The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, September 11, 1861, Image 4

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' I V_ZDNEOA./C'Ofili lB6 L"
_.--:. T. Aiitteeesi inetnel;' - ' ' ' ..- .: '. •
I Lt ttle koMjnr• :s -file!..ol men on their
*i4.. freMi. • Pre ii - 'i - Oili . Id - *iiill46;oo,
#4 . 9lgh tiiiiCitT,'We yesisiday etiednotered
4 litigt .- .1#13_ heilptehatili sees 4,11, - Much of
-::- I tfit Ilk iig,4 o 7 person uviogruttis jra f io...
ligiiiVinie*ineAtid. - 04taln B ten yeti ,
agniniseflog 4 atter ' , .iir YosieelippOii:lll`
. iiiii
kr ' '
the C eld punned, wor Ism: On-un-:.
t-'ploy , of ecksdor Bigbir; 7 ---Ileilifed - b --
-). . - - -
:-. Waage actuary alone, Mikes emt' •fiiin t4'
settler and *hem the silence - .of the Watt
iii"- - brokin by no Otherrjeoun/s - thiai - tha..
~.. : are ortie haying. of tiias.4
p r
wit4n -- 'Vie: that of Aux. , : TEte,Wee
alttiOi o ,„_olii.,:litt mtdea nnieri,bilttisose.
stvoneraytiessiainy baps:mei losioghis ptes-
IMO I t4odi in do,gent-theyroundwith
blastulas knife; and, posinding.into pow-.
der his „blackened tobacco- pipe .he moist.
T Used: It with saliva and bpund it upon the
:„. worn& -The:poison was draw - to the surface
by this application, mid mcepting wtigleity
!- of:ri 3 : - limb;-.iihich- still renniott:hd gaped;
esicesl nal further ill , effects from the dual;
bite. r ~., I,' - i • I .' ''
' " ' : '-' . T: .
~43a.iiiciAlifilt'll',.sialtetiilie .to ws of
-Olearneldi' for la -supply of .tobincii, - =end
it hisirl.i . • bo,chamed to Save from "s*WEADfi
..-.' the child-Of a wealthy citizen, who rewind
ed him bY, A 'present - of three hnigiredilisl;.
' - , laic . The men neverretumed - to his cohin,"
`bat receiving- _the -yeses due ~ to.. him I be
:,. set out feel Philedelphiscwhertak engaged
a teacher ; , and hi 11 - Inietiierled taught bias;
.{.. self to- , re,id... Ilaci was. preaching . shortly
alter buti finding, - bleeklf .pursulser S
. _ -
',..inittudten-4 VOMtion "he bletenniedmut.ati .4
carmirdoetor, , inWhichurcity, lie triitr-'
- ...olednVeri. the sitire Welt and_ ioull; lie. -
; taming to• New :Toth with', shod Vireo -
HthemettistdollaM.l: go niarried'itWesithy:
• ;
widow .
'Naval Torlri who died • a Indnth
,'. after her marriage, leavingliini heir - talon
- -,every.dollar. -.-itie made a seconstventure
.:.:, .31.stsiciritis afterward; his wife eloping, at
l. the . end of the honeymeon with. a native of
se: - -Ilmnbuirg retaining with* pile to his' oils
city.-......Thigusttedyitirthitem he escheired
ii. ivorneri's'essnieiy ; and Went tes'spectaating
inepitentirrights; andwith st sort of, ciao-.
cem thathe a•Ystaisilemesitint olit - ,',9f,the
List:. . .Be secured 4 pcnition mpon
;:,.l tbipolials force of Kew York and in;tlie ,
..' Anutensof/a du rime upon a discharged
convict. -if The Convict gam him certain in,
-I. furnation; the " teeth - of which: he - . On r uhL
'. notilontiL - :: As , heavy. robbery had been
.1 ,
committed on .the continent. -.- The Con--
1 ., vita -ad,` engaged in ifand..knew .
.:`..,' where Abe plunder. -was still .secreted.
the secret from, the
folio*, went toi EuroPe; disclosed;it to' the,
~u p t ori t i ft y- a rd was made the possessor I
-ki-of AMWard - linotmting • to silidut f., sOOO. 1
With ; .money . he teturrnd ',to - Yew
ToskiMil- then to Philadelphia. At the
' , -,,tliikd gown bne night-he met a Tett;
1 -ZifwlMytto*frOU him four . thousand dollate
:vit ,- asTelegle- iting. . The society of the'
Sanibler . , and he went with
.1,.' histi to Wrie, taking the remainder ; of
,C - withtitel-wir -him. ' .e went upon a
riaclKold wits engaged inlibeePlrziOg ,
-- "-i.- -- .lridilloia; Auntiliendill 'Mt near neigh
. 4 . , , b0r. -: Sifeesion- broke - out at - last, and our
rover was ooripelled to' fly by night_ to
I:ol,lfeestoe, - where - .lM..set upon ai veinal
3bound far Cube Withoutmy other ponies
--4;. sins tinii - the;:ctithes. upon his petson.
'l':' , B0:41Iii:' twice ,wrecked in returning- to
Noir Torkodiere he Strived a snore hnndle
of akin and banes: ::After alterisse wanly:
- 1 ' -'.
and poverty,) starvation , and luxurious
- nem, natedriests' and "'dandyism, , .he at
.4 -- .. length. terns up sit In offleer in 4 military
.', company; asking:only to give his life for
'F ~t henauses of liberty..', He leaves in' Team
--: - a flee *Mii. 1113 enep, 'he suppoaes,
haee longjdziee been confiscated to. feed'
-;..: the - rebel Inv: For his Ad estate he
~ • has no ,i fors: .• - Its. csisSication, When
..I:faited Mates: laws return iii - force, ; will
- be a mere-form , and that United tinges.
'laws will itgAists '.e.leonzed' ill"Teisi; is
--,- *olllelitil3ocendi hi general:he firmly be-.
..; lisieig;:fluelt men is oe are the _bistro-
WO **Ws, 1 114.3194OIY:60100 the
• `:. wrings csf the north, but -ars Merging for
their - sawn property. -: Thimore we hove of
• ' - them the better.--phil. It; Amer.
ViliJalagOXlS rwusr.
nIl starmatr 111011111) 10 2BIASCIN
The, ,Washington correspondent, of the
ChiatAoTriburm writes as follows, in regard
,to Comitodca l e-Porter,,i •
nave eddied several interviews with
him, sot find him as-decided as any roan I
have seen, for the nag. lodeed, when he
came thercity, he appeared to the Secre.
tary,!:if the Navy in, a eitiaen't(drees, and
armed him ey ademand for =execution,
if he wait guilty x , of aemssion 'sentiments ;
or of ae=immedide angaittaL The Senor
tan , heard biastor3., 'and premised soon to
give bi*tithip... - The comtaanderla about
forty-eight: pare sof aso, medium! height,
almost it roundai a ;jolly tar, wears a fall
beard r has a tine - eye, and , though hesitating
a little le speech, to givea'towriloes yarns;
and:is very -entertaining, - Ile attributes the
forged ;fatal dated. 'March '32 '1661,w
(which would f indicate an 'Apri l. roov)
Colonet:Mmatagne's instigation—the
late riaidetant cierteot 'the Senate; but 'who
poisoned the minds of Commander's
and left, for eon= arta in the Virginia
army, with' - .Captain . Porter's eon, on the
2lst of-Aprit list; all the family of Captain
Patter e.; his wife and daught.
er, who are yet ln Virginia; The Captain
sends them a;;r - open letter, via Fortran
Monroe, to Richmond, and hopes to see
the again.
Her thinks tile Smith has determined to
overthrow his command in our navy, be.
cause,afel round,in the aecret history, of
the ruifq retiring a bill, Mid. at ether times,
that;he would not Serve the purposes of re.
belllett.t Thslaecret history of that bill for
Rotting yid of navy officers, he:gave me at
length. JlThe w ere 10 it in Cangreat were
all thronNincluding Bevjamm, Mallory,
_Welt Mortis. Stribling, Dupont and
TritheraiifheY fast felt of every prominent
maxim the na vy, and sounded them.on the
queetion of .a!Soothern monarchy, elective
in its =UM and to issue titles of nobility
Two biotic:4 - and one were pat &aide by
the bill; as *Eclat: • Porter was one ;
sod for lotirs was he kept out. - When 1
he was itomi=ted again for command in
thanes) , by,the then President, Slidell op.
poiredliszoifirinationiathe Senate.charg
r. mg that he bad insulted him' t Willard's
by.olg him a'traitor—as he bad,
':.014 -Sara Walston rose, and ailed
1- ; you then take satisfaction, or demand It
publicly ,if not," said he, "you ought not
' to bring lora' ptivate revenge into this
body." The captain was confirmed, and
• bat- notes bowed -to their - behest; and
.."-fience their Persecusiona Commodore Ing.
velum of Kostsa renown, once called all
the . officers` ef squadron late hb flag
abirv - Perter a mong thereat, and stated that
'lie wanted to sound them on -the viestion
of 'an electilie monarchy, - South. ' Porter
told them he should cling to the flag his
Whet fend land fought for. About one
hundred and 'seventy of the naval officers
were retained ender the naval hill spoken
ok every , one:, of whom were of Southern
proolivideti end one hundred end thirty
of Where have since resigned their, com:
oe time this naval bill!arm
the matuntally large,nambet
1-moved" to the Norfolk navy
Capt. Porter regards - 1a one of
:portant. - and to be retaken at
At the came time, there
i'Pri*licamerne coal
Mohr at at Norfolk,
bes.oool The
• Ji.t 110
Wing zehi
714 1 win :
the mask ho
in t coax.
I _
• ;
~ ~~
z.~. _ ~ -~
.~_ ~
-- nritradin fbi 6 -elf3f lalthetatlereare
of Uapt. BRulannyVarbil; fess semetary ot
. 14 -wi ? "idrd and''the_reiellitipna from
al 473.
teadeaelea ike dmplcry Pendergrast,
whoThas been put to .the,blockade eff=Vir:
gfria,:ivebtmlier•ln2lawmfgtroltrting se
cessiucistefc the = joy; Blake ancl'itarro
and already severator Ink`ragn- haVg.reE4l2.•
gritogaitt,, IllOyd was ;arranging the_
for_aupplying the rebellion withartna
on land, so that when the navy should be
all 'right on the iesithe Would be all
tight- Ship
-amore;wern both
made sure an they . coMA Make them. . The
time, came, metthe struck their blow
.—the North all unprepain& .
• There krone point Osplaio Porter makes
'with great good sense, and where he is a
truer than thee:tottny_who have questioned
hie Integrity as' an oilleer.l. Bays bis plea
Woad; be to destroy the cause of the war
aa itet - of emanotpatices for &lithe slaves
the , . Confederate States. , That le the
tray it strikes him; lad rays, who ha 3 been
babied' the bones; and knovis what this
war is-for.
^ ~atel~.
71'1: ...I**) THIRD;
trfiii, 0 , 1 0 -
In the msf . ll.te neZ d r a hoall t of the Job t tra Elnc;Lte
Iceotasiodadm, tellia - recultaitoa 3113110Plillt
PLatt.',". ROOMS AVMS 150 a:strand upwards, par day.
ita4./Ifears at a. Mottlam Bartacaast arum. 10
:lea Harm Priettaxantiav te Mt Bias of Jiar.
Tbli - Ctity Vara- .Paantingeira [rasa
1 any atattoat TO - ot , "ICLUrfith TO toaa
natl. •
• _ . .
ttogilati, herKth.Getatia Epantak vamp.
ON TEgiq+EiXtX 4 .CWRIA , Z I RiLa)•N
Six* Loam:, PtttpiCaats Par Day.
City Hall - Square, iiorpter Vranktiart It.
lOppoolts Mt*. /IBM]
Meals, ea they may be ordeied, In the spacious Ba•
blowy. Thereto • Barbet', blimp and Beth boo= thcllotel.
}9.B:—eOs►ako' 07 Ituimers sad Ilist•
Masa; irbd sip ifs"- ate MIL I
•ooSt:lyd'. - • • R. FaliNaEl.Prepriatar.
latattltanso its.
• " 11.: B.DA'Vff s reef:loot:
• J OtEN . 111,14 - Itkjr, Becrehas and
Ihnitoenen7,ll,ll. - Milo, T. IL Neelo..J. L. Danes.
A.Catoeron, John Into; Jr. •
01 light hpsilki - , from , dell.. or the coripornl,
oil Jo Civet, Venengo couoty,eonstantly, on bon a
and facade. . .
AMAsc tr 11.0erto nte,
' !mvialso , No. O 6 Wood nt., Muni:eon.
1. 4 7_ 000obla. prime Plantation Slolassna,
100 do snorted trends Ojtttp,. ,
id° toga Lodge,
80 boas warted brands Tobacco,
40 rattles 'do do tio
100 holt abuts Toing 'bran and Black Teas,
LO aides . 0,0 do do do
100 bates Rosin Reap,
60 do Olean do
60 do -
dd •Mould Cumin, •
26 de Etat do'
Ma do Opal ' do,
160 dean Broom',
'ln ware and for We n,
nb 140,101 101 1.410,17 Oml.
10 160 bbd,. N. 0, Sonar,
60 63,15., Retard e %Tar:
800 " 'prima Plantaclou Holman
~" .anartod brands Brirmr.
200 bags Rio Caw. {
29 pocket hors Oalrer,
300 bonen sorted brandn Tobaccos
26catrya da do
160 half aborts Young Ryon sad Btaot Two
60 catty Baia do do doh do
60 poser Rada Soalx
25" German Ooap:
'39 • Olean do '
' 60 ." Mould psndlag.
25 " Btarr do
33216131i.:11xtra and itatra family Yloor.,
-In Coro and for sale by
J.2dif iTWELL Lae a 00.
-250 5516 N.O 11olanta,
.• • . ICK/ hype Elo11.4144;
40 bail cheats Young lllson Tea,
5,0 do do Mack ; do
30 co do 0 10611111 do
25 coddles Y. It Tea, 0 sad 1215.. sub,
10 bbla. Bedded augat,
60 6614.001 *n and It; 11. 25tay.
St based EL cud IL Tobscea,
10 do Great% do I do
i 0 do Ppelusea Ofj do
20 do ' Basin's Pa 1 do
60 Sep ,T. 21.*Hiliaxeire titbit Tobacco,
- ' 20 caddy 6624434 lb. lamp do
ice Ixattlkelp Step,
26 do Tarlygstad ego, •
gs k.p gl Oub Hod
46 beim do, ' do
I 6 store • al 0,4 oda by •
tell • - , : W tIT 4*l 001/„.2B3l,lbetty at.
N,JI SOO •••114 Prime N O Molums, ant incline;
100 hhda.
Praturylvania bytop,
28 do New Yost do,
•100 '4o: , Arkated Sednidikor,
• 20)bodspilind.Flkigatkih
100 hi °amt. limped& ri El had Q P Ti,l
100 his,,ssiertid onialslTobaci,o,
atom •to
•. t • . damn 2 DILWORT/I,
ace . • ... • 130 hod 104 deiziod easel.
UST REOLIV.ED- =ln store and for
s dorm grist Hared Hamm, _
6 hbda. Eamon Stbreddero,
' :.46 bblo..N. O. bledairoa.
25 twin Prime Holmberg Obreme,
50' do W.:11...0rr0
2. do B loglimb Miry d.,,
20 dos:Broom;
bbl. Nary Bose.
25 boo h Ariod.rearbom,
EA do do Apples,
ass I 247 Llbortp stmt.
LIQUW E'EN N NTT—For making
.42. Milk. In a t0...1321405, • moot anti,* ea
ttILLLEISOT Nowt 111. totbr i bmlintol and emintak
eat. ttnrktfoxie ,e4ch 'toc•ttl• for mob&
811c;.;Taciat ind .Ir•e•otia. 11 large, train igipply!
Jog n o.t•xl tram cusaurer• sad f•r Mae bi
qui duiau ~oF sin& ptatts at Lb. Ain't', °ratty
stir. of, 3' LI A. HENtiliali,
and • • L minter", tlbtrtry nod nand ea.
. bbla. No.B lint4lactcrel,
' 1$ do .No. 2_. •
't6 bi•aile. Lake Wldue Lek;
20 , 4, do Hertlor,
/a etzaa sod for tale be • 0. . 0124111.LD CO-
rotruo._ _ • •
&$p. iWU bidet,
In skis and Fer. 4•4 by. • - •
Asill 8 130,11 8 101 n 132 nomad .41 est
Lobo Extra Braid largesloes ofLartlng 0011fIr Trend, •
Gelding Oleic rod gezeO Baskine. I's and rs.
truant, ktorooß and Sid U One do do do
- LSO,
- dentlinnent Orrerla Ckmgrem DookakthCiOlters.
Do Wench ONE Balf.Boote.
• 01:0BODO &tau t
JAL , 'Min* .of Wood andoonrui sifters.
MEW OUtitAti,N4llEN.P.lities'xfoeivod
LI fa stgro sad 164'105. ~ ;„ ,
t 40 loblg. Oran t=sp!stiai. ,
2,60 lbe. Bun Ithotglprol'
16,144WD •
S*41101;OrM0:144 1 .1.
bblihOrPrviagarr ,
cured Trajne.
2.olbaletr 154,:1tde50.1 Almon o
11" do Obb do'
`Walnut', •
Wow laadlog and in Worpoad for wi. by
' ona o ; Yi BE6I.
UG4 . 1.1i1376100 bhdis. N.
_ del dub*
- ow &Sued 'do
In ikon and far mile by
GLENDS--260' bus. priIIIO new Timothy
N o r, &id; „Tod'. do - do do Clam Bold,
storieutd trial, by
10P OK OIL= 609, bble. suitable for
AA !, "abi7s. - 191 - rms ' ra, a Sox..
• So Cif &TO Wsta. stmt.
Alexandria for sate .
112.101/1.1-700 lbs. ,
:err_c :: ..:^.' • vv..? 4 "•-~~'<":!'~..;:_.~ ,a'. ~ . .'`y,..
Vermin Exterminators!
llama priparstlons (walks aU others) us
'lll.O from Pobocia.
"1241, dahmatto to tha Imam tangly."
Comm oat of their holm to Ms!
Tut tuotand More edablithed 10 . ti.w Turk Oily
Used by—tie City Poet Moe
Used by—tile city Prisons 'and 91a119n Roues
Used by--Oity BleamWl, Ships,
Used by—the Oity HozpitslB, Aims Houma°
Usad by—the City Hotels "Astor," "St
Nicholse," ga
Used by—the Boardiog Houses, &e.
riled 44---ioare thin 50,000 Private Families.
jar Su' what the People, Press and Petters say
ENRI?' ft.
=wi COST 11.11.—i1l the mama II
WY se hats
own t ro weled th liowass and Moe. xual
whawied of Umlaut" for the Boatbsa wan avatridiam /
valthwed bow of Tow Sttartalnator sod Mal it. and in
caat weak there ras sot" Bomb or K la Oa how.
Joss onya
Inn Stmt.
nousracirazeintS—trantsid with wain. nod b•
so no Imam. It %bey aw .. Cortaa's" Ilharrminatoti.—Vfo
woadand It to our astlotsallon. and It tel $5. no
bon it. :nro had Wed poisons, but Voir eltoonpa no
thing; but Cortmes uncle tnixtst no bnatti OW o. rat..
Wound lnas,* ens welts It. IA la In
vont lemands4 over teui onuntrb—ilduebos Gaeta
mom; tittAui sad marls:loos ore destrorod anonsity
to tirsot VauntLtl vortoto. *so would pE for tow of tt•
not oad loot Aturr.—Limegrater,(llll.JUodi.
BERT COSTAR—Tour ittamtbstor Is up.
rolvattoised, aott prononoced a deeded noon& We turd
• box of it, sod tbs oray We Sate and Mot antond our Mil-
Wm* Weed MM " Mut night was a eauUon - b diem
slobs them sot • Mst_or Mottos bee broo besot la knottao Or
colisz,74,4o•llyr li ars) 7.••••
i ILIVIC /NEN WILLING—fano oitanottottor
for tho Ws wear. not ban lowan It • non alms mar tnno.
• I nano not lu4ws no lon in•nines Instanoo."
Gneiss Booz, Ikungtot.Carnlngtoa, 0.
411 At IFELLING—Tour scsaisatloas sasidls.••
"slum usei, bats. KIM Bombs& and
Vs 4/sainess txassaltsmr.
gozsa A asoorm. Dv:14'40446.5r. Mawr. MC
To Datroy+-ItaLa, Bowie's, &a.
To Dratrog—HMir, Moles, &c.
To Destroy—',—Bed Bugs.
To Deotroy—t— Mottle, Fleu, Lots, ate.
To Deatrop—:7-Aloepaltoes.
To Dmiroy4 —lnsects on Plazas sod Pawls.
To Dutroy-----lasects on Animas, &a. .1t
To Destroy-,--Every term sad species of Ver.
"Ccatsur'el Bat e Roach, &a Exterminator
' , Costar's"; 1344-brig Exterminator
''Costar'e'r Electric Powder for Insects.
If IS. See. SIA &au. earns§ AND FLAilti.
RIM, BOATS. nolfalarDe.
,par• Sold, Everywhere -4r
UI Wnoinanis DIOGOISTS In lame DION
RSTAIL ril(Galall-43waiso-3rolui-a4iPtIA
ia all Country ?Maps IM Sow
Whoterra* Agents In New York City
Onlattalln Oroinars & co._ Etarnd. Eisler & Withal&
B. A. rAbnaetook.l4ll& Os Raab, Oslo & Robinson.
A. B. &U. nerds &w. . M. ward. Close & 00.
. Wbeetar & Ran. . adeltlesor & IlAbblan.
Reran= & uo._ . , D. R. Ran& & Oco.
Hail. Kunkel & uo. V. C. Walls & Co.
Thomas & Faller. Lasalle, Karen & esetoss.
P.D. Orrin f , llall.Dbrou & 00.
Mora(. Put& Mora (. TAP & 06 .
Mallory & !Modal. Conrad las. •
I. :-.=
Geo. 0. Goodi& *I &swim & totter.
Winn. Jr.
All the Principal Cities end Towne in the
Milted States
PlTTB,lllUltall, PA:I
B. L Faimestock & Co.,
Principal Wholesale and Rehul
* Mad by Dllitlolllll, Quail MI SITAILIOIS gautrellv, ta
Unit sad Oevirtirr. •
0111.001111 . 41' DIIatILY tab order as *boss,
Or 4d. *ran Otesot—(or V Price+, Tenn/. as
aro &lira',
Fitiattat D
iy~:l ~~ti-'it- ~.Y:~ohGf`^+:K: ~ a~w.,c~K+riii.r+~3,.c~a'-
Philadelphia, PA
P on s. !Ebbed Shoemaker
• Oh , Prawn ,llama e 00.
Boatoth Mass.
won to Doshas.)-41
, No:1112 Eradiusy.(opp,die Ow It. 110 i
a. Tail.j.
t F,
i ~ i .. ~ 7
--- -pBMSALS.
.i. • 4ND .421.,stilstlICIS HAINSE.B.B- ...
cams a LINT 010‘111.0 MID TAMPA et;
CRTCr ifillllo7l sad Jikrrir sweet- '
Now Yost, Aulizia 1 4 .1061. 6
Patioesis wilt twtscarredbat ttat tete for in-Ow-b
-iog. by antral, army Wagon lama: .
The papools amid state the ptloe at whkh ties
can to Aintiab*l at Ate pleas of mennfatnee and
the rite at which they can be deitaired at toll as.
Ipcd, thetthaibbt.taYeb ban. be made by the bidder
l ettitelp Die month ateiracsiOt of the coda: also tia
nutobarattichha can deliver wlthhf on* *ea. - • .
, Thlt harneweatist.exactlycomfacco to the 'ollowing:
specifications and to the established patterns:
--Iftstrainle tiiiiiiii ia 6111,100 s win : .
Two Quilori—BrOwali iTripii II Wad Ir.chee long, 8 54
aches tebie, sewed Into lunch slogs of %Ina:lna:
hip stripe 3-teet 11 lachalong,23Cincita indo clay
piece, 2 het ./caug..2g, baba 'a with 154 inch
backlog crow sirens to boccie luta *ay paces, 6
leett long, It 4 Ina' wide: itAii strap 4 fool long. 1 %
Inch whit; tier atttf4ll3lmch , s lout, %Inch wino,
tapering tow point.'
Two Bally &rods: • Unmade two feet 3 Inches bog, 2'
Inches arldeorith • two loth tackle: titan Ode 1 fo , t
6 Inaba bag .and 2. ache. wide.
Two flair Collage.. lBto'l9 lobes tong, with donOls
•' elrsneand Salt lathers acid inckla Minch wide.
Two Pali ollittong.thna to sat, made a white ask
root, ironed , with boots,
_boost rap 1 5 4 bob
gnats`mantes aid line zings.
Two Pair a Muni IStiiiii; Lower one 6 feet 6 baba
100 g, X, It= wide; upper oas 4 son Slakes loogji i
Tar 6 Wales: Clitneit 'plea) 2 feet long. 1$( loch wide;
chi ss.
eek paces each 18 Is ' 10ng.156 inch niart hoot
piece 11% aches long 1% Inch. We stay please,
Punt blade to crown ile lichee long, 1% Inch
II wide: awe plea lk 1 es Ion& 1 Inch 1110 1 hands
i 8 Inclaeleagb 13)4 Inch Arida reins, iongilda duet'
long, 1 Inch aida shalt Wallace moo inch Wide,
with 1 loch bustle; hats, tinnid Mal an, to weigh'
it me to tbe dean. `..- ''' "" • '
Two Pair Club Pipes,2 feet lona. 2% lachis wide.
Two Tar Tape Chetah! fat long, 16 antra to as tat,
ef He 6 bore, with Ton one sad, weight 754 to 8 It
pw par. . Twisted or straight.
One Pair of Brea! Chaltne,23 11X11011 long, It links to
the foot, aNo 8 iren. Twisted.
Two Neck Ursa, 8 feet 1 Inch long, 254 Itches wide,
with 2% Loeb tackle.
Two Neat Mains, 4 feet 6 Inches long, 14 links to Ito
loot, Nod Iron, T and loop to be meted unto the
wait atop. Twisted. . •
On. addle, wade on Atalanta tree, had, gullet
and ant* Ironed, cetored to the rested wey, , with
balfantied Wine hide; taps Ti Inches long, 10
talons:lde; satiate I lest -0 itches 10ng,3, 1 e,
Incas wide, orb b • au inch tikkl• un Mei sad, !to_
be fastened to the male by bows tintedlo two
curved asap 136 Itch wide; these area are plead
one on each ode of too radio tree, one end Is tied to
the trout paid tha.bsrole other eta to this".
tastes of theta Waal the Guile, spa dsh addle
tasiocea 'Wrap tauter. 4 ICct t iCtbai 10ng,.;,
Inch wide, with 1y lab two:la. .ticrna, mantas'
Iron, taped, bolt sal nataru. to 'tithing the ant
Loan air.
Tim 001i5re,.1.2% tolb incli,s long, made tbs same se
for wheal ttanteei.
Two Palr of Bemis to tuft, of the same martial as for
wheel itlitl2olllll. Uoasd, with bookm breast rings and
Lee rings, iilta wipe a. to wbeirbirriews.
Two bridles, same ai for wheel barmen.
Two Wert fluapi and Oben% um* as for w 6444
Two 801 l banes,
Two Pair Chats Plpo., s "'
Two Pik Trace Mew,
Two Crippits and 111 p Stripe. Brat err . ap 6 feet lung,
tapr.rtig from 11% Melted to 2%
-I% t ochre Inds. flip
114 !!.P . r 44 b 314,4 4 1244 im long , loch wide, earn
with a bock at ono and.
Two Back 8px03..,3 het a filches toug.3s4lachaa
Two alictinhalca, 4 loot 104,104 lath •tdo, to buckle
Into the
One Ooapiing 6troo, 6 (tot 6 trithca 10ng,% Inch wide.
Ooe Chknk item, 4 tact loos 1 inch wine, to Nick!,
Into lhb Litt et tub end; pith • rill sewed in
th• pinta" to CON tie the lead I.e. -
One bead alms, 3.1 feet Ion& jf, huh elev. with •
beet le at one eetl, and an 8 Watt lout, at the Leber.
One Whip. betel 044.1 torea.hide, 0 /pet I huh"
Ono Ileum Brzeb, ova, of bristle, foams,
Ode Gutty Ootob, No. 2 tB-11 tar.
'rho *hole to be - pockod In • Lot about 18 lochs;
.144, 17 itA.444 deep, 84 Maas long, m0..14 of 1 Wail
staff, • rt - . 1. wood hoops or iron 44 may be required..
poor 1.14‘.,... 11s 00., os JoUows, to Ulu
Two Quilors. Breech imps 3 feet 3 Indio long, 8%
Inches wide, into 41neb rine at % Into iruu
tap straps 4 feet tong. 3 twees wide; glees pkeee
feet $ inane long. 3 Inches wide, with 1% loch
boater, erode swept to buckle Into at. pl can 6 tart
long, 1% lath wide, side steep. 6 bee 6 anther km&
1% teas wide; tie etsepe 14 Inches len", 1% trace
wide_ fettering to s poinc
tiro 84117 0&a64. Long alas 2 het{ Inches long, 2
Inch 44 •100. with • Y Inch Mulch.; abort Ado I lag
6 hale* tong and 2 to widw
Two ll4r Collars. CI to 33 Wars lone, with double
Maim and gals la•Ulotaasid buckks ',14 loch yid..
Two rift of aturag Umtata salt, mad* of whits oil
root,llninoil ugh hike, brims ship 14 loch nom*:
moms alba Coo riags.
Two Cat rit Maim stamps. Lollar axis 6WI 0 hada
km 4 /4 Inca wide; oppsr one 6 loot 6 inches loni,
$ IGO whither iPoco Loaned teartker.
Two Blkllos. Crows pima 2 Piet latches bog, lb
isch Wu* Clint Woo each 10 lochs* long, l loch
•iire4 trout piece 1254 tochaa long, 14 inch wle.r.
.le) Owes, from blind. to crown pima., 10 lochs
1004114 loch orllia* nose playa 12 Inches long, 1
Loco r •rl/10; Wands 0 Ischia long, 6 ludas* wide; raise,
looiraule 4 loss s lathes bog, 1 inch .14.1 c shoat .14.
I feet bug, r inch et4e. with 1 loch buckle; Wits,
mufti moil.. co ...hut 6 ibt the doom.
Two Vale Chain Pipes. feet o loam, wog, 13{ tutu
Two I TraeaChaloa, 7 fey t long, 14 Maks to the foot,
of titt iron, uelitodi or straight, with T ou one end,
waif As per pale.
taae 01 tto..t chain; 18 Inches long, 14 fake to
che ibot.ot sag Iron, tnleted•
Two Neat etze i llizet luau 1014,234 tubes wide,
Ta7olt a gt3ltflasel Gat 6 inch.. long, 14 Lb** to the
tool.ltatited Noniron. T an a loop co tot meted on
co the neck strap, swivel In the flan.
One Saddle, toads oa Altakspas Um hoed, &Whit and
mate boned, carried la the usual way with bal6
landed bane bldg fops 40 lactutaloug, If lochs"
fridin forcipes 7 tea 6 Inches long, 354am:bat wide,
with afyg tub buckle on one trod, to be testened to
the iodate by holng Mahal to too coned atop., 114
lucid wide; fixesloops utopia:Wow on gun aloe
of hie eedinetreit, cue end la Ord to the fruit pan of
Ors Isr, the other sad to the extension of 'hornet'
Uhitid the aunt, epeitYo caddie feettiorp nthrttp
battier, 6 twit Inches long, 13{, tub olds, with IX
inch: bock* 'afro" matteable tun,' thpud, bolt
eye Patina. to weigh IIa D OU to sateen par. •
Two Bridloi,eatae u for wheel hams,
Two Collars, 20 to IC3 lodge kthg, inure lb* nate 16
to *hod tumuli. •
Two pair of Ounce to aillot acme materiel as tor
wheal hereof, tuned, tilth hooka, bnatirlngs and
barley, filth meow in wheel ha 10....
inietteet ettispa and Chains, fame an toe abut haf
Two Belly Bands, wow as gn wheel barmen
Two Year Chala Plpee who ea for lit.* hernias.
i tar ?me Gbalne, *ewe at far wheel tarsus.
Two wypete and Illy Misr. Beek wrap fleet lot 4.
tapering Mewl% Bebe. to 2% Water wads. flip
Swap* wah battle...oath 2 Ws 2 bitten long, 1%
Loch wide, with wroaabi boas. •
two Sack bawds, ft hell Waage lon. 1i 1 e 11 . 2 . 146 .
Two Iderdoolia, 4 Awl long, 1% kali wide, to battle
Oat klub:hag Strap, 6 feet 6 lochs leng,3g loch wide
One Clack laic, 4' hat 1 both 1=4.1 loou.skio, to
bac le into the bite' anti end, with a ring mewed
In the tenter, W receive the Ind Hue...
One Leal Liu., 21 tett lotto. % ant vette, with
Goal.. at one ltd, and ao 8 hull loop at the other.
One %hip, heavy plaited bored hide, 114ent 6 Inch.'
Ons hone Finish, oral, of. Isamu.
One Cures Ottub, ttoBl3-8 bar.
Thawtal• to be. packed Inn Ent about II liattea
teds,6l inched deep.Bl Inches tune, wed* of I loch
staff, papered: wood noops to Iton,aelney be requital.
Thttwiudi to be souls of lbw twat owns!, oovilog
lob. ,31036.1 , 113 good..orozeo thread, and sohtat to
Itapat dutityg .hepr.xsaot utanulantnat end slam
MOO 6 bets* barium le required, the lad bonzes,
bildiee, haus, neck soap", tatty band., chala pipes,
Weal theft.. tenpins end to. aisoyo, beet bands Na
coOpllog attrapLette doubled; one inuring than 3 fro:
kag,l4 fluitek;the too Lot tie 4 tranorittk • T on esa'
wd 03 34 3; and 33.1 Vos lo Nil 30 foot 10ng., . • - •
lb. whole hi ti. tee 4the tat An•imi&t.sevrtnig to
be ends VIII 'goal waled' tbresd, sod enbfect to hi ,
epeetton duties Ow promo of wanntrute and also
when dabbed.
W;a g lunar itanials la rignfred, tood collars,
both bane% sock strops, belly bonds, chola - plias,.
uscouttstas, {mayor sad Wit wraps book beads awl'
ucaptrop strops am doubted: out bearing &wilt toot:
ku.5,„114 haulo lac foot, of No 4 • Iran, with 0 • T oW
aeon od attliwt. and trail hoot° tor WI loot loos.: • •
Pulp:4W saw Po unload for esstiatt mud do.
ii ••16114 uel ;Waco haroroo for owo or tour male or.
hors* tostsw—a apeelticatioa of whibs herorftlir'
/opus or propoital aril instants. will. ho faro lotted
uporOpplustlow to udi cza" find, none will bo cow
Welled that 40 not COilanin Manta .
Tbip *kliegs I. teberfat b sod for the Ihtitsli
BMW, of niaoUng any ptupoials that amyl* docoll4
extuaiogsah • - '• ' • _
PrO p cools bo luiforood on the : envelops hullo
slog =hem, ••Proiailafi for inruistdog Army Wagon
and A tabulators harness... sod srl drowse; to •
Molot P. U.
as 2:11 " Awietprtniultar 0.8. Ana,.
BTOall bin beim emond from No at ►llas
arm. tO
180. 80 8T• °LAI& ST.,
roar Doan from Morn IL
I.llAikal,--2,o4)olthith Mille, at.
; • 24 00 do Venda do do •
' 000 ,do o{ereardls do do
I . ..TOO do Depot Mill,, A W, hes, do;
500 do Oranges Merry "tree; des
1 . 1 SOO-do /WY brandar
_ oof the lieore ire ebcdoe lot& eery brands
a amlT sod for isle by J. 0. auoirre I 00.,
sae Ye Water cod 54 hint streets.
IN iiTORN, and for rale,
31ditt1.P0In.Oor.re4 11= 1 4
50 dos 41 , 0=14 ;
MI 4bls. N 0 blotamiee t , t
10 0d • Pun 50055 ."2 valOT 100
Pa iisichf..-159 , boxes prime t:heeee.
so . Ail iKii . ; , , •
, beis. *. a buy meditroi, 0 terser ,re,wires, PDS for ..M 4.- •
'II hlbblii do do do. '.O .I. N 1 . . DIMLY 14. CIOLLINF.,
Nor lii by - - •
, T , sj tlerad W. W. Manure bat. In seam and for 1.. aii ty
rr P.A.NSPlifitiN 1! isAki. WAX", .. i .o. by , 1 ,I, 11. VWCIT
".a. I 40 5 &Übe PUMA if Nadal' ' . Loud' fag sas I salJberty Ens
comedtract Om tourdbatorrs, dad • a• 1. pi A
.Luo - - 9.1e-20 bbls. 76 end 91 p. a.
er r " ;121.!e r,5 , , i ,„.. 4. lgaw. .a, px pup by. IL L. TA MKS/ROOM It 00.
- ,". ..
• • Mole Of .• . ad HAM .los , • 1 - . . ar*"9 f ' M O •DaW° ? d 4 5 ' •
5z.,,,,.. , ,. :.... f .;.:,3
.„ ~. ~.
_,,,,,,, ~., ~ .
..„ . 4.,. .L,,, ,
~- ~.„......„....
......., ,. ..A.
''' P ' " O . 4.;•1";' : . .5..i.W..a..-- .;.- - - ---, , : , 4 , -- -, -
. , . . •
• ,
. .
f ,
• 7 • 1
1 ,
• .
, .
• _t t _ .
. . ..
_ .
- GROVER' , - &s , BASER'S
I - wIT4I. aiI:CACI' 4J/ir. ALL.
P 4 ' .1 IRON dtf, TO $9O:
IN 0 la . q INGF 3ECElAiMittEliat,
umi.l; ZII2 and Um cartafloint of Iltqpithe
scorers watwaltaant apatrawnt decision of the Vol.
tad &atoll:low; alTrotlag Ow saUdlty of the tinter
' h haltratdoodpit4W Pttanti. otwhh , Ira. rortPdaY td
landatathetr .Prat a, llLebloaa, wlth Important tom.
;ammonia, at El TLI 4111DLO SD PMTS. Tha•j
rapoticiltY of Ihdaa tied:WWl for tawny are and Lc
matiofactortra,Z the M. sane of. purpose and'
anwatia . Lie .tri tho7terd of alto:tunas Wog
Pp*, And ; the pokes at. Thkh thry are ,
pop Ida per` livid:lln the meth of all, cod oh.
latoiall :amain tionporing 'with thaw Indlador
And low ptioadAshichlriao which bare ao tooth min.
ddowttbs amble , itisohtna -dine. : racy =whim
hold hyrta• fa: •.., , ••. ,- :., - : . •
4 iNi Allitlai FOB • TRUE YEARS.
We also give Wen, Ikea of charge, to mobs
men, to enable thr to }Am, fell. Gallact Took and
hmkoldon, all bn the sanw machine.
.11OrClecderi 'be had at our antra free orcbarge,
- i. , ) applying Wile tin per= Or bY mall.
N. -13,1-howlng• ' NAM:" Noodles, Pllk Twist,
00“41. Igo., copatazoli an band.
NO. 111 311TH ilazirr. prrrasuaaa,
.sto_ b . fo t litarigins,. favains, an. ra 11..F9CA0 r TW4
Duque no , Foundry,
tabert9 NI near OXlter.Depot Pa,
*Licature, nor sLarr and ROLL
rtf:ACIZ CAB SINGES, of every
• GON.Y.6, ArA. allr on baud nod for gala log.
. order* 'left r ietb W. W. YOUNG, corner of Wood
tat and Dliticil'alleZ will receive prompt 'Guy.
3z /3
WE XAi TAV I) Iff 0 a Et, 0 .
A. . FL •A, D la .1C Y
Ilia factortsaver7 vstioty of
• ' , COOK. *ftaion. ADD 11MATIII0
LA--HateriV, FRONTS, vicaquickto
too. ore. dro.
prietar of the celebrated
lee Room,
4. Wood Street,
Sole Pio'
Offloo and be
AL1.1314, mocoardics a co.,
vA: i... 14, ic )a , ouw I) R IC,
Wareho No. 52 St. Clair at.
PARI4II and MA I IND l !STUNTS, Parlor
and IS Urban tlltstar; Hollow Ware, etc Steel aoll
nass/drita. 'Wein WM Hastings, Mill Goaring.Ges,
Water and.d.rtrran pm Bad Irons, Dog trona. Wagon
I,nres, Pew Hettlor, Pulley a, Ilazgera, Oar W 1.0.1.,
CoupileXlOU4 Olatingl emenalt. A 444 Jobbing arid
Mealni Osadogil made to 'order: Patented Portable
.till., lAD. eturna.or Horse Power. noLlulard
fittliqiort abbtrustmnits
::.t • ; • :
end thorn datums of obtaining the
O uNtillts 00itht should s. 'het the articles they
porches. the Sea with the furl name of the firm,
• gnarantseof the sonadness and durability of the
Ms cantle* la rendered menden, necersery, as
lugs guentiNteetif Inferior and &forum Limns are
prepared, reacial altar seethe and waled with the three
ern ItIONARDUON. Irish Notiwith who, regardithe
of the inthry Wilke on the aciethan
consnothr and the mantribthatere artier genuine Goodie
will not rose* sbandon • twines, es profitable,
while puntheire can he Impose} oo with Goode of •
worthless chruthter. .
. .
Elt 40CEL11, •
rolklvd Heade etre•t, New York
Via ais Remedial Agent. -
TEM DlililCloo6 TOMO Ib3lllllLal3l,
ESPEC a ttLdesigned for the use of
the Al Preifewiew sad the Away, being
soperaseded thy,
.Schnappe," ewe Is pow endorsed
by all of WS neat phyechina„ chemiate and
°amalgams, sie all of thaw &trews eneri.
dual gushtlera( ano disuses) which Wong to an
bold and pairt o 3 , ln. Pea op in quart bottle/ and
held by al drice Pawns etc.
Dr. OR/ 11.1111111 g, Wood et., Agent.
tgatablishol,l 1770.) Mole Proprietors,
edible N 0.19 Woad areas, N. Y.
10 Visitiatit6NS, FRUIT TREES, gab
J 241
6e.—Wavy nit the Wheel& of InCte
er ffi
no an doom og their groan& with Ornamental
grargressa, TtreW, Phrase, Ate, Is car &warn ea.
lectien„ cesoirsimb all the pew-Ipol hardy rosistaa
sa doltoos 4way
. Bprnce, Austrian, Scotch. White,
Hemlock, Sil mod Wallah larch Plum lodgers,
Bat Lhder, Oraradinoto Sol, Upright Sol, Liberian Ala
Writhes, Stitt& ler and Chinas Arborvitae. 1000
Wong piano Otthe Medan Arborises and Upright
Bo; on ankh are lovalsobLe tor neetwee and
beauty. ACyXoAppta, Peach and Chem Trees of
good LW, sod bony of oath du. 300 trees, commen.
sing to besri 'hi the adebreted Delia de Ohotiew
ebony. Ihregivens, from two to 8n fie high, &
werlatp. palm and shipped sa dlredted,llllo Per 1101 .
Some thowandi of ltrorgreens, ranging from Sys to
ten kee, fur plraiding in the lowediate neighborhood,
st wry bow rates
Itefereanno lion. lodge Wilkins, John Porter,
B. 1, Zahmadark, Wm. Waimea ors Donny, J. dorms.
Wiwi to ear eddripm through Wiens Seesaw
Allegheny scanty, Pa, promptly attended to.
Pittsburgh Bodge Term Newry, sitnalas on Wit.
kfoe maul; Weeks wet Wan the lot Lit.
orty Pewee& lirey Switch, ow to tut Liberty.
mietliwt _ WAIL A JAB. litUlibtairt.
• I Ism, soace,so.
In Mamba's Wants to the publics for their patron.
age, Ittlisertoiollbnotly extended, timid can their
atlantic% to very Large Mock of T 115113 fey this
stock of 0 1 ph, Pear, (standard ind dwarf,) Peach
and Merry fir aimed' anything 1 haws aver ndwid.
All of Oh. mind approved varieties, wrought by pew
awn having 01011.1 kaoadodge of t h e boainees, and
every ear* ultda to have every Mad Woe to name.
Ot Apple:oam alarm we hare ibu,uou—ati,oua of
which t ee chtyear olds. front ato 8 feet. To such
wi want 11711241110111 1 141r0ni 11 to 3 fest, by the 100
or 1000, bargigliteval4 be gtvett. think large Maple,
for shade, ply 1100, get. lchtra large Ansartorm and
snug, ( 4 ,sey. per 100, OS, to. Trea•Plantere, plasm
gins tia a - Wt. Clatalognas toot has on apgiksaten.
. .Bddraon Pltthistirghh 0413" N Al 3fl
tana ertors
a cs,
Pa. nth 'JOH:m..Ia.
Lahr lemming Oil.
p‘r GALLO. wrimisoily: on bend and for We
br, I s. a Jell . BANTER..
All to th e putty, we refer se lionessd rectlficetre
Pirisovaen,:for. ST, MO.
Usages. B. CO. Ss J. U. Getup-11m teibilcii•
Deg maw. ri pitted from 3oa we and to be the
bees fur sir Werpisee we Wm* ever lewd.
ii I Tea I, LILL Bat ON,
wart Dr Wa. Dam Preen.
F ISt'.l.
80 Ibble. No. 8 large Iffsolcarel, our;
100 !bell bbla. ilo 8 do do;
315 letttente.2 do do;
81.birlir. No. / Milts itleb ;
88 bait Mils. No. 1 do;
ID ben bbli. bit 1 LakieHerrioilt. •
for We WAIT W; /80N,
111 0 Liberty rtrert:
Vitskik4 ARRIVALAN FISH.-; - .
A: 200159109 0 SI Urge IliaCHllitEL:
. 900 do` no 9 do do ..
900 96194 a Lama ...1;
ioo MI. Nol 1n t091169 "
20 do Baltimore do '
ID do t do n - 1160%
UV h9bbla Wks Molar.
60 d t Wtd .91/6—on coaslioment for
We at lama 'prim by I
• • ' 1013 N It 1101701. 00,
• cor !ohms ...a Wan. Et... eut....r.. Pa
odoq .tl4
B Or
10:A11011 B
100 CHIRP.
B 081tAP. ' • ' -
011111811T18138L83 08E1P.
p 0832 DLICSIY4 0818,8, .t
-_,,DMICIIIMRLD A 08.'8.
Uili le hereby given that ariplica
.A..l Om igin N malt to hIo aldieeticy
senor, fut Inetattlee clemency In behalf ot.
nem% LOW 1515711 , a term of hanrleonment in the
Weston teileentlary. • . etekat
U - LLIII.IItBOOKS.- . —All the author
.o.l. lied Kinsale of the War Department, ter we
by • eat ' ' KAY *130.66 Wood et.
1.7- 7 , 1 -,
~~xii*ixlf~:' .
c: sq 4 TEA , Casa !AOKI):
- 11103ZDAIL'it •
is aaaa.M.eaD,4l:, .401
WAIL . 1'3.11.14" Sara Naricise, ktials.gav ry,
=Jct.^--a •:.acayiaor,rols:V.3o a. at. iii4l7froreitil,
prizelval a op. coonectit mw!tiatroln
erect for Bet' n-:07; t-tys i s fa . sro.nso ...: _ot at
tins l'filtoP3ll Jr:VIM TRIM lame. Ani. as
'its-st. 144 414014 may syythsstpis statteid, Scabs
attractcC. anuort aklivollisswaw tattaststs son
'Ulna In P.' 4.4.llla,ca•Xalthaw• •
Nada, 411 7 Isleapt
raw :r 14,14oppIrrt.aals aremabarg.,
14•Z•04.. tidy: ttIWA4 ttltlmcto, ailnigehlAWNlAlL,C4j
la st:eviim IA btfielpiaa,at 610 a. ;
- -'4oojiittOusinstst mows.
taaapt bonds) ).1.1•60 Stainbtil SP' 1" 43 , 1 0
and razzing to as Cooluaaosb.
lltai 4,tccoramodaticu Train ammo / 1114qaja ras
.Lary' (a.unot rwoda)ral
&wad dtent'aiabdstlcia , - 'fru& WOlri as**
!onus o.x: plotapt. acsaay).“llo3 a. e:-'• •
laM6Aceola aarAW:ra Train** Waft ;Walton lain
tszapt Enn'ja
Pcrarth aletolticut .I.`rsta Mt ,. adios
ii-oar (keep: adadaytat C4ll r. .
rusuraing Tralz.atriiin u ?ki amnia folionaajm
a •
zprw,lll.3 rar.;, Wall, 11,60 a act fait Llaa. _
A,. a:, Johnattvra' 1041 coLc.nrat
Wilra ,ELitina .2 •
tk p ' CM a,
.44; Illocclnd
Wan :SLW.lnti" • lit TalrE
walla , bla - a. rt . troth
wawa Bastion AcmaiimlOAtto3.4ll n-• • 1
Tralas time Blairrelllaimbil India= anuil4 at:l3)alra
villa Latiroadlon,ielAdolamtowo Alowaraocniatlisa wra
Z n i 'g !98w,0 4 , 6 FiaLr rroaht
rittoure, - a- COliaagiilll , ofralas, 'at pis
Inl slarittallrarga , 001111•11/1111.11 RA44 tun
lactldalliag.WO pt. follayss—llaltSnsAtO
an TT** LID r. assandm, Veto
tram • a C 4 ' 6l} h l i t c" EM U '
Tb/ taring tins 3 Ond It snot* it; IS* dr
lb going tart or _Was; to Cravat by atorrana
sylvab Itpllawala Itta„ awawonatatios stit.ood
caunc4 sardas..edon ctl othst rotai..l Tao 80, ta
Waited with .Icc. tab Is Cm Itoo; 'eft* WO
ranprwataiob% qua Mit 'notaart 421 aps4 *WY
favor this Bab , -wl.lll WON pitirousgs. • •
To now York...,iitil,l2 Ilialtirsont 11 k
Fldladelpbta,...lo .., Wamita1,,........... II ti
Plablatnity....--n - V ' ~.- . . 1 -_ .-
Tap.. - 746 Obtatuat to al Itona on dm Nana. RAW
nom nud to Phlledalptila, Bel tblitin nod; Nevi Tart: ,
Tuarnems plantbalng, ticket, mean Min be ban.
en co encalinacpordins to dletabs traveled In eddlUca
to the Mallon rats; ' except from Stattnna illnint dm
Ormytnl Las Do A Gant. . • ; • . -. ; •
NOTIOI.—In case of Ion; be Oompany Meld. M
[Soo nim Impossible for personal baggage IMO..
and to Fn ••nhcpt ooh exambas 11100. ;
U. 11.—An •. (ttnlittme brie him titan: annplayedt.;
canoe, Peamagets and &wows to and 4 . 11.11010.444.
et noltna• act to ..boned I 0 ands for molt:pemerigar .
amildolTlET , ' . •
i'm I'mila! apply to • 7 4. ETS - WAttT, AVM:
At th e P. -R. lt. Enamoder nation, cm Marry and
Grant Ita : - - " • • '' - ' bit '''
clavaiand A Ottsburgat itakltiwaff::
Ilat NON OP Slit1:11:111lfaat astuassiuLTE,.
ON sad after fdwirjrATON
Jens th e 100, 1551,
will lave the Depot of th•Petunaleara Dalatrek;
Plta•bargts, ea : 1 • - •
MUMMA, Cbanarat lid Oiatallatf tfte,
No change of can bets... IllaborgbjadObar.lesete
- Leave. Ant, at Arrives at Ammar Anhwei
r1T755•11 001.1111173 COI ./.I!WaFf . .4,18 BT. 1411178,
1235 • m 11:38 a at p ,
1210 p 113 5:15 Pto 200 am •
Thls roasts in/aorta to Otothmll,llmarrBls; Oce•
lona a and all points 15ootb, than say other ' route.Bpladid tilerolatt Dare attar-bad to Melt Trafal.,
Pittsburta wont Ithesling Ulm • -
Lava Arrives at Antra at Arsine as Anima
PITT/UM, &ow% WILIAM /frail; W 51171 1 40
12.35 a oi - 1:50 aso 15.67 arm 4.133 aka 6:07 • OS'
to6asa7abasn titans 'O.A am' ICMOS • m
p m labpaa 21A pm 5:10 p m .4.10 p m
WOO p /r. 1.5 p m&SS p m •..• . •
The 1285 a. Pt. and 11-'lO F. IL Train, conne ct wits
Trum of 0.0. B. 6. foi Zaansillla, Lanouter, /ie. .
The 400 p. tn. Tata Mpg at all atatalta Dairant
Itone.ur and Wahralls. . l• .
Im Pigskin/A awl azotand
mo &rem
PIT rBl3l7Rall =MUM
1.2.3 b a. it. lUD a. is.
The 1281 a. CZ trait crooned' at bareirdini New
PbL.delphla sad mistime co the Tosearawas Stanch.
rummers desiring to go to huldtelty, Toledo,
Chic. go, or potato INot r , eta Oinaland, semi to par
Cooler to sat for .Tlcksts via Cavallo&
_ _
At". Through 'M
Plttebo ists ttb.
ata be procured it the Mani
De Pot.
.10/121 ensusr,"retirt Agent
/or farther tiltmetation apply to I •
WILLIAM ontwAte,Agent, -
et the Ooropeora 001celo height Stetton,fecia et
1. M. MYIII2I, &mend Weltet Aseat,
DUL.I6.* it sAva mos #
No. 65 fourth tstreOt.
OND.00IE„ also on Wednesday 'and Batuday
mains. tom; Herr Drat to November f MA.= T to
C o'clock; sot Croft llorettber fa - 4 to plafArstorcan
to 9 dclock.
Dopotho rentre9 of all SUM net Da thou one
Dun., and a fielder:4 of the irate 4arlarml Mike
• rear, la Irate awl December. Interest:boa turn
M.Mcroo mcntanntioDY, to Jane cod December, alnce
the Conk war Grimier.; et the rite del par orat:
thwart, limit cbrawnont„ le placed to the crealtitl
m. si.mritor se principal, and baustbe eanselnbrotet
*too, th•nom eaja,of.lune and Deoember,
twice • Inas my:Stoat Inrabllsi the doportr=
• gyeD to tenant We pme book. At thieratemeterj
• doable to Is Damn you; china to eat*
sate R10.0110131111111.11••••1 • 1310.
Boo..maatafaa UM parser. mrlion, Enloe sad
r.,,t,owas Os"! •Pgicslkii"
Proussa--azaitacataitiut • • • .
Jima D. D Mac*
A. It. Polpyck, If. D.
110bal MAR.; - •
hansl34ll.,_ -
John B. Iftladdash
raw &radar%
John U.ll.Oery
Jame ItgAzarj,
Jabs Magoltall...
John Orr •
litaary Bthawiti.
Jobs B. Obrisober
Alesander Spam
Wllliaaats, m
, a 4.4 ll:tuxu
•L ITO,.
=Jam J. Alabama
ltul warm.
Redonda L. lalmaitoct
hum Badman,
Ja-nea D. ILallay,
Jona O. Battclan.
tkorge Black,
John Catitaild, -
Lk= A. Cartier,
Charles &Colton,
Wlllhsto Douglas,
John Sawn.,
John lioltore.
William 6 Hams.
Fetes IL Banker,
Bithard Bark
William IL Lars*
CARBON OIL-50 ale. extra / 1 0.
Refined Carbon CM. frr barsbni WPM.. 1 4
non sod for iralo by JOHN B. CIANNIILO kOO..
mats ' Flat armlet. war 1,00a4
IL-250 bbli. Rook Oil ;
bbla Najl Lard Oil;
213 Obit. No. 6 lard Oil; 1
in data and fur ade by JAIL DALZPILL t BONA,'
iTle P 1 63 and ID Watar stmt.
lea JCIA mend from Baba, Put IL la=
tam iy um. also kw rib by Q. pond s$ reduce!
JNO. .11.1121811.11W:'
hle ear. Liberty mut Mad strati.,
sFINED bariewr9r, age
Juk, to clove coutgament, by t
a.s. puma ,
. his lbw *- ••
B." R I hl-20Q
_gallon- for ease by.
B. 1111PAHRiSTOOK Z 03.
=me and. sod Wood ota.
GASERTSI Are1..5QUA.8.3 hors -roe
az 25 and IS Rt. Olatr @twat. I H. PHILLIPS.. .
ALUM -40 bbls. for male bp •
a A. NATINUTOOR & ao,.
stab corm et Rind sod Wood streets.
UREN • O,OIIIIIC-410 ciao for sale
j: by B. A. YAHIMSOCE CO..
ser . baron el /frit fug Wood iU
CROTON 011. 7 5
~Ao 2 l bo. for eal g o a bl i
ser comer at First sad Wood iss.
TICS —R1611444 by u 4& of the War pesecti
anent. In 8 volume. '
WI BATS OD Wpid itsert:
osn• t # - , 1138211-4
Maid tL. Mated Mates Amy;
Forms. Pm mils by . KAY 00..14 Wood et.
nUESBII.-75 boxes:Cutting Cheese;
4.) soo beim RojlLh bdri Claste% • ;
Jtut notved and fog mai by
au= oristres.
20 1 bble. CRUD.% 0114-4tittitable for
3.1101ng, readying par .11,m7 • rlinur;
Ind for ale b 3 ., JAMB MMILL. , &DON. .
RYE FLULIA-104bble. fresh, far sale
..2l • werre -
Liberty. anat.
VW' IV • ads by '• • - -
CULAThIis IiCV A Tif m =g7 a sig y.
amour Pint MA Wood iac:
ui Y ryntulf lcu besut
b 33118.-0 bads prime fa store sad for mist/
saS 1,, H. VOLOT t 00 .241411.1ang street.
pINE 0118:
Apples, for primionlng, just matred awl fw,
5110 hl JUITILIIR a saw, ,
sal7 Nadia Wotan"
CEMENT -20 DIAL fro th Hydzsuria.o6-:
!nem ran I vs. 3 end kr .
.tito Emmy :IL COMM:
(111 gralle--41.1 boxes rim° Cutting just
maim' sad La ads try - -
sa 11: CAN run& 00.
8 9444-25 biairttil4 for
- cm-Da Void ma Mei scessur •
WOUM Dalai:l-49 bales just • .-
..e t ar mia by Iflakit.EL
Qo • ', B'l/40 . &-l2 Obis. )(psi • d
Pj "2 t1'14.0%4041.1,
"" - --,- — - I r • - - f - `.'..f•'. ,
- 1 - 1 . , le
i,_ ~ ,,,i
A edilli" , u'll reetcri. designed to tees most
c ir eo i m .. 1 „44eraties that can be made. •
a concentrated extract- af - Para - Barra
io Auribiriell with other subwinces of s
greater atemthe power as to afford an eif
five I antidotefor the diseases Sarsaparilla is
repl i ed to mire. It is believed that such a
rem yis Wanted bi.,lSose who suffer from
struFoue eunplaints; and that ' one which w il l
limo pliSh their mire mutt prose of immense
service to this large class of our afflicted fellow.
• i Mow. completely this compound will
,do it haa been prover. by experiment on many
of the worst cases to be found of the fallowing
comPlaiiits i -- 1
Prartss, tor - cuss, Throes, tur linatot,
Seism. im Tic DOULQUILEUS, D alurr, Dra
OE SY.AEVuoiv'tilliaE, and Milted the whole
elasS or CoMplaints arising from lurtmarir or
rim' BtOon.
This compound will be found a great pro-
Meter of health, When taken in the spring, to
expel the foul humors which fester in the
blood atthit season of the year. My the time
ly expulsion of them Many rankling disorders
ire nipped in the' bud. ISultitudes can, by
the hid of thisremedy; spare themselves from
the endurance of foul eruptions end ulcerous
sores, threnzh which the ' system w il l strive to
rid itself of cortuptions, if not assisted to do
this; through the natural ehseeels of the beds
t, r en alterative =MAO. Cleanse Eta the
vitiated bldod whenever you find its impur ities
bunitingthioreitli the skin in pimples, erup tions,
Or rest ; 'o Cleanse it when you find it is ob
imUcted au t' sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it
whenever it is foul,.and yourfeelings will tell
Tots when.' Even where
no particular disorder
it fell, people enjoy belt= health, and
longer, for- cleansing the blood.- Beep
Plod Maltby, and all is well; but with this
paludiue Of life disordered, there can be no
,bealth. Sooner or later something
rust go Wrong. and the great machinery of
gels diimr.
. - or overthrown. e
j ,Sarsaptif il la has, and deserves much, the
reputation! of accomplishing these ends. But
the vrorld.,bas been egregiously deceived by
Irt'Dersliorts of it, partly because the drug
Alone hiis not all the virtue that is claim". 1
for it, bu tmore because many Trepanations.
pretending to to concentrated extracts of it,
contain but little of the virtue of Sartepazilkl.
crony thing else.
During late years the public have been mie.
led by huge bottles, pretending to give a quart
of Panne* of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most
of :these hare been. ,frands up= tbe aiek, for
thiy.not.ionly. contain little, if any, Sarsapa
rilla, but often no curative properties whatev
er.'d, Biotic, bitter and painful disappointment
has followed the use of the various extracts of
ISaisaparitia which flood the market, until the
!nine itself is justly despised, and has become
`synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still
'we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend
i to 'supply such a remedy as flail rescue the
nine from the load of obloquy which rests
upon in And we think tee have ground for
believing it has virtues which are =lista&
by the erdinary run of the diseases it is intend
ed 'to core. In order to secure their:complete
eradication from the system, the remedy - should
the bot judi ciotle. nsly taken according to directicas on
• 1 i 3 MUSED BY
OR. .I. C. AYER St CO.
Price, ea per Bottle 1 Six Bottles far $5.
' Ayei.'s Cherry Pectoral
4 • I
lai won fri itself such a mown for the care of
'every saris 'or Throat and Laing Complaint, that
it is endrii y unnecessary for us to reastrat the
evident°, or its virtues, wbereverit has been cm
gdoyed. ,As it has long been in constant use
ththughou this section ' we need not do more than
Maitre the le its quality is kept up to the best
it dyer h been , and that it may be relied on to
for ' relief all it has over been frond to do.
lkyei.'s Cathartic Pills,
4iceiress, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Sidigediss,
Ij k . J 3 Ndet l i "I Foul Stomach. Erysipelas, Headache.
Piles ,
laird, Dropsy,
En:idiom and Skis Disease:,
Lifertaint, Dropsy, Tars, Tumors and
>Ssrt Merle, Worms, Gout, Neteregf a, as a
'Dinner Jill and for Perrafiring the Mad.
They ark sugar-coated, so that the most nazi
tier can tike them pleasantly. and they'are the
ibeet aperient in the world for all the purposes of a
? r
_fectiill r
co 2.5 tits per Has Tree boxes kir S IM.
Greats hers of Clergymen, Phylieisne,States
men, mai I eminent -Ternamagew. hare lent their
mines to cMilfy the unparalleled usefulnessof these
remedies, but our space hero will not permit tr
insertiort of them. The Agents be/ow rimmed fur
midi gradrorairemess M.assrsz in Which they
;rod given; with also full daseriptions of Moabite
:rtetphila and the treatment that should be fol.
dotted foreir cure.
Do no te put off by unprincipled dolma with
other preparations they make more milt on-
Meniamd Mara% and take no others. The sick
want the best aid there is for then, end they should
lave h. :12'
All our 'remedies ate for ale by
i 4 A. /41O1BOTOOK t ON 1100bezge,
ill Draggens anal:Mhos
11 Et 0 SP. W or:• 0 .I} . NO
4 1 •
lb torattve Cordial
i 0
11 )
is mo w wan
t l e !en tl fAXll liD u taalaS Q
dongoonliandingd amass= 1 4 nr lb. t a d 0
PI =s tale nitrates, rancatei awl ream tat la
all ba (Mead putty. sod atm reatoeseate .0. ,
!llhalm the wawa lavolatrabla it astadui of dlo a
sem. Ufa tba only bilmatatlos mar afford to the ..
04 world la a poyabir lama moss to be !MIA *berm&
4 .,„ of &IL heebetobilly eadaktlhilly einetehodarto be t
A Ma mood tametaa saa ma so look. pirlealy adapted
l b to mat ad *OWOKirelletautatt-elo
v Marl eatlattematatetemaamel teas Isit
li um 'mg:o2r isga7 an wood and caw
In a yatictly abnet la la 5
C ad ye tlt le nane - lblkond by et
ya deprimasalepletta It Issompaiabastbalystata
In,. OM:*
ata1er .. ....1y cambial's' mortal
lif sirrar tosb i ar=r7arzZius ki sad
d=a i r r i se be ht
a cladola atom le tin isetiost maid, btaa by tlea 10 ,
m meetly Waled is mama adeato salaam by all S
.. bats satbrat from OVUM tor ft tatda Da soolbal
1 WU ors kormlanliamat to tee got dehthi7 ham
H n ,..s utta:**.°l4"B.4otand krs c r th irardad ad= V
0 te tekkli poor Nana* le moan* Dab. at* 1
rib lalbtap
0 t lr : t uv yabeyelaJos orappt, N.
beakMalabeholy Ift=trbilibi PtiaBl44-la. ti
am alelatollVala salt* din Welt D1111p14.1 Z
WY itaaaltataal to is taoMealad WM*
warjnapdattalaulltio, lltat dasameolvaar 0
=lead Mar anaplar es iteman al ate it= 4
W ..„=tglirtkr"urtairy c4=1:11 . 701.10014
0 ads vet balms tla sa roka ami arlapmalat 10 6
rtsz ni• o= t , d Meats& sod b=li attilit
14 atanarats way was allll. oat ire bats may Le
. to am lit aid aot ody cunt duo debility
A ' dl. drion‘ Warrant ail attankaarldng bola r
Mamas sod arm tbs alma st tam V al.
alias attabual :.Dual at la sots Art and panbasatly
epos Oa ;Om lma atoutos the aait to astll" par
mottebta eaM. all an atemakaava4 ematiert at tie err
tam4t ern;hahattely pretest 557 dalesaioas casseganom
= lt talor a = d i m w i t i t
Vit t ill k = l l l Sm.
a tabu at lama baba alas& /le tt maids tur
tb• dillellthlkalfiell. ft shwa le ta
Ma al al palate at sedantatylabbylablea% ado.
ataralatrilty ova. Asa all WIN NM acantelva to meek
cove= Mamba 'bald Mama awl& IS tbayattl.lbey
eat WM sigiebut aeleimerearaylmeliat
Claim lila *Ma soltdmat al tbatellamty—ar ass
ad taletaltbeat Irak lb ean tesocesthe vele Illes
aim troitOrftlys woo. 'ask WAWA* *OM la
s torlionsobseir niter. now losonme onbiftes Or
anal ',Webs trill yes as Mutted parka gab MOS
abbot talamollbseete no mistano about iz.
nitOrdolli alloreollaina it. Motions.
or, it: gm to no op .so Moo theateolar
yameakt Indy I* lon teEtlllmentt likeiste,
rpile Ilene egg humbander, to idabiess
, Ingo tam dallmay, 4= r at atara to pnatatate
Ina rattortima let at br lama ta alma
attic am atlas m tatted . M a Oa Etebabees ay
lefillati eat tr SI was oat ix y toastabl towel
b basmaa dolma gaatotall toe tab team* Ibir
Ileeilin7 Pat the imetbie le abeam Villiatoma se UN
madam, wpm; to Nears ova 7ar stassai
immo ani abatagly pekt yeses Plof.Wandlournna.
thte email ID& liked .ftlar as tbe trey *tab
dmallbt abratitea Walla list atm&
0.1/00% ' M EAUX, dna kandinm yaw Teem na
Kulatt 4. OM* Rt. temi,ltae rad KM by al/ eyed •Orn.
pt. Moo One War per oala.
Sold bi Plailatalt byli.-S., fabstaieem 11 on, :atm&
toe6l/49ategb 11.0 Ir.B.JLanainialn as al. A. go.
" m a 1 1 . 1, li b l ,&Ffik, nia4d , Man ankesnakaaa. IL
VITRIOL-200011Ni. faraleby
. 1 • t.s.murintancuctor.4-
.„1 mat .1 nit smil Ward ON.
limatupois iKroair mauled, for
•.! sus D- gonna remand wadies
WJO bbl.. Trask 7lft spk tuh ro.
' '