tr. it 0 sintrgij - 051.ttte: 2 : R/DDLE a CO.. LID Pio7•lnfope. .e4blllostos tittle area, lanai. Smith/Ica and Srrafting 'l6.lltlone leassaist iba at - Nowa UV ~to. Ove j.• , - .11111nakt a taitn—o namMediumrr l2o. er ;.i4anniSidkia-4 - per ananm In advance, or 6a. in fink Pres esrenni.. ' •-• - Inekty Intinal—Engle coptet, $2 pet annum; fire i n mama 2k tea ori , upward; $1 perruni, la• - nibble In advance. ,as•ADyl3l7ll3lll6 AT 1111a6ONA6 RATII6 iiPrrTerszvavaiv FIiIDAY SEPT. ' 13, 186 L PatUotla Ekcis ;,...' ..Tilt 4eltltlefetirt, demagogues 'from New ... : .York,- wlitiwpent , weeks At Wallington in ..., ', tit" eendositf their . fiehtlieru miters, trying 10 demoralise and tip our ree yearn' , 7 i . eigniedti.: applied lln- Judge Wars", of '5 ---. 4 l ioigt4:'iiiniefl*e. inttznbers o the 11. 13. 13tiireinie Coati ! theit - ter,Washin - on, for a ti ~.__. ~sfrit o f ! hdbermt..ejrpus,- foe the nrithie. of -: :_tenting its legality of the thre'el yeare'_ en ..,-.7-tistmentii,trnsting that Jadge Warns would -''.• ' decide tiureue in their fever. The Writ of hsperts +pie was issued, and oath* bearing titfywnatesUlitt„ tbe'President celled for voinnteerw for threo years Without any legit at4Ority;',ttin law o(Congress author , '20%14 militia to be called out only for ' ice ' h• throe moat s,the, three years' enlistments — *ere ill gat, and that illegality could not l i - - ;7ba cure' by the 'aubsequent legisl a tion of -- .7 ." . . Cengre e. 'Bat Judge WAyise; to his honor 3".,',..bei, it spoken, !oat the patriotic and manly . . view of the cue, and decided against them. k. , Be dld-itot :permit the feet thole he was a Georgian to sway ;his judge:tont in the least. .- ''- Tieerial part of hie declaims is as fol -1 mat. "It .Is my opinion that Congress has con :. r etitatioaal power to legalise and condrm _ Etecittive ma, pteclametions, 'and orders . dune foe the public good. although they were ': - ...i- , - - scot, when done..antherised by any existing ~......'_:', ~ laws. - Teat such - legislation by Congress 1: taiy be made tol Operate retroactively-to confirm what may have been done under inch prnalamations and orders, no as to be , . bledingap on the: covernment in regard to 2,- contracts made, and the pereonellcith whom tiler were made. , And that the tiurd section of an suit of Congress of the 6th ay , -of Au. t -iota, 18131; legalizing the sots,' pew:lam ., tuitions', and orders of the Pres ident, dent, after 'thit_'dth of fdarch, l ,lB§l;respecting the army ...- it'd navy„'and calling out and' relating to - tb" militia and Volunteers of the States, le constitutional and valid, as if they had been tamed and' done under. the.previdaa author -!',:- ,' ity and direction bf Congress" .4„ The 'ZILEA.9 'Ol , iIat..,..INILIDO-111. _ we - °I i " .s ri a-Trooldent r baa at len g th thrown off ..-- alldh a gilleo and presented bimeOlf as • full f3•oenaioniet.- - ln a speeob at Rich ': In°. . iod id the Louis ' dle lasi eel," .”I.'z at on-,-,r, w e ek, - -d against. 7. , I,W _-- - - . ~ ictok,nei, ground villa Mynas ""'- ' ?...' en . . hie . cu. . . - government ari t direcomen 04 n ar k to tee* iti Y.... theV 1- . b , force of arms . . The • Ciurferlie*:':::'l Wei; bills I 1 - iilittoded_to the oonfizos that .:- • •: ,, 4::-:: ' ' ' fi. !,.. late coligresa, and. elated 4- 7 f,, " " - ~ ' %kr'. " every alive, sod forfeited d ..e ~,S. - '6' ) '':' ,l l keel '''..l:' - ' . 4 = B 43- property - the 'aeon the aide 4ii%. mr 14 l aid ? dmicy. 7be law _,A3C - 4,l4;lB . olllbefilL COQ . eing ceefiecciion i s '::'.7.43llll6:Witied I h g e l i ro mm erfir is the doyen Con .::4--744-ideen‘4l! all e L Povery eiecien . of, KT' 1 indithdr B toffioi. . ti directly or =dim i y 'er l r i Ili— lusetheadeleftettereive'war of ltie_ . Bouth. llt. i. B r ireaho ° * dge th bo en c epo gr ke a o s t the dir est • ri i i, farir iimpost; rth . p a ; any portim I. ' .-: -i1614161;„ al r .r e , e ifi x ".Zl r p 7, bee . c su ar ee r. e i te . had the ''-'-'''' :. la idegi g araitl g oF 11:th:tit ••• '' .." 4 ' . ' .. e. - isse.- -- seisoodly, bees ''...l ' 14 . -L t ''',.• th" ' intereet.on a debt Dee5e .4f,...,.k • -.7.'•'..1 l e d#.4,-e' idiom , . authority of ----.',...,'... 7. ,•' irealad ' 7 . Army ~.- ctajoitli..priart .%, . to Navy •.*''..." ''. ':' '., 'Weenytake& . .5..- - ,.. 7'..--7 "; L ,lif .'' '- '7 ‘ .eltiWridie knows that if Kentuckyi wiwill ~,:,....: -' ' - "Ifi' . p ay thie tax, the feta s:c ''''.. '' '';'' I ton with the National Gey er lOU ' Sit:a g ent, a sti ° d 3l be e a 4smsp iliti t' op larly' sexless . ' t • boat'ituelt aco . - - L, lttibling • ~ • . . .. . Mahe Gorecouieot is not altogether pow- Kentnehy, why, may we ask, Ia this-traitor permitted to ran at large upon told shale men less guilty are sent to - Font Lafayette 2 . • liosec!inuss , Aimy. The army or Oen. Butaritari was, at the , hutest &deltas by mail, at Batton. A Corte .ll9ondent of tho Cincinnati Commercial, r,. _,speaking of the telegraph wire .which gees ,:•";;Ati tie_Ustea the May advanees, gays: f"..S. sketch - of colloquy with a flintily in a hoesl by the wayside, will mdfrolently Ulm -- trite the subject. Pater laminae, who, no doubt, las • "Secede," was expounding Us selitiments to a numerous family of tow ::: had.;leen • remark wee casually dropped f • oar party about:the telegrspb. li "rokoo you don't work that 'er thing now, do!yer said pater, pointing to the wire. ?Why 'l'. mob B. 'Because,' said be, 'we've tot up, aye and nights to watch it work, ,•- r•ttati it -slizin't moved a holt.' We didn't at explanation, but found _others tit!oriag under the tramesorrowtul impres s:_ lhdred I feel Justified in saying that 'the molten ie so prevalent that the wire must rs':move,toi convey intelligence, that the poor retel.devilv of the country have felted to itd' it because thoy consider it a ',;;;;',•.••;r:7:l77iirliitternever intairtiptid bat once, ,zir. ,, ot likely that it will,be disturbed ::'.same place. At lenhoden'Sfarm, • "` • ,•:•••: ~ ~ ter.dped Monday sight,'some • • • tolit..about four I • • stelen.t . •:• . 1,... - :;;Npposecl" to - hive min, though ' , , 9!),•llleved to be BEM DIEN E=INI •'• . INSBEE iii 1 1 I The vationsa Liian Ji/10116 114 1 / 1 11A, ! Req.t of the banking hotels of lianne: ,#art . ,4 das. corner of Third and Wood streets, bee been appointed by the Secre tary of the Treasury Agent_ for the National Loan. We are pillared whit this, lot now the' stock taken by ouricitizens need not go to swell the aggregates of the subscriptions of other. cities. The subscriptions to the 730 per cent. GOVOOOI2II2IIL bonds Pre in such demand that the Treasury Department finds it Impossible to keep pace with it.. That a liberal amount will be taken here we have, no doubt; and of cosine dingy one will be desirous of making his sub scription tell to the local credit of this oily, than which none hSs a better representation in the army, and we believe none is more willingto give to the Goyanntent a substaritial pecuniary support. Tan cause of tie visit. of Mr. Blair; the Postmneter General, and Gen.`-Milos, the Qttartermaster General, to Gen. Fremont, is thus detailed by the Washington coma pendent of the N. Y. Times: "It is pretty well understood they go as representatives of ;the Cabinet, as a kind of advisory committee, sod at the instigation of parties opposed 'l fear to Gen: Fremont. Fenster Brodhead,. a State Senator of Mis souri, came to Washington yesterday %ern leg, with a budget of - complaints of the present eondhion of the Department of the West, and a irowilat the personal relations which Gen. Fremont bears to certain par ties in Missouri. ! Upon their represents dons an extraordinary meeting of the Cab inet was hold, andlthe determination reach ed toLsend out the; Plenipotentiaries Lhasa named. It perhaps is not prudent at this time to make publto the character of these assaults. They will probably prove more injurious to those Who make them than they will to Gen. Fremont, for in reality the sub ject of complaint, or rather the motives which prompt the complaint, will net stand the test of publiC exposure mid inveatigs tion." BLACIS ix WiSTSILE Gen. Kelley has leaned a general order to the people of Western Virginia, in which he asya : "The General Commanding derires to reassure the people of Western Virginia, that it is the desire and intention of the United States Government, to give to the citizens Lull and ample protection in all their civil and political rights, and that private property, of whatever character or desorip don, shall be held inviolate. ' In order to secure to the owners of Slaves the moat ample protection that can be given, as well as an protect the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad fgoec loss and damage under its charter, Ulm expreesly prohibited for any cffioer or soldier to transport, or cause to be transported, over the lieges of the Baltimore and Ohio and North Western Virginia Rail roads, any black or mulatto. person, the same being a slave, unless owned by snob officer or soldier, or transported by permis sion of the owner." There may be A good reason for such an order is this, but if so, we cannot eee it. Tug TORS or ru■ EBOLISII Pares is still very hostile to the loyal States of this Union. The editorials of the Lendoit Times and the letters of its correspondent, Nos sett, alike betoken the most relentless hoe tility to the Union, and use language of de preciation and dieoouragement, which, In this country, constitutes the capital stock of secession journalism, and leads manually to the incineration of the writers open al legations of treason. The N. Y. Times says: "The purpose of such writing is to write down the Union, to disparage the National courage, to undermine the National credit, and to hold up the holiest and noblest mo tives that ever actuated it people to ridicule and contempt. Such evidences of, truculent hostility can only lot is a tonic to our reso lution, and give new energy to nor prosecu tion of the war." A MODEL 1 PEECIII.—Geo: 'McClellan was out among his men, over the Potomac, on the 10th, and made the following little bat trines- Mee speech to them: — "Sounrcas—We have had our last retreat. We have seen our last defeat. You stand by me, and I will stand by you, and henceforth victory will crown our 311rehlet Brewing In Maryland. WA11111501 . 011, Sept. 11.—Tbe Maryland Sateenbents are evidently bent upon doing miachier. The State Legisliture is to re. assemble on Tueaday next, and_iats understood that a majority ol the members intend to take measures to Itente the invasion ol the State by the rebel army, and then to pan an ordinance of secession. Generals Di: and Beaks are fully apprised of these movements, and will employ their forces to prevent the consummation of n. able acts. General Howard, who has been nominated by the Maryland rebels for Governor of the State, it, the of reporter of the Supreme Court of the United Stater. • He is a rant Se. cersionist. The government bee received from lowa the offer of • volunteer 'regiment of cavalry, each member of which guarantees to provide his own horse and equipments. Revival of Badness All the indications around us denote a renewal of public confidence and commer cial activity. That unfailing index of re turning prosperity, the advertising bud nets of the newspapers, daily exhibits in creasing evidences of it ; strangers are begintnag to flock into the city, and the hotels, if not fall, aro becoming so ; our merchants wear more cheerful and hopeful Lsces, and money is as plenty and aa- easy as aver, as we weeks ago foretold would be the case. The loan which is so rapidly being taken up is as rapidly being spent by our soldiers and sailors, as-swell as by those engaged in the industries that have been created or expanded by the' war- These have given employment to vast numbers of operatives, whose wants bate in turn given employment to others; so that in reality the condition of the work ing classes, so ter from being Impaired, is much improved. All this shows the facil ity with which Americans adapt them -4-40.„ a now prder of things. If, three *"eze , any one had predicted that '••• , -;zigidence would be thus is extent, he would '‘ll •ws,a a It llndUsnotker - • • - - - , ticipate a P, toaae, Ky.; Eept.looll67;.=-4 6 0 0 / 1 0 are Bow eacatnlsed clear around the !..No ipimslietdone`of,atiattackeim medbite or remote. Everything is kept inzeidinees. is The chime of the place !am still leaving.' Gen. Etnith and. Col. Webster made a reconnoisarme on the gun-boat of the river front.l The place in. to he eeeePled Per manently'. Gen Smith today reported himself to Gen. I .Andersen, of the Department of Kentucky. . , A - delegaticra of Union men from Graves county are in. asking for aims and an of ficer to drill them. CO aojne a REGINZIITIL•••-A8 a re in:ad the recent order of the War De partmont; teunderring the control of the accepted m oments to the State 'Lathed ties, three of-them-the' Fremont regi ment, ;(Colonel Bosh); the_Continental Guaid; (Colonel Perry) ' • and the Wash ington]Grays, (Colonel Moore); will be immediately filled up with companies or tap:units of other regiments. Arrange ments have teen made to this effect, and. will, it' is understood, be carried out in part to-day t --[N. 7, Post. TimisuayNcrres.—We learn that Hen ry W. loans]; Esq., Collector, has been authorised to receive deposits for Treasury notes and hum certificates. We under stand.beavy deposits are being made daily for these securities. This looks well for fdaryhind and for Baltimore, that the cit izens. Who have spare funds aro willing to trust Uncle Sam with them. No doubt, as soon as this is generally known, the de posits Will be greatly increased.— [Balt fttziot. Tai occupation of Paducah by Federal troopti has caused great consternation in Tennessee. The papers of that State are anxious that Kentucky should now bo made the battle ground. Of course. But the rebels won't be gratified. The sex will be carried into Africa. There will be stirring times on the Lower Mississippi pretty soon ; and the Tennessee rebels will uemble, not for fear of the "true men of Kentucky." but for themselves. TIM Republicans and Union Democrats of the Clearfield Legislative District, through their legates, (three from earn county,) met at Ridgway, and repudiated the S. Mary's rebel-Convention, resolu tions and nomination, and nominated CoL L. 14 Wilcox, Democrat, of Elk county, and $ Mr. McAnally, Republican, of Clearfield. This ticket wmx. WIN, and se cession will be kicked out of the Wild Cat district. BOZO= OF Kama Hosars.---Yester day afternoon U. S. Deputy Marshal Jen kins:seised three stallions,said to be own ed by a Mr. Ward, residing in Richmond, Virginia. The horses when seized were on board one of the steamboats on the Er rioson line, on their way to Baltimore They came from New York. The seizure is made under the act of Congress of July 3, 1861. [ Phila. Ledger. Tun New York Times stye that New York has furnished fifty-eight regiments for tlie war. • ilitilitarp Stomas irgrfatTlVE Zalittirte; Capt. Ifolloord, irIU retiree their Vzialtlon Drill. DLI /BAD& Y ItVlNiha !opt. a. 1141,10 Aldo( the food for the relief of the Comities of Volotaitore. . Itchede to ha had at the Bode and Mad: *to va end of the'llammltlee. eslardtTa If AI 7. WiTat ts, NkNTED IMBIR DIATILY, for the BMW 11.1411.1111 NT o. B. Calf. *hilt eteoLas 81111.9liali a SW entre alde bodied nten,'hetwetm the ages of tveaty.ona and it;trty.are. Pay fang,. from $l4 to $7.1 par month, wording to the risk of the soldf/r. kerb map will be Weds • with ;le good flame and equipments, staple clothing' si.d sobaletenoe. Quarter., fool and medical Wood. ao" ha. of amt. The pay of eads wither own• moon.. as soon ee.he I. enlisted. By an dot lately paes:4 the term of ezdhlment le changed Men Era to r 1161111 I IC it - MS, sod every soldier who *eerie that time le entitled to $lOO COUNTY aoo 100 AONIN UP LeYD . from ihe Ooreroment. •Mention Is drama to the fact that the troreroment by wisely colorceocr4 to promete eoWen from the' rinks. heraimeassot to tbaeeior• open to ell. roe. farther tarUculese apply et the Recruiting Masi RetluPAL liuTiL. - 121NRY R. ll.tVs, - Oeptain, SUM Regiment U.S. Caesirr, finestt tit crafting Offker Er A YEW MORE RECRUITS wanted to ell Us tanks or Um UNIOY 1111ILIS, wider C.s. 111011. Y. TbsOptspany will kw calmed u soon as colonists!, otguisid awl wUI go into (auks to slurp Ombra Armoly In 71d story of Wain'. U. 1, whst• good men will beer:4lW tor • In. days longts. sanktf ' THOU* N. n 9411, Caplakt. FM.SLLItUUKNY ORSYS.—The un siguot are Gotha:toed to revolt 1 50 NI Ifs N To Ali op the mahout the Alhatbany Greta. for Cal. Ales.,lhisie Regiment. (One at Washington Ball, Itebedra stmt. Apply to JAB. D. MULL, Copt" enblic notices. fr".PITTSBURCIII GYMNALTIC AS sool4Tiont.—a mentos cabs stun named Anwelattoa will 1 , 111 held otelatlDA If %YIN! MO. rep. Went iikhoft 7+{ o'clock, e it., to the Oymusatne. The ettAsso object of itst funtlas to to de ermine whether Aucutottou fh 111 top "a -minuet or even up, af 7 teen fee thepreint. - Pantsuil . Ie tonsferoons .sfly regents& Np order J. D IlloVADDri, Beat tory. IIL4aO3JAISALIi bat Doll Clusitaiss: toot saber 6th I .LVTILE President and Managers of I thr Company for 11.11001141$ • bridge ores the Monongahela river, o; posits Pittsburgh, In the coon• ty of *llegbany. haw. this day declared a diet , end at hinter sirot on the capital et et, which will paid to the Mock holders or their hot frpnlientatini, at tne:eautlag donee of N. Liniwas et eons, on and after the 16th init. H. tiOlatitti,. iteto,, ribbilluigments CAPTAINS Oft LIEUTENANIS, PORIIING ousie.onz4 j fe OEA 'r 1:11 WA a. tilci do w.,1 to call sod got Uslr Paptad. mr,l4 . !Ural W. S. HAVEN, No.-84 Third onwt, IC bo li g roomed t..) print or 'Argo, serord,ofil We oleslns lo: • 'F.A.NOY acmoitel. I T. 'direct .1 I ATTIVNTION., sal ttak. - . • IsANCi; Mey.ahnnts tiolleeND aka , 1111,41/Alli, PA01:41011, lit. Litt4rprSiatire; ' ' inrrsou;lort; Pik: • POTATOSS.--We ;Itervina4o3 14* I hick* AA* wa °Dr la ad! biikt!# arotrn af.. of IMES ie'SYNIMMOT ati lad 11.114i00/Nl. Means Mille for , • "41. canto a pa. 1" - to' ii i ii - at 'R b want ~,,..- ..........;,:........4...,. 6.1 it . P.— --. .;.- 1.7 , ... , I.Castile, mottled, ' 1 , Castile 'white. ' ' f - OM Palm' in tars and lump-, 1 Soda. Barbers, Br‘iwn Windsor, genuine, Cletivei's Hooey, , . , ___ Glenn's Boney, , . Frangipanni, _ . Chinese Musk, Jockey Club, , Tdonpelas. Transparent 'Balla and Bars, White-Windsor Ponoine, -- Keesan rand Tablets, ' Yankee and Military Shaving, far la. bt ' 611111 N JOHNSTON, Druggist. and lealsr la Oliol la ►AtiiLY lIIRDIJINtS, ran clots , r Sailibasat •od ►. nab a...fa FIE 1 Y DuZEN 1100 P SKIRTS, CHEAPEST FiEST 1r THE W. & D. HIIGIT6'. OIICAP FOR' CASII I CHEAP lox CAbLi CHEAP FOR (3.1t,E1 I lIIIAD DRlSeittl, COIL&R TN, JIM BEOIDXIIO, COTTON t °SICILY, INFANTS' ROBIA LACS COLLARS ►ND SSIT. Malin CABAL PAISMIT+. *O, CIIIEGAP NOR 041811. CHARLES GIPNER'6, No 78 Market Sue j ()SEM nultAl 77 Market street, Milked returned trout Now York, Button &tibia with a large sod well selected amt. GI Trim• Whip, lextbrol hilitinery goods and NOLIGriI, PURORABIW ron apn •hicb he 4 0f:414g to balm ht SISAL'. h VANCII ON COST. &entry lferebast• and blitlittere sill au I the •talk estry way vetted to the witots of their trod., and the pima, low as any &alert lo.)bing noose. Retail buyers ere also lorPsd to stamina our scrtroent of Boston Ribbed Uotiery and Woo!en Yarn, Men's Ribbed Wool Shirts and Drawers, Ladies' Merino Drawers and Vests, Misses and Boys Merino Dresses, En4roi4eries, Collars, Eetts, Caps, 14ants' Waists, Robes sod Caps, tirOurg Flouncing, Dimity Bands 'Crape Collars, [loop Skirts, Corsets, Zephyr Worsted Shetland Wool, andel' Idoliser Pansy Goods and Notions ts 7 14d - onus TO SlllPP.ERB.—Pderchants LI and others having occwion to &Sod grociettf soy tteetription to the meted of VI glut., network', or ellehose are reepecttolly requested to wales t. e em ceed of Quetzals la preventing geode hum getting Into the huals of oar enemies, by tontorieleg strictly to WA Whetting Instruction= The ibettictinne heretolore required In tele/Pura to thipteente to Wheeling, sod post. Ude side, in Mr ginia,rwasin In Wm ' et. ter es they ;vista to arms, ammunition, military goo& end equipments, Wood. of say, description going to the interklt of,, or aloug the OLIO tine tenth of Wheeling, to Virginia, will require pertatte. Good. of oil kinds going to Hentorky sod Dimond will esquire p. mils. Package* going to nor sublime In °fiber of tie stars Stale; nod directed to the am of tbetonotozadlog dam,. will not it quint vermita /Is Y ma requited by the Tremor, Department to es port tb• stopper, owner, dt walptitni. dmtination •ad bailie of merchandise shipped from Ms port to the above named Orate; all opplicatlona for permits to skip moat te made In writiok, giving Dente of thluper, owner, a eatination, ammtption and vain. of goods. bblpptr• will te required to 'click low the loyally Of cOneignee• not known at tbla *Zoe. 0 W. hATOOZIOR, . liihlwd Surveyor ot Onamms. $2,00 R'..wAn' BROKE JAIL, Ramped !ran the Minn In this city lb. folLwing illecrtheal wheaten: W. U. 8U19119119-11nppowed tabs an .11,--wrlcan by blab, of 1. lab deg ant Ilgtt tell 1, WI 1 , 624016 .boot and dal t oat, brows, dr. wed In dart clotbew commie. Woes charge of b arglary. /1911198 TlNT—tea 114a14brat n, about alabtawn Asia old, 6 f et 6 loch. ha toeslv, heti auburn Ilodr, grog . eyee, high forehead and full, mood face, dada Orrin ooranalst d on • charge of larceny:, - 1J11•1311al 6006.—i Canadian, shoot 18 years of flee, 6,4 et 1 Noble bleb, afoot built yellow or tem. lb, poruglealoa dark bairofartayea, ware a r,d 61.0• awl alga sod dart Ipa.te wanelated an • cb/age of con tikreftlag Miffed Ittates osin W 1.9111.110•9061 RUPIIII9—/In Amultan, Meat 26 yerta old, 6 0.111 Mato alga; atom. bald, la laud axatoop, Haat ba't, grey eves, dark cloths.; tardurgo• lasteateace for ptaragetastarfill mows. ' - Abeam! of 1200 will re paid fa the &teat and Leery of tbe above docrlbad prima:ma at tbs.)-1110 . Cr be. suitor of them. JANINA Oita& rift Stern, 015 tp,PltPberattr,lfrpt 9,1691. selo.lw Ar f & t) uB - W.,WA. It ER, J it. & 1.3 O.; VP . ritaolfolikserat. n iti Cilrboa 011ii.Oinda, Dr laid alittiabiliating; a 1.0, llottritadise, Produce dud Zoo- r wait Ziaktrs. waif* Rooms 24 Illth dont, illtio.. Do , • ii tor sad sell Blocks, 12. ado , IlDla, Drafts, Mort. Be to Ind Root idol.. .. • l sotolillstlag 'Pio boffins* we %trio etoaperatioa Wert uit oer Writs% to oar Moot@ * t bum awl "Wis.!, wi.o otsarotto a thot ail bullion oatrwiroi to Our will metre. prompt -sttabiloo at moos tairSatos Thsroaohly cowirowlog and t sing towtod triotht Dirk els, wo lwre preornt to Layer. "forma lon • Ittliaft•t• i•Polatr• of the afoot 'rode aaOtratlle of 144011 laity, with wilcoa corwiat, to bosh sad Mao, tmlaro Wall tiro loadhig oar stator. arValra actalaantly oh hairt. latschauto sod Oil Dealers are rtspeotlully ladled to &on scat mod elamlo• our t 0011166 sod *Xteolit• 11.0 i sod wia,ploo. we dm* ample warw tome and gong. room sad wit pay fialgtits,• tam. moo fowl make &Sanwa oa coaiagameata al elude Deana 011 iii .- . He hen Um platoon, bore Sams one numerous hien& lonise to the tollorlop well Mimeo Rootlet p0,,,,c0i aco R. If. NelrlP • Oa, 11111er • Rickman, Lmingotea, Oopelata • ca., Put, Weave,t Co, treary I 4 It, Begs, Wm. flogaMy, ,loun germ. itiftMufferAlT. Won, WI. Hove, re rmork LIAM'S Oa. .JACJII VS% 311:A 01:0, tf 11 , 1 fifth at.ew. mi Warn. 1 IGKINLU tiUUARS.h-Josi /wino, • iinh inpf.'Y Of Jj , firtd Whlte gni V* bur ,;intriNnA.nouraninnr4errinunid and Cat Loaf nor ego lino:enb and on JUUN 11, . . . a nzr of Lin rrty ead Unod atziern. rit A ti OLDNN SYItUP.—A-choice 'Artielo ot pare Goll4an Prrap Just reeslnd: 406 - sAgerlie. Stella Syrup. Wb whohmile aau is. tekbr JUIII4 A .11,118110 W, 'On Corner or Liberty sad Haod rtleela. zElar--2.50 butb for rate by . 11. • SARNO-TOM - MY o. r.or ot Wond .tr•tia .GLEIC-150 bbLs Icor sale by -.--: IL NTLINIAATtME 1 4!(1.„ sa4 , corver.f Wood and AlsEt 4. ilkirYl3rtatmN ittaisavic ILSE,_ ilair.t=rlwa on. lIOW23LE-51.1bbls. (6 substitoo for Tory tottLe) Lir tale by 'Malt JOHN B. VARIPIOLT, I . OW 1111131:—!astern andLakit Fiso We sale [loin) ; JOWL ACO4I. I ULM-04N k--: . • - I SO bow Whit* Rook 12144). Z 16 ao Y.llow do do Undyed sod rod ado by Wan NM ; ? 11 b -abberttennents. lyt:' 000Pgo r . Bleober of the H loyal College et Burlltosust - Lettedeet And ease at elitt My of .1, r ' r, LtabLha stern Lytlag i In Heeptial. etH ti 'eiCentd, t,reet. near FOITY. Dr . tooter. bee tee *tido,* for PIS* 'Me SS Illteleel &Rot *taut tin tee Br ha Itetlinttka eto , rfee.ty 4 also • daring ea He Itedleal 800 to Her Her stet servie daring the edam= War. He be.. * Me* poem** mph typed:m*l*ot pa , horn blown b tee wham brae** t f bit prof* don ,' 1 br.O., bathe* ersoicrel etth an Itutttuta for the Dlerremer hesee'-e end° elldree, and to the* be pays petkateratlantkoe., Meta oath toe.---" :tended to seloanh ti'ft)WlG, ad finrgoo(nt Federal to °Pima* Redo, 311017 yr, Deer the Swanlike •ILEGUIN4 CITY IiTZLZET. =ELM II & 00., SHIP AGENTS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS 13S 'Walnut Eit-reet. DIALIIIe IN FLOUR, OR Al N, P,RODUCE, TOBACCO myna AND LIQUORS, Claim 1,, mrors to no mods cm votnapt of roods. 1106LIteral cub ntranoes nude on consign son6lo NM DRY uoou6, CF : *MAP FOR CA.SIFI. J. t. BURCHFIELD'S. Nawlair alb NEW Bo6jlau NXW RIBD i MI !LSO TLANNIL; RIR ElltEx W E=Ml3:l3 GREY RACE Y BUDWIA, , DUB casanitaze, s' JILNB, MIRINOB, 0/11331111,1114 BROW AND B B 4011.11 D MOS -INS; IRISH UNESEI, Wail:l/.5.11D PUNK /14X .403- IMMENSE sTOCK op ENE AT FALL GOODS JUT OPENED AT J. W. BARKER & CO.'S, 69 lIIARILIT PTIMIT N'w bT Y LCS FOR Ttle SEASON, 141 D*v §6141.11/1141 BIM al 23 cant.. LO dos new atlas MIII.BIIILLIIR OCILLACS 10c tub. SO dos siva,ls LIN UN OLLARS st (Oa sub Data. afto ff. BLUE and OBEIN mars VIILL Grant 1:4461u In LINN rAhl BRIO HnK iY. oidovia,mommai and sure, nip asap DONNICT*I,I3I3agS, BONNIT4 HATS CONNILJAIiCOUD alad MAUI RAU Ailt Ul colani ElPaya aid MEM IND WOOL. HOOP OVHTI3, or casks and knreat Boarnn TARN?, • choler amrtment Jost open. CENTS' IMiR BRIM* COLLARS, TILE, SUSPAND. t6B, :Ac GENTIt PATENT INAIINLID BUM 0 , LL411.13, 10 lofibi 0. eta. lINDZItaitiRTB sod DRAWERS, all ekes. A lama Ili" At TAROT ARTICLES mid NOTIONS, • &lon* qu but& /tasl COUNTRY DILLIB rapplh.4 lowest raltile peas. COON, iI&CRUM & CO., No. 17 andl9 Fifth street J AoKh N & TOWNSEND, , 114 reaszas . 1 : 0 VAL; N. RS IN • PROVISIONS 12 Fourth street. trinon Aw Ports. spool • • fins assortment of Boom Lard ud which la ut Malt own ISOM 81/0 ORB t. PLAUI HAL ..1 AM3, d Cladttniti and other cam ino willtoat ONITIS IIEIOULDSR. n.l and In dq}►lt lIIESB Po Wt►P LA • , J pri.rty6al • tiILIISSIL Is bbla , Atkins and paUL rat Ily um, awl WI of shalt own Tiara Int I lois iar milll pups & saa Gii N ARNSfIiAL. ThIPOR ER AND DEALER IN TII , .I. Mid • t ballads at Giulia* 11*IVABIA CIGARS. , .AND ALL KINDS OP MORI AND CHEWING TOBACCO ISNO/C,lt NOY lIZBBCLIAIIII MIN, TOBIN Under ta. as. ki great 1114 Te tr th Et Charles Rotel, Plitsbargh. N. n• — • • Tn.& MOW ma UMW sorsa. Mil WWI pAT* T 3iioNts POll, I U 00TING IRONS. No roma trtadde desalts Itattratu. No more pa. aver red bar item ea reales dm No mere allot stoat monad shirts or dress No eabtesems an - IMM ..lint the: toad old ILA? IRON tined with a b Mai !MANN IBILIPI4III,st JIM STILEIIIII, Oppedte the NasaCliNce: 141114 _ T uSlll2ll3Sfra.m c aPuLt TP.O Wki W . ; RNmum, TILT, N. Y. . ma thlity,iiitilli gmumaseidoil atlas ethic' tot Warn& Wildman, In Us Natural schwas tad QIN Naallt4 4, ll. l en Ws &Waal:m.lBlb, tut. . A ava I err . unmake mi.. isattml &Mum nal An Us Itutltated. , -IllutuiNtu itilY bu Itildrtaard tu ha. etlll Damn's, Dlrratat of Ilaaa.l.ol. Institute. fray, N V. ima t h.4 CITHOJ -10 boxes fresh llitron, 5 de (keep POO. I go ao . ,_ and tor 551,157:_, Ittremia a sus. 'CAIVAD AND YOE- • ALL Las. ttoLes balm Dris4 PiscluNg • W. Olzdanstl lhoojr_ Broom 1 L. A. rover s 0.3,- • U UST : 1 , , mnio. ' WANTRIA.c'the Houle of Refuge 4 • 01413 to ect ea Cleri en 1 Doerr vapor. bun tome well race -mended. A pleal men ynf Int ham, PM aeonm end boar APP'ct"../ Wade at the llonatou Hutt DAY, Pridemter 12 .12:ftt • I W ANTED I 01.0 bus. Flax Seed, 600 do FoltoO Moors O 4. L. ri t VOIGT.• 00. VViLIsiTED--Bonds and Mortgages for. tae fulloodog owns, for thr.. p Sn: MOlttop tor $500: .• noti do tar PAM Otto do for $1,1100; ono do - foe 32,000 ADO/ Id I=ltl PITtVd, 13 BL Glair ...root. Joc Zatc & Co'lLtt. FOB SALE OR EXCiIicNOE, 10 00) bulb. Camel!MU' One:Coke• ma) T.. H. ;VONT • 0.1 OFFICE TO 11.14 NT.--Office find Na 80 Watnr Wont- Rent $lOO per manual NIAUtIV 01 an3l 13,111•11 DICKEY CO. Tu LIsT. firbvelaee Dwelling in Hasse es tirely Dem, evish mats. and with mislsro Iseproremears.. locstatl on Tunnel, WY yens Wiley street mid Posesilmmlaxienas. Terms 5e64.1 I. 0. IlltAff. VLUAB LE OIL PROPERTY - FUR 811,11-81tuatad on Preach Biota, embracing between 10 and 11 urea. There ere on the property du wells In I,lllo= prover, throe of which are at tunitla ol . o .l. ol w.lustlig operating. ioounectsd with the wallet. • powerful engine, fa good reaming order. Thai property I. &Banta{ the celebrated 11Tormick farm bad le perhaps one of We beet Oil she. to that mica. We oftt a great targalit an easy terms of Mama. or with siChenito for real mate In or ad lolulngthe city. ler partioalusapply to B IBLAIN 00, sop . fictitYg.tottrtb street 06 ,,, tiv r„.. t op KIgt . al: t. Cow dr ea VI i i p s Mao tali clam Will to mold cheap Tor cash. alma U &ZITS/ amotbasia. flith strait. &Urn badtbee ISTEIAM'ENGIII/18 FOR BALLAD TWO BNOINES, in good working order will be sold on nottminnalf Una term. I:Winders 17 tubes Mameine, with lasot stroke. The snow, may beaten on applicabon ot the BAN. NEE OOTTON EMU, Allegheny, and cm be daily wed on the disi of Je27.l3md PARK PAINTER & On. 11201721% :BT-017-13S. D. Di HAVEN & SON hIANIMACTINIZIO .01/ STOVES. , Warehouse, Federal Street, near New, IV:Vbridge, ALLIXI MINT CIITY. . the attantloo of . dealers to oar lam sawati mast of OookLag sod flaatlag Mims, for Wed sad wttkla w• ass wiling at Sao lowest prima Masa rialtiot oar city will Sad it to their advantage to gir• we • eallano atomism oar mock before purl:waft wart. wham ; OW Iron Boar Fronts, Iron ReHig, Soaks, HoNola Wan, Wagon Bova, Plain and Fancy Grata Fronts, 4 ., vidars'i &A Owings of sllJtinda mida to cadre: — , )711:kW NA VNN • SON. UNITED b'rATISS AMERIUdi Wastaw Diann: Pumensairuk, It when. libel of Information hue been Sled in tbp Matelot Court of the United Plates ft America for Nib Western District of Penney Iseult', tin the third day September, In the year of am Lard one thomanil eight bunored and eiztinste, by Robert B. Oat path, leg. Worthy of the United Buttes, in behalf of the Dented States, alleging In alienate that a certain stimm tow boat befog without name, clan following dimensions and description, to wit Length of holt ors hundred and twentylive bog, twatity.four twit beaus and four ion hale, with al cabin with three longtime! rooms and coololuxne and store rout art, and the hurricane toll length, Is complying at the port of Pittsburgh, in and Metre* that the Wong, fe whole or In put loons John Bell, , a calms and reel deal of the butte of Teammeet that in pentium Of the but of °engross approved July 111th, 1864 tics President of the United elates liquid the proclaims. Una:dated august 16th, 1861, declaring infer.alla that the Inhabitants of the State of Tannage math seta* of inearrectlan spinet the United grates. and that hum and after fifteen days from Mkt August 1804 all ship; and yawls Wooer% in 'thole or m part to any option or !shah' taut of salt F tate of Teti• mere found in any pert of the United Suttee we nth be ferfeltoll to the United Mates, abed that said stamp tow ton ownet as afoneald was so !mind In the post of Pittsburgh asion mid Peptembeel &I, 11161, and ant the sold Teasel, bur tinkles apparel and furniture bi mme thereby forkited to the use of the 0 ethed Rabb, and preying that the same may be condemned a tot - felted se aforesaid. Now therekge, In pursuance of the monition runlet the mil albs said Court to me dthentni and &tin.* I do hereby give public notice to hal pereons lag theseld vend, her tackle, spinnel and farultori, or any "latencet thereto, or kin thereon, or think molter interested Is the same, that they be and Op peer before the laid Markt Octal. at the Olth Cl Plintough, on the rnserr TOD/PAY Of MOMS neat, at eleven o'clock to the fortiboon of that dak, (provided the same shall be a day Or juriedictloo,otre awe on the out day ofthrbdlct)ou thenefter)then and there to internam their clan* and to make Math allegation in that behalf. A. suaDoca, U. a. Marshal Western Distgict of Penna.', Pittsburgh, Sept. DAVIS t PaILLIPb, Bran FODOR, aed Illanufainferi. ; rzarnazzats, GAB AND 131131ADM,YP1'1 - i:Aßlil NANDIMOT4INIB AND DIALIIIII IN GAS FIXTURES, Pumps & Brae* Work 07 VIBBY DIBOR111101•. • OIL VITEILZ. 2.17 N :ex's. of Bra" Copper or Iron, with the meat apprordOl cambers and Value of W tlnd►, and erarrantad era eatlereotion. EIANUMOTOHT, /10 1 11 7atar anti 3.04. Zl'ront stag. WU limit t PiltielltittOßti A" VIZ LAYS ALL TUN LAT' ALL TEN itix' NIWBPAPNRS AND NtIOATINTA, ' i NEWEIPAPIRD AND NAGAZIN63, NYITSPAPNBII AND MADAZINT.N AND ALL TON NNW 210012, AND ALL TOY NEW DOORD, i AND ALL'Tdi NNW OAKS, can to bad at can to bad at can be bad at norms raw svial, Wilaird NNW 'STUB; MINTS NM STUB; IdABOWIO HALL, VIITELFITRIBT. ; MABOIIIO BALL, 11111filitrAZAT. - MASONLO HALL, MT& NU==T. 4 Sir Design supplied.: The trAcktat Is Dow ?midi salAdawT SOAP! SOAPI! bOA.PIII+THE OBEN ICAL 80• P. matilifmteted by B. C. • .1. H. 13•117YRIt. la scluimeledged to he the' most serviceable ofsay kind tot offend to the agitate. La sayerier atimustmee ere timed In Its casamiere.• earths ot labor, and la Macy Is esteevins Amart, pent, tar sus without blurb, the ekb, ere Led wise dateselag the Meet quellty Of maids; It can beamed elm Mt Wade of aster. Redeem* Is mode with plaints to the tnblolc dt veraficale. wonting franigestkihati well known fa this oommaaity, end who *HO wrety Malty at:Laded of Me_ it tally tied eddy Quarkrometee's Departateal qf Perlflk. Moth mut Iberuma• itcyissirate Pa. Yds. datryces Uttestical Ohm *Salve doer bellig teen need eery tizteastedyin oar Regiments, he bar so batteries la earttlybog that It yam found Malts. bit !adapted to lb. MI of the solaters, and decidedly the most parlor limay-mbich maid he reocared kir the sectles. JAMBI, A. REIN' Qautermaiier 12111 Reg. AUX. IClVSYTD,Quartarmaster Ugh Reg. 11. R. MOORRIIAII, Quartermaster La v Bag. I eon FALL STYLES. ; .evr a lb WI) PA.P 6. M'CORD & CO., 131 Wood et., Pitte4ntrgb, • . In low rooehrlet• at Ty; tarp doovot RIM GOOIjA of the lust etyle• whith theY car roFttreboeso MIIIOI.MARRIL AND 4wayai. at ves7 low pictea MILITARY 012>! (tor Mtw. !Idle.) alma, of iltatlra ILIMULATION CIATR • vet, tarp •Nommak coodassis on boa& . • teat . ; ; ItYCORD,A 00.1 TO WHOLESALE CASH SUrisES. . _ WILSON CARR ,& CO. No: 94 Wood street, • IGTP . Gattnall MO their vary larya Soda Staple and'lPaney 'Dirk 'Goods.; AU say. Gum rill I.••• • watt, wise taws rep Gay IS, us visa sap alms daily advancing. sapil. daily 1:113oSaa GaAs. - Pitteszyb.PaySistis BMW.; sOdaid 'FNMA itUsaSit - itIDINti CAPBtf, vita 'Orval, far sale at 20 mut IR at. Cartiratessa. • I . . - - ; INDIA liUßlslit PRINKINO 01:11 , 14 cis pandas ohs" fat els at 'MI mid BLOW ones (tali] • J. ltd. MUMS; ~~.~-.~. Amtv ,Di TS. I ITTSBUSGII THEATRE. EIMEOOII FRIDAY NOWT, Sin. O. 0. Mit evenles sill be 1•oom3103 • pew trapay. Tr. N. A.Jecectr I4er the ig*ART'S erauutiLX. HEART'S STRUGGLE. ILEART',S STRUGGLE. Ide with the DAPTALN!.II NOT A MISS. --...—. Niodhat haws Waken. LthanoB_—_-014sit.. V N. BE & CO'S Celebrated Grand and . Eq . *, t law tortes, wilicb for beauty of Watt, ouster acid syrectaeas ct tins. sad elasticity of loath, bb*. brobs by I.dg.. pion.uticed =rivalled. }ray Plano gasraatard tor air tom MIAs le ?yrs IILUMI. •-, Nu .12 Filth @ r.. t. Fol. . ; c o at tor a mate a Co'. Mims and Pendia Seloderss a. -Mutt rll i 1 OkER'TIC WORLD, A cAlectlon of i terns from Favorite Operas, Arnow! hr the PLoo•)orte 17 AL.B ECUS" W. BECR.G.I • 11:16.:4 c.b oath no.ber, .Tait poEllbtlimi 43111.11L02TR BLURB, 1I!Tr OW N trileTY IN LW BEWN AM) D•IiAND I .49 N 0 8 OE4 RACK. ItGaol4ls. 41. The suEurlber triedng a uNio hie !gook et Pl. epow offens for sale, darlug thi9 .ti met month. 06/ FM end- Socoad hand• ae • • t ternalna, Lt b. these PllllOll haee overly al bean wide aspic b 9 illy tut the eoLarther, for reed • g pup.", by the Iwo makers In the country, and • • t. rell.d on u ilnrsble and insult to. Purchasers are reepactiNdly IDE • to call and arr ital of! Mete. for aide by - ZOII2II EL LLOZ. J913-its 81 "ood street. "Ebutattenal R.' & MRS. lETalitilJX'S BJIIO9I. VOL YGONCI LADIIB, wtil ti. roc. paned on MONDAY, roptemt et Rix. !Traria statt Latin taught yid:tont tura chugs, by Tetectoox. a Lulli. at Pula taut Inds's', of the :Oollegl Ottartemsszte: • • Nci. 148 Third at, Pittehorgh. ~k11.4.-41:1•Birminituun,oaktaila and Illetratlds lan put by the door. ante :area illgli.a.llA X IDI bTi U'l'le. etal 1629 SPIIIIO9 STUMM, 0111L8MILPHIA. Thbt , lbstltate, eradiated for two peen peek in eft.i. by kLetaits Cssaossl Antibes Pew 1411/11111 A 11011.1; 10p031 lbs setae principle es the Gan In Non Vora., salsblieberl there at the 'ear 1814,w111 re• taeta on bloodily, sepember ldtb, witb its ustua sm• andolee photo provision Inc the educe MID ot Young wheil, rattler the direction of Madame b'llerwilly. 'timeline, sad ell requisite letersostioa, on be' ote lelord'otieppbcebou to the reituipel. 1 - euo9ed,,,,j *pl. M. fdlisti,s• : .16 I ".EG.M.A.Lat: 1id.E04.1.N.A.61"2" • optiosib'e tint &kola, to her red • L NO. 73 1100008 irraltiT. Oonipepeat twitonbirs him been mcsmed !or nub .partmeht. TWO Pia melon or R.Ta 11071415. Trdtkro In the Reaaerate apartmaat...—...slo (0 dq du Prapatatary do lb 00 do do Pattnary do 10 00 AU Ornamental Mariam sutra. threaten mI. y has eV the prta.Ard Book end 417ein stave. and at her Mau:ham stallittialla I UR Nol WILLI MAI . oponed • Normal School Id 23 St. OLAIN grass% &I slory. Tatimaxy of limo/Mrs. 1 He ta t‘ • cennoellor of the Tear-here; the mere to *boatel of tut Link icir entitle awl Instruction. JOHN J. WOLCOTT. Impair most hamay with the Mem. 0 I etzto 6 i Y mimic M th: opts "1"" 1 1 ,......d it ' MN ' W. H. - INEW ". . tl i tike Litman In lei ea 1 ~..1 ..... 1. 4 111 1 1 : I a l ip 01= that a, li ' a. BURTT.' 11 ticoil of no cnit who duarraa higher testimooilia li I OPATooncur to the sorr . shore reconanten lL li tliM il • IL ; I D. DlNNisos: I Mow prepare pupils for Me High !shoo/ quicker . pietas.. teacher in the city.rt. , I t 1 1_41 T. DOUTHNIT. 0M TI pir week. In advance . assitWand EIBLBCT. GHADJ3D BC/1001.. HE THIRD • SESHON OF THIS vehigal will camel:Leo or. the MUT MONDAY 'the Wirritkora. TIM& ,ersoLiy Deportment per radon of Ale month 9& dm do do do do S Oa 'toe I do." do \ do do ...1600 sgraanot: • Tbiundereigned having pieced their children an. ikr the lastmetfon of Mr. and arc AVIA? dining M Dist gm would met cheerfully recommend MU &hose to the patronage of the panto. The ?anchors 'ire Competent and althea, and the progress of • • pupils hae been highly valedictory: • Mullane M. tiersh. William filadck. ECanon pan. J. SM. Loy. Alatln Loomis. Dr. A. N. Walters. Capt. William Dna Sharma A. Blair. ' Wallas Ctmoh. Dayld ettatsoo.. Samuel Ikatiasy. ro..A. XL Nur& k. N. T. Northam. Circulars, J W apply to the Peiseapal,, Mo. '99 emcee Meat, between Aube sad Wood, or at }he &Wel Boerne corner at Third and Wrest 'smut. au24.1t1 N. 41,11tItY. VOL: : , 1•1= (giKei vl or TEM !RATA 01i rzmnivrizu. li West Peas Square, Philadelphia. . • . i' .. liVii the profericional education of •7 -, GIDMIYUI, AItOIIITM7III, PRACTICAL, :. ounturp .aa OTMLOODSIS. ~ The onwyear , coons on MILITARY RIiaINIDEIL ID% la !gradual:l2 ot.lAtirary •Oolleppe and other/ Matheautheally and the two-y ear comes , -, ter Hie protbetent - will include Meld Foal& Mlieha Meg .Tietics sad 0111/. 41111 kr .1 The 111111th the College itlll Willa 'On Bentember Ma, For mallogue sad farther lonasical edam I• 1 1 ettalw 1 A I" . 3llAlnip t ir c . d l t " ly. Ilikf. &IMMO UnIIfigUSITY. The ' tl Irv; mint term of Mil Manua= will canvass Rektendeor Si. Themlite dame In the trepan. tort thamical end (malt% Department; sad eloo the' • 0110ollealate Ockusla A Dermal Department will . also bi ealtnalaCed tor thaw or both eau who pro. pose to teach. OtUßtill WOODS. • 1 acileaw - t)SNI.I tiTITUTZ, HANOOOK ETBtIS, NEAR PUN, ifIII no : open "an 111.15 DAY. the 8.1 day of 151111111 z ' Tsrau: $26 par .1 . ocari n a! 8 1:: months a. - I'l bk:A .1:SE11:111.14 t*. -• . ... i , FRIL ADEL P4llA'" v lc 1 . ' . 1 olt ; BLS; BATHING, A i • . N. J.. (two awl • half bows ebb' - 4.lphia) in mato ',ttegcsatal tbau any atlas- Ist- :. . 1 ihr Crixlmid Brain. - Its :batting, Bolling awl taking facattlis MI CIO Its Slash mut &warm Hamm itlikb . mill wow ' 1 woods stoat bovea thoassati pleaomy ant avail *. kap aim Um, at Itsestop and Renal. _.' ' . • '4l 1' Um lama rub . salaam iragt4 &Ai:2ft s sir . . lama* drive, vbXub Qs ausionyb,renf Ma Jame Is re. i ; t ll iib mii . riV il d =t Ili** day Na and Mani ' I ,rWadNabla, sad • Implgrnai attends. the wholes lag Ma mid. "I .liai b . arlitus Ossadei . tad Allsatie Ilklived liirre '., ,NID. Buret Weal, Ptdladapbta. el !Mit. ii. sal 4P. 1 Lem ate thmatio af re lkii a.m.lin4 wit r. u. Dllitt, 1 Pa WC.. - ,! slailluXllll (Thltted. eitaboa) 116111. sad tithe? , ..-i. N.SOVIr CattitAlDal Xs Ai VII (3.003:1 • .! ;• • , • - • is I JAE 0.0....trexs and Bt. Mai* ata4 it.pratty tattoo patio alma= .46411 ani owes os Otalta/ aurplanir alias omit Sakoor fataisata Slotorai avast to Yl 2MIS. kin% witapoolltittag as arty =Waal -InoeSat .1 16 tL abaft, to Waft so Sam barbs" Ida sags • LON tuna s_ soft of oar semiliquid tomb Ude 1 11,911/ Mitt CO tbs Md of oomatlas alasassi EAGLE OIL - V?UltiltS. uurrnsa ri. - i zunsiss AND DILLIAIND tirrIAND ciA4l43crzr, OIL.. iagiago built - law* :perastrsq*, ASIVii aims nd Deaspia smut) oahad. 2 Orden Teollsid for the manta CIDADA 1 COSA, , WlllO2llllll Plot Mate& . stem 11 a.,..f a sou elate," t_a_phat this stunoatro °Almost) NUN= Pbol 1 1112 w Wes stink NU Trees. ?earth stool sus rest Sat is Use Geniis mg Slum Mulls, saelPsliTitE - -