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UB By. ma or rundry 7 , executions issued wit • o ! the ! COURT OF COMMON PL E ; - ;COURT COURT rind 1 COUR - QU ARTER SESSIONS of , Alleghen County Pennsylvania, and to ..- i . usit Sher of said_County directed, there Ilk be !expend -to to Pnblic Sale, at 'the Conrt cruse, in the Clity cf P.ttsburgh, .- • ,i Oaiklaamaayi the, Tin .lay of October. A. All the right , title, interest and claim of Richard Bowan. decessed, now in, the hands kar . "Willikut Little, hie Administra tor, with .notice -to Samuel Jones, terra tenant of, in and to all the following de ecribed I Daniel out lots numbers twenty seven and twenty-eight, (Noe. 27 and 28,)_ • in tht Reserve Tract opposite Pittsburgh, commencing in the corner of. Jana Sher .:-herd's . lot on a thirty-five feet Street openhy Mrs. Sturgeon, and now in Age; thene along said street two hundred and t fifty f k toI a lot owned by Fitzsimons; thence remising back from said street, and at right angles therewith, to the property ; of th;handl of -- Ekin, two hundred di t it feet;' wee in a line parallel with the front it said street already described two :hue a anti fifty feet to the corner of Jae Sheplerct's lot; and thence by the line of ;the said Jane Shepherd's lot two hundred feet to the place of beginning.l ' The isald piece of ground - being the same whitili ,JoturlTowsie, Req.. by a deed dated the I,Bp - day of :August, A. D. 1833, and reseeded in Book V,•21 vol. 45, page 260,. ets , conveyed to the Said Richard BOwen Arab; All that certain other lot or, piece of ground situate in the Reserve Train op ponteittsburgh ; on which are erek,ted a dwelling house and various out houses, andern, and described as follows, to wit r; Beginning at a post corner of ground lb s belt, ging to heirs Ekin at the die- 1 _ lance of tbirty-one feet from, Cie north-1 weetisorner of put lots numbers twenty seven:(27)twenty-eight (28,) andurehtm-1 dred. (2000 1 two hundred and seventy-five ",.(275horthstiventy-fivedegreeieaatthirtY nin perches and three-tenths of a perch to . a p,o s t corner of oat lot number twenti nin(No. 29;) thence along the line, of out lot No. 29aouth fifteen degreesleast forty fear! perches and nine-tenths of &perch, more or lees, to Malwayude line; thence -, along- said MeElwayne's line south say . enty five degrees west eleven perches and nibetentha to a street; thence along said .. street to fte termination three perches; thetrie south seventylivedegrees west, hy the ttsradMiling line of said street and by ,Mirf.r.'B ( ground, two hundred • and • thiiep fee to another street; thence by Ker/ said Oast mentioned street north fifteen degrees west thirty-five perches and covert tenths to ,the termination of said( street: thanes along the terminating line of said , street and; the( greand.of Jane Shepherd twelve parches to ground of ---- Ekin'e heir* anti thence north fifteen degrees :;west nine parches and six-tenths, more or le*.to the Voce of;beginnrs g. The said ~ piecfs of ground being the i same which - Jehtt• 'Tepee by-deed dated thetwenty . eighth day. 'cr August, A. P. um, and recorded in Book: 1 4 2d, vol. 45, page 252 ete., conveyed tnsaid:Richard'Bowen. Also, conveyed two, certain contiguous, - loteder piece' of gritand Situated in theßiel ' EerieT t ret opposite Pittsburgh, and marked 'n the plan of lots laid out by Mae, S rgeon, deceased, numbers fifty valued- I_4tty-threa.(Negi. 52and A) and hennaed! and described as follovos, to wit: Beifinning at the corner of lot . No. 51 on a thirty feet tilley; , thence by said alley north fourteen degrees west one hundrid feet to the corner of let No. 54; thence by the; said lot No. 54 south seventy-six der geese west two hendred feet te'S, strip of ground reserved by the said Mary Sturgeon thirty.ona feet wide; thence bythe same smith fourteen degrees east one hundred rept to the corner of lot N 0.51; and thence by the said lot No. 51 north fourteen de - griHte et#t two hundred feet to the place of *ginning. The Said piece of ground be ing th same which John Shepherd and • wife by t ia deed dated e 29th day of May', A. D. 1834, recorded in BooklX. 2d, voL 47; page 161, conveyed to the satdßichard !lessen; On which are erected one tali eteried !brick dielting hourti„ ( pae small frame tenement one-story highoiled frame Stable:and other 'out buildings.; 1 •••!Seituid- and taken -in execution as . the properly of Richird Bowen, deceased, in ~ the hands of William Little, his Admire ishator,, with notice to Samiel Jones; terra tenant. 1 1 ALSO, ',All [the rightitle, interestl and claim of - Thomas bkangton, of, in ! and to all ,those fpur certain lots or pieces of ground 'situated in Chir.iers township, County of All e g heny andiState of Pennsylvania, mark and ;. - riamlaered in the plan of ' tteecetpale, Wdfint by the Rio:atom of Andrew Murphy, deceased, (recorded in • Plan Book volume 2d, page 41.) as bars ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen, , (Nos.o, 11, 12 and 13,) eachlfronting on 1 , Mary Avenue and extendingjback to the t awns ip road, and each containing an acre; being part of a larger tract belong ing to Andrew hiruphy, ditcesacci.anci _born the same which J=o3 Condon by peedring date June 10th,F,A. D. 1859, (re xo ded in Deed Book volume 144, page .tatt 8.3;) ranted and conveyed 1 interalia to Pdiza l Condon, ',mid party of the recordol part, who by deed bearing even date here• with granted and conveyed the said lota !hereby described to Tbomati SkilEngtan, [party; of the first, part who hereby recon {veyed the same in mortgage to secnre the I truck:me money thereof. 1 .4 - Seized and taken in execution as the ripro j ey of Thomas Skiffingllnt at the unit '', of &Condon. I i ALSO, All the right, title. interest and claim of William C.: Barr, of, in and, to all that certain piece of land situated in the City cf P i ttsburgh , in the Countylof Allegheny , 1 and l CommonWeilth of Pennsylvania, and i bounded and _ described as1follows: Be; 1 gin - gon the south side of Fifth' street 1 at the lute idiot of P.M. Davis; thence by theline of said lot louthwardly one hen. 1 dred and twentylfeet; thence eastwardly 1 pariallel' with Fifth street fifteen feet; • donee uctetwatal/ parallel*it4.Wciod 1. street ADO 'h,undred, and twenty feet to 'Fifth street; and thence along • Fitth street , ! ttgAttfitidl.t Attain feet to thh place of be. 1 giWng.. The said piece of ground which _ltalidensed to the said William 0. Barr by his fatheiVi illisin BSTr,I, and on which is erected a two-story loricklhOnse. Seized and taken. in o:lsoution as the 33..id oj es ymism C. Bt at the unit of r ALSO, ~lithe right, title, latare t awl Claim of Jees Moors of, In, end to all that oettali .114 or Oleio et groundeltneted in the bar on: hot Lserrenceville, in raid county, being tel No. eleven In the plan oflota la the bor. oujfk of Lilieri00•11.10. Ilia out for R. L. Rife% Esq.,-by J. °Male( , Jr., Recorder h...[Atrantboek; - voL -2. o Pge .181. and Pop: .iudtesarroed as fiowe, viz: Be &ming. at li..polat_oa Reiterant & street at i A kt Afgwpil:pf thirty-three 1 feat - anct three - . -_ -~{.: 11111 inches from the corner of eaid Bellefonte street and Lewle' alley, twining thence north-Westwardly along said ' Bellefonte street .iwenty-four feet to a pin; the corner commonto lobe numbered eleven and twelve in eaidilan, running thence northreaetward•. ly along Mignon of said lot No. twelve cite hundred feet to Long alleyi running thence south-eaalwardly along said Long alley twentyfour. feet to a pin t the corner °am nion to lots h o.Len eleven in said plan, and mining thence south-westwardly along the line of said lot No. ten One hundred feet to Bellfonte street, the place of beginning. Also, All that certain I lot ,or piece of ground situated is the borciugh of Lawrence ville, aforesaid, being Jot No. 12, in said plan, and bounded and described se followe,' to wit : Beginning eta point on Bellefonte' street at the distance of fifty-seven feet and three inches from the corner of Bellfonte street and alley,; running thence north-westwardly along j said Bellefonte street twenty-four feet to ja pin, the corner common to lots twelve and thirteen in said plan, running "thence oorth-easteiardly along the line of said lot No. thitteortione hundred feet to Long alley, running thence eolith-esetwardly along Bald Long . alley twenty-four feet to a pin, the corner common to lots. No. eleven and twelve in said plan, and running thence eoullifweetwardly along the line of said, lot No. Illone hundred feet terßellefonte street, the place of beginning. Being the unto lots of ground which Rich ard L. Ewalt conveyed tO James Moore, &o. Seized and taken in 'eneention as the pro. party of Janice Moore et the suit of Richard L. Ewal ALSO,I all the right, title, interest and claim of Into Williams, of. in and to all that certain tract of land in Upper St.. Clair townehiP, county and mate aformiaid, bounded end described as fAlows, to lit: Beginning at e poet; thence by lands 'of Hugh Richard son's heirs, south 40°, emit 128 perches. to a white oak; thence eauth 60°, east 671 perches, to • post; thecae by lands of Isaac Williams, south 1° east., 86 perches, to • stump; thence south 20°, east 22 perches, toe menet. thence by land of John Smith, south 85°, west 107 p'erether, toe pool; them by land of heirs of Joseph Robb, north 76 perches, to i red oak; thence north 88 ° , west 14 per hen, to • hickory; thence north 25', west Cf 3 10 percher, to • post; thenoe north 24°, west Moog the line of John klorrow„.ls3 perobes;.thence . eauth 857, east 42 perches. to i the place of begin ningtoontsinlog 128 Ores and 151 parch eis, more or leer; upoti which are erected • I stone dwelling house and other buildings, excepting, however, two aorta and twenty Percheetethich laid Stain Williams sold and conveyekioDaniel.Williameron the 84 day of 1852, and Whig the same treat of land which William H. Williams sod wife, by deed peering date February 4. 180, sold and acrow,eyed io the e 4.1 lane WILLIAMS, Seised' teed takes In execution as the property of Lasso Williams, at the euit of Robinson & Co. t_ A 490, All the right, title, interest and claim of Samuel „Lowry, of, in :and to all that cer tain lot or piece of ground.eituated In Low er Saint Cilittowneltip, bounded and de scribed se foliFiws:, Aegioniug on the south of the continuation of High street at the distance of forty feet from Blister eireet; thence westwardly along High street forty feet, and-therme extending back at right angles from High wreet, preserving the time width 120 feet, bounded on the east by lot No. 10; west by lot Na. 12, and being lot No. 11 in a plan of lots laid out by Augusta Sheer, on Coal Hill. Seised and taken in execution se the property of &mint Lowry. at the snit of Lea/ellen Sarum. All the right, title. interest sod maim or demand of Robert Mitchell, with canoe to Rev. 111011.. J. Simpson, terra tenant, of; io, to and out of all test certain lot or ;piece of ground, eitostesLits Allegheny city, Alle gheny county, Pennsylvania; being let No. 27 in James Sproete plea of lute, - being comprised of paw of lots Nos 25 and 20, In the reserve tract, oppoeite Puteburg, re• corded Sept. 30. h, 1848, in Ptso Book, •61. 1, prge 285. bounded sod described as fol lows, viz: - Beginning on Ttetieccaatreet, in said plan, at the comer of let No. 28 in said plan; thence by the division line of tote Nos. 28 and the said lot No. 27,1188.12 feet to Brown street in said plat. ; thence sloog said street 20 feet to the corner of Allegheny avenue and !aid-Brown street: thence aloe g laid avenue„l2o feet to Belem etregOn said plan, and thence nixing said Rebices street 87 feet itches to the corner of lot No: 28 said plso, the place of beginning. Seized - Ind taken in execution, se the property of Robert Mitchell, with notice to Rev. Thos. J. Simpson, tetra tenant, at the colt OfJohiaGrabsm. for use of John Woods. All the right, title, interest and claim of the,defendant Batumi eider, cf, in sod to all that, certain tractor pleat of land, gh osted in Wilkins aid Versailles townships, Allegheny:county, Pennsylvsuitioand booed ed sad describedles follows, vi:: Bounded on-the' thiutiXand east by laud of William 8- Mina; on the north-eset by Dickson, Stewart St .Co ; the north by lend of f--- BlaCki on'the west, by land of -- Baugh- Man anA-31'1Kinney, and containing about one hundred scres—ou which are erected a large back dialing Uwe', eight small len set boosts; bung, stables, Sze. Seised end to en in execution, as the property of SanineLElder, at the Cult of William Lorimer; Jr., fur use of Thome', Mellon All the right, title, interest and claim of George W. Riddle, of, in and to, all that cer tain lot or piece of ground, situate in the oily of Allegheny, in the county of Attegbe'., ny,.siod State ofTenneylvanla, bounded sod detonated as follows, to wit: Deginniog oti• Stiinnapin street, at the earner of lot of H. Moßelvyv thence along said street weed. weirdly thirty feal; thence uorthwardly - one hundred and eighty - feet to Benton alley; ' thetice - along said' alley Castwaidly - thirty fest; thtinoe sotilkirardly one hundred and eighty feet, to the place of brginning; on which is erecte4 a brlokAltrelling house, two stories high, and franie stable. Mimi ell thee certain tract or piece of lead, Ousts in Bose - tonbeiap; Allegheny County, Penneylvicile; bounded by lend. of Jacob', Voegtly, Alexander Scotch, John angelus and othere,containing abouteighti six wee, more or lees, on which are erected a log dwelling house and a frame batik barn,nilth. stone bleenient and other out -•, Seised and taken in exeoulion as the A property of George it. Riddle, at the suit 'of John Haworth lantiothera. All the right; title, intereet and claim 'o John A. Kohrtpep, of, in and to, all that Or-' tale comnage or pies' of lend, 'Wasted partly, in Allegheny Ocianty, and partlYin Washington county, Slits of Pennsylvania, bounded and disaribed as follows, to wit : Begipiting at a stone on Jsmee Sheplet'a firm; thende north forty (40) degrees west seventy, five 3-10 perches to a white dab theier,by hind of Philip Shepley, south twenty. sod onelelf degrees west finplive and 610 perottes to • polo; thence path yorty.leto (421) and three/lowAbe degrees west forty-seven and two.tenthe (47 2:10) perithes tp , a pipit; thenoe south tliirty-tirp, degrees week eight and two tenths . (8 2.10) perches to a poet; th ence south twentyteight arid one quarter degrees sitstfifteen and seven-teethe perches ts a post; thence by. lisle Nelson's, pert , of Junes' firm,; south one nod three quarters degrees east twenty-aaysn and ore tentk y •,~ w ~"i ~ ..1.. :,..~„"'K~..~~..`,n. _sxeTc~i:a.ww'+3a~~saw..v _ i perches to a ayiamore; thence calii nine and orie.loarth (9,1-) degrees west twenty six pereheste4 poet;. thenotrby, land of A.' SPOlurif, ,north thirty,five degrees east thirty and fivo•tenthe (30:540) pereheelo s post: thence by lend of Joseph's fiteptiens, north eighty-Six sod one•foUrtir 86:14 de grees east eighty-two (82) perches to the place of beginning, aoutaini u g.stwentY (20) aorta end sere:sty-five (76) perches strict measure, on Which is erected a small frame or log tenement. Seized -- and taken in execution as the property cf Jiihn A. Kohresen, at the suit of I Margaret It Franklin. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of J thn Beatty,!cf, in, to and ont'of all that certain lot or piece of ground situated in the Seventh reside eitywf Pittsburgh, (Ns merit Pitt township.) fronting, on Coal Ilene, (now called Damian 'street) fifty (50) feet, more orj less, and extending back sev enty-three (Ta) feet seven and one Ulf (74-) inches, to au alley twenty feet wide, (20 feet) on Which there is erected a two story brick dwelling bones, being the same d't, which Samuel Wright and wife, by deed tetV2Bth*D.l.B43, `atidtekorded falba office, &n , in vol. 131, page 458, conveyed to said Jot* Scatty. Seized and taken in execution es the property of John Beatty, at the snit of the Seventh Ward School District, Pittsburgh. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of Wade Hempton, of, in and to all thoee err. tate lots or pieoee of ground, situate in Bose township, in the county of Allegheny, and State of Penile,lvan* being lots numbered eix and seven, in the plea of Evergreen Hamlet, as recorded in Plan Book :No. 2, page 2, whloh are together bounded and desoribed se follows, to wit: Brgioniog at the corner cif Rock Ridge avenue and elaraw berry avenue south 78 degrees 30 minutes west five and 1 100 perches; thecae by said avenue south 70 degrees 15 minutes west eleven 92-100 perches; thence by mild avenue north 67 degrees 30 minutee welt six 52 100 ;perches; thence- by lot No. B in said plan and said avenue north . 79 de grees 80 mantes west seven 85.100 perches: thence by lot No. 9 in said plan north 28 degrees 231 minutes east twenty '2O 100 peechee to geld Strawberry avenue; them; by cirawt+rry avenue south 63 degrees to 'minutes east thirteen 83 100 perches; thence by said avenue south 63 degrees 46 minutes east thirteen 85 100 perches to the piece of beginning I contaiutog two , acres stelet measure. — limo, The undivided two-sixths, parte (exceptioias is herein after excepted,) of all those tfiree several tracts of land, know* as r•Evergiven Hamlet," situate in said Rose township, And Which are together bounderl and deseribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a whiteioak on the line of lend now or late of Thompson, as muted in the above mentions plan, and running thence by said line anuth 14 degree" east 73;41 perches to a post;lthence south 88 degrees.lo min utes Wein P:E.B perches to the westerly line of the Giety'e Run Plank Road, se marked in said plan; tbenoe by the same south 13 degrees-10 minutes east 843 100 perches to a post; teeoce by the same south 63 degrees 45 minutlep east 15:84 perches to a post; thence by 1 the some south 40 degrees 43 minutes west 8:94 perches to a pose; therm by the ems south 60 degrees 15 minutes west 15:85 perches to a post; theoce south 75 degrees 15 minutes west 87:52 perches to a post; thence north 16 degrees west 39:58 perches to a black oak; thence south 88 de grees 101 minutes west 38:72_ perches to a ;144 thence north 24 .degrees went 100:10 perches in a pool; thence south 54 degrees eiet 13:36 perches to a post; thence south 76 degrees east 35:84 perches to • poet; triericte ebuttil degrees,l6 minutes east 3:60 yiertinee io a locust; thence noth 851 degrees e4l, 13:74 perches to a post; sod thence Borth $9 degrees 9 minutes east 99:18 percheslto a white milt, the place of begin- Agog; containing 84 acres, 121:97 perotieri, strict measures. Excepting and resereiog, however; from the grant the undivided fea t Vatede tides of William M. Shinn, of, in and to 101815 and 16; of Wm. A; Hill, of, hosed io lots Nos.*2 and 34 of Robert E. Scalene i nf, lo and to lot No. 4; of Mrs. Margaret Sellers,tof, in sod to lots •Nos. 6 end 6, la the pin aforesaid, which said lots have been sold and set apart io seemlier note the potties above named. Emptier toed reservirog, also. from this greet lot No. 0, in eatdlplan, with one share or undivided interest of one-sixteenth, heretofore sold by Wm, M. Shiba,. trustee of said Bvergreeo Hamlet to Samuel bl. Kier; lot No. 1 to . Said plSo, with doe share or undivided int terest of one sixteedit6 heretofore sold by , said trustee to Oephas Gregg; lot' No. 10'is esid plan, with oneehare or undivided in. meet Of one sixteenth, heretofore Bold by said toilette to Joseph Woodwell; and one share Cr undividedinterest of ontesixteenth, with the right and privilege of selecting a lot in t. said plan, berotofrresold by said trustee to John Nichols, who conveyed to Willil4l M. Shinn, who hoe selected lot No. 17. !tree premises herein before described, with. the appartentdoctes, being the entire ehare;, portion and Interest of toe eaid Wade H(inplon, in the Feet, calcite, of .Evergeeen Hamlit, af . ist f or th, rpled al4 ; dertoed to and by certain &melee Zagieement be tween the members, as the saw is recorded in Wed Book, v01..98, page 352, and 0. vevoral /WWl:orate, and subject to the terinti and cooditions whereof this peeeenl lodenture is made. Sired and taken in execution as the property of Wade Hampton, at the snit of John' Ward, for A u l se so o: the Washington Buil log and Loan Aniocistion. Al the right, title, interest and claim of James Welsh, of,lita,to end out of all that certa), lot or piece of ground "situated in ()harpers township, Allegheny county, and bounded end described as follows, viz: Be? ginning on the corner of land of A. Kirk Lewis, Esq., and land late of Thomas flood. green; thence 'alonifitild Einedgraes line north 67 degrees west thirtraine and 6 10 perches to land of Renner Denoy's beim thence along said Denny's line north 6 de. greis west twenty-three and 98-100 probes to a pin; thence by other land of taid Shit. for etoetti 87 degrees east 36 and 86.100 perehealo land of A. K. Lewis, sod thence by Bald Lewis' line south 16} degrees west twenty-three and 94 100 perches, to the place of beginning—containing five acrei and including three acres of octal, more or lege, and ban part of the Mae premine which were allotted to said Staler In pro, ceediogs in partition. in the Orphans' Court of Allegheny counly,it N0.,86, March tura ! 1839, among the . heirs of the late Amelia Leiden 13haler 'end being the same which sald Shales bideed conveyed be said Webb.. Seized and taken to mention as the prOperty of James Welsh, at the suit of John 0. Shales, tot nee of James Dignam. 1 • ni,so, All the right, title, interest and claim of John H. MeElheny, terra- tempt Impleaded with James lidcoontell, of, In, to and cot of all that lot of lend situated on the' line of J e fferson and MAW towodbipe,-In the coon.' tyland State aforesaid, bounded and de. scribed as follow., six: Begioning at • email white oak, earner of Ream Stamen, Bit., thence by land - Cf the said 81okman south 58} degrees silt,. 20:7 perches to a poet, South 774 degrees, east 18 perches to a poet, north 71 degrees, .east..2B:4 perchee i to a poei, south 10 degrees, east 10:61 perches to a post, emote 81 degrees, east 281 perches to • stone, hiathenes i corner,' Mum by laud of -McEllney north 29 deli geese, east 139 perches to stones, Large's! earner, thence by land of Largo- serth:Bll degrees, west 78 packets to 1 post; Ballklit'll center, th•OCO by land of Itsriltin south 63 degrrat.. w .st 69fr perches to s white ock, sough 6:3 tegrees, vim 38,1 ; perches to al 1 rsainut, R•tieb ,66 degr P, west 34 3 to a von. Levi. getou'a can , Olean) by land of L-sing.tone south I enty-four degrees, east 96 pe °hes lopost, outh 31L ; degrees, east 63. 3 1 3 percbea to ho plane of begin ning Cohtsiniog ninet sores and eight perches, &ilia measure. petsed andlaken in ex cu . iou co the pro p piety of John 11 . Mal any, terre tenant impleaded With James , McConnell, at the suit of Jciemish Flioktonn, for use of James Carter, Ek , Ex'r. of John Heigh, deo'd, •' ! ' ALSO, All the right, title, interest and cla:in of Alexinder Brown and James Brown, of, in. to land out of all those two certain lota of greund situated in the City of Pitts burgh in the County of Allegheny and State of I Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed alt follows, to wit: Beginning on the west hide of Federal street at the dis tance of Clue hundred and thirty-four feet seven inches (134 feet 7 inches) from Wy lie streak; thence along Federal 'Street forty feet; thence by a line running paral• lel with , soil Wylie street wesiatardky ninety-elk feet 1.9 Union alley; thence along said alley northwardly forty feet to the corner of ground conveyed to William IleFarland; thence along the line of thel said 1114Farland's ground eastwat dly ninety-six feet to Federal street, the place of begirining; being the lots marked Nos. 7 and 8 (numbered seven and eight) in the,planlof the subdivision of lot ho. 7 in plan annexed to the inquisition in the pro-. ceeding4 in partition between the heirs of Andrew] Watson, deceased, in the Connor Common Pleas of Allegheny county afore said, at , March Term; 1833, No 122; on which are erected three two-story brick dwelling, houses with basement kitchen and stAile and tut bui:dinge. ---.. Seised and taken in execution as the property of Alexander Brown and James Brown at the suit of Theodorus W. J. Wylie fir use of Swan J. M. Black. ALSO, All tho right, title, interest and claim h io of Mic ael "Init's. and John F. bravo, of, in and all,that certain lot or piece of ground situated in the Borough of, Me -11 Keespi tin the County of Allegheny afore said, b untied and described as fo ll ows to wit: Diamond at the southeast coiner of the Diamond and Market street; thence eastwa dly along the Diamond thirty-sev i en fee thenco soutliwurdly parallel with Marko street sixty-six feet; thence west wardly, parallel with the Diamond thirty seven feet to Market street, sixty-six feet to the place of beginning. beizOd and taken in execution as the prope4y of Michael Dravo and John F. bravo at the suit of Fredetick L. Moog and Maria Moog now for use of 11. B. Wilkins. A LSO, All the right, title, intern t and claim of Robert Ilazlett, deceased, in the hands of James Murray, Administrator debonis non, rd . , in and to all that certain p'ece of ground containing four'acres and thirty four and one-half perches exclusive of ail allowance for streets and roads in plan, situated in Rc.ervo township, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania; being lot ma kioi No. 4l in said Jobeidi Patterson's plan of certain lots In the said township, which clan is rec.vded in Deed Book 4tn K, vuL 83, lai,t page. Seized and taken in execotionais the property of Robert Hazlett, deceased, in the hands of his Administrator de bonus non, James -Murray, ut the suit el Jo, eph Patterson, attorney in fact of the heirs of Robert Patterson. A LSO. _ . . Al the fight, title , interest and claim of rancia Kuntz, of, in and to all that certain two-story houoe or budding (the lower story of stone end the upper being Iran e) situated on the Birmingham, East Birmingham and Brownsville Plank Road, bete4een the Borough' of East Birming ham and Idomt Wiser, in Lower St. Chim township, County aforesaid, con• tainlng in front on said plaok road thirty feet{ and extending back thirty feat; and the tutor piece and curtilage appurtenant to stud buddinh , . Stized and taken in eza lutLn as the proPerty of Francis Kuntz at the suit of JacPb Leibfarth ALSO, All theright, title interest and claim of Isla° Williams, of, in and to all that certain tract of land situated in Upper ht. Clair township, County of Allegheny and Stade of Pennsylvania, bounded and de. Smiled as follows, to wit Beginning at a Omit: thence by land of Hugh Richard sorN heirs south forty degrees east one bufsdred perches to a white cak; thence eixty degrees e.st sixty seven perches to a pc , tt; thence by lands of Isaac Williams no throne degree eighty six porches to a stump; thence south twenty degrees east twenty-two perches to a none; thence by lands of John Smith south eighty-five 4e• greets west one hundred and seven perches toia post; thence by land of the heirs of Jdseph Robb north seventy-six perches to a red oak; thence north eighty-eight do. grees watt fourteen perches to a hickory; thence north twenty five degrees we4rix and three tenths perches to a post; thence north twenty-four degrees west along the liho of John Morrow one hundred and flay-three perches; thence south eighty five degrees east forty-two perches to the place of beginning; containing one hem deed and twenty-eight acres and one hnn dred'Aud fifty-one porches, more or less. Open which are erected a stone dwelling Open and other buildings. Excepting, however, two acres and twenty perches Which the said Isaac Williams sold and donreved to Daniel Williams on the 30th clarof ?day, 1e52. • 1 Seised and taken in execution as the property of the said Isaac Williams at the snit of Samuel Stackhouse. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim .f Wm. Ramsden of,in and to all that car. Sin two-story double frame house situate n the Borough of Birmingham. County f Allegheny, on the corner of Manna tract and ten feet alley; said house has , g a front of thirty-three feet on said anna street and running back thirty feet or thereabouts on said alley; and is erected on lots numbered 253 and 254, in Gregg's plan in said Borough. Seised and taken in execution as the property of William Ramsden at the suit of William Richards. . 1 i ALSD, • 'All the iip,ht, title, interest and claim' of-,Joseph Myers, owner, or reputed own er,and Edward Narr, contractor, of, in. and to allthat certain small frame dwell big house situate in Reserve township, Allegheny coun.y, containing in frolt about twenty-four feet and extending back, twenty-eight feat; said- building be ing erected on lot No. 15. in Reineman's plan of lots in Spring Garden; said lot be ing twenty-three and one-half in front on Spring street and extending back one leindred and ten feet to Spring alley. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Joseph Myers, owner or re ated owner, and Edward Nary, confine f.pr, at "the suit of William Dilworth, Jr. .• . . IMES ~also, AU the right, title, inter. et and claim of James Holstead, Of, in and to all that cer tain piece or psniel of loud, premises and hereditaments, ailliale in the tillage of Fair view, Italians 'alibi/tip. Allegheny county, State of PennsAisoio, and bounded and described se follefire, viz: Commenciog at a . poibt on the Allegheny river; thence west by land. of Jaccoti Wileou a distance of four hiuldred feet, MOP or less, to the Pennsyl vania canal; theate by the came a dieliltkee of tighty feet toISO of N W. Preply; thence by the same a dies in/ of fear hundred feet, more or less, to ti t Allegheny river; thence down the same a d &Doe of eighty feet to the 1 place of beginnlOg; having thereon erected a two story frail,/ dweliing house, a one I story taylor eli4 and frame stable; beiog the same lot conveyed to esid James Holstead by James Wilsolitind wire, by deed dated the 2.811 of Jonelli63B, ant recorded in Al legheny county, lti 'Deed B ,olt, 0 31, voL 50,. pigs 135. Area, All thalUertaio lot, piece or parcel of land, sitnatd: in Eslt Beer township, county and Stain alor,ltd, nod bounded and described BO rt iluve, v.:: Beginning at I point on the pean,y leant, canal; thecae by laud of Joseph Sit;..):. rough lei degrees east 8141 perches .0 o pu, on tee State Road; thence h' the acme north- 77} de, gem east 19.67iperoheo to a pie; thence by land of. Joseph Jordan and eon Routh 20i de gree. east 68:90 . percbes to the Pennsylvania canal; thence by the flame berth 90 degree') east 14 perehesi;lbeu,:e by too same north 1 61 degrees east 07:6 yet 0h.,: thence by the same north 61 degree east 8.12 porches to the plane of beet:ming; containing ten acres, and having thereat' erected a two story dwelling botts4 stab... and oat houses; be ing the came premises grouted and conveyed to said James &tweed by James M. Hanna and wife, by Oed dated the. 7th of October. 1896, sad recorded in Allegheny eouuty in Deed Book, vollEi, page 230 Seized and talon to t ',coda' asthe property of Jaines Ile'e.r‘d, at the suiti of David 11. Bell. 1 _ 1. ALSO, All the righ t; lisle, taw: bt and claim of Christian Meyer, ILe daeudant of, in and to all that certhin co , pi.usgo, lot, pieoa or parcel of ground situetc to the Third ward of the oily of At gheoy, to sold county of Allegheny, ant own to so additional plan of lots laid ou 1 y Robert S Cassett to the Third wird Of aid city, and on ground edjoining eald; tad in Reserve townthip , as lot No. 4, lilL b ounded and described as follows, to wit F . egiuoiog on James street, at the corner of lot Na 3 ill said additional pit o; them, 4unniug elaeg eaid street twenty feet toll, corner of lax Na. 5; atones one huodred feet to Nilllwi alley; thence along said alley mewy r...,1,,. a corner of ' lot Nu. '3; thence along the line 0' said lot' No. 3 one hundred Pet - I.Ci 1 e pis:, of begia• clog; which jiitd let was co,.veyed to said Christian Meier by Clearge Moeller, adtoto iturator of Rldsisa Brunt; by virtue of a deed of the Or boob' Court of Allegheny county, by deed detect December 13th, 1851, and recorded o Atleahsoy county Re corder office, 1i Deed Ilat.t sal 99, page 394, as by ril ranee thereto may fatly ap pear ; on whid is erected e t.ro story brick house. Seized at' property of tilt Joseph Klecain iftket. n 1 . Z-‘lllioo 19 the listlft.s Meyer, It the suit of for 0., of .I.ho J. Mitchell. ALSO, All the righti, title, Ito ert 1 : and claim of E. L. WateO4 aud 1/,r li‘ol Adams, of, to sod to all thit ‘ cortirin Imo+, piece or parcel of land simile lyiug sr..l to,tre lo ILobnutoti tom:whip, ADe bray c.,ual..g, Poonsylvarkia, bouuded. byi 1 ads of Wititlll7l Hall. Jobo Morrow, Ja 8 Torrt.t.ee, J,:bn Clark's heirs sod I.lib g o Gia , t—uo,roiaitag tiluety five (95) sore Imo, or i.,., on which is treated a 14 wellar.i acme., owl log bona Seksed and taken to ciscution as the property of E. D. Wat..o. sod William Adams, et the suit of ilhilisin Kerr, for use of Wm. Coq. _ __ ; * i ALSO, All the right, title, iotereet and claim of George McCombs, of, in sod to all - that oar main lot Or !piece of ground eituate, lying and being fn CuDine township,. Allegheoy county, fronting on Highleud lane, and ad• joining preperty cf Alexonder•Bradley en the one side and prot,tty of C. B Seely on the other, and property of in the etsreontstuing about seven acres, morn er leeil, Bed baying lb,rooti erected a one story tirick dwelling 0, , 00e, stable, &0., with s storie quarry open, (sod sundry fruit trees growiiig thereon ) Seised end taken In rxt:oution as the I properly of George McCombs, at the null of M. B. blitdtiell ALSO. All the NO, title, interest slid claim of Daniel Donoghue, of, iu and to all that piece of ground,;ettuate iu the borough of Low renceeille'rAllegbeny county, Pcnosyliania, and described se toilette, via: Begiuniog at • poet at the corner of tondo of Ewalt and Irwin; thence by the time south 80 degreee east 2 2-10 perches Oho corner of ,Keller's Wade; thence by the some north 51_drgreee west one perob; thence north 50 degreti east lb '.,;19 100 percher ' ' thence-by the Cotholio ,Cemelery nerih 65} degrees west 11 94.100 peiebee; thence by lands of R L. Ewalt smith 84 degrees west 16 92 100 perchee to the land of Al Nt'Cullough; thence south 461 detect! cost 0 60 100 perches to place of ;be inning; on whioh le erected a two story (rime house, a rope walk, &0., and being the same, which Riohard L Ewalt . 00 , 0 ,1' to the said Daniel Donoghue by deed WO October 12, 1539. end recorded 1.0 Deed Book, col. Si, pose 260. Belzettand token in execution as the propertY,!of Daniel Donoghue. at the eult of John N-lirClowy, tot rise of Wm. Bakewell. ALSO, All th's right, title, inlet nod claim o' Alexander Agroi, and toed that cettain lot of ground situaled in the Third ward, oily of Pittsburgh, lying on the north ei6e of Fifth btroo, branded and do soothed is follows, viz Beginning at corner of Foster & Platoon's tot; :broce along Fifth Direst seventy (70) feet to lot of Masonic: - Hall; thence running book towards Virgin alley; therm along Vtrgio Alloy, to lot, of Foster Fiseson; thence slorig said lett to the plies of begionicg—Luviug thereon create(i two two-story frame houses, with store rooms on first floor, end offices insets ond story, and a four elory brick house,, with tiro store rooms' co first story and. dwaillufgs and off:coin the upper stories. Seized and taken in 'semi:inn as the prop erty of, Alexander M'Clurg, Agent, at the sail of The Commonweal:l: of Pennsylvania for OW wee of T. J. Kinney et at. ' ALf3O All pie right, title, Yuteresi and claim of James Donewa of, In and to •11. that certian lot or :piece of ground situated io the 6th. ward of the city of Pittsburgh, and lying' and being on the north side of Penneylvanit averink, between Chatham sod Federal, street!, bounded and described as followso viz: Beginning et corner of lot of Nadal Janes] thence along said :mono twenty-on& feat and five Inotimito an Oiler thence mini clog back along said alley *Dian alley feet; thence along ealealtey twenty one feet and Bile inches to lot of Maria Janes; theotoi edooKtho same feet to the piece of hal 'ginning—on which is erected a two-story friend dwelling house and store room, with onel tory brick back building attached. Belied and taken in execution as the proplL arty fd . James.Donosn, st the snit of Thit . Cototiltoitwehlth of Pew:missals, for use Of T.J,i,ffiooey et al. ALSO, Ali the right, title, interest and claim eti A. gittereon, of, in, to and out of all abet 1 oert4le lot or piece of ground situated lit the Third ward of the city of Pittsburgh, lying on the north side Of Fifth street, be fatten Smithfield and Wood streets, bottnd ed and deeoribed se follows, via : Seen ing at the oorner of lot of John Graham; th nee along Fifth street eighty feet to corn r of Wood street; thence along Wood etreet to lot of —; thence running parallel with Fifth street to lot of John Graham, doled; thence along the same to place of beginning—on which is erected a foue•mtory brie& building, with iron fronts in, lower gory, intended to be occupied as awes and office& Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of ,k- Patterson, at the suit of ThO Com monwealth of Pennsylvania for use , of T. J. Kinney et al ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of "Asbury Wesley Chapel" of, in and to all that certain lot or piece of ground situated in the 6th ward of the city of Pitteburgh, lying and being on the north ride of Penn sylvan's avenue, between Elm Kid Logan streets, and bounded and described as fol• lows, viz: Beginning at a lot of William T. Baum; IiICIAO along said avenue ninety six. feet toe lot of ThotnasJackeon; thence run ning back along sold lot to an alley; thence along said alley ninety-nix feet to lot of *. P. Baum; thence along Bald lot to the place of beginning—on which is erected a two. storied brick church building, the fictit story being a basement story. Seized and taken in ezeoution as the prop erty of "Asbury Wesley Chapel," at the ault of The Commonwealth of Tontusylviania for use of Thomas J. Kinney et al. AB the right, title, interest and claim of Matthew Harbison of, in and to all that. cer lain tract or plea° of land situated sod being in Robinson township, county of Allegheny, bounded d described as follow', to wit: Beginning et a hickory; thence by lands of -M' Millen north 60 degrees west 97:1 perches to a post; thence by lauds of D 1., Ander eon and John Nichol north 81 degrees mot 136 perches to a poet in the run; thence by lands of John Harbison south 31 degreea went 90:3 perches to a poet; thence oontb 60} degrees east 38.8 perches to a poet; thence south 89 degrees east 32 perches • to • post; thenoe by lands of L D. fil i Millen south 31 degrees west 31 perches to the place of beginoing—containicg 56 acres and ninety perches, strict measure; on which is erected one one-and-a-half story brick cottage dwelling house, a barn, etable, and other ont.buildings. Seized and taken iu execution as the prop erty of Matthew Harbison, at the snit of Peter P. Demurest. ALSO, Ail the 'right, title, interest end claire of Charles Carroll of, in and to all that otriain lot or piece of ground situated inShaler townehip, Allegheny county, being marked and numbered 28 in Robert Chessman's plan of lota, recorded in Plan Book, rot, 1, page 242, and bounded and described as follows', sir: Beginning on Lieust street, at the cor. tier of Union alley; thence along Union alley south to Garden alley; thence along Garden alley four feet to line of lot No. 27; thence on the line of lot No. 27 north thirty:four and one half degrees east (n. 34e e ) one hundred feet to Locust street; thence along Locust street sixty-three feet eix inches to the place of begiuning. ALso, All thst other certain let or piece of ground, situate in said to wnettip and county, isfjoluieg the )ve, and marked No 27 in said plan, bounded and described as folloste, viz: Beginning on Locust street, at the corner of said tot No. 28; thence on the line of said lot No. 28 scuts Ibirty-toor and one half degrees west (e. ) cue 'handfed feet to Garden alley; thence along Garden alley thirty feet to toe line of lot No. 26, thence along , the line of lot No. 26 north thirty-four and one-half degrees east (n. e ) one hundred feet to Locust Street; and thence along Locust street thir ty feet to the place of beginoing—on which .is erected a double three (8) storied brick dwelliog bouts.. Seised and taken to execution es the prop erty of Charles Carroll, at the snit of James Data JAMES L. GRAHAM, SberifF &manure Orrice, Pateburgb, September 14, 1861. Terrible Inlet to Mileveakeri—A Negro Murderer Ileum by a Mob. la Aldwaukee, on Saturday, tro Degrees, named Marshal Clark end Santee Shelton, I stabbed two 'nehmen, named Efa rby Certey and John Brady, and an Ktiglustiman named Thomas Ellie. The cruse of Out quarrel was a couple of women whoa thq negoes bad insulted. About half part ten, on Daturday night, Carney died from his irjarith, and not long after the fire bells were beard to ring in the lower part of the mtg.- There was no fire, , however, tee alarm being ft signal for a mob to avenge Cannel's death. The Degrees had been arremed ano taken to jut; mad it was in this direction that the rioters proceeded. Orig. wally Dumbenog from 5.'00 t 0.300, the crowd increased to about 400. On reaching the Jail they began to batter away an the entrance. The outside door was open, and the hall was noon filled by the excited throng who attempt ed to force open the heavy iron and wooden, door which led to the calf. , The Chtet or Police and two policemen endeavored to drive, back the assailants, but were ,knocked down and thrown into the atreet.l Swath werei hurled through the windows th e part co', the building occupied by the jailor, bat no one: was hurt, en the faintly had t o ken refuge up;: stairs. The door was soon opened, the guars* were overpowered, their .eye thken.from their, ; and the cell in which the agrees were coati lured entered. The ringleaders caught Cfnok first, and started ant with him, exclaiming;, "We're got him ! Here he tt O. Nearly all ranked toward him, and at this instautetheltori seized has opportunity to make has escape! through the back door. Someone caught bidli by the coat as be was Pfaff , bet be glide o desperate "lunge" and got off, leaving a porttion of ba,cOat behind, and amid the excite= went be escaped. lie was noon after seen running down Oneida sneer, in his sleeves; and has not been seen since. Clithk , was taken to an mime house, where be hid a mock 7 trial, and was afterwards brig by the mob. '..4.flielton has since been' arrested.. l Irxesna calves. Cacao, Sept. 11.—The Conestoga went down: the biississippt.thia morning, but Jar. TboaP-I son:a Bald battery had eno , 4gb of her ahelial yesterday, fora signal gen wee fired on her qp proaeb, and all left the shore fer a safer poaltiOp eater watching the movements of the enemy le some time the Conestoga roll:trued. At Modelle the Oohed up a man who had been pressed laid ;the rebel aryl°. in Jane. He managed to 'FA cape this morning. He ease there are now, at Columbus and Belmont twenty-six thousen4 men. Tail report shows an incisions of feu thousand SUMO Saturday, and may be true.!pr these; twenty-seven hundred are at Belmtits Missouri, under Jeff. Thompson. Polk's ergs_ I is Well armed and equipped to all Tapia+, he! seven siege and two heavy field gone, and se#it held batteries. The army ails fortifying Celan; bus strongly. Gag. HOILBITT stooge isomer. The rn mor of the 'meat of Gen. Heribot is ordlrat4. He was in Hannibal yesterday, bound to' !St. Louis, as is stated by the PoStmaster at Hanoi bat (who saw him th ere) tei Postmaster /Outs of this city. Wel Sturgis, of the regular aresj, jest eoromuisioned Brigades;-General, will pro., bail, take his pl:ce, as the St. Louis papa.: all agree that be ta to be 4etailed for eerveei in North Minoan. The change will be hailed; by all but the rebels with pleasure.—einodti Whig, loin. ; , i 1 1 - , , Tnic Rotbschilds are no . nr chief owner the London Timm. guspicione people sett an; this (actin explanation of is persistent atiachs upon American credit, which they hope I enable them to get el - 4510mi cheaper. It wotild beringalar if we should bring the war close without gobig to Sox or Gentile in Nat, had for help., I; 1 ie4+a:. 6.~ LATEST PROM WASHINGTON. .. , - , : 1 Wrrisruirrrow. Sept. 11, 1861. AV Q,4iet at liusasoles BBL ' Pa teiddown . :Me rebel troops at Munson's Hill were quiet.l No gees can besetall though • it is inferred that they aremounted-behind their Inirenchnients, through wares: embra sures Will doubtless llamado when msecrbei ie had. j Gen. hliClelladsrarfpromptly on hand when:the fight eommeneed to-day, and all the troop Were coder arms. .: • . 1 I No;ltattleimpssadlug. . . F , In .pie of this skirmishing, the imprusion is quite ge eral that no extensive battle le im ploding based on that ground that Beataregard dare dot attach.our lines. , • . . ~. I)i goserktora of Corttratrands . ~, Sodieltime ago, a number of pereolii Were indicted, at Chicago, for siding eontrabinds to escsEiptfroal 1111 . 0iCe. 114 CIVIBIJIIIIni=O, -Lbe• hese; i ia ascertained that the ownensof,the slave" ere rebels. The iturintey-Genertt has, I undbretand,krrdered the insitetmenteat Chi cago Olbe drardisred, and the deleridanUi to be discharged Irdiii custody and . from their bonds. It is Prdbable , she same course will be ashed in minion M to - Ontario indictments elsewhere. ,t Thi base of thoZumfor. Ii is versatile that the matter of the" privy. tecr Se ter tieing permitted * to coal lea Brit. ish paq, mad bin salutedlirthe British , fag, will tic toad& the subject of a diplomatic i in quiry, ad perhaps of a pretty resolute protest. I roar the Potomac Plottllia. - The teamer J. L. Piney . arrived "this' after. hood from the flotilla. She reports that .last night' the steamer State of Maine, .yrhilt ateaMirg doW6 the river, ran down the steam er T.tess, of the flotilla, cauaing her to Ask immediately: !It w esmot snown whether.thare wasarly loaa'Of life, or whether the Tigress will _artive • Mtal loan. The Posey reporteall quies below. . Ben. Butler. - . Gen4.Batleri is stilt in the city. . Ile 'Will orotiatiiy return to his home again before tak ing ;the field' for active aerviee. , He was granted a lealle of absence let eight days, and beerileome a day and a half when he vreaoidered return to this city. . ii Lietat. Tompkins Pxornoteall.:-, Lien Tenpin*, of the Fifth, late Beeend has been assigned the pomitton - of 'AI. ns sins Adjutant G eneral is Stoneman , * ;staff; Tient Chin 11. Gibson, of the First.Dragoose is Aide. Ceps. Dove Arreartett.' 7 !L !kb* force marines which left yesterday in tke cars was to arrest Capt.. Dove, of , alociP ol-eal• Pocshbetes. The 'arrest.wae-aeciont. ttlishd, end Capt. Dove brought to ther-Nivy laid where he isnow confined in the EWA aelphia. The occasion of his attesthee' R . sus• picioa Mai certain visits he bad made - to Vir ginia irecentli , were to give infbrination to the ?obeli. His friends here,however, -Maintain that they were for no such purpose, hut to :visit nieMends olio lived near the shore. 'idle Case of Sorrell. whb wan releszei from Fort Lafairette, camejto Washington today for the popes* . of reels wing the papers and property *used by the °Ewers at the time of hls arrest. Ins soon soli .f udge Kelly, of Philadelphia, sueosinded in preening a release of whit papers were. bars, and en order on Mr. Berveyor Andreadilor the &alit or poet-notes. The documennaholcon elniktely that Mr. Serval wee an agent of :the Bioli of England. 1 A ittegiment of Lancers: !Col. Rankin, • member of the Canadleit Par- Ildunent, wee herb a few days sines, and OW/l ed power toi raise a regiment of 1.6110 Lancets, nerd to arm and equip them like the Idthling lijh ).niteeri, with eabers. cubists, Pistol:sad lapcp, the 'shaft of which is to be sixteen_ fast lour, sod blade fourteen hetes: The Midis vOniwill tie at Detroit. They will he In the field by December, and commanded by gaped ramirs. IThe Orisoners at Fort Lafayette. OF iberl2 , prlsoners eroullned at Fort Letitia - IM, enety one, : Irene throe, has beau. found Whore tiers guilty,of the treason for which he lite an. • ono! SlavaiCaptared., • Itive runaway slaves, three of them the firci.erty of Mr, Thrones E. Berry, ot:Prines - Georges county, Maryland, were - brbeght - to the; county; jail Mi. morning by 'questa OM Anderson Zit/eves.. They were, to the-ca*, of Gen. Steele' , Colima:id, and were only ant raiders& tin the order , Of the Chief, Gen. McClellan. It itraaiti.lhat..6 l ol. Sitikles was opposed to giving them' up. i T.eunsylvanbi . Cavalry. ' he Pennsylvania cavalry were forlthefiket ilia in action, to the action , at Leijemille, 1.41 were...complimented fur good, behislor i .by too comm anding officer. They.auppartetoite battery id the withdrawal, and -MeLegithithis !other. I ' Ittiansoien fltll. The rebels sull occupy Munson'? a ?core pf men, a drzan horsey, and the pirate dig are visible at this moment on its summit. t4iey make no progress In the. wink of; in. trenching themselves, end it is not at mob able that they ever intended to defend it trim attack.: They bare evidently occupied 'Mar pirrposceof observation only and wonithbeat u basty:retreat at the first alarm of an advance fiortiocir ride. The countrysurronndinethe bid is open and unprotected.. All 'Asensio= that hare appeared in the minsatiOn journals a's to there being a large forge behind the hill, td formidable intrenebmenta noon i4-ftaie 1 een bare cosjectunen-the whole forcer is the iMmediate neighborhood of the Cross &midst* less than five hundred. The only earthisorlts t nit have been erected have been loose Sad temporary barriers, behind which I briquently 4bi,ervill an officer anxiously watching the incivernenur of our 'troops and apparently ter toning them to his comrades. i Highly important Arrest. WeS.'n. Winder, of this city, a blaryliridir by bush, and a brother et Brigadier Gamma goon 'fl. Winder, et, the rebel army, was 't iered. on Tuesday night, and all his corer. - ripoodence and eff ems seized. The prisoner it.. a broker, and has been doing barman at 1314 Walnut street. Latterly be has occupied .•. irdotni in' Ninth street, above Chestnut, • lad cake' Meals at the Washingtonßouse. lie ! idea brinauspeeted of haviag treasonable cont. ,munleation with persons in the rebel Stahel, ;sod the detectives hive watched him Con,- riantly. A few weeks ago he refused to tale tie Oath of allegianee, as prescribed to iliii limits Grays, of •which -he.vas a member, and - still later wax 'sensed of reasiviotted vane/dining information Sontherani: Woman were:issued aboulutneonsly at Washington:-and Philadelphia. That-signedby:Prorate! ~ .htif. shill Porter stated that tie prisoner Imectol4lo4 . . With . " an intention to ...seise; aike and . .prietailla the preperty of the' Government; or the Ttirlted Suited," end likewise to subvert mid osmium - the United Butes Goveramant. , ltiving T ier cared Winder's clerk, Detectives Snaklis, Bartholomew and Illackbani neat procee d ed to arriarmory of the Reserve Greys, is Walnut etrerit, .and, quietly exhibiting their warianti, diripsed him to go with them to kis bldgingt. He Was afterworda taken aside, strippeeilme . searched. giviog Up hue keys, pocket-bookileta tan, ,ete. At his rooms was feud &quantity of reliable coeds of properticain Wasiingtofs Baltimore and Philadelphia, him?" trona a brother (Chas; B. Winder) residing is was* io mon, end from the Brigadier 'Winder:Cl; „.. a m areBotithillfh latitude. 'Anent the parso ns. ties of the place were the sword of GeltliZlE. Wieder:o l the war of 1812, ind a lotof Mei tendril relics and letter. . ..... .• ... :.,. -..., 1301210 of the istrters, It Is said, reveal thaw" of lhlaking la the Booth, prim tear. Llacedn'a eluition, abowini oonelosively . a .fategeite liss tarpon to disruptjthe Union. Others 414 (Migrants of osaversation to which thir late James 'Buchanan was a patty, 1041114111)14AI gaieral looftheth of manumit in lhe griiinifie of that functionary which might, at thin: times be construed into treason: We beibmiihowarter, that none of the documetfts &mall? familial' Winder; beeause, although most of that Ike attettitetth treestm, they cannot* be-prayed iiir Writman written by the prisonant .11e:warn however, the Philadelphia eorresPondent Niar Ink Daily Nevi, as copies of his Wins were l' found found patted earepilly la , blink4r 4 b, nets and interpolati on s. • t .'........ t i. ,Windect le connected with one of the oldest Sid best families of Maryland, one or two of his 'relatives bowleg , been Governori of that 4 ,it e ni e hither, bearing the tube nersutiertii thiprbioner, commanded the Amnia= oßsps si tb• rout of Bladensburg, and . tiai,ieigeped of. cowardice when the : . isapital - wee .isinttiled. aid desalatiodhy Cookbum atailtosi - nHediett le 1824, and was honored wilh'in - ittliewle (Omni posseht.—PAila.Prtee. r... -, • 7 :'ir Pr-1 INE!BM