PRTDAY MOBNIfi, SEPT. 20, 1881 miar6.l , • The Boston Traveller, in an Snide on "thrte months meal says: We must ainfesii yuit it provokes ue - tii bum or read einazican attacks on the first batch ot-veauters, the men who re , , eponise4 so yompt r y, to , their country's 0111,04 who have, done good service for • the country on many occasions Such atiseks are In badl taste, aniLthey are grimily unjust in point of fact.. Is it true, aseflotiave often heard it said, that these three= months meal-did , nothing? , it' is Olilr violative of: I the - truth to .say so. Those brave: men did much And, indeed pretty. tisuch4ll thSt has been dune, down She Hatteras expedition, was their wOrk. They clutchedlarylaid as she was ~. going out of the LI pion, pulled her back, aid held her in her l place for months, and theridelivered her dp safe to their gallant a Successors. They kept the road open to 'l' Washington after hating opened t. They Livid Fortress Monroe from ng 'into the iinemy's handd, and they caused all the idestruction that befel Norfolk navy yard and its contents, as they would have saved that >aril and those contests had they been called out a week sooner. They " - saved Bt. Louis from becoming-one of the grand mama of rebellion, and held the enemy at bay ink Missouri. They pie nerved Western Virginia to the Union, andliron in that quarter the most brilliant sucatteaes that the federal arms have achieved in the war. They . held Cairo, swliprevented it fnim being seized by Pd. kiwstid his followers. They protected the national capital, which, but for their pre& enci, - wciuld—have fallen into the hands of .thel aeceasionists early rly in May, and pe - laissooner : and had they been pushed forfird in Bastion tbey would' have seized Manassas Junction% and would have held itua, strong and important Point against all Comers. Those of their number who • were at Bull Run did. as well as other men v►hh wore present ;I on that unlucky field Trouble on the Frontier. to advices front the frontier represent tlAtflve Gleam:a Indians are encamped oa.ithe forks of theTtepublican river, lien- Bali arid perpetmting constant outrages up- On pa property and persons of pioneer set tlers. this said that extensive robberies bait° repeatedly teen Committed. Iha ,Omaha Nebriskian of the 6th inst. makes .lend coMplaint respecting this painful con , dltion ot affairs, and implores the speedy intkepoattian of th 6 Government. From -- other sources, intelligence of the same stadia: pm.port ancleries for relief reach us.i Doubtless, the matter has already beentylly broughtto the attention of the nitionslauthoritlett, who have taken the neiessary steps itt the case. Nehrsaka bee fuiniehed three companies of cavalry foisuppressing tits rebellion, and Kansas hai thus early won imperishable laurels byfthe bravery of her regiments in the 1 he Government cannot, therefore, ipso an instant or spare any needed effort in relieving our frOntier Settlets from the terror and mischief inflicted by vindictive Indian hordes. The troubles of the coun try will tend to einbolden theritemi barbs risky, to gather inj great numbers for pit laie and slaughter. Their first demon strationk should therefore be ruinmarily tug signally punbled,lbet immensely in creased post to nand suffering to them my be spared hereafter. steri g a da Ls Crosse, _Wisconsin, few days ,a rushed ito the river. swearing that he drnwn himself. 'When he WA waded into the depile, his waist, bti wife seized hiin by the Eairi, and then, aa'a local editor describes it, she "led him bank till they reached a plaie where the water -Wee about two feet deep, where she pilled hint overibackwards; sensed Lim wider, and pulled hie head up again. Drown yourself: ' (down he Went) —leave ma to father the lusts I—(anpther plunge) —get drank (another Bowie) —and Burt for the liver (another tarn ye toeave me a widow, and all the men at this wail' After seizzlinghim to her heart's content she led him Into rte house and Wised the door." MAEING TUB MOST or D Tsar.—The Baphmond ..F.samiuer" balleti board of thh 14th iostant has the folio ing report oftheabove mentioned battle ' oat-marked Lewisburg, and written , to the postmaster atPlichaiond , 4 43 en. Floyd bid another ogKement wAtb the enemy on the 10th it rooted tham, killing six hundred, wotding one tinusand, and takiog some prim, ere. Ten hdura after Oen: Floyd, bearing that another wing of the enemy bad crossed the river a few toilet' above, to order to sur round bim on tbie side, tell back. This is reliable, being brought by an officer who Hattie in the engage:meet. The. Confederate loss arts one kilted and eight wounded!' „ etrisri , 00 oneßnlite Ittptives Lb befriending . mercy f Mercy _ Nary t I—[Vanity Fair. 'oOlifisfEioLiAi YE: (1.-KD 'Welkly itesitw al the Pittsburgh Burkett iLlEsperfsd sponally'..for tAs itusouryt, G'a'te.) . : Per2.31040/1.. TOI.IIISDAT, 1311-T 10, 18Gt. There bee te n e yeloeptible hop 0100noril In trade illitann. 1.0 nta 0. jibe futon., looBe a Ilit'e mo e ,ezcooragleg, and toils' and tiller? era roe lug more andldent. The irobectiptione to the Bethnal Loan , , cqulnne gotta liberal, aid these Li notallLug cif open the :Meese( lbc•lnoniatof unemployed *welt .ol log fur to efitehla I:A.00,ot. The gent rel , toetke r is bees undtrgoue e illeit as. ;4mm:id, the dothi .1 for mos: of the les.C44 esti. ;al. Wing sore , cdtil end the tie:coma pe more Ilb •. . trek The dimand Ls Ylo.lf COotlo Ens ilnited, pot• , , wfiltietandlog'ultich ;lakes are • shade firmer. in 'llliotalles there bee been a brielt batsmen dune with , . , a 0 aivatica On Boger alai Volume. Coffee elso le . firat " , .t pr I. In Provilifoos tb,re has bass 4 ark piscuselblech t 055,1 the re year Deli{( akocet pica, .Italy restalicted to swell lots,ablie. qou taigas oaken . ilria . tse before. :: , Its river Is 'skink: flee coolie le ':.swan, • (air ha:doses &log In the way of ate. mbo.di ng. The .-118.elpte of. Grids byj titer durlag the hut On d•ye i the WO -sinunially; large, the 01210, of which, how 'air,* dulled for thelsstarzi markets. : iNo73o%—Tbe.tynotitlious *Tau In the fallout.' ft. : teiew,"lt moat be Dada/stood, we the wholtende prices., tame when: othererlie n o t and that In all :am s .la the fillbus of eaten orders to the city and coeetry ' nude, El ''macs of these to Mr. IS Cali will U.. .!0111111* over the* Ignotatlona3 :•Itt'LE.l--Th ere le • reynlar alkor.nd fo: ifilithe at 100 001 . 0 11 1 olt frosn'lll.l6gl3. l .o. 4 moilly at $1,764 *t. -.. iANELll3—qnlet and delL Calle Pearls 64; Bala Ain SOO* rots range DOD' 4tigili. - „_.,, .. . ..4...Therble hat aside droactilited shit:Merts are ": . 11hIlted. The see:bloat& take et ipreetut ere: .1., - , j tibia halable. Nensuett..,—..---4...............—.. - . ~ uo ' X............—....—......—./—.......... .1.1 6 . ' 3 st ,oo 8,60 ' Y455er.....::..—............1.......L....—. • .3,00 tNALION—The deasind Icy this article Is Ilektod, ielthout,, - bowevi r, 007 eileenvel C 1.,,,. Is pricey, Shoulders a nateenddo;lllJce, 1 u Mtn lame, tio; eial *agar Car.d,,,,300105,1e. ' ANUlTAR,AiNlitiii—There la a bi-lter dem . et.' In, Battu; with a Ilialtao 'apply In as:heti es note 'eisiillitele• of prime Noll at 10.: VI A. gage here .d -vista&irtlesales et 869.; VI d 65. .- * iBIANEF—Tb. nipple of on ae about sib :net, d, and ;1A the aloe:toe eleteles We Call gtioculon.. ,',11B(10.113—• contlbeed duirsolirlict—tee doomed ',IA alkarother locaL ; The follow:lag *re ales-Mee obtain ....a is um maim- wett,trosostorti. tionisnon $1,2.5461 ''..irwszoosimas; Latin do 38,6002,76, . ',* . , swig AND TUBE-Tae lector; price/ (Cad., j. par: fondly al relleten" and New Drigntoo.are ker Backetal IVO. 041,16; -1111 d Tolak 8 1 4 6 4406 11l ill.. " *meta% buckets Oil In-the revel way as sl46@fill. I OHNAIS:-..Tise dtaand fa chase ii athr, tel.ll those inoretn firike 10 taloa. its acre Selo* eta){ Well Ni—b• latter e plias , . Vanilla S., 1411104 *lb ( lea p amp lisle, *lb lm Rope, €3l, leo V* 'larciell Nola, t 011,116 * lb Tarred Berk ctit, 1.2 c VI Tt. I riewitnglital,ena,l2 nuk, cBl6l Pecking Tarn, con ' / 2 30 , , i prp 001tD8—iian sybo, Azdosuo ip dm , . )1 4 . :iriONISVt • , ,- lIMOVNII inniB—! et ct. • aas.:lliniip, • I 1• , A at:Da; k,BOAP-4,1110, tolknelng apubtatkritatiti ba ralud on as betpg strictly cortect —.ll9uld and dip ~,,,11,1612c'N0 1 /login •mk.eq,14.44 No 2 40 do, dr. 'German du, Tv. Chen.l4l 01116 flu, .I%C; Not Z,311.t (Solrjer . • makel, 10,-; Na 2- do do, 70; Irt4¢4 to orovau•• asap, 1c; Bartlea atop. csalTo2 TAitfilo—The inazaus to Mtn and au ad. van,. hot. beto ettatOisbol. Tbo tolos . m.. aro ttos. 4ClotAliCm ib.hh ors notrociod to date . . , • . EV1781: , Ira 6a to I.oLacio44 c 5 Co No N.. 11 St, 80. c p IL No ._.SiC {C ID MEME - • DOW No. a qi dot N0._.._......14 4ll dos No. 600 cam No. TO? ..... c dos Carpng. chain, saw& _sir a a. 0r . 40.6,%6t0 cote.._..._ 'To !' TARN. No. 600...--12 031 doi c It din No. lUtn. 12 c it dos -27 a lk ...180 family 8511114.-2* Mottbg, No. tW N0..2—...18s '• D • Coutosoo.lbo " 1,0 86 t. 44c 2.83 Cloverlet Yera.--150 Vio 4 'a Id, IGg'e__.«.... _..... SII thtaCditUB—The following are the . prise: rater crackers, 5 1 / s c fh, butter, 04; augar 734 - Boston. 734; eine 5234 q pot bread, $4,60 45 bbl each occasional laatra at 45@ 41 bush t r r pram., ebten. ' " - 0 SEE o—cutot. oseth ceratlunalsalee of eagar come. at 10y.4111084 e 15' lb. a u ettULT.-.111.4” t.. moderate rrqurat t,r pd., • Pooch.. at 42,45g52 fie Ql breh. Apples dam Lai acieolsr p boon. r / 713.1. legolry If any desert" tlen.olortob. • Inrelotoui ate 11001 or. NoB Maekera.; $8 for Nolte% ha .e IfOMui 42 2.10 half 001, and Whlta.tkoti at j 1,25 I. FEITIIBR.I.-are Tory dull. Prima are bold at 45 *50o; Weed 300404 Neon 2b, sod I.l3lctro 10. SEMSMI=iM Per food Per loot. % loch fl ea , f l pe..-7 'eta. 1% loch Om Pipe-. 82 eta S • " 2 " Y 60•• RI, gle 41, ' I " -.AA a"' " 34( r a I" " " 'e' 1 " ! " .....17% "' -190 " 1% " dubJect to the discount. ILODlt=lhe Flour ley with the exeeption Oat ere a shade fir Sr, ho. undursette but little chimp elbee'our last.' The legally comitruee - Ilibt end the tradartiorn, geheraill, are reetricted to mill lota. We quote Extra at sl.2lr@etSik. Yxtra Penally, $1,e64500, and Vann $5;10, according to quality. itAIN-Under the late advice. from Europe, the prima rd Wheat has motored. Prime Red now wile root sm a rm at 90 * tied-White et 96 I oast.° tr to to higher, Ate /1011 au • to demand; orroluarat 808380.. Care dull as 40e. troy mom Bau ky- The bee mu. Jet op,lted but the prima mutt be low. Oats an eat altltamall niter from store at 08CC Stlaiii-couthatte In active request with en *cleane r , i% price. Bggor ie very firm, with a Lags number of san• at 8K to 90-the latter the ruling rate. Molasses in good demand it 40(411% but hold. era we asking 424t43e, and do not even feel dam... 4 to all at the.. haute. tviTte @toady et 144)1634c r , Wee nachauged. 110PA-tede• of Esedero were reported at 1:018 H I DEd-steady; green salted rem to mi11:46%c, sod dry Mot 12012%e 0 'lll. ROT-hes been to lair raped, with isles from sty scales at mires raging from $9 to $9 0 ton. Baled nee hide hieher. LA till.e.m.ettamted :sod doll. Bold,. cek fir For prime teat In bete acidic, tad 954 c in kegs. Ll3llt-4mwtantriaLi Estee of thuluville et $1,2.3 Tbrre la no Maryland Time in Market. liArinaß-TherWiecnninderatile act My in this aeon..., while psi, ea are nab, uneetred. Boyish country leather is • firms at T. 142.3 Dreamed Leather Is quoted as follows : lied 2patileh dole tit lib 20423 Blenehter. , .2802 e Upper leather 51 don 6:99°93 bride , 40446 Skirting Gather ti 2'4OM 24,025 LUSIBAIZTrie atodt of Timber at the river 1, waft meted at about 1500,t01 m eet, which in ordinary 'thee. ereeid be considered 1 eery light r-e. As It la, hoe. toot, 6ls ample to meet Itha pr.aent demand lilt edge it tra tuiell, oriole foot. la ltronta lit at. , Oat tittlennlo p. rb will a good demand at 61,&6,': : 50 /wA•el Pupil-6E4 toil.. of 20 :I la pilaw 61$1t,G0 Lbl. !.at a ocbanzal 6To pots 10.111.10 s of No I Lott at 60c and Nu 2 Jo at 10.: and Lica-tad 6 67 ',to. Crude. t II In gall rup4l; wr•c•a• • ••!e of UM bLI., id Sloth), 11,10 l 'all•abeu, VllllB 4,1 0 1 c g• awl .moil wale. of Loitultail log at 141.0124 e. dAl.r—ltace• 001 'prt are 11,1 giral •41••ozloA we imitotaavrtmal oak. to No I Pit Ito al it-to how dep • wad si,6o from Mot.. ithlt end Inver, with =l9 0391 i—the r for pi lite d b. • vau 1.6(401,,ip10urh, , ,.1tu mite. $1 errcknolg—mt l mi bs, awn.4l firt.te • 91,V49.4.? - raLLOW—dull eel Bangl may L. rjnottd ar be. and 1/entered at 64 5i to • WO A. - UT I cede gznd deal of selsits man 1fe...114 the Wtol mariot during the pest ten d•. Pet es bate fatast...sllths best slips tltualsg 56 te g 54: - 6.1 n. and is 030:10 Cas.• Ith he. bet.° /Anted and .1..4. The great tenit of the clip to nits Withal: he. been taken op WHITE LlCAD—firm .114 to steady demand at ri.Do p aeg tur pure to Ott, nel dry tt entdect to the naoal_dlacount.. Red Lead aysg4s, oat, and Li, tt 7N,1;015 . °L.d.sB4.ptices. are Am, and re sepeai oar venation, for the email doe., oty make t—d. 9 end Tie, $2,06, dxlo, 9111 and 10.12. 62.60. 5113, exit and 10x14;55.7.5; 6116 and 10:16,93 litat of 50 ft.en—l 6 aunt dnneont _WillsEY—There ta a Meet tide dematel I 4' thlo article, and a right 'adv... be. Leen utablabsst Rao I. held at 1441.551 Common 170184, and Old hye to St i.O as to age and quatty CA pri,s AbiIUCETS AU..ratiani Came' a.utr, b•ptember °gam:. GI Beet orre utti.uelly smell dor ue the pee: week, tea_blig cad: ICG7 bead. 01 ilVa ace. ter 714 Wen/ sold. tba Ttratoll hot 2 to 2 b60 D, mostly at 2%,/f/riOld. Tee tollaarlog are lba yar• 11:01a - • of the , rent Eclat bid Ore reel 1 - no. bl au G W Cam, ..... 0 A Thsyer..--.. ISM=I EIMEIS Trrfiti.7.l.l7.ll bed.. rEI=E!E! J 8.n0n......... D 1 10,00 ge 1=12021 =CI ME= 97 XI orCu{t. Pant —The total off,riop tooted ap 2I hud, which hot ltd wet. a:11, se fo'loars: 41 et 240"),1c 33 at 24032Ae, an I 103 .t 2E53 , 40. 3beb.imu w.r to t owr and .tot Eat. - time—There le no dossed for Brice, evi It we et. pt on arcade...ail until eel. to butaten, there le waling doing. She receipts al the yard. focit.d up 1674, ell a .blch were stet t sun &Suss—Th. arrivals at the parars foo:od np ICO7 bead, ad of wtsweh.pcist Mut. On.Lnicizact Carfialilmizre. Cept. 16—The effer• togas ; of Beef Cattle ra.cbcd 2000 . bead. The markt t was brisk, and prices stout the ups* as 1.. t gooted---$OOBl4 the 100 IN pot for common to Galls Atoot CO ore were disposal of at from $26 to $4O each, accor Cl ding to capitation, Come 21141 Boas wens affared and acid st about pre. •loar rates, laeletatog 162 T at esisdra at from $4$C, to $.514,1be lotion for good-corn fed. azd 100 .6 the Al. use lard at pow; t0.:00 rocatt dvapuil,o,ll Sharp, ar , lyen_and soil at irons Co to 7c a tb pet, ill t qnslity—the la.tar is no advt.°. Smports by LLlvor ZAN CSVILLE—por hisetlo-9.6 bbl. Boar, CO 4o ergo, 11 kegs, 1 bbl butter 98 1441, tboobew Clerks At o; 1 biwee,l ttbl ergo, 11 Obllds m; 2O ADI 8 7 97 . J 06 0 ,8/ Coro0: do do, J 0 SIM pll rick; 8 oto wcol, 6 Os ear., 0 Kano 3 oh W 431. erotism& llama. ow 86 by m.04110g0, l bblo floor 9 tobt ergo, Joe .8 felon: 18 too. plg otesol, it C 1.0 anho 3 Obis wboot, 2 do nototoes, McMartin. Horton t .o C LBOINNATI—per Ortlteo-781 brpr wheat, 0:so ks eer, IBM/ do do R T Kesicardy f bro, 40 bbl. w hl.ty 3. do eatorlms, Jo. Lololt;10 Lbls txtrart toff., 14 oattendee:l Ott I roppar,_l evyer pip., O O Firmest *me 28 empty tdds, 8 emer It Gamed; 25 Obit 11Jor, T L. McClelland:lo Dbl. apples. Cory 1 abeyant; IA do sal lay, 4(0 nllrogh, &Mat A to; 70 do do, £0 to eplr Its, Sim MeOel oink lot old copper mid 10.11, a Pol. took ear: 82 Lb!. whisky. Kramer d liabro; 1O Pewee bllos, K Kmdl e; 7 tale lard oil, Jobo P FeLii; 10 it. I. patio"' et k to; &dodo, 0 A Kelly. PARERRADUIIGyar 0414,1a-791 MO. 011, 83 Mid. tobacco, BIS Lb.& 113ur, 7 tLls, /4 lege butter, Cisco A co. . . 131061,1 NO—per ISlDinvs--103 floor 10. la 1.7 b‘g■ corn. 6 no .66.. t. 4 bbl. rje 0,36 r. J.. A Yetbar; tot w.tno[lo mber,O f Eliwpr; 6 sla Speucer • Darryl: 1% 6661 Lottri4 10 kgs - 60. W Dfildie; 6 bbl. copporu, J P real; 110 6vi, D 1 bt.l do cn ' s • 4°"lb*Yezi.i tot 11.0 0 . 6 . o.lor 00 loud. The deer rite +Mot stationary lest avollag with toll 6 feet hg) the pkrteasks. The weather mutts's.. clear and tleasant and eppareutlg Imes wog golta seive at toe wherlyenarday,creaut re ed mootir tie the Denten:ma ardvalo from below. The receipts mailette heavy smdmre large", Jo maws Of the ehipmeem The Gitizelesod !du mire :teem Our oiertatl, Linde lidarttelecos Zaweevi le, Oe Oohs from Parkersburg, aud ltluerva firma Wheelie& came In with gots! taps- The Key .Weat wr &hoariest', and Ooptels 'rod Minerva for Wb ding weer the rely departure*. The firmer boat he'd atiorlt 110 'tone Or 'night , and a telt Olimber at .plitirtOgets,.....,....iL• .111 ba ems board, Mettle et/artier hocket, es t. has entered the flitMargh sod 'Nineteenth mode, loavlog been every Words - F.. bb. will co drat trip to marrsw:..:,...•..The W.l. Marts, Mercury. tag for St. leMle sod *tit probate, get elf The Sheeting prchet tor testa, hi the J.T. Hot mute, rept. J.hoeton- ' The Looms I ',Kau Irmo. ostl eras do • lit Mato. • ' IVOR CINCINNATIi VILLE AND re t.0131e —The *lto otd ptsartwer aftarner W. L 111,tufdliewyt Cetwey, J. It. %%Mate. Otte., .111. hive for tllo shove and ell tetenutdlate pens, eit Zith ntt., at 4 &dock p to, yo; . fr..igt,j tr pww , owl: ea tent& eel 7 jEtStifiLAß_ . WIIEELLNU PACILIEY—The Clio steamers!(. attliA;Copttla John Gorden, leave' for etwettog aed haVihoollete pat, every TURIDAY, TIII4IB- D end "84TOPDAY, at II Velcek, 111, mattes etesieeettettiehe with the ..regular pthete ter PRA. @Aston ..J Chatnota - LaLonde& teem Wheel. lay area teOPlDAT;WELlbillttlitt and YHYDItv, et 8 dela% a m. Panel:ems reoelptad. Waugh to C3te. dozed: Yoe Prelght ,or tpOy_ en- toed or tO JAILSB COLALIPB*.OO. 'alp 313.114 Water strost. ~~ i Paula. ST. LOVIZ TIOTIIL, CUES ENUT ST., ABOVE THIRD, In the Lamedlate onnakbottocki of the ]obi n 4 [lnnate oolteuktt. Tillrd rad ilhatunt sirseta. dn . In OM" alarobsnts' inehnni , An • &". Board per .1083 P., $1 50. 4coosmodation. &ma rap:ad on 5Pu rritOPHA PL•N. Rooms &ow 50 Gana and upward• Joe day. and Muer us a 111131 . MUM filliTlOLAlrf I , TAOAvD tar Prim according le the Bids of Pon "th• . City Oars take Pitassatord IrrOmr a.* Statioa TO or CLOOL. TO ioe (lOW. • • We! Fpgllstk, Pron.s, German au+ I.l{rog•la K01..1 Sy 1.7,-tico naaos emoratama or4;TEL EATROPELAN PLAN CITY OF VIEW YOYX tingle Rooms, Fifty Unix Per Day. City, Wall Squats. cornar Praia kfort. as lOppoaita Ott; HMt4 Mirilsis•they ordems: •p•cious tte t Mors is • Bisbee' Stoop sod Bath Room. attack; eal to the Hotel N..B.—Ptriwsiria of aUllillil6ll 'and Book. meat, artap .a ras via are tun. . Oaiill4. • ' IL Proprietor, COOPLANTER OIL CORPAM. • IL 9, DAVI& Prurhail: • • YJatP =WIN, Jr., lieentait snd Tereaver. • Da* XO4l-11. IL Anis, T. Fl..Norla,.J. 1.4., Clams gbou s,,,Clasouron, John— PE.TBO.LEILTIvi or Ilifat ',may, ft= lbs Imlla of au, coroyaky, oath Creek, In Vaangto coney, consbiatll un tun , and for sae. Oujor la T.B.Navin • Oa% ukial!■ No. Wood et., Mad !Iran. ViRLE OIL WORKS. E AIDIGH,IIOII, Trerremas AND DIALISRD TN *l7 Ft mi QARSON 07X, (Quality Onarsukteed,) PIXTBDII4OI3, PA. ii/rOar Grease and Bernsole courtintly on bent Orders renal's! for the prteent at vata, et. ITH A WA. giater sod First streets. aadtho pfi.' TENT EICIOZts •MR 111.110NN NO t,ore cleetarts Vat Imo, Ntirnore trouble enr rod ho ebtrer to . 1 . 4111....5 Nn more grumbling *boat 'oiled shorts. , ,tro.• Nu azure troublesome Doe Irons. Btjt tho good obi FLAT IRON Iltred eltb 111.1. RR Nt YT II STUN. IRT. Opposite the Prst-Oelo, I ihß CQ"Kri I COFFIR E !-3110 bags fair to choice rto aunt, to tiara and nrrivon tor Ponds',Ards ILoilr ft.r • o'• . McD3N OLD t AIIbUCELR, We 561 I,lbnrty f•xot., [boar hes.. of %cowl 1i r EA 4 31.11 , ;.S —lO boxes fresh No. 1 tree I•toneemeeek,jee , no+syral and for nob, FaArll{ VAN COORDSS, Na 114 Ilsem.d • Iraq iSII.ItN RESERVE CLige.SE. T ILO Fuzes aka d ity Just reeelvNl. .m 513 MIN B lANYIELD A O t. Scrofula, or King's Evil, 4, is a constitutional disease, a corruption•rof the blood . , by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disiase on any part of it. :No °rpn is free fromts attacks, nor is there one which it may not diatroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis orderbd or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices. and. shard by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it setans to be the :IA of Him who says, I will >risit the iniquities of the fathers upon their kbildren. - Itseffects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the hings, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubeMles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruptibly, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions! 'Mt only suffer from scrofulous coin plaints,. but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently vast numbers perish by disorders which. although not scrofulous in their nature, are atill rendered fatal by this taint in the system. , Most of the consumptionwhich de cirnatmi the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destrbetive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; theirs persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such; a medicine wo zupply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the Most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every whem prevailing and fatal malady._ It is com bined from the most active remedials that have bean 'discovered for the expurgation - of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the systein from its destructive consequences. Mende it should be employed for the cure of not only' Scrofula, but also those other affec tions, which arise from it, such BS ERUPTIVE and SKIN DISEASES. ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, ROSIL or ERYSIPELAS. PimetEs, Peen:to, Binicurs, BLAIN'S and BOILS, Tom ORA. Term. and S.ALY RIIEVX, SCALD HEAD, RINGWORM, RHEUMATISM, SYPHILITIC and Itivactmiat. DIY VANES, DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA. DEBILITY, and, IRde d , ALL_COMPLAINTS ALINING FROM VITIA TED bie berexa BLOOD. The popular belief in .4 impurity,of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, with Out which sound health is impossible in cont4minated constitutions. , Ayer's Cathartic Pills, , FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are sii composed that disease within the range of their 'action can rarely withstand or evade them. Their penetrating properties search and cleanse, end invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its hdalthy vitalities. As a consequence of these proprieties ' the invalid who is butted down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. het only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named Is pleased to furnish gratis ray American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and direc tions; for their use in the following complaints : Costfreness, Heartburn, Headache arising from disordered 'Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in add Morhid Inaction of the Bawds Flatulency, Lose of Appetite, Jaundice, and other ' kindred cointlaints, arising from a low state of the body or o 'structiou of its functions. ASier's Cherry Pectoral, TOE THE RAPID CURE OP Com Its, Colds, In fl uenza, Hoarseness, *C . up, Bronchitis, Incipient Consunm i . li on, and for the relief of Consumptive I's tients in advanced stages of the • disease, • . _ wide is the field of its usefulness and is nu t •us are the cases of its cures, that almost section of country abounds in persons pub , nown, who have been restored from alarm .'nd even desperate diseases of the lungs by its When once tried. its superiority over every r medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape ivation, and where its virtues are known, the le no longer hesitate what antidote to employ distressing and dangerous affections of the • ovary Organs that are incident to our climate. r many inferior remedies thrust upon the „unity have failed and been discarded, this • • ed friends by every trial, conferred bene • n the afflicted they can never forget, and ced cures too numerous and too remarkable forgotten. lIY PRE.TA.RED R. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWBLL. MASS. . MINIM= CO.. Pfstenzign, Aim= BD 1)114111411 sad Dialers crerflthers , . . ' ' i - 1. ....-. i rt PROPOSALS I)KOPOSALS ran AILMY B3GuAGE nA4uNd. QUWITJUI.4tos 611,1FAVO Cyr 01, Waehlogtan, 2ncre Id • teal Proposal.. ► me rov.ttatl for tae. fornlaning of Army M. WV.% eropAials ?A.M] state the prices at will h rhpy as be f.uhthoo a the place of roartaLacture or •1 N, oik • briagelphla, Baltimore, It aahtogton, or Um 'twirl,. pref./egad by the WOOrnh The unmoor which o.n be nude byway bledar alth• in one moth after receipt a WO Order. the lb. ML- D. which he PM COLITio irtatin Ony week Wapiti malt ascii., contact to the following Rote& ratioorri and to the evabliehed pattern. h. ow. (covered) Wozwo,, of ' the use Mad Otectit. tioniat Allows. to Int: - - The front wt eels to be three lest ten inch a high, hnha tea In-basin darer:dor, .n 4 fourteen sal a guar. ter loch ,, iotquitind wheel hour feet ten inches btgb, hnhetentwd la.:twiner Inaba in diameter, and fourteen and a ft/curter Indies lot tr. follies two and • halt {ochre: wide and two and Ltate,goatter latches tteeolttat Ir o n pipe box.. twelroduchas long, two and Shay loch.. at the large end laid onantot Wart eighth. nab it small und; tire two aid a baf *ochre side by are elgtehr of an loth thick, fen, sad wtth onencrew bolt and not to cacti fail% hubs made of gain, hoe spoons and bine of the but • htt, risk.. tree from delccre each, aloel to hare.. send band and illocakin band two and three qui. btr,lrcites weds, of Nii.gband nod two daring hanli—outside Cenci ens and • niter. ter Inch by oobgnarter Woo thick., molds ism one loch by thatoiniteen'lle ha Widmer, the hind Wheel. to be noels and boxed so thin they will measure from the Inside of the the t t We large and of the b, ltli sod a half Inches anl (root wtheissin, and oneekhtli inches Ina peraillelline, and escheats to be three lee t eleven ant three eighth Itches Iron doeontele• o. cae •honider washer to the on eke of the orb. r, NJ a, 10 here the wagons all to Fuck Ore feet toot centre to centre tat the alteele: I xletreril to be male of the beet, qoahty refined threaten trap two and a halt IItCh•• a mare a. the shoulder, tapering down a, one WAS half Inch In We middle, with • woven eighths Inch lotorbols hole In each salettee; member. and huctiplas for each ailetteetilitoof lionaPillooto into side, thieeefyhthe of an Inch this., With a hole to each end a wooden stock four and Itineognsrler loch. ea Ode and loot lashes dein faitetted substantliby the :sirens. with clip on the end. and with two bolts, sin inches Wow the middle, and fastens! to the hounds and t olster, (the bolter to be four loot floe Incite, long tiro Incites •Ide, aid throe are 1 • tall dap,) witti_four kudtinch bolts The tongue to be ten fret eight huh.. long. no. Welters wide and three Inches thick at trout end tot the hounds, and two and a gutter Inches wide by two and threrguarttr Incha deep et the hunt eu,, and so amused as to hit up, We front • dof it to hang within two het of toe ground when the wag p re .candlog at red on • Raul surface. • The front bonne. to ha ex 6•1 two I: c' es load, three latches thick, and War laths wade u, nisei, re, and to retain that width to the barn end of th, tougno, laws of [tenoned. one tout -lint Inch,. 100. 104 Oise loch,. equate at the !runt end, with • Oslo of Iron two nod • halt Inches-wide by Ire ce riebtos of an such thlck,lastened os top of the homes over tn. Deck toe of the tongue with one habil:an acres bolt In sect end, and • plata of Iron co• the maw eme d qp .1 each endows and a half !oche. to clamp toe hoot bohoda together. and In abed oat ire tl - r . , silo ands bunt eti.l ottenddt, with halfla6 a r. .11 thr ti„ la esta hudiod,l.s.e. eighth b.ct 1.44 throogo totem end horidde r io the centre 01 Janel.ick tome the tuDgElf. In the exude; • pieta of Iron corer att.:lee whir, 0r...0w/owe. loch thick, •uid clue Lt..; maul. Inches loos, neared on the Inside of Jew. 01 hoards two strata, and • (late of the same dl. in.ronoint on aeon aide of Ws t ogee, share the to att4 tionne• tin to !her, SO , nod In ilk. 1111•13:.8. • bran of aorta-01.01u. 01 an oath wand non to at. trod from ander the !root asiehree, and take, two wit, lo wont part of 00 b 1.40, 1,0100 tr.ce ihret.qe•r tare of an Inch wand to counting to the Lark ;err of the hounds, sod to he fastened wilt two bolt, et., near trio tack nod of the honuds. end ono the ti o tt ! ender nod bounds a brace urn trout bolat•1 no • d a Laic loch •Id, one Wafter tll an Inch 1,00, wish • lull In each end to face. It to the o beg•t•l3 too Jaw. of the hounds, to m esas. tee Wagon, and four and thteequatter Ise W, 10 twos and tuna and ~halt In her at .he bone pa,l of tbeJaws. The hind hounds four tent two Inches long, tot , SOil tine garter hushes thick, sod len • Inch, • w ., !e tato eue foot long where al, clasp the c,..111 1.1 tont bet bee Inch, a long, ant' nr. t. Ott. wide, by three mere deep, with aleady tr”D ter, 6 .1 hattlh• In. whit,. by mortr, lath tblet tut tt.rd up t •, end • Lal , l ch:• and 'room°. h ,n 1 a ti, oh', 6 flee i. lb. tatter Mock/ and 11.0,1. I, D• -t •a: to. r half loth 501. • rats, and boll t. • .••ew sot through ;Le woofing pole. ,p, ins pole alae net rata outer lou y, lhr,e loch , atop. and lour and a ball tee bee Me e rod, MA two end. totsega wt. Jot bre wide at bars and: ditto.. . Irvin the centre of klog Lott bolo to IL., cootre ot 100 bat !referee .II sect Oi• It. t and loth. the cettno ot Slug-bolt hale to lb-4er t e o, ir mottles In the hind sod of one polo elgot ter tot tach , to Meg cult ii. sad • quarts , ha.. Menke. r, 0110.1 tali.Ott Iron, (Meru WWII to 11.1•1241‘14:u on bah et, re it pois • threaol. Ire Iron trerre.t iron lam six imbotlusg, thrt•lmbee old,, soil mar eighth of oa Ira Volta on die 1 e..tdetree attr torso* erne they rob together, Icon glete re god • not tot one q 4•Wt. r at so orb co the analog bar, 1.. Mod .t ea.h aid bJ ma r butt tortsigh the torr•do; trout ...toter to nave plates tome ant bolo, ese,eo long, lb , . and a tall Ite,ol wide, arti thr at 1.. at on itch thick, crime draws oat and tun , ... down oe the *A.m. W tne .nleter t ,w.lll • 0011 to To h cur tar.•a I mar et...amnia molts on the top; la. India on the blot lento aid two sod • 11.11 loan,. 516.. No 10 band, non, the rob OM on the rat, ling polo 101 oe el.ll [lathe. Ice.. on+ mil th,tee,a•r• bra ;who. el 4, sod on. quartet al az Ica. tblca CitAiblttree three Let UM Ire. Ira. .Ins, 61r. e t• go 10-; eight tuch•l lone. all Poll 01.1..1 hi au 0, sib .o troa are .oil at etch sod, the c 10 lot. sail 6600re0; 1.e.. twr and sit•tetter to t./.. 5.0,1,110, bog, tart abda onsver inch. .id a.; and • gnat., 116:4 [Mg her., abet. ra. •od •10,r1, , r.r.a r eft zataq,sta; the Iwo 'toe at f,Mlte had multi. lb heve boots on the made Look to the mid of the hit b cam., lb. • be./ end std. Ole pal.• With open Clop (bow to toe d 0.,, Immo sod feat bar. 'YLe olio chola to la tan loot loos lo lb. It the fork out loot ten bar long, with the sue r or eb . tooted to epreod the lures span the lit it a th deobtattee,•tay sad Utter ettatat.. ttitete otabtho an burl to ntatartert , the (Mud anti Nor. al , Louth loch in diameter; the Ann rto do to to wee] Witt 4121.0 Inc" to the the Irk to oellreensteauth inch them t ribs lial s 01 there and of the lock chew to be no, more than too sod • quarter Inch.. 1 , u.. Th. Ltd, t. be straight, brae fe..l 1 Inotildaldh twO feel dap Vo bet loos at toe tottor, an 1 ten ft et CA Mace at the oop, NOSH, Ititrooth en] ell ID lb. Mom ar tro der the 01.1 pt.c.• to be two mod • ebb It clew wide amithroe 1 and deep, hoot piney tap Itch. deeply two sod • to .11 tootles wen. ; toil pier two and s half . triebte- wole sod three Intl,* ass ;ant four metre deep la the MOM, to rot 0.• 1-110 coop:lose pa r. t p roil or and • half loth tiltlrby one sod o,ven eighth loch wlll.l lower rolls ono toe. thick by one and setenelghth hub .1..; tare, studs are on• roll I. float. wits • rat on Map bingo. to Mow It up as Men ao the alder, • too three feet bur I.clao lout, the Indium five Itchy , wale trout aide, oi Os ALA • balf Indere at ey, and eight an i • hall loth.. as tee top to pa:MO.1111r to toe body oil In the mew, to be oatsbottaily Inatome' to the trout ant 0' the body. to Mae en Irate map prolog rend rob tad, eetcared to be head Owe out front tall by • tit ot ewe and of It smart Moron. h them, the tea to le framed to the trout roll with two good soap hltiges, • • rap of floe el.hth Iron round the boo • half loch from the t.pedge, or two strop rum size on the lid tear the front edge, ao preveonthe mules from eating the to net; to have molest hasp {fattened to the middle of dm lid, wt h • ROI wooden cieit oil the inside, steep of Iron no the imam f the - box alth • staple pw ag through 10.1 to to ten the lid to; tight Undo and two 'slim 00 each NM one Ulster fastened to the holy, Oa Inotwo derp and loaf lochs Md. al king bolt hole, boa rut In runt sod maim of elevinriz• troth* ut so Inoh. riond boo, with a head on the lop nf roll aid oat on lowor ens, hen outland brace toe hind, with •honldere on try of tell pieta, and lota on th• aod.r aid.. sal • oaten top of roll; a plate too nod shell Ina.etzfe, of No .0 tend boo on t dl pleb. aer.aa y; too our Ica la tall.phics, and Lind bar two and 6 quitter lathe. wills and one In. h thick, to recent ploi co them feet Mr Inch., long, to ba coed m talrLo/111 treater% (oar mete throtlgh each LIU atoll, and two Met. through Dish treat stud, to roue the lining boards, lobe of the Out quality, non, and riveted on a good bin; re Heat through each end of the radio; ft ;or Oreightha of act Inch oak tourdin stdes boa treatise 01 sto Inch MOW bloa t , tall•boord three quarter. of as Inch thick, of white plots, to be wallops:ad with die oak. °lotto dotted et oath end thro.ugh the tall board: au iron p all three feet eight tuthr loos tea and • quarter loch.. wale, and IL, e. ...utak., of on lob dace Oa the tiodce s do of the Lel pie • to extend front the Irod tad at the body to Mehl' Indus or froot o the Clod nesters, to futentd by the coded the end of the body. by the littoral 101 and two three-eighths of an Inch mew bolts, one at e • for war 4 trod of the 4 1 ,10, rot the Other skid equt. , distant between It bey rotorsl trd. ♦ halfloch ,ord Imo rod sr boil to pre, dlogenally through the rails between toe tiro h nit stud, to and throngh the Lai piste and plot. ender It, with a sop, teed um the 5... p sod oat sad • .tior at t • laud.., W bo , at the top or loot ell factor limas inoldeof - toll trom 4, aid ~t 1 Zhu bottom ten In its hum the hlori tot. AD hart Clltlip two lucre •Plo• cue qoarter of oh loch [l.l , k •roonti the led , ltd , Ilse Mitre 101 l to ithiCh the IGO tbdu it alllol.ll toning' through It, to 'mood wren paw. 011 the, rid. of the turfy, tbe too., top sod b,tiosi to Pal oeoured by two th.e..e glr.h tab meow but., tho middle bar at the cods tube O Ash with thoihd Piece on the low r aid Tmo lock Mena s. cored so the cautie bolt ot the eddy one and Moon 10ther41 tb• other two lel eU iacho• loor,, to r oaf three=l,ll b. of on 11305room:I Iron; teed. bough to be bar fel.t *IX loci. lung from out to oat, the but um sod ends of teal, Its oboe of yellow plots, ItAeolght factor tilde at bottool,tareive Inch. side If bp, sae debt land a hall lathes 40.0.11 In the clew, writ Irgort, tit • Damao( hoop from aretindtb• top, 004 mon t each mid art throe , bramen the code, ~rang and MiltebleArone to tuba ihrto Dottie tongue 1 •bon hiding; sop., strong thole. to tie'atterhed to ir top rill of the body, entsr , d ly a stark, Cot a took to sthann 11h0 the troogb tag bowe of triad - I sob, two matte We sad onerboll lukthick. with I thiee otekles W.:Munroe the ridge pole ho Its Wasp' trio otoples OD the Do y, m roue rota one el Mc . , bow.; out. tides pole two we fret tong, one 641 three , : toortersinchow shfe - hy gee t lOU of an loch 'hg*: toe rxiver to be at-the drat quality 0015.10 dock NO Mown loot lung sod aloe teat slytit Mohr wide, 01010 .10 ths bort meaner. with four hemp dards on rah idde, sod 'one through each et d trt elr se It at both made; tio rill, .0 rithend at the body, t ite and More the ear of the rut n.; ettisple is the 110tief 1,11, sear the se,and rod barn etch e.d, lobate]. the oldecords. 100 .51.14 , 01 the baay,•l3.l I o 4, to boa too gaud core of white trod, oulortd,to • blue blot, the Iw Nets of them to h.'we two coated venetlott ref pa Ott' , the tooting gear sod whorl* to hove two sox tub of einetteo rod del kened of echotolttecoler, the lob sod UHL • to be w4I phonod, Instead of palute4lf re. attired. - t. . ' ;Ater pot, an exile slog bat and twO•gtro tiluaro' trees tu bell - robbed with each wogon, the klqg bolt sod ologleeirro• amnia In ell reopecta 10 those be. Ipgloa to It. 1 - - troth tide of thA rods, of the wagon lobe rearkedll 8 ; and onotnereer $ • di ; all Ether pato tObe !attend U. 8 ; the curer, teed boa, bolts, Ilachplos, terpol, and Lerma towers for each wagon to eo pu t to • Oren; hos, (cooyerelj r nd the contents muter' Whom. " It ts to be distinctly - understood that tbetragoos are to beat constructed that the several parts of one ea. Ingot wilt agree sod etc tly 8. Woo of sue other, to' . as to make no numbittat ef ermulthalt for putt o f all the Material need for their construo.' tardt lobe at the beet quality; sU the Irma thoroughly 1. i j PROPOSALS. 4iiou;a,1011! wed 10 .16 1.1.0gN. tokr • it .bell din{ !krt. ur thr,}ti 1.1 Lid, Qa4rtori. •gmecl. *le taltbfullY are beet evalltrourtit• reenro.4 Ii• fiz t 1.- , itoi 0001 tint* eo time as It wOOl 'lreeient or the. Qmertertoesh tar; ezertallre - Cr it 'heti be painted utitti bee* Ite peered au I eperoted by 04 author tr.ed to lea; err .t. el be fintabed, ecc”pbet b m ^r eßeet of the •Or U•pottsoo., 4,14 de;I• -red ea bereio obeli bekroal.k . lo.. 11. U. in MOS, Q,llriennerter 4eoeral U Ulltioli , 6.iii..a . 4 lai. AAA E VI AUUISI L 'AN f.ll ULittioll Hit lin 1188. r =Alai Otoveleo min rQUIPIO.,} Hemmed owl Jaen. streets, haw Toot. Anguet 3, 1861. Mengwill be norolved at th ie aloe her harm.. lug. by Oat t, Array Wagon Berne.: The pro should state the mi. at which tier ca nus tar n bed et the plata of menufactore and S . the prim, tt{which they can to delivered at this de tail, the biotic wOlch can be m Made by the, bidder arltbloo24 'oa th Aker receipt of the der , Cl.. the number Wh it. can deliver within ono w.ek. The berried mast halletlyrOnfOrtil to the °Hoeing tipignficiatio. and to the sembliebort panache: leer mbid harness as follows, to win -... . t . 1 wtiera., T..• (0/1014e — Brawl strap. 8 fad 6 loch. lout, 354 1000. wide, semealleto la 10th ring. os % huh non; hip stripe ifeet II Leh. lung, 3% Inch.• aide. ot., . Moos 4 kik loog, .2yg'im h. ride, with 1% inch backbit , chameleon. to butt's loto stay Wore. 6 tent 1°4.1% huh wide: olds straps 4 foe. 1...1% loot lindetne neap. 16 trick. long, % Inch wide, taporinglei a point: • ' Y ' • • Two Seillj Shod. LOlig lids two feet 8 inch. long. 3 troth. Wide, with a two loch brittle; ittort ode 1 tot 0 eir.h.y lien and 2 inches wide. Two Usirolliars. 18 to 10 inches long, with double otraps nod sae leather. mid bootleg 74 limn wide. Two Poirot throw Homan to colt, mad. of white oak reot, Omni with hoots, breast ring. 1% Inch aquateietaphe and Ilea tinge. Two PalP,oo, Rune latrines Looter one 6 feet 6 inch. leo& . wide; tipper oco 6 feet 0 loch. loog, 3 6 A M inen wide. Two litrifie. Croton place 2 feet bog, 1% Inch wide; cheek pledge es. 10 Inches long, 1% loch wide; hoot piece 11% loch. 10ng,1% loch wade; stay pieces, , Inm ti4lode to crown 0,...,15 inches tong, 1% tuch lea.; piece /1. niches love, 1 1.0 wide; hit.. 6 Min. g,1114 Mobil Vida rot., bog *We 4 feat tvog, I'l b whir, abort eldc rest loug, 1 in. ride, mi . with 1 lo h bookie; butm, tinned moils., to weigh OIN to_ diearn. Two Patti Mu Pipon,l loot Luz, '2% lathes odd. Two PIT a s Ch otos, ffeet hew. 20 trot. to 1111, W.', of No tt, with T . upe mid, inight 714 to h MA per p ot . . Twisted or en aisht. One Palo o f Brame Chet., 22 tech. lung, 14 Hoke to the fal, No 3 iron. Tenteid. Two Neck trope, 3 leer 1 loch' ong, 2% Ii ch. o hie, with 2% oat buckle. i Two Neela nos, 4 1.4 6 incite. long,-14 link, to the 100 t, NO It., Teed loop to be muted to to the ouCk alto . Twined. Ono briddl . made on Anat.. tree, band, gullet eon , Zni: : ironed, mental In l goi 0.0.1 1.1ty with b. 16 0 Isom hide; flops Imhof lung, 16 nctioe,w de; . surotogle 7 sea, a Mil.. loos, 3% inches,' de, with a 3% loch hackie on one .04, to be Menord to the ewlule by being riveted to two ninnies sp. 1% bob wide; them neaps are placed one oneatb aide of the needle tree, one sod ia tied to the trifinj part of the bet, the other mud to the MP 1..0•1t4 1 the tar lento° Me untie, Inthlah eaddio la his ' entrap bombe. 4 lest 7 Icch. wog, 1% hub oti ' d with I% loch bootie; Mir." tuallottbie Iron: Ilia toll eye pattern, to wel s h 13% lb. top, cos. pair. LOAD. Two Collet 17% 101.8 (Whet long, made the HMO •Il too .hot heroes.. Two Paid u I.4•ntre to roll, of the woe material en for wheel ttt.el, honed...lth bout.; breeat M.,. laud hoe trod trlthetrep• as to wheel hare... Two ern u same.. tor • heel ban.. Two Neck it=anilthialus, same. tut woevl her 0... Two Belly - Two Pair Obala Pipe., Two Pair Trace Charm, . Two I:reign...sad Hip etrare. Ben strap 0 het Wog, Laprrleg , Lfrom 3% inches to 1%, Loeb. wide. Llip litrapaii b 3 foot 4 loch. loog, 1% loch aide, each with eit t lrok at one end. Tot T Beck cad., 8 Neel 4 loches long. 3% inch. wide. Two AIM gaiety 4 leer long, 1% loth wide, to hackie Otto aye hit. One Cooplfog illrap,6 Let 0 ,m boa long, % Inch wide. 0.. Chkel holm 4 fret Wog, I luth NW, to bootie Into thilbit at !Sal !WI, with . 1114 .1•011 I• the cep to rec. lee the lead I ita Ow Lead e the, 91 feet long, 34 loch wide, with a Mural. atone end, one .0 8 lush loop at the other One 16 bipi, heavy pial.«.l ho,. hale, 0 feet 6 loch. bog Otis Lobed Snob, or.). 01 Arlen., by inches One Carty Comb, thl. 201-6 oar. The wlie• to be pecked In • box .boat 18 loohee odds, 11,1okb. deep, 04 Mete. Long, made of I inch stuff, codperatl, mast hoop.. tron a. may he required. your Mew Lthroug, ad ha 10.% to WU: t i j WilEtt.. Teo Qu a. Breech airep•3 lent 8 lochee (ong. 8% locheiewide, mired into 6 Inch cline or 3; torn iron, b. stuns 4 del tong, 3 In.. wide; see; pleoe. 2 tees. Slithinge Mog i 0 huh. wide, with 11% loch buckler; Mose otrops to bootie Into eta, pi Ua 6 tO.l long, Inch wide, ode strays 0 feet 6 loch. loog, t 1% lot la h etldr; tit neaps 16 loch. Wog, 1% loco pi wide rig to • point. Two Beefy 'Pant Long aide 2 lest 4 loch., lon, 2 bar.heao eta Ith •11 Inch but lir; abort .10.1 toot 4 loch. lung 1 9 loch. wide. Two Ilan Where Y., to :2 Kalov long • Ile 0 earls eketreand sal. loathe... Mukha ,%, herb old,. Two P. CII Ilemes to loot, 01.0. 01 obit* o tli toot, 40100 Lb hook., latest nos. l% tuck square; •tal Ira aitil It nog, Two Pair ilii a • ttosp• Lower one 6 hart 6 bootee tong, %loch Ire; tipper ou. 4 feet 0 tact.. long, % to. whim f .' we tone. flamer. Two lindife. erti plea 2 feet r niches Wog. 1% lath ...Is; eh int pine. each 10 nebee ocg, 1% ha 6 .ide;, at lora 144 Inches Wog, 1% taco wino; tio of etay ee, 1 co bllou to arutro pieces, 11l larking iimg, g lo whip; no w piece to Imbee Inn. I huh .Hine 6 thee. Wog. 6 loth. wide; re,..., 10u,14.14 4 fret 0 lochee loom 1 loch attic abort aide 1 writ long, 1 loch eta. 0110 I loch 'locale. blue, tintrii Oullett, to Weigh alb, the dot.. Two rep Conn Ply., 2 fret 6 in.. wog, 2% loch. wide. / I Two•r.lg tr.e•Cheine. 7 kit long, 14 net. to the fart, of No * boo, 1013.4 or etreight, web Ton one end, weight 0 to per p. 1.. One pairot Maul Chains, 28 Itin.r. long, 14 Mote to the toet o ol No 3 Iron, tgroi.ed. Two r'. 3 .,[rtmlet. 3 feet 0 inch. long, 2% barbel wIle„ with 3% loch bottle. Two NI. tla hea,4 feet 6 lecher tong. 14 dote to the foot. t Oiled No 4 iron, land loop to to riveted co to thentrt eV., melon In the than. Owe 6.81 toed. on anatepes tree. bead.gullat 001 caotledr i loood, maned lo the neon way with he.f Wooed case hide; flop. 30 loch. long, Id loch. •ide iV og l e 7 Met 0 tothes long, 2% loch. wets, with a V Inch buckle no out end, to be fanned to the addle by being riveted to two carved &trope, 1% loch wide; these loops are pieced one on each Woe 01 thmiskidletree, one end le dad to the front pert of the titar i lts other end to the esteogiou oaths her behind cantle, rpoolatt ..lare random otirrop laatheiV feet 1 loch. long, 1% Inch wide, with 1% Inch 10 tie; atlrrope, maileebie boo, 110014, boll eye patti., to Weigh 1334 Ihe to a denen pair. .r I Litelf.. Two Bridles, .100 as for wheel harness. Two Collars. 10 to ini inches long, mad. them.. tor Wien bantam. Two Pelriol llainis to snit,of game material as for lthealituirovii. Ironed, with hooka, brain rings And line thiga, with annexe In lebterb•rootta. Tote fieettbrepe and Chen., game as (or .beef her• nano f._ , Two Sell Bands, same, a•Se. wheel bar... Two Pali halo Pleat, same .for wheel ttarneen. Two Pair Trace Males, mono. for wheel harness. Toe Orn i Vere and 121 p Strap, Back neap el feet tong. tageriog Irma 3% inches to 9% inches wide Rip Strain with buctlee,earb 2 1004 8 Inch. beg. 1;4 loch orthe, with wrought hooka. Two fisch,!llande, 3 feet 1 lochai long, 8% inch. wide. Two ktaningalee, 4 feet tong, 134 inch Whitt, to bookie Into I bit. One thitedling Strap, 6 feet 6 inches long, IX loch wile One Chart halo, 4 tool 1 loch hen. 1 loco wide. 'to hackle into the hit at each end, with • ring sewed to the tar to twelve the Iced line OT•"1,081 L i e., 21 bet hotig, % loch wide, with a buckle at Ota end, and no 8 insh loop ache other. 1 ,' 24 On. hill, hoary plotted bor. bids, el feet 6 inchos bong.; I Oria Note. Brusy oval, of bristles, by loch.. 'thoe thorn' Ciontib NO lag-8 bet. The gilitde to be packed Ina bat &boot 31 Inch. woe, Id Ina. deep, 31 loch. loos, made of 1 Inch atoll, coetiered. wood boupe or it on,aa may be reqnhed. --The Whirls to be mode of the best inmerial, sewing to be ih i ll with good waxed thread, and subject to inepect • doting :he proems of menniecture sod Al. orbeo 601'0 .4. Wheoll bores harness le squired, the teed collars, firldlegatida.. - Mieltldrapt,bnly bauds, chain pipes, trace chain, otappet and hip exam beck band• and oouplingetrapa are doubled; one boning chive 3 feet long, 141Inita Lithe lool,of No 4 Iron, with • T ino *eh ono add pd; sod lea t ling to be 30 trot limg. • . The athlole belie made of the len nosterial,movring to be midi! Ith good waled thread, end subject to in. sprition .ring thoprocees of maonfacture and also • when go het. .,,, Moo, come hunsiels required, th• lend collars, brldlesOthans, cock swam belly bends, chain pipes, tunic ne, crupper and hip mirage ha t hood& mod cuoplmg trap. ere doubled, one beeriug chain 8 kat long, 141 aka to toe toot, of No 4 Iron, with a T on tech told dad, and load Ilmito be 28 feet lung. i l t Pro a grill ako be received for mating soil do • livellog ambulance harms for two or lour Mole or hotel tosiou—it specification of Which WA be be...or foroteht ro • Pon i . , proposal and gnerantrie will be furnished upon applestaino to tide cilia, and tioue will be con mitered:idol do um corduroy thereto The plolling, le teteryod bj and for the Milted State* of J „g i n. ectiog any pitpasals that may be deemed ctn.' tit. - •,,, ~ ' ' ' ' Prop.tala will he informed no the envelope lento .slog Orin, ”Proposal. for torelablug Army Woditibitlance harm.," and adducted to Major 0 If. TINTON, s- ' . .i , ,"'...„_, •' ' , Quartermaster U. A. Army. • InJP. - &kr UAL. prima Plantatlon Moluror, /00 do . oasortcd brands syrup. '4O bags cloa k ' bdaaisesoved LdocolliTobarco, 10 . 4tited do_ 'do ' do 100 Vat cheats To - ung 113 ron and Black Ti.., 10 odttha do do du da 1130 box.. Rata Brno, 00 da Moon da 00 do, Girman do *void Candler, "215 do- ' Mar MO do •410.1 -do , Ito d,san brooms, "34 "d tur "di ll b irOWS HIRECPATBSOIC. tap ram .191'101 Marty street • teI4JFK-100 DIAL Sa. Family. flour, 10d do •do Bop.flue do la ito4iB for sale by • meg t BROWN & ILIIIKPATRIOKS. pi n& .11LAItliiiNS, for for al the . . India Robber Depot, po Bus otur Janet. 11.4111LL1 es. MS.-50 oz. for Isle by . ir7 BXSAT 0. t•OLLLSO Official TN THE MAIMS OF I i ONO ALLEY. --3,acafte, e l the Major. kbdormen end of aot ohm," no teiera and OcuoLOon loos 11 eatent• Wet That the atetment of the eleven i appointed to vie* the oproltig c( L from lOW Lane to Choi not Street. 111124 apportioo d ~to b to ponnaoenot , ho ran:JO:item of lith Joie prnento and rood toConocit-itde avtaien,and Wet the tome to, certifial to dal Lit, co tear toy cot firma, on by Mort Ordakod enoct..d Into a tam 111. s 6th day of Bop. tt mbe-r, 4. Se. 1861, . • A s, .. Ity ' D Z . 111 91 0:IT Drosidno.t pro tom of A. O. A • DBE VIT D. ribIITLI. Pro.idont of 0.0. Wort of Iho Select Cocoa .. Att...t: Motional:am, uhrli of Inn Common CLoofil • lb oil Parfirt EL Iterttet—Ttke potles, thst ft 1;00. etletve of the atm. 1 hove Glad the mad 'totem/4qt ad. 9.0 doy o f,,Ver. 18411, lb the Diettlat Oookt , or el!rgheny county. la controakon. to which Coon eli p.rtht teeth/it theasePtee egtlevod nal api,el.l eltiOn nil week. from the Otte DT !Wog, G. WHOTXPI,4II Bacitor : eethia• Bepbmber ecb. 1361 IN 1116 Di tiTTER OF 'GREEN *THEE r —Tie.3lv,d, by the geleva aud Cera as allelic 'ilia; the etatement Cl the •arwer. apt alit. el to pareaseee of resolution. of July 11, 18. 1 8 ,, view Bete, 1..4 and ease. dardame nod bea•dl.. ac,.ae coward and re be and Ye hereby .pi roved. end thst toe en., e be certified to the Ci y Bone toe !or couti-eletton ty Co lit Ind:Sued ar.d 6311Cled Into A ti ,, A thL Alt dAY of dept.:ob.', A. D. AI itOuT AKIWOItTP,PreeMont' pro tan of 0,: AN A ILIS W D ITII. Fr 41.1ent . Zool=ol3 Ounacil. At :oat: D. feaufzetoff, Clerk of the Seise% Conceit - . - iittysii M. blvsoiiiitar3, Okra Oostrooli To all Partiareosocrsai—Tale tottor that in Fir. . aro. of the soar., I have Wed to o dd stntonant day nth day I9el , Di the District °curt tor Allrgtesy tonal, erwrirmallon, to which 0 Kitt .11 pelt., theromels es ogil-yed may opplid Yritha air wort• irom the erect ;a ling. 00110TEIL. i Fairttor for dl.eghany,i Ikptorobcr tith.l9sl. BolOnerw, jop ESuLVLL), ty the beleet and Commeit Ocunctla, II at thesmsemeni of the eiserem totaled $ slew ittlge street mod alto , * &WOW* std benefit*, In porestmoe of the reach:don of ConnoilCof Ma Jo y, I$6lL, is Fomented andired. be ainrovid, and the same milder. to the CIT & Maar fa ate lineation by Coast Ordahad &ad eases! lett a Ilea this fah day kf Septemler, 1. el MOM. ASSIWORTD, Prosh'eat pro tem of E. 0; ANDREW D. EMITS, President of O. C. Sumo D. eltcssmon, Clerk of eadect Connell. atmat, Ed. 11107i01131611, Clerk of Cui26l. Connstl To cal Fartia Chau:riled—Take: ; untie% that In per. .pent., of [Le .lore f here fliel ;the maid stet. m that We 9 h I. or Septecot sr, 1861, 19 the Mallet Ocirt 1. r Alle epf cattily far ocntirmalkm,to which (Veit all pettier tsllno ttectaelece adgrieve4 may eppeal within nix week* In or the date of filing. 13clicilor AI Allegheny.. September DUI. 1551. Zetotni Ifiacpings. GROVER & BIAXERST SEWING MACHINES WITHIN ALL. {? PRICES HEWN= POE THE NEXT TEASER' ' PRICEJ PROM $45 TO $llO. c x) say ta Elzerna3a.*c. INCREASED FACIfATIES FDR, manuractating, and the curtillMent of lltarratlan * t :l e ft are a °"'"1 'l73'n upona t i l7e .' ;11 fd`4%, of the Pater Company'. Patents. enable thin comPertite [health. their Pewits Machines, ilth Important Jim, proven:lWe. at Oft26TLY RIDDO SD Palen. the onporlartty of them Machines tot family toe and for manararterers, In the ume rehab or purpose iDd material, Is attested by the tens •of tbanaand• ruder them And the me/elate pekes at which they ere now solo places them within the reach of all, audelt• elates all excuse for tamprtinit ileitis these infatOr and low priced cowhides which hare an Much paler. diced the ttontca machine baalnaffia. Every machine add by no to !I WARRANTED FOR THREE YEARS We ale, 010 lostnactlorm, tree if charge, to march. ern, to enable them to Hem, (tether :net end Embroider, all on the same machine. IT aidreircEdare am be bed at ear berice. (tea a °WO, applylog saber to men or by mail N. &—bewing Illactdoes, Needle; 811 k Tertitr. Ontvxt, eta, mbetantly On bend. ,• CEATOVEY & WALTER, No. is etrra avirmT,lrrrisisuuoa. AGRNTO. S 5 Lobo, *tango, frfraus, Jos. a r. rotrAF. YOUNG BROYEEBB, Duquesne Foundry, Lib...vv... near On ter Depot pl.- EL IL, PITTSBURGH, Pi. • 1! bloonforturo MACHINE, BUT !PLANT and HAL. ISlti MILL FURNACE QA.B FANGS. of ...*l7 doncripuon. OIL PIPE, BOILER CIABELWOS, FIRS ISONIS. GNATL BARN, WAGON BOXES, BAD AND DOG IltoNti, ORATES AND ORATE ILOSITB,BTOPOAL NOELS. to.. al war. OP bond and for ano low. Organ left With W. W. TOIJNO, corner of Woad Mimi and Diarocoad Wey , will mioura prompt alien• Uon. r. adall ETNA ST 0V11M7011.813. A. S R p D Edenefecturee every •ufet7 of • COOK, PARLOR ADO' mir,ATiggek! STOVES, G...u.Avrir. FRONTS. vir.N.Dians &o. ago. &a. Sole Proprietor of tae celebrated 1 FATENT 043 SORNING AND SMOKE COMIC& IttlYo ARLANGENNNri. Office and Room, No. 4. Wood Street, Pirrsßuttatt. PA. ALLEN, fiIoCORMICIE a Co. VALLEYoopN.DEcir. , PITTSBUROD, BA. Warehouse. No. 52jet. Clair It:, MANUFAOTUREREI OF COOK,; M. PARLOR and HSA:11ill BTOVIE, Pe=nal atm d Robert Orates, Hollow W'ara, Steel and, Blau M ant* Roilirg Mal Castings, Mill OestrincOes,' Water and Artisan Pipe, gad Irons, Dog Irma Wsara Boot s, anger Ranks, Palle's, Onagers, Pr WYstAk Cionplitike, and Castings mmHg. Moo, Jobbing sind„ Maclaine tastinp made to onier Patented Portable: Willis, arida/lass= or Mom Pots+ natibtand iLeD=Vort fabinttusgmrnts. BIN IN G.!ER'S OLD LONDON DOOR. GIN, Gin as a Remedial Agent. THIS DELICIOUS TOMO STIMOIANT, li ESPECIALLY designed for the use ;iot the Medical Pm/fission Araify, tueltit superseded the nswelled Kline ~.Arcemalle,” "Card al," *ldedlcated," .Ektulappa,. etc., Is nos endurped by all of the premium* phyletans, chemist, had, ea poseesehmg o .Umese intrinsic Mad dual c:Willa (tonic and diuretic) erblch belong With old and pars Ohs. Put 'hp In quart bottle, 'tut' sold by aU ad. Dr. CM. H. ELLYN.% 140 Hood et., Agee!, . • . -• - A. IL DININUxs a co, tnrubiubed li 1718.1 ;8018 • Aistors. , , odiCtly Pal➢lBtoW 6. 1! LIVEROREENS, FRU T TREES, CS ltd—We werdd cell the lineation of those ralG •uo are decorating their grounds with Ornametedal Evergreens, Tree, throb/,Es, to our sztettoire'lini• !action, Liimprishig all the principal hardy veil** as folios,. Nom sy dpruso, Anitrtaq tootch, White, Hemlock, Sliver and Noglish Lira Pinss, Junipers, LW Order, common Box, Upright Bos, Merl= Ar• bonito% Eugligi Yeti turd Minas Arborvltea. 'DoO . strong pints of the Siberian Arborvitea sod llPright WE, on band, which ate tucalttible for nisehliar Ind beauty. tibm, 10,000 ripple, Peach; and Cherry TresS Of goof auk, and many of alt= star, 800 MO% comitclete dog to beer, of the celebrated Belle rt. Cludwy Cherry., from two to tire feet high' peckea sod shipped es Otreitel, at ge per doh. , Some thousands of Evergreens, ranging from flea td ten feet, for plautiag to the tmuiedlate neightarbood f at very low rata. . fietorencec Hon. Judge Wilkins. John Patter B. b Yahnestocl, Wm. Mtore,.Pr. Dunn:, J. JOlto lottery to oar fluidram through Wilkins Postal:0" Alegtomy wants, P., promptly Wanted to. , Pittsburgh Redo Farm klarelolp Sittatil 4 as Wil kins &sense, eight minutes walk torch the East Lib. crty Peeevirger liallway twitch, bear to last Libtlitt'. mblgthectielinT WM.* JAE MURDOCK. E ISII-50 btge. No. 3 arge Mackerel, 2.a do do 2 ' do it I ' 25 Litt; do 2 ' '- do I ' 100 tit'Obla. White rah, ito kW; do do ; ,1 100 btubli. Lake Eforring, .1 mud J. at CA/22LIILD a 00. ! Tr • ENTUOKY FLOIIII.-450 bagels choice White Wheat Paraily Plosr, in storable] rmny per Yeunryltatila liallroed, for aro by b mauoseLtt t attßoci . 1 re N 0.2521 Liberty street, tow bard of W• • • NEW ORIANANB 011:010B BUG —l5O hhdc kit to do *ln Mon &IA Perwaylvanta films!, tar Ws by ' ICODONALD ABDUCIELIN I Boa 'xo. 253 I.lbartyltreet.: nor bowl of Wo, A. b .e. blafu f.A r li r z tale by .a, odd corner of Wood and dint Nfld. _ _ IJuW ALE-150 bbls. ( imbaitut . 6 For las T uake) tow. ay - '; A•l3 `'" JOHN B. VANIIIII,4I uu.,, I ' ; Uzilrzt? ,l 1 31 • 6 RTANT.-All iwaingel ilyaNpriithadria ikluts b.c.b 4uotPh 104 other Points by Nobt*b banbcyart, th e Outbid Asasuri, or ths Tbritc="bbiabl lanist as having &-ketktdat lead by the IIOITII , IIIISSOTRI RAILROAD. The 0014 rail rot's frcto Bt Louis to et. Joseph. It is 'Lae shot* st.arto c,nlkaac line, by tharteen boon, to pia readrost po at Al by rat, end Is alWays as :amen as'Auy other. ray yam' tickets to Hansas and all point. In North• ern Mleseori by t_zo North ldllsocrl Ral , rcad. ierrAe eTINI.6IIION, Zraaltn and 3-0 . 1 sopt tithe North Illuon.rlll.ll. 11/1S .1.1 tPd ZONA. A..nt ullentallen .roomer -1..1..1. • 2r,:c_T•p.llLY I'11111:ib . tie! llai, cyan tn. TURD) ;I.t.i it SIN I•van• erte, Eacr.:..y) z. w_ ttapplag Only St t GOl. MTll,tin, st. arriaborg WMIIIIIII2 8.,;t In l'SltailsTpltts at :1110GiIE UMPTS.U 4 S .A 1. 9. Intact tizily at st.t.t.lauz .nay 'rf izt6rl. Strrttil, Mating an.Zzon at, far •4•1 sr a. , 11 Ws or Ralltsn. In/ a 1,1.0 s. a. 'AMT I.ll,eyr , ,escepl '0; p As 6m...0100,m n, GAM:x:I, 410..01, 10.0Zpplaat 10 . ACOU.MtIODATI.OII •b,oeu.c. Arrocamodacloi, fmna Itayt. U.I.Uy .. , 146!) at Z. 50 otoppmg •: a' i elatlcam, " .11 , 111 . it CtO it is. Trills r Matt= . 5vr. , !..7,14.111,14 a. r. _c.commo•atioalnin ftr Wa!l's :csnos cop: • Ac..... - suonq Tr.; IN .•••• •oi (.'reepatilas.j,,At C:RS r. x. tattering 1.76tul intik 0, rittaoo6Ko fout,w Lis prtrai r.r.r 51.11, 11'55a ta.: rat U.., IWO /- a- jqLnctcau dieu=acelstt7n, :0110 I. tint Acrotorio:..l6aou, cCI a. 164 oeccrd Wall's ptatinn Act.ractolodattoo.,.. 6 , 20 a. n., Thlni LID!?. Iqaaoll. 1C....a,1aGa{ , , fourth risiku A."croratitalitloti ! o , ls r. , Tnicul tor Valrrtll)4. a 9, indt r.O cnnurt at Str. inlkr.sweioU *ith loacitcwa 00.,...2..m05ia110r. end Itr.toss ksrlics rail West. oo.! with Past Frit :East - FT ; raja tioutrVis:lll.o 67.0wItait attar AUL , . I he Plt , artirghh lanurilallic 306,1, 106,0 tad) 6.1 Zoilow • Trait:4E6o t. r.; „sprs , * t - 1i r a. ilsturubn Trallaa from E ,Ittebusgh Cocia+li.riLlo E.ood.striss at PEW !Earth. 0. al. and 0:16 ;! The tzar:Pug public CM Dud It grt.stly is their to. !Weal Kolas foot or %So.", to trao , l by the/haus. ,sslvardl BALI rovi, as the scronmodation6 rum offered i =mot De ca Any otbsc rout , . rie:Sted Ii bellestogith ter.: • Epos from dust. Ws !tan pro ss meaty, it;*ol !:•t 'a *ll 16140 rimy 1411 :Lined ,` /JAN - Itawflott- bit atiiTo ' t 0 65 —ln rrl I,ocutrt..—.-, DII 1344letarg T ffl 24g4gsCheckod tools htet!oza on the Penna. It attl to Ptladelph!a, Baltimore and Mao Pork. Psarobvra pull:am:mg tickets to can will Oa anon. al an atone according to d!atarice traveled ht additton td the tiOn rota, Non Mtn:lons INUTI the DomPatiihde threat NanD.D.—rn case of kw, too Compaq twirl Shoo aaJras mymnribla tot personal baggage cail.l. VOO2/11 , 343. 1 .0..diui5T p lt3 .' • N. Bi Aa Omn:bra Ltce t.a bow., employed to;eirras slut Cei.g . to and from the Depot, et a.lbol , •.4 to Vt..ttei 14 Mato paarector awl Ym Slcksras poly to t tioq areal J. ATC117:!1".., agent. rit-etcr, 0.1 I.4mm .51 Citiesland a. Pitt. anairgto fat nitwit, 0 3.4 Nti I/ Or 'titrin.-91:13.131 BA Alt BANG/MeV! • N and after AloNnara ir L am 1 . the 10tts, 11141, In/ tell let.Sra the Depot of the Petimitstits Ranters, In .Pltt bni - gh, as follows: Ititt4uprh, Cblumbus oxt Cirsiumont More Latin • . rui 7.4rOcurglia. ' No clutie of rare hatworo Pittahar,thiand Cincinnati. 7 Lea Artier* It Arrive s at anites at Amine •1 PITTS 'B COUBIE'S CHM 114D'APuLIS RT. .01.111113 1125 a to 1 LOS • m L'ioil - p in 4210 p i n 015 p m 200 •tu Ms tont* is aortal to Cincinnati, Lociallßa, Go. 1 4 !net t Sal nit jouhointotittit, than any other roots. Elpirsd Blaming Um attertead to ell Night Trains. Pittsburgh and *heating Linn - Learn Arrlate at Arrival at Arrlite• at 'Art . tiote In nrras'e, ISUCIVEI, Pi SILLS,. ODE'S, WlLlElilid 1235 4 m 110 • m :WY • m 4:03 •no 614 • m tO4 i m 7:25 • to II:19 • M IP2O • m lecta • to MO to I:10 p tr. 2t3 pmi PAO p m LIB pin .403 no fall pto th2l3 p tai .. 4:4 w.The A. . and 1210 P. 4. Trains connect with Trion, C. U. lit. M. for Zantavale, Latimater. to. The - Oa p. in. Train stops ,t ail atation• betwosti KDOCI.f . r sod Wellsallle. ' Pibutlia mad Cleveland Lir ..,_ j , aMbssagn na ITTI3BURGII Arm Le Anisos CLIVILAND/ 4.3 b a. st• • I ir IP a.m. dyad r. W. -CP6O r. W. Its yrnS a. ea. teals moose • at Payard for New Naha phi!, and a talons on the Trularaws• Ennsb. P gns dashing to go to Sandasky. Toledo, Cana ,or points Wrat„ via Clessiand, mon Da par ticular to eat for Tickets vla Cleveland. Throdgb Stokers can tro procured at the Jlberty Ann l epot, Plttsbareb. J WO HTNWANT,TIeker Agent Tor feather tdonwation apply to WILLIAM iSTAWARP, Agent, . At ttle Company's Ordre to litelgbr gsatlon, Pasn st r. a. kriltaa, Grum, Sirstat Avms, 1.10-# , , owniwed.Oblo LOU Isis Y be No. 0 Fourth &root. 0114 HT JIBED JP 1854. trAPXN DAILY FROLI 3 TO 2 o'- VV Cr, Ws:nos:ay and bawds, erentals, mum day drat to Zieremter drat, &coo l Is &chick. and ft= Norataer tact to Ititylint,from to II [Mock. Derain' racer's& of all coma tog har Min oa• aroin..,l rad a dtrldrasd of du Frail [lndira! tidos • yea, to Jun and Dactrobor. Intend tut been 3ceisr4rtar.imalty, to June and Dumber. Elmo tba vu orgaoliad, at thereat oftliper amt. • par. Waist, !root amnion; la &nod to the Cant of the ujadtor u prlnelpil,,aad betroths saustatesert from tlin Ant slays al Join and Deavobar, caospostding uric*• roar vttivartroaittog - Stto &parlor to call or ma to orrsera lac priaboate.. Al tan ray wavy wlu kale Isttesitttszli pus, ..cklisilatikseggrs• Pte 01 .41* 031, VA". A . ISOOso wordl Liu OkSatu r Stumm Halm asd tllad graga, 011 appltgiion atltts ottles. I pruisent-4202:Gis ateasa rocs ralleissireit luau B. D. Kw* Joao ad: Pontoon!, A. IL Potluck, 2i. L. Saul llobb; Jima Attila; Aka:sada Stadler - - Mg= J. Azdersoa . ttut pirgyrta. • E.cuall akt et lispear., liadmaa, haits D. loam AuL . .7 Sat U . Bactotan, John B. Ideholdaa. Pelee A. Madera, John H. WY; • Jams eltAnley,,, Rana Miriam% Walter IcEterel4ll, Jean Haul L. Llierwais. Alha Sbotateseger, exander Spear. William Anbenata, • Wllet, Ma Y • aws. ' VOZ7O// B. Cardield, Alolw A. Carrier. WI t Cameo@ A.Coltork. asin Bcogles, Johd W e laln B. Lana. P H. Banter, aaa 5, Ma Tly. y T IQUID ItENN&Tr-,-For making L Ins re. urinates, • moat agleam Ell/2.1761r Nasal. II la loth bealinfal and ecarann.D cal. Pt:action' accompany pick bolds for making &Hy, Jacket ettillareegolac, •A large, [nab supply Jut satenvid from the climactical:atm and kr sale ley dcian on Mgt. botVei the Family Giroarry Saco at • .1' LIS A. RESbllir, sue , . Larnaca, idbetici anitilandsta. It. n ricating AT THE LOW PRICE OP 25 CENTS ji,'W GALLON, coastantly on hand and for sale ,by S. 0. it J. H. BABILIit. AA Ea the qusltty, as serer to annexed eintLicater Prroortnion,Nor..27,lngo. Bile. CL J. H. SINUS; Gentle—ins Labrica. Ong thi we are getting front you we 'lnt to be the beet fir our purpose. we hareem. wed. 'roe . 00., 'attar By spa. tar. AWL yp.Efill ARRIVAL of von.— bbL-No3 Large bIaCH HSU; WO do No 3 do do bl-bbli Large Wirlerak.. !. • • IN bbla No 1 tlert!o10 113 do Baltlmoro do 10 do •• do -bind; 1 • ' • . 100 1:44,121a Lake Ilerrtog; - 160 do Whit. coludgament for eale Falcon by JOl/10 I. 11 . 01131 111 1110. aub:ll tor "grollldleld rod Water on.. Pftlaborgb. Pa SUB DBMS— -Ilada. N. O. Sagan 3 1 bldg. Batted auxin " prints Idardatton Holum assorted brands Byrom EloCodra% ED pxkat ys Cbabta 100 bons Ja alsonol brands Tobasam to eat,' d 3 . • do 160 halt &eats Yams Upon and Black 0o Tow 10 any boxer do do do •do Naar Rollo Boma lav Garman Boaz O mow lsaa ,oo,,noc do Starr do 1.0)0 bbtx Extra and Matra family /lour, atdra and SA male by /add - ATWELL. Lill a co Sli IN uttiES -0150 bbla.df.o nolaw+. 103 bogs fie Cl,ffee• I 43 1144 theca Yo oog 91eco.Tto, . 00 do do lils4ll. • do - 10 to do imoorjol, - oiddlei Y. a:l'd,, er on 4 Itot4oot, 40 bter refold Bogy, • 00 NAL Gollob moo r. fl. Symp. 20 b.lxis Laud 11..1'obora,. 10 do . Orates 6's do JO do 'moose. 14 *do . SO dos 118330's Ira " - .do • • togo 3. 0. Wildalole 0 co"; cadwilit Sac . do - p 100 boat, Ace= doop. . . do' Votiegotoo Soap, 'DUOS. Cub Bodye , Go=es do do A otossodfor oils by , WAIT a WiLdON. 253 Marti se. TiBN2 t 7 L: ea, . , . . ~, • • ... ',. - '-..,. ~- .; ';,..- . 7 1 C • I=rlll=l