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'SPA, !..fe. :' . % 3:::;t1r;Z !it 4. *I! . ; :.: : *;;;1' \2 ! t. 44 4. 11. t ..: 1 •:, .., 1 ' ..4gt.,...* fiki , .-2,:;* ,it..14:..- ~.xp.i..1.:.: zvil.v t .: , .); tti1i...1, 2 .:., w 1 ,. 4 .4- k g.i Igiv ;t3tkiti%. ........,„.......,:...- tc:.• : ... ,:5!..:. , y ~.......:.:,.. - : ' MEE 0 • 0 ;;", . . - , • A 11 •L•i • • - - • - .1 • przwEasetritcuatz FRIDAY 1101011811 ff.P.P2 6 i , 1861 Quixotism 1 ismstim Cu U. S. Bonds— Gousug• Moms& Me Imo it stated on apparently good an tkority that - the' CasteSlans ere Investing l itoustderalgY vin United Stites bonds. Oie •,of the ; Alloatuar newspapets already-fears thet the 'solvency or 'Nis Sub** Beaks in Ito ,Protrieus -will be }compromised, the Nada/ to' meet the demand Tor withdrawal having M hO realizsA at wick disadvantage. NOdonbtAlorge investtientlkillited Stun etotriliso7-10, pp:41461e, and so 0111117 iffseted tin a lodgment in bank is likely to take place in Goads, aid the Instinctive fear . of which certain In duettist Par iree' thou, !hoe Intermits would be id - ' l riertleir &ifs:aid, may hive', fell long eines, :Would account for the attempt or a new jour isle under their control to bullets the Lin 2-:don noise and a few Englieh timelier?e iepresintilsHF like class interriste there, In en • • denoting to - Ware the credit of the Govern iant of the.UaitedStates . by doubting their ,••• power this aud even by • More insidious auggestiona affecting the good Milt Sid credit of the Northern States In teterencii to • public debtif s protraited war, hoireier supoesoral in suppressing the Irebelaoti, skoold leave behind it a burtleir Inneottiroletabiy heavy to unaccustomed tax layere, as, of -cooree, . these, writers I all boldly assume and positively assert that. It must. Thai, whoever we,read in our nein pipers any article copied from' journals abroad' which represent and mainly tub .„ • Mille the' iotereste of a - olarr—let us knot :fall into die .common bat -certainly stupid of accepting its statements and its tone s, law evidence of either the state or tandeney of - public opinion in the comma , taly for it'iss written. It the truth were all knelt:, or rather tbe truth that le known Were told, three-fourths of the •. • gnat° srtleles In tbe London Tana "clad be far ithirvise accounted for thans. ,ex ':',•pressione, inceptive •of public Opinion In Great Britain. ' • •As to the remaining fourth not accounted for by the !Ounce and inspiration of Low , • • .bsrd etreet,!' rant; even If we throw said. Idles' imputation of the eerly-st-work agen . of seoeision, will not be too mach hoe- . -•- U l la really so at itil—to credit to • •• - John Bull well-known and -coasted ;Prejedities, ancient, Immemorial, Inveterate, agatnst every thing that is not English, and ; •.: tepeciallrapinst oonstitnUone and govern junta without the time honpfed formula of )• the three Estates, the crown, the tioiiiity, add -the . ' ": Bata .tort tune will eboir tbat even to -int litiestme ; Jayvee n of. English capital in war -lore whir& the U. B. Governtient may riquiee, all this effort will k)rote in Whnleier money tho Government may wish to setae abroad, if any; is just as 413f61 7:114 bs esbed is if the •.*Leadlog J 04111111" not only commended, but actually endorsed, the bonds pelf!l The bonds :will be taken in Land* as they ire now in Canads,—._ • not because it will - please, t displease the • pea Vombard'etteet, holders of news paper stool! or say other stoik, but becines people let SaglandOke other people, prefer air pet cent. to three a n d a hatj--end they l _undertake to judge for - themselves as _ to the security, Eke ether money lenders. li 6 rinuntra Proclamation. .itaidrOw JOLLII9OII, of Tans:twee, says the Craselastati l Gazettr, was liked the other day si lo whal.iti• tight of that part or Fremont's Prillibilit:: w . relating to the forfellotra of prop. ' ersye . etier to aanustation of loaves belonging - to cranial:tarot Minton:if and iepl lad, that it Will jeer bt.-that "a man who will fight naiad data:talon abonlds , t be allowed to own l : .'' a dollar or a dolLar's worth." TheiiWiettio gip m correspondent of tit r e N. YiSpraiikleat says Mat the proalemation rra:= . the !Vilest approbation of the ' 1,, sod indeed wee suggested by 1 1. ,ibe;War Deprickent. , flame of the croakers profess to fear Its effect opanKentooky, but 1 the act was rendered absolutely oecteetery to save kliesoart from rebel dominstlon. The tam Inn Of Hilltneky will not object to soy patilelinsent irielid out to rebels spinal Ike federal government, who are toned with arms b their hinds. Every vigorous sot of the gornoment or soy of its generals seems to meth with instant fsvor at lie Mode of the people. The Administrallon perceives thls, and is steaming every nerve to carry the war into the heart at the rebel country. The Louisville peraoirst does rot muck like the proolemation, regarding it as UZI. rtseesterily Street. It lay; neverthelets: is a part, however, of the fortunes of war. When the negro property of Union men Is ccetaoated by Beetmelonials, we can expect nothing else Menthe General, of the United States army thonld feel at liberty to do the same. IL dote not effect the Union feeling either one way or the other in thus State, sad Is rather regarded es Ma set to be expected In war than commended." Anniganwigninsit am the - .-..,,,•;:- Tisaiiiipwr York papetw'piihhett alitetetest. iii::lfitii[frona' Atehbottop-Ilughes, on the Ord leader bj the Government of the United 814teit'; to id:Lend itself against the armed re. beilloi ie ie . siehieg its dem:eaten; It '.was written hi ; sitity to.,ainir Om -Bishop I. : - ..i i X 40.4 of; c'lnit...Cilroll4 , in Yltieti , that pre ,lste inpronow iiiiiiiiin that Irishmen and Bath:: sdisosboaht =lasts the war opytat the Booth, . —i. ,; and repeat. the arguments withwkleittha paw: • :.;''': '.'i 4 6 . , ei'lite 4 adi cmiliartP'ishow this.o4 Beath l_sever tut be eongleted—that k ra inei a id &ghatg re l x elittalety brisk the biciekado, in .:.- . i I order to s' supply of:: coital; and that, iii'thiiii:iiiii3OF puce , - theNatio nal G overn . -,,.-.... !i-meat otipit9O'atn,tuitili the icntiint r- , ... -.- 1 To altalusi,hittabili Highs* mills , with i nabs asi , . ...,,I , I i st4sant', l3 tisiiitiin bdwitid.iis thißohiltibti 1 i *Talke utter trlctObsii of the t:4l4i thsy hive lik4 !or redissa t iast show, thitolly and '... '' • .IKniftitildnil :of 'ileiteiitig,ths Union .-:. s '.• .•isiCso o- d i t tOPPPl4 l !ilsong P!raident,li.him liifiiiyiiiiiatlik.,.... The iiiia paseifis sap, ii vieticiribit pantiteo quiyetilig apidicy whirls Le sebbei,jitilior - .•iiitei which iroald , c '.:. o#o 6 0 -*,orutii*#;:eairpiike ia tom: toi . k..i, ! , 'As two politi cal .paillon;ilsiele ',... .1. Or" ii !” °113 4 4 : 4# - Ogiiiii*iraftilostiv ::: . r.,.A,.;!otkliitiosr, io 'ecsaildit Oil whole - ,...... - .'„:„. l l.*fiiiit . ' ll l lllo bisb,glitli,iitii 4 lo4; , O;Thit, - titiiiiir Um tintaiiiiipd aid 'etteliistoli „ .. ) .: , ,, ,,. v ,, ~ ,!,.Ikitiglijiiiii in esaistabtieg the boner and rights '''' . . ljel theiLoilaiiiii...-.-''.- floe. Jos. Holt, of icy., too with a grand reception in New York, ortTtiesday night, and made an eloquent speech, renewing s his espy*: Mons of devotion to the Ual t on. Be pledged -. • the Union men of—his State Ito ' show, sh ould the Stein loulatirappeal froth the 'election. to the sword, that they carried bullets as well as ballots in their pockets. Tiae terrible effect of kresson once prevalent _in thieCabinet,andiatet in the Departments, and stung citizens, h 9 ., a:poem:ll4 striking illuilratibu and deriuncia tton. He raid that the men irtio,in our midst, gave aid and comfort to the enemy, either-by hunishing them secret information, or by ad• towing their cause, or by striving to sew dig., unsioes among ourselves, or by insidiouely dinusdieg loyal men from outgrip' the mill', 'Miry service, were more vitally the foes of our 'country than if .they were in the army of the Confederate - States.-He also paid a warattrib ite to the President.- . CA.IiP DICK itonuson.--Thie li the name given to their encampment'by the Kentucky boy' enosmped in Garrard 00., Ky. The camp isisituated twenty-seven miles from Lexington and sixteen miles froufNiohobut cilia,- the terminus of the Kentucky Central Railroad. There sin i s camp thife,ths fiat Kentucky reetments 'thtely raised, and also about thirteen hundred But Tennesseans, who have left thelißtate and gone 10 Ken tucky for protection from thegovernment of the Boithern Confederacy: ' • Tam Giarin Jour of Omit. county has presented the Desiveratir , T.:adman, the or pn of the Breekinridp D i vmoorsey of that connty; se being in the practice of mow= aging the rebels now barns spinet the government, by expressii g sympathy for and agreement with them, _ ~„„„ , GPX. BOSZCLANII.—W Main by letters in the Cincinnati papers that General Roieciana waved trim. Clarksburg On Saturday, .and reached Westcin on Sandal.' He would more forward again on Sunday night. Brlgadler-Gestoral Wm. Nelicua. This gentleman is now in command of the Federal troops at Camp Dick Retai ls:on, in Garrard county. ,He is a Lieuten ant in the 11. 8. Navy, and has a large and long experience in that arm of the service: Gen. Nelson is a native of Ma am county, Ky., where his father-was long established as a physician. His rel atives reside in Mason and Fayette c.oun tiei. Gen. Nelson has been in the naval service for more than twenty years. He has a full kriowledge -off military lactic:it, as it is a branch thoroughly taught in the naval school, as well as at West Paint. He is O. MID of broad and Comprehensive views, of thorough business capacity, and of, indomitable energy. His force and en ergy has_en signally displayed in his Enemas in about 4,000 troops in the last_twenty-days at I Camp Robinson. The.-Danville Tribune very justly says that Gen. Nelson is a min of the ,first or der of ability, and of tried and unques tionable_ courage. HO is devoted to the interests and welfare ofids native State, sad will do nothing to disturb the peace of Kentucky. He . hes done more for the peace, sa fe ty and protection of Kentucky,, Probably, than. any one roan.ln.thelitate, and he will do nothing to involve the. Statein civil war.—[Lordeville Journal.. A Sulking Elavaple` One .of the most,interesting events of the present political excitement in Phila delphia took place evening in the Seventh Ward, whoie meeting, under the rules of the Peoples party, took place at O'Neil's Hall, Broad and Lombard streets. It was a vary large gathering, both se loons of tha hall beingl Wed, as well as the street below. Allusion being made to the wading war and the necessity of sustaining the Government s mo tion was made and adopted, amid , general applause, to appoint a committee to wait on Alderman Patchen and :mist him to administer the oath of allegiance to the whole body of - the citizens collective ly. The Alderman responded with alac rity. The citizens all stood up, with hats off and hands uplifted, and with seismal ty and emphasis the oathwas adminiater ed. At the close there' was an outburst of vehement cheering: The meeting evinced the diteimination to assert the authority of the repubho,evelywhate and exact loyalty from every man as a beam• den duty.—[Phil'o . North American: Tat response of the public to the ap peal of Mr. Chem is being cheerfully re sponded to, and the rush of isnbscliptions far 7.30 notes greatly exceeds any previ ous day. Up to noon over $450,000 had been ta ken in various 'rums, from $5O upward& Mr. Cum is constantly engaged issuing oertifL:stes to subscribers, and the iniiir-ar tions ars that other huge amounts will bo taken before three deka. The guteziptione , of the week thus far are as knows :. Monday, Bept. ..... Toesd.y, Total wee days... - r .:— -51,078A00 There is aysly promise of saes this week of $2,0:30,000 to $52,500.000 &phut 51,220,000 hat wook.-4N. Y. Post. Fisixosrr's Paocnalmrsou IN ENGLAND. —This manifesto will be. apt to stir op the antklavery enthusiasm of England to such a degree as to endanger the cotton Cabinet of Lords Palmerston and Russell, and the present cotton party supporting it This very party has done its full share in the work of bringing about this South ern rebellion, by preaching and intriguing in every way against South= slavery for the last thirty years. Now, when the is = is redacted to cotton or conscience, John Ball has a hankering for cotton ; but Plamoolli proclamation will be very apt to roug.g.tho crmscience of England as it hai naier•been aroused before. Let as wait and etW.,[N. Y. Herald. Eaaaca AND OM lissustos.—The letter of our Paris corr nvcrodent asserts, in the - moot explicit'manner, that the Em peror Eapoleon sympathizes moat hearth ly and tilorottedy with our Government bite contest with rebellion, and wishes it the moat speedy and complete =CCM ; and that he will do nothing whatever to afford the rebels the stight,,,a, encourage meet for the prosecution of their 'themes. The Emperor is probably influenced in this view : quite as touch by his foresight Into the disastrous results of distation u by his devotion to the principles re ted by the. rebellion. < The JaPit&t of the' Gontiorint, "oar 'corrupondent writes, fall shire this sympathy , of the Emperor. . Y. Illus. Azirra. or Anna.—The Northern Light Immght 30,000 stand of arms from 0611 , fonals o a portion of the 150,000 stand sent to that State by 'Floyd. The Ncrrthern Light was overdne o (fay or two, and some muddy was felt lest the Sonata had fallen in with her, and perhaps oaptnied this mashie prise.. The loss of her treesalte, Large ea it - wad; :maid hive been Insignificant in comparison with the esptare by the rebels, of 110 huge a quw thy of arms.--[N. Y. Poet. tiles From: a geehentist rebut), from' London eoaaty,"Vinton; the eccouna . is confirmed that there is a frightful smut. et Meknes. 'mew thwtroope inks vicinity of Leesburg and at Melanie Jeecttao. Of the four rift-- mann of Confederates at the ioniser place, at lout five • bandied -weni-stick, largely fr om. Umiak., which Proves.nery.fatal- Bo great is Abe want amongst the troops thit every tanner is the vicinity win ramoneleuly stripped of everything that could mialstes to their suss. nitres. Almost ism avaiiable availabledwelling had 'mere ot lees kick soldiers in it, and our tofu- Mant :mates .that the drageof the practising physicians were`: swept completely to supply them From uother,_ source we feint that the - strongest flecisetiosists now stand ho better chance of esesPing the evils of military men. cation than the union men: - No remonstrance - wax tolerated 'lna any; but the threat to be put in the army, 6r worse intimidation,served to silence all who were subjected to tht plun dering process so rBa in their quarter. The Colon men of London..were awaiting imps. `tiently for some. relief from such a fearful con dition of thing*, large *umbers of families, counties only pi women end children, being left in utter destitution, the male members having been conceded to leave the comity, One fact more: They were quite destitute of nit, and wire compelled to eat the fresh meats almost air sooner slaughtered, having no means of keeping them, a circumstance which has doubtless added to - the sickness amongst a people ord nerdy depeedlog so much upon bacon am en - article of , food through the 'rummer, monthe.Belt: loner. , `A' New York paper publishesa number of lettere, writtah during the last "Winter and spring, showing bow the rebel asthoritles got coppice of bullet.` machines, -primers, and venous valuable implements neumsary for mil itary operation,. It appears that they were chiefly obtained through *done employed in the wawa' at . West Troy, then in charge of Major fdordecti, and in the arseial at Prank. ford, near this City. One G. ander, man ter armorer at the arsenal. at Weed Troy, was the active person, therein the ferries of the traitors, and tie acknowledges favors — and'fa. talkies afforded him by Major Mordecai. Mr. B. B. Perkins, Said to he master workman at the Fraskford timbal, and Mr. Bolton, appear to have labored hard for the Southern service, and "their correspondence with Mr. A. Hitch cock, who was!' sort of general agent of the 'Smith for pro Curing army. is quite intensive. They appear to have been well paid, for their terms. Vedette other Northern parties 800111 to nate worked industriously' in behalf of the Wiwi, and helped materials, in the i mmense robberies of vieful military articles from the Government thit employed them. We have 'not heard whether any measures are to be taken to punish them.—Pkil. Bull. . , Tea Londoni .77saos, in a neat article ex- Rianatory of i i position on A:nation elan, len that its asamits upon as havis loses made, t not through a spirit of hostility towards-the United litotes, at for the purpose of ondpiling, over our shoal en, the li beral platy at home. The Pfitish se Lary, it seems. hays found It nesesary to attack the poling admiration of thelapeople for! our democratic, institedons, and their loud ablator for reforms ' hand after the ,Weaken - MOdeli On popular suffrage, and for this purpose hive set the Tian to writing down AMIIIiCIII and A*o63lll' Institution. • . - - _ . , . • , r - • , Panasynianta Tennis Rol"Our or Mawr! , unn.z-At a picnic smutty held near Brick Meedng-hooey Cecil county. Maryland, nvelstl Chester county tortes made themselves odious by refusing to dame where the American flei was floating over them. A amber of loyal Ml glanders prcodeded to eject them from the plat form and they had to run like blues to reaps the lodtsnation of those present.—Olater Coati Timed ' Seattat2 WANTED DIM& 4 . !JIMMY, foi the SIXTH 11.110E1111NT ILL OAT. %ea.% llEGlTtoift otoroa6lo mms, Satires* limy* of ,fsatruereaollthlrtyllio. Pay noses bud sfe to per mouth, scr n raLo W tre k of the icedhr.• s with good .Iforso sad os uch tiles man sols. ample' tlethlog sod 'absinth* Quartet; foal and molloel ices tree of chess* The pay of seal sooilef eon. =woe as moon "kW Is onllotod.' ! ,-7 . 137 an Aot lately pined the tar= ot owllittoont to dank! Iron eSO 1811.1111 ito4. cony ooldter wbo aril e s y that dos Ise tattletl to $lOO =pry and ICO Amite LAWD from. otso -Oolornment. .Attontion to stairs to the (midis& the oiitroontootut boo wisely cototootool to *prozooto 'WWI from tho make. Adesookammt le therefore ohms fo• :* rot fantod, • Sattloillate-spply, its the Reensitlag Wks, IATIDNAL_IIOIIIL. 1 • • MINIM B. =is, PLcth Regional Copley, aelloestf - Ileamlthsi Meer rjr FOR WASHINGTON . CITY.-- Tbs Mato Sir Washbagtoa Otty~posiUralyba itsteirdaytlA glut. al AP- 'I. • fall atanslassee4al.tbs asstabers d mamas, at the Istuteavoas - ta j flits InUDAT Arnim:ll°os. at /54 cedockto taakstarnagemmts for Lantos tasatios. la64t Oder. Oapt.W. L MULE, ' N 0T I 0 X.-00151b1VITEN ON Foam; SAlStr.—,Tbo tootatoto of this 00atmlItto aro {equated to rant at Wilton. or viz Etuza or Tatar, Youth mut, on /IMO. CO fano 00 A '•. • r A. road rrtarsecora to oaratatly ~ .4, to osdfx to madder what octant la isroadarr to lino Itaroodloto provides for Um vows of Oa Lusatia of oar valuation: . : - :JOHY .11f.31001114., • HIPPEY'S Et.E3IIIII.NT will tab tho'son, ea Wooly isnot, at Lira, DAY APTILISOOI wit, at a eclat. to Wahle . Lao. O.ptalna Cl companion will mart tin arm:qui of Outs nopostin cam oisodi as N. oniloir, as o'clock, al Ito. ell toarth aunt sot= 0. H. DIPPET, OoL Oonanedlets,. ox - A FEW MORE KUM 111 TS wad sou tb. :Bata of Lb. ONION iII7LIIII, nneisi Ctept.11101.1.5.0211. Tee Ova pule ill] be eelvend ..loon ea re a pletsty emoted, and into .Tice ea eh= sevveve ebeA=ln Id seoe7 of Wlll UAL, erbo• (cod be =died kr • bre = dere =cr. eve r SEIOII4I SOUL Osytelet. ALLILOUZNY ORAYS.—The un 6ngir orws satborlaud to tomtit t 6 0 MEN. To WA op tam MIS of lb. Allogboay Gm o. ter Col. Alia. O. lioglourst. Oleo st Wastilogulo ll•beecs and, Apply to otalLtt I JAL D. 11 4 91 LL, Ospt. 4388,000 - 340,000 - 450,000 litto filrtirctumunts. CAPTAINS OR LIZOTENANIB, - r IpitIONG OOMPLIG I 3 le 0 WEEK tI7 it. -• Wo tld do VW Can ad pl goer Pastan uid gissa• bilk of W. IL HAVEN. N.. 84 Third Wed, vAmarrAmoLows. ire Mind ATTiNTION. MANHOOD. HOW LOB? I ROW REISTORDD I Jut published la a Deed itavoloyeet Fria a .tr. Ma i• oq the wart, treatamot, and nealcal Cam of Byermalon does or Pam In al Reakama, lava. oatary Imitemea, Sexual Debility aro! Im peal a= to to garrifase , Darrow:um, Cobaimptioa, 11.9.7 CO 111 V genial ml P by ideal Incapacity, a* soil liar from .If Abeam, la.—by SO 01. J. elite VIIIIWILL, M. D., Acribtr tittles Pram Zook,Se. noon io Thaeasmatila at Mt if ir•rs." Brat outlier sett, la a ylala elamlope, to mu 24.1riet, yell pstd, receipt of rx cent; or taro Mtge Valve by I Di. OH. J. O. MINI. mitittadr 127 Downy, Orr Tack, P. o.lkrri eV& T UE OPERATIC WORLD, • collect= of Gems from Favorite Operas, Arrrbged Lb" Plazo.larts by ALBERT W. BICH Gb. irros, f 6 elm to rich norobirr. Jart pnblishirel rad Ur lair by 01111114Yr11 EMMA, •,••11.1 No. 17 LIM aim I. kFi M the matter of the incorporation of the Maud Pre*, tee tea Claamb. Lamas. • ?fa 3934 Weber Tem LIU, to ieas cadorad UM laid witty be hid. tad Cringed thee Wine be asserted la ow nogrnmer of add meaty I Imes, r=tria Lien 03 4 eitigictucear ewe usu.- CUiYIOCI 0017sE baip fair to &Ace b Ckdoo, tam &a4 rtrtas per roamlnuito NoiliZZ Al.o ANIIIICILIA we No, CO Mali mot, nor biM of Wood.. nil 7 STOVES Ail ' EL& V. 3 N • S O N, 1110137AMIUMS 07 SUOVES. Warehonie,i Federal Street. near Nil ihWriBMA ALM mum ' k the steam of &Was to oar WV slam* X * " a mans otta nots atom, ow woos ono tnzwhieb wage sollino it W• lowed prim. Thom coo do f vat Wit to their odraitto. to 0. wad itigpia• oar oto t t beton posehming Wm ;•. : • outfrOtt Botta Ifront4lotat. 800100, Hollow Wom WO O OO Botoot . 1 1 141 and Fanny. Grate Fronts, Fenders, oto.oottogi. ot on kw, ow. to odor. • hauls HAUB I 808. SAN Db , bAliki&P • LLA.—UAN IkatarntausCuasof Ilcaratatrcaalll Iowa• tatible endears at cures in numerous CAM of the Writ kind oncrotals, nit thanal.hfrer aorta, trunk hue emaylent and the elms of direerkes arleloaytoto an Impure ants of the blood or &amusement of the binary fnootbati modally so:ond from all querirre axpreming Iltarratirone of Whew. *ha are safaris. ed So floA fliessiebres arid by fhb pu r l sterations prosration. sa4 LB• DAWN, Druggists, 100 Paltanstrest, New York. INN also by B. A. PAHIIIIIIIOOII A 00., PIM b rnalanbir Ihnszlersavoerallv. arldllenefltlP rNTUUIET FLOW:L-450 'lanai owes Mato meat nails Moor. In OM an I naming par Pennsylvania Railroad, Mr sa4 by 11.0001ALD • ARIIIIOIItn, son , Na. 013 Liberty street, =sr bead of Wool ATzw OBLZANS OHOIOZ SUGARS. .430 bbils.bdr to 46" bi ItOre and atr•that pe.RoaglTl babroad, kir We b : me staut.ty 'lloDONALD a alums, Amt. nor bred of Wood. oIIEMEIZ 001i8IGNMSNT&-1 ton 7 401 Spam Row* Mums Obsen for ale by IioDONALD s AR8006. 1 4, see No.= mom amok oar bead of Wood. PEAOIIIIB —lls'boxise fresh No. 1 free gm Neecbes,Joss received sal for see by • 'NUNN VAN 001/DkU, astl N 0.114 Sewed a rut NET CIC I•. .1 oz • Ike oak by B. A. natissToce it . sell come of Wood and/ima Toms. EXTBAUT I INDIAN HEMP.-3J dos for Web, , &A. Ir•11911131V01 • CAN •16 tamer of Rod Ind Om .treat.. UNITED STATES OF AMERIOA, Wimne raw= or eriorin.r.zu, at Whams • libel of Information bee been okd I the District Court of the Dolled States of Mout ea for the %dein District of Pezinsylrarde, on the Mir , ' d.y of Ileptember, In 'the year of our Lord On, tb Quad eight toadied and eistpose, by Robert 8. De. o .leti•litfortmy ofthe United su bstanc e teLeif of tale steaminstes, allrychig In hat a ...tele ateam tow boat Wog without name. of the fob °whin dimensions and description, to wit: Length of tow ate hundred old twenty SU toe; twenty tour feet beam and four feet hold, with I cable with 'three lee efts of TOMES end coot-home and stole roe to alt, and the hanicane InU loth, now lying et to , pun of M said d Web that she bdotnee fn whole or to part to ontardin BalL a einem arm reaL dant of the btatiof.,Tennessem•that pa:seance of the eat of Donuts approted ROY UM," 1811, the Padden( of tini thittedinatee lamed hie prat rams. than dated August 11th,1861, declaring feter:afto diet tte Inhabitants of the Otani ol Tennessee are m • state rtineurrettion nand the Dated States. std that foostand after *Poen days: from staid Angelo 16th, . LUU, all ships and retests belonged In whole or in part to any ctifsin or I otestil tmet of said *tate of Tem new found in env part of the Doffed Mutes w aid be Read to the United States, and Dist meld steam tow boat owned es laftwessid wee so found In the port of Pittsburgh upon mid Peptember ad, 1864 and that . the said Toed, her tootle, apparel-and tumours b► mine thereby forfeited to do use of the tie Mateo, and Frail Mat the same may be amide stet es It. Wed as Nom thereto* In puma= of the inanition coder the staid the add Mart to meditated and del leered, I do hereby give patina meth* to all puma. • I star log the aald ventel.kirr tackle, apparel mod famliam, 0- any invest therein, or bin thereon, o: in my rummer interestrd to the :UM.. that MI to elit op pear before the. sald bistriot Ooort. at the City of Pittelinriti, on theIIRBT TUTPDOT OP OtriOnlnt next, at 'eleven 'o'clock In the Ibrehookof thvt day, (provided the tame Mai be • day of Jansdirme, otte amiss on the mitt day ofitiritftMon thermal:et) theft and there to interpose their claims end to make their allegation in that behalf. A. 1111/11DO0II, U. B. Marshal Western Mirk& of Prone. Pittabargh, kept 4M. IPAL—asts PROPOSALS WILL BE BEDE I V CD by the naderatioad, at Oelso.lll , until tte Teti of Steptomtvere for StaittiT ..otl It lßOtf Willehe for thalweg-4as Poste. • • - Bonta at tluottio Wens sad osognutie tzeb to di• waiter, ninety faLboast bog. each. Oven of them' to be ate sash to , diameter and ohm. ty fatless emb: ' Setae of them fobs &no quitting of au tiett ma di ameterand sleety Who= each. nallichaLooto tat Made of the vary hod Iron. to bumf navy test;:ta be buntibee with thatelear t yeti fifteen 'Motto. end swivels midway. bettree4 mob shackle. Macy TWISTTJONIIANC SOU, to be am& to Use beet eessmat and of the beat troo,rtaodtr(c.vy feet &nee to be of lama hundred pXradit Irrigbt. !ma to be °Coo Wound pound* welgbi •- HMO to be of Welt bandad pomade weight, And tbi ithOlo 10 todollosoll at Ce110,111.,0. or be. Sore Mill:Otto( cictatost oe2t, - Gad ow:WM 'moved h the 17.5. District Astor. Ley, will No noitilrod for the telthfal petfoim too, of the amnion, 1104 a pastry of tont damn pet do, Otl web &sin sod sot:bar tor onty doe' dolly alter the Jona 'magma. 00IIUDIMOK U.B loath of Oi;labor osidtd Carat Bora, Parana o, 6*t. d, lath NOTIOE TO SHlPPEllB.—Afercbants sod others hales owed= to and gaz• asap deialptho to the Stare of it slot; ltetaorky.ar ttroort. are raps-tally rawated to wad tae ogt tea et Cruethow to perm:aloe goods frost gailog It.. the Una of oar esensten y tooforsteg anal to Ibilcrwtos fortracilonr. Th. Tatrictiorw areas. motor! to netnews to el:Operant to Wealth& and towel Ma doe. to OLP 0.1a,11151.8al 121 Wrw, eo the to they mare t, troth acasaniacm, altar, good. an 1 .47414m1:1 to. wade a 6.. c, 'sloeto the Intwior or. or aloes Ow Ohio line each Wheettog, to Vlegtule, sill nectar' meats Goal. a all Vote snag to Gawky ad tamped will taunt o alt. Peckape golog to oar awakes In etas or the Lane Steak Lad dlowled to the ant of the COLlEmaacliade next. will sot 111 tare vadat.— Ls Trial maned Op the Saestry Apartment to re put the enema, wevee, dined ptkth, dertioatco sad 'Coe of marchsatte pat teem this put to the elan named Ewa, ell eppdicationt far aerials to *kV leas is meet I. writing Orli:4=u d .b.ltper, 01r WO r setinstbs, orethiptlan end tel. of goods Worm will be roputred to Tun* lor the by. 117 or conagneet ace Savo at MY Otos C. W. 11ATIMILAR. walla Sortefor of Caltras ALla . LATZ • ALL TUB LAU I • ALL THE LATH . . , uswgrapais AND NI Antra, 1111111Switlis AND MAGAZINZA DDWASLUB.II AND NAN/MIND% ADO ALL VIZ 11W DOOll. ID A L L D AL TN/ 11W DA NSW floo ÜB zy, ; ', • no be bad et ese be b.ael et bile be tied st cm to bad it flaws Nor iron, • I.llMql Malt BTOlti, DORT'S SIM WNW , • WAIIOIIO 8114 lIIPTO MUT. 1114801110 BALI* EMU entail% ■llOlllO FILLY VIM BYRUM CI. Meilen imUed. The tridella I. uo■ Teedy aeledarT UiNZlNi'removes Uzi and Orem eve hoot Um uan dawn (sinks sad colors Imola-Nary ( to OW. EINErtl nuttlato toad &lavas sea [ld alms Kohl to wry. itts only nrile• lel disco.; of that HII Instaatly sect effect:dal', nip,* areat• fro. cloth • Tto 8.1 cam 4'64 mu) outfled &stick le prip pared and sold bp 1111 Y 30UNIITON, therxst. . • Oorwrikettbeeld sao harth strata EAGL IL E O WORKS. 111/1011211411 • ANDICRIIOI/16 SULU OA AND DIALIND witran 041.1i.1301 , 7 0/Xiyi (Qulity Oa crathrd,) P WO.. Grow arpd &mule cowtazitly WAIL • o r d. r . so a. al ouseasinta •00.'0. W. tn and /mammas. • 2 deo SITES 108 113FLNICRIF.s.— / brve fix gala 7WO LOTS finribly lasto.i ma the dry Limit., admirably sol4l for OM 11.1. nlllllll3, and chup. W. W. HON N, set.dlat No. 127 V.rth Knot. S PEWAL NOTIOVIU WHOLEDALE BMUS. Jana soltbie, TT MARKET 6TKE62, . Weald all stop Weenies of Woototale Doyen to Ms imp ow* "mop IMMIX, of the Eau orptomt toots% mealy potetreed MeV Sig wbkl inn bold at • redaction from Moen yams ite29 if I PEAK WAX/Citi.-11 1.0.04,..ni ono .1.6114140 Oust Ills MI, call at 111711.DOCErs wg I) litlrtaellr, Wry ma oats /5 tri Poe has. riarib pima can tan oat lathe garden 1T101111.0112 DUBS UJL&K VINEUAIt—We gre Jut tb met{ of 10 bunli ittrk.by pars old. 1,113 .1 Pr, battao. fat bick Mpg bobl• to. lot Mk by Use barrel at al by JOHN /1.. )1}1131 , 114W, , ' wryer Übe., mull Ebb/ OIL V: • . I s Go—PM rutin. vitae spites, of own , ,Marri ptbco..b'ack wklts Nostord WA, 1.13114 Jamake Glop:, IS cutard, /16.,ca bud aid lot o aI ths hat* art c.ry elan JOU, a. 114113§13 A W Coro" Levity mad Nand As. Asto at )11:4;(iA 0144 Yt R EADDEZBB: ;Carded" Ne 1 Silk Nets. Hoop Skirts Corse Shot and Yain, Zephyr Wonted. Embroidered Sete, Embroideried Coil Linen • • Lacs Embed Edging, Valencia do Thread Lace. Guipure Lace, Dress 'Trimmings, Jsconet Flouncing Infante Embroidered Cape and Waiata. ailing cheap for Cash. Ladiee Emb'd E BLEB GIPNER, 78 Market Street. AN 'MMUS 4 i NEW F I, GOODS J II 8 T; 1 OPENED R & CO.'S, J. W. BA. se3arzawT 89 URUT PTREST. FIRST AB GOODS RCHFIELLIS. J. M. B Grey Twill' . Flannel, Blue Twilk4 Flannel, Red Trnllo l Flannel, Grey . Sacknein, Robroy Flai l , sm ian French erg Flannels, Calicoes, Gi: &am and Muslin% *ea s'! arl ossortment of - FALL AN WINTER GOODS c ; .1 AT ' Ar AND LUIS. ii 411•1116116 011814 PAS Moray. IiORNA'S WIIGLEALL.I SND. 77 illtirke street. NNW GOODS ST thWIST Palol3 POS GASG. Hoop Elkir er i t and Corsets, Embroid Sett', New Style Collars, Linen Coil and Eetts, Guipure Liee Collars, • French Fl*ers and Roses, Bonnets and Habil Ruches and LToinL Bombazine! dEt Velvet Rib one Susans of /111 Hosiery an Glow Aierander'' Kid le 'latch tot . Zephyr Shetland Woolen Ye. Notions an son - . 1[ MANTILLA, .n b. • Blonde, —jig& Craps, 1 Goo.IL r oyes, ad • Illoanostalrik. .ad, • .1, ..;?id Cotton, 1 Emery Goode. iLN COST. -- JLICBB Gray Drees tic Stella Eltawls at cost, Jranoy 811ta at . ea and 'rogues at cost, Berme Robes half price, Lawns sA 160 worth- 37 of Domostio GOOdo !just A largo lot opened at D. HllGtrie. W. 104 ikido • BH STAND ...TWIT a !ow and boaatltat attkit. It to of Imo, and =IL to - .at a wai 611 combliii. Bowl, ',toad. ilb It ragas voty4t ORM. sod 'fa ootoploto wltb oat ' lb. taws that has bon wastud by taunts who do set to too at Otos:yam of lutith potata# Its stand oboes dosetibod coo betoken down sod tomovid totbitta • OS BALI BY BAILY,I ARRELL a CO:, P24.1=133 EH% Igo. is* irovivsn Inas warrnimm SPALDINOT TlittUAT " . snOtool 13110 T cnonartoxi, - PPALDnei THIO oontscreinse, • • szatanF O*Tomoweiptgi, 00tra6titoia s a n o n BITILIA A Cams. • &a.. . £la orc.iifi€Otattog t ails by J rmitsfil /MPHOB BER .riauguolk, jug norm, ,• -;• try mum roams; • - - - MOM Mob* erioot soi Mond. soh - wow. ihatitarort hupMeoed. CIAIXDY-- • 2 • . . , AN AO botairldilledt 0007, - . • isaisimamo4irubi • ' •": aII 4 IID--1001ipiip teoelned by td ' nut a couns. c a{ ~~ WAINITED=I.OOOtini. Flax Seed, 6:11 do iolowelane Su& • ad L. 8 lOIGT • OM wANTED --Bonds and Mortgages for ti ? 4, folknidog sumo, for throe ran: Oct Idocipv for $3OOl otto do for 81.00 tr, Owl do tor s4l4Xie . On* do ka PAO: ' apply at Fooln . rrrryson at. Clair street. fat 2411 ES .ti. VOR BALE OR ktelleNut. 4 .• - 10 001mb. Oions!Wilk Om 47441. nitIFION 3:0 ENLlT.—Offtte ftret nom., V No. BO Water erect: Rant WOO per onsato Zoontro - ot oat ISAIAH DICE:Mt CO. LET.—A: first-elmee Dwelling de nouns. tinily noir, with 9 roost, sail 'LUIS& of medium Illoprnomoots, locitid on Swami, Or nee Wits, West os6 Poluntunis stmts. Torus oosy. • mad L. a. GRAI99. - . VIIIOIIIIIX aumicr-asournviausas au MUM. vod cmLr, mow driving Om power mar Is this Woo. wpt sow ebn i tor oar Sr .W*4 .1042 iffth'itnet.""irralxnalatiL YALUABLZ OIL PILOPKIITY YUkt 11•1.11-81taated on Mach Creek, imbruing bottom 10 and It sort& abets are o the popertf els wale la various progree• three of vbkh era sufficatait depth to Nally operetta& fleaseclad with the welts Is e powerful eagles, is good ran= ?Ida Property 'dictates the celebrated foratand b part:mpg *as of tits beet oh e/te• to that neon. •W. off.r • greet bergida to *say terms of =lei or . wit . " %pangs for red est la or let , ori • 11. LAIN it CO No. 1154 fourth striet- 1011 BENT—The ISTWI MOW w corner mow and Wain' - drools/ en, of Al lol;torn. woo wan, Wow Vigo mete, and to distoty opposite tbo 4orosol FL P. fang sad JL. L. oloosoolao Co. • memo -L8 DanlL STRADA /3AGIABB FOR BALE. TWO' MOINES, in good :working order sill be sold ea accoemodetlag 17 hobo homier. wlth I has etnhte: She above may to seen as apple:atlas at lb" Pah. m 001 TON MlLLLs.lllishela, end pia, b• her had Da tits dm of Jah. JOSSaill PARK passim a 00. SEA BATHING PHILADEL PHIA.' GB SEA BATHING, Atlantio City, N.:,(trio sad' a half boars rid* frees Pi t de le more trequated *au ea! caber Omaha the Wald States. Its bathing, ealliag and Albin heilities are ao• . , Its Hoods sad Breeding Maim etticharill axera unlade shoat Imes Itamsol Perlelerr are tapes@ thole of top sad At Its Both he nine Mies atkallag a reap ailloont dem Idaho the stiatepheraof ths puce Is te• =table for Us dryness - , She Nails ar• earrlad tote day bra sad 'how Philadelphia, and s telegraph anta , net th• whole length et the rosd. Tram Of th• °UAW area Itisatia Wined IMO Vine Street Wharf, Philadelphia, se 45(, a. a nd 4P. N. Lean Atlantis se WA a. a. and 4:44 P. a. Die tease sixty mile& rare $l,llO. - Malted States) pm sad ether boos raw am% . • /darn? LION. AItBSTIILL. IMPORTER AND MISR_ IN THE =A cant brands of Osaulto - HAVANA CIGA-1118, AND ALL REM OP SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO mum mar anicauxat PIPEto fa gnat wrietn - Under the St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh. N. 8--14 e Tride sunned ea liberal tin= loylla re VIN DRIES -260 obis. 11.0. Nolasoo, 100 top 11.10 Coffer, • , • , 40 hallabods Young Yes, SO do do Mark Boon d. 10 co do Teopstl4l do 46 addles Y. 11.Tes. •14 /2 Ad. •Icb, 40 bbia. Iteßusd Bugs:• ' 60 DOLL Golden andll..ll. yyrup. , 2S bosom Brand It Sodium, 10 do Gruel tja do t.O Opoesee•S's do . 10 do - - Dazin'alif• CO kw J.O. WlAlue4:6 10141 Tobacco, • SI caddy bozo )f, lb. lump . do, 100 boxes Boshrbow, 24 o Yukon,* llosp. • 46 Y ep B 1 Club gods, 46 boxer do do storesindkcasla by ' ••4 WolY di WILBON, 260 Liberty at. NIUNDaIi 600 baba phis Plactailon Balance, 'lOO do sososted brawls Brow . 760 bap Codes, 80 bozos monad bends Tobacco, 40 cattlea do • • do do 100 ball chute Young 113 , ton sad Black Toss, 100 bozos Rosin leap, 60 do' Mous de 60 do Garin= Soap. • 26 do Itoold Candler, • 16' do BUT do so do Opal do • 160 &um Brooms, In alma sad br oda b, • BROWS B EIRIIPATBICIZ, elot. - 101 191 Liberty street. DATZDI titiOrs loa "IL SMOOTIIING IHONS No mom trouble donning INA Dons; Noma* trouble ow eed Got Mono outranking di No um grumbling Mont oiUml atria as arms No wire trooblimmio boo Irons; k Bat the good old NAT IRON ntt.dNth o b dud BRAM BLIPPIII. or O. II VENPItiII ITM 1, Moto PcubOnoo; jelilidtwlCW4 11()ZAWIZSI PEAORMIII., . . PLICHIS OUOIO3 PIALCILID, Tar Ptewr►tuBortamo7 U. ILICINLVICD DAILY AT 4 W0L913,14/4 1-1 OUtP aBRIWAIito mat 43 Marty Ilersot; DB. 01141.111,10 11. now% why•ioian and eurripozis • 0 . 6141%; No. 36 rodoral stroot. Oppodts Clo!amide TO. oast the trpaialoa . at,LIKIWEIT, OAT. jEt4iTts STRAW GOODS, - , • BON2iV,TS, d. &a. LA'fMIT eraive DrOORDA C 0.,. • NunActarare sad Dagen, Wbcgiok sad' Zeta% MIS 131 Wood et.. Pittokrich. psAoLiss.— . , :sat reeetssdby Inns; - TIN 1K)=11 OHOlOllllll4O=l. lon 'assigns°. Luau a 12020/115150N, sa2 Ws. 'llO %cos& sine: WALL PAPAW WALL PAPSIU Emu', MEM, W. P. maaau &Lt. ILAood d. for sal* by 112ACON, LP SHOULDERS, V smoke bean aid tae yap by WIL 2 skis IR ON cAlaltll/11/0 BO • S 1114. OAP 808/6-;-11be /6-;-11be IriaspasiewlOcaWa34Bl6. • Wee= raw anion kw tbre wswateallessarlillti , ft, with, Oita awa wizilestaais a ao. , ailitiliarty Strait inpwasha NT& Si 0-}"Ij.BII4—EITX.R. BOWX i !MIT. 10 Wood istru4._ tossabby sta nOLI'd HAVOLNERS. ° P /21 - In gtga iL itiro - imp, loriW -• ' Bows • mum ws,, - Wood 'en" jv so oats. Nara Issalls Wm* Wbeet, YE', knit *or kg gals II U.lllDlna, ` edema , 163 Won' aftsell. GINN UM13811.1,A8. AT SMUG th. 7 eatoss.-4 emits* Usil al lhar timbistim u • 1•••• Isdeetkat•••••• ito eke. est dr Morn. , pis • Ms.' r am ie IS liftbarid, IQUOIMOSe— cam ma i • s tikasarw, dm, Jul lid Ike sdilly_lllllVtii At* mai liamm =MI 1/8 Wool stmt. VINSGAIL-10 bbl iL MUM pientbr sat V NV e =MR IL . , AiiMSEMENTS. VONCIERT i; HAL b.—Complimentary mapiii mmut MAUL 02491 a, Oats at Um men* Tbastaqoa lad IralDaT aVIIMO,-21145. ail, 1881. gratdcb; *Nam taw Dix= Mantras awl wad other pstOstains bats v:olaOterwl tat tlw oration. ' man otivu ft at Dances. Tatattit maw- Tao tlckiti admit owl grew llamas mad twa wit.2at ~~arius=~tnsu ; J UST PUBLISHED ; ! TEM 1.20 LA ECHOTTIIICIt. • Courowst Oj flahfecr P. 2. Erna. he the Mao. Pries 22 tent& lot ..l. b, t Caleitto2lll LV e 2 fllth arose. tom *lira NSW ortim AAP montutlAND _ PIANOS, IrCtra:ll4.l..kr, Jeer BARGAINS. • SL. wbt c tibmr listtlog to Mon Ids omit of 71• into, caw lor ask, dorhuit thta sod taxi math, ems an and - Sscoad band Mice at Veld b.:Wok be iamb. Tbset Rims love tiontly CI bast made sopa* ally the tociteritor, tor Intim papilla, by no tad Vika* in Mt: tollatch, gad ow i+e-reUed " • 'durable :sod sabottiottal bMaUuiata Purebsolts scs torpeottolly limited Loan Gad ex. amiss tbsai. Faraile by Ealatitoll. jyl3;A:p , 81 Wood street. Mutational. MR,, MRS. TZTLDOIIX'S soaootICILTING LAIUSB. 11111 O. secpehed' oaMODlDAY,Peyteseber Prom% sadist& ts nib& without extra charge, by Teuidolth. sheaved Pub wet palette of the 9birleassine. ' ..1510.1)43 Wittablirlib• N.11.--the Blrtilegham; . callauut and YlsersriW cursor by the dear. , . anittterra LtritiAitt.4l thbTiTUTLS. uar and IZ2 ispiatrai vrasrr, PNILADELPEIZA. isititete,' for two moo part, to eta riti. hi Ruses Canaan end her oleos Ilartaua Intasents, %pow As same prtosiple se the one to New Tortriattabilebee there ea the year nuoitn open ottatosides t lieptemter lath, with its visual age pie ataktoteplete provision for, the education of Ifcroaw tedies, wader tee :direction of Ilielams seltenaly. Otroaliws, lad all requisite lotorauttion, sea be 0 6 . tatoed appljeetten to the , ksincipaL suaYermee , xi RS. N. 8. 4ILIkti4V • . Be ope* ate Reif Honda, to September. at her rat. dance, NO $3 IikiWOOLC errissr. initinetani aeonred for each ;edema TAO IMMO CT ),I/ /IMMO , SO U= in the **dead* Depart CO •do ! -do ' 'printery ' 'do .10 00 1 1,11 Oraeroente.l breaches eztte. Ortolan met 14 has et the prin.4pal Book end Boole ideas. and* her meld. no, inliklenta BE4Et3Y 08At39D_esc;130 06 THE! SSS:ION O 1 THIS _ reboot ertiaommenee on the ITESd MONDAY or TWA: Nitotd.l /?(Thrialett gelid= Of ilto 211011th14 0 00 Medina do ',I do do do ...id Olt; dent= 1•do:j• • ' do do do ...111 00 BifYBYAOIt. - The onditzdsaid baying pieced their children an d.: ttui te.tinction of Ur. and Mn. AVAST dining the pattlear meld moss fattealtilly recommend 'WNW &hoot to itia patronage of the potto. Sho Twain , are cotopetonc tied tatting, and the program of the mad has Wen Wily satisfactory; Wantons U. Dim' ck. O. Hati.on Long i. DUEL .1. I • I Aintin Loomis. Dr. L. a. Walton. Otph - Wild= Dew. Thomas A. Blat.. - WWLm Ctinith. David flizeinona ' Batumi Lindsay. Dr. d. CL MOO k.' Northam. Mr/rd 096 4 81 4 84 apply to tkaPrtrcfped, No. 89 Seized str between Market sod Wood, or st the Moot s„ comer of Third sod Market etresu; indltdd • R. N. S,BL'BY. tiCtitrula. 44 ". :.• I 151 - Hat op•••• • Normal School at • Ho. SA art OLASH ATAXiT, Ed story. • ' rattiness , of lboatera. Be la His oatioailloa of the Tambora; the mu to idiom "Il'of as lelt .or snipe sja: by HN law. .' I mai:lr Moat iaistlly with the abots. . IdioAAILD 11. BATON. ich4ted4.66. ,, inetisoplace7o , l , o" I tail, luimit ovum Runty ipplaloa *as ms kaarAtai n100•101100atka la 1014 mm BDTiSI. I too of so acee alto dmierve• blear taadmoby fa hL tamor4 . Z. IS.:AVZR., I My coacar.th the One .reeammeadataim. 5 1 Dualism. Aut, MIPS Ma Mr Cho Mad& Odwol qakkar fily L ows qachis Is Ho . TIESHS.A.-4,liiikamak.to adaanos sallatavd larliesTEßN CIeaVERSITY. •-•—• The o.ket tarok/ OM, laititatioa coasseasi Sapfsaabar alas vill be dams in the Prapaas. tar, Chian/ sad lataillab Diatartaanita, and a/so tho i Oollaglaza °ohms A. normal tspatumans grill .also aomaupsosal tot those Of both imam arbo pus pow to tuck. comas wow*, INSTITUTE., - RBIs iir a r,thilao m garriiingm. 111131.1Vonsee Viper swim otter month. settee" J. IL 111110111,. Mad. at 11141111111 lit lAD 1111111116 111114 Coz ., Custe 13411 i and Wood Stree- Malis or piscocaux ABID DISPOIC ctik.przabz., 03.00,000. suicriatopo29l miavmuna :WE its .1101VIIILIR. President - I M r t_ i..' Jana J. P. Uinta Fa. Oninlim Wit, Milton Nlejsr, A. hornbill 7. 1 =cow& 27Z1T DAT. '- want. !i y Joan. InIIWASS. Clain NiiiW 4 151901211111.' MA: W 1511;K:).D15 C . T we i rr, I:7oitew.F4,lmentS ass 4 St. Clwir wtos.a itansoni titi tsidess eoo oe.susstuss' :to ists isw =gm ccmptlatog all Ilto wired winged listotiot adopted to GINIMS. =Pa Wailtiontllditts an may aill, old titbit WM" exhiblito ttme taming la= tar atme • utock Of now poolusquol WV in Ude qtr. *Ant wows so_ww at 7 d sousaws isikertio• JAMES BUBB, il v i ers - i -- 11 tio. SW nuns nuns, , 1 - is filimuso , AND moss : , • ' 14.11VIST 1 / 4 11LUITS SO STYLI as *wasTO SUIT INS lams. 411100 swill:Mb, bit dm* Wuu pos L uirdsli, Si lie II diftriatiet WWI 0113 UP. SOS t!CIIMP-100 hltdo. N. 0. Sugar , , L I - - 1 so to P R 60 do Oats do ' " it 4, nd tals O bl b _• ll " - t _ _ oWN/1./1331161.4111101161. VRES,II ,BOSTON OBACIUM—Kes II -*rot at !ay a troth lot a! angora. Win% Batter Awl Tanga end= sal• bs IFBItaIIi.PLACkiES-10 boxes choice .]Piiebas:74.na sad goo 2 axaditiox' for mass TOCISLISEI gala for sal. J . /LUNE VAUGOEDIB, 4=29 1 .. -" I - lfa. Its Ilsomd stmt. freely 811/I:Mn ASH $ ; I IT-16 ,bozetrohnioe 1 • RIALEIBIS . - bad tai bal• by tita u ; ..812./SIV At •1121/ bbis. fit BI AR = alit!{ «fa a rat lead Mai: T 'FALUN 41QUORI0/6-5 sues .1 Sao.% 04. t 7 win ;s L. isutiswroasc a os. rtAwwsitiM.T.2onirat a. !No. 1 tazboa %): co iN 444 ey comma. M 41.1d•RUP--1 6 0 mete :exited and ergatie: ' .I.e.taeexer ea). ilfo r 104) bb1m.:,15.1, amity flour, Li d o do Oupwdoe do Ed SWIM it 1211XPAIMICRII. fr08304)1)76 lqtge It—C. Williams' 6 wArr awl:Loom. oat - - zamilty sum. 112SISD 0- 1 -250 bu r pinto new Ilmothy luso/4_ ea irnoirer eNd, , 11 - a: 1" $ 4- 114 : 1W ,4 I.l4.l4finirbY a OOK IL:-600 MAL t =add* for Ilia DALI4II;;S SOL t 1/10. so it TeWsusinesq I ' . - . laiutz. TAN GORDIS, Ha na Mecca amt. citztvAs, ,extoics. ow:Amu KM teat. wo. n Woad st. cant* di hart&