The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, September 17, 1861, Image 2

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    - •
C gt I
J: . intr e tt t
lllDEclin CO.,
sikilos• air& irsoraistese.
,? . .04kimarellk ply., *it arlfer:,:ortor 8/141
-f.arorahsgiand Sieni . galOoair t tallYz
i,Clattl ahOeY jrillottll.lo4.latatl. •W• up _th
•.t.f.:';-.4'.....4rieiiivZilitia•-se vet , 1
..:...'lll' 111%5k trod? orders. ~
Bliebe-4 11 Pff I
...-} ", per melt ifteti tanileS. .
I , ,.wakti halo* -81sele i
'... or irais. 111 fig test ce npw /
Intiakb to Orme*:
', , sir'ADIIIRTI4IIIG'if ' i
-,. • . .
-- • 71 0 1'1 ... X833 :,
... . •
11M3DAil.HOB l
• Tii6 strA i iii : . 1 7 . vientista.
-The meetings A Ss . •ay lan to elect
:'.. S. .
,-- delegate, to the sot called Hllnion" Congea
iles Were eery I y attended, the few who
: . -Were peeing bele -reality democrats. At
one place, is- h of Ater being present • ;-
it another six; sad so in. In some of the
' distrieth not a Itepablioin was to be seen;
and - LitTlitit ether* but few. In same once,
a Camber of earnest and deolded Republl
- eanstook pert, acting Upon the 'Conviction
-....;-. Ikea the ntoveitistit vu ions in good faith ;
_ittl;lii the - mill, the Republicans had the
pod nein to stay away and keep their'
-'',. blade deer of it. - I
, ti.: : ,,-, ere es, In , the mihda of some erode
: ions Repablicane, an-.lmpressionthat this
. _was a movement solely for the good of the
- .. etantry, free from parti bias, aid notelet
,: ed vith the management,. of old political
".". . haste ;. bat the result has shown that they
;.,- Were utterly mistaken: The whole thing
has been: , mains ed by Benton Kerr, Dunn,
'Rune% and'. the other{ democratic leaders
Who consort with them, there being Seth
thg, la this respect, to, distinguish it from
- .
as ordinary Democratic Convention, except
:.".. the 'habitues -Ahoy received from a few
'fishy ll camp followers from our side. Wher
., t
.Iret it was necessarytto r, 'tarry particular
delegates; by -. ' resort Fti the usual demo
nada .trickery, the i trickery was not
'i"wanting:! _ -
A gianbea' the list of delegeiee will show,
.-.. to any one 'familiar with political move
':meats in this county, how successfully these
- demooratia wire-pullers have managed to
sack the Convention. The ticket agreed
spoon by D unn ;; Kerr, Barnett ..t'Co. will be
--- nominat ed,-the Convention being a mere
. - enechiste ‘ i to register the edicts of the derno
", credo jutdo. . ,
The "lliiien" ticket Woe is about played
- _ out, Mani of • the. Republicans who were
, a
inveigled into signing` the call for the con
vention are already sick of it. We meet
seethe of nob They signed the
;Gall before the holding of the Republican
, County Convention, and would now gladly
'= neat thttir signatures, if they could. We
feel no doubt, now, whatever, of the suc
cess of the Republican county ticket. The.
• .
masses of the ;Republican patty are sharp
' enough Ito lei the clove') foot whioh the
_;managers of this movement have been Is
- hoeing so sedulously to conceal.
We ithithe here and there in the list of
delegates Dili' name of a Republican whom
wises sorry to see is such company. If
they are able to see an inch beyond their
noses they will have nothing further to do
- with this Convention.. Their partiolpation
lii it Will make an ugly record for future
handling. No matter how charitably some
• mai be willing to judge, in suck cases;
there are others, and plenty of them, who
: aillbear the facts in mind - for future use.
, Oar advice to all Our Renublioan friends is
io kavinothiog further to do with it.
- Thera ill a moderate sprinkling of Seces
sionists! amoog 'the'delegstes. The casual
reader Will have noticed the name of Mr.
Koliteltheek, the editer of the German pa
.-per-whci ass warned by the 11. B. autbori-
Ales on account of his Secessionism, and
thematic others, whose sympathy with Be
oessloalem is open an d unconcealed.
--- - a. Co Ida 13:wrw,:d.Z.EnSland and
: most extraordinary rumors re - --- -"sd
;nw ini the ° ' reception of the King of Sweden
---, , I t were current when
- st ti n s ug h e i t emir , . 1
' ' ft England. Hut S wed ish 1
the :Afore le
"treated 1 w ith mark ed
Lord' - eed wag Palmerston was even
- ' - - ruda -in iris
mealbeltev"vieirors. While the
. . honor, ef his ' w a r in London Count
Platen; Kingof the B Sweden
. !envo)i, thought it his
• Majesty a greed din
"::-Pardaty,totP:fridercht°ll2eina.Xl-2:.ilLsh mini wa s e ta i dso ra ma i n _
other P ersess o f
..,,„i without the greatest
-- - - vitid.-. di ffic u lty .it‘ that w L7nd Palmerston was inn- .
„... willed uPon to rxneieseen bte swaeiti3ht9 accept
ini ti oll i and do - • at dinner.
-_ --_ bil
of meet i ng himVicto ria,
-,.. - :the honor
~,,,,...t .i., ..
ef Queen
The r i d= re— "•••' eoat an d affable w h oa
.... w h e can be VICO it , thought fit, Wl'
'require ' dinner to
antla 3#tanintl. an d die
morose,the and even
2 • ''- low d u ring, Ii very stiff,
sll t,ba &wades pre sent,
.--.: ...'... - hanghtY t f i lnwill t 20 :towards his Majesty
Charles' speci alty ;
Thi.................... i attitusodemeon
surprise: part.
of t h e ; Webb:, lord ....'.....we t w it th e Brit
- r Nut it soon becaorknots
/isb governmen t wished
Swedish Sovereign
of rolireetz_ilLltm- a t, certain nritO tt e k l e es
their .471
entered i n t o at Pans,
_unill indubitably bo to
en d. The
. -•
volt --, ' ' frObi cud t °
11. "...,. 3' Elt°CabilletPli v is i erfec e d by : th aw re are Ein ol g the
:Pinwi ,which, it itil not dificEstighltttodiroxierwhoss
- &rested sgamat .
rend be put down, and
nail PIP= i - 1734t must be des t royed .
,•:• tiltw i let of a general co nflagra tion.teeenda‘4
• ,', -.. ' t b e wri k ms of the navies° there E urope
P*l"of Northen , d Son I
Prance. - 7 .
- . twthwto • •
There ie no cry more frequently on tho
of tho liiwasionisb3 and their &polo.
gleteithsa that, which depnuates the p01.,,y;
. , ,y; Invailonr irben contemplated by
-the National Government. Mx Governor
-71 'Stewart; of itisacnui, in an address to the
404110 of that State, thus briefly disposed
4 this-phraseolospb r ao current with the
m en - iwbo l ue. Dow `invading „ Kentucky
2 4 1118(4 0 • '"
• 0 110 not deceived by the cry that you
,Invadod' by, the troops of the North.
_Government can be g! ! ia_ to invade
li. , Your .- paramo unt allegiance is due
jtee•.. .
of t h e rated States.
to the - Ceevme,--6 out_ has the :lest
..,,--,-",.;,,A105t the . wry
____ foot or so u
`--4=-----1 4 ( retettcir troops on :every foot.
It bees
I ''''-'7-1:2;'
udder' its
11486c*I1 Okla'ne more than
'''.',.,"- ' ."'",„ffensilt Win be 1r c.,n.„.hee or of
this power
of - the 7-3 ii bite&
the Feejee "-.
y .., -- - the rtutaio—LNat!O
of ,re'
_,,,,topr p ropertyimail>,—,Aimeasertothifon 1 , 42 , 4 , t , by
v r, .;;; , '-' , ... ' -.;-,...
.elua to
i....:'''',1,--tf.-•=l,WellactilUgot....„ 16,ye5;,.-w0 * - 4 4 11 0 &V , beicioglog to it ,
=te-thi alas °fs4l E; .t. who received
,6,17,.!^.." iof Vbide.lll4M! ' tof two no!
,r,..1 ---'i 36 •Icato - oat for kw ponies
-, •: -.. -,fe, tail. b y t h e garage
, _.,-,,,,thi...- 0 - eepght
A Few Seaeoasbte Wordm
-- Bessie: Editors lit very Aret
pummels that tbseipprOaching elections In • die
loyal Blida should give forth n0, , -unitertelti
soundk AH mere pae*questiniii
- 41,a or. notrit.olly Mesidareess postponed to
the" gristin4 absorbing lama, involving the
pernitnity Of the Union and the Government;
and it is euMitial . that the Buse be so madettp
that dedyiag shall be topossibte—that the re!
fah of the electioniltiosy show distinetli how •
many are for the country—the whole isountry as
tels—and how 'many alb for yielding, In any
shape and te any degree,lathe rebellioe.
Bouthentilenimirstore mre misled by suppoibir
- that the sympathy and support • given to their
political hassles by the Northern -Demccruy
meant much mote than it really did mean. Poe , ',
sassing, themselves, no patrfotisin,
and no lovi. for the Union' sumps so far - skit
might, b- tisk to subsets° their politic:l pie.:
poses, they did not appreciate thesexistento of
a living patriotism 'and love of Union In the
bluets. of !their ..Northern allies which would
override all mere party ties and petit:teal Ord.
ties. They counted demooratie-votes and
triumphs is Indicating their own numerical
streoub in the tree. Buttes, and fully expected
that the brunt of their battle .would be' cal
Northern soil, otherwise they never would have
proceeded to. the extremities they. did.
Lean afthr the unanimous and glorious upsil
r nag of the people of the free Stave in
1" support I
of the "Flag of tbeUnion they looked coati . :
dently to ereaction which ' should give them a !
powertul patty amongst their old associates 4
and even yet they tithe comfort from the occa4,
motel demonstrations in favor of "Peace" and
“amicable settlement" proceeding from. the!
few Rehm' Who ate still tolerated in oar midatJ
The rebels should be allowed no furthed
comfort trout the regatta of our elections
There are really but two parties and therd
should beibut two tickets—one for the vigor}
one prosecution of the war mud the last sae!
Ave succumbed, and the Union and the Cossrit
wrong ire recognised to be in force otter beery
mach of the national territory; the other, bi
whateverltille designated, to represent ail who
are in sympathy with the rebelhou.
This to no time to consider of the safety op
parties or the political aspiration' of Ind ividul.
ale. We want first a popular expression of
gentimeut on the only existing issue, and sec.
and, the election of the best men we have,
without regard to their party antecedentei
Men who, in ordinary times, are good politt
Mans, and whose chief claims are baud on
that fact, are not necessarily the best suited
for an emergency like the present. Some ho=
table illastratieos of this have atresdy occue
red in out brief experience of the pending wax.
In Tien , of these, to me, manifest proprieties,
I think the Republican County. Conveation
committed • grave blunder. The Demooratib
Convention .had mot and expressly declined
making nominations. Hid the Republican's
done the same thing,' Union Convention might
have been called without embanassteest (if
detriment to either party organisation. Bat it
did not even do the next best thing, retrlgniSe
the loyalty-of the Democrats and the temporary
suspension of party conflict, by nominating an
unexceptionable mixed ticket. What it did was
an open challenge to renew old strifes, us though
the results of such were really of prime import
The Democrats Save not been slow in taking
up the gauge ; for it appears sufficiently maul
feet that the "Union Convention," called hir
Tuesday next, Is mainly a Democratic moe,..
although motioned by a vast number of R
publicans, who feel outraged by the hijudioluse
action - - of their own party. It is quite likely
that this view will be taken of it by a greet
many Republican voters, and who, for that reit.
son, will "stick to the ticket," and thus the
voice of the great Rspublioan county of Ade
ghenp—perfectly tineolmeas on the real taste
—will be mad. to give forth an uncertain sound.
Here at ho'ri we shall understand the content
ae arising usof old feuds, as though two offi
cers of the army should leave their several posits
of duty try mode a private quarrel by a duel,
which recalling either way Ls a loss to the cont
emn emit; which both are enlisted.
Abroad, the comets of either ticket will proe
detrimen to the common muse.
thent any escape out of this dilemme l t
Will the ullnion Convention" be eo commuted
as to aim ! ch iefly ! chiefly to cripple the Republicloa
pony, by tanking the most of he blonder, jot
will its real purpose be what it professes, to
nominate each a ticket as all cea mite upon*,
li it takes a position of direct antagonism Ito
the actioe-of the Republicans,and nominate it a
new ticket composed partly rom both parties,
the inference will be hard to resist, that the
main objeht of the organizition is not purely
patriotic.. But if, discarding the evil maniple
set by thEi Republican Convention, it abould
take tee hest men Rom the ticket already lin
the field Sad thee nominate equally good men
selected 'lima all political parties, it wodld
hardly fail to challenge the • public mita:hue
u to the integrity of its purpose*.
If such Shall be the judicious course of the
Union COnvention it may be well worth the
consideration of the Republican . County Copt.
mittee wriether party policy, as well as palm.
°tine, deem not require such action on their
part as will neutralize poet error.; and if ihe
County . Committee decide that no actions is
demanded Rom them it will still be comPe2
tent for the members of the party so to meat
their votes as to demonstrate, unmistakably,
the loyalty of old Allegheny county to the
the CollertilirllON and the Govelinif HT.
As a Republican I save no fault to find with
the ticket already nominated, sod under Or
dinary circumstances - should support it without
hesitation', but while this war lute, and so leing,l
as the Deinneracy follow the lead ',touch Men
as Holt, Butler, Di: and Hoffman, I am reric , ly
by votes: well as in words, to remora se
their equal right to participate in the hoe re I
and emoluments of office, !teeing they hire
no reemPliciit from the toile and daegers, of
the canto land the field. W. AI. S'
Ross Township, Sept. 16, 1861.
[Ws publish the above because our friend
claims the tight to be heard, and we are nix
ions to oblige him. We dissent from most! of
his views, however, and take the liberty; of
saying Sci; to prevent our publication of ill at
from being construed into an endorsement;—
gee. GeUrrell
itun In acisanz., or 120.
pee_MKS $2 mamma; Ego
di; st pie Immo, to ,
4i50N131.11 Sal&
The ' Pate of Jigulgo /Wand.
When the Becessionists, who bad be•
seised Lexington, last weslc, _ abandoned
their mhp near that city, on the approich
of 001. Marshall with reinforcements for'
the garrison, they seized and curled C ff
with them Judge Ryland, formed/4 a
Judge of the supreme Court of the Suite,
and one' of the most eminent and eitti
mabby citizen of. Missouri. They toe's.
lso, his eon, who had been appointediby
Governor Gamble Inspector of the
Fifth District; but had' not at the One,
accepted the commission. Their object
in seizing Judge Ryland was to hold him
as hostage tor Magian, the Becesiion
leader captured, about two weeks age, at
Georgetown. They avowed their datiis,n,
if Meg:dna was hung or shot by the Fed
eral troops, to subject Judge Ryland to
the same fate.
Magoffin hasbeen tried by a Court Mar
tial, condemned, and sentenced to bo joza-
Cut 4, and as it is probable this sentence
will be carried into effect, the many friends
of Tidge ityland are laboring under Much
uneasiness about his fate.—Dist. Louis
of Fridaiy bits returns from 272 towns, Which
show , the following result:
1601. l6OO.
Washburu 46,333 Washburn...-. 61,128 ,
Jeer .....-.. 17,731 Smart ' 33,868
Dan ...1 . . .... . . 14,362 Hareem" ' . 11,261.
Total 'vote... -7-7 76,4116 I . Total vote... 46,2 6 . 7
Wihourn , e . maporste over butt Is 1 0 4,250
'this y e a } , &geom. 14,993.1aat year. The nitre
'Vetelhie fallen nil 7,841, of which the Rauch-
Huns - 101C 4,7 6 5, and the DatuommS 3,046.
The 111epitblicsn majority Is relatively higher
IMO year theoloat, as the reduction in lb. vote
is - nine i par Cent., while .Washburros mejority,
I, reduced only five per cent. . I ~
1 • 1 • •7.
Btorlairet P. , HALirri, has kiiit wrliten-*
letter kil of the moot lofty, patriotism, fleeing
the writer oquarely , on the noble platform of
Dictation% Butler, - Din, end other griet'lights
. or ail - potty. Mr. llailift plainly onyx: . “Tbil
amnia issue is the overthrow or the sup nit of
the Goreiement in thio wbole Delon." , , That
is the whole and until “tbe roemtabl tab.
.meet of the supreme Goverardent nithe paten
in all the States and -.Territories , ' is effontedo
""or it is fully demonstrated that it'esu4ot tie
done by force of . arnisi I belong to, net party
but the country "
nil tbo
bit ate 4
to bpy
Ritax—LSoine of the atmendotS dam'
papas of , /dates bainag charged 'the
f the Oath Timm with attempting ha
;democratic party, Adr. Gilman informs
`mere that nobody would be fool 'Mouth
lt any price. .
wiumf Atdimi
• z gacol a r i tr corps .111 .. e o • WV *
[streersbare Way. Diplom Uniengint to v rep.
tb rO nla tar
9. W.Fruiczet.Feeretal
lt, EZOOLAII 4311111T101, mom abla bodges
men, between the agee of tventpons end thirty-8 e,
P. 3 nave trout glg to SZI per month, accordlOg In
the rank of the soldier. leech man will Deism 1
with a good Horse and mob meats, ample cloth
erd trobelatenos. Quarters . Intl sod costliest sue
sore hoe of chum. The c..y ot oath moldier
mimes eme soon emits la enlisted. ,
By en Alt hardy palm d the term of eullatmou is
changed trots tee to a hang , it ha, and es rg
addleer who banes that time I. 'Mittel to
SIOO BOUSTY sad 100 AtOultB 011 LP.°D
ham the tiovernment. et.teation la 431 . .1in 10 •
bombes the utreentnenthas *hely commenced to
promote soldiers from the mite. Adrancemso le
therefore open to ill.
Tor laths" partlenters apply at the Demi g
°Moe, NaTlOleab RUTH. I
I , 11111NRY Li sg4%
Captain, ilizth Regiment 11. IL Meld ,
samistf ha en:Mb& ear
Or A . FEW MORE. laurrs
wonted to ISU.Me ranks cit tho
UNION RIV 3.11 8; siltor Orpt. TB OB.lOBl
ThoOompony will Is reloond no moo so csaplotely
organised. nod viral go Into ',Woo as 'harp on mtet i
Armory In 2/1 story or Wllkln's 11614 whole • •
men rill brecriAMO tars los don Magri.:
. ' ord.Sf Tfloalas K. R 9411. Copt • .
wylr Osgood isnaottuniatd to rkralt
- 5 et . NE El ZW e
To All op lb/ain't' of the AlleshoSl 0n,., for 4.1
Ales. lisglampt. Oaks at Washington • n
Bolo= street: Applg to
stand JAB. D AVG.LL,CaPt.
MINOAN, L. L. D.—This misbrand contra
verslallst, tine le peat la Chan* and Stink?
Inn defter a Lecture la the Wesley Idetherlist thirds,
Wylie stmt. on TUMMY STUMM Ilat tar" at kiln
pelt o'elosk., Baliftet: .Tha Was, rts Was Cupp
vs Om. The public are Lathed to attend.SISALS
num eitt
TlUtlltt SOttClll
illitnntimudh blunts thlitositi
Septanbor 6th 166 L
ObTHE President and Manageri of
the UDlDptnr ton erecting a Inlittp twee the
Idononnattols river, of pottte PlUabargh, In the ann.
ot Alleghey. hare thin an •
of two Fermat n . on tho capitalstyle, which wall be
p•ld to toe ttockhoklerscr their Itlet npreittntatlyna,
lathe Banklog douse of N. dolmen It Font, on, and
after the 16th Inst. NOLIIIN,
sonar Trettalotor.
'r Et WAR.
WO rad do wed w can nal cot their Poators and Nand
DMA od
W. S. IiAVE,N.
No. 84 Third street,
Who Is ;aspired to print mall or large, su - ordltg to
desire to
HOUSZKEEPERS who havo need
JOBNFIVIV.3 Bil:17.11111 4211 It to tate • place
among their doneatk sazeidtlat, as It .111 cot oal
rensTata their 811 k Fiala', and 812121, 1 tit 101 12.
staLtly t . imove gram) .pots from carpet t wal` isper,
and floor dons:, rendering as Melo ful new mkay •
Tilaahla •rttelscblch its cnrcer soma ol4rwlipe
hue btennbligel ta - coLsider wortbles3. Pr4pared
_ f3l2daN JOHN3TON, Ihngient,,
and realar Ia Olia WAVILY ME.DIOI2IiB,
and a. d by
Conrr Bailib6.lJ Tong: litraa.
DR. M. 0. JUNES,
Ut1A111.66 11. bTuwb,
irhysioian and durgann
0611416, Ao. 36 Federal atraa ta
Oppoette Oeteweade raw, nowr the BasgWeetca
Attianibilr Ot
‘I,ELLED PROPOSALS are invitaa till
A. 7 the 10th del ut e.ptembee, 1861. be ineOp
the army of the PcSoteso let b Pt./TATUM,. I•bons
40,000 bashels vet be legs 'red, le lob of six et AIXO
haebels pet week. The Potatoes to be of tate 4rol
que/Ity sod equal la vitally to tee solipsists 1 tale
Mercers (bleu,)
Pink lye,
Nevi:eve ( bit.)
,I be Potatoes ü be delivered In WiLblngtoL, end
enbietil-to-erich top:etude on &Imo., u the It bidet ,
euem Drwartroe. t rosy reclaim and nerve:l to b.
Made In Tressary betels, ti OuToftlawtt abonld de
I .
The Potsams to be 4sl ,nd to rotate:mg
nd bathe! to be estimated at OD
I The bio to be eine...a to 0 apt. A. 88010 PM,
0. 8., 0.8. ♦, Wathingtats, D.o..seed ill
a Lama expired Or IliattrUou ua w. la d4l
or August, MI. Tor Gnaws* a Led arm ;will Or
retrial by the ow arm or Jowls t Lroghlto.
daragned, nodding In the Om M !Mahwah.
haw loaned a limited pattoerehlti ander lb. arm of
Jelnl a Latvia:it, In lb. bashaele of manwaterioa
atd dealing in Me, (la ancoredo a As the firm at Jonee
Longa) hi shah tinn lb. general pa , tni , re ere
Hontlasin F. Jaws, noose M. Joao. Gala* W.
Jaws, Mary A. lanaollaoand Irwin a Lshahltn.
and the .pall pular le lama Laughlin, aho
contntmlod went, tbnanad fir. Mandrel diAlare to
the common sack of said vulnerably, whi4a Is to
tommence es of am lot day of. Alssum, 1161,!iuhl to
laminate on the tot clay of August. UHL !
B. F. JO.lB,
0. W,lOOllO,
IN.Y • 16,1,1701iL11f. ; •
IRWIN H. LAU 41111 IN,
TIRPEI &Nis' CIOUR'C • • 8111461. }- 7 On
%Jr .TUUUDAY, Oaten: Itth.loo.
Lab, by coder of too Urpitute Lions. we WM Inn ow
to. proodom the fens of the lii. Jima OtoPoddeo,
deo:Woad, ontolatog um,. UP of with , so.
Sold firm to Wooled in thiblitoon towtobtp,
itovot7,ffit the Philltosburg tirade rood .boot
oto =tin from Pingo:rib; sod Du thor•A mond •
good NIAIIIIII fluthlll AND BABA and hits shia
WOOD 4.01.011Att0 of th• born bruit. Senn to al.o
'Distrito • wood SINANN 0 OININ AND MAIM .
A' porn orth• premiss. will b• shoat to risotto
on lb* do, of =do. ood the borne will be • ce etthor
to Dion two ponAtrn my then tun • then tot .grad
Urdu =AU Pagan of the sac
BAINLING D. • a ttittOY,
Ntioniton of Samoa lfiroddoo .
• out Ifni/Ale cue, amch toperkie tu the
.gatelopep containing
1 , UMW!' iNVIILOPER. , ti
Put op enprea yLt fouler on; only 25 rote. lot
"281 In 11 • D AVI%
bola. Baltimore Parc QUIN 13;rai:,
do 'oc. Goldou • do 1. .
• • '.16 do do .Pouleollyasta , do • -
6 Abdo. do . do do •
(All cboico gustily. ior oW by
sonomaese i Lino.
• On tolooty knot.
L.Otiit 1 FLOUR 1
-.300 3bl/61611.0t vtdo floor;
, .
, ,
. 11 300 do, Boutin; Lir. to :.., . '
- . . . „ ,
-. l6 fit ll ' igrr x4l: ' ''tlO' .
46 do 'autos ityo •do ' . '-. $ •
: for sale by -1308.011,11[111,& I rtroo LNO,. •
- sell— •• • . --. ~- , 313 Übytt.
Isunutn. itUUtlif
, 801100 L !0(018)
All Mt Pit boots wed la lb' tDDUo.Scgopb.nd
ColbAss,lor NU, bp - R. O. DAVI,
CB&IINT.-50 bble. Ito& Venutinjuet
pelt r
UUTTAIfw--20 kgp freskvackadiliutte
xr A- MINRY. 11.'00WHIL'
LIAOU-2 0 9 ball bbleWluto Ifialt,Xtdr4,
as gating Ye sit• by I
at? U. 0011.1LINI,
CLINES G.-100 boxes
ode • ILBEDDL3,I,II stni4.
- "
. PLOD' ftlib
tfill - ViiRSITY or kgb. I'l SY - Lif - A
silage DEP/iRTII aT.
ISSIZION, 1861 AiD '62
Shy nolo Leanne of Ibis Kiwi.' .1.11 ft:amnia
11104 a, Worn It, sall ustahata
. 4ne lass of fob-
Pm? tor the Full Coarse. $lOll.
illtdireod I • - IDesu - tor tha Modica] /.salty.
err= curOoIIMIMIST OT 8.22111=1.0a,
No. 6 State sweet, Raw 10ax,Evt.1 . 4,1881. 1
PROPOSALB will be segerted by the
ondereigited until 4 o'doeit e. N., 213210.3119,
toe 19 b loan. ex ',applying ex es*of the Unit e
States Att0y,11168733x20.26T0s IS, as fol ove,vle
• For delivery on the lit of oouber,lB6l:
1,187 tomtit first patty Me s' Pork, full salted,
WO its most, dlty tntPX 3 `. 0 . ', ..
211.160 ponods fir* gustily' mores Boos illdvo.
slip coven, pasted In tight Waal, of about SOt R.
• 46874 poe.da did (pudgy smoked Warn f boulder..
sheet cut off close to the telsket, slip covert, picem 51
as .Mme. _ ,
46836 poun ds Bret quality tanked Berns, slip co.
i ii,
9 000 barrels fins *Wits felt sod n. 41, az . u.
Mrsellest, to be lull eased, soc! pounds of eat.
1.010.000 pounds ersequslity of Pilot h .1, to b.
smoked in bra. of 60 .pound. of breed I exit bon ,
0,00.. to I. sessoue I stuff. bottom sod t of at is
o.m. ..of two piece.,
to be towed a d grcrxed
sopa sr.
.0.00 0 bushels print' gotta, White Deus, Pose or
Split Pau In eidlnay WM; than:Deily tsOpered,
and to rtoA order.
186333 pimp& of price Rice in oleos, bright
spirit hassle
66833 ponds prima Rio Odds% in clean, briAlit
spirit enyele.
was weed" penis Rio Codes, touted sod pound,
In clean, bright visit tomes.
8,700 pounds Rood quillty Black Tee, osehtlf
°oleos, ameba, Bouchoug.,._
soup pound. maned, light Yellow Coo e 1 near,
or %tube's quality, cialatilli7, raw Boger, la ontinery,
well coopente barrels. , ~..
mow pounds Int quttlik Adsmenthe Coodlte. to
be or sixteen ounce* to the pound, crush ill Ores slid
coo-WI twins
00000 poundived hid Soap.
1.230 boshebt of goal, Oral. dry flue Bell, to et rune
tight, veil covpered t wide. thtrtydwo qu.sts to the
bushel., .....,
4MO pill good Yoteurs.crilktrup to brrrbt. ,
hilt barrel., Wltb tour iron hoes*.
1611,0 pseuds first qcuditi piled AFelms, 10 GI.;
for delivery on the Bth of . October, 1651.itbe 5,610
.. _
queutity nesbove.
for delivery CO the 18th of October, 1861 the same
quantity ea loam.
Vol delivery on the 22d of October, 1861, lb cue
quantity uthove.
Smolt samples in labeled boom to ethompany tho
prepeastu when practicable. Bear to PloPu“le •Pi
be n gaited far each article, in which reiewn - e must
be made to their proper sample& Certill wee of to.
theatkin 'GI be required 100 ail the mate. condi, log,
en the pert otthe seller, their present toothy cud tu•-
dition. nomads will also be examined and pawed
upon by Hobert P. Getty, Inspect:or on the port of the
United alibis. The stakes name, nib date of ,on
CU.O. rein nd on each Picked*. Boxes to be rt es poill
with light green hickory Wept: lii lb. Melee will
be rereinity !liveried before their delivery, and carte
folly ooloyend with the retained umpire. - Bolder.
- me, propose for {he whole or coy put of each ae
The more meta be dellrend, foe of all chord. to ti •
United Mates et convenient and ordinary p-low of
delivery le Gat:ilia ci New York or Brooklyn. aeon
portion of the articiabeiCelid Made aa may b...ilind
to be go delivered et tbe pebile storehouse, No • &ate
street, 'ball hese &Mewled without ant to the II h d
Stage. Penang ant having the peaches variety qj
atom above darael..ed, hot having articles of sootier
kted., mat liberty to grad In Prniviwalei which will
ramie, etteulloo according to prise end eiteptvu. I, to
the waste of the Nerette. • B. BaT.N,
all 81 On and Oct.. tub. O. • A.
and /01130//: Or 0)/T01. the goods carriel scar
us ,
Wob sws Land a fun carpi, of L4iil BEASON
end TULB PALL, which In Sill
w. 1,6
A RAttIG oepohruisiar.
0.A.19 FS 3317 'Y .t3Ft 8 -
nor ears Der tea ►t eh. vrry lowest market vim%
to wholesale s ad retail boyars, a very lama and ►all
volactad stook of
DlllOl3 111110111108; 1)11111.01D181 1 r8,
.1118 BID WO3LIIII Kamm,
1139T4)1111081.1131Y, OND1R81:11R18 L DEA
Emma NaTERIELE of ill inch,
viumgra, MUM ?LONER,
Litloll •DID WHIM BIM LAO , .
HOOP maps a co isrra,
sus? eftswe,TApse, comes, else, Nantai,
aid sn Moil of
NOrrONS 11:211 - D . /*NOT 030D3
Tbb to u t• Is espeoblly totando4 for 00UNTILY
1111111011AWTA and >lutcTNlae wbo Tilt tae obi
lir pm poiwist of biibig good& ; •
MAINE'S TittaildlNG t3TORE.
Na TT 111111EIT
• Ml 6 ,
CHEAP 1.11 UAt3 . ll 1
MAP FOR 02.13H1
aqn Iflfna,
1100 P PHI IiT,I,
aiaiuetr CADAS,
- -
) No. 78, , Btre4.
A DI IMISINNBF. 6111011.
AIL i_
W FALL 600D13g
J ,. 17 . 8`1`, - . 9pZNED •
900 obls. Vaasa OR. bast LabrkatA43o antre;
:.31bbls lel7 al*"
- , to antna , -••
• lea tibia Mad AOa l'lllamtaathirla stag%
le tablas:Ma, Ana fgainty; Pio";
top OW bora% unr . ,_araisiad. plain" ad
odatemal stem- Warnated at law prkee
67 • ; JACOB WAYS&Si a 412511 u 0;
.;,.-I':.4' - :::.:-..-.' - ',-':'2:'_ . : - ',:' . :' , •.:I.L
• -'•..4::.',
ti i
, .
, AReb ittbrettoginsists.
. .
Pannso to loeuesetious tram am. esaeary of
fk•I ' ••••• ; re • ke k willb. opened ow
i - IIeiNDAY- tem or eIPTINI1111: - - -
A Al Oaeser otTil Mb a".D WetHebTaIRTA.
Dori enteerietlone, made.. my sometatendemie, kw
Telmer, lestis,mle famed wader asset ofJoly 17,
111e1; Toe. outs will b. famed la wanes of 81ITY
HUT — ealit . CHM lII:MDR= DOLLARS, 11411
andi of
l'ill THOUSAND DILLIIIIB each, dated 19th
• Md. payable threw ,curs alter date to the
o the subseriber or es directed, and Stating 6
terjtt at the rate of 18.11 per cm& per imam, PAT
ARLO 11111VANNUALLY: elseb Interest being at the
ruin of TWO ours iron 'Ron DoT QN sivaair
111;1111D DOLLARS. rot the conveniehme of the
ho , eanaDeote will have coupons attached myrtle.
Li, the amoral 1111101111111 of Panbaanual Internet,
Ml ph couptua may be detached and presented for
pmeuent emerately from the notes.
itteM lotions for Nth Troutry Notes will be;
infied Ming FISTS= DAYS from Me data of open.
Inel! 1 1 .
the book atosseeid. No imbewiptian for less
til SUZY OLLAIIt, nor kw anj . fraeHon of that
e ' um be MI6 Subscriptions of filly dollars
at ' aitne kande do hs most be paid In lawful coin of
thOniterl at Me time of subscribing. Sub
patof ore then ose btalred dollars may be
Mali ,I 1 preferred , omtecith at the time of
IMing enethied of the MM. nepotist Ote
y man del thereafter until the whole shall
bei NO punt of less than tlfty do cm be
pted, tie t being the tenant MI for which
ray if can be Mud.
Heal MU be granted In daytimes to named.
blis for the Me so paid, the cabling*, which the
stideciiber w II tratuanit by mil to the Secretary of
thq Tremor, when the Tummy Not., es aftregald,
Well bobs Oh rem to stub submit:sr or Ms order,
ripie.yttig est metiers...3 hi such cortltest., bet
:team w hoa. Mir part of the =mut eubscribed la
et the 11 se of ;absorbing. Trouts, Notes will
be l Muted only for the pasmeuu made eubtequentry to
gke Stet. altkh will remain until the shore meant
eilecribed by such person Merl be paid, whet Vs.
.u. 7 Notes will be lemel ter nub payment dm. On
pn matt of each deterred lustalment, the enabsorlber
V I A pry, in addition thereto, • rune equal to the In.
tenet accrued thereon from the 19th of Asyut to the
def.. of payment, and on Anal peptone like interest
Oil, the sendent pallet subecription, which payment'
*Helene. will be reimbursed to the mbettlbere in the
p 4 meat of the drat onion.
] The Trenatry Notes bums upon such certificate. by
tide ?mammy Mil aunt to the suir*ltere by Emil,
*such other mode as may be inai6 tea by Mein
Wien they transmit their original certieloatne. The
Mipllonts rettifloates, may be retsina by them for
ibLir owe ' secoulty. ' JOSHUA HANNA,
i At *Sloe of Hanna, Dart *Oa.,
Corner of Third and Wood Meets.
Warmth D urn We Or Plellll2Telile, n -
i 1 .bares a 111.1 of inform atlas has baba hied to the
District Uoort of the Dotted slaw of Atomics tor the
West en Dutra% of Penosyletania. on th e third day 0
ptember. In the year of oar Lord one thousand
'i%et honored sod sivey.ow, by behold IL Oats Man,
q . attorney of the United Metes, in WWI of Me
netad Stoke, ailing In autumns. this • oerteln
etr^a taw boat being without tato% of lb. dollwrial
iftwaina and dewripticen, to wit Lewath of keel
bin hundreds 1 44 twenty nye feet, twenty•foor feat
imam and four both with • bin with three
Diagttes of rate oral cool: ca
Moose and wane room *lt,
WM the hanimwe hall length, is now I) log at she post
tek PthateurrOn rid dietrich , . that she belongs I.
ria l .
I '4U:door I part toone John Dell, o citizen sot reel.
trot Mt buts al Seauesaten that In pursuance of
sot of °oppress apptored Jay 17th, 1801, Me
irraident too thated Steam timed bier priziam•-
: fine; hated egad 16th. 1101, dectulag fitheoUstbat
the lab* Lot the Mateo , Tenosemee are in • date
lot tun on against the United But.. and Met
ithom and Ur them thy. Man said Almost 16th,
ISM, WI a pa sod veer'. belonging Us whole or m
]Pert to an When or Debablineet of do guts of Tea
Manes f In thy put of thew Daiwa Plater .0018
lb. keel to the Dotted iiierrei sod slat wild Wee=
lem with art as aforesaid woe me fatal to lb* port
,eif Pittehu gh upon laid reptember 50, 1161, end that
'hhe saldemeel, her tulle, apparel and turniture be.
1 ilklnal thereby forfeited to the use of the Out ed but..,
iMsel preying that the urns may be contionmed Os ker•
;felted asteloreada. ,
' j how thoraces, in pormance of the monition ander
the oath°, the old Mort to me dressed and dedhered,
I do hereby glee public notate to aU palms stelae
] hog that seal veem4 her tackla, apparel sod fernitere,
Qt um fzeilreet thereto, ar lain thereat, or in thy
taannabetareated to the same. that they be sod op.
Pear talon tbes mid District Court. as the City of
rittsburgh, on the HUT ?DIMWIT UP OVlOrillt
heal, at einem o'clort bib. , Ibrairjan of that de/.
• (melded the same dial be • dap of )uradialow,ors
wait' an the nest des of ruledietion thereatter) then
Ind there so intearyosee their Mame sad bi male their
tellegatiow In that behalf.
U. . B. If enbal Whiten DU of Penna.
Pitteb.uegb, hew. Ilk, 1101--re
mare P/UtlttTLith La, Atlegbany County. to
of mid county. No. aof October Term, 180
i Nolphy • bow,
Steambtat Onnd Tack, Alexander kur.k .. t.
It'tlic4 matter, and W 1111 am
bref and AUK. O. Milos&
ovum &a
Notice la hereby glum, that by meta' of it.. ears
mated vett of ettsehaserst Waal out of the Court of
Common risfee of geld emote. I heat attocbect the
Mambos: Grand Tart, oened by Willem and • les.
a oder.o.ll . oltoda„ bel ogiop to the port of 'Alban h
to mid county, sod heretofore lately commanded by
klazandat O.
be !Mao* That the wed Moment Grand
Kart will a c id for the payment of &Ma contracted
weak deue and for motorist. prorated In the em
}patelag ct th• taw, ,noleat,..ttuo *weer ' oceodanoe,
3,lnatahor aroma other primula tbeirbettalf shall
?appear and pay its. mug or meettebee obtain the dbl.
coargeof thermal the amehboat (Rood Tort toorr.
Iwo vittito Wei maths front Modals bereoL 'belt
ell wows tiering a Ilea for soy debts contracted as
*foretold are hereby remind to OM the salsa within
Ithem moothe from the data besot, or be debarred
!from promeatfus thetr No too wader add welt of at.
tachmost.• ' JANIS L GRAHAM, PbeelfL
Sherif , es .., Plteburgh, Pa.. any. 23 !1e / 81 SL
i anlalawiferd ' .
Bran Founders and Banufactaren.
'GAS AND STEAM ierrrialca
lusurAcvnuma AND LIALIBII
Plunpe & 13rasts Work
oz.& WELL .121:72u65'5.
of Bea a Capper or Ina, with the mat approval
Cambia ad Yahoo' a all Made; sad Warranted to
do mtitatima. , r
110 Water and 104. front sty
hal lyinsi PITTABUIIOII.
TUS fATEltifet Of 316 t.
suave itetainetype Port:Tales No. 1.
WIWI Pasoan.= 111 A? MAHN,
COL— - SAM. Br, ACTT.,
• nom t rha l ps k e aim Indy.
Price only 12 Cents.
-Mamie Hall, Fifth Street.
F..'A7L.i.L':,:' - "Q::.0,.. - .0 1), S
aro nowt rotas s lamb stoic of FALL GOOD/,
,ooadatirta to alrof laksi tejousiaticas of OLOTaII.
omtudiugemo IfIMIRIP, 'MO aro Bader oar nag to aoy 04,0amtai to toe Lusa
Ilb of Wag.' Thtl. l o9‘ b' mod. *LW 014 E4 la
lap* 0,00; aio yt prim. 0 fait tha Miro • W.
W ould rtapacooly aoll,:an early call fro!! 'oar_
Path'i L .s. s o lb. 04b14 .
• .801UFAL OKAY ti EON - -
10 - 000 -PWi :: " 14146 *" . r t '
, sowirroblitil to 'phut OM an.
card 'MllRDoetra oatrllillllBlllY,
Ittty=itOos tan Mow Trim Irma "stunt
tars ais toils story mlueta
COHNStiIL-43 bozo prime OuttO
arms, Natoli sad for ask by
axdOila •H.iIDDLI,I6SII
- ~~=
y r or-
Fro:l9 Pitch Ftriei.
--- - .
WANTEM—Bond - an 3 Moitt.Oges
US PA° and 31,003. towing t trod stro to
W ,
oe years to rm. appiy IS ptt ;gar
stmt. j 3 HO
VET Ttll—iuttiMum. Flax
• Iv - stolo
piim•C!lsr S 4
ste4 1 L. 11. I'OIGT:a
soi .5m •• 'Co 'kit
. ,
............. . '
SALE-4 very commoclidu and
eorfortsble raddetwo, to a dectraMe gogghtor-
Mod lo,iho 8.1 Wend, Moghony. on bag +94 %soy
goyabota, sad vary low. glairo of i
' 6.15090111k, Jo, Attorney Ot lisw.
F 189 Womb omens
20 003 bash. Oonne Cyke. ;
ant) I 1 .. IL VOlof
V ALUABLE OlLi PttOrle. Mia 8
A.L.--Altaatel on 11 , rench Creek, ethqcerleg
between 10 the le ease. %bete ere on the; cepiMrty
alt well, in madam wrath', three of whet' ere et
salSkient depth to /nutty 'operating. 0 minicted mitt
the wells le • pownlnt engine, in food rnithiee,order.
Shit property la mllOlOl4 the celebrated 11 ° Cortokk
farm sod is perhaps ath of the beet all id* la tat.
region. W e off r• At reit Magda on may terms of
poyaisatcr mutt *Wiens. for red mime te thr
fothing the illy. For particulars epply to •
1 /1 11• LAIN k CO.
nit' No. Ith% rourtti• fret
GthiOINIC WWI WA Lith—AkUltr - V/Vii tit/Were
111 POW Mt. In trod order. noir driving three miner
Wln thls aloe, Will breold cheap tor Med,'
aire4 ll/17.11Tf1 ursium,
. enore i
STBAM F7iiOlL LI roa 80.01
'lmo , ENGINES, in good *Oiling,
.1. order will be wad ENGINES
Oinindere 17 mebeediarosler, with 6 test
• The above rosy be lan bn appllwthmi MU! DAN.:
NIA uarroa taus. All•shwy. and soltri
end on the ititetJnty.
.145.3.014 t' PALER PAINTEtt
D D• HAVEN & SDI , I ;
. - IthNIigADTOIIBBS OR i 1 ,_ 1
ST 0 VES. 1
Warehouse, Federtil Street, nenr I Now
segevelon edam &lll:atrium arml le i • i._
we e& the elonotion of dealers to our lair emorlo ,
meet of Woking end Heating Stoves, for dod lied
OW, which we are selling at the lowest pd.* Thcee
eisfUng Oar City will fled ft to their athreatian to elf
on • oellezol examlne oar pluck before puml:..lcf:mreme•
where. i 1 1
Cut Iron lime Prontt, Iron Balling, Icaßei,golloW
Wan,- Wagon lease,
Plain and Fancy Grate Fronts, F eeders ; r
etc, matey of all bade made to ard,eri ;
igiftlsa 1 D. Da HAVEN! &BAN. 1
I lOALOLIVII MILASfyi 60AP, mantita*redby
8. 0. si J. M. SAMYII3; La aclutaelodgail WI be the
molt issrvinbable otany Mud yet othred i hil pnbuo.
Its superior SO,SCallyall bra found in Ito chaaysest,
saving of latioreawr ha bl
ti erly rtmoringi paste
pabet, tar SUJ without Joann the 0,114 'ex In the
least wise damaging theaters quality of 'gdode. it .
CIO be used with We \fedora - weer.
.Itefereiwt le made with pleasant to tbet habloltsal
tortilla*, emanating trerugentlemsn waif shown in
this coenttalty, and ebb had entry lace§ headed
of Pio; tt tally sod hely teatah 4I
grittrettwttster's Dreartiment as reap!, rkii ,
*emit.and Morrie:nth Meeuricals VO/.
iiitsiryttea Ohm:rata Calve lase eiapt bating
bean need very aztansivalytn our Beitimetithiwa ban 1
no teetatkat to parleying that It wet toondlailmhVO,
bly adapted to the nob of the eolilienh and tiditdty:
the woos superior neap IrWeb raid beer tor
t he aarvias.
JAKIII3 laitertertneter nth! ,
ALES. VOIL6YTII, Quartartaaster . es.
M. H. 111001tHlADA2wirtaratiurtor lyth hag. i .
att3l is
J AOKU*/ &
roan rikeltrati
No. 1.2 Fourth etrebt
Harem Land Poi offiwtroent of Pamir, r.l
Port, moor of which is or their own core.
1117firlt CURED APl3,lof einclounflansifdtercurea
PL&111 UAW, with oaf wifboot coorra.; ,
PllOl3OllO i
BIDIB, linsckad and In drj.aald.
LZIII LAB% in labia, tirklno and pailo
pro..Of for tawny nag, and all of their o.
0111(61111, lunar& for rnlllaa udll • •• •
$200.""'!"' , •
1r i 1
,I , 1.
.. 1, . ;,
i tamped - from the Mixon In this clty ths ollowip
drined phoneme: , 11 3' I
W. II: BUlllllll.B—Eupposed to be an rim icatt . i
b th.oflllsh demrent ye." Mittel, ygrailetr
Ikm 10 Inches to bright, dark lode dirk ins •
and Mut 0). brown, droned In dart clothe 4 como4
ted ms • dowse of b thew. -- , ,:- , I.••,. _. t 1
Jelled • TAW6-11n *sglisbunni "best 1 nightie*
yams 01d,6 feat 6 turbot fa Weir, light linguru heir,
'MY epee, high forebehd and "ull, mung gsss,
Idith ooIIIIIIItt. don s ettargc of larosay.! • i
. iCB LIMPS 1100.1C—/1: Osnadisn, about; . 08 gears'
age, 6 kat f Inches, high, stout kWh gallon! or min'.
thy completion. dark Oldr, dark epee veto 4 hell Molt
kdi shirt and dark IIiMM. timumhdeda Charge - cif
rountsredthig United Baum coin. on I
, t 1
1 W•1511119111 . 0N ROPILKS—di Amadei/at about:4
yeas d," sect It inches high, stool toili inclIMM
is stoop, light herr. gm( erne, dark clothem t:Warr¢
ling sentence for perms couuterielt socmdri t . ,I
AL rerarel of SAW willm m
e paid fa the r anti dit.
Peers of the shove da•Ctitle4 prisoner' et the J 41; M
this did, sr $5O for other sal Mora.
'atilt L. dB All All. Ebert%
Sheriff's Of6y,Plitsliergh,B,o 0.109 ) . 1 solo.l
J3Y 6ZP12633
Idt caw styli LURE Elia at 26 mt..
60 dal. saviible 114SELLIE OOLLET4 100
so dos: n. .01. LINEN cOLLLRS at iotleach.
_ 1_ '
Erni bargains In LINEN PAHERIO lIENFE.
OLOYZE. HOSIERY aid HMIS, gm *46 ,
All cokes ZEPHYR an . ISHETIAND W:0 L. • ;
HOOP morn, Me di make WI lommipliesa - '. I
. ' '
101011 TAMP,. et , datimartmentjimknpan. .
awirratcianuvri 3 OOLlALS,Td r a,rapi. „
' - 1113, 11 . : , ,,, - 1 • f + -
_ ' I
mow piran stiAviumo snug trL1.483,
.10 loran was. 1 . I I i
I I :
VHDEBSIMITS end pIiiWEBS, an .Z ea
A two lined TaNOT ARTIOLEB s'al pOTIO
always ma hand. ; f i 1
I . •
aware and ODONTHY DPW ; "implied
lowest possible Oast ' i. i 1 ?
.BATON, PIACLIUM,4 C 0. , , , ,,
la • 29 ' No.IIT slid 19 rib street.
N°Till,: TO billPrZttM.÷blftollan7.B
and others having axasfon to mid gismo allay
miscriptlon to the game of Ifiiitilm iltoinchy,lor
glimmui are reepsetiolly romensd to *mild toe a t,„
our of Commas la preventing goods from getting to
the Made se ear melanse, by tanforining 'Moly Ito
Ike following lastrutikage . r 1 .i .
The restrictions Unaware required to iehm4to
shipment' no Wheelie& and goons ible sdal l / 2 to 1 1 7-
mem. made ta fore% al fir all they Minas to i T .
emnodiling, o millbuYgoods atel matenis. 0 of
say arraiptioti going in the bitetiOVol. to ski*
Ohio hoe oath of ireoltog„ to Vtigiola, till tairepse
Good tcd all ktodagoing to Hexane* sad Kim*,
peva', 'llokspe going to bla
us enb.rot tbs awn ow.. end diMotod la sbo 4=
cies amunandiust tddotr. will nog regodr'saradoe
As I am required by UN Trewsury Downbeat_ to kw
raft the shipper. owner,dmoription,;destinatlon Sad
vans of aterchandtas shipped ham; Oda, porvto the
above named Wise, all application"!pining to
ship noes bet:aide to ►writingaivingiiimMof shipper,
owner, seetlaellonilleggliPtion•nd value bf lOW
bbippma will be Impaired to tronohlorithe inya m
,emulate". cot Own at Ms moon. i .
fallalwil . . '.. . - Pomo* of Onstom '.
Fat,): ATYLIS: : - 'II - :1: . -',, r:-
Er. 4'1.13 I A.lfiti - Caps;-: I
HPII9IIII & po. i •
•-- 131 li r dod . tit., littabur ,
Ara sow meshing • vesT large stock* Ni W flow
or awl .2.0 - mik., 016 thVg of firtP P u t dia l m l
, inumsrapLuss AND MAITOODI4-- r••
at tries, low prima. 1 IdUSTART Oiled (fOr N.. "ad
Soya )elin, Off? fUllOil IIIgOOLATION 4.l4.Pdia Tn?
large emottacas ccOitantl, on /ma: I I ' ' k
MIT6IO SOS iilileins • - i-i ;,-, 1 --
- 14 '' x boi . U.i smilvirozoia iinir,ibitumiui bi:
7014 lb, dry Ili* Idedrdiry mit#l OH. '
latl3. and d
sidd I ' 137 , dila 4 7 .
i•.: , 4 --,-, , .1' .. , t',, , ..i,.1 . ,:1. -- '="'-' - : - 1 ,- - 1 5 , 77 : 1 '.;,, I - 37 :':
I 1 l l i
i 1 I.
SSW AIiEkTOIN Da1.51.1;
NSW AND acaurivuL lO=Nice
r ;
' -
RITZ IN 3111.TIldatt V,
BOMBARDIdIRT - 10 EllhtTp,
117MBLED311!N2 9lr
DRS= 0/ BLI:8W01011.
AILI4ABE & go's Celebrated Grand and
f gnat. Plano fortes, which foe boont7 of
hnica o power sod morainal of Tcno, sad of
watch, bare boon, by In tboia, ytonotioced cibrhalbid.
wary Plano grawalibmci for ace loom
ouAraorrs iiums,
u 1 urp, tem ly.trituu,
1 • ealleettosi. of •
Gems froM' Favorite Operas,
Amuged bcr the Plestslforte by
Moe, 25 anda es& zombAr. Jot pddlatied end
for ode by '
(*awns *Tax
'Asia 14.12 liftb strut.
tarn wpm
?Mg issoosuaszo • .
von tiAT. AT .Bd.RCtAIIV B.
itts anbactlber ebblcs to minds tda stock et
.now oars for asts, &triad this and pan inontb, Any
lain and band band Plano. at VW ItZooltd. for
ash. Time issue Lan. neuly all bus • eve*
ally for taw Illikaßiber, for canting papaw by Uas
test masts in des =MIN steal t*.trlied oti
tarot& and sabarsattal inatiqzosnts. •
Pomba=en eseasonsurrsvess 1.0 sin tad 61.
Mile them. For ale by -
• - :MN 73.111133ZZ01L
'„jy13.411 .. • 81- Wood street.
Will be neepiesd on MONDAY, heribmater
met end Lean taupe vlthoot extra amp; by
Tetedcut. a siathreof Peri abil anduste et the
No.l4B.Thirctst.. Pittsburgh.
N: 8..12te - Blnalstighaee,usklia4l jiad Nhoeniville
can pen by the door.
MI lia. M. ii. ItlYisite, , .- - •
• • - - -
jaLn ligr.M. &LEL . HEDinirdAFAY
Ao von the flat lloadq in a!Optiklitlf. at b noll!
- NQ. _ 28 lIANOOCK taint .
tE m.
ckmamtaits . kin boob sioarol Nit ugh
dapatnratmad Mato* of via - A=22. -
...Toltlco to id* .2sparland c 0
do- do . Propagator, do —.—. II Od
• - All dorwooontal brinibto sori ...
_ •
all= awl to hal oo the pdo./94.300t mad
MA* dorm sad at bat riddnieo. &ultimo'
reacnici*x. xacartalacs.),
, • .
• aioutribilrat simian - a tholkbool of
Idelfolor'„to she Coloosityg. Itoesbuit; .111. coue.
nonce an gun DAY, urafair 4, littop4 int Hoz*
Tbe irwatir ars ware if oethbalf tO theozoolut
unhappy mods:lon of potato &Masao - nature to to.
Udall intll thezeoptletwid - fottltha looteloolos of
their dozy Si Tomb ot Wedienme They wpm
to make eyed elket toreador Osseroconeot footrace
dot asatod sot zatdoreclory tomer pupae:
Toe folteseore introory. ward' - wasp so lbe.
cootlopee to afford lotasteot Imam far the
Minkel Muir
of prlodzdes of itedleloe sod
Dossety.' G. W. .18361110111. N. D..
1;10/ OV4I iirT.L•P D't :1
or sag aria' or riusn:rwm.
*West Penn pquarit, • PhUintelpnia.
VOIR the prognsional education of
unISIATO sad 00/LOGIL , TB.
__ •
.Tbs ooetner coons us it tunny .suonnuut.
010,11 or graduates of Massy Oallscso, sad Won
maltisontitans moored. sod tin tvo•issr coons
lot Ins meows& insoscwolU ludo& told Ion&
calfons.Slocs Operstloosanana, ?sales sad DM.
Orbs of Qs ['Salty will bop;
co toptasseselCoNlESL -
.ltor auto's, and toritorieennsrai Mann
Prodasoll of locally.
11.11N0001E SUN% _
- mope Mb MONDAY, till 14 day of 91129014
BEL Term 11411periroloa at live •macidiss.
...Wio • . . J. IL SNIT% Prhoel
. .
No: 84 Wood street,—
bolts Waal Tarf!!in• itai•S
Staple 1 - m4..33'm:toy, Goods.
MI who Dt7 ocia• will am • prat! awr tbso• •Ido
berlawaprlarats iliwirdipir Wirral:mach
daily fzi OM= Gosh:
4 6 1 ANDIV-11AddiarAlifLUIL—Wit
10.1serninisseasig Itaasintsalxlll box*
artiehaullesap of ow.. to sumetostomist at do r,
wows tilde sentishk, ash tbirmaillmeseet, Omni • ' 1
bar fondest obi Us dill Weems* ahem boa •
au wpm Mate O. the blood ot..o•Yessalwas et Os
bllagb rursivrd ton ail cora*
.aynattigthogratftft4t gamin •bo icry••__
Ad s
God ibmogive - todleillyvagetbff , : ibt .0 133 41-
mkt by LB. stUtprD4raFallt4
10* irslunialidariv - Tart•
eoldsbo by, a.- a. /AMMO= • mo., 'Ptitaj
ti Vatiobritimoogempakr•
la tuitional.
.- ~ ~...~