ton, stt wit ss, I. too. c i' 130110 MAKER & LANG, t o mte I ztr sion Merchants. ea: WboD s& D a 1... In G r andaa . 'LOU A, GRAIN, PRODUCE, Aa. No. - "f LIBERTY STREET, At,Ualy PITTSBURG il, P. VILA. 9L10111151.1,-.4.--013111 UM?? L. El. Tula? L . IL VOIGT & CO. &CM , (Mina * To L G. OaLII. Paopoos AND COMMISSION IdElictieNia, • 247. Liberty street, PITV.G.G.N.G IL I'4. H OLLAND RIDDLE, Bucomor Lo Johu 111c0111 a 80,. No. 1831..iberty et., Pittsburgh, GUNIRAL PRODUOS, OROOERY Ati 0 , h15118- SI)N MEECH/ail% Sirnoneirnmeots reirpectrully iettEftyd WM. W MTS.—m.lO. Willi/. weitTir. .GiORWARDING AND COhISITSSION CC MERCHANIB, an. neaten In P 110'710.10M8 11 295 Liberty Pittsbinah. P. • cpy LT:duo:l4l hIIOY ER, Commission ere ant, It.. Dealer in crude and P.edned CARBON OlLS; CLAES, II ON, NAILS, AA, No• 183 Llibort. B t ra7 l " l M.: 1:US" Lam at• minium Mabel L. 007713epeclal tLer. WEANS 6 f c_oorrxsr, vo wampum, muffs a co, H 0 1,. ESALB GRO.CERS, COW= 01 Weed and Water Streets, „ fir PITTSIAIROIL Pa. logN L 1301/51 JOHN I.HOIIB 00.4 WHOLESALE GROCERS AND 00013310 N MERCIMATs, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets, JeT•lrt PITTBDURGID. PANDA. MpalifiTON E Ibr Wholesale ,Grocers and Cornea:erica Merchant', 167 WOOD STREET, WEIN IS. I.INAPIALD.----..1). 61 bikeilvtrit JOHN B. CANFIELD & CO., Commissioa an Forwarding Merchants, And Wbolonia Dealers In WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, BUTMSR, LADD, PORK, BACON ►LOOP, PISS, Pot and Pearl Alma, Balsrotcs, Linseed and Lard Oils, ird Fruit and Produce genernlly. No. 141 add 1.43 Front Bt., Pitt4burgb. ors CVLP & sunraan, •COMMISSION ME . P.,OIIAN TS AND DRAW; 6UOIJII, gat-UtT & P.ROL) II C 10. 344.'Llbast., Street, PITIVISURGH, Pd. Moira Orlando 01 PLOP% tot Ilakeelll.3 toot aue, moats/Sly oo band. Ponictilar atumaion paid 1111 lag orders for Starcharobao morally. y J 1111.11%.1.14—....111 D Baolral---.1111 =SWIMS 1111ZEOWN tJRKPAIRICKS, WELor,osa.r_ar. isk-nocirats, .NO bISALSR2s - 11 1 • FLOUR AND 4ERUS, Nos. 19L and 193 Libirty it., Pittsbargh. iwkart . KUusgums_ LP A. XA.U.Di k;STWA:-C, 0.),W1101 .L. sox IDAUGGISTA and Ilezlnfaar.rera of WM/0 boini d Lanerge, =lan Wood ard rent otrwatv. Flits •rs a. Ince • eaariaaine. URAUN 1 REITER, WHOLESALE LP and Antall Draggles, corner of Literty and St. Chair ern-i eittabiirgb. to I.:Wilms 1.104 tamer Martel infect and Di. ainand,lneeso cadriantl, on hand fall and ocanplore i.oettoantof Deng., Idenicines, Medicine Mesta, Parra• niere7,andrill articles pertaining to tea boalikaa. Plerdagna preaCripi.sen• Larertiu, ,ennynaadvd afaLMaM piday H. likAzkat, Druggist, 'oid itrest, ter of IS ood street and Yugo , sum', litiabargh, Po I.01:1N 'P. SCOTT, Wholesale I , ealers tit ha Ditty, Paint., Ms. Varnish. and Dye titaft, ItiAlle Liberty street., Plitt...nrab. • AU onUrra wul Ireoulve titotapt attention nin24 iiastais &dI.Ei ii PROSIISSOAT N OTES, . simo, allaetnrtU So: roonry. rutsoui can procure. lours through. tog tagrocl, usk reaso.sule terms. Those !Lame to Mean their w0r.07 to gaol thruo. tau. ; ma Ahray. find Untruth mond dun, paper at arJ tack for thhe. Lti outrumniuthorm and Intzrderrs rially costa. , O. Oak* GRANT ETELKIer. o pr osite gl. Paul' eC. • room Braun. AM 13.8 UOLIIIIIB CO., Pork 'llealerg, ana Donlera tu Provisions, coma of M•rtel • nd Front droent lr8• L i shrfron CIIUTCIIINSON Caw:des-ion , ofidlrOtiriuolog Memloonto. dealers in Western 11.werniThoe,*'Floa limb, too*, butt r , Llooood 01,4APilf *Real Aotioo, Boca, Orafo, Shied /nut, a',.l4,:atibortoner,Ary: !Mt pita, fatal, Fur alwilVoxfifond.:— fistitir.for the oat* -of Idradifou GYO:o4i:tll44_.Potoxifoeltaft &Kroh: Nos: 4!o twcoad3.o4.ll lo Flat osa., .batoroon riboiLonif ifrotb- IWO tta., elttobungh, Pa. oviclio. c c j iLiSESk kl-1101.1.1.148,.11ontrrdine, rad Oortratert.n :0 el . larr 'Carr Ir' Utirras, istattiw; Late 11alt itml Produce viretsll7. .4 rt., above { Voter, Pitt. buriebt ,-.• 437 •• • ; 970 1,7 ~ ititunc, cc /11).A1UOTTE BLUME, DIANUFGC, .9YELISII and Delon Piaraolissaa, impoct as oC asp: •nd ainainal Irunimmants.. &As Apra (or atm alsofor BAUM, DA VIP • " 00.'4 Boston Pianos, -Ita and.withotiCAtotion Atassik inaAls P 0.61 /alb strast. . . 043" Insucanct flouts. M. BOOK, secrotaiy Al!egheny. . Icoursoce'Vocup•Dl, b 7 ki" It. P. tl er N e kl3. • 4 tr. e f. n t, al ° asrtgar ' : r . l ;o ca su: patk 87 Wso.el 4 - . . 3,11 j/ 41, Stak, .zocretary CK. ' ' GARDINEE. OFFIN, Arno for —,rhatoo, Pialsaleiphla add Wllanca karma. OmatistiMillatttimart !owner 6 Wood .nd Third stream bearenary Weer • • Ism we.Oomr•nr: wI w*tmar..L Agozi for DIM: 4 a.111r&IIIAll sl L 051111 0 ,21 SW" Watia dad. 10Wedoto. ii 1110,14 1.411171111 rourssura co., ( snocassors to Moister. l.barchdelds) 'filsolemsle and betel td :S Lyle sod 4arsey Dry Goods, Ncrtb.oet Ilerrelrlkerth eed ilsrketsts.,4lttsbaryh.. se Ay,ll.AjliVIL, Dealer maple and a lanai Dry GoOda, riga of Um, areal M. .Ni Him lio 74 dartetsUr4,lVittiburgb; I -mrlso 1.)Il. PA1411111., - No. 105 Market 81., j.w. "''De Luria. boansta, Etta e.r a Trtamina4 nal dna eoacally. trznitniings. 08./L r Pti p(iRNJ -Lealer in Trim . Anima, liastroblerliWand- etrimGoorls, 71 Mar ket - : - , 60.6 11. ABLES tiIPN.KS, Dwain. in Dry U 'oo,44.SaibenWerbis,eta,Tll IdAstet it, Pitts. .05 in, - Ladle? Dress 4 - 641;Ifothinxi.sto.,Rl 1113 it., Plwhurgh• sttlf. 8A'111.44-111AORUB 14, CO , Unalen NC. in Ymbroldniss, Tem*ln Maim; 140. intd.ll' • Plnstrtintb. ns, • .p 1.6 & Spots • Juan vAinrsiiza. DYACTUREB or Bo'cas Le. - SHOO of tooij k . :Myth:at, Va. tb- Sow ioolitMtimborsh.Po. watiff• ' =NEM I ! DAILY 'FRANZ VAN Gloarma. PON:10E ANDCOMMISSION MER OELSUT, Wider In Brum& Bards, Bolter. Lard, Chetah Pork,lntod and Gran Indio and Pro. drum genets/Iy. it:lrLlSeisi Cash /Ammo made on nonsignments Warehouse, No. 114 Second St, Pittsburgh. agraa re Erocoor • Bohm. Bollan & , Pnnt'n. &Wind • Dilworth. do Igen= • Oadn, ddo onl4 Porn:mow Ilerboorb A CO. A Of Do Me late arm of . n. A D. 121'Doo• „ We , O nto. asnuciLLAJlL,Pittabla.—intla. AIaTIOVA, aiouoNALD & AnnevaLm; lIOLESALE GROCERS, Produce 1 1 and Oosundsslon ktensbania, Jobbers In N. 0. Boors Awl Idolsome, Refined Sugars and hyroie, Esnon, Rice, Choc.: Beads, no, No. 253 lattoerty st—, • PITIT+BOUGEI. JOlOl s Lalld.B.EGßa' BELIPTON It . ieSor • NIT LESALP, GROCERS, Produce Male. 1.3.3 nocanlamlon Mercbsota. No. 6 BUM" sucot, Pittibue;Th, Pu. WIIOLESA LE GROCERS AND 1,10111612210 , 1011120 HINTS, Dadas In PE0D0011,21.0013,13. 2 00 11 , Cil S .Ilnu. Cu on and Lard 011., 111.00 NAILS, °LAB& IOoTTON YARNS, an.2l.ltistrurgh 1 112210acture• generoly, 112 Second, Pittabargb. ilat,oll lop & J. WATSON & CO., .A. 111• holesale AND DIALNAB INcere , Rope, Oakum, Pitch, Oils end Pittsburgh Manufactures, NO. 136 weirsca ISTIADIET, At , ovo anllthd PITTSBURGH, P. W1.181.16hl 1:14104ILLEIT , Vif ;t3. L.EI 5c...2..Z1 QROCLR Plop. IS ■nd SO Wocd Juan S. VALSOISII. vn.wonTri, wuuLE -10 BALL' Grocers, No. LBO sod 10 Second rawer INtvo-oo Wss.S. sod Broltberld.Pittsburoh. fW .11,121 .... JOlibl FLOYD 1. CO., WHOLESALE Orme:. and Oumainiol kl.rchania, No. 173 1t...1 into 218 Llberi, Pitt•borgb , P 44 WATT & WILSON, WBOLESALE 01100t1151,tlannalssion Merchants and Deal er. tn Pinata and Plttahargh lanulectnrea. No. laS Mart, street, Pittsburgh. Jana Aram . — ...... -.A_ J. Lia---...-.IaAVAIWaI.L. A TWELL, LEE & CO., WIWI:ESAU: ja. Grocers, PrLdnce and.Oommlaslon Ilerrhanta, ana IWara In Pinannrgh law:44lnm, No. 8 Wood meet, batmen Water and Front at, Plttabnrgh. kola —Wall. S. sultinua. , RID)?. ROBISON & CO., WIIOLESALE• • Ororera, Collo:Waal°. Merchant., .d Dealer.: lu .1.1 Linda of Provision's, Produce and Pittobargh. tleurdactolsa No. YU tAlrort, Wort, Pittidorgh. myt , •,gat ..... 0.•01a0. OIiEKT DALZELL & CO., Whole sale Orxerit Cosiortnagan and Viirvisrding mats and Dealers in Prridtits Pittsburgh [astute. tie =1 Liberty street. Pi tsburgh. Ps. 01011. E & : CU., W /DULL IS L 6 aroonra. Morchante,stur Cmaler nO. so and 133 Prout Weed, Pittat.ordr. - CLIARLES COALE, al 1411 W BOBTON, • KLMOVAOM.FR OF BOOKEN, .113133, RRUIT 1.101.16 AND bealmL.B. THOMAS MOORE, ANCIFACTURit , OF AND DEAL- All E 1 in all 'dodge OOPPRII-DIVILLID PURE !LYE WHISKY N0a1h9.191.14 , 3 and I% Tint attset, beeves, Proltb ft.l.l au Graut At. , 14 Pitwburf.b. Ps. iirPriv•Le Ilbgbest tnertet price pal. lb. R5O. grarrli,a 011 Ind an own potent,. lry,rodicuu carvtally attracted by • prom= later and Imptnend. JObLI • 11 el AMILTON a. CO Corner First and Liberty Streets, M&N UFACITULLICS UIP SUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES pptbal LIACIIIIIIGRY. 6e. IOHN OLIPHANT & CO., (5000/21yoly pr Y. MANUFACTURERS OF 110 T PIII36bILD NDIN AND WASEItaII . , Charpoy! lionPPEltruo Iron Pod Neil Rod; Buller Iron foci ftintai&Nra leotl WORN A, FAYETT GO ~P! J)31:1T0 Wdrohcadd, N 0.13 Wood Pittabordh. LXCELS Oli Gl.Abh J. A. woLvs...r. T PLUNKSTT-T. CAMPBtLL. V 1 0 LifE, PLUNKETT &(:o Warehouse, No. 12 Wood Street, 0 . 3.ra.r o I fira.) M. 1.1013.5.11P...—...14L1N So. T. 111',.a.141.11 11.0LDSIIIP, ADAIR it. CO NANO TACT OYSBS 0I GA11.13103 011. & 1.1.111111.10AT1110 OIL. Wring guar, to great expense In bonding Ger ito. Auer, imectitung It oy. yam Reny laproventents not yet knew° to other [Leonetti, we feel sure tbmt our , b 1 Gannett* surpassed. It le- dem eutl brtllisot, with all otrandre odor removal. The bitt Illomlortiocmede —constantly on bend sod for We st our ra ce, n Breweesßlock, fifth /treat between tdarbet and ' ood • NINCILENTIDSit, lIDGDIPIUILL & Uorracrx Yiket and,O'nara Strfhwtee. Near (J Water Works, M • • PITTBRURGH PA, ANUFACTURERS OF MACIN , JIM.; TO Sit ELIO MUNN ritOVIID PAT R ISNT coNALGATINQ bTJSASI NNOViktB AND NLIDN VALVES of all du..ud bert L atela Harry; pat op atectoinery;ol Large calmed" , and of Lae bent gelidity, we are prepared to du beery cb er,tlcit work Jo lkta Doe, trading that ley procoptnese and the cbaracter of our work, to merit public patronage, We fnelteapenfal attrotfou to our BALANCED VALVE OeCILLATINCI Nriotruot, as awatittitng edrancazet tterotaere errettaineCto Ibis elarefol Lsogillea. Itooto elm Steam power and rood 14 laNd 1 tled3t. Su WILIMM Al/I.IOIA.- , .. YOU , W iLL I friti BAU D ILL & co., 61 Penn et., behw Marbury, Pittaburgh. I'EAIII BOILER •MA KERS B AND Iron Workors, lisoultousf era of Barn. Idn'S r estent Bailor, Locomotive, Flood mad Cyliodrr uovvr., Chicane; e, Braid:ten, .I , lre Bed, &earn Pipes. Alandtesers, Palt Piusiclltqcsr Pant, Iron Tsrls, Giro Bost., etc. Also, Blackmun.' {Vogt, snd • duct 11.01111, dons at the Warted n, Mks. LII orders trate, • &mons promos' attrne"A to 1.32 .cos a. ;0•31i.......14/01 ft. .—...14Ci0 Catilo. TAMA& & VU.. .ucr*olFlna 07 YTTANITINLE AND DEWAR Of Every Description. 4llollY—ilderol 61.,betisten *Os I Psi Air sale : Wsrehotise--Noe. 18_1% 40 Smithfield et., • - Grit/3030AT CABIN FtIiiNITURE-- mit wa an constantly manufacturing STIIhII3OIT 01.01 N ITIMUTUBII and 011 and, and Malin the ati.mtion al era. lutereated in fundahing boats. ilaErdSrarT T. b 'YOUNU s On. • ❑umtM Blank Book klannbloincere and Job 'Lo on. No,. el Woo 4 otroeb Pittsburgh:. Pa- Rs% & ISUILMSELLEdits AND ja,„ hTsraornras, No. 66 Wood street,' tort door toi tba oar or of Third, Pittsburgh, Pa- School and Loir Roots ron:lactly OD b OWL • • 3. L.' READ, ' BUORSELLED. AND BTAMNY.II, No. 19 rocirth Wert, Apao D'opilogs. 1.1,0111T1' 6HH . 4lllllos o r B r H•LL r7rrsavrxim.PA. "lirStgn wozli dom rat chi trade. ,: ,:. - ~ ;-: ;.~.a.~,.~.~... -.r AND Grum. pea.nutartutrts GLASS IitAGWACTUBKIZS. Ountiturs. itioottoctltts, &c fd:O7,IOENSTON & 00., Sta- Va►ntas VP' . . crtiewirLiu. se, Sign - and Ornamental r Painter AND GRAINER, No. 61 'Firra t3luri COMMERCIAL itttonuya at la". L~B. M: BMl'ri, : ' ~- Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Hu Itomonei to HUHN'S LAW BUILDINGS. No. 12 Dlamood Ftztot, . tayle.iXdla Next door tot St. Peter'' , March SehIUEL It. PURVIANCE, ATTORNEY A."/' LAW. prriqz,lllfTl KANE"; ADJOINING OPTION 09 MARBB ALL t BROWN, 9lttsbargb. Pa. 1r9.3111y JOIN U. ELIAKPATAIGE.. ---..JOUN Lt LLON. LAW ,PAILTAM•II2IB I P. THE UNDERSIGNED RAVING tb, a., tunnel • OoTirtnorebtp to the vac. Nco of the Low. OHM'OHMIC EIRIOATRIOK. MELLON. Pltubooth, May .lOlh, 185 L KIRKPATRICI( Sc MELLON, No. 129 ■oorth Street, If doors abore Smithfield, mll7:tf SIITBIIIIRII El, PA. S SOIIOYER, JR., ATTORNEY AT No. 139 Fourth st, : Lowrie's Law Building, PlITAZON0 1 : 1 , PA J 3 F. LUCAS, n:r-ronNline AT LAW Office, No. 72 Orant Street, PrrV ;ttWiti. PA THODIAb EWINO, Attorney and Commllor at Law -Office N 0.160 Yew tb dreg, comer Cherry alley, PITTfIBUROII,PA ulll:dlirlyT 13intiottyl ----- TEETR EXTRACTED WITH-0171' PAIN. BY TUB Orx or AN ArPARATUB WBBRBBY NO DEMOB OB amsrano tummy ABS WIND. Cold weather b the time weeta the apparatus can be need to Its beet advantage. bledlcal gentlemen and theft fernlike have had their tech extracted by my proCem, and ere ready to testily as to the misty and painlessness of the operetton— rhetemer tou been sol d by pewee Interested le as setting the contrary, hoeing no knowledge of toy ARTIFICIAL VIETH b 01.71 vial In every idyl*. NY, Dtus 1 3 4 S e mi n thfield t, st. JOSEPH ADAMS, DENTIST , Ct nnelly'a buildini, corner of Diamond and Grant et eats, Pittliturgli. autcmca—or.' Pollock, In. Ilouork,Tloo on, 11.obulua.11.r.socil mat_ .73.117 rtrataituaD k AND caAlas -\*.l REDUCED PRICES. James W. \ Woodwell, pus. 97 and 99 Thlra strut, 111 kr ( UKT Z 3 ki .143 '3: 0038/YfUl4 or 611 Varieties of Myles an Finish Hotels awl Private . Dwoltings 'wren orarrt promptly attautled to. and to. Int 011. r, Citrefolly perk.' and boxed. Bt•stittosta sad hotels ttiroltbeti at short nate.. eablort Makers impplkd grtth trtery •Ittr , * 1.2 th firm lyst DO lOU WANT WiIISKER DO YOU WANT WHISKERS DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE tro SOU WANT A lIHSTACtiE B EL LINGIIAM' 8 OILIBLIATILD STIMIILATT.NG ONG lIEN T For the Whiskers and Hair. Toe sohacribere tate pleasure to aurrecochatt to the Came. of the [IOW Mates, that th-y have obtain ed the Agen,y for and are now enabled to offer to the MIICriCIIII 'outdo, the shoes )1:nal celebrated sea world renowned article. TfIE STIMULATING ONGUENT • V prepared by D4O. P. linaturtinata, wawa of 1...d0a, and in warranted to bring out a tbick WHISKERS OR A MUSTACHE In from three to en gooks. This article tithe ouly oon ot the It rise 4 by the France. and In Landon'and Part ft to la universal acs. it la • beadlnt, ecoaorolcal, soothing. yet .time. lering compotted, acting u If by magic upon th• room, ceasing • beautiful growth of Invariant hair. If spotted to the scalp, It .111 care aitanua, and Muse te spring op Ia place of the IWO mom • fine growth of neer ban . . Applied ecoordmg to dinette., It 0111 fuser red or terry ham dark, and rutora Fey Ater le Its original color. leirflag it eon, inadotti steal Malta. The "thaotliam" la no Indlepeumble article la evoy w ad ld nettoo re ba erliboot It . The autocrat.. are the only agents for the ertlcie to the United states, to rebore all orders meat be ad. dreseed. Price One Dollar • box—for ode by ail DraggLsta end Dealers; or • box of b e "Ormond," (rirerroor ed . to base the desired effect,) 0111 be seat to any who dorire tr, by mall (dlnut,) securely packed, on receipt of prlon and faatage, $1 10. Apply to oar addiees: 110 RACE L' ttE.GIIIMAN A 00.,• Drug giste. at ci, 14 *heart! *treat N. Y. Nctd by JOB. 11...R111N0, Debar of Market et:reet and tbe Otesnuod. , eaCcilmsraltarT VALUAI3I.X. IMPIIOVEDISBIT In steam and Atmoapbortn B 'Samara. T EWERS PATENT were granted on Xi Sept. 4th, 1880, to 'harem Damn, for • ret7 ample and aMcieot Improvement to fitamotand Al. mompherto Llamment valeta's the fall str+ko of :the hammer Is °Malted, Do matter what t• the thick:Mir of the Msaa of trod to be baromerad—tberphy amt. log • great :hareem of power when balm phatria of Metal are to be operated 12p012, and a coronet:4n ageing of expeons. The frobacribers are owners of maid palebk and ale Amorous of selling riabts to me said lastirovoroirof. as wadi al territory ender said patent a model of said lipprovaruocd is loft at tbs ofbc• of Bak. well A Illuabbfg, Attorneys at Law, Carnet of Graaf. and Mamma Arcola, whore parties' Intereatel may call and awl 14 and loan also the tarns of llamas sal., £a. P. H. wivivez, THOMAS wescomet . Artnslztrtig en. Pa I.VON AIiNST IMPORTER AND DEALER :IN TU matt stuct bnadi of Ocmlat HAVANA CIGAI4P3, AND ALL RINDS OP SMOKING AND CIIEWINQ TOBACCO BNUltf, :Any I.IIBSCHAU PIP!" TIOBIT, • an:, an, In stent yule% • Under the ht. Charles Itotal; lteburth. N. D.—rbe Trade oupialled en neernlienne. reyllaAn LEAMAN 111113? eau BAHNUA BAN', Corner SiXth and Wood trireci BANK ON DiSCOUNT AND DSPOS CIA.PrTACL.T... 0100,000. STOONHOLDIBB INDIVIDUALLY ..IAULIII DLIMMIC AUGUSTUS HUNVILAN, ProOdn t• I Springer Barbanel, Adam Sdnem , in.. it.: H. Nyars, 'meth Lm(. J. F. limktAte, . Cleintse Mabel. Anthony Moyer, A. liErweAd4 DMOOD/f/r STAINT D.Arr JOHN PTIDSANT. Ndtbs, LIQUORIO K— b owe Pithy L'quorfoe, its 61b. bassi• do Oalebrie do Just received end fur sale by SEDUM a BIM Not tildandlbt Wised strait. Vittsbargll 6aytte, PUBLIcBED DAILY A.ND WZBILY BY E 3. dr, CO-, nrre nurr, asnri untrrunna. PITTS 13 TJ C 3-8 FRIDAY MORNING, SEPT. 20, 11361. LATEST %Vettflint:iots, Sept. )17, 1861. Gen; RUClnthan's Army. General Mcd'ellen is roaming ha troops in perfect cordon around our city. The new regiments, as theyarri re, are rapidly, silently, and effectively disposed of. Raving had the advantage or excellent drill and discipline in the reserve camps of their reepective States, they have revelled bore, with few exceptions, ready for all the privations of the battle-field. Al I write, competent authorities have esfi rented that we have at least two hundred thousand men, in an unbroken line, within hail of our young chiefatin. Well aupplied with ell the rnumthins and means of war; connected with the loyal States by thoiough l y defended communications ; paid regularly by a generous government, and lacking is none "nt the rent nectenrin to render their minion effective, they present a striking and truthful contrast to the desperate and despairing, badly clothed_nd worse fed followers of the danger ous men 'Who stand opposed to them- The soldiers of inn Republic can riff. 'so to wait. Not so eith their adversaries!. If the latter move utilin us they will be crooned, and tl they do 'hot move, their factions, their wants, and this thickly gathering troutoes in their rear, will corrode their whole movement to the core, and compel them to submit to the inexorable-logic of events, and in that [tie which, sooner or later, watt overithe.mtngly consume then. There will be trio Insmedlate Advance. An aftiter . ot Gen. McCiellai.'s army, who is . probably ad much to the confidence rd the General as any other man, iniermen me this morning that there will be no immediate movement cl our army here,unless an advance is made by ihe enemy. The government is in a position new to send one or more fleets upon the comor_ol the enemy, and carry forward a vigorous 'fire in the rear," simulmneousty at different padre. This is Gee. Scott's life saving propueition, sod in it he has the co operatmo of the Cabinet and Geol. McClellan. The regular and rapid increase of the vast army here will be continued, but no gannet engagem'eut wilt take place unities the ball is opened by the other party. This, I em in. f orme d, i n tee--present policy of the Admen- t, !" tration, and will be carried out 1 1 the twittery, `,, subject to the movements of .he enemy. Splendid Condition of sins Column , der e'en, Bane. The Ilsrpeits Ferry arms, under Gen. N. P. AO Banks, winch will probably be the first to re- Mil entre the blow of the retie Is, is in eplendtd the order. Banks Is a model chief, takes rare of himself, his staff, and his command, and linos. IL the country around biro as the seaman knows, l4 the sea. Banks was an old Democrat in for• t me, days, and quite a houthsysi men, mid u Mi• there tore conversant. with the poltt,clane oftba 9' hecsasion stripe with whom he hoe to deal. 4. The Rebel Force„ Baltimorean, who escaped tram the rebel army, arrived bore to-day, states that the rebate have two pieces of the London Artil lery at 1..3.011'd 11111.. At Maniac they have a port ill their best artillery, the • Washington Artillery of New Orleans, with riled guns. behind the bill is Bonham's Bop., ot over nitre regiment?. The rebels say they have 210.00 1 troops between Manassas and W ash mown. They have co masked batteries. _Many of the tip ips have no Meanie or clothes. A tormuate few found shots In Ufa knapsnek• left beboad by our men at Bull Rua. All hare biaoke.s and suifitvent ammu nition, and ell went to fight but the North C mans, nh, , ae hearts seem to be the other way and in iavor of the Union. A artjortiy ol the tr,ops cannel go though a battalion How hen. Johnston Shook Ills Head. A lea nays wore Gen. Joherton cline to Munson Bits, and trill. a p.i werlul glom looked at one or nor stir works rear Alcsasiiiiii. He left stinking his heat', ',lamb was regarded amnrg the trove es intheoting so debt!, to make an nttsck there. Affairs Along the floslite Ltsies—Etroure fiord Promises a u tsarina this•Jlith toistamm. Everything in Tiiet along the lines to-day. . Severai rebels hire been taken prieunere enable: a few day., and they all assert that Gen. Beau regard has prnelt.rtl the esireme Southern sull enest troupe, :hot if they wall not go horns he will mom tersrain before the 1.0.1 a and have a battle; and vie assures them tin he slit take iNsatongtoo without•ig our •ork• iti, reithately in hunt. This promise is mode iii keep the troop. of the Gull Staten from fear: tog the Maly. Oar spier corroborate the above stetement. Though there was so public eaprewion of dimatisfaction yet in the North Carolina regi ments, it was currently reported they were aF. moat ready to rebel. Toe effect of tee Hate, toms Inlet 'artery had astounded the whole army, and a few more such aucceases on oar! part would dieorgartal the rebel army. It wail every where animated that a defeat at Manaertni would have ended the rebellion. A greet! aseceas attending our arms in Virginal mai? would have the came effect. .1 I The blarylanders, WO, were dissatisfied will the service. Even the tie.llltvigfliett amoil6 them gore it up as a bad Job, now that Mary land is powerless to accede, and botweeu Me Virginians and them the greateat enmity t.41./1 because 513,11444 hall nut seceded. ' I Picket War-fare. !met n•ght our pickets were fired upon ahoy the Chau. Bridge. et Finley's Cross ate point sear Fort Elawortia. Out men hem been cautimed ay brigade and regimental ill ficem not to fire upon the enemy's picket. except in welt-defence. Tmy have cone qaectly, as fir as pitiable, avoided the et{ my's pickets lot several days past. Eishear Hats 1 or some cause has operated to e'en holden the pickets end scouting parties of i a e nemy, w ho, daring the Dlgill, are aver on F e inurement stealthily to get near enough to I. r men to bring Mena down with their rifles. T a atiVOLCOI pickets go nut at eight with grentt uncertainty ul their ever returning to rirep alive. I approached one ul them et eigh t O'clock In the evening- His pereoc nit do - eettled !rum view, and, though the Molt I.IJIII up aed shining brightly, I did not diacoverilais presence unlit the word' "Who gnei there nn met hat ear. In an under tone he Intoith ed me that the rebel pickets were nightly ap proaching their liner, and firing at theta rrOn the Woods, in which they succeeded in con realang themselves till they had retroated•Me yard tne reach oh their tale-muskets. Thli in the !poSition[of affairs nightly, from the Ch bin Bridge to Pert b Haworth, a thinners of twOve mites. Is open fields Habra would be less d an ger,' atiethe enemy would be discovered irt his appkoaches; bat, in the thick forest. of l"in ir gints, creel facility is offered to this brutal system of treacheg sod murder. EirSal Expeditions efialnit the Sontlierna Cease. - L The New York newspapers are again &- gininog to hint at the naval °pentanes or the Goyernment avocet the Southern coast. For once they are right. Brag as the traitors - Msy, we abaft moon bane a series of attacks tipon the whole line of that coast. The apprehen sion of the success. of these nuacks carries terror logo the Southern troops now gathered around the capital. Jai, Days may bi re called In defend Misaucppi, on the oue Food, Si dell on the other, Chesnut on the other, and pobr old fat Cobb may find himaelfinnsaiohed back to Milledgently, Georgia, In order to anitwer to Gov. Brown for his iMany'ailn of OnnalOn and commission. fl Union Feeling In Vlralizarlln • rig facts moons pull stun Battle. •A ;We have conversed with a very Ititel4gent / 'Virginia gentleman, a str g Ualonift, who to formed us that he had °shire Inforunftlon, that for a long time bele the close of Gin bat tle 4 of Manassas, the re Is considered ,theta naves dcfeated;—and only took courage tifi void shah a result after thel ere re-entotc and Wormed of our tins= table retreat. if fbey trim telegraphed to Lilo mond that they were defeated, anti that the Po tat army weal! soon appear In fall force before that clty4 One °Meer telegraphed hit lire end faintly t o , • vs, k i I 1 I :a i 1 • • : I 1 . II: • P • : - G 4- - 1 i , 3 " OURNA_L. , _ , i ___.l 1 as the, city would certainly he taken. The Unioniits orMichmond, elated with the 10- , i' 1 .. tellige a cc, eld themselves is readiness to join our tops n their first approach, while the rebels, for he entire night, and until the sews • of thaviet ry was announced the neat morn ing. were king praparatioa. to leave, arid many•'Siota f ly were fleeing from the city. My inform ant 'seared me that this was a war waged on thi par of the douth, ehied - y• for the purpose of peti•4lt sting the power of families. The ws-altbSi, ad those accustomed to rule, wit neasiat,ttle increase and gradual growth in the • iotellftence of the pooter elitltql of Whitss, were fearful,' withontahoto Movement of (his kind, their Vower would be infringed by Mune over whom litey bad been exercise it. Their. design was to build np a Itepablie after the Ott Roman model. ala Very alforded the ex cuseqtd their faith in th e power of cotton to force'. ngland to their aid, emboldened them to strikalthe blow. They had lone too far'to re cede; ut my friend thinks thattliesetloreof the bundiJede who took the oath of ollegianoe at liattl . as, is bat audit: of the sentiment which goys, 't the masses in all too seceded States. ;• tiem. Sites:nous.. Mt. Wichitaal Gen. F:etnarit to this city who have ee ived late w-t,t,,,.1 suites from bun, are Chu dent that h e ..1. ~,cept cheerfully the gfe deeps order rah ••;••tt; h•a famous proemin uon, and that he us... iot resign tits commau , but remain at (Pt. p bit to the end. RUElitall hat he woo:d r , ~,, ,ave else:deed emits me t. • The d 'Beatty bet , a :, t. •,. Frem..nt and Col. ' lila r ot said to h .., ••tigt..l..ett art tie me glegi of Geo. Fremont to is -t c such a dupe ! manic, col the leattimete p Ili 1,1 r.g 4 of his posi ttoate wood enure a-, then oe II i of Col. Blairis frierrus. The frienet at the General do not tatlidate that the C•••••het 1,,v sated anything Improper, but say that the 6,e-1,1 has refused to nive anything to c • ...111, the matter@ In de pute, but has lets then: .1., • 5 tt the control of Oen. rdeKinistry. The hies, leads. i e nters received het, peeve that a plan had beta perfected for ertsedei contraband trade p.A110:II Nassau, Bermudas, and the Bei;ash American Csloam! ac.l N•rth Carolina. Avian were appoiuted, every steorasary arrangement made, but :be I. , ,ter wore frus trated by the capture of Liao:eraa. Transfer or the ftlanussas Prisoners. %file tending of the M priet,sere to Caen° Pinckney wen ao ,sc•lteg of a doomed mein Mtn the jaws of d. fun Malaria wraps thelFor roes In Sores:her 11., a cloak. /Lela 1 listreat front itl4l, Mountain. Oen° al Reynolds tel. efsphs that the rebels hake r rated from Cacao Mountain and E:k Water. It is believed Lust :hey have marched to( join the forces beleasulriag Washington. he antpalgn Down tne ne 'avy Dispartment Is cSaoatieg eailote to den t e guns of the Foment Balla It 'has read sent him a number cf cetcere, and hrti seconds all bit preparations for the inp gn down the • L'euntud for Treasury Notes. As a evidence of the d for the Treasury Met the Paymeot.ra et that $19,000 of lees $7,000 to specie to toe proportion which re v !some regiments generally require. iniseellontott , I.splain writes to toe in that, rnettetruily grAnte the Fhderai army . .. 4. Ullmann°. r tree en t. elite. Out ul laic than a thousand .•41, Sow more than i o ta nonths entitled, I ../ *unapt, not one ), thim has died of .11, mole' , , Toe hoopitals are oari Wiitelegtoo are the. eiott admirable that I ' ,„ i^ seen to an Ameriii 1 too l and European iii, , - ca. The neat, li4sa, order, bentArolesce .ii. 4 all good and landly qualities, are moot pre 'Sr...runny. . ir Tee Lev* brigadier iv. , pi entneky, whose Cala brigade a.rUck teer, to„ the Seemion- i tts of that State, ,aLieu .e 0 int Nelson, an of 'beer of the navy, ve 4 hie. heel] justut pro ',muted to en army r rem ibn for th ly ourage iod peroureney sr in is tisrlt be boo organized 'eta (trees against Bret: io. N'ire, Magoffinlit Co. Goners! Hall, an o J 'il • j ,- General in the ri sh army, who 1a0t., , 1.,1 , 1.1.1( of military p l bs Milton, expits.e. l i n . : vale the litvest pi too of Gen. MIX , in a-Mayor Berry: hiv r. 4 i etor end from his n• 4luntary nj.Jurn at F• rt Lii,yrote, visited kb President tueday - - BEATA nauALI- -0 ,11.1.141 tilled Out lan:long the group ff Bay, out of a total of bee able badled tutu has contributed flan ior the 41,14!, and we are in formed that the remaining man 'is trying to make arrangemenuo to go .1.•./. If this does net beat every Other then we would Ike to knew what wOU:4l.—Sandusky Regtater N LO.Ge number of the busincaa men in Crociana.l have signed a card agreeing to close their establ:shnaents every afternoon at lour o'dotk, for the liorpiee themaelves and mac in their emp (•)01E0t to MTC.IIIO in drilling, en that in case ci eicer:eacy they rosy aueee•ainily. derand 'heir p• pe rty and homes from hostile invarien. DAVIS it i•c", Brass Founders hid Ildaufuetaters PLUI B}il GAS ./%. S FlTTElitia YI3:4OPACIMIIIE, DIALSILA GAS FIXTURES, Pumps & Brass Work OP lA9Citi , PTIOU "WEILL. .IE . TY BAPS (JOr ' r 11c. wah Ms rust approved `r o n u r a uL C4 mbnra fkodYalvta tsll., sad Isarranted to • sire utleaction. 51/4.14Ur 1.11.0 V7atirr and Wel ront PITTABORGII. Pits.. Ivr/Unsull. TirrAllll wicetzsia , 11,51'W SON oat &wen 6.18- ()0 le r --eair:rWO 1.60310.6 url.,easbz-ri • J..l: .re Lt. 41.111115113T0WN. (1 Itt• lavaaoool. , P 0 Yu Tort 600 Vh11•4•1016i6 S mph 2 Company IMMO 0601Tel:dos thole e-6e13 106016• hlr6 as follows OIT4OY 510MMISSTE Pahl. dry, 1 epirmbet 0.1166 00torilay. err trnitra 4e. CITV Or NNW t 30, 5 NM DURO El, B.torciey. veto: er 12 VIEOT U9JUI • v. d Codlit.:4l Es. do to Loudon. ..,PF d , London.... ' Blooms, Batons Tickets, ~,,, 1 , 13 N Pstrimorrs torwordol ilazolson4 Droll:MI. Rotterdam. *reword. e.e,at rodomdtbrOolta taroO. or,r- Forme orlstatoo trt,- llt id? Wend. tdira hes th• N.llooloo rotes. to . New Tails: room moor pool or quornotoole: tot Cobbs. . D o rot, &wore tams Ltroroool SUL txtuataoodosir t W i t!tht. ddatto tor tat CZ/dal:Lit Wand, Now*. , red Wales Thou swum.% oat. •:,•110:J:ounlModaticeJ tot paastagera. and moor ottortot ,, - . +'ort - ooes. US? bam IS Wata•Uota rvrlf, OMANI.* Pa hl:Mt titre IseqUiatore sa3 Jowl rl. DLLS: ?on,.N.L. or !Wilt T otthld dtalll. areal, — t 10 Plll.4barsh. MEI HOOKA'S Cl 1711.4011.: IN POW I) AT LeriILCABLZ Lllr6la G 6 .s !BD [ALTRI. Tatan in the morning, regal:joy h removes Meas. arm *tea Ilimidashe and Coka lipalltm.konictiag said- Mow. and mans of all febrile errartainte. Wean .41 takes freely op the oot &Herd. c . 9.1 tinter wham a =lid rutin. II no m tistrwt. tale lsrpstio, 161•3... °Waal nateUtots tar el aaeTtii:6' nid inane ifintral Watereaa • cooling drink. it elLadelsireadista relief attar satirical drinking too freely. r tor sale.wtvalmode k iratilMlDSl 4 CV.; at the kianerse• to y . ry . IV II tieri TOW ng street. tk and •O tiork. sod !stall cavort Dr•ogregta Vila. fl s.itaatit guaranis. S' Sif•ViiitADWA, No: So, to