIINT Some more men are wanted to dlf up the tants of some of the compenhat of tide Regiment, , now et Weablagton. Ploy of limo who pow eullat wilt C 0610211401 heat the woe Vine u tor times who drat juiced tide Ree-, matt. Boardlast until the time of 'dunes and taco► variation to Waahiatton well be provided, on eppitree tion at 6i "earth skeet: 6.11:110R0 A ti,Ltont. doll 63d Reg• re 26 dif Regimental Rearalttna Othae. V. B. Azmy.--"Tiatk MEN, WANTED IMMEDIATELY! OCR * ALIA'n RZGOUIRT VAL CAVALRY, mama or BERME ONLY maze YEAR& . • Idenjotning We argicount sill be UNIFOLVID as woe as calmed. . She biabeet Home and noutpmeute, t.loth's& nutribtence, Ps7 Or month In the serrtce..._ Qesrters, Poet arta Medan] attendance free of chary. :."1. $1 0 0 BOUNTY! A.dvanoement open to al for farther ;articulate apply' at the Rarattang OfEcr, NATIONAL NOTIL, W.t.rrrea, orAr Emlth• fteld, Pittsburgh, Ps. EMU B. NAT Oeptelo, Elzth Uratrarat 13.5. Caysk7. ealaratf Nu:rotting Ofneer Unennuassue to Sitrternon ISM Sas- U.S. les - • - Sittsbureb, September Thl, 1861. fr - elre - the Young Men of Ntr, itt.re P•siasyliwamarse4 •rn gilitiseto recruit Wet - bird Ehttation of the Mb itraLTent U. O. Infantry in Votieryffeebs nano. appeal to rut to show your patriotism. by Mating the sot rice Igloos couutry In thislitiewasamtwris to combs of. 1.402 min. The pay to from lit to ISt . per mouth, with abat:lent food. clothing and latter . . C 114410. Every so*itler of the Boggle Low? to entltied, be. ol.te penskw, It diglblittl, sod 113UNT? Of ONS 11UCIUSILD DOLLUBS. lamli c ks?bly dinharged, to sizentetebte mppott it ambled. in the soldiere! homes. esestehned ty the garmissent. • Immediate penverion" worn for meanie mum, 'ressipments, ra'acie and treneportati , n for MI who Mu ltl Ornethird of the CeseCany Miters will be bash Rom the nuts.. No bett:raportunity is offered to. spirited young men for treat meat; and • fidr chance In promcCIAC For MU tutor:Rattan eipply 1013 Sin SUSLISSIettIth as the Benciessint, N 0.64 Youth sc 'toga, _ Major Beg. U. S. Intioury. " A ~ FEW MORE •RECIEUITB mental to All the Tanks of the ITHIObf 141 MS, antler Oept. THOS.'S. BOSH. ThoOompeoy will be olbirred so moon le one pl‘tsty °trollied, sod will l ea into meta re down IMAM". esolory 1.1 ater7 or Mabee Ha. wbwe t win IMP wilt be torollol fors few days Wows. smatal THOllain M. MASH. Osjiain *otUCti. Ur Di EAV 000 8 are cow oFoolog a gho!ba_lo(of IiEW VOODB, comprising all flo LATIUM . VIM lo D 11,11211 QCODS, OliAwasrporsracts. a 4., Ito whkh wo sorpootfolly Lotto gto Moiled of our mama' , Iliad the public generally. BSA 11. WHIST &_OO4 octintdo _ No. IS 711th street- Atto C APTAINS OR LIZOTZNANIB, FOULING COMP/ Slll4 Y!' oy. Tam WA*. -Would do wall to call nevi Watt Yate s .ad. Hand. ol . . . W. 8. HAVEN, No. 84 Thlid ,Wan' Is prepared pi mad or inia, !climatal. te - :be deer In, v5..14-crw aoLovis, le attract •PUlt UINOINNATI, • LOU. MMUS AND AT. 1.01.11A , ..1he nue.steamer W. 1. WA 3LIT. 040, Uourree,, Arno tar the above and en Jaime&late pOthl. on TAWAS! DAT st 4 o'dlock. ,or it4lo4_ Or. Vie 11&• opply 90 DITT6I3 RGUL UON NELIAVIi.LZBAILROAD TDe'ltlPttBs' PANNING Et 'Math Ind Imm Company's NSW corner' or Hod abd Brnelouriggs strata, co THORSOI,II,st ago S. lc— Notice trill tie given of the CORDMlriiiilisileut of instant briCafila at the list All (WWI, %blab will be 11031.11 4. lI.BLACENTIitig, , eine wash. ook2t4ai ' Plipalaten • ponons haring 01Am • R oomth; to 0 I'ARA. DInAtI ute beret ,',alined to pl2lBot. 101 Ileld0010 1 1t: ea th e hale of 1.1103111.8 EMIL CO Pint ettase,l"bera the sabscritionosi - 710914 RRI;-Alt01101: W .641 VEks & cA,'ktisoN_otza ga natorr, Prrrnuaaa. ` Potties dtalttni to »ll oi borchtto 01141 ci any dotortptlott ors tott • • . • . i:=EUMI:US::L%I • AVY lIMPARTtftlfr, .. Sumo 05 Oillat*lptcli, 4a,; Oct. 51 .1181. 1011tROPUOALS - Will be reeelved-MM . 5 1. • Serowe neat the US. Of OCT +llsll, for the e.. Ina? of 400,000 lomat of the Belt quathr.lllllllll - ittGOT (mesa at the Weehlegma Italy 144 maloas to the Detests.* tut' - and IzsPOWIDU of the proper ctrbera of Us 7.r6 Natalie to he wife et .itrersteot 100A0 panda irra7 tee de:* fro= ths dote of notlflosslou of the.x.pt.tw of the polo ottpulter, et the option of the rtattuttiloll. Tte iris:tator ateeteyante4 by the =GM gruaintre Oast rdift the en will be omitted. - toltfitsod .SWZ&TL'OTATOZS--60 bble.' stu sihrsot : Yotslora Pp! 'warred aid for Ws by JAILao -flotaiablarkas sod /rat stmts. UM I'AOIUAG AND ,1101 X —A 1,.,11 rt,ok goner on hind at Id esti 98 Et (...rettnt. - J. 1.1311.411 V. I.IIULTLNU t BiLTlDiti 1 I —:Leather AuP.sotitata Signas two ost ham tit se ems si.4pvitapot. 0 0 * J.* g• Pamir% 7-444 - " ST. N[CHOL&S HOTEL, Broadwiy, New York,. Boar&Reduced - to $t Per Day. . S . • EOPSNIN3 oft /47ta,ttot • !,? natl.to is:4,it.tru .teco,i?.!ipas!•• otolosio, of %to K opilotors to ellie it thaaatataunifo." homy; topesultztand tea end at?sn;re c u this ol*Qt it : el44#tsci . Ani sttataTeer h nem& almtulttiti to the comfort of 14 veins the.! have siadeseorcd,alttc; Out regard to 'eOst. to proside. llZet 10 Celeshille, all the ' elements of Individual aid Ii a - c101 1 : 11,1 4 whir* modcrecart has loveclAW; sad toialein tostmapprovet . and the pscronsge !blots ft bee c0MP: 1, ....P 4 • /Fin . the put six Jeanie a gratyylne proof that thalref.' fortehasa been ann - eclated , To meet the exlsuclos Of the Ulnas. gatiflslillars' ragolred to pram'oe the most rigid gpenoml, the on. nignett hsvo • ftednaed the Moe of Board to Two Dollars per Day, .at: the awe time ablUag star, of the taxurteamtitt. whtch their table hes hitherto beep abpplled. : . 4BaaDR ELL. NO:ItTOOMB i 00 oe&Sald 0 YOUR OWN PAINTING! • 000LSITSOLDINET PZINTING °VIM!. Deigned for Printaa, Bestioneti, Druggists, Merchants, e roams, Daub..., /spawns, the Army and Puy. to. She Pretest nil offer tar tale aunt • New Pattern; are the' Aspired and aeronaut end but made of soy cheep Wausau insetted, sod iiry. cup) let spoon spso cart be optratsd by any one, whether Opt* cr not, and ars veld it prices hitherto unheard of, that is to isay at abcut 02.11P1 Mall the' prlcsof Job Preens crow In we. Thu Cabinet, (apon.which the Pniseesuanda are connoted of scull Cases, out. t) and strongly put Upraise', arid be compactimes sad ninvenitnite have peter been egnslint. 041 sad ei. =hip or sand for circulars, {lung ids* fieleekbis ; e WcILSY • CO. - No-t-sirtae...t,..t. EN W WV , I-0.114 , 1 . .Eilha w. ..N.1,14,11.). ..I.IIIESc. WATI', . ckbrue'r W roan mitt fat. Ofor gas. Iteop.Oully Witte. y 4611.) ittvution SU ass ,to as SPRING GOODS. ciintrbdpg all the tiratat styles of l'uttlotablo Notarial adapted tOtGINTLIY MIN'S Witalt, folk Moe as early call, gaff trttitin. In his ability br exhibit to those fsvortry film with tbo maw a stork or, new hootit "nal to any to ttdt etty, attbsoi resort to tha aid of WI DUOS adve 7da rt* Waits. • - mhS INDISPENSA.BLE. - Shs6undr