Vittsbitrot 11; ti 6. 111 - D6LB t< CO.. IjIDITOI• aw O PIOPSINTow , Piebkoadow OBiw, IMIA arid, on. awitkileid. *ming andlt te minig Irdttlosta Onwards:l,g tag at !Sawa op to Lbw brow ofpublleadow. no= "koala" gand*-to per imam au looms, or Lk. porr waektross zi = :Ikongsg per =MR In advance, or Oa. pew weak from esrders. -dgedly Ectidowd,diulgY t 0 plO AS per swoon Ste or mon, $l 2l, tow* upwards, $1 per mom, la. "deals adrancw.' I ISFADVIETII3IIN9 AT 111ABONATILI BATAS._ liarZ/731313.11.13 , 23. SATURDAY . M . s RNING, SEPT. 21. 1861 . . . t Republican County Executive Com , ;'; . ' - I entttoe. i l 1 The members i r of the Republican Execu tive Ommolttee of Aftegheny County vlll meetet the ( lion Ofece of TEIOITAB P. WILSON, N 0.144 Taw* , . letheet,Plttabargh, eh SATURDAY, September MR; 1 00 /,'at 10 dokoh, 4 M. Po:lotus' attendance le re quested . 'l2ot= 1. BRAVO, Chairmen. The Effect of oillatora. , Tickets upon the LaNglstaihare. 7 We ask our friends, for • few moments, to look calmly iat the effect which the i.Union" movement is likely to have upon ihe political aspect of the Legislature. Oar trienda have, hit nominating their tickets, - conceded to Doilloorats one member of the • " gnu's. to Obes4, one in Lancaster, one in Schuylkill, one. lin Laverne, one in Adulate, One in /forthustbetiand, one in Franklin, : - 'Bite in Einntin*don, one in Je,gerson, and l one in Dauphin i and two are claimed lo Hole county. The ones we have here noted Will be ohosenj beyond a doubt ; let use 'admit, for the; argument's sake, (bat the two claimed firm this county will also be laborten. Then took at the effect upon the ;House, the prObable result in the other !omit:ales being taken Into iambi : ; Dill?. Ur. era. Adams... ..... ....4. I `,Allegheny.... 3 2 "Armstrong and Wee moreland. - 3 '.. oftener 'Beaver and Lawrence ... - . -.... ....... - 2 - - 3 '.lnticits - 2 ..„. .... ...- ..... ...- .... ........... t' - Bradford ' 2 - ' Clarion. I - I `Clearfield, Jennison, arc I I !Cumberland and Perry - 2 `Cheater •2. I 'Columbia and Montour.- - 2 t Crawford and Warren /- Cambria - I Centre l - I t Clinton and Lynoming_. I I 1 l Delaware _ I - k Dauphin . ' 1 1 i. ' Brie --I- - _...-- ...... 2 - Fayette...- - ' - I Franklin and Vinton I 1 1 ; Greene L. I Huntingdon ..... .. .........--- ........... - 1 ‘,. ] Indians- ' I - Juniata and Union_ Lancaster.-.....i 3 I I; ! Lebanon . ..4 . . I - Lit:erne ' v 2 I Lehigh and Ceibon- " - Mercer and yentango ...... . ..... -........ 2 - Montgomery ...L.:. - : Mate - ' f l:-..-. . .. I - Monroe and Pike-- Northamberlanti - 'f Northampton ..; , Philadelphia..„' 5 I Potter and Tioga. . , 2 Suscuebinna ' - I - Somerset and ; Bedf ord .;,, Schuylkill ' I 2 ! Washington .... . I , l Wayne - . f Yo'rk J _ 45 55 , , There are two or three districts in this , lietWhlob are ;doubtful. These are Centre, ' ': Fayette, ono in Backe, and one in Washing- • l l ion. Bat give all these to the Republicans, F and it giveslitem but 49 to 51 Democrats. ,l" It will that be seen that what has been conceded to the Democrats by the liberality of the Republicans throughout the State has already jeopa'idized the House, while the concession of two members from this county • t would render, it certain against us. We '.. will not stop. ,to consider whet the effect of ouch a restililwould be upon the legislation ' = of the State, but look at the probable et . , s . feot abroad, and particularly at the South. Would it notbe hailed there as an evidence of resotion 7 oe a clear indication of that . change in pahlio sentiment they have been to -longing and looking fort Let Repubt• ' ;I cans think upon it, - 1 ; The DC#lO , l3lll•Cy of Slew York. The Deixiocratio party of New York` re fused, as. our readers well know, to unite with the RePubliewas in framing a joint /Rite ticketried pot forward a straight Demoaratio t eke. upon a platform one-half of which expresses a halting sympathy with the GovernMant, the other half being open ly on the side of treason. The platform upon which 'it is fighting Rebottle is thus briefly summed top : First, That the Democratic party alone-is capable of prosecuting a pratmestgul war or scouring a satisfactory peace. Second, That it is utterly impossible to subdue the Booth by military force. TAird, That peaos can he attained only by making concessions. Fourth, That thire is no possible eanceesion which ought!itairo be Made rather than allow a separation, - The first and most essential flank in this platforni is the same u that adopted by the Democracy in Philadelphia, showing that but one aim actuates the party in both Mates. The other planks" follow as a mat ter of course. It-was but proper and in harmony with lie other action that the con vention which adopted this platform neg lected or *Red to hoist the National Flag over the hail in which it met. It wu also is keeping With it that the DemocratieCon vention in , Broome county, which elected delegates this .Convention, voted down the followleg resolution-32 to 13: Resolved,' That the Democracy of the wall of ;;Broome are now, SO they Over hove been4ln favor of the prtservation of the Union! and the Constitution, and the enforcement of the laws throughout the Whole Unltin. KEN TOCII A prominent and-well informed citizen of loulwrille .j i writes to a friend In this city, under date of Sept. 17: "We:have, for the hut few days, no small habitations of alarm among the tool - tors,eePeclially the wealthy and prominent ' leaders.'! They are frightened beyond a doubt,-bui, at what I am unable to lay. "The legislature wilt pane oontinittron and ellell:MWD.againet all who have left, or may hereafter leave, the State - to fight against the State or theiTnited States. This r- laW Will, Moot, probably, be very severe on wileuelt. lany are disposing of the , EM any Forty of Ihemselvea and friends—eovering up, onlyt.and hurrying off. The families of offiterelagtothers in the Southern army tra escaping South. ' • —* * * * * "Do notbellivie any of the reports about - the U nion men being divided at our State . Capital. They area unit. I know what 1 tell you. The only trouble is to hold beak the fraprtident and fiery neat! the lime to aot Inctlatooo arrives." >ti H. t~ ti ~X `f` .S~-S ~:j~( s 'c. ~,n :h ~ l Fl~~ y 7 stf+L.'--n~l?~: _ ..~. ~. TA, Pops= Nattext u t kezr a t . Matto g One day this week en aged colored woman, who in early life was • slave in Virginia, sod who has been a 'errant in one of our most respectable families for many years, oalled at one of our banking houses with 150 dollars in silver come, some of which were old Spanish dollars, sod none bore • later date than 1853. This sum was the aoonmu lated saving of more than thirty years. After exchanging her silver for_ gold, she called on Mr. Hanna and took $l5O in gor e/nem:a 7 80 stook. What motivxprompted this act, and brought out that little treasure? Was it patriotism ? Doubtless it was, but • patriotism mingled with elements with which the white man does not share. Faith and hope In the eifraochlsement of her own people unlocked that jealous clutch, and inspired the confidence that enabled her to part-with all her living. Is not Ethiopia' stretching forth her hand ? Large seams have been thrown into the national treasury in this oily ; but, rightly viewed, is not this the largest subscription that tuts been made ? Are there no more snob accumulations ? It there are, by all means let them be brought out. Nothing can is strengthen this Government as such transactions, and ha investment can be more safe. How im measurably better le It that the Government creditors should be its own people, rather than immense corporations, either in our own great seabordmities or in Europe. The half-yearly payments of interest will diffuse wealth throughout every part of the coun try, and the large debt that must evidently be created, Instead of being a natural burden, will tend to equalize money and exchanges, and thus maintain a more healthy state of things than would prevail without it. Give us a National debt of five hundred millions, the interest upon which shall be scattered among all classes of oar own people, and • condition of steady prosperity will ensue be yond any thing that has yet been experi enced. It will sot like a great balance wheel in the social business machinery of the Nation, and prevent the recurrence of those disastrous irregularities from which this country has suffered so severely. National pride and individual and eooial interest all combine in favor of making this great patriotic loan a home affair. Let the American people show to the world that thdy are able to sustain their government in all it needs—in men, food, arms sod money. To be begging loans in Europe just now would be a thcfession of weakness that we cannot afford to make ; but, happily, we are not required to make it. The rapidity with "which the money is flowing into the National Treasury in almost every oily in the loyal States is a guarantee that the people are re solved to sustain their government, and are very confident that they can do it. And when peace and prosperity shall be restored, we shall, It is certain, have a heavy Na tional debt ; but it will be our own, and its effect will be to promote rather than retard prosperity, as before intimated, and it will • °bilge the government to adopt and adhere to a wise system of imposts, the effect of which will be to develops every element of wealth, and give full scope to industry of all kinds. Tea DIMOORACY or Vaamorcr.—The Dem °antics State Committee of Vermont, prior to the reoeill election, leaned an address to the party, the burden of which may be gueeCed by the following extract : ••We see no ramie to the times for leg oar political principles or organisation. if those principles prevailed in the Government we ehould now be a united, prosperous and happy People " The advent to power, for the twat time in the history of this Government, or a sectioned Administration took place amidst rebellion and revolution. Its Chief came into power sur rounded by the burnished musket and glittering bayonet. Democrats of Vermont, while you do not act to give countenance or aid to that rebellion or revolution, and while you do your whole duty to preserve and maintain the Con sthution and laws in the whole country, give no political aid to that party which only came into power through the threatened destruction of the Government and country. save no al liance, there no responsibility with It. You are, and always have been, eineerely devoted to the preservation of the Union and the Constitution. Uphold the Government to that end so long as it Is the legal Government of the country, But while thecotiettry thus 6 placed by yon above and beyond ell party, ask God, in Ills info its mercy, if thatcountry can be preserved.through this Administration, to save us and the country the infliction . of another professing,the political principles now in power." An Interesting Work Meson. Ticknor A Fields will issue, in time for the holiday Bales, a beautifully gotten-up work, entitled "Elegant bonnets," being selec tions from the beet poets of Italy, England and America, with an essay on the Sonnet, notes for the benefit of students, and a preface by the at. Set. Alonzo Potter, D. D., LL. D. The gentleman jot named is widely known, bat we wish to give a few eatralls from letters, and other notices, respecting the junior editor, Mr. S. Adana Lee. George Bancroft, the Historian, speak' thus complimentary of Mr. Lea : "I have read with much pleasure the specimen sheets of your pro posed book—Elegant Sonnets—and have no hesitation in saying that it will prove a valua ble addition to any library. You have evinced taste and discrimination to the preparation of your ptutof the work, as well as great research. I shall be pleased to do all I can to circulate the book and extend its usefulness when pub lished. Your long and severe suffering give you claims on the sympathies of all who have any knowledge of your state, and should in . all reason incline them to do you service am op portunity sod ability may permit) but to the publication of • work of such value, you bid I lair to become the dispenser, rather than the recipient, of favors. You have my beet wishes for your euecess." Benjamin Hale, LL. D., President of Geneva College, writes thus in the Albany Evening Journal: "The plan of Mr. -Lee', work seems well conceived, and I cannot but think it will be sacoessful. A selection from -the Sonnets of Italian, English and American poets can hardly fall to prove aeoeptible to the reading public. AU must admire the energy which has led this youthful sufferer to undertake such a work In a elek room. lie has shown a spirit ; worthy of his 'ancestry, and I earnestly- hope', his labors will meet the reward which they sof richly deserve." Dr. Dyer, editor of the Episcopal Quarter/y; Eeiriew, In noticing Mr. Leas edition of Leign Runes poems, thus alludes to the peculiar cir aumsteneee la which Mr. Lee is situated:: "Though I young man, many of his years have been spent in a sick room, being *fit Wald with a.' comUlloation of painful and incurable ilberwee 1 Bat though his sufferinge are often inteese, they are borne With tbo resignation of a Chrisiiria and the spirit of a man. It Is under these poi caller and—untoward eircuaistaneee that Mr; Lee's able and instructive articles are prii pared," Bishop Potter speak* thus kindly of Mr. Lea l , In the preface which be has written for the boob of Sonnets : "Several years sisal, when on an official tondo a distant part of Pennsylvania, I was requested to sdminister confirmation, id private, to a sick youth. I found him suffering from a palish:li and wasting disease. Ile hail long been confined to his chamber, and for ' much of the time to his bed. The vows which had been made at baptism, by his honored pa:- pntei in, his name, be desired now, in all hamllity,.to renew. Ills subsequent life ha' not done discredit to this solemn sot. But for ide love of letters, and hie daily communion with a Wisdom higher than the wisdom id thin World, his life be one of singular prisar tion: Cheered, however, braise resources, hi is reigned and hippy. • • o • This Volume la one of the fruits Of hie long lionlialL ~., ment; In•pfrad .with ► generous esibltion to do something not unworthy of the name be bean and not beneath the favorable notice of his cotempontrk ih . hs has labored on from year to year --under eaten incredible discourage manta. • • a • May the talented and labdrious collector not be forgotten. May the thoughts of those wbo• profit by his twittery toils sometimes fly away to his chamber; and - May an undertaking so full of promise meet the oordlal approval of all good men, and be crowned with a success that will gladden the heart of the youthful sufferer by whom It was acbkived." fettlttarg ilotitto , ---- ---------- - - - U. 9. Army.- MEN WANTED ESIBIEDIATELYI /OS 13/XTLI RiCILIHINT U. 13. ()AVALON RIII3IILIII 31110101/. TERMS or BERMS ONL THREE YEARS. If enjoining this Eagle:nett will be 1:INIFOIMED M soon ns enlisted. The highest pay per month in the service. ors. and Equipments, Clothing, linhaletcnoe, Quaitery, Taal and Medical attendance (tee of charge. SIOO.,BOUNT Y 1 4.dvanoement open to all For farther particulars apply at the Recruiting Office, NATIONAL ROTE, Witter smut, roar Smith• Pittsburgh, Pa. HENRY B. HAVE, Captain, ELttla Regiment U.S. Cavalry, kteerniting Mar omoa or OolitWirraz or Hone Derateha, Plitatturgh. dept. 17th. 1801. I I'rNOTICE —ln pursuance of dire°. •.. , or alone from the War Department at Washing ton. the oineess of Herne Chard Campania* of the coolly of Allegheny who are in pteweselon of United Btatee BIFLES end PLOT LULA hIOIIKETB, are reonteted to produce the same et the OILY CALL YOBTII WITH for Wl:action by the proper authori ty. An °Mena the United BMW • will be here tots. amine end report upon their number. hied and con dition. By order of the Committee P. U. BRANNON, Chairmen. Janu Peal, Jr., ilta.'y pro tem. ettlo.ll 'public Otittg• . tart. or 701 PRTanOl.OllOl. 00e Peaty, 21et &platelrer, Pdt. aZpli LECTION.—The ttockbolders of "The Pittanursh Gas Oompan7 . •re hereby notified that wt Blectlon for Three Trotted» of odd Oda:wally, to for the term of three pm., will be held at the office ol the Compy, on MONDAY, the TiNday of October, IMI, betaa an an the hours of 2 and 6 o'clock. P.M. eedikterd JAM LS Id. OfIRISTY, Tremors, WA ceaD.-1 am about leaving the city to attend Co annul duties, and have vant tarred all my unfinished business to Thorns, Swing s•d J. T. Howard. Rine., .ho Mae (aimed • partnership for the practice of late, and win give the badness promphand tallith:it attention. Mr. Ling is an able and nomad al lawyer, and my son, J T. Howard, in sconainted with my cmm and practicer, and 1 reepecttnity cimmeod both to the conddeace of my client. and friends, sod the nubile J. T. Howard found for the preunt at m 7 Old oni ~ on Fourth etrect, to give attention to bred. neiw. He Is also my agent and attune, to fect, to at De m? secant:de, nod other boshiss useiters. oeio•ltd awf TUOII•8 HOWARD. Mu ten /LULA net.* CbSPeAT, t Sept, mbar 6t6. 186 L J gsTIIE President and Managers of the Company for erecting • bridge over the Sligiogatiela rimy, to prairie Pltubargb, t 6 tha °ono. tied' Allegheny. have this day declared a divi,od of two per eerie. Os the , upital et 08, which sill tia paid to tne stockholder.. r their legal repreeeatativea. Settle Flardelog none• or N. llolmee s cool, on acid &rho . toe OSLO lost. N elefl.2* Titeenter. ift :to nebettlOnntittg. . .. CAPTAINS LIEUTENANTS, ~ POSIALIZiti Cottik••t. THFC WA-Rs 11(4 old do we.l soon and gal Walt Posts. and Hand. Lill. of Ws S. HAVEN, No. 84 Third street, • Who Is scaparcd to print small or IsrKe, aceording to the des/scan. P.A.1•701C 09/...0 RB, To attract' AT T NT4O N. ants LIATS ANL , (jAPS.— Pit...LL. STY LDS ra 000ILD & 00•'s, In WOOD STREIT, PliTelliUDOU Bare no► on haul a rery large ant complete stock Cl the Wert elylee of 11A18 AND . CAPS, Both for the city aud country tree, whirl, they eall et eery low prices. ' Apr Orders promptly filled. .0 DO YOUR OWN PRINTINO COUBI '8 131.13iNia NUNTING OF/106 Designed fur Small Printers, Stationers, Dreg.lid., Northants, Grocers, Bankers, Amami, e, the army sad bevy. Sc. The PrOINS we offer for ale are of • New Pattern: are the timpleat sad strongest and bait road, of any cheap Pima. ever inns teal, and or tiny lees spot; can be operated by any one, whether Printer cr not, and are sold at priced hitherto canard of, that Is to ny at none ONN•riNTLI the pries of .ob Prem. now in sea The Onions (upon which the Preeee stand,) are composed of small Oases, neat, ,T and strongly pat !meths', and for competener and .nrenlence have never been equalled. OAI aid as. inane, or and for circulars. gleivg sista OOLDY • co. prices in. 0, No. 1 Sprain Beres; b. T. TNTY-FIFTII LIbT OF. AP WPLBTO &MIMS for selling Liquors, died in ths 0 lark's 0111 me op to September 00th, 1861: .Aiglor A., other goods, Bd ward, •Ibutheny, Beinstine Ororga, user°, Pb.!., townth , p. Oodles Joseph, do le• ward, %Menorah. °amidst Pater, du Charthrs township. -Plower Georg., other goods!, 711 m; arateceville Bough El 11, do Elisabeth township. Barger John, do Bd weird, Pittsburgh. Bahia:tau 11 a Co, do 6th do do kloran Jsmes, ..... n, let do do Parry Oliver, eating hones, 21 do do Weasel Adolph, do 4th do Allegheny. Weil:Mardi. Wm, do nth do Pittsburgh. Ward William, tavern, Mono sgahale. Gang Casper, luting house, Bd ward, Mute:ugh. Bachter Lewis do gel do do 43erdner Thomas, tavern. 4th ward, Pittetturgh The Board of LICIKIODT• will meet (r the lot tite• on MUSIIAY, September 10th, 11161. sao Attest: W. A. te CHIRON, Clerk. ____-- SALE OF FORFEITED STUCK. The following block In the [Moot. Illnlng-Cdmpee ny, forfeited for nob payment of ow .111•01 al 60 rte. per share, payable o. the let of Jai) , lea, will be a:ld at Pnbllo •nclion, by J. O. DAVIS & CO, tbelr Auction itoolaa,on Ilfth !street, lo lb. City of Pttue burgh, P., uu It NUAY, th. 21st day ol October 1601, at 10 o'clock, .. wt., inm 100 aborts Ter awnted by cortlfimi• No 0.2 &A do do ,co do do 611 1.64 do do do do do 61./ ICO do do do do no 111 24.00 do do do do do b 6 200 do standing 100 me of Noe, c r, Vila 1 CI No cart Orate Lamed By bra. r of the floar4 of Dlr.lora. J nit 4111 It. COOPRII, Prey & Tress. lateomh alllologOo VA BUN OIL. MN BARRILB REFINED CARBON OIL, Of tt a on ry beat quality, itecolvtd and for liale by 011ADWf OR • SON, no 2tl Wood &Goat • ri sr Ars or LEOPOLD ULOUltb IS a; DiasaisNo.—Les. bf Adminiatration on the Wats of Leopold Olookner, tat •of the city of Pitta burgh, doors; barb boon grill:110 I to the subscriber, to whom all persons bwring cisinnior Comsoilsagalost said °slot* are requtouid to mak, known lb. same eight ut dela!, and Mee indebted thereto to tiMAPIEsi• mediate payment WM. P. 11•Uin, eat:6lArY At N 0.20 Eit Clalt it Pittsburgh. STRAYED.—Came to the premi es a the atibeerliier, In Allegheny tlity, Ppring Gerd.e. TWO LlOltnig, ono a light sorrel rtnlo a •blte star lb front, and lb. other a dark sorra; tioth wlth,nt .hose. One Is four gears old and the other stunt Pi Tbk owner will COMO forward, pro's property, goy ONOr4N and take them Pray or thi •Itt be sold sown - ding to taw. sel/A.341 015 Bluetit% Ntale/L.—The Warehouee lately °coo pied br a. bmiugt Irmo &mould top d no. Ve !gm...mond to No. 1183 LIBERTY STREET, • DV d•ors Wlow our-former im.tirm. We • • omr remittal, • oboic• lot of BACON BEOULDICIIA. SIDRA mod RAM drum from lb. Simko Loose, oaf 'holt be pleated to IWO I' or rn tOg Man. ..201f WEL. B. HATA A 00.. 11401(0111' SPLIT BRUOMS--Just reaslvAd • freo4 supply of Shaun mule *Ws detabbing Broome; aso, NIL 1 and 2 Oarritt Brooms ear seta •7 Ms down *lst Mall, at lb, him. Ily aroaul Moro of .101111 A. AMNIA% Nil Comer Weer, end Had street& u_.. x .m,.:.~ ...~.~. ~r~_ ~..„,...~,,~+ iitln ,bertistinsiffig. FA LL 8 ,oOK NEW FALL GOODS J. W. BIAKER & CO.'S 59 MARKET STREIT, NOW 18 THE TIME TO HUT Li the Prices are going up. WE RAVI' A LARGE SPOOR OP NEW SILKS, n Fancy, Si3lf•Colored and. Black, AT FROM 50b TO $l,OO PER YAPD These are the most desirable goods fur the money offered this season, and must be seen to be appreciated. CLOAKSI AN D DUSTERS, Our own make, from. the most carefully selected Par* styles and maturials, and are determined in this department espec ially to maintain our reputation for taste and elegance,,combined with cheapness, and confidently invite the ladies to exam ine our garments as we are satisfied they will stand the test. MOMS GOODS. In this department we ate offering as usual now and choice styles and fabrics atpricee usually charged for indifferent goods. GENTS AND BOYS' WEAR. A fall maorcutails In all griles and prices. As2lasaa.2 ' A_LLEGHENY A YEN UN.—E:deolved 11 he the 2 eleit end ()Tatman Connell" of the City of Allegheny, Th t the etatement of the newer' sp. patted to dew Allegheny Arenas nod sane damages and rensflts, In Pursnenoe of the regulation of July 11, 1861, as preseritod nod read to Ornocila be spore,. ed. and amens. derailed to the City Collator for con. Arrington by court. Orin ned and enacted Into • law this bib day of Peptember, A D.41r61. ROUT. ABHWOBIII. Preeldent pro tem of /Select OonticlL Attest: D. klatenson, Oink of nig select Connell. D'W D. 111d1T11, President 01 Coutono Council. Attest. M. Mennen ts, Clerk of the Common Mandl. To ALL Cost —Tate notice that In ordann with the above resolution, 1 rave this day led the he.port of 'Wenn of Allegheny A •atte to th District Octet of this twiny for confirmation, and a 1 paean mannered may appal to aid coort within el: week■ from the date of Clog. 8. BCIIO , /311, September 190, 1811.-1440:2wd W AR PliacEs WAR PRICEb ! 'JUST RECEIVED 1100 pair. MECNIANIt) CONFRTB, olighrly domed. at 60 and 62w. worth 11,25. LOO LININ BNB at LOr., worth $1,60, 100 LININ BM at 11,00, worth $2,00 100 LININ BM at sl,'.6„worth $2,60. Ala., • lama lot 0' IitTOP mire, BONNEr 16111130 NP, 1)/1283 1111'011INI38, 110.4116 RY, CHEAP IVR:Ctall PLIU811:011111 1111 a OA LI.. CHARLES GIPNER, No. 78 Mate. Street. .010 MOIIE DIAIRABLE TITAN NEW. DRY GOODS AT J. .M. ;BURCHFIELD'S. 013 scrAnst of the MEM ON ItinIiTSDGOODI and EOM:WM OW COTTON, the goods csrried over ere MORE DESIRABLE THAN NEW. W. hose on band • full niggly of LAST SEASON and THIS /ALL, which ere on CHEAP FOR CASH, PAR MONEY. NSW GOODS IVISY PEW DATE. GROCERIES AND STROPS- • bbl.. Baltimore B 11. Byrup, IT do do Golden do SID do Palmylmola do bbd.. do do 112 obis. 12.0.11olaraes, 21 bb4a. do do 16 bbl. Btaathird Gruahad Baer, 63 taiga fair sad prime illo Wise, for tale by BCBONARIIII A LAWO, No. 803 Liberty street WASIIING MADE QUICK AND liaBY—llarrleoter Household Beep mu be mad to water hot or red, bard or molt,Wt or fresh, and answer. fur the Laundry or W 101141.0, for sae by the box or at Wail, at the family U aroorry Blots of JOHN A. KNNELAW, 0421 Oar - 11.r Liberty sod Hand street.. ('RUDE PETROLEUM-100 barrels, %,I enlf.ble for Minim receiving per Adlegbeay V eller Railroad and JAMS'DY DaLZIILL it SON, aeill No. 68 and TO Water .root. C°LI'S ItSVOLVEKS --- nit shot, j .11 slam for male ti BOWL a TBY, 236 Wood moat. 810 RI NI-Rd—Warranted, and for R.I. by • SOWN • TNTLAY. 156 Wa d ereel. OAK CULLED HAMS-12 tierces 1 ,7 Trowbrldgt. t Iseetty's 01.clanat.1 S. C Ilami, for nle ar ,SONONAK3II A LANG. 003 Ltberty street. NNW WALL PAPSKS /Olt TILE PALL TOADS nolo ors and receiving at No. 107 Mark t tlnAt. 0021. JOB R.I.OUUtIEB. WNW IatEA.P PAYSKS rust In/I- OellluglandB4nte. now nailing .0 No. 107 klarlua sunnt. lon Jug. K. 1.11101104 I.O BBLS. IIA VAN sk ORANGES jus n (mind and for oda by ARVIIER a nftirruEss. Ile 1 Nos. 174 •0d 12a Wood 140 WIS KNiViSti just received an AN fur mote. Ur MOWN k TM rLY, Mal i lad Wood E. _ CITRIC ACIV-260 the. for enlo by VARNMEITOCK 00., own Onroor of Wood sod Hoot strodda. VENNTIAN BPONtIS--largo, medi ae 12l malt, on strings. for Ws LI .21 f D. A. PA n 'mom( &IW. 11-10 casks flr sole by J. B. A. 7NIIMIVini & 00, 410 /IAIkiI;ANIVES for O le by %. 1 "al r DOWN TZTGET. 138 Wood st. 10 do 14016•0 ' do 40do Lootlooting 7 , do OIL -50 Jost rerehed "Id for .11.61 Enttfltir U. COLUMN .670 WAR. No. 1 Carbon Oil, Citt3ol.4 OLL-5 0 _bble. , ,nxtra Refined Carbon Onto age by wail) J 0•24111ILD •W. OLLEESS—/ 00 bOlOB choice W • Wu In store aud formals 14 solA J. B. 0.10 1 / 1 1114D • 00. 7::t': , 4.-,:'.:'.i . ;.?. , /Leto abtartionnenti. NE*N ATIONAL LOAN.— Purinant to 1 untrastfons hem the Eofrotaly of W. Tresoiry, a D,x k XOl be opened on MONDAY. lern 01 bEPTIBIBIII. At Odin. of THUD ADD WOOD !THEM. .• for ers,Ur lotions, alder my esspertutendence, for Treasury Notes, to be Hued uoder the sot of July 17, 1118 L Tofu notes will be bused is soma of /MY DOLL/LS.? ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUNDRED LOs LARS, ON /I THOUSAND DOLLARS, and FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS each, dated Itqls As:q.t., 1861, payable three yosn atter date to the order of gle subscriber or as directed, and burins m• tens: at ('ass tate of 7 3.13 per cent. per annum, PAY ABLE NEMI•ANNUALLY; such lotereat tel.!! el the rate of TWO DENTS FOR RAUH DAY ON EVILLY HUNDRED DOLLARS. for the coovenkoce of the bolder, with note .111 have coupon. attached express. log Use deeveral amounts of ermirennual 'merest, which ail:Tome may Is detached and preseousi for paymeotiireparately from the notes Subsoil"lions for such Treasury Notre will be. seised dutleg PIYTICRIS DAYS from the date plops.. lug the bbolt u aforesaid. No subscription for less than wirty DOLLARS, nor for any fulothul of that sum, canii be received. gubscriptiops of fifty dollar. or one litindted dollars mart be paid In lawful coin of the United States at the time of =Null:deg. Sob. scrtptionli of mire than one hundred dollar. may be paid at Aim or, II preferred, oneetenth at the time of atitscrihing and Quo-third of the whole amount on emery twentieth day thereafter until the whole shall be paid. No payment of less than fifty dollars can be acceptedi that being the smallest gum for which TlVelluri Notes can be leaned. Oertilttes will be granted I. duplicate to a about. bete for e •1310111141 to paid, the original of which the mabecriber will trammlt by mall to the /Secretary of the Trea.fory, when the Treasury Notes, aa aforesaid, will he istrue4 lb retro to mrh subscriber or his order, can7l4 Interest as • cprmatel in such certificate; bat to mean 'either. • nty :4.10t of the amortut aubecribed to paid at ttte ejt.e! , ;;;;;;e. Tremor, Notes will be lamei or ,• mode outwequently to the Itteti u ill r.1,e1;.;;; !;! the whole amount eabmrlisid b, •;.; p...r0.;;; •!tell he psii, when Tree miry Noies au] b L pa, enc.!. •n.o. On payErra of each de erred Instalment, the subscriber ohp pa3l, In addition thereto, a into equal to the lo• tmat sick net thereon front the 10th of a ugott to the date of iajment, and on final payment like totereat on the #3onot pal) on anbscriptlon, which payments of internat at 111 be reimbursed to the talent ibers In the pajmei3 of the first coupon. The 74r, **entry Notes flatted upon inch certincates by the Treitenry .111 be sent Li the enbenitiere by mall, or meld other mode ss may Le indicated by them 'then trsterott the r original certificates. The dopilosfe t rtifl...tes may be retained by them for their olio amenity. JUdHU& 13•NNA, At ached Harm.. Bert* Co., melt • • Corner of Third and Wood mreeta. N STY LES FOR TUE SEASON .1 • BY EY PIiESS DAILY.• • 44 go* .tyl• L'N BETE et 25 emu 60 des! new style 6119.81111LL11 1 4 OOLLA6BIOe each 30 dosilriew style LINEN 'OLLAEB 0100 cad> DR . BLUE and GREEN TISRUE VRILS Great 4r6altts In LINEN nAMBILIO lI nHfH GLOV4,IIO3IIIRY and tl TITS, very cheap. BONNET RIBBONS, 8008/B, BONNETS, HATE. CIIILRiLLE, CORD nod BRAID HAIR LIM •II jots LIPILYR ond SU WIL %ND WOOL 1100E4E1RM, of best make ems lowtat prim. BOST(IN TAIINe, • choice suAtmeatjnet oveu GENTS' PINT. SHIRTS, COLLARS. TOSS, SUBPF.ND. (JEN'eS' PATSNT ENAMKL6D SUIHT U LLABS, 14 . 1 - lbr c.ot. D#RSHI MN and DRAWILIO...II.Itra A largo llneof ARTICLES and NOTIONS Oral. on taid. AaddlTS , mad COUNTtIY DEALEa %applied at lowesi powlble price. RATON, MACRUM & CO, ati29 No. 17 and 19 Fifth street - AKI; OPPORTUNITY Iv ISOMEI QA-BM 33 T.T .ELT-4IM lOSEPH HORNE, •3 • Oars e r r aale at ten Tory lowed 131.ktit pricey Bolesahlaod retail Boyer., a •ory large sod well Dal Mock of ORM TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES, RIBBED WOOLEN 11081ERY, BOSON HOSIERY. UNDERSHIRTS & DRAWER. ZIPLIYII WOMPITID "ID KNITTING lIATBRILLSI of an kinds, '3ONNSTS, HATS, RIBBONS, E.OWERS, vicirwra, BILKS, FLOM'S, TAIIIATONS, BOMBAZINES. INOLISH ORATES 5 BLACK AND warm SILK LAO 7., AIM 1! A POLL LIMA OP MILLINERY GOODS; nom , !OMITS A oo aerro, SKIT BRAIDS, TAPES, COMBS, PINT, NEEDLES. and a 1 kind. of NOTIONS AND PANOY GOODS. Ttl. rouse Is especially Intended for 00UNTFLY tdit9ol3kWill and IttILLINIIIRS who 'felt the city lor the purpose of buying goods. '! . IIORNE'S TRIMMING STORE, If hIAILKST etig DITLIRILKIN's XX FLINT 0 LA:,•S ; OVAL. CARBON 011, I AMP CII.IIII.3IEYS, PATENTED IMPTE3IBEII lere, 1881 • 'll lIE BEST TRAT RAVE EVER A,, yet been offend to the public,. They Cr. the best for the following roma= h l ßecausa, being of ► an oval &Ape, the ghee. hi es where equally dietant from the dame , eo that tk. raft is stronger and mote regular. lkiTite oral shape is bettor adapted to resist the easok of sadden espartelon, so that it is impcsodble to en* them. The glam Is made largely of Lead and Pearlash, i f gds . • great degree of strength and pla s ticity. The cht n ays welch housekeeper. Can fond to be so bri •as to crack oven when not in am, an Inverts. bly_ ads of Lime Olaw hawed of the Flint Olen, of odd ones an manufactured. tt, But the greatest advantage of these Chimneys is t 1 when you have one It will hat forever and U u. housekeeper breaks one by the heat of the ' lamp, IN ar WI at the blanufactory and we will replies her red chimney by a dozen whole on. This proffer dc not Include accidents or thaw caws of breakage w , re thec.hiumey boa through Inexperience, been lc wed se closely to the tamp as to prevent its en ' lon when hutted. itneVaeturers mid oolieumers oar Ombon OIL who be felt the magnitude of the obstacle. which bes eijited In the great expense of chimneys, In the way ol the nut 1 tun of the oil. have cued a remedy In Ain Oval XX rant Olen Chimneys., which he. ma terhally knead the cor of Carbon Oil Light to those vain Woe them, and Increased the consumption of oil conkrquent upon the lesamed aspens" for ohlm:kei a. for sale by J. 0. Kirkpatrick, 0. Thum = a. Co., I ,o 4l. . t.. N ; s v b . l 4:d . e lla nz don, w ir i n/ 01 0011110.. W gn, 4d . 2 illinrray,olat the !ennoble:wry, Washington street near Penn 'Jeanie scenes. aulftte mast! VOLUNTEERS' s g .: IIITINO UASE. 111 A pest tort•ble Lech impetior to lb .*.tscolopf," cootslaing , NOTE PAPXII, BURL PENA, PgN EIOLOgg i . . il I I LEAD PENCIL;., . . !., Pcjt tp • pm, y Yo Bailors' OH; coil 711 ~ , ,I . For ••14 by E S. DAVDS, 'i s iort ~ 93 iih , od •troot. (Alb, FINN ZONE a Ott.tia EtftE LS. bbla Idocca 011. beat Lubricatiog. to arrive, • • bids &ultra's ferry,Lubricatiog, very choke., to ratios; 161 WA Reflood A No 1 Illtoutoottog, to store; 26 this BOOSOOO, tint quality, to atom A " Oolu il tod al r i e ! j t h ylos ` ! w im e "li D te' d at To l' or in tocr od o hy JAMIE' WNAVitt J a . A Ult., • ':arlthlor 31 Fifth tt.OOL T LIZ ANN bbILLAER rota MO LIN INBTITUTZ, TROY, N. Y I; thlripslightb Annual Efrisktn of this School for Inreotryh Instruction in the Natant Nestle. and Oyu isermrtrg. will begin rieptomh.r I Fitt.. ISM espsrmeat b r lawn:Non In Military hcieues 7tAqulrtu he s inay n be nl a t ca u retd to Prof. Cn 111 DILOWII3, ....CM (IRON. Pol. Institute, Troy. N Y. .4:ltod U I"' TARKS.-11 par. ky„,lavv , solo wlehtne to pleat Ws Yell, Ohl all at lIIIHDOOII . B OAKLAND tontsrar. wasoos extra pear irees. fourth Umbel Ono rut' out to the Guides every Shoes adDlltte. !Ilia.Z4davrtiT . :v:,~_. Av - AN'TED—Bondd and blortgago s-4.,000 and $3lOO, ssitna tram ma 6 lb ea years to m. Apply at PATTI'S, 13 at (3Alr strseL W ANTED-10GO bus. !ltiz. geed, b:1) do prime Clover bead. e 4 4H. NOLEIT 00. •Sca ;tau ac. eld) Ett. tf6UBiB — TTLIT.--4Sii — lie owe - eon 11 tilning nine room., path ill its D..darn flu. pscvecoenti, !mak a gas, water, Sc. and outage house and stable Al., one mall Hon. eitn lota roux*, on Omsk meet. Brat chtip. Anqatre !. Pa. A G. IdcGAN LarA. NA-10 Central leap e I F Oa f SA . L.E bi. rw A de very in e s crmod h lo:s iont nl hood In the 3d Ward, Allegbenyi on long and may pololeola, ..d very lofif• lognin of d.rChOYEla, ia.,; Attorney at Lave,: • ' 139 roarth menet VALUABLE OIL PROPERTY FUR IF BALM—Masted on Wrench Creeks euthrechtft between lo and Ii acres. 'there are on the prorty e tc wells In radon. progress. three •of whith are !et suflicient depth to Neat, operating. Cleonected with the well. Is • powerful eugine, In good rannlog Tble property is adJololog the celebrsted ISVCornark farm end te perbsne one of the bet oil elks In dial rent.. W e off. r a areal bargain ou may term/ o 1 payment, or with exchange for reel estate to or td )olning the city. For particularsiapply to 00, • au9 No.6o}i Fourth street. OFFICE TO RENT.—Office first tio4r, No. 80 Water street. Rent $lOO per entaaaii.— Novara of au3l 124.1201 DICKEY JE FUN. SALE OR icxekte..._ 10,003 bag,. Cannel Imlle Oven Cute• 01023 IL VOltiT I CO; Tfirbvtllage Dwelling atik Howe as tirnly now, with 9 room., and withila all modem linproremonta, iOCIOI, on Tunnel, !be um Wiley street and Paul:mind 'Tarns . 'Aix. OW. ! L. G. ORAII, I.ollltialleku NOR GAL/Kr-APO T /111111t/Bdl Ej POWIH. In clod order, now daring three paler mum It, this Dios. Wtllba raid champ for eaah. 111.• aired GAZITTS OFFIUL.: ,nett 11119 stmt. oboe. innithdeld. BTBAM LINGLABB !IVR BALE PWO lacunas, in 'good worktog ardor be sold ol accotamodathag tart.— t Hatters 17 dacha diameter, frith I feet Woke, The above may be nee on apthicatleo .t the BAN. NKR ttOTTONid ILLS, AllegittaY, tam be delta eted . tha ant of July. .1e2.5-3md PARR! PAINTER A Ofl. FIFTY DOZEN HOOP SMRTS, OHEAPEST '.EST IN THE CITY. W. & D. HUGUS'. -- STOl7l3b. 5T017308- D. DE lIAVNN 80,14, 1.../ • • MANUFAOTIIIISILS OP S T 0 / V8 S. • Warehouse, Federal Street, near New gaapeusion bridgo, ALLROO WY CITY. We uk the Mural°. of dealer. to our large MOM moot 01 °Poking and Heating Moves, for Wood and Mal, which we are selling at the lowest prices. Thaw visiting oar city will Sad It to their advantage to give no .1 call and eniauloo oar .lock baton; poschsalog else here. Cunt Iron Bon. Front& Iron Scales., IfOlkm Ware, Wagon Dorm, Plaiu and Fancy Grate Fronts, Fenders, 010,1:lasting, of all kind' made to order. jyleclyd , D.; Da HAVEN t SON. ► ■ VHM CU-PARTNERSHIP OF JONES A. A LAurn explrOd by Iltnltadon on the lit day 01 Augua.lBel. The haulm.. of add atm gall be waled by the hew non 01 Jones A Laughlin. LIMITED PAE.TNE4SUIP.—ThEi un &reigned, melding In the Cite of PlUsiatrgh, hee• termed a Molted pal toejehlo under the dtm of . Jonas a L1M1131.1215, to the holiness of manniaitorlng sod &alloy to Iron, On euccestioo to the firm of;Jones • Lenth,) to •htch Rem the rroral pa , toots are Beroarnln Y. Jame, Thomas; M. Juries, George W. .I..nee, beery A. Langhllo,'aed Irwin B. Lettghllit. and the @pedal partaer to Jh uos Laughllu, oho tuur cootrabuted severity Mamma Arm hundred dollen to the common Attica of said partnership, erble• to to commence as of the Ist day of Anitost.,l3lsloind terminate on the let day of B. I. JO Almos .P. 13,t, Isms. ;!. T. M. JONI& O. sly. JONBS, BIN. Y A. LAUGIIIIN, IRWIN B. LAU 4H ' ANISB LAI:411/LIN; TIM PATRIOTS OF 1861 I! pnaVa Plelalaaotype Portraltai 11ro. 1. PUPIIII3 htIAT FEAktil, CT COL, SA.I.d, 13LACk. , En.? Photograph by Hagar.. Not Porbly. Price only 12 Cents.! , It, able at lIUNT'S NEW STORE, MasoniO Hall, Fifth Street. Deli Leal . , STYLES 01: ;. FALL GOODS 1, JUST RECEIVED. We are now rpordsg, a choice Stock of FALL 000D11 consisting to all of the latest 'irapcetaticur of opinis oAssnazass end VENTIIIOI, which sus I .itok our . slaver WM be equal to ani seartinent to be found Enst or WrL They irUl We nude up to *Mari In a saperlor style, sod at prim! to snit the thriesi Ws would respectfully solicit an surly call rio, oar prroue and the public. SAMUEL GOAT & SO T! MIItCHANT T/LILOIS,!No. 19 FITT ST, sell e il l NoricE TO Slll#P.E.o.B.—Me4tanta and othors having mese= to mud gooC~~lf soy oascripUou to the Buttes of Vh ginl.. Hentiadry, or Missouri are ram... Molly tequested to uslitthe cdb• cols Si Customs la preventlbn goods from getting into the bands of our enemies, by conforming Mikity ta. the following instructionc 4V the restriction. heretwore required in relerence to shipments to Wheeling, end it Mos thin ahhib'ili Vlr gto..remain in bra, es tSr as they relate AO ,anns. ammunition, military ipode, and rquipmenta.GOode of any description going to the Interior of, or 41014 the Ohio Hue math of Wheeling, to Virginia, will require Gits. ood. of all kinds going to Kentucky and Missouri will require pe mita. Pamirs going to out Midair' in either of Meehan eta*, sad directed MAO ban of the ammendluit Ohba. rill not require ~arinltm. no t am required owner, Stamm Lew - Main' to re. Nthe ehilMer description, destlnatkm *ad value of merchindise chipped from thin Orli to the above named flame, all appiketlons for rattails to ship must be made in writipg,glvlnn nen» of *Wpm, owner, emanation, nescription and value of grads. thippers will be require,) to vocal for the toystly of consignees not known et this aim. O. W. HATOu ELOK. Surveyor of Cutouts. I. D DITIIRIDDIL §ramta waseses e. • Orr whim . IGIN VOIUt mop /4111141311:1, CHII. • Landing_ sea ..,barttaie eaamOra •-• , ""f• - at QUIIIfII3TOWA. (Iralss&l The , York tad_ rtillactelthis Sturashlp Cosoltsrsif intend dsysstoblos their :ell-v.7.ord Uirtie•buntatiaMP Win is (Won: ti it `1 Satanic - 'Ob." CITY OF 11A.NOIIVISER4 tept*ber KANGAROO, baturday,t,plember 38. OITY OP NisW 'YOKE. F4turdniy. October 4.t. EDINBURG% Saturday, 9ctober 12. ;: • Wall or! risatai : 1. Ilan Oa e5p.a.......5a. N do to L0ad0n.,.,.....511 do to Load6.4•Ei 2 Steerage Astons Tickets. good for ols lloathai - ..1111 forwardad to Patti, Marrs. Nisetwreht fl, t p=ttaalapa,Aatapuip. 4 : 1 4.0 radual f area. • 1, air Serowe wishing to!lortre out their M agda wg trtis Gaeta tura at the following rotas, to Vet TOrk I Stow Lirerpool or Quedastowa sae Uttfie.M.LlE Sts. slang from yratrool Ste. tram tosirwn ESL Bight drafts ter tali oa X1110...:1 heAiad• &unload sad lease. • • new Ihearoara have mtperlor adoosonotatEdis Par goeseogara, nod tort akserigated Sorgeolied Thar are onus le Watertight iron heat:ans. and h a ve PIP teat tire Asaftttlaton as hoard. JOIIII f 3. VALI. akeAt. II Sroadwar, Cer Justil TllllldPlOll .11yesE. •r 0 &liberty Wrest. PAtaborth. eIIANT.-80 bills. fresh Cemensjust received, and for sal* by is sel7 , 1115NIIT H. COT! U. wants. PI t TSBURGII THEATRE. 18A1TIRDAY MIMING Ain. 21. ORAND SUCCESS. ; GRAND SUCCESS. GRAND SUCOES I na PATRIOT'S DREAM. THE PATRIOT'S DREAM. TtiE PATRIOT'S DREAM. BATTLE OF BULL'S RUN. BATTLE OF BULL'S RUN. BATTLE OF BULL'S RUN Till %mama X - SA WAIN P I A LARGI SPOOK O Ophoiii , l New and 8..n.u4-61.1 PI AN 0 S DMZ= GREATLY BADE:MD PAWN& CIETARIATTII BLUM .4b l ' -- '" --- •/ Min YIITY NNW frilm AND D. 81:00NHAND PIANOS, irdii, EA.i.ic AT 13A-FICIJILNIB. The sulacriber wishing k seduce his stock of Pl. snos' offers for vale, during this and mat inclith.ffitY New *nil Second hand Piano. at great bargains, for csabl These Name base nearly all been made asps& forally country, the subscriber, for reeling purpose, by the best &ken In the and can be;relled on ma .3cira to end entmtantial testi omenna Pirchaaere are respectfulty Melted to can and ex. amide them. no We by SOHN Et. maraos, j j 13 fn 81 Wood street. Eb tic at ton al lIMMiEN 1622 and 1b29 BPROOIIBTEtErf, PEITLADILPHIL This Institute, conducted for two paws put, to till rutty, by Massifs Cnanozar and her dens blazuti Dailiatutzr, upon the ume principle as the one to Neal York, estabitshed there in the yes, 11114, will re• clad' on blonder. nepfemter lath, with Its =lel ant. pia ind,ceroplete provision for the education of Young Ladies, corder the direction of Madame Wllerunli• C.lriularn and all requisite Infonnetlon, can be oh. talnird on application 00 the PrinzipaL stiblhnead UNIVERSITY or PJMNSYLVANLA MEDICAL DEPARTMENT • liINTAY4IIXTII SIUION, 1861 AND '62. , • The regular Lectures of this 13cbool will commence Ho 41, Uoicieen 14, and terminate she lest of lob. snail. Fee for the Full Coarse'. $lOl. S. ■. 1300288. Marl of the Medical /acuity . 11=1 NOlinel, SCUOUL. H. WILLI A. 1111 E; • Hee opened • Normal School at No. 23 sr. CLAIN NTILENT, Ed story Testimony ,f Teachtn. couneellor or toe Teacher., the mall to wtibm all Our look for advt. and Instraction• JOHN J. WOLOOTT. oonctir meet heartily withl4 ahoy.. fNASD H. PATON. I cheerfully concur to the boron exoreaseei shove. W. B. /NSW. take pleasure to hiving it as my °pluton that the foregoing recommendation it fully mated. A. MIST/. Iknow of no one who deserves higher lestimony In hle fever. IL N. - AVSILY. I Dilly concur In the above recommendatien. • D. DENNISON. He can prepare pupil& for the High School galas, than any other teacher In the city. A. T. DOUTHETT. TEEMS—pi per week. to advent. antkillawd 1:1:1 1 0 , 1**44:1‘ 1 1.1•Mq•Irt•194 THE THIRD SESSION OB THIS fchool will commence or. the WINDT MONDAY Of BIIfTEMArt. . . Tg Pile:try Depertment per etelikei of fire montha.sll 00 Mirth:km do do do do IXI du db goo---• do ..111 00 The undersigned van placed thole children tin. dir the immune of Hr. and Mn. AVIIIIT duriag We post year MOIL cheerfully recommendtheir khooi to stronage of the public, The Teachers are corn and leithfol, and the presets, d the pupils has been highly estisfectory: 'Agnew .Hersh. William K. Nimick. G. ltan,on Lone. J. P. Loy. Amtlo Loosola. 'Dr. A. O. Wattert. Orpt WllDrus - Decut Thomas LBW:. William Cbtunh. 'David litratocous. Samuel Lindsey. Dr. h. O. Murdock. 11. T. Northam. spar Circulars, is, apply to the Plinciyal, No. 89 Beeond etreet, between Market and Wood, oz at the School Boom; corner of Third and Market meet. weltzdtt A N. AINRY. pENN INSTITUTX, RAMC& STRUT, NEAR. PINK, Will moped on MONDAY, the 8d day of Riffle& OIL Ten= $2B per seastoh of dee months. eektve 3. M. BIIITH. Mallca PORTABLE WASH STAND' This la a new and beautiful ankle. It la of Iron, and made In snob a tray as combine Bowl. Stand, act It mks, • Ilk, ( , ) • veu t neat d o ulatt a: and te b om it. plata with t 4 fbee tans been wanted by tenants who do t " I n d E net VIA L, bati ih t ofiXpo7 ibo ar d adYthizd Il d ' can be taken down and retained In a few . zninatee NOR BALI BY BAILY, FkRRELL 'it CO., PLUMB EBB, ■O. 119 FOURTII /TB ?. tress BBLIT117131,1) FRUIT TRRXR. INDUOIMINT TO PORCHABIRS A very large stock of chola Trose'of selected Tad. \ Ale• to chows from, with every Pneallge Care haul to have every varlet, Mae to num. Of Apple alone we have 176,100-60,C00 cf which are three you elds,lo 000 lour year old Pe x,10,000 two to throe year old. Pasch, Plaza, As., s O. Rirsie - nci—The trees in the norms,. Cell and see them. 1 1 7180111111N8 from 1 to a foot, by the kindred. check • also, PUDE HIM AND SHIUBUILY .11hoinale sod retell. Address PAU-burgh and Oakland Nurseries, NOP burgh, pa. se P JOHN WISDOM Jr. ELlabiltY roman: Um a Conamalludon Merolisat LAD WEIOLIBLIN DEAL3I3I IN pl•oss. Butter. Hoods. Ptak. And Prcdvx*Gensrnity . , - 4A.7? di. U Woad 'Efred. Pittabrik BELLINGLIAM'S 'iSTIMULATING ONO MINT .11.1 con Ikava beautiful glary black whiskers sad moustache. not B4anatomies Orrottoe rtiamuladng Oaguent, II you mould eradicate ell gray halm toe Btllintham% Stimulating Ongurtat, If you mould inup your hair from growing gray, Mr livillogbarces attronisting trnoont, Of all the preparations that have ever bass dooming ter beautifying and promotiog the growth of the halt. sums are irimal to Hotline:urn% Bliatnlatlng Onguirnt. The paulmaarticlCorner of a for sale by Jai:L.II.MM !What street and LWOW:iron& A package *rat by mall on eucloatog $1.170 and six peens stamps. ran CWYE - A.Nutripar. TtnYTHAOLIA Daops.—viby will yea continue 0 martyr to toothache sad broken rut, while a eimple _pissaant and efficacious remedy Is. • Hahn your ~hi Apply the CLOYS SMOOTH' and you will obtain hanued• ate rend. It will not In the .lightest dopes discolor Ma p = enamel Cl the teeth, Ware the or uu tly affect the breath.. analnent Dentists constantly use it In their prwAlos, and pcslis Prepared and sold by is. 11 D. ILLUDS,Desaapia, 100 liaison street, New York. Bold also by B. A. IAaN*BTOOE CO,. PM,. Im Moso by Drurgletseeneralle. I IR. M. U. JUNFA . 103 wvi,mr. iernEwri M OIaSSISB.-43.5U bbls prime Now Ottirani Waimea In store and ter oak by ' , LLITLII 211111113111, .11,11 112 !scored atm!: FISH AND LAKS HER ICLIN,In bars s, far by Peao • .1 B CLUSYLIELD sCO. w. S: