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Shaw, Optician, 68 fifth street -44rrcted daily: MOON. to MAO*. illeOiLik: 11. li .. II ...... ..-- , 7 0 49 IN.“ t n... ... ..........102 74 6 -ff P. 1... 67 Butenfifilr . »........... 29 7.10 MRlPtlisiscAmt ;Nun T T TICKET. toe Puma= num comic, nue: ILLIAII 13. 11c0h1311S, 24MM:wet. ' I •J___ Fa unwrap isms tuirluor omen: V.4f KY W. WILLA• 118, Hetabarab. I - - . non associtin heal ammo: nue: JGONallOiv3f. of inies Township. .. 4 - - sae MEAT= : an 6...611127:7111f, tanners!). I , ,- roz ASSIFOLT: , 1 OWAII WILLIAM 6 Alleghtoy : OMAR J. 311611616, Loner 81 .01a1r: ' max 0. 61.11.14N0N, Okuilas ; ' TOWA'S 1113161116146, lariNcalc,,; tEINUND WNW; POW:grab ; I.- •. - roll firairr: HARRY WOOD2,ot Pi,blas fp Ti riblifollorLikr: HENRYRII la . " 031 Llerv! Ili.Clilr tp. Ir.* CoNol•illerri: ,q; DAVID OOLL1:03.of Males !P IM tlienellitin: 1 52 - 41/1110N ILOYD,of Pttistarkfi. nil 00102111: JOHN KW LONG, of Putsborsh. _ • Fos DOLIETOR or Pool: 108/21.? 11. DAVIS, of Ohio tp. I ri .Viszsi.' Y Gszarrn for this week Is Issuid,-and contains highly important and Iraqi interesting matter—embracing EM toriale;-Latist Intelligence from the Seat of Wirr;! Garreepsoylence; Another Bridge Dis mal-Sri; Disiresalug Accident at the Conti. nenthl: Theatre; Important from Missouri; Intireisting and important European, Cali forOa ind _General News;. Religious Intelli• genes;. Reliable - Cortneralal Reports; Do miiiiii and - Foreign Markets; Local and Nelitborhood News, do., .44. For sale at our counter—price, fire cents per stogie coPY, In wrappers. . .. , The Relief Board and the Two ithth Tax. The card of the Belief Board, as published yesteCday, is a model -document. "In cone guinea of the tax payers having been tampered ----..- • . wills bli. lite public press to such an extent u to render the collection °idle Relief Tax by the ordinary mode next to impossible, the Board of Relief imve decided. to band- the -duplicates over to the County Treieurer for collection," etc.j As a public journalist, we have a word orb ~, ,o do say in reply, to this extraordinary builindt. -To *Myer; according to the best definition, is bk`ineddle with, or . deal secretly ' —the officious interference, interference, or secreiidea being a ll ... - conntvince. Whin the two mill tax woe levied, and . 'when' it was •aenounced tint the Commissioners had determined to appoint • iotlectote to receive it, the. Gazette informed the tax: payers of the county that the proceed. iag nits illegal-4that under the act of May lit, 1864 all taxes were - payable directly to the County Tv:mincer,' and-. that the colleetors . were acting. wheillY..-lithout warrant. Was th'e-reeeddline on 'our part t - Was it, not rather the discharge ofd plain duty t Let the tat pnYersjudge; - ',As to a public . paper "tam paring," 'or dealing •fileretly,” the idea is ah • surd.; It would-have been' well for the Relief Board if they had anted upon _our intention theri.l - It would have obviated thenecesany of securing legal advice, and sired them the mor tification of witlealug the failure of their pet scheme of collecting taxes. This brings us to consider what ibis Boller Board fe pleased to term the "ordinary mods" of isidhedleg..: To persons disposal to place a fair matistruction upon • lords, it is only news- airy to say that what was the “ordinary mode" hue been abolished, and anew system instituted by atstate. This ought to be compishansible • to. moat ukluds, - but the Belief Board could not sae throtigh it until the "tax payers had •been tampered with by the public tress l" Bat thine is weather polatthat we may as well cote here._ Cadet - Jim "ordinary mode " that teas, from 15,000 to si . ooo of the peop le's money Fund into the hands of the tolleettn,upon a two mill levy,iwitile by direct payment into the tresitu7 all this Is laved:to the people. There were a erase- many very -dad axes to grind when ft becalm knoln that the Commissioners were going to diepense tole patronage, and when the Gasettobtimatad that it was all trungi!otamper - thg with thetas payer*" ,is the monstrous elle. titian 1 . "'.. • . • . ~.. 1 TUI -.Belief Board, or the Commiwioners, perhapi, Sadie, 'that no respectable lawyer ' would sustain - them in the miens 'they : bad adOpted, and; apprehendinglegal complications 'of_ at serious character, have been tomcatted to "back init.?. or, hauls their owe language, olive decided to band • . the duplthates over to - the-County Treasurer for collection." It ie a little singular that their "decisoin" Gads RAT . rant is the twentieth section of the Act already .i.qatittuii, A.- rentarsablemiiticideeee, indeed ! We shall now notice the last clean of this :Ord.! WA dismiss the subject. ' The Board say —"No'farther relief tan bi Weeded until the • .Treasitror ghat area . to honorlthe - aureate of 7:lhe Board," .We have authority for. repeating. nowii : wltat we aid some time , ago, that the Treuurer Was willing to advance money to the Relief toned, upon proper warrant, sad belies hs juitly.eomplalns of the falselmorantou con- Toyed .te :Ms - aboveatintimee. While be tuts money he will cheerfully honor their - draftsilf promoted it legal-form. ..They never drew-on him foie cent, : and Whet they di so, for.; the - families of volunteers, hewn' pay, out as 'long as Ma moarylasta . Cat he do more / We have ao disposition. to quarrel with the 'Relief Board, now that they have taken a ship -ilthir right - direetion.- It only remains with us IMO,. a speedy tayment into the hands of abet Tecate/sr of tan two.mill TAX. There : I li immediate of 'relief by many lima .Ithiihave - litherior . eciiieed ameeklyallowane • from thithitimittee eitauiied' under the Co I ml , mitteCtif Public Safely—which toad waned' Oral,f.elbeinted some - -time • since.- Ley* , paymbine into the - County Treasury, far We ParPaiere'PriiiiPL'' 'L- : -;,- -- • .. ' ..• ntilt,. sir - Ncrisji.!! is the title ili e of til - 'heist . “pnblished every opportunity by the • • FieldeitifStaff of the Roundhead Regiment, Col.J.eattre,.comitatding.” .This Regiment is composed-of single companies from , Wash. - intoM Boiler, Beivere Mercer and.Weststere-. - land, end See companies from Lavrrence noun ty -Amine the cfrient - we may Mention, the . Lieut. Colonel, James A. Elan; of Elitaiiith ; F. HI Wrote, Surgeon ; and. IC. !foresee, Wow pilaf Steward,hoth of this city.... The". regiment is eniampet - on -Baloramit Hithimahout a mile north of Washington city.: .:. TAe health of I, the is good, and - the only death-kis . - berm-that of - Samuel t..llwing, of Washington, Pa., itho;died of typhoid hirer on' thi.lo l ' ll lust. ;} . -••- • Cointurrun - Merritt ..Thiv. 'Republica° . - Connie . Rummies - Com mittee .Met, Verilera r day and organized by electing Thomas V. Wil vat ,- Secretary, - and •S. fieboyer,.. -- ri.i Req., Tresetuer., Various .geb :Committees , were appodited,litd the measures:adopted - to supply tickets and -- ptistars.to.dit various election districts throughout the county. Full • comity tickets are now ;thadY for distribution at this alike. r Oar friendaihrough . the . conety iln procure IC.F3pply; for th eir respective dila etalby calling at thelGareffe-couttlog room.- - , • ........ .._ Sitadoiasi:::4lU Thursday last an old w ido w:o • d, *sand Turner, residing' In Crawford' co., pant. , was attacked ; by a hog, while she was picking elderberrieM and so horribly - Mangled -.. that she expired shortly afterwards; . The bog was about niter oldend:had formerly been a Pet. . • Or rola. Wrianitioven.Tbe :,Pittsburgh - .. Toitanit, : Captsia • Fillwetil; /eft Monday at. Mrnotin,. incarriagee,,Magone,.. buggies and - L omnibaties, for... Washingtoo,TP.s4- w t ere , they give an axhibitiin drill on thelair grounds. :.. • .. . . DAT GOOD4.—J. 'l4l.l3aratioN informs Di that lie has agahl ntowtsd trotti i tho,Emt with • woad dm* of handsoin6.aowioods_; which, ha i• • ••111mi anunitlly, chap for outi,_ par mourr;,-;-• 4 ef Tar DUNA • or alis :Patiticrri.—This_eaw ( obi plea win. be perforated to.atight - at the -1 _theatre for dentist!' time. •• Oa-to:morrow ar. taraooa, at 'twasPaltock, as einuatalament wiil Ise gives far paretate 'pa ebildrett., _ .4 09 ;w4wili -8 - 1 4: 11 har.!% Saw ,3 Wiwi= OPOtita;lo4l.p4lol7. thwiall number.. A fror,plicepulollili Vaillatt for Willek distiapplicatioa Is iarilad. . - . win An Interesting Case: Some time ago we' noticed the decease of Mr. Wm. Jobnalon,h well kaosen citizen of Put Liberty, who had devised his property, amounting to some $50,000, to / he daughters of Mr.. Rosanna Bolton, with whom he had , boarded for Mtllf Jean previous to Lir decease. The devisees, five in nuerther, hire all mitten,- and were not related-to the testator. The va lidity of the will was contested by Captain Alexander Dean and - wife, the fatter being the only child of said Johnston. The case came up for trial in the Court of Common Pleas, before Judges Mellon, Ad. ems and Parke, in the form of feigned issue between D. Negley and S. Cuthbert, Execn. tors, va. Alexander Demi and wife. Thomann. Mandell, Esq., an Guardian ad Men, appeared for the devisee', and Jodie Sealer for the defirndants. A jury was empanoeled, and number of witnesses examinedi—the folio 'tig being a synapse" oldie testimony: Dr. A. J. Davit, -a witness to th e will, testified tha he saw Mr. Cuthbert, one of the executor', w ite the will. Mr. Johnston was present, and sa t —"gentle. men, this is my will,; wait you to w itness it." Dr. Davis saw Mr. Johnston sign t e will, and ii\ believed he was then in sound min . He was afflicted with cancer, on his rater' , izb lOU. quently entered the eye and caused his death three years afterwards. The will was not read to Johnston in the presence of the wit ness. John P.. Nettle'', also a witness to the will, testified that he saw it signed ' by John ston, and believed him then to be of sound mind. David Akin, Dr. Levis and far. Cuth bert were also present. This close the tes timony for plaintiffs. Judge Shafer opened the cue on behalf of Captain Dean and wife. fib propos dto call witnesses to prove that Johnston w not of sound mind and meMory when the will was executed, and that is was procured y fraud 'and coercion, under; the influenee of mono mania. . Wm. B. lfictlvaine teatified that he married Wm. Johnston to Mri. Jerusha Butler, in Rut Liberty, in August, 1830; that they lived to gether for several years and. bad an only child, the present Mrs. eau; that Mrs. John. ston left her husband 'a number of years ago, and went to PlUsburgh or Allegheny, — where she lived among her daughters, having had hiree by her former hisband. Mr. Bader. Dr. A. H. Gross, the attending physician of Johnston, testified to the character of the die. ease, cancer. It wan mild at first, hut gradu ally spread to the nose and eye, and finally terminated in death. He wu frequently an great pain, and had to be relieved by the use of opiates. The diieaee at times would ren der almoat any man crazy. He slated that Johnston had boarded-for a Jong tune with Mrs. Bolton, who was an energetic, managing woman,and exercised much influence over him. On croit examination, the witness stated that Johnston was a man of decided will when at himself, and when not under paroxysms of pain was as sound in Mind as any man; He was well nursed by Mrs. Bolton daring his last illness. The defendants here offered to prove that when Johnston married Mrs. Butler he was comparatively worthless; that she was posses. fed of a considerable estate, the benefits of which were shared by him; that they lived harmoniously together for a period of sixteen yearn; that during this time their only daugh ter (now Mrs. Dean) was born; that they sep arated on account of family difficulties when their - daughter was fourteen years of age; that Mee. Johnston lived apart Bum her husband till her death, which happened some foiii , yein ego; Abet the daughter never returned to her father's house, but married Capt. Dean in 1848. They would farther prove that - Mr. and Mrs. Boltorf came to Last Liberty ana took op their abode near Johnston's; that an improper inti macy sprung op between Mrs. Bolton and Johnston, which grew into an adulterous inter course, and caused' the separation of Mrs. Johnston and her daughter; .that.he caused his bed to be removed from his boarding house to Mrs. Bolton's, and did other sets evincing au improper intimacy, and that Mr. Boiton was often'abeent by the influence of Johnston sad Boltan. Defendants also permeated to prove the p.m fel nature of the - dmesse-cancer—and that Johnston was frequently controlled by thosei around him ; that Mn.s. Boltosuwas a woman of miunline character, and-eo controlled him asito annul contracts that did•hot please her ; that Mrs. Dean was willing to nurse her father in his last illness, on condition - that be would leave Mrs. Bolton; that be was notified of this and that while he expressed affection for his daughter, he relined to serer his relations with Mrs. Bolton; that on many occlusion's, when friends and Delgabors went to to ere him, one or other Cl Mrs. Bolton's daughters was always present to, hear what was said, that JOhnston derived considerable income from his wife's estate, and invested it in an. other rotate, which formed the basis of the property devised; that the devisees are not re lated by blood, or in soy way whatever, to the testator, and that Mrs. Dean was the only child sat heir at law. • Plaintiffs objected to,tbsoffer SI a whole, bit conceded the right to inquire as to two or three points embraced in the offer. The Court sus tuin'd the ..objimilans a . end exceptions were taken by defendants' counsel, so that the matter may yet be brought before a higher Court. The jog. not beanie permitted to hear any further mailmen', rendered is verdict for the plaintiffs, thus affirming the validity of the will. BLACKWOOD'S Entwined II - ALCOA UNE —WO have received thetlepteMbei number of Black. wood from Mr. W. A, Gildenlenney, No. 45 Fifth street, and find that it is a most interest ing addition to the reading matter of the month. Some wrier,'-who may have,come 11110 poseenion of 010 Ohriatopher , s crutch, (which, however like ?enable property, wee not really so, much len hereditable), deal. some sturdy blows at set of fellcrws like Mr. Buckle, becauae theythave. nude 'over free' with the paktum° and fur fame of Auld Scotia. This pther in the Indies article, in newspaper phrase, and the other coatents are —The Rector; Medintion of Dyspepsia; Bo r toes Anatomy of rdelaucholy; The - Persian War of 1856.57; The !Memory of Monboddo; A Day at Antwerp; Phaetboo; The Art-Student in Rome. Several .of these papers will be found very readable—at least we could while away a few boon with Maga very pleasantly this month. A Grammes fixcerroptar .Kiktuo —The Wheeling fauffirotocr isyi on Bawdily last a 'company of men, tall Lieut. Cot. Kelly, wake amt-from Grafton to th house of Zilch. Cochran, to Tailor county,' for 'the purpose of arrosdng him.' cookran's house was surrounded by-the soldier, observing whleh he attorhplad to by running out at the bank door, when be wee shot down and instantly killed. It will be re membered that -,- Coetkran was the &cession Sheriff out there; and has been attempting to collect tint for theltiOmond government, and trj lug to intimidate the people, forolbly taking guns from Delon men ,and carrying on gener ally. _ Dotrecta ll.' Basta, Water Cure and Home, Whin Phyleian; also agent for Italaborr's oak, boded Tross'"for Raptures. Corner of Penn' ind Wayne Streets. • t `.Dzerrtsar.46•Dr.' 0.41ll1; NoVII6 Penn it.; attends to all brim:hes Xtbe Dental profeuloa. ni/T.To Boren Owners 6W1C11141 IIIIVALL,IOI.I4 Lush iszurr !OR EIORIIIIII2 Is nnitenied by any: In ail easm of Lemcmcm, iriaing from Opridne, Bram cerWrenching, It *Met magical and certain. Liar. nem at &dale Galls, tantalum, Mange, to., It will ihMctire imeedny. rpivin and Bingbnin may be twiny pneentad and mud in thMx incipient saga, bat eon. hewed pea us beyond :the !possibUlty of a medical airs: No we albs kind: however Las timpente or , hopeless but It may be elleelated by Is le Liniment, and la bithha eyptlcatina velum the Umtata and enable the ham to travel with camps Mho sue. leery homeowner slaxad Use this remedy al band, fog lb Manly ass at the Drat sppearenco of Lumen elincettally prenantq thole formidable- ammo, mentioned, to which all Una are liable and which render so imy oft amiss tamable borate smarts woradome Staa edvertliement. R. L 88LL1111/1 t 00; Agent', Corner Wood and Emond streets, Plitsbarite. noWa7dtw44, BLOOD ..rfieD.--Attention is called to , thia scat mumble and onartinc preparation, an. I iirompd in ittpthdt: *drum It IS wreath* pow fi*Torrildt wall ate W riourainded with any ci the ronarionii s patiott owaliclnee. of do nay. It li i ' porting , mien/ tr all ea riasearie sprains:4 anti esi; peciallgrbooo of: a &rola ustnee.-ot long nodding wog& month; cod ram, rtifierrell, 111 Masinia, ernlM: rivariar, or Ihnr.larke ire the Rote apes for nand prnplerore.av the w or m. renowned Dr. MAIONINIMPASSIX2 Mow. an au. ale which awry ihrtheratainild bate - barratalloloa closet in mod neelbstal inclitrintegi as does, DO paregoric for optate, ry tindeitanl* rolled epos limbos asesortiZahtllMlAnd SW he : food- an is valoatila caws of 100 4 . ifFo: ours= mis spidtla its4 - ostitsgett; . '• ettmtusseeest; ,- st* islet* 01011011* Iti li gg Amt. Wood Plnittepret; 10,WitiluILLING.—Pare ground whole Spice*, amatorydosuiptict--01olt sod oldie Idootud &rod, whits Joixoloa GISMO?. it antord. *l4ft bud sealur ago st Itaatliy OrooirtatOp [of , = I 'JOHN 11JONBUIII., 1, • ' 01111114101 0 6 4 5 . 141166 • - - THE LATEST NEWS LIT TEL KORA P H RECEIVED AT THE DAILY GAZETI E OFFIC: From Washington. %remnants Omit, Sept. 24 —The gallant defense of Mulligan is the theme of the Ad. ministration , and-among the most distinguished military men. It wu not until Late last night, when a telegram was received from Fremon:, that the previous report of the amender was folly though reluctantly credited. The latter, while informing the DepartMent that he was on the eve of starting with a heavy force, ex presses the hope that he will be able to dis lodge the Confederates from the position tkey now occupy at Lexington. The deepest inte rest continues to be everywhere manifested concerning that point, Including the military movements in the same direction. The report has determined the Government to locate the effaces of all Qsartermasters, Commissioners and' other officers who tail to respond promptly by feting their bonds and pre senting themselves for active service. 'Weurincaver, Sept. 2.4.—The following im portant orders have been issued from the Post Deice Department : It is ordered, First, That no newspaper or other printed matter be admitted into the let. ter poncho destined for the Pacific coast, let. tors exclusively being placed therein. Second, That separate bags be appropriated exclusively to newspapers destined to the Pa. elk coast, excluding all other fa - Cited matter. Third, That each letter pouclies.and news paper bags be forwarded to California, as usual, by the overland route. Fourth, All other printed matter of every kind destined for the Pacific coast, meat be sect in , bags to the New York office, there to be delivered to the agents of the Overland Mail Company. . Fifth, Postmasters are requested to comply carefolly with these orders until farther notice, any neglect therein to be immediately re ported to the appointment officer. By order of the Postmaster General. [8 'geed ] - Joan A. KAMM, Fang ' Assistant P. M. General. COTDMISAOGS were Sado listed to the Count de Pads and Duo de Chanson as aids to Gaitoral McClellan. They expressly stipulate that they will receiveno compensation for their services. /Unarm, Mo., Sept. 23.—The following ac count of the siege of Lexington is furnished to the 81. Louie Republican by Henry Bradbaro, one of Cot Malugan'a soldiers, who left Lexing ton on Saturday morning: The fort was surrendered on Friday after noon. The men fought for fifty-nine boars without water, and bad only three barrel, of vinegar to cprimoh. their thirst dating sU that time. There were no springs or wells of water in the camp ground, aa has been stated. The supply was from the river, and was cut off, usher a desperate fight, - en Wednesday: The camp ground consisted of about ten acres and was located a short duitanoe from the river. There were breastworks entirely around it, with -the . ..exception of the portion next to the river. It was here toe hardest fighting took place, The rebels procured a large number of hemp bales and rolled them in advance, and ender their cover gradually succeeded in gain ing a position in the rear. . They then cut ofi the Supply of water and had the front come pieta's surrounded. They made bat few charges upon the breastworks daring the siege. Their object seemed to be to surround the fort and cat off the supply of water. Hash!' one. seeded in this they waited until Col, Mulligan was, compelled to yield to a foe more terrible than the rebels that siirrounded bier. Previous to the conceder, Col. Millman of fered to lake a pontion on a level spot of ground, and glee Geo. Price the odds of lour to one in a fair open tight, but nn attention was paid to it. After the surrender, the rebels mounted the breastworks, and strewed mad . with j y. AN coon as the surrender took place, a party took down the flag and trailed; it 10 the dust. Ah immen■s amount of gold, supposed to be about a quarter of a =Wiwi, tell unto the pos. Beacon ut the rebels. It was taken horn the bankh end buried by Coloael Mulligan on the camp pound aurae lime ago. 'The rebels speedily einealthed it. , Col, Muth& wept like a child when he found himself Compelled tosurrendel. The morning liter the surrender, the men were all released on parole and ferried aurora the riser. The officers were retained. The loss of the rebels is not tnoWis, but it is thought to be not less than- a thotiond killed end wounded. Their first attack proved more dinettes. to tt4at' than the long siege which followed. For a day or two previous to the last attack they were engaged in burying their dead. 'emelt:in, Mo., Sept. 21, vice St. Loriir, Sept. St ' arneettng of the commissioned officers of the Twenty first Regiment, United States volunteers, tailed together for the purpose of giving an expression of their feeling In regard to the coarse of Gen. Fremont, Col. W. 8. Alexander was celled to the chair, and the fol lowing report of the committee to draft resolu tions all unanimously adopted: W , We view with regret the efforts being made to bring about the removal of Gan. .Fremont; and believing that his removal weold endanger, if not destroy, the magnificent army organiesd by and now under hie chuimand, and the not only greatly weaken the power of the government, but encourage the Isadore of the rebellion la their efforts to destroy thirepubllo; therefore— kesoticd, That in John C. Fremont we re cognise not oily a great military chieftain but a true patriot, who're well-known courage, _unrivaled , genius sod ledomiteble energy have marked out as the men ,to orgatozv aed successfully command.tbe army of the Wes,. Raolced. Tun we unhesitatingly; endoree the inane being pursued by. Gen. Fremont In the Military Department' of the 'West, and that we will not, tinder any circumstances, countenance the alba, now being made to remove him, but will at all times do all in our power to prevent its consummation. Fe/Man MONIOZ.-- Via Baltimore, Sept. 23.—Ross Winans having' taken the oath of allegiance was Ibis morning - released, and will tonight accompany his son to Baltimore. The other prisoners are still in close confine ment. Commodore Strlngham was to-day relieved by Capt. tiroldaborouggh. He will proceed to. night to Viambingtos. Col. D. Rusty leaves Old Point to-day, to assume-the 'command forthwith of the En gineers Department in California. He has for a long time been in charge of that Depart: meut ■t Old Point, and the femoral of'no officer since the beginning of the rebellion has caused no poem( a feeling of regret. He is succeeded by Capt. Stewart, a most efficient officer. For three days in sneemsion a gag of truce lies gone to Norfolk Mr the,aceommodation of a few ladies. Meanwhile, two have arrived from Norfolk on a similar errand. Cnictoo, Sept. 23.—A special diepatch re ceived thin evening from Quincy, to the Alum" al s , says that Col. Milligan's commend has been released on Ramie and will be here this evening, to remain - until 'Gen. Fremont , ' or der, are received. Gen. Prentiss has telegraphed from Brook field to, the Anistant Qoartermuter to provide subsistence for two thousand men, and to have it ready upon their arrival. Commiatloned officeri are retained as paquere by rebels. Cmc.tao, special dispatch to the Tribune; dated Quincy, 23d inst., says that Gen. Preotist assumed command in North Mi,. loud, and started west yesterday. He le now welt of Brookfield ; and cut off by rebels, sup. posid to be part of Price's force. Great ism are entertatoed that he will be captured. Reports are rile tbat rbody ol (brae or four thousand rebela are marching on St. Joseph, and au 'attack ta expecteui there tomorrow. . . Cazio, Sept. 23.—The piokirta.Or the lowa Seventh regiment, at ElhoWelkillit,lientucky, eight miler' above Columbus, wero approiebed on Sunday enemies by . a body of robe cavalry, M numbering yor may, when our , boys fired on them, bringing down Area or four. The rebel, returned the fire, but without doing any damage, and then - fled, leaving behind four !hones. Another akirmlah wits the rebel, took place near Hunter, Missouri, four miles below Nor folk, lam evening. Three of our man -iAnd homes are miming. The oscura lon bee not hem aecertalned. • - _ , Reports from below, Nay that the rebels at Columbus are crowing - to Belmont; also that they are rn pm/Brion of Blendontrlllo, thirteen , mile' south-emit of able PIiMC • Ben: loaner. .1a stated to illne-Uklllllloll. 11101110/11 olrOwaerburi. Ey:, blithe Ohio raver, seventy Imilaw above Pad gealt, • Seereirlioor, Sept. 24,,-The 'Reamer City or Neiirlrork, Item Ltierioo with date* tw the 3116 tuu.e is iiiealled. .11er advice* hav e, been ..antlcdpated. , Ponite;i Sept. ll 24i—Tbe Onuses% irefiLlieifoodlispanedhan this mo!I: skunb i stissOcad. 4 .- • Damen/rower, Sept. 23.—A tragical occur. fence was witnessed near this village Jester , clay, in the Pennsylvania Fourth, Col. Holton, on tbejr way to join Gee. Basis , column. In the regiment is a company compoied princi pally of Irishmen, who , hose given the com mander mach trouble.) ! When near Noddy Hun, two of the men get engaged in a fight, and one named Li:mhos, of Company I, a very bod character, was, by 'order of Major A. C. Lewis, tied to the rear of a laimgag'il Wagon. After proceeding about a mile, it wax reported to hirjor Lewis that Lanaben will at largevrith a loaded.guo in his betide. The hlrj ir, ac companied by Assistant Surseon W. C. Roger., rode toward Linehan, . and ordered him to ' give up the gun. Linehan refused, and while the Major Lewis was in the act of getting off his 'horse to enforce hie. order, Lamaism retreated a few steps, took/deliberate aim and shot the Major in the,baelV with a ball and three buckshot. The; latter felVand expired in three minutes without iatteringA word. Lau &hen was teamed. and tqa body of the unfortu nate °Hoer was placed In wagon, and guarded' to the clamp. Lsoahan e now in the bends of the Provost at "rebel. and will be tried We i" Ariii.head court probaVy to-day . The mar- Klerela r a resident of :rennin, Pa. Major ILiewis was 32 years of age—was married about a year ago, end.leavw a Widow, but no children. He served in the Meitean war, and on the breaking out of the pressitit rebellion was editing the Clatesque (Lehigh iMenoty) Herald, which mactipation he resigned tei join the army. He was dearly beloved by thit whole regiment, and his death Lange like a pill upon the Writs of his am:minim , . ROLLA, Mo., Sept.:J.—The correspondent of the Eit. Louis Democrat idmiehes tha following item: Last night Mr. Holland. of Springfield, ar. rived, having loft them oh Friday but. He Is the man who took Gen. Fremont'. modification of his proclamation thronigh th Col. Taylor. He reports Lieut. Williams, dr the 13th Illinois, on his way, here with seven wagons loaded with about 11(4 wounded mel, In charge of Dr. Davis, which Col. Taylor allowed to come, and will probably arrive to-morrow night. This leaves about 150 of our wbondsd yet in Spring. field, of which 100 are able to come to Rolla 11 there bad only bean transportation. Many of the rebel others oppose our wounded leaaing. Dispatchea were receivtd og Thursday last, at Spriogfield, to the rebels, that Mulligan bad surrendered without Bring a gen, the rebel, taking 21 pieces of artillery, 6000 stand of .mall arms, and 9000 priteners, and that Boone ville bad also been taken, And Price was march leg on,Jefferson City. Tale Is the way recruits for the recession army are got. MoCulloch and his forte, about 1000 dbef footed /Lamm and Tense troop, wu trona. dently believed to have (left the State, going South. TREIrroN,N. ' Sept: 23.—Dra. Kremer and Nightingale, ofllonterdon, were arrested and brought to this city, to day, charged with treasonable conspiracy. !tie alleged that they hid lima engaged in recruiting men ler a trea sonable &pais Won, called "The Sone of Lib erty," With the motto,"Jellerson Divehi before Abe Lincoln." Sobseqeently, toe tact was changed, and recently, it, ia alleged, they have been enlisting men for the Union, but secretly with the intention or seising the purpose, of Jeff. Donis. They were imprisoned in the Mercer county jail. The Grand Jory are es emoting 'evidence egg - lost them, andmill report during the pretest team. The friends of Col. James W. Wall were greatly rejoiced, ppnu the receipt of a dispatch tram him that he had been released from imitisonment at Fort Lafayette. QuuicT, 111. rpt. 24i—The hat bridled sod wounded, as far eri ascertained, is as fol lows : Privates Charles C. White, Samuel G. Hanusbi Henry Settle, .11. R. Palmer, G. W. Davis, Wm. 11. McDsnalil, Cyrus K. Tergo, C. Scheidt's, Jobe flatly and Daniel Sheeby. These also belonged to the Ist Miaow cavalry. The bonktieend arms were retained by Price. Commholcation with Orn. Precuts is still but off, nothing having bean heard from ham since yesterday. ELauff, ILL., Sept. 23.—X. C. Tbeit , s ware house was deatmyed by ',fire lot sight, with about 5,1100 bushels of giant. Loss $lOOOOl partly tusured. ft ts supposed to he lbe wort pl St, ism:miry. L scow, ILL., Sept. s3.—Grovre af Co , s disullery teas destroyed oy fire lon usght 1 lon $30,000. It Ina insured. Itarkota bV Tillograph IMUADimettla. Sept 24—Ni:on—Roar arm al $541 625 for irepertloe. What Li demand. sales of 5,000 task at $1 2261 21 br red and $1 614/31 t.tr • bites Corn steady; sakes 2,000 bask maid and 'elks. at 215e6145.. Salim 3500 Ohio elieterat at $1 CO, $5 at d $ 376 , for thy three Lumbers. Whisky Ile atse and arm it 19.193 Now TOSS. Sept 21—Noon;—roor he.): Was of 1500 obi. at $5 OW 20 f..t State, $5 8t(2)5 93 for Ohio, sad! $6 3605 96 for &Mbar. Wheat dacolard 1027; Niles unlotpartant. Coin /W. blgner; sales of 125.030 brish at E 2 Lard steady at 8149% Whist, doll at 21. Provialm• qui t Receipts -1, ar, 21,0t6 bale - Whtat,lB.64 tra. 27.121 bean. 'We !Met blarktt la a .tcled: Uldmiro, 6 Rock 44;`1111ettie central It 'llll, re; do hoed. 0 , 74: lalehhilin Fault... 30%; N Central 73%, el 114°4,1 61, 43%.; Reading 35. Now -TOOL 6ept. 26 —gremine,—Nttos Is Mandy; sales tOO tit se. Floor drelmad• eat. 18,t00 IM. at derthe of 104120 e; Slate 15.2465 ,Itt, Ohio $6 1041 $590, sedhouthere $5 tB. Wimps, he* deenued 8064 asks 176 000 blab at 11 12d1 16 for Chicago sprme, $1 tai6l lb for 6111erauase Glob. $0 2461 25 for red, cod $1310160 Lr Chile.:urn; soles 257.600 be. aen sOraom of 2.6}3c, atle• at 614661% lor yeflose. Lard brosant at 8%,:559 , ,,i, .61•1 , doll at 10%070. (one Current Story of Clen. Preinont , s Extravagance abownoto be Unfounded. . "A Chicago paper states that the Adams' Ex press Commas)'" bill against the Government, per Gen. Fremont, for umisportatlon of gulls, Ommunitioo, As., Aimee the General took com mand at EL Louis, will reach 11300,000," Too above, which we Arid going the round, of the press, lacks one merit, viz : that of being true. Tee fact of the waiter is, that Gen: ha. moot has availed of the agencies and orgatilsa. Bon of the Beppu, Company - to procure prompt traneportation Of the mairlale of war ordered by him from theeast, by ordinary freight train" the oalcata and agents of the Express Company giving is supervision in ttaniii, and harrying its MoVetnellt as much as possible. Bo far from the Adams' Eipresa Company having a bill for the rebuilt's amount stated, the whole sum of the charges ou freight transported by regular grpress,land on that carried by freight train, under their rupervbion,Will not in the aggre gate, ezmed twenty thousand dollars. This we have front the beat authority. WhiplGeneral MoOleLlan found his move ments in' Western Virginhi retarded by the in eklolency of big transportation Wrangel:oollU, be asked; the Adams' Expresa Company Le sa• pendia them. Thay,terponcled to his request, and be Mu since stated that the only mistake troadeby him in the oainpaignorturin not haying. et the closet, planed his tri sportation arrange montoho the bands of the Express Company. Frettiontlwill have no otitis cn of that kind to regret—Oin. OWL MATIIIIII IN LICIIIIIIII7,KEIMICILT.-.-Tbi city of Lexington, Ky„ is completely in the bands oil the Vein. men. I Thum are now two thonsanil Union troops thine. ' ' A company of Behan tali; comminded by Capt. Morgan, attempt s to steal away on Friday night, to join t e Secession army. When their Hight was covered they were punned ihy a body of II: lied States cavalry, and on Saturday they wtr brought back pria. Onus. j The Mauls Hotel—wit re John C. Breck. bridge Mills himself nt b me—la the Semis. lion nest of the town. q Fnday, as a com pany of :Union men were Marching by, some one in the hole, fired a pistol at them. The i mg then took • six pen der,planted it in the 'street bearing upon i 1 a holm, and in. formed the proprietor the f the man who fired the pistol was not d ivered up, the building I would be &emit . The culprit nas pottited out, and flodi ma g hie escape, though several ohms we e 'r red after him. Captain !Bulord, of the Union men, then in. formed the-Secessionnts about the hotel, that his company had been 'grossly insulted by them I times, and that he would stand it no leaser. If there 'Ore any farther in sults given in that quarter the boas. would be fiemonsfied. Not one noise should remain on ianother.j The 'chub promised there would be an improvement it t lbeir manner, lo the nature.—Cinetnnaff CO Odd. OILN Bgratical Li UIL.ISAIIRELS. soo bbl. Shea OH, beilLubdostlag, to antra a 7 DUB Eroltres ferry,t r otaltallog eery choke to arrive; • bet. Woad A No tillomlnating. lo store; .. al, Bensons, Ord toallty, In stuns 10010 Q barrels, new. serooll .o4l , 0 40 end minted styles. Warranted at low prices rlkl t,y 0 . /ss,lea Js, 0., 21 stmt. 8011001 e BUUtitil I 80II0IOL BOOKS' S pIIOOL IROOKS 1 All tbi to %mks awd In to fabli Much elk Ctitrh, fog A lava, POTAclitle. °Weiler nab by - • It• iurOasproos a cicL I - Arrived . Arrival s the Principal - Hotels. up: , O'CLOCK Lin , Mil?. FP MARL: of Third mid Wood streets. , V itsuta. PaOmar& - ft arauld. - W oa «,,. B Bean& Cincinnati It Sergeant, New tills. 1. WEE* Unutrsal II Stewart 0 • Gordon, Adam? Nissen • Ct JohnerteM oiwrigh, W. Middietown W ThorodelE 0 Motown 3 II Tiernan, Refuge:mg J Wm/. itartlnntille D Illsodenism Pbfls. W B Polumni i 8 Didasosis, WellarMe D D Rowiey, Dial co W Oran Oros. Landing D Lowrie, V If J Bevy's; Broarnerills - .1 Wlison, 0 j ' 0 0 Rim, Mon. city. ki Mayegeld, Eeco pton & Haight and IMP, Rent J 0 Weber, i -go Pethiebem J IS Wilton, Rave us Mrs Ann Knight, do H P Ms., Liter, Ind J A Ayres, Mansfield, 0 .1 booker, Ebbs 1 J 0 Wood ward,Browun' lo 0 T tirserferd, Klltanniug Mn Oman, Warm .1 13 Loondo, Marfa Mts A Hags liflo, do J Robe. i, do Mll Wagtails, do .0 11 Zog, i J Barton . do IS 0 klereoly.i ili t i r i , bentr'le Ji II fell, Wbeeling Ts A Hogan, (bone ,0 ' - Mrs Lesingeton, N Y W Oliver, LoulattlA Hy °apt • Withal, Iltb Po BO Dr Alden, Canonsburg Ur fool, Woyisesturg JW Tme% Od Clkek W Mamma; do W L Alden. Nlf 11 Raw a 1 1u07, Harper'. 3 W Lecklml d lady, lorry Mon. city i I 11 8 Glenn, Woynesburg .7 Ifollinamortb,YouogsPo L N Larire.Elsabeth L P Powell, i I -. Era Italian, Wasbington Id•NSION puss—No. 844 Liberty stmt. 4010102 HIZZETSIIIIOPIIITOL. Dr Mu:rum, famlrk, 0 ' 3 Id Botulism:l,l reterabarg. - Michlzari i 'CI McGlarighltit, P 0 3 Moms, tioloistoWn .1 W loam. Pa; i W Tyler, Lillie'. glutton 0 W tErr. Rigetriburg J Glenn, E 51121 0 Brady. Eaddln:tlis IL D fording, Istipte E W Pigmeo # soli, IP J Atenchatf,:Eri J G filing's., W Iddlaro Mrs Oteward 4 c.4ld, .1 R flare, Homo Mlle P Wolf, OcsboMon P. 0 Clemmer.i Smithfield O Crossland, tinlotitown GIRARD HOOBl -.Corner i #.tinimuiri II J Breweter,:er , tilos, 01 W VilmiralL Eittsmfog ' Cept 8 Bry .solda, do J Neel, Brookville i Mr Houseman ‘Sedemville J 0 Morrie, Weshligton M 0 Lucas, Reifies r, N Y A M Arnold, Verissigo co kl Reynolds. PreePart W Stewart. Woablilgton J Wawa • lady. Arm. co 0 11 Caen, Sir; Wastmlnd J Lan:mood, Jobsetown II Cope, Uniontown 0 Grove, Ptah Overington, A mtay,ll J El II Bagman. N 8.0 Pant, Blair co I.lo4leid, Cleveland • Gan Klett, Phlin 0 Walt., Willoughby , W Grow armload L Walker. Phil' 8 B Horitrwh, T 0 Mona, Cleveland D Baldwin. J Bolted, Darlington Mrs Bowtaan, Kittanning Mrs Boar. Browurvillo EEMM@ W W limunden, Belief= Bell. West Newton Inn Etmoth. lads d child, Auburn, N T Z Meting, fspotts elf, • Nub, Nair Naive J Peony, kfolimport Nun 8 J Adam, Wash. Pa J Todd. lady sod eon, Pay ' *its ea, IT Clay, llisibetti • Ntr Oadth and later, do Week below Bentoth. ZAILIII HciTB 0.. ..70111 Joe Frey, Llgoeler C 1... Zlemeartenn, PAS iiOlii/1.711, Situ tang El 8 Ileum, Allighday co 0 Boma, Apooe Shoe D. ocher* A b Illeollod,Pareacane Jobe North, Ilisokcille K mee.oitC, J Foster, Met FAcerpool Porter, II Conrad, Oloclethiu . usara EIOTS4-14 • J Borrow, Ligonier J B ilfdlohry, Canonsburg J ihey, lit Jackson SI Simpson Indians co Iffedbkoe, R00k.1,.n • It Gllletpla, Jeff ere • Darts Penumut'ary • sr Chambers, Perryou'is u P Zimmerman, Grasse ig I leslantln. *Cory co S J If Harrison city T Elcdroan,Orecoshtug stmt., foot of FM. 1101111/I.oi B A Saylor, 01142021 i L Arnold. J 8 Hamar, d J Dona:wise, Droa Inttoni J U Atklayon,i, No Cul becloud. Vs ! I W Karns, T... ir 0 Belden, flatolli John Soon, Wish It McKeown. We'll E Merlon. oettiteB J Walla, Columbus A W Alksn, Paid* John D Robb, LID{ Miller, Ca43o2jabli D D Christy, Cleo Keeper, Wheal L ut tt rI y, • Ehotterly. do' B Stanley. 13111shorl John IWhits, ghat B B ILlthardamk.B, Wm A Kicker, 41 "SD LIOII I P. W W Usrper, Yanks J Harper. do PUL Up Ilt Olalr 4 McLaughlin and lady, Plum Ip W J Hartsell, Somerant W B Maw; Plom Ip 'EI I. Sienna, do J A Moon, Went Middlet'n J Mathew Tbampaotren J,Blaet A dtr, Arlington J O Marshal, Hancock, co P TrefOngor. Went Alot Linden, gootedit, 0 Woo Amen, do O II Tower, Elizabeth W Ewing, 0 W KIWI; Whleetowo II Pringle, North Liberty Time ()ratty, Pro pest Hoek Tboinpeonville I 0 Pont, Fairview IL Metz, do No. /A, Bt. CULT stmt. • Unman, Duties F [brine'', Gal Io Jame. King, W B Otll.tt, A Burnett, Weat It Dealings, Tniot.l Jae Limon. Camp J Deaden., 'Fa. NATIONAL El; W 11, Oillott,Wlachastoe,o J 11 Brannon, N Brthina 1 1 . Jae Scott, Washington Joh Bailey , do Rea a Bake, Pttapect 0 11ladman, Mad) 's Ira 0 B adman, hanbary No. in, Water street P2011L111.01. J Bodes, Limetown N arsabm, Brownsville CI Well., Phil. J Pkopler, Rochester P Bough. Beaver oo Paull Lugo, Jefferson Co Rohl Welter. B a Nalry. 0 8 U CWpt 8 Ursbarn.erownelre EEC= Eiicatrot It . l. Olrictun T Ilontragton, Ur ito co W i:111,1111. ; 4 11 Rottuan, Llinotpiro J 51,11•11, Broornoilio W Itocuoy.atainDosob's I auditor, Woo 1. nd THE RENSOE I ',I'M for ER POLY TECHNIC , TULY, N. Y. The thittrelthth Atlanta Hanlon d this &hod for that 'teat Mehl:team la tie Diatarel . acted:es and Chen laelseedfie. arlll bogie September 18th, lid. A dtpirtwasl io lonntaloa la 111111tery &lona and An has bean Lattitolea. fogairtro mot 14 !WM...4 to Prot. Cal. Danz), Dlrecto f Reel. Pol. institute. T y. N. Y. se4:lmd PRoDuor..4- 3:8,011:mchcloo pocked Brater, eOO ibo.iftwb Poll do 800 dosgu hub *pp, .. , . 760 Om.toot bird, 60 boz ' oClrsom Cheese, 26 tobyor Cared Hama, Itocelvol awl 1.4 vol. by 1.1. HIDDLI, ool9No 11l liberty •tr.ot. st KuPv 6, syttupst 48 torlA Balt More row Horn blimp; II do ;r. Golden do lb do i, d Pennsylvania to bend.. d;r do ' do All choice quall:b. /or sale try 3013011AC1111 I LAND. orl7 333 Liberty eleven. - VLOUR! :FLOUR J.: re bbb , 14114 of bb Moon IRP do toriett, XX ro to do' liltllZood do 70 do Nil do • 40 do cbolto Rye do /or We by 6011011A1110 • LANG. 6.17 Sna Übort. .trot feAlitiVN 71111 BAII*ILS RUINED CARBON OIL, Of N i etrj blot guilty, Retched and fda ca l la by OEIADWICIK A BON, No 281 Wool street. GBOBEBIEL AND BY RO PB— bbl.. Baltimore 8 H. Ilyrop. 11' do: 110 • Golden do 00 do PariAaylvetos do 0 hbos. : Ido da 112 Ws. 11. o.odolossos, 21 blrls. do l do 13 bbls Blandszd Clashed floor, 03 bags fstr And prima RIo Oolfa, for lisle by 1 I lICIIONAKIII I LANG, mil I N 0.803 Liberty meet. NI)TIA)t..LUGILBOURED HAMS.— - I bare lIM Ted another cooslgnment of L. Gray &Co.'s eel* led atom Oared Hams. Thom who tore trial the.icuillly ay they an onentalled in market. sod will Weida at redoosd price:eta doss mat Aonelanment. i 11. BIDDLB, eelo No. In Lbaerty .treat. tit. LOUIS LOUit.— 200 Mimi &firms, /CO do E 118 Vona... , YOO do IPrde of the West, . 100 do VTa pm. By RING, PIINNOIII I CO, se2lBtd j No. 19 Wood threat. R ECBIViN O DAILY,— (maim APPLllB=cooktog sae eating, .1111 81711111 T pOTA.TOII3, 901 PSARII. tea L 11. ,TOICIT a CO. JUST RSO IVED AND FOR SALE, a bbil. 8 it Older, 21 eitra am Chases. sal Is n. vb,liT a 00. L‘RENUI; RIALL PAPERB,-of Sprint a..‘ I coportattno, Orlon to cmforceninst ot win Tariff, am now sold 80 per cent. chewer than can be here after. Styles very sauttfal. Tor uls by W. P. 11AII8EIALL. soil 87 Waal greet COLT'S 014 ROOT REVOLVRRh.— Coles/ tOof ruts bat toothed direct from the nosanfactuftr. BOWN • TIITLIT, • old 1 18d Wood stmt. DOW/E put received and ,JUI for ale Iciw b tT./TLY, oe2l ice Wood Moot. 81.0 ElFLES—W e =ocl rr rA r i for seNt pale ,7 188 Woc4 stmt. UOM CURED HAMS - -12 tierce' Trowbrl , ll9 t , : tAtt)'s ClAchmtl 8. G. Huai, ..le ky 15CGIONAILEB, LANG, 183 Mealy street. rrABTARIO Sel by inet.l AWA-500 lbs. for silo 8. d YAUNIISTOOK 004 , aer of Wood sad Mrst stmts. 00 DADS LOVERING'a AND PUN fIRUP In atom mod fat Ws by attaaa a lITININTSON. OIL casks ;Las Paint for oil barn* coatis, th us y tight. for nil. by NM] ' HIBIST .OOLLUItI. 21-1 ssis 20 () -13AOSS- DRIED APPLES in Ml{%".• tonsil hez. r '; ;IMILLII t 110EIITION. F.1.811-20WklE6ble White Firh, Trout sltd urliorterset• ofi - WALIPAPBSEI FOR T 2 MU& 7/101 vow opla andm at No 1 II JO & /1. Rase, - . NEW NATIONAL LOAN. Finnonot to Ineractbat irem the tocrotary of the gry, a bx k viii be evened on MONDAY, Itota OP ADP/11411111t. At Corner of THIRD AND WOOD 918 NETS, for entacrlpllons, wader my eoperp.kmi,,,,,,, f or Treasury Notea, to he homed wider the set of July 17, Thews rates will he lintel Is Incas of 911/Tl' DOLLAR. ONE I.II7NDEND DOLLIE.B, FIVE HUNDRED t 0 iLLIL3, ONE TUOUB4ND DOLLAHL, and ma TUOULLND DOLL/Ala each, dated 19th August, 1891. rayable three yens after data to the order of the subscriber or as directed, and Waring in. truest at the rate of 7 841 per cent. per anunm, PAY. ABLE SEMI-ANNUALLY; such Interest being at the tap of TWO DENTS WOE NAOU DAT. ON EVERT BUNDLED DOLLAR& for the cooltinlence of the holder, each tote will have coupons attached expres log tie mainsl amount. of secol.alutual Interest, eihlch cocpous may be detached and prraeoted for payment separately from the notes Bubo iptions for such Treuory Note, will ha re. mind dorteg YIETBEE DATE from the date of open• lug the book no aforesaid. No sttbsirfpllon for lees than Silty DOLL IBS, nor for any fraction of that sum, tan be retched. iribecriptkas of Any dollars or ono hundred dollars most be pall to, lawful coin of the United States at the tams of subeciriblog. gob• scriptions of mire than ors hundred dealers may be paid at onto; or, II preferred, oriatenth it the time of subecrthing and sue-third of the whole amount on weary twentieth day thereafter until the while shall be paid. No payment of less this flity dollars can be accepted, that being the smallset lam for which Treasury Notes can be Issued. CortiMabee will be granted In duplicate to subscri bers for the amounte so paid, the original of which the anneeriber will transmit by man to the Secretary of thsTreanery, when the Treasury Votes, la atereund, will be/mend thereon to eta subscribe or his order, carrying isterest as expressed In such certificate; bet In case where only part of the amount nebecribeci is paid at the tire of entmariblug, Vaunt', Nora will be fumed only for the payments made tubstlttently to the gnat, which will rebuke until the whole amount entiecribed by ouch person shall be paid, when Tree miry Notes will be two] for such payment al,o. On payment of each deferred instalment, the ecibeather will pay, In addition thereto, a sum equal to the in. Omit accrue-1 thereon from the Nth of ;August to the Mete of payment, and on tenni payment lite interest en the mount pall on subecriotion, which payment, of interest will be reimbursed to the antiurban to the payment of the Ant coupon. The Treasury Now 1111106 J upon rich tertnicates by the Treasury will be met 4 the ribs:riders by mall, or each other mode se may be indlcersi by them when they tranamit thee original certificated The duplicate nrtificatew may be retainsd by them for their own security. JOSHUA MANNA, At dike of Hann.; Hart A Co., Corner of Third and Wood suers. DAVII* PIIILLIFti, Brut Foandsn and ilanaketuren. PLITIMBEIREI, GAB AND STEAM Prll'lDEli MANTIIIIOI4IIIII3 AND D14L1111.11 IN GAS FIXTURES, Pumps & Brass Work OP !VII= DISCMUCPTIati OIL W3E12.1.. 12, of Brae, Copper or Iroo Mb the mart approved Cambers sad Valves o f Made, erd amented to pra sattrfaottom Na9O,IOTOBY, /AO Water and 1.04 zrront ate. 1713 lima., PlTrelitlßoll. IT Di 'TEL eITA'rES or A NLE ttleA, WraTISX Duet le OP PidattllNt.l., St. Whereu • libel of information has been 0 itd le the District Oman of the United Statesof America for lb. Weettru returict of Bennsitranle, on the third day o September, in the yew of our good one thonsend eight hundred and sixtprue, by Robert IL Carnthen, , attorney of the United States, In Isbell' of the thlotad Plata, sibling In stanteote that a CYTtlill strew tow host befog without acme, of the following dtmeaticas sad description, to wit: Length of Met o , ,it hundred and twenty Sys feet, titealty•kar tat beam sod Oar feet wlth a (shift with three lengths of rooms and cook-bones and wore room ant, and the huniothe toll length, la now ly Ing at 'ho port of Pittsburgh, In mad di•triot that the belongs In whole or In pert to one John Bell, • citthen and seal. dime of the Mats of Tenneweet; that In pomace of the not of Oongeree approved *July 13th, 1881, the President of too United Kum steed his peociame uott data! august 16th, 1861, declaring ifeferetha that thshattsbitants of Uth Etta of Terme:wears In swat. Insarrectlon *garnet the United Bastes. sad that from and alter bitten days from said Surest 10th, 1661, sal ships sad tenets belonging in; whole or ra put to may cilium or latuthitant of gala Nato of Ten• name band in env part of the United Ruses Intact Ds Ltletted to the Limited State., sad that said steam tow Cost owlet at aforesaid wu so fraud to the port of Pittsburgh upon said 6tplomber 3d, 1661, and that the mid vessel, her tackle, apparel .td furniture de• =me thereby forfeited to the use of the tinted States, end praying thsl tht tame may bo oondithated as for feited as stormakt Dow therefore, in pursuance of the mazition under the seal of the said Cicart to medic, mend anddelivered, I do hereby give public notice to aii `ON... elides. leg the said semi, her tackle, apparel and furniture, Or any In , emit therein, or leis therrop, or le any manned Interested in the same. that ttety be and ap pear before the said District Gunn. at the City of Pittsburgh, on the niter It/It DaY op ooTONgD next, at eleven o'clock In the forehoon'eaf that day, (provided the mu shall be a day of Jurlidlction otte aryl* on the oat t day ofjurisdkman therealterAtien and there to Interpose their claims and hi make their allegations In that behalf. A. inirtooon, U. B. Marshal Western Dktrict of Penns. Pittsburgh, Rept. 4 th,ll96l.—eed QOAPI SOAPII eOAPIII—Tup MEM. lOAL OLIVE IRAMVE ROAD, ononfactureqyy B. O. r J. IL fIAWVIIII, Is acknowledged to bents mat enclosable ninny nod yet c Erred ts the ;unit. Its anpulor adnustagea ens found In ifs cheapness, eating of labor, sad its e fil wry in nmating grease, pant, tar sus without injuring the silo, or to the hest erten damaging the doest quality of rods. It can be coed 8118 lii binds of water. Reternsce is made with pleasure to tie nbloined ornificate, etwinatlng hrozogntlemen well nsown In HD community, sod she had every tact.ity alLsoes od= u 4foll Mealy* tested L.t 2 4 euti, u, bona end urea Bswitaratt Its Vets. n vestrymen Chemical Olow estrus Roo? baying been awl vertentemicely la our Regiment., we hoe taattatbn cerllty log that it was fond admire. his adapted to the we of the soldiers, aid decidedly the tint superior Inwp which cotild be procured for Hsi earnces. • JAMES A. RR lE. Quartermaster 1211 b Reg. ALM VOIDIVVIL. Clausen:tatter nth Reg, • If. R. MOORHEAD. Quarters:under lath Reg. AOKISJr4 & TOWNWSIvv, roam raosmis 8 IN PROVLBIONS. No. 12 Fourth street. Ramon tood nano wortzoost of Bocinf, Gra end Pork, mod ol Wadi Is of Moir woo care . , !DU AB CURIO axe, of Of actonstl am! oUier tans. PLAIN HAMS, vlth and vithaot cane . EOOULD.IIIIS. ELDll34lamted end In dry:Wt. MUD PORK. 11 ' eavy. LIAR LARD, lu AMA. Atkins mid pans. Pat mi prosslidat MAU, we, and all of their *lin madg„ GRUM& millable ler minim mill pi:mum anll SEAS / 13AT11.11% • NEAL PHILAD EL PHIA. yco! TA BATHING. Atlantic City, a.k.petA mon li t ut d it I t fr ii T i t ua tr e cia r 301.0nt Ito bath's& and tibia' fartUties sze en. • Lts Hotels mot Boardlns licittsea, width will ammo Nodal about Berm Montana potions, are as well kept ao thaw Or Saratoga and Newport. I _Us Beach ill illl2lll WWI In leng th y affording a sag , nlikent drive, tithe the aunoiphire of the puce lame astable dir Lth drums- Th• Nails ars cantod theca dilly two and tram rldlatiNPhla, and • telegraph exteruLs tbs. Whole langth.ot Cho road. • Praha of the Naiades ona Atlantin Railroad lure ITIoa Strut Wharf, Philadalphia, u 734 a. rt. and 4 'P. R. Lute Athuitlo. at r:tr t.s. and U4ll r. x. !shoo sixty milts.. Pare $l,BO. ai r ed . starts) HOTIL and otbu boas sow atra~ cISVSBABOks, Kr. go. 10 . WATIM nrannaWin Illianfootorar at BOILER RIVEN, WROUGHT DTTRID, 001CHON and RAHLROAH, of even aer ar= 62, dad or atiapia RHEIN AND RIVITI3, Imo cre mall. ado to cadre at abort maim • - alp/Lewd amartname maatanttr GO GIG& .1 n.)11 PEAR, TRESI3.-It pgr. ' .a..."•%.".Mr1161111 Iliadlll2' to plane this 1,41, callwDt rt UnDOOErd OAKLAND 1017112211,p, Obey tame soma mars Pear Tram , Toarth atria area mead teeleheargies empansetrott 'FASO' OIL:--8 liarrels - Baflik4 noir jj won% Mt Who by IDA= DICK= it 00. tttslNlAttisc MANHOOD. _ _ B Ht;iV7 LOST BOW EIBTOREED I hist publ4ted to • !leered nye:cite% ?de* a JIM A iodate tia the Isidore, treat:not, iDati culaat'Sporalatortbaca or &taloa] Wtatttets, untOry [taloa alas, Seams! DeWitt', and ftap.,llmaais to aArrltse ttt toorally,`:orvortrzoos, C.3.114= OWI. AP" Rem and ralq Moats: Ibtap•olty, to • valtlox Dotal &If Atom, —bk BO T. J. Clat VIOWELL, of the Orem "A Uoiiitl , to Thou/Audit of 19 *ram.' Boot ou'etor 4.1, In • plain envoiept,ta 1 •Sdrout pat:paid, ark retelpt or ex coats, or Malts "oaths by i tat. cu. J. O. WS. LorilalaidT tI Bacery.klew York. PO. *DU: '. Lit ca 4'vrar.alott corpus' Numb AND II 111EI4 J 12,1 G WORK PI2PrIDVIEGII. PALE*, 113'CTIELD'T A Cc:., MANIIPACTUREEZ OF BEUMIII-1 isra; BlL,Lzaap.. , and COL'S aOPPII,, masid I Th. ppar. rOtrOal., Belted Sti BOttorph Byelaw roller, All Iroportros and Dealers LuIdISSALB, MATS IRON, de. Ihrtently oo bind, Tin!, /Pa 7..ctllncs and Waidlotits, o. 149.firef and L 2 d strait; Elttuteargh, Deana:. rdere of atyytront to any d dpats, tot 4 , 1. neylknik Hair Dye I Hair Dye! Hair pe laTuruaLowa nazi,. vs The Original and brat in a. World All otho t a are mere imitations, akonid be *valued, If inn al& to asap DRAY, BID, Olt BVBYY LUIZ Dyad hatattif to a Leantlfbl ens natural Brown of Bhcl, esti/skit the least rotor/ to thehatror akin. ' wormer NIDA.La AND DIPLOMAD hays' kiwi . awaited to Stns. A. Eatcholcr aura 16E02, and Mt 113,000 aptatationa hare been snide to the Haifa! kte isatroota of kalanaans Dye. WM. A.ItATIMILD/rn 13ALB DTI ytoduom a tutor am to be dlstlagralarl hum =tura, and Le Waxasects ID not to Wolf In the least, hoverer Inns It iasy,b• Conthated, aroi the LC effects pi Cad Dyes ronadiadt the /lair Lae by this eplentlld Dyle Map, sold Or appllal I/ prorate rooms) ea the. Wta h tory, 42 Broadway, New York. &.14 In al/ calm and Loins of the Dotted Frahm, by Deo. gate and rutty (foods Dealers. Sir Ths gentdra ham the name end addraa upon • plate en•Sartna on (outsides rat each box, of • • WILLIAM A. BAYOU/Malt, jaklydAwsny 10 V.oad ataret. tidy York. a. C. AO WI !Po —... W/1803 ILIILI3. ROBINSON, MINIS & MILLERS, YoUNDAILII AND aicrumniTsp,. WA.l3.llllXevrow WOURIS. , l'ne t sbargh. Pouliot. wilco, moon narket straet.. . . • idsiditkotani all Rinds of Scam Rae= tad Mill Macular.7l o agiugar Railroad Work, btaaoi aiid Micas DTl:lrak. • and pAtring do n s on abort no Et. 414.. COMFAXr. Joirokpb .... —D. W. C.' Mawr,if; PLI-401.17. BICULttI. ),(Butze.stors Esifa d. dwelt) ff 1 MLIMLOTCIIMI oa RAII, ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS 1 ; LAND BOATNIIECES. Corner of Water Berecrt and Quay alley, .nnei,de PITTORIZIP.OR. I /N. .IngtJlatatne) din NOUN fah I i NM LIM fil fareina and Camellia Bill' at leaallitagii, azirrirlonrar er DIIPOISIS, I RANI. NOP= AND 071,071, it th , $7 )121.11tT PTIMSI', fl, PA. .2.loollectl man Oil an the pileclpsfaltita throak• et tb* United *rates.. S p 7 J C.7.la—L'a kiCli.:4lli *A..N es I ; 0.4,4 g i miensaereals7or i iron Ratite Iron Vaults, and Vadt Doors, WilOW lihrier., Window. Guar% ke g 1,.. el ..1 &Tea, alit 4d Vara . 7 ;:r4sir thetlrf:ark %V and Mara raj PITTBDOII4III, P 4 •;." 4 0 .- rht , eort Dant rartaty a 41 , 6. Pattern*, tafar7 maul plat: j.ratatie iur an Lau?, ar.a. Patna - alas altantka paid td le ers.lllg erase T—ts Jating data it &cal non* 1 IN 15113-15 1 EitTpl..gLOß'S WIGS AND . TOO . , PEN/isuriNtra lli. Yhuyarc aleir t, Het any ntoi d;rabie. I ;whir to / than:l—no tra-r.lng by be...him:P.4o' intiolog th/ hes 4 ; Indeed Ws Is th• °di OM& Itnnm mart. nt ;inert these tntnv are pror,arly nne/rotoott, ftinfthrT. . . NI nand atm.!. Norrr.Yortr. 118. pi et C. P. .. #APERI BIANUPAOTIIRDES, I And Dealer, to 134014 PRINT4CIAP, UTTER. AND ALL KENN 0) [~Tti.Dl PING PA.PIG Et: cum *amen' from No. 27 Wood /treat to No.Bll. I_l Pooltlald !:root . 'INDIA - ash, Pa. kvercub or rode for lisp. mbar fo I°lttsbargh Steel Works. Wig1,k1413.....1....4022 L. gam-. -...r.intrztao.. ;Isowire, BOYD ItArANUFteTURERS OF " OAST jjll ETSICI., alas, Plow awl A. B. Steel • f r yEbuxe.i(ii and INN - T.IUB. Darner 800 and /hit si. c5..19 PITTSBURG% Pa. 0 4 DI. La rrXidrzu . :Sztizzctim.A.zsrs' N 0.154 St. Clair Street, (Dr.lriatt% N wBENC.in r.) rtrriANCUNN, gjaPr 4 l,ll , . I Do. I o. 19. Keyser, "Ohol i esale Druggist . I • 4SD . . . '. Mgl4/Citil3 DEALER, . Ito. 140 Wood Street, PittsbarshoPia; !Pi! TRUESNS FUR TII.P. CURL, OF BE& NIA OR RUPTURE. Marsh's Badieal Cure Tram. Hitter's P atent Truss. Fltch's Supporter Truss. Self-Adjuiting Truss. Dr. B . = Lace Cr Body bluest, ror th e ear* of Pro! us Uteri, Pea k Abeam:dual Dr. S. S. Fitth's Silver-Plated Supporter:: , Pile Props, or the support - and cure of Piles. Alm* Stockings, for weak and YeadoNts veins. I Elastic Bnoe Caps, for steak knee joluti:r = date Suppinters, for weak anklejoints. Suspensory t iandages., Sell-4jeeting Syringes; alto, every kind of Syringes. Da. Karsaalhas also a Truss which will., radically trure hernia or Rupture. Office at. Big Drug Store, No. 14 1 5-Wood 0., sign of the Golden Mortar. DILIKETIOSIA:vraharIbc• In camel OEUteinCl - 2A1121 and 6,04 batraments kr tatiM23ll in gl um ' every do,OLVD requiring emcbsnical rapport. -. 6AINAI4IO lATTERT or ELECTUO us tuun za. tor inedla.it parp•sts, of a •13741nperie ; C: . -, klad,rrlil pe teak fres et ezprets damps, tdrtwt u: art empress rate. Won • remittance at Tea POW Ader leq DD. 421E0.13.Z1T11111' tie. 140 {Scud atraottrittstarp ! rs. DIARRItEA OURED—By:Swaynes ,BOWIrt, PORDI&T, krary bads Irsertistod znaboy rernathe. 'At WI. Exuma i 144 wood strut. 'l7' Dm) BU(13, ROACHKS,' &cr.— e-. : ..iia!llatuate.pora Mlle. Eold at DE.-LETILItiTt • Ito Weed lance, Is a Imre resseay. . • - !..• ~....,: i MICE . otien D TS . ea aeacro -Lida itiA., !Lel e4.;:73l s s u elasztvie em.:_. elea.trato.., sa etarre4 rev populace. 1e1g , ... irsreirtod p pimp* these Peet. i.1.12 ' " Err _ I , • j'il • l 7 . • Bold .t , , a - P. ESE a • - - Jy*Law - I l Wood gnat., a - , EXTRA 11AZOIt9..—I him a few Ex- .., In Zamora, trblotil Fla tioselte it tost n. ~._. .. . 2 1 ' ' -1 — --- ° 41? Itrwoo4 sums: 16u 7 1) II; . ! _ - - , jEl.ekellE CII3VD.—Aa infallible oat. tor itaattaabs sill ba *cad In ntAilliall , Aetti FILIA. Tr; labam. AI D8 . 112=1 , ' . . -No- 140 weal and: Pries 46 ee rte. • •-•• • _ 9,ol'.o_E4aivEDANlalruit BILE. ... it,r , mit:icstavireeditodgia. 'LI. num a oa. . -1