The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, August 26, 1861, Image 3

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::o►norlL "Adria of raft Girt.
Itteggettothatcbe Otosimitless for Uts
rile, by by IC' Shaul °Ocilla 53 nth guest
ustected • . , 1 •
brill. MIDI 6
9• 80 .6s
. . 7J5
, i .72 .. .
- • 29 7.10
! ma *Wed ll•eseeleu t etenserts!li
i*, , tore- /Harm , Wilma. . ,
4 4 ; V. Mild'and ThowitDavi4 aerated
, ,
, , .
1 . au T l l '7: U# l-410 9%)/iu esf hen ea' Pb",
• 1-:14. 4 . *thread iirlih — being.Hetassietista,
' , win brought- bedew Mayor Wilson on Bator
2..- , .day f ' titillating. IL Hwarturaldsr, lisq4 ap
it their counsii, and United Stites Die
! ,
Wet way Cariahati wax mind oti behalf
, • • k -..- . . • I .•
eft th GovirunenL _Yhe testimony et the' wo
stag" herUtede4l4 arrests, If" then
.` .... M ths Patetall•WstilstatiPitbeet hall
ini. Li Wrist r.thethistitantectame lite my
.11 bootee!: Tharaday# sad drank two sr thaw
glut" if beer; Held *tedium at tharbottimi
•,-; after- dinner they begat' to talk; Heldidur ia t i d
- i'lzSi 1 4 1 .!r;ildcb la got U Ilidusond r, he _
he bid been eight Wendt* with la. Davie adid
: las goirig home to Nei Yost, Intending to or
. ' tant South In lifer dais; ,ba asked waif there
' Wars any' Demooridaleis =Habig for the war,'
' .-' and I add •!yet.itkattef than." ha said they
wee. root., they would all be killed oft - he add
i Witthingtet would le tabu before lug ; 1 thht
-4 w aZ, about:ad that Reid laid. Davis aledadthat
-, ha Whoa sate. Battled 801 l Ran.- - leaked
' t,.hbxt if • he.wax Oa the Union aids, and ha isld
,',frao, and I .wen: will b.." - He UM it..wie a
bud battle; and that therm Mows (massing the
:Unica- form.) intszt kayelost at 1u5t : 39,000
- ' Hairy Stilt who Was in the hear hall dui"
ins `the catvewationjetirrobonted . the date
ment of, thefirst .witattaii in , every particular:
'*-- He iistaltbd the chnieriatiot with Held was
2 Gentili; bat Davis 'kaki& in'Eutialt.' :
This the testimony, and Mr. aims:
7 bia ...ialted*:that the defendants be reminded
.: • intotbe Custody of the Vatted State. Marshal,
fat.a tearing on- Moliday " before the Uhited
Btateit.Coatouptioner. 1 , "
.Ike, dnrendasts went permitted to Wake
, r their own stetamenta; which they did it sub
stance as foibles:.
Charlet V. Neid'elated that he bad been in
tide - coattryraboatfive years 1 that be had bees
- •
..gaged for soma tleit itatialunoad;at stew
, i2Min a hotel; that hii - ttemet: wu in New
' Toth, andle Wu -, war anxious to ' , l ith e' s . ;
' ';•that he -Ono could tears' Ricbitiond witheut a
' past, a nd propiaist to waiter ba did so prom.
taete'.'-orderrto , ' ast the paw, bet- never de
,'r signed to back.' He stated that be we,' not
:a.- citizen of: the United State% bat would take
the oath of wiewattos ...fort reaching 1 New
k• -York:, He never wu with,Jell a
liOldio44nit Davis had boarded-at the hotel a
ra ,
' ~.
when he was ezgagl, After gattiag thitpeet,
he gotcoon:tee ation from gratbant
i • Niprais Agen4 in • w fell ef ripmewited that
Inewu on - his way to Germany,bat this paper
wee of sits.usev !anti and he saver preUited
it ihrthe way: -, - - -'" -,... • , - ,
.. 1 . ,
- ,,, -Yholicii . Diiiiititia that he had beet in '
1. , badness at Auguati; 914 for *Went iiiii aat
for foar year. had ~ .been a =ember' of- the
Clinch Mies ' He: produced the card of the
' firm,Biesthly iii 01 , 4,, - and 'also-the articles of
dissolution: tie allege. • that.ithea the cowl,
. - Pan.r . left forlestiaiout he ; refuel to gotta
it, and was threateied by thewob. Hews*
then:obliged to_ give tip kis basinza, which he
. . did, ' and sward to Nashville at midnight; to
'• escape the mob: - , - Here be bll ins With Neill
and company with Mato tills city. ,
• ' lie szadited a. receipt from this military Cow ,1
- , , paim m fro which it appears that ha was fined 1
:4 id , AO for'not attenditg regular drille (50 cents
her - *soh' drill' c
. 21.84) and $5 for Gael rises
dose+ Ilafasing teatime It this company was
lb. - caws of all' his 'Womble; A. to. talcs. at
- - Dail Rai, he stated mat, in isompany with see;
end -White horfrited flee odd two day X after
' the battle, aid dealt& baslagiald bearairthere
at a soldier. , Be poiDially dialed hubs said
„ 1 that he was not S'Flitati man. lila . 1 101aPio
,‘ lived In' New 'Yorkand ha welOited a bats/
frets he. mother, atlibsg him so atm j hunt -
ILI stawd that beau a: Northam wan. al
. ',. though beta -newt takia out hi. nalthalles.
.. - don .Pagers. 'Ade , is an. Wnn.) •He or
premed his wilthigniti to take the oath id alla.
. glance it any: time. 1 . - ... 1- r i
___. ______
Mr. Sr irtsweldul stated that i f b ethought
these men were rebels, be'would be the last
to counsel their discharge. It seamed to Mat
that theiri statements' were. tier,-..but Ileum
imbibed too math - liquor they anfortinately
began to.blaster atrott.leff. - via 'and-Bell
Run. Heisted Mayor Wilson if he bad heard
friend hew-Yor kist to tee baggage or
then -Men ,: -'1 ) '
,Meier Wean - replied that he had--Ain bag!
e bid bait - learchedi bat . it was Maud to
contain nothing Whelteees_ht a auselitbstii Om
The Prisoners were then 're:media ban the
custody :Of :Deputy ,l Minkel bleleillaa, -end,
- were. committed by Milted , Btallee.C.batmise.
Siena Bailey.. -,„, 1. . - _.. - :, _• t,J.: . .
-' The Commissioier declined to tale any °M
eal Cognisance of the case, as so' iefotmatioin
hailiwweindehssinst,tho men, and Tio , one
-timid: be found to prefer a charge.
Mr:ilPettemos,tbet-Cbtat of relies, e.lated
that he at' tint believed the parties Mitre lath e
mortice , of the rebate, but since the iniassigs:,
tine &item:the Mayor, he could hot Mambo.
tlcially' - preferW charge .against them—he re.
garded them as innocent men. -
The Deputy.klarilhel was thee place; in as
iwkwaiii i lsositioirMid* hat and did_not -to
-`-Mr: Swartsweldsi remarked that tint Mayor
tea ne - ketkorfty liii;nonsidingilio: prisosumi
info, the the Deputy Mess, aid
:Matte law they :Wire at:-liberty to; where
...,.."- , 4 Dario ty Mam ba!
thecOimissioneri*Merited:the ptuentere to
theliklayor,Whesigi no doebtdichargis them.
a...;,; ,, Airt;st wireivita sestembisist?':"'
'Trilletti in Western Virginia are now bin.
dlod , without - glotek :Lin -Brdoke Icountj,.
I " ,. .iiirei*ilis above 'line; 41: noted
~'eeceuboaut',lsmail - , jklii .Banderriwho, with
liiiiiro ions;bur giren,:eitilderabie t a i
annoy- -,
:ante to . the - loyal , pimple is 'that *action.,
They ficeilly iiiiii,t , eii ii, 'aecessietillitt; *kick
Orgacia ,Ofir;lill'Ailiii:biltit!li of loyal ,
, `,rrteil , '.rierii *eilab6g; , iiaia - 41aith . .tea tba
!fleitiers-batin.thr4tenlil:dire vengeance on
Mie liiiiitii.iiiinjatinta;ClitgeeinealitY it wee
deli/Weed:to "ireyek their n and
"..,,. tile 'hyalites- Altamoiti
kithe ,Oi nt- Brtt, , of
the Rest Vtgieitfgnent 4 yind forty !neat
leit'Whealitg = fortroes - ek,which
'.. I Met resitiett ~ at , ' - eleyr , :.brealt . OIL ,Thandai..
Britt. at, As heat Of kii little basd,-marcked ,
~ ; tornudere :hoes., tinC , waked Aber fitteates.:
,-,' tres'em man was tiken - nriseiner; hitt ,tint2two
;mina:were released alto the -belies bad, bee.
~:-'ilicikorglity_wilseltild. ~Tbir ..allowing lea list
oisscoatrstiasuisni found. la Ike boater Two
- , ot , ColVeriviitringieillesilnii el:. Warren', air
~,'nktibttell tovolvera;; two rireoftr i s Are.elMoters,
-:.* edminon riga, and agnimiut shot gibe fear
--T ,
powder duke aaitiserou , bullet mould,, three
.. - ,htowietaisee :ask one , slord,..twe acem - ion
Saga aid ii,ooOpetomiolAaita, -Tiebaiii:Stai4 -
IttnyiCiii.l9o4eli , Fo - 114 - : - aama day;aitsL I '.allt.
tatityi! S e nder, _ . ITU taken to. Came ;artily
:.-..irbereke lino* , confined. - -..-:,, - ~ .
• - .1 ,
-.Ciss.Amore Envier/mite, who is reeriiit.V..
~,-. tits Catapultfor,•Col.','Moielerai.reglesen4 at
- t „IllWiloil Mises, stantilieutessitt is Coapasy.
11);;;,Ilditaaaab litagiatiMil three mantis vole
..::. ustearrkend is highlyspotew - otby thews Who
' 3 ItsWer• kith' fprjoir athieteati:qesittreit.: - Tt:N.4.
I,lliivailiiijpiertotaitilsidWaiiseajii - .*.Arf.:
abgant :.13.4ietaWyst Wari-tad .Iwww+Umk be
~.. liiii.swit sixty men nalrolled' ibalbe. new coin
. gatty'l/st-Ca pri'4.'satemniny , - hie filled ' !pat.
VflbtlZ-:. 05 0.7 1 . 8 . Wood iYeet - ..... - ...*; 1
:.2-: ...:: .
%,” • ' . . _
f ;"Tare 1 1qii;'...T.t.14 4- 'iiTiaifF6; News.
' , ." , xakiiiiik , s'ausa -te, - .esetei a • aalesalaruaq --
,-...ilhpteatiag ibe ba misrffletbiglielittiad the
tleatll'of Abeilallint tietterslZleroailft - Seeritur
4 '
of it'frit4. o 447 ll !", *viol tis )l 44 l 4:ifid
- - ,,, aseiitheiring 9liarat - Lyaa leading
ma lowa
Regan!tas . into -84111011,1 a: toga - aunialotiale
_...;r4lataysk Itself - worth she:priee.or - shi*iie .. ..
Call aid mare anopyht W. A.'illlitenlennes,
....',OpliMiltiillie theatte..._
~,, , -..
.. - J. ..--,: - 7 ':-• -: d. 4 ..:' -- ''
''."Parria:tisiaeia Ira maaini Naarliaiiii:
. ...glitialice at. 14.4 A. -, Giblerifeany l / 4 . losFmk
udiel:llliiiiiiiiid - ' Neirspeper.-_-,/e comply
Ala ilinCat r ibe,Witic,V doutilemisge"erMl*
in o 1 the battle and IsSiwar
9 .es l
, _oot - 19 41R416 , Tie s . of_ camps; etc., 01 , .
- _ ..pOttraLloffeatirribilistliselt,ol."-VitilsK and
ei - ,.-,,vminty ..,oCuttretting - . , mattem baize lard
.. /Onlia.
Ara OhloCeptellat taltairilistsower-APastst•
'The WbUding batitilitesteer,Ci Friday, has
the following: a/tickets from Weston, Vs.,
represent that-that - section bu been in a
termish state ot_ emciument for several days.
idelengers nu ben artists% at brief periods,
_the: appearance of datachments of
rebel infantry, and cavalry, at various points
along eke wagon roads leading to oar Laces
on the Kanawha, coming even within twenty
three nuke of Weston. So train goes out
without a gaud. On Wednesday, Captain_
Sprague, of the • Oldo lib, was on his wait
borne, on ferlough,vritb a gnarl. of [oar rtra.
goons. When some fifteen miles beyond Su.
Simi, they , wars &id upon by a party of. rebel
cavalry, and one , of tn. guard, named John
Debolt, from Fayette toasty, Pa., was killed.
;Another, Henry Brooks, was :wounded. The
Attacking, party was istioti,stront forte to be
resisted, sad Capt. Sprague, with two others,
were captured. One man escaped and brayed
the intelligence. .The body of-the 'wounded
man was afterward discovered eatirelystripped
and left, lifte offal, by the Mudd.. "Captain'
Sprague comatuded Compaq F., of the le,
and is well known throughout- Nathan: Ohio.
"The cavalry company- who attacked and
tookvisoner Capt.Spragua, are said to Wong'
to ,ftz-fkinuttor Wise's Command, .
,and the
tact eel they,ive utilised depredations
within ti abort distance of our forces and that
tither.lardes are marauding -through'the
:woods tarmac Weston and Gulley, indicates
tilt. this section Al' the State is ,to be the
theatre of as annoying and destructive peril.
Lia warfare, in - which no .man , s' life will be
safit.a '
Thy EUinda!lisuler.t, ttozge. alk
• Per ; some time paid, the tone of the Repub.
Wagyrt,ll German paper published in thie city
- • ,
bj L. W. Kuril's:illicit, has been zieprded as
decidedly detrimithtalto the interests of th e
Government, A
'lt ill eaittir has rats.,
become bid et In giving aaid and ithinfOre , to
the enemy, by creating a feeling of hostility to
the war meithirei of theAdmialetritton. The
',mathir-has yery_properlybeen brought to the
*Mice of. the Muted Stake Dipnet Attorasy,
Omahas, Itee.,'whO has notified the
editor,through the Muskat 01. this- District,
that thartene of hirpaper. iirdecidedly Inimical
to tbOGOTUELMIUIt, Mad if not Changed easy
'Object him to legal Prosecition.
- We learn4hat this hint had very little effect
upon the aforesaid editor, his only reply being
that tube was In favor of the Union, and he did
sot see how he could change th e tone of his
Picrltivii Der ieee a tnialstion of any of
these articles, but a gentleman who has read
.20111 e of them in the original pronounces them
as. well - titillated •to aid the rebellion, it
mtglt be will for Mr. Eteltenbeck to profitty
the notice of the Government officer v aad
:change his tactles—otherwise he may be dealt
with as other treuonable editors have been
elsewhere. - _L._ • -• •
On Friday evening • farmer wined Sinith,
;residing in the vicinity of Woosta, Ohio, called
ottkilif Brun, and stated that • itcjin had
union fr o m a a few days shoe, and that
.nt .
halted glad tenon id Nina that the thief bad
difonsed it Woodier to • -Government
agent.- He had nand this abed to, Wanner,
, bun arrived thorn Jed it Gm to be too late, se
the agent had shipped It. with a number of
*then for _WashingtonCitit7He took the drat
train that lams along. and Mini here about
the nine time with the stot&train. The latter
train, he stated, mu then at the' outer depot,
and would leave for Waehingtoit oily is a short
van. Be wanted to regain poseessimt of his
honk and for this purpose fished brought some
two or three of hls neighbor* with him, who
were:*Mg to be paned that the animal.was
Dq propily.'A: warrant was tuned and placed
in the handier Odlosr Bowden; who, acoompa
nied by Mr. Smith, repaired to the rite After
tormidenble dificrelw with 'the agent. Bowden
enrasseded in getting die hone, which he placed
In poseembrs of the rightful owner. On Satur
day Mr. Smith disposed of dentinal to a Gov
ernment sent In this city. '
The thief has since been arrested, and is now
waned in prison ,at Wooster.
Stabldnit Atha* at - Ciaolistaiwa s Y.7ett•
A:. /Silt *muted - Tientan leis' stab lied is a'
beta mariner by another named Jeffrirw, on
Benda; week last, at-Cookstown, Fayette so.
The biota, is near as we could get them, are
these : Jeffries and . Tiernan were drinking in
each othars company, when the demon ot al-
Cobol led them to quarrel about a dog. They
eoPlostedi howeier; the only evil produced
glom uir being any amount or anger and re.
aentatent. Jeffries went home and commenced
abusing his' wife, garbage' a butcher hada,
and *threatening to kid her. Ohs screamed .
tot halt, and 'Tiernan, being about Coe hun
dred yards away, canto to her reocu•—ankis
entimvoriag to separata them, Jetties turned
upon him and stabbed inm in fine plaeu with
the toile--one in the lace in the arme, twice
is the brew, end' la the :mall of the back.
Tiernan, st lut SCCOIUaII, was alive, bat little
hope is entertained for hi. reiorety. Jeffries
_escaped at the time red secreted himself in a
Coal bank; eat hi. Mirada believing that Tier.
can will neater induced him"to deliver him.
sad ap to the authorities. _
Raiins.Lxmate s Nostnaroros Simmisu,
1861.—This popular tworite comes to us tide
month freighgt with the usual misty cd rob
jade, the grave and gay, the lively and—totiot
um:we:tor the temper and spirit of "Peach
Lealitte Monthly' . show too math raid good
imbue, we - bops, roes to afflict Its reason with
anythlnginore meal than Usableness of plain
ness pressilbed -by roam new fashion of drat.
In this deparomeot, we have of wane in the
number before as, a wholeNgasstte of fashions"
--colored and plain platsallinstratrog thalgnew
tat 40hos"--ad, as the newsboys would py
"all eatilli fall sesson,! from the bonnet to
the sUppar. Theis there are aortas, adnntares,
base% miry, 03. r-with Illotratioas on
elmast every pep.. It Is ,notssylog too mach
to say that Frank Twilit giros his monthly
readers a deal of reading and "pbstmee too, for
. .
Side= Hu Rrotir.-;—el. man whose name
We alms out, of regard for fui family, went
into the boesetof -• Geriniut named. Graniner,
in the erardiAllegbenyi on ;Saturday
evening about dark, led grossly insulted , the
wastes of 'the house. Her btakand Wing ab
sent at the tuns, Oeiets badly frightined at
the rude kanif act vf theNneteti, and called
for some of her neighbors: - Futdieg that he
was likely to get into trouble, he left the hones
ie a greater burry than he entered it. She then
proceeded to'the Mayor's office and made an
information against him for disorderly conduct.
.ALWatrast was invited and placed is the bandy
of an, officer, who succeeded' in arresting him
in a short time. Lk flee of $lO was , imposed,
which he paid, and he was discherged. - - • ;
Tiumne.—The . thealre bele( filled with
fashionable audiences* every evening Jam
Week, Manager Henderson liia wisely con.
eluded to emend the rammer Season for. six
nights, **•flat all:who have sot hisd a chance
to lee the eccentric mid beautiful, Miss Men.
ken perform will have:au - opportunity miring
mermaid'. To•nidbt Mile Marie Olin bu a
benefit, end will dance a Zulus dance in
costume. Mho Minikes -personates William,
in "Mack Eyed Situs,” and will also 'appear
se Colin, in the, farce of “Tho, Youth who
nem uw a Woman," in which Iloilo Mule.
takes the character of Eliza•
• .
.Cossitacm for soppiliag Owl I.taitsd :States
troops at Camp" Wlikuil lava bean .awardid
to the followlag parties.:
• Mllkr. Rickstsma—Ctiffse,ities, Viaegar,
- dotty, Salt sad Bow: - •: ' •
B. C. 41. &rodei— : Catidlisiotd Soap.
144 ShOgard — lifoar.
Naos* Palta4.-Btecar •
-.' W. H. Hagan 4' CO:-Atb;Hay sad Straw.
Bonryount:—.Tbo body of -:a boy, whose
nuns we inativaiblit to uonfatte, apparently
about dyht or ton yew of found la
th. Okilo 'tint la tbo Tidally of Saw Mill tun
on assay notably. b said,tbat Ibtisboyi
won spilt Inn a. ANRsw, lbal,plawo in Fri.
da i mon, and drown& It this story is cor
net it is probable Unit the bay abou unatlonod
vu ono of Abe nuabut.', ' - . • . •
• . Nsw Taw. animm—,Ftulgo MoCindlsoo,
60'6ata1dsj. dolivirtut nu opinion upon the
nod= fora now trfsl the coo of that Gan
iirnmont Gougbactur, conylatad at the last
tuns of the Unitise &atm 'Caul of
pining anntariolf, Woo, The judge p sn i g 4
snow OW, mail) stpoirette ground Mot Its
propieovidouns hid tows giro to tbion.
Cox:. Lzastiazia'ReUrincuz;.4l.
steruseat, eight hundred stroll. vW auk.
Aare on Weitataday.altersoosi via Pittsburgh,
Fait Wayita4ad Chicago Railroad. ,The Col.
o u,kmdinguilkikilkes lie will isitillhAblicomPluit,
*poe t audrset.ufficural, for she pupate of las:
daMing recruits that stag wish .to jelabdatar
die anniosh.pilats big d e volt* ad at Pits.'
vaox aue'esa[v OFTEM Pcmiisc.
The' "TUrfecliesteasse as Great , Vane..
Taut Ounier Red onorketer or Jackie*,
she basun orlabrooneo-now.a.ths.
ewes luau: Taiste...Gramo stuAeadle
WNW by Ons. neCiatiais, ass seithtent,
anal eshers...Speeeb et sem. McClellan.
Tirmatharrows, D. C., Aug. 21, 1161.
I promised, in my letter of this morning,
to Sive you s o me ineldests o f the Tenth at
Great. Falb have spent thhi eneeies among
theta and heard enough , of adventrithe to fill
a - whole piper; Of these, perhepe, the most
, „_
4torefithg ; lit:* the visit of a portion - of the
regiment to thri,Vbilnin aide of the Potomac,
on &today. - They report, that the unto, as
far Out as they want, is almositotailyonerted
- -the manisauti drafted into the service of the
Confbderate army. They visited the ritsidnee
of-. Old MS; J mother of Jackson'whe
shot illissorth; ai the Marshall Anse, in
Abiandria. A sister of Jackson's, an elderly
maiden lady,, as very strong in bar Southern
expression 'She :kindly informed the 'boys
that they, war* being led 'Mike sheep to the
daughters"—gitie teed the information , (1)
that the Northern volunteers were only ninth.
"fader unease , excitement at man; meetings,
and previonaly`taformed one of the' captains,
who is married ton istibable Beranek] lady,
that, if she Were his wife, ski would cut his
'throat I A little; daughter of the deceased
Jackson was brought in, and she shook hands
with each of. 'the soldiers. She is only old
enough to fertUdeeply the less of her father.
She never sena Northern soldier without bit
terly weeping over 'her fate .. The interview
with her was very affecting.
. I am sorry your printers made me call the
Hotel at the Falls "la rotten and dilipidated.
looking old inifihdion of a stone tavern." It
is tree,: the -house is, in uniterAere, quite
prisithini heti to speak of a One Anse as be.
leg nrotten,” ve decidedly sew. I raid it was
rather a dilapidataii.looking old orriblien, kn.
The •man who boarded therewith° the regi
ment teas' on - *chat, say they.ere very well
accommodated, and that their Wit were re.
maikehly wok unexpectedly low. _
On Tuesday evening, an order was issued
to the . regimenti composing Gee.
Brigade, to prepare for a general review, to
take place at ten o'clock this morning—the
troops to assemble at nine o'clock. The ground
selected for the purpose is ball a mile north of
the village of Mennallytown. At nine precisely
—for, as I have before said, military orders
are promptly obeyed here—the troops were on
the ground, and, alter some little delay, Irbil"
arranged u follows: They were formed In
lour parallel9hme of two regiments each of
Infantry and; about sixty paces *pert; Col.
Campbell's Regiment of Artillery wee posted
on the right or the Infantry. The distant now
of the bugle noon announced the approach of
Qom. McClellan and staff.' As be enured thi
field, he wee received at "present 'nor'—Oß.
cent, colors and music salating.' I have seen
no , likeness or Gen. M'Clallan that does bin
jastlee. look. exactly what he ie. a real
soldier.,.- • , •
rt* the general &locoing expected to review
troops, you may imagine the surprise that
Was created when it became known that, the
carriages that , had lust entered coetaised the
President of the United States, Secretaries
' &mud, Chese, Canon and - aid
other distiagelged- persona, These dignita.
OSI, headed" ityl the Major Gluon' sad• staff,
proceedid to noisy the troops, by marching
along the front aid rearbf each odium After
Which the troops WWII formed-in columns by
companies , end marched is review. It mu
the most imp sing military sight-lever wizen.
sod, and wan grand lad beaufßel.
• 'After the Innis* the commisabod Steen
marched to the front of the line; -and Snead
droned by
_Geo. Mettnllan needy as foibles:
Quotation; AS a satin Pensolvanian,l
am pros them ai array or soli men as an
before me. Is Ikeda ef betide I feel assured
that this briSede sift do Its deo:: Peansithre-
Ms has .dons well to endisig seek troops as
these to upbeat bar b this /straggle, and. In
order re make 'both trident solar% math 'de
, pen& upon jos.
_Thetas of trio blond etas.
try rests now roost the Bann sad 'conduct of
this army. The Mikan *LAM" men ends
your oommand, gentlemen, nos entirely with
you: Thermust be strictly dlicipllarki torn*
goodieldiree; Ur, when tote Is acenspliabed,
SAVY Wed air iseesufaL Contlensi eentkmen,
es you have hogan—for thus far you have done
well—and trepeat that the loty devolves on
pivot dlsedpitabgeed taking ears of your man.
I Qua yea for the display this day made, Out
trust you will not be found rating In the day
of battle. '-
-This short but sensible 'Aires' was rosined,
as It deserved, with an 'Awn datenninsUon on
the part of the diem re early oat faithfolly its
wiseand timely suggestions.
Latin questions pre so enzunos with news
paper correspondents that I will close min
with—se plops ALPWA.
JANIE Regtioent.
'CAMP Battatmr, Baltimore, Aug. 23,1861.
When writing to yen lag, I wrote that we
pan under :marching ordain and upected to
move-soon, and that we expooted toga direst to
the seat of war. We left Camp Cameron on
Tuesday enacting st the hour of 6 °Week p. m.,
and marched to Banlebarg. when we took the
ears, and, is we thonght, walla be In Washing
ton City in ,a short time; but when we got to
the elty of Baltimore wonted, a halt and rested
for a short tkru, and was then Informed_ that
we would not go any farther 11 the present;
but that we would go into camp Jost opposite
the out end of Ouveity. into 'blob we got on
Wartime - lay evening at about the boor of 8
Verook p. , •
Oar encampment Is olio of the most beauti
ful - in the;Btate, as it Is On the bighen enti.
ante wooed the city, sad col:mu& a view
Of almost the whole city, sad is situated on the
same grounds that our forefathers had embank
ed in 1812, uwe can clearly sae the breast.
srorlue width they had thrown up to a •coistid•
able bight, to protect themselves spinet the
Everythiag. in the city appears to very
quiet and peaceable, u the resultant bad the
writer!, Of sulking through the city moo-,
The regiment, or pat of- t, metre& a por
Moulton of their uniforms to-day, and it Is @l
pasted that It irtil bsfaty armed and equipped
In • few
The general health of the rent 4 very
good,•and , all appear highly Wu& with
Methuen Place of abode. '
Them are aisles@ regiments of volunteers, eat
tausped'in and atoned the Mk/ of Baldosornat
pram!, may of which an from Sew York,
some trim Mamaehamete, some from lodises
sad soma from Parthylvania. More anon.
: , Tours, ha, Tal. D.. Ga. H.
. . .
Vaunts larattssy.--Mbia caiphPi.
Fault, paraded on Saturday, making good
ippearancS There are some eighty eases on
the roll, and the Cecilia doer not Staid to
EMI until be. hasobtained the 101 l complement.
The company will- be, uniformed with the
regular army cloth u soon u mastered in.
Vier espetience and energetic character or
captain ?hulk guarantee the comfort and good
treatment or thaw.. who may go with him to
serve their country. Their rends:you Le on
Smithfield street near • Fifth.
. .
Os Soli morale, ' u °Seer Bowden wu
pawing . through- the Allegheny market, hi
found a market basket containieg,eavea large
bottlas,doer orwhich were tilled *MI "thirty.
It is not known bow it got there, bat it is sap.
Pored that the OWDOF had beim habitant Ireel.e•
and-wee risible to proceed any Nether with it.
It is now Ia pomemion of Mayor Drum, where
the' praline Diner s ' CU 1)11
11 application.
_ - - .
RAILIOAD.Accrourt,4-nnin-d. aLr.
bookie woo' hiligel on-tire Pittaburjgh; Tort
Wayne &Chicago itallroad, lueeday_ last,
about mrie mile. this Ride .of Mans fi eld. r. Hs
was incidentally throws -off the trate *hick
Wu is lOW= at the time, tti• wheels paetlit
over kishalmost seeming Ws body, and break
mg his Mall: The deceased Hued - Lliv
mice, where., he was , bkried. - &boat yeare'id ap, and was le married.
• -. • - DILILD4
WILDIN-04 IStubby 4411141610
P 818011144 waLonroie4 111
It* Mocks ana 444441 . 444. 1149 1 44 t, 4114141101 are is
TRW &coati:ad Ms Waal tram b0r1444 44415,548.
=sr of Bose sad Dlasowl 14444 i., TH 41igT367)
140111040 A 10 0/44) . . •
. ATl4l4—Ost 1hm447, 014`124k.. 144 4. 1 4, JOHN
lATLOR, ,Is 146 door 4411 44 1 0; . ' 1:
t The muid . i and seipiitamiti« - at tb.,',4Dlly ,tits to
veritiolly larllld to ettandAlis tamed 0.14.4144re00s
84 4 o'clook. five Ms lota roisings; 42i Pam
Wozd, to primed to SlKlinmaigly Onottory.
WADSWORTH—WIC witswasTo, 'aid 44
=at tle• roam* of by 4444b1ei w a11,M117
Poeta* 0. 000,4144k0ar• sad 1: 10111
Physidia; WAD spat rot asLaboles'
biatid-ftase for Suptoter.- - Ctimair lot , =Pail
Ott - Waye flerasts.:
Ihnnanzr.--Dr:0 1 .110. - ,N4:1 4 q km'
gtesidato all bniuthet.vit
T A.L. _A
a* la ter"
wow r"`
Pori Malutos, Ateg.23.—Geoerale Wool
and Batley:hoe apset put of th e: day it the
Rip R
. ox
Repsmeeting 'with Sawyer's, .
The Woad dna tired bent to the' Coofidende
camp at Elswelra Point broke down the flag
-staff and seattend Umtata& like chaff. A pro
pellor. *deb was oboist leading, troops- at the
Point, pot - bask toward. Norfolk. The whole
asir was witasand fells tiss_Nalipon ,1140,1
• . -
Grand 'reviews hare to r dij bees held at
Newport News and Cauparndton. .
Col. Waldrop flu taken command ,of. the
} The boat
_ •
The gna. boat Benison has wired bora the
blockade off Charleston:' She brought ep as
a prise thd schooner Albion, fanned, lbw Wit.
in togton pilot' boat, freer Cardenas ' s/Oh a car
go ofbitgar, coffee, Matti and !organ. .-When
taken she 'was 'railing under Dogfish Colors.
Tbs captain and nearly all buds. were
drank., She bad run t his bfackada off
taington. -
The Seminole bur also overhauled several
vessels showing English colors. She spoke to
the Dale last night. 'She will coal and tordergo
repairs at Old Point. ..
The blinkering con•
sista of the Roanoke aid-Vanden& ,
The recent gale on the , einst was tsntbly
severe,. 'l.
The Coafederite prisoners Who arrived herd
this morning; trop, . -Baltimore . will be sent to
Norfolk la a few days. . .
The oropellor.New York soiled with ,
tine prisoners for New -York.
OUT= Teuours ST/MOON 95 MINS Wet
of Fort Kearney, Aag. 23 —The posy pared
at 10 a. a., briegtelihe followleg intelbserme
from the Pacifier:oast: •
Ban firinctste, A9g.16;.r. . ,
the 10tb, ship Wieged.Bacer, trona NentYork;
bark Shama, frourakiJastetro. • .•
The market' hi 'rightly mote utiverbutter
25 @e 7 ;; 4 0 i6 20 11' Crushed sum
121@13; aid goietibiud at 19®21t nw sugar
adenoid; all Kinds etliquors Brasr. taLprool
whisky 30;,. coal: Rose le finit bands. eapetSee
flour, for enponi S 4 - 2 4 i,.best exioFti
SI 40; Imlay ..45©87„•
Yeaterday was the first day ol.official advice'
reteired Wlllkiittellcoacersiog who is
to comumad, sad. boleti*. 1;600 trams called
for from Sahli:nein, to 'erre as the Plain, us
to be owlet:ed. Agreeably to the request of
the Secretary or Watitinitscivernor ku coot.
mistioned 00. Centel', of the U. S. Army, to
be chief in cow:heed, and. Mike JAL West,
of Sae Francisco, second in contused, taking ,
charge of the Anil. There is lib doubt the
whole 1,000 will rapidly be raised forAuty:
Fire companies, mostly talantry, are accepted
to-day W ?raise ndom..
A guard of tweet .fire lair S. Infantry, and a
Lieutaseet, west doer* set the last Paaaas
steamer, teescrart the Unser* ae to as Aspia7
There ii co outs ziaw. j3I iseporthaea
JETPCIIIO/1 Cm, :Ali. —The followmg
proclamation has bees lased; the , pawn; at
the ciall,aatherinee belog inentheiest to pro•
teat the lire* and the property of . the MMus,
of the State:— • . - •
1, Hamilton 8.. Getable, - Go . venor of the
State of lffissouri,'do .hereby, call into this
active service of. the nuts,- el the 42,000 nee
of the State Militia of .the- State, ample'
6,000 au the,quota. for etch culltaty anoint,
WWI 1111,U1S111111.JPI a.Coegreadireal District.
The force thus called tete .aernea will be =-
far u possible a 'Meatus force.and will con
sist of 10,000 'cavalry and 32,000 lefatory. .If
the number voluatinting would exceed this
requisition, the sneer will he held as a re•
urns corps. 11 mire should be a deficiency,
ii mu become seesseary-to noon to a draft.
The Adjourn Gaunt will Oise to the division
inspector* of the snood military districts the
orders necessary to awry this requisition, into
effect. The force called oin will be' for xis
nouns, oaten puns tbe State shall be
sooner restored... ' wilt hi ferniehed
as rapidly u they cute tai,.
- Gives nederuy War and ibe Seal of the
State, at Jeffetson My, the twenty",loarth day
of August, outhoyear 1881.. ,
0 31 0 0 1 - ;
By the. Governor. . -
en. PUCCI, Secretary Or MAW.
BUM 110111: Aug. 24.—Oar oterespoddat
writes from Liyattstowa that& garlsesau fres
liarper's Ferry 'states that our troops ander
Cot. Gordon waled • largo quatitity.of hoar
sad aagramd what, isolading 140 beads be
longing to the Becessioa army at the EUI .01
Mum Ilia I Welsh. T aye's° disabled the
mill from grinding for several months to am*:
There was no robot troops at, Harper's Vary,
but their Oasts frequittly Was la.. Thai
wen supposed to be about 000 is- Chatiostant.
Oar army ars now rutin/ wham the °Unite is
salubrious Lad water excalleat. •
Ilifflutes from the other aide of the Po,
Masa /Move thet thi rebels bare &awe to-
Leesburg all their regular forces from Charlse.
tole, Winchester : sad other - points above, fad
eintsentratimi them 'at Leesburg, tHurre their
army numbers from eleven to testi* theamed
CaOL-Hendentonla Roma. Gauls alone
TOMIIII io Jerome Couat7. The labels' boa
taken to pieces five loconsmiseir beloeging to
the Baltimore rand Ohio Railroad, and was to
make an attempt yesterday to transport Ahem
to Strasbu or some other point ea the Ate.
Rournou, August 23.-11uOr Basuit,' of
Wagington, parsed through UM e hg u
our; Oda morning;lestlnod [or Post Lafivitta b
In Now Yost harbor, - • •
The Baltimore County Court Sou" at Tow
sontown,4u And this momtag .11 en Leese;
diary. Ttui record tam wati dutroyed, brit the
seat of the lbeildleg essayed. - .
Ganrrow. Aug. , 24...La5t evealsg,' gat
Goy. Thomas was addressing i er.vid la frost
of the botel at Camberlaid, some Secession.
lets raised' a distutbaties. which:moulted, is
their Wing iltivei hems sad thudestructios of
the Allegoatun oaths, a Secession newspaper'.
This moruhig, a min bound west' which had
Gm Thomas aboard, when about eight miles
this side of Casaba — thud, came suddenly epos
some moss-tits thrown across the tract, cad
at the same time a large number of tamed mei
were -seen - rapidly dettending iutighbarlog
bill. The etigiatior Increased thenpesdaf slur
locoMotikeund succeeded in thrown' the tip
on•the track , with bat little damage to the an.
gine. Butreral shots were deed at the traiai
but without effect. The design was andoubt.
eilly to take Gov. Thomas prisoser. •
Srainorrems, Mo...Augnst 17.—,The eorro.
spondent - of the ' St. LosiiDersorral huelate
the following: • - •
Gen.ltainu insed an order, soon after hie
arrival, to leiae all the'siedities and beenitil
stores la :thivtlideral, losplud, thus depriving
Our wounded troops of medical treatment. A
parts!' the Medicines - Were` Subsequently , is.
stored, by order of Gen. NU.. .•
, ; •
With a few sreeptione, our sick sad wooed.
ed are doing walliand will be ableto retired
to their homes in a few days.
All our woendid cord! not be broight off
the field, in eonsequeace thesesreity of
wagons, het they were treated wheortbey lay.
Many of the emended were stripped of s u
their clothes by the enemy, and: sent to town
naked, and every man - lying os the fieldlad
his pockets p[aked., . • . . • -•••
Roma; Aug. 24,—Lieut, Cal: Albert, of the
Third Miseogri Regiment, and eight or ten
other ofriierai, who have been prisoaervia. the
baodiof the rebels at Springfield, arrived hers
this tooraiag.= Thy were releawid on parole,
subject, however, to each arriagehtut u tow
have beea entered into between the rebel" sad .
the United Mum- -
A great many contradictoryreports u to the,
present and rater' movemute of the rebel. are
in eireefalloo, but the real pupate of the es
say au oily becoojectar“.- - They aum w ow
to be mare tintless to obtainiebvisteace thaw
to suite offensive movriateate for that purpose.
, U .
Dm inty, i (Cit.,) Ang, sir- Al lb. ragtag of
• Pima as Maur Natetu. tadar o abate far,
bandziod ppoplf ptasies. - A 4 attempt wet
esids tai to ap, OA Map sad ittripma wake wu
tnomattlij realstoi and essultod IC• ;11gbs.
Tkibuildrod gam man wenratioatsad., -
*di one: it to taMbia libPy
*so, clabie 'stosur,usi• sad, . p ia :
Smarms. • Bo go at ipeiwity .llakelsts iron
prime, TM Naas lag I. dying. Snag eidts.,,
Crsess — silsi wa', 24 o"Notoothre KW; of .
New Yolk, asb hY Dwfwits Musket
Masi; a Ofito*ottleat DaaW L. Lorther,
Raw: -Odom.. at Orsaltoot ebb. het ails
Loam* ukase/14ga himself bestir of as.
NssissCio Jetf. Daele,but ft&
• Wise tperasee - ef their ectateate.l3llte
dhpatalsee ate is kis Stub. which - wets ambit
is New York sosti--dopt shim Mims with ,
the p_ristator hafilidi for Wailful*
Ha New Yak. • - .
. . , prom
• ' WelflMllloolll.
, . .... ...
Wasinativiim Omit', Aug. 25.—ateently; a
academie wrote to the Navy Department. in-
Tilting whetter a Bounty would be given for
the capture-of ••-privateers. It is understood
that other parties, for m similar considered:a,
would engage in Me same businum bin the
Department Mut •ne each power. ,Eitindrat . the
present law, hall t e vales or. all . ljorizis goes
to the Geraniums and the'remainder to the.
captors. From w has tronepiredi It is hillMy
probable th at, the- ornament' would re in.
knish' its share to tliese'who would Pcielidully ,
'menial is tech speculations, and while grant.
tag COClECtiatiltal 116 r thesepurpinses,,: a fford ,
whatever aid It cotild in the matter 91 ,arms-
Mentz ~ • 2 j -- _ i.. '• .
Minister Piks in , tale eispatcliftoui theMague
Weiner to the Bell Rue affair, sip: II •my
judpiell the reverie will not 'especially pre-
judice our cause of It ad to: adverse action in
Europe. A public( sentiment hat gradually
bees. developed orij this side of the water In
regard to our affsim which is inclined to wait
a tair trial
. 01 thisimagth of the goverameat
without prejudicial& its *lathy to ore:coma its
misfortune. "if, ,, ka remarks in eonclaiion,
iiit shall be shown to the country Ilist simply
huddling muses 4r men togither does not
make annnoy, and shall develop' some Mad
of deference tor the judgment and wiettmoof
experienced men 1 end for. then who have
o eof affairs, thee the disaster may prove
be a wholesome esperience and not an
a mitigated , calamity: , • •
The following cite his just boon published
b the Postmaster Raittratt -1.; --
'• . .
Poiv Genoa Darr* tsar, 1
• •- - • Washington, Aug. 24,1861: J -
The President cil the ratted States_direote_
his proclematldn of the 16th that. Inter
• • • g commercial. Inturioures with the so.
-Confederal States, Shall be applied to
enspuidenoe with Mom States, and has de.
I • trod upon this department the enfonmaant
0 .soi:mnah of Batic/id ot as relates to meth
admen. l e olßosirs andagenti of this
• anneal will, thynfore, without farther M
e • • , lose no time In potting. an- end to
• Min intercourse with those States by . cianaing
• west of any express agent, or other Yahoo,
w o slaß, after Poinulgation of this order re.
re mime to
to or from- those
States, and will ' all inch - letters and for.
ward them to MD dopartmeut.
- ' (Ellicott) ' - : 11.-- Bawl,
- -- - Postmaster General.
'All writien - eurrespoudence carried by u
prose ettenpaidea to:the seceded States is to be
at - once prokib.nedi • • ~•
• Ths 4viedlink as to : tie terms of enlistment,
*hies Us boas tbinoarce 9f the recent die.
turbine's is several regiments, has been Judi
.itally sad dually *tied. The Government%
right to bold the soldiers is conclusively Nth
tamed, and the fallacy of the pretence. °fie
ailed by ntischtel-makers is effectually en
posed, by the dollish:la of Associate Junks
Wayne,:who has lends the followiai order,
That the writ of hares nerd ad eutjacien.
thus, awarded b.! the one prior day, to wit, on
the lOut inst., upok the application of Edward
A. Stevens. the petitioner aforesaid, be mad the
same to hereby dircliarged; :sad that the said
Edward A. Stamen be and he is:hereby remit.
tied to his military :ditty in the First Minnesota
Regiment, - commanded by Col.IMIlls; a Ger
man; aid that until thee be remain in the car
tody of the U. B.2larehal for this District... -
The Potter lorditiptieg Committee' were in
lesion fors tome time, yesterday. It is said
they hare repined about 200 employees to the
metal Delimucentit as not to be depended on
es loyal to tbeloyernisret.
The Preitident; with, the SPCtetiri of State,
attended Gen. McClellan'. reviews:of ;several
of the brigades oi the south side of don Pot*.
mac, yesterdly.; trim pedeetion of the died
plies of the troy as anpassed anytbleg fa th e
military line that 'beep Sahli is thie pima:l
since the war of .1812. - Tbe voleateen have
already leieeie'tilddistte. Gin. McClellan de
clares his perteetnatisLaction with this may,
and this army. the greatest ever Manua this
Continent, is equidly satisfied with him.
Forman • tioiquon, Aq, 24 =The itemiser
grater City bat-donee paretued by the Gov.
erainent i and; QMe sedergolog repairs at Old
POinti will remmi her position of tb. Capes.
dkrop-otowar divan's NeMport New.
blafitading tbe'rhoutt 01 the Jame, River.
The steamirTeMbinte has arrived from POS.
toe, ami - mdl &totes take put in tioabloetadd.
The tweety4ree: rabid imam,» 'who ar.
rived from Bal ore,' mail not be sent to Nor.
Jolt ander kits/ . r truce before Teasley.
Sinumiareo, 1., Aug. 24 -There is vary
enitoo2llol, in Om city. owns to the ob.
Gee of the Gesidte, a secretion journal, beteg
threatened With dritruotteo, on &cana of it.
frequitet aid long colonised striatum ea the
Tint Delaware and appointee to
the atom puma by be Goren tenet in the
autiamismoce of Aro U ion. The stayer gad
police are on ,the gr. Q. The mayor ha
rangued the enteld wit bet tittle effete.
Tammy Iff.4 Aug. 4.-AThe Ml* A //Pi.
ati4 the Dem do organ 'of the Bina „ sus.
patted publican this morning, sad gives as a
reams that the Governmeut tuts virtually later.
Odd the puldimitioa of every paper that dem
cot tappers the Adatintntatiott. The paper. Is
ma of the aides sod mon prosperous la the
State. ,
- Jairowßoa Our. Augosl2l.--Goo r . R. Smith,
of 'Pomo *auntie has Wm oppolatod
Gosilral of the ii tato, and John • How, PoUco
Cos aisolooor firi SI. Loofs..- . i_ -
Arrivals at: the Piinelpal-Motels.
trr To s trams LAST &eat. -' . ' •
a. miausti-olmilie or Third Ind Wold ants.
. • awl umiak notation: - ,
CI 0 Boutro,llsystai co V W Marks, Wbodhai -
M u swab( Tail! y, to IS Inns, Itipley, 0
: Plonk . 1 . WII Hoer, St Lome .
.1 43 Brield.Phils 4 ..--- 10 Whams. Rodabooo, Vs
0 Kashist.Baithades W W ilobeshassi,N 2
WO Osothis.Cadosho ,' . lin Bodsoo, .. do.
0 It Malt, Inholuslus 0 Dooms. Wdla
0 llltssossahltal . Or AL Pstriat; .!
: 1
0 J Batt lay. lolo•Oni 3,T fibolfansi WUUsuudes
Sob& Weeds atoll , Visa Rich* Wash Ps • .
W W 435t4,= . Chas R Apes, Tismuk
W Hasa; do :, ,. Ilha P 4 *rag do
.. ,
Jo Vas* W P Ehattack4 Ilastrllla
JV, CtiamaU. Hanishard 4I !whets. Pails•
0 o,Wath; .. I • -Jr Qpil4 Waddogtenz !
1 : MAJIMOS W 01314-14144( use', jisivet. --
Vito P 3Uses, Oisandnus ,
;4 fitylor. ll Kars ; • .4'. tt
0 • OSA, Root=
a II Wldto, do ' '
Dr StWuul. Id It. 0 .
J V Hadar, MA' -.-.
W T sAutabonuira i ,,.. .
0 0 Sum, ASA. : ' -{
WAS Loo;quift, a 1
SUN Irdos, Ph i l: 1
A 3 W L im
himsy. urs
• • 00111. : M
ingblaisi ' , Pi tt e ,
.p -...
0 Tutor. lowa , -
Ohm &Demurer, l'.lutlola
Jae Patdct,lloos Qty.
muster .1001111.' yis
nce 4 to
Irrukllu "ItoleSpot,' Wilt
0 ILI Como, Str 110 Is L
Col 1. Egan, Moo .
II nollosibrok, Obb
0 Wabapman, lawrou*
iron BroUS, tOutrO
If P LUGS.. 'do
K Gust, Crestitio, 0 ..: .
Joriiimlttoo, libiellos •
- , MLR war o r
. , . .
. . I '.'..'
J W Lab.
, We l4l
till ;
; HAIIII II labor
, 1 K.Toslor, 0a• ars
HO /quires, WA** . --
3 Woutu, woliwkwe_
A MolrtdoNovOtunburd
I a shwa, usunagbils
.HIM P Po= co
. _Vlrglots.. l :
4 w mom*, 'in!.
A 011kad, ' , do
Q LI/PtirViratillto ,
WStarr, BitddordSt:
Phopout, Solt
W 111116411440t0w0 . .1
UDutton, RS .Ltude ` ..'
Wrold; Mir MID Rai' '
II sausilrowwillsO, W
1 - . aum.44i4l no7m'.
a alashi wraai
/ace Ya 44i
Jos lialtrok,
KATiona4, um,
14;i..ati.aa,: , minoo..
Jr Vauto,l l 4.lr7
' Jr Wolk •,• •
1 littebissa :
II Hirsh, llorlorGWorki 1 1
yllroori 0011034 -.;••" I
SWBm#4, iloi. .
A 5 Warschdo - .'. ,
0 &Owl*. Oboe; It Y;,:
W 3 MIL Oattavalt..l' . ~
Lfif Stec k k Ithxdiviii•
[ Vt Illion, Newark:* J ~
Max Forayth,East Liberty '
i Oakiwill.Phila z - •
David IroUat. Patryoplli ,
Drury Poster liticasburg -
L Woks.. PhDs ... , -
4 Ceram Dalthitora s . --
P D.lieplieser. Alliaaeso
lino - Bradley. llartfcad,
13 !Odell; Pariao), -.
SasUbtled and Thhrialreats
,tr. rtaralaral. , .
J RI Wolthestlisbarg .
: II Daisy, Ideliaaspart
J CI Calntl, Creelliss, 0
111 /law. Manly city
/ II duatiatory
J D Cumin, lii Ladd
0 Dona, H
8 It OaldwilL tbillbrala
Nit Crawford. Browaa-
Cyrus Una, Wittig City •
rty streat.beir4 Ileneth. ..
/ion Oa, 1
Plvja.teltiimikari. Pi-
tilt Dirt, Dadligtoa
r ,:
rty . dread; sss ,. . , of_ 11108.
I. Paorturroa. l
B it Watch; Italumors -,
JWirilairlbacar-.. 3 .;
1171201 4. 1b r1tr .4 . .
T W Lsagbey.-Nraahlar
L 0 Powlar Op. Whim
.1. it cutub, i pstinews
W W 11Mar,' f. thi • - '
d P ItsaL Inakill ,
10 alyers,,ailcsige , .
1. Man Asatan.° .
1.1 Chsate6P. Saarlta?, f.!
J. ag, y r s ly.l T. - : : ‘
... •
J a nualtrieomiwans
q.J.Sltscay; guiegivei
b. SOIL Mir otzw*:-..-,..
W didtb,ftookollto
J Bletaddloo ; ; ;
CMOs; ' do
debodts, MVO - •.•
• G " /11,
J o Ilopttos. Woaboirel S 4
Emil l
eir d
on p x t
4,• a a
On 7105 . r. id 0
warmlyiworm wu omit& al sid ell
imind is iriebilly of Us city youtudijir
the guts ot. Our MOW Sutter. MThwtitt.
'Wag hid =Ake .spppiftw• 60,akeit
intaLt 1,9411 woo fond '4O; cmgaill
410' aid liwitiwkWoramot
WOW said** Catidowswy.• 114110 - ¢difiers
gond is Ibir Caton' Hoagie.—Lei.
Wermetrou, August Ai 1861:
Sae Banks at Virbsehistair. '
Among the thousand rumors sAoat is one to
the affect that Gen. Banks is at Winchester,
having stolen a march on the rebel! at that
place. It cannot be true; but if it-is, it will
Recount for the myeterions backward nip's
meet of the rebels behind Fairfax.' It may
mean an attack on Brut. Lee's flank in his
march over the mountains. The report, how
aver, cannot be Me.
Western Innlid*.
It is now feared thai the real point of at
tack isr Western Virginia, and thither all eyes
are anxiously turned. Gen. Rosecrane writes
hopefully to his hiends here, but says that
15,000 more men will be required in his com
mand. With those additions to his fiirce he
would not fear an attack from all the rebels in
Virginia. now thoroughly understands
the topcgraPhy of the country, and has so dis
posed-his force in the mounts n passes that his
men will flint with every advantage of posi
tion in their favor.
A Bystam O 1 Passes
It is said Government is maturing a plan for
a system of panes • from the North to Wash
ington, to prevent all ingress except on im.
portant tinniness.
Revert of the - Doteetlys •Coninaltree.
Cooperman Ponces Committee reported
today to the Secretary of War the names of 12
disloyal clerks, and of not a few disaffected
army officers; to the Secretary of the Timmy,
the nameiof 61 disloyal beyond a doubt. and
10 suspected ; to the Secretary of the Interior.
20 disloyal and 7 suspected. Similar reports
will be sent to the other Secretaries this week.
A Pass Refused to Ur. ituaseld.
William H. Raison; amispondent of the
London Times ' applied ustuday to Provost
Marshal Proterfor a pus to Cron the Potomac,
and was flatly refused. - .
A Marlette - Postauater.'
, Colbeel W. IL Purnell, porter . aster of Balti
more, hu been authorized by the Wu Depart
ment to organize a reiterant of three lean
men on the Buten: 'here "of Maryland. Be
say. be will soon base his regiment together.
A Maryland Brigade. i •
Col. Wm. P. llintsby, of Maryland; hu jest
perleeteit arrangeinints with the War Depart
ment that will speedily brig • Cal. Thomas ,
brigade into the field. Maryland is doing nobly
for the Union eau,. CoL M. lelt the city lest
Rebel Supplies Captured-
A stage wu stopped on its way to Leonard•
town, Md., and takesto the Pusan blanhaPt.
Quinine, lettere to Virginians, and other con.
traband goods were found. The driver and
two passengers were tetained in custody, bat
the mars was Allowed to proceed, accompanied
by a guard.
The Female /tepee's.
The female express south has discontinued
its regain trim and not c few of its mom ass.
MI employees have been caught in the act.
Commuencation with Virginia la now auended
with difficulties.'
Deatitsmben us the Babel Army. '
Rebel letters latently intercepted show
great destitution, panicululy is articles of
quinine, tea, coffee, sager, indigo, and salt.
Several hundred ache of the latter were "sired
today. The letters also complain that War,
intercourse has been cut off literally, saying
that the "Yankees are too sharp for them."
I= E=
We have confirmatioo of Sontkitra papers ,
accounts of prevalence of small pox Ind
meatilai ii. titbit amps. : ,- .
The Satanism Saban
Sines last Saturday the leading rebels of
Baltimore hen been wilting tip oVnights to
mein the rebel army, many.- fearing they
would miss the sight If they went to sleep. It
was only last night that they reluetantly eon
eluded thi proposed outing had been postponed
on account of the nether..
The 114bala'at. piesbant. .
The report of the reinforeatuntt of th e rebels.
at Leesburg Is no doubt cornet, though it is
improbable that their strength irsndloisse for
Fidadvance, ' The dr* is not fordable; Gen.
anti nab' priretett thiltmuthg Grim if they'
boats, audit is not easy th. see what they,
nada gala by the attempt. -
.- •
. ..
A Pretty sellable dispatch roared In this
oliP7Ostotan7 Contradicts the rumor of Major
Lyndes surnendtr_of Port Plihnors. It Is said
that his poiition was improvable to any foree
the ninny °Mad bring against him. Major
Lynda, is • Vennontar, and known to be one et
the most loyal men in the sorties. He entered
the army In 18:I. '
Wasantercm. Augnst 23.--Private 'dykes
state that nearly all the rebel troops have left
that oily for Mimeo Janetion, and express
the opinion that a federal forte of tan thousand
men could now capture Norfolk end Ports.
month wtth use
• Captains Bastard and Shenita:and:
Manta Pinckney. all of where are: old. naval
dimes of our service, appointed. from Mary
-land, are now lathe enemy's Manna:
w. They served rebel bilintaist the
of Stone Bridge,wit,)t three. hundred old naval
gasman who daserted from the Sag.
The srmypaysiasharrln this city are nowt;
loglj! buy In she task of-peplos off the troops;
General Dix Ms regeerusd the Baltimore
its . ' to nfrain from, the publication. of news
which will aid the enemy, sad they comply.-
It is restored here thit the New York Daily
Newe.iird.Dey Boot will be .inapporased
medially,' by artefact the gonrinnent.• •
It is also' intimatedthat the government will :
so looter allow Kentucky fro Occupy," issitral
position. • •• • •
Outer threat kindred wounded soldiers now
in hospital is this city there is not one case ot
*Puy bye blyanst tkrosU •
,Tronpi.aialspinly 'inns, obedk
seice - to the order of the Secretary of: War.- .;
' Mr -Boteler _ ha been released by' Gen.
Beaks. - • ' • • • • •
The Amazement ii le 'Divot evidence
which shows that two the secetwizailt jour
nals in New York city are deepened by the
lAMB Like Work;
. . , .
The Biltimore katifat of Wedneedaf it
temooe, states that during the Win, hours
imeceeding eleven o'clock of the preceding
night:. no less than seven thousand troops
pasied oz . their to
Washington, over the Philadelphia road
!limber, were also transported - over the
Northers Central Railway. This is bat _the
vanguard of the 11114 Army sewing forward in
response to the last, call of .the Secremry of
War. Not the last encoursgiegeharattedirtle
of the greit destionetratioa is.the comparatiin
secrecy and silence - with which . nude.,
Belot, the battle at Bull Ran the Baltimore
paperi":would 'have giVes 'nu not' only ton
namei -of the officers of each regiment, bit
- the. Dumber et !men eider their* - command. ,
Now, if the rebelivrant this hammier -infor
mation, they niiiirtlely largely upon their own
enterprisa torpromtringit. fderiewhile, they
may make all they can of thoolraset, fact_ that
now and them the`-tide of volunteer!, flowing
southward averages;rhis,thoupand
We feani from the but authority that a new .
Irish Brigade, 6,000 strong:at foist, I. to .he
immediately organlied In this city, the coat.
- .
mod of which' Willz be, tendered to Genetal
James Bhielde. _ The Ist Regiment of: the bri.
gods is now•fonning nadir the gallant Lieut..
col. 'lobar( Nugent,or the 69th, and will bit
knows as the 69th Yolneteera, .already cola.
pules from . Pidladattilde Boston'. Cievelaadi
end other cities hive Wedged -themselrei to
press forward Wads .new and brilliant move.
Meet, whirl apeake-irehniestbe the pnerrom
!royalty sadynconquendtle *plat of oar adopted
chiisas. The In& ••seirit -.of _the North' is
throm as
bi, oneeditold• thatesairde Ire ready,
-to obliterate the sal 12clooties of the heat:
ihvitemeet: ' the _green list.wnvfld
gloriously, bolds :the atm kind Stripes.:
slaw otlidetnpatratioa..Cept. Thos. Fnarli_
Meagher will /enlists the high positiot offered
Gotta - ntmost, :and ; ;oho
mars talta hit plies in the nits *lbis 1411iii.t_
is ad devoted regimanto.44 Y. Dts. ‘.,
AtitzitieSta;An: IL-AWE:day, timiteg
the crertloas of alajettetaon,scanmaadhig the
G a ng hste, she MAK formerly of Delano:*
bat. mall May Cii.l.baahaak, asol ° fl a w s
eoneePsts/wit the ,I.Enithers - Pnwwas of
redid to Ike said: saving for Washington by
the atestaboat. .fibe a a higtdy sinsited tad).
an& the Stigma et ltrestil 'winks; WAWA
wldisettesteldett id,kthi**lllolllllol4l Wash
was st-ilssgesa of- the Wadmetekstfscr AA
visit tri, Melrose Miss Mate hal naiolef
hors for She gait pit a, where ha moessonte
tursio begs &soli tratalmal I she boldly avowed
berseeistiftpreasillesr and sods as:sasM bf
brieantiliptimlb4l* ths leaders of the rebel
ansai 'Abuts blernsgibil'eas sent to WAWA
Meld half lest 'elate eve* this
morning, U B. /biretta Inbred m
ended to the ofibe of the Can Ob
server, Fourth street, below Chestnut, sad
the c° 2En
•ES room of that Journal
seizik thiciYlA wad Fl/the 9Naur AIN
The Oliristiin.Otairewwas foriarlY
Organ of thslleir.l3clsel :Fmabytenan
PinertLbriti rearetipitasmalavegiten-,
dories caned it to get 7:
tadig that denomination -Ths editori
the Nem. Ai Converse, D. nativel'of
Varmint, bit more reenitef Biahmoad. '.
Va. 'His lOU. F. Butlett Oonvere is the
smistent editor. The -mina woo gads
in consequence of the pecaliar,virohnem
of some matter in its' last issasdn refer
ence "to this unhol war." -- - •
For a long time t he •
Observer has- been
very obnoxious,-but its "religions". char-
rioter. ameened it from edam . Of fats, •
however, its utterances have been to very '
violent as to 'attract the attention of the
authorities to it Its stoppage la the re
sult. No other rebel few is now Wend •
in Philadelphis.—{Pliiks•Bolletin, 22d..::
Ss. Loon, , Augut 22.-4ohu A, Brltlesiuu
was released from , custody, to-danupou cou
dition that he' resign his position u . Prealdent
of the Bond' of , Police Comminioners, sad
leave the eitj and remain is 'some Pres State,
sottaietnrn!here without the unseat's:if the
military authorities.: , • , t 1..•• , .
OMMERUL4I, RE .0011.11:-'
laworia dxii,osiagfibe fla afgabwgt
: ! Porforom. EATFIDIZ isfl o * -11 5 4 • '-'
FLOUR—TM botoscbouo#44l.of
07 111 W:41 0 .0o di. of $ 4 .7 1 44,21111f ,dOAo 11 V , -
a R9Cll=l3—etaily with i 41r isqiii4 silo an
ittobaiogor at jfelo Me do at flq Nail
olty trodb, at fp:4 ado do at 4Ce; d do" to eimatry,
stacosatippiamat teo.• - • . -
It4170:1dull.,„ but =chug* tato' of 1,504-11*
libooldoro et Ofri 20:11410 INOvamod Bios al4o. - 7 '
8.111 f—dull; uU frosli imago of 10 lads at peas
01111.65 APPLIB—Ia iced aippl aloof .16
st 82,7142453,44
MUSD PRAOLIRI of 14 boat primp befoul
at $2,60 p both:
llALTSolifioto olor•Of 2oo_bbp: No i, .1114trosi •
$ 1 , 20 II bbl. _ , •
WIII.BET-;ioie4. Fhb mull Wea of Rootilkozl4lfT ,
eato µll.b and tboo. . • , ,- • '
. ,
ammirimar AND OUltilialtgaiLl4;
COMM 71001 Ado Giant Maid" Austnt -221.—• -,
Mate was a boner tumid tot Boar, and Ase.lgigbe
wax settee and d'abade bettor . ou Sprint line. land t , _
stdd 3 l ,4 ce Winter Cunt ended , •Ainet MO bob od ' - -
all body chanted bands as $1,60.4 Is far wens litsw-..
ter extran AM ke.Wlater Popsy, $3,51414dtr for _ ,- . -
Opting Atka", and 22,1263 P . Int_
...2;etal AO. tadltal '
The tecelpta ef wheat mu spin lacik alt*llint .'....
to .112,636 Witold. Stelede botteedt; vas intim
essla, sod Mb tandad s bettar detonsd bp ablppets,- •-,
under width prime advanced .2o us laded
on Winton—nab ages of about WAG) bastialta St
for Sol Maw, Wet* for Pro 1 Red; dilidtlo fat do 1.
2 gad 61;40674 Outdo I epilog MOW *rid dr - .
SpcboW ens 3 4 36 0 Ide AdiodtO 2 edllai&dor aialot , "
ClOstaZ *Olt laud cap 1 : ai2630, and Ad idt ISIXd t 1 ,
'Et Wm maitir, Angnet9i,L Thiii—Thor -4 .
W• could bear afro rho oflzepertanot: A iSMIIot
elm:Wry vino Into,sepecbed a{ si:.. `• -' • . i
' Wheat—TharaVas utus or no Mange trots yiidit;
day; make 11l ads tiontnia lairs 234 SOO its do on
p at VS stn tar sod ,coodoon red end arty irbStss;-1
segne. 1 is Apt Ur and good and ' akeddldin Oil I. ~,
do at 6ft 100 eland at WA; ed2Bo alta tall no 2.2. -
Gotta—do dootteint, and ski Aar WO . ragetbd"Wal .
$4 aid Itdual IdSio,tocludlok naccuidAtatit gontsig6 - :
Osta—ln demaM,, with ealevorlll2 'kale 233(0 and ~. .
300a1taat12344•; :- 7. - -. , .... , _ -'.. .._, c ..,.1 ...,,,,,:-
Rya—Rabe of 32 and £3 ske ait li mi t ).4r,4.,4. :ltollaidoreri_
and 20 ski chant at &Icy aka
Win' ae New YoaL-14'.1attbut dentand for lon
clalldud dattnatiatta atill - ptioriad" , Ilanittsedbeen* .
male Gt . /6,000010w sod moll= llama Al 1903440
(doe Reece IsCodered at .me rates without finding:
input° 3t,0 baba Oallearolnidiandog at 111213e102 do_
owdoTo sod EdntbdO.Portdd.lismo o od 160 do Ka&
Itonsommue, WO olooprenoy ioxxlsou tut oda. TO.
stock of woot muted to pounds manta is now t •
and Pitlon beva a baznentoi teadold7=':Ald' ' ....-,
and thpitiodeated tact Matt that Tholes Ani Wool la ~...
ma lower piked Wan wan negation tall !died Saw ~.,
ony la nod so valuable se antrognet II , Fri!
armo at VI! c.,,4lehtp A Com diet. -- "' '.''. '::: ' S.
bum= ' &via letaiir.'Avi. - %i - VW
quit* I alt toqutry for MAW tey, fbas Ina -,
left We marks no sales at nay lerienteno•bad fates..•
plum flue mama addlinee ear d im In - took LOC' -
the Wet- rater demanded by. beir nettattir Mar
saloon Mt goon of Ills Oaffsp_ta And banitor. dies - : ••
sot aci•a I.4ooot.o.:Atui main map be pooled : . '
ea clod!". Ilttue ad 11.115de lb,. tab to good 1t10r.1.110 -
3 ar rirdOdtalliduitcd at Uddido.'ead - Jrn so NM 'i - .
„ ,
• ~ ./rripstrta . I
ba; & iibipteti; 46 dodo, 6 licedoterrh or, 26 do do,
Joe Lank, 26 dodo, Goo Market & Inc; !Ida- iklpe
lud,:2111 &Wits & oc4ll doViohliddliada Wqr&C . '
a &Me totem, Xi eqp whoelslll tildo e105n,,6.4t0 • •
Ware,43l3e.le 112 les Pam; /I Limn ocr„ 476. ',
bar picier, X MkGudedidgllt do do, X 1r Oddb.rvEV:
6244 toroc&Xseeorg 1.7.dolo,1” W & 01114-4: ,
Dbk &poky, Ido evp, 26 dui oeu, J Hsebintl• bble ;
Wpleti Jos AI /Wise, 2do qv!, olp & laiepirt
. , , . . • • -
• - ! va P arga •
finutratoi ri W m tConooo
_atu k ;main
Love, 14.-1 Obi tiatter,4‘ 0.30,144 cc c Irtelo
Joho;005o. oiro na4l de sof; Motoolov.
4 tom lOirempto OHL, Jr AcC say 4. cog livata
rap, Marti.* or, 1 olitoll,A MHO_ ifolatU r - •
doom, Os* Lozoo#lo do O&M Tognir.
Rm Eoldeo;-7 .oHroy, bbl, Ismail I- Nogg
WI mhos; Wilountifl bz 0 1 1Owsro. WO
Waste:a t ea ao. Mete t Dimon; 21 Obill
Ih/waste:a 4 . p0 it Obis eel IoOIOotoMOIHRUI74, /12
1a105,15 aszbiooh;lo3Obla , Loa, aokokaany
HO bilOos;_tioyo Oomart,36do.ooroolOfto44looll , '
Icon R o HOHon* a :owadooorr, J 11,01.
lotto.; 1 bx•kother. , Llaio &.!son,lo,litido Into
• " - iffiV36B.../411LIAt'lla • • . _
Kra waif falllisgwiowr WU gaMllll , tat ft.',
tabula Wicks: mil bythai = bialkomotaiv
2a• weather OxattalisAloa vita
'catiail al mos anivalp
wars the 11.0.Baksr IlizOomtle
low ancUltapicaGl an
gy thialialawillaiaxml ,
Craft a
&zonal* and ai frau CimelagsaptiMbara ,
was um a Ones divagates midi trim thi natarat :
grakati..—'-ft - a B&W routrairte litiasitair today
wain I. nal comet witfillwrerlantalrinsaksta.
Poaeltilio MIMS* Zanorrtlia thla imam—
AbglaMatan' isAals ISMIL= O,
-4114mataaatl Aid Loa:Wilk saw-1ar1h&g . ,114,13. .
PErumitiut, August 24.--Basdatialte ifiri4ill;"
tat Mar -Am • supekso Aullthrof Sf
Wheat dull sato ,140004Atik ;god st maA- 1
wlifte Iltkool;3ll.!Oceseintwastk' VILIO Its:
at latiblaXe;mr ~- J,
NZW RCIIIk4n I W - Z.24qTAWIZ tattiol l .; udai '
1,600 bbbc . raxipti 15:11 .; Ruth-
Ukk1ik 65 40. 16 : lachavot: Moak-46-2 ,
1 " / ". Weft tiut=ortiumekeicl
Cink.84 10 0 1 .4 1 Pr whits
Oqin id 'Getter; sisie - nsooo hats
visions quid OA wasaptl.k Lunt 14124. catt,:kan.:l
Whisky quietat.l73o, •- *;.;
Mats boner at ttakkUottsg'quotatiorteltftSa
& Zak Mud ;1150 7 111hicik tkatral 415.0' Aviv -
Coital 14.141/01%1411 that 03620117.7 ft ilikase.;;
kle £ Ylar6dpp NW Virginia all.. fekAltlatkri,
auk Mt. Tenot s. atm 4 31 Gear& kk;1:111krilt
*anus Sisal. - MUM baitili;lso;
/561 Tr/wig
. 1 ; 'Timmer/ grWidigk ,
. 6 . 5 * •;..
VOW' ileArk
.11! LOWITILIiLi-tob. ataaaier'
0191,11abiasa41011ast= ,
sad an neWata -pans. ais suasnaoiscg, L ;
but nor tce maw* appii al borate to •
liana B.:l4lWlGang , OCaininalg-,:i
',.L - mai raitesmiasdrantalla , .. - Ai -
AJND LalXlStaßollB.—amo sow Otot outs wopot_,
air 'teaser L. 41: R
Lignama." ape cl•-u• laiiilutuj i: i..
t kr Illimitig
tortrainalt Lairlia Roam. AND. lM utarign!7
ecker;•. 11.4460; rar t ialarS A =N4tll
r i ntV i es=locks , •.:. , tiosseasistaidepiatiwz
no oa We bola tostolatag jolto.troia_lactal
or proorapols °alma* .
11 "
juir=se.—se se: essaseltY .
Aar TA L OlCtipiAgifi &otos, brow , . 4
NA namtwak , llarat Ivory. WUJlMaterteiLlibrit ,
Da salt ill/I.' 1%14Ln an& Voloat a air riatttag i t '.
okoromaalliaafft dr aogalar`Potliggliat '.v., .
kotatatra lot ettataant,ltotango‘ liaamo. '
IhworonttllpaY,WlD r
Tag .12111Mak ri .
edWg. L so. Rootoritora Uncogh-Witilor-7-
4 1Tas
*MIL : ;mimed Or s ,
tp, _-, •,.ZI., ;di'. 111 obtotert. '-'
IVIITIWIr Alraltr: Lou 'i ,
! .
lbw Omar • ANlKo4l44ll,Cartota - Y .
tier tank. •iwir lit, ilietbsdlub riN i a,.
wmitton; • tamognegiclisc&m ,l . •
iufttis pc! wow na.toont,-- , ~ ~..233-o', .
DlrrdllUB U ANPAI4I6
m .f. - 11P 11-42 i.• ie. -$ -
v i rrampi "Any
* m
vs obsoLtighnotog icor f..! •
fOLtdar atit llilinirai
cia tomo: 11
. La InialliN i l'' ' ;'
I irata P; , ... .. 4,:'";-• ~, 1. -::',i,..--tillikgeWitl:3
8 1 10 A B- 4 9 JIM& Now ' T171%_
106e4 itesai. • • - •• •
- VOIR! 4. •