The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, September 28, 1861, Image 4

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    _ . •
- .
The - oThinnei't asp Protestantism in
ails bulks small Its "temples" are
peareely visible; and are few And far be- •
tweert. *Nevertheless, Freneb and Paris
'Protestantism has got Maimed life. True
revival really e x ists in Paria '
---At the recent session of the Uni-'
ventaliat .Natipnst Convention, held in
,York, itivras'_ascertabied. from the
beet attainable l authority, there are 1,100
Universalist Sabbath lachoo's in the cann
ily, 8,500 cOleens and teachers 74,500
pupils, and 600000 - library books.
----.S.NewYork (religion) paper re
torting to the kuppression of the "Daily.
Newe - a Soiessien sheet of the vilest
kind—says the edbor takes leave of hit
readers by say lug that the "News is
dead, but sleepeth ;" to which a cotempo
nay adds,"Byl this time he stinketh."
. --The "North Western Advocate'
contends for the right of women to speak
in the Church!
--SeveWesleyan Methodist; have
been: lined in ustenroth, Germany, and
their-minister imprisoned, for violating an
ralF cr
old law' which forbids religions meetings
without the li i pense of the resident clergy
=6 .The following incident is given in
connection wiih the above item :
Two delinquents not far from Wintem•
In:1g were cast into prison. When they
were alone one said to the other ' "sow,
my g ooil (cum ! , tau En t what his brou g ht
rat hare ?' I "Willingly," replied the
other ; "I lave the .word of God and
prayer, and hive been sent here because
in a private house [ engaged , in social
prayer with it few friends." "So," return•
ed the tint, "that is odd ; I are here be
cause I cursed and swore. see is at a
loss what toll) nowadays. If one curses,
sal tave doh},, one is put in prison • and
• if one prays like you, there is nothing for
us bat limbo it
The !Hambiligh Tract Society
Pribilsked ini 1860 nearly 200,000 tracts
over the preceding year. The entire num
bertistributO was 986,000.
—The National Local Preachers As.
.- socliation of 00_31. E Church, meets in
New York,
p aturday the 19th day of
.•-•=-According. to a• correspondent of
"limusgelist" frequent changes in pas
tors' rektio 'occur lin Western New
Yak. In twenty-five Preabyteiiin
.iitunettis • h which he is acquainted
within a
,ius of thirty-five miles, only.
lints have ttm same pastors as flip years
lag*, Several among the largest and
ireelthiest, he says, have changed pastors
twine in that time;
!Banner of the Cross" says :
letteri from Memphis, published in
ibs papers, says, 'Major General Polk has
vest-little weight—''is all - fuss and gas—
and people are very tired of his presence:
We reckon so. A man who can consider
icy alike, at anytime, or in any cause, as
• important or as honorable as that of a
Bishop in the church of God, must have .
'km and gas' in him which will show-Out,
when he is; 11, to such a choice and such
:it fall: Rehm Mortified everybody ; him
self not apparently . mortified at all, nor
be he is well emptied."
—lt is ;said a Roman Catholic clergy
man In New London, Conn., was charged
With - Whipping ono of his • flock. He
claimed to : have been acting within t he
mope of his pastoral functions, but the
smut, thought dielsrentlyl;and fined hi m
$7 and Mists.
—The killerites, says a eolemporary,
have fixed Upon the 12th of October es the
end of all things. At a recent Mika, meet
ing itis reixirted, one of the elders said *lam
tfoltedßtates are not referred to in any_ of
s theinAint i iiropheclos, for the reason that
tide countr I had not bsen discovered when
they were I made."
Robert Andley Brawn - has
been appo' tad Chaplain of (Jol. Lmsurera
oinandhead 6 regiment.
- . .-----The,degree of D. D. was conferred
on the Bevl S. J. Wilson, Professor in the
Western Ti eoligiwit Seminary, at the late
Commencement at- Washington College,
—The, "Presbyterian" gives the follow
ing - bit: of - gospel , cora, tat!en from the
;Register". (Unitarian) of Elos•
"His (La., (Arial.%) whole plan of Wye
lion is, 23e and yon;-will be blessed ;
love pia end man in the'pecnliar spirit of
his' precepts, and you will be, end arta so
far, saved!? An earlier and higher author.
ity has aid, "Believe in the Lord Jams
- and than shalt be saved"
richest benefice in the ibuich
• „
Of is Poidingtoo Rectory; Cam
bridgethire. Tao anntial value of this fiv
ingit staid: to be $36,500. The present
Intsimbenti has hold it shies 'the year 1811;
to that the aggregite earn received Is
$1,826,50 .
--The ' , Methodist Protestant!' is're
spot:giblet-dor the following : A gentleman
!topped sj little girl, in ArmapOlis, )514,, find
lioliteltsairli. 4 4lTill you be kind enorigh
to tell tn t ejwbere 1 wilt find ; the Methodist
Otutrch , "Methodist Church, sir," mild
abe,i'die Illet bodies have no "church ,
that le their meeting hone"-and she polo
tad toen l edifice near by, of quite an impels
:: lag appelitance. '
.t —A correepondeot 01 the New:York
"Tame? writes •" "I have just learned
~,...-thetirs7Minister, (I believe a - htethodo)
_:- wall lmng l i attia ' church"door, of iivillage
millet Drdanele Ghent sistf tellee abase
'..' • ,Little BoOr Ark., on - the Arkansas river.
J ' ' Her= ad on the text ititlietd. lli: 12:
- ule the b year thou shaft let him go
&NV' ' e- is said to'he :originelly kepi'
'..,. Zdssivilik; Ohio."
'..—.v.,Dr. Donean for the past six
, pastor of the First Baptist
1. - Citinieb,4tpw Odeani, was constrained to
beano thitcity because of Ng unwillingness
'to aniteib a "day at thanksgiving , on so. 1
1-.< ittoant of the battle of - lefentennik... 110
l on a rem San day ea.
pfelealted l ll3 ila ' in the N'
A sa Street BaptiatlAntob, )3,roOlyv, N. Y.
. ' •,:.i.:;Thei:"Bildnip of Bodes, ii - orderitly:
• - :: ,- anaiamitt<Itis elbow for" , the soul' of
NdaVAdaln Clarktiddldirects . laYes
Ceit an elteseed:Plal* and aspen.4oll 7 -
altelitat . ,telikh hatekilt i_ calt.qr: for
UM* 044Flier * . - ;. •
.:,-34zawsritIteanpatall kali froy; )
;- , , /aged pistorpittuilii#
i, --
:i*igataithmoeit Win,-Barr'
I:weaicli iiit koiligog*,.....-, •,. ~-,,, '1
--. ..•.t.;; ',1 ?- r Z4' '' '': .' X. '4 ... '-.. - T- '
' ..j..: ."1' .
: :2 '; - :2 4 '?:;: , ::• - : , - - ; 4a,•_ _ .. -, .?:.: -- : ,. : 4- ;. , :-:.i - Si -,
; 4'77' -7V
....„...-=3l9:llll9ciiierfoiro was recent-
I,rjr epen'orlin one of the . Western Pros-
"Is it consisfent with the order and teg.l
elatione of the. Presbyterian Chinch for
an elder who is eble;and does not can
the minister's salary, to sit and l
act as s member of session 2"
'Pushy terit'answered the overture that
it is not consistent for an elder who is Able
but unwilling to; ,Contribute anything tci
the minister's salary to sit and act as a l
member of session, and the sossion Navin
snob &member should commence s p
against him:
Bishop Clark of the Epi , copal dio
case of Rhode Island in a speech delivered
at the Providenee mass meeting recently}
said : "Pho notion that traitors are to be
treated tenderly ie exploded. It is time the
dispensation of hemp commenced. Hang
the leaders ;in mercy to the people, whe
are given over to a delusion
believe a
lie ; then prey that they may be breast:lL
to their right minds and dwell with us in
the bonds Of'friendship.”_
i.:01r1111.6 ficet LI IC e 4,0111),
RiPeridd Miirkr.ily for Oa Pittsburgh (Moat&
famai, September 27. 1851.1
Owing to Qui goat mid dhageseable euridttlon of the
weather, baleen was almost entirely inveoded
day. Thera ents pettifog dope ID door. arid bat ea/
tltta la"itayttitoiatae. ►• will to seen bsiow 1120
transit:atone 14611 the leading articles ism IWOOe
and restricted to mull tots.
O6oolll9ll4—seednne In good demand, while
gets' are Brea ind ally malotatoo9. Sala of 6 bads
N 0 Bazar at 100;0 Ms do at 1041104 e. 16 bbl. Mo
hoes at 60a, 19 bail Cotta at 113)01117m PO do do it
lie:Sable Golden Byrne to 690-
BdOON—The demand for Bae.:e it liglt while
phis althottgb a diode firmer, eaccusla nitotenged.
Bales of 1500 Pi Elsoceders at 60, and 1,00 du ; tildes at
Tu. Plain llsne. command So, sad otlet Cured du at
0148109. ;
BUTTER eatiy.GOß--griem foil Bettor is oases;
asio of ille) 111 i ;at lee. liggs—utoady; safe of 600 das
at Do. 1'
CORN--tusettaogri; eats of 6031sith primet Velem
0111119-6o:a utllsoollll Middlings at fie it owl.
. Ga 61151 AB eg nts—nutio of 30 Ms at $0 in obi, •
BitlMM—Sil• of 93 betel Fiseseed at 31 01 be 1;
TtsoaNty is bind at $1,1134(411,00, and Otorer so la . 5.
411 41111) conAsxclihj
Oottmeas Ot Ni. Totr...-The laboring IS itle
cotaperstieetiOe of apurte (exeintire olepmb) rnSte
Neer York larelgn pare for the we.% and .Idr-
Jan 1
1889. IbdO. leeh.
!or the week; $941549 $1,170,803 g1,24,i75
Previously repotted 41441007 61,7e1,783
Sloce Jan 1.J.—.113,112,67d $6,1231,625 193,014,608
Gradditheri l Um Tar, Sept. 26 -Pioar-Tbe mime
fe3M Now Tint mations* faroodste but the adulate
to 111101t$ oitonteratted it, sod tbo market war dull
thoughitheralltes • moderate liattomi date, holdall
tire; otortitax'ocis tio eeII. daperane, ',516,6141t 004
mono, $1,144,16, and , arney and bury ;4,24,6130.'
The Wei wino LBO Ithlu
4 bialy-A good demand et 1463165; cents, he
letter tat, for wpm,.
Provieloni--Mas Pork le hid at gig sod the Mot'
bet le MP, owlet to Ma Improved de mind. The
demand for Bump ow:diatom *rile*; 60 L lids Sideit toed
et 640.100 o; 160 do et, sod 100 bins f tmtits.,
feetetdoy. at,4%0. ,Ehosiders and rib &des an now
held W o e biginr,- - Not moth demand for clew Zgehe,
and toy can be hod al te,k,®To;2s hit& told pieteiday
a. do istive rote, shkh .. too on gLaer .1 , y mit , or
prone; ito POD hulk chould , m, acid at 3,fic pee •I.
They con t be bought now Wow fla, nod t Meelmo
Lb m ik; 200 ter lard *old et Bc, and lea do ccantry at
'7Ue. _ .:
. uroomica-rA &Mfg MAP 40 Wigs fen to tally
lolretigar a. 0.1 at, fllifadho limiest*, 4143113 e., had
Coffee 16 1 0 0,18Yheatel very Arm. tbs dahotort td the
.tubing*, teem Alete-Tork o mpoiled haw %,: h , gher.
Gnicumlll.loM7e &P.'211.-4b* te-mmg &mallard
ferolvacp La procee4inted to the dioto or, poterley's
aorta. wee coatomed MOD petit, gilder, and 1)oo
.teutotovratecmoriderably lower; but is moo as are
New Tulle dbpatnea wen received, • very mat riot
taprovemeng tee). OP, and Po mewled, c mod bcovent 1
• 21te muhrt for Opelag Wticot in the full ps t of
the day woe dull and dreoplng, mod them mte t 7
itiditatlon of • very material dee-Ilan; hot to t per
mare the kw ern Memoir-hoe received. watch f ad gd
an advanco 0 2QU It bah-than • sodden ' ion
o i
took place, pi an improvement of I®2o ever ter
may'. Motion price. we, gained. About 101, bob
at Mt tiodaeheagod toms et a range of 1261,f4 for
No 1 aping:MOM for No 5 dprloo; and 604 ' for
Rehmlad-06 market cloolog vary Arm et 74 and T 6.7
to Om 1 sod 2 Spring. An- admodtg tenderly to
freights at the opening Ceased Pigpen to loSd IA and
abs demand Mu stoefly•peettletivo. Winter Sheet
WilDegecteel•eebuyer• and miters being 1020 pout
nod the tresitsctinte wen Plano; at 8.15124 , for No
1 Rol end Ilk LW Ns 2 MP.
Thum mite raffia more Inquiry fur Vane, anA ohs
mullet WOO men active ana sontembot settle-ow
atm; firm node, the totheence of tbe New Tork dfs.
Wain. Armin 2.1011 Obit changed nen& at $6,100
4.0 tor good to choice white extras; s kid tor red
minter 'attar 1118064.25 for air to awl fining chime
16,02 11 1 0 3 , 14 for belpertine,-(Trib.
, Imports Dy River
ZANESVILLE—per Lido 11prtin—loCicrap Iron,
A. Bradlo7/61 aka totldliap, itr Lirai. Martin, 86 do
do, 1 bbiefi/s, Jam A rolsa,4o wk. gr 031,13 Kso,: 16
bttdi CArmao, 136 1613 door, 9do 'pp, 16 kg. trotter,
48 NU wool, 4 601 s ell, 4 do Iwo., 3 els /tattier.,
011 Th L or: 100 bed bog., lobo ll.rrlt.. '
WIII1111.11:13—par John T ficOomble773 lesth•
er, 116 ski polat.. 3/ kg. lerll.o. "dtaol 33
empty oft bb 8,10) Lahr Otd.„ 11 Borrow.; 010 do z,ur,
at. Bck.eoe; 46 WI. paper, fustar t Viessop: II keo
boll; !Logi", Wood • or, 61ttids, 1 kW scrap 1ez6,36 1,0 .
A lamb; 12 Ads do Zak & ranter; 19 'kg. dried
WilsOn.Oarr A :cc log .6. when, 3 W 4014 7
bob fluar,lasAl ketzer.
lmporta - i.y Railroad.
`lPrrGoogan A assizarin Ras aorso-4spt. 27.-
66 Nits thstra sod rockily, e 20 - I•oo cheese,
26 gOls appls, L LI Toll; 76 du do, Ja. Glaelor: 1 0
bog amass, Jss A rasa; sOdo do, Leach A Llatoldn.
sou; 170 sits corn, 11l do shoat, Joe A Po:se:l9 0.411
lgattisr, Win IdllterL4 do do, ti N llOffstote; 6 Odd. eggs
8 0 Glydsc 11 I:16G a; J B tlanleld co, 6 lung
coppers, 0 1 1 angiall66 hid's, Watt a Wilson 16 rb:s
spies, Bock ilissisgro 1 car wheat. L
ntregoantt, Ss 'Warn Is ColOsoo dam Moab •••:
81174.373 by apples, kyr W A ranasont: 40 bOl,
meas. putt. A lolmblr; 17 bra cboose, W Arvin:
39 do do, T MIN= 6 =Mall Obis._ Lace:ice oil co; IL
aka .00.00, MaYnslunsy, Hare A co:7 tgrasbasp put
O law; 21 air ing,lllllooltrm 2 OW. apples, Goad
otogiss; Inu songs, Bobs Bolt, I do dc:, John - L
Phlo6er,l2l bag ages., T Yobs:sum 26 do do, William
Totten; 1 'Car stareg, H Aufunb; serial Ibis 11 D
Wiliam; 30 do do, Scbomoker A Lang 9 do, 01.ckcO wo
Iheir 6 ass lamb, •Wm Nankin; 16 ski wont, 8
Niubsnoh;2o C 0...., IL o.lllng. dos bncOsts.
Ado wastitarolv,Harper A Embus; 74 Iris them, H
13 Thompson:3 bas good, W Dart; 10 dos brooms, MI
I Gessletoa, 01.0 s potatoes, II P !duller; 9 NSW Sour,
It cOlortso, Harr= A cg; 1 - at scrap Mu, N Kaki.
lig bidet, Y bletanablins
.011 s dour, 8
Liggett A so, 2 tas dru ,s, Honda:gm.
111171611. auwas
Toe woo har Yeatirday wee very wit and dlatecieti
ble,whh every appearance of a critinuecaa of It. The
gala came down In befouls all day, vitilib render.
ed the tansaction of oat-door taitaluees oat Woke
question.] Its fly. r wee about stationary hat seen
Mg. with Allenby the pier corvka awry rsks er.
-reported-to hove Allen-at Mahood watete of tba Ail
ebony and Idonougehita Mere within etc. - peg two
eye and artadrance In these swarm, ma ybe;koyid
for a00n..--The only 'Moab from below were the
John T. McCombs trout Media& and wit. 'Taitio
from Cosevllle. Tiu Rocket from Totttonouth cod
Uodlue from Gadlpolla, were. doe hit Matt end will
doubilem be tenon at the wharf V. la morolug. 7 he-
Mawr totatoa to day 600 a. la rod the latter at 4
p. m Thoy are bliegood ;bate, and to charge or
' careful woo courtacne Oft The liastinpa r
Capt../C.btoann, b anneunoid for Cincinnati end Lioir
C. Sakti, after [Mogan the wave
asii.tbuconghly otarhatil4 and repaired, will mama
bar pleeedo the Pickeistitug trade, haring here every
Blonde, cud irlday.....—.llm Hitachi. Copt Gordon,
b lbereettles Wheeling pavbet for to- y.
- "Raft Tale to emu Eyaiton.—The 'munch and lithr
L. :Titideigidttr
will make the fret trip of the team oti the Allegheny
. river. hallo; Ohio' tdreihiy at 4 yr,' m.. Paratord*
have now an ez,callent oproftbulty w Walt the 'land,
of greaser while stilppi m tan rely on taviog
raids forwasded wt n despatch: Mr. B. Lea le the
k,13 - I.IL WSE&Llalir s it
PURTUAOUTIL.—Tho minter ROCIVT, vapt. Jobs'
Wolf 'Wake,* in Ow sumo tad Mt tatErtatidtst•
lantausysar SATURDAY, at, t a o'clock, s.
Par fersght a pimp apply in toirolor to
• teio 1. TA GIVISENTO.4 t DO, agooti ,
- -
iy . rrTr as ugg er e i tU e e . A . ! ua r
psalms& ifireater EMMA Cap :oho wooobora.
'irUllosra Plturoargalbe intgodla. X'rk 11.1.111
DAY att p Feturnirg,loaraa
T111131.4.1f at 10 . ro. P, Irelshi or passage apply
op board or to
0,20 J. It. LIVIBGEffION'4I C. 04 Apra.
PAVINAT'.--The itt, grazer MD
IlswfA.,Oaptaa Jain Ciordoti, tetras fat tramming'
.ata intOfteallie I , llr every, Tv titivri - vitras.-
- •Datikad earu a mix; at 11 lecloelt, A • 21., tuallag
elosa.cagasatioaa 'th the nob/ petal* f.r Ptak.,
stlcsaert Chub:matt Bata ming, lams W
*thgritry , SIONDAT,,WI.DNYJiIhiIi w.iinnv,‘,4 ,
IlVdadKrt:PG7PgianTikera tcoakts4 pigasti ttlllo, -
dt1234,1'10E-10/10 Cr. purse aPall" wad or
- , JA4.11.e COLLIN!! JVOO.
ado - t• - - • • do Ha *one *Mat.
ITh eritiLven pfYVtC safievt. Roblasonovu
itirsitonclaUsU futormiMitt:...stin&aag: in;
Aefeitib tast,,,,fat tnialsor paw & N i r o = wit '7.lll.llVitivirom 40, Aim
nalimillietiz/ -IMMIX' •
...._y.^.." <
Homes for the Industrious
1 200.0110 ACRES
Rich Farming 'Lands
'rho &lunation of th• estorprislog sod todastrtsas tor
ion cf the cowoutet3 to directed to the followlot .I.sLe
to and Iltani Mdcwemeatil t fferal Item by tto
u they mill perceive, will enable them, by prop•.
energy, peruveratioe and todlitry, to provide
Comfortable and Permanent homes
cr th.taselree and Wallies, iirtib, comparatlrely speettei
No State lo the Tolley of the Misrlettppl cffete to creel
1111Indoottneot to the settler se the Ptata of 1111nols. There
is no portion gahe world where eft the coodllichs of rib
stets tad toll eo adtedtably wmntoe to produce those new
great ataplro, corn and 'sheet, as the Pralrtee of
The deep ttch - laara of the praltias to csiltivat.3 hh each
woudertut (sanity that the farmers of the Mute.; and
hildtha litatea
Moving to Illinois in groat number&
'rho. ..a of Illinois Is about equal to that of It orlatul, aunt
the soil Is so Itch Chet It ertil rapport ttntuty tenuous of
Tbeas lulls an cootlocnaa to a railroad 7:) , C0 wiles I
coot:Oct. ails - otter rondo sail o►rtgab
lakes and riven, too► ►4ordle'g
an unbrokon communication
with the Fhathia ihd ikatbern mark‘th
nibs far capital and labor harm bora applied to develop
log the 00111 the. great rumor" of the Buda lu WALL and
DM( an alnicut antoachtch the furarlabla tale that the
mechanic arm flourtelt bast atm (hod andSoal w amp
art, will follow/ as an early day Co lllino%einl ID Chaconne
of the tic= tan years the natural lam and ascertain of the
ode warrant the tiedof that at twit rim LW SD2IIIO
TBOOSAND P4OP!.Z will he rnitagrid to the elute of
Illinois Co the radars
Man 111gal:trips Employmerita.
Om, 10 O t ooo,ooo of pirate mita have been .±.
pended on the (slimed sputei uflinuta. Inasmuch as
part of tee Inourim from several of them works, with a♦a
nable peddle food to Wide, Fee to diminish lb. Rate es•
rime; the USN ere light, and taint, ountecoently, every
day decrease. •
The elate Debt to only 1110,106,1193 14. and wilbla the last
ihree yens has been reduced $;9697{660. and nmq
reasonably expect that In tan years lc will baoaroaatilgt.
Tbs Rats la rapidly atltn■ ap witttpopulatioo; 8611fi76
prams biorlint time added don UM- making tads rases
population 1.T10,426-6 atio of 102 per cent. in
The agricaltaral .produrta of 1111 note art gyrator than
time." of any ottiar Beata Tao prodosta meat oat darlag tba
plat year wooded 1,100,000 tooa The wheat crop of 1800
approaches sahockooo tatatuels, while the Dora crop ylakta
not lon Was 00,000,000 baobab,.
Nowt:mi. as lb. industrious flamer secure such Immo.
(1:041012M an hie lamas span the. Fulde wits, they
aping compouid of • deep, rich lam, the &minty of watcb
!almiorporad aim= 2,tobs.
- - -
Nisei 1654,04 allipasy hisiciold 1 ,800,000 ecru. ney
:411aaly to achuit ciattestors, God 'every contract ;Wants
an worm* ookttattow ;LNmadha.6rweogttruent
terough thank/4s al an etyma 0. ,580,00u,90.1. to 1640
thepoputioton offortrianecoundit aronpik sOttch:44patal
gaaoaiy 836 M, SHWA nada 118,21K1 have tern aadad, oak.
iv wßolapopuktion 814,491—a gain 0f,143 per ed i t!
. .
. , ,
le to evidence et the thrill or the people, h may be ataled
'Chit 602,000 toys of freight, inehrliny 11A00,000 0 a,h. ti of
grata aad 2/50,000 barrels of hoar, sere forty arde4.oeer the
.Hoe teat year; .
lifetherlesiml Worktny Nei will Bed the Free batioill
syeten enoonrend by neaten, Ltd endowed With s Urge
Porton for the intend of sninote. TO,* &Weenie tin
le sight of in church - and wand house, aid Vow op with
the yrnyeritY of the leteling nen in •the Greet Western
The Fuss of theie Ines seri bath $1 to effi.per We, sc.
oolotos to locomen, gruday,:lia ithwelus:fsraling lams
far .boat blew 112 a. PW why. sad We retsttos "peonof w utoninisprark. bad waiving with wood Into Isla
the istlOof • 1 tole fa bvorOf fibs forma s . the term of
Ale for the bialt C l theOe leads KZ be • • , •
.• • osto !asstd 'Agorae'. a itvanos.
atsix per coot per eine sad ids" Warred mess eh olx
( *oh P Witt TroPooaf m.
ono, twos thres, four. eve mod
11:3 can fro lb. deb.& Tebn *Ad bar notes for PidodPsti
ay:Who fOkese, 11r end slings tette from eats Of eslar
the , bohtfioasbalbethe salW loe4riethoe thottiothar ,
domed stog3 femme see csatlfeball siclaod awl, :ear
for ere ymi froonbseits`of waked dist it the sag of Ihrsi ,
peril=ohs II libel/be litro# all mar halUtallai• '
'• TWO - esti Per, eitil 100 . deasasi,ted
urn lbs wolaelTae ts* cab:Wept um isia. wadi in et
ott *Oars rays, wfsse the tub prtoreill be ass follena
- • • •
• Paling** doTke tiTo Tt- bode, • Tnalets. aro.
dotionsoolook soil moms of payment, ow to bag" Sp.
L iggiga, ' LAND qaibliffilONllii, •
lit lie iniamast thitteits.Talasillatidllttlii
litalatio untsavi owns Zeglicidg mos uLuL dtl6l.l4
fallow ow
11~ Whey -- 211111, '
'-`• ,-- ,i. , , '.7"--"''''' :
I ..:.,__.,- .. i
. .
' -t
HAVE TOt 61.1.2
very littlo capital:
THE 874f5 DXBT.
rat TllarY or Bort.
imrsois oasrasUita=w4lh
.. , .
TOROPO.I LS Tai A iiclli It cs Gt. diCig
.I. WATtlia. -
Ulthallltatalt (3'lth ttet'a Orr c !, ;
W.. ino,,e., that Y 1 leal. I
P. eathaal le 111T:ted IL,L i.e Inernlyeimi of Oath;
haig;mra the one.
keep - web hyoid Mom the pekoe at 041 h in y c an
be feretitehnd tUm v loeto ALlaall lecture or a
York, •ha Iphie, naltanole, lb eshlnoton, rCito s i
chapati,. p %rod by the 1/Iducrn .
tt .
. .
The UUDther which mu too co., by arty balder Cl
in o ne mon afar receipt of the order. also the num.
her whore h CALL Celine within one. week. ' '
Toe Waou ma t e zedtli Monist. to the following !
enema ell to tho nowt:tithed patterns
tin ow e ( n 0 00roi) aux.:co, of the lass awl descrlyo /
. ,and
Uou so Linares. to war 1 .11:
7h. trout tetra!, to be Meth tett tio loth • high, ,
hebe ten in lice to d ennetor, and tourteen and • quer ; on ,
tar act:elm:lm hind erneala font feet ton Inches high, atoi
lento too andmplertirinobte in dun:oar and fourteen Ivor
and a got inches lareg.nolleotrunied a hall inches i soar
widoeud la awl three weeder lithe' oretr; o tat tz.nt (red
Opt, box,. •erepo, today tang, Ito bled alatlf-lorlnat , •
at the tyre end Lae/ cae and seven eighth. feels it
email god; Ire two sod a ha f thane. team by five
eighthi of a Inch thick, test-ned with ores screw bolt ; /
and net to arch Mlle; hobs wade of tote, the spokes ~„;
sod fain. of the hest elate oak., free from durect• •`
each wheel to have a' sand baud and lincoplD baud
two and leer/ quettcr hetes widt,of Kati band iron,
~,,,d 11 . „Idyl.,—uotaide lama ant and • guar/
ter inch him:le-grader lons thick, inthie nano one
loch by Ibt•etimmen! he In Ih!CIL tali, the hind wheals !
to be made atoth hoodoo lb. they 16111thaltthre from :
the insido of the tire t 1 the large end of the box ale '
lod • half Inches, earl trout who:lasi; and one eithth : •
tech. in • parallel tine, and ea:beak to he three met
eleven ono thre•nigbth inclue Irvin illimitable Of one
atteould.r w rte ilia casks of tt othar, so em to
have the • gone all to to Ova t Loot centre tu
centre of e wheels. Atlanta: be made of the
bat tinalit rekoed Annakan lif t i t, two and a half
Inolameruat w a. the shoulder, tape ng down to on,
and • hull limb In th e middle, wl a sown eighths
inch king/ • boil In etch Wearer rube:seared
lincbpins i 4 each •xletreettneeln Untie pine ote Inch
wide, th ighthe of an inch tilt , with s hole In
mace end. stoodou stock font-mid t resqoarter itato
m wit acd loser haloes Melo hate subsantially to
the mato with clips ou the au s and with two
bolts, ex Inches trout the middle, sal beauel to the
brands and loister, (the bolster to lee four feet live
lothera long flee moms wide. sc4 three auk a half
Amp) with noir hallindo haute
Tito tongue, to bo leo foot eight huhu long, lone
inchtiwedO and torso ilithef Ulla at front end of
tinftenonds o and two and • Tudor Inches wide by
two and three/quarter Inches deal st the froutento,
aid so MI aa to litt em the Irma- sad of It to
hang with! two fee; of too grain ern. the w•gon
1. •Lthlieg at rut 00 e lerthollt lath .
The fro ttanoie to he so ter too niches luny,
throe ludic thick, and iota loth. wydo ovor axle:am
and to re, n that width to the twiunit tad of the tong.,!
Jaws 01 the. M adig ILO. one too, inches bag !
three la th es aquae at the :rola • d With II plats of
Aron two • red a hall bailee wale by lb et. Wraiths Of:
as loch thick, fastened on top of Ike home?. over the:
fact / and ,e labs tongue lath one hialninch arm • bell !
In etch el u and • plat. of fro* o• the same wasiorno:
ad me at o theo anions and a half in Au clomp the;
front Cm de together. and f-moroat au Lao tad./
114 e, and at haat eel of twotds, with loaf Itch *crow
oil thin ti oh each bonne, a sewn et‘eie lush bolt/
throctu tdugne sod toutuda In the move 01 jam, tot
recur. theatougue In the Poona; Opiate of trot three,
troches wtir,.egoarirt loch cheek, and one foot,
algal Lethal tong, aeoctrad - on the Ice/de of Jaw. oil
honods wah two fleet, and it play of Mt mono d1:1
seesawed int each elle of the L mi., where the knot;
the hocauls ran Legether, termed 10 lam manner. •/
brsOo at otT,tralittitl3ll of attach iota iron to ex/1
wad fromeader the Wont.] groan led tel. t wo twat
to taint p t M ties beundi, tame broth threowner !
tors of auti a tch round to conti
n. nue to tim bade part of/
the bath I, and to be loom e
ea ed will two bolo. on,
near the end of the honed.. and o throwoh thee
did•r audi c ihoncede; a breve orer Irma bolster one and
• beef ire wide, one quarter of an Inch thick, with
• colt to batch end to fallen it to tao tecronix ebb
opening 810144 n tte•Jewtof the hounds, to metre
the tongue, and four and threerusrtar inches In
(rook and toot and • half in. hes at eh! back Fait of
The blioll tamale fear feat two !lobes long, two .4
f ,,,,
threoque ter lathes thick, sod 'tune inches wide,
laws au* n long adore they clip the coupttng poly
the OtAtte four feet liveleers l og, sad Ova tithed
wide, by Moo What deep, Will body Imo two aid
i ,
wide,es by 0r.041.4 lace teht, turned up
two and half itches sea tanneo are brarb,eni with
Lb:, a ale Lb. LoOter stook. and kuuuda to Ma 11
eur,e wan lota half etch !saw Wit/. Ott one till
tech eV:,Colt throngh the coupling polo.
It: so u piing pole Wan feet eight w dam long, throf
Inch _ ; 1. and four and a halt Imams ride at front
teii .
and, moo !co and nereequ vier juchw wide at auk .
end; Me •• from two cantor of Moe boll bole to the
mntz• of th e tact &TAUT. ell 'Test ea* Inch. anti
Irmo tte Giro W Meg-bolt tale to tee eectr• of th e
mortice I th e laud nod of the pole dart leer omit
inch: sth ng holt one and • qiorter ttnes dimes. r,
of beat thdoed iron, omen dawn to seven•sighlls o
an Inclia . elo felt puns thr013 4 6 lte iron arelre4
von pia/ Its Lucian loog, three 111thill wide, althorn
eighth o
Inch talok. cm the 'War/to:roe and Karl
<tore tiny run third Mr, ).fan rue and 11tel• 4
c m qua, g elan 11E4 Ca (ho adding lowa tattooed -•
elate et. by a• r w bolt tarcugh It • tornado; front
at 'Mee bare plum Wove and below alert, nukes
tong, throw and a call locus wide, .1 three eghinie
at an It ttack, cornets draw., oat and turned down
cal tbo cress of um r caster, will • nail la each rot
La, sot lour coeroorthith Ledia on the top; two Lfhtel¢.
oo the tend iron 's, two .d ten art a hall th etas
aids, .1 'o 10 band frootthea rob 1 lo' e on the Malt
1114 pot le Le el.h , hone, lotto, ono and thre•-quaL
ars tuna •Ira, and one quarter of se loth that.
Double re tbs. net to !e long. .thaletree leo
Mt .lag t henry ions, all wall Melo c f idAory, with
in IMO cg sad clip at each Mai Ihe antra to to tole
well so; ithi ow and szratcruar to he three Met •
two itches 1014. two and II VULVA. lathes •idea,:sout:
ousted a gassier turn thick. Leal bare, stretbere, .
rudalitineueas kr alt mule Pam; the two angled:leis
for the I red moles to have hoots In the, saddle to
took to abs end Mahe tree chain, the wheel and mad
le paha with op.. rings to attach them to the 1:1004/
keg* tad lead tow. . • , 1
Tim ahh moan to he ten fiat long to the bar the i
fork non foot ton lathe. long, with the Erneoter an:
tubed cr ennead the forks *part; the WO of
p i ,
doubt ran um end tarot chain. threw eighths of
et, la ck 4 matacter; the forked that ', seven-alitemoth
inch in mew; the dlth elomn lobe leaven aixtrenth
tut ui er to UM fat, theft,* blue Cimbwxteerdb
adh diestoter,tho tint • of theft IMO et the lock atudiat,
tomb writ more than two mid • quarter Inches long.:
The tCy to he untied, th ree fen 6 Incl.. *ideal
two f . e dep , ton teat kat at the note., and 1m feet
six itch st the top, elopeng equally at each end .111
it It. 6.1 or tsar the bed puma to De twq andsl
molei, wide, end three Lamsll d itch olly, trent plethei
deep by two swin baes end,: Willj
Pfece, tie s WI a half inches wide and three inchiw
Mak; a dd font Inclice deep to the udd'ie to art oo the
coup . aal pot 47. roll one and • half Inch th ick by
one seven eighth lath wider, lower roll, one them
thick Iy ono an oneroeighth Inch why; thew etude;
std Ou crail In (toot, with a lest on stop tango. to,'
Mcr it up as negh aO the elder; • Lex Ito. foal wall
tacker on, the bolt= die lathes wide front soye,l
talleith Shelf Ombra uteri, inlclibl in 1 sheltie:aka"
i t
at te• in warn/ Ilse. tne body ad In the cletr,/
to to s tattootlaily t allened to th e front end of tied
body,i/o tame an 1.00 , se rap pawing romod mach mak
amore to the bend piers alm frost tali by • rivet en
dab • cl of 11 . .smeln; throttob thorn, 1.1311,11 s to to
fastened to the lot roll with two good shop Mogi.;
• s minority,. tea Iron Mad the box • tad inch
k e n, the t o p edge, end two @tropisms else OIL the Ild,
oear *front edge, to itereet ths make from eating
the be law to have • joust bop faatamed to the middle
of the lid. ell Ix • good wooden Meat on tb• Inside, a
amp i o Iron on the cadre et the box 01th a atomise
pees Mu
n ssel' h., ht. Wien 0511400; Atha scads
aid aw calls on each side; tens holder fastened to the
beds, x lathes d•cp fad lour inches nide at klnf
hell bole, Iron ref to-;rant and mare. of eleven/saki
d ull od nos on went area; lirenthl , of art Inch round lam, with a head 100 the kg
ch iron roam! taus Lel
hind, ith sPoeilders on top of tall plow, and nuts On
the tend.r elds. and • tauten top of MI; a pima teth
~,,is ti n t' melon wpm of No 03 Mad loon on 11
ppien,n,ge tee body; two motes It Weiler%
land bir two eat a gamier tacked Wide end one that
alibi, to receive plexa three feet suer Indite long,i,th
be mad I. barfallOttallt., boor mita through oath
site 'land, and two teat through each front stay 10
'ewers /the moon btesilli, to be of the beet quality trim
suet aid.' o n a gaol ban come tint through each eon
of lee ewe; door nrestsbtks of an Inch oak twerthe
thin vs eighths .ofven inch whim pine, tall bolted
theca marten of so - Ana thick, of welts pine, to: be
male d with No oak clefts netted at mitt' end
Um It the tall board; an iron rata three tat eight
Inches long. two end it qtaufer Inches Wide, lad time/
eight.tot an lab Odra on the lender eats of the 0•11
pie • ' o extend front the hind arid at the body to sight
inchllkin front 0' the hied hoistan, to holmium:it by
Ilea rod at its cod of the Cody, by the littrit tad gat
ientlececlehthe pion inch anew bolts, ono at li
tura' . end of the plate, and lbw other shoat egu •
Motet baswu itm awl Um - lateral ad. A baltlnc
ke rma Iron rod r bolt to pus dlegorally 'thank the
wile tween the two hind .1,3, to and through go
bed plies raid plate ;odor It, with e good idled un the
top mid tat •nd crow at tee bottom, to bo me the tolo
ono laic alit Inches =us inside of tall board, Mad oh
the bottom ten In bet from the bled fol. an Iron
clout p:twO inches aide; ene flouter of ea inch Ik kk
anima lb. (eel 1 lan!, the oentoe tail& to • blob jt
Inn (11114 I. *3E004 Dosing through It, to extsnd
mean Arms, on too inside or, the body, the ends, too
and hallow' to be 'scoured by two thtedwitailk
lab IS fele Let sAlie middle bar at the sads tube
mien "tut the had (Moe du the lower side, Tee twit
chains et unal to the centre boa ut the lady Otis
and e.even ludas, the Wild two lent all Intl le
t.. 1
long, oto of thee- 140 br of an inch rotted traile d
toying to be tem fe.t alziochaa lens keno ont to oat,
the t! onteal cute of oak, its gala of yellow pink,
to beTett babes wide et tottorm tansy, them. 4 1 4.
a t., , and eiftet and a hell hams deep all hitite
• clear , well Itonachce.te a hint of beep Iron seetnut th e
top, -,croon t snob led three between the Or*
strong and suitable kook to button that:month* tong.
whet feeding; viol strong ethane to be attached ,o
Wtee tall the !bOtly, eesercd lay *staple with a
Wok, to
gallon WtO Oa [mtge. MX Mows of good
ash, t o niches aids sad . ono ball loch thick, WI h
thr. staple to Paden the ridge polo btu pyki,,
two: tsples on the, leo y, to Secure enottung ottle
kiwi ono ridge polo Item:feet Erch; abs ant ththe•
quart rs Inches wide by. Tva I fi,bta of eu lath thia 1
the ~i to beef : the grit violet, cotton duct Odd.,
efiten lest long and ulna Rau right Inches 'Umtata
In lb. hat teillataw./wlth „fear, hemp theds en *b
die, and one through each end to chile It et both eaga
tau tr a p on each and aas body,:[-'Aces and estate
the. sor the rover; • Maple lee the lower tall,Poir
the socond mad from each e.d, totarten the aid, cords.
'Pb. wad. o r the 100.1, and t el trough to leivortd4
good themwogs lead, Adored los blue M the
side tad sober. t ti r o costs of venal ist 1. 1 pot r
Qs tWootori tau. sod wheals to hets two now .
of Venetia. ted.don lotted of selocolcteeotes, thehnb
and Al r ine to ho WtilbellOtatd, kotesa at pato: 1, it fe.
fillitql : , ! ' - • , 1
' to poi, as atilt kleg holt sod two stirs stogie.
Weal to be tiOntitoot with etch worm: . , rho kr n : i
sa4tilesnes" similar In . ell respects to %boat
.. 1
- ltscholdi el Ilia fell of the wig= toll, Wtattid .
II; - *id watabodd 1 0 'ili•oetwf ; all Other vertu to
keindad. V. II ; the amt., food We. Path Once
Ye6121"1:1116r415141:18314::,00z5ai1m'5.b11G7".14.n. "444“."4 1tooll " Lent e Ltco% 1:thl thitt - Imi rttio ll t agel brw at t :onti ' m t : i.
wwsol oral Aped Itbd twisty 111:thow of hint Wens SDI
onto 0.111ilt• ow pootbabwoo • oolsottog Iscr o Zt'
iorithOh not all lb' 'WNW Wm* ar OMR
s slfe Al.O di 60 ,41 0 49. 11 14 00 rieltbrtellW
i. - - PROPOS - MA: -'. - - ... - . ilDErtaal
: , . 16514:cials.
1........-.....---- ! ;.4 -- ....,....-:
1 ., 3:1...1, - ...i../.b., mt In sl: It. p!ru Isonfully ese. ' An er'
. .. .. . • .
4° t ',:::::'..;,:t m . p .. c *° , e n .t7 r ' o r t r:.* , o ' ik „,,„,, it , .Z . 3. to the rah.. and t>ranson Otninell• a toe 1. ity .
... * p r a Lr th rt ,tl 1i . 1. ; 1. 1. 1 . ‘ fl la tha
it ... lit abet), 't att..l , 2 n ,
3r . grocs<a oy .n onloer ore gent c I OA, Qoarttrataat. ' It'e"'"'". °I ""i.**'. '4':. 1 that! •I kiatisa . ,c3 • tritlinCUl oktialo Ihnkt ell
v ib. isi4l , l3l ,, t o n o l, a i tt b i t.,.. c.n t.. s , ,, ,, i , :t , sila .pp l r i . bst , as il ii...... t r o T . ~s 'l, 3,lt 'd, a u f,n a rs,' , l,A ; t' i s4 i tt n an n oe' An'itft3b3:lo.4r,„c,..--i, jc 4-4 t f (Arita tla eta tnat . r ad by the
• '
pelt of ageo , ~t elrxitall to I..upect :L. flats. On [teed, . 1, n " ..... Pr..."....4 OtnnotlS bjap1.1,1,..1 ' 5011TH II 'SOGRUILAILROAD. •
~,,,,„1 „ „ b „ 0 ,,,,,„ by „, ~,„,, „s„,„ of th „ ed, Ltd the ...Ina et rtld..-1 to the . CO Etoikho t r c.. 1- •• • • 1
TM oat. rail rt. a I An /At. Lents to et...rosegb. nu
44.t... , ••• ,, ' , 114 , , , 311. AWL:, Am. daIl•-red •• berets L n•o , " 0 b. ''''°"" '
Ott. o.d •to •,at sti ottl, • law ale b 4.y t,t Au. silo: t...... kn....4,10t0n LILO, by thtrtaen 11011211. to
agre.l. tttey P blil be pat I to:. bl. O. t• el e, 1
ielll4tl Q ,,,,,..,,,,,,, ~,,,,t ,u , 1 . c,,,u..1....t. A1 , .1 ,' 1 V.9ld.T. AKIN Okra.
• . oa rey.oz..t prot math tali , and Iv always se
l'itsl.l of 3ro Sala of Cootil .bew as nu, Lobe,
Attest: n. II car two. en) I,Jur ti Ist. to 6.43... soil all poles In liirortik•
Clerk oft' a '.l.lset Connell. 1 ern SI kttoori by the YO: lb 311... art Ratertukt.
A aIIVW 11. tIiIITII, , - iri Hell U. noserox.
Pr , al& tut 01 Condit Llt I.:+aucil r mai.' ut and 1.1 Lo't i..opt El tba North Ulattourl It. B.
Attar:M., tla ottotit.l. UN • •. I II ,-1a1.r0:14.A....nt selOttkOm
CI.Ik of th., , 1.1..c0•41. - n 0,,ne..h, _
Olt Ur t.1.141..S Got c 11131.1. 14 Xtri.ol9
I AND AM . ULANCh 1.143141.84.
01110. Or • SAT 0.41111 , 6 ADD lantritial
[brow lic ward and diaCCI grads.
' Now long. Angust a,1681
Ps rand will be re , Dived at lAN mike tor turnale
tlit, y cctarect, Army Wawa. Bssnesst
Cl.' propoode Would state the price et which ttol
ID Entombed at the Owes Cl meouiceture and
.a. p Ice at which thi y can le drilrei..l at this de•
sat, e murales which Can tin made by the bidder
Its 1 one toroth ar•er r. :Pi tae she order; &leo the
un. T • Isich be cue artier within ow week.
, borates most ereegy conform to the °Bowleg
1 cation. and t. the r.tatillsheil petunias
If, r male beaus. as billows, tiwin
. WHOM. $ .
ire ulloni.—Brosch strew ti I 0 Mehra 10ng,11%
It re wide, sewed tuto 1$ loch rings of %huh Irma;
1t; straps 8 Instil Inches long, p 34 mcn., wide. .say
Int ii Gat king, 244 ha heel wile, with 134 Inch
,bu bier, craw. 'traps to bOCVO limo Way piecks, 0
de. long, 1% inch widu, side Wept 4 fool long, 134
ln wide, tie straps IS hich.s long, % huh slow,
erlng toe wink
Tito Belly Pandit Long side two feet 8 Inches long, 2
;Inches wide, with • two Loth back* stunt side 1 foot
lb Inabes long sad 2 inches wide.
:fro Hair Wilms: It to 19 inched long. With doable
; straps Cud safe leathers and cockle. % loch wide.
Two Ter Of Straw Mamma to melt. wide of white elk
[reek booed with books, breast rings 134 loch
I bona/0. staples mid line slop. .
Two Pair cf Haute Steeps. Lower one 4 bete I be
long. 44 Inch wide; upper one I fret 0 Mall lo irji
'IMO wide.
Two Bridle.. OTGWO pieta 2 foot loog, 1% Inch sir lcheek piece. each 10 umbreloas, VA lock wide; root
Iplace 11341=es 10ng,134 limb mai; stay
WAD Minds to crime please, lillnehew long, Irz,
wide; wee piece 11 itches 104,1 two wide; lauds
0 bkhee long, 4% teams wide; rein., ion side 4 feet
long, l inch wide; chart sid.. Steed long, 1 loch Irlds,
with 1 inch burets; WWI, 4..4 Wilke, to rdlib
• 4IN so the Oaken. i
Two Pair Chain Pipoo,2 lot I.n, 2% lachre se
2Wo Pelt l'race tilbeins,l Piet lu st}, testae. tot tool,
; of N. 3 iron. eau 1 on one ea , weight 7%, to B Itie
I per pair. Twisted or sit Oahe.
line Pair of Barad Chains. Y 2 lecher long, 14 like to
ilbw foot. of Nu 3 Won. TlllistAl,
wo Neck Straps, 11 test 1 Inch long, 2% lachek wide,
1 with 234 Mob [tackle. ,
Two Noce Oben*, 4 INA 0 Menet loop, 14 hake to the
() loco, No 6 Iron, T end loop to riveted ow to Me
utak wrap. Twisted. 1 •
ate boddle, made on Altai' tree, hoed, gullet
I and many Welded, messed I the lanai way with
haittcortal bores hide; nap YA trans long, 10
Maims wide; enrcingle 7 Pre 8 Inaba bongo 2 %
Inched wide, with el% Inch ankle on We 4 .LO
be fastened co tbe *rule by beta Meted , two
mated 111.11441 la itch wide, feted
one ati .41. sale 411110 meddle one sag ha r 4 10
the Moat pert of the bar e the other end to 1 e eke
Wailoe of the bar bottled the cle,-Spentshisitidte
Tadion; stirrup lemmas 4 t 1 Inches king, 134
lob wide, wit. 1 , 4 inch boat it; ettnippa, &abasing
800, tamed. toll eye pstiern, to relgts 1334 EU tole
t own pair. .
Twk, wt.% I 4 toll) turbos log, aide tho same so
I for •hool hosnosa.
Two Pair of ar.moo to salt, ell:mot= oistorial of for
who,' turner', Ismail, with hiseke: Jason close sad
I hit sloes, with strspii se he wheel lustiest.
fr tirteleas maw se for • tool humus
1 Sieslititrapt aildOltalies, nom motor w.beel turtles&
Ts Dolly batois, 0 °
Two 'sir Chile Pipes, . "
Ph; Pete 'bete Chem%
Teo I.ltlpport sod Utp Okays. Deck amp 6 feet kl 4,
taperees from 1134 inches to 241, inches tekle. FLp
&tete each 2 bet 4 Inchealong,l% tab wide, Sect.
with a dent at ono and.
Tao Back BIZU, B ten 4 inches long, 21% tube@ via,
Two klattlag•lea, 4 toot bong, 154 loch wide, to buckle
luto thous.
Ow Lbapltng Strap,6 ket 6 Lathes long. X Inch wide.
U. Ulm* 1ta10,4 fret 1.441 tech irta•, to heckle
Into the bit at cacti end, with • ri•s Sew.] IS
the centre to rce.lee the Iced Loe. ,
Una Lee* tue, :c1 tut bug, Sf ihth Wide, with •
Lace le at one end, 141.1 an 5 Gut loop at the °atter.
Ono IRWIN hthei platted horse hide, 6 troth Inches
Quo Liam Brush, ors!, of Erfstla, by lushes.
Quo Catty Oontb, no, 214-3 bor.
The whole to bo pocked In • box Wont IS Inches
tale, 17 tubes deep, 34 Incites long, mod* of 1 tool.
met (covered. COW hoop. of Arad lho tog to Ogillred.
Mar Bor.e 13atocsa, am talon; to Fit:
Two Qnflora. Breech arspsS fait 8 Inches long. 8 34
inches nide, awed Into rings of % hien Iron,
lap straps 4 fest forty. 8 liscaes wad% law) panes 2
hat 2 Inched long, 8 tithes wale„ with 1% inch
buckler, awe Map s to battle Woo ads, pi co* 6 feet
lon. Of, bath wit* ado Er, 6OA 6 Indira 1088.
1% awn wldr. 110 strops lb Inched lung, 134 WWI
wide tapering wo 0$ pans.
Two Bally Pawls. Long lid* 3 last 4 inches bang. 2
bookies old., with s I tom ea kle; shots tido 1 law
0 itches long 6311 2 Inches wide.
Two /ISt; Collies. 23 to 52 Inches loop, •Ith ditdda
strips sad saki Widths luck Wld.
o Pat of lisroag Mimes to but, Mew of 41111t0 okt
*A Ironed with hooks, becutrings Inchequstw
tiff Ws and line rings
T o ui Lisps ?hope Lower osts 6 feet 6 Inches
p 4, N r inctilwtio; upper tins 4 fest 6 niche. long,
wlditiol Nom tanned leather.
o 2E414. Crown pieta Piet 9 inches fing,..1,4
tbch wide; ch.* pests **eh 10 Inches song, 1% loch
wide; front owes 12% limbos long, lyj loch wide:
µWm, 16 Inches
tire Y & P lrin i g a' wri l tis, l4" le
17 8 12 Indite long, 1
inch wing blinds 4 niches lotig,6 lathed irides rase,
long side.( kit 2 Inches tong, 1 Inch wit* short side
I 91st long, 1 inch Witt with I inch back* bat,
tinned lr allen:hi weigh I li. the dwelt
Two esti Chain Pips, 9 Wet 0 Lichee long, 2% lathes
two reit True Chains, t rest Wog, 311 links to the toot,
of No X Sexy twisted or straight. WWI 2 cm oat KO.
weighs 9 lbw per pale.
Caspar of Mout atbelna, loam, long. 14 - ilaks to
the toot, or No 9 Woo, to b 9B
Two Neck bleeps, 8 feet 6 thaw' 1°04,2)4 Inches vide,
.4th YK loch locejtuk
Two Neck CIIILINI - leet 6 14tbas loop, 14 Mks to the
look totalled No 4 troo,T awl loop to .os riveted Oa
to the neck itzep, swivel to the ebkle.
One Boddie, made on Anekepas we, .m046141'1 and
angle ironed. tweeted In the anal To with halt
taanni bone hide; daps 40 Whet long, 16 loch.,
wide; enkindle 7 wet a Inches long. 2)6 tochire wide,
wnh • 666 lath buckle on one end, to be teamed to
the saddle by being thretiat to two curved ittapb
loch wick; thee* wase are placed one en earth aloe
et the eaddle trot, one end I. tied to thefront part of
the to:, the ether end to the artenstost of the bar
behind the mine, apeateli lobate fashion;, atttrap
leathers 6 legal Inches long, 1)6 WA irtde..llll
tech bik.klwatirrape, iron. tumid. bolt
eta pattern, to weigh 16)6 Ma to admen pair.
1, ID.
Two Pair of Llamas to anitoif lams material as for
Wheel Mend., booed, with hooka, hewn chap and
Una dog., with Krupa ..ha wheel berme,.
Two Neck !Straps and Chains, same NI for 'brill W
Two Selig Banda, gams so for wheel harness.
Two Pair Chain Elm, salsa salis wheel harness.
Two Pea Trace Chains. gaga as kw wheal hands&
Two Cropper. and Nip guspi.. Back strap 0 bet long.
tapering ism 334 Miss to VA inches wide. Hip
Straps, with lisickles„sach 9 . Ives I Inks. bog. 134
Inch wide, with wrought books. ;
Taro Back Bands, 3 hair Inches long, 334 inches 'arida.
Two illartingshis, 4 find long, 134 tiarb guts to hooka
Ind the his.
Coo Coupling Strap, II fart II lothos lorig,lX inch wide
One Check •Ilain, 4 Get 1 inch ins, 1 incti:wioa, to
bustle Into the bit st Guth .sad, with a dog saved
la the einnestorlioelve the bed Ilse.
Ora load Um% 11l Wee ton. ,f,' lochwili. with e
tackle at are end, and ea I haft bap at the other.
One Whip, heavy ;plated horse hide, 0 feet 0 tuba
tang. :
Ow hone Broth, ord, of bristles, —by —Juba.
One Carry Comb, tio2lll-11 bar.
Ths *bole to he wend In • box shunt 21 Inches
Irde, laUchiel &obi 04 loam lora, Mods of 1 loch
'toff, covered wood sloops or troshums,
Ths whole to be.meds of the best =aerial, suing
to balisiiiiol with good waxed thread, sod sublea to
inspection daring pruc Or malefactors kid also
Oboe iiiilebs4.
Wheo d horse lanais Is malted, the WI 'collars,
beidlulawes, neck lama, betty, Wide, abide Mee,
trawl ahem; cropper and hip .tope, Oak Wads sod
cantina lame are doubled: ore beertew Anain 8 Int
loner, le bake to the toot,olitto d troa,witti a Too each
end Mow% and IA i lira to beta tad loos.
Tbfaliole to be mode dills bat material,sairing to
In weds with pan waled thread, rod; to in
epee-ea during the process or insouteetore sod also
whoa Ablate.
WAtio ritrdrrid. the lead Cullom.
bridles, bless, beet straps, bellybands. chain plea.
boos cholas, Oopper sod hip strays' bads lamb and
outtyling straps ars dont:Bath ona bearing dials 9 krt.
boos. 14 links to trio foot, of No t iron. with ► T on
cam and added; and lead Übe lobs Ober long. '
Proposals will elan toe rev:lead for 'disking and Cia•
!Poling =Wanes Limes. for sera mar cools or
brine tea ms
ts —sispirclikatlon ol wblet odd Oa baresfirr,
!anaemia. .
. Norma ofprorsal and nim be bi, er fortibbed
epee application to tnis aloe, and sera be an ,
Boland tbat do we conform thazato.-
/hi ..Pritilras la teemed by end for the Voltad
Stets, of rrjeouag any prop:pia &bar may bo deemed
tb . fin al
Propcisela will be In Impel on a, • oyo limlo
slog Dona,. uProposala for totabbleg, Army W agon,
end Wilma... and addreadd to
,'•• • • Malcir D WV/VD, • '
. sultif Quartarcometar U. B. Army.
• goo oui. prime Plaotalloo IdolatFor,
100 do aoaoriod broads tlyttap,
W 9 big' Vogt*,
, do bon. tam,lrtod Goad. „Tammy
40 cattle!! do do do
luo Ltafcboots Young 14 roo sad 11
- •60 coatis 'do dv do do
100 bozo, 110010 Stop, I
60 do Moos do
60 do Gummi kloap.
26 do Idoold (heal**,
26 do Self do
fit do Upd do
160 Orson Brooms,: . ;
in slot* sod for ado •
BROWEI t IClBlPA'ttleto
sod, Poo.llll 1.011.11-orly soreot.
IAWIA-191.1 Dbl.. /Lull spitly flour,
a° , "" • d°
TfiDlA liflßßEff, BLANKIIITti„ for
solettereaari. Nita/ it pia hulls sObbir Depot.
ap A nd App Pr; oak Anat. J. It El. mumps.
11 1 80Wddi;..459 49!. for see -
c BRNO% 04161 M ,,
... -
o t .u. 0.3 'Rua, —lake notice that to oacro,dava
Irlai the abvlP , reaolution, I sat dais t!a) 6'e!• ton
Ile p4ra of noweraof Anciihriay Amoatoick tad Livirtt
C,ust at e only for catioarmattop, wad aft patalto
&or owa.lmayappal to maid wort elm imam
from ,h«alate Ming tl. Ftellarli . hit, J&
reyteanher 19:a,13/11.--aalelrd i •
(A 'lilt; tiA3.ll: tQF LUIV-I
the Aids (Mtn .10 naiS.l.l"
01 • 11 , gl)ray. . .14 ro.cot and Cdurwoo.. Con VD heeetto
nut the et:tax:cot of the Ytus eta appdoled talk*
the ofi: :Avg t 4 nt Alley. litnnt 0. , L. 14 to CI
114 street. Sol 6.1.11/ eyvertlon 0.t01e.. .4!
b•teth ;.to portuancoof :be R.:ed.:Wen il:b
rrQinnto ' end reed to hounctl, be at prered, and
tb.t ibe , 1143/0 certitled to the tlty to teit:r ler
Confirm:Woo by Court.
Ordslaed srvi enact:dint° a lam 'tar 6:b Sat of Deje
Umber, L.
.110sS. aou9IOII.TH. Proit4 rut No tom Of A. Or
AbribEW D. htdITEI. Vrasident eta 0=
Attest Ur IttkOtalltaolt Clerk of the Meet Coanel:...,'
Atm= 11. klefloinhetz,lntrk of the'Commad Ch.ntreti.
lb as Parlia @waned—Take nodes, Mat to pdr.,
nines of the ohm I have Med the sold statexteau
ibis 90n der of depilates . . to the Matelot Wert!
for Allegheny county. for condrosattahe lo which!
Coors sit reties fasting tbseenelvits ',grieved hayi
appeal wlibln Ili weeks from the dire m Sang,
&Miter tot Allegheny:
September hat, sth. • •-• selOartuf,
IN TUN DIA:Mat OF C 1 REtdst
tTIMIZI.-eAteathr.d, hy . the Sales; end Cowers',
abantilx lbs statement of the vtewere arotaki
eel In punsancs of rnrolutlone if Jot; 17.1ii1 ;tot
vier Oneo street ant_ moo du:4p' and boodle:,
so « u presented and read, be and I, herebyiatravddi
and that thesanes be certified to the City Soho tar for ,
.cotiftetnatian by Coot
thd.4eiti and enacted Into a leo this nib . diy'tol,
deptembe4l..ll lift
DOM, Asawoarn, Prea : Mntprot,miotS.O k
AHbRgW D.lllllll. /redden& pommels Omuta
AttesteD. Niemand, OlSlkOrthe Select Coosa
Atteet klotloestatA, Cleft of Oornmoe Comps.' t
IbaJt ricretesthnesatied—llito teaks, that in r. 1.1
finance of the *hove. I heirs died the said abase:MlN
this 9th day of fleptentier, 1301,1 a the District Cc
for Allegheny county odneattalteio wbichOtPt
all patios feeling themielves agmleved mays
widen six Weeks Item the dated filing. t I I .
*Motor for Al=
September Si/41801.
1114 p MOLY Xll, by the titled and Co
At* Oconcihr,Th at the statement of ths.viricse
pointed to view Bldg* stress and *raw dining and
bawd te, loperenanns of the resolution of omen. of
IDA July, 1364 av prenented and reef, bs eponweittly
and the nese oertlfias to the 0117 &Mita fit c:
amaze= 17 Mort. .
Ordained and enacted lets a law this Ilk deg .
BOBS AOUWORTir Presieent pro tech of
ANDANW D. 10111 . 11, Prrsideotof 0.0.
Aguish D. Daenalost. Clerk of flolent Citron 1 L i
Attest: IL Iltikesersithillark el . Oommen Oen= .
fe all Fortier Cbacensed—Take mile, , that to Pot.
mace of tee above I bare 0.1 the said,atatenteat
this 9. day of gentemisr, ista r in Its Dlettict Chat
L r Atlegteny colustytxothdrmstlatitta WW I CQcrt
all wiles Delius tra motives alllthototi rosy Igra
within six weeks from the Oats of Sling.
nalloltor us Allegheny.:
Septemtnt Ott'. 1001
55ttning Paacfmtrzi
. .
PRIM FROM gss TO silo. t
xxvoz.zrrszyci .rasisenseriaxi..
manufsetaring, and the curtailment of iltsgstion
es peeves consequent anon recent thcieloci of the Pd.
ted EtateeCustri, affirming the Onlidlti a 2, the WPM
A Baler toupee's Patents, enable Utia nomPalllf to.
burnish their lowing Machines, wlttiltoportanEtto.
proroments, - at OItkATLT REDLTIIID PRIM. 'ills
superiority of those niachinee for Estailynes and for
aisnefactarers, In the seine rants of purpose and
orsarial. Is 'Masud by the tons of thansands Gahm
toem And the moderate prices et which thst are
now solo praw them wablisthe reach of .411, sad oh.
vista La craw for tampeenti. with those IDS
andlow pricid crater which hare so oinch . pietco
Mead the teeing males blunter. It*, rears
sold by es is
' 41
We also glee instrantions, free of ebergi,to patch*.
sera, to enable Wens to Dm, Yell. thrtner Ins* lOW
thabroider, ell on the tame rearbine. • '
=be had at oar ogloe, tree odebigirt
by applying either m person or by wall.
N. EL—ihrelng idechines. Hustles, hi= Trnir.
Pawn, eta., constently on bend.
No. n nrra STREET, prneirrsoni
55totio, Ennis, Gratz, Ort.l
atutprseralss or I ‘,.?
Warehouse, Federal Street, near New
au....pausion bridP. summon . castr4
w• ask the =satin of &alas to oar, Ism ate,-
tains ot exatri sad flastlag Sams, to Wool (gad
Ocat, which vi• est Waal at ass lomat rota* rgys•
valtJag nor city fdad It to daft attrattsgs tO flra
us • call sad atsatas cat awl Wats patclualzi
Omit LUG ff Cala *Oda Iron Balm Spats; 1440 a
Was, Wagon Botts,
Plain sud Variety Grate Freaktel Readies,
oto,essttogs at all nods sada Weeder. s.l .
flf fart , D. Its IhtVION a eive.
au I. 111
r °4"'
Duquesne Fouisdii
Liberty' ate near- eater Deic k tra,
Manurietare MAMMA SOT-ELAN? anti *dm..
me MILL sumac' GaaTING43, otOair
ott. rxpa, Don= °Lames,. npi INON'te;
NEW= NANA WAGON , sorts. aim AND: DOG
IRON% eta= ANIIHEAVN raoare,sTo;Oxia
Boma. am. shrivel tour outfit sak
Orders loft lab W. W.W.;TOIIIYO.OOtaerota ood
itrest and Diamond Oar, well rsesin woo*
ETNA: s olirzrwpzi,*s.
A.. 33 .R . A; 3t .
mani 4!etarisviii rimy ;
aco. - ecs. &a. I 4
Bole Proprietor of the ooltbrated,
rAram sus autzrzirg'D sr ix oOracr•
lame AzaaNexximrs.
Office and Bales Room, •
No. 4 Wood Eltrolt.'
ALLErk taCCORMICEiIdit co.,
V 41.1.:1.:M1e'r 017214 D telY.
PiTIMBUBLitt,PA:. 1 .`4
Virarehonsan , No; 5243 M. Mai* et.
mum and HIMLII:3 STOille, "War
inn Amnion
ZoUloag Mit; nolkot Aimdd OW End and
431 ams Weld% itomtnsaeltio
Wases_ond Artists bps. Sal har4lxosi. Wawa
Bozo, Bap: ligtMe. Pullen Owe Mllmeb,
=.IP6 sna awns twouniavA Jontdon sad
tattoo man -to onion Manta !boat
illlsodttnamnineleurdsvme.. • I molt end-
Sito4nOt - SiOntm):lmijr.
N E-'
OLD nosinozi no+ = c#sfr
eizi as a Itescm4l.ll Agellit,' -
. t
ESPEOIALLY4afighed , fot tho ani , ial
dielleditd ?Wades obi the
.tats .d
' :ite..Ther Oakwood
7 11l ig the prositood catmaa oat
oncixdosamestoliat ..ottlomistrlioleiod ,
doe! codatai Nob dkilttia Nati 101(11
old sod pare; 'fa: aim staiti r =ll
&di b 7 efl lal!to.' ' 1 1
sinos p. B . wax ., lielroadid,- _
, -..- - ,, - , s,. et. sisneans a ea, i
taiiibuotia ti uts.), • - . -Aaa
4414 1- • ---' - I-- - - iratia !,' • Iftlskl!? !!"_
TAX , . ,r TEAL
Jui NOW Iwo toma sigma 11,41 .
NCR 40 WE! G -ra n
r -
0 i-etunlnLer, 4.l.Arrat.arenient-Abta
z• t . 1 .ft
A.t MNj aw ' names
4 14 _ 11144 .. , stAtjo,„ 'rag
.4 ;Lt. 4 .11A IS ...sae tbil..:tr,72e.i,„„dy, only at
I . Letr i
ta 15 7
, J...., 11.1.202:e1.1 1.41 . 1:11.: , , TR....,1N Seats dal:, it
1 " ~,, : :„. , ,,, 2 :.:r ; or,y•::, InVrti stallcUs, tufthill
dl. ,U.,....,e ~ :I. LibTli;.../rig fut . Ea(tlutcrt. and sr.
rul ,.. c i , , ~ ..;; ot.'or.r.r.lirrer-ra at kW a. at.
THE PAST Ll . tilli :even tut 141-4.: u 4,1 4 , (sna ps
...,,, " ,4,,, p v.; ij,Tpi, St Gralu,s.buzg,
Lat r, :Q.-a man WM:we. Oolitzur, Ahem; rm.
and • t erirs t-P., .o.:plita•l 6.10.. N.
ACOOkI agilitluN UAINB.
Ths . ..lainte tn. Won 'Train Imam nay
;map), bere2a2)et a. id% atopMll lit tla glations.
and roannig as Pox Chnesormatt , .
Virzi immured& Prate for arsiril stoop twos
.nSi can t Bandar) at Catir a. N.
Sonrod ilemrmron Train la Well'a Pinion
Inns seta 0 tp)e t 11:73 a. et.
Thtd /atom Train for Walli NtblltralMMU
44100 (=pt.Buzfd ) at 4.1.61 p . ire
loarth Amor-'s hoo
Sten O'r Well , ' Shalom
raw‘ot mar (mart ) at d 36 P.M.
Eemndin Tenni sine In }diorama. a fbnows:-.
ilt Inas, WM Mma MO, 11:60 a I.; hut L.Mei =I
A- N. Jobootown • r4OI6K , CIArioI; ICOSI a. u.) WM'
Wall's [S atin, 4 I:coiat',l2, ::.1. , ) a. am nomad
Wee& litsticu J Imx sodavan, 1 O.W I. am Third
. .ra iihr Manes 2 . med.. :. .. 1,1.1 P. at; loath
Was Eitathin A odtdcm,o:ls P. e.
•• Treat Sae Mini da trod learn& woven at 10/11n. '
nib Lanmediair nit.Llanticram accommodstro and
:arterrat Trentirest and Watt: and inill lad 'night
Pitioborrh 11 - 00*411118 Tram', .top iatug Algal
anion. on th. Pittafrmo a Cam=ltrrills Hong lam
dilly 113ondal eamnd) n tolleenn.-1101nralla UN
ii. 114 Inpreas Trala, t:10 P. at Patarning Tndria
fun Pitntrondi a Poarallivilla Brad. antra at /Ma
buruh.lo.3o a.m. MK relll P. X.-
.. ,
Tut:man obit: Wi ll fad It treetty to thatr tn.
tams, ta going or Wed, to trans Inikor Paw
eyirsola Hat road, the marritac.:attor now orlon'
eamot benne& oa any othrt root. Tba Bad he
ballanal with noo to..' b trArtl7 Use Prom dam. Wa
con proinha wan, an er-,Sort to all who ran
tour this (read Mall .net,m ay.
nitre.- -
TO tiar - Yot2—•-• 412 (01 10 lialtrincra....--.0 0 10
L lima
. - Philadelphia 10.601 'Lan0ntar.......... P 10
.H..abr z, ...,4111.' - .
- 11tagtaga TM , . to all biatlom cesaha . Prem. Rail.
rnomeolo rants= and Way York. ,
Panangese Utters ban 'rill ha char&
ad on alma tardirtmun Medd la additkm
totba arr Con man, apart dram Stations when the
Oomnas tar wt./igen. ..,, _ ,
'-' frOiltillorin star of May the COTOIMIg 11111 bold
Ma, minanin2a , for mama' nano W 4 ,
and Re an mr..-ron laneednig $lOO,
li. 13.=...1n 0 Lbw ' his Cour ample/ad to
mra. !annum tad Barna nand stomas. Depot.
......_ ..... to exceed ra ,r - ` - Inch paw."--
.. . .
an. end ow s*
i ll
i i , con4y,
"wham the D of Um Ptamptveoht la
Pltt brrgia,saloWirs - - • _ • •
faialaiTik, aitemem -mid ObseilMati /Del Lfie,
114 EtageorriNs.
No situp of cam between Plltsburstraad Otochzill.
Lena Antra at anima at Armies at Amine at
1,426 a m 1103 a m 1410 D al -
MO p co tte p at WA • to
TEL route Is shorter to Oicalotatl, Il we ila, Co.
Memos sal ell poton South, than say route.
apliadld 11l - ret Oars Worked to all Vohs
' it mid WAssifim Lass.
LAMS AniTAA at Archti et Arsine ea A 1,1
12.35 a ml2O • et SW • fa 4.113 a m .• a m
&Ott • m 746 a to 11:111 a a liail • to I • at
• ITIO p to 1:16 p to' 413 p la • &le p is p m
4.03 p m &lb p sit =II p m -
The 12.38 A. /a Mll/ 1 t . EL 'bibs with
'l%lue of 0.0 . H. - tat Zanterille,Lemastsr
' Thy 440 p. lieshi Mops .tall statical
Etthe , ter 'cod W 11191116. ,_
- • h axi Ccoelsl4 inc.
n l
PITTBA iii crizver.ani
/TM A. , !PIO a...
1210 1, a. " SAM p. a.
The 2220 a.m. Dal 1 connects st aspard kw New
Phil. ealphis end tat:lona en Ms Panamint, Brawl.
Pestragets dealing to - go_ to assulosky, ?Mato.
Chime% of points West, tit elarelsaa, ammo be pep
tleolia to ses for Tickets eta Cleialsati, .-
Throat:A Ttoketa as , be Mamma et gas !mem
tows Depot, Pitodmrelt. -
JOHN nrweart,Ticked agast .
lot ts!rtber saarrastkas spas t.
At fM compsny's °Mai In htlg6itttetlaa, rasa et
P. E. KYlBS,Chrevil 1144 Agent,
IV V& LL- DG 10 , A M SI
No. 85 Fourth liteeet.
011411 , stz D °
riPEN DAILY 113,02e9 TO 2 o'-
.4 yoLocE, Wendy and latansy
itootata trum ta It o finnabet Ara ft= Tto
°Nang ald - Itts Malabar fan alai &tato=
to eclat. •
acne* nand of an ate .
net tan than ono
Dow, , tad witniand of the mita diolarod Moo
ur r atim g r i S y ne:Pat on tat..
Jnoa ..ainteran iluof b t r a: tan
Oa rat eta ornand,:a the tattopaper ant.
Wu= tic! Antatont t tatanal tO tho nodal
at oft as nattplAstal latanas mat Wont
tiaci the (Mt an data analkoatabes
tan a j truant troahlati the 6noattat to ea
or MD le wont tat alga At an rota wan
all data to Ina ttao if yam natatlntha tam
gra man amen ant =ant t Ellllll.,
10 0 'thitaintaa,Artona-Itnin and
na loan I Mta Altatita on anantion ay the
•, - • - Zattaa—filOßlONlAßlfiL •
WUDERJ.Andonta . Dimes B.D.
• Wow ILD'escoodc.
Desjada lenr elabaestodi ,L IL Doileck, 11. D.
'Harwell Dirpura, liabut
Jam Thittlimh . • DoDeliklalgi'
nom • ADazader ?DAY
Sakti D. DwituDok
filsorp Stick;
Jaen B. Mad%
Alms A.Ocrriar,
Wrniaa DOW"
late" itrus..
Rim Rohm,
- WlDDisa B. Rosa,
P..* auDst.
I t a ad . ,
DisesdeiD 0
. 0
at,' 34. T
Pstn A.*tn.
Jobs IL 'Maar,
Joao tidies',
/eta Karetall. '
Watts t. Ababa%
/do •
itogiralt. •
ii.laxsader Veer,
OW Mattis%
agigilia Yap&
• 4.00:70/16
•Lubricating;'. Oil; •
per Gauas, =study vs base smi oh
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