:TUsbu f~~e 07 Till cifF. MONDAY MORNING, SEPT. 23, 1::1. CITY AFFAIRS sfxrsozat.ontca °narrations for tbe,Ga - zatteOpy G. g. Slaw, Optician, n Falb street . '--corrected daily: TPF SUL 111 MDR. . 00 76 . 00 78 o•6lwk, A. , ' 6 I , • P.ll Dammam RZPUBLICADI GOWITT 101 FILMDOM 71:11X11 =ICON PLUS WILLIAM D. MOW:IRE, PitUbsuitt. ra against nnicur tonic, cam MORT W: WiLLLaWS, Pittsburgh. asioataii nun mum ru,s 'JOHN BROWN, at Bois Towelbip. Pal *3,0301 JOH* Pi PlNltillt, kittsburgli. ''.- ," THOMAS WILLTA!de, Alleghtty : THOSIMI J. 81131I&M, Loser 13:. Ohlr ; PISSIII C. STIANN‘IN, Ingrain • VIPILLIW.At 11111130311t1. IdeOlndlets; • ' - N.lOlllll l OliD WNW; Pittsburgh; . . 1• . . - i Poi Barnum i . 1111.11.1tY WOODA, of Ptebta tp.l . -., pm esotaavnar - . lIIIINIIY_II4SOFtot Upper lit. clelr tp. .1 . 1..,i„ Onoittitoszit: ; . . - Man) Gotamio,or wiat.• tp. AARON LLOYD, of Pittettire,b. . 1 roa coaortio: JOHN 11cOLIINEL of Pluaborgb POZ DIUCTOS OP ROBB= IL DAVIS. of Oblo tp. The V. 13. Gland Lodge.l. P. 0. F.—Rea• ..otatleae On the motels—Biitihmore twiettatati—The Archive,, eve. Provions totbp -adjournment of the Grand Lodge of the United States, at its annual meeting in Baltimore, the following preamble ,and resolutions were presented by a Maryland repreeentatire andadopted : o!rWarazal the very spirit of oJd.Fellow. elpip—the Welt would breathe over all the 'iverld—the profession it makes everywhere, ' and at all times recogsking but one nation— the - earth; but one famiiy—the race of man. This is one of its boasts—one pPlar of its strength; and whereas its universal adapta titata.theLianis of man in the demonstration that its principles are inspired—its doctrine. divine; and whereas the trouble, discord and faction that so often and so fiercely prevail in age betweenthe various associations of the day, enter not into the portals of Odd. Fellow. ship; add whereas, the Inekeriegm, thejealon sits, the strife for place and power, the spirit of eggiandisiment, the tin tights . of self, the contests of sections, sad of party, which per vade society,. embitter friendship', and oats . alonally.eveAdesierate the sanctuary x- have east no shadow within our. mdgee ; and _Whereas, - to cement more strongly the ties that buid_ria together, and to renew our vows and devotion upon the veered alter of Odd- Fellowships - be tt theirfore, Resolved, That the perpetuity of Odd-Fel- • lowebip, antEits beneficial eau only be maintained and exercised by a rigid adlier 'ince to its ritual and andamenial laws. Rewired, That the members of this Grand 'Ledge will employ every means, and will en deavor to impress upon the minds of their con stituenti the necessity - dart doing, to cultivate and practice these sentiments-and principles, which will be best alcialated to preserve oar beloved- Order intact, wherever its benign in thence has spread, wherever the banner of Odd-Telluwahip has been unfurled. . Resolved, That it is the duty of every good Odd-Fellow, at all, times, so to act and solo iipitak, that their Words and 'deeds may give no lest cause of - offense to those whom cireum stenceis have, for the time being, cot off from _friendly and sociatintercourse with on. Reseirid, That ,this ..Grand Lodge hope., and will continue 'to' hope, that the trying difficutties, n which h ave stow existing, and ei shaken our common country to its very Coen datioe---ceeeing distrust and estrangement be tween brothers end friends—may be speedily and amicably settled, and that the storm -. which: anew raging in the breasts of the peo ple-of this ogee peaceful and happy lend may tiaissueged,,, and the cloud, which hare dark ened' the hopes and blighted the prospects of a whole nation may be swept away, giving ; place to a cloudless sky, a bright and geeeron. attnibbie, 'bedding peace, harmony and joy ovannd-throughout this wide-spread land. ',The question of the selection of a place for the next meetufg of the body we• taken up, and it was decided bY a vote of 41 against to -23 for, not to hold it at Indianapolis. Balti- Mere and Byrause,N. -Y., ware named, which Ibd to an-Atenmonitios disettesioo. Baltimore was stigmatized in unmeasured terms; one member declaring that it should be destroyed; that the present meeting was. only under the protection 'of A provosit mental. The good name of Baltimore was ably defended by rep resentative Wm. H. Young, but it was;finaly decided by a vote of one majority SO hold the next meeting at - Baltimore. A raeolutton was-subsequently adopted an thoritingtheHepaty Grand Sire, in his discre tion, if he deems them unsafe in Baltiriore, to .remove the archive, of the Grand Lodge to Philadelphle or New York. Tanga& Pratilea and Parade. Oa Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, we found ourselves afthe headquarters of the First Ward Rifle GuardsiEsplain Hambright, on ',Rebecca etreet;Allegheoy, We found some thirty of the member! in uniform, prepared for a target . excursion. Two cars of the Manchester Par manger Railway soon drew op to receive the company - , when all the members, including band end gnest, stepped ip and were driven ilown'to the station of the railway, where the company', formed and marched back a short distaara to `a .shady meadow, the property of Wm. M. Darlington, Erg., where the target wukilieed at 's distance of eighty yards. The 'hooting wee good: there ware '72 abets braids of the fifteen-inch circle, out of 120 shots fired. Several elf these were in the immediate vicin ity of the "bull eye." About 6 o'ibick the company again embark ed In the care, and were carried tett:Fri:bine° of John T. Logan Eeq ., on Western avenue. Mr. L. Orderly Sergeant of the eompany,and math esteemed by every member. He had in- vited them, on thin occasion, to partake of hls hospitality. The company and guests, ante beriog over 4,o4asone, sat down to a 'umpte en, repast, after doing fall Patios to which, "to erins'-ers, Hie word, and the Rifles gave an ex ot their proficiency in the manual of arms, company and battalion evolutions, "kir !mishiog, AO., by moonlight, in the beautiful grounds in front of Mr. Legatee residence. All the spectators' agreed that the company have attained a degree of rupiah, and promptitude In drill alike creditable to tbemselvto mod the atioert. - At s late hour the company ware drawn up in line 'in front of the dwelling of their kind host and beaten, when the highest military honors ware 'tendered to them by the company, who immediately afterwards marched to their irinory and Were dismissed. Wo have rarely apent an afternoon an agree. ably. When-the First Ward B,iflnGuards again - go outlet - target practice, May we be "about" to participate. PROMISOR or MAtn/DIATICII DI ens DIM ' ZIN UmessoinvoOn the Dim inst, the Tons - toes of the Weitern University elected George Harvey Christy, A. B , to mimed Prof. J. D. - Haneock, With has resigned tho Professorship of !dithematici, width be boa so ably, and lath - ibotorily filed in that institution, to enter on the practice of law. Prof. Christy's eoulid scholar. ebip, and his odmplete mist:ass whi engaged in teaching; warrant the belief that be will prove a valuable Requisition to that institution. The large and constantly increasing number of students in the University, at the presorit time. Is very eneouraginso to the Trustees and Fecalty. Buitax4ay.—The - residence of 'a fierman shoemaker, named .Gippesich, on the corner 01 Ohio and Vest stretti, Allegheny, was en. tared by burglars - sometime daring Friday night. An implies was egeeted through a second shit,' window, as is supposed, by mans of a laddas. • The thief also succeeded in ItettirlLiat.o_thi.heilsoorn hir: vying ,art, ; visitable gold watch, which ' was, banging cr.the wall, near the bed. There bare beenisitresst robberies' in that , vicialty within the past law days, and the soppositioa is thaethey were all perpetrated by the game- Weir LC/LVI est Morwas.—Capt. Maurieii Breatmaii.lbo haa ;command of a company in and who ham been hare for BOTerlr, days on recruiting duty, win ker* oa 'Monday with a detachment of mem We learn WA Col: Bewley still requires about brio kw reguireatitp to the required standard, and Capt. Brennan will be ratteraikyttleA t garish*, who Au- heed crrderitheis ii. tecruitiag 771-. tcmnitilnloskutisit,siews and the He• - - iest - rerrairi:43 - irluTeitli7aniTiiniiiiii. - At an early bout on Saturday, the County Commissioners were beseiged by several hun dred women--widow,, wives sod mothers— demariding their weekly pro rata of the relief fund, but uphill noon they had net been paid a cent, and after waiting !several bourn they were sent away empty handed. The Commis sioners, as ire showed at the time, made a fable step at the outlet of this busmen, by appointing tax eolleetore In violation of law, led now they are beginning to realise the difficulties of their . pcieiuon. We endeav ored to extort some satisfactory reason why these:rlpeedent and worthy people were not promptl paid the pittance allowed them, but' t all intor icon -in studiously withheld. doubt less becauseit would not be agreeable to the Comeithisionene and the Relict Board to have the feet. published. We learned from an intelligent outsider, however, that there is likely to be some legal barrier raiied to the payment of the relief fund, but the exact state gt.the case hfs been kept in the dark. The County Solicitor, as we are informed, - . has been asked to decide the le gality of the mode of collecting adopted by the Commissio era . and that no money will be osideut u 11l this point. is decided I A very fitting tim , indeed, to instituto legal inquiry , . now that be wives of eur brave volunteers are deman log the mentor to, put bread into their child tints mouths I The empty market baskets t at we saw collected there told a doleful t e when carried home empty. The Commis' DM hlire already "pot their foot in• to it," a d they may as well "wade through." Let the Bay out now and Inquire as to the legality f their course hereafter. All th s trouble and criminal delay might have bee avoided if th e Commisaloners had suffered t is payment of thin tax to be made di ram to County Treasury, end drawn in ad vance fo any sum they . might hava required. They we solicited to do so, but their love for "colleoto a,", and a patient -desire to dispense patrons , operated naiad this plain, reasona ble and °lot method. Ae a eonthquenes, from $5,000 to '57,000 of the fund goes_ into the pooels of collectors, which otherwise would h ee been eared to the tax-payer. by abate ent for prompt payment. Legal Gem ) ,plleation are likely to be developed, and (unless a speedy. issue Is - arrived at) much suffering will be iotliated upon the families of our volun teer,. The whole affair has theater been badly managed, but If we do not mistake the temper of thorn who are now demanding their just dues, the Relief Board will coon be compelled Is eel. Fort Pitt Artillery We hole already noticed the gilt of a Lottery of four rifled guns by Chas. Huss,' Esq., of the Fort Pitt Wcrke. Lient Keep, of Col. Gearra regiment, bee been detaited to recruit a com pany here, to take charge of these gene, to be attached to hie fine regiment. Capt. McGill, who lila been recruiting a company on Semi. nary Hill, Allegheny, has accepted a position in this battery, and hie men were ■worn into the service r by Col. sam, on daturday tamp ing, and will leave for Point of Roche, MO were Geary/ regiment i■ now stationed—this _evening pt 4 o'ciock p. m. This ii a popular branch of the service. The Fort Pitt flattery is decidedly a Pittebutgh t stitutioe ; the guns are rifled, of the latest ma proved pattern, and are now being mounted and put in order for immediate service. ;The pay of the artillerists is better than that of any other breach of the service. This battery is to be attached to one of the finest at Weil as the Largest regiments in the service, and will be placed under ■nave drill at once. A few more sober; steady young men will be reeetv ed by Case ipg immediate application to-day, either at the camp, en Seminary Hill, or at the office of the Fort Pitt Works, Etna street, 'filth Ward. The National Loan Books for Ambiteripuon to the Woe end three-tenth par cent toan• have been open at the office of Messrs. Hanta,llart & Co., Wood street, for one week, and the amount sob. scribed during that time cuing up to the ag gregate at •8Y90,907. Doable tnia amount ■hould have been taken—but it is not too late yet. Let the amount be arrelted to 81.,000,• 000, tiering. the present week. We have the money—do we lack the patriotism 7 We hope, ler the credit of this large, this wealthy, and this most prosperous county, that her capitalism will not be niggardly in this regard. A better investment cannot neatly he out:tined, to my nothing c.l the eromptiegs of patriotism. We have done nobly in the way of furnishing men, and let as be equally liberal with our money. TUC PiTIIICITII AT TUT Trizerac—Thin interesting drama is posted again forties even ing. It is a piece suitable for . the times, to the incidents alluded to throughout the drama are all fresh in tne public mind, and cause enthusiasm in persons who witness the per foimence even toe the second end third time. But it is ■ piece which must be seen to be appreciated, and we therefore advise one and all to visit the theatre before it is withdrawn, to make room for the novelties which the man ligament have in preparation. SOLDIER Secrr.—& soldier, bolongiog to a company now In Camp Wilkins, was shot last night by a gardener, while "foraging , ' in the garden of Mrs. Denny. It seems that the man tied trespaesed upon the property for the pur pose of stealing melons, and was fired at by a man in the employ of C aptain Brereton. The gun was loaded with buckshot, several of which took effect In the arm and one grazed the tem. ple—a gentle hint that he not soon forget. Sonoma& Orzannon.--On Friday, Sep tember 514 Dr. James Stuart, of Greenville, misted by Die. Brown and Thompson, re moved a tumor from Mrs. C. Hetrick, aged 51, living near Troy, Jefferson county, weigh ing six pounds. It was molted on the ghoul. der and breast, and grew up within the last eighteen months. The patient stood the op eration finely, andis doing well. do:my:in.—Jame Manly, private in Col. Lyle's regimeni of three months volunteerg, was tried on Thdraday, in Baltimore, forshoot ing, on the 23d of July lag, Edward W. Bayne, a private in another Pennsylvania regiment, and acquitted. Manly was then remanded to jail, he being under indictment for assaulting a citizen. Atutterzn Buanzaay.—Onlbureday night an unsuccessful attempt was made to eater the clothing store of J. H. Lots, on Uhio street, seer East lane, Allegheny. The thief sue. ceeded in unlocking the door from the outside, but a bolt.inside prevented an entrance. To THE LADIEM.—M. Kitchio nod 0. Brut, No. 123 Federal went, will open, on Satur day, the 2lst inst., a handsome assortment of millinery goods, comprising Boanets, Hsu and Caps, of Mb latest style.. MI of which ..1;1 be sold low for cash. DWI( Or A MISISTEI.—Rev. Dr. Camp- bell, a worthy and esteemed minister 01 the Presbyterian Church, died at his residence in MeClare township, oa Saturday, after a brief illness. His rernaini- were interred in Alle gheny Cemetery, yesterday, In presence of a large concourse okrelatives and friends. SHOCEIPO ACCICEPT..--04 Friday, I little Ben 01 Thomas Parker, of Wheeling, was ac eidentally recover by a cart, which burst Ira abdomen.: He is nut erpected to recover. Tun Pittaburgh Capt. Follwand, go into Col. Itowlora regiment aaaltirmislieta. A few more men are, wanted to fill ap. W • rix. sit Oosinth—On Tuezdayi &pt. 24, at our store, 210...128 Federal meat, Allegheny city, the largest and most complete assortment of Dross Goods brought to the eity this season. OpCn on that day a greater variety of Bilks, Velours, Ottomsn Beppe, Merinos, Wool Dolalnes, Shawls, Cloaks, .to., than can be seen at soy other house.• Alto, a full assortment of domestic. good.. We invite all to call and es• amine for themselves. ltd . . Tuonnou A GROVIZIIIOIIIL DOCTOR. C. Bonin, Rigor QOM 1111 d BOOlie- Physloian; also spat for Rainbow's cele brated Trims for Rupturca.. Cartier of Penn and Wayait Stmts. DAdmriss.—Dr. C. dill, No. ZIG Penn et, attends to ill braacba of the Dental professkia. natosOrattas—on Poinener. the 21d lett., at; ll emects, AL•, s., ILXNRP S. baa0a1NBID011; M . D, In the 134th rear able age.. . 11. commenced tbe inseam or medicine In Pats Oman wme ten rears sip., with Mated preemie at snoccea, to be soon sterner le talynws b y Parebete. troll 'WI be never reonrered. Die funeral grill take place imes we home of Me' tattier, to Pitt tontlani4MlßlONDßlfral,lne'clock.i Tao friends and relative - or. tie, &crated an. Invikdi to - attend; - • ; B. 041180T+Eas' tombtr 21.4 it 11% o'clock, A. SI. WILL wAtionalum yozugest wa, of John A. II tacia soB2o 012 .° 0 , s4co 10 moth' sad 10 data. Walla we art Jell below to oscura That laths Willie. Low; Th• *Wag caw Wefts @bon, • - That little Walla's coma. n.wwwlE=== 'THE LATEST NEWS. BY TELBBIIAPB itECEIVED Al - THE DAILY GAUT' i OFFICE. From Washington. Vi'asanstaeost, Sept. 21.—A telegram re. leivedyeeterday-by_• prominent °Ether of the government, dated Indianapolb, says Gov. Morton and Col. Wood left for , Loultwille on the 12th on special train, with 'guns and am munition. The Goiernor has ordered the home tease& and the regiment' on the border to hold themselves In readiness. It is further added that tenahoasand additional troops could leave that Stale in twenty-four hones. Gen. Rey- Folds, w t r was at Cheat mountain, has, the telegrap states, driven the rebels from their position, killing nearly a hundred of theta. Kldtwell, of the lath Indiana roglmout, Seas ,surrou nded twice but repulsed the rebels With great gallantry and small loss to us: The (date of the action is not mentioned. The Gdwarnment has accepted thertender of Military iservices by the Count de Buis and - Duo de Chartres. They will probably enter ' Gen. Maclellan'. staff. The young Count de Penthlevre, eon of the Prince de Jolnvilla, enters tb r t United States Naval Academy. Be la sienna years old. Meter auseiven, late Made-camp to Girl baldi, hes to-day been commissioned in the I rallithry terviem. There fs is yet no didnite action regarding Gen. Fremont's administration of affairs In 611siouril The questions Involved being of delicate d complicated character and there fore req bang deliberation. The indications 'are, however, that if he shall not be superseded : tin hhr command , which now - teems probable, ',other arrangements of an important burins wW be Made, having in view:-'tis pabile wel- Taro. Nothing beyond whet here stated can be reliably ascertained for the reason already mm:dim:M. - 1. Willlain Blanchard-at this city has been op. lhaintea consul to Melbourne. 1 Wastnaidros, Sept. 21.—Edward D. Baker, Senator from Oregon, has been appointed a Maier General of volunteers. 'The Star of this evening repeats that Prince Salin Seim of Prussia has been appointed Col. lonel (Om Kentucky cavalry now here, which its composed largely of Philadelphiaes. . Gen. McClellan to-day proceeded to the pc,. :iiittian of Gen. McCall'. division, where a grand ;review of from tee to twelve thousand troops took place. On Thursday, while Col. Cowden's First Massachusetts Regiment was performing duty !on the Peninsula, they captured two wagon l loads of military clothing, arms, eta, destine, to be smuggled across the Potomac', for the nes of the diem:llan triteers. The seizure was made about 15 miles from Lootardatown, Md. WelialSoTON, Sept. 21.—The Richmond fVhig 01 the 19:1, says: Six more Federal prisoners have escaped. It also contain, a report, which is doubileis eetirely unfounded, that Gen. Leo had captured the person of Gen. Reynolds while be was panting from one, Federal camp to another. WerminiaTrof CITY, Sept. 21—Jones W. Luigentelter, Captain of Co. B, Col. %Aisles'', Ceti:arena regiment, wan shot in the head yes. terday afternoon, to the woods nil from the Kirby road, near Peter's Horne, and icatantly killed. He had left our pickets together with a sergeant, and advanced into the woods on a recouncitering expedition. About 150 yard. from the main body of nor picket., be was midden! y surprised bye party of ten dismount ed Confederate cavalry, with whom he ex changed shoal until one of the enemy advanced, and taking deliberate aim at him, shot him through the bead with a ride. "To.-daps evening Chronide contains the following nonce of an important interview with the secretary al War : A young man of ioteiligence, whose name is withheld owing to his position and probable lustre movements, .had an interview with the Secretary of War yesterday, daring whichhe made the following catement : "Wee a resident of Kentucky and appointed a Lieuetnent in the Federal army. He had oeCasion to go South where. he was impressed into the Confederatesirmy. He was present at the Ball Run engagement, and has been in the army In that vicinity op to the time of his escape, a few days ego, He es caped by getting beyond the tines and Obtain• iog the sad of a farmer, who brought him along in hie mutat wagon, covered op in straw. He says Beauregerd has now 186 . 000 men at Mansesassted vicinity. They are all well clothed and abundantly supplied with shoes of good quality, of welch there are a sample (showing a very good article on his feet) Their pay is prompt. The Virginia two, • are all well paid in Virginia Bank bills, and a.l the others in gold. The Louisiana troops were offered bank paper n 1 that State or gold. The boys put the matter to a vote among themselves and decided to take gold, which woe paid them. Their rations are lib eral; and in short, to use hia own words, they have plenty of everything. He was offered, and declined Colonelcy in the rebel army. He was yesterday offered, and 4cepted • Lieuteuentry in our army, in velaicifhis father, from Pertrayivanis, is chaplain."... The lollowieg is extract froM Mr. Judd, oar Minister at Berlin "The German Timm', Association of young men, for mental and physical development, had a grand national rapresentuire collattoe in the city of Berlin in the early part of August. A Oelnatiou rat German Turners from the Unt• tel-States bad also come to participate In the festivities, which, although largely partaking of a political character, passed without the ' , itchiest interference of the government or police, a most hopeful sip for the cause of liberty in Germany. As oar American Turners bad no barrier the flag of , the American Legs. tion was readily loaned theta, and the 'Stars and Stripes" had the Brat rank of all the em blems al nationality, the American Turners having been ale ened the head of the proves coin. it had the pleasure of knowing that al though Our flag cannot be cheered in Charles ton in wee cheered most heartily in the capi tal of Priam on that occasion." In addition to other distinguished foreigners beretofore named, the following have been commissioned in nu army, the highest teen monials having been funinhed of their military capacity : Lieut. Col. John Fitzroy De Cour cey, of the Esglieb army in the Crimea, First Lieut. Oscar Breeden, of Pruas'a, and Cetinje' Vegesack and Batman of Sweden. • General Blanker hos received into Ili. brigade, with great cord-Wily, Prince Salm de Balm, who bee been COMMlSeioned to the command of a Cavalry regiment. ilrfEll3otl env, Sept. 21.—Gov. Gamble y, ie.oad tho following cull to tha Con Velltlllll3 : The exigencies; of the Slate require, in my judgment, the assembling of the State Conven tion. "Therefore, I, Hamilton R. Gamble, G iserner of the Stale of Minoru', by virtue of the power rretortd in me by the Convention, do hereby call the Convention or the State to' assemble at the Mercantile Library Hall, ill the city or St. Louis, on the 10. h of October next to adopt mirth measures as the welfare of the State may require. • Given under my band and the seal cf the State, in Jefferson city, this 21et day of Sep tember, S. D, site thousand eight hundred and sixty•nne. H. ,FL. GAMBLZ;;' Sy the Josernor. fit OLIVER, Secretary .01 State. There is on new■ from Lexington to-day. The steamer War Eight armed 'from above this evening. This steamer, together with the' Jaen, with the Indiana 221 and 113th' regi ments aboard, accompanied the OIeMGM White Cloud and Desmufnea, with the lodine* 28. h aboard, as high up the risme' Cans bridge, where they captured the steamer Sun. shine, 'reined a abort that since by Green. The encountered no rebel troop.. Union Bags were' king at'Glazgew. The War Eagle and Johan returned from Cambridge, the former to this city and the latter to Booneville. The White Cloud and Deemoinea went up the riverlti releferne Lex• inogin. While all four boats Were laying up Of the night, a short distance below Glasgow, two detachments were cent nut ro recoin. nutter. They encountered each other, well mistaking the other for the enemy, fired, and before their mistake woe discovered, four men were killed and ee►eral wounded. Among the wounded is Major Gordin Tanner, of the Indiana 22d. He was brought down to this place. His around, thnogh serious, is ibt. considered dangerous. Sept. 22.-1 skirmish occurred yesterday below Fort Ball, between Company I, 10th regiment, and a small party of rebels. The latter were routed. One of the Federal Mime was wounded. To-day the gun boats Tyler and Lexington went down the river searching for masked batted/IL The Lazing. ton went within eight- of , a 'rebel 'milky on Chalk Bluff, but found no batteries. All le quiet hire and in the vicinity. raanwrowr, Oast. St.—Thu billw2aeb pmt a both Houses re§asstlag-,Cfan. Ahdieioh to. CO. foe abc!,taka coctaiand or the Kiatnoty solve tears, Lit Msgolliscsta was pailed Wet the 7 watoln %ha nous by • to 44aLite4Ight (eB)agairtittwonty-t*o piiporlant trout 'Kentucky. Lousimus t Sept. 21.-. The following proc lamation has jest been Owned : KENTCCILIAPiIt Called by the. Legislature of Mir, my native 'State, I hereby gnome com mand of this Department. I come to enforce, not to make laver, and, God willing, to protect your property and your lives. The enemies of oar country have dared to invade our soil. Kentucky iris danger. She has vainly striven to keep the peace with her neighbors. Oar State is now invaded by those who professed to be her friend's, but who now seek to cm'. niter her. No true son of Kentucky can longer hesitate as to his duty to his State and to his country. The invaders mast, and, God *ill. Mg, will be 'expelled. The leader of the h&- tile forces who now approach is, I regret to say, a Kentuckian making war on Kentucky and Kentuckians. Let all put differences of opinion be overlooked. Every one who now ra:lies to the support of our Union and of oar State, is a friend. Rally,lhein, my country. men, around the flag our fathers loved, which he. shielded na so long. call you to arms for self-defence, and for the protection of all that is dear to freemen. Let us trust in Gods, and do our duty as did our forefathers. [Signed] 110aillT ANDLIIsetI, Brigadier-General U. 8. A Governor Ma'am has also broad a procla mation ordering Gen. Thos. L. Crittenden to execute the purposes contemplated by the recent resolutions of the Kentucky Lubin.' tore in reference to the expnleion of Menden,' and Gen. Crittenden he. ordered the militia to be mustered forthwith into service . Hamilton Pope,Brigadier General of the Home Guards, aso called on the people of each ward in Loulaville to meet this,afterzioon, and organize Into companies for' the protection of the city. The Evening Bulletin says that froth seven to eight thousand Confederate troops and twenty-one cannons arrived at Bowling Green on Wednesday, taking one cannon and one hundred and twenty stand of arms belonging to Bowling Green Home Gaud., and soot sit cannon to Gen. R. W. Hanson, the Conte& orate commander on Green river. Liionvuxc, Sept. 21.—(1t le rumored that Buckner hay advanced on Elizabethtown, but wept be confirmed in time for the afternoon papers. The Federal troops are preparing for any emergency j The following proclamation has kilt bean received:— - To the people of Kentucky: The Legislature of Kentucky ham been timeless to the will of the people... They have endeavored to make your gallant State a fortreu in which, under the guise of neutrality, the armed forces of the Uaited States might vecretly prepare to rubjegate alike' the people of Kentutiky and the Southern St . It *weir not until after menthe of covert and open violation of your neutrality with large encampmeate of Federal troop on your territory, and a recent official declaration of the President of the Uaited States not to regard your neutral position, coupled with 4,v/ell-prepared scheme to emu an additional point in your territory, which was of vital importance to the lately and defense of Tennessee, that the troop. of the Con federacy, on the invitation of the people of Kentucky, oomipted a defensive post in your State. In doing so, the commander annoonood his purpose to trams, your territory simulta neously with a Imilar movement on the part of the federal torahs, whenever_ the Legislature of Kentucky shall undertake to enforce, agalnet both belligerent., the strict neatrallta which they have to often declared. I return amongst you, citizens of Kentnetry,l at the head of a force, the advance of which is competed entirely of Kentucklane. We do not come to molest any eitisen, whatever may be his political opin ions. Unlike the agents of the northe n des. potluck, who seek to reduce us to the e nation of dependent vassals, we believe that th recog nition of the tied rights of Oitillloll is the founds. (ion of constititlonal liberty, and that the Melo of tee President of the United Stater to de clare martial Jaw, to auspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, and to convert every barrack and piton in the land into a butile, in notbiog but the clam which other tyrant. have ateemed to aubjegate a free people. The Con. federate States occupy Bowling Green as a de. feesive positicin. I renew the pledgee of the Commanders .f other columns of Conlederate troops, to retire from the territory of Kentucky on the tame edndition which will govern their commence. ; farther give yob my own as surance shat the fermi under my command will be used a. aid to the Governor of Ken tucky in carrying out the 'tract neutrality de. aired by its people whenever they undertake to enforce it against 'the two belligerents alike.. [Signec) . G. B Buctrasa isrigsdier.Geneml C.'S:A. Bowling Green, Sept. 18th, 1861. Lounivni.e, 'Sept. 21.—C01. 0-Menden, from lodizes, who wee the Out to bring • regiment tram another mate into Western Vuginia, in aid of the federal gal/moment, was the drat to emu to the aid of Kentucky. His regiment, well armed, parsed through oar streets towards the Nashville depot, this afternoooni and pro ceeded immediately southward. They were en thuslutically received at illff.rent polite along the route. ' t ? Brig. Gen. Ward arrived to-day from Wrath ington, and will forthwith take oommend of his brigade In central Kentaoky. A portion of 04/I..Rouaseates forces are in possession of Muldratigh's Hill. i Justice Cation, of the U. S. Conn, to day isruad a writ of habeas corpus In the care of Moorehead, Barrett nod Barr, returnable on Monday next. There to nothing of•lmportonee from points south of here.: Paerengere from Lebanon re• •ort the people from the country coming in to oin the federal (Drees. Nothing bee yet been ascertained the moven:kola's in southern Kentucky, as there le no telegraphic Communication 'oath of Lebanon Zonation. Wm. Haldeman, the t,rinolpal proprietor of the Courier, publishes a mod in the formal, to-morrow, representing a modification of thole. terdiot against' the publication of matter proja• dicta to the feltral government, and to be loyal to that government whale Kentucky remains in the Union. ST. Louts, Sect. 2t —{ln order in cornet con fusion and many contradictory etatemiibts In relation to the position of the Federal forces at Lexington Ooder command of Col. Mulligan, . and the tippet tag label forces under command of Gan. Price, it ie deemed neesuary to make the following. xplaantion: The general direction of the &ileum! river at Lexington Is from west to east, the city lying on the south bank. The early settlement, now called Old Town, i.e Mut ated beak on a hill and has been cuperooded by Ihw Lexington further up the river, where a steamboat landing is, and which la the main-city. • Col. Mulligan's fortifications are en the ridge manning at right angle' between the two towns. They surround the - Maeonic College build ings, standieg, about a framer of a Mill, from the river, which his bean Yazd an quarters for the troops_, and strengthened to resist artillery attack. The [tine of fortifications rune down to the river bluff, between which and the we. terse edge is it wide shelving beach. This is the point where too conflict took place on Tuesday for the ponies ion of the ferry boats. The main body ot 'Prices, army is situated at Old Town, but the fortificetions have been assailed Irmo 'ati sides except the river. On Thursday 01 last week an attack was made from Old Town ta a strong party of roving rebele r who were repaired with considerable lose- and Old Town shelled and barn( to pre. vent its beteg naed.as a shelter. Lexington proper is in perasesaion of Price, but is not being the theatre of conflict. -Aleinforcemeets which left lefloreon City on Weliticadayid they were pot mulled by bat teries along the chore, mat have reached the neighborhood of Lexington yesterday. These troops could doubtlemi be landed on the month tide of the river, the pileameti crewed to ferry Gen. Sturgisis command ample, and the coma. bitted force., numbering about twelve thous, lad men, mifich an Lexington, and with the assistance or- Col. Mullion's heroes and Gen. Lanese command, attack and completely rout Price's whole army. . JorrEasox '.Ctry Sept. 20.—At the head. quarters of Col. aulllgan, at Lexington, Is' supposed to be 3,600 troops, consisting of an Irlah regiment, Col. Mulligan, 900 strong; Col. klualutlirs Illinois Cavalry, 600 men; a Ilan. sea 'regiment', the number ant knows; 600 `mounted Goths Guard., 600. infantry Home Guards, together with &rye 6 pounders, one howitzer and 'two mortars. Pedant scouts jut in report firing still go ing On at Lexington on Wednesday evening. The rebels are said to have ntishells,shrap nal or canister—nothing bat round shot and sings. Nearly 3,000 Government bones end mules are Within Mulligan's intrenchments, requir ing twirl care to prevent a stampede. Advice' hi a private letter from Lexington, today, my that Prate attacked the Federal' at 10 ocelot ' 11c.: Yesterday, with a force of 30,000 men. ! The Federal force ig estimated at from 3,0091 to 4000.. The Federal, fought, them . two hours, When the Secessionist, drove them back into their 'ittrenchments.. The Irish - . regiment then esme out sad charged litem as the point of the bayottet,ecitterticg the rebels in ell directions. Price *le, tom, tank, thin, ertli, this 'morning with' seventeen Pioote .0f als4ary., No mistiest, of the Jose In given on either side. MEM EIE VERY LATEST. . i Lin arm, Sept. 22.—k special dispatch to theT: era, sent from Quincy at one o'clock thic " cram, says that a mail agent on the H. k :L Jos. R. R., who arrived at 7 o'clock on haterday evening from St. Joseph, states that Cl.i Mulligan , and his whole command at 1.. e ington surrendered to Gen. Price on Friday morning at five o'clock. The siege continued from Monday until the time of the serfener. Col. Mulligan"' men were wibout water II day Thursday, and on Friday were collo ! /, rely exhausted. They fought valiantly and,d sperately. bat were compelled to yield to vaetley superior numbers. The Union loss' ' in killad is said to be 800 or 900, while that of theirebels is some 3,000 or 4,000, with a pro- portiohate number 'of wounded. The newC wail biought by stage to Hamilton. Of the lett of the surrender there.can be no doubt. ' The 3d regiment of lowa edict:Men, on 1 j their ay to Lexington to reinforce Mulligan, suddenly and unexpecily came upon a body of 4 000 rebels as Blue Mills, Mo., when a battle cninnagueed, and lasted an hoar and a half. The 'Ova regiment - was about to retire, whan ' the'veliele retreated, and crossed the river just in time to fall into the hands of Lane's brigade, 4,000 guano, who were also marching to rein foree Mulligan. The Unionists captured 700 or $00; and killed 200. Thu rebels recriiited theriver, when the lowa regiment started in purauil. In the filet engagement the lows troops lost 19 killed and 3D wctrded. Ten or twelve rebel, were killed. Hleven rebel prisoner's_ ere, brought to Quincy from St. Joseph no ,Satordayf two or three of whom are known to bare beeo'noni• cerped in burning ton Plktte Riter Bridge', foulf di ye eince.:: , .. _..,, v , . , 4 stiecill dispelib to the. Tribune from baid-i;artera at St. Lou,,, Ma evening, nye that t surrender el Mulligan is not believed theta, but that reinforcementt were pouring towar a him from lour different directions. etti AGO, Sept. 22.-Drafting for the army, in io a, begin. to-morrow. Orders to that Oleic' acre homed on Saturday. Battle at Blue Mille. ST. I outs, Sept. 22.—The following to the actioutit of the battle at Blue Mills landing s deavell from an authentic source: Lieut. Col. Scott with 570 men, the third lowa regie meat, and one piece of artillery, left Cameron Mondi y, the 15th, in pursuit of the rebels who left' St Joseph the Podgy previous. Scott ar rivid at Liberty, Clay county, on the morning of (he 47th, and moved from that place at one o'clock p. to At two o'clock he fell In with the en emy, 4500 in number, occupying a strengi position. Our ski:exishers received a galling fire, and slowly returned to our main body, when the action became general. Our 1 :, sixfpo e nder was brought into action and a few shire red which proved very destructive. At this ti tie a heavy fire was opened on oar sieglelgun, illing one engineer and wound ing V*o others. On this several other gunners, Germans ir m St. Louis, abandoned th e gun, cUrying o the pother and matches, render ing the pie e useless. The action continued an'hour, when our column was slowly with drily° to m o re open ground, bringing off the worinled, ad dragging away the gun by hand, altth / hors• having been killed or badly wain ed. bout th is time Col. Smith, who tell S . Jos ph wi th 1,400 men at the same time Scott eft C mtron, for th e same general pur pose, erne the latter, having pushed forward hie in ante men and artillery ate rapid pace on re'rciri g n messenger from Scott, tea mike !back, that he was advancing on the enSmy, bal it being night, their men coin. ;lively exhausted, and the rebels reported ii , stron ly in:reached, and the thicket imputa ble e cept by a narrow road, a fur th er attack weir p athoned until early in the moroieg. Te following day an ads . nee was made by thS er whined forces, but on arriving at. Bine Mills we bound the enemy had crossed the river lore daylight, taking the road toward Leif ngtoo. . . . . . Tbd 'allowing is a partial ISt of the killed arid erounded: Company A; C pt. Niel, slightly i wounded, Lieut. Duane, se erely, E. Cries field, P. J. McCafferty, save ly, And. Mu m, enissioc. Company ; Lieut. Hobbs, Saimlint Woods, seriously, riveter, Robbins, Hunt uil Woodruff, sever ly. Company C; Corporal blunting, suiting ; privates Drone, Maddox and Summery, in uf ng. Company D; Capt. iMil:er, serioualy, Li nt. Anderson, inor tatty ; i i pr,vatts Miller and F mk missing, Mc- Frl Cora Gusteye and Hill,i ly. Campany 1, , Li ut. Brown slightly and corporal Davis severely; privates Mitch 11, !sham, Saunders sql Raul severely; Nol n killed. Company 0 4 pruates S aran and aullougb severely; blichaid Lalla nod 51cCo lough musing. Com pany II; Capt. Warren, ieuL Faller aererely; Piles ev Cambia, Mc lure, Barbour and Weernn ral Tracy missing. Company I Lieut . Knight, sergeant Parney, sician , Helmut severely; privates B ell Barter , gawk s, Peppers, Rua. sell, l u, errifield dangerouStoo a, Walley, Wilbourne severely; h Lawl,lsly; Wubbarne mOrtilly; Darien, Bidd it. Brownell killed. Three at the mining are maid to be bands ci the enemy. In addition ko the loss or the 3d towel there were six ter.me Guards and one arlilleiv man killed. kie perhave proper to state Yhat Gen. Popes orders to Scott were to rep:it'll at Liberty till ji7ined by Smith, bat learning on arrival that die place of the enemy waslive miles dietant, hili sent a messenger to Smith with word to that effect, and rumba on prin. the rebel. battle. . to isvrtii,Sept. 21.—An intelligent pas• imager from Eliztbettitown, to.dq, reports that I ,500 of Bitckner's forces, mostly Irom Hard og cau1:47,14., us eight miles south of that lace, and that the hulk of his force is still at Bowling Oreen. -Etch party seam to be Fuming reinforcements at various points. LAtarty of 160 men went to Salt river ye e . terra. to prevent tne transmission of contra bandlgoodseouttiward through that channel. ?Po Bulletin ' s correspondent says the Debit ing!' tram yesterday brought in Nati Juuett, W. . Toodruff, Fisher,H. W. Smith and Win iTautie r, prisoneribo bad sniped from L the 'onfederates. Jouett is Deputy U. 8. blarshal, end was released by Buckner. The railroad from Bowling Green to Nolan is', giarded by the Confederates, who have a force! of Gtl3 collected from the vicinity of Neigh. 'Grit eniouniamn is restillested to day at the necessive arrivals of troops from the *rib, distil:led to form a portion of our ad irriacs. 4 It.. N. Haldimao, late proprietor of the Geier, hen left for Southern Confederacy. g. H Graves, just elected Lieutenant of the Lebanon Home Guards, was accidentally kill ed cori Thursday by one of his own battallion, while firing a salute. _ iLtitiiirvittr., Sept. 22.—A skirmish took place between the Home Guards and some. of Zolltgfferre men, at Borbonville, on Wedgies. dory ith no damage. It was renewed on Thursday. Seven of the Confederate, and pie el their horse, were killed. One of the Mute Guards received six wounds, not awes earil fatal. One Home Girard was taker ptie net. Thilly•laTen Rome Guards and three hundred Confederates were in tne en gagement. ' ,Tse Bulteten learn. that Humphrey Mel , * .q.iii is at Liberty, Owen County, guarded by sqo decrarioniste, who made his arrest. rTWo mile, of the Covington and Lexington Mill and were torn up yesterday near Cynthe. Mi. A special train went from Frankfort to Leti won to-day guarded by a detachment of Home Guards. `bitrrevate, Sept. 22.—The proceedings of the ratkfort Legislature are unimportant. 'lTere is no news from below, and no tele- Oento communication South of Lebanon 11 Jen ion. Jet 29th Ohio Regiment arrived here this menting. Oct pawn! the headquarters of Gen. Kbrierson, at the Louisville noose, they were addrhssed by the General in a brief but patn? oPc *peed', which wee enthasiastically re ceived, and happily responded toby Col. Gib. sdo,lcommanding. The Officers of the l'egi. silent itobsequently dined at the hotel; by in qtarion of the proprietor. Art Oval of the Steamer Sauna". hil .'Jonns, N. F., Sept,. 21.—Tae steamship Sits nia;frion Hamburg and Southampton on the lib nut , passed Cape Race at six o'clock tilin i Morning, and waeloterceptcd by the news yac lof the AssoCiated Prem. The following summary of her advicen whieh.are three days lite , were obtained IT e Royal mail steamship arrived on the 10th Toe ateamabip Bohemian; from New Tor , arrived at Londonderry oq the 10th. -- - -T e policy of the English government In win ing reinlbrcements of troop...to Canada having been stripe - sly qiestioned,tbe arrange. neat, have been Impended tor UM present. lit' is_ expected a combined , Aeglo-French dav I aid military expedition, will coon be or gain' ed against M'exico lii obtala - reirevi for thelnjuries to . British and French interests in &bat. country.' carpool, Sept. ll.—The cotton market don hillel , llno 'at unchanged prides . The sales or t o days, Monday end Tuesday, amounted to 2 AO baleinu4rileat has,'egein idieneedi the notations daily 2f@i3e higher thee thyme rip rted in Friday's circelano. , : ;1 it provision market continua* besey.• - •• ~.. ~ : l i Rapt.: 11. Console are garitintif Fif f ala i I - From Hlchmond, Va.', 3 , Batxtmozz, Sept. 214-The Annie= has received by the hand. of a relagee froze Viz &tie several Virginia Papers, including the Richmond Whig of the 9th, which containe remukable letter from kranktin ethnor, , mcit bitterly denouncing the adminiettation of Jell. Davis. The Richmond Examiner of the 1114, says it is evident to every intelligent observur that the embittered remnant iof the auhunisloeist party fully represented in the Virginia: Con vention is bent on the organisation of a xegu. tar opposition to the government. Under all the name/ that ithas berme, that elezient in our polities has been invariably agaltiet the South, and though the alines of last spring an nihilated its material loan, or at least canted Jt to disappear from theipublic view, it exiitts slaws with undiminished virulence and 'wane the opportunity to spring into light again. The following article from the Ricitinolid Wlug appears - over the- initials F. M. and ;le no doubt from the pen of Franklin Minor : To Whom it may Coniern.—The following private letter to the editor is (roman old per sonal-friend, but long separated by party, and one of the first in position and intellect in the great county of Albetusrie: It was obviouilly not designed for publication, but on thit very account it may be the better sign of dthings unseen and the better anise to enlighten Bibb. Administration respecting, the • temper Uf the public mind : •• t.‘iturtmaixa,• • 2911861..—. Dear oss _......1,Auj.. . ~.=.1./.... .......,-fy : I am 'utterly - digested pith your 17:14 '74tEr Devil, and .hie, max...Welker,•and Lesent to 'know if you Will publish my spleen if fatter it. I have a letter jest from Manassas } ! Oat troops there one-day list week had nothing for breakfast but salt and potatoes; W 0704 1 .101 eight miles at double outck to meet a! false „alarm end gat neither dtaner or upper 'when they came back to nautili • • :..• I: •t; "Now, Mosel), it le evtdent to - tee that year 1 gerefbment is rotten MI the head. ':Da Vie ought to be spiked whe:re men can see' him. You have won - it. trait victory and got so fruit, from-it-.• You hue had a chatigel of the government for id; Mouths and have done nothing. No meat, no Inead, no powder,no wagons, Po anything but Silt and potatoes, tied yet you sing out .the Gdvernment has the en tire confidence of the whole people. , 'Now, it has not mine, and I want to know whether Idea have a fur bearing. The only„amart thing, I have seen is yoer proposition to Oast pone the_4"residential eltcuon.. "That 'is excellent—most excellent. Yeah that and it may save iik. If I were in Cpu grass 'would refat one dollar of-apPropria tie's@ for the war . holy_ though it is, radii Walker was turn i out and somebody put in his piece with masa epough to attend , to 'the duties of it. I dcnot know either Davie or Walker, but I have seen enough to raise an,- pinions in my mind that neither pole lathe "right man in the rightfilace.” Why talk In them about the ennfidenee of the people in the Administration I I dotil: feel any etteticonfi dance myself, and I believe that I am singular in soy distrust. If you editors would Only speak out lull-toned about the ahusei which stink your nubile, things would get right. It is a Shame which crime to Heaven for yen geance, when men of I the pea are talking about confidence, ec , and your solditirs are made to trot sixteen Iles on one meal of i,. po tatoes and salt Th t re i ff rottenness amigo& in the medical staff alone to damn any Arinnisia trances. Why hoodwink the people 7 i : I "Your government it rotten and it 'stinks. We mutt smell at last—His sooner the'better. You won't smell say stronger to Yantis rca trill after you turn Walker ,out, and': mike Davis tee the mark; than yon do now. I They know yen can't advance Ippon them from want of victuals and vehielea, and your weakness remain,' potent to theta till you. rated= the abases of your administration. The smutest thing England did In the AlEttiollll war Was the reformation: of show* In tall viewltof the enemy and her rival, too; Your enemies know you are rotten. You won't tell them anything now by turning oat Dav i t' and his whole crew, which I am decidedly in favor of, if they don't show themselves more efficient. . "But all you adhere slag hallelujah 'll'4 to Davis & Co. It frets mit. Your soldiers-are starving; but so long 113 the Pretident and Gen- orals can wear dna &e.. you clog halle lujah. It won't do, mp , Mend. Somehady mast tell the people dolphin truth, or we:are rained. Freezing and starvation starsjoa in the face for the next winter, and you U dall} on the yam= and ehltdren!to give up their blan kets and bread for their I/oldie's. The ' women have supported the war so far. You noddles be la the field to-day bat for their needles, - "You've had the Government for ee ran months, end you confetti year inability by your daily ways, and gill von speak of confidontoe. It is waning hourly, I Osnro you, end' calm the Press speaks out plainly, and that loom', all is lost. Ido n't know any politiolane„ and I don't care for soy, but I care for my country and the brave men who are fighting for us, icd it stirs my gall to see them treated worte than I'd treat my do gt and hogs. ' , DUD'S be afraid of showing your weakness to the Yankees; they know it Show your strength by putting things to rights at home, and yen will be then feared abroad Very truly Yours, Arrivals al the .P] rincipal liptels LASS FIG ELT. UP TO 8 CM 0 BT. CHARGS3-oorner of , :Third and flood strata. Ireorlurrcx. El Wend, Dover, Wm Mane, Ohio, A L 8 Wilson, Dina- nit, ; 0 Tate, Bedford, W It Whltbg. Becerblli Andrew Stogwer,: LPIInn,N I rhos Inlrrt, Clerrland 8 B Tuner, Martrtta ;:0 It Irwin, Wheeling W B Oamphq, N II Line, B D W Mime, Spencer, Ws I Ball, and.; 0 M Fut. do J L Lee, Moo:afield X 11 Rowland. do A Winters; Al locus L Watklee, W Brownsville J 8 Cooper, Philo J 0 Beott Jr, do P Phillips, BI L M Atien, Philo 111 Hoar, Late iloperlir II CiMont, NI Yellow, Ind AO Stephenson. Ind I J Bell aad lady, Ohio B Pilchard, now Lhb:n 3 Donis, Phil* W W ANA do tiaxsioN 110131138—t 011000 aVAII 78 Leisering, POLL P Brodhead N Wheat, Brit Kolly,idoorate• VAL, W N Emerson, Blairallie P Metkb, Ohio 3 It Jamas, Phlle It Warner, Medlin* 11Wokiar,AftWayns,bad, 0 Valentine, Alb:woe Col U Btenut,llll A J B Stewsrt. Graeae co Blidirer,N3Alestandrio 7 leaning Lanoister 0 A Alliwood, Photo Mrs Mcase,Cinclanati Hamilton, Wheeling J Luckier, do Mrs Barns. Phil* B Ithendcw, Cincinnati P P Irwin; do X Mahe, do A Spradia do John Wright, Bowdon, 0 D W Parapsel, Edney .1 Mina and lady„ Y A Murray and 1ad7,111 Y J&Pgram, tndianapoti G LI Arnold, Mt Vernon GIRARD HOl3/111—Cornewl 11 TratoS,l3ll A tsocn , Its, d Towntead, lowa clip J Nest Brookvir• Duey, Morgantown J.Liziewy, Orme oo B Etrup; do 3 B LtIKI Phils .1 X A Ooot, Whaellail W klyen,,Olneinnati I W W realer, do NAOMI HOTEL—liba saes ma. • X Batt, Broolivide • P L Moliandiess, It smith. J Thooltion,Brookellle J Roan,' J Worlq Payette dty P YoUsrion, • 3 Moles, It McGregor, Bethabut W Kepi. Ileadlig RAMPS HOTZL—Libel • • I yams. Ma flays; litoblosott to - 00l Ulna 17 8 A Win Pears. Eliseo* G D Mnßrkin, Gam Orr - B P DVwinei. do W P gvai, do lOW X*Corsolck, Weeb CI X Bailth, Bower MU McPbrnon, Canonebarsi II W Both J II Lippincott, Point a Necks, lid N W Dllaa. MetibenTllle Ward, Wbeellng W W Tenney. Poreero.e. 0 HXD Lititte,lllNAL— aL r. UL M. B Capigllnds Ohio _ WthlooL, bow V.FF. Lieut. Walktognhawn L Prah. Warm . IN fort. BP SWlO7fl. ,• ' NATIONAL' MM. .MCOVIrI. P Xeedlck,lll4, nth Int W 11,111bere;" 7.Gooktrilibf7,. ilmilagekit, Adria& _kV atom ./de ralvinootNig. OneePrian.' 7lt II iownd. Shoebeetet X Smith, do • D I.tartta,Moni 07, gamut Brldge Jr. H !tone, J B Mama a lady'Bi tout§ j Coleman, Cadiz, 0 A 0 Blawart, 1i , J A Ayers, ManAABl4 O. '1 W GalrtM. B.a3cui4y, 0 ;IS AlcOmakk sad loov 1. J R AbeVy,. l'aa(k.rtOM II A Ellett; NhaanoaiLl J:W Wallace, Ida.M.c.a 3 If cLtan, Ay a. AM Marty street: PIOPILLEroa. JAaagrus A 11.1 y. ligaM• alorwand coi J M Maybn, Poon EOM= I 0 liamlitaa, IlatleA co 0 Galmkr, iklam4s ; El • lit:ma, Woos{or 0 otabam,aprio Or, Ps ideOleila.o.- W.ewia, 0 (0 1' bite, Coicusilvaa Horn. dp T AlUcDatlnay,Wincen M Parole, D BUm n. Indiana co- J Y Vein, Iliarrark, J Corn., Canton, El Porter, Wlanneotai, .4 M Thomproo. ; :do E Bllllnialry, Eldanond J W Walton, Jactronvals 4 M Walton, Birrion'a Eta. 11 P Brat; N ; W DlcUlina, Vona II Yeedlck, do Nei Worsts, • .4 90 73emaloy,SpsI " ngdala D Nottn7.Vtanistowa • T steDonald. rdo Stick, Wsetttnataa, Pa I V Crawford, .mttbeettland Thlrd afro-as .ssoratsvcat. KW Clark, LIS st; Va. V 30 atareaeat, So Z: W L Stevenson, I,do John Bayne. II W 5 Vanden, Attributes lam Rums, D.Sletoa. Pa Jul. W eltl,lSSlseaport i V tallith, ateensbats • 0 Lawrence, carltale, 0 I/ Canis, !,,do Wreck below Peseith. Szoturroi.t t It, co t 'Et Woods, liyal i I Dog. DatttoSt n = GI W Mere. Baltatmil J IX Tacna. Btenbenvillo W a Burt. Oweolbc.wit et Thompson. WlWln t sburg 1 0 Bow land, Philo tt , • II Decker. '. 1151 i Et Patepson,B , BOW It litcctentrall, limns 0 . _ . street, foot Flab. PIOPILIMIL ; , , Jae Kell, WEILIMbuts /..tt Buchanan. 111cLoY • Mmt. J W aow.mulowea A 1tc8101.7. FlOnboth • - It Ifellrato. BMW.= James arming, j, ' - W at alibert, rotoarld W Bartsall. ' lido L . Sirs 11 butts It daupter, Snowden sp I. A Coma a , Chesttr. ja Otamrh. Onto it WEbwklstt, ~, J P IBMWedson,panit Ist's. A • Coleman, 1 t do,. N 0.15, Bt. Wish atton, Jos we, Cioo loapA J *mum, Ohio I Tbompiaa, fro:alto W TourataleiWilb.' Wlisalogam ;Tarim co • . ws!er . Rrodatton.. ti A Otittlt4dy W'At Blak hll.lll, 101epollutti IlsplaehtittO Mtn Rldtstsb Mr ArtdM : ,111 cbmmERGL4Lid - doliD. prrrseußGH (Reportid arßanir . aly for Ida 1 intadors4 &maga.) Pnernacann,Parcanar,Septecobte 4017 E—The demand for Marva* it UiW tattier, white prima although a snide firmer, chalked Salo of 100 bbls at SI,EOOS,CCV 41 do 4 $ 145 Ai: Matra, and $5 for lamffy;llo do dci at s4co@ 1,0 10 do do at $1,40 for Rztra,ind $1,7545 Bl 6 COtalit3—Thsre la a Mist beitunta delig to G-cieties, with a Mill further advisee tO prffalanpi fa very Dm; and holden are asking treat 9 50 IBMS& ot 8 ishis et 9.14ce E. do do at 94r, 4 do do at 10; lido do 9.lo,loc—the tatter figure for chops' Ittalimas ster4, with a gool demand at from 45 to 4041 ale of 9 bth at 4.541485; 9do do at 45r,- 15 4o do at 4; 4&o. mad k 0 do do, to couutt7, at 603. Rodeo la fall roqust ta)tli steel sales at tram 10 to 103.i0. DLOClN—tontlncee veq doll and depressed, otthato elesialai charge la peke; sale of 0 000ths Shoulders at 5ff,0•1,000 do Plato Rams at Be. - liitatllitati dull and lower; sale trout Ant belie of 21.5bush'ali Corti split; sale trial atm - of 100 Nadi nailed it 40a.. WtttudWe icould lava orno andoots44Mily omit tlisitattods. Alitilitt ;118131!B=Sals ot 19 tbla Applea at VA 40 d i b. l4 SlACtilliA; 33 do do at 113,2302,63; ld do do at.t. VW*: sod 7 bamkirorlier 83 11 boa.. .3 :VC tD743* cc 'tat of 12 tons &torts at 86a on t, inea6 alpstuffs ma 663.. , -11.35 0101—doll; sae at 6 bbd prime at $14,541 11 . FrAY—aachan gent rale from taloa o(19 lasts at $1 €41014 ton. 9,11111/Y—dreTh mils of t t/As CoOrmioa ' S — at lie pot . D 4 4.11,D LLP?LIIB. —f 010 oT bnihseepe 160 per bast.' 'CilllZSZ—Ealo ef .10 Lie Cream theme at Yotl ID. 11.1D2,--tabe of 25 bona rag - di Vito. thylLa two lots, at g 2. , stionarzatur AND ll t tolol Gilltn CLonortn ?damn, Sept. DA-ZZICI:N4The Ann. . froth daw•lirk Doing and tavezablA mutton& to et df..nt that:market; WI the lower gnidea ealticta hhAtmr• The lialAs cocapran 1,100 - bbta tkikleClor anortlne, $1.,10 . 64.55 tor Antra, and.dt,&444l:llor W tir Amity: A blika—A far demand awl pies Mo hlghar. saln edo bbl a 1:3111)13%o ante, the Bihar rata tr tramdo. DT/Aslant —Throats no change In the market as ic., duds ttemand crystal.. Then le • moderate Levin tor balk thantderr and Silo 4 otltred for thata,to balk, and 4:;i: packed. 'Bn.k dbiss'enln damsel at . 1 £5 , 14, but bent it Sc. %eon talr at 4)4 tyg: and 45 1 )i0i. ha torts, Little demand. .No Ingtdry for khan Pack-or dFocarlea—xo,. markt' 'ls astir: mai of 1/0 hRL Swat at 94e00-jic for lair to goat fatr, 400 bap Lb Coo* at 16%0, sod 1121 bbl. Aaiun*, Inclattlag 103 bbli at 43 aact the 'Realm:39r at ak, Codes Ina It tataatter rat. ' • - CH1C.1.0.1 Italian, Sept. 19 —llan dm. 91144.4 020 bigber. bans of No lat 714793, and No 9at In COW , to store. Dom iis 'higher: Wet at =J . for neva !attar*. Iteesipte—TOGO UW*116114=1.003 bit wheat; 77.0t0 bu torn. Bhiputenta.-11100 tWs pli, 2141Z00 hash whet t,ltaXo bush earn. ' -•--- ' • - yrnos...,The market eoutlainin Was and on this!. ;ranee, with further. Was of common sad .medium gangly it 40()43r; io.day sales are resorted at highs, thitlret,ibi saran d fur egxeding the supply. gins .11 T ego Is nuns Inquired for and ranges at ad•na la lii: 1 ta4 terApte are tat the faunas*, but the city. It, now usWily out of first banda—Phila. N. Amer. 7 ;94L—The tiniest is actin. and Arm.alled estria a i m. ara4oo.oOD ms Dal:lento Fleece at tOellt Ds P at iillft tans ta,040 flit Paned (oo gra at Wu, and Iwps Malta at 25a —ill. IL Tonic • , - ... '::: Imports by flawilt.,' ; IVIISELTI2G—per, 211nelve-17 rolls . bather, 120 bbb Boar, 18 hbda tcAtcco, bbla • flaisted. 9-do bob wax, 12 aka wool, 18 do gluing. Works cicl %VA corn. A J Elcgan; 108 oil bOli, Eitibbhsion 8 co; 1605 hoop poles, .3 A relnery IS ht.'s a:plasi V ,Oe'ecK 87 bits wheat, 1/ Wallace; 11111 a acpbeall do 'pairs, Jobck clerbert.;o alaoats, Job. Know ,8. Ma cue. 2 coops chick:us, J',.hn Holler; Lot walnut luso . bar; 0 It Mapper. ' • . 0190127fletl—per Westmoreland-1019 ski vilest . Maike t ,o; 12 Dbl. whisky, 12 bdle carpal endlinab llui,J2 It daub; 127 ski wheat, 3b T Ilanactly i brig 103, ebbs It - 011 us.,John IEO6IO a.OO. . LOUll—per Arisoul•-1264 oh s wheat; 12111b/b tobbcco.lB2l 111. floor, Clarks t oz 121 io do, Colia hhipsrd; 100 thin *tasty. 0 Ille,lictiat co, 21 eke ha sic., T 11 der;. t ch, 126 blob tl.bir,Oapt • 11111.0 Imports lay Usalroid. Erersonoa & Clatitaaa BAD. Boak—LatyL 19 aa hula apple., Beek A Laraiar, 10 Ms' copper, Parks Illellanly a 04 231 bra cheese, J B Cantata • ad: 1 by wlWat,llaza Dian 4 bale tallow, CI N 11/53:042,1111des ayes. 1 do apples, 0 alp A libepord; 180 pail stow ptte, 40 ;Ms theme, B H Calltam 00 as lirlaesteamstas • /also: W bbl. apples, J D Dram 114 to do, J. Or.. Met; 20 do do, L II Volga A an =lda Wont, 1 2, Noble* ea; 1 bbl. apples, 1 do era, jam IterbalW' 6 rota leather. B A' kaamstsca & erg .9A &a broomo, 1,245 3142 5, ./. ___, __,,,- _ _• • ii i i. PrITILIIMOL It WAT2I3 Dercaillo , Ba ir.lsolP.O. Sept. 2L-63 empty NON Bellots It cat il ski wool, 8 Barbaagb; 19 bra rat:Aria , W J Sptaao; 13 hilbbli, .1 .11. Henigillw; SIS 0.2 wheat. J 0 • Anderalm; 1 Plane. H lileiber;'l6.l Odle paper, Partdar, mania It tas 12 empty bbli.J./ BOW 8 obb float, Baml Undo, t 2 0 5 batter, &Ismael. A Lam 2 5515 .11.8t5 Brown a 1101tpattlok, 6 CO. Mats, It To wmurao & re, 2 bbta ,rase, I booms a ect 2 Om wine, Moamar ir Kam 4 ¢dts tailor, 0 V Hollatott4 lot adl s P Bcolitig A Valou t 0 r; 011 abeam, P Pm:warder; 120 bbl . , D W411ac45 1 hha scrap Iron, loos 41 Lanai. - . . .• - AINSW S. river was ebentaWAunary with feel 10 inches yithe pter mot. The weather was cloudy, cool 'slid nthettied, with indications of more Wise presenned quite a bastiumalike appearance - en Yalr.rday, the shipments being moderate while the etelpte ware heavy—..—.. The arrivals were she John T.llimionale from Wbaelleg. Castings and Wetmore. land from Chadenati. and Arises from EL Lou..i 11(e &parttime were the 0 Muni for Cincinnati. Jet= ?steal sad t flaw Munn tor Zwieriville,itottet Air Pertimor.th, Unable for Gallipcilts, Argonaut and W. f. liferilay for et. Louis.......—Tne Mot la Grahams from Zicseellie, own Sallie flat from Portsmouth were sine. twit night end will doubtless be Azad at the wheel .bls morning. The former retsina toenamme ad{ p. 'rap end the latter en Weineedwy at 10 a. Ai will be seen by earl, the Ane steamer Eisstinel,. errr Capt. lloblawa, ls ar.nounred for Otacbanati sad. L.:laird& on Wribtralay—..The Wheelbig falter ,e' fos today is the popular steamer John T. Ilicaosett, wept ti. W. &Instals. , PLarkesta by Tedegraphe " ilmouriraia• Pept 21—Noon—Ploar iltaa et PS rat armed:Me. Thera Is bras Wheat cacaos Was 47 80130 buck red at $1 Ism 20. Corn In demand. mcd haa advaroxd 1o; sales 4,000. bashyellow . 654458.._ W,blsky tlrm; sales 200 bbl, at 18,5019. Ytrw Pena. Pepe. 1-Soon.—}soar Arm, 'with an dramus or te€l23o Da Ittatte sale, of 11,600 War at' G 8 O bad !o ath a r. c . , W % ad a o nc e O d h 1 2 0 6 . s3a4d a s It e ko2 erioltoM .IEIIOO,OOO bash at 41 18 for Clamia 41 85431 45 for whit. Kentucky, and4l 2.5441rit. rfd western. Corn firm: sales 00,000 bash at 6401. Lird firm at 80. Wbbky Is steady at Prawooaes Arm. Itecelpb—Floar, 2,872 bbl,; Wheat, 142,983 bath; tars, 2:,602 bash. . • ilitrY TOLg. Eopt. 21—EvenIng.--Ootton stastlyll2:-. natesagod prima. Maar *drooped, and.tho cublYS. , c4cited; pried; 243.3310 higher, Puts 45 1454 214 Obb $t 7 1 4 5 nt/tem $5 toga sa vrtear, tabs 222 - WO bush at an da sduancs of 15224Chkagoaprin8 61 0 E' - oat la; Illiwankwe club 41 090118; red 41 saga a% whit. 41 3%51 41. - tarn beery; a5ka213,403 bash so - 530.58 for mined. Pork buoyant at $l4 5:1$114 G - LW memo. A Emolument contract Tor 9,000 barrels; Was awarded at $l4 58®14 75. Bacon Arm sad salve:. Woe et 1.030,000 is Lades co the governable; bolo. dla smoked mb tei lse 91403 r., caw char 100. Salm FOR CINCINNATI & LOU-a DTVILLI2.—The eplrnal postwar akomer LEIZONIL, (Apt. I. B. Conirsit, kw the above wad W Interaudisto pa rtiota DAY 24th hitt, at 4 cracck p raft:weal= plinaronviy ou bcatr4, cr ; ae , 3 • • . D. H. /4WD. JILL OS VINIANNATI ANDl d ar s it , LOUISPILLIL—The One Pliletlfr steamer IIAhTINGS. Capt. Beablson via leers zur. the abed all lateramdfate - pods en WlDKeti.:i BAY, Ssth lost .For frefaha or passage apply bp bbera or to eeti 5. s.laviNaarrox at OM. Attibt. 11101VZ GULAR • WBEILLIair I -t PA2IIII . NOR GALISPOLTE ABB 14/WEBBOUTEL—The steamer ROOKIT, Oafs. leau for the abosa and all Lotersasetste Ittdaapi IFVItBIE. SATOBDAY, at 10 realms, Yes [rash: or passage appiyea board or as ft.% J. B. LIIrISGSTOB Y 00, SPaSs." DITTBBURGH "AND ClAlr a gai r ii LIPOLIBPAORIT—fts am an psoserste asstrisr US ClNl,espt. Jan WOOGDGen. will Icsvollttintres for Oslttpaite 119111reNte8. OAS st 4p. Astarsisi, bans eittippita TUMID/a at s. m. Yx kstabt sr Panne 4917 cn eoea or to: ' J. LttriltraSTON r 01:4 less& , . it.S43l.lteAR - WEBILI - :ZA2(2139111.11 PACKET,. and optstuttA plumps. 11111126eC_.: Ggaritig.Capr: *yen, tram Platbsuatt far SUMO r e,., ovary SUlliDa r. st 4 o'oloblt. Pittlitlappe . !al . !! Zoterrills tor Pittsburgh arty) TAIDATut 16 ~,, p er (mitt or palings apply ots loud or to J. O. LIVIEGAIVE *CO Agents, Pittsburgh.: I Ef.B.Ptglitil CO:, Assiuts, *somas gulf IstEUITLAW .W.l.lE&LlNtihiadi Pecuniv,ne Ow steamer kV aVA,Cegiato Jahn' flagon, kayos. waeouta -... Intelorftts, pat:. 'eery TUYISPAY. ~ la t : sad SgTollgual", sag,. ealoaltda• IL L Inking - -'. c Dec cow:maim vittt the regular 1714110 be IWO - . ' 11211 awl ClecliarmaL • Ramming, luneg llimple,— lag awry MONDAY, WilDlligilAT gal iranumaif ' week,* ... m passavr. Tampa a ai gam., 4 suall. ler frelgat or panap c ltly ca . , a, . 12,8 00EttlE8 AND 81110 PD— • ' kji 41 bt4a. Belthacce aU. amp; 17 do . . Golden do . • • ":"." 03 do Petnitylvenia do ebbdi; • do • d, 114 ablv,ll.o.llelateel,. . : • • :7 , 97111ni0. do- do , I.bblo Iltandard Orinaid • Ala Ingo fait viedpelnis Rai CAW, r.r A by 1 Be. 11011•19211. (.10th N 0.809 Xdbeety mind; .113'W$1,111,BY WYNN, that; A la the Catt anelia UPC% tat, Noir. 13.111? NASD , ' GGGGeeee/Meal - Ilaot'o,,pllo of, leis; 81.ath.vard, altg. of Pltesbotar. sor the goading, gating and vetting drUto intliatens;d7roilotd dlnadte 20 t 0 . it' i 71.00. and It ildirobta at lb* City Treseaftesatook . 10.119 fourth street. . t4a1.0 gIOHLig, le2l.onY illetardlal InagrdiArin, . EMS