The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, September 28, 1861, Image 3

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'OVA. At 5101iN1N6, - 88PT. 28,1861
~ldia'aicai'"Obadriatioaa for the Ga.
Bhaw, Opfieiro, 6S Fifth street
_. ... .. .. 1111r111. 111 110•1:11.
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" I ! • • ‘,...., nacti cos - siN v ", Las:
t.. &M B. BCOLORE, Pitubaspb.
- ~I I -. MISBRIXT null wvant emus
..,...I Pir W. 'watastal, kituparphr
I as Assam= .nroal ammo.. ram :
.1 . :• ( 4) ISOI , I O N, or soN Ityriasbfp.
' l IANS S , !,:l ,, ENNZ9,ll..barsb. . , '
II i . ~ los ASSIXitr.T:
. os , aoMas A. RRHISSI, Lo arSt.Olar;
err-0,41 3 / I .IINrIN, Olpirtkr4 i '
KM N * •
I UNS NW; Ilharerrh ;
:litazia WOODS. a Slags ti , _ -
I I , ~• ,us -rwaSoNansr:
USN RV RATON, a 11t.i... eaCtilr tp,
I ir Ai cosis:inimi: . ••
IV FOLlArie,`or Wilklm . tp.
1 - . ,T nu muscats:.
. ! A V ITAYD, of l'lßilurgb :
rOs 001.sti: '
OHS 6I OEI LUNG, of P:astarah. •
1 tos Duisata!arpaoi 1
ORZRS IL. DAUS, arOhk, 1p- ,
i IPUtalaurgh Weekly pesetas. L . „,
BIWEEKLY Ganirrt, published :this •
MK hi , contains f;o l l details of affairs in
Re ay, of the pro nof events in - Mil
souk, and around Washingtob, and the latest
Ws by te'
egraph andinil from all important
Poi Ohl
r ;
Horrible Murder,' at Uniontown.
ichael Daugan , en old and well-known Mt
leen oil Springhill township, Fayette county,
Wan mt brutally murdered in Uniontown, on
_ ,
Thh ay -last, by a young fellow . named Henry
Able, elf GeOrge township.. "Mike," as was
hie ! cuitom when visiting town, was under the
in genre of liquor, and talked incoherently
a at secessionists and traitors, but those who 1 :
knew him took no clones at it.. Bat Able,
*Mg joined Capt. Weiner , " company a few
days tuifore, and feeling no -doubt like ii-sol.
MST, aid withal a lit.le drunk and about half.
whited"' it his duty to resent what he
coissid red to be a personal insult. A quarrel
mine, when Able drela botcher knife which
hertatt'attached to a belt under his wincoat
and stabbed Dungan four times—three time"
iti.the abdomen, severing- : the intestines, and
ones bistween the eighth and ninth ribs, pens
mating the _thorax. Either of the wounds
*aid Line* proved tar nal. A. it was he lin
., geted in in almost unc o nscious state some two
' .honre end died. Abeli L the murderer, was im
mediately arrested and Commituid to int.- The
• body totDougatx was planed in a co ffi o and sent
tont' ifs and family oh Wednesday morning.
-• . • ' L . -:L - -- - Boy allied •
Thundiy, Conrad Dorfahtiffer, aged about
tWelini years, Whose .ntreuts reside in LaW
renceille, was killed in Wiuebiddlit , " woods, 1
oil th Rest - Liberty toad, while gathering
. ellennte. He was in company win enouter
ledi aiid while on the - tree a limb brol r„kand •
precipitated him to ths ground, conk in
itial death: The accident is the more die.
trnaidg, as the rad wsi the main support of
•• the fanny, being engaged in the arsenal. His
fatherni an invalid, and no older-brother has
goneto the war, thud throwing the depen
discolor the family. mainly upon this lies
Ernies. An inquest , was - held by Coroner
Bristw ek, and the usual verdict was rendered.
- ' Tee Sommelier ILIDELLION AND one WAS
, Want MAME: A Blowy of the Rise and
.I , rngr.ens of._ the Rebellion. Published teary
Wednesday 'OO cents, sad may be procured
by order from run - dealer in periodicals.—We
-here received ham thiqublieber, Mr. Jas. D.
yorrei, of New York , numbers 4 and 5 of this
work, which 'promises; to be au exceedingly.
••••, cOminfct and convenient book of reference,
. oniataining not only a ',.coatecntive narrative
of rheieventa and incidents' , of the rebellion,
but 'Bo "important, document', cornets from
. rerearkable speeces,. etc. etc. The cvi.
deuces of careful and Competent we,' kroanship
- , Id- crinpiliag this history, warrant ue id coml.
endistit to public Aso,. v• ,
. L , ~ •
T Ectsette MAE/MINI or HDEMOK Lie•
' a unf i ts Ton Gclosest —This is a. superior
' "niiiiiber--evert messurlng by ,he high atandard
citi.ifil m„ tonel exoellencs of tide maguine. The
• flint paper, Relis'a liElpaustsla • Conquest. in.,
41112 M frotir the British Quarterly, which Is
Apt 4ptibllsbed la, this country, and Is well
worth,' to lead off the lislllLuit army of amyl,
to theinumber of nearly edema sad half villa'
. fellioerjr.: The - London Reniew,lCbambers' Jour
siel, rieser's Migssidd, Bentley's Miseellany,
the - leaden - Iteltette,' t the Dahlia Unlvereity
.., lilsgeSine, the Boatmen, and other sources are
drawn span--andibe result is a very' rich and
Adolf oombor of oat Abiniesn &tootle. ',
iOretwotic .oanitnerowic—Rev. Panlinos.
emlOnan, 0. 5.8., Will ordsieed Subdeacon"
litnnaisy, Sept. 19th; Rei. Isadore Wei.
'isrilitbseasius Etintenach, Peahens Wermisk
and gosiTace gig', allot _ the Denedictlae,Or.
.aer, were ordained Deacons on Friday;, the
1 1.0t6,!and on saturday, the 210 4 the Cants
ReT;pritlemea wererpromoted to the Order
Priesthood. The ordination was held
-Philomenew Charch,la this city, by
Bishop.ll ' .
A - SOutiest or sax Timatticarra Weevils°.
lease from a pirate letter, just recalled,
from fa sitatabei of thdThisteenth Pannejlranta
Reglieent" (Col. Rowley ' ) that .a young man
: - named. 'Total Jankins;*ose mother resides in
Sinntelham,-wite annidentilly shorie the leg
day or , two ihtee, and the wound is of such
deer one eharacterthit ills leased amputation
will hineeemaii:- ,Tbe writer stein. that the
imeillentlippeasd thipigh' the cateletsnew of
the gargiiint the,ciuud. • - •
;Tar nmaint et yortig Elkin;, Vibe; wit *bet
laid killed while Lin 3 scouting 'a:pedalo:a at
..ebeat'idoustairt, in 'restate Virginia; about
ins Wriais since, arrived here on Wednesday
idita;and were interred trona tbe residence
jatirpanitits oc Tinirsday,' Ammon. The
lunateat.,wal attended: by a large ! concourse
Voltam.. together -with three neonatal. P.
M . W.i. Gmossiesert,ltilth street, op
pealti, the Theatre: has Seesived Herpses
Weekly and - frank Leslie's Illustrated News
pool Tbeyzare both tall of interesting feed.
-'sag natter iddrpletorfat illeetiatiors. Young
'and did wilrbe edeitied,with them, some
war Seettesheing preleited on almost every
pets+ I
_.ig NATIONAL P 417 WAS vary strictly ob.-
Tsftrve:a by all TIOWININ'OVIT citizens. ''llasiness
weeeotiredy riespeeded, apd belle. eirirrepre
to .,
oted's ; Seeder aspens. -.Religious Trees
werei, held io all the -eborehesi'luig , the Star.
CiIINN were of a liOII3ININ cad - 9 01 Tr kate i " a"
lacier' :N.:l' ''' - it .'. -, . ' " ' •
Irpontrorm.—Aroitibald -Blakely, Esq., of
Butler, baa received the appointment of Major
of COL Sintoll'o rostment. bir- Mabel, ht •
member of the Butler bar and gentleman.woll
qualified for the position: _The reeinent will be
raised to. Afton oompar.ionef 101 man each.
-;Bow.AT ,WilmmatiBa.-01 Thnnaay, Wm.
Johnston, 'labium ;Johniann 7 - Ant Jomph
Smith were committed.ta - Jan by Jade+ Mitch
ell, of Peebles tormiblp, enarge4 ;with walk
and hotter,/ upon John ilineline, and also with
ae • in a disorderly manner. ,
Duiftitati.—Derld °went, tax collector of
Lower rac Clair township, abase wort we
nontloced a dap or two, on a Tram:nee
wanrant o for refining to nude "phis duplicate*
tun lads anangestente for paying hL arreath
and as ties teleucifeick prisom, - .
C.c. !jimmies Itatuatkow; at Leach
tory ia sow nearly fun. It was swelled, this
weak, by the, addition ofi the Zdellesger
Geafds, Capt. Mcßride, of Idoconshela city,
and he Nrsley Zouives, Car: McNally, ateo
cr atriaguacoutay.---:;“ , •
2 9Lieswoort's Roisrstinew M teastror
'lleury Miner has reconsid" Blackwood's
asillit for: bilk - looktbr Jest ;republished by. L.
Bea& & New Yolk. % The contests of
thwinutaber will be Gated to bribed' varied
1- 484 ' 414 !'o'itiar•
1 , 1 .7 . 410x*, *sibs tidolitrwdpßo Depot,
s tiozi to Parrolheskaeraq* l6ll lt.
Wafogrisito par wP7
Late. Efx.. Campbell- •
The d e ath :of , this
-beloved old minister
whicipoccurred at Ms 'voidance in Mancha,
lar, on - last Satiitdn ineraing--sgemArtelde
maid atorethan a mere pawning notice. Far his
grist benevolence of heart .and other goad
properties, his memory wilt long live with
Apse who ltnew.him bait.
He was • native of .lialtimore, and ibtaint
of the sainted iobn Megan. He partook very
mach or'the Refit of hit greet and good pre-,
captor; end, through a life pi olmoat threescore
yeam and ten,uxhiblted to the world the pure.
life of e man who had been with Jesus.
A few of the early years °kb's ministry were
4 00 3 it Nathtille. Tenn., when.he was the
pastor of Gee. Jackson,-to whom , he was-al
ways - otrongly attached, whose' death" - no
one lamented more than he, and whose men*
My he alwaye cherished. ..
Be wee oneof the early.and active friends of
the Western Theological Seminary, in which
iestitation he was for rome finis Prefeasor of
Pastoral Theology. He and Dr. Herron, of
.precious memory, and the .still actifd and
.fiuthful Lee,of Lawrenceville; were most 'at,
tire in-the-location of that now renowited
aohool of the' PlOphelll it Alleglieni. eityi
Daring the Simmer of 18'29, he went to England
to solicit contributions, for that institution, to
which he was eminently succonful.
Himself a Sae scholar, he wits throughout
hivlong life an antdree end efficient friend, to
the cause of edicatiod. But thagreat charac
teristic of futile wee pis unbounded liberplity.
He had a gr_eat heart sheays upee to those to
heed ofteszatatice. "
, :On lift Sabbath morning his death was an
hOuneed iotbacongregatlm of. the Fourth Pres
byterian'. churdlo,in very affeettrigamd appro.
-prism terme, by Rey. Watson Hughes. *he edit
tainistereto that congregation ae &triad ,apply.
Dr. Campbell wu die first pester, ttna.toun
der in faotof that chnreh. m
labors in the Fifth ward,' thin 'the
“NorthertiLihettlea of Pittsbnigh,nu the' full
of"1821i, tip Pripiehloglin the echoed house, to
I Agnew perms. .11.vuoutinued his labors there
unable departure for 4Siagtand; lathe spring
of 1830, at the canieskshd Unahlmons request
of the youthful Uiliiieglition,Em resumed his
labors among them. He ass installed pastor
of the church In August,.lBl3lr ',oat which
'thee • let was obtained on Liberty street. on
which a building BO bytOlebt was treated. In
the erection of this small building. Dr. Camp
bell was very active and untiring Is his zeal .
The congregation was singularly unfortunate
The walls of their now place of worship , came
down three time! in sucoessioo, with aline from
the hill. Under these disooursgements the pee.
ple and their pastor worked and hoped on.
The old location war abandoned, the prereat
one selected, and the betiding now occupied by
the congregation, on Penn wool, Vol com
mand in July. 1833. In ,Oetober of the same
year—with such energy was the work pushed
forward—the baumpas of the new building was
reedy for ooeupancy.-: In the fall of 11331, the
bone was opened for divine worship by a Am
mon from the Tearable Dr. Herron.
Dr.. Campbell was this the testament in
planting this vineyard. He labored along
the people of the Foitrth church for a number
of years, with great acceptance, and wee el
wan beloved by them.
During his later years, though without n reg
ular charge, he Was earnest and devoted to
the cause of his blamer. Fall of years and
full of hoard, he has gone to his reap. Those
with whom be issocieted in life beer a Willing
testimony to bra worth no an excellent and
useful man, a kind and faithful friend, a true
and loyal citizen and a real and earnest
Christian, =Meter. By a hie - time of good
deeds, he being dead yet spraketh.
Well-Timed Witness Against Slavery
The wor.hiper■ in the different churches
observed the National Fast, on Thursday, by
.sppiopriate religious exercises. In the Post
U.S. Church, Allegheny, the venerable mistOr,
Itev. John T. Preaaly, D. D., bound in the
words of God's ancient people, se recorded in
Nehemiah, 9: 33 —srlinwbeit, Thou art just in
till that is brought upon us; for Thou but done
right, but we have done wickedly,"—the Mein.
dation for a pungenl. vigorous and apnuMte
diseourim. •
He traced the analogy between God ` fe deal
ing with Israel and with the American Nation
—and observed that there was a striking coal
laxity in their litatary. The principle clearly
recognized in tie remarkable petition of the
Israelite was that the Almighty, in his sove
reign disposal of evebte, brought upon us elf
out evils riga puniehment for our CDs. '.Snail
there be evil in a city, and the Lord bath cot
done it 1" "What, shall we receive good at
the hand of Grid, and shall we not receive
• evil r" As a nation, the Untied States were
enduring the direst calamiirinhich can befall
any people. God, in Me providence, hail sent
discord, anarchy, ipsubordinanon, end civil
war. In seeking for the cause of our evil, we
were prone to attribute it to the wrong source.
The giant evil of the American Nation was
,The revetend Docta remarked that
his hearers would. bear witness that this par
ticular theme had never been a hobby him;
ant, then, they were not to infer from this fact
- that be was ttiseneNlido iiiteriormay and sin.
Mines& Thelma& of our fellow-beings were
held in oppressioe, and deprived of the dearest
right of a rational
,soul—liberry! It was un
necessary to speak of the meny evil. flowing
from the system. .Under the protection of
Constitutional guards, it had reached oak:mall
proportions and was beyond tlie control of gov
ernment: -
It seemed to him that God was now stepping
forth tiatrindieste hie truth, and , to teach asp
that Ile can destroy an accursed system which
SOP we. impotent to accomplish. Slavery, he
added, was particularly our tuitional gin, and
the civil war with which we were sill mted was
_just pumahmect fcir oar complicity with It.
The speaker then referred to the supineness
°ollie Christian Chutch—the absence of zeal
and the presence of worldly•mindednen among
e membership ; the prevalence and pnpular
ity or sinful and pernieiona amusements, of
imaging profanity and drankenneu. Neither
the Skill of the civilian nor the bravery rtt.zhe
soldier could sive the nation. !glom; pat"their
trust in boring and some in prince' ; bat we
will trump in the name or the Lord," bile
knowledgieg and forsaking oar aim God
-alone could new and deliver ne.
_ .
Dr. Pressiy war born in South Carolina, and
hu numertms blood 'elation. in many of the
alive Starts: It was thought, soma time ago,
by persons whOld not take thir trouble to inform
thesasalints, that he eytarithlied with the Booth
in its mad design to dastroY the government.
Al shutting could ham been farther from the
truth, his many admiters, bo gra Ided and
thault itbn tor this tmll•timed. {dal • foreib's
testimony spinet the "sum 'of all v Cacaos."
Ho Altitude "Urn all true patriots eho • Id stand
—:on the atde ol,right, truth ried the I Moo.
Tin FbetAVNIIIIIT.-17e are inf.rmsd by
_those blgb iiiatborlty that this eve • log will
not only be Via Goal night of the Patriot's
Dream," but tbabiet appearati.iirorth t singu
lar lady, Miss A:,l Itleroken: The • • etrioni
Dream" has had an extended run, an • bas no
doabt pat oonsideiable "rocky' Into lb • pockets
of the energetic manager, who will —stalely
show his appreciation of a generous p bile by
introducing any sad all new medic:llpda plums
here sateen as they are brought out to thecae.
We therefore say to every one, continue ta give
your 'supper% to the "Old Drury," took out.for
Mr. cealdeck on „Monday night, and another
entire nevi Ric •e fd a then time.
PRODUC/1 AND Gosnitemon Lioust—Warefer
oar. oity sod - country prods's., dollars to the
Cord of-Meurer Graff Graham; who bare
established ttiammlies in the general Prodoee
and Oacornitsion lustiness, at No. 2,045. Market
Wee, Philadelnbla.' L.G. Graff, late of
this eltjr, b thc, atiolcr partner. Mr. 0.11 too
- well known In this community as an'ao ire and
bonerabls businessman, of large stiporience, to
requlra any commendation from at.
Tar elle of the entire stock or Cam No.
2sl Lit erty . street,. opposite BeYenth,, corn
prising-e•generat essortossmt of fancy and eta
pie dry good., carpets, will be corny
manna this morning at teiSufclock, by
McCartney, ancrioneer,•seci et:muerte day and
evening until all_ure sold. The Hie will be
without reserve, as the owner is pofitivaly de
elining basinful. , • ..
Putout. &a
oth McKonoo, of Co. 11,
Copt. .Abl, i ( kacory's liogimcni.) has or
chid In this on $ short visit: Ho will t o
ton early n week, anti will - don't, sr./
pokily' for l'itlaborgh bort, which may
bi left st tilts pElicie.
. .
. -
Tweartennt--4 letter Jan received
Irani - a private 4a,ihe Thirteenth regiment, Cot.
itowley. states Mit . they were making preps
ntiona to 'chaege. their quitrent—their detati
natio& beht reneewhere Wear ChAin Bridge.
ititamaa.Skatedsratoraing. the read 'more
ot-Illituta. Adams 1 Aakitai 137 Pam rtreet,
.was partially damaged by \ rig llamas
was extinguished before the bulldlag rioalyad
Oayt. Lowry, hag
Latimer araratycantract 'mho Girard anus
yeabirde. ITU/ -number about isiillity• mai;
sad ars tat Wad CoL /WWI Ifillelisslat.
.- •, , • - Mame* Cl*4, - Bept. 12, 1861.
.1 it lis just returned„ limn Mammoth City,
%Mine on the south bold in Wisconsin Din.
. ,
met, d 1 am confident that the quartz leads
itt tha t sectionvorpass in richness those of any
other ming domict. There is one lead in
which - from fire to mix
tier o reMatinible - 11ctineas. There are two
,quarls in le.going into-operation, and several
tempt its 'ate' organizing for the purpose of
developing' this . ,quartztemis, and lam con&
dant that.those.woo invest in thu section will
realize /I“jOltaaa• . I Italia a large number' of
specimens of (purls that!' intend'h carry to
Pittshirgb, Which t procured . is Mammoth
Citylni, m the lead', leftist Ticiniiy.. A gentle
man engaged in gulch cueing near here; took
-out &nugget a few days sinceivorth $3OO. Thin
mining - diatriet is fiftymiteefrtini Denver, in a
I I basindor gorge, of the Snowy Range. The
aarroinding' bills: are cepped with perpetual
1 senti,l which Makes 'he .snuitner coot and
licalth'y, with fine water pewee todevellip,e the
eamasitt inexhaustible wealth in these hale and
valleys. ' - • • `- . - -
lege going to 2birth Perk in a few dap, and
-1 wilt give. you 'a dvictiption of the Whin
op,e4oris to that section of countrY. I am
informed . that .the South Pack , is a beautiful
valteil, one handled miles in length;uldalat-•
ing,..and, interspersed ',with •titaber and gross,
watered with clear mountain stream!, with
.abourSince of trout of •the first-quality, and•
that portion of-the Park bordering on iii.
Snowy Ringo is rich ht ;Old. 'Twill be woes
rerplielt trieny "Hit, after Visifingit. .- - • .
i Yours, truly, , . RAMMER.
' Itariaosn ACcinattc.-4 man. named John.
Incry a resident of. blelf.irespmit, was killed
nearllwinssale,ion the Peensylvania [fathead . ,
on Wedneactay. The denkailaid 'wns Seen 'on
itteirielicrowing by the en.
glare. at theSwiesiele .
of an approaching freight train, who
blew l e le whistle and othor.eise endeqvozeito
appri him of his-danger', The men was. too
des, however, to hoar the alarm,. end , parse
ing his way,'reached the trick just es the
train Came up. The engine Struck hint when
he was abont on the n;iddie of the track,
throwing him some distance and killing him
instantly. Coroner Bou'wick was summoned
and ,held an inquest. on the body, when e
verdict .01 accidenot death was rendered.
Deceased was aboutLeighty years of age, and
ni beieved to have been quite deaf. His
remains were lent hoMe for interment.
Itet.ratiCe —II you want any of the New
furh;.kintadelpi.ia or Cioeinnati daily papers
deitseireul. at your residence or race, leave
yoer address with Pittotk (the ageot t ) at Gil.
der/tippers News . Depeti opporite Theatre.
liais Yana, - 'Philadelthia and Cincinnati
daily Ipapers are 'delivered io all parts of the
city every morning. Patna is the Gil.
dentennera News Depot, Filth al.
Dobron C. Bazz.z, Water Cure and Homer
pattiie Physician; also agent for Ileinbow's cele
brated Trnoo for Bantam. Corner of Penn
end Wayne Streets.
Dez•nTeiT.—Dr. 0. bill, No. 346 Penn it.,
attands to all branches of the Dental protein:lca.
' rinelpal Hotel&
Third and Wood stmts.
C 11.071.11702.
S 1 It Mew.. Hroakville
M Stark, do
Hits alJecke, do
IL.. A Jenks d,
0 0 Patna, Unlontutrn
J L Greet, Phila
I) Burns, Up. Middletown
J li Daldwin,
.1 H Daholl,
Myers, Itaradsil
J 0 I.omr.pton. Kittanning
It Sella*. Cin U
Dias Stewart.
J A LeroA Wheeling
Dr A J Johnson, Priest',
J W &rick, Loudonville
0 Cam email.
11 Wagner, A•ten, 11l
oAver, Penna.:nth
II Lindsey. Hy
J (Y:itwi s St.inbenville
Arrivals at the
fir CflitftLES—C.roor of
A TI Caramdi,
O B Jotes,
B Townsend,
.1 Fruitier, Allegheny
W J .4ct, Batl-r co
ronther, Ps
T *Ohs. l le
V Harding, W.sit. Pa
O W, do
J Witemottb, do
J Bret, Ilarristurz
O 0 .114.14
M Howard, Poutieckli
Mt. Sloshant,
.1 ftlit,g, ahoy o, 0
• M Work D
L Ehrets,
Coork.Ourrlltoo, 0
J J Morley, Orteue e*
A W'Brawn, Va
K 810.. d, Brookville
13110101 • •
11.115nder I sao Claim
B Walker,
e 8 YHA., Hopewell
• towel ~
D 0 Pickenuangh, Ilorgl'a
0 Niter. Host Lit .
4. thitophtll.
J 0 Kenai:lt, Cwitionsborg
EL Prevent,. Wash:se 1
r Keifer, X Liverpool
O or/ Eviler, L'uloutown
J W Robison. Petwaborg
A KioEpattick, Clarion
R 0 Kirkpatrick do
A Oeuiptialo, NY
3 M abater. do
A er Mout?, ' ,l ‘ ,
II F Eattuan, Oulou
0 Dizkiaos, Oil City
3 Ulopraddlo, tiraaktlo, 0
D carder, do
.7 n Hulett. Indiana co
ri Duoston, Wheeling
J W Hooter.
IP P Linton. Ebensburg
J On/woo. Philo
J 8 O'Brien, Philo
J It Natoli a lady
1,1-K !Lobo, Willoughby
A Orr.
AI Older, Iloilvar
3 K Fifa, 11.1 tab-th
J J Moody Alt Pleasant
II 0 Inwooote, Broad ford
&dint:Aid and Third rivet.
T. esoriusres.
Rot/ Patten
Ram Grata, Mayoral:nog
W W &pre, ' do
It Anek,r,PhlA
Apt Wm Lowry It 68 atria,
McClellan Guards, Law
recce co
0 J McDowell, Grum.
frt.. 0 Nash, do
:Arid freeman, do
.1 Uoghee,
B VS 111 Crealioe
J I.lcDoosld. rife sal
child. Zama.lllo
D s Donal, Woo Cboat
Mary J Voltu.y, do
Mr. Fmlth, Jakoatora
Mn Bor.. , to
.1 Elrod,
001 R Y ReDnireD, A 16,
W.,6 City
X tsiapsoa. 11,1 a
Elreeoty, EAmmitsrlile,
LI Matra, k c6Ill,
cuaory, 0
yrha4 sktmellog
.1 13 'Cisdll,b,
J A 87.., Etsffdo
.1 0 Youniblvoi, Alliginc.
W Et ?...14 , 0ve. et Lvale
tl It; ft Gigot and cMI4
A P Winkel, liollldssb'i
Tn. Bingham, do
tt (low. t ton. Johnston
R,'ltoss, P.
J o McGarry, Colnlawn,,
O I.l.Colwal, Haunting
J tan., d
D M,go, do
& L ti&o&20.
B 0 Elawsri. Moo city
eccrrot St.wut
wyo, 011.110 00
A le4 Card
Wm Corm
P revue
P Browcarlll6
E Ly..l
It 0 Ateche.nni, All
tI .tnr.A, below Beseatit.
' Wm Putt Agar, Itanding
• A W drearert,Op Tatum',l
D Ankara*. Rending
R Reed, Virginia
P Hirers, We.' 01
J A Henry. Jatrerano co
Dar d Hoary, do
In Bishop
J 15 !Smith, Ravenna
A A Ilmltta, !odious
Jaa Power, West cc.
rho !furrow, A!1031111
rty etre* bol of nib.
It Mack, Lanosster
It dander*, dj
Ilichudsco, Deallapse
A I Rowland, Hanatield
his Day, Hancock cal
Ise It Pene6sy, do
W slticY,a, trick°, y
Cl Y Molter, fellers Ban
RR furor, W litddiot.w
P Reef, BcRJo, Pa
Road, du
/will Allah,
. .
Jules Is, It Brous villa
Ju t Lrssusr, Wear,.
Ws Bardeen.. Darllogton
JO l4 LBetorn.J, Wont co
es 1! mar, Jed el
4' Yor~Q6R Marcerret c
NH ton), Wert co
W 2teei. McKeesport •
Jae Meet, Brogteol.e
W ADdereoe, klenter co
J Alkith *se, Heedless
LL JTsytor, Ealtstosig •
Ileatra KOVECteratet
154111711 tugs
Joo Peed, Wiel:Woo.
Joo listchleon,
A.A Noma WOlTeti. 0 .
8 Words k lady,oreenarn
HID Wawa, diaingdole
G /Aram EirowaaMlle
W W Arnold and lady
J recta, Derlbeillo
/no ddelOroy, Arrosizoog
F•W Kerns, Tartaium
/no Kann, Urrlbr ,
/no 'X Campbell, Ll'allol7 I
RID LION non ,
No. 6, Pt. Clair Meet
W A Maelisten
Wit Jootio., P 17 A 0 FA
Win tinny
Lt Wlltlurhaw
i D.nnis Florence
Al U Shield., do •
Win lleckli
livery and son
13 a rmkisio. W•fren
0 B w U lt:l 3 :kra t a h r ° 4lll
JO Barnes, Di.inurille
David •Willker, Id.roer
P tint 0110nrek
A 011goiden, Op Orr
tio. le, Wider stmt.
tunnimon. • ,
B Bochart A ladvAlon city
AM lirsdni.r, 118 0
61 Lesinoo. lAwronarrl I.
I Miller, McKeesport •
J Fields, e.
Mn Peet., Bradford
IA Mlle., Cie
.1 LCoOk, McKoe.pert
A Waltsrson, LI e 0
,11 hirens, do
Jdo Whbott. Uulotuoll,o
11 Owaxdoiteu,Vrmlkfut
luteDavisouut 111 etty
Aim Cyplls,' du
Robt 4curtlu,r6lind, 0
LL Johann, dttadvovllle
gbtael Jigees '
•• •
O! Mortimer
0 D Maßride, Comp Orr ,
D Dean, do
IV Vogon, Co
A, else, Youngstown
Drtunter, Waste, Po
D Wheeler 1.1 8 0
J I Rortunstri. do
011111, Domlmpolite
T DM, do
M. Taylor, do
J 1, drown, Elkhorn 11111 U
/ i t
o7I ° G, D. d Ordroneo0 0
tidesoon. U II I
VS' To alone owners.
14 SW /LET'S 111 VALL lama Litu
Ar.wripoo.-lottsw.4 le unrivaled by any;
lu aft rear:aerial:maw, arielng from Spn.lna. Bruises
or Wrencblng, Its effect Fa magical and certain. Bar.
n or Saddle Gall., bcratcbes, Nep, .110., It will
el/w care speedily. nt.avltland Illngbora may be many
prevented and cored IL their Incipient stages, Ma eon.'
Omer: cum, are beyeni the powlellity el a radical
care. Nu raw el the kind. however II ea sernerate or
tameless ono it may be allorlettd by lbw Llalment,
sea Its tannin; &ppm:aka will always remove tbe
Lemmas end enabto the bone m travel with tamps
reties sew . '
!ilsory none owner thotild here thlaremedY et band•
10 Ite timely tweet th e Oat apyearanee et Lammas
19111 No tneley prevent thee* , l'utarddable dalameee
aN"..B il4U.d s li Wtdcb ell : home/we liable end which
reader ea many others - Ise Tenable burrow nearly
AL HIILLIIIIII 4iontiro . ottetwo;x l sod
record amts. Plztetenwe. ' errallydawleAlt
.11.1 - - - -•--- ... „ _.-- --__
- • -
lelitAtr • SPIATBROOI4 , 3—Just
L mar .d s Opp], of - 31 - ittata =di entre
rettattong MOM% 0:110, Nut 3 and" Nast
nont,for sato kr toe down or at tonal. at-thohnO
OnKtri 09r0 .ussnutir ;.,
4.4 qcniirt utpairsot
NAIIIRAIIIIVES for silo by t vr4T
wsl DOWB IMAM as Woo Set..
~, ~- f,.
. T ZtL Plt3 R !-"
. _ .
Important fr m Missouri.
Sr. .0111.6, Sept. dfo.--ho report from Qulnof
to the Maar) Triblete,lat Sigel had atietkad '
pries, at Lexington. Li'ulterly false. fligetlue
been here for several weeks, slid - Gen.rtitieicr,
reiehed Icemen City td r day, Solo Itqw.
.: .-...
Wont. liar% of Ca. Marshall's Illitto6l4X
l b
aley. who seam lid the b 3 Cie at faxingtoa, - . hat ,
rammed heal. Os autos it - be'dliguieseLidmi , l
self la a nolfortn of the eznmy, sitar Cur mar,
render, passed through t sir lines and ,esastio2 ,
without taking the obligation. lidtsportathat.,
a large amount of gold, seven 0 1 00 0 0,4,004:
rides sad muskets, the sqblpmente of Marshall's
and Mulligan's regiment!, a number Of eragene_
and a considerable quantity sr provisions fell
Into the banda of Ike (!bete.'They , wets bac'
2,200 eivigaili. o 4i. 4 . 2 9 . ° C . bil i Acli 'being..'
Mak or absent. The en s'a totes. s titatedist 1
30,000 eagigad and 10,00 0 out on marauding
expediting.' The - s derives madaagainit ,'
the 'strdngost prcilette 01. blalllgib,itho 140-1
posed ,to .attack the ,e coy with do bayonet,
and die • with their ar in their bands, The.
men werel willing. to• low him, but were so
exhausted' tharthey to id mere made but feeble,
.. ..
Oci . .l9,edneasj, the 1 Green and
di. basing been
Hants, commenos.l a
Tbe light-tatted from
°rains ttll d Volook
wbl4 %Imo the
• t tbat one Mid' hitt
p, and water was very
molt determined flop.
9 o'clock on Wednesday ;
on Pridej:elteine!Sb,
nibling. yes to Woven
neither Ono to est or el
testae. . • '
R6., -A special dispatch
ea* says: 04A. Oog
.!Reglmont, has arrived
•• • he :beard yoaterdsy
bassaiiii Mir", Boat
o the St. Loots Kopoldi;
gard, of the 25:h IdMote!
bare from Othrvllle, ob.
that Ohtth Jackson tree a
(Iva=deg on Booneville
*eci.:Ptial;dras march-
Pith ibeta.lo,ooo, the
g ha:11141151(15d for that
itAtt lattb poa thotii!iprr,
log to • 111 . 41 Ciaorgottittn
army at Losiogtoo.bikei
Geo. Davis 4s in tom
nand of car forces at
.alaf.a large namber of
tis,l to a shed time.
Georgetown, at whien
troops call ee oonnentre
id ea moriiat forward
.ge, but it waif wall do-
Tee rebels ware reptir
repotted peat lacono-
Scouting rattier Ref
Alle ISot night. • •
Gen. Sigel went •qat
Es• Gov. King sod Jo'
rom. horeto•day.
ae ILlgland have been
released by the rebels.
iietbreig reliable bas
the •heroebms of too
Two of-the ore• of
been areertnieed u to
the steamer Clara 801 l
.nssale. • They report
possession of the Clara
d of her etrgh on the
erid her to drop down
att. She was after
sebels and tbe . remaln-
She wit ladetted with
e, valued at about thl?•
have arevad from B.
that Col. Mulligan toile
Bon and about math!
12th Inst., and then or
opposite hie intronoh. ,
wadi cepturirl by the
der or her cargo ezfeed
oserehandlzo for Banta
teen thousand dollar/.
No cormderable as
her. of Moe. troop
.00 on the ttter bank
had Jolt Lexington on
between Lexington an ,
Gen. Sturgie, with
readied a point on the
six miles Irani Lexing
lessen hindred men,
north side of the river,
ton, on the _Mb, but
to thousand of Prices
in the woods skirting
la pproenti, he marched
Ito Ranier City, wbere
lean:wig tbat some 6
rebels were stationed
the 'flyer waiting hi.
to Liberty, and thence
be now i■.
reliabla hare beau re•
oat/ orrery, olGarkiral
Reports regarded e■
calved here that Co.I.
Lane's cOrnmand, art Oceola, St. Clair
county, on Friday las , bunted the town by
shelling it, ado repulse a large lotto of rebels..
Theta are , said toI be snout 000 rebel.
in Laclede county, c tumitt , ng ail kmda of
depredations upon 174:in men.
Furtreri & Con. store, et Lana Creek, ht.
been robbed spin, anil this time some; XO,OOO
worth of property weelearried off.
JIMIELIIIM CITY, Sell. 25.—The train that
went west from here.last night with the I k
nots 35. h, and Brigadier... General Gavle and
eta aboard, stoppe d at Otterville to day,
patsingfnver the Lemi e bridge. This road is
now to runniag orrice t rough to Sedalia. The
next train with troops will probably go through
to that pow.
There see arm alba the road at and west of
evacuee, the Indian 35m, the Miser:lan 2d,
the Nebraska let, • to ge portion of Col.-Esti , .
!Minoan regiment anti 350 men of Col. Ws
sell,* Pioneer repine,- .A 1 or near Benbar. le,
there. are Lthe lows sth, the Indiana Ibth, 221
and 213th, t apt Davidson's battery, and Major
Eppstein's Home Goafris. Matters are rep
resented gas quiet 14 the neighborhood of
those fates west of them. • -.
The Seetassor.ists Oa rising, and Beet Pricats
forces is a few dap will doubtieso'be sag
mecited t. 030.000 or 4000. .
3 here is notbmg from Lexington totday.
LEAr6INOILTLI, Sept.. 25.—Getteral Lane,/
command aarprised AO superior force of rebels
at Paprosville,Mo., im the 21st, ar4 after a
Revere engagement rtUated - them, losing seven
teen killed and a large tanialber wounded. The
rebel. lest forty killed lOW one prisoners, sad
all their teats and artily suppite,. Lane is re.
ported in be 030Titir do OCCeO . .II. , i
The gets of rthelaitsho recently stated the
town of Heelball., Kassa; has been defeated
by a force from Fort; Scott, sad thole leader,
Mathews, killed. Os his person was Load an
order from Ben. Sloe'nlloch for the ettioltnient
of the Qsappew Indiana.
Scott,* at Fort Scott report fdeCelloch, with
15,000 men,:w,thie-thirty fades of Fort Scott
co the eight of the 2 a oust.
teen. Lana has Ism a proclamation to the cit.
Ism! of Western Bliss till, in which,after raying
for *butt purpose belc there, and urging those
In arms silliest the g yen:meat to disperse and
roam to him for pro atlas In person aid prop.
err), be uses the fol owing literati: Should
yea, however, diary d ,scy advice, the stern
visitations of war will be mated out Oa labels
all then be convinced that
t tion Is a sham, and fen
hen caught, shall t amive
e cap of mercy bu. been
I hereafter. will be lusted
/score of innocent women
le.heatted traitors, lately,
fridge* on the St. Joseph
i as that a traitor will per.
devils woald 'budder to
[ be blotted from existence,
blob yawns for their re
.• s are mutate you. Pea.
loud, 'choose ye between
/ you to peace and plenty,
. aloe. ,
to this, =rising look to .
~ pinkie of Kustas militia
r CoI. Jenolson'e regiment.
ad of replays; from Utah,
' on the 20 th inst.
nod their serene. lal
your arming for Prot
assured that treltore,
a traltoes doom. T
'shim:Lewd. Tressowl
as treason. The mai ,
and children by Wan/
bud the bartilogot b
Railroad, has padded
piano crimes noieh
commit. They shell
slid tent to that hell
caption. The two rot
.plc of Western Mil
them. The one tirade
and the other to dean
The manatee lididi
ILlneas,City air co
and eve compsuies ol
Col. Cooled commai
pissed Fort Kimme Sr. Lents, Sept ..
portion'ol a note din
Adttitatit General ht
moots to conserver/
brother, Postmaster,
bye letter asking )0
tune, yen are hereby/1
„directed to resume ,
Wegimeot for duty.
. Capt. J. B. Plum er, First lelentry, regular
service, ha been 'a pointed Colonel the
11th Regiment, iliirouri Volunteers; aid as
command at Satre Girardeau.
' Commander Emerson, with tell sooners and
twenty eatlons, arried today rur service on
the illszlarlppi rive t ,
iir: nudging arrived to-day with a tin of
troceOrom Lezing a, with a propositiou"tor
the . exchange of C I. Marshall, of the Viral
Illinois cavalry, c , lured et Lexingtoo, for
Price L. Hridgine, ember' of the State Con.
ventjog, cow confined in the arsenal bare. It
is understood that I r the proposition hes been
accepted and' Had' as act at liberty. ,
The rollowing is toe text of the original tel.
egret:ll'cent by Gen. I VIIIMOI/l In WathiPillon
In lola ion to the surrender of Lexingtcn:
Henniniserrits W;IITZILX Dtemtratiur.l, ,
1 Sr. Loot , Sept. 23a,1861.
Cot. L. D. Towne d, Adjutan! 9tneral: 1
have received a tel gram from Biciiiilleld that •
Lexington has fall n into :Prine's'hands, he
having cat oil Mill:gas'. supply of water.
Reinforcements 4,00 strong under Sturges,
by the 'capture of the ferry booth', had so meal, 1
of,-croissing the river la time, / Lenexa forcg i
from the South-West, and Davit( from iiiiutli-
Raw, ironed@ of 11,000 in all, touli not pi
there in time. 1 am taller the Bold myelin'
and hope to destroy the enimil either belays'
or,after the kinetof Snots eider /McCul
loch and Price. eotily the President
Immediately, . [ S iued.] J. C. Pantorcr i r
: Elpijor istincral l Commending.
Sr. Joarrxtatept.l2s.-4Win, Pis, 'Mies strive
hem on , blandly eresirs, - and:uswrinsed com
mend /yesterday. (The owlet stiyelbalt:no
i t - ltii, - yttiole , Western . a j could have
been mint here mo anrePlubliito the people
,north of the Hanel 1 tad Si:JoimephAttilrotit.
initirliadee late to Mend- the Ltalisknyworsii
'eeliethei'ledeval'etv State; atelifillillitto de
26.—The 'followieg is "a
iced 10 Co.l Blair by the
tie, by order. of Gan. Fre.
• of • telegram from your
General Watt, followed
`tar retrace 10e,publuseea.
I releseed [tom lad
roar attorti andloin your
= E mma
Latest i llkom 13 a
• sw.of WI 47;40 miles Waif; kilake
(tip, Sept. 24Frite Pouy-lispremPanatid bore
at 9 ol'cloch
-SAPalio. r; _ . , " ~..-.
-n Faltrin o f Sept. lb, P. Da.--1110 sloop.'
of.wir Wymillig And . the revenue cutter 'Joe
Lane have bee seat from this - part in pursuit
of .the aim Alihlert,istrnifireprobttily loading
with guano nt deorges fifth&' Shi.tielongs to
New Orleitu i t, r tnd.iLcapttired`confis
tided... The . otte!,,,,mateinalteeenanion de
sifted .filan.bai.'lla Eltdii Island. Off -the roast
.1:1.011tlir 'Calita s iw na md they amoirthat the
Captain - tife;; let.-sad treated , all the
NtorthOrn nietal*Punia - with savego cruelty.
~9,hotiffoillile errisat of the clipper Sea Ser.
itectf,itoi-reirestoe-otar.iirireiied lIIS-000 worth
of.tobao4d. tura !pod o fireelsettenth at 011 in,
on itifoininiiiittliat.t /ppm , -belonged- to
aolithirA.4-IntifilL:7 .: ._,. : '' - '' 1
-.- on. Sattlicn: ct r i ..-a lat e 'Mt of .tobacco that
came ou'llui?.. ip 9 oit.ffisb, that belorg di
acted of igoftantlla: ''' '-- - '.
:- '.
Tbe'reptirtnirticia i-iuterionsbOw that 'the
l'ecift'aPPBllloo the iliteiy spirit Of the peo.
pie baseman lbhim.i 'Tana. At thereto cam.
'Palllifl are bre' regiments will soon
[be Stied up.. i . . '. _ 1 *. , - . ;--
Six compote: r cti in gutty that were encamp
ed- near San I grancia o, tieing part - of, 1,600
, called lot *ovine oh he Overland Mail
lhave -beenrennt - in Loirtintelow. Thu linex.
- peeled gioTnni nt,ciniiled with the recent in.
formation of 'i t eaudden departure of troops
already in the ou.h for San Berna.dino, would
indicate that en. Sumner has intelligence of
recent disunimittan among the Southern syn.
pathiser. in :that part of the State which as
hidden from fhbpublic at large.
i . A toig tip phatii that the nouns Overlaid force
is for the preaelet to be stationed at Loa An.
i The Caliloinya Steam Navigation Conipani
transport conYpenies of soldier., on the waters
' traversed in this State by their eteamers,tree
of chime. ,I .i - "" •"'
nfij Gen. W. tiallock, of this city, bas re•
ceiven his appiontment as a Major General of
ilia Regular Amoy of the United States, taken
toe oath el , office, and will go east by the
steamer of October Ist, to joie Geo. McClel
lan,. army. . !
The Yrekdi Immo/ state. that the mar) , of
the recent mesipacre of a party ot emigrants at
Goose Lake Wis a heartless hoar, for the pur
p6sh-6f liftioivitie Ina' soul of a resident of
that place, Witbse betovea was known to be a
member of tbeitrain reported clamacred.
. ,
The Porthind Oregon:tut of the 10th inst.
contains Ebel foilowing itc_Lni: All oar late
nawsifroin thetlailiau country iW 4ktable to
peace. WOhould hove oh trouble with the
Net. Perces if We could keep Leper from them.
Gold disciveries have hero made in the
Bitter Rout ;Valley. A good portion at the
money will rpalatri in the hes Perces , eminiq
the coming wibter.
The correlisiondent of the Portland Thus
Bays that the peceut disparates of gold that
have been chide on a tributary of Salmon
river, and large party had left the mouth fork
for the mineh.
The cattle ditease was auppt.sed to be sub.
aiding to the Sandwich Wands. It was attrib
uted chiefly !td the animals drinking stagnant
Cinctrinstri Sept. 2.7.—The 35th Ohio Regiiii
meat took iltilsession of Cynthiaae, Ky., but
night. Theil4th Ohio crossed the neer Ibis
rooming and tuck the Kentucky Central rail
road, for thei interior at the State. . .
A phastmen of this city, just returned from
the South, skje that the blockading squadron
hes taken hilitiewippi City. CUR:II4 - of •com
elimination beltween New Orleans end Mobile.
It has also tY.len pile/mien al all the impor-
I ,
tint potato On tie Tees. cqast.
CINCIMPAki Sept. 26.—Yesterday afternoon,
Lieut. Cat. I. Icker , with a detachment of Col.
Woodward'' grunnt, captured James S.
Cray, with la s een of his .n, while on hire
way to join akicciffer. They were taken to
Camp tick , R‘biamon. John C. Bream:midge
was with th'n arty in the city bat eiecaped.
Puttansialita, Sept..26.— Miss Zola dole
and Mies 415: le -Corr, who were burned at the
ContloontaU theatre, died et the hospital yes
terday ' attirWoon, within two hours of each
other. lyleS 'Lela Gale who, In drawing the
drs from:ta nail, set fire to it, and who was
enveloped int thick skirt by one of Cso , young
girls itr the iro m which extinguished the flames../,.
. 03 ii ale nets prostrated in consequence of
the tufferin nd dtath of her four daughters.
She is et tb hospital, and it confined to bet
bed. Thoob taut two deaths make nine victims
of the Con4nentv neetre calamity.
Boatman .nownott, Sept 26.—S Iles of triton
earns down fitva Norfolk with tweruptire ladies
to-day, and was dropped niar Sewell's "alai,
and the ptelengerp brutrubt ttlf in. oue of our
vessels. adromoddre Goldstrorough has given
orders cot to, permit Sass of trues in future to
dome near the sat.
••..-•. • • • • .
A rcbal echooter from Richmond this morn.
ing, LAO tire Iblockade, and rarachcd Norfolk in
The fonttelen palates! prieonera, including
Mayor Browb, Steer-ate, %Vance and other ,
trete yeate'rday gentdo Fort Lafayette by the
steamer qcni• Neapody.
WvativjeOrt, Sept.. 26 —.A Sabbath.lika
quiet provided to day throughout tha city. A
personal vied to the other nide or the Potomac
i t
has regalia in ortbing worth vacationing.
iilany of th 'tali cad field o ffi cer, wero visit=
tog in Walsh noon.
'Chriettalit orahead, nt liartiaburig, was ac
cidentaltyiktled at 'tenallytown, ye - Arida),
by Ceelier , ,E kW.'. They boil. beliipeed io!thie
Pfiitigilv,o4l.l4./)s3eservet roginient. . ' .
Ft 01 1 ,4 III s Sept. 26 . —The boiler of
Charles Eli arsill's distillery exploded too-day,
killieg the ngineer and another employee.
he huddle to a complete wreck. The loss
has hot 6411. ischrtlieed. The exploaion is
sold tabayalleee caused by the tarelessnese of
the mink in letting the bolter get out ot.
water. ! •
Sept. 27.-3. B. B. Toad his been
legas4 CO Conessa [tom Dacrotah
Br. Loots I
aimed • ' d!
Territory.' -1
M arkets Or Telegraph.
Pep( 27—Noram—floar is qairt; the
Sae wt amooot ts 21091 bele selk •
Mb 25. Wheat In modersti demand;
osa,st ill 24 Le red anti $1 3341i1 .1 for'
a demand: mks 5.000 boob mated and
Mashy firm sr 19%4220.
Sept. O.—Mocks baiter: allow. k
,; lliisol.loll4lllll It W . 4 10).i; am toads
oust 12%, lieullsg Sllfs Miaow' dB,
1 6.,93%; immessre 64-44.2. Lochlaue
Iripaati. part
aupeadaa a
salaam( 8.000
pallor at bp.
flaw Tt.l.
Wet Waal 4,
01444 N V 4
♦2X Trapani'
Oy 65.
Porta:no actal Grain recrlpta (Flour
to Wheat) cu be four loading lake ports
• dingfiapt.2llload Once Ist <alga hat,
being red • ;
for thew.*
ane as lona
Week eadlng f itlte 21. Jan. Ist
1.30007 8 , 4178 893
918,13.1 19,681,918
.---.. 469440 9,799971
._—....—. 160,184 033,7,8
Cbt - tg0...0.•
Tetals— r .
—wo la
Friday m.
B Elms mot oil TEIS WINO.
from Mt. Sterling that on
riling, about 4 o'nfook, a buggy
two gentlemen and a negro boy
ugh that town, stopping for a
es at the house of en ex-official,
State road towards the Vir-
few min,
and took
ginia linp.
&vend gentthmen met the buggy on
the road. Ono I the travelers was closely
muilled,land, w °never they wore about
meetinwany on the bay raised himself
so as tolcever the muffled figure. One of
the secentipnist/ in Mt. Sterling revealed
the fact:on skin
ridge higrPri ay that John 0 Bu ne through on his'• 'way to
Virginia' c TeiFessee. Lincoln's otless7
lan cloak' 1 Is fo ver eared now, • .
The Otothe. al, at whose, - house the
traveler's I lied, was not in Mt: Sterling
on Fride night. A., number of the State
Ouerd Ste o a portion. of the State arms
oft Friday after dark and started on -the
road the uggy had taken. Perhaps they
accompim ed Brectinridge and his comma
ion as a' y-guard.: [Lou. Joumai,Wed;
liesday. '
Sr ; or c cow— . / 4. ?luss awl tart y. four boXis of .. =tato wero mized by the
Federal troopa at Elizabethtown and
brought to tins city yeaterdaybr a detach
ment offrom Gen. Sherman's corn
mod; ey " wan : addreleed' •to "Ool:
Thos.i. unt, LoubivillO, by way of Naak
Mlle.—[ oriarille Journal. • i
p_G N N Y"ALYNNArit,
pecswr—ionnacumn ANT"
Old calluo4Tdo flue l'ght drlllol
N4l4l3o;llmpt. T.
I. •Toilaorgriftortilleoro tor fro
Ito and CM lkock. 8 EVIN/80:44 4 o'clock. Ibr
trcleit 41! prop apply on toad ot atm ton ok
nichoonw napeot swim
Capt.. Langbildi Nets
ONlalti. - the ISOM bpi. lot tn'
an kW&
_ .
part% OW Al
.af - -;~s.r:::~:
UIEgjSTA :8 OF A 1173104,
lintrincir or Pllrsattettli, le.
Wharves to libel at infirm/2m !As bass Bled la the
District Omelet the Butted 'tabu of Amain for the
Westem Drexel of Ponorylnnis. on the third day 0
deptambcr, Out yeor of oar, Lord one thousand
eight ti ...Wend and elxtpoosi, by Robert R. Barnsban,
Ito-. attorney of the United fitstes, to behalf of the
United States, alleging In irentaone thia • Melo
stews tow boat being without name, of the folrowing
dimanstins and desctiptlou, towel Limith of keel
o.• hundred not tweedy Bre keg, twesilcsibot feet
bum and Sour Ilead hold, with cable with three
hearths et roomy and Molotiouse and More rotor all.
and the hurrioans fen lamett, hi now lying at the port
of Pittsburgh, in said district, that she belongs In
'thole or in part to sae John Bell. a Witco Mid reef.
derma the buit•ot Toddles that In poestaeoe of
the act of Boogies! approved July lath, 1861, the ,
Preslient of too United titmice forturd his prunes:Se
item dated august 16th, 1861, declaring ( isktelte that
the Inhabitants of the fiat, of *Gnome) min • esti
of Innutection spinet this Milted Deter, sod that
from and after Mitt days from said Anne 161 4
1861, an Otis sod mewls belonging le whole or LO
Pert to any Olsen or le treto taut of mid Hate of Se*
mere. (mud to ace part of the United Beam would
be facetted to the Vaned flits, sod thst eMld steam
tow slit OWIIO4 u sforesslJ was an found ft the port
of Pittsburgh epos said September 3d, 1814 and Ma
ths aid vont, bar tackle, apparel and frontiers be.
came thereby &visaed to the sae tithe Billed State;
sad pmyin= ;b . same may be 00111:11974.1 for
felted as
Bow tharekire,in ptarsurnat of the moottloti nada
the seal of the said (kart to medlrested turd did:Oared:
I do hereby gins public lotto. to all paste dame
log the old vessel, her tootht,upperel and fornlturs,
or say Inrereat thereto, or lens thereon, or Le any
manner Interested In the same, that they be and sp.
par before the said District Bout. at the Dttrot
Pittsburgh. on the 1118 T TiOteDAY of 0010fia
ont, at eleven o'clock In the Prawn of that day,
(provided the same AO be • day of juriedlotton, Otte
orate, on the nest day of orbdietton tbereofter)thse
and there to interpose their claims and to mike their
ellegations In that behalf.
Marshal Western Mart of Permit.
Pittsburgh. Sept. Ith, ittau—oes
10AL outs :mom SOAP, mattlibt o siTtlqP7
IS. 0. AWitIR, Is aolosewledged to beta,.
most serviceable churl kind yet diered to the ;labile,
Its .perior edvantairee are found' hike Cheapness
saving of lobar, and Its dhow; In removing grease,
paint, tar 004 Without thjUsing the Into, es to the
lout swim dunning the boon qusllty of -goods. ;It
eau be need with ell lUnirs of Wend .
Belerence ts mode • Ith pleasure to the !sobl,fited
certificate, emanating tramegentlearien we kiatistla
Ibis community, and who had every Mallityatiortied
Qf we:og it toll p end fairly tested
uartermaster's Department or as rwrith,
tenth and /bunts:nth Roliments Pa. Pots.
"dewier's Chemical Olive Eras - ISe BoaellaTtoli
been used seep ostensively In cur Ileglmente, we bale
no tooted:m.ln mrtifying that it was found admire..
lA, adapted to the nth of tan *olnleta, and steddedly.
the most euperlor hoop which could be procured Par
the sondem,
ANZI A. EICEN, Qautormattor 12th R.g.
Atmx. roEuirlu, Qaarurmaster 14th Seg.
lg. H. muoanseD,Q.rteramercor ISth Reg
' -
DAV 4 1"111.14141kz,
Brass Founders -arid Plaantattarers.
Pumps & Brass Work
OIL WALL pizrzier-va,
of Pato, Copier or Iroo, with tim mist improrsi
Members and trains of all klods, ant% worraitod to
eta oatirfaitrom .
110 Water and .1.134, • eront sta.
ten Ivory. , P I TTHlErtaigH.-
Al 0 ritiN TO blilPrEtit.—Alerebanta '
A and others Wing newton to .end goon of any
coscriptloo to the States of Ni.glula, lisztarcky,ot
llitssourl ere reepeettally requested to ealsetto ofti.
MS of CustOIXIS la mutating gads loom paling tam'
the hands of oar enemies. by confusing strielly 40
the following turninkam
. The roadcaux infear.ore »quasi nureace to .
Women» to Wheeling, and gouda this IL?.,
in ;Wk.
ealtaremsin in force, so for u easy rents 62 _ q=l.;
aniumnltion, solataiy goods ani egulomenta. gooU el
say ducriPtion golog Ut. the Warier GA, or along she
Ohio lino south of W heeling, to Virginia, whinged»
ood. of all kinds pang to Kentucky and Wawa»
will require pe mita. Outages, going to caw widlers
to either of the abets ROM and &nand» the ears
of the commeedi or doer. will not regain octane
As l aes required by the Tressary..Droar aunt. to re
you the shopper, earner, &seriph»), desilastion el*
taloeof murr.baodue thippeatteall-fart.
shore roomed &num all application* for permits to
ado coat to ondetu writing givingusgauf Ulmer,
mom, cestuotion, em eiotic» sad lain* of goalie
!shipper, wilt to regale» to epoch for the loyally
of courignon nottnown at this ail"
&anus of Custom.
whysioinit and Surg•ofnt
Wpm II O. 36 l.daref••
°liMita i?i ,1022240 Me. ?4g ,' the llngprigies
.13 Idly .
r dalLlgatilNY
nits BIBRILIS sYFaicD oeusoN on,
Of ea wry but qnslOy,
Ma:and and for ule by
. No. 251 Wood dm!.
4i b . Y o ß s UPS! . • .-
19 de it
ea il i ell a rn . "
15 do do Peassylneits Co
6 bbde. d 3 do • do
All choke Qnellp. Tor sal* by •
• • BOHO3Li6 ER I LALNEt. ,
esl7 • us Liberty street.
SOO bblo. Tali of bblo Moor;
100 do Borbett, 1.1 dp
60 do 6111Mo:A d 0
76 do Aunt ). ,
15 do cboloo Ryo do
for We by
oel7 • - 8)3 Mod. otb.s
46 Obis. balsas*B Li. Syrup, . •
. 17 do do °Olden do
SO do Peaniihrsete
e bb a.
_do , •
111 eel . N.O. Slalom:0; '
etendavdSresbei eStsr,
e 3 beat ter acid primal' REV Coes*,
Ice sale by flOp071.11X•11 • LAY°, .
sell • • • Na = MN%) lartes,
yLO3 bov prime W lido 00Noo. •
ISO hbas. do - • N. Olopr. •
3:0 bb a. cboko Mantillas • .
• 230d0 O. .Nellord 222020. - •
200 do • Co - • do 7 •
Is Moreland for ode 2,2 , • -- •
Jr DONALD a ourvaELS. .
•ez ' No. NM 110015 drool. Mr 1,0113
QT: LOUIS FLOUR - -- , . .. .. ~
900 btia. Idstroul.
10) do, Plvterooo, i .
..'MO do- , pribe a 16 . 114 1 7 :. .4
:; -- q , lOO do '7‘t'w -4tl-90:iiritei
~..t a io al , , . B II Iniodl mot
Cl , UYFV. su fbCti an Manictl, gOmeltio
• 1.112*.11 [iced *
anat taIBIA,
2610 1 +Atiala--4 5 4 big& prime LC "r
o!iIs itelistes is stomata kesob oy_l
TILTS a Tula
• 11.419 . :4101114004bC1be
• _ - ILbtAlri
-at& - .;.tionwetWoot/MICT"O4
173 1 ink al D. 4LIMEUUnOar. St OD.
• carawait Mal rlk Wood
I :1 . i 0 iiia t .41,iitti CS :
gplar ^too:. I sow Le wroatm
• I t ta t iMi e n4 h" E 04,4 Er:roktrd; 1 3 ISU
A to Oo me sou" Stoohoordi snd Atha
mit At Sounnonbxa or Suakin WestoomAlarol '
oina4 tot :W" Sam] Pobliny, sot toordAtions
too:1101ovproo .*trOtorrouttou, Coornaptios.
net** cat gmtat . out tetshot Innontt, re
oathig troa 'WI Abu" Aa--by 14.7. CUL
V*a et o,Aothor et aWaral: '
"ißocn So; Thousands at Sultelools"
Sus rider i:31.; la a plea enutcrpo,tO saP Wt".
ion 452 nosipt of ii Oonta et OR Postoas
'ldutPcb7 • Dr. ca.-J, 8.1114341.
ongonlf :SI hoots. How Tisk. P. O. Bo= 1,68 d
~., ...,, o„ o,,,ate etteleitc..../yract. intl.,.
ri :' . Atli , - - : - •- •
aTI az i.j.a: ata ... NN: La ti, 14
• ;i' Pi iv . rivit.gll s .
rAilit , hs.cunini ca dr7, 4 :1
liANCititOTUliMß , § OF Jiliktli
. .
Ellai Bilk . ' end DOLT ;. , IJPP . PRESS ~
7 ,
.4,P CB E " 2.8, Denied .8;111 'no Spettn
!CI L. Alio, lmpartan az,l, Vikalea. 41,/..11,3,
TM iPLAIIk wan teota, wha, * .6.7ait,r.tni
oo +ad. lie We cchtttrierct Vole.— •
ii .
I Watelausi4 a. 142 Ars. ardlll•4:tephA .tr #4,
1 I 4
?:li i ittabWrghi, Peillaal t. •
- ,epeete!frders or . (topper , cnt to any detreli r.-A. 1
• - • -.. -
3341 r layo Bair Dye i Efafr Zsve
lA. A.? SATGIII8L1.10)/i UAW. Orr,.
he ihipitta i an.l acts isa Ow Wald i
. otthird , aro mom im:i talons, aria '
aucnaa be at - iobled, If yotortehto bleeps tiftale.
(kW, RI -Xilt BUM HAIR wtas•taataatlY
to sbeattt* ena 'tatatal Brown orlKstn..vittn , ot
tholasst it to that:Wine *tn. , , . - .
Pirriltt.. ,ILLS 'AND PIPLOVAS.. bate been
united tci pi. A . Ditchetif ghee 109, hail On
t i p
0,40 epplicz s• hirp:teen 1341e1V the Mai otitis
PUP 7I . ' Of
...4" ,0,11 Dre ' .. f :- - '
Vic A. BACCdtbrl , 4'h haul Dill . 0r0r.,•..i.-.4i ockr
ace Pit bidtstiorattho.l front 'intuit. end la irinsictr.
ID IVA to liltite, lotto foutrbaliotoritco& N WlSoT be
conilonek-na4the 111 aced cn Sa/Dyeeretneclltd;
the hair livigotatoil rm ista by tlaras&Sh , if%
Wale, libido • appllod (In r prim. room) t tn.
Wl4OO. tory, 102 Brosdray, Neer lark., ' -
Bold binding Ind towns of the Unite Stalee,by .
Dzoi esti tint nary Goods Astern .' ....
NirThe goonitte has On now ea eddrentinpon a
nee_ plate engraynta on limeades of ea* batrot
jaktydnrcer It Bond street.Nes...York.
1 14r4411c-1m s
DAX4ELOR'S .wins ,AND. Too.
BB}tlWl. They are slogan light, witty an,
sh=to s chine—no tanning an , behttal—en
had ; tailedihts tbn=t
lhassu r tZr; than thing, es propftly
Mkt ' Band strostaislr Task..
.111110.10i1M011. .....-........-...a.,...i...E. /1.1111.11111
ioe is aff'lr,. r " : re -.. . . .... .. ..... -IF nil 011 =EL
Alair. IN ErT ON- W R.l3Mr. ti.
. i P titsburigh. Pain op-,
Oita' it o. in Market stiost:
amh4tire - alt - lthasof Istesas ltaglepitd lull
tt:castlegl. BASlroad . . ',FL, btepi,k jia lay,
Mast iqv Warr • - - . J
s B.opatsing dog*** short notice,
p. 041.1) 6P1X13 CODIPALBI T.
r erirth.....D. W. C. Ellewelil,
. lmillT
:MOT. CO Forte, Bo(ry d assept.)
I eLusunattratab •
Nraor of Water Stfeet,antifltterry alloy,
,s•t:rettd - • PTTSANCRpiIt; lieNtVa.
0 4" 6
&ire sple •
t i li
0 N: .144./J.4.13.1.hi1t1 a , 30;0.0 4 P.. ,
iff' DaisiT.3 si _• .
relli a Comeittsßilliorlxitiepla,
!otuvririca.ns or Daroarr;._ .; -_:
i I writ. Nam. Aim Mai'.
1110. 111 MAUR= STltlinT, V1T1T117391 . 5:Ed.
. _ ,
la6Collettldma made on all ,Gary..evitpill cafes
OM* , :114 the Valtad States. :-... . ...W,,kly
Lro_am o(.lo.FLic.e..ii r.. 1 3 ECO.
I" laa3o7aCriStrAlk .
lirrt ail Ng, Fro?, Vaunt, ail ?Tin& -roots,
!Mutton, Witint•Guardo, io n
fiexatS 80-td sad ea thmestria4
t i
Ia m•rteca.
az' a varlet, el tio / r re4latllh_ftlni
pith aalialila tar all papaws. l'axllctlar attiatloa
. 2 111 too:eilloatag Gram lot& Jcbtl/4 donsatilg rt
0.1 a: aC . asafiA7.4tl. 7 „
iß i And Dodder* In
ye oil:24nd from No. W Wood stroll ,"
• Piatthet Id !Kest. Pitt) , '
btotty - Tradefor Aso.
! Pittsburgh Steel .Works t . •
t .
ow ono
usoar--:—.e.sr4l2l.losi •
isTlin t 3, 3301 M
iltureseruumns _GIP CAST
'STIOCL;`.I.O,rim sad £ 3. Mod
.ter EUdi c4ll 'aut Ogren Boss
sae rizst fie, • • or-l• Pillsigraeu; Fa:
I ;1. .x. rd. r...rrv-m
biricieciik.A.z4vr T.A.rzowl.
No. 64 13t. Glair Strati; 7 ' ..
i ipriti'llirVlStaidtllL) • patiannentrta
Dr: !Geo. H. Keyser.'
Wholesale Druggist,
o t 1 Wood attest, Elttstro,r6l4
-.. -
4 1 :; II ii
'141:11' NS FOR THAI OUR% `OP UR
, .-.-'. S • I NIA OR BETTORS!. - -' , ;--r
II ' 'a RadiecA Our Tru4
liiiteLele Patent 'NMI.
" Fltch'e Supporter Shine.
Self Adjusting Truss.. ,
Or. Banning'iLe or Way briei;Ter the
u m , al ik rraupros unit; re" aesphama oaf spa
. 1 mI SC .
1 no“.. . ~:..rd - , ...r, -; - ,, ,,i,
Or. 0. S. Ilteh'a Silver:Bated
.1 .........
!Pile plops, for the eupport . an* nunv of
• Pileal - • r •'' '
;Palo I SPzokioes Tor _Yeak and !iii, • tk3otso
Palo o lKnoe Carl, for weak kues.joialta.
FAnkfp SuPporters, for weak anklijOrgo•
Sensory Baridages .
, - - ',,, 1..._._: .
; Xibotlog BYrineoi aloo4 0.7-0/1 kind
," of 'Siring's& -- " • ". -
.. ,
Da; Ittrata haa also, Tianrwhidli" . 'will
Zany cure hernia ariluptutre:n- . •
i at ilia Drug Storelltaaalgood .
!it., Biga - of the 'Herta._ ,
Ds. yeah:Mai xo amid ona6iiintui;
4 i i , , ban ,Imairywati far_ DIATM3II and
4,2 rw ir i y darns rogabint minimal! smart
I. p ate MO 11/121IRT cr /11114=107i11111111210
3 201.
;BA na inalkatjamasda, of a serywino
taw, it'd be 1101:4 Ides d gala,.; thmare, _Vagina
~,,,„ ow * um% IV= a fletittinc•ol TO Dail
1 , Die. 6110.41411rdp,,
1 N 0.140 Wad Erot. ElLninam to..
1 •, ~ i ' - '..-•-•,.... - i r - ; . --- . r:-
ni&RRIERA OURSP—By Synapse's
, Ay•-sawst. comb et. sretr bolas ~rr . tai
at rim& ridandna, ; Endklia OIL I
/ 3 cr • • 3 , 34 1,61 0 4, PIO.
BUOS, ROA01111 . : - Ithe
lE{ Odearadepse• MU fad it-ta.lui
. 1. 00 4 ram; las Nn =adj. . . •
_4IIANP__ - . ..n.U: •I'l'o'rrn,
MICR re destruction
zuroatatia lanais biltilas TaUSIMIMI Ir,
Tal$1101,2"011. ma malt* anas naPanadodygod
marnantld to trnagartlass pops awnalars
lk id 41 S '- - ' ' ' 1 • ,•.•
,41111,41 w ' , • lie , 1412 Mi l er
VITRA, RAZORS.-4 - ,kageokftme.Ex„.e
X/ 4rib:tom atdcb I arilfelass rat steal.
creo... - itararamt
,b v 411.— ~...._ .. L. ..,,, Ittwostspit.
ERAUAOUR CIPItiIII-41abiralftqc
r a MMl ce llta f t wil ts._ ftd r 2 a_vet= 9
rA* dal Stapialapat. Samara -... mr an cdt a
jlila COW." '
iga IWer