The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, August 28, 1861, Image 4

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    R r .=. ~~.
'Vt:ttILUGAL 3 j. IB6 . I
Ahotte,uicht.eita outvotes Essasnotay.
Union men ! Weinow that re have scrag
... gleillititistliiiii bonen: iy foe'pesiwarith the
El/Weser6i party Of Baguets , . You 6 qui.
eily submitted to outrage efter-watruge from
*?.;,Nackal&dttliddAced 14191 11 A dirdlividtlaat rota"
.' itialist,' Too havanuettukt tbnhir persecutive_
of your taerthren in Southern Kentucky. You . .
have succeeded in three elections within the
1 last four months by overwhelming majorities.
The 'people bare emNaittedriaa‘ ikaaa'kla ilta
are for subjugating Union men in the seceded
- Staten for rowing Soetthankla Ulltl l ilk al a m a '
jority; but they are iswilltig to Roblin to the
/ voice of the people bare. They agitate and
agitate, end agitate, notwithstanding thew
odious doctrines have , beea repudiated time
, a . and gain. iThey do not gineu k . to rest
, ~satisfied until , they sumsead fie bridgin g ,civil
war tolonr *Au esdainein 1 .2 h ave
'del ty
entered opine eyettim'of bullyleg a bravado.
They' have sisUe• need' that :Delon men of
Kentucky i ehe not receive , arms from ibe
Gummier T hat h a ve iiiinetinkied , thit
Kentuckians 9 apt rally , sider , 4kie dig' of
f u
their , counupon their ore, ilOil. for their
sell defense. -They see -hedigliting , the binn
ing of railroad bridges Old riff of !rail
way tracks.. Their perlose z . nuttecked, is to
institute a reige - of term; a ;thereby' over—
' easel the brave and '10,94,' Union map of
Kentucky. - Will you Gamily - ntnnit td it?
Will got permit to befistalillabsd in this State
such Military despotism and ter rinsuti Ws inlet
over your brethren in the' Seceding Stews t
We imagine that we can hear a universal No
. ,i shoaled ay all, the Usion 6166 la : ;Kentucky.
We feel that you are worthy sons olue "dark
and bloody ground.” We' say to' you, thee,
- . that you are:puling througli a. Warta wrism.
need, and deride is bifflttlf SOWS ansidotting
your rate and sublugetma. l They are lioWg
their planeto have Ctretedetate soldiers is the -
- , employ of. King Jef- Davis introduced Rum
' tburState. Adak* ! Arousal and prepare to
steel th. ineada: • Giois nit an Inch to the
cenaliratora in your midst; for the fOOT6 you
give the more they will advance! Meet ihte=
at the threshold if they dare ifsterfere with the
,- unties el enoctifuttterforied tight winch you
MOAN. Evert, OM a( Yon; to his past, and
while you wilt not witude any sitter Wats if
warwards tendered Now. accept it fearlessly, and,
• if 'Oar State 0 entnided, malcome the inimiers
" tea Moody iamb to hcafitedde gram."
We do not desire tunweasiardy to alarm you, I
bat *Licit yot that we understand the move- I
`mute or shut Secession patty. There is den.
'get ahead, Be not taken unawares. Eternall
vigilance 1111110 pTIC• of liberty !--Louitviiiei
Bun IteaUittroad. ; I
Tw soitati mails b - thf last.tteamtr Fete
• iseetved'in:day at the State Department:
advice' front oar Ministers Fa written cadet the
use of tauter. The aro-
Irratt - the Ruh -
Pea GovernmentiePpreolite-the disaster at hi
• fall extent,' , but that. is a . disposition Oa the
continent to give Mr Northern troops Fore
'credit iii.bearing and ;annuli than =f l own
ititi:fact that the vebali
those their own ground, and fought bailout of
heivir*Orks, being considered by military men
as giving •them so great 'u advantage as to
make it a matter of wond erdiet raw -[forth ,
could have been indenrod tb assault theta Fader
junk &unbeaten's*. Oirldinbrteis do - not dis.
. guilt the fact that the Government ha stEered
severely in the intimation of Europeans, by-the
_disaster, bathe," are confident that pck
;Fut taireuiPOnt the rehtila as a nada:iv/ill be
:sriade so long as the Government maintains its
Virus on the ion of the rebel_Ststea,nnd re.
~tillistrosseaktsi of Washington. The reeling on
- - .
the continent wu generor , thet the Notch would
be aroused by the disaster to Its Army. and; hat
'Sus defeat closed the dui to any arrangement
With the rebel& The Britiah Government of
= tiolels appear to be impanel with the belief
Ahat the battle and defeat would only prolong
the contest, without deciding anythlog.—N. Y.
Room St.nda.
, ST. Lenint,./iug.S4 1861.—T0-dsy, Provost 1
finial McMurtry seat two men down to
Cairo, to, work 40 days on the fortL6catio' ns;
for publicly hoping "all our soldiers might be
killed," and ssowing allegiance to Jeff. ['Avis..
, r The St; Louis arialfasi Advocate, sery' i biti;._
. - Maly of the Secession Memodurt-Chsre loS etrengtherCthe ai
. iitriPot heedoee more WI
f r
WIT than any: other Miseourijosuriat, and wait
.tuday notified by M4Kluttrl_that it mho
—— . .
thane its:tons, of be Oppressed. ..
Major Sturges's effielei report of the Spring.
field battle ass been, Cent to Gen. Pratte:am,
bat ie. not yet published. It would Alt three
Trenait colleens. Our killed, wounded and
;mining are placed•at 1,125. About 31;t0 of
0 them were taken prisoners, and are now set
at liberty.-
P:_iiiarely times may be expected near Ironton,
; very 80011.
The Springfield battle has had an excellent
;•'.effactf. throughout Mibonri. Gen. Fremont
;:;bar= grunted permiesioirto raise resit:mate ;on
' ;different eppliestiene, in this State, demi
that - emit, ' - ,
The .Iftstbas kir Tennessee. ,
& meat letter from the. Tomatoes border,
to Sestacky, states that the confidants troops
will Meade Kentucky In less than three waste,
from knamber _of poutts, along the Ihe.filiity
the.-fewwill disarm loam guilds alon the
and plate their L atins tattle hands o
tacky secessionizta, sod organise alma
into ampule:, and plies them to guards over
the dissented Union Meg—they, will move on
to thanest tier of cOaties and do likewlee.
Tennessee hasmot lees than 60,000_ ross.nlidir
arms is her borders,' Intelligence freer the
• ocinfelerats_ camps is to 'the effect _OW Ow
(seders dealersthat they could-enter
irtoO4l7 with 20,000 troops forthwith,' le itlt;,
Galt:drafting with hay otter larrangemita*
T. They:ere satheriag !their men all along the.
They farther, mats that theyd* not in-.
tenit to let Tennessee, be invaded, bbt toilette
• Kemtatty 'the battle; - ground: They farther
- *say that they will fends Res tock, if she
northern troops Mester her borders with - ,
visirof proceeding to Tennessee.
Smother Seizure.
For some days past,the Surveyor of the Port
has been salami: the schooner diahautz,7 i i
• -which has been loading at.pier 8,. North river
with salt, butter, 'leathery: whisky, brandy:.
Jansen* and general storey;
Yesterday, the venal changed hinds, and tol.
day the Surveyor emit bribe new owner.: fie
• appeared, reported his name as "Jahn S.; 11d,
laps,” - land slid that the schooner was &Sr
with • bet sane to Weshiergtos; bat being goeil
tioned,ronld not giro the name of a siesta 10.
efcitinlbFf petrel to whom he known in
Washington. ,
trader these ' suspicious circumstances, the,
Surveyor related a clearance to the venal, aid.
ordered her to be so.zad and Vowed to the iki:-
lantle doelt,_wberel her cargo and papers *IL
be ermined. Zhi Surveyor, has telegraphed ,
to Wiiihingtouler advise a, to thedisporitfot ,
• .of the iiessel.--N. t". - Post.
Antis% of a. Prize Veneer.
Theseirooaer Shirk, of New Orleans, cap
tired by the United Stelae war steamer South.
Carolina, while indeaveriag to ester the har
bor, of , ; Galvemon,!Tenas, his arrived, at this
-port, and re now stehe navy yard. Ste , came
chose of:` Crowell, pr me De arer; :
Tier vesseV—P coutig oehoorier—bad reit
blockader at New Orleans: lier @Mel;
urhiett liamorted, alight be disposed of is Id/
port; and it was, , doabness, her intention to
enter'inyitarborWhieh promised .1 market.
To.dayi the, suet was brought before Ut
Prus COMillinfOrier Elliott.—N. Y. Perf.l
Weds- a -men becomes a seceuionist, he
sums straightway to becomes liar and a thief:,
raid So loss al sena* of shame,. The leadiaig
ponspirstors 151 r. Buchanan's Cabioat war
.thierer, end they hare been honored by • •
rebel, for , their at, oerteess ja aralteg. - The
Atroatar Genseaf f thsKtaridarata states is
this! The lands ia the bends of the rebels
.l- were stolen. The provisions of . their grater
are pilfered underA disguise of - snips 'trip.
A n d; from AL Dads Segareprd dowl to.,
the anaixal!t adiloti:la Seaway Irsig-4atesse
add e- mamas I)m;—is carried on ordsmatt.
= i : '~~
• recent meethig of th• bankers of Batton,
Sou. Ur. Gray is; reported to have said, that
"Gloat carats alit tlare mas a rata enmity iii
; I Gusoabisst,"upoi-the imbjeot of she pressen.
don of the war. ' ,That may be bolhmed to be
Inb Boston, bat is knows to-be untrue
bitWeeftington, Oberst tWITIIr• was more bisr;-
aibtuat than - there le fn
so pt: 463ri bte l l L' an labin bringtbis '
t L st strat
i glom nrilose, by ths most vigorous and &Mid
peitoy.:-Wadt. Rye&
assort= liseartiost. Pairsar etrcacnap.—
',— ' Ws ;tains , that, 4 company of . F,tvisraytoops
• . went • • Boma ado on Satuity last
• I toot on of fb!pros and
!t i tlT stt l r rr taat
iPar t oairifittga rt.
The boldly earned at the bead of its
Itoillpsellsosassof Jeff. Davis for IPrestdent,
• ;
sad Oftling•Jantiatt far IftelPietidesa—Et.
~•- • . •
-z .:.
fopowipg aigmficaaa paragraph:
per city ts' mourning; 1517 or our bestaital
tilfletborpe - treerrarare haled at the battle of
4117oseg aiid'useinbees Ofost
• 'ittscittaitiats..
d•S--75 /add; NFU. tisagat; ,
='boo' dirdritot N. 0:10oloddin
Add. do-sold breed' Slit
dddloop•Aidfittid ` '
'IVACO owed Drawls Tobscoco
60'didry do do
- 10laftiotolta•ded-ElhboXToor,
potty bd. ,do, -• do • .dd
Wolimeo Bolgo• &din
uer &toast' • "" -
,_ro do Anti= d o ,t
10 do Oolgoteo Seam .do. , •
YV torsolspeor so -a . illackont;
tiliddlo do dog . '
• 200 1te0.8.0. • •
100 sXh6libell WIWI= illsa
CiLlt "
stars sa4 tar
(I sis2{ • '' '
iKO9f,BIZS. t
• vo bs6i prime
76 bjkh g da V ; 11 sod
; BO .. do b LlN:niobium sad-Ocdoni'lloo,
boxes 13,..P.50# 100ptf 1 4.70P.: 1
100 NUL N Olosor, ;
Nebbla prtioo'N.o Notion, — .
fif . f)Plt
• • .40 .- do. INafuol odor.,
1. • INSboteiHrioffaellfordilißlchloond
do •
1 kegs &twist NdOr o ... '
. 1 4 o
foriofoos tent, ;
OD tittlArlfo 'do do,
30 obla. fkiliindlom do,
Bianca NOliff off; I ofrf I -- do. • , ' '
..2obogi ' oppor out dlirptolii
torirr •
tO do-r itlyl - 413offee,
uo de ~' llooltott WS Window atom;
1005k013,-,• • - dio O,
d Otookoili ftWo#l Bondi. .
In dm and for ofdaby- OWIN )lAYDh 00.. -„
^ 3#ll Ltottf sod US Wdad ireS.
UIST:III4CAIVED— • ,satore.-and tot
. tlesemt . t m es . r oszed Hams,
.., 6 beds 13boctldem,
15 MAL N o.ldotsma.
25 tsteritiantlimettarg Obeess,
.. do...lintglish r, dey
SO -
, • bem..2ims 1361115,
S 5 1mh.22r2e4 Past^ . 1
• - Velip
UT Tabeze7 west.
SuALM and - dEri.B9NILBI4I: tIyWEEI
Isdlecllztra Brood hop sizes of Lattioilk+o ,
,ioodos .Plelo•ood /midrr sad vs.
booth duo= tits do. - do • do
Gardloutto* 044 Cowen gookdda Guam,
Do Woo& Oaf Self Boots. '
0308131. ALBRDIII._I3OS4 , 00,
Coroor:of Wood and Nointh stmts..
VLOIJIL • - ' ,
Ica bbli.Clacidwlies Imps . rtat
• ' 100 do' It.antEnt
100 de Wirneell do.
100 - do - - Chal Grove do,
In store and fore OA by 8.11. rLOYD CO.
- • 'taco lAbert7 *root.
Fidti. •
60 nreni. While fisb,
40 do , Elststog,
•20 4s, Tout. ' '
lasi realised Asa tbr sots by.. • •
aut. • • •;. 11111113,1 t 11,COLLIVB.
rolt9DOCuri AND 09.3ihilbSIvN.
2 boioo - obotco Giant
• I do do, .do loon,
`tt, do 6, 1140.Clo.Cbtaao.
26 do Ammon agOooo o • '
- 60 dos...stoalkittuart broinao.
Jot remind add too iota by
anio yaatisLvAis soaDsz.
.., N 0.114 Snood stoat.
dome:aim ota , sas
rot mend by Szyteiiiitiobbor lot of oil do Lib
- yes
4111202 RIPSATZ3IB
fat Alf t - - , ItOwtt a TIVINZ,
- MI Rood stmt. .
Barth'. DlMOTinin to Control Afr too, 3 vol.,
I.4dogitao4 dodo do.
l'ailtealtavob to Africa" " . ;
Ifortbei Lotp Region/ of airokrad
Orr Otroilleo 2.4totoTtil Atria.
Doot LtfoUtippt..
-11 , 00 bes Ldvetdjired tho 'lapin Owed.
- ' rof *to 'avar"Sat sI. gs WCoct.t.
TPlTtl io . A •
,v stock et WO perm, ow. gm *efts.
bl• styles, and at •erla b. fond doing**
.11¢asur, a 3 go dd stant4•lo. X 7 Wad fame.
._leis- •, . - :••• • P. lIALIMAILL.
IatIVINED 81:4A1L5.;•45 bbla-Lover
ise. 0ouse.01.11s• Pahostiad,Orakbat
Allgood Toilar,Pssertrtoi /Inas, 'tab 1 / 1 are
piths si reduced
stmt, saiout,soMirib maul lute Car
Yawns ', Nom at JOHN A: HIINEIH=
. wit Mew Mats am Woad
T P'lBll.--; ' •
60 ti!ir
r 4 do • Ten%
Jai rearloed ' - B COLLINS.
TNNTORE, and formals, '
T A lth2o.2lala.Ocntrodl nom, -
20 WI N oJdolumes,
10 do Pais Alijusiglanegar.
: -/.. VOIGT At 016
T 'QUID - Itsbi NSW—For 'nit
wah 110.1 d .tew'titg pistil a, rocei
ensamer Damert. MlLlogilumakftil 1 13 4
kat 'Direct:kw imotapoW *eh. WO* kV, la lie
eup, ad, t.s •De metaigic: , Wm; Agee -
Ifot tosetTbs trea Ismittrifacusto ant ecit ar
down.aba qnslit Oats at:44
eta. o fJ'BR k.zuritaw.
11L1 AUlitlitZl4. -. • - •
AUL • 46 bbla. 160 - 131arge Siam%
• 65 bibble46;66, - _. , amt.
/arab by ,W
" sun ' • Mterty aiwct,
Lui Ida, for u:reetividatailt: rir
. • wSpeless,- li mft
artbiF ri
- ~.10113. 1 .4
:*1224 . ..eargratzt Litiettud filmdom
ripmaNaPARENT-• BIM "hOAl'.-t--612
aes ft:44. pip.. vird.but cogipcnams
Wrath= the mensitactzters, and Ilatzils
" tb."41711= RESIAWr—,
MUM* obi Hind sta.
me •
"'6 W. T 4 32 1•0 beel2 le wee WA to
eele by /14 OD.,
in Überty Mee
Übrzx ilumas—lastsoft/Seep- 4 .
Ittritad aorardlnklo maw NAP 11(114
?WWI irali.ll7RAT e OIL 66 Wood
rt_1 4 1563E.-75 boxes
100 btlry Mom% t
troS and Ibt 10140
2(1(1 bble. OrtUDS ql.44.—buisabliie for
um , Whiting, tecitriog ' Areiben7 tint,
rd for We by Wait V AIMI. Areollt ,
Ltt it-- , tree , e n
- eat 263 Liberty street.
RADW: g r a t . 3 6 MCAVY' BROSFITS
aniT B. ar VAIVIASTOC% i pi,
bAr. !sale by
• B. A.nnossTom
. . corner efts sae cocoa
(111 Y i331V11111.1- ISAUVet- UA.I le
.5 bids wiz* to mose'sod lac mals by VIDA stnia.
Put , L. IL 'FORM it 01, W,Ltlarty
ALCOituir-T7O 1,146.'76; 'and 9t p.: a.
.101 Ws by 33. NAWISEITOCS Ooy
, see . wow oflind *ad Wood al'.
QAL bODA--15.tons Ens liab foe !ale
vbr . 11../1-FABBJCSTOCI“
EDIEVT — r 2 A las. freak nydratilio. Ce
ions tipped tod by
griIiSSIOP..- 40 boxes prime cutting net
Vrtircet , )l and Ibr wts by
• ' • 60.
4 Lind-;40 tbla. , for sit%
eisrror of Yird wad Wad; @Mots:
VBstiUkt 00 dB auks l'or palo
- ff .r Pia !apnoea
war corafrot ftre awl Abaci ors.
CAJIBON OIL-10 bbla. let quality
neeind and for sale lry
• ims7 1111 War OODS.IIOI.
pIsL APPLEI3.-2 easel prime ,Yine
lltast, tot rooming, Jut' proolved
rale b 2, BUS j
eat Nai.l2ll Est US Wood t.
"FAY RUM-200 - "shone for sato
v a B. A...n.II.IIZEITOOK 46,00
'writs RUBBER.. STEAM PM/ K.
fIROTON 01L—ISO Ibis.' for silo by
IV• ,11. tlaDlltaTOOX 14.
BROOM Brit -729 bales just • • •4
• ;•
Po -y . 10.45.„
.F• 0 ST: et3bIWIATS ,
Davit, .L..rAlgOigiiiew, - tit Radium bairi
istafrorill koodUlatAl forlaisocists Or, subj..
.to • ktim0).11 , 4,13 Caporgowsnd... I.lloawk'S
I lir&n,els.3ooEAT* .4 (War. --;-.18.9.AC
- .tarszKOse *sot lib mligh iiiti *III be •
AID . k ifr a s iodi t soattact. to.the Anabli-
GoamPaPm- :. -, -:: i',.. .'•---. '• , ,-.• suie
ff!",loki, AbettO lel% v:1111)0F,.
- - eraikactilimuiskastsareor=iib, el Tom.
Imo, in be a esnektuatx_tto Aboy• dike. ~
itt,..Karus hes beta Wok awl mr•.1.1 Immo in tbl
. 00.oty.- A 'litikohlt ,174 ; aid' &palatial:a.. bo. ham
one innaml alzmindok - biterflr• of porpcs• that
'wall ag It.= It n ktts diatessiists algid doom - '
rv- AbbOUIATS" 'Jl4Ltur.,
,suoitattirr,lhigiositi•lmiimie.a sad
afratuattiaa. NM prlalsaid to ilavtataideratb , a
at ate anaemia Cloarlditiaa Ailealims , two,
Jar awateatilos aa MmaJudali. ,1111P,GIDP I. Ps ,
y m ~ l n i g b U nasp.aallashichza a goad a.,
, Ifgal ear,
"Ittal; " - lba)
UTUNIuon glNvlDAftl44wt.
: i ta e Nere l l-"gr:itr iA
ermsilfef rifthl ffiMad
t•betre a
Or X" At 3/5 9
of ism soossldp,olli,b• • two*
111410 Ittage, ltitcplet Itc!lto g a
tbs iirotttactli TiTila
041111 AlrigNtjarrtelebLl,
'to etitcleet to the tteeltytti , p b ilevabuosil
Omit, miles.' • • - 1 • .1102kte
_oult -- ,uoUNTICTIKO.IMER.
AMIN; Ji4of Nab* toinigiV, will
be'stienstldeti tor the Ootwariee Wore the,Sepubli
eielebtelogthig °Western: . - - gettkitsoncre
.. /VW tozIKBLY--T.OL,IirCiNS,
ler n i
Ott be emiatatat tor. 4.
tieseble Woe* thelieinulicezt CloenV,ir7ention;
trFOR,,,-':4016%,544141t;r4intr4 •016
• of tI
riiiirnitutsta lele:T Bt.cistr:toinuldpoeiu be
I,oan time -."'"°?'"?!'44.lttitk•lit,PubUeszl:
Tea _saltiretwb,
grAbzwins4r.— , tooktur , ‘
, i."= ° :TA.tra tt.
, sf Aratotl• IPlttslittrgi
•ffsli WWII es •tstsffasts_ - for. 411•fi ,of. Allsigtrosij
r Oolitttr, midst/ to tint Iteptibllsatt Gonsentfoi.
OrigifiliiirtraAßAY:.;lll, LAWS, of
. tostouttp, askt trototot W Itt.uttt
to obi tin "OW Repolihaul nompatltni tot dlofte
ot -
Alkg>»alOoaot4. IttU.Oot 41 1 0.1 Urn
thlopoOttonity of frotorobti— tbe oottotrzinut Judos
lb= SW • , - '141141/1543
frri,S 0 E. tl its it irr=-laNity
tams, of ilhapanzt, a # 4;. • Cgdso , fm
Duff Yf Allegnm7 county, w noa - toiho flopMati.
con Nominal= OonVention. Lto
fel ortfl.
g3p*susauct--8. td.-..BlslNiv i N b , of
. Paw; to•S i. • eiivudm•
ii ujoinal.d•Da • be itoks6 2 t0j0 . 7 60 t e . '"
of tho.nat profits of oOkolato Um uonnty MM.
fib* Um woof to. ivottotrilattl vtll *locos boudi
aatisfonoa7 to this f odgeotof theCoosirof . Ovation
row tor.onapltsocOlktuk tho goo** Pr.PC."3"I.
Ortß 811SHI1F—The friends oI
i, Witt' of *aloe tombebtp;
elpeotfatireme bit oomtosteop. 'ate Petal tomitok
both to hte ecouttry. and,party,. well!koowte seem
and anxiety to tmeee'peblio reaped, 'atlas htichdote
to Irlel7 PNAAAISAIMA: 'At the same time, be rubies
In the gntata. 66200 toehleatilos: 0417:t0
ww.F the SIAM lard, Pittsburgh, wall* • canal
dab br las *Wm taw, saldect to we deettlan et lb•
itspablbut o=4 Ozevectke. mhihto
•1:111ist Liberty, Collins Lownsblp. lan (Watt
ter ebadi dt Anegbeny coney, satibetdeelska
of the Sepabtkan °misty Cooteatlon.. lab int
WE tailtttllF-11U 011 a /Ltd,
We. of O'Clur• tainsoldp, added to the do.
'You of itt• Revebticso Conventicle. team
way of Pittsburgh. will be* candidata for. Gonna.
'ablest is Pas decision of the Wanganui Coning
fisasautiou. - to
ts; isptsTwAtni,
= k bi e •
Zmtaatlnz,CouvßOWn. Ablekiisla
frW"FOR 0040 N lat,—.) NO 81'01UNO
9 ."' . Of Pi 11 b• C1idi414414 00rOner,
antOst - to Ib ilecitton OE. ataltspnbliditiabgtiontion.
ErP lt It • 44:0 0 IN ST
LAIC 111,1114. of the Illzth Wazdittirthig, bees
ultrolottoid . Oat of Um altos to entail* mut otoctia
bytho too*, .111: - Oe iapportot tOt Oarm&:Fittoct
tote itorobitestOtomlnalog Omits:4We;
fFOR OtaiONF.l3,--b111•TOI 4 IL.
111'01811,0 Beellb terwmadp, bt prevent.,
od et • aultildsto tor Dower allellboof oootal.
outttoot to dui SepOdgkontiostd2otto2Ootmattott opt
Iftif BM" or twortdra ward, ritaibusborui b•
andklitta for Cortma, aolbloos $0 &H ' aim of am
ICaveldbOoali Opuitotlos. • mblt4o
1i0T.11.4440TARY.-411. W. 001-
SOL% of do Mb Wart Plita...gtw 10.11
accutlldaso tor do aboui ofo.*, mtge. to tho O.ok.
Ice of Cbo lugablioia Comm Oonmaloo tri72l
vNit rARIOTSINNG _III nr. •eliat.dats m twEn
BUM ,• th. Cla n, BepnCge• Oosit 4.t
• YlittillUtitadlo.-11‘. eel.
[ mvor. -Mai" of she Dana& ittact,
L s'analthas lot Os ante al notttottotaM , mibtort
O. GM. Itspubtlata Coxmottat. and:a
~ MUG WALES& Jr, of ilobbellou reverbt9.
will be e. audtdete Protbobolar7, sotAiod to th e
liepabaoess CksVadica. . ultra:to
geir 1115Ort.';of s• s =Mgt%
ladeata 11.00i0lake 01 tiPOUpIbIIZSDOCIBIII4IIIO/.
P•t°OZSQNOt-------AB, 14.08-
In W: 3 b3/S• 0 lectlaas Township Is apt lttato tat
tioattottlay, tutjact to tho &OA= ol
ass Clansouon.,
ouszie, Allegbetry dty. b • mandato
troeabo ani. ootdox to sisal dockslo. of um sr
Oatealci *Ant, 00•2•13tlaa • , 1•111 As
titolliqNoTLßL -I, Art
NiTOtf, ot Upper 811.01 all I:WPM% Aalthe
iota of We tdirpda eirtila lbw Boablicoqk sou&
nation ft • Pr9tPeolAary Alksbni acnop—ito
bin:ay al Ms hat losa no& pla,aurcpyor.
ttialty orretastiglb• cotkoty end 'isetog,thOlo
=IY/1 7 1 u.
Eltrlatol &weds* TairdatiOrill be • as
Wilkie' sosslAslico sett. above ualdb,o l o 4lo,
- dgelarai of tbsitepoblima Coot nuke. ' AVM
I , 9llAitu
unwr DANVEL, of &monk Tomb*, v.11)4 sop
Fa a d
f for rbslibaoosuoalus .- .Mkt O UOk e b 4, o
ems HAUG), at ..11lcloidkple Toro.
Nadal . Is IL/pos=6% =
maw. wto
frWqrulitrieuUNTY whim Iszlind lON
war -401Nrsitemaintof WUktniTor whip.
10 se • anAldste I r Oeaoortmetibis# 0 0 , .. \ Pei
to , tbi LUIS. " tt7 04*
war 401101fILLIM Iraq, of Motor, stlt b. cow
Watt tar 1140dxreo orrice, tablas to .OOP dadtion of
p2efleputlap too. ,+1031:to,
101 if (MINTY .008111,1Stiliafthli.
• ...Dem COLLINS, of Wino Towinklp,
!Os rattfiltsti tor Cbatity Cloismtniaarr,-sotvoct to
to. ItaribUolgOourrelloa. , ospieft
• _
rre- BUS 1185.110161.4e — PitY 111311,--
We boob, gm. coax tbst Oat W. serf bu
anneal ad be •me dal. for sualoactos for *Au
jbls M tbs right WO Is tW tight plus.
".,1p MIST Minns.
• tOft C0U1 , 411 fltrusoUttstc. --
.Wqr- IPPOID of Lb* Seeoisel siod
bee. oßodidato for flop obori dn..; beton tam
• • •Uon Nomtnifiltis Oolmution. sotto
---617-IPS no.rimp4
L tbo Isoosoillsto neighbottcal of t h e Jobbing Elowoo
ouilarksts. third sod Übootzeit divots: the “anko.
/At yet* khochosioi admire, to., a;
Beard per DNA,/ 50.
4101ousala erllng Arming an Ow 11111LOAIMI
PLAN. ..Acknisi from 60 m . mid growth. per Ira.
ault AKArt. a Nun Mum 1120010nt arum, A
ikezz. plat atornitae to As dills of Art.
The CA, tiara take Paissollikri Aar
say 1110410 a TO ar Oldolll‘ TO tale
. 5 ' 1110110.
ingllab, Frisch, Guiciat!col . Bps .ta opotin.
J 41,04 m .
i. amtogatra
.113 ° M u - m.1,4.N, gu" .
ON rglima7 ol pip Tom. I
iling!e loom', Fifty Cants Ptie Dais
OUT Will Square, earner trisislitort it.
lOppariti Oily ELALJ ,
N.sL.ei they tau br orda►d. in tbs 1:1111.•
} p er, Pate t► • WNW. gawp ►D6 1121
alto:hod to tM Botal.
..11.11.--Illograr• al Wasseri
smosorbi~7 vni art MIL
bm Otb-50 bbla, extr. 0.. 1
aseoscou fele
Hon, WM& eke/- way e llu lia r M.nata
rust Knot
/0 —25 tur by
- 34.1misarrooll
off ' cornet watt lins atmets.
DRQPOO4I.B; 114" AAMVE: -itAtiuli
LAND lat' . oNt/bMl.lthilial:, ',
Quits op •arT Utollitiiii AID 64110101,}
Cd•11111-Hriezrd and Maur sired..
• Illsw Tad. Waldo Si l'-' l3 /
P 1.0110511.11 will he termed at this date tor ititusb•
to by contract, - army Wagoo Mimes:
Tho propcialiaboold date the price at *bleb V e ,
on re fainlibed at the, oboes of meotifecto re awl
the price at withisibercen be dellisted at We do
not, the woralts• whlobalo Ow ,made by . the bidder .
what° „:„.. s ittirta toootos orate order i who chi
hastier • to tin deliver willattione eek-
1 Sheldon amt. wetly mob= Co Vie °Owing,
,spenitlwitioas and te ih•eaablldad,piittems; •
.hat dale harness aslollowai to win'
tin Qalkolt.:BreOCti stiOpt 3 feet 6 turbot long, 814
ineneir wide, sewed Into It Inch rings of lash trout
lap adept 3 test 1 Llurbei long, 214 WOO.. Ittilt. stay
::plea. 2 fest bog. 2g huh.' wide, with Ili loot
• haelild; crow wisps to burgh, iota stay pleown.6
seer long, 15. j Won wide: aid e strips 4 foet Wog, .1%
bah wide; he straps lb Ischia 1306, Si hub ' slay
taperlOg toe point. .
Two'ntllP Betide. 'Long ride two fast 3 Inches loon, 2
'';lnihrii irtitcw.tki a'two tab Male; .sore diet foot
'0 iodate king end 3 twines wide.
Tao Efate Wire. 18 to 14 hobos loog, with doable
• • etrapisad sale tethers aod hackles 1.4 nub Wale.
TWO Par of Stroag Smut to Stilt. wide of White on
• red,: Wood With books, breed riot" /%. look
etplece, staples sod line dogs. , . .
Two Pell Of !lime Sown Lower one's Wit 0 loth.
Low, 34 lath wide; ripper one I feet 4 lidos Icing 54
, t
Wen wide.
two Bridles.. Crown pleas 2 feet 10ng.1% to tilde;
' cheek plum each 10 toads long, 11, toeb wide, front
! pitoollYi Isebor .1=4.1% bah widd MI, OWN ,
unto bilwia tossown pieces, Id dm kwill 1 Wwb
yhtipaw plac e 111"1" 10,18, 1000 wide; hods
4 • taloa& 5% Inches Wide; Wort wog w 0 446,61
11 , a: i ir . .....rt , =.. i l l id, E v r , - „tt,
, ........... .... •
Two rim' (Than Mes.a feat 1=424 lutes wide.
-two Pair Time Chinas,' feet loar,lo ants to the not,
of lie 8 Win. with I' on one tad, weight 7 5, te BMs
' ' per pair. Twisted orstraight.
. .
One Pair of Breed Chilton 12 lidos long, 14 Ilaki to
the 1001,01110 II iron. Twitted.
Twit 'Stich Straps; 3 feet t Inch long, 26 Inches wide, .
with 211 took melds.-
14 lithe to t
rte. 1301k131ta100,11 fed 6 Inaba Iting,its
, **SC* 4 *run 3 and hop to be riveted to to the
rack ... drag, Twisted.
Coe betitllci , Weds on Analogies tree, bad Ilst
, "litt '
' and eautio„ head, sorsred in the ;wad way with'
litifiannot bons bide; Cape W Inclose • Wag, ie.
debar wife; sardinale 7 awl a hobo long, 214
t .„
lodise 'MINI/lila 11( hob tootle 40: =Wend, 10
' be Wooed to the tensile b 7 WOW naiad 4 1 t‘o
curved straps 11,4 Leh wider, died straps its hood
wee on each awe of the roadie twieitais end ti to
the float port of the bar, da otbtr and io i • ex,
.teDitlois of the ter behind tba taut* epaulets ddie
hmhion; atirrop bathers 4 twit I Inches too , 11.4
Itch wide, with ly, inch bootie; idirrope, dollish LC
Iron. cooed, bolt eye Walt', to Wettb 1.334 r?. cop,
Odom pair
Tvo Coltun,. 11 54 to 1.11 lochne long, made the value
tot mom mines.
Two Pier of Homes to salt, of the mune sosteriol tot
wheel boners, ironed, with hooks; totems, ring. sod
Ma tinge, ettb wage .. in Wheel Winnow
Two lirldlee,'sonsiito for whiteborners..
Two Not litrapo sisdahoino,socoeulorwheelliornsis
Two Bully
Two Pate Chola Pipes.
Two Pak Trate Owns, °
Two Cireppon and Hip ritrape. Book skip 5 bet 16112,
tapering from 5)6 loch.* to 314 Intim wide! flip .
Strips WWII 2 feet 4 inched long, 1% iamb irldet one
• with a hash st one and.
.Two Both Enna; 3 Meta inches tong, lotbesiwidis
Two tlictingslre, 4 feat tomb I%inch . 140 , 60 1 0. 614
tnto this bit.
OneOnspiftg Iltrap,6 feat 6 Indus king,"%kithla Ida
Ono Meet Edo, 4 feet long, 1 loth win', to twine I
Into the bit se nab end, with a Hog .0514 in'
the ants to mein do Ised 1.0 e.. ,
OnitLosO Liao. 21 Int loner% Inch wile With ■I
entails atom and, and on 4, inch loop on tae WICK,
Ono Whip, heavy ph bid bons hide, 0 fin 0 lochort
Wet • .• "
On• ikon Brash, oval, of bristles, by inch's.;
Ow Cony *sob, Xio.2 C 6-8 bar.
. whole to be pocked in • box about 15 Mese.
win, 11 kis her deep, 84 inches long, mute of 1 kith
otatt, roopend, wood &Oaf* ot Irons MO) be [nutted.
tact Ilorsa Barker, so sollowi, to ell:
7 21 7 11166 L.
Two Wore Brooch Craps; feet 3 Wain long. 55;,
inane wids, wont Into `loch Hop or % ince brow
hip 'level foe long, & totals wicic ney pions 2
ion 1 kitties lan& 3 turbos ends, with 1% Inch
buckler, crass strop, to buck!. Into any pixie 0 lest
tog. 1% loth wide, olio strips I tees 0 inchndoisib;
1% Inch wldw, Os straps 15 Icahn bog. 1% loth
wile towing to a point. 1 .
Two Dolly w ith non old* 2 6.51 4 &oche),
Be .
wen,s 2 Ina buddy; ilhott WWI )00t•
6 lithos long oxil 2 InnboO yids.
Two link Collor. 13 to ZI inches knit, • ith &onto
Wasps and son Walborn WI bockke 7.4 Mob wide.
Two Poirot Strang Owns to snit, Mono of whin oak
soot, Ironed Inch hook% Drone rings 154 loch Knorr
stopieesnd lino taiga
Two Par of Warn Mope Teen one if toot 6 lathe*
• loci& 54 inch 014 e type ate 4 ten 6 Intim long.
% lark India 01 01001 mama kilter. • ,
Two Bridles. 14010 pets 2 bet 11 than king, 134
lade wide; ant. peen arch 10 loans long, It 4 loth
undo; [toot pim. 1234 Inthol ioog, 1% loth wide:
nay plass, frost Wipe. so crown plocim6l6 loans
long, ig inch saki one piece It inches long, 1
iota want neeW 6 inches long ,6 bathes watt MO.,'
Ms Wm 4 *MS Indus tong,l Inch ebbs shod obl•
hose tonal tack old. with 1 lath butt* Ditto,
tinned rooks... to neap: 6 It's too 8020 .
Two rose Chain . Pipes, 3 net 6 laded long, 3% !intro;
Tw o Oshr TesesOhalos, Hat long, 14 lbsks to tho
of Nog hie, nand or ttrolabt, with T an con sit
wilight 0 lin poor pair.
One pair of Brain Chains, 23 butts long, it kaki W I
she foot. of Ho 2 Iran, tweed.
Two Ti nit straps, & feet a inches long, 2% Intim wide,
with 2% loch bottle.
Two hook Manx 4 fee 6 kat. Wog, 14 Unto to the
foot. twined Ito 4 hon e ? sod imp to Do moton oa
to ass tact Wrap, swivel is the chola.
One Boddie, mesa. oa Amason kow hood, sulk* owl
man honk!, raiorocl In Iha anal wily with WV
.toosed horn bins flops 20 lathes long, 16 liaises
wide warcinglal Int 6 nines Wog, 2% maws sada,
with • 2)4 Inch buckle on ono end. to In intend to
the waddle by Wog fluted nun curved strops,l34
inch wide; them strops sr* pieced ore no este ciao
cc the tiodsibine, au • stet b WWI to entrain part of
the boz..ths other sod so Woe extend= of tbo Oat
behind the austle, itpsoliit midis teed= Stirrup
lemben 4 ton 1 inches long, .1% inch wale, witb
tub batithroitternps, mates tes iron, tined, bah
op, paten, to weigh 13% tea tot dozen polo.
Two ikkilte, man OS for • had harness.
'two Oollon, 20 to 21 tschts bog, .i. 4. Chi .064. 00
for vinyl borates.
Two PAT of Oman to still, of sewn nislosiol 00 for
spat townws, ironed, with hooks, briar end
Insridge wish et IN tnal in Wand bens
Two Week amps and Chao; soon so what Pao ,
Two kally Bonk, net. so kr what Wpm.
two Pair Chan Pips., ate se for wheel baron.
Two Pair Telco Otionna, aims so Ibt whosi hansom&
Two Crappies one filp guar. End strap 0 Met long,
tapering inn $34 Mhos to lOgistehoe wide ; kip
Imps with booalesosth 1 lest 8 turbo. Wog. I%
Snob w 14.. with wrought hooka
Two kick dada, bet 1 lathes long, 8% lathes wide
Two blerdogeiss, o lon long, 1% tan wide, to heckle
into the bit.
Oa. Coupling BOP $ feet mobs tong, ljd toot. wide '
Vim Came bola, 4 not I loch know I,nteette So
buckle Into the 1,11 .t each cod, with e ring .toed
lathe eosin to metro 'betake One
Oas Woe Lino, 21 tear long, % lock wide, with e
bunion or. ad, sod so/nth loop la the Odom-
ODD Whip. hooey plaited lawn hide, 0 loot 6 loam
One Horn homed, ant of Wenn, by turbos.
04•Oarry Comb Bela--e ban'
The whole to to pecksd n e ixt2 shoot 21 iodate
wide, Ls lathe, detp,ll4 indite
,ley y t tbes.l
28.1.8 imps an be mates&
The whole b• med. or Om 6 448 SearTi 6l , o4 . Blo 3 II
to Enda with good wand Omni; ora l oct to .1
Inepolevas today ,b* proms of nonshictur sad sloo
. Wine 0 hone bonen te Istioirei;, bsd. the bed collars,
5 1 141 . 4 z ilea ItssPi.lnisi. heads, plea,.:
Attgetnain, cropper hod hip Orem., back bands sad
mange:Warm* ore doubled; true bairns Oslo kat .
long, 16 Mb bibs lool,oldo II true, 2110 e Ton amts I
ono Wed: .shad Imo lobo 80 lea long. , - '
She whole , to bo neon cilia Ind osidetiol, owing to
bia conk With gaud waged dined. sod sublon tobw
nivettoo dodo g the proms ot' nen lockwir sad 101. 2 .
when Cobden.
, Whoa bo o e Mimosa b wniksl.lho (bo la 18r8.
henna ns, sent peps. 6. 117 bond.. 4 IIZ
trace Oslo. crupper sad alp image Dank bonds '
dottoltng Itess4 tali doubled: one bartngobatigiUnd
long, 14 links ter toe took of rto C from webs T on
mew log oddeeiseuel Nod limed be 331st tong.,
Prommis will also be received for making end de•
livening arnbeleume base.' los two CO mei Maio OT
hone testos—• a paillterkin nl wWcb obi be herein/
IMMO dropped afid omen* wilt be fornlibed.
apno 44Plimeme to tobralm,usid own win I. coo .
.decd boot do not onions thorn*. ~
Tn. Flynn, Li werwred ty, red for
Woe of njening pioposen thet any he doetost
Propeole will tie in loved oo envelope ,
dog nem, o Proponis for taroidflog . Army Wagon
anti Ambulance Carnet and eidermeed to • •
.51.10 r 11. V IlltroN,
Qnsttermester 1:1.11. A rmy.
• STONE ha. Win instovd tram No BS 10th
Wiwi 10
. for Dam boa L1C407
LUUK-2,VOU Das:. Ocean
Dos "1,600 141. Yoram .do
.do 'Clopeordlo do do ,
TOO do-o'9ollolo, bats, do;
goo, usd , Otsmtlia Obt*Yourtr' 40 1
All of the oboto ar. Oholoo•f34-160fdo 007 . Acosta
ApootTod and AM NO by J. IL ISUOITZ 041 1
sub Watei midi& front Amts.
C RO . . • . '
4 :4, 1 4 0
tlkenbt"..Arertol44, •
store - • ;
-1111 Ede,. AND' ,Ii01"1, 2detailM-.
'Jell nays && Otitinilittl'ziP fit kin , far
away isirjabi) tbrsaLtby tacymmlat_adoed *dolt
• 4 by -
-ANIL 011,43 • birrolo for pile
_ tow,tockermosfroommoiltro
riazu Iiet , CCED PDa iLIS braT YEARS.'
1 ,, e12 (5..1 PROM jib TO sm. r , i..s ca 14.4 nans.zrEt.
i, - ,..teannUetarnte,. ea th e eeirte:lmest of 'llO Woe ,
=oeCelt, =Lag the e t' 17 e l f ' ma tol l ..e ui. ,
it: sass oympfdre. Pllionlej *hi Oeseeeelt to
fungal theft &Wag kledasSee.- . Important in,
prima/ doe, ei COW= HUM MOM The
ape:lorue of deem Meat* foe Ily am end he
muicifertiunri. In 117e - eandi mug ed porpoise nod
eititi le idielehidloi tie Ike o f tboosenie Wag
Wee ...Au& Us teotherate piie.rat ..11eb they an
.tem,ede &ex. them 'Meta I.bit rasa of ell, end oh-
Asti. ell umrt for impeding :pe those lelerior
aced the owlet eseehtsie 'WNW Beefy osechinee
Gold heits Ii
Ali also Ova Inannctions,!neo of charm to yorebs
gen, to enable Masa to 13=4 fell. Gather rael and
ISabroklar. all on Os gam *atblca.
ilireltoulartatobe bad alto ar afro. fro, otobargo,
by applying altbazin iambi or by malL
N. B"-44"noS -14"1"014 Nee dl e.Bllk Twist,
Colton. .to., oonatadtly oc land.
No. wirris 9TI 2T. PTCTBBUao R,
b - it — — Cr;
to, ang vaus,arc.
....... F. rasa&
LAbertret., Pearl Outer Depot Pa
klawafictard SUISUN% 'COT SLOT and BOLL.
deurlytios. _
b011.8,Ao.„ always old WS:turd for sale low.
Orders Id& sits W.YOUNG, comer of Wood
g rog sodDlamand 1 1 / 1 1 more PmwYt Amu -
Con. utSid
B R. 4. D L Ir. - sr
. 111antlftetare* ivery Tartf.ty of
auoic, reffLoxil •AD BRIATING
„ die dicit." eze. -
Wet'ileyietor d of the celebrated
iiripx: srisivnea !ND 810Kal OONBU
0636 - and Baleeltatrat,
N 0.4 Wood Street,
D •
M &IV EN & 80N,
- D• - M a l II o f
'S.V E S.
101Faliouse, 'Street, near New
Enzadin bridge;ii.HUIGHINTOITY.
lattlis-atoivittenititrlealire to oat larga snort
wiata-0,91-avid• dkritiag Stara. tit, Wood and
0101 in , we at itte' lowart game, nose
I.ltirgerintirrwlll to emir alienable to give
ay.analimatallarolsolot# inaltbefOre pruatiading ewe
'Gila Iron Hoare hoots,' von Rafting, nudes, Hollow
Wm*: Hagonacineo,
Pieiweadrranorigirstelrents, Fendere,
esz,oewles? fn. Made made to order.
oieetra - ;;. D. DI MYRA a BON.
ALLEN, btopoanaics "a co.,
lc!.1 - k Ariq kt.
- irmittrium, PA.
lArarelAcriaria."so. 52 St. Clair .t.
104:101'40TVUEusOF COOK,
'l.l2 , ristma - and ARAI INe [MOTU, Parlor
. and g liclarr Wise% glollow Worry_ airsi3u.el
Uolllis tiaellnga,
'SWAIAT mad Astir= Pip 4 Sod Irom.Dce !rota Wogoo
Doi" Dewar Kettle*, Palley', flacon, Oar Wheels,
(13oylinp, and Oaattnar gonorallr: Alas Jobbing mod
Machine Castlop mac to order: Patented Pottabla
14131, with Masco or Mao Perm. toLtdard
ilittOzNott siMlictitstmsnts
%.> tuts. - destroaa of pirtettitmr the
GOODB, ehitmhi s.,e filet the.eittetes they
perdue. are emekhoLlJelth the trill the firm,
goArsst... iliksiodxfseliAddiftitBlty of uo
VAN ama. ossantlally allamorf, as
qtantfliaior 'and iliffectiva Unarm ars
propttaltiliaaa with 'be Mae
11214.1WSOPri ing044CP0011601..15.i410.1
Gkrds7l on. on AIM AZWICSIS
tOASeusar mai ibirmissabstorsts slicostso Goods
1011 42t.,..104f1Y sstaitillo tufo*" Jwimalatabla,
while iparthaasts,c=ordisorltit ecoda oft
J.:111 Loam,
ASGAG 54R..& Strom Om Yak.
Gin an a itennedial A gent.
TULA DILI010;178 Torno errunit.anr.
LISPEOLATAi designed for the use of
tho logies; ritriilite sod the Anal', hang
ioporroded Um raglan .01to," "Aramaic,. .01.;rao.
bi oll.M=p"reTitasep.4=sa, %l&
? LI
aomenlearkligno all - of than torniorlo
dust gnaws (tordo [ono an
ditarUc) witch bola% co an
agel niri pate
;Tr GUI, Pia ap to goon both.. sod
. G lio. ititt=l4o Wood Agent.
• - A.ll. latillgenn OD.,
[)Otte dlohal la 17114 pole Propriety.,
N 0.19 laced stroa, N. Y.
art—Ws toislili t ri ir tai samara of thaw
moo aWs
kroatilhailting: s {rand. rlth Orusiviatia
ItYrOgrums. - brabl l / 2 as., 027 sktylists•
pcisciral hardy • "ssistlea
as „Mows' Notwl Syroos, Austslas, Peotety, Welly
Illisas anallsb Lush Plass. Junipers,
.ilok, Uptight Aar, Liberia:lan
hursitas, kal soil =boo •arborvltos. • WOO
cams ;Uinta of the,4llbsrisn'Arkorintss awl Cyriata
oa asstnialnabistor asstoas and
booty. 110,10,00Ilkyphhtuak am tinny nose of
goat sits, sad atal,P, .0: rat/oast. 300
ring to.; tau, of 'Aka atailashia Ash* de etiokila
Vratillaalli *oat twO to "tire lost With in
- sashay. psokailhipprd as dlrscost - salii dos.
• ntiossenasot Sraktoloil, &I to
tea Arabia pialinta Wens tchandhassiisboortord,
" 00$7
ilsis=tioal Sadie Wilkins, John Psrksr,
' o ' b . ill'apeal•italllnah, OS. Donny, 3. Jooas
Liam oca ialdroa 'through Wilkins Postal:Mc%
alisatary toasty; Ps.,, yroteptly saisaird to.
Mika horsap, satuasa
kiss swam. steal shwa*. walk from ant Sul Ua
fsFt7 risoongss aslisysy awls* war to kist. Mote.
. isailtitsidortair Wal JAB. DIV itoooa.
liN *MEN T. 61411414
Minh 'Esc o. „
•Is owning atom to • privito for WIT patron.
aim Manta Ilhuntly • rated, 1 winald tali their '
ortaatton to my 'eery iarita ma of MAW Ihr thia
. • Illy nod' 8140" Pear (ttanttzed and dtiout) Poach
and titortry tar uoraids om ityttitne . bay. our ratwi.
themrt , en of mml i t . what's, wrought by pm
MO having • ...knottladge of the ttaintei, and
ovary oars mho's' 46 tuns ovary kind One' to tam.
Qr.. lyyl• Treys aloha are nays -Ito,ooo-40.000 et
giblet% Jur olds. trout 6to I 5 Net. 'Po such
11=11 XV2llloll.ll.llZilio born 91 to 6 lie* 67 tha 100
or WOO, 611,11461irw",60 Sind tarts 1646 MaPia.
for atiailta Apar, 160, , large American and
Lareacjierloo6o. Trt•Plahlag, Owe
- yin am • calk. !tIMMot mot trio on
&Uralic pituditaghihWatanntitisartartrtliable o l
Pa. nibllaltart JULLN .6111860G11. Ja. •
Litlitietatilig' ,- Oil
A T THE LOW-4 , ftiOb 01' 2:5 CENTS
eAL. - tiertlerd.4l24eolliiitantlf tria - biagl and tor wale
D7_ 13. 4 ,11. M. REMUS&
°I SO SIO glIS(II79 rem subeiret Wartßibets.
. Pireetriee.fie 7,)tittl
SEM R. 0.4 J. ELlgeweettGeo .l Gulnies.
Iles Val we ere! kettiegilmw *an we'thie to be the
beet tweet pui*Pe; e webers per
00 NA II largo Lisokare. 0..;
.100 biall 00is. .. do do;
. , MiltioNV a. do ; •
ittblpts. Igo. 1 Whits i
08 WI 10010. To. 1 do;
481;011 Obld. pc.:l Lite
las • • • WATT WILBO2I,
:jos ; VII Liberty arvi..
10.11&8114.11EnTAL OF
IMMO, strawy itaolllol4
~ • ODO do. nes
" . . -. 3oQttiMgalAlP kildkvid;
'.21001018110 do
-TWv llO ll
111 do' Tantwon
.. 101o: do...SW;
'lOO A18140•14111ereino •
' 'BO .do 09nalinaltilt (or
414 it Itrn EOM a co.;
/Adar r . ltSl!tlideld andWador W. Pittaborgb, 'Pa
ArelTAPT.lloolos.—All thew author-
Etswiteretwi war lievermite; for mils
y 'En *OO,O Mood,ot.
1661.4311.1=6616 CA.Vl4lll446matit-1 6 61
-SIGHT DAILY.I=AItaI. 2 • ••••
boa *Km 110VD 65 . tDeti Itab, ths 11.1060 0
BAIL 'MAIN larva tits ruiinaigri — littel6a • :ay
=mat bunaaylat traoa-6.oinmini. only as
t ma, taa C ;Lag at , BIT abllra ialtb train
dine ter iisitfs37re, arrislay, ta - rtghairpr.i. at
12y) IN 1 ., 1 3 oo o p lla k alyb oinifiel 91 1 4 n 4 u d 6 aoy
/ a 1
ara a. nialai n
latco-i t
Mir . rtsliOrittu. and az •
mien. la p aottpthrbt 4.
TllBrifir LING Immo Os MICSC-4017; 4
Baooa)i at coo p. ••topping only .4 Obianabara.
lotraba, Jan tiona„Wllitnati,SalltaiskAltaanu ke,
Una arealar in VaiViniipillaiitS llo g' K.
ickiolliaifkisoietaLurs. •
sucm. figs b.. call
;wept Panda)) at•LE6I.: d6101461:1,0 ill alalliguN
Goa rmisina as tar U.
eint•awatamibalcia Wain lar WalPit
aPt• Calinibtaalably-) atikllll4. E.
&pasta Aciamiaialnilaa, Train tr Stairs ilta6c.a
Waite e2ro.i.El3eur4l)at. ll : 2o
Tidyd itectaraaribbeietrain tat war. euUai 6 6 1 11 .
Jaiirlutamit rooetitym too 6.11.` - '"
facrtit...illacatosi46iimsTrain Far WO'.
Waaaantl iaate..Enialay) at ik.ra a. 6. •
urnia; Trains amino In tinataula al nalaw— :
Kt Sat preas,llll T.Y. 1111.1:111 0 1,6.$ fast Ulm 11 . 23
u.s Paisatorn it;, Tint
Ware antira ztaia eza 1.- N.; Sauna
Will. Btation •Aaixesamastlati. — .B , 6U IL; ith'S
Wears iitathli .14tiqn;l1aCtiglas.. [aortal
Ware dodo% AocoinmcdutleoXl6 z. 6_
Slartialla 04 Indiana eattatal at B uhr
silk latribectiaa yltiF.Tartrateutrtiscaineaastliniasta
1151 16,4111111 at and Mat - .id' *Mb raga 6rafitit
CoonotOriuo rrso.,_,Aokplo; i all
atatunt,an clia6ltfarmbla Caunallayllle Said,
ab i utial 61641 4,1 y is follawa Siabultai
ai IL; KOMI TrVii. 4:1.0 7 it:
from PlMbixrati. t CaaratiraillaSnati:arltaial Pitt'
Carta. Van e :at. itiatti ,
DAP rtunktor, rap Will Oad It eratiy tlialt, In.
taiga!, in: Nast a Wed, lailtraval by Sti‘ Nas.
sylviabilararei,*4 aszaittadationa car Diva ,
ticleat Vs burin alminaY otbib routs. :Alia , 111
ballistal s:gap cid banal* bag Stan 63+1. lira
rrograro2.4.irrora *O. 4 0m. AA" . 1 0.. 911 gl MIT
Ilia WI 800 yillb TOW. I ga.
. .
re tiro WM« - 141 To 0a014. , •—•••7. v st
Irttiladslpbb. 10 (1 -
'Agana Gluicluxl Pi:strung CO the Peons. tall ,
tots snt ttlls.4lptils. Baltimore and /OW York.
r•SratMll prirclisaing ttokeo Lo airs will be Davy
ad et este.. seividleg to illstssies timid is add i:len
P) CU lb GOIS trim estrot ries. Iltallaturwliir• the
OCCIUMMY tise rw Arent.
ErTIUIL—Ist case of loss, th e ray
teiritiatris riaponaitilß far periw Ckati ird tiszsgl enl7,
and Ow at wzreist tat erweeng , 6100. • -
Cternitets Lbw ass wen earplct i Ao
et , rtsi ttosesslot swiltsitipege towel &maths
stsehsrr, not to qoplirl Loor4ts.trr, swell to
snit Vilgsse.
far Tieketserpty to • ETIV4II.I', itynt.
sr Y . Y. a. P.vasavt: titenim ott4dborc end
emit lw •
• Cleweltuad rittsburo.mintwar -
Orin 161 ON iIXIII-110151N1d41WP 91011112
ON and
.after Mon"
Jane the 10ib, - 111101,
will les*. the Depot of the "linflnan,
rt. burgh, as bilows: • -
finthasph. Oblawitias awn assinmsent Starr 14.1,
iTerskerealn _
Ile chenp of isms between Pittaborsh:rinii Otoodonstl.
Leaves Artist* St Lou',. at &nine as Arrives .t
NIMBI! 00tAI0'S:013r1 11111TAPOLIS fit 10010
12.12. • In m CIO p to. - •
Ixlo pm SAS p TIP sin
This soots II 'boast. to Cillicinnat; fau - Willie, Do.
haat is sad al points Bondi, than any other fronts
Bplsodld hleePinitOws - attached to di 1111gbf Trains.
• rattbropliandllllwltwp awn " 1 1
rearm Arrive. St Antra et • Arrives st• Arrives et
TITTiDNO, R0013'1t..W111.48.11, fir/N.N. WEI I ZP O
1134 • m lifti ato Stets m ILO& • inWit s m
• &Oa • to Tab • m 11,19 • m SOO • co - 1001 • oi
IWO p 1.114 xi tLßpm 8:10 p m 4101 m
10110 p &lb p p m
The UM A.ll. and 1210 r w. Treks catuaiiot with
Snarl. of 0.0. d. B, for Zanesville, Lancaster, AIL I •
The 490 p. m. Prato stops in all0•11cm. between
Etamestal sad
Piftsbargh rosd Careassel
lama • , • - •AITITIO• I
.• , .Ino 14
1110 a. Shin I.s.
The TM a. to. trait Gamiest:sr Ward for ifow
Philadelphia and'tattoos on the •Zieestratras enacts
Paintogess &airing to go to nannallp, , Tolado,
Cbteego; or pd.M• West. its Olaseland,samiS he par.
nog= to oak for Tic:kat. elm ChmelswiL
Tbroogh Tickets Min Ps proemd it the Liberty
Mow Dopot; Pinitersti. -
JOHN OTNWART, Ticket Agent
tut forthrr ntoremskto.sprilp to
WILLIAM 6tAWAftr, Agent;
At the Clomp/01'm OM& loitrelibt stenos, Popo st
llTlOtEcOmierd Ticket Anent,
• sweriaml. Ohio.
•11.11116 11 / 1 MANN,
.No. L 5 Youth !Stmts.
ORE ri Pit a DI less.
tYOLOCS, alp ;at Woduaistay and Saturday
..stop, frogs day Arst to Ilaramber Ira, from 7to
o'clock; and frum Ilseusbur lost to It. arsibtram
td Ireolook. •••
D•posita turatred of all suirdi nstirti tbs. one
Dogs, .ad • &Miami oftars:St. ' dactand butes
• year t is Joao aad .Serstobu. Interact bla bawl
dastard - asstaardaly, to Jona and
. Dsocrojw, slum
the Sauk vu regular:l, at tbil rata Ortiz par ant.
I year. '
lutsrast, II a s drawn ont,to placed to die crett cd
th at as yorlastpal,aad Warmth* Sumabrbareall
Ram tha CMS oeJ alr• &ad Drralliter. =MC= •
taloa a 'sax srltbautbrattb)las Stu dopolliSor • So •
or 0 000 so plussurlab piss book. !Weds rata, rsOr/all
min doable las than Lt flari;lttattlis lOU Mrs.
gate maze //MOO lat. Piltailt'
Soma contidatair tba Cbartari.usybausiOtater
11,..lettous turrasoo posy On opoikookol titLo
rrawist—avisuilaumix. .
=Thum J. andersoa -
Batiorls. •
B4nAmin L. fetumtoel
Jan= TiAreaunt,
isms D. lenry,
41.1issuilsi DasDM
Jost U, geogollls.
George Slack,
Aluaid A. Csrdsr,
• Cowles ..tiCottoa,
Wallsoce Douglas.
Jolui grans,
John - liolosa
%Wass a Dam..
Taw.ll. Dunker,
Richard El m
grumun ts. lovely
ta-veanlP sad
• tslOdSoT
P.: D Para. -
.101:111 tt, Jr., Bccretcriinfl Trimirer.
Dote T. B. Itsvin, J. L. War
gttan, s.l7sdaon. Jan IrNq Jr.
01 11gbt grevtly,' from 11.1.•' .eUZ 'of tn.,
onoi. onek.ln Voluut6o_ametity,ecestla o . l 7 ou 403
0My...134 (Dr • • •
id• T. H. nab Ca%
alytlyr • N 0.116 Woo d if., Pittataigh.
V A it-N ST HAL.
mat Meet brands of Gentian* -
AND &LT, 10208 OY
to, lie, In'grest enpletp, • -
trader the St. Charlee Hotel; Pittetirgh;
P. 11.—The Trade supplied on Ilbend tessus.
• 160 O. Rogan
• 60 bbla. Bawd Sudan
600 ."•- prima Plintatton Hotaaars
6•0104 brands ity rap;
. 15 6 4 06156 250 Cott*
100 bOs. oilkarOrtad Wanda Tobaoaar.
26dattra dr do
150 half ctridaYoras Byron and Blatt Tara
60 oat? boss do do do do
00 bozos Bo* 00550
20 Germ= Soap;
25 " Oland do
60 n Mould Ctandler,
26 " Starr do
100 bbk, Yttrd rnd *rata lama, floor,
to Was and tor tale 07
JAW tt
NEW ' UUNtiItINMENTS--Jllll% [ re-'
toted In dors sad tor iado-,..
, . ftitelsbitest Coma Chasm
d Witco Itugar Coxed Buns
7000 Itis City Oot, WOW% . •
12. tat. N. 0:111 alums ;
It octal/Ad Paean;
60 dos. Mate Branson;
AO dos Omni= . do;
10 bAblay• Stow; .
100 la th Altialassnook Potatoes; -
26 baUbbla Whtta 7lati; \ , „
1.5 do' • do Isin liontne.
L. G. G2lll/10
and 24? Welty Wird:,
809 , teg. Pam 8 0 MoboOds, oak.doadgeY;
100 hbds. d. logor, -.
10 btas Pedodylvazda Syrup,
24 do Now 'Yost do,
100 do Assoetdd I/dose adtar,'
WO Dago Flour-Rio • -
100 DI obootikldgeriadi Hind O.P Tow,
2111 Du. wonted todddildTONloool
In item end ioe 4410.1
ISbbla. No, !I !zip lisAtril.. •
II 'do do; . . •
' YlbFbb a. Lako Mato 710,
li*Zoigi; i (xi
0 IL-4.50 bibs: Bo& Oil; • • '
atei tad ;
,sh bbla.lto.ll Lod on; • • ,
In stows end brad drtry —JAB. DAM/RA. • BOO&
- 21collava1UrWert apmf.
(} Ypoe-raeirbe + uxo ir
. Dont.
vas _ La Waal secjit,"
'I boxes -prime V eve.
;es* brio. • .
APT: Sar •
I '• '
Kcompvbrid tensely. destined to be the.rnost
effectual A/temtfre that can he made. It is
a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla.
so - combined 'wit ' ;Other substances of still
greater alterative power es to afford an effec
tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is
reputed to Mire. llt is believed that such a
remedy is Wanted by those who suffer from
Struntous complaint's, and that one which will
accomplish !"their sure must, prove of immense
service to this large elassof our . afilictecl fellow.
citizens. Ilow eMifpletely this compound will
do it has been prover , by experiment on nanny
of the worst cases AO be found of the folldwing
SelionyLA AND Samoretous ConPLAINTS,
EnurTioNs:AND Ediferive DiAIIAALS,,
Prestos. bite - ref* Tenons, SALT RHEUM.
TECTIONEL, Di3r.AlZ, DoorsT. Nov-
RALGIA OIL Vic Dentouncrx. Deuxtrrv, DTs
?rests sten IllninisTio s 4 EnTAITTLAs, BASE
OA Sr. Aternoxvlaritte. end indeed the whole
class of complaints'arising from fuecium or
This eoinpounewill be found a great pro.
meter of haealth.lavhen taken in' the spring, to
:expel the foul .hinnors . ' which testes in the
. .
blood at that seaStib of the year. the time
ly expulsion of them many rankling disaanlers
are nipped in the' bud. Multitudes can. by
the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from
the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous
sores, through which the system will strive to
. rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do
this through the natural channels of the body
,'by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the
vitiated blood whenever you find its impuritica
bursting throtighi the skin in pimples, camptions,
'- or' sores ;1" eleanSeit when you find it is oh
. strueted and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse at
whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell
you when. Even where no particular disorder
is felt, people enjoy better health, and live
longer, fcir cleansm g the blood. Keep the
blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this
pabulum of lifif disordered, there can l be no
lasting health- . Sooner or later something
must go ;wrong, and the great machinery of
life is diseadmedor overthrown.
Sttrsap his, and deserves myth, the
reputation of accomplishing these ends. But
the world has , been egregiously deceived by
preparations of it, partly because the drug
alone has not all the virtue that is claimed
fur it, bitt more because many preparations,
pretending to be concentrated extracts of it,
contain butlittle of the virtue of Sarsaparilla.
or any thing else.
During late years the public have been mia
led by Large bottles, pretending to give a quart
of Extriet of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most
of these! have ,been frauds upon the sick, for
they riot only contain little, if any. San:aim
/inn, but often no curative properties whatev
er. lience, bitter and painful disappointment
lux follOWeil the use of the various extracts of
Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the
name itself i 3 I justly despised, and has become
synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still
we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend
to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the
name from the load of obloquy which rests
upon if. And We think we have ground for
believing it his !virtues which are irresistible
by _the prdinary!run of the diseases it is intend
ed to cure. In order to secure their complete
eradication front' the system, the remedy should
be juditionsly taken according to directions on
the bottle.
DR. J. C. AVEitac CO.
Prlre, $1 per Pottle; Slx notil es for $3.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
has won for itself such a renown for the cure of
every variety of (throat and Lung Complaint, that
it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the
evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em
ployed: As it has long been in constant use
throughout this pection, e e need not do more than
assure the people its quality is kept up to the beta
it ever;, has been, and that it may be relied on to
do for their relief all it has ever born found to do.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
?On THE CM= oP
Costiveness; ,lOundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Dysen!ery, Fble Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache,
Piles, Aheunialism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases,
Liocr ]Complaikt, Dropsy, Teter, Tumors and
sale Octoni ijrorms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a
.Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Maori.
They are sugar-coated, so that the most semi.
tire can take ahem pleasantly, and they are the
best aperienths theirolld for all the purposes of a
family physic. , . "
Price',2s acute per Box.; Five boxes far $l6O.
Greatnambers of Clergymen, Physicians, States
i and eminent personages,hare lent their
names to certify the unparalleledsmefulness of these
remedies, but our space here will not permit the
inseiticrn of Diem. The Agents below named fur
nish gratlsoiniAMEßlcan ALalAnne in which they
are given; with also .full descriptions of tlie above
complaints, amid the treatment that should he fol
lowed for their' pure.
, Eki ni3ite . pin: off bY 'Unprincipled dealers with
other preparations tit -0 make more profit on.
Demand Ariree, and take no others. The sick
wrattthe best aid there is for them, and they should
have' it. a :i
All oar riieadles are for sale by
B. A. PALIIKAirriXa k 00. Pittienunti,Apnts, and sol
b y all Inninnati land Denten everywhere. eelbilydanT
Jima P.D. Ma*
Immo BL Pte '
A. M.P0R00..1„ l 4
p .
Rawl Robb,
;Jolla D. ifsradd.m.
rear AL Es&Arai
. .John . ll.
Jones Meluley,
J y obu .
wrier.Jola A ntabie
Alereatielst• Spe.
• Wallisti 111; Schmalz.
Isms Witittiar,
Cheiseisa. Yaw.
en.__ .t. CIOLT 021
,Restorative Cordia' 1
1. —for while 'plessmot to tho taste, it Is rem.
[ trying. eddlerstiag, sad streostbethog to the vital 0
;smear.. list.. revivifies, mimeses sad renew. the 011
blood to ell to oddest purity, and thus restores sod w , “
[ sanders the System Invulnerable to attacks of di* a
arm UM the only preparation ever Offered to the m
ocrld tai popular form so sa to be wthbln the reach L..
Mien. ddeitensiedly andthllfaUy combined as to be
tan most proemial tonlo,ann yet so perfectly adapted I hi
to es to net isperfccteuxordoces awls the kres of Bd
tersoial larasserthe the weakertstossath,and tone op
I ate digaabir mons, end easy all nervous and other Oa
Irtitallo n t „:11. is oho perfectly exhilarating In Is
effects. nod [ yet It is never followed by la node Co
dipreedon of composed sotirMy opal
I eamblos ekili th eme =l,l combirthat V
Vale ma Mo th lag P mei coussottently can
I maw lohne. Soca m. remedy the long been felt to be hi
111.11011/d011422 methead world, bo th by the the r,
0 rengidylloilled aztallcal alma and alto by all who r
b.T•ituffluva..=id.bility; sx. it Deals no medical n
- *taw emu to see that debility follows
4 oil .ft.a..afdtesseg sad UP the u.gmrded FO.urz ,
open to SW Maths re many of the nun derserose
0 to which!poor hoasoity tonsteottrUitehei North, v
• famompts, ma the kalowimp consamptin,
Longswase, dyspepsia, km of appetite, Waimea,
- .w . = ,, paiptestkes of the
Wlftn•fteki lb night swath lan.
geforoiddloreasnd ell that dew of teasso imerfally
btel Lf imettoreled to In Sam called tesmalewseknee.
we or triegthrliles. lint derangements or toe 0
" a Way, a n d Cur compbsinte damsel of the Ithis= 44
scabllng ire tocominenos of the mine; or
PI derangement et the urinary ormuss,pln to the bath, la,
Ode and WIWI the ',bashers, pa:divagates to r
Id flight colds, hocking surd conthsed . cough. eased* hi
Soo. difficulty of breethlrah and indeed we might
Pt n
amtomite =anymore nth, oat we bete , DKr only V
to emit! will cot only core the detdilty following
[ t
1 1 4 Chide anad levers, On prevent all attacks wiener.= ""._
Silluencia end care the dames at coo*, U
pew etterted. And aS Is aria directly and persistently
WKS the id lnes7 enonni. mann th e aver to action, pro
Meting, thmt, ell she ercestions and weretione of the eye.
b a p.
g hifthiblyprovent any deleterious conesquestrea
followin ripen them Methane end water; hence, all tra
' velem thollal hem • bottle with them, end all shocid take
atablespocatanst lama benne eating. As It prevents m k
tbstraw, sirth,atbens the digestive organs. Is Amid be to
tha handeg o all ptheate of sedentary baths, sandscht, mire
man. And 1 1 / 1 ladles not accmatcelted to mach
edtdoce 'ilierelth *bend savoys me It. If they Ed. Coy
lent tad on airresebletplemetut end efectint remedy *gnaw&
that Ws *Mob rob thus of Ina beanty—Cm beauty cash
rat ant without keettb,snd beelth 0.0101 sant while the
above fruhidthle mama. Then, again. the Cordial fa
a paha mothers oast Yam moult or throb:dn the
tut - trlal,ithn pee the diemelbalpsrlod with perfect
raelard laity. - Thine Ls nix mix , Ukie about it,
this Ocoaelei allure olairaityr Mothers.
=mitt Aol yta tipped •,.to_ detest the Chow ar
noted, of yourciautattinzer biarett a too late,
leutialiii yog' aorta sot husbands; for while the.
*2=4 frith SIM 'delicacy, often (*doers to protaann
grow rebut then -the i r emeittion be known lathes,
the WM *re Gnat op attb tbsoaxitemrat
hpitotat,itatit It woe sot kw you, they. Sochi toted
la the mama downward. pith, unit boo lths to latest at*
atut to I But the motto 6 always item; and to you
, eoctilittly meal, for •to an, sore your tener.aamig
aipaioa eta steentogly Warm to Prot-Ws:Wm batons.
Ora Cordial and Skin, ossiM• as the remedy which
*odd bejelwaysta Windt" thee of need.
MOOD, hopriebx, Atia arcalioN iterir YOthlld
*motet etreet.[Wloals. MN and old sit ptoi DM*
gala Pride One Dalar per tattle: •- . •
Boatoilttstrargb - try .:Musestack ft iiko.„ J. LW.
ton,ll.43iorg* PlALeyserill. ft Bathes ikth 1.„
heath dt:Cre, Oath Alemblif.Elmost donnas:4 Ohm. U.
Arwicuadea a 00.
fat 131 1 ,1111; DWITOWIIt.
'193 and 1113 &Wad strait.
P 01 4 `. WOOW • IS
liIIE VITBIOI,--21XKi me Yor vale by
sal carom 1 1 hot tad "Nal str.
ji • POTS-15 Ems assorted, for
• it** b/ D.A. ifIXTOCE kW.
;1,4 Corgwriln a 4,114 WoOdvia
200 bbl& Prate Liras; ju re.
tee ees lIIIIIII't li,saLlllllt
: J