The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, September 18, 1861, Image 3

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    111 Sim
Ittsburd (isattte
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iOLLt PAPER Dl' rat oirr.
OROLOGICAL Obeerrations (or the Ga
bi G.E. Shaw, Opticiae, 5S PISS meet
.tad doily: . •
.1 P. IL
A o' Ic.
4..4, A
I: B cotter
AtOil: • 1 4.11 A Dui! coma:
istimurr A4tl
-El HY W. W.1.4.1i1iA14, Plstaburet.
: . I 1101 WIRE:Dian .roDas warm pipo:
. W 14/11.14 B. kloOLllHH,Pittiburgb,
hs ASSOC:MU arral oommoist PULA : .
J 13 hOiVIN. 'of How' Tow:whip. -
4 - _ _ _ POP eillarplos t
C - .1 IP; PENNEV,P.tisbargb.
' . Poi AssusliT:
; Lip P 14ilegbroy :
i-_ • • 4 3 4 '40 J-10 H B A I M . , Zouer At. 0 Lsit ;
, ... PST O. EHANNitN, Ohattitr. ;
1 WIG lAN HISIOHII4S, 113cOandlote;
Alai SIKINWLOSW;Pittobar&h ;
Pot gmalr/
.Li Y. WOODS, of Peel?les tp.
1,. !.
Li AT EATI)24ot Upper Sc. Clair tp.
r - ' i r . P.O OollalIPPIONEL:
r. 04, 9 ooLt,u4s,a wlpu. tp.
4j..:(i PPP ritustatia:
N /LOYD, of Ylutimirsh.
1 H I Es cozottzt:
, , - .. J 5 /14.0LUNG,ot Ptsistnarsh.
LI I foil PlitcToi Or Pool :
i• HO SLY H. DAY/B, of - Otto tp.
if r -- + I I
is sirs_ is limns
00 74
}... Si 70
..... 29 4.10
... i.'• , l' ' . "ism Gamma for this week is
•. 1 . Issued od contains highly important an*
i . serf,. ini:reeting matterembeacing Eli.
. I . :' ' T torialel l i stein lu d telligett i ce from . the Se at
E of
- •
War Cerrespon ence; Ma i ne State leo
tion;/liht at Sheibina, .ido.; From Renown
The Great Railroad AcUldent in England;
,i , ,-- Arrestn i: , y the Sovernmiint; Sheriff's Sales;
I : Important and Intereatikig European, Coll
.': fomi r and General Nevi; Religious Intelli
, , •
gene ;1 Reliable Commorcici Repoite; Do
i and Foreign - Markets; Local and
.I i : Selig hollood Neve, !M., &a. For sale at
i our eunter—price, flee Arcot' per Angle
1 , copy iu 'wrappers.. 1
1 The llntosa Coravmstlon.
The IC Tendon to no minate a “Union " ,
---, sc ant I _ ti cket met at ;hi Court House yes
terd . when Robert Finney, Esq., Wall call
, ,
1 ed toptetido, on motion cif Gr. A. H. Gross:
and r e ed the cell for the CM:mention. He then
i addreseed the delegates 'hnesent, reminding
them of J ibe 'importance ''of their duties, and
; calling 'upon them- to nominate no man who
cu - sot gt and competent for the office to
-. satellite:7l)4od. In thiii hoar of our coon.
yrs :Mir meet peril it was proper that party
- should Ibe entirely forgotten, and if this was
done the !ticket to-day nominated would nu
; doubt:4li be elected. i -
The lioliowirg Vice Presidents were then
f elosen%-gferiry Ingram, ofrhartiers; Abraham
Hay', Beet Libert_r ; Dr. Ai R. Grout, Peebier;
Col. JoindKramer, deericktey. -- ; '
, Beer takies-B. Meilwebter and. George W. 1
Leonia ,i cii3; Li H. Carfialei'Ricblaad, and ,
Allred Kerr, of Birmingham..
The ecilenualo' of delegates were - then
called - olt, and , the following mimed gentle
men w oil admitted to matit in the Co:menu:in :'
) • •.'
,4,,13 zokmausse: - .
First -.1 0 ginfram. Trice flees. W
&colt ward-Otseim Ilelt. Joins WilldJ
. ell.
:,,- Third alsl,lst F r eet :0 W
71 7 / I . lore l S4-18 preset: Pran Porter, hi O'Ners.
Yourthi weed-John Owen, i t J Anderson.
.: Pattlielaru-In psetc: Wm ; Darld Mercer.
- ' " .. !-2d prees : P Terns BA caldund•
FiTth sod
Deventh earl -it Temoymn •.;& J Grfeboo.
Night& wird-John GiIISS, Wm Ortela.
••7 , • • pitath wand -J sthelugn, Jlt Day. •
lint war4.-onatietti mm t
reroed At Su re.. Jaa Btacksallt. •
lore arms;ir,Pasksesed.... _ _ ,
.:. Third ward --ild pran k Chas Ecldesster. - J-iyamiry.
/mirth wird-lat meet: $ IV liodgers, i a Darla.
.. - • -21 meet: JI) sonnann, C Ley. .
1 r . _ 1 ismotromil
_ ! El
t ohn Wedier, J:Loney.
r " t ti lit u r4 I - L/ Q gnie 'r.t irl d i kline. . •
_lLailebestir—Roese 0 sleep° cl X mornereli. .
lemneklek-dkx Black, J P Seiner. -
BD telogesmil i etAt:
B A m Pet4l7ll, D Berg.
!_. NmSßlin4gbem-Jacoto Breslau. T Warositar.
~, . Dame . oho Jahn, Hayti WNW.
Lasmentensilie-T WelsorriesZOD Bortwkk.
.Bneriseekritts•-shmots Nyle..bseols Dreher.
hinEsseirporo-,1 V Willie. Wail Atwater.
amain Pittithory,tr-3 A Blectmarte Wm Batley-
S ' Wass ZUMbeth--19talica,Jobass bieGreir.
~ . Tarounual.Geo Desbon, A Otter/Muir.
, - Teitiperanerrellie...4olZsplett, Th or gloso.
~..,, Pitt-Nice ea:molly, Oro Allifra_-
_Callism4l,_ areas JomemAtsralsiun =Ps
i Pica -. 1 0 grawart,T W Stweart.
- Penn-drethee Du!, derneet LOrfc
- Eli ii Weteess.
h 112.1.14 ICormsda. .
Blab. r, H Ft Cochrane.
~. can - ohm DoCinely, Mat Barb:Won.
- Meon-d Deck. ZdllsOinnim,
W Neely,
Yres l lploHlast yreet.O.lonsi s ...liertgles,
• ~..2s ernes John Wheeler, 8 Neely.
Deldwl_M T B II Moony Jame Wallace.
atcoandiesS-Wm Ramage. (kite Salolnts.
Ems Deer , 44, Pillow, J. Esll6n.
Upper er.;l l o.r-JohrsEaey. Noah Bhader.
North Pay tte-W 0 Plc Worland, 1 Plena.
Neville-. P tole, Wm Walters.
ebater-A Xtftnate, It Stewart.
preJt: not rspreminted.
rob'i: Joan Ranter, Jose: h Heel. pom'm 11 Groat Geo .IPooints.
, poet: .7 et Matta, lmao Stamm.
Wllkltni-51 r hompa n. Hoban Anna;.
parats4Jri. MoDisley. 0 a. Lang.
warsanles4G so. T. dtee, Bowman..
hfferinsi-Ohos. Ifo sltisany:J. 11.0bamber I n,
-Ohorthillent7 luinion, O.Q. Perkins...
ELlStevart, A D. Duro&
Oils-Jth Ltartoril, Geo. W4tAbl.
_W. Ecalkenbeek, IL MintwalL
Elnowden-W IL Money, U. Halts.
PL.-J Id °ltems, J.G. tlanhall.
Ws at Imer.i...time Br.) son. John Dawson.
Inds p. WoOorkla, Jas. roirustrong.
Lower 11,4 lair.-Arslrsw amide. Jim. Neely.
.. Swab Illtrettc..-Thoe. Alexander, W. D. Patterson.
' flewielibeythotn. Otani:doe.= h. Entrada.
- Wm.- m.; Stooge, N. Porter. Jr.
• WoClum....rai ob &ken. Henri Prithips.
Ittettaset-L. IL esillslt, staved Booth
t1010n....h. Young. Thos. Bold . ;. •
- liimpton-Phsa. Gibers. llobOroDonald.
Dugan, Wm. Mam... ,
- On Moline of W. J. Montirimery, the Chair
appointed the
_following . Committee on Con.
ri tested -Seats; -W. J. Montgomery, S. H.
Geyer, Jarib Stucktatb, 'Jean Eckert, and
Henry Phill . • • •il •
• The -President read a letter from Andrew
ESq.i - of Ross toWnship, declining he
;seat in the convention, on secount of illness,
'itidrocinamkndlog Robert Reno, in his steed.
Oa motion of st. C. Pleeeoa, Mr. Morrow
wai aubstititted for Mr. Burke.
On moduli of Mat itaroiscitt, Jackson Jones,
I of South Palette, was rubstif i nted for Mr. Pat
tenon, wholw- absent.
Oa motion of JOhnNesselh, the Chair ap
pointed the I following Committee on Rogow.
cone: JubnlCas 'ells, John W. Riddell, David
Mercer, Robert Stevenson • and S. H. Geyer.
Mr. Pt aeon moved, thatlin order that all
tide:gond htl be 'done openlYi theriwor of the
Contention be-taken rho togs. a .
Mr. Ridiiey lathed to gaol, that th e vollog
be doie 41..024 by tuarkin • :
Mr. //hewn remarked th alwa p she.
peeled aufairniu whores Ohs wogs vote wag
Mr.dill Oast no' reingto . for departing
Dom the c stboiary rule govequoliSueb bodies.:
The rhistllin maput, 'itn/) the 'amendment
'was decoded tarried. • f . . •
Mr. Sines° called for the! yeas and nays,:
Which . were ordered, and resilltad - aa follows: ,
Yea., 85; l eje, 45. So - the Convention do.'
'tided to vote by marking. •
Ti.. snide this for West _Pittsburgh were,
hare banded D. Whipple and Jobn
Wadi being the delegates. •
Oa motion }of J. W. Riddell, the Conventlin
proieededto porniziO a candidate for the glee
of Sties ilh Whereupon the following neutes"werc
Submitted Joshua Rhodis,',Flobert Watetiti,
Harry WC* 0. Ormsby',. Marshal Min
ton was nothhated;bithis Lithe was immidi
,,tely withdragn.i. ;-- • •
iTne Coanotttel on tonseiniii Seats here re.
Ported, al followe : That thetiejectione against
Chariot Lighshill, colleague ofgramial Thomp
son, Jr.', of the . klist Ward,-"Allegberiy, were
lot well handed; and that Mr. Lightbul was
entitled Id b 4 WILL PIO eteeptldne taken to
Broth Str:Sark Upper; 8C. ., eui r i war, well
found ed,' int; Alex. 'Alt Si was admitted: in-his
eland. :Jahns Robutsonfar;-okiection 'to Jos.
Davie, 1 witif claimed a sees from the first
pricing' of tie Third Wardaigiteibokr, was
declared well - hooded, and. hat Mr. Davila
was not iratitin A lto. Banc heti/tat], Eh Sew
•t. 4 to the 'Wei Mr. SaWetCp
°4 4 °AP l 4# -t;1,42112Pr4
The °frame 'accepted and Committee
J. H. Sewell, Esq., moved that the Curet:-
don unanimously nominate Hon. Wm. B. Me.
Clare u President Judge of the Quarter Sea ,
sions,.and Ron. B. W. Williams as Associate
judge of; Cie Di iet Court.
Mt; Riddell bjecied. He would vote for
the motion at - t e proper time , but th e nomi
nation for Sheri was the only legitimate burl-.
ticas now before he convention.
Col. Gibsono pposed the nomination of
Messrs. !Heeler and Williams, and asked to
record his vote itgainst it.
The Chair decided the motion out of order,
oaks, the Convention would reconsider its
fiction In reference to the nomination of Sheriff.
A motion Wait made to reconsider, which
was negatived by a decided vote.
A delegate moved to nominate for all the
county offices. Jost.
The Convention then proceeded to ballot for
the office of Sheriff, with the following remit :
Jarboe Rho4es*. . ..
Robert Wateon
Henry Woods
0. 11.-Ormeby...;
When the names of the definite* from
Manchester were ealledateese C. Fleeson de
clined to vote, end ;hiked leave to withdraw
from the Conven'tlon. He remarked that it
was unnecessary to aavign any reason, and with
title he left the room.
The announcement of the result of the bal.
toting for Sheriff was received with applause.
J. H. Sewell here renewed his motion for
the unanimous nomination of Judges McClure
and William,.
Col. Gibson °Ejected and demanded the yeas
and nays.
The yeas and 'nays were ordered, and re
coiled as follows: Yeas 106 ; Nap 16.
Mr. Sewell then offered the following:
Rewired, That a Committee of nine be ap
pointed by the Chairman to recommend the
apportionment of the several offices to be
nominated by this Convention.
The resolution was adopted, and the Chair
announced the 'following gentlemen as said
committee: J.. H. Sewell, A. J. Gribben, A.
Hays, W. J. Montgomery ! J. 0. Martin, 8.. J.
Anderson, Thos. Worcester, Charles Barnett,
Wta. Nixon.
The Committee then took a recess onui two
o'clock. --
The Chairman called the Convention to or
der, when the Committee on Resolutions,
thriiugb their Chairman, John Canons, report.
ed as follows :
leerßeed, That as the representatives of the
citizens of Allegheny county, without regard to
•political usoeistions—as Americans—we stand
by the Constitution and the Union, whir& have
placed our country la the front rank of the
nations of the earth, and regardless of party
names we now stand united and together in de
tente of that government Which has made as
great, end under which we have lived prosper
ously and happily. With us the Uofoo of the
States and the maintenance of the National
Government are above all party considerations,
and we will sustain them at every hazard.
Resolved, That the thanks of a grateful peo
ple are pre.eminently due to the Army and
Nary . for their promptitude and courage in
rallying around the standard of the country to
crash out this wicked rebottle*. In the name
of the people we say to the National Govern.
many "Go on and conquer ! Let there be no
peace till treason hu vanquished, and the au.
thority of the United' Staten Government has
been fully , vindicated and establiahed."
Resolved, That the yeomanry of this land
will protect their country and their govern=
meet at any expense of blood and treasure,
for when our country is in danger we are but
one people. The bold end bad men of the
South will now and ever Sod the whole North
united in support of tee common inher
itance left es by cur fathers—the glorious
American Union, the right of self -goverment
and this Constitution of a tree people.
Oa motion, the report was accepted.
Mr. Mcllwaine moved that, inasmuch as
very few delegates were yet present, the Con.
station should take a recess for 4:teen min
tam Not agreed to.
Mr. Bostwick and Mr. Bayne culled for the
re-reading of the resolutions, which was or
• .Ir. Bayne offered the following as an addl.
tion to the Committee's report :
Resolved, That this Convention heartily ap
prove cd the acts of the , present Admititatra•
tint in its effJrts to put down trealoa ; and
that we favor an uncompromming policy, and
a tzoroue prosecution of i the wari — regardicg
the Lazne . a. Sovolyieg gawdramAlmt or So gay.
arnment—the security of life and property or
a state of absolute anarchy.
Renolced, That it is the duty of every loyal
citizen to aid the Administration in crnahing
ont rebellion, emanauag fpop whatever source
it may; and that we denounce secession as a
political heresy which, if carried out to ite
logical necenittes, must culminate in the otter
dismemberment of our glorioua Republic.
Resolved, That, in lading to subdue treason,
the Government acknowledges an inherent
weakness, and 'an insutriment development of
the law-of self-preservation, and display. an
appalling discouragements° the lovers at lib
erty throughout the world.
Be.oked, That inasmuch salt Is desirable to
produos entire unanimity of feeling and senti
ment among alt the peopleof the loyal State;
and since Democrats, Republicans and &cert.
CADS all stand shoulder to *boulder in defense of
the Government, We deem it advisable to ignore
all party divisions, and to choose. Union mesa
from among the people to all the County and
State offices.
The original report, as well ae the resolu
tions of Mr. Bayne, were adopted unanimously.
Mr. Sewell, Chairman of the Committee to
recommend an apportionment of the several
offibes, monad as follows:
To de Republicans—The office of Sate Sen
ator, three members of the Legislature, Pro
thonotary and Director of the Poor. •
. .
To do Democrats—The °aloe of County
Treasurer, two members of the Legislature,
County Commissioner and /modify' judge.
The Committee left the office of Coroner
`open to the choice of the Convention.
The •report was by no means satisfactory,
and Col. (Mean moved to lay it on the table
—tbe yeas and nays bring called. the melt
was: Yeas, 5.9; Nays, 79.
The report we, then adopted, with a large
negatiie vote. •
Mr. Sewell moved that John P:Penney be
wianimonsly nemloated for State Senator.
Objected to by Col. Gibson and other,. He
wu inatracted to support no candidate who
was identified with the paitiztu ticket now in
the field.
After some dissuasion, Mr. Sewall wit! drew
his motion, and the question of nomination for
Senator was left open. —
J. P. Penney, A. Pir. Loomis and Thomas
M. Howe were then named for State Senator.
Mr. Sewell read a letter from Mr. Howe, su
mming hie sympathy with ths.Union' move
ment, bat declining a nomination by the Con.
The Convention then proCended to receive
negninations for other offices, pursuing the rule
laid down in the report of the Committee.
Dating. the naming of candidate., much con
fusion ensued, and Col. Gibson made several
attempts to •-poke in". the names of Democrats
when Republicans only were entitled to nomi
nation. Be al.* amused the Chairman of not
maintaining proper order, whereupon - Capt.
Finney retorted by reminding CoL Gibson that
be was perhaps the most noisy man in the Con
.vetition i (Laughter and applause—and cries of
"Pinta:a out.") Order was finally restored, and
the hulas es of the Convention proceeded.
-The following Is a:4lst of ' the. candidates for
the several offices, with the balloting. annual;
.- stufewunts.
lA. Teanse--_..«... 041 A Erioomll--g-- 31
L ligarnilts.,. 79John Et Trooln-.....- -
TA 5 W 1111540.........-100 John ' N 91cOloway ..... -
A El aros. s ...
...- -:10E A a 6 LElmakte---- -
T B Elanditote-..-.« 69 . Josepb 5nr19...-:,....... -
..T. l Thatate.....•-a. 87 A.. J 85 ke1 . ..............-. 30
thigh Lee................- Si J O Etntroso-..........- -
a W BerAt--...-,-; 15 &0 W 5 115!.....--..... 11
Jahn 11001a5k)...... - -.;. - 43An EeUert................; -
ace A a10cam...........-.. 15 Map !Unman. 6
ticket Artbzu5.......... R 9 James Elalrtary..- 3
J 8 Pan0ey.....«......... 30 lobe 9 a10htn...«.. -
aeo A Huns-....:-..-.. -
Robert 68
Nada:del fau.ntean—,. 10
Geo B 111
Jame & Banter.--
James Btirkmor.•,.::-.. e 3
Jima• P
J P•ttoq Jr
Om , St--
■ P Ewan .
Wm 0
10•1 I 2
Wm tiAbb, . .. 2
341Wilto'venion— 3
Ames BS. nOttl.f
Wm. Beitztorter
John A PArkinm.e. 07
Joseph • 2
Wm. A1exadete.........57
U. -
Wm.4.lrotimson ' . 2
Hum Dmisldikm..... -
R. W. .
R W. - '
Pro 2. 2 I
7. Itcalatack.—...:-.. 6
BAL Dits,,b7 • •
Cb•LIII• water 5 .........
Francis Pea, James • H. Hopkins and Fred.
Theisen weir' nominated for Amicably. and
Henry Baia and H. P. Seams for Prothono
tary, but withdrew their tomes before a ballot
was taken.
John N. Ncelowrey and J. C. &Got were
withdrawn an candidates for Assembly, J P.
Bur and J. Patton, Jr. for Treasurer, and J.
B. Hunter, for Prothonotary, after the bal
loting was half through. Mr. Hunter staled
that he bull requested a delegate to with.
draw his name immediately after his nomina.
Lion, but the request had not been complied
Mr. fkaptionl, named for Amebae Judge,
withdrew hip name after the balloting had pro. ,
greased soma
Dr. Georgp McCook and Wm. G. Hawkine,
named for Treasurer, and Thomu Harbin and
H. 8. Donaldson' for boroner, were - withdrawn
a abort time precious to the close of the ballot.
John M. Irwin was withdrawn u a eandi.
date for Assembly, jut brifore the result of
tbs ballot wee announced.
Wm. Noble, for. Coroner; wan withdrawn
after the ballot was uken.
On motioni of CM. Holtz, the Chair was an.
thorised to appoint an Executive Committee of
Twenty, to !carry on the, campaign. The
Committee will be announced hereafter.
•• • .
At seven o'clock the result of the ballot, u
given above, uru announced by the Malt and
received olthl demonstrations of applause.
John Casselle offend the followlug, which wu
Resolved, That the Convention earnestly no
oommend to the support of the citizens of Alle
gheny county the tbaket this day nominated,
embracing as', it does the names of gentlemen
eminently At to fill the posidotta maligned
On motion Of J. H. Sewall, three ewers ware
given for the lOonatitution, the Union and the
A vote of banks was unanimously tendered
to the Chalzmiani - for the able manner in which
he dliehargedshie duties, whereupon the Coe
ventlon adjourned etas die.
The Ettnnes'ota Minton Company vs. The
National 11ludas Company and James
ThD important action, commenced in June,
1860, in the District Court of the Upper Penin
sula, for the i munty of,Ontonegon, has lately
Men tried in that Court, his honor Judge Good
win presiding , . It was brought to eject the
National Miding Company from a portion of
School Seado'n 18, on which-are situated the
principal mining grounds of said Company, cod
was therefore line of groat interest and import
The Mlnne'sota Mining Company claimed
title under a patent of the United States, said
patent reserving upon its face the rights of
Michigan to the !audit' diipute. The National,
Mining Compiny claimed tinder a clean patent
of the Shoo Of Michigan, whose title waii
gnised under the compact admitting said State
into the Union.
The cause was nil" without &jury; the trial
was commenced on the 6th of opt. instant,
and concluded on the 9.b following. tin th e
morning of the me=t day the Court delivered ,
its decision le favor of the National Company.
This ie the filth time that the title in dispute
has been before a court of law. A was first
tried before the Circuit Court of the United
Suites for thp District of Michigan. man
ejectment suitlbrooght by Cooper, in behalf of
tee National Mining Company against E. C.
Roberts, who represented the National Com
play, when jtidgment war rendered against
the title of the National Company. Oa a writ
of error, the judgment was reversed in the
Supreme Coen of the United States. The
cue was then - tried again m the U. S. C. C.
lqr the Metric of Michigan, when judgment
was gives In tevor of the title of the National
Compacy. Op a second writ of error, the
judgment in favor of the National-Company
was affirmed -In the Supreme Court of the
United Siete e.l' in addition to these fire trials
at la w, two, bill, in equity have been hereto
fore filed by 'the Minnesota Company evilest
the Nathinal Company—one in the U. S. C. C.
for the District of Michigan, and one in the
District Court of the Upper Peninsula, for the
count) of Ontonagon, both of which have been
diamieread by the Minnesota Compaq, the com
plainant. I
Since the Nitional Company was put in pos.
susion of the disputed tract wider the writ of
poeseisnon naiad out ol the U. S. C. C., they
have laid out On a portion 01 it the 'Mtge of
Werner. The title to this village site was
also covered by the recent decision of his
Honor Judge Goodwin.
Such, we are informed, is. the history In
brief end prejent state of this litigous. At
the late trial at ontithegoe, Theodore Romeyn, I
Esq ,of Dwelt, appeared as counsel for the I
Minnesota CO., and Samuel P. Vinton, eat.,
et Wuhington City, sod Alexander Beet,
Erq., of Detreit, appeared as counsel for the
Naonal Cordpany.
lialboadleocident-.3 0 114u r Baled.
An accldanf occurred on Monday to toe lint
section of a nets GO the Pittaburgh, Fort Wayne
and Chicago Railroad, bringing ID the 27th In
diana Regiment, from Indianapolis. The train
consisted of six baggage and three pamper:
oars. The sadden% happened near Milano,,
and was occestoned by an oz oeming out from
behind a wood pile and attempting to anon the
track jest in front of the locomotive, giving no
time to the engineer to atop the train. The tan.
der and tee baggage oars were thrown off. One
soldier, who was In a baggage au, jumped from
the train and the ear fell on him, killing him
almost lastantly. Three or font other soldiers
in the baggage oars ware 'lightly, and one
badly, braised, but not dangerously. One
brakeman elan Jumped from the train and was
badly bruised. The track woe clear and the
train moved on in about three hours and a half.
The front track of the front passenger oar was
off the rsiUs, bpt no one was hart in any of the
punninr can t and no dunge wu done to the
car. Of all whovemained in the ears no one
was seriously bun.
CotxtustAnX Comm (Ohio) Paaa.—The An.
noel Pair of the Columbiana County Agricul
tural Society Will be held at New Lbbon, com
mencing on Wednesday, and ~toutinuing for
three days, 26th, 27th and 28th of September.
Arrangement' liblive been made With the Pitts
burgh, Fort Wayne and Chlosgo railroad to
issue excarsion tickets front Rion Valley to
Alliance. Yonag's band, of this city, has inan
engaged for the occasion, and all the military
companies of 4ss county will permits in the af
tornoon of the, third day. Bo trouble or ex
pense has biet(spared to incur* its moms, and
the probability is that the attendance will be
vary large.
/alarm or lAgoraan Itsantiurr.—An Inds
pendant nigiment from Michigan, in command
of Col. Stockton, arrived in the city last even
ing, en route for Washington Olt-. AfterVar
taking of an eedellent repast, furabbed by the
Committee on fiabebtenee at the ttfioldiers'
Dining Rooms? they toot a special triln; and
lett for the East. The regiment was not quite
foil, numbering only 850 men. A detachment,
however, of 15Q men, enough to make the fall
complement, will pus through here ale after
noon and Join; the regiment at Washington.
Several other pileup:nu from Michigan, Wis
consin and Indiana are expected. to-day'and
tomorrow. 4
Alms Racer' .mtfi.—We learn that fisjor
Ripley has instructed Major Symington, Com•
mandiult of this/inane!, to have the arms fur
nished to the Committee of Home Demme for
arming the Hartle Guards, inspected, with a
view of aecertalaing what proportion of the
same are fit for the use of the iroliateera la
actual service.l
We have had .some opportunity of examin
ing most of these arum, and feel pretty confi
dent that our Home Guards need not fear.
These arms are inot fit for active service.
A Pam-Pons:ye AIIIVITZD...rit lid 0110104
Archy Lowson was arrested by, the Mayor , .
police m Davie Auction Room, yesterday,'
while in the net of relieving a lady of her
pocket-book. 'He Is about sixteen years of
age, and &Retina that he has just returned
from Waihington City, where he wee engaged
as cook in the Army. He was locked up for a
rd.Casette, tie defaulting tax collector,ar.
rived here yesterday afternoon In castody of
officer Fox. Yin information was lodged
against him by Mr. C. Oyer, one of the School
Directors of thiStiventh Ward, for embezzle.
meet, and In dia suit of bail he Was committed
to answer.—
regret, °film death of Bill/. Wz►
at Unrant, lowS. Mr. W wu sleeted
Sheriff of this bounty in 1840, and WU well
known to a' largo number of on eitisenk.
has been for 104 . 10 years a resident of lora.-
' Reauntariew.LThe New Castle Omar •-• 4
informed by a gentlemen 'et Wert GreenAlit,
that ampulla! A m
te being eshed iw-that
vicinity to_reatet the toilsome of the
.levied tar the'preseeetion of the war. . ..•
TAROS? Paa* iria
cm.—Mrjor Rbrightre R
Oa Compaq parade on . Tander alternooni.
two - otcloalt, bar target praotace and drill.
Meet at the emery punctually at 2p. mi. '
~~ ~ ~~
FOIL wesEmirorroN
WASIMIGTOI, Sept. 17 =Tome is authority
for stating that the maturation of tits O n -
sanor.fivisral of Cabs, rimorroialog the rebel
dant, spurious. No each proclamation hu
boon made.
The Navy Department, hu cease for con
gratulation In the promptons and efficiency of
the command, and or the' several navy yards,
all orders being obeyed with - remarkable pro
olaion and expedition. On several occasions.
recently, Major Gen. Protocol telegraphed for a
number of gene and gun-earrisees, and within
leas thins day thereafter the Departmentwas
Wormed that these war capitation" were
already on their way from Philadelphia, Brook
lye and Portsmouth. There is as much quiet
In and about the Department as in any of the
ordinary government hurtles; yet the amount
or baiineu transacted Is very heavy. It/ kn.
pbrtant results daily tooomli more apparent.
The following order was tuned from the War
-The commaudinieolacerid the United States
loins at filatteres blot, North Carolina, is au
thorised to sooept the services of such loyal
North Carolinian, not to exceed one regiment,
as In his neighborhood may volunteer to take
up arms for the United States, and to designate
a regular °floor to muster them into service.
The recruits will be organized, in the stet in
stanee, into a battalion or regiment, &wording
to numbers. The mustering Goer will make
timely requisitions for =UP and other necenary
supplies, and the commanding oleo will, on
the recommendation of theivolunteerf, propose
such persons este may deem suitable 49Am
the companies, battalion orleginent that may,
If approved, be commieslonixt by the President.
By Oder, L Tabou, Adj't Gan.
Wannierros, dept. 17.-Ilt is am believed
that enure quiet will insure the recovery of
hir. W. Walker from the wounds itfoctod
by a Secessionist in fdarylliad. A government
offictal celled this mornincend received from
him the iekportaut information be bed gathered
Up to the rime he wee injured. That part of
Maryland !in the neighborhood of Port Tobac
co, le e hOt bed of Seceuionists, end bas beer,
a serious annoyance to the ;Llama cense.
017211 • rATION.-PadfiC Telegraph, 95 mites
ma of Farr Hamilton, aid Omafts and Bur
lington, Sept. 14.—The Pony &press pined
at tea o'clock.
San Fraucuro, Aug. 31.—Tae thought,
mind and .energies of the People , in thin city
and throughout the State aie concentrated on
the general election. Th 4 Breckinndge, or
Secetaion , party, is evidently losing ground.
The opinion a that the Republicans will car.
ry therState.
There are now ens comPaniee of volunteers
to sews on the plates at Camp DJerney, two
miles west of ost'and, where Col. West is in
command.. The cavalry Companies are at
Camp Leon. Another camp le established
near San kranceco, where volunteers, ander
the new call tor 50,0!0 troops, are held until
after the election, for no more volunteers will
leave the interior for San gramme°, as they
want to fart their voles.
Two men residing $ milts from Lehtne were
murdered bo the night of 'the 33M, by four
Spaniards, who, after robbing the premises, set
the home ua fura
A tillegrilM from Yreka, dated the 27th, g ives
the following ooncerning the rumored musaore
of our emigrant party oo the Northern route:
"The report yesterday of the masuere
by lu
dianaat Oruve Lake is oonfirtud by the arrival
of one of the patty, be being the only survivor.
He reports that there wen fourteen families,
numbering over 100 persons* to the train, and
the whole company—men, women and ehildren
—inhumanly butchered."
Our informant was here.yeatettlay, but be
has left town for the resntlince of a relative
near here, in conleosenee wbicb no 'weber
;animaters ;eta be obtained.
A cavalry eompaay4s being organised here.
A dispatch trout Pb - rtlanu Oregon, dated
Aug. via Yrelta;4ayei the meamer Curd
Lodd arrived teat niht, bringing Tracy & Co la
express Irom the Nes Pdrces, ate MAO in
gold dust.
By the arrival of the Llmerada from Amnor
River, dates are received to the In of August,
and the schooner Ida had since arrived with
noes from Iletropolaski, Mimic Kumla.
An atteMpt will be made nest summer to
reach the lind to the Arctic Ocean. supposed
to have beta discovered by .Ceptiun Mangle,
4a year. agd. Tee ittwesisn Govereimest have
adopted a More favorable policy towards for
eignere, to coneequeoce of which there has
been a large toffee of merchandise.
It is announced that the government tele
graph from Cikatiati to Nieolostski, across the
continent d! Ante, will be commenced this
season, anciptimbea forward .to completion a.
early at poamble, under the eupertniendeace of
Mr. Bowenbff.
N 1.16 SAitIDT 110014 Sept.:l6.—Yeeterda s 7,
whilst Biz men of the Maseachusetta 13. b ware
riding an the tow-ostb on horaeoack, two Wee
above liarPer's Ferry, they were fired upon
by the rebels from the Virginia side of the
Potomac, add one man was
,inatantly killed.
It was soon eacertaioed that the robe!' wain.
aiderahle force were concealed behind a large
warehouse and other buildings in that vicinity,
when Captain Shriner, of toe Alsasachusetts
131, quickly tun up a 12. pounder raged can
non and fired a ;lumber of shots into the build
inp, behind which they were , concealed, eons.
tog them le disperse, with a: supposed loas of
some lire or sin killed.
Thontu Harper, of Knoxiiile, who wu ao
el) wounded laat Thursday whit OP
canal boat opposite Sbepherdstowe, by the
rebels, iclying in a very critical condition.
Curcio:i, Sept. 17.--A animal dispatch to
the Journal from Cairo states that that portion
of Kentucky lying west of the Cumberland
river has been deemed under inturrecticteary
control. Secretary Chase has instructed the
Surveyor bete to prevent all, commercial in
tercourse la that section, sed.seirch the bag
gage of all parsons going thither.
The gun-boat Conestoga pursued the rebel
etcameni, Stephens end Gentile, on the Cum
berland river, yeeterday. One coottined 100
tone of hoe.
A descrier from Jeff. Thompson gays the
force opposite Columbus numbers 2,300 ragged
soldiers, short of provisions. The opinion is
expressed that his command will disband.
FRABirtohT, Bent. 16 -4100 M-A message
frOm Guy. MagoMa WU received, communi
eatiog a_telegraplue D2C11131[41 from Gen.
coffer, announcing that 00 safety of T
see demanded the occupation of Cumberland
end the three long maintains in Kentucky,
and that he had done so and should 'n his
position until the Federal farces were with
drawn and the Feelers. camp broken up. Also,
a men ge from Thos. C. Reynolds, Lieutenant
Governor of Missouri,anuig what course Ken
tucky tailwind to take, in view of the occupa
tion of the Mississippi river, below the mouth
of the Ohlo, by the Federal lOICCI, in violation
of her neutrality.
Pitmans's/11a, Sept. 17.-=The Arat great
general celebration of the adoption of the M
etal Constitution took place today, comprising
a parade of the !tome Caudal, three thousand
in number, singing; speeches, and an oration by
ex. Minister Delis at Independence Square,
firing of salutes and a general suspension of
businds daring part of the day. A rain storm
which commenced at noon interfered with but
did not. pre - vent the carrying out of the entire
programme. The oration of Mr. DsHu gays
hearty support to the crushing out of the re
bellion against the Union and Vonetitetion.
hearrono, Cr:,ept. 17.—A large COO.
tonne or careens gom all parts of the Mate
assembled here to-day to listen to Lion. D.
S. Dickinson' and others. Mrj. Gen. Pratt
presided. All the political parties of the State
were represented, and places of business were
closed during: the meeting. Mr. Dickinson's
speech wee one of hii best efforts, and bad a
powerlul effect. Senator Latham, Cl Dahlias.
rtidt,.eent a letter of apology Sur his absence
;fall of patriotic spint.
Illacputoar., Sept. 17.—Thi Union men an
trines( over the heat news from Western
The , boat from Old Point has arrived, but
brings 'no now. from Fortress Monroe. This
passengers represent that nothing has trans
pired thereof' interest.
• narrow, N. J., Sept. 17'—The United
Alillartircuit !Court for the Anna of New
Jersey is now In anion. Several treason
sues and interference with and spoon/ion to
the Federal authonties will come before them.
Elden , Ira been . /equated to forward
the remaining New regiments as fast as
Berrox, Sept
scribed to the 1
the Gerrsznatet
throughout Nei
ed by the emit
It —Over $200,000 woo rob.
National Loin yoitadoy. Whoa
tititgoots got to wolitiltwinib,
11*.bo tow* hooilot, tors and
tioDoslood, u Many 11111111Tatit%
rill from obtalnlni mous to tho
_...~_ .~
Loutavizzfl, Sept. l7.—We leant from Nall ..
villa that a Richmond dispatch to the Union*
'American states}} that Hon. L. P. Walker has
resigned in consequence of bad health. His
successor has riot yet been appointed.°
All the banks of New 011e41111 suspended
specie paymentito-dsy, and treasury Dotes are
W at par. f
the Pumas: of this moraieg pub
fishes.the correispondenee between Elon..Tos.
lioltand the Paesideni, in regard to Prentontre
proclamation. n answer to Mr. Holt , . in
quiriee, Prrandept Lincoln encloses a letter to
Fremont, which has.: been published. The
Journal learns that in' very quarter, the
wanton invaliod, of Kentucky by the Confed
erate troops, iq disapproved. In thousands
of inatancu Soothern Rights men have an.
flounced their purpose to unite in repelling
tbe invaders.
Tne Courier of this morning publishes a
(lard,a caning a meeting of all the citizens of
Carry, Trimble kind Carroll counties, to form
a league for the Mutual protection of the lives
and property of iletellles of all parties. The
idea is thought to be to pot dowiZall maraud.
Mg bands of either party, and avoid guerilla
A new regitneht, under Curran Pope, of this
city, a graduate bf Whit Point, goes into camp
th . ti week at thelFair Grounds near the city.
Snlisung is 'Knead MO lively. Besides the
infantry, there ale many cavalry and artillery
companies tormibg, one cavalry company to be
composed of Germane who have seen service..
Au artillery company of 50 men , under .1. W.
Scott, will have!Peter art, of Fort Sumter,
Ftrst Lientenint. A regiment of cavalry,
under Jas. S. Jackson, M. C ham been nearly
completed. . Llatneas and saddle makers are
kept homy nigh! and day, and advertise for
It is reported that 6XO Confederates, midis:
Zolheoffer, came' to Cumberland Ford, Knox
!panty, on Saturday, anu cAututed tbs Captain
or Col. Stones cOmpany uf Home Guards.
Locturvuzz,B4rt 17 —loi o'clock, P. M.—
The train from , the S rote oo the Nashville
and Louisville Rhilro,d hie cot arrived. It
is sin hour. behii d time.
Telegraphic cduirotioicazon between Eliza
bethtown nos been •nierropted since 6 o'clock
this evening.
There in great ;military activity in the city.
A'l the Home Mil:oda are a.sembling, and it
is rumored that portion or .ousseatVe brig
ade has been ordered over from the Indiana
lkfempeis.—A. specie/ t. , / the Appeal stye tha
Genrßraxton Bragg ha been appointed Con
federate Secretary . or Wer, v/Ce L. P. Walker
"Frankfort.—Tiie Senate passed the - 6111 to
provide for the seamy of the State army and
protection of railroads
lours—Wodfr report from the Committee
on Federal Affairs, was doopted by a vote of
70 to 30.
ifidnight.—Tne' Svothere ears have not ar
rived. Fart of Wouareeu'a brigade ate landing
hare. It is underatoqd toe: they are to proceed
Southward over the I..uio•ille and .Nashirille
Rtilroad immediately. The Rome Guards are
all out in unifore. Their) destination is sup
posed to be Sonthirard.
The river at this pti3t U rillag fiat, with 5
set 4 Inches water in the a nal.
Jiereason Eispt
of the Bt. Louis Ilejoubllea
A person &trivet, hire t
I• la morn' g reportie
Price w moving
Cans as tbat Par
!rebels an 16 pima
l a say that Pries left
en ore °Maid/7
that on Wednesday olgh
towards Sedalia 11.00
goal vu there ir(i.b 2,500,
of srtille4. Ochae neo.,aci
WarroubArs for ` . L-aws
liE , ta are omelet that Lexington has been
eaptdnd, bat they are not believed.
P es from Peltis ounoty reporia fight at
Blatt'termer, to w4lh the Seeeasionbita defeated
the Home Guards nod burnt Blackmu' Bridge.
4 ,
. Jer/T.120s Cnj, Sept- 17.-4 a eCial die.
patch to, the St: 14010 DMOCrafoi ; A man
named Griffith arrived hare to-day, ad
that on Saturday )an Gen Price, with 17,000
men, bad surrounded Lexington, and bad cent
• summons to Qui. :'il oiliiiiiii to entre der; Col.
M. Wooed, when, P , ..., .r report d to beet
not word Oat be ••••1 him a 01 Mon
day at four o'clock to tor', ....1 er, to it be did
not that he wouldfmarch ,n him with a black
fig. It II cono.i a t.y Ilsous M. 10 10111110.ry twir
lers here that Gee; S:l,ti . has by ILhit tome
reached Lexington frg , Lk .! , i Joseph...had Price
will be cat off or in-ced to retreat
Quite a panic priereed et Georgatoera on
receipt or the reports 1:001 Lellitgtuti, and
many families tied, le.aril an attack from the
All ie qatat here. and 00 apprehenaioaa Ere
Clelt Qu inameAft. attack.
Sr. Loots,'Srpt , 17 —T e St. Louis Leto.
erot is furnished W, It , he I, !lowing item : Ail
is quiet here. Gr.. Pop has cent a column
of 1. 0 00 men andiibree p , r es of artillery, na
da Col. Smith, after the r belt who laic here
on the 13th , and there to ti ne doubt but that
their la r ge haul o Wendt will be captured,
although u usual i' they will dupers% and being
mounted, aecapti, act,,. Cul. Smith rhould
supra, them. Slime Guards, and others, are
scouting the country on all rides. Vol.. Cm.
mer and Edward{, the first commanding the
irregular forces of the Minoan Volunteers,
and the tauter anent 600 lowa State temps,
will alive hers oh Sunday, haring swept the
alliteration north of theifcity. The General
will immediately fret them to motion along
both sides of the. rat:rwad, to clear out the
small squads of the rrbels remaining An the
woods between brre Ltd Chillicothe. The
General says let fire rays North Missouri will
be quiet again. I
ST Lou, flep4 17.—Gen.liturgic, with one
reg i ii rs nt of tolnatry, two computes of cavil.
qone of artillery, took contusion of at.
Joseph on Friday ut.
It to reported that a battle took place at
Lexington, yeaterilay, between the Federal
forces there and Man. Green's rebels,ln which
most of the latter ;were captured. This 'made
Another bridge was horned on the Hannibal
and St. Joseph Railroad, a day or two mince,
precipitating the :/ocomotive into the stream
mad killing the eogineer.
A report is current here that the Confeder•
ate forces hare evacuated Columbus.
Br. bort - ern. Sept. 13.—Correrpondence of
lit St. Louts Republican —The railroad bridge
over the Little Platte river is not yet repaired.
Thls does not interrupt the travel, however,
of passengers, men" sod troops being trans
forted at the bridge.
Three regiment* of U. B. troops: the 16th
Illinois, the 3J Olio and the 2d Kansas reach
edi here today andierore wi I arrive tomorr ow, Before the arrival fif thy, F decal troops, more
than 1,100 rebels rode out I' the town, bound
South, to join Galt. Price. They ate au en.
diacipltned crew, l w II mounted, bat poorly
armed. The U on men are jubilant end
hopeful *gain. At levertsrlii.• yenlerdaYe
two companies of Cal. Morganfe Home Gtlitda
had a skirmish wi')lt i band of seeessionists
end rooted them, killitig ten or more and cap.
taring several horsy,.
FSIZDZEICK, fitTD4 Sept. 17 —Not more than
twenty fire membrje or both houses have, is
yet, arrived here.! Tee, wall meet and ad
journ till to-morrop. The impression is that
the Legislature will be unable to adjourn or .
do business for wait of a quorum.
Unto, Sept. 14 7 - 1 Oar trnopa moved dams
the river to-day, tithing possession of the bluff,
called Fort Jefferino, opposite the bead of
Island No. 1. itecounoitcring parties in
strong force, out (tom the camp at Norfolk,
make no report al; the enemy. They have
probably had no collitions. No new, to-day
from' the enemy. The commotion reported
yesterday in their tramp et Columba', is mild
to have been caused by apprehensions of an
attack trom oar trobpv.
Itinusarakm, Sept. 19 —Gra. Reynolds has
telegraphed as frost , Unsay Mountain that, he
is not cut Minor sid es ant intrlid to be. hie
will hold his position at all hasnida.
' The enemy witht superior - numbers are in
front of him. He ties tour regiments - at Elk
water. We lend him three regiment/ today.
Haareo ;hr. been seriorisly talked of in
Connecticut. Thel authoritie, of Stonisigton,'
a strongly tainted f secession town, gathered
their men for inspect!n, sod found one hun
dred and twenty ot, th able-bodied &Hinted
with hernia. At Pen t they all wore new
trusser tightly braced.
A Harruti . Exszert —St. Louis, Sept. 14.
Heavy Federal reinfor anteing are going to
Jefferson City. There ill probablybe a fight
between there and 11.c&inaton in a few days.
Can. Hunter is to cum mand the southwest
ern columnfrom FirthiL. .
Tex &inert& or Hiistriras --Bak/unlit/v.
toting companies itillYeabnathe Nashua and
Jackson corporatioes—esneweg operations o n
Minday last. They intend to rennin, or tea
hours per day, and As • ays int week.—Barton
Baran 41. Thseithwas of f*b.lse.
township, DG • et Nb , on SatetashhOpoint
ed • sabilo., ttooto'sai with the Amidst,
=and Commlsslocars for the nifef of
famlifes. ' . '
Arrivals at the Principal Hotel
8T CHARLIPS—Oreu s or Third eat w,.,
nun ILI/11111 PLOP6IIIO2.
W D Nash. Steubenville 3 McKinley, Franklin
It A English, Beaver I M ei B -tonal% do
John McCabe, do A B Walt, War!dogma
fiergienc New PtillaTe 'rhos Halt, do
H Lock but, Wsatrington T Bi ch. do
Paw Willtbm, do Jae Blesaley, do
C Gilmer, A T Kennedy, Franklin
KG Dickey, Mon city JIC Kerr, i do
T DJ Ikott, do E C Lalchty. W, Newton
A X Smith, do l D Johnson. Abgbeny
W W Able Phil. J C James, Wosekr
B B Bow, do 1 Hellman,
W 0 Able, do H Gilbert, Laker Superior
W J Umberto*, Fraukihs H Smith, J.firrrorn, 0
J P Byers, Cooperstown J Ziegler, Uttar
J Bard, Brownville Ziegler, do
raft Clantand N P .70rieN 011 Creek
0 B Taylor, Franklin Him Ella Campbell A aro
WA r lackey, Bedford co tar. Edgworth Seminary
J 0 Tate, do Aire Campbell, Boston
MANBIOIB H01181—N0.144 Liberty mama
0101161•171121 Ti. PIMILIZIOR.
3 T i minagml. city B Walser, Rae
If J Hennepin Rad om
son, doMomett. Iltrboor co.
Airs Sullivan and sone 8 A Vinton, Wash. city
D Hulbert, Woceter, 0 Ilia 11.3drintruly4WbsaUng
Si Maher J It Stencott, Locust Gran
A W 13.1=1 Castle, Del .1 Zug. Alt Holly Spring. o T St Louts D 0 tweet°
Embody and holly, 0 0 Cobb, Cleveland
Tarentemo LlnseY.Orntline
T Heneick, Collo:116ns JS Heys. Alt Jock..
A A Kuhn, Blairsville J Wagner, New Cutts
11 ' LigiaMer, N. Liberty J 8 Mannekla Lafoyette
Lii.,ll/. 11....7 W H King, Bedford
H Certiala Bakerstown A L Potty A lady, Cob.'
MJoe. doI min J l 4 ll oB7.Bleirnille 13 Al Eerr,Olarion
Bororsan, Plata J Dick, Kittanning
Plucks, Rommel! P Cowan, Greensburg
W Weinman, Wheeling 0 Wyman, N Y
0 WC eider, &tug J D Term Phil*
P W Malan*, Clin W Ben mg - annex, iCreatlice
o Kopp H
B ilotAnghlW J Heirick.Trheallog
A Itangtiman, W. Newton 1 W Salter-wan eon lady,
D Loge., Beltimore Ohio StatAtin
H Pollock, Wheeling 1 K 110.o7,111cCetiYlltatIoll
GERARD HOBS!—Comer Smithfield and Third erects'
fr,L. HOCEII27. mutinizron.
W I llobtrunn, Man. city B. B Brown, Brownsville
W Latta,. do Misr Wilmot.
BC Dickey, do H Cr... Lending
T M Scott, do W Smith, Carinichaels
8 P Keller , do J Brame:x*3d, Morgant'ern
P Metzger, Allegbecy co John Ergertar,Grvene co
AI Harbison, Robinson tp IWm Troth, Fayette city
John Himud, Hi:with:6d=John Sterna U A
Andrew Stewart, J At Millar, Briallsville
and t C
Me arlisle,
a, . John Unite, Brownsvilie
Shy autr
ELIZA HOTZE.—Liluern street, below Ei6vontb..
JOHN =my 1 , 2071/2T02.
O B Tiffeny,Welinala N Cantor, Troy
Robe Scott, Dayton Jl3 Barr, do
Jae Kelly, Allen co I B Wentling, Irwintown
lane Bellow., Harmony David Perk, do
T M Joan, But Liberty Wm Park, do
W Kern, Wilmon W N Hoye,
H Hoffendr,Lancuter X Thomtean,Wilkinlburg
Mlr Hotbnisr, do 8 Pselt, Eitsubenvlile
rbin tort. Montgomery co 1J Walter. Greensburg
Job. Moe, Wort oo John AlcQued,
A bar Wilidr% do II Rankin, Harrison city
P Knight, 011111011 CO 11 //COL Jefferson co
WCampball,city D Barnhart, Antra..
Jae Smith, Smith's Ferry OAI Johuton, Browner'e
P Sheppard, do J Crones, tinenborlan I co
8 Hough, Port Hoye, John Keeper, do
BHA% Brockville
rty street, fart of Path
tt Marshall. Sabot
11 Marrsy, co ,
B 141.1cr
J Pury.Ttruipsouvaie
el Fallon. Latrobe I
Johnson- Illohniond, 0
R Mitctieti
i B Kerr, tiocketown
J Johnean,btrourbrl le
A Davin n. Hickory
W Kerr and son, NiWolsern
11 Montgomery, Candor
O P111,1•11CO, Littler
I Barnum, Conon
O anienning, Fe 3 et. e co
.1 Espy. tipper sr Gish.
if Al rheter, thulium
neari HOTEG-L1
T Laughlin, Penderieksen
kt Jones, Bakerstown
L;ay °amide
W Ps*
J uin, nay, 04D0babug
n rdr
• 0 kliThenrn do
human, Greene r°
J Ratak do
W BM. do
T Minoan do
• W *Mtn, Candor I
J Pam; do
M IL Mitchell
W Gilmore, Bridgeville
W Blmoog, Bickery
J Hama,
:Co. k, flt. Clair rlro-t.
IV V usball, c:
J P Lama' tneektr, : tll
WParebait. co
W Ltmoutecker, do
118 Irc'trayar, do
toba Idetoot. '
P Rooth str, '
I' !oddity, • do
.7 Elute. do
M Poterron., : do
Lyoch, •
• kt do
W fleauaker, , co.'
TC P iaorakrr, , tro
S Q floilm•to, Moreno.,
Curiontsham, i do
.7 Wood.oti, ,
J do
A MtCsaataol, do
•No. 137, {Viktor rm.,/
R Croton, kletampon
Übe 8 flarahry
11 M Wolf, Harmony
W 6 liaraaey, Butter
Boyd, do
J &comers!. an, . do
I Balt do
LP Walks, do
11 McComb!, Wash co
N H Velar, Hamburg
81 1" Lobigb oo
J Palcon.Cannoaborg •
&I I Corbett Strattonseb.
Logan, .1411 , ystoarn •
Citodd, Ottawa
0 iambi, P•
I B RO4O, Wash. co
I arpoeck
I SLecita
• I mlrow, Pl. recce
J Lytb, .betb
Ono Watton, do
J W Deana, do
.1 Ca -ter, do
.1 LI 11c1Lblooy, J.ll, tp
It Lamb. Bradluckatleld
Wm Redmond, Berta et,
°bat Attar II 8 0
LI Wall; Bblia
A W Rename, Ctdoat'd
Bed 11111ar.
r &troy;
q lkoll, Uolotatown
W Thrteeman, Bellevernon
Robert Maple. Greene aw
J I Pecoel.Eirsitigtz
W Cle)bsogh k laJy,
De Witt, Twa,
a Rimer, Weak co
W W Willlaine,Cookat7wn
Z Meier, Brownsville
IT &teary, Ilitlontorn
!6 A Keller k 2 eons, Mo
nongahela clty
Gen hem-1W 20 :men, 17
B Marine e.rpe
THE PATRIOT'S Dasam.--This interesting
and exciting drama we, performed milli last
eventog to an admiring and fashidnable an-
Ideace. The large number of soldiers intro.
dosed toto the piece to give effect to thh Pratt
street, Baltimore attack, went ,through the
various ow:datums we thongh4 better lan
Monday than on on ' ilay evening, and they will
no doubt continue to Improve as they gradual
ly become accustomed to the excitement of
the scene and the pretence of co large a num
ber of spectators as have crowded the par:
game and upper tiers for the last two imo
lai& The capital hit at Russell, of the Lon
don Votes,was well received, and Mr.
Mackay, w ho personated the noted letter
_writer, came in for a fair share of applause.
MMus Newton, Mrs. Effie Henderson,
and Miss L. I. Menken, all Appeared per
hotly at home in their respective puts, and
their efforts were duly appreciated by the
Markets by Telegraph. •
Pima=Yam. rept. 17.—Noon.—Ylonr ts Arrow
under the advises from abras6 Wee %AO bb Is sr $4 60
$O4 62 kw extra. tmall mass of Braemar at'St, and
Dorn real at $3 81(. Wheat sabre and 20 ;taster;
MOO Mesh red sold at $1 140110, Med $1 2601 612.
9000 bmIL By. mold at 610 tor new, and 600 Mr old.
tom to better demand; 7000 huh 'allow kohl at 64©
666 Oats Were. and 1400 bash new sod at .4631.6
Yugo and =lsms continue to have an upward gen
datney. Prarlidons dull; small sales of mese pork at
SM. Beconmoved slowly at 6WO, foe hams, to Mr
idol tai 6Wanyee for shoulders. Lard firm at
Due Whlaky at /8)46149a. . •
Nmelfon. Sept 17.—Scrta—Slour tlrm sad M
udded 64510 c; sake at 2000 Ufa at $4 7C434 80 for
Bum, and $6 2N;66 80 tor Southern. Wbeet Is nretr6
Wee sfBo,ooo bush at $1 080110 for !!Drank.. stub;
$t16611 fd for red weeern. sad $1 net 33 fur wblte
Kentucky born - advanced 16 WOO sold at 42)0
646 Load Twat. liV tasty at /90.
Serafgets of Flom 10,284 bblic Wheat 2.56667 bash;
Clam YAWS bush.
Mats soli aid lower; Mango and Reck Isl=l 42
1111nots Osatrat 64%; Mlattipa Boat Mt; New
et Otani Mt Saabs UN; Vitali:lla alsesalti;
Tsossoes 423(.: North ttseadatt 60%0 Mittel States
Vassar, stint 90.
Nor You, P.0./T.—Uml:lg.—Cotton Wet; Wes
at 2ty4t. /bar Arta- Balm of AIM Otis. at
0100 e SO for Mate; 0 . 3.50 b utio, sad 0 2)
faf for t
stow Couthe o9 rn. Wheat steady; aaks AbOACO
baab a for Cbkaa slo9al 0
at llEtleanke• eta b. Cora advancedgo 'ari s
Pork &gaw / p at
$l4 LO for mem. Wkdakg Arm .t lAyal9v ,
WI6IV2B—At - Tuna. 1 0.80 , 13 Batzrd*Y. tin
14tb but, Mr. BENJAMIN, to the C3Lb
year of Waage.
Docrroa C. Basis, Rater Caro and Dance
pubic Pbtakdan; also agent for Rainbow's cele
brated Tnass for Ruptures. Corner of.' Penn
and Wayne Streets t
Destrien.—Dr. C. BM, No. 246 Peen it. •
Wens to all banns of the Name profealoo.
inrA Mimi! Ilia Asstd. Try It.;— DIL
Mad from ths reallet of Dr. ataybe oof von.
emtlent. the mat bons lotted: and boa bean CAW in
praettes for the laat twenty run wltit the moat
utsmommer atumma.. La an extents remedy it la
t a rtyal.
other emand alleyfate
mom awed*
= z any pantloswill. tor all iihstunatts and
bermes Dim:idea It la trap Infallitde, and es, a ,ett.
ranee tor bona. Wounds. dpralna. Drulast,ll44,lts
t=Wallas ant powerful etrenctlanint DfoPer.
t• Met wonder and astonlaraosut of all
wen bare era even alga/. Over tour Miming ow
Vacates of remantab/* =ea perforimal by It willna
the last two yeas. attest Ude tom Sew advertise.
Ont. astanyagawirwt
1. WILMS 0 CO, Ap% o Comer Wood and
&sand attests, littabureb.
- .
BLOOD FOOD.-11.4:4121011 is oallea to
aft mod ramble Boa wlenttdo ireparstlon, ad.
earths! In another canna. It la as oritlrelY net
discovery. and must not be confounded with any of
the untoortele Went nab:hue of the day. It a:
ecotals reseed, ftw all the Mower 'pealed, and is;
peclally those of a chromic tutors—ei bn g .t.Fat.g
•or wake. months, and years. BuDeners, try DI
Mom Onimon Dune; of New York , are the
gas agate tor It, end also wroprotare of the world.
renoents4 Dr. lawny Imam= Mote; salute.
Cl. which every Mother ettouht base In her atedlcluto
*wet fn lase of nosh and wog. as It done; co
pireacato cOtititof say kbuL asbe folio npon
with the unbolt canlldrecayend will be bowl an Is
valuable epeolflo to di awes of DAUM comp blots. arta Rama. vainheig.
MIAs . adwstlestosor.. Nor sale ha 0D0110 , 41 D.
Ilpt a lfildlitent. Lae Waal st.. Pltnlbursh. Ps.
jug Ham of Loris, Gm 03.5, pus,
by • la ads • lbw by
- . ~- I
Tu. bight-1031 thry Wood Cnook • Ilett.
1 . obis Account.
We are ioisrmitted to publish • - follow
ingi • ektract m a private Ls - •• • written
by i dept. oonlight. It gives . • first
=rest and reliable amount of • - fight
on Dig W . ,Oosek that has • • • - •• pub
lished- • : , -
rOaT Lin rac, tunas, Sep. 6 1861.--
What I to you my WO ilia
aboi4 to start on an media.. against
Cl ei Paine IDivisioa, who bad • -..,• bold
enei47.. I to Come close up to F ., Scott
auq take a herd of mules • • “..:,• . to
sill' leerment There were • - one
hunted of them. They got th .• safely
away; and we have not got them t. The
expeclition, consisting of Col. Moo._ •.• • 's
cavaliy, Col. Johnson's cavalry, -- one
company 1 poi. Weer's regiment, and
mySe , wi thAline men and a 12 pound
moon• hoitzer, started Monday morn
ing,l pt. 2d, determined to finll the Se -
cesb,r staive with hunger, for we took
no food with us. Mtn g about
three thou* we cams in • t of the
Sec4sli lag,: Coating proudl y on outer
mar ho
edge of a belt of timber Called D Wood.
Abdul:CO ice,valry were s there,
and".il was 'ordered np with mylpiece, to
give': m a taw shells, but bef I could
come gear thorn they were go through
the *oda. t Chase was the ord of the
day, and awe I tore through ' woods,
witli,only 0, en ahead of me as scouts.
'llie!, t ben eras about two miles wide,
and b
. the time ' we were through, four
con •ea were ahead clime. We descried
the 4 ahead, on the prairie, on the
e t
of &Corn field, and made our apmvac he a
in thatwa tu yi The ca
f' salty rode up in
front o the . pposed lines of the enemy,
for re:tould: o f see them for a Tittle rise
in the] gro ' and the tall grass, and I
ran ray gun in between the enemy and
our tavalig We never supposed they
had any cannons; then j odp our surprise
whet( they ,opened on us six guns, with
round Shot and grape. Nothing was left
for us ko do Lut stand it out, which we
did farlan Minx and a quarter. I opened
on their battery with shells and spherical
case ilk. My second shell burst spank
on Sall. middle gun, silencing it, and kill
ing fon:t. can . lloniers. Illy seventh shell
burst among a:, troopof cavalry retreating,.
and hacked; over more than a few q Our
cavalkepti up a continual fire of f small
arms t could not do much good, on ac
count o the grass. 'fired eighteen shots
in all, dud wee compelled to I
don 'fife times during the fight. had
one home Wllamied in the groin, with a
grape shot, hist he is getting better. One
six pOuLd ball knocked me back in my
saddle, but 2 not touch me by ab ut an
inch4Hlt st k two horses , on in . right,
and killed oneef them ; also kn one
man doten, without injuring him. Such
oc i
is the; fm-el of war. We were
to re , by;CoLliontgonary, who cam
inanded.s and we did it in good style,
through the woods, losing about six men
and ten s hozseS, and five or six wounded
men iMil homes. They chased us about
five marls and `gave it up. We arrived in
Fort Scott theta 10 o'clock at night, well
tired anti hungry, taking nothing since 4,
a. u. t' Gen. Lane at once ordered a retreat.
to Fore' Lin ln, on the Gam about
twelve mi esl North and East of Fort
Ecott j . Iso we started at 2 o'clock next
morrui?d - the stores are removed,
and nolloing ; s left but the buildings,
whichlaill beurned on the approach of
the enemy. e are busy fortifying our.
selves' at Fo rt !owls building =Mb
say Shed, & r . lam employed by the
Generillin laying out the battle ground,
en the &tido orth and East of I,' In
about pile mile r lam sinking • pits
to pretel, the men from the enemy can
none.:: They;have seven. of Gen.
Prica , 'eca -g. We have only two - _
=Den, end ' ut 2,000 fighting men, and
4, ,
they 7,31)10 or ithereabouts.-. They are
now at Pappiniville, on' the Gage, about
thirty', miles from hare. Wo expect them i'
about; AlcnidayJ and are making pumas.
done !sellordiogly.—[Leavenworth Times •
; GrJ
We Me nt i vr rpenle i g a choice stook MEALLHOODo.
conatatin lc 4, L.Le Iltest Importations et ;MOTHS /
. VESTING/3, ahlch Ire &du oar.
selves ;411 he a ged to soy cft , rtolcot to bt CAME
lan oel Wait. .4ttey will be massy? to °ea r ls •
ft/Arlo; Mil% sod at vice, to colt the thaw. W.
would F.rattlectruhy t k o t
. ollelt as early call fro* scar
llsr •
r Taiwan, No. 19 Furs Sr.
Ii I •
SaEttLkitt glittilitteLl.ll are invited till
a., 0,1020 th day ef b ilfepteurOxa. 1851, kw supplying
the army °Obeli.° mao arbh POTATOES. About
tO,Co7lBnshels will required, in lots of about 8,000
bushele ;' perreek. The Potatoes to be of the Ant
qualltp and qua, Inquillty to the following Wady
Meiners (Iflae,)
7 ' I Pink lye,
The Potatoes to be &deemed he Warllngtem, sad
imlieet to 7. liVcdou on delonny es due Bahl*.
once l*pat me.i ay regales, nod payment to be.
made In T rowdy butes, if Goverrunent' lambi de.
drelf..i!l 1 1
The Potaffnm beldellvered In grod.attmig bertly
and eself bodied to LW satin:fated it 60 Th..
The bldsto IA anew to otet A. ntoxwittr,
8..11 f,Weahlegton, D. 0. ssfiltbk.b
J 1
Layne ,tlaa nto
Bt yl and
All sebsibe mai ir
bry luiy im rice*
daily lu Cotwa 13 • •
Pnitoorgt., Petite
Wood street,
, 3.0(
E. It ver: lap ctor4 of
.1 7 'anoy Dry Goods..
adme a profit oTecsto
to almost advs;cdpg; ape.
bet 0th,16.61
bbbrrury tope ,
bblo. fob gal by
IL 1—.74C received 26
larpabricutis cat trim Mice%
L;TTLI,a 211/1181.4
112 Sword stmt."
I U I *W
0 bap atrial, lima Rio
trrrca •• to see by •
112 lowa street.
ciLLiSrl i t'B •OINTMENT—Five
JAL groali With; - -
mlB I tAilig."l77.l
TtOLls—.soo lba. for sale
rolel' C er of Woad and RIM On els.
xDU BOTIIff WAX-200 lbe. for sok
bi I O. d. 103 110.2 4 108 & CO.
gala F' . Corner of Wood sad streets.
1 1 01:tatitX7 kegs P. 0. 6
Williams?' .
T.a.t, wk. 'arm_ a t
anti- 1 , " — DX Mere, oteset:
LIT, t for 4W at SO oodik Et.
catratrieL tab] J. a B. PHILLIP&
INDIA 111111111W1 lUDIN CAPiiat
itXilettts, Ott nu at 26 and SI at. etafritari.
061 /
of Ortible 450% for tab at S and 111111.113a1t
west. 1 . 4 u) J. & 11. P11114.1P14.
•10LI FITEIL-1011r,e4 fresh packid But.
JJP ter/zotrocetred? esla by •
mil I ;itiont,w ONSTWor
eke/pkilbillES—elluselui Clear, =ear
l ea oad Apr .4. J.IL =entre c 0. .,
71 Water oad9lliteat striate.
Isls S' aipa REILUILILI received
J.:. cido byiltipeess, to two boated bettekeod is
out. .stIO • 11. TOIGT*OO.
OILS bbld s as r Refined oi4
Recolired*Uube Web, antaiir. Oman's.
and; LISTS of OR:
LW a ao., 63 Wood
250 bwiti fjusels by
Litunittoor sax,
of Wood onit lust Etna&
Maga u. •
mat !!
11 1 . 2
iscx.l •
001 - .°2 1
4 ,