k ' :.ti '~ d ~'*~ - 1 i): ',l ii.. . i -- : , , Oa; .1 t. • "., •". • . ' : ' '''.l , l;i:-..••:1; ",',z,it:•:::•1^,•:1 '1••• i• -.!-t • .; •••.'" -v 1 , ' ,•••••" •••! - %.1.,•:::- • 144 :* • ••• 7,7'7. w. 4! •;,;i • :;) ‘, =Gil '.'.• A • ;?..t.--t, ,:1 1 W:i':::.. , :•., .• -- t.:: - .•:::.,i,.. - . Itqi: ', 4 ; - 1•;,,_.; . ..- - ~.:.,..- . ii .,-,,,,*„.4 , ; , :::;:_ . ......:•:ai , '•:,, , te::: - 1 , - -: ..,.. 1] I.= 4, t ' ' !:i';:''l".... .- r.: , :. ~ . ,41',-;-iti!'''..::::';',7i:,'N-I.:V'zi• ',..-: ~. 1 --.-zr.Y4z!4.4:1,:,:"•;-z:1:;':'-..1::‘'. #,,-;'.*• . ;";:. ,- i:1 u t..; : r.:•' .1 1 - I'''.. . 4 .,,-; ' -..4: 1:,: , : .:41 1 , 11 : 1 tr,1::: ;i•ilil,t.t; •::::M41,t1.4,::-lt, t'f:.ii;.:ll:'':. : s , "..-*,A, ::t . -!. 7.1:11.!* , ,:,:i:j;;i:':,• ; 4" 1 : ', ..: ;.1 ..::':::--.',', "ri'..:i'' . ' 1 :.....,i',.:;:,;:i'....: . '• ?. ';. 'J:, : . !'i,:5:1i.;t ., + 777 ::1 4; 4 . ' •- • - ''...A ii;.!-..i..4;f1 ;4,4 '-:,; - ;•,. , ,T . : - .,-‘.' , „1•;:: 1 ~...„..1 , 4 , , i. ,„. 4 ~ -:...,v,.;.t,:x:4,..-,1,P1:.,1„.. -:,,,_,!•:.:,-.1,.i.:,,:, ~ 1 ; VIt;:'::.Lt*: - _,e 1 :iii.':t.R . ;: •-] Ef`-v.:c... , .... i t :, :„,•,..,-;.: -.. , : ?1,1-.. ' 1 ,1;...1 1 ...Aifih..*,i4. , g: :0:--.,,..14 :‘-:;1;., ~::-.1, . 44; 11 1 5 , ;,: 1 . ,,;. , *.g4. ..$.4,4i4;1 1! r• -: '! 1 : if tii ;'" . :•f4 11 1 't''!4o %. *: t : t'..ts.: , .:;:fe.:4 , 7:::''M ?-1 4 :-•:- , - -,- 44 4,: , :•;-;:,-..,. l'' T.. ~..;t4i•-:;:,:•••`''X'4::::q.- --', t• - .' •''..'.'''t ii'';':..V.l::.V:i'i *.::::,--'; ,4f.:-,i' ,4 -- • ?,; -:.' :Y' 4- 1 :-..';'," ;,,';;, .1 ~;..:. i,.Z..''". 2* 7,- :'i; II ::',i'' if -T2-; . .... '..;-r . f . : il 1 .", ::`• l l.i;';': .. ';':*` ; + .l 31:::* -::,..;.....-:: .'i ~•';:::'.:"....:"..- -, . ` - •::'1' : •--:::.'-i;' , -1 1.: 'scl :::: MEE INEE • 1!. .!i - =.'-';',.'i; , :-. } :';i7 INIENEE :•:..-.. -~. - ~ . .;• :.. l''', , ..: -; ~' - I Q • . `<\).,'..'.."' ' t ',. .: .14e.; - 1 '''. -• ..--=. - E-- i 4 ; t • • , , • , " -1, t t ;~.: i~ :~~-. { 5 ,.,>. ~ f ;. . t.: >/~ ', CT; .. t,.:.•,;..f..;.,..;..,. _ • - • t':.'' -- ' - ..I. ''ailwrilas atentak coma. v „ !... - ..i. , --ihswithoritheserely believes that by *.• ..,., $ the ;01.th,and_ttetb stut,a per -4331.3i- fl aik. in esy , malicious legion, ..,... 7 ; CM:Mingle la shy out-door infection, all -,, mist with inainiMty. , 'This is a'discovery of ..--- -*l4.iiiiiorii . 6 6,i.dlaflo--Ipmplitid, can • at, paint scuotely he apprehended , Had 'it bben'pracheed ember, it would probt- My; liars! saved' innumerable Hies: The ' -:iuMter of . ibis; ilthoughof a weak 'Well hate constitution, sortie yearesiime twat froui the North townie of the Most &h&j patio:tit tot the tikrath:;atel-VisC He slept on thi banks - cerivers and on the . borders i ? , __rllllllol 4 lllol Al sea and among the mountable -endltilile many of the _ - - kdd WiciiMsiedriettltnivrere dying around hinik (estiMISIIy in :Norfolk, during the k c yellow' 31reenjoyed his ring health - - -4;f1:6 Which he attritmteeito temperance nisi ing hie Month closed. This illitmesliedene.o" of several ztote4 navel ' . Mho, Leib, and LivingstoM The I inns also understand this well:, __Tainli ty the's mothers in infancy, in -ins has ever yet beheld= Indian eleeping with hill itiostti °Pet*, u is ' _common - is Evan the "itilmal--natuee's own kilow! iii-sililays keep the mouth doled:- Obl sate an'y of them,'lnd see if you can'die. sot's one viitl - iuf mouth tipen in 'Steep. i It, welt throughAlm nminls that thci ()Stolid "blevf ; OA breath of life into thifltsiitiii.T.: - . Po iirinoipia Deans M be, thit air,byt - ' pining throw4h the &oats haNceinds of the nine,,beccrimipliritted—asit,were; stiaiwedof_ileinctiiiime properties and sal wadoulai4antisupplies . the lungs with healthylcied bile, with the mouth wide ",open,elltidk:lmpurities go directly to 'the bait: lemeirscitabeir deadly ends. Tbi iamedirl is simple costs -nothing', . Would it not bo.worth while to try it,? --L [ Dr .T W. EliotL - - •., . ', th,ON. ~_ maser: Notes—A Dialappobstalieni. - It is becoming apparent that the policy of making thq - Government demand not:: payable at Toiled pointa only, was a 1 bile:Rae; lilt wan intended as a means of , them In circulation— Precisely the ~ OW aired Is experienced. The notes - are temsearili sabjected to the same shave • when used in'other plates then the place of redemption,khat is charted on the mdi. nary currency of-the place where they are redeemable.. Thus St. Louis or. Phitadeg phis treasury notes presented in New York; are reduced to the level of the local cur: '- - rmy of thoeeplates,"nad are of no more use-for'thepurposeof xahange; either here -or ther; than' the local currency itself. If st •;, thecor*r were made payable' ataxy sub. redemption, '-s. the - i .on• the- -contrary, 1 of being freely presented everywhere '-,f they would be freely circu.'. Wed erterrrtlere. ,It would seem impoeat. ble to float this currency to'ny conajderal bits extent -Unless -this is . changed.. ! The dillkitdty will be Met tail nee tabiextant by ' isindig' at the Went; notes redeemable at the East, and atm, versa , bat that will Involve the redemption and : 's!" league of each note every time it Is transmitted in bust. nem, and wilt serve to facilitate bat, a small '.'fraction of the numberless exchanges In - • - *bleb they oagbt to , be need, to be of any .-, public veins, LISS= eel of Properly In SeeededShates. • - ; a Omani whim' of late bus been much, agitated among oar insnraoes companies itiFtbis bold ra o! ' eat property in the se. ceded; statek may be considered definitely' settbsd .bY the following correspondence tellefeli tlit this' morning.: . - . it i I:NeW Steen, September 19,1861. , {To Boni William 11. &ward, Neerdal I of 4tste. i. !.,Sk : Plene - e inform me if loyal citizena of tbio luau state may re what property they *sea to tr*secaded states agsingst fire, • without -infritillig the proclamation pro- Whiting ceminercial Interconrse- - -en In. „fringeraent whichp - se a lord citizen 'desire tont 'd.j.:Your mog obedient serrn. 1 &Heler Holm, ' • '1 ceollice, No. 118 Broidway.w . e • Mt. BZWARD'S lIII'LI% •: , - ~...1 - •,. 1 unspAp.Thicia Cr 8.2.2t.i. arkrrroir September 21,1661 • ! "My Dear Sir: I pee no objection to "'loyal Citizent, of the Gaited. States Insuring, !what property they peasant in the secede d - states' egairstt lose by fire. . .. = I "Very truly youre„ - ' . •'• ! I • - - J.Wzr,taair H. - BZWAHDP . , ; J: • iist *prat; Piliiiiiierina. t I - Tim last Mail :from Lisbon brought up , • . . ,- • • the Mill I:paper of the .Portagnew go r • emment esDiarM do Lisbon's) of the 213 it 'lMitittieta containing a proclamation against prhsture and their prizes, a translation of which Se give below. ' This dificumeut is ~ ;mainly - preoicated _upon the ere i r lreetp.of Paris -, of 1856, 4 wh1ch abolished - I tab:Ming and .ito which Portugal adh . It supreme ;in clear and conciseteinis the object which is Intended, and ILiatirely,free from the oli• jlgitiOnit width' have been: reesoirabliorged := 4 / o illeoF , ltlGris elude _bj &ORO, I Spill, and other powers on tide ritdrjecL Not 'a word is saki concerning "Wilgerentuf and,nooe 01 that questione r • , hie neutrality Is profinao - which if but an : :haired wayaf recognising ',' the self-styled ,aontederste, states : In • all respeete It b more acceptable than any other document of thezort Which bus yet been pnimulgt :!iedfrilkiroler• I I The Portugaare papers - Inform us that -,,lakipir *Arad - his eadience irlth - -tth .-4144-og hone of July, and , ads we,* `,nation sham that it had reached WI, OA Tolobape andpbetanca on the,-241h of A Jul - - only esediqualteralardii..PhiL l N:llm . ..1 .e. - 'o' -' ll '-,-...ilesierriiir-A: long string iat stalwart felkielitTVle-::titereten&i. gaily dorm -: iii yesterday - iiternoth. They all looked JO*, ,and nearly all had aMpetbriga.. Pltret frele# l d t "Whleb Arilr; tielit'r ilAnCiben"..r _rig theAnale, Ward 4 3 g a th '11112371!' - ' "i= fit_l t ciusits In the , l.' .-'-'ii T n =Ye told:di:with iirPrlg aahrori; It - - *.'0 1440 0, r 4l - 111 : , P4 10,-, i - 4 ;xotetithszi an y Wit. :drorillialitee' Ett' Liegeridted for army leave liereinearly mit tydiy: - altooit airy !quid Of s ig ;:insivuoi•ividantly-ettlor,lhC , eve bound, and you ' base hISoNT,'" &of with a hearty Osio Mai ll sad* Illitter;of th e eye - that - fella ` 'the gallant little: instrlwith nerves of geilt lia l l igi a l 'hearts 0f ;the Yeoplei.-1- ,e', : .• 1, 1; ,, , t ti:, ‘ ", : :": l'atitifttlattagas;. 4_ '' . _ - r;~~ Sr~F~ 41111 I 'NATE r vaiara r OstabihOielos'Eld Vigtesn.ecn a ; r 13.1 hi 43 annetillistthe naed s. .; • ' _ 46.1inidlarr . 114 toravrAilterty owl Bud VAS r 0 (JADE "QUICK , Asp • Ilouroootd Burp 4iis r Mo* wart boi or red, bard or folk Irds or took, !Ilmili*Worelkr the laraorYgr or Weamessi kr oda .4 4 E-ISpegOs or/Spiel's' tho boggy aZraroP • • - antec iL ins r a p - cantrelaboty sad ins**. 11 tiugalifil=-4 1 151F re o d*lxOt; sfriettatypply of-Sellood ndEtssolf Tian i ilia gator !iii , !-t-L l TYlr o .4 l lpr ia i gioncl iiorisraLumejtsibillisdatmik t 0 kv...ie,.,..r1...:7..::-„,..,7•..:-" 10,.7*7i..-06;vuttb nviviv.:l a4:l44:v:;:daTv 40r4jul: v.44d?71i.-:- i ; ' manta - 0001alf: rt ri • 200bozas • PI tom CDT . 8. , I I , , '',,-- ...••:.: -1, -,. • ~...:2- 1 - . , - -:- . : . ; •;.;., . .... -,.. ?:.- ..,.....,.. .. . ... r: . . ... , 1:?;:..4fi„. 4 : 4 ,-14-14 .,, A . ..--. 7 ;:ii; , ...ti0 ,- ,t4,-, , rkgift'O'" Or c a is e ta ge=b, I; CteNtr'rigti * * l . .' iff. iti...?.te • r,-.; 1 . . , ....... , ..... ~z . „ V„...,,,f , a.A.5r5 i i.di,,,,, z re ia r. ; .. „ t 5,,,t . , . ....1.."^ r...1 1 %,......`; r 7:, . ' ' . ~. ,-. Av,r r ..t7....., . • . . . • • . , . ..... , GOlatiffEß CUL . Et O — ORD. ,'- - • , • • iiiirserfipu DI:Oxon. - 140Porlfd *WUXI for-tdo Adayz : glofikmatta.) ' . Prtzianda-Watiltiort,"Dtpielita 'di, Issi: , • nolitc—ii. • Aeitiiitd" foe Piaui csatliosai Nl'. • Itoioltbatandlniiirldch 6012 kn ire Dim In italr vlcia loud 'tetra. to afill onlesi at fail 'otter. 8010 of 100 bale Y. mil, at $6, aid :6 do it ts tor' Taattly sad 4Vildi Taw. Vitra Is tiold at 0,4409. GIEG ltßlPS:—ltie demand for Onicorits use Isis . "two ootwittiasadoi wideb prices eta made sad lalllitslatoiatd. ' Sep/ te film et heti 93i told) la tthatllo%.lol4l to Dab; a.la of 6 !Ada at Dke: aittFlo blds at 1040:. Molasses atesdr, sato of 10 bile 'WO63; iadeaa, io coincri; at 62e . . Ocifei— Bale of 36 tiatiltfo st 11316111i1 . 16 do 4 do stl6No. 474 Bala of a btu* Golden'sl43s. - • ' 1 • " ItitXrt...datt iiftvacttativid; diteal D,OOO &at 80 for4Notildatirsad So 63t-flala ffsiasiliklo be at Mo foe Siotatcti int - 81ft Slob IL fitv; 1 to Boot Natittl Asia si 104?." ' " - 61411DAPkL11841alo if 2EO DaiX al ire Vi 11244 sad 64 do dtoke do at D 1„ Soth-of 'hoop este, oars . made to porldee la Ma Bait. " I 011111811...nactiaalied: solo of 125 baits W It it !No v . , , m4so'd.i', do et esekre— the isitcr'iete far Irish. 111=1N Asa teas—Tea. is a Nat bgntry for Batter; aid piano Moll la bald at 104. Pocked Is • dall.'elth a` Ws of I.oto The at delitniti in coat de. amid sod aria ortik Taal of !Oda' at Do ail dcs. DALT—oals of 60 bile Rol's& $1,9616 bbl. :iithreit—eiectiebiLed vith 4641 'soles of Coma oa ill 180 9 on. We mite oatalloatio of Nair Sys `it hoot DS to 450. ”itilita i l; ale 01 . 100 'Doh media, ',iteilti Itist et sni, w Nadi, ittroelled bbalest 110Tincitiagad; l kilo; isle Doze los of 20 tog ida Cifil i r ia 2 * I aimistvauir cuitakimiss. .ey Casein , YAW% frit. 23.-lhato Flgocd toga b ler.thmr,' surge and opting s ade brie. Winter wheat , brands wen also better relies% end the market wet4lloo higher. About .6,000 bbh chewd heads, lit $l3 tor tini:ce whimi winter extram 21,24:00 lor red winter eatteMs3.lo64.2O tor slum torten:is SPrtat WWII: and gIVOCIBan ter one mon to ehtike sprit g nape/ o e. The Wheat_ msrkes opind ozelted, 'arid spring mie•rrigl i tb:lct: l6 e the atinee w g in t i Ai . : d Moved enlist. Water attest - grades were le better demand and ad: irkzettl birlt: about V.i0,0:10 bob el all kinds 'changed banda'rt liBdt2o.l tor N3l fled: sagsio tot too 2 keis all.81S: air avi , pub; 808833 [Of No I Spring; Inarlee for No .2 Spring; and ahak3o tor Re J tinted' einingiT•t balk of thongs. being at Tilis tee No I Eprinm an l ey gotcw lits 1 lipting—i.the rastket Ching at 703fi07;t we. No 2,end 110301/1* tot No I. Corn was In better iegater, end the market wit More *Mire and . a abide ll%gglis W,gese with inletand of neatly "243,40:10 hathel 2 ior genet Weer totted sheen 220/3)fp tor IlLitri in gtarM and !SW; . tor dejected to swim —(Trlb. CUMIN Mugu. dept. 22 —Maar—The market was taffies tame, the news hem new Tut and trots tnedend net being as goads, was expecte:4h= bald. sr. remain Ira et toll pima. Seperthwsll4ooo4l(t. =Ms, f r tge4Wlo. and Welly $010.460,. tsetse ng Way brand~ The sales were matistad to Pk bid& The market clout heave. . • _ .• 61113—A good Amami and pram lie Wilma taloa WO balm at 1400,0 math the later raw tar Prollsamo.—A. 800 i aomaral kr Osumi 61ass, with calm at MOWN at 6.3566.16. • Bacon alacoldeas aro Ma Areal, at`63o, boa Clear &teat Mat. bat not mach &manta Balk litoalaert Imo 'beta at Zigio, • lama - • goal braloast could' te Atom at MU rate, picket. sideman bald Orally at 60. I No Maga? Ca Lard ca Nese Parr.. Oro sem—ltaaat Arm at ty ' olSlOSjoitaffes la yea dem.aM sato. of - 460 bags at 16%0111,40. A cargo ct choice now aniclog, to OM at lie. Alamos Pottortsau %tea I&OW O , Sept. 2.3.—ThOodar logo or Beet Cattle reMboll :3850; beam 1111111101 rad, ettoodur atelnereasa ef - 450 °Tar the teoalpta of last week; the 4aMand Est Ate rad piers about the alma, nearly all twin; dafrated of et trom MPH dm ms net for CGIIIIIIOII to dead swat , * {Malt,. 'About 40 Own ware dlepored of at from $25 to $29 With; according to eenduloa—• drellaa Some 2460 boar wore 'offered awl mlO, Inoladlas 1910 at LOON. at 'from $164 to 5634, the latter for good aim Tod, and 140 at too.avnate yard at $4,76. 6 = l 4: l o bs ahsa lui p .mired sad sob ot trots do to To it ttCt.ot, ma to quit/, dtOtttlt Tort Huh &UV dace tut Week. Imports':!'!. fialllroad. WHEELING—peg Petenea.4l47 Dour, auks • ex 131 bp glip - ithtte. ,11411ginit 60 to Is Elini.l UflilK 4 a Oa; dcz broom, Fmk Sail• *mon; tdi,erton 1 Btelar4,4 pIow:MAI iperr. Import*Asp 'llllrer. Prisistonsi Pt • WO7ltl it . 000 1 ,00 ECU) gept 1.6 —l6 mks B. Ilerbsash7lll sloP l 7 cB bba, W VlVaitsidteabs , Baas '6O Ms 'stoma, Lltsis lk 'bitable; 14 bsi sheer', taw bert t Ibtp000; IS do do, Eli (lolling 60 WS Beet, Oulp 811apard; 1 balks, Was, Berribtil aad 3 Obis ezrap Iras, 1101 ons, Raba &co; I 6bl oil, S b tab. .nistock t sr, 30 tdds Mar, Ls Wallas:l kg shot, 10 do tmlists, Aliissbeardrsacali IJ this esantsaies, rotten 7 his tags Jaho B datlidd t co;71 Sods scrap Iroo.Joow4 Lagshilsr, Olt ALMON call skits, 0 :B p tsiark 44 this oft alladlo oil co. • ngo:mos Cumuson Asa Brup—Sept. til 14.-36 dxs tandkii, NeStey,ll•lsoa as its Beth. sr,o Grostsisser; bbis solos, SI Du asses, Beck Lams 8 brie hops, J Manic 18 his dowse, 0 0016 0 00Ss. L ll volgva to; '1 bbis sprites./ Orsoks: Mt tie chases, 311Cantleld t OA 41 Isogon* pips; U ooUlia.l 661 wool sae, J L 21arihsilv 1 ass data, T Arnold; lot wheat, L Wilrouttt' 3 bales hops, Rhodes Jarrow:llmi dam, Wm eastio• 100 ris chums, 3 linslbtd; 2/ do do, ettionuaisr ilLars; VI Ws op ;Ass, W dernashetr oto do, J D Dont 164 Mix ap pies,2 do cider, John Grolier; Ibble aPpbus, Jan Ear but; 23 bbis Snobs, LhtspitONClopelatd t co. I==M The flu/Atli:as potot su retelling dash rests. darotttlishcat 4 lest 10 hicks by ths ptu met fst stents. weatesar =Woos char wad num sal upsreatty seetted—.....lbs stir wives Inglitki , •al -tram BiJllpolla sod4oha T. McCombs train II heeling. !Ms taw east .was thrown tohltui her ttmit tonslderably la sonalooses - of its dens kw which pmallsd ander ths stir put of the day. Tea tab depart:us brood the sods pskats werstlas -Artists nod Marmara for f ouls. Wt far Il hseling on Tondo sight to bring op • pot. Mot& herein* which ohs was a:O*W to lets: that plies on seconnt of the low wise lifistlaws, flotdaran, will Its twat to haw for Cllnelanall std Isalseills on gelds: Stsdni:**Ths Beast from Pottosonth, and MSS, trontailltrolls, or. due bent ton WS.. The ton returns tin boat. ear stlo s. so, end the Latta oa the ass day at Lbsio Hutto Irons Zuartils Is dtts SuedON: zatuLAs WEEKLY 71.1b1 , 701111T /011:0/LEINLIC11/1411114 Pu82811002/10—Tbo stobarr.lloolllllT. 'Wolcortil Imo ibr rho • obora and all lataribidlato loadowillFilllr WORD"Y, et SO demi, S. m.+ Nor treed or passage apply on bard or to tsN J. B. LIVING:I2OM iOO *pato DITTSBWKIII AND GAfr i gifig A. MOM PACISIT—The fine new jpsweeprotatose 115 4INN, Copt. Jaw Migutilialel. leatilittabasin esllipil..llVllT AI DB. DAT of 4 1; 126- j•slutzdzilb TIJII6I/8w st•lOw. 'Pw *Agit , Estur' apply co boar! or to ' ' • se2:l J. H. Lraterarrox-sion. pas. RE9ITLAR, WlNErstrao PUISIIL—m. Doi ottulii bausVA,DoptdoJobo Gordon, toms kit. or Dewing sed totortoodtato. para. Avery TUDIDAY, TOURS. DST And, .11111TITADAY, 'at IL o'clock, A. Id., =king .oloottenstatooo tratithe itsoht potkotolor nslt• orkotnn .DO elm:l=W Boturolog,toisto ig every MONDAY, WADVIDDAI and RAW" et dd•Mt 4.1 A Pastoopos tootlptod tEttowo tolD* duelist Itoxlittig.ht of jpastipoppiv JAYA& MLUDA es Doled to onla " Dr0.114.910t0r otroet. ! • 17VAIt" W KEHL xidEr u i -1.14 ZANOVILLII. PA new ano oplooslB acaarr OS/MAL Copt. Apia, lama -IPittitough tar Ls* vino oval Till DAV. at f OttOok,f. IL Veto rotoo koroo Zsoortillo tow Plltibatel ettry 111,1 DAT at 10 a. K. limr hetet ar pimp ant, on t oar 4 or to ; . 00W1S t QO., &VDU: rigtObOTO.''. - 0. PtIEBOt 00. UWE. Zmatxtillo. oella ": - i:1/111013N:TRAVBiii ind - - SXP RATIONS. • - .. Nantes Dtsvanaite In °antral Aft ...W, Ova Lltingsto's do do • do. 14 t ' +. • ;Tiptoes Tuttle to Able*. ' •t• - • - 7.. 7: 3A ,- ! -'.... . a lake Risk= of antral Ando. :', - ..!, • i Ss Cbaltlo'S Asistatint Attica. , ..• 't ", -, . , .., • ; r dues Soot Lib ht Egypt.. 7' - , ~ . + ,' ~ +, St-Jolut's aduntness MIAs Miss DOSSit. • ': . •" ' ,- , VOrMie b 7 t - &gat, gAte °G4.66, Wood N.. 1 IN STO 'AND Ma ISALLE- -- .. t leo Itse.CoastxtElkarSl4a, I j • MI 40,414 Shoe •• • 4 - IBMit% I gB3i&'!3T & AM F.II3KING, esaketaamirepo,of digarinsilimeetub ' Den)eqesse 4.1 IL PaILLIPIL RODE — PZISOLEO6I—;,IOO barrels. getable for tifialag, , nab*" per -Wrad *fl sit rju la iri b ZALZELL 4140 i, Wstaletatst 1 ft itina;:iiii,VANAOß4Ntikajgat, stailsd ed for ask , 11110=1188, Item 214 sad 121Titaxl otred. 41.*11)•;6-26011iCtos - , e by, B. 1. lIPAIINIIBRICK a coy - ral -Ooroor of.WookiadFitrotatnels. BTLILK s tiPON tig-,Lorge f ,' Aim sod moil. os swop, toi - B. /4 11,10 0, 1 0 1.0/11 ; //sex • ORCOJA. bb "..egte4lloll*l I.4 , catgutontompt , - I.aAthrilatkoto., • AUXEB3-400 bciza,ohoioe • IF r ,e r tislssti_itiln!sad larva* bir cuusiii6ia CW4ANT.=-W msj ibt4LtterkAln!ns WiIITIC YOU AND LIMN Wig- Tv 3110, fatal+ tenth% fkr4= 2 Ito s a co. ~ .arm^+ ~~ . Gdl~4c~r.S,sr•~:.+ - ..j,: ,, ~~.,~., ScrofloriXines Evil, is a ermstitu • onsesse, a corruPtion a Of the MOO, by hiche',fluid:becomes"Vitiated, die' fluid becomes Vitiated, Weak, and poor.' Being iiidie circulapon, it pervades . the whole 3 b0dy..1114 may trtirst. out in. dhow on any part . it.; , ~.I.fourgen is free item its attacks, nor is ilierebna which it may not destroy. The scrollakina taint is variously caused by mercurial disease; low livirtg, dis ordered or unhealthy look impure air, filth -and filthy habits, the' ftraiing Time r ...an& above all, by te vma -I infection: -What ever be its o rigin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending t. fromparents terddldren unto the third and fourth generation ; " • _litdeed, IC seems to be the rod of Him who Seys, .. I will Visit ,the iniquities of the; fathers, upon their children." Its effector commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or aprons matter, which, in the lungs,,Aiver, and in • -.m.1 co eits is termed tubercles; in the glands, sw ' r . and on the nufs* eruptions or sores. foultior raption, which genders in the blood, depresaes v i t the energi of life, so that scrofiilnua con/stair: firms .not nly , , suffer from . scrofulOns ma ' plaints, bu they have far less power. to with stand the attacks of other diseases; .conse quently numbers with by disorders which, although not scrofulons in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint he the system. t Most of the consumption which due. oimates tha human family has its origindirectly in this scrofulous' contamination; ;and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, beard,, and, indeed, of ail: the, organs, aim an'fti: of are aggravated by the eame cause. _ ." One quarter r e our people are sernfulous; iall their persons •Invaded by this turklng in-' fection, and th • health is undednined Wit.' To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an nlterative medicine; and iriT vigorate it by healthy, food and eternise: Such a medicine- we supply in . ~, , . . , I AYER'S Compotind Extiact of,,Sarsa4arillai' the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this vary where preVafihig and fatal Milady : It is com bined frotniEe most idly!, remedials that have _hien discovered foi the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its 'destructive consequences. Ilene° it I should be employed for the cure of not only Satifula,, but also thoso other Wee; bona—which arise from it, such as Enerrtve and Sit- DISEASES , Sr. ANTHONY'S' Fipas,., Rosa, o Earstratas, Pixrtesi lPcorrtnati, Btorctrze, Bunts and BOILS. Tomas, Tartan : and fina l Run*, Senn Heln, - Rrauworoi, Reistouettere, Syrnurrtc and lianceittsrollis nases;-TEOPSY. DYSPEPSIA. DERILITY. , :aid, indeed. ALL CoII:PLUM ARISING PROIAMTLA TED of IMPURE BLOOD. The popular _belief in t , impurity - of the Mad" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. i The particular purpose and virtue of this Swops rdla is tol purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in ~:contaminated constitution'. , , , •Ayer's Cathartic Tills ! 1 , . FORILL4THE Fug OF A fANILYAffBIO, are so composed thaidisearm Withrkthe range of their action can rarely withstand or. evade them. Theit penetrating properties search and cleanse, and invigorate may Torsion of thehaman organ. ism, correcting its diseased action; add yestonng its healtby eitallties; As a conseottence of these propertien, the invalid ; who is bowed -dorm with pain or ,physical debility.is astonished to find his health or energ . rostored ; by a remedy at so simple add innUng. botonly do they care the every-day complaints of every ibody, but also many fonnklable and dangerous diseases. The agent bekiw named is pleased Ws furnish grail* my American Almanac, containing cettifiOstes of their _cures clad direc tions for their rum in the following complaints: Costimsess, Ileasphess. Hem:facto arising frvm disOrderid fffornach, , Amaea, Indigestion, Pairs in and dtordid huretron of Oa Bisset, Flatulency, Loss . feti Appstife, Jaundice; and other kindred cco739Ltili arising from • low state of.the body or bean awn et tiafisnctions. Aye?' s Cherry Pectoral, - 1 . YOZ THY SAPID CUSS os Cotigh4 Collie, Infinenzai 'Hoarseness, CronSlironahitie, Incipient Consnmp lion, Find for the relief of Consumptive - Patients in advanced stages -of the diserthe. • . ~ So able lathe field of its wietelnitieui lie na• Filen.= ere the eases of its cares, that A:lmeg every section of county abounds in persons pub tidy !aeon, she has! been restored from alarm ing and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. Men Once tried, its stmerlority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape :obserratitm, and where its virtues are known, the 'public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the ptllmonery organs that are incident to our climate. Mil, roany Inca:riot remedial threat upon the community have failed and been disonnied, this has gained friends ky,y every trial; conferred bene fits on the afflicted ;they they can never forget, and ; produced cures too numerous and too remarkable ;to be forgotten. - . . PR PARED, BY D. - J. C. AYE 411 r. R CO., 11. 1 - - • LOWBLL. MASS. ' B. 6. massroarigoamts. learook= sou by anDrustate led halals oirayr.borl. Ali. - ,T.. Lova soma, .. ozearzarr ST., ABOVE TUJBD, ; 1 - , . '37EriWairkEEEZE.IP .. X44 ist2l2LedlitsldWillicebood Et as lEitatow WaWor YldflimatlWisstwa afxrds,thipinnts, , - 77/ 7 • 17 &W, MW o2 4 ll qa . : l "i "• ! . / I.ll3oardpeir Dan 0 2 ,,, 15 0* ; . % ' I ; •• • , spousalik odes roodred ca at ERMAN Pt ,! Wow Mon esti mud Eqpirada.PEr fLEW. Naga at d MIS Cddill Xdontaadirrartacans To WO Weis Priam istafEW4EEE Ai DWE et 3 . 1". i WlldoC l ity.Oarsis Paddllldgild Oleia tap lataillot WO sr OSAlgia WO SEW ' ''l • ear ; ilea. issixelE.GenEux az.E epeda spokeit. 1,1145 ... , .• - - !. ' . - - . :.. - atizloEfilatoilEta4 Obvrinc iraittatituay.P,raui!.. i IlrFroltwrivia. ,- ; :• 11 i ileleiliii IlkV sitter Day.. Oily all 11142WEEM eimier Wirealutort st: e i . g . v ionaitEs OtylailL) ethe W r tberliary be Misted. to Itio . 'pad= 80. ' hooey. -. -Thifl Es V Ikibles Slop !End HaSIE• law td the HotA.` t, N. 11.—Ilowars 4.11 Wouwaors .a •Elailk• ;:aleill ibe my lie Masa. ,--- •••• . :!; .i.- , . , - ' 011:1111 ' '— • 1 R. IER23011.W1000:7, CORNPLANTER OIL CO*FANIt.' •I apLVIIII, ' ; • JOVN 1111rtItoli std Treararer. • Drub/oat-ICU. 1:0041: IL Novla, J. ;..Clap:t• 'Etu3;ll..Nmirem,lotudlrilecir. PEU I ' t- • I Of ligc irantitrote , ,ate . . iiing of las Otoo l lait opOrr Otssli t fujipi,s,lo =UM In :Maid Orin: oohi, • • . 4 auldsu No. Se Wood st4littaiirid: EMILE •"'• -• . [MIX PP, APIDERSO btaraiits itt • • 0,41.111301•7 7071., (quallti OcisrastsedJ j prrnstuton, PA. , ilarOsr amass sad Mask essidantl) as band. i 'Oristissestred for *As Front st 43=48111TR ,ItOCLlkillstersal Noe ands. -. selddas; PAT SISfiT EULIONb; v u r A 11101YrIIINO MONS , R 0 Dori =tit* disillag No oixe'ttosbli one rafi DU ISMS ea roan". da 'HO otons prialbitair atimitlido ttAnt tt.'Bri"; No Dartioabirouto Hal trim. • Bat tbs_gOod old- stu,num . ettiit !Bk.' lamina!' BLIPPILai 4 •• • - -• = - ! J II no. . 0 wiron mummy, (10.11 PBS 1 COFFEE F-400 bags fair ILO Ito *Wei ifs day ta stas net Min* par foiropirdlikiliarouL lat Mi3lllb7 • - - _pIaDOSALD, a liaitiamur. -101 Jut. fig Mai, Mot. OW be*: at woof. • - , 4111/AULIIII.-10. bastelreela No. / - tree : J A - r iepospoehrowanoinsiilti keel% b 7: .. • - n: