dftA,/j, t )itiSb 211 Itip3,l4lr MOWING, BEPT.IIO, 1861 C h f'ITY AFFAIRS. iII77OIIOLOGICAL Observation. tor the Oci : • 70th, by )1. Shear, Optician, 6S Fifth atreei .' , ..—nOrnactlitd daily: -14.011.;11,-1 l E aro4l SOL Ul , a.... L. .... 92 74 80. t.; 72 -- 1 1. • . !Temperance Msettne.l A misting of the Pittabtirgh Temperance So. obtf nil inklin the lector', room of Dr: Pax. itottokeht*.'in M 04); niter:mod, at three Ts.l 2 ldvingstan,, Erg. the Presiticaa kine*ty, - Called'the meeting to order, and Mg, was eppointod • • r ,Secte U l 7. The Rev ;Dr. Dotiglie sou called upon to reed the r tf/th chapter . of Isaiah; after which , , the fles, r. Stewart led In prayer at • throne of t7raoe YraaaL . . Bailey, E.q, sou thael called to • the chair, and Mr. Livlngetou proceeded to de. lbw an riddiesson the subject of Temperanaw. 1[41'4504 het daring the past year 871 "dog gerlie" wire lleansed tn ' Allegheny Utility I ?AU thud &Brehm sold Ibitior to the amount at a sod a halt of dodus—and twenty., -- ,thitithintand dollars hadvbeen paid by them into the .otate, Treasury.- This eras so much paid fob* to make man mad mid destroy •,'the!erafalneuas CILIUM . The address was • letrillt. with Interaatlnß incidents and details, which oar epees forbids u to mu to. • • : . On motion , ot. Mr. Diougiu - the thanks of tee meeting were given to Mr. Livieputa fol his excellent address. J. Dickey, Esq.,. then mired that a committee be appointed, wow ' silting.of one member from each congregation, „whose duty It shall be deiise some plan by ••• which the'rebjeca ot, temperance may be re• , - VG Bollard remarked that it mu high time to awake to , a sawn of •duty onlhis sateen, when men are found not only reeling oo the Street but abbe ot the climber. • `even de,ring the solemnity of the Lord's Sup. .-par.!: He nod ;witnessed each a scene on last Sabbath and it filled him with horror.. Joseph • McKnight, Esq., said that in the cue referred • to, the .person, a few 7012111 ago, would have “scorned"; at: the society of drunkards, and Could not have been • guilty .of obtruding him. self under such circumfuse; but be, like many others, had been misled, and something ithould be Idols. to present drunkenness and. recta= the drunkard. • • - 1 Esithrtaiatitic addresses were made by Mr. - Sea* and 'others, attar which the misting ad - journed, the Res. Dr: Howard concluding by, Prayer. - : • r Contested. Some time since, /II our readers wlll,rnoolleet, vs : p. üblished a synopsis of the report of the Auditors in the matter, of the extension of Penn - tryl isfa la Aran., from which it appeared that duif annoint:awarded to J. W. Riddell, late City Suildtor, loi hi, seridinee, was $BOO. The oom pensitlon of this Anditors, three in number, was And at $230 each. The former !mount has to be paid out of the City . Tressury, and the hitter ono lia to be met from the interest of the extes sionfund. 'l4 bill of exceptions hu been lied both these 0111111, it being alleged that the awards are isontrien .1 The bill wee argued on Saturday the Court; f Common Pleas, by J. P. Slagle, 13olicitor, on behalf of the city, and by Themes M. Marshall contra. Aflidarits were - read by Mr: Marshall setting forth that the :chutes of Mr. Ittddelf and the Auditor, were jest and idesonabia.• Mr. Slagle maintained Shit Mr. Riddell, being Solicitor for the City, and being toad is died Wary for his services, wan net entitled to the large award, which hu been charged as extra services. As to the COM paziration of the Anditors„le considered $l5O each awply sufilsienti The decision of the Court vu neared for the present. _l_ , . Death of a teinerolis Soldier. -On I•6undij morning, a German named Alfrad,Weibsier, First Lieutenant in Captain' Yonne/ Cavalry, died at MeanoiNi Hotel, 'fourth etriet, from the e ff ects of a cold con , tracied at Camp Wffkins. His contlisay left Wednesday last, but he was too all to go along,: Being a member of the Masonic Ira. ' trimly, his !body was conveyed to Masonic Hall, end' prepared- for burial. The funeral ' toot Mace !yesterday, and war attended by th Diqueene Central Guard,•Capt. Roberts, the fdasonie lodges, and a large circle of friends. - The deceseed was thirty-sit years of age, and bad,been in this country for a num "bet or. year He alined during the three mosithi , enliatikent,in the City Gnarde, Twelfth • Regiment, add on his return brought home an overcoat and two blankets, which be took into Camp Wiltiaton hie second enlietment. Hui gernerdititi tine each, however, tbat ha gave *di coat and both blankets to more needy sol dier", and while ileeping without proper cov kring dinars:Hid the disetee which terminated in—death. ,d 'The KfolLsesperit atiltools: • The , Bchool Directors of McKeesport, we see it', atatett,'htive ' resolved 'to re-open the '- - schople • for at least Jour months. We'arit, ... beartili.gladita bear this. lila well to Tinian/I', In these hard times, but the school should be , Abe Zeal place in which tocortail conditures. Ktrelsiencelto thir'Stiti report tor 1860, we fin V-that the Mclsisporf dottiet his five masa* with a total '..nt 678 scholars- 2 8 8 tos. males anddi 290. females .. To deprive of ' .2... th .einnefiti Ot teaching, tor six, in nibs, ~— w ould illte a {:very . great :. detriment, ea, • -i . • • nothing , oL the evil. example of: , ClOSin 'th e ',' • seboolat upon ' the first pinch .of the I .•.1 : "-- These ;schools employ ' bat eight teanherl.4 ~:thieenhiss 'end five fentalete=at so average ij r salary perm lfli of $35 loithe melee, and $27 4 ' - e l u l t r er ie sgit l l li ar,' per ". m onth, to e - only 1 43 ' neets g . .Tbesasessment for school and"building iliT. poses is 43 . 011 s., , ;It Rimer Commrsnms...The falow/ag • staid gentlemen hire bees closes to set as a Com. ; • minim :to 'attead to - the. relief of volutterire , `; . 'fwiltsi id their rameettra diatsieta : TfadW•nii cite—Chu. W. Lewis;E. Kearns led P. fdeaillee. - • —1 —Fifth Wardi—R..l. bleGlorrani J. W. Taylor 11- and I ._ Tateplraneerille—Geo. Coebranei Wm. Wins gad Giorgi - ; • Eight)* Ward —S. C. Sager, P. Fredericka; Wm. Hltelliation. ' -- - . , . , ',oilier attesting: Co the cud of Jicoli _.Weaver,, +se co.,'annotmein a low liraieb ,Of nombioation of boldness here, which being enienlated to' bring : buyer' end sellers more lopstbif~is Commendable aid' cannot fail to desirable and lo tir to - ail concerned . r.-Wsaser; the at:the minor, (a brother of one Tory worthy gz.bleyori)Wili long a P lM ''' . fillield''sterebant - of this otsy, and;- poundal superior qe alifkationi, ;is well' fitted ,to nbridiet snob a boluses. Me beepiall for thete-trieWly eo.operation and plenty of s l 4*lnd Col#lefe!* ..ir;.htortanionitzai crry,ir.The .1- stars of Idr.•.l l lf - . Churn:lwo, of .fdozitiegthe. Citg,-;wae entered , by borgfari on Fatty ,• might lest and robbed.of Wm $125 in money. an'entjahee was erected through's window, whielt W#l forced. open, sod the money take trona a trunk: I No trans hair,as get, been-die • " covered'of the tbiessc wht!, it is thought, were ;,?]; - tandliat filth Ilia promises:: - ..• oyes sr otrratao,— barn et;Ddr.. Zetifferi Crawford county, was cluck by light gone day list - wed t o ,- setting in fire. - - A sisible tiorsolerefeb wu the'itabler at the boWever. sr .aztingnhthed Wore it :had made lunch , Thearf.;-A:riong maxi anted Elkin, of Al. City, is :member - Of, „the Onetime, sards,,...:worinded in s skiimbib at Cheat staisq Yugisis,- has died- of his isjonss. bodyisstli bo's'ns brims for interment this 1014,1 UVIONZIL. j 4° 4-- ao Nth 84'. Riad; tha n e stebritedirsseo Petit es-of, this CirfA NaliaislYlifilredi oh* d u iUr ireigit,' Sam; 010 i try felling from the Ptedquittia Church of that piece, wkbcb ilifLiriltemppgsd in painting. "Carta -oit : corr *Glos.—Dr. eid„of , ibisotm,::ot the School Prosbytenta orifebi - mer beer chomp ebsphile of Vol. (or Blitll/410)110101W.:8111Clie Regiment. ;-I.iAIfAXIAom `Cour! elistsolu i L,.the,,.oo.tint at .fora,gictirme teourierAms. Rain% vas ,by the A Big ikam JLfew - dilts sinne tie Paige living along the line of de Rempleld Railroad, intros cs so an the taw aide of tirashington county, discover ed a squad of six armed soldiers in-the woods and couldn't And oat what. they were doing. This spud encamped in the woods at night Ann muted around during the &Y. A Psid (l2l sue. pease rested upon the conummity for several days, when it was ad last made known that th• men were three months volunteers on it cast errand'of mercy. - Att - unfortunsts young roan who had joined a military company in "Wash ington. had bosoms deranged, was sent bask to the town - by the agoutis of his company, and was so dissatithed that nothing seemed to keep him in anything like rational mood the Arm belief that he was soling soldier. bit A few of his friends had accordingly taken hint to the woods and made him ,bellevelte wee serving Undo fiarn. Z 17 20 • rtrArAZITSOA.--Cayt. Ben Morgan, of Co. it, Pittsburgh Billie, was presented with a beatnikl regulation'sword, at City Rail, kin , craning. The presentation 'peach, in behalf of the donors,,waarle.by T. M. Marshall, • Sao., and respond to by the Captain him sell. LIM. Matt hew,, of the same company, was also presented, at the name tit:tend place, with a very fincrairord, the gilt of Jacob Reese, Esq. Mr. Marshall' made the presentation speech, to which Captain Morgan responded In behalf of the recipient. The 4 4roi City by Day and Night,P is the title of the new three act drama, written by H. Lewis, Esq., end produced et the Theatre lam evening for the first time.. The plot ts good, and the numerous seines and incidents throughout the drama are alike interesting and instructive. This evening the drama will be reproduced, and Miss Mah L Blacken will ap. pear u Lola Mutes, in which character she will sing several songs and dance a fancy dance. In Taotrits.-447M. Elutine, proprietor of a beer saloon In the Fifth Ward, tru commit ted to jail, lut evening, by Mayor . Wilson, on two charges — one for abusing his life, Mary, the_ other for'selling liquor on Banda,. Aid. Taylor also lodged a commitment against him for obtaining money under farm pretenses. He eras very indignant about being arrested, and thought it vru very hard - to be placed in prison. Tlits alto inoon r at two o'clock, the greet sale of Sliver Plated Wars commences at J. A. Mo- Clelland A Co.'s auction house. All in want of hatpins should attend the ails, as the stook mast be sold. Goods on exhibitionthis morn ing.- -The Ladies are invited - to call and, exam ins helot, sale. • Tat German regiment of Colonel Schimmel fennint limpidly filling op. It now Colitailli 'tame. five hundred men, two-thuee of whom from thie-eity. Cazsais Jos. Grzsin, with the last detach ment., of bit (Zinn) alinnishing company lull for the seat of war yesterday afternoon at four !clock. • Docson C. Baru, Rater Care and Ramos- Ss. Physician; also moat for Rainbow's cats. Truss for &warn." Coma of Pane and Wayne. Stmts. DJITIIIIIIT.-..Dr. C. 8111, No. 246 Pena attend' to all broach, of the Dental profeidon. [Tar the Pittsburgh Clusttel Preasont's lEtrosinumengen. I most be very dull in my effort to emigre.. bend the merits of this umch..dinenued does• went, or else there is it great waste of silly declamation about it in_the newepipen and in social intercsurse among our people. I presume there is not one single man, either ie the Free or the Slave Bt:tes, who will deny the right of belligerents to confiscate the prop erty of rebels found in arms. - . John Smith, of Virginia, is in the rebel army, making war upon the United State,. General Kosecrats, In an expedition to the Kanawha, takes possession ol Smith's farm, his house, his barn with ita contents, all his cattle, hones, and finally his ten slaves. Lie proceeds at once, in pursuance °ibis undisputed right and power, to confiscate, i. e., "to declare to be forfeited to the public treasury," ail the prop erty above • named; which that treasury can own and hold. But slaves are human beings, and the _United Staten have no power to own human beings or slaves. Of course it would be absurd and ineffectual to adjudge the slaves to the United States Treasury. Such a judg ment might and would divest the title of John Smith, bat surely it would not operate as an amendment of the Constitution of the United States, and thus at once vest the title to the slaves in that GoVerionant and enable it to hold them. By declaring the sloe, forfeited, Jobe Smith's right to them is annulled and divested, but no new:owner la created, and as the Trea sury of the United States cannot bold them, they are without an owner—that is, free, as Fremont declare, them to be. It will hardly be contended that Smith's right to his slaves is so good, so clear cad so sacred, that it can not be divested by the ume declaration which divests his title to bonus and land, cattle, money and stocks of all kinds. C. soon Fooz.-21.ttention is called to this mart renuiraablii and sclentide preparation, ad. vastlaed In another .colsonst. It la an emend; new discorery,.and most not b• onitoondad with any of the nutoisrona patent caulk:lna of tau day: It hi a crania moody for all the dismal, specified, and es• pedal, thaw of a &Tonto nature—ot long swab s .01 vest; months, and years. Bafferars, try 11l Nam Cantu a Duro" of New York, are the sofa agents for I M and also proprietors of tbe world. renowned Dr. MO isranus 00azda; an snit , els vtich Amoy Mother should have to bee nisdklne closet la cola of mach aa4 containing, ma It doe', no pangolin re oplata of any kind, lt can be renal upon with th e utmost coaddenciiiand will he roma an tn. valttabls specific In all came of Infanclie consplainta— tii OkloStata lomat, Clierabliss. • Mac* - adrerttsecoatit. Ecor rale by iIIitORGE 11. liaant,l4o Wixd st. Pltlaborati. Pa. deffollawlazt I To Hone Owners. - -BE. swicsva lllFAlitsl was Ll5l. lssllT FOR maize to aarkeed by ally; In all case of Lameness, arising from lipreins, Bruises or Wrenchtna its .Oct' =Oral and certain. Bap isms or Biddle Hall., leratchern Haute. do., it will she cure.pa.dtty. Spain Ed littabone may be sadly prevented aid cured in Mitt incipieut sums, out coo. armed caws me beyond SW passibility or a racasal mad. No case el the Ithul. bowswor. is so aspirate or hopeless but It may In *lnsisted by Ma Lintusat, and ita faithful appticatlon will always remove the Leassoass and ena bl e the bores to travel with comps Mom two Ornerelionidlurre Misused sand, Set Its WWI esealtho ftnd appeosanoe of 1110 eftectontly prevent those. forinktabls tUssead tossetkend, tc widen Sill bones are hale sad which snare- sa =any othendos 'thud& bones warts modblies. - 6seednetisensta. • -L 1. ISILLIftt h 00., agents, Comm Wood and noosed Wadi, 'disbar". ataidynnedlnue B. M. O. JUNKS. ax 'lO3 WYLIM sPALDINO'S TIiIIOAT OUNFEII-. * SMALL Mfrs Tenon. coalwrioNe, bPALDING'S SB3O RS 0011 iscrsv , se, BP4imlNom mioxeronniscrrioNs, ' • • ... NOB - . Boa Jugusviza - SOB BJILUIVISO . COMBS, 8083 TORONZ ASTHMA * .11ATARRE, BBONOE/IT/h, Re. Rho SoY p bryylus the bnittli and- draught:Ong Jost racelvid by JOSEPH .iransma, Jul maw b JASEPEI ILISILWO, Jost neshed by SWIPE( /LIMINO. of Mut st elysitsoll theDiszond. Salt .. c= dilutes atreessbil the Dismand. AIi:BOXES I.IIESH PEACHES jUBt 50 reestrac tordibrielerby' QUO/M-40 hhds. New Orleans Sugar, rs*To4uokibr"h`b" " " lags s nummarsom He Patoodstreirt: aul2 • ' .2' 1111:'!•10 -410.NSIGNMSNT8.-1 ton Wigton Iteserve Chum Mow Iftx sato by see 21t4263 Gfi l lgr ALD I 4"U°ll t, saw bad of Wood. 111113111SZTV8 , TOCOLINE.-60 doz ` kr = B '4; YAIINgBTOOII a eo, stab - - ' wrier of Wood ithd 71ra* vraste. rUI/Lifail PA&UillaS received fib, ittplaNts two busbal bow, sad kw •a" ' "SOa K. VOIGT a 00. -011,8-25 bbisAiefined Oil, lur Nil , t/Ct • Udadood do. lumina sailor mu by swam il. °owns wool (MEN BRUM —50 7 bales - 11 - I Z e r" q 147 1716 7 16 I°l _ say U. a)LLINa. 1111.11.1411 Ci-50 bbla. for sale by • c= . —,..a.a.saussarouz a co, l omat alba sad Was as.' lAN-LIQUOMO.S.,S ,fteles cf -awe . soar rubs A..IiHiIIITOOK A 00. FIVE6AIOO-75 kepis F. O. Witham? 6 tetiektor Mb by , W 4172 W 11.1100„ , IDOL I SU Litany @trot, tviittuntim. , - THE LATEST NEWS. RECDVID AT 7 11 E DAILY GA7:l' , ()MC LATE F.54331-"WASHINGTON "wentworow, - Sigt. 9-Major General go Clellan a te jutted the following order : ilizareitcrAirtai or Tar Pin:twee, } _Washsa g ton, Sept. 9,1861% ' Private Wm. ficoii,Co - mpity IC, Third Ver. mont -- Volunteen, having : been found guilty by coUt-martial of sleeping on his post while a sentinel on-picket gulhas been sentenced to be snot, and the sen ea has been approv. ed and ordered to be DUEL.. The vein' mean* officer of the ' brigade , the rvgiment, and the company of the condemned. together with 'tiny officers and privates of his regi ment, had earnestly appealed to the Major General commanding to spare the life of the offendet, and the President of the United Suites fins expressed a wish that as this is the Ent condeinestion to death in this army for this crime, mercy may be extend ed to the criminal. This fact, sleeted in connection with the inexperience of the condemned as II soldier,lhis previous; good conduct and gen. oral gocid character and the argent entreaties made to his behalf have, determined the Major GenualAommanding to grant the pardon so earnoffy prayed for. This act of Centeno' must not be misunderstood u affording a pre cedent 3 for any future case. The duty of a' sentinel is of such a nature that its neglect - by alesplog upon or deserting his post may en daoger the safety of a command, or even the whole army, and all nations &Salo the offense the guilty of death. 'Prince Win. fizott, Company IC, Thiid Regiment Vermont solve. , users, will be released from confinement sod returuefi to duty. By command of Maj. Gen. APCxxxxau. Wituasts, Ault. supt. General. Ault was to hare been shot this morning. Tb• pardon was sent to the regimen; which beartilyiexpressed their epprodation of thiraet of Ereentive clemency. At tits-camp of Col. Young's regiment of Hentnehy cavalry, on Sunday noon a soldier mimed Henderson shot another named Walter, While performiag dusty aa a guard Sergeant. Joseph H. Bryson eras the affair of the day, and owing to his presence of mind and decision, discdpiiie was secured to thecamp. Walter fell at the 'feet of Sergeant Bryson, who immedi ately disarmed Henderson of his revolver and had hini put under guard; he then attended to the wounded sentinel, who is now at the Wash ington hospital. Walter was shot under the right ear, the ball lodging in the let side of the jaw. There is no prospect of his recovery. Chia ',Clerk Leslie, of the War Department, hu maimed his duties, after several weeks ab. untie, with improved health. The War Department has inued an order that volunteer cavalry regiments of twelve companies shall have three Major., and regi ment. of from eight to ten companies two Majors, pivoted of one only, u heretofore. Lommsnder Rowan has written a letter to the Secretary of the Navy, dated U. S. steam. er Pawnee, Hatteras Inlet, Sept. 5, of which the folloVring twin attract: In a communication adereseed to the Com mander in Chief, at Hampton Road., I in formed him that I had forwarded f the frigitivein in the Peabody, to be landed at Hampton beadle, *applying them with mei,. loos to fist them there. Another of the fugi uvei of this party I have retained coact as pilot in these sraters,ahould his services be required. From the best information I tan obtain, ten regiments' of North Carolina troops have been recalled from Virginia to defend the Sista. The Siseasionistr, residing near the water, are de serting their residences, and seeking eiter in the Interim The poorer clause remain, wait tog for protection to avow their Union senti ments. A town meeting was called in Wash.. ingtos N. C., on the-night of the let inet, when-it Fel decided to fortify a point on the river, ten' miles below the town. _ . Cot. Lemon hu been authorised to brigade of Virginia and other troops, and hu already Made arrangements for properly equip. piag mem. The Pnt Muter Genre' tau directed the mail facilities to be restored to Paducah, Kj., that town now being in the posseation of the Pedant troops, and the male there no longer tampon:l4in by SeousionistL The &inter, of the Treastu7 be. largely in creased the clerical fore* employe/ In tiling op Treattuy Bumaithas, Sept. S.—Yesterday afternoon two or ttiU:,e rear care of a train containing a detachment of the Harris Cavalry, of New York, and Col. Kultpatrick , a regiment, wu thrown 'rim the track on the Northern Central Railroad; near Cockeysville, through the crun• veal careleuneas of the engineer. Four sol diers ware instantly killed, and several were wounded; three mortally. The eagineer, on seeing the result of his recklessness, detached his locomotive and hastened 'ao the city, where he was arrested. He was fired upon ny um' soldier'', bet they failed to detain him. The killed were: Mr. Lyon, Qthrtennuter Sergeant, a relative, it said, of Gen. Lyon, and privates James Mc. Donald aid George ermane. The following privates were slightly wound ed t Frannie Pula, Peter Peterson A. CoDon. nel, Jame' L. Donnelly, Henry W. Allen, Ju. English. l The following were wounded badly: George Yon Schuss and Michael Denny. The engineer,Fredenck Gemback, Is mad to bare mule a threat that be would be in Baltimorg by a certain hour or leave them be- hind, and kept op a furious rate of speed against the remonstrance of the offices in command: RILLTLIDILZ, Sept. B.—A man named Wil liamson was to-day, in a wagon, draws by a pair of excellent horses, jut u be war about leixing his Mop. - At first he protested his innocence, ind invited investigation. The polies sods demonstrated they were better acquainted with the secrets of his wagon than was supposed, and quietly drew from its secret recesses apple evidence of the guilt of some one. Thd vehiele had a false Boor, and in the policelquietly removed it, the accused ex claimed—rid, God, I am a raided man! , The 'articles found embraced, among other things, some thuty large sized navy revolvers, of superior quality, a quantity of gold lace, red flannel and a package containing about 120 letters, addressed to parties in Petersburg, Richmond; Norfolk and Finns, some from I fiat class business houses in Baltimore. The letter& and other articles were sent to Gen. Dix.:. Williamson was sent to Fon McHenry.: Fawners fdoiritoz, Sept. B—i Via Bat/Jr:44re, Sept. 9..-Non. Caleb Smith, Secretary of the Interior, Mr. Kennedy, of the Census 80re,,, and Col. Seaton, of the NatimiallntelUgencer, have spent the day at Old Polit and Newport Kew,. They leave to-night Co Wubington. The Minnesota bu not yet arrived. A prevalent gale ix driving a large number of transports into Hampton Roads. Distinguished visitors bring abasing intel ligence froM Washington of a retrogade move ment of Betturegard's totem It is well under stood here that he must soon captors Washing. too of seder a , disruption of his army by the wlthdrairarol troops to the invaded thaw cf the Confederacy. We have; no authentio information of the diwth of Jot Davis. =l=Z! Nsw Yoe', September 9.—The U. B. steam frigate Minnesota, the flag 'hip of Commodore iltrlnginun, "ailed to.daj for Fortress Monroe. The brig Hari McKee. of !Maintop, N. 0.. arrived to.dily from Liverpool, with a cargo of ialt, quinine, ito. She has been oohed by the Government , , ander the contigation act. New Tons, Sept. 9.—Ths bark Reindeer arrived thisimorning from Barbados". The Reindeer report" that the pit boat Royston' State left Barbados' on Arlan 16th, in search of the privateer Sumter. Cargo, Shpt. 9.—The reported rebel force at Colt:mbar!, Ky., under Polk, is lectured to thirteen regonente of infantry, with eix batter. les, a Mimi battery, and three battalions of cavalry. Be has a gan•boat and three steam. era. Jeff. Yhompsonis force remains at Bel. moat, Mo., Opposite Columbus. Commodore /lodgers seiud the steamers John Gault, Jobs Bell, and Matson, at Pada cab, yeaterdiy: Ybe robe; gunboat Yankee came within three miles :ot Cairo, yesterday, but 'retired without making any hirsute diunoastations. Tasnott, N. J., Sept. 9.—The 6th Hew Jersey regiment will 11000 ISM for the ant of war. The 71h regiment ie rapidly !Miss op. The Seers et the 6th are t Col. Jul. T. Hat field, of Jersey City; Lint. Cal. 8. B.Stroad, of-Camden; Major J. P. Van Lear, of Camden tantnty; *elates!, Daniel Loeler,lr., otTren. toe; Burgeon; Dr. Wiley, of -Cape Alay; Ave; /torsion, Dr. Mum,. of Belvidere. • - Barran Soot. 9.—Chot. Ban; 11% Bala let for Wapiisitta Ms aoraing, ordpi fin Wag Nat to masa Ms doles of Ain post having boo inland; 08Z...4111 idicek Wad. a B. ~~•; - ,~...~.~. :~:~t I- ..~ TILLEG.RAPB LATEST - FROM 'EUROPE. itheival of the Africa. St. Jonas N. P., Sept o.—:be Cunard itsatubtp Attica pamed.Cape Ram this morn ing with Liverpool dates to Sunday, the Ist but. ' The polities' news it not important. Liceripoot, Aug 30 - . —The isles or cotton for the put week have been 120.000 bales, the market doting at an Ominous Breeden& are quiet and ann. Provhions tending downward. 02.1 Load" Aug. 33.--Consols 'gnoted at p2#® . Gaza, Barron—The Loudon 614,1 an nounces that the army in Canada is about to be reinforced by 22,600 men clarion the month. ' Tee Timer, editorially, calls 011 the /ovate meat to strain ere, nerve to develop the cal. Itiatiou of cotton in India and' elsewhere. It (aye 'bath believes thetthere will be no lack of will on the part of the government; if the e marched and mum seturere will point out the way the goverem nt will waive all sera. oleo when the prospe ty of the toiletry and the existents of niiilio s are at stake. The Daily News, iu an article on fugitive slaves, teach:dee that the federal cause is henceforth to be cleuly identified with the abolition of slavery. , - Queen Victoria bad left Ireland for Balms. , sWeat India advice, ad been received via Ireland stating that th privateer Samar bad' taken and stink forty u sada, causing great ex. citament there. ; It was reported that ord Mont would sac. need Sir E. Head ai Governor of Canticle. VeArecs.—The Emperor Napoleon his gone to BiIIICIM. It wee stated that the Empentee interview With the King el Phials would not take place until after the latter's coronation. . ITALIT.—A pamphlet on Rome, Issued an Paris, ease - Jr that 11. the Papal government persists in refusing the guarantees offered for the independence of de Holy Set the people of Rome inset be appealed to. tad if they elect .Victor Emulativel klog the French troop*, on the 16110.04 day, will be relieved by the 'W- W 1 troops, Husuaix.—The Huogarian quadrat con tinued to be &Angell in the lower house of lielehasath. The upper house bad agreed upon en address to the Emperor, who expressed his einem satisfaction at the . pstriotie sentiments thereof. Rusine.—A deputation from Finland, ea rouge for Stockholm to demand a separation from Massie. had been arrested by the Harden au. thorider. POULAD.—to new reaeript by the Emperor of Russia to the Governor of Poland Is very can. dilatory in tone. Liverpool Breatletvia ker . kel.—The market Is generally quiet and steady, in consequenee of the continued favorable weather for the crops. Flour fiat at 2490275. Wheat steady at So 24 09e li for red. Whist goody, at 9124®9s 4a for red western, its for red southern. lis 61 for white wutern, and lir 950112161 for white southern. Corn arm, et a atlas advance on alt mods; sales of mixed and yellow at 29s 6d 030 s, and white at 111034 e. Liverpool Provisiou Market. —The various circulars report Beef dull. with a decline on the lower qualities. Pork active at en advance of I 21 ad. soon is still dunning. Lard steady at 46•0493. Tallow Inn, at • trifling advance no all valiant Loudon Mosey Market —Console closed on Fddey at 9210922 for money. The bank rate of discount has been reduced to 4 p cent. Liverpool, Sept. 1 —The steamship Africa takes out to America £26,600 In specie. Haw YORE, Sep. 9.—The steamship Europa has arrived. Breadstuff* firm. Provisions dull. London. Saturdep,Ang.3l.—Consals closed to day at 9210925 for money. American stocks.—The last sales of Amer ican Stocks are es follows: Ens shares 2210 231; Illinois Central shares 3950385 Haarturnuao, Sept. 9 —Gov. Curtin and staff, Lieut. Cola. John A. Wright, A. L. Rue. dell, J. D. Potts and J. B. Parker, Surgeon Gen. Smith and Paymaster General Witwell, together with a number et diatioguished ladies and gentlemen, left here at noon troday for Wuhington to silk the Peonayinuia Reserve Corps, and present to them the digs ordered by en act passed at the last erasion of the Legislature. These Sags were prepared under the auspices of Col. John B. Parker, to whom great credit bul o gn for the alleging tam sad egipriprlate stile displayed to their execution. The handsomely decorated Directors' car, belonging to the Pennsylvania R. R. Co., was kindly tenaered to Gov. Curtin fur the occa sion. The party will arrive in Baltimore at 6 o'clock this evening, and proceed to the Cam den Depot, where a epeeist engine will be in readiness to carry the party direct to Wash ington. GOT. Carlin will present thellags and' standards to their respective regiments in per. roe. asideted by the gentlemen comprising his ewe. Athena*, N. Y., Sept. 9.—G. L. Borne, of Say West, wan arrested at Cooperstown last even.ny, having in his pouestion a larks num bet of important letters from the South. About a hundred of his friends attempted his rescue, but the officers drew their revolvers and cooled their ardor.-Be will ,be sent to Fort Lafayette Ulm afternoon. • rinelpar Hotel& LAST MEET. Third and Wool stmts. W If List, Meeting Phillip Collins, Ebensburg AT Waver, Mingo IS Young, JD Augur. Dunham ' Wm Bonney Clocla Wsablogtnsti a a nabs. on L tl Belden do Lbw/tlobii Lucinda o. Putnam SU Mercy street Arrivals at the UP TO IS V. MM. CIELLMLES—Oorner or EIAJLit • II Ilona, Waynesburg L Mclntosh, °soillb:adorn, Jon D Shsfbar. Millar, 10th P N 0 Alcllhinnep, reirdeld tlVair•r, J ts J Unite, Mingle N Brooke, Wean, Pa T Wheenng MANSION 110081—• N North, tlerttord,Wii A Gatierkt, Herrtaborig H Hitter, Iteettion U W 0 1 0 0 Y, Itcchrter, 0 J A Patterson, liteeport 8 Banat, Liverpool, 0 • .1 Won, Ch'otego OuuHD 80088-oornin • S. L. zwan J D Mawr norations. 11 1 V Kober, Mahnllls P Oolllon,lbanaburg Ikt Ilaraetay,Armlinag eo H Mood, Altoona I bonbon'. Huntingd on ain Res, lady, lo =Mr= 0 P Chao% Washloroo.ps 8 a II eartootovo. do :to WOOL , do J 8 Idokord, 8 Baker, Darld Richmond, do Todd.. do y street, nanny,. 0w 8.841.tb. 13am Beek.tt, Dion city John Penwr H braamm, t J V' &Ion city El M novo; Haab. Pa W, 14 BilicX, do r if ILdointt, do iIOLI HOTRI.,- .. Jos Wallas, tams* Hew Mania, Wash env W Ursiap, Wheeling DaviV Ba d iley, BAtimors Goad I L HaVi, Mt Jackion ft B Elder Henry %My, J Lyon. Bonnie' Dimon, I II Mws. IP Solon. Hobo.; Ontbertioo, D ti Itu Dawson. timan, 311 Yank /wank, W Jonah %Abington More Clark, Jaws %Lb, Jaa Crook,/raublin D gailumui Hammy Ti domarr Lirouku .1 Doty, W blawou a Timmedia & acou. Oran 2.ddy D most O w Me/•4440, sosolle Bklabbil 0 N tlpyu , Harrisburg HTHorlisp &KAN% N C do bsU• B HODS Cornwall, I HARJU gOIEL—LI. 111411171 n IitALL iina,Mivosse Jot Drown.; Wash airy Jo* IfteGovias, gumbrav's 0 L billtrr,lPOsaaul 001 Min if • LAD* do M H Mato: do Jos ardor& gr 0 J Had, Hoeblrtor ,N a2D LION MM.— Wad, Ex 4 of rah. rorsuTaa Ilfeisagtllo, plum tp WALta 3 lor, tioblootowo 1 1 .3010. Camberi,a4 114101 IR Walking. Won olti • It lowa% Obk, 111WPc , x,t1 Y • 0 Yob" &Woo Sts 60. Chit arra noranna. 1) Wolf, Ilormony Rabe, do J Zalloyoz,do Meat 1 / 1 •14114, Wanton Chelln 0 Odbeirt: ► Roy, Illetitgoo bal K 9 WOHamm I Lairla • am, Zolisooplo No. IW, Wear stress. . • IL P 110117011. .1 0 Oornall, Jellasoa J 8 WWl:Pa . ..Plumate J Theo, Wail Onanvillo 0 W &Afar; I do J ilomnall. rreaklin 0 DosorVamadag J Mod. any, I A Toner. i do W 8 Mobil, flatlet E Hartz, Botta . NAT/0151,11 110 Mir. ir. ennui. Jos Woods, P 8 t :, B Cilbson., Mere Oral Thai Ilerinot, to lamas. rum Crest Barne y ckus, Man en, KW 17 II Ba Tun Diallanracz.—Gen. Framont declare martial la* Iln Missouri, when a fierce war is ragtag, add confircates the property of men loam - in; arms against the United States; while in tummies, where there is no war, Gen. Polki u the Memphis papers allege, seta all Nationlil State, and municipal laws aside, and seridslout his press-pap to catch men wk I m o can for impresamant into his ranks. Is; /let Gan. Polies policy as much harsher thin 'Gen. Framont , s as persons are more lured than property f Yet what cue or those seeaMionists that are shocked at Fre mont,s coma will um breathe.,so much as a whisper *talus Polkys t What mange or se rial or outruns can possibly be perpetratsd under the Southern despotism that Ilt• aces. doubts *0! mitt approve t —Louisville Anna ~ , Tarr t lets/ply far of.eets le fdjupowit CO. !MOO , , h aarwg Ural Rides had urinal tour Illahma : plated tea rebels., sad net ward tin die ot Ihe &co. The tour were released y. 1 ) =MMISIffM , :OAf#EO7AL RECORD BURGH 111ARKETa (Iloporka iipbottaiir for A. Pittsburga Gaa•=4. gitsrog. Bloaatt. &pt.:ober 9, 1661. 7Lollll—i Matted dull mart, while pdom hemp auditions rlo change. The dammed I. Halted and ths tramme,fis are ammli and carrell worth repo rt, fug. Bals o 33 bbl. Nein M 84,26, mud 100 do Whim Mont ammllyat 91. 080019IltS-ana with a .1111 further mdmacing Widow*. Sttas of 6 bal. N 0. Sour at 831 cts ; 313 bias lluistarte,ila two lot., at 43@i1c, mod 6 bbls to coratry at 45M Ni begs pews Oahe it lac. 9600N—la[moderate local /moat, wfihoot, how. Her, may emlitbalo pric.e. sem of 2000 law ghoul. den mad Plata Lo at as mod 8•„ 1003 lbs Blataldmis .at 63(m 118959, MMus at ; 2NO fM Oootary 81des at 4534364. 1 OB►IIt doll at 2:823 from first hands. Wm from store of bash at 91. What attobanged; mem from first bands of 150 tomb prima Red at Mto pe has. 01111101 1401 T—dull mud luster; Wm of 16 OMB prim* 31,641,11,11 s LW; 15 bosh reaches at $2. mad 16 do, mt PAO. 11W1Wl POTlLTol4l—dttelfalog; ..le of 10 bbl* at 15 3 . 7 6 1 11 bbl. aiiili-:bactotopd; sal. of to lam W. 14 at eys psi pound. LlALTssaise. and adrmactmg: sale of 30 Ws No. 1 4.3391 $1,113 15 Dbl. STE PLOUBITmerB dell; male from store of 5 bblm at txrif t, b " ; ‘ . sac mlm of 6 WA. at at II dom. 1118119.3.eltgad, w; th mean des of flummox at 170160 d jle•oult mod them. . 1 aussaspLitta nau .uallillaidaoliaaaa„ Dal GOaD.l.i—Tb• fellowimg id the comparative stele• =UN am supra of Ilmatio dry goods at bet York Sae Lbw weak Lail shwa Jamua: y t 67. 11983. 1881. Lettered et the :Port.- $2,016968 $3.873,255 $832,801 Mown on 14085 ... 2,202.0135 2,50,4772 1,118.04 The winds ettberreptloes to the nitkenal loan ben bon Anted of i nicest leeurably derma we weak. The receipt* onawed a eaewerepdass at the Azaleas= Tieuweriee 1.1 t lea war wee*, were al follows : Meat sages anions to —....---- $122,300 3,587,100 8,558,300 " UM 8-- 0,177,800 $14,502,01.0 I!EM Lteving for pt t iv ts.d6.sl thine-- K 40003 The soCOoreilng Iceiiire I tti t. etatement I. the rev Walt peogrsion loco anis h end we look for • etlll bribes lociesee wenn lb. none unready Lade. Imer. r UK, will in the worse or T. Com. Mei? I Soreruinent stock. Into 1:L1,33a:441y e. - tnre. The zegbdared mimeo. 1881 vete eoW 31; Write yesterday, ens the liven of ises.% higher. Tteentry aline attez telling at. WM menet to KIX law evening's orlon IS Inas Wale We ptiacipal chew via In North Co. soilage, Whichd 18g; itilmoori aisle ware higher tor tile .ed 1 kr the Hannibal awa 81.Jostpti *ink T.1121.20t• advautoi 31. &dee of Georgie MU/ at er, Loathe. az 6634, anti ikebigen at 81%. Outfox INT.OII graft lumen ctuinge. ••lot of ntooklyn Qty Water low rat talon at WM. In Banned bond, the only Rai. Irma Itik.ola Henna.' et 93, Hudson ltivet t eonverbulea et 33. sticition 600th. er 0 Welting itadi v. 18, and ittle Womb inangage at 70. —Ol. Y. 0.41 Ad 4ajorts by ttatiroad. Pxresetsuns itiglareLesa floss Boca -8.9.1. I sad 6.-2 owe wheat,!L • Immesh: 283 bleasys Hamm:o ♦ oat 70 Us obese., W lee wag be eke wheat, Jews A ;mat; 8 hhIS me. B. Qlyd. 6 Wee wadding, Mgso woo; aa bals paws, Kula • • co; 60 bale Boar, 0 Llama% N ,160400, • dooc.; ZS d, J L Man 11111;sh 7do do, 9/ Baster: lot ol coats shwa, throw. 41cIdadw, 10 1.69 sp. he; Beet a Lester; 27 dodo, J Grauer; 12 Ms 4was,./ If theowdeo; 4 had; 2 helm pots, V Laws,. /Alva, pies, Cap • Bhepero; 19 do al./ It on balled' am, coa • rig irstal, Jya. moor. aka t.. 1 le Now., do pm piss, El H Clol hag 92 bail C 44104 B Itablsoo a co; 160 Dols paper, 11 M Wolves. Pltessawa,!ft Wards • CalC4oo Ram Roil.— 14peambat 9.-4 bare woo, L optheott an 130 hldoe, nays Btawaig empty llhodee a Verse.; let caw wall, LI 1811.9hene, ISS beg. sate, 1 Ws ego; 18 empty bons, Wai c, ••4,4r; ...Spot sett, Wawa. • Dsh u roetbt bids W P Wootridgla 8 able apple; Used • Metsgetts. ham wheat, 1, Wlssurth; Y 6 able J a II Phtlhpk 2 eke old ovine, Joha Damn.; 214 114 w., Lipp k il/PWee; 100 do do, Al bellows 60 bate Buoy, a L 113.1 . 1114ribita by To',graph. Pini.bottrati. , fr 9—flour dint and only 600 tol 6615-d 4101 lot *non floe, $6®626 for e.t.a . ..tot jb 6456 for an r. family. By. flour needy at $l. end corn meal/ 114 i. Lon ithett offarlog,and in goon rented. bout 1,004 bun. bolt atsl 1061 le Mc &rap sad pt . ( • rod. jinn 06 for Lotorior and j 1.9 / al II ter far ' prone • blc. Ave dull al 60054 c. tor nat. sod for old. Corn kl 1•12 dem no And 2,000 blab. yel told at No. Otte active and 6,040 bush. told at . for Loeltetri and alolr.in. tor obi Ibrutrylvaala lio diens In grocerke. nabs mete pork at 41 bunt at et 2104 Woe at 70., and 'boulders al 6 0. bald nun at wo_ tx 660, and 9) r. tor town annoy advaoced ; OWN 300 bbl. Wass 1610194 uoir sold Ai 19c. Nan Trutt, 04. 9 . — Bron l og.—Cotton declining; Nair nebnporniasia: 2l 4. hour doll; maks 2 1 / 1 /170 bbla. at $4 4004 5 tor One; $5 osgs 10 for Ohio, and Pen 211 for Utbet[l. Stara; cpund wlni au innate or 14 1401. closed declining. Bales 200.100 bun,. at No. tlit Below apt ng, $1 0631 09 for 6fll. .anti. club, a 111201 17 14 red walnut and 1 1 126 01 551 for white l[concky. Corn valet; tine 53,000 nub. at 4004731 Boss .lead) ; jort contract ha 8,600 talt. vain met intruded at $l4 60016 87%. het bony at $13,784914 rot mem Whiny doh at 120111%c. l : 1 Tam !Unit &mom—The London Fpectator, gust 24th, says aThe ha tof Europe seems doubtful, though that of Great Britain will be up to the average. la4rance the reports or drought are only partly; but in Northern Italy the crops, more :,especially of Indian corn, are supposed to be destroyed. It is possible that there te esegge i tation in, the accounts as yet received, hut, Howlett - for that probability, Western &mood will still, as a whole, be corn. palled to impor&more than an average of lood. The short crOploi Europe will keep up En list) prices, bet the diner of scarcity seems to have paned *way, and if we hive to meet abort time in On North, that heavy calamity willnot be increased by a deficient supply of bread." (hymnal:4m has istued his proolaotts tioo at:omit:in the estiogahhment, by the Commissioner" o the Stoking Food, of $300.- 801 01 of thot tate Debt of Pennylreals, during the per adios Septtsmber Ist, 1861, as follows: ? Mock Loitt Lateran Qattlfloates..... Relies Notai sonoelled. New. in the 7th init. ....., to tort Lafayette. In. ten:opted le exposed him. He was making a rifle ttexy to send &nth, and urea : a— ed aXi guess to fight the horde of Northern il. litionista. STEM GOODS 1 Wl , ...9f,aitgriAlfzipaNeoiAt for o anise' 11i1,1Z, *blob hove boa ostoetod squi mon bib yob. *.n. cad (*II bobilant b the :113; r/LIBIEI4 &AD .1141.11 8 *UP CO ran.. I=EME!! 11. y n fAtIODII of fee IMO Om baton °pews tp tht, cn , end timid reeneettall: eeleftne owl c. 41 oa patrons end the publio. te siamair. Ana t waren Samuel! y & Son, MIRO El ANT TAILORS, . iahltem iserl TN 1111111SICIP. pORTABLE WASH STAND. *a Ito a w awl beautiful attiela. It la (Inch, an I ma tn In stub a wray as camblnt Bowl, Elan I, aa. It &situ "7 Weil Antall. 'pi Is complete with cal wood work. • Tilbt Is the thing that dialc4g been wanted by tenants vbo do nst "lA'S° be at that/nem of anything pannalient The atind abate deiathed can be 4•a down mid ramovad In a LBW . mliratsi ,at BALI BY BAILY, OARRELI, 8 C 0.,. PLATIVIM wate. I 17 mo. um ro d Tn. wrazzw. 111/4 1141 ITO 1 LLD.' , • - fitALTPETEIN-S A 7 b 7 of a TABSIN. - • ,Ma lbw Way Mw •%t:Sf;:r.°.i . ::: , :z',..:-.: . K PROCZa All ATION. WUEREAS, eea t or L b j.l " 13th Ac t' P pWcd of t d, ig39, entitled oda Act' relating to the Elections of this omonwealth,. it is enjoined on the Sherilt of every county to give nonce of such elections to be told, and enamel-ate In inch notice what oaken are to be elected. Ince thereof, I, L.GENHAII, Shatter itt=ty of Allegheny, do therefore make known, and give this public notice to the electors of maid manly at Allegbe a7. that a GENERAL ELECTION will be bold in old Dotty, on the tero ore D TUESDAY, sth DIY 07 00.. Tat— NEXT, at the several Election District. therein. And as directed by told Lath section of the of July 15.39, I hereby giro notice, that eVery (excepting Justices of the Peso) who shall ha any cake or appointment of profit or trust, under the Clov ernment of the United Statee,or of this State,or of an : city,or incarponted distric, whether I eemmLtioned alarm or otherwise a anbordthsto officer or agent, who lo or shall be employed under the legislative, executive or judiciary department of this State; or of the United SMUG, or flatly city or Incorporated district, And also that every member of Congros. and of the Slate islattue, and of the *elect or 'common council of any city, or commialonere of any Incorpinited district, is by law Incapable of holding or exercising at the same time, theca:lce or appointment of Judge, Lopector or Clerk, of any election of this Commonwealths mod that no,Lespectar,Jud,ge or other officer of any sock elec. lion Moil be eltOble to any office tote then voted for. And further th at by the 4th section of the Act of April 15th, 15 40, it is proelded.that the aforesaid 13th section of the Act of July 2d, 1838. , shall not be so con. .trued as to prevent any militia ofgect or borough cfg. cer from serving se judge, inspector or clerk, at any general or special election in thisCoMmonweeltb. The electors of the First Ward of the city of. Pitts. burgh to meet at the Public School Rowe bold Ward. The electors of the Second Warded the city of Pitts burgh to meet at the Public School House in said Ward. The electors of so much of the Third Ward of the city of Pittsburgh, first precinct, to meet at the house of Ilharlee Moody, comerof Wylie and Tunnel streets wend precinct to meet at the house of trends Jetti son, on the corner of Sixth and Smithfield streets, The electors o the Fourth Ward of the f Pitts- burgh, to mee t ! at the Public Schad Ho city me o In said Ward. " 1 The electors oleo much of the Fifth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh as Iles north and east of Adams street, being precinct No. I of told ward. to meet at the Public School House on Liberty street in said Precinct. The electors of so much of the nth ward Se ties month and west cf Adams street. being precinct of said ward, to meet at tee Public School Mew on the corner of Pike will Waimea streets td said precinct. The elector. of the Sixth Ward of the city of Pitta burgh to meet at the Public School Rothe Do old Ward. The elector. of the Seventh Ward of the city of Pitt. burgh to meet at the Public School House in Bald Ward. The - electors of the Eighth Ward of the dty of Pitts. burgh to meet at the Public Schoop Howe in mid Ward. The elector. of the Ninth Ward of the city of Pitta burgh to meet at the Public School noose in old Ward. • The electors of the First Ward of the City of Alleghe 41 to meet at the Pahl!. School House in said were. - The electors of the Second Ward of the city of Alle gheny to meet at the Brick School Home, corner of Palo Alto and Mostnspin streets, In said ward. • The elector, of the Third Ward of thecity of Alleghe ny, first precinct, to meet at the Publth School House I in said Ward; the electors second precinct, o. lard Ward, to meet at the mid wad. The elector, of t h e Fourth Ward of the city of Allo gheny, Ana precinct, to meet at the ante of •ldennan Ebenezer Derby, corner of Anderson and /I:abloom screed; secoud precinct, at the boom of Jamb Pack, earner of Chesnut and Main streets. The electorsof the borough ofilirmingham, first pre• duct, to =Wet the Public School House; second poe cina, at the Burgemt antot,in odd borough. The electors of the borough of Fast Birmingham to • meet at School House No.l, in said botaugh. The electore of Duquesne borough to meet at the Public School H. 04110 in said borough. The electors of the borough of Lawrentherille to meet at the Public School House tumid bormigh. The electors of the borough of Shsrpshurg to meet at the home of James Sharp in said borough. The electors of the borough of McKeesport to meet at the Town ILII in said borough. The electors of the borough of Temnersucerille to meet at the Public School douse In said borough. The electors of the borough of South:Pittsburgh to meet at the Palle reboot House, carter of Marian street and Brownsville turnpike med. The elector, of the borough of West Pittsburgh to =stet the School Home tumid borough. The electors of the borough of West Elizabeth to meet at the Public School Home insaid borough. The electors of the borough of Tar:mum= to meet at the Public School House In said borough. The electors of the borough of manetidner to meet at the Public School House. The elector, of the borough of Elizabeth to meet at the home of H 0 Taylor, formerly occupied by John Walker, in said borough. The electors of the borough of Sewickley, to meet at the Public School Home in said borough. The electors of Monongahela borough to meet at the School House in mid borough. Thee:lectors of Election District No 1, of Peebles township to meet at the hams of John Bettler, in the village of East Liberty. The electors of Election District Na: 2,in Feeble!, township, to meet at the Glen Hotel in ealdownship. The electors of Pitt township to meet at the Pablo School tame, near Oaklead, no mid triniship, except the audited voters chiding In Sectirins, No. A. 7 cud kt, in the city Mstrie; who shall vote et all the gen- Mal elections, In the Ninth Ward of the city of Pitt. burgh. The electors of Conlin township to meet at the horde of Wm. WWI, Jr., in the village of Eget Liberty- Tire electors of Wilkins township to meet at the Public School Limas in the Tillage of WiLkimburg, in said townettip. The electors of Plum township to meet at the ham of John Sommerville In said township. The electors of Patton tawaship to rued at the house ofAbraham Taylor, on the Northern Turnpike, in said township. The electors of Penn township to meet at the house of Robert Donaldson, on the Leechburg !need, in mid township. The electors of Versailles tawathip to meet at the Public Scheel Howse, on the farm of David Slaw, mar the White House, formerly occupied by Thomas now by William A. Shaw. The electors of Elizabeth township to meet at the hence of IL 0. Taylor, formerly occupied by John Walker, In Elizabeth borough. • The elector. of Jefferson township to: meet at the house of Michael Snee, formerly occupied by John fang, tum id township. The elors af MiZin township to meet at the house of Samuel Wilsonformerly occupied by Jame. IL Neel, ha mid taint:dap. The electors of Upper St Clair township to meet at the none of Hugh morrow, in said township. The electors of Lower St. Clair township to meet at the house lately kept by P. t Heaat the Junction of the d Birmingham an Coal Hill in amid township. The plettall of Chartiers p at the tome of William Obey, on the Pitts - tom meet buigh and Stela bowfin. Turnpike. The electors of Batmen townehip to meet at the haute of Sarah AVTaziand, formerly Audiety 3.Pnriand in said townahlp. The electors of Findley township to at the home of fdl'lnelland A. Armor, Zimmerli pied by J. Quirks, In the these cf Clinton, In said township. The electors of Boon township to meet at School House Na 6, in maid townthdp. The electors of Ohio township tomeet at the home of Henry V. Mammon, In said towitstdp. The electors of Franklin township, tint precinct, to meet at the house occupied by -, la said town: this the glee:tars of sexed precinct to; meet at the boom of--,to said townabth. The elector' of Reserve township to meet at the rot 800, Na 11, in Bald township. eiectorsof Baldwin township to: meet at the of John Gamut, In said township. coo electors of McClure township, to meet at the home of Jacob Eckert, on Wood's Run; M said then ship. The electore of Snowden township to; meet it the home of Peter Boyer, In said township. ! Th. electors of ikoth Fayette townehip to meet at the hotin of H. Hays, on the ism of 0. Y. Cordter,ln said township. The electors of North Fayette toinulde to meet at the home formerly occupied by trends Jamison, at Rodger'. Mill, in said township. The elector, toof nom townsid to ineeeit the house of Hugh nisei', on the Franklin Road, in said town- The electron of Pineetownthdp to meet at home of Hugh Cthmzny, in aid township. . The electors of M'Candlem township to meet at the hope of Freak Morrison in mid townitship. The electors of West Deer township to :meet at the house of Nathan Cooley, In said townahip; Theelector, of Eat Dear township to - meet at the Public School Home at the month offltelley's Bun. The electors of Fawn tom:ship, find precinct, to meet at the mace/ home at Soda Works, In Rut Te. roe tam; wood precinct, at the haute of hut= NO Dowel. 1300,050 00 330 01 421 00 The elector. °Muffle township to meal at &heel Home No, 1 (hereafter to be called Chll. The electors of Sewickley townebi po 9 poet M the house of Samuel Ritchie, in said township, The electors of Indiana township to Meet at the t brass sip. formerly occupied by Alez. TornU, In . said . The . onallned voters of that yparrtt of Indiana town ship, in Allegheny county, g within:the follow. ' . lac denstribed boonduies, to rmit: — Bettbli at a, ebint on the Allegheny dyer, at th e upper .on the farm of John Cable, and running es north' . course, ' between the farms of said Cable and J Hopi, to . Gm north east corner of Cable's run. - Mug • westerly coarse to the ahables • plies, In each a manner ea to embrace all fume • lota attn. f ated in Cunningham'. efie. - _and known RI the River tr acts, within • maid .eries, hereafter vote at the general election in the locaregh abates. butg, at the election poll of said broungte.. : • The electors of . abider t emenshlp to rare et John Shutt Hill, townsh - 1 The demons ln of laid Cruelest township to ' tat the School Home in Elecauctown. The electors of Hampton township. to , at the bones of William Peters, In ealdhurnstop.l The aleetarKol I.lolcm tremble to meet • the boon of James Holes, In laid township. The elect:we of Scott towns/tip, to meet the house or Androw Glean. lo told townsellp. - The electors of .11khland township to M eet at the Paella School Houle in Bakerstown. _ . At which time and *cm tbe gm/LW edam= et Wroold will by ballot vote for . I: One parson au Penh:lent Judge of 'Oesolson Pleas, Quarter lkosettme; Ofor med. Tvught, r e B '4 ° M imi ' s Wert ofAlleghe ny county; One panontor Aahrsurt Amide el Histrlat. Court Of Allegheny eolul • Om parson tor tM Aseociate Jodie al Comnion Thee. uartsr Ikesions, Oyer. and Tuonner end Orphans C G onnor Allegheny conalm .. One person for number of the aura , /1711 perm" for ouribui of Uri ,, I Wyss of Dausaintdm cm. pan= lbr Ebaiff of Allrgheny eon ty; . Forum Mr Comer of Anodise cop. - muss fOr ProthOnotery of .colintn • parson SX.Ornandadontr of 'Aueleh.; cooney; And the Minus of th e wad bo and t ow n. s t i r will eked one pence far Director the Poor of Given melee my hand lid goal at - PI th is mai niobat. 11th day of deptiterier. A. D. 1 8 61, and the pendenc• of the United 'Stated the sighl),. '•. - I•llhdlt6w3tT ~ • JAIL'S L. GRAD et' WA.TI,II PLPIFL-3,000 ;ja r , Wait' Irk trots 2 sae • I 1 amtai mum oulta - Blit/811.-8041044 iii r lia ' artm4.w it i Zasff. 00 - . : - Soma, Amur. ._. MANHOOD: - 2tow LOST 1 ROW lIIISTORSD 1 Jest iabltabedla a &Otird raretcitak Price 6 ttr. 1 lector* on tio ratan, traatmant, mid radahl cm of 6permatorthoe• or Emend Wriknem. Laval. Maar, talsoMaa, 6=l'4 Debility, and imptdtaitaht tcl aura** morally ,Nairommunt, Consumption. Sp. I:ipty and ltZ Mental and Maim! Ineapactry, ra. nag tram hilt Abaft. &o.—by ROM a; on, VIEWILL, MD., Anthcr of 12111 Orem Book la. . 1 4 .1 % Moan to Thousaadt of Suffaers," 6 t. nods cod. to a phtn eavVopt, to any addlms, print, co maim of a'n oath, or TO paths" atMaps :by Dr. Crtt..t O. 1[1.1.6111. 1 1 . 1 . 326 n. ' /:7 D00n".16.1. Tart. P. O. Dor. WO D Ir. Geo, IL Keyser., Wholesale Druggist, itAIRD/CIBB DBALER, - .o. 140 Wood Street, Pfttsburgb,Ra. . . Ai P USONS FOR Tab Clint- OF lUM Niti OR RIIPXORg. k .. arsh , s Radical Cure Train'. kittisr'a • Patent True. Fitch's Supporter Truss. Self:Adjasting Truss. Aw l , Dr! Bartning's Lace or Body b , for the id Weekrumws, du* of Prowl:atm utazt PEI^ and Epl. Drl. S. S. Fitch's Silver-Plated S Pile Piops, for the support an zi t:S. • 'e Stockings, for weak arm i l l i * Elastid.lince Cape, for weak knee joints. .§.11;1e Supporters, for weak ankle jointer . a ; S perrsory Bandages. Sal-Ejecting Syringes; also, every kind 1 . of Syringes. Dal Kay - sae has also a Truss which will rpdically cure Hernia or Rupture. Office at his Drug Store, No. 140 Wood ,st., sagn of the Golden Mortar. Emu prescribes In cameo! 00E01110 Mgt !Lego and ha. leetramenta tor DIAPNEEE and nitmiry Mamie malting machanhal attppint. . 0 Lt•ElO BATTERY or ILECTZSO li•GNErIIO elhol/1143, for medical purpeassof • eery torgatiof kind, .111.1. meat free of express charges, whereto en ensue cony upon a rerolttane• of ten Doilia DB. GEO. EL Klltafth. •Ad !. drm do. 140 Wood street. Pittebugh, Pa. DIkftRITEA CURED—By Swayne's BOWEL CORDIAL. Every bottle eratrimMa or Moneyysfmtted. Bold at DEL HEYBEIed Jytthdier No. 140 Waal street; t t MS, arCHES, &c.—The aeli per% BIEL gold at DR. liElrallEE, 'V il a °o f f e ISO Wood meet, b a sore remedy. L .,, R ' A.T„!..A1eDr2,!'.9,8J. — Sure ent e g r A c t C. T Nadia ATOR, an setnety new greparadon, and werramedtto remove them pone from .trey house. BOld illt • Dd. ENVIER'S, .libtd i &if HO Wood .treat. Ex - XI kTRA RAZORS.—I have a few x to [tenor,, which 1 wlil doe, out at coat. I t , OEO. lI.&NYSE% WU!! 141 Wood sued. Tei . EAVACHS CUBED.- An . infallible for ffesJache will be found In Eft•ZEWS . IHD•011E P/ GUI. Try them. At DE. ISNYEIWIt No. leo temi Ntreot. Fr/re 23 ant.. t-r. - •-.. , Riun COI•PILY If 11. r ...I 4 NVPlLtiltlll CVYPiY 11011.1. 01N Gi won -He PE7TSBURGII. Ite'ClTpDl a CO., hiANIRAOTURERS pi &alai!. uta, l l en4T,llo.ll' sod BOLT 5022211, numb' a P za '4311%)!e.3, Halted Stilt Bottoms, Emitter I • Wass, Alm. Importan and Dealer to 1112lLH, ITN PLATS efillITLBOl3, MP" go. OcastsstlF as tuMol, Tionses Vsettlnu and Tool. • Warelouls, No. 140.Pirst =4120 iiitemistrail : Mubarak, Puma. pp•Dpeolalordar ocOoppsr oat to any itsstrsd pst• cay2SolawlsT Hair Dyad star Dye 1 Hair Dye stare. Ae BIATCHIDLOWM ELAM nr it Inepriejiesi and bed te World / All Miters are mere imitations, and 'ignite be /Tabled, Myren wish to mays Mdlcoht. GRAY, !Mk XtLIBTY HAM Dyed tattentM to • t4antlibl and ahWull Brown or Moak. without Om l. 6. 1114 SO the hitt or um. inmate =DAL!! ADD DIPLOMAS Moe hem Mrozdsd to Wm. A. BMW/a LOCO //34 ud one 164000!epplioattono bats been mado to Lt. Matz of him PLIZOILIP 00,13 hisaas Dye. - WM. 114114=11141PS Beall DYJI produces• todrz nee to 'be dtettopdgmi, from nature. and Is Metmeit. as n to tnioro In the, Wit, hammer long B. May be eonusd,juid the 111 gees of Bad Dyes remelted; m• Me/ eirlrester foi We D 7 Mb qualm Dl*. .;Mede., mdd orSDI applitet (la Writs meaty et the Os, tory, Brootheiy, flew York. • . =Watt alleittee and towns ot the Wilted Btato4D7 Dem chts and Pmy Goode Dada& , ..11WTheigentdne Om the sante and alines upon • 11* tste eogeseteor on Sens eidee of etch box, of • , I WILLIAM A. BASOmmuse, )4AI • ' 16 Bond areetatow York. • rotor—wicis—waur• BATCHELOR'S _WIGS AND TON- Pr 48 • WEL Ito are eketat, Ught, ow sod t 4; charm—cio turning zip bebted-kx; elrint4.4Qs Nod ; Indeed thts to the *dab thantliti store Um; mansari!ProPertl azd wide. • *Cdaa/ralt 8. COLLEBind. forwarding et Comm(Mon elarattaal • I Ann W1101,11.13•Ll MUM /if cassaw. Butter, Seeds. Mink lud Produce(basalts. 11$ Wed Strut. PittairpS fal l iSON, MINIS & MILLH . roVaricasi AND SIACEURISTISI WA.I3U/NOTON WORM*. , Pittsburgh. Poona: Mails • o.sl arkit usu c tieetax• all kinds of Atom Zogkeu sad Km jaiicaumr, Qestinpatailtaid Work, basis Maris and Ethisi lila Work. Jobbing old Bapsinng dna on Iliatt AWOL. Ipeaglayellk. a.a•U• ___ ROAD OPDX,R CONDIAD"I: W. G. Blillson, ! , , • Itueuxis w .rbrkr, eertsa: • amiainuas ta , RAIL ROAD SPIRES, CHAIR S,: , 1 AND BOAT SAMS. - Cara& °Mater Street and Chevy .ffitivet Alley. . PITESBUIVIIL, PWerik. , ,es e60.0 1 / 1 1. - • muss re forelia and foments Bills of giottaago, i girzsziwnis csnania, =XI X 0226 AND 6122032; 210,. RailEt h r num.. mistutumui, Yd. tlectfona nada on W Ulf prtadpia thrown , Ulm United Item. own, - - JOELIff tITOOJELIES.Azs at iiLL , K). 'aussastsram or inoti /Liam& Iron raults„ 10141 nal Doors, WindoW Mutton, Window Gnu% la, If * wawa avid mow ours oortd; coitinio woo sio wawa mamma. ra, arm es Ant a misty of no*Psttotas, fumy Ltd Phis sonata • YOt PurPosts• Psztkolar attention Wit suslastsg,Gssse Lots. Jobbing dam at 'hen oaks.' sulk of: Pa nil. Pittaporgli Steel_ Works. tuasoimisas.svis...—warcesulsra a:ONE% BOIZI) & CO. lestnr mammas_ org ur CABl , gitn4l/0. dx . . rsow sad B. NW OS Ujr..x. 64. anallidwa. oda - nrekto 11. . i=ll Q. C. P. 11.111181.19. PAPER MANTIPACIUMB,' soca, rpm?, au. Tartu AnD atziam'ar lit A: P PA.Platt.. Totootot = ints No. *Wood nowt to No. tit lioddiNtld Attest. % grfoltl to. MIN* or ?Wolof Asp. to ' Stone • ALINP. - pporter. 6. a= of ii Rood atesst.lteur Tat . . , 1-.-;--•-.:.:c;..,',,,---.2:.-,..5:,'