The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, August 24, 1861, Image 2

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15.; RIDDLE Co..-
"sritUss alp psorizTOSii.
Psrg l66 / 4 Officsi street, afar ilmialitoki•
ussiuluftik Abu _LaUut-- - 11•11.? up &Vail
hour ofpubuesum. •
MulduiatUt pitman= ii,agnauliculSo.
par yak fras curia&
Dims* i Hs pa saFtm b k idtsnah at tit
pet we* Item Conlin& .
lltetty ilitteito—thate topi% t 2 astanr„ pa
. ot 4=2,11* son or upw•sts, 11l Ist sain2,lt.
variably 4manna. I •
411,ADIntineum wr imposing PTO. .
13,82.1111101)6.0WING, AUG. 24, 1861
INN Bagiobiloineleetore of AllgAisay month Ind
ill others , to farrier thelerintaity of the NATITIAL
-'tiros, iewr alws tb:IIATZOISAL amok
atara ti pit pat down" isima itebeilloa.
. r l do.
are tuning! to able la thee mine Far* Ito .
tingbi sal' at th eir unit plane of holding
idlifilooll fe pease; o•JaTIIIIDAY, the nod
avid. „iv a SOUS DlLlNlATite—two to 'el&
.etioiffe toin tkiee.bothi iforeactitese 'to meet co
- 21113DA.T.13optotit0r 50,st 10 edict S. a, - airki,
km: 1.12t0 Judicial Ckonotstlon t 4 000mblo at 1,14
My 114.t0 nosslooto a : Pont:loot Jidgo of Commas
Mos; aii Aro:WO Liv Zolp of D4tritt Coo:tool
11 0 ...A Bllo l4 l qadto. a 00111=1,10405. oao beilaDt.
IN T . Io
sod MIN or ,tbo Am* 01, gpirtteotstliss,
and IttrotOir the: Pam 2. 210;Polltlail Cloorto,
aloe to slot *am; Ma" toooolosta Stattilr.
Clososoririo66s6t67,Tfoliarof Closombdosir.
plfrorp mooltup fa 166tows** 1631 be*
balm oti awl 6 p. so;:o66 16- Ms Albs
6611166641614tr05a and p. 154 ofsaid The
46666666 arripe+t usiinnahlp irtube
tmatastfoi mod Is the altiorsod 4rozho by bariot.
Thu &strove of 66 tyro aoanationi Jointly op ,
SHOVE WWI. Settp. Gbakruisa.
=anti i . •
IPievestisa the Basji Cur..
No more amieptable act of : authority, not
oven, the seieure_oi la living traitor, as
Piero* Bitler'for instance, could have been
put forth to iuiprise the good people of
Philadelphia than that of Abe 11.8. idershal
in ther edit od Theinday - niorning, when he
tsiltid every c o p yis Of the N; Y. News that
• • Game by the train, not 'only thoselor (drop
latloa' is Phllidelihia, bat the “pareelide
' elidedfor Bhltimore Wealth:4ton andLorile
-We use the words ilarprised" de
llbsiareLf and meaningly for; spite:of all
remoiluranoes from Iciyakaltizens, who eiw
the aildisst purPime of .this and other tree- -
. ebnibiesheatetofoutesand4readevery form
of'disilleatlon, libellous fal4ehood and feel
!taints_ ,hy against the odcolsistratlen of the
goveniment and' the army; riplte of
tlooe and treasonable articles published day
' . after day and Week after w4ek--spite of ill
this, iehloh has been going on unchecked
- . .2 . -witllrsow, under the very eyes of. theChiv
..",..-:.'enitt aid partly by the very pastel fa
ellithellritioltll,eapplied,-before Thursday
• meeidkg no ;word dipounie4, nO•abt •zie
eissrOg • .
- WOW iegardli in the peg!, of a pleas- I
ant surprise to the loyal' people of - every
oily in the land, and certainly it would be
- • so t 6 Pittablygli for one, it the 11:14. gu
shes shall repeat the sot cliTlannsday morn
log hi Philadelphia—Utd deliver tills and
ell other cities from such pistilent sheets as
the New Yost Day Book, Daily News, and
Blew; others of less tote. "
f -
Bat hi the Jams of on and common
sense,why -oannotrhe Government at once
this foal ilium the fountain heed i
` , 7•Why not kite:pit 'the poidimaion of such
, wire as we haVe 'referred to,
.sad thus fat
more eilketually:pieVent the evil thee by
tretkiag > a detail -merely limiting their
interoeptinisele of them on
• - •
as effective blooksfe, or closure of
rebel -Torte,' will siop_p_irsoy better than
*haling ' the Sumter or the left. Dub eej
the ripen see,_ so euppresslng the pgbliea
ties Otrebel newspepais to New York will
be at ones troubLutoinvi and more eta
-, dent than !millet for the bundles in the
Expects or . Post Ofilose, Or in the railway
• irides tliroughota the oonetry.
alisraxwii OwomiePar.4The New Teri
"Volatearfai 1 diverting' ga ds fault with the
London item for saying that Mamma
Jaatitieri Use bet Ween Ahiandria and "the
mountains." It mys
"Is ttpoeitbllthat allot; the laYseof over
- a mnath, daring which oar army had bees
epistles inYlrgWi, Oie writer did not
haver the nituation or direation of Manassas
' jamitloar Tlii - mounonest msp published
shows that. It ia'net between Alexandria and
• "the mot:wades" at ail The route, par.
sm4 in fact, lay exactlparallel_ with the
gm* Blue ; Bldg% th e (nearest chain of
moutitalam ,For the first time. too, we bemr
of 1 4 ,tvto rasps" in Mat pin of the country.
'MU to cap the climax of 'pomace we read
• at "Ball Ems mountain," [which Is • fatten
of thieditirial brain.unless rising ground
- - MOO elevatedmore than", one hundred feet
almee the, Metal iitolbe thus honored.
Men the Mutt takes le raiding lectures to
Amadei, we recoMmend it to possess itself
of *decent school Mille, and strive to make
itself In Mime degree familiar with fame
,kittens' to every ochool-bey , ou this side of
the. Atlantic."
The Attendant Is Welt mistaken. There
it Noah, a inotmtslar , is "Buil Bun
tale;" at least such Is the name given to ot
- btthe Pre. of that Part of the ceestri,l
cad it is a tisisg piece of; ground elevete4
s. grant detA . mire than a hnndred Amt. And
• . "tatlhlr, Kansans Junction it between Ai
essadris and the mountains and the ; a nte
betimes the two does soils,' exactly pare.
the - Biel Ridge. j The Blue Bldg. is
maigincerer the Junction than it le to Alex-
gariThilllitisttrzainT+Amoes the letteTs
loasd ott ,Ifdr. Nair, tbel Brigid' gentleman
suarreSjoy!Sg- himself fa, Fort Lafayette,
• from,Oka wa aside sq !Street yesterday
Waive - to Busse% of the London Wow
• 12 Du in . which the fo l lowing paragraph
-....-.., 4 , lie (Mr. B.) raid Lord Lyons had as in
;,ellaitios to sok Mr. Gerrard !if the Goofed
~ - • mate Stakeof Arceries had not the beWg
,--;_-,___ ' • mint rights, according to his notion, he
"SW =teal: admit they had thelellig
:z,.-- east power.';' On oath of secrecy be cow
, 'madeatet lola also that the first step of
recognition was taken.- .I Ha sad Mr. Mon
mead„ together
..r,:tiiie r g;:i t e:P i res 34 l - -
•-'' -: dent; to• scums air treaty of commerce, to
' .-- - amp' the award flag carrying neutral
..- , goods. TidoWilts int alp of direct treat
'. • , bog with our g overnment. ' - -
Mere h_ a Alieot illegation‘, lbst Lord_
:Liam her ant envoys to Richmond to is
,edidaiht. withtie Rebel gOvernment siod ask
liatkor. theily 4l o 4 _ .11 4.99 1 U ulalrariala
rof tile treaty of relit and inter tato a
mat of commerce with Engin& . Al the
, ' • Confederate Coigne. ban -Sae accepted
f -
, • , ." , ‘Wieftiii 'Mates of the forster-trasty, and
,!`:', ;' , .'iiiiiiirs that matt Privatarlai,' - it 'tilde
tirlifir that their action us band on - thie
orsdll4 boakthaPrilliit'lliillaiir;.:xt thi.
1'864 DiPabwint uceilsine till to be tra,"
Lint _Lycra should' ali imeialati lavi to
-:- r are:home, with the: privilege of taking
imrevininer is or no
list session of Congress authoiriran_the Her
raw of War to Mane "allele:one Warrants"
to the soldiers by which they may shot •
portion of their pay to their
These wands ire Milli Orden the -
Goveritientofileimt; to be filled up' With
one-third, ore -fourth; one-half, or any .
(Motion he pleases of his wages, to be paid
every month to the holder. This will tu
mors all anxiety on 6 TOfi important quo
tient to him from the mind of the recruit—
will do away, with " e strong objection to his
going in.the minds of his friends—will re.
lease him, when in camp, from the tempts
lion of squandering his money in riotous
lI Imre them from want, and
from dependence upon nidertain charity.
The system hes long been in use in the
Navy, and as there is no ibjeation to Rhona
any quartet we trust it may at. once be
Teri Post is Unfair. It nye:
i The last dodge of the Gautte Is to stir
prejudice against Citholirw, and: with
brae* front sttempt to look itirell.inform•
ed public in thee's, and tell them they him
not enlisted for the war, orillany number
of there hive, they are neither honest nor
in earnest."
The Garai has done nothing of the kind.
We 'lmply called. attention to an article in
the Pittsburgh -Catholic telling the Catholic
soldlerfil thi army dist the , pen they tiara
llghting beside would ; at
_boon as ths
wee ever. turn tplilid and permute them;
and we chalsoterisid this as either a very
badlyealerdated attempt to promote patio
ism or it studied attempt on the part of the
editor of that sheet to prevent Catholics
from enlisting by exciting in diem an un
just and unfounded suspicion. The attempt
atilt° Post to give a different' coloring to
,our article is neither ingenious nor ben
lowing, which we clip from the Philadelphia
Fren; we concur in most heartily:
~ T he great'necessity of the hour is Cie
/mend diffusion ofa feeling of confidence,
to the government, which is manifestly
doing all in its power to maintain the integ
rity of the Republic; and we do not wonder,
therefore, that those who delight in singling
out different members of the Cabinet, for
attack, and who pertdst constant bait
audio& are regarded at Wight/lean as vir
tual-allies of the insurgent,. If any 'real
abuses exist Ma time like this,, there are
better ways of remedying them than by re
sorting to newspaper clamor, which is cal
claimed rather Ao :dampen the ardor of our
soldiers, and to chill the patriotism of • our
citizens. than to' accomplish any other
object." •
New Ilexions.—llnder the old law, a sot
dbm's ration - was as follows:
I pound of pork or bacon, or 1} pound of
fresh or salt beef; - ,
18 ounces of bread or flour, or 12 ousels
of pilot breed, - or It pounds of sore
8 gm& of beans or peas, or 10 pounds 1
of rice, or 140 ounces of desskroted y
potatoes, 'or,BB ounces of demi- o
oated :nixed sortable:, -r,
10 pounds of oaks;
15 pounds of sugar;
4 quarts of Mussily;
1} pound of adamantine candles; ;I
4 pounds of soap, and
2 quarts of soli.
Under i law of the last session of Con
gress, the radon is now fixed as follows:
i pound of pork at baton,- or 1} paled of
fresh or salt beef;
22 ounces or braid or ffoir, or 1 pound '
- pilot break .
8 quarts of beans, 10 pounds of riee"
or hOmbsy, and 1 pound of pota- , 4
foci three tias. a -wok, or *sub- •
.. agitate thertfar; •••
10 pounds of coffee;
15 pounds of sum - ' r
4 quarto of vinegar;
a pound of adamantine candles; 5 -
- 4pounds of soap, and
2 quarts of salt;
Extra isenet-of molasses ars ocoasiosally
made. .
The Seward at Treason
The following newspapers bare been
snppreaed by the military anthcritie' s, or
by mobs, within the last few
Christian Observer,
State Journal,
fdissoun Bulletin,
11 entlt,
Boonville Otmerrer, • Boonville, u
Clinton Journal (nulled) Kano
Dem. dtudard, (mobbed) Concord, N. H.
&tater Deasocrat, (mobbed) Bangor, Me.
J'idisrsonian (mobbed) Westchester, Ps.
likable! (mobbed) &mon, Pa.
Essex Count, Democrat,* Haverbill, Ness.
*Miter titan from hid 001211 tarred and
feathered and ridden on a rail. Offma not
Kesphat the Cotton Oafs.
We perceive that the cotton factors of
Charleston have addressed a circular to
the planters of South Carolina, submitting
that, as cotton, if sent to the seaports,
could not be esported, it would' inconven
iently crowd the eters' and wluirtes, and
the ordinary risks of fire and robbery
would be increased. They therefore re
commend the Neuters of that _and other
States to send none of their cotton to mar
ket until the blockade is removed from all
the Southern ports, but to make arrange.
manta to store itearefully under their own
sheds and gin houses. There is no doubt
that the chief object of this is to prevent,
if poseible, the capture of the cotton crop
' by the United States forces. it is proba
bly thought "down South" that the store
age of any large .of the fibre at'
any' one port might offer too great an in
ducement to our ships of-war to enter and
take possession of it,.. But if the rebels
think that allowing it to remain on the
plantations will prevent our taking pot
merlon of it when the proper time comes,
they are very much mistaken. it is quite
immaterial to im whether it is atoms( on
the plantations or at the water side. Either
will be &moot equally-convenient.—[N.
Y. Herald. -
Mason filurrouns—We understand that
Major ifieuater, who ha been in this city
for mural recruiting foram 16th
infantry, br called to take the field at once,
within the orkmartetent of theMO , - In
the absence of more explicit Inform:Woo,
we suppose this order Is to take him to
Western Virginia, where' the more impor.
tent op:Miami of the department are being
conducted by emend Flosecralia. The .
Chrrannumt needs the Tillable expakeoe
of Its old army officers in the fieldi and they
can be better ripamd froel the recroltag
'stations than from the camp. laid. Siam
mer wlU . lea re as Norm as parable eta re
caving the details. of his ,wsr commlesion.
—[Chicago Tribune. •
• Barium's - Buttisz itzummom—lion:
A. &Totelenlete Ai. a ham Timid*,
whose :scent arrest hellbent noticed, will,
it is eported, be ant Ato Fort Litlyette,
to join the motley mortownt of Winn
Tam Onnarar. Beroarre—Altimogh the
aloha repo is of the =kilts contonadue
engaged in the battle of the 21st ult. have
Uszt receivea in liklumai," the tebd iiim
retarrof War bas glum positive instrao-
WO to Meal their
'"'', a-
Ws bisz *bin .our apeoiaicoereipondent
in N orth Caroline' that -on !Monday. the
Bth initonemben of tin, iNatlonal Conga es
were certainly elected ifrom roar District,
and poiibly from this entire State. The
Daum of the four gentlemen elected we
withhold from' masons of pruderce, but we
think they may be relikd on to be present In
Washington at the opening of the regular
session in December Mat. Oar conespon•
dent, who has now visited almost every part
of North Carolina. and who has extmordi.
may means of becoreing, acquainted with
the real sentiments of the people, ammo 011
that more than half of them are loyal to the
Stars and Stripes: while in some Disnicts,
men hithertiipumnineat Secessionists, alarm
ed at the prospect of debt and rain under
the sway of Jeff. Daiis, have proposed to
join in the intended 'movement for a nee.
State Government, on condition that the
pecuniary obligations:undertaken In the Sc.:
cession Interest, on behalf of the State, shall
be repudiated. Everithlog wears an en.
couraging aspect - in North Carolina
Y. Tribune, • i
Gsw: Votes Pork[.--It is believed to
be Gen. Wool'e polio, to make the war ,
agigrenalye: He daions it. wise to keep the
enemy, in suspense .) ' To do, so, he would
make such demotwtratioruoiot.: the metal
of North Caroline, Florida, Lou i siana, &c.,
es would make it neeessitry for the :abet
States to keep their 'armies at home in
stead of sending then to metice,Wreatting
tim. ' •
. this ie his : tioltey,_we. hOpe he may
itnpreesit upon *cab with whom he is to .
be soon in eounbiL• Altos far, with a fait
exceptions, oar armies seem to have' been
restricted to the 'iantu:•on if Viu dare"
policy. And that Oolioy may have been
' ahe twat. We do not assume to knOw.
But we aie quite sure that if some portion
of our Navy could be spared to throw a
shell now and then along the coast, it
would be gratifying lo the people, whether
effective or not.—[Albany Journal.
'bra REGULAR Amis.—About thirty
aiz hundred men have already been en
listed for the new regiments of the regu
lar army. As each of these regiments,
when full, mud, consist of •two hattadiona
of 1,250 men each, it will be seen that
cagy onerellitith are; enlisted as yet.' Them
is some bah of ocurrerting one or two vol
unteer brigades Into regulars if tlua' num
are '
Too &militia COnfedeuttes think them
selves my nuticiste in mining the con
ditions of pestle. :They ask nothing in
the• world except that we give up our
ocsmt/,--[Lon. Atm '
, •
litt#2 Stitittsi
weir . loan le batdig= a 'comply da
Wee rose Cr the war; debs the 4/11181111R,
IN/ANTSY. tree side sweapsente thwelih
vitae waver, to pantile wallorme tat the ameba%
tale da, se axe se; masted to. 7bl. w pre
teat say powdble delay lbts pale; the wzdforma. The
wampum sill del be asand was or the elly wall the
ravine Rumba of go* Isobtaridibal whet Man%
IA 13 will twoolwe Dal sad Wham trowctbee flaw Ma
swab= witl be wake to albs Welles..
wAlliteer compealles et en spwcpbadew, sod Vial
Odioglper wootb, ewe sloolWeeptredou • ef entlitowel.
enet war ' Waal
10' WILL .141141111 FOR °SARI'S
211011021 T, as Sesedas. el roar *lock:
p. eie the eerageel sow twin lamed bir tee sada.
Aped: ,This cesepsay will be iseedisitelf
sad meet with MOWS Sista .
C•labnald vitIMU weir be SIMI se - the vsertiting
dies All ulre she Co are min mad iissedists ser
vice an as cues at ihsi ease pa Wood sued, Woo
logrib." a 4.r . 140 3 4 4.
To All dorsals of Pis 1411110114113112D1. Oa I
lia war casagdaseal This Om,
psay ban bass lalenias sad bar bees iaapted by
acd Va. L. twirls:. ;net will be MI/ •SPOPPed
talon baited sae dlyead POI Pau assess as - $8 1.
lisendebsa *Ma. Wood Anat.
#ri 0.6 all4OBlll. asatak.
MlllOO/11. lit Laabased.
said 0 akluala ILEIOD/24 81 di
algid an aatataina ascrall
a az in N.
So fill ap the nala area Alieglala Greta tot OoL
Mac. Sara Zerboaoli. Callos an Wastllagtoa Hall.
Maas Maus Apply to J,ILIL D 1111 ILL, or
salad • 4 AL N. 94111BOITll&
UTATTINTION I=A taw more men
moot to Orr a Ckapsar aaar rornikki
IT 021. I'. A. tier) Markaaat. Aprir at ilkdkp
oatesoce ea Ark stmt.
so al aso SU rusts ol Lb, R ICUINT TROOP. Woe
tut 11000 SIM wed Apply. Ofiks 401n1 R ana MTS.
mood dory. ,
rano *I Jas. THOMPSON.
St. Louis, Mo
- • • Alum= react Moot 19 lettL
AI ea[ PRICPARBD to =lmage
rentatest tOIItAGINAKeII et the Dew
Its, bribe& egotteleati of the old stow, deem e
period ot Hz Dap two this data. otter which tire
the obitehowth rot beetenntettl Is mean of
aalslst ; must. ALDDIM,-P. at.
Pun ems turrostraba. Po. MOO 19, Ma.
i r r . POST 01110 S SiOTIOS.
• STAMP s.
lam ;mind to cabins POSTAGII PUMPS of
do Ant etas In so bouffant amt of tbo obi
nab Whig pan of ex asp from no tut• nub
ie Vier fAs aping°, eff aka tbe old amps
will sot be fauna in poison of poftypi on Luton
Of Men ant new an curet. flobobbirfog Pon.
sown on =dump bon.
011 9 N. P. VON 11011118011 MP. Y.
Attu atlisstissutotg.
routine comranns
S'OK fx lam WAR.
mum doTNI to nil end tot tbirtr ?atm sod !land
bins of
W. 8. HAVEN.
No. 84 Third' street,
Who is propos! to; OM noon ro carp, ogoorddit to
3 the dears
- P.Axrcilr acix.coste,
To attract
01368 M {IRA 01311 6CIIOO
THE THIRD - 8613510 S of TOlB
/chola oIN econunonu oeeVeo Illtay MONDAY
tarnmass. .
Primary 'Nubia* p•• punka of an montic4o 00
Modena do do do 6o - 00
hoer, do do do • •do CO
•re inriumos.
-Stu ff oblonegook hub, pinood . Mob children an.
da th ladnxdoiof Mr. 06 Km ATART dub,
be out pa woad boot oboorfoUyucourand their
lechoot to the ukuop 00_ 4 U puerto. Yuchere ,
it.,compe*T mid MOM. and Owe • warns' 61
time MIL lou bun highly uterhatorpe_.:
Webs W. IWO . • Wallsot LBO:Mk. ..'
.A. Rums km; - J. Bub. .
Loy.' " .• Moths Lauds.
a watiers, 4.: mama can.
Thomas o. MEW Webb Otturch.
Dined YlesUmeno. Anna Lesday.
Dr. A. CL Mirk, k. S. Y. Norlhun.
aria , Offsalms,` ta. apes go , MD PrbetP s 4 No.
59 mama stmt. teMma imam mad Woad, or at
Ms ModMom* mart 91,5955 mad 5165L0t
stmem •59991 Joan.
Itbe ran•mtli iciiattan '11:1111D4T,
1106 - Tki sv. bras thorwahly raised sod
Jul AMPlinal. Tiblersik (labfast, its;
Etostiturfoi *woad to.sepao la tits ee. I
a ncettid sot imily u : the tom * Oollare muss,
ta tint .
t o se :Nue ursine.
LANGUAGE& (011 or 11111:12IIIIINTAL KOH%
MUM= 5a4P1.1.02111161. . - •
BealleVl, no"! oa loodia,qtaipe.--
...sadebt 'EfiCi.O.I4II,IIIIING;X , prosiant.
? i . .
OtaiTry. . crazar;'
W. P.ItAiIItALL. IT Wood it.:
Or tab b 7
412PICIII) BALBION-liiit received from.
5..7 Iwo. • tsliklaoly of - fr oph: WWI Ohm.
pug iv hi bin cops Ate salsa tb• Molly Gros
41 More 01 - : - • 4 401n1 Autiejor,
Oaf Ikasst, Mort, sea Bog stew&
MESS PORK-Bump ' ork far sale
AI& woo Ls. Earl CO.
sec Joutisraients.
PROPOSALS will be vaiivad liiK • che
undaranriall until TEURSDAT, Aug. Vab, tar
!be *Log and Santana:, sty 12S
. ognares. Laic, tar
•PutU•SAMSST 1400 ant ot 'Acta sail Orates El , dar,
prolonlaa, vna igen , bostio. :Ink far panta
on. my pin Ler 01 Sandi: on mew at Too:
shingles to be 4); la vans.An nranniala f•r_11••••
COM win be to tabbed at tbi Ham of UAW. oh* •
• plan of tbe maim 11111 tr Own,
JOIN BAIIP:SoN. Mach , sc B 4
JAMES IMANDIMS, 101 Awl It, Stitsb'gb,
sullAti • BulldatE•k••••10,••
SUNDRIES -75 Mid& N. 0. ang er;
bbla B. . do
IGO do prima) ; Idokisaog
101 do awfdbradda eyrapa;
. -soo'be. Rio arm
100 bassaed brands Tobaco:a
50 WO 6o do I do
100 brats 2' B Black Trig
20 catty tau do t do do
7, boo draiter's a law
ro do Olean do
10 do atifilril • do
10 do Oolssash Tipsy do
30 bum, Dm go 3 llactoral;
30 bt bbh do do do
200 blue. U. rod.:
maitv,loolo34ll.ditur Window Mao
1711 * 111118PA231013.
, 4 0 .PAINTSBEL -.
Niiiaasussuluts ros,rolipprriaz,
Prononnoid by palatal" equal to
_arm nopee_t to
Turpentine, and sold at Mr than Ulf W Sold
" and4tr i"llllll a or mood sad s.oood strew.
FIRST AltliffrA.
NIIIV pets. . OD%
. • AT
"Dtarket street.
Maker am%
Mop Matta am et Ile%
!Pea Chilli;
. Cetus fladart:
Bak Milk sew deo,
Siang amts.
- Nakao awl tangy Goads.
W 111440.6 trim4darri at aw tout 1 , 41 ,
sa2s lled
.0 .188n'',
Fancy at eon and less,
Pimp Silk lane for $2O, worth $3O,
. .
ilmbroiderwtiCollars 500., worth $ll,
do : do 750, worth $1 25,
do $l, worth $175,
4 40 - Sits at half price,
Draw Clooifs of every description,
at ooltind foes. than coat.
'Lau Moe NA 'Kano s bentalo. sal
yr 0.001)81
78 Market street,
Ras tut neehells IsAri and eirefen7 WNW
stoct goo* was* "Ma may be Seed
' Chenille Nets,
Cord and. Silk Nets,
Raid fitheata.
' Linen Collar!,
Grenadine Veils, all Wore,
Nagle Mifflin& ill widths, - - -
141115 Sleeves, eta., etc.
Embroidered Sets,
Linen Bets,
Lace Collars,
Iscariot and Swiss Edgings and limiting.
Gents' Shirts Collars, and Neckties,
Silk and Merino
Undershirts and Drawers.
An an !united to an sad Aglaia* Aux sleek bio•
kis puchadasAlaindoes. soda
DRY 000ps _
69 atemurr STRUT,
Are sel
enmmer aaf the te4lltjpeieflt
to ;ioin
ALL Till
MAW/PAPAS/ aim 11l@ALIA1a
AID ALL MI 11W 10011,
AND ALL-Tall SSW . 114019,
mantra NSW WORN, • •
Naeoww nit!, inns mum
mum= HALL. IT/TH e!SIZT.
1411101K1 HALL, 111TH STINSS.
ftsion wppUid. TW Ws& llot 4 Doe tads
10 BUIRT CULLARti, foe 2s Gents I
APPBOVIID sni.go dr
am nun zwiRD BUR COM,
Vara 1861.
10 Shirt Ceara for 25 cents,
0.1 ertui oianum.
BATON, 11.010161 & C 0.,.
1018 No. 17 and 19 iills drat.
InhiT rsucz,se aim ADDAMS'.
Preheat et Mows of Ib +OtIIW Omits tut
the allotan lai ca listanne hfts4o. • tarp
puma to the netts% poblbitad • wet tia the tryst.
neat etalipairntsdsras at Vet Lahr sea Moab
tall *raw alsoditteethe ea tbe titan alba*
- Dela% lilvoltlaiam
Nattanot itettedomeNtit••••l lolll • *amen ha.
puma ape *Mal d Debllll7. LOW ,
anew Ida betattilettealttaii tatatrt.".eastra*
ea.:6OM bora fooseibbg Seeing .for boot.
imam two tett •_l_ • is the bode" DI
not to D11. , 01 1 , !Wow* Mattkitt
acne ads elm r trielai of Cltgl• rah
Stain instl Nandi coalFes to uie hs
/NO. .11.
A 74 . ; asr. Lest, 1204 Has4aereet&
fo prior qualm WE. Pailletsist bnad 4113410fx
mil Buse at 1111 se4 Taub bp :
sons a.
ids exist et woo mot lisod sts.
aus'Fwd..ayi.Y~;:.M'~~-0w3,:.:~c-^' i~+`~"~
MULY, FARRELL a l to.,
PLI 18.
O. IS9 rovivrii 1194i111P,
lIILLZ 1111111011L11. I
Gray Dress °cods at colt,
i i
Fancy Silke at coat,
Beragee d Tisanes at coat
Berage Robea at half pr'ice,
Jaconett Laval at 160 worth 37k.
A large lot of Doinestto Goods just
( paned at
U7rall A. 13. a.. It cu lanatisa Boma.
Ptttab Antal 1661.1
QEALED PROPO LEI will be ' receiv
11.7 al Orr 0011111118AATIII ATOM= ea Ws. was.
until llo'clock. a.. Animal*l, to the glumly of
lb. Celled Mateo Troops at Map Wllkinn ibi•
knolls mallet will I. tiqutted for Una south ot An.
rat. Nor the anbloquant toontha the quautittaa will
2 lammed as may be noi. cot to crowd rakes
10—Tbbta tomb r.
1000-oaa TUotaMpa t
cutda, of Dimon.
11-41 x buabota
400—Pal Bastrwl ow&
gamuts AWL
100 —WM litualls. goads ad*.
90.-Ninaty pllotta Wlnatar.
100-0111 Hundred pOAI Omer.
1100.-Tbres IleadnA pinata amp.
400--Tear Hundred awes& SAIL
2000—TwoThowaan4 pat &a lash SW:
The bide well be epoxied at tas lima above todkotod
and tha contract 14110 awarded to Oa lowan UAW
wbo a n gm anfitakill wisenue Oat be will 'apply
actidoa of the beatqui ucy. pas amok, 010101 a an.
1 Dios. aiimmaiwars„ Ct. OA IL A.
I anlida
quembeellisib e.
b, et IT, IbIL
SALMI) lIMEILLEI will be mem
ed as ml alai, until o'clock co.. Aunt 2&b
for Ms Mb:rem Gawp Wilkie*.
rateritoist istorob366 qbbedtlec will be
may be masked:
2 1 1:21—litc mcemeastpowew et Bay.
16.-0,6 ilabdrei wad Ility Wobble Oil&
000 21w tWasibi of Item
Its bklo wW be *sod as the Moo Janata, *a
the waited will be awariiiii to de king bidder vb.
as Out sorboissi gooractoli tkot 06 will mIN47
tlibi of the beet quality, etld corboir with ibis coo.
vast. 7.1iil A. 11:121, Olt A.
Irmo larollae fal 0 lathes. It Is do aid
For 171 ......5mairia Glaris
Witboat amens dugs aim It will also rusiors
°rani Steins am ragratimp, Dmrlogs. Plans, s.u4
•II kiwis of mai. sod slip from WI hibtioss of, all
rotors, which It male look equal to pinatas.'
for o s soxrapsay wit WO", tor silo by
aoSO.St corner and roarth
- - -
r- - 4
4, jpos
. 8.131007111NG IRONS.
MD atom arable akaalts Mat ham
Na ears amble oar red bat stew =lmam da
No awn gatabtag sb i tat aged aldrta ar dna
LC ' sad alit
ni llltt 160 A , Ittbd Ida • b
"I- soril W1.,...m 'Task%
11,7 Usednary Akan r IA unlirailad Ta
ani rps"
tin in all owe of arroisla, erysipelas, cannons
tillaiirePrialltl, sad Shaw axWebte.vtxtld
appear almost toonuale, Worm not Bon n croaderfil
cores orderly oroorressar tortidad by pw of no
doubted truth sad nem ability, eakkblag the Int•
osontubla Oct that In tan cease of disorders as sa
alterstinaad.reansthilapst U is ostequalled.
Nalikant planteas t oi rs ai rnrred by nay Jean
axperients aka they aka as lokable& malts
by its &dale:Ana" tharefore um it lila olakt.
Prepandand mkt by D.s.ANDNltsuadstk
UM. Mora Anstatnr ink. • • •
'am IWO by B. A. 'Amman • Co. Pittle
" Igtelt try DrunistekinerAls. UP
ARMY 0A -.
2 i i
Ind., AMU, BOA Boats.
we.n Fad R. corms. of Fourth.
Ornas OP MI • Mom= 00. •
• ••• Omar et kat out Masa
rplis PresidentB ihrootors of t •
pest stai, day &dared' •
Dhlasad or
lour DoU uns; Not of Utoproitts •
ot the Hs
ittrotaotbr. makable to the Wand= ot Ito* •
Notes. • . F. A. 81888 alt .
Im M
ms to bad at
ma A, ha as
mcrriogThe undertisOed desires to
4.11 Jam m . tbs pub • thee bs vnii sot W s easel.
eir aomissiiss Obi ebettlialty Woo say
eiosisseiss.list bidspeseaut austiists,
mp sieleieePrePseilisii lot pging 60 pas ant. of Cl is
estrum& of leo allies Li s ts Ovislar-Tressall.
shoed soy soadase sestet is run as thin oosiliticas
b• shall bars my midis! =ppm
snotatait. • L It. HEIM%
beautiful &tide. It
in each • Ira, as to
Is of Into, ma
&0: It makes •
comblns Bowl, B
,if peat delsh. mid is complete with,
oat wed watt. This le the thing that
bee long bait wasted - by tomato who do
ISA wbh to he at tht.expease of a:utility'
parameast. She ef sad abate described
CM be token down iind named In • Om
h TErAIT coos..
Eitala Etiawla at oast,
UGII s'.
W. & D.
1 1 000 111411 1111311-11 f
Nn .cid PEAR
vist attelr i ltr
they NU olooomo •
Pt' Tram • Routh dint
CMS no oat to Um 0
I • tun Men tants&
DM. O. JONEI9,- •
net lPLa .
busted at eat - Maim, Motor itatla cm
huedat , -• . MILO. JORIMON &COI ,
salT iiIIIMI Job Mating 0154.01 U Wood at.
1 1! STORE, sad' r rale,
10 do Petrol r.
ALL 40 bbla. Ao.
IS labia 4o
d'a.mils _
miss wiiipoir,
-A fall Rock of Wan Ihkeer of ff _ se, sad Odra.
Diu Wyss! at ail • lOU lloi Abend dozing the
Batessr, at thi Aato. a Wood straiL
.. - .
irfOlei 00.,
10 Wort/ ems
lobby - I,
Itti, for • r imaterad awl be reil!alres•
UBlllll BO 41.5—Lieta of tlifigere—
Motel •- • to Use Musa ewe lila
Px age by KAI 411 03, 14 Wool
WDIATIILT, llte oblA Wl lerik k
butted am, batmen the ems .
eadad. not isse tbs. dm •
het foorAnd • baltleetwo to height, to 'Mar the
U. EL Gnarl. IA& ram be tar
mem with . good Masa= toll eqsdposmts. stools
clothing and aabohnenco ot the best sl2alkl•
soy reams Awn $l4 to VD per amonth. smordlog to I
them* of the soldier. no minor will 0. mehted
without the Imam consent ot permit. gaud= or
master. ay au act MUM postai. the term of enlist.
meat to altered to
VIAL, end every meldlor
who envoi that time b minded to Ite semi ot had
and ',lap twisty tran the - Tatted Maw Attention
le waled loth* tmet that tbe goseruseat boo witsty
omomenold to promote mohtlas and. nowomatmladon
sd odk•re ban the make. Adesammeat is Mem
bra lobo who. sißanat7 win b• Pidd to
may Idthuto. noacasmatedomelottbarew soldier who
Oraeratean asooptsd mash. I: - all son to the atua•
ter of 1250.111 be .Misted Mr the Oempena
UWII.L 11.16110 WA,
lUMIMMAeIomt TblidOmmirp.
Itsmottlag MOM
WANTED—Bonds and Mortgages for
Its* faking; ammo to doss Jain: •
Oaa Idoetcoge tr POO:
nos do -tor 31.tO XL
ta 'for 31,41
do tor 39,Cd0'.
• .113 at Nall P 221141, 13 et. Clair amt.
SOL sSit as & ICO Ed. •
Firs - sela oit'Exklallot
10,000 bomb. Ocanallnills Owes Coke.
2420 L. EL VONT • On.
OR ReNT.—We will tent the sig
Imp soil commodious Wasbouso IPM 00; N.
maid by us as a llboissoM Grocary. on may r..
OW arms. save %Mad &satin oar badman. nu
;mad= Is ousaw amisS asdribis la as sity. (WI
soon so Sbers a aumbse of smakants.
JOHN?. M'OOMIS coo. .
TO LET.—A fink:lsm Dwelling dft
41. Flom tintli saw, .nsi sow" sad with=
an loo6sra Impronmeatr. iccatel oa Tamal e b
wags Inky west sailsousylnala ersoiss. TIMM
ma. safoti 1.. G. GUM
0/11.11.411twatad ea hatch Creak. imbruing
haven 10 aad It urea - lbws ars cot do !imam
et: rolls fa Ml= program, throe of wlik It ere at
aufki ,ol daPth to latthy °with& Oisactsdiwith
the walla It • powarfal anirtatt, te acwd mantas cedar.
This impart, la adlohtlas W. telabrtad IrOormkk
farto sad la erhaps was of the haat 0 41 etas fa that
mica. W p e *Mr a ' great tarots cat am terms of
partssat, or watt orations for cars mate to or OCI.
pintas dkr. Nor partioaliri apply to
Y.IULAIN a 00 ,
arto If a St% roartb amt.
own& toft //VS /Wiwi
mom hinds oaks. Will be solteiVor
m a t r•
Vast ,
,041 ' 1111th eau& above
Liou SALS--A. Dimond-hand WS,
,Jr Id* doable Seaman toed order. will be sold
larbJ 111111128 a uovisaa,
Jele fiat LIM sae 19l.Wobd street
litatS 1110 NT—The bTtlisX LHASA
arrow Iradaral mod Wat stnats, My of Al
inhany, coot nun !akar the mart" sad imam.
Was* oppailts tbaWoras P. Iktiearts lad J. L.
thrombin it 00. WWI( E. IL DATIL
rlibrßALK—That spl en did Iter .ru :
howo,with Ingo Total Grownd, holt
obowy, diced within two 20Inoiw/ holt
of the Sliktioners iislirceo Statics. Trah hap* h
largo ind 'BMW to incdorn ohlr; stpot hcaPi•
ad by MOON ThOZISPOCCIL WM Ito NM ow newisoblo
Apply 10 W. A. AND • •
- •
.r 0 &NGINIS, in good - waking
aider vtll bb mad oa oceomoolottog tonno—
en IT odes dtsaster, with • lime oh
Tho Woo coy to ora on apolloatiso at the BAN.
NCB COTTON KILLS, Allogtooy. oat 'Goa to dolly
end co the Ilso of July.
J 025455 4 PAZIL PAINTIM a 00.
Bran Fonder" ud inthetaren.
4343.8 AND STEAM
wir .24 112111Plittql mum, PHILADILPILIA.
• 2610 lirtkos, oasioctod for t.o iss boob to
0 1 7. br Muss eitaour Sao MlAsulo
Trilniqux, ppm tha aura principle so bid Cm la
Now Yoriostobliabod lbw's do tilt 11110/ill Ivo
opos liloador. lopstobor lAN with its coat low
phi oadpesphde provides for tbo edemas or Toss
tabs% soder CM dtriebos• et Itodues /mammy.
Clroulandad all ressids tosarostioo, eid ob•
Vapid of opacorke to Its Mottp.L • '
CO= WILL 2 2 1724.3PEr. ri ss2s.c ' - "
Pumps & Brass Work
os ifillyt DINIZIPTUM
ef Brno Capper or Iron. With do wit approved
Cbasehers and Vane or all klndie, sad Terres44lo
clef aglideete=
110 , *tate* asid 1:04. MVO= NM
JORlysiar • "Trautman.
• T Balteetris IN
OOP 133ECI.V.Te.
Mot Idloortai so ban rob expread, to ear
arra ardor. by Wilds stararloddrarra r an th re .
hod cor Ito onorks. qaolltr sad orylo of Satoh; mar
althea aro mashy now, whit all leU hipfOrS!
110D11111TOIMM rats vas, eableklind tips. ilia
Mot daspa •
trlallortes yids. osobroidorod topes, voili cheap
DLIXONI4 exliod, Wool' mod MITT.
EMIG 1117 N, azdod, good =maw oldrt.
TROPIC, oerdsl, sz s yWmtir=Ma
Tkres of all above Mkt aro.srdl salted to oast,/
Waolsole Won soppllad at lama csa priesc
Ind 17 and 1.11 Ufa stmt.
•gGlt MIA BATHING, Allalstio Gity r
N. J., (we and • ban boars 1141 froa Pals.
pldis) Is ran forqossad law ma cam paps fa
tho Maud Balsa
la baba& alibi 4314 Sabha' bdlttas an is.
sir pried.
Its Marls Gad Banat Bowls. ablobalitirearr
maga 'boa ss Tbaraal psnoo• sr* as van
kw 4 Om tli Sa ssaoso sad 11nroort. •
la Haab Is gm Wks fit With. salaams ••may`
silloosidtrtra altar tho asmocasro of la• pub aro
Tar , lalls aro waled Mb idly two ea ham
tbasaffal• LA • tslogna• cassia as tfhoa
UopadSales alas Osaaa sad ns 'manna lain.
Vbsr Ursa What lidialstplak sent a. sal 4 IP.
a. Lone Manta d Gal 4.11. sat 4:41 7. tc Iris
aim arty rasa Ts» AIL - •
Neaunnws (0011.4 saw =inn; sia atm
boaarsa• tam lama
`' 'mu 1141081131 S
12q 131OVISIONO.
No. 12 Aroorth street.
Hueco hood Bina ourtiosal of Baas, L
Pork, most d witkif fa of Mgr owlytuni. Lad M
=Gilt COMM Alt% of Mettonal and *Lbw awes
PLAIN 111218, iiith sad 11111114:ei
SIDI& ersoked apd to dry sat,
1131111 ?OIL Hwy
LIAI Lan, in obb,attins and. 'pens.' ' rid ID a.
jpr,salifor featly sr. sad all of Limitywa tuniabg.,
9111/11111.aultab1Sior asl
- MEM. TH114111.1 00311fIt'1015.
NOR intrillte
- - . 10k I.IIUIVING -
=an, soul semi iiimmuk,
- szoneits. ; -
. _
Ake kg ruttitas iss weakaad
Jest reednill by,JCINSIPH /L 311010 ., . •
Tecilnd by JOIEUR MUM,
Tod rigurgof by JOSUE( 1111039. -
coheir or meta sines oar th•orsoeig..
aul. cornet of MAIM •11114 sad tb•Dlagssa.
j2lEriti 84)1111,
sa 1111111/1 . 11111.111' BM"!
n i1 !" 11/4112 MIRA" 611 " 1 .
AT maw to min -no
• . .
4111P0AU emato• kb deo* boats puckmiterk.
Rolm& b beiralred *ink CIIIIII.. - jun
ABBIGNINS 199T1011.--All
WOW OW IW IWO 208 X =l i t
an owalla wads Oa =irmarla•
diallaw la stiraskadwal WIWI
thaa lunba dates wing old aro VII moat
law aab autOWWW to 6 lICROTIt a t
WlPsa Ili
MIMI JI6 WA toptilk lOW,
Kaneda' Wu. Bisons=
lbltlnip the 164 appears:KA of
11.11TOLDAY AZGlitt Sim 1641,
Ant end %AI, doe or the gnat drama of
TUG Irldatlor. a nnie Youth, •
11.4 , 11 ADAM ISAACS M611E113.
itaz MARLS
To mei** with
i.I. timing
thannezzittusts. •
"Rim Ytrit a go = I
aßoota4o..ND 11
FOR ousiagl A is;latianaNs.
TW salserlbee. olablayle seduce OP deck of Pi•
ammo Pan Mx tale, darling ads sod out Mouth, etty
Nib New ea Pox& baud Plano allgreat Woolley, kw
Tbeasibilima ban pearl beep made woad.
ally kw Us 'absentee, for relate; poyagee,._ by do
bee oaten b the oanotty, sad ton begnolled op as
durable sad aabgaattel •Iraltaibeata.
rellebban its elePoelbliy booed so all sae alp
Was lbws. Yee male by,
• JOSUE a. itrisrsoiL
j 91- I - 81 Wood stmt.
oed bawl Mance, bkh will be sold from SUO
M SILT*, web. i • '
Al" Pianos t 4 rant, from 117 to 111 pie gitilat.
NNW nalos.sll6.
•►wanted to be 'poled hi nary ropiet for In yam,
baaaLorri IMMIX
1,27 140. 63 NRE stmt. Cle.d
"fill national.
15.31109 L rvR YOUNG IaDIZO,
. •
be eucpeuod ouNLOSDAT, toptamtoz lUtt.
Preach end Lido to ujist without extra ettargo. by
Kr. Totodoux,‘ sail» ot Paris sod graduate of the
Ckilego Obarlmoorno.
No. 148:Third st., Fittebaigh.
N. 110—Tha Olnainiebagn,Oaklaad and Nlcarmallla
ban pan by ths Clear. aulfbrana
m tta. MI Lt. MIKE&
Es vane the VIM Mondeln September. et Inn nib
Nui. SUMO]
Oompetent tcietmetoesbeee been mud fir sea
deputtleast. •. •
MUM CV /..111 MIMS .
Tuition Is the Academie Ceoartmeat—......o4o CO
do do i Preperatori do lb 0)
do ' do Maul! do 10 03
7,111,1 Critatuaiital branches extra
Circulate may be hat, at the. prtaApal Coat sad
Casio stone. and it bar ratidtoce, sallidossa,
Ilat:opmed a Normal School at
No. SO Dr. CLUB STRICT, &I story.
Tarfastay of ferichers.
He Is Oa ositassika of flui 'biseliers. the nun to
whom all of of look Mr sada. andlnstruction.
lam= alma, tuartlly with the above.
I obseriallynostrir In Use optalon moment stem&
W nfliiw.
/ Mks &rim la Olin Om my opinion that the
itiregolns recommsocistlon Is folly toadied.
I know of no one who deserves blew testimony to
Ms favor. B. N. AV INT,
I fatly concur In the items recatameadatten.
He ma prepare mils for Ms High Deboot galekra
*saw* °taw teacher In thssity.
I TINIIM.-Sl per flask. Is osmium • saltatswi
WM. a. WARILLIAM'S .. . ....
--, , tea:i tallow. for" -- Eseii
• . .
nb amnion will I • twinned ea MONDAY
lawaWaM dm teams room ii Cala illsoth.
Neat flawana. Alioshary. innonamiallia talliww
daft ear mar Mt. WA can. seer hat eta .41 Me
tediana. moths whoa 11XIMI. No li lake seas%
mat ana of Win hatitatioa will soma
taanawt id. Taal alll be dare in the
tar 7 ansicel elli MOW" Dicallaento. and We
tat Oolagate Ooorse A Manual Department , I
Moo be onatanial la Wawa both sear who no.
par te tacit. i • ODOUR WOO
"vacuums yam:au—For the Pub
.a. tte &boots of ciartiers tweestitp.- The Road
est met oe SATURDAY, the What two amath, 5$
o'clock et No. 6 hums r Hodge= aCbCIOI Rum.
Pj abler et the Shard J. B. LAWSON,
/I 1148T1TUTS,'
uotaxia aTwT. xua
nm napes UM IMIDAT, Um 84 do of =MM.
Tun= $ l l Pd amisfas s most,..
eddy/ J.M. 111111d11,, Ms*
'A rip Hs BIST: , THAT: HAND -MR
`get bets amid to tbs grablia . Ttio Ni the
WA Ur Use lollawtot rewasit . , -
.IW:sum betas ;Of -aa era them - the Om
everymbere egadlrthateat !row VW sea% se NW
the matt le etreaste lad wars notch - - _
Z. !bs oral taupe: to War ward to odd _
Whet ot midis alytailea, so _ th at is Impanible to
L The bulb py of lasi aged ileileelit
&his put &pee el Wilma awl diellehh , -The
ddarben Nitb 1101pilitaPP•17 ban haat to be se
britlie ea to crack ime whoa Da as um. are Mad&
elj adi nade al Line Ghee tested et the Ghia, of
41: Sat the advaalitie er for ®fps Y
Owl wins you brow erne It will bra tome, sod If
say heasekeeper broke ow by the bat at EN bulk
Mbar isia at the Ilaosbotery mad we untregase bye
arackad chimney by lama whole see. Tido probe
toe Dot barb sdtmaa OE the ems of I xmokup
Then WI:Wow lel, emit iburrialak bow
screerd s ch=e taw hip _ n to prima its ex,
.14wahtlariet eel wellaseat et rbee Olf, gibe
bate hit tbalielatabblit at.tha &Aida, .wbieli W azisted to tile vellowyeame of Abase:2oa lbs wil7
piths Wiring wet the 111. We bawl • needy
la the Orel XX Slat Glari illithinegr•elikhise saw
tidally bawd Or sob otbubas Oft laybs lithos
bo Rib Uwe. helWawid he lebtottebbs dap
ceeteleast spoil tire lemmemi 'spent fror Abase's.
/MrWs by /. Ibbpsubb. awn*
a wens, Ueda, Lowey OU Walks
ale WE% W. 0.1.40 D, W. P.Woobbidy% W. U.
.Mara or et hie bliaidsuby, West to Most
11E511111 11 VIM - 11111119$ BM. ,
OcrenerrAtittii and Wood r - -
, ! •iinkiks_ -Jo.- .
inaszommis_llll.MaLLT - LIVISM.
ATII7I/104 - 110 Vial. Prwidsef...
r i tstr Efintea" Adis Eater.
: J.-I. Mink afts'i l 1 • , Clinstka abbitti' .‘•
ilatheillbrer,i L'llteradat ...--
Daooll/n MINT DAS '
'Many ~'t ' Rai KIIIIYANZ Orklar.
DEL 'n1,044811. r
y os*o I tin and Burgipon,
O p t Xt. Ink strority
- 4106' 02kgaildi. tm - aror litivisikra
, 7t. AUMOIMINT amr.
snii. and
gift of 11.2152:13021:011, assails{ of Oa awed
sarki at 1111filekniabla alalaik racial to (12111211.11.
Wllalkaalellitag wady adViat
la MOM, IA laidba 1111 111101 E 111111711111' dial nil =
the moo wattali, are veal seplatssayfa Ode
dikrorttliao mat la
,iM " ail allasodlas adialdia
} sipf,A /*.O.:IILELYari
8 1 21 4 W 0 210 - 1 * J. -- =
k,..-BONNZTEt, 44.4 aa.
WM= - 4 - 00
jiiiindbairs“ zaimeeirboiNaggistaiii• .14
au3 331 Wood as:, Ireitsburgli.
T tierees, barrels and
Ltit ode by alas w. s. sato
use - •
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