shalt 6aytte. 4, '01:11011L 4'API:A Of 2'll FRIDAY MORNING, DEPT. 20, 1861 (CITY AFFAIRS . Ilifirxxxot.tnoss Ob ions for the Ga y -tdls, by G. E: l ,Bbsw, Opticiaa, .58 Mb street _ 4. —corrected dilly: se KIS. IC SHADS. - 1 o'olt it. e. ii 84 74 . t 2 ' . x 96 78 a ° r. pt 71 3 Barometer ........- ....... .. ....... .... 29 13 20 • ILICPIIBLIA/ 11 COMITY TtC#.IICT • • rya ruNtozat /cam Calitipm WHAJAM. D. licOLUlLK,Pl4.bargh. rot USIMAT .113 DON DUTLICT OoCILT: _ LINNET W.l WlLLlantS,PlEtabargb. sax assocuti JCITGI cosmos ruan: JOHN BliOtwN, of Rou Toirtablp. sus Inatolt JOHN P. PliNNEY,kirtsburgh. yosusesintr: THOSI AS WIGUAINfI, Afirecoy ROMs.. ,L,BIGHaId, Low of BE.Oleir; PETER 0, PH&NNoN, Oh•tritr. 7, wH,LIAOHLTIOHH , LN, Mce.tilet,; 81018.110 Np LOEW; Pitt.borgh ; roa emuurr: HARRY *pope, of Posblut Ip. • PAL Pe011IoNoTalT: tl6ZiltYl LIITONroI tipper Hu Cl>it tp. DAVID 0 ALIN, ot IVlTltlzzie"tp. AARON 1 , 1011), of Pittearkb ' .701 COLONIM: JOllll ktcOLllNa,ot Pin.Durgh . Dia=coir. OP POOR z i; 1301315 T El.•DAVitl.of Wl3 tp. 1111 Th! limns Guards and their -Arms. We bass elready noticed the fact that the Committee off Home Defense have been re quested to return the mite given by them to the Home 4narde, for the''porpose. of baring them inepected by government GfiLiO/S. It is Inferred that certain person' here have been inlerepresenting the condition of our Home Guard organisations—ln other words, that the Quartennutar General has been made to believe that our hoe compailes - hive disbanded, and that the arum had better be looked after, and placed in the hands of volunteers. New the tact ts, although the contiogenoy to provide ! against tibial the Rome Gnerds were organised, nevei.occurred, here, still they have not been • disbanded ; ; an d, to say the least, the organise. lion bah been, of vast benefit in keeping up the military spirit, and in giving our young men a pretty thorough knowledge of the commuil drill. It a undeniably true that bun , --druids Volunteers have been furnished for the wa out of this tiome Guard material, each • company feraishaig a large proportion of its yoongeist end most active men. Le to the arms • which they, have used ie drilling, acme of them are tolerably good,but the greater proportion would be as dangerous to the men whn shoot, as to the individuals shot at They have all ....Mali condemned by the Government as unfit ; 'for sae . 1 This being the case, a committee has been appointed by the Home Defence Commit. tee, to confer with Mr.. hteige; the Quarter master General, and layrthe facia before him. / The arms *hold answer first-rate for drilling, but no company would feel satisfied to take even the hest of them into the field. The Leitheran Church and the War At late session of the Allegheny Synod • • the StangeCoal Lndierma Church, held 'at Al- T ql „Ascot, two ministers,•ltev..l. N. Bucket and BAY. J. F. Kuhl - gum were recommended as Chaplain* for some of the regiments to the Peden] aim,. A resolution was also adopted, approving of the eourse of liter. Mr. Pile, in enlisting in the army, as he was unable to 4- dims his pulpit labors. Oaths( State of the Gormley, the following preamble: and elsobations wore adopted : Whereas, We hold the cease of our country in this boar of its trial, to be the cause of God-4the cause, not of thie nation alone, but of Christian progreas and liberty through oat the vrorld,—embOdying what divinaPro•- : idence bas wrought throughout the ages of this pug for the advancement and blessing of man; anti whereas, on the other hand, we regard this rebellion u most anjutifiable and wicked,. as an attempt to destroy the glorioue fabric o f Constitutional - and Christian liberty, reared by the Weigand sacrifices of our fallen, whose preoiou4 biessings we have enjoyed for nearly a inandred Years ' and whose growing glory has awedty}ante, an d cheered the faith of those whin believe in the inalienable rights of Man ; • theiefore, , • Ruched, That the course of - the Govern -, meet sgaiut this rebellion, is nothing more than it is called to do by the voice of God in hie wriMn Word, as well as by the voice of hamanity, speaking thrbagh its most truthful ottelesi ;Resolved, That we deem it the duty of the Cbarchopenly to advoCate the cause of the • Government, and support it by its effectual, . fervent! prayers. . , .• 1 Oar Book Tablab The•PeoMyiyanta Teacher : A Moilthly Journal. Ca. total to Education. finance and Monitore. R.,. Swine' radial, Editor. Pittsburgh: clog-oily • and:Elyera - We blzve reoeieed the September number of thbi welt got up monthly, whom mission of uso , tubas, we trait, will lack neither appreciation nor pia ctical support in this community. Tao co ,anis are :—Popolar Physics ; Primary 0 iiihy; Stementaof Chemistry; The Comet co A 0 f 86' tio ; p r v o f o cal oonf of Stream; e Tainl o E f r T er e e s i o i h e e i r ii s c i . SUMO The Soheol-Rooen; Offfouil Deparunent; Sophism; Boot-Table. Day - Abool Ball. A Fupecior Collection of Cholas Tata and a [was Bomber orExedient firma.. - adhed ty Soren Wawa. New Etat: Patilt.lud by, Barba asters; kluaburin. for solo by R. to *Ms, Wood strait. Rare, to a compact little volume of 219 pege4 wee have nearly one - ,bundred and eight pleMO of lyric poetry, with thw sire to ilsiiich they may be sung, both very well printed Soo, offered-at a price which certainly cannot steno • in dui way - of possesiion by any one wishing to baits the book. , - Departure of the °semen nagtment. — The regiment )set organised In this arty undat the direction bf Behimmelfenrilg left ,pr Philadelphia by special train yesterday. PiiiVioni to their departure they turned out on jp• . parade, beaded by Young's Braes Band. The " rite:neat now numbers neifly'-800 men—two companies having been already ,forwtuded to Philadelphia. It was at first eupposed that • Ihisitigiment would go into Gen. blgel's brig ado, in Missouri, bat thej have been ordered to Philidelphia—their ultimate destination being , Washington city. They are a fine body of men, and ihnn fully armed and equipped will eom.. —pad favorably with the best regiments In jam service. Cord from lion. A. W. Loomis. We are in receipt of the following brief noldirom Hon. A.. W. Loomis, whose name waiqased in the late "Union" Convention, in C.'onnentlon with the office of State Senator: Mr.trsaa. Enitrout My name was before the .Union Convention-1760)40t key knowledge and spinet my wiabea. I wati!net a candidate for any office. A. W. Lomita. _ . Snail . tcooitte in rapidly on the increase bele, and is becoming a great nuisance. .11 notichecked by the police, the street.' will soon swarm with,proleasionalmendicants,and peepers hy will be stopped l and importuned at every Owner. Ntimerottel little girls are now daily on the streets soliciting "a cent totioy a /oaf of bread," and nine-tenths, if not all, are ellen impostore, employed to keep bad men Ad.-roman in idleness find debauchery. FOR 7111 EXCELSIOR Bararine.t.-Copt. - John Glue,- of the Excelsior tirigidefiGeneral tlieklei;haibeen authorized to Merest!. -his eoinpany to one hundred and filly men, anf *rafting officers bass accordingly been di _ takicd Sothis city tannest the number of men required to fill ap. Lieut. Tyler wi.l tate chkrge or recruits and send them forward an . fait tit possible. :A Mir:titan should be made armoryiiecor4story. of Willow Hall. IPAZILLITATION.—The citizens of Bakerstown "sod vicuirty.,piewented. a splendid sword to Capt. Wm. ;Scott, of the - Bakerstown Guards, on on Wednesday. The presentation speech was slide by H. C. Mackrell, Erg. Mr. Atwell made the reecNion,speech in behalf' of Capt. Scott. The sword wellpreamited at the house -- ,of W. B. Newell. Dottbond, Allegheny: Adcarszn.—The Reds. J. Meiltertla :ASSI eocepted so call iromltbe:English. Idiiheren 'thatch on Pine creek, Allegheny county, and the English Lutheran church e 5 Middle Lan - jitter, Batter couity. ==nl FLAG PaTiENTA*IOII AND ftIyPCIA AT Crre.—Mrs. Parker, the worthy land. lady of the Parker House, presented to the Oil City Cavalry - Company, on Saturday last, a handsome flag. The presentation speech was made by Mr. Waldo, and responded to by Captain Duncan, in a lew very briel and ap propriate remarks. Great credit is doe to the patriotic ladies, Mrs. J. P. Thompson, Miss Woods, Miss Mattie Holiday and the Stews Hopewell', for their untiring efforts in pre paring one of tnie most sumptuous coppers I Ayer partook 01. The supper was TATTAd op in the new wareroom of Capt. Hanna, which was cheerfully tendered them by the Captain. The company numbers some filty-fise remark able fine looking young men. They left for Camp Wilkini on Monday. FOUND 49.01WNED.—Yesterday the body of an anti - own man was found in the Allis. gheny river, nearly opposite Heath h Duff , . saw mill, in the Ninth ward. An inquest was held by Coroner Bostwick, but the body wu not identified. The deceased is supposed to have been a young man, not over twenty•five year. of age, and the body has evidently lain in the wow' for several weeks. The clothing consiated of a striped "hickory" shirt, grey flannel undershirt, two pairs of barred cassiv mere pants, a pair of shoes and striped cot. ton socks. SWORD PIagENTARDN.I.—AII decant regale tion sword was presented to Lieut. G. Gray, of McKeesport, by a number of hie friends, assembled in the parlor at the Gi rard House, yesterday. The' presentation speech was made by Judge Baldwin, and responded to. by Mr. Baker, of IldcKeesport. Lierit. Gray immediately alter left for the east, with a detachment of men for his company. SEVERITY'S SALE OF DRY GOODS RI NO. DS Market street, on Monday next, at 9 a. to. The stock is the largest ever exposed to pub lic sale in this city, and consists of a great variety of choice and seasonable dry goods, including 100 pairs of blankets, long and square .Bay State shawls. All in want of the above goods should attend the. sale. The sale is to be conducted by T. A. McClelland & Co., Auctioneers, BURGLAHT.—Oa Tuesday night the residence of B. H. Davis, Esq., in Ohio township, was entered by a burglar or burglars, and a number of valuable articles stolen, Incl uding a set of sable furs, one dozen or mom 1111. r tea -spoons, silver salt-spoons, silvekladle, a $5 and a $2 60 gold piece, !do. Only valuable &miens' were carried off, and of these all within reach were taken. FATAL Accrocor.—ilbout fire on o'clock OD Sabbath mamas a man named John Foopat. OW, a labdrer upon the Canton Railroad, jumped leant the platform of a lreight car at the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago depot whit.: the train was in motion, and injured himself ao much that be died on Monday afternoon. lie resided about two mi ea west of Munition, and leaves a wile. DEFARTOME OF COL. MCL&NE'S REGIMENT. —COI. titcLatte , s Fate Regiment left for Wash ington On litonday afternoon, an order Irom the Sec-rotary of War having been received to that effect. on Saturday mama.. The regi ment wag not quite full, numbering only 9.10 men. Undorms are expected to he furnished at Harrisburg. , DULCET cos WABEIINGTON CITY.—TkIA 41,C -ond detachment of the '•Graham Rifles'. will leave for Washington City on Friday afternoon, to join COI. Grahamla Filihitegiment, Excel sior Brigade. Tweet}-fire good men are wanted. Apply at second story of Wilkins flail, Fourth street to Capt. W. J. Phillips. To THr.,L A EgEll. —M. Kilebio and 0. flew N • 123 Federal street, wall open, on Sitar day, the 2lat ton., a handsome aneortment o millinery prfit, cnmprlaiag Bonnets, flats an Caps, of the latest styles. All ul which, •ti be Boat low ow each. 813014.1., the norrespondat of the Loodo• Times, and Major General John Betl, of th English army, were among the artivala at th Monongahela flame last evening. Jrn A DESISTED DOISTLIITEST.—Mrsvrs. king und;arnith, Prat:opals Iron Ciiy Coll 7 —Grntlerprn : 1 have tong felt it my duty t address 'Am a_note, expreimile of my appiecia- Bons of the valuable instruction atlorded the institution under your charge. Of tat this duty bus become still more apparent. M son Edward, soon alter graduating with you, entered am a private in Capt.. Hull , . comp.], Cot. Bieck'. regiment, and upon arriving ; t tV althington was as Secretary at lira - quarters of Provisional Brigade, under Ge 1 yi. Porter, and is now an hie office in Washing% City. Edward is scarcely eighteen, and his soc cer. I attribute chiefly to the ihatruetionu r.- carved it your hand.. I would strorgly urge upon . every young man who is desirous of 'Be coming a tboroush business man, the i lutpl• lance of eeterirg the Iron City College at I - earliest moment practicable. Very ult.,. pima, It. B.; Gre.ndtUrg, cit. 17, 1861. Duman our viait to Lowell we were ahown through the Laboratory of our celebratFi countryman, Dr. .1. ,C. Ayer. Scarcely enold we bane believed without proof what la seen beyond disputing. Phey make a barrel of solid Pills, about 15,000 doom and three barrels of Cherry Pec toral, 120,000 doses, per diem. To what an inconceivable amount or human suffering does this paint ! 110,000 doses a day ! I Fifty mil lions of doses per year !! I What acres 4nd thousand of scree n 1 sick beds does this spread' before the imagination I And what sympathies and woe! True, not all of this is taken: by the very sick, but alas, much of iC is. T his Cherry Drop and this sugared Pill are to b e companion of pain and anguish and sinking sorrow—the inheritance our mother five Ibe gneatbed to the whole family of man. are the infant darling has been touched too ekrly by the blight that withers half our race. Its little lungs are affected, and only watching and waiting shall tell which way its bratit shall turn. Tidy red drop on its table isi , the isthmian on which its Isle shall hang. 1 ere the bloaaom of the world just bursting i mto womanhood is stricken also. Affection'a net assidions card avails not, she is still la ang away. The wan messenger comes hearerand nearer every week. This little medicament shall gb there, their last, perhaps their 'artily hope. The strong man has, planted iu his vitals, this same disease. This rid drop by hie side is helping him wrestle with the•inyzor able enemy; the wife of hie bosom sad the cherubs of his heart are waiting in sick sorrow and fear lest the rod on which they leap, in this world, he broken. . 0, Doctor ! Spare no skill, nor cost, nor toil to give the perishing sick the bent that human art can give.—Galcesion (Texas) ;151ettrs. Docioa C. Beata, Water Core and Doom path'," Physician; &leo agent for Rainbow? fele britsa,Truse_for Roptasoe. o Ponn end Wayne Straits. O. 8111, No. 216 POnn st: attends ro alt balsas* of the Dental profession treA Friend In Siewris Try ft.- Da toilet Ca LlallktllitX Ispre y:trod horn the rearlyt of Dr: iltepben Sweets of Pow usetiout: the iits•t bone attar. and Wu been arid lo hiaersettio for the loot twenty vette with the moot *stunt/thine Juana,. De artarna Tomah, it la without • rival, and will alleviate ono mai*inteadllt theism, other prettr•ttoe. for all tibeanatto end Narrelia Dloordua It la Italy isintlible: ant •:0 0- ratter ,for tore., %comae Sandia& lirolooly dal“ Iu enOthine. beW nt and powarial 'Stencil:main" 'rape r- UN. darn* the just wonder sad estoniebantet oi all who nail ewer then w tztaL over fear hundred ear Vilest. of rirmailiable carat performed by It within I• the Lan two erne:attest tbee fart. Bee Werth.. Oen. ardirlyrtirwirmst KILLERS d CO : &pate, Ouraer Wood and &rood atrietr, Pittaborgh. BLOOD FOOD.—AiletitiOD is o od LO I Lids most remartable sod ecientino preparstiou, ad. earthed In *Matter 0011111111. It is so sotto sly new - disci:Miry, sod most not be commanded with soy of the numerous patent. Medicines of the day r It is a . eac'taln remedy for ill the diseases specified, arid as. prdnhly tilosp of s chronic rtatore—ot toot standing —it weeks months, and years. Buffor.ers, iry 11l Nome Coma & Orton!, of New 'York, ere thc sole ennuis tor it, and also proprietors oh . ihe world. : rertowoed D Dr. laroell hireling.) CiOltila an aril. Me Which men, Blocher should hovel h mediclue closet to mon of need; owl containing, as lt dote, so paregoric or opiate of soy klod, It rart Do rillod sport wttO the almost euundeure,aud will be lori . rel an veloable specific lo all coos, of Infantile co plena.— Oithi Snits Jnaresol, /Mutates *Visa advertisement. for sale he DIKONON SIVAS. lostt.l4o Wooded.. Mishmash. Pa. dalTalAwiter " I R. 011ABLIIS U. nowt., rhynlivian and Bur • ao;n, om••. 16..38 f.d.r•l Oppori¢• ColaWarrlo row, near ths r3uspo ALLEOUN Y CITY. 200 ISM; , DIUSD - I!SAlrlito la " a" f9t IIII7ICR k PIecKYTFON. TNDlAltUolsfin , itUSN, frti Ito 10 Li tubes calibre, Lir 11110 at 26 and a Clalt tarot. Latin J. aFL P l. ~ ..~ , a~ .~=_ THE LATEST NEWS. Ft TZLEGRAPEI Rf EIVED AT IRE DAILY MET' E Of FICE PORTANT FRO is M [SWUM • ItY7llllllOlll CITY, Sept. 18.—Two couriers hate kiln anivad from Lexington. The follow ing intelligence is believed by the commanding ofor here to Ea in the main pert reliable: . pen. Price commenced the attack on the in trenehments at Lexington, commanded by Col. Mulligan, on Monday. The fight was very sa6ere. All day long Price assaulted the works, but was repulsed with severe loss. !The fight - was renewed on Tuesday Minting, bqt feebly suetained. When the couriers left, Gen. Lane was at ii i . Jobneto , Mites county, with a force of 2,000 tr!3,000, marching to the relief of Lexington. Tha l loss on Monday le reported at 4,000, and th t of the federal troops at 800, which is probabl exaggerated. Jerrestsou 'Crrv, Sept. 18.-0 o Mon day afternoon Gen. Price sent word to Col. Mulligan at Lexington, again demanding a slimed., Col. Mulligan's reply was, "Go I V t? Hell !..' _ - • . An attack was immediately made by Ent Opening with artillery, and then making an ad vance under its cover oo the town. Price was repulsed with heavy loss. Gen. Lone, with en animated force of five ihottsarid:Kanaas troops, is reported to be with in forty miles of Lexington, and is rapidly ad. Sensing to reinforce Col. Mulligan. 1 Luber Federal troops are rapidly moving for vard from St. Joseph and other points to rein iorce Mulligan. The 18th, 22d, 24th and 26th ndiana regiments have gone via steamer to Lexington; also' the forces sent from St. Lout. er the Desmoines and White Cloud. These einforcements number about six thousand fiactiver troop', and will reach Lexington to. morrow morning, the 19. h. 'Every confidence i • telt hem that Col. Mulligan will be able to old Lexington until reinforcements arrive. The Osage bridge, eleven miles from here on the Pacific Railroad, is said to be the first Ipoint tbrentened by Ben. McCulloch's forces, 1 1301• believed to be advancing rapidly from the Southwest. -- 1 .. Jurcason Cx fir, Sept. 19.—The correspon dent of the St. Loots Democrat says that we have no definite reports from Lexington, bat it is a settled fact that that place is invested by Gen. Price with some 10,000 or 15,000 rebel ;troops. Good military authorities bete are confident, however, thht the United State. troops there have been reinforced, and that unless the plane wu taken yesterday it is safe. Price is reported to have a large park of artil lery, part of which are the gems taken from Gen. Sigei's battery at the battle of Sprirgfield. A part at Price's Wee is reported to be forty miles from this city. His scoots have been seen fifteen miles from here. Ben. McCulloch, with 18 . 000 well armed rebels, is reported to be advancing rapidly mom the southwest in the direction of either! Role air this city. Many think this will be the of attack. Another object of his march a sail in be to get between oar troops at Rolla and other points, and prevent junc tions whim tlimeral Price is operating against Lexington and the Capital, and if Hese plans are successful, then to form a junction with Price. Cnicaco, Sept. FL—Mr. Howard, Agent of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne et Chicago Rail. road at Ft. Joieph, arrived 113 this city but night, baying lelt that place on Monday morn ing. He reports the only obstructiontZn the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad io be the bridge across Platte river, which will be re. paired to-day. Two Ohio regiments passed over the road last Monday. There are tally 10000 Limon troops along the line noW, cod 'umber trouble is anticipated. There are - avowed accusal:lnlets along the road. lard feels confident that the rebellion Mel crushed in the section al the State .ith of the ',Lamour' river. He states that the rebela carried sway from St. Joseph $500,000 worth of property, most of which was molen nom seteumnuits. From the Rivet,. me/meager be learned that Lezington was at tacked on Friday. The Federal forces were all in their inuenchments, awaiting TS11:1101rCe . meet,. St. Louts, Sept- 19.—The 39th Ohio, C, Groesbeck ; the 31 lowa, Lieut. Col. Scott; the 16th Illinois, Col. Smith, with • force of Mis souri State militia, and the lowa State troops, under Cola. Craynor and.Edwrirds; three hun dred regular and Irregular cavalry, and six pieces of artillery, under Capt. Madison, left St. Joreph and Chillioothe in two "'Wawa on Sun yesterday to reinforce Col.l Mulligan. , The reason why Gen. Pope did not 'arrive and rout or rapture Martin Green's baud of rebels on Sunday night, the 12th inst., is ex plained as follows: Pope was at Runnewell an Saturday •ith eight hundred men, and know. log Green was eneamged in the neighborhood of Fierids, he determined to make • night march and surprise nim, bat learning the latter bad 3.500 men, he sent an engine at noon to Sheibine, eight miles west, with orders to Gen. Hurlbut to send down immediately .500 Ulan to reinforce him, his force being toomati to attack such a force, but in consequence of the gross mismanagement on the part of Hurlbut the troops from Shelburne welch should have reached flanoewell at three o'clock did not arrive until eleven o'clock, p. m., when it was ton late to Eamon the expedition that night. Another attack was planned for the cent night, however, and Pope muctied his men twenty four miles over broken, almost roadie's court try, and reached Green's camp early on Mon day morning to find it deserted, Green having been apprised of Pope's demi° and Red, and his men being, mounted they could not be overtaken by trifantry,and Pope had no cavalry. There are now no armed bands of rebels in the count'''■ north of the Cannibal end St. Joseph Railroad, and brit few between It and the Mis sputa river. About 5,000 Rome Guards are in the northern part of the State and it Mender. stood that Pope hes effected arrangement' for the thorough organiettion of the Union men in that 'region who are abundantly able and will ing to preserve peace, it arms are furnished them, which it is said will be done. It is now conhdently believed that no more Invites /wens heard of in North Missouri. In addition to putting Gen. Hurlbut and Col. Williams under arrest for drunkenness, Gen. Pope ordered the arrest of Lieut, Col. Blair, of the Ramses regiment, for mutinous conduct at Sheibins, in threatening to mitt - draw his command if Col. Williams pethistea in fighting when attacked at that place by . Marian Green. In a letter to the Republican of thin morning, in reply to charges by the Democrat, Colonel Blair states mat he - never caked a 'moor, con tract or appointment from Fremont whic h was not granted. 'I heir difficulties are not of a private nature, bat relate to charges made against Fremont for his conduct of the CM. paign. Governor's Proclamation . . _ Ilaantenna, Sept. 19.—The Governor bu issued the following proelamation : Pennsylvania, ss. 4 : G. Couns,-[(.. a.] In the name end by the authority of the Commonwealth of Penneylvaniazzaw ConTle, Governor of ISM Commonwealth. PROCLA1111101 1 : nittiall, The President of the United States of Atnerioll .has. by proolamardon, appointed Thursday, the 28th day o/ Soptoqibor current, as • day of humiliation, prayer and fasting,. to be observed by the people of the United buites with religious solemnity, and the offering of fervent supplications to Almighty God for the safety and welfare of these States, Ills blessings on their arme, and a speedy reiteration of peace• now, therefore— I, Aunnew G. 0111111114 Governor of the Com' ' monwealth of Pennsylvania, do order that o the day named therein tublle offices abet be clamed; and I earnestly he recommend to th people to emend, on that day, their ordin evocations, and to dont their places of bud. nose, and to humble themselves before the Al mighty, with earnest prayer that he will favor ably, with many, lookj open this people.. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Ilanliburg, Ole 19th day of Sep tember, in the year of d of the monwealth the eighty-fifth. By order of the Governor. ELt &ley of as Coornenumalch, - - , CINCINNATI, Sept. 19.—The 19th Illinois regiment reached the city at two o'clock this morning and marched to the Filth street quar tet house, where 'upper had been provided; thence to the Little Miami depot, where they toils the cars for Camp Dennison. I The bodies of the des were taken tii the Orphan Asylum buildin g g , where they Were . I placed in cons add ma e ready for bhrial. Many of the bodies were sadly disfigured, but a great portion seem to rte come to; their deaths from interest br l ees received in the crash. At two o'clock this afternooe the bodies will be taken to Spring Grove.l The remake of Capt. Hower will be sent to'Gile na for interment. CINCINNATI. Sept. 19. The funeral of the soldier' killed by the ace dent sight before last took place to-day. A ter service" et !the Arsenal by the chaplai of the unto uaate regiment, toe coffin', twenty-eight to otimber, were placed le hearses " and the CAM drifped in .mourning, escorted b battalions friuni the Illinois 24th sod 19M regiments, the 'Home Guards and Inds regiment of this city, tosksed through the Principel street". The iofgne," now is vaults, subject to an order from ;adieu. apolis. The wounded are doing well; the inirgions sow t h ink all will recover. . . • CAIRO, Sept. 19.-1 e i• reported that 11,010 reboil, have taken pommeion of Mayfield, KT, lortilyina the place. Jeff. Thompiort , a force of 2.300 have moved to New Madrid. A akirmieb took place last night near Columbia, between Col. Bewt , pickets and come rebel scouts. None of the Federal troops were in 'med. CHICAGO, Sept. 19.—The eubstriptioiln the Netsoual Wan to-day amounted to $11 3 . 000 , of which Solomon Sturgia a who armed end equip. ed AteWelles , ' body guardi Siieranaonntam, Sept. IC—Twenty-three hundred Indiana troops orrived hero tbto e'en' lag, and farty.seyen hundred additional are exploded before to-morrow mornink From Washlnotoo. Weentearoa,,Sept. 19 —Tbe Huy Depart ment has acceepted propoeltione from Meseta. C. B . D a th wa t & Co., of New Haven, Marcie, A Rue, of Philadelphia. and Errioason, ot'New York, for the conStroction of iron clad steamers, within a few dayk. The Navy Pepartment has made coma changes in the officers of its Squadron. Capt. Wm. W. MoHaan, of the Niagara , bas been appointed Flag Oficer in the Golf, In place of Capt.. Wm. Mereine. Flag t Meer Stringham having asked to!be relieved from the command of the Atlantic , Blockade Squadron, Capt. L. M. Goldsborcogh bay been appoiated to no mad him The Squadron hail bocci divided, and Capt. 041dabori.ugh aisounts the command of the Northern division, embracing the coast of 'Virginia end, North Carolina. - Capt. L. F..: Dupont has been appointed Flag Officer of the Southern Atlantic Squad ron, embracing the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. The new Flag Officers being junior. to come of the Captains cow on duty other changes are rendered necessary. Commander Mirsecon has been ordered to the Savannah, ricer J. B. Hall, detached. Capt. Marston has been detached from the Cumber land and ordered to the steam frigate Roanoke, vice Capt. Nicholson, detatched. Capt. Charm coy has been detached from the 849(1nel:tenni and Capt. Lardner appointed to that ship. Commodore C, A. Davie has been detatched f oak special ditty at the Navy Department and appOloted Capitin of the fleet of the Southern Atlantic squadion. Commander Percival Dray ton has been !ordered to special duty In the Southern Attend° equadron. Monti C. R. P. Rodgers has been ordered to the Wabash, the flag 'hip of ttle Southern Misdate squadron. 'flommander ,Livingston has been ordered .to the Cumberland, vice Captain Marston trans ferred. ,Comulander Win. Smith has been or. dared to the lUnited State. frigate Congress. Commander Pendergrest has been appointed Commandant Of the Philadelphia Navy lard. Conimendor NI S. Baldwin has been ordered to the receiving !ship at Dolton. Commander .7. M. Tratley Ina been ordered to the Philadelphia rendezvous. ICommander Thomas Tremor 'has been dot/abed from the Philadelphia ren dezvous a..d Ordered to the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Supplication for position as volunteer Lieutenants, I acting millers, and master's mates, should state the ages of the applicant., and he accompanied by certificates from the last ownersthe accede, and, also, from toe several undo writers of the ports whence the applicants hUu 11l nailed. None other. will be considered at the Navy Department. Army Ordirs —An order was issued from the War Dep artment, directing that the militaryepartment of Ohio will, in futine, consist of thej State of that name, Indian., and so much of ?Kentucky as hex within fifteen miles of Cincinnati, and be under the command of Brigadienl General Mitchell, of the U. S. Volunteers.r The head-quarters of said de. psrtment to be located at Cincinnati. So much of Virginia ta e ties west of the Blue Ridge Mountain. ill constitute, io future, a separate command, to be called the Department of Western Virginia, under the command -01 Brig. Gen. Bosecrans, head-quarters in the The War Department bus kneed an order to carry into a ffect the leant Congress by which soldiers may singe portions of their pay for the benefit 01 their families. The assignment is to be entered on a separate roll, according to a prescribed form, under toe Infervision of immediate ime/inte commands, at the ime of no he roll io to be transmitted to the Paymtster General, who wait make the deduc tion. on each par roll, nod the 'pinnate, of their regiment will transmit the In Bey for die. Dilution to those in whim favor the assign. meat is eiebutsd. The attention of or the regular army is again directed to that section of the Act of Congreu Which piovides that in all case. of enltstment lend reenlistment in the military service, the prescribed oath may be adminis tered by adycomtaiseioned officer of the army. Fees to civil of For such service, will nut therefore bb admitted. Another army order is as follows: Volun teer otliceri sent out to ream , for their regi ments will he granted panes over the roads leading to F ir from the points to which they are ordere d Should Should the roue be our roads for which pease. are not granted they lull be paid their acmel traveling expeneu out 01 the land for recruiting and equipping colunti , re; but in no due will they receive toe ten cent. per mile is lieu of the transportation of bag gage. There are tosuoces where few p. have been need and the amount drawn tor the same distance, to such nails the officers are requested to refund the amount drawn on toe penalty off being stricken irnm the roils. W•11111NOTGO, 'ept. informati.di has hew redeired that the only porta throuith which common ship bread may be introduced into Oki , . Island of Cube, tree 01 duty, during the One of exemptioa -granted in the Royal order of the 16. b of May tut. are Hai` onia, alt Lego de Cubs, Cienfuegos and Neuebnis. I he National Intelligeneer mays," W e believe that the frequent threat. of the R:chmond pa pers, in regard to the closing ant the Potomac by erecting batteries along the %Vellum entire, have never made any serious impression on our military authortoil. There are shells enopgb at our command at any time to enable our Teasels to dislodge thia rebels along the Important from Kentucky. Loutavicce, Sept. 18 —At nine o'clock ibis morning, when the Government troop, reached Rolling fork, fire mile. north 01 Muldrough , e Hill, they found the bridge over the Fork burned. The number ol toe enemy on Mut. droughts Hill is unascertained. Gen. Sher. man Otecovering h lord, about breast deep, sent a reconnoitering party, which bad not re turned at lour o'clock this alterewoo, at which' time Lieut. Col. Johnston was dispatched Iromi Louisville with '7OO additional troop., consist.' lug of the remnant of Roueseauts cornmand,t and about 400 01 the Home boards. Great en-! thualasto was manifested by the bystanders at! the depot on the departure ol troops south-, ward from Lluisville. The city is full of rumors, among which ie. one that Gen. Buckner ie commanding the Confederate lorces at Muldrough Bill; doubt-, ful. Another that after the Secemionima had burned the bridge at Rolling Fork the Union men burned the bridge at Nolin, fifteen mile. 'multi of Elizabethtown, whereby they stopped two of the three trains which the Secessionist*, supposed they bad obtained by the burning the Rolling Fork bridge., 'Me as probably true.l FAAII AA oar, Sept. D.- 0 Committee Federal Relations reported substantiaLy aa, follows : W , Tha Confederate troops harp M. , ended .Kentucky and momently dictate the terms upon which they will retire, therefore, /Waked, That Gen. Anderson be invited to take lomat charge of this department .and call oat a force sufficient to expel the invaderti his paned the lintleri and the Senate eon" eurred by 20 to 9. The Senate also peered the Concklin Resolution with bet three nay 6 which proposes to confine the war to the ten aroma, and discountenances partizen q.uarreli as leading to civil war. Lou 1111 l tc,Sept. 17.—Early this morning the United Stale/ Marshal seized the office of the Courier, and arrested Ea-Governor 51600- bead, Reuben S. Murrett, one of the proprie tors of the Courier, and Martin W. Baer„eat. 'graphic news reporter of the New Orinano Associated Press, on charge. of treason On complicity with the prisoners. They viet l e Carried to Jeffersonville and will bo vane. rrred to the custody of the Marshal of ttie urbane District. The iranamiasion of elk graphic news Southward ha. been interdi to and the lines ate interrof - fed. Loursvicce, Bait. 19.—There are no Cal a from the South, and no telegraph comma lok• lion Booth of here to-day. FRANKFORT, Sept. 19.—Senate.—A re lion was passed placing the arms and am odi lion of the State under the control n the commander Of the Federal forces in Sent oily. 'I he Houle passed the Senate's bill toi eh large the powers of the Military Board- t I Lour!vitt% Sept. 19 —The publication of the Colter was aospended on account of its soignee' y the government. Effarta are making to routine its publication on' a different basis. The%departiare of steamboats down the river is latCrdioted,llsl6P3 a government officer companies them.— ThOeport of the horning of the bridge over the Lositeville h Nashville Railroad, at None, is denisid. No :trains have arrived from. the South to day. ;There has been no telegraphic , communi eatloro3outh of here for three days. There are all sorts of coral utiog moors con. cerultill the movements along the line of the road. if Nothing is acsarately known. No or ganized Tennesseans are known to have en tered Mentacky along the lino of the road. Gov: Morton, of Indiana, has been here in consultation with Gem. Aoderson today. Ile left for home to-night. Con and other arms wore received from the Ste 'Arsenal to night. Late*nd Interesting fromear Orleans. A '', :Massachusetts man w beenlin business in New Or eans, occupy- I , iog a prominent position ther , reached his homeii in this State on Saturday evening, having left New Orleans the previous weeki He had been furnished with ere denti;ils by the Mayor, which carried him safer , pest. the Rebel hosts lying between thatdity and the free Statesf the North. iL b Thwigentleman speaks l. co fidently, from personal knowledge, o i ge numbers, especially among the business mon, of UniiM sentiments, who are impatiently awaiting the day when , Northern expe ditidn will reach and capture - the port. Tluo such an expeditio will be sent out IS the general belief ini' New Orleans, and ruaht is also predicted that the city will bo Captured without any severe fighting, as it is not capable iA any very strong defMtee. The gentleman also expressed thetbpinion that New Orleans would not have voted for Secession, had nota consid erable number of votes been imported limn Secession strongholds. lie came up from hew Orleans with Hon. John Slidell, on his way to Bichmond, whip pretended to be firm in the belief that sixty days would end the war by 'the: interference of England with the blockade. Oar informant also states that of late the blockade of New Orleans has been entirely effectual In preventing the entrance of vessels. Vainness in the city is stated to be ut ter), prostrate. A thousand or more la• borers were wandering about the levees, having no work. The fan that_these laborers ard ;unmolested shows that the plan of for ced; enlistments ha. be-at given up When helleft it had been ruining a: New Orleans daily for more than a month, tied in some parka of Canal street skitht were rased to convey passenger. TO., f.normons fall of ruin moat have had a very injurious effect alien the crops thrt. u ghout the South, the quotes baler at sixty cents par viand, coffee the Bone, and tea at $1,25, Shines very scare, Sortie time since la. dkeii , shoes worth lest than $1 here sold for nOrly $2 there. Now they would be dis p4ed of readily at almwt any price de. tninded. 4n regard to the general feeling of the 4ple of the South, he expriz .3 tisc the opin 4that ii that a very . large cumbtr are enthasi. ic for the war, Imlay of whom have en -4 ed without any espectutian of receiving' p'dy for their Berviev. Louisiana has al• reitcly furnished fourteen thousand men tar seivice at Virgini, rind other places. 'lll6 does not anti.:iptite an early end to tbe war. to regard to the proclamation of (+nem! Fremout , deellir ing be slaves of Rebel masters free, he sties that it is no afore than the South could reasonably ex pect, but its wadi n 1 wil probably be to Oche them to a :ante rigorous prosecu to of the war. . II On his way Nosh he net a Louisianian sarrgeon with whom I.e wa4 well acquainted, turn og home Richmond in disgust. his surgeon told hien itha there was a very ge number of soh to trichmotd and vi• city the diserve being a sort of fever and igue,twhich rendered them incapable of rforming servie' Of cry kind.--113oston raveller. Tan following, from the New York knee, is jest, pointed and timely : Military men have long since seen the Inecessity of securing and holding the very 'Positions assumed by Zollikolfer, it we 'Would make our occupation of Western Virginia Bare and permanent. The diftl . ulty has been that to resat those points khe absurd neutrality of Kentucky would lave to be violated--a scruple of so Much weight with the President, that he preferred to run the risk of a hostile 'seizure rather than to march an army (from Ohio to' the Gap. This scruple no longer exists. The enemy last the rear 'of our gallant bands in Virginia ; and Ithey can only be protected by an en ergy proportioned to our previous su pineness. Let us remember, if we can, there is something beside Washington to be saved. I Vo'f—vn zuaday afternoon, between Bever •Irsel Mrthndln Church ad 1 collier or riultb Common mad Panactay •il•aberiY. 'OA (leaver atrwt and Nottb Common, A BILE lOC PiN• OIL AND PILN CA•• Irll uOLLt PAN, ;Rod • PIARL nANDLISD Th • tinder will bn saltably rewarded br them mt 1.1 P. au W A ri.l7.'d DILOCI BTORB, wag re I P. d.r•l miner, Alltgheny. TO WHOLESALE CASH BUYERS WILSON CARR & C No. 94 Wood etreet, Invite stand ma to thtl, v. 1 IL dock of Staple am! Franey Dry GOodg• All who boy soon will pr.rit over ter. who boy lee, no priwe ale w on. sdvanclog, espo rally In Cotton Hoot.. Plttrilinligh,Moptotal.r Pt 11111, y OLUNTENIt' W SATIN° CASE. A 11 0 11 t i ollab l r (ww, r•rcli lioperlor 10 el. .1: tatOrs,' .,l COTU f!APKR, UNPoN I/INK b 1 ruNJ I=l I=l ;• lup expres y :,,1 co :only 25 rent. For I Ts by It P. DAVI3, 93 Weo street. • (Lci, BNNZ 1 , 1 A. 'IL BAKRE4B. 2no bbl. derv. ll‘t I rt t ntalcating, to arrlvi. 87 bull ihnith'a M, rry, to arrived 106 bull Ittfinad A %a lllaminating. In atm: kid bbla Bata on, Oral quaqty. In /Lore, 100 Oil bane's. ton . .orlon ' ed. plain and painted all kty!.... Warranted at low price. ty J AO, II Ws a Vali ,• 21 Vilth attest. tiENtlb6l..Al:l l l'u INE.TIOJTE, Vt.. V, N. Y The tbirty.eightb Await , tsiori cttble Bchcol for thoiriv3lb.lnutraction io Netarel &Wien and Civil Neitioeerioig,trlil beg., tl..putober littt A depsrtioetit tor luoirtritou 10 Military Sciatic, end Art bee been lot bin tea . loqutrlre may be 8.1i1re... .1 to Prof. COO DIOWIII, , bbri B.A. Pol. N. Y. se4ilmil N _ EW NaltiNmENTs — CO II bbl.. Lubr cattu,r tl—'Recta Wells" 4 cuts p4cke4 Buller, u bbl.. bry Apelet, 20 boe.Tluu.the 8./d 600 bor. Bbellello.rn, 60 boxes Chefs., do torah I.eo:bre, la et re Oil fa uto Ly lIL 4NIC. VAN GOaDKR. ado Nu 111 Neconl Meet. SCHOOL BOOKS I All Om bDok• 0.4.1 m lba rublleAcbools and Colltms, for gal. by R DA 919, 93 trovl .treet. pitODUCE-- rX O lb) tU4tes I .a. , 1 Batter, COO lb.. lv.b Pnil Co 400 douu Nina, 70011., L.Af IA Ix v. CI t. 114 Cheese. 2.5 b two.. Culed lireband to: CIL by IaDDLI, tico tio.lB3lJberty ittlost. Arrlva's at the P I:=1 O II hi A la, Middlet'n A b-Msthewa, I. Alfas Atthaou, do MIS. It Hatbeaa, do Mks A Mati.ema, do J a fate, Pa U 1l Matt. Ands , Brl.ben, 06d .1 11 r,lents. . . Brig firm N M Lion, Perilii ,ll, . P Pour, J NV Arnold, 'lronton A x Drown. New LArbon J U Brungardror, W.n.tor A lkonbower. Ihoinon J 8 Wright. Indian• T A Perrin, Elonrue, 0 Jas Duman, N V Orb W)ley, w.t oesbarg 9 Walker, Kahan.. C Palmer, bit Ararat MANSION MOWN -4110603 AM. ➢ Wilt. %Mumlog J A Cutude ghlm,•lflrav n AII Ranklu, CI tun J B Rodger., Cp• C.araPron .51 B But. twy, Grostig Mrs I P BwN4 PhDs • D 0 Davenport A la, Lan— slogburg D Dough. ty.San Froarfacn A Which, Red Bank Jtalo.tgomery.Weft CO LI Bowman, Phil. GIRARD 1.100815-0,11.. r I. f. Ewa. J Cootery, Bonus Vista Orassfurd, Port Monts, 0 0 803ith, do W McGuire 8 Johnston. Palom, 0 Monaco, J t'hearowo, Moo. city D Wl'aus Brs , dota's F 0 J skinner and lady, Val paraiso, led D F McGinnis, W K McCarthy, Ps RAGLII 110FEL—Liberty 'timer, below f.eanth. JOUR NMI. PILOPUZIOS. / l ' B Doteler, Pew:l2TM° I W Copley J OctaJ 13offy ~ , i P Cop. ,Payette co J Helnner', Franklin T D e r. „. Zit Jordan '; 11 Walton, Mt Bolen . . 0 T Taylor I) Etr lulu ' , J 'Wernor,Sewictlrl W Mac., New Cull. JIl B,yeer, Horn V kilty .1 Patten J F Craig, 01,onlilla, Pa a W Browser, O. 'Formally R Craig, Reedebners J 0 booty, PorimotawneyEl 0 Allison, Brook!illo 1 13 W Z Mier, do Cep' Ilaytles .1 W A .team, Indlatm 0' W Rood, Prcepeck ' BARI'd BOTEL—Liberty etremt, root of 'llth. sum HMI. rIIAPSISTO. W B Boyd. Bat/Immo W McDaniel. Candriabarg 0 Conner, Miller's Kura JI Campbell, Ellckosy aMc Pote, Oanonebtrg BW llocephety, Wash. P. AII Brown, Saltaborg uy Veriplooo. P....'castle 0 Balms, Oatmostmsg J. Olisteo, Prospeck I Atkitwort, Ohio J. B Barret, Cedilla A 0 Moreau, Noblentown ! klaY) P Kober, Frills LI 0 Wo'ch a 11. Baktdcham J Bradley 13 Fulton,lmusteal ti 0 King.bury, Oeurerv'le J Wright, porteresllle B Molloo, do i P Gatos, ll moo, Ba 0 kborp. Wash. co 0 8 tkaallm,UnlJolown J I. HangllmJat, licAlle• 0 B Felton, Pew fferrY braille I, Adam', R ft Hear, Oak land I'd Ills RED LI O N 1101'16 .WA. 6. Pr Clair arrret .:mamma_ J Holbert, Clar h gton D 11 Evans. Chlcagr P ir•ln, Butler tyrotilmary Nor riiitormt O II Putney. U olarkeun, Ptah. John Wan, Buller unard, Cardirtgllcri J Morgan, Wash ea 13 Emend. I'r If E Drake, Ohlo v J McDowell, Dr aiLlogton F A TbOrala, Oil Fit, iM J0b..10, John rti.nron, Mon. city It McDcwell. dh D Dilihgham, a ardingtono Brown, 1 Itemlta .1 Williams. Ilagerama n Jam tiara, V ryerty on Wm Nov.. Galt. A W Cook. Beteg, 0 O • P re' I. Wm Trawiale, Wastilngtmit NATIONAL 110TEL—CNo. IV, Water PiPFPf, P. •PLIPLIA.:PACIPIIIITOL J P 11111egar, Mont. ro J Kehnit, 11 Illo•ry, Bedford co 061 11,4 r, Mcliteliport 11, 1. h Csv J 11'0110r, Jr !I do i ii Atdessron, 1111-bsttr rod lady, Blon4a-1 J Krug, Man. city Ira rty i J Jon., Wmh CJ W o.lver A lady, 61111115 W P tole, MOT pinthyro, V, Mn z vbetti J Verivicertill Wpm thy J Carter, BrowrgyLle lil d henry. relit and 3C. 1" Large, 11 tl Gv liwav raw, 11 Market. by 'Telegraph.; Yetuermue. Rept 11/.—Nooth—Fi•ur firor.l and holdall have pat op 4notations 25n natio( 1,5 , 4 Ws spring *heat extt aat 1.5 UO. NC hod 4solintsi Ig. alas* ut 20.05 Lush wt $1 IttOul :51 for 1.1,1415 d whits noose fn SI 2.5(411 25. , h;tto then. W 41,59 la an changed • 11, Nsw Yong, Feph 111.—Nocn =Floor hay advanc d 6(('.oc; bare Win mold, State sali• h-tilot hOt Oh d $5 4545 IR: and Nonlimns at $S Mir,l: t :Whotit vannsd Tho market excited ARE tinsottledl 50,C00 hush site; Chicago arising at $1 CROI n rester. $1 INisl 25, ano shins $1 JO. LIAR arm •n Ic bettor. 50,0 hoth *ski at 551556 v 'Fork arm tan. at $l4 So. Lard arm. Witi ski GM* 180. Receipts of /loan bb's; Vi heat 0,653 hath Coro SikOSO tmsb j 1 Ohl I,eck.,lelend Mott" are better: Chlr‘an C.-stn.l Isllchigan I%.ric VerAral 713;,; Yedae.lnK V.Ahilw .1.. by TOOLOOOVO 4,3%, :North I.nruitua (74.119.1 Tower) sixes • ISM, DO. - Neer ioei. rept. 19 —lterolog.--__ it 1. 54e. flour Brut; melee t 1 uo,up Lhle. f 1 64.220 60 for route; $5 5045 65 tar uLlooma 1•4!4? 4.5 25 for Onothero. V. beet ete.ty; melee 11702 W bush .1 $ OSi , Q 14 410 (bingo owing; $lO5l 15 14 MO as clout $ll 1E461 24,1 ta . 144 Wello.lla.Stid SI -21541 33 for %et; lie. lout wemely; eau. of 60,032 Luso et L0C456: NOV 10110111 - _ r. L if. WEEKLY I,lw A3IIICT 10n. iteLlP...l.n AND P.Annt)UTll.—he t.tncr ItOCKES;, Je4s Wolt, 1•••••• tor thy a boce art] el totertneetliste teed oge E.VsIAY SATJA.DAY, *1 tg k.s. Pot tre•glat or gunge spp:y ,are or e 0 fe':o J. D. LtYlettliTtPt • CO. Agents. UN LIED b'IATES OF AMERICA Waste., Duirstre or PlEMS1••2 1 1.1, 8.4 W here.. • libel of Information has heath filed In tt District o,,urt of the United Rat. of America fur tL_ Western Dicrict of Penogylvenia, on the: tnivl dell Ereptamter, In the yser of our Lord one thou d eight bemired and attkpone, by Robert B. Chtenstddi. tag.. snare., of the United Kobe, In behalf of the Ututel Met.. ell , ging to et :emote tle u st a certain ' steam tow host being nithont name, of i followlk dtrueneLsts end description, to lath Length of kyle) .. hundred and twenty five teat, twehty•four foot beam and four feet hold, with • cabin with, tithe lengths of room. and toot•houso and adore room le, 4 , ' sod the hurricane lull latigth,l• now lying at the p rt of Putaborgh, in said district; that ale belongs In whole or to part thane John Bell, • el VII and r i• dente( the Mate of Tennessee: thee In punka of the act of °engross approved 101 l 18th, 1811, , e Preddent of too Uolt.d elates leaned hie predate. tie= dated avoid 15th, 1861, declaring f rater,alin that the lulabitenta of the Butte of Tennectee are In a stito of invarrection against the United finites, and that from and after tilteth days tram said Reknit 161. h. 1861, all ebtp. sod Tell.ll betoogfog lii whole a in part to soy charm ottahabltaut of aid Elated Tin• mestere found in any pan of the Unitrat htates er:121,1 be f,rfelted to the Bolted Rates, and that sold stream tow teat owned so afortsald was so found In the pore of Pittabnagh upon maid eeptember Bd, 1881, and that the sold vessel, her tackle, apparel and lurnitnret come therebgflorfetted to th e nee of thellJuli ed litri, . end orayingaSat the same easy be conBenneal •• 'for. kited as atorssalt. . ! Now Mention, to puraunnoe of the Moultlon raider the oral of the said C. ore to me directerl and dellveV,Vd. logo hereby give public. notice to ell persona claim. the sold vow', her wale, apparel and furnittire, or any lowest therein, or lulu thereon, or in any meaner tuteratod In the moue,' that stolrbe anti ap gear before the said District Court, et the VI yof . Pltiaburgh, on the illtler luzepas UP 001.0111111 next, at eleven o'clock la the fonebnotr of thatlay, (provide , ' the same ( than be a day of 4 nrualictiory!ottk rpt. oration on the boot 7of Jarladlation thereeller)kt i ien and th ere to lute their claim end to make etc allegations in Ws behalf. • 14 1 IdITRDOCII U. P. Marshal Western District of f I 'en . - Pittabttrgh, Beef. 411i;186L-- , •oh 1 ; , -- `OAP! 80A 'll bOAPIII-ITIIN U 81 -10 10 10AL 01 , P7 KRAEIVR meoufactur •tiby D. 0. a J. 11. HAVYKR, t srAnowledged to It the nowt serviceable of any boot yet oMred:rd the p blip. Its hoped..? earl oteoe •re Wood! In lie cbeityhtear, arrlug o f labor, and lie ifliry to I,r,zonelog patot, tar an w thou' lolollog ale, or in the leant trim damaging the fittest 010.4 et &ott . It can be lowa with sit Muds of LLIILIM. Reference Is Towle with planal4 tti the sob etc ed certificate. enotoatiog frortiegestlethen aril too, o ie this community, and whd had evriy tact , hp •fiorord .f wrens IL Italy pod fairly tented Quartermaster's pod of e Tirr l / 1 11, TM?. treat/rand Botpintrath "eatryt-l'e uhemkal 01. re E,4llri Rai." haling been need very eAtenalvely In our IteglinentA awl, have no tweitatiort In thottly Ina that It area :foetid admire• bly adapted to the one of the moldier*. and der dediy the poet aopetior hoop which cold 'he pros ed for the service. I JAMAS A. RHIN, Quartermaster;t2th Re SLIM ro YTO, Qultrterinsidai 14th Ker. Et. K. MOOR 'AD, go.srterotiatiw lath Rg: anal EAL ED Illtu 1.'08A:1..81.We invitditill A 7 the 20th day ci pternbar, Iflet. tor ant i l „ ylug the army of Idle I P.tornee PinAT4.)23. bunt 40,0(0buolisl*Inli be irqulred; lota of gam 11,0(0 burbals For welt. TM, Potato.. ;lota be of Ira quality and rqual In quality to ttmioPowing k do Mercers (blue,) J. ;Plat Sp., 'Hareem (obit.) :; • ' )be Potatoea td be debarred la Within, and ,abjectto mmb innmrtross dalptmy the Oubalat .,,,a, 0 0 . ' 1.10 may require, land, payment, to be mad& In Trani:ill atlas, 11 13,VH131TiCut abulald de ! Tim PoiAbes to be dallarrsd In rod.str ;sitrm.'s, end each bashed Co be animated at Dd Dm, ¶h. bias to tie ((reefed to OaFt.. A. BEM, US, (:;„ U.S. A .Wasblnaton, D. 01. • aed l iNdrb • SO OOOL BOOKS FOR ground and - whole Ppltee, of every t elptioteetalek and whit* Of mama fie ed, whit Jere Ulmer. St veto rd, Out AO ter sale at the flaoally Greet*, Store of I Jortri.A.!musauilt„ V , corner Laarty,and fiend ota. :-.CUOOL ROCKS &NbbY OWLET POTAIONA—We U Wm , real** tide aftnnonn ten bblil denica Want Jamey Man" ebkh b offrr for x.da t•i Ina " (r " 11 '!. • l ' alk ! t. at. the ra JO l EgnaN t f i llV. . fold • Colll.t of . Libert7 and liana • meta.' USE • - ~ 56pectai Jitt!tuss. - - • . -------------- -_—_— MANHOPD. „, 130 j ,4 LOST 1 ELOWIILBEITOItED I Joit poblialied in a Sealed 'Envelope.% Prke a atir,'. A iletzue on tbo nature, treatment, and radkal ears bt Sperrootort boos or MOW Virraknees, lova. On± Om talons, Sexual Debility, and Isopolizoonto to rine genorally,Nerrininners. Consumption. sp. 11°14 and iitc Mental sod Physical Incapacity, ro. ion tilig from Bell Maie r 4 —by BOB?.- J. cili. ir Origin Ir. Lt., Y . D., Author of t I • Orneli Ecrib.4lo. .. ”ii. Boone o Thous= • ofbbibtfartrit.r, . 13 1 midor .LID a plain enroloie, to aciy odd . pail paid, on receipt of irx roti?l, or rya riiitqle siniap• by Di. 011.4. O. RUN& oa.liZaid r 177 %airy, 24... Tort, P. 0. Bor. 4586 — 1....• o. 1,11-1r....e1i1t I 4•! . .. 11f1.. E 11.114.4 rincipal Rotel& LAAT NIORT. Tbo-111 sod Wood lltterl PILOPIIIIII,.. Ella Stoce, Grf.Ge ca IP Barns, Up. htildleLorl 211M11 • lady, luallapa art, do: Ihnftnr. ,both ?dcOulre. Mous . - Ent E °orb, AlizabrtE II Protect s tatty, Kabob. blitta A replan. Latrobe L Atlanta, 1111111totoent M Lotter. Wbre tlrg ()Omen, Phtia Lt. T A Estrin, r s ti E Bamboo. Ch!nano !, J r Walton, Prordt J P Marshall. it: Conch, Carrollton. Ct John itteCtog. do - . Of Stark, Greenebnr A El Hogan, Alliaure J It Smith, Wheeling Al.skloclinrg, Bowl tp I lit GI , '47;r 0 H. 33 1f0 ' :544 Liberty stroet.! 111. EKOPEllioll. Dr A .1 Watson. Phi's' Mrs At 0 Watoiri, do P y Wallarer, gear." co LI Reynolds, C hiechesney. ',Arabs Datil Lem" Cat i nnat lOW M Klch L W Wniter, Kalainiazia W W rung. Cresson, L 6 Reynolds,lodiannpalls Biotirn, Detroit J Brunie', Renborci, C. P litemmen Jt lady. , • W 8 Taylor,l9ch litnithfield and Third sirectS 0. 01.,1,1000/1.. H A Vesger,Morgantoten,iria I J Johnston, C..,okatoein Id ktorr, WashinAtcnais gram Sarah Barr, 4o %lies a Johnston, Ctinitu'is o , edgairn, Ilreene'CO IJ Thointoo. itios-ci!" J W Wrtght, Cooksitosin it J Reid, Camp Wtialos WV Warner, IC Oinleland f.ytte,tdcliempoq 4ANUFACTLIII. liti Qi; rita,Zl iats' and BOLT ..CiPPLIS,,- PRZetlt, Lorrumy-, r.. 4 .1 . 1.0= 31 +6 r4er, urtnt. cad Dralnts 1a ME 3LB, 'n! Wthig, Outanuialy on band, no o tea • z:l 4 ;,.aaa 511 d Tcois. • W. rehotive,AVo. 149 Aral and Isto &con ci 'snow, t ytToclsionlsrs of Copper oat to soy Oatitof pit IT —7 1.1 flair .1.33r0l .14air Save - Otn. A. DIATOUSDA O 4 3,I Biala D,l'llll TAs Original and best 'ea We Work{ I others are inero imitations, and A aid be avoided. [lieu alsh to escape ridicule.... ... tillAY, RED, Oft Itll/34.Y 'ama wed osioamY ut , • OraI:LORA an:, natural Brown or Monk- erlitiont I tn.? lout it jury to the Loilr, or attn. • .. rIFTEDN munsii, A 01) tam:on:is Jame t ats aiarmal to Wm. A. liatelielor Since IE4O, and one 4100 appl:catioug have n mode to the lisle of WI pitron. of his fse.ans Dye.. fW M. A. DATOLIJILUIrd eau ors proolltat a Color I. to to ellatingulotogi fro •natnre. and is WMILLIM I . ant it injure to tee I t, however long It maybe e.bniliied, and ti. 111 ear sa oi Dad Dye. remadled; die lisle Invigorated fat toe by thla spleadid Dye. , I . . Mule, sold or applied (In 0 pelvis mow) at the .; f. tory, Wi Brundv/ i ties York. gold la aoclttio and tow of Me united Otetes,by Os-a:outs and fancy 0 Dealers. , rEn ..a. 13 Pittsburgh, P•nna. ulnas, X 0..1111 ...111Larkirt Wawa.. ' antseture all Mud, of. laioani. =Ow= and XL ai....ry; Outings, Railroad Work, irtoani Boilers, IL E A slossosiss i Work. Jolslstog and itopairnig done on atiorinotica. . it Alt. a 041) eseill:s COntlElaix r. 11 4 •••pls Dilworth—D. W. V. latilmoroiX, i PlotD/111T. Ramaitaxt,. i %comers so fonts., ii!iifi - ‘ 11 Moat.) aaauteurvasii:i lit - - AIL lUJAD :SPIKES, CHAIR: i AND BOATSYLKIB . . Corner of Water Strcot and Cherry allay, 12-1 vale prrr ilRR.R,Yet,iNtr. or. AlArl...tvlrD of L