The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 04, 1861, Image 4

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86 /
, - 4 1
,examotti,.t, • ,
_,rreultmeorpt,s l s4PC7 wig
Wool iissaV pers,vmms derddrier tar;
Arsib tett* Ombra rat of mammon num , •
lb - axiom eadmoiirrat sib rotten's:ter: “- • • -
I"4l l o4obrAbru prbrieb l, edl bu *ord. tharbb tbu,
nem &We, lbw nig* visas. Br Prot
TS* Ltd dub* rim thus, and d • dr , c l 2ruil
Tanurbus du sbraltbily to bur.. • ^ '
.-'lPll.ll l OlOa trod% Mad dot Mad int atria: •
(Mt blur 4wsk gram du trail Korth-west,
Gulf; or,,nks:serOrt; liiek •
iLdrbdua tobir upper 'RANO. , _
Sub bird WWI o.dt propbory, oad brl4,
, Ipt Idm lardln intr ". .
• o:Sleurruswaus !COI" .WU . r.!
. would. .bemeNfor us sit In sit:.4own
- 111111eValalk Month.: and Implant;*hat
siothelsamtstained fmta.with, regard - to
fa -1 W DP* , of the Whila op
-:by Ibi' liaziona ; the
Allsoll,nstnialk; we Jorget-: that; wbateser
'4lltbloil that wilt be soma .excellent et
fietiptaluatd by the collision of .the two
. issettiona.. • • :"1 • • 1,
qnita Certain tiMt the dentincit:
-sisser3s bs certain Imbemne :noose-
Toner cif tbe snags*: .Thiss
rAge eeniommationi tat .Wa: &moot yet see
• - that it-is sum to anise, Man immediate
• sequel to the war. .
Use getter. certain resulkof it, that we
ihtitdd xontintrailf remind - ...ioursedvinof, is
tail* en entire change in the...11146ns of
the tiro action trld thbip have, our
' itiAknakomma away.. Inthertirat plaoe
: States are never ciw quiet
• .-^,17-)Alaitseer. In the government. - the
-•`. ".; -tfettitry by .the , headmen , - of _ ther lilacs
times.; The North his found out; that it
'hatergot to do its share in - oontrolling :the
-affairs of ;North- America; otelethe laud
"- 'edinto a corigerice of whiter alave_Jsfataa,
Again, supposing - ia we have Indiana
- polo* 'to, that the': Government will re
}c_ gld is ascondenoy aver the 'whole of the
• • ultritory which owes allegiance to either
the fibutherit atkusldu have to be held ss
•:.'eorepored'irovinces, br,' mill piobably
7. 1 thecae; - an. entirely dilferent set of
fnefi will become , the • popular leidore of
the , Southern people ; who, seeing into
what truible the conceit ed blusterers now
at their helm; have bieught it
'i •'`Weirld'seenr; invite those, outherners who
• bele - been - -prominent in • : striving to atsy
the fietesidon folly to guide-them • tiered.
"ten! ‘lndeed, thereat that'more heat been
!drawl within , the last knit , months than
• - withinthe twenty - years 'previous to get
• "impplies - of cotton for _ Europe. -from new
karate's, is likely to have the effeet of bring
ing'die sane portion of the rebels to tare'
this step in I hurry; for `they will see that
• iiiery month of the blockade caste
-er terrible shaddow,over their commercial
ProsPoPio• •
One of - the most pleasing of the changes
anti to result from the war is,
'death' of Northern' deughfauriam, or,
at leiet, its almost - totarsiippiession. The
appearances are that the • present genera
' 'tion of Southerners are going to be either,
•ilf - "a whole, the good friends :or ' the
• •iiidecte of the North. 'lf they are to be
' -amour gout hiends,,doughfachig on the part
'• , or hiratite:Mrs - will not "here money
'bi it ritual if 'they are to he iStcr subjects,
it' 1 11111 11 ;it -except for a few small tot--
- . '--._..The'ceetainiasolts of the shingle are
' indeed/ very' few. The ' very - eoutio4
might say that the only one was express
' ed In the vague sentence—Avast change
in the mutual reaations of ther notions-is
-to occur. Even this universally expected
result is a large and good enough one to
Make stand - still, occasionally, to
ponder upon it with pleasure ; for surely
the change could not be for the worse.--
'Pak 13ulletin. . ' . ,
Jammu* . rue Itora.—The Media:!
Wins states that a whipping affair re.
sadly occurred in a Tillage np that way,
la Which, a lady was • the heroine. She
Led been invited 'to a hall by.* young man.
who took another lady, malting staecon4
.thtice. The alighted young lady was
Mean -in buggy 14, her young brother
to, thesoine of the dance, and, just at the
faithless young man was handing his
Metroul choice into the carriage to go home,
aßak attacked him with a whip and lashed
.1117t1 soundly, to the great. amusement, of
My or more persons.
ilicssioul C..........•"177.41:/ON.CIi LOSDOIf
Tut.--Pdany persons were, surprised at
the 'statement of •SeeretarySeward .In-ide
• • letter published yesterday, that the Lon
, d o n *Timer"' had not probably a cirenbo
over Alty copies in this, country.
;Upon inquiry of dealers in European papers
:we find that the
„number Is not much. under
stated, -it refers to the daily-London
nes!'.'proper. - The .Snnieg Mail,"
pabllshed trtmeekly, and containing all the
biped:ant matter:ot the ..Times, , ' eirealates
. • bete only treble that number.
Weekly ittilewditha FilhbargOlarkeis
I,POrga4 *dal Pr al 6aid51.1
T11015 . 74T, CM= 3, 1801.
. ,
' ' ' -iX.00.-• Th i'llti g notilloua s ets In in. folloWIN: liu.
' ' - are the whoiteale Wks+,
-. ''''.
••• •- ,1_,. 1 ! .'. ? m a the iSli tirllag of =sal . jai - 4ra i 0 lbly we Gi o tc. ilid l unO will tr4
advance of thaw to
~ - t • -',... - ,_ ': ?= 1 , , ,,, , zu .,,,,, t h eas spassogesal ,- ' i A 224,!. eel
.' • "-.1„, ~: , ,
.. juv0a0,....2415re 1.11Prit.5uPP15.4.4„,..,,,,ia1a0
, „ ~..; .., • .- seicarbast,
1deerew,...„:,42 as i1.6 0 .4 7 4 11 ,•,,_ • ,.- Ai t ,
. : AZ illaiPp sdet and dalt•salse Otatni , . oy* . :
•• Pal ante it'uft 404 t4 . ,,,,,,s shipments sm .
Than ta bat lasted. t
win, .
Sunett µ OO
Pbetet:-..:..........--7 .d ibia,n , c2 . 2 . o ,„ ap ,
- '- -, • - "' BIiCICIV-Vns dews
E l.. ab i i . amp, Is
mita, ' sfithent. !wilt". gess. - .5404 Vislalg
.:,......, , . :77..? - ' vices. ' 11000 ,1 60 .,, IP * e ar „ . 4. ey‘sion. -.
..-. flan inia: !ni1 4 ,.... rb . r . 1,, a lair. desaapl__ft
*:- ......„...,' . ' •-: ", 8UT111., & 41 ,.. " t a t ,. ~,,ps,l2 sa amass;
,r .1!
,`'. ..I- p e l t- .11"14 a s ; t paselteLrad o Calgb, a lb• *VP : V
7 , '7';.:' - . =,' ....: .6Aii 66 ssas ' itsr dstassilne",..a= t
..,,...„, . 2
';'.'...:: ". 11114111&-norP1,47air,4acassials77,-.7, ,
, -,, 7... -, •-ba he absebos o sena .,
, e„tu
itsoutt _ 4,.. ..,
' '''
' ' ."''''
$llQ°ll5-* "4" l't is tolkaelso ate se Mes a =
' 1'..7 "
' ''''
lii ilik r t"ri".l. Vats nom Osmoses $ 1 ,2, 0 6 1 , 1
P"-. - 61 2 , , ,1a 22 ,2 1 :16 Ntr • Basra do V3,14402.7d. - -
'- WM.11% -' - - Lt, TUBS-Tbe ticcore,pnlcee (essn. 1
''. l
'- - at bast= and New , d t.
..cdatadidoo 2222,72, aaa.rntsi, $4,10401ee.;t22221.
‘. ,•4._,...: •orm a rsamtskaa r tsalls 4 l , 2ol tai tstall ,ctittot sel it sss: miing
'' ' , lana °aligilL' ' The sway hit *Lassoed. We hats a
''''....‘ - 4 ',' ', '' .. 6 , 2 ,, --- , mi , Va r t or ,
.ot II: li. t 61 , 0% . 43 . 7 • 6ll i tls•- : dub Isla
~t ,
--*:-, ,
iim ,...-IP'! 4 ' llia ' ainum ,' '
ie. .,
,a .
s .
rta .• . ilini •
it," , -
e.. ,'''-'' .:110111506114,14,5.120,1-'ll ablbafatOPN: an, 320 , R,
~.... :..., :- • Theigi *QM . ~....,..1, Tarred Br -- ~
-, - •', .., ;-,---' SaraditoPol „, •.' „, , i 2 , 2%32102 ara,, tom In%
Taza nk IL
4 50 . SlAatal 3o 9 , as• -,
Manilla d
-p, AN 0, 1 2 1 )(0•Ale a
; ...,_ 2/41742111a-tir
No L.-;•••-•.. --"."" .-•- ' ..-11 0 P
, - u.'2.—........---...—^ t ~,b , 4 wtationi CAS
' - • --
. - ''
'..- DLIMI a SOAP-the ton* d s ,
bode etriet.lstonsna: -1.0 0 ,M •V
- . ''' retied rittrlit3 , La, sons 4%0; OA 1 a ~, :at .
tsusato. / - - t 5,„,,, a ,s owe e 0,43.40- al
..1 oko r oosa .do. e.
I • : , ,ct „. 2 , k , 4 , s o; . Rolled . to
2; ......-.'""...edsk Ta.mooderwap;l36: ..
' Anoxia le Zan ro d eo 110
tf^i4' , ' i - • • bare a mbushed, : The tonorrtna are 1110 ,
me wlda ass =nod t° Ante:
.. ~..4, Map Tit, 83'.iiii
1 ~ i 7, Li to l ib sc e n s9 aII I° i t,l i ct 1 •* - " at l i g
nals--....ev a ....„.......... 0
leg I 1 lr o l- 1/1 1...!-: a solb •
15 =- 17 0 IIO./d...... -.;. ..... __ ,
illa ‘g. .....32 0 a tra.s o ***••?"* ' 9 ‘, o:r7„
..:. -.0.----
:: .I '.. ti.0. 0 °,„,„72--"..........1,: dos_ ro.__ 900-._ _
__......;.,..;.... 14 01 0_ 1 : ca ,
' '": So. 00/16.:..... 4 $ a i t". L,./a aa ''' a ..7
i . , • 111‘100.....•• 32 a itistra.,•••?..aa % lb
~I • ;.. ~ • ",„- d ui % awl* .
• •'' ' ' . .7 a r0ake5.........380 II b „ mos ~
bmaki r„...sai
''. ~ . atbillolla a . a BasStwil 10 • 1 •••••• 11a0, '
• .. ." , a 2,,,,,„,,,0
..-.. De ..
.Ik, 2„,,,,,,,11s
.' ‘.. , 90 . - , - " -4
.- xi,i alsomk ek - D , ^ ',4:61.6660,'•
;k S r i ='~~.
.' _7iy :"`:.. ..
,:dI,Y re 1". E
r ~:,
Datim Taurr—Thewitil AMA - ad kismet for I
prim' Prardardrit , 11100.11141,60 lif bniki :, sisadm In
dotter regent sad prima Saimadiammia-5ta90.160-
• .PlaTlllol.674m.tray doll. Prinia , ems Sad at 46
ekftoisallad 1;44 4k floonli, pod CAkkas 10-
, 0/113 Prii-tai following ar• Ina wad:Minas for ;
Si 4 03.331 Pfra.-f ..ara. 13, Loeb Qs* flpaa. O 3 eta
, : s S ..... 6 s 2 s ...- SO ."
o a ci, im, a •a•
... psi.
.•. - . g - a 7.- 2 p 3 ' " NY.
i i ,
1 s . s —26 , : .. 1
soldoetto am mammy thaeount. - • ,
IliAllt-Tbna 'la bibs or ao asap to notlna In •
tbh ar.hda. TS* damand la talk Asada:Ms sehlki
altboaah , auady. bars' Indarkotia -no disalta.
Ws quota Mit t' at 6464.4 IA Nabs Tautly at 26,116.
skim and IMAM sad Pamil $l4-040,10r-ths istalda
lass* RI byrlng Wisest. My• /floor qfslet, stilt or ,
oadorml Wm from Mora st from $216 10 $447 li bbl.
GaAllf-tans gate; sins mall •Wm trona drat
hand* at 926233,and Trots atom at 2714260. .oara• is
In batter import and prima.♦an. m abuts Amur. -We.
.tiooto et 64111 41) II) 440 kibusli,-tbe tali., ftiorli tor
pilau rtatow. Wheat moanlair DU•Mbtr• d
WI, from flist kinds at 96 and 050 twkt from Mori'
lit arms lied. Hr oonanum at 465. '
,Bat ter-Thera.
be brittnila dcdo o .2asd as quota toodnally at 400 fur
a soosair4—Tb• autliskti4 'olociiiw tag until,
.44 tootutitobtt, notwubsttookg which Ida* ate
Wet) arm, and ars Mali to remain motor soma aims to
toot.: Bogle la bald dzittll 1110411/04%
_lraltalat• ea
0620-tb• tome to ootoitzr.Ccltaa,l6) , (4l7e.,.:_,
HOPS-Wes of Luton wad reported .1.1700...
.11110.10-Ocean aalsod Armand bald at To. 14) flit,
.ttot am In starker., and may be quotad ocaoloolla at
HOT -bay: tam It stale rt 4
etty'audeast prior ravens Co
could boar of no salts of bale&
Liftla-ouotompd rod doll: 'Holdba s
is in bbuisad todind - 9141 to kiwi. ok 010. for
- LLMS-onoliaswid... dales of Lbohollia at $1,511
bid. nera Li no flarakuld lime to market.
116:3 8 / 3 11 , 41sano le oonalderabla salted,' In this
artlcoa, chile prima IT. nal. r naaatthid. Bough
country 'Wittier 'la 'liras at 214 23 - - Dtarttt 30 . 111 . 3
is sootad aa folknra r.
ked BpWah dots lik.lll-...«...—.......,-;...21.5.4 -
, oasi , .
- '
Beldis 461046
inztitlaiU • sithseltco w
- Hanson 51426
• LUMBIR—TbeVis WU: or wilting, doing lo the
ini - Ttoar bosidan *Wain prices there is no *boor%
Pia (toast elegise 1.6 • large aoumt or timber tad, able* OTOona hid illmlntah the stoat c.o.
"ildsiably. and, parlay; 'dam pilot..
Ong We of 00 We VIM. af. 61 4 ,50
9 bbi.
is bat little demand 'or lard. tad we
gtiota at Tat_ for tio I au* 160 for lio 2... Orals Cis Is
In better. twitted, wbkh is bwing to tight enppl)
'ln mattes We note a tale to gay of 100 to la Ltm
Allaglisojt-Wells at 160.-hifis tattilawl.
131t6A--Wir tote coed Woe of COTO, ad $4.141
Timothy al 111,8/62.00 and 71. at $l.
goad ingalzy at $1.4 . .501,f Oil bbl too Fo
1 and Zia I lawn '
11611$1116111=dio11 and has declined. _We goateed.
9 50600 1 1 •• •
sad lower. Elvish ma) be gabled
ar be, and Rendered ad 110111 11*
. Wdol.—Thor• h but tittle amigo to nods* in the
Wool hatket shwa oar bat. The gnat bolt of too
clip Is out *tams bands. (8.06 washed owns wools
are active at pries toning tam IT to 404 tit M. hoe
wools Matt sad pricssnonatled.
WHIT igt.s—Zlem and In. steady dentand at
12". 9 tog tot pars to
an dry 90 $1 En walking
to th• =4 discount. ' lied Lead 844, net, and lA.
° a% 64$38—qtrices sr* firro, and f*Pruf
our quotations
tba man WE* city nab) a
and IA vok dzw, sl,2k 14.13 and 10z12,
Iffaa, 944 sad 10z1.4; $2,Te51413 and IWO, $313 boZ
of SO fee U-11. *rear discUunt off.
WalsKY—te quiet bat &tit at 14@lbo tor User, IT
•li. for ittoilfird, cud fir to $Z for vld itye.
1.0191821L1A--por Olara.tkaa-16 bbl. tobacco,
Wattiond t Conner:9 and 4 ht abut*,
licoPer • .ml=ooolo 'Mar, bbla
It Eabloacabbla
oat A IS bogs
dritodpaithen 3 do dried apple., 46 11 1 , dried paactlea
2 cks. 9 bio" do,-12 do apple:. 10 toli ant tobacco, 100
bbla woks ea, 610 W u Boar, Mallowdd • lobackleo,
9 bads tobacco, I On !ample', • . doollo kill; 2 tlids
cacco, W, A I•Boieharb 21 do CO, Kramer A &atm'
1309 as se beat. 700 bbla Boor, Chart, lam
0113011161AT1-opet,laalna Logoo-980 bbla four,
Clubs • m 1139 do brooms, 311, Broom 11 DLL oil, J
P scat; 2 !lota tobacco, I oz aatoplos, O W Balndloat
100 bbla Boar. Macknown 1 Gregg; SP do do, B Hoot
11011130 obi. apples, 9 do eggo.• 8 Canfield • coo 12
by paint noLls, Pol eta hardware, 74 1,10, 32 tam oath,
2 lain& booed Mae, l o fttnewtomllapatand A co 151
bblatiottrol 4166•40 • DM, 66 Obis eu Ja B Orr.
WWLILLING—per ItUnorra—ll !was bldos, fr,_l:ol2
akar? pel t ., 22 Cu 200ito 0,20 bblotallor,9 clot bacon
Ostia • ccc 'lO balm GO, 10* mellew • cm,. 160 do co.
Sallea,olll6ald I a 0; 78 do 1., Jaa •1111c•aily I co; 3
plows, 101 l A Polon 46 bp, 42 bbla dikolopples, L 11
Vedas • oce,lo bolo, 211 kg% 24 bkante, obLa mrsts
Za• • Painter; CO op corn, Jaa • oWmr; 1 roll
Sesthar, W•rain coo:, lot wrap Iron, Perwack •
Sark, 17 bower , . corner; 16' bbl. an, Greif, Beam • C.
10 pap predate, J T Weltiboan; 81 its wed, 8 6 0 11 9 ,
ballot lot cabteg• and polopabas, Hoellteno. ,
01al0LlaN•21—p0r Asaansate-126 bow owyJaa 13
Oro: IX do AO. A• ■ ALAISSI 00t 100 Ibla llogro Well=
A thoanwsl ttibooNs„ . • 10 Waldin; 8 . 10)1. alcohol, P
tlipled; 21 to bows, JllOBlO6 • Townacnd;' lb imam
soap and Candle;
Jahn blollailti; 6 bOlsoboakoll;John
Illa.slkagla • a0,29b111a floor,J W Magoon; 716 dm
wheat,ll T Kam '^, obls 11•ar. JIMWS
Old* i ou; luo Urrogt 006 bage
wbeat, 101 DI
..heat, to case
Sheens, ~ with 8 feet
A Luca« by Um Tile another
was cloudy wt. - 31 ra10.....-
Bottom wan tolerably' scar at • the. whirl, O. re.
oblate arsenal, befog c:oulderably la !IMPS of the
ahipurents—....The enbrale were We LIMOS' 'Logan,
Argonona,Otara Don sod Jacob Poe boon Otodnnad.
The Argonant bad a good ougo. the bulk of libido is
cousigned to able city. As old be awn by out, att• le
sanowood to lore for cundsuutt and $O. Louts on
ilatontay.--Ibri Key West is the Of L:matt parbet
Ur to day, leaving at 4 o'clotit—.--The .I.' B. told,
Ilapt. Wadi. Kerr, be op for Portanwatt to day, lerv• '
lag at 10 o'clorla*Allo ttladino, Oapt. John .IVood.
burn. will loot roe Ciallipolla o.dowdily at Piero'.
clool.-.:.....i1ie tibeatine packet br‘OrLdee I. rbe Joo.
T. If cOorobs. IMO' et 13 ecionit,-----r-- Ttie 8.0.
Esker from Porlorsbarg will probably to long at the
tibial this anariled—.Tbe Jacob Poe, Oept. Mops.
to tiro Otectonsif and lonisalUe toclot for Palarday.
......--.,-She Elel& Lid orrived irons Clocionatilart
evening; and an 'will to seen by card, noels announced
to Worn spleen &tardily. , Copt Jr. T. tinseen is in
"eountend, witb Kr. It 11, LIMO th. aloe. -
- - -
litlißUllo.—Tbo splendid Wagon
ILO. Wane. Copt. laostino, win lam tor we moors
ports, , on THirs OAT, .th that to (Melt or
AMP WI, onboard,. ' • ••i ! I oat
wally owiespe steszaer fOaD, Omorrirrrr,
will ions forth* sane aI ell toterree Mete pate, ea
, irsivalc, the 4tklnsc.,cc 10 o'clock.. pr - Might cr
romp apply.= baud. • ea
F"- U/NOINNATI: AND i f. :=l.
Lowavilia—Tta , Aga Moamar
AIM wxar apt. W. I nm , r
abars ad; all Wm andlate' porc h . a FRIDAY. 4th
init. at 4 o'clock. !for, Irftbt paaasga ay ply as
atBoor tc '
- J, B. yminalywrox , louts.
parrS i tU r igg i ;i l N? ff aJn;
pawner steaniar OMANI, MO.' Jahn yr..e%
will lame tittobarga Galllpolla IairISTLY avant,
DAY sal p.ia. Ileturnialy, Isaias Galllpalla 11 1 1211:4
.117/13DAT at 10 a.m.. F.t faslab.aor yrs!, apply
Par ' LIVINOIITON frlld. /mists.
. • .
-1)111 N O
3L44P.421E1er 10 9.1141.1.12ti1aa ti
POISTBI4OI,ITEL."—The iridim? ISOUNATi vas. Ji.ha
Wolf;irtllli*va for the •'above' and all Intern:mast°
ror ifwaht qr•aPfdy ont board aryl .
I. • . r.• VaI:IMMO , " 2 cp4 Itattato.
14.a.I.A.Arit KL Yalta
new 'stir Osoald 4nuiloabger gtiongem — rd:
Olialtilf Mann. Ittebtitge for Zama.
.tulle *nary TUB •Itay, eta o'clock, a. Bata =lad
I leaves Zuseriall,for Pittsburgh antal. 'SWAY Cl 10
4. it. Noe frotant or pansga apply on t owl or to
J.B.LIVILLIG3WN • flt.4.44nnts, Plaint/16h.
: 14 it CO , Olgantaa, Unman*. nal4
1111)p.g4IIL , Att - w UR , EIANe
iLkiPdOldikr.--The das Mt.;
Isintdd Lkiptitu John Gordon, - tosses for yr:manna '
wad tots to - pats'. canny 11:111d1PAY, Tli 0 0.11.
Dal sod BdeOaVAT, at. illeckek, A. a 1 tosklag
sloes '4:mandate ;watt the regular. pickets to kook.
esksburg sad Llookorst.L..ketafehts, leaves Wbsel•
log *mu qipAY;WS,Dllllsl)iiit and 11'21Dkv4
'Adak Paossagan'teeelptid tdroagit totta
claxitl. for,fraigat posaketapplzi si e a toard or
' anti ; •Na Al Water stmt.
virizEHmuir Birrw sin _
11161*Ifpp.ifv111.1p 34.111 , 744 1,
riim e
snow n: atim cio x.riox. m iz •
Lo k
in 4 a n parisk ' tt tl art ie ta-prirsTl carr...untrrUhtoosh.,
'Orr VirigtW Iltruruati outdoor S..
111111E09,211.141arday, Ottobor 12.
Mau, altardar. oatobwictu •
uLTI92 141 -tiPPATIN wart %e q b•
r Or. PABWIIII ;; ,
ll. i r t u . ° l . 6 d. a , al " "L ttiiir at e a.
. 0 " ti o ligtaatte'crrut! Ni tam t
isiossoOsow***. ll2l **Mtch. o x***(l through
11" . Tame *WU to Mt:went !her 11111sado coo
bur Uhl= Mt altholothrgtag rotas, to rpm g o o,:
Irmo htrolieo l " lilloosirtara r tot pseta.•ll73.
$ O4 !! ,0 .7 2 l
V%it 74,01;_r0r: ohl4;,cot...lthilohd; Irersl2.!
olt. . isishh l ;tkiliim to
n elrl k =rroontors e all s upgrior -11e0 4 0 5. L
LIVIA; Wats:Might = lai"l hoctlch2. l 25.
test ro Assittlatori toned' • •
. Joan e; MULL aiimm•Olitamtelii. Ir.; ci
• • 401111
- Ulmer gtowt.
_ .
F°' PLUKLING4--Pure ground and
; *bolo 1404 of Ivory diferioUoo:—otook "soli
- volt* Otootordbeed, Jtaasioi °Woo; llostud,'
ad. co hog Nod live pas •t unrionny emotruitote
JOHtt A. woziottaw, •
i s ICU•.f3Pf‘.
-4.oclr.edjk treatoppmet -swam mai ritm,
s cr ig i togsromoßi,aysas.i mkt 2 OM'S
*toms formls bs thop'MVl orklat. the
to weasel pas ot •••
..- sow' "- corm , Laney sad Mal kraal-
toWnruaii.looo. o whimeak
tePr 4 osiitiltS
kn i t""1 111 ;
with occulml War pt mpg
QIJisAR ISAD-700,1bialor sale by
pl 7. . /6111/1111CKIA 400.
- Stoboratintinie Stain
D. 11 it IAYEN
Warehouse, ,- Tedatal > Street, near Ne'w
117 r to o w 011!.Iarie snort;
await of Clooktagemel Ihribigtpel
,Wood ".OA
w4leh we ere eeWaSHIMIL loved Prim" :r 1 ".°
?Wang oar dty wlll Dad ti t 0 shetr adisakaae to gt-Th
as a Nal sad exesatae ear stock belka•parejautag 4.. tee•
Oast iivo Wan Iroat
Wire. e. hew gailfol4 Hollow
Plain iii,..Panay Grate -
F=4 .Feoans,
ete„timilags of all kinds ilia%
es. a. tooao.---.----- -,L I!: tcltaw•
. . - 11'OtiliG . WiLOTEdli*k. I
lluquestlO: roust, dry
Liberty lat..' nebil''Crater itleepe ra.
- , . R.8.. - -pyrrileitetr;ra.• .
hisliiit.Aure mitnits_L" abr I%i and hint,.
..OIL rtek_scnizz asiviV s , l X ANON%
IKONS. Gatos .
DONNA, tc., idiom on band one for &Otte.
'Orden bib yam W. W.- YOUNG, ooNnor of, Wood
street and Diamond alloy, will Maine , stveipti soon.
D .Ir 4
Minulkcturcs oven taxistl i of
&a. dco.
Bole Proprietor of the celebrated
SAratir GAS Roam airD 'okra coma;
aura alvs.A.zronatzrz.
Office and Sales Boom; . .
No. 4 Wood street..
PITTBBORiItt, P. I , .-- •
Warehowse. 9 ti p o b 3l r.t.
jV PARtiOtt ° ori t lolll2l ‘ a t i t ) P - 0VN0,4 r..k.
and . Ilthen- *irate.. MAW , Plaraf Itaa 0 and
Gums Magda, Patting 1001 lakft Oadrmg., oll d,
Water and Arttsan Eve, Itad Slane, IrdaltlvAce
Paw. Bnpr Nettles, Palley; II Oar wneeta,
=.ll. and Qaetinpt denerally: Alio, Jobbing end
- Oisdnp Dade warden _Patented Portable
dttlle, with &earn or Hone Power. acafttlend
oft abbattstfunts.
Gin as a nexixedial Agent.
ESPECIALLY designed Of the*. of
AA the Xedlial /Petal= eld the Assay, hoeing
supersaled etis NeKtalOd ° Elise *Aratortsa,l "Coml.
"Ididkatedr ollchaappe." eta,lia now endorsed
by ell ol the proadnaat playalcians, chenliete and
connoisactirsoa of all a tam eariesio me.
(nal qualities (tomb and diuretic) which belacg to an
old and pare Gin. Put ay in quart bottles and
sold by all drognista, vocerNaeo.
Dr. GEO. 11. 144:l Wood st.,:Aasnt.
A. M. ltill4Oialatt)D.,
• 4rd...bits/Led me.) , Pole Proprietors,
--ocathls N 0.19 Bored IRMA, N.Y.
Itt titariSO
INA.NOS to Authorize the ,
„pa—. PegainlVAll a Railroad Company to erect a tam ,
porwy building on the lot whom theVanuatu* Depot
recently stazd.
Zama 1. D. it ordaftses and eiMeted by the ilsyor.
Aldermen and Moms of Pildtbargb, to Dalsct and
Common Oordiella mumbled, and DM hereby notated
end ordained by the itattionty Of the same, ?Wm
fail authority hi• busby given m temP p ormyh* .Peauinitivania
tilm.thed Dompatry to argot a' Musa build
g,rthe receipt and shipment of height, to the
lot of ground he the oily of Pittsburgh upon ankh I
the Duquesne Depot news* stoOd.
BMA= L Ttiat said building shall be ecusbuctsd
upon.h plan to int submitted ta and appeared by a
Joint butunittiee of Iv. from the t'orration lea loaf
'from Dew Defect Omminil, and shall not be Mud for •
longer period tom two years, aud i t t capitation or
that time shall bs taints, down d removed by said
Company. .
• Iwhios B. that Madill he the demo! Bald Comps•
ny to ploy two oirnors night Wit:lawn to remain
t o and about said building, to gnu , d agnitUt erne
others be carefully to condees 1 001101,12 -In tbe.
of said building. They shall alga hove two Am-plugs
*ow ateectk, col of said brilidthg—witti bone coo.
stoutly attached.
Ordained and enacted haws isw in Donnell this
Mtn day of September, A. D.-16(11.
Proddent pro teal Cl Select Council.
Aitesit: It.ldonadv;
Clerk of &elect oosioen. I
President of Common Connell.
Attest: R. Wldaratz,
Meta Oanunon Connell.
....—. I
In accordance with section two of Ohs oboes or
nuts, the following committee itas been appointed to
terry its provbions Into ntfact, Mums, 14PDaythj,
li'Crago, Barge and Brown !elect Donnell, and
COI.. Little, Wilson,' llismes, Prier owl BM of
Common Oooooil. ..1 • ,
:110BiliT 110110 W. Oink 9. n.
or • .1117118 YoYABTiO. Welk 0.0.
j .
No. 12 Fourth street.
1111100 wortmosit of Boom WA sod
Pork, most of 'which lo of dm& cmiro man.
.8 . 110111 MILD Ata, of , Cluihinstl rd °thin . corn:
, ' 4A-111 HAM, with and withi l at ante
SlDll3,tookod sad Is dry:efilt.
L2411.11.1tD, to bbla, dtkbui sad pails. Pot i. err
. ptsaalytor family nea t and aU?of tbatr ow rabwin re
suitable tot :solltsuiltulll pinto& win g.
A LAt'fil expired by amthatch op the let day
ot Angest,lB6L Too hnsfo/os of said Ihrin 111 1
'stilted by the new firs at .Ic4is t Lannbliza.
I AA &Wiped, ytatilloy: ha the at. of Pitteborgb,
be footed &Wilted pat Inlander the Om: of.
icons a4Wmtneitatbel¢nisness of IlMnstostarthg
end &anon in iron.(to anceelPdon Id the fun of Jones
'A Lscitba In which arm the • Mind partners ore,
Baldetulo , W. Jones, lbotnaii•ll. , Joate, Bears° IC
Janes, Renew Latightle,p . .frerin B. Laughlin.
and ths.sposhif amities Is /twilals, who hag
contributed seventy theme .l s
foortundrededdlite to
the =mob stock Of tehllestaprship, whine h to
conetnence uof the lot asy of Alums lied, sod to
term Mahe on the tat day of egad, 1505.
B. 1/..J0 ,4 113,
T.ll. Jotrws.
a. w. Jogai., • • - •
• it MEW! .A., bAUGHLItte
lariat 8.149
Septembisf 16.11561.
The kdlowiptig demi to the Docotantlfluitts Clomp*.
ay, fotunted fey Don pap:twit of sec esepont of ct.t.
pa share, pueblo on the at
of'Jwy Cut, win wld
at. Pablo /Ludlow by J. 0. PAPIS 0.,, bit
&Motion Rooms, on liftb street , lithe tnty of 'Pitt.
Mt i T )1. lIDAT, •
Ithe Slat day in Oetoboy.
18 st 10 **dock, s.
BUM repeeedeDd etnifficate No 80
' 144d0 do do -do do 611
.L. , '368 do do do . 'do • do fan
- 1330 ' do .do dd. ,do, do 'Ol7
3600 .do do . 210 do 'do 36
SOO ,no standing lo pard.of Bpeoe •r, Vile it Co.
cortlaeste Hated. •
81 otd.r of the goad of iNtioion.
k Tdosd. Dowoudi Ithdni Co.
In eulani and Atnicapharto El aromas.
T_ LITERS PAPLElTwore vi eted . on
-114 , ftt: 4114 , taThconsi. kg i seri I
ample eat: 'olikteas Skarn oter,:itt•
siospbetio'Batosters at the hat iscoho at QV
hammer la °phased, - so matter what be the tbichnem
albs Enos of Iron lobe hommeted—there, by dtet. -
Iwo groat In et . point libels tarp of
. soda ante be optated : upon, sad , a togreivoudins
• Tbrombeetthenrors ovsortror Wit /_ abet,
dam= ot -sating stights to "ISt tlePtellt9eA
5. well • teattotlttledet. , thatragag - ohlhOdet of
lel4 Improtestesthi teit at Abe oiDoi °Chimps Wu.
well Oohing; Ationsoo, - et* Ism, wear of rant
and Wawa aSeoUiorWe' partial tobibletel map
0.11 sad les It, sad ham stie): tbs. Swim
of limbo
pjdhAtl e o-PI.
'IN Effralir3. - -
44 , 1 1, , 121 # 4 !:!!!r u .._. - • a
• -
t. 1 !,"",741 .
lu h a 'arid%
ta !< jib INIV
&MP- siraVai=
• 4, - • •
"WO 10106.•
1202 1 11Xf,.
caZaNur or., ABOVE MUM
180 N,
In the 101/11Millai beiglitarboc4 of thp lablanllcoutai
aisaw; Thlx , 3 andbeotnnt. stren, tin. tact;
_ _ PArt Oftkm, Merchant:l' aThirbsuse, be, /I.c.
Board pecr-Day.
Am..- whew required NI at .1137114rlati
PLAN. Room/ Mos 60 emit aid sanncra4o' aar.
and Nees at a ►ties CLUB
um nom. Pri46l tiocordiag to the BM of Are.
, .
The City Can *Mut .Paiiitanger• . Frees
&ay Station' TO or 91.0112‘ TO tat
w Mbeisb, fritacti, Germ= and Brallak Erotica.
ntiatoE. 91130113.1L1
Single looms, Fifty Cents Pet Day.
City nail ElqUiliine. aorlar Frauktost
lOypodte Chty MIL] .
' Ideataiaa thif itb 14! NOM, hitt*. apacloaa Etta
leasoalp Shy la • Barbeell Shop sad Bath Boma
Warhol to the Hotta.
N. It—.;ll•witrit et 11.111111 sell slid flask.
meth Who say es an
ocßT:tyd S 7ItINOH; Proptiatcc.
L EL DAVIS. Pralalast.
/OEM lawns, Jr.. *Maly and Tinareuvr.
Llama is—lL IL Doti, T. EL`Neals, J. L Owns,
igNys, OMISLUrt, John Ind ad's.
of crarlty, from th elli of Ms Mnapany,
Ctrafkk, M Tensaw canty,ionntaany on hand
Orpoo s 4 T. )2. Nola & 00014
My4:l,u lq, 04, S 6 Wood It.. PUtdargh.
EAGLE, 01.14 W 0!
Szntrias AID DZAL6B3 iN-
p - crA.El•ci.".v.porr
(Qadit, Ottenuneed,) kITT8131:1141i,
Ada-On Omen and Beeson cohettietlych hind.
Orden received for the pr.ent
s. co.'s. *stet and Wit streets. reldets
No inure trotible•deentug list Irons. ,
No more trouble awned lot stores an pontos do
bbt ntoregirumbitnietibout soiled starts et arr.
No more trotibitecone llos Irons.
But the good old TEAT IRON fitted with
fatal -WABB BLlPPlttt,st
NM lie
osi l, te the
Oppe Patine' s,
CIOSFEE ! COFFEE 1-300 bags fair
to cholesnin &free; in store and arriving per
Pennsylvanla Railroad...or nth by • : .
wE No, 453 Liberty street. near bead of WWI.
DNAUII6B.- 10 boies fresh No. 1 tree
ji stone Pearl , " just recorrid sad for ileo by-
NUNN VAN 114.111DA1t,
N 0.114 Swm! street
.. 100 toles Woo &Sy, Ind reCelled:
. eel 3 VIM: R. OANPIBLD Cr.
flyer's Sarsaparilla
A concrpmind remedy, designed to be the most
effectual A/ten:ties that can be triode. It is
a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla
so combined with other substances of still
greater alterative power as to afford an effec
tive antidote-for the diseases Sarsaparilla is
reputed to cure. It is believed that such a
remedy is wanted by thosewbo suffer from
Simmons complaints. and that one which will
accomplish their cure must prove of immense
service to this large class of our afflicted fellow
citizens. How completely this compound VIM
do it has been proven by experiment on many
of the worst cases to be found of the following
complaints :
PIIIPLES. 'Morena% Tomos.% SALT MEECH,
Olt Sr. ANTHONY'S FIRE, and indeed the whole
class of complaints arising from Lumnurr oP
1 ins Stoop.
This compound will be. found i great pro•
moter of health, when taken in the spring, to
expel the foul humors which (eater in the
blood at that season of, the year: By the time
ly expulgon of them many rankling disorders
are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by
the aid of this remedy, spare - themselves from
the endurance of foul eruptions and .ulcerous
sores, through which the system will strive to
rid itself of corruptions, if. not assisted to do
this through the natant' channels of the bode'
by an alterative" medicine. Cleanse out the
vitiated blood Whenever you find its impurities
hoisting through'the akin in pimples, eruptions,
or sores ; cleanse it when , yea . find it is ob.
structed and sluggish' in the veins;
- cleanse it'
whenever it is foul, and-your feelings will tell
you when. Even where noparticular diaorder
IS felt, people ..enjoy' better health; and live
longer' for cleansing the blood. Keep the
blood healthy, and all is well ;- but with this
pabulum of life disordered, thine can ,no
lasting health. Sooner or- later - somethin f l
must go wrong, and the greatmachinery
life is'dieordered or overthrown.
Sarsaparilla has, and • clesertrea much, the
reputation of accomplishing theme ends.' But
the World has .been . egregiously Ideceitied by
preparations of it, partly because. the drug.
alone has not all the virtue that is charnel
foi It, but more because many, taupe/valeta.
pretending to be concentrated extracts of it.
contain but little of the 'virtue of
or any thing else. . .
During late years the hive been Mitt.
led by large bottles; - pretending to give a quart
of Eatract of Sarsaparilla Went Holler.hfost
of these have been fronds .upon OW sick, for
they •not only contain little, if any, liiarattpti-'
au, but often no curative preperues whaler,
-er.- Hence, bitter and paiiaCul.a.appoinfment
has folloWed the nse - of the various extracts of
' Sarsaparilisswhich flood the market, nntilthe
name itself is justly despbsed, and loss become
. .
ous with imposition. end chest. Still
we this compound Saraineollia, and' intend
to' , supply such -a remedy naiad' -rescue-the
name from the load of obloopsY which rests
upon it; And we think we have o ground for
. believing it has virtues which are tin:slat' iblo
by the ordinary run of the disms it is intend.
&Ito Cure. In order to secure 'their inmplete.
eradication ( from the ajistem. the remedy should
be judiciously taken according to directions on
the bottle
'DR. J. C. AlrElli it C 0.,.
_ §S. .
refer ' 411 per Bottles.fitz Bottles , fat Sae
Ayer's Cherry .Pectoral,
Ilia iron for Well 'fflich a Tenant for the cure of
every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint; that
it is: entirely unnecessary forms to reomm the
evidence of its virtnes,,rthererer it has been cm
dm It has ,long been id constant use'
udoughout this seclian i .we need not do more than'
, assunithe pelvis its eity-is kept up to the best
Weyer has been;•ati -that it'may be relied on to
do for their relief him ever been found to doa.
, .
Ayer's' Cathartic -Pills
miss irinis
Ocariransit, Jaundice,' Illysiscynici, • Indigestion,-
btacnieiV, Foul Saimaeli; gisfpalat,•Headaahey-
Piler,Blietonotiorsi Eruptions and Shin Diseases,
'Liver Voinplaint, , Dropsy, - Titter, Manors and
Salt • Rlurtan, Worm. Gout, Nearalyla;• as a
DinnetTal, muffbr poi/ging fhe Blood;
"nwi OSONSVCOSteIt SO that; the next panel:
''tlite - tett: take them piensaidly, and 'they ere the
beet eirecerk . t in the amid for alrtlie - purposes of •
family physic , . • 0 • -
Plitt. ,25 Oka per Box; Tie, banta:lol' $lOO.
Greatnumbersofelergymen. ihleimes,Statee . -
'lien; rind eminent , porn/nage% have lent their
mimes to certify the unparalleled weefalness of these
remedies, but our space here wfli not permit tbC
insertion of them. The Agents belownsined.fur.
Met gratin our ArreAteerelaxklym in which they
AM given; with alerifull descdptions of the Above
complaints, and the itentrnent 'that nhould be fol-f
lowed for their cure.- - -
•-• Do tot be put off by trapeinsipled dealers with;
111.440 lieSTltiolls they make more milt on,
DemUt . " Alan*, Pikitin o *them "The sick'
ta i nts beat aid there II for them, mut thostandd`
Ittf -A. 1•111101001 avri.imitestiix,Ap t %t ri aa
Ma by W Druggists oat Vedas everywhere.
p R w O A P IO I 3 ALS rux 4311.11 - MitlAtlfi
' '
Qthainitagra. saterith' Mac:.
W Magian, dna 01. Wl
' Pr are 'faired for the. fernithitig of Army
?teethes sword moth the prime at wkl it they in
b. bashed el Ina pram . semthineteee, Or ft
Wink, Ilnlsdelpbia. Itolunnorr YthelAngterh, Lt Attu
clonal*, ati preferred b$ the
The number glitch cog be madeby coy blades wi th ...
In one swab after receipt of the utast.. also the %mill .
Mir which he can fatter within. cue week.
The Wagon. meth exactly smarm to the folloolni .
'specifineloex,eno Co the th rthitened psttatn
lite mite (covered) wag rue, of the it,.. end deeettp.
Non as timers, toortn - •
The trout wise!, to be three tint veer 1145 , 1 high,
tubs ten lathes o:Almoner, awl Murton atict a quer.
ter babe, hind areas four tototorriuthee blithe
habetea Win yjusrtertimbes kr dtationsiehd fthrtion
and I quarter toeing loostelhsrtau athe callfinctee'
I wide end tOO and dues quarter titheaditem Marron
We bosh terms.: Lobe* two and a Wilmette
at lb. .large end and 02e ono I. eighths frxit at
meta sad;. We two cods ha T. tote otti by Asa
olgtrlis of an lath tacit, teatiled with toe *crew Doll_
and 01110 eiet felts, babe bade cf gums the spoke'
. sad tale of the -Was **Me: atic,. U 00.142111 &theta
each amid to hate a Mad band and Uncepin baud
two lit three qua tale:ha wide,vf Ro.i band loth,
and two Wand lithdroontaide band thread &Angr
ier loci by ontoquertef bon Mica twine mum One
Lich b thnissidltheents In thlthotaxibe kith whorl
to be .de and boded.° that they. an tenithre from
tto Made of the We tn the Without of the hart ell
lathes, and a ndfuelesti, end one,elghtla
in • palatal line, mob We to beittnieteet
eleven and thief eighth Mates:froth %Monteith of ewe
oboulder wine to theolluddir of therzt, so as to '
bait the magmas ell to - trait nee feet ma antes to
centre of ins wheat inlet :tees to:bathed. of the
bait' quality . relined Ameidthe troo, two end • half.
lathe* illeate the shoulder, Wain Oa" to 000
runt a 'bait Inch In tbe middle,wi th a Wee eighths
tact Weed& hole in etch Ware% withethand
turenplue for theta/lathe; Oleo( Ithoonitherththoo
ads, theetelgtithe of - an inch thlik, with s hole in
soh ant *woden stook fou ironed
cobs Inch;
es wide and four Moths deep
tbeWeirs. with alp. ea the Gads and with two bath, embodies Iron the middle, end Todinied to the
bounds and tatter, (the batter to Milord. test Ave
Inches long. Ave tomes wan, and three 'art ■ half
.deep,) matt lime balilnch bolts. t '
The lotto. to •be ten feet eight huhu; litie fair
Incheairde - and three Whes thick al front end of
the hada; and two &ad a gam-tor inches' wide by
two and three-gaunt Indio% itapnt the' front enu,
and so `arranged Oslo lilt np, _the 1.40411 sod of to
bellOrithla two left of tt n ground whet the wagon
I, landing at teeter a level 'Waco
' The fora bounds to be six fat two hides lorry, late* thick, and roar Moth. watt over &earn,
end io retain that-width Lathe backendof the emote
two ot. theitherurds on. toot Aga lecke, tong and
three Lichee genre at the Mont end, with widow of
iron two end a halt bribes wide by three elehthe of
an luck Chtelz, hatched au top of the heuteforouti the
boar end of the tongue with one beltducli three belt
In etch end, arid a plate a Iron settle wore ass tzun;
ed up at oath undone ends half: Inches t 4 Mono the ,
heath houndu together, and betakett Oa tee .under.
side, and et front end of heaths, with helf,Loch screw
tat tart ugh earn bound, a eartnefghtti inch bolt
thr men torus and honed. in the route Of Jaws, to
were the loathe In the broody a plate of iron three
taws wide, autquerier Inch thtek, end one foot
eight Incises lung, eourad on the Inside of Jaw. of
hound. with two theta, and a plate of the game di.
menden. en each Ms of the hove, where the'tongue
end bound• run together, wined to like manes, a
Urea) of gevereelghthe of an inch mut Iron to ex
tend from under the front enlace.; end take two bolts
In trout part of the him" same Dna. three quar
tore of an Inch round to eouttnue to the back part of
the bounds, and to be lammed with two bolts. one
nthr the beck end of Um benudethed one thrthilt the
slides sod begot; a brace over (toot holder one and
• half tart tilde, odeAriarter of ale lath, tett, with
tole le, eats end to Memo - it to the -bennte, the
opening botween the JIMA of the honed., to rthelvo
toe tongue, cud (env Bad threoquather Incite fn
toot, end leer and a half Jabot at the beck pat tof
The htea trent, four feet two inches brow, two and
threaararter tribes thick; and three Inches - wide;
Jaws sue foot king where they clamp ditto:looting part
the bolster four feet Ave lithos long, and five Mabee
wide, by three Inches deep, with -Wady iron two and
• hat inchrefulde, by one/bolt loth thick, tatted tip
two and a ball Inches and iodenth on Met end with
three meth the Witter seethe and MAW. to be se.
cared 'lca tour tallith strew tolls, and one half
tech screw Dolt through the coupling pole, . . •
The cooptlng pole Mee tot Mont name long, three
lachthneey. mad font and a halt Inches wide front
e, and two end threequiner „Imhof Wide at back
m ed on dietanie from the centre of Wag hod hole to the
Moue of the Welt &Metres al int ode Inch, and
tote the ware ktog-bolt bole to the mars of tat
mortice In the bled end of the poleolgat feet Ito.
inathething Ws the and a quarter bona diameur,
of ton newt iron, drawa ePern Iwybo-OldtmOm at
an tech velure It prim through the frith_ exthrres,
Iron piste six ream lose, gate tildoea wide, end One I
stem of an bath tack on the Leant, tree and cocoas
Where they nib together, iron Flats eolith a ha. De I
the qoarter ut an mob Co the aiding bar, fattened et I
each end by tam, bolt %attain the bOnnaa front
Weer to have place aorrve and below cle ws inches I
long; tuna end a ball tufts wide, and three &Oleg
of an Met thick, wraith draw:tour and turned down
co the env. of tn. .taster, wth • real in each con
ner, and lone oonniersunk ration the tip; two herds
on the hind hounth, two teed two anti halt tights
wide, of No.lo band frau; the tub pla:e ion the amp•
nag pole to be got t lectow ton., one end threather.
tete inches able, and one quarter of an Inch that.
Doubletree three feet:unthaws lota. threat , * tee
tea tient Mehra nog, ali well mad, ef hlthory, with
an toe tied end clip at their end e the centre o'ip to to
Werth; too
and loather lat h ed Mies feet
two Hanel long, two aud a quarter -wkle,:ard
wreath I gutter there tester.. Lea bon, stretcbsen,
end otheletthe fcrethinule kent; thOthosinglareeir
fth the lest io hive - hooks - in tb• middle to
book to the toe of the alb them the Obeid and tad
dle paha with open ring. to lethal them tithe dear
tette. and lead bar.
. Tim nits rosin - to he ten Urethrae to the Lau the
. oto, foot ten lichee Meg, with the; stetter' a,
tithed ,Lo entre.) the fora. apart the iinks a the
doubleithe stay •r.ll tonneau thane, three eighths of
an loth to itarneter; the forked chat earths. eteenth
Inch Indio:meter; the Afth chain alto oral eletenth
I t ahefeeatte4 tooth ta t the fork to thllveasteeeth . ,
inch tatotherthe Has et these end of thelmk chains
to Vilna mote than two mud a goatee inched long.
Theoody Mb* straight, three fat d lathe. wide,'
two fest deep, ten neet Wrist the butterir,-arrlten feet I
mx.lnches az the top, +toying equally al etch end • oil
In to mar or Wider the, bed was to be two and a
ball itches wide, sad those • Itches deep: trent Wort
two tithes deep by two and a 'WI thine. ale Mb
'piece two and • half lathes was hod three Meta
deer; and foal bans drop Intbe candid to rat on the
.thuptisx node up run one and half 'inch tack by
nee and kern eighth hob wklitiower: rats One 1410 a
thick by one arm serathighth - Inch wthe; three Oxide
art ono tall in Croat, wilt a seat on steep biases to
' close it tip me ugh ml. the rider,• box three feen foci
limbos too& the bottom Awe Incto. • wide front We,
ulthand stoat lathes atepthudelght ita a ball labs.
at laptop In patella Ilea toles hod? all In the dear
to ne sabstanthilly bathed to the tent ea °tab:,
body, to hive an into snip paring wend lab Mid,
hewed to the heed piece end trout rail by a rivet
lath tad of II pumas through them; tbe lie to bef
I ,leateeed to the trout rail loth tar good thin Merges,
• troop nthelohtb frau .tionni the box • half inck
Idiom the top edge, and top swaps same else ort,tne
near the trunt, edge, to prevent the melee frour Wail;
the Dries; to bays &Joint Mop feetenect to the rentille
of the lid, alb a god wooden Gad e'er the *
',atop citron mitt* Centre of the. box 1111 a etapt,,
~ . prong tbsunsh, it, to ratan the 111110 / *tem tudi
and two Falls et tech sidea tom bastertotened to the
I bide , a Mx tribes dataand leer Inches wade as king
I bolt b tut rot la dront lwrenoto.
1 Witte etas rn
hat round huh Was • bolo aO O thittoP
of raft sed; baton lower eat: Iron rod sad .brace too
Mad, with atoeddere on lop of tall pi ece , and nut. on
I the ordthelde, and a art en topert call; a plate two
and shell tathee Ws, of No. 10 head hoe an Mil
=Osum i :s e tts d tri tite r etcrNent . l i lltnt ,
thick, to redden piths three r ole . aloe g, to ,
be need es harness thorax Aaras threch
elde and two sleet. Waist' mot tont did, to
wore the Nang boards, to be of the Itestquelitasroo,
end riveted on • good bat one chit tlintsh whiled
a thereto Sortltheraghtlis of all la th oak board%
I them Are agate ot an tact tette pine, all board
Wes quarters ot en Inch thlel, of white auto, to be
wall cleated with Ave oak okate fluted at etch end
thrtninti the tW bawd; sti thou piste three feet eight
lathes Ion& tel 0 sad squatter thaws . 104. and thrth
I vegan* aes fah Mar, on the width lineal the bed
tile • to mama from the Idtga end 04 the body to eight.
I metro In front of the and toistent, to be karentd by
I the rod at the end of the body, by the Literal nth arid
tor t
tbreentglaha Pin k Inch fete* Whit One et ty44l
forward end Of theead the other &b oat oda-
Meant between It and the lateral rid.' A baile'
roma Iron rod or bolt to pa Wreath through the
tells between the tow hind etude lo and tarnish the
codpiece and plata nadir 11t, with a good bind on the
toped nut and arrest at tin bottom 1.0 boat the top
one foot six Inches troth laude of 'lttakosard; std On
the bottoM ten Indies from the Mud rut. An ton •
clamp taleinthes vide, one Varier of en inch Illkk
Mound the bed tau, the theta tot kin Witch the
lock eater la a:lichee peestog ihniugh it to exteed
wentneose on the thuds or the body, the, end., toe.
nd Cato* to be secured by tiro thiluougbit
tart 'threw Data; the - middle tor the Sae robe
Rath with the Ind ate on Chelan* tide. , Toe tort
amine eecureil tO the met,. boil Otthe body Inn
and leChte, the- other. two; feet Ox Inebee
long, to leaf Snot-Jetta of no Muth retied Iron; feed totem feet. ethlnetreelthrttm Oat low
the'lvitem sage s ddict oak, the 'ldea Of 'yellow pin.;
tor:4o4M dlethede at bothinh twelve Inches wide
t top, enzi O&M nod .balf lodide dln this
clear, all tweed, with a band oilmen tr camed the
top, one mound each and end three bratenn theme.,
strong MA suitable tone to WO thet outhetongue
when trilling; good stoat' chafer to : bastlarted to
the ton WI -of the body, esetted his triple with I
took 30 atteth It 't44, the tialara. Etta bows id 'good
ilab, 'two it s wit h and one hell loth tblek,
es to ocaltie 'the ridge nolo to le, "Asia
4WD st hies
aple. on the bo - y, to Ware out one of the'
that the ridge pole lathe feet kag. one and three.
quitters Woe erldel by Bite olgfets of &ninth thick;
'Los =Mr to toot the gat qnslity eaten duct
thew Met long mood nine feet eight Inchop ad% me d..
In the tort menzir,,wlth foci hemp cads to each
ill. tbd ' ooe thrOugireseh end to cdthe It it both rude.
two tinge to each end of the body, d OM end ware,
of the thew ;Jo staple n the' loner vainest- ,
the second lOWA trete Ma end, to fatten the olden:the.
gas notelds of the body end tredtrough to have two
good tioattligi w hit e tthd,coloted toe blue lint, the M
eths a titan two enste Of venetian red pent;
the inhales gar;olitt , Wheal SO hen tea gala awe
01 venetthe red darkened Of &chocolate color, the hub
and laths le be Will pitched, of palutni,ll ter
• ' ' • •
Ame toy at WM klegbilt, end twO extra single.
troth to lie frandebad with slat s tow s Pallet boIC
aid lathln ldl tth thone
I zeth ethe of Ito body of theta:genii , be metted V.
Itheil astutured • directed ; ithrt torts $0 tnal
tethi 0:1143,12e cover, feat bos..boltp, linagm
1 kaiak eat hostas bearers for teat wagon tabspp
itA‘W kite (coopezed,) sad the =tante mar
-I.l7treitibil'aiitewailitiaelitioa thee therateth
icillidoici.elmairliebal that thvoswitilltlinixif „say
thegrowlettl epee and sweaty A. Mg"of sap
to * ebe.arthalliro ie M
rth eri*,
n togeth n r g a * fid n l m: faatilbOl
. iA *e ti
askoroa OiA
tits to be tin tae bet magi alitiaarood dionaddy
itealo.44.atid ths . :*4 lll . 1 11'4M
rated tba bee irarknismUltfaxt.w.kt:
wotk they be lir pmml froth p
uts to Vat. a. it
postiem tr 7 taqiiicer - ot brat orrlactstitramt•
t):tar [meat, a/W.IMM hOlo , h4ll,ali . paylat. 4 ROW
Si dull, WM. irapPer.O•oi tingamel bp, **it' 4,1 4
gle.r siciii.iirialbaxisid, to GO it:-.liba:s tubbed:
usriiitt-vtiod Mkt , 'tit' 'Skeet 0 the
Q Q ,,ttrincelWilespatztrhtit, hiSielNibieli a. Lunn
agrs44. thislshatrbopstviar.: , tel.13:1111.1010,
0tti.)rt.) 4 1.•.4 Pint . 114AtjuN
AND a• ,
or mist 4.13020/011 asp Itall&03,
Cercv - . /43000 d and later aired*. l•
. ; rim Tosz.,Anytist 3,'11501.
PM 020i1.3.10113 reeelfed-atAiii 01* for ininoti.
loi, by toutrat, Asiisy ' • '
The ;o'ooo+4. 10 should sots the Prldis sf width' Stet
tart be *rubbed salthapiless: at
.tbs plicisawldels tiler Mitt .denseted fhb *-
pot, the nraater whictsassi bs 01,10 t the Obildiw.
Witabinaa niantliititer:feetigl 01 - thif.arder also the
punster Witblidnne !nett.
I tissiessaust lamb* cotiteametoilis folowitl
epeciScardons and to the esuildiebed pstlatm:
Lint mote bermes; 03 WOW; wits •
TWO Quilitse--licesils stops 6 kat 4 Inches Icing, 3
11.110:0 rids,saa ed hi* Illntl rings of IX bleb Ito
• hip shams 310.111 incluse long, 11)4 Witte wide, eta
plocar3 fact ' kite- 20g.• lust* .istda, with 1)4
hackteq *on crepe to buckle. Into intay p
Eset tang, 1).4 Inch mules ilia straps 4 foss tong, 1
inch Wide; tie straps lb thetne lung-, 34 inch wits
*pulps to* point. - •
Tw Belly Finds. Long shia two feet 3 Write. long. 2
In o ches, wide;i11111 a two inch buckle; stunt Bide 1 fast
6 bochas long and 2 inches side.
Two Heir Witsn. r 19 to 19 trishaw long, eau double
strepsand hide *ethers and buckles Minna wide.
Two Pair of 31rolig Beans to sits, wade a wefts oat
re*, Ironed grub boas, breast sings 134 loch
equine. stablest:id Busting& •
Toe Pair sthails :Lora one '6 test 6 inches
long,'M tech wide: upper obi Steel 61601 6 6 636 16.3 i
Too mewl. Oraiin'pleis 9 - . feet long. 1% inch midst
nhaskpiscesascli tabeslaugg 1),Ip [nab Vida; bons
plans 11)4inch* .10ng,114 hick sal% stay Fleet;
*crown plans, 111 inches loos, I% Bich
witted ix* pie* it inch* 'long, 1 midi Ede; blind.
I facture long; 6.Clalotoirldicasios; .10e Mak
long, 1 fad! vii; abort side 3 Wet king, 1. Inch wide,
with 1. Inch buckle; bat*, Mined asatlaci, to weigh
Ds to the doses. ; I,
TWO 2013 cede P1P46;2 last
Two. Per Tracsehelns,l feet Inns, 16 links top:igloos,
N. 3 Wen. with Ton one and, weight IX, to 3 lba
' per pair. Twbted or sttatgbt. . -
One Pair of Breast Cbidos,22 *elm long, 14 Wake to
• the kad,tit Bo 3 torn. Twisted:
Ton Neck Buoys, 3 feet 1 inch long, 2% itches "rids, I
with 3 1 ,‘ Ihett buckle. ; • ;
Two Neck Obslos, 4 feet 0 bathos leash 14 links to o th,
foot, Duo 4 iron, T and loop to pe t armed on to tie.
De* strap.„ Twigs:a.
One Public ins* as
on Bk** tile, hilidt Van
end tantltiireued, coresed to the; tonal way - wftls
bat-tinned halo hicle; lisps 20- hub* lwag, .14
Inch* midis, . nosing* 1.104 71; babes lung, 3;.4
isulles wide, with 6.354 Seth, b*klensi bee end, ;ea
be bitaned
La Ms **ls by being meted * two
carved stinp,l% Itettwidsutbois stisiss ars placed:
cue on Oath Oft tti• saddle Wee ass end la OWL*
WO front pasta( th e bar, sits Wier .m 4 to the sx-r,
tansies of the bar baking the antis, 4piinishjeaddia
fashion; stirrup battlers 4 Soot 7 lash* longd
Inch wide, with Inch stirrups, trialisable
bran, tinned, twit eye pattern,* weigh 1.3)4 COB
*seri pour. h
Two Oollorw 17% to 18 Inches tong, made the somi as
for *bail banns..
Two Pair of names to mitt, of the same material en for
whoa harness, Ironed, al* books; brew rings and
• iloto rings, with Strips so wheel barnem.
TIM midis', mime ss tor wheel harness. •
Two Neck flustroandObstrm, same aster wheel hereon.
Two Bally Bemis,
Two Pale Mods Pipes, 0
Two Pear Tram Cimino,
Two Croppers and Hip strops. Blot limp feet long,
marring from 814 inches to 254-Inches wide. Hap
limps sub 2 feel 4 Imadamlong, I)linch wide, each
with • boot at one end.
Two Back - 85t.14.6 feet &inches long, BWiratherwldat:'
Two Mmungalss, 4 UM loot. 114 inch wiale,to buckle
Coo Oonpling Strap, 6 feet 6 Matte lOog, It inch wide.
One Check llein,•11 feet long, 1 • loch side, to bacitie
into the bit. st sech end, with • ring sowed la the mantra to receive OM lead Mae.
god Lind; tine. 81 lest - loog, .Ig . ineu- Wide, with's'
LOOlkle atone end, and sit 8 inat .loop et the other.
One lelip;laossy ploalfed . germ hides 6 fest 6 inches:
One noMe 8r016,0T11,c4 intones, by loam.
Ciate Cam/ Comb, N 0.212-8 her. •
• The whole to be peeked Ins tors -about 18 bodies
wide, 17 filches deep, 84 inches long,soide :of :1-inch.
stain cooperod, wood hooposor two se Bey be required;
Poor Home Ilatbegt, SO WHOM, to WILT
Two Quilora. Breech draped ket ilnebee long 8%
, wide, mewed Into tramp rings of 34 fo4o front
hip drape 4 feet tour, 3 took*, wide; day pawl
feet 2 bobs bog, 3' loam wide, with I% lush
buckled awe tuna Whiled(' tow dal Oboe 61106
long, I% inatende, able drops b bet 0 wawa long,
I% loch wide!, do okapi lb, nches Wag, I% torn
tilde bobby,. to a point.
Two Bony 40.394. levog lade 2 teat 4 bawl lout, 2'
Inebn. wide, with • that bob* abort tidal exit
6 laths* Wog sod %load wide.
Two Lielr Oaten. kJ to WI whet long; with double
puke and rate lemmings's Wane % Web vide.
Two bar of Monis, U.lllll. weal., nowe of. ittate odt
root, booed with books, lowa rings 1% luck apace;
steaks awl Lbw rings.
Two Pak of Plane drape. Lever one 64eet . 6 inches
...long, % 1.08 Lir upper orb - 4 fed I bale long;
% Web onto, of slim tanned leather..
Twoßskilts. Oroiro piece.l feet 6 lychee long, 134
=amide, cheek pietas era 10 Wawa loo& 1% loch
r waled • [root plea' 125{, Inane feel,' % Web wide;
day piece!, bantam:l to awn piecee,l6 loam
long, 154 loch wait ortre:pkoa Wu& bYaib • 1
4004 via% blip& 0 Mimi kW& 6 leatiewilhataket
' loos Idea feet 9 hate long, &Inch wild abort aide
• 9 feet Wag, 1 loch olds. WO 1 loch booklet . With
doted maim to weigh a lba dom. ,
Two riir Okuda Pipet, 2 ted. 0 Wain wog, 2% . inches'
Two Par TreeeChidni.i foci bog.% Nuke hi Ow bet,
of No 6 Iron,twirted Or straight, with T =Cone did,
One p..r of Ikeda SI, lochei long, Unbolto`
the Pont: of tro lam Waal. • • " '
Two bear dram 8 feet A Inane long, nos hullos whit.
with s)i hub bookie. .
Two Neat Obliee,4 fate 0 lathes long, 14 Bobs to the
Oa, twisted No 4 Iron, T dot Iwo to toe riveted on
to the wit atran, 'Havel the alb; • _ o
One Biddle, node on /Undone* tree,, gullet and.
corals towed, °Owed La dwarfs' • fray irtailtall 7
toonedhorie Wittier' 20 Weber bug, 16 lather
(add oriningle I led b Inches Wog, 2% Whet wide,
195{,with al huh Waite on one end, to bo blamed Oa
the'azdale by being awitedto two turfed altrape,ls4
inch white. awes dare an plead one - on wort eke
of the lietiliorree, ono midis dad to Oohed part of
• the bar, the other owl to- the extrallort of tas bar
behind the milk apedeb.saddle trabbnn 10 1 1 1 nP
betters 4 keit beteg loog, 2% both wide, with
lath totaitititirrare,`tnainebte fro*. dosed, .bolt
• ey• patter*, to *don inalbr to .00050 : .
Twetildbi,atuni, ufa WllOOl - •
Two 0011010.40 40 3111410 h 10oW. muds Weida. as
T Psfr doe* to , tog , nth&
firbeel of 'hirown ironed, with .looduti broad rings .n
the rio.with Awn wan arbeellierweli. - - 1
Two Neck Wale and.Cliabk, awe ra ho wheel hem , '
. .
Two Belly Bandi, einneastoi wheel Berner.
Two Pair abaft Pipet, lowitebt whoa hall tee
Two Pair Traor tlboluoi woo wake wheal lIAMOIL
Two Orupperrand blip Strewn , Bade MO 0 ket lbogo
Wyeirlog atom 354 Wawa to a% in• 114 1
6U11401 with burbleywelt II bees ft braise long, 1%
Two Nick iseada,l2 bet 7 India long, 454 bolas wide.,
Two maratooka„ 4 See loag,lsglooo !ado, to btiokle
Oweiloopyon !hap, 6 feetloos; ljg lath wide
' the .orh_gan, fon 1 tam tort. Mra:lllds, SO'
Inca% tato thehlt et web-end, eatb to dog world.
In decoke to nodes the lead the:. .. •, _ .
1 One: led lace; 21. bet lona. 3‘ bahlfilde, watt a
beetle at oho ad, and an 6 tub ken at the other.
OnO WhiPfletet7 'fantod / 01 0 104 6 Ina "
the awe Bniabioral, of bristles, —by bate, •
OttitOn Donk; No Tz—(3 bar. • •
Ile Whole to peaked Ina 6.1 shad ut When
.111ddli Incooperat lactma.daap..l l4 lochs lola,. made of 1 bah
Mops or bap untiyhe required:
The *bolero be, bade alb,. beat amend, sewing
to be made with good, waxed. thread, !and ballad to
Inspeetko during the proems at waridactunt aid alto
whWeh hen 6 horse toonean b required, lb. bad callus;
beat* bomb, OWL atrembelly WWII; obeli piper,
trace bums and
atom tea roods- ined
oriopli og stripe are doubled; One boding da Bleat
10ng.14 links tothelobl,otgo hob, wan Ton WA
and Wed; and leaflike td be SO'lleatlceog.
.Iha wllOll5 40 be bade of the hid inetatislotwing to
be made with good waled . dated, end nolthict to to.
.eptethan dubs the Mow. of barailisture and .110
when Bulatoo, •
Whoa 6 node bodied hi' tionlied, - .lba lead collars,
'bridles, looneeiteeltlitrapa, belly tends. dull pipe.,
trace abbe, aupperand hip ample bath hands and
I .woulaisit Pimps aro doubled; one beating chain 0 fiet
long, le Mika to the feedpof, No 4, Irani - with T on
earn rod added; and lead tine to be Wi het lenb.
PWpotali will 'also be heaved Dori wadi* eon oho .
Ihding embank" hanien for .rwoi or end onP lO ac
borne teems-.a rpeadeadon at arbiob`atulb• bangle:
_ trblue Off/MOW luldtanaranke will be :rambled
%Map ayyllcastaa. to Ws cfdm, and Moog will be ain•
added that do dot tonabfri Unrete, :
_ Ttw Wilke ls - rWarfid r by' arid for . Os NOW
titatitet rdectiog any proporati thlai duty bi bowed
Propped! wilt be holoteed , on lbe ent;i4api IMO
Ong them, ..Prroproola tor tarahados :May Nord:
11141 Ardoatartra Ilarbene and addableslo 4 t
ado bb J. woks Pilolatiou Mallines!
100 do- .roasted broads tlyn2l4
.. 8J Wails wonted tralsds Tobacco,
60 ostpel do- po do
100 lON chaite Tontg. Hires sad Mal t o,
80 cattle; ' • do' do d .
100 Doses loam BooP,
160 dcosi Brum.' '
kis"' 1.3"19.6 .411 10 " .
X an 191 Meaty
FLQUIS-40 1 1:fi 40 blisO d O LV, rte, :
:in • - Aszoirwaszia
Varr a tti tu 'l :e. l Lp=
imi# l xiss, 1000..:
'twete plontoietria tkkets for • -
..oeirytt end other ;white in :Northern Idletonli, t
Bate dl llansst v : the Territories, showki Ltiast.on
loainiiptoual 'tinsel%
rhe ptle Sall ron!e, tons 81. Lords In Bt. Zosesh.. It is
bee eleateir sad 'Odense% tine, by thirteen Uwe, to
the remount sebat.res‘ttrd by rail, end is gins sa
Owen al arkr Om
ens, yonytitliSta to Euless wed siVieohtti fa Worth.
ern ilisionel by thiPbseib Miroesallsitrosd.
1813.i0.11. KUltelON;
President nd Cierel Sept attop llottWitinentirt it. S.
I aNnir VISIIKONS. Arent. selantslin
IVAI.. er .flaranatittmena.alitil.
crstrmat panageri.'
, tad OW MONDAY, Aped 16th, tin THROWS
MAIL ,elliltltviertnathal ,Twarancit 1 - Iriatiail
mural oglaztopt BandsprlA:3o Ml+liten= ol 7
'so.llPltniorillitOWLlNctftg la-111/Thlblag IS
anot tor-liattintaa - awd =Mut Iti , Thilshiplda
ItoutaszVati itives daily at
&tar 4', r., idayph4 ca at atpttnatpal nation, ,
direct enLitiOnd - St Md - reatirtior Ealtimank ..a Er. - • 1 , phitidenthr Cr Wilmer* at 1:10 a. a.
TBi PAST Liliß. ham the etatin aahy lawatat 2
ihian..ll at a** t. at Cinnabar& • :
ohn*Onna, Man" Galitzen, Albans, AG.,
L t d=tr4 %lie-W*44l4mA 610
- socipmereentin THALNL
likaletinTinbatiantathat Train low Ilan,
tnt.o l .o 2 o l iLg t k e lti . X VOIA n t at t . m
s t ay
and rtiatinhathd . Wi antra:nab.
Ant arnandafationTrainter Ware Station Liam'
(euttlaß at COO A. N.
Award ..11 Mina Trail in Won antides
!son aid] . OE u glay)at ma) at.
Thirdwn Train ler Ware Station liana
1"0/ innpt Araalttre P. 14 •
'GOOF •Ateadliolggin Train par Halm atasioa
liart,,MOSAatictollOikt Id &SI p.m. .
Itountanima mita is etinbargst u hams
111401115, 1/04-rtak /1120, 14 bat Lta4 ll9o
NiA. aahataxlrit Anownadatin' 10:1* a. it.; Find
Wan Ctatidit,'Actatamodatkat,...4o a. ac; enrol
Wain Mahar ArAniniandatina, ,, MN A. 114 Third
Wain- litelloar%drancundatlea. 1:16 t. M; /fourth
WAWA/Wks lAboaleacmiatlSAlS P.S.
Mt m ir li tto ber72=cor=gl u t: 3
itrpraa Shah* Mkt aad Wad. sad with hat Traight
rithharah A °pia/Inc:Ma irMrlar 1 1 0 9PMM. ailln
astest. an PlOstannie • OasestUsSili• Use. Iwo
daily (dawin ituri,tal) sa Trata, IMO
A.. se • imussol Tres, • - ilidgcning Trani
.ft.u 2 7pi4amria avonziansabsaktunt“ at nib'
handl, itrlM & as. mad MU r. ri
trsesibesszblici will fig Iljpesstei to Shads tr.
Swere. ter gams - or woot; to aid by tha ?sue
spfiresilsiteElostli Warr nannanadattalta taw agind
oust DS wawiared as oaf cmuir 'Etta-TAB Rawl it
Whined Whit *remind M welAreV , free trase dale. Wa
ars prowls* safety, need and, rnatidtwin tray
time Me Bee seM Milt' tin= sr; •
_ _
SOITo De1tem055........4 9 SO
- 10 MI .Lanca5ter........... fO4
I 4H
Z r
PA."441144 Baltbsson tad tirlaork.
pareassteelgoltide Mai ME be ebeco;
On elloOdifitemdled, aletoseed Waits
• to
iterstetiOd mak szotAlgors.Bsl.o o mvir ln
tin th•
Opspetny task* • • .
VitlTlol.;— . , 'wows of lose, thi; Costive:ay "111 bold
tbetlelTell Tufsmittg4 - paromal b4gps4 as%
awl for ansmount not =a•••4too.
9. ttrla illtnnilmo Line bar ban employed to
Mau; Pamoimers rad Bagyp to and from tbeVimot.,,
at ethanol cot to _exceed 250tota 'nth pomeopt.
orbiffeissprly to T. IitTIIWAIT, Agamt; ,
At the 2. B. D.. Nampo . Mottos on Marty an!
Restart-. -
otev•tand es Uwe,
mem or -rion—soli74l,4lllAffelumt
O •
EN - and a n MONT:SNIMIN
Jane the 101h.•U81,
will leave the Depot of the Peutivivaal• itairoad,
fblewitom mid atioitutott Short use, :
Nb alMise of eiro tetwoe• Pt islCaud Cluchtusti.
rairtetllstism at Arrives es at Animal at
imams 0011MB'S cam. IND'APULIB rt. Lome
Shako, st, 1113 • m gal 3 p m
1210 . p m p 2.10 • m
This routs is 'shorter to Madman, Louisville, Cb.
basitmrand ill sand Southolwat-eel other toots.
SploOkt Onr attached to on AIM Troths.
plkmid Plieslin. Uns.
•Lesvm Amine at Arrives at : Anima at Arrives at
rilmero. L eaxagis; WS% NUMMI
12.111 • m 110 irM "UT •of -198 • m 197 • a
• lOW •asTM • -m •• a , SLID to m 10:2• • m
1210 p et hUlp m p p
. • Lin p m &IS p m D3f p m -
She Lea L.e...ea =lb it- is. Tram conned with •
Trion: cif 0.9.11: R. ibr Soinevilb‘lonseaster, alt.
The 4:00 p. =Oulu Itsp• id &Siltation bmwee•
- • Fidobenh mid Oitidityal 'LW^ ••' • _
ernesonao ;mauve'
mar oe.- •• - -= • PUS r. 2 trill solmeetast Bayard for NM
mid *Mikes eri4lie Tustanwse
_Tamenguire dmirbsg .to iso Saadmig, ToleuK - --
Oldrego, or points Weetoria Obnalaad, Imam be pr•
balm to at for Tiskele•tai•ovelead.
Through Tiotala eau be oromusd. at the ;MOAT '
litrow Depot. Plidaborth•
JOUN Whet Ara* .•
Tor further blurnaske apply to .
• . : WILLIAN ist6WAStrdipat,
I St the ihmk - pare Oaks in freight Dutton, Penn at '
I-, . P. B. NUBS, Gummi Ilktatuftear,
' 100 La.'s:* - s•A. v 1114111' 8 at 1M 111 .
So t gt ,17ourth' kittin. •
, .. . ..
-...,011.11$ T.1141,71*': 2 2C. 18 6 6.
[VEIT ' , DAILY =FROM -•9 TO 2 o'..
- O'aLOOSOlaw on .-Wtdsesday and Batavia,
inentagptitoottday at to Itoventbia drat, tom Tto
11:af4L4 la .ttont - tioin•Stw 14tt to May fttst,tron
Doping melteWail • nom notion than we
Dglogr,na 'a &mama - of thaprotar *World twt
== =ii : T oad ; i lNt;i . iiid4: , . ,
Ai Bank Wto orginlood, at
. th• fats oat
tataratt, Mutt dtsynoict,b piaci:Alm , the omitted
Cho dapodtar a votottpal o end batotbo rum Interest
eivinthafil battittnon sod Docombor,e°u=
tirldiVidatWOOOttouldllteCto 41spadt
lv aeo
adoc=i 3 4il li s i rtA . 4Uthft tan, ninny
- pte stattavaasil its/ tal icafaxaas.
BcateloahuWmtaal:tbairtahbraawa, SAW pi
ilarganttensa , taild grans; at oplioalks Mita,
~. . itts(4tagite - MiI 4 .:AZOZZIL
Watintol. Andortoo ititnot B. 1).• Nada
Ikalataln 16 lemma ... :A. ILPoUock, M. 13.
itopowozsPura• - • • .:§akmat Babb,
item Ilatilmasa. ~ ,Jaaam DM*
hem V...llapth. : ' " AlcutadarTtoals,
. ~ - - 1* 1 1, 1 "' w
'lllaktidailtntfti ' -
440 9.4311•1115aN. • , '
Ilieopilllacti '
11 , 1111ara Douala" .
alfitllalcaai, , -
MMus B.llarra,
L' iybr~icting 'Oil •
AISILIXr 9ALLOII, censtaxtt) , as band ess6 for .k
'•' 6 , - . 11.1.1151 J.
Ls tbs4a4lty,wessitt to stassze6 certlibmist
. • Mtalmat,Nar. 2 7 JIM.
111:14wrouGeott—Tbe Lobsters
this belles' ate ' jettbig tbodt lon ex Owl to be the
best for
our poems ye beeseurysett. • •
VII L. 831.8.C0,
930 VAR No 8 Lifts
ZOO hibbtalafts feafiref ft;
too bbls rial Harrtar,
38 do 'llaltlaufro an • '
10 do ' do-"`Mixt
100 hfbble tato .
.1 0 .191.1te. coosfionatat for
JOlllf I. BOOBS • 004
itilkit andtbflsid and Wittei: PlUfbangti. Pa
UN pktEt.s--
150 blTe.l7. o. satin •
60.0 as. wawa /Non .
000 " , pdoki PloWsdia 'Aaiun* - •
100 • •-• osiorgodbnads tlympu%
:100 boa# moaned brondol'obicoog '
51116-01,“ . , , do.
baltal64Youni grump NA Black Tose
Oily Wl= do - do: • do do
10 bare 11001215405 K
'! I" Swam aosp;
.98 L 0100 do.. .
-15aold 05od1oc ' .
.100.t•bli.aitra Lll4 /W/o: 400411 hoary
IsittoteliyiDicsalitrr• .
“.jedltdtV - • • AIIFBLL.
- .
-:- •••
Sabo'bou. N: o. Wo uta,
100 togo'll.looAlar,'
• 40 half &tarn Yount limn Ti.,
;1 96 arldias , lL 71. Talk 01'0491b..
40 bbl.. Itott ed, Basle,
60 bbla.Clolian and IL 0; Syrup.
: . :srboxfsilt:austß.Tobs:co,
'' do Otaiot.o6 . o, ,do
--."stardo Bpacoach We .10
.00 kap .I.o...Wilnain'a 6 mitt Tobacco. •
. • 90 06061 bola' %lb. loam '
Ixer;rlk.aft, '
, 116. 4 6' Sotis
cr 96kop Sot* ' •
I' 46. tostaido. do
La star said Air ails ,
„ NIWAT T WILLWR 263 Liberty M.
F ltili-.4011b15.. - No. a large Idaokereit
„,-Wags. p do
Inelle fhb,
[b ro w bad 111 , 1:! JAL CLAIIirMAD £OO.
4sigw' c efidttllio Ohio% disk stwqi
2d MIS sal SI 'WOW
.. e u 71.141=211
Atiods by
..r'Y. 'Ya:.e . a.
-ram s Meadiss.
11 , 015 . A. 111116011,
. U. Mellor.
Jams MAM
OE4 P. Manta;
: Eon EL
Quids& Ituagal_
• A.VOLIdar