Vittsburgt daOle+ px%or = 3avpvavi3 WEDNESDAY PrigELNINO, SEPT. 25, 1851 Aepitbtioaa Ccuity Mx:cativo Coin-. trie'menibera of the Republican Even .. tiali - lilinno;lia:li'aillisbOny County ail! meat at lb!. I, a , °ilk. of• Tuoites r. , wit.goN, 1Q1:n . 144 'carat Win!, PltattorgN or 11..iertlit1DATi Iteptimbor 28ib, 1104610 Audi, it. Ix. Pun:tail attendance ir,yez 7OHN P. DRAY°, , Was*, neei. Ii The Mill of Lirrington. i ,I; telegraph brings full confirmation of marauder , of Col Bitilligan to the over; iii e i lmlog body of rebels who for fir day?) .Istireitil Leciliiitiii.7 Pie4ions vices Elpreps'ed tis ifor,ible news; thiOverill- MO' of previous reports will send a pang rough every loyal heart. ' . IMF • I value. it is 'a loin of_ some 5,000 id. • &Wants, on theloullibankef the fdieson rber, about titiclway , between Jefferson City stid the .Konsas line. So bug as the rebels hold it, they dommend the river ; but it:ten be invaded on every aide, out off and recaptured without airlottidifkoulty. It is very likely that: the; ireitor Governor Jet:k ilos wiU atteuipt to set op the State govern. rant at Lexington, if Fiemont will give 'hits tindi; which Is hardly probable. TEX EXOasa PELSOXIMS ,XXOI4 EXHUME!. =we learn from f dispatait to the Cincinnati Gonsmercial that salmon as news reached In disaipalie That Judge Cotton, of Louisville, is(' issued a iti# of lama corpus for Ez- Goirern or Pdoreiesd, Barr and Durrett, the aCceeh prisoners who had been sent from touieville to that 04 for ears keeping, and thainffoiers here on their way to serve the same, tie Governor of Indians, who bad besitioitructed by the Secretary of War to send them to ' Fort Lafayette, immediately directed an extra train to be got ready and tent the prisoners on their way, accompani. , • ed by ten , gtuade under s Itememit r .The National Loan. The free governmens and institutions for D- nidefieur.revolationary fathers pledged their. "Hies, their: fortunes, and their sacred hon - or," are placedin - oironmslinces of as great peril es they were in at the darkest hour of the, Revolution, and if they are to be pro. screed, itoan only be effected by an equally generous and hereto sacrifice on the part of tifilr children. eircamstances of the actuary in . --the two periods which then tried and now try: men'et soide, are widely different. in the : lays of the Brat great national straggle _ people wereleivt;; nal they-ere many. Then . they Were' ppoe; tiow they are - s lab. Then they had no 'tidaltidied government, or national credit ; now they have both. Thee if ii,largelearted patriot gave his tortnne,th , his country, as many did, he pm "it. , llaer he only knees it. Money contrib uted . dto support the of the war of ladepen , dencett was a donation to • noble object, and that object wai- - all the generous donor got; now,l contribution of the same kind is, al though not less palriotio, a good and safe investment, and one that can be converted liacit. into oath at any time, and, probably, hefore.lite lapse of a year, ate bandeome Profit. A prudent man leakiest:lre - hie property against loss by fire, or water, or whatever danger may threaten it; hut hero is anoth er ktud of insurantie seeded; not against Aro; or Cocci, but against depreciation, Spinal a dfsapteotut hoes Of value ; for how nitwit would a house andlot, ora manure°. thrlog establishment' ie Pittsburgh be ' north; In the event of this great rebellion -- being - successful, and the boundary of a powerful and bitterly hostile nation brought to our ieiy doors 1 de , we are talking about money, let us dew it simply in an economic , point of view—as a mere matter of profit and lose, leylog,prinoipli cut of view. This great ' danger nowmenscre the value of the proper ty of theme cities, and of every village sad hamlet and farm in Western Pennsylvania. The Government, proposes to intim all this property;against this great. djaaster, if its owners will eubsonbe for tt,' auffmient amount of its atook—stock as saftil and ai profitable as the best bank stook. BlM ',Ohm are easy terms. The fair share of thlaclty and its eurroundiogs would be, say, Something more eau a million of dollars— nit a gift, or dumb; or premium, but s mere excliingifof ace kil:l4 of 'property for another—upprodootive moneillor plodue live Moak—for stook which can be used se money, or exchanged for money. Now when the raetlnterest at stake is considered, and at the same time the adeantagee of the thing, as a private bookers transsciion, la ken into view, we cannot imagine how a man who hem any money that be , can justly call his ; own,-and who does not need it to supply his immediate wants, can withhold it. Agile,. the _ more free* the people come forward with their pecuniary support to the iiiiernment, thee semi may we hope for . Petolintd provenly I -but if, on the other , hatid, the people withhold their meant, this war-may be pretreated for years, and the mimic country be brought to desolation, rola sad anarchy. • We are confident, betrayer, that the gov. gipmetet will be nobly sustained in this re -01604-• but we intuit be permitted to say tfutut fer,eltie community has not done its part., Oa. Baturday evening the agent hire had only sold stook to the =bunt of 090,900: Were other pieta of the country to do so better, the government would break dolaft!vP sheer weakness. _Why, frieudk Oda amount would only psy the expenses of about dilithoure I In a matter of safety or ruin, goveroment or no government, - the -*a of law or the reign of anarchy, there - 160444 be a far different exhibit of patrl oycipferfnifs• Loan to Philadelphia. - le : proud record - the good citizens of Phitadeiphie;hate made An themselves end tieerreity in the 11/iol2llt of their private sahsceip tines to the qatioruil Loan; The/Vora Amer. law i3f .112 . 51545 y bsethe foilowint paragraph: 31thswin—The anouit 'of prientiVriptions to .. a. the • liational Loan taken le. city, outside the anociated benne sadseadesire of the ennui received op Bator: day, wan 11:4104,443. 01 this, - Jay. Cooke & Co. took $1,305.600.: When we consider. that thliettee wee &alimonies Irom tberpeople, a siegle city, and in a-period-of a little-more . thin two' weeksi :a haeo,t 7 prtidty pod idea Of the, popular pairo upon the (potion of sus. ealilitg the govaremisato .;Q : *lll—rdi there not money and patriotion, with nioaei l enough in t ptubtalfh. te.give'ne Witte iietaiieb of boasting •:a little locos olty, iagt - Nni@etiirhen Mr. Manna will clw4 the, etancriptifin book on ihe - nierylrif the dip within which adecriptktaa. can idea I • -1;‘'k11-:‘