- - 4 -• • I • j f - ;; I it 1 - •IV ••!' : . !-i-'.,;•.,•4! , c. , i.:.ii. ,-, •1: ,•;•.‘ 1.• ' : ::jj, ~tl' _ :'4.:i ~; ~'. ;u-:; :, ,5... 7 •• • • „;; : 1 •t; . ; ;” .14:. 7 .:;' , 47".;t7t4.1 . :•:•:•10.•'•‘*7.7144 s::;::.:1 , ;t: '..%•:.•:i , ; , ' , T!: • .. ,. . , :z.;•.5:: , : -- 14:7 , •. i!•::: 4 ' •.:,:.:•:: - '.1!:.•;:.._;;. - _:' , .:•!.. , ••'. l - , : 7 21•; , !41 . .. - : - ''',:•',t;':i ;:•""d . -: - .: 7 .::; ~-,' •.: j . : - •;:;-: , .;.,:;!;; ''. •!!-'r'',.-'1*:!:1-::2::•Y: ~'a ~ ? ~~ MEE .. - ~.. . I . . .. , 2_ e=;*. W.slntrgt gik,dtt. a. a co.. - 1/117011. *ND 10P11,2.201.1. rit,l4 " ar Ratahaal Korsilug and Eventnir.l4.tione doh". eohr.te•tug _th _Latest up to the tats[ ofplibliestsoa. =EN - • - ( 1- 1 Arireri—Fpor Broil:um:In Wilma. or 12a. lir west tromaluilara.— , 212akia—ti 'ow= I advance, at Be. per gook trots isselos, .. may ZdAtamMIIVA Polito; IS PS' win= Br, or 1 1 ,0 “, u igg, tan ; watt* AL Per- allnuo• bi• middy [a spripoo.. _ MOO AT 14160NA11LI BATIA •., ... ,•. . . . --, 3Estrzt.3x3 2 - • -.- FRIDAY ',MORNINGS AUG. 28 — 1861..1 Di TIBIIIB Cil COI:UCH COMIATIONP. ... ... '.. Tao •• • blican electors of Allegheny county, 60 ill other's • nd d to. perpetuity of the NATI.I3M. „TINTON; , : 4 fasintelding the NATIONAL GOTIP.ID •'•- ' • MANI Di itc,iffats to pat down Annul Datedlion., iat.twitted in arrow to &dr Tatou weedy Do. Idiots and !dn . whips at tlisir awl demo, holding . ' " . derbies 11 idch prertod, cm DATIJILDAT. to. 81st of - . dwarf, to dad Nous DIKIIDDAIIIfI-tiro to oath misty todenlnils-both damnified to mid } an TITITIDAT. September Id. .1.10 *Wait a. re., alibi loirsaini'dlidicisi Ourrintic; to essembls at ;the fifty to natalmiten sledge of Wad= •.I'' ' ' -, P*. adooldelay Jail of District illoort end 0 . .. i .. ~,, Jug. of Tide. one Denim. ~:" r did fire meiddi of the news of ',Representative* A t c. , - mad or-the Poor. •is ThiPolliltol Cloarens. •,/_. . -., Don to at the Odd acpes,ln nominate Vddff. „ • • °dose. Pninionddy, emptier and c 222,21221012.2. ma primly mestings bildis C 0110113411 lei beheld • ' bitegsa th, houxotpti sod 6 P.l3im Ind In die 'it'll' Aid bolocOs Winos emir p.m, of Add day. i The • sipolitened of the diingst en In the tAdishipe win be ' '- • ' fry niaddrig. and in the cities and boniest, by ballot. Theche:nog of the two convadlsse nt .o 2:itly sp o . eciadnittse far the year. - - , • • . Tao*. It. Maltangtd. 'InDP.P.: ' WITDDN, ?sew. gik i ul an . - • .--; ,-- -,_ T 1 aillTr ' I • - • • , Wait 78117 Atm Zef.=—A demo testi° meeting : in - Philadelphia, recently held, resolved itself , in favor of the war and les-vigor:Ms prosecution, but added the fol lowing' resolution ;those : endorsing!, the war : ihsolveal, That we pledge ourselves to sue tain the time-honored principles of the Dem- Piratic, party, believing that the future of oar country will require the restoration of, add principles. In other words, "we are in favor of the ;'war, but we intend to adhere to our politi cal organtsation." In Philadelphia the Damonacy expect 16 ' H elen their ticket; hence their determination 'to slick to their party. When this war broke out, and many of the diadadats of the loyal Stales came so , tnobl7.to the rescue of . the Government, we :were in favor of "biking all party orgenisa aad uniting iii one grand party for the ~;lcountry. and so we should be still, if the democrats would meet us half way; bat that t; they will not do. - We- ars in favor, 'we say, as a general prbtalpie, of sinking all party organisation": IA bit; we want the sedan of this principle to be panel, and not podia to mere least!. ties. , We . want it to operate in Barks st well sii in Alleghety—to be as potent in Monigomery as in Lancaster. If the dem - -! 7 ! Gnats in the democeratio counties will eve :.! up their orgenisatioas and make a fele di :r, vide with Republicsns, the Republicans in the ;Republican Opines will all do the same. i Who will say that this is not fair? ,01 that aught lea that, this would be any ! :thing like fair? Make the rule , general and we will go In for it; apply it only to the Republican acanthi and we revolt at It: . p If them:is to be amputnimity, let it be ; bud, I his thing of confining it to one side • of the house we do not belied* in. Them, has been , ne . disposition, from the start, however, to make it mutual, so far as the diimecratio organisation is concerned. In the; demthrstin counties of tee State there has not been a single tender of the " olive-branch from! the 'democracy to the In Bells, Montgomery,.' Northauipton, Lehigh, Columbia, Montour, ; Carbtio, York, Westmoreland, Cambria, Cisuield,Cierion,Hreene and Cumberland, they have hated exclusive party nails, for 0101ElidT0 party *nations, carefully and studiedly shutting out the Reinblicans from all participation with them. It is oily is the Eqaddiexia and doub(fal caustics tkagraGt are Alm , ol "brain," &knee and there they favor I the " Haies"arrangore eat becauss :pewee I mam as advantage they could slot other. iebr yet. Where they have anything to gain t they want US to be"magaanimous" to them; where they have ettything to lose they re tails to show the least shadow of magnanim: ity tensed'us. Bat, some one may ask, cannot, we afford to he thus msgo4imous ? That depends 'upon bow you look at It. Let us suppose e easel ' We have alreadyshown that the '3 60200011140 60 unquestioned democratic emithfies, hive arranged to nominate ezeln. • SlTOldemoaratle Gehl& Let as like if for • granted that, they.will elect their tickets in thole counties'; then let us "apnoea thee, ; throne', the "magnanimity" of the 'Repub• lines they get two members of the. House in Alleitheny, Iwo in Uneasier, and one here and there' in tie Republican counties throughout the ;State, and that they thus eseTy the floase`; Is any Republican blind tassibsot to see that the 1081311: would be oidmed as a greet demooraile ,victory in Peineenals, tied an evidence, that the predicted `"reaction" had set in?' Does any one, believe 'that it 'would not be hilted at the Bon* as an augury of good to that sectionT •.• We put these questions to oar Republi can friends 'dot, their consideration. It Is eine use do try to blink them. They thruit themselves upon the attention of thoughtful - The men; policy of the deism:ditto leaders !, tondooitedlyMhat we have beds suppoesd it to be—!to, hold; on to whatever Is certain end get:all they , can through - our 000006- , ilia, and then make the best use of it for the beash,l. of their party - : ' . And That thin d some one will ark. If -• they are alt foe the war, what difference can it:tasked !teethe, are not all :Or the WU. One danocritla lender bat jail ken sent to Fort Lafayette for holding treasonable "or. enemy, aid .otkan• of ids' colleague , are closely weighed. One Idemocratio Ositgresscsin hes juitheen hung ;in and ,two democratic impirs sup! ',.!prneseid. , for iyaistilidng with Itheß f bils; ;and swirly US !sari desloixstio .. isbrotitOess tit's Sista is as as the two that iiitibtea 'appealed. Is it forms to play !lila& , • the lettere fond on Haie. : tiri*ba am" /a*, lila NO 011 1 1 ifea Chadatoa. under 4 1 0 , of .1..4413 1 . OA - Mb ."1001.1- Viltial then le - • - retiree's* to Mr, itesselre hitter to the iondott diegiiitlee'ofthe Solt gu b -*oh' goy: tha la s gentle. teesfliie the;i*h: habitof ttehttog,his itthae,ti private copies, Is Mnnee, I_we t J . ' of the fun he Makes of the running Yankees. 1 It Me "Mr. B" shOwed me confidentially Mr. letter about the - baUle; hts letter beats all. I hare yet seen in print about the ralikese' running: Heave we i:101114 hue had Washington-by merely asking." If Mr. Hassell is engaged in Bitch dirty business as this, he should be sent to keep company with Muir in Fort Lafayette. Hoz Tin WAS WITH AS "tr.'!--4he Bc publican party Is the only party wbiob sus tains the Administration without an "if" or a "but." Its support of. tha war polio, of the government is unconditional. On the contrary, the support which the iemoorstio party, as et' party, gives, when it gives any at all to it, is qualified std conditional. It , is In bier of the war, but "liberal proffers of peace" must be held uni to the:Rebels ; and it is In favor of its active prole:nation, .if It can be done constitutionally, --- without suspending the writ of habeas corpus, and all that. Take, for instance, the letter of H. I. Jewett, the Decioratio candidate for Gov ernor of Ohio. In his letter accepting the nomination he declares himself in favor of supporting the war till it restate in the conditional submission olthe .rebels; but he-wouldlncite the citizens of the South to ''National Convention. Now, It Is easy to see that a isubmission of the rebels in view of a - National Convention would not be an unconditional one ; for the very object of holding the Convention would be to make concessions to them. We repeat it: the only party which sup ports the government and the war, uncon ditionally, is the Republican party. There are plenty of democrats who, as Individuals, give an unconditional support to it; but the demooratio party, with its organs and candidates, does not. • Arraassr litscrrivirr.—There is igen esti impression that ben nee the newsps 'pare report but few items showing active operations on tho part of the sovernment, there is but little or nothing doing. Bat this is a mistake. The governMent, for the purpose.of hiding its movements from the rebels, has Interdioted the publication of news about its movements,.snd hence, al though very busy, it seems to thb public4n be doing nothing. The Philadelphia and Baltimore _papers, we notice, have stopped giving information concerning the move• meats of troops toward Washington through those- cities. The government is learning, at last, to conceal its hand. - IT Woman Tuiw.—lt worries the Re publicans to think that their overtures to the democrats in Ohio and New York to join with them in the formation of a new party have been rejected. It worries them to think that the democratic party is a potty of priseiple, and that no proposition to abandon those principles, for the sake of office, will seer be noticed by a democratic convention, whether the party is In pros perity or adversity.—Rowell (Niel.) Das. No, it doesn't worry them at all. They were someiftutt surprised than the demo castle party should be eci foolish as to reject inch an offer; but that reek% Tim Tana Aocourr.;—lre published a tale. graphic despatch the other day, stating that liolaman, with 60 men, had attacked 100 8e• oessionists, in Missouri, with a loss of U men and $5 horses. The foliMring is the eras an. count:. Capt. Goleman, with 50 Sea of the Centralia cavalry, accompanied theezpedition (from Cape Girardeau, to re-captors the town of Commerce„) Wt night, bat arrived on the ground by another trouts after Col. Dolzghesty's command had lift. The Centralia boys, however, pitched on to the rebel stragglers, and after a smart fight, killed two, made BE prisoners, and eaptund $5 home, without the lou of a single man. The prison ers, Afty-ona to all, • are jest brought into headquarter*—the most God-forsaken-looking wretches the sun ever shone on. Boa. Tawas HOWARD, of Lawteneaville, in this county, has been appointed U. it. Coastal at Ban Jute del Bar, at • salmi, of 52,000. This is an excallant appointment. Wacongrat. plate mu friend upon his suocess. The War an , the Cabbage: We have been observing for some time the symptoms of the war which a portion of the press. is mshing upon President Lincoln's Cabinet, and we begin to suspect that it Is not the most disinterested op. oration that: ever was. Two New York presses commenced the outcry, hot were silenced by the turn of events. Now we have papers that exalt over the discom fiture of their New York contemporaries, and yet revive the same old tirades of the latter. Oar neighbor, the Post, says it is encouraged by the coarse of the Republi can presses to review the Cabinet, and it certainly goes into the work with a zest which would not seem to need any great encouragement. It says : "Mr. is the Jonah of the ship of State in. this wrc4i exigency." and so he must be thrown overboard ; Mr. Welles betrays evident "incapacity" for his place ; Mr. Seward is obliged "to say and' do much that is not calculated to shed lustre on the Adminis tration;" there are those who distrait Mr. Smith ; Mr. Chase has "Presidential aspirations ;" the Postmaster-General "is a Wait ;" and "with a smile at the perspi cuity which detected the material for.. an Attorney-General in Mr. Betio," the 'Post completes the-surrey of the Cabinet 1 We admire the good nature of the castigation, but we should like to have seen it season ad with a little proof or shadow of foun dation. Igor do we find that the Republican presses which come down with such se-` verity upon one, or two members of the Cabinet, are any more liberal with the ev idence tool:port their charges. We have Waited for it, but we have waited in vain ao We. We do not curds/take to commend everything done by . thilleads of the De partment, for we think it very likely that, with our military officers and our people in general, the crisis has found them not in every roped up, to its requirements. But we do say that the more insight WO get into the difficulties with which they had to contend, the more we are sat isfied with their conduct ; and we , know of nothing In the case of any one'of them which would make his retirement at this juncture la thing for a thament to be thought Of-, if the dissatisfied are to be uppeased, we can judge of the comments of our Democratic contemporary where the pnessis of removals would end. The true comes is to support, the President and - the Cabinet with the utmost vigor, and that stimulate; their thontqfhnewi and efficiency. Haneetjalthhil comments on the course of the Administration - may be for the benefit of ill concerned,; but, per aortal Insioustions and 'charges without proof, *lisp out of piaci, km now dis crediMials and planVitjarkets to tire pub. lie welfare.-4Bodonlournal-' 'Ns bestp ennH» of dinfreetion in way is to keep it in the , bee offoe; There eve m no ftioe an, bbattle' field. The noblest• grandam in We camps at WsaNnition would be olottt nousli, and lisfeeningli-- under the enemy% batteries. Thar is nothing like g e diger to stop milX/daivas lime* M!= .. , , TheidaddiVirl• Joelbsuoro 1id0 ,,,, to be • -- vim, Rea or Reineacky. The toeirrille Joursal, of yesterday, ye s - "The &sifter senounc.• that hereafter any shipment a grins to the Union men of qn - 1 tacky is to he resisted "now and forev r.. , The Courier sags that the "people" bar so willed it. It evidently means that the S tea= sionista have so iwilleait. Now every sane an knows perfectly well that any attempt to carry oat the programme thus placed before the country will lead 10 bloody war in every 'pert of this Rate. The Union men will not 'sill mit to .the perpetration of any such villainous outrages. In view of these threats, we say to the Union men of Kentucky , "forewarned, forearmed." Take wanting ont the course which has been pursued in the seceding 13ta toward your brethren. Be ready. Los.. not a day. Organiz e in the mostaborough manner in every neighborhood. Perfect yourselves in 1 military . discipline. Trample on no man , . 'rights, interfere with no one, insult no one, ' bet, if 'Becirssiosiets dare inaugurate civil war 1 in Kentucky, let:tbem feel that you are free : men, and, while taking nothing wrong, sub. mit to nothing 'irony. , Kentucky The seoselon faction of this State—the pirates who hoist the white instead of the blank flag--thif assassins and incendiaries whose cry is puke—are becoming decidedly demonstrative 4 They are testing the tee per of the union men and the forbearance of the Governnumt. They know themselves to be in the minority in the State. That they are eo hab . appeared in half a dozen test elections. Yet they talked as if they owned the State. There is one way in which the Uidon men can preserve the puce of the State, and that is to be ready and willing to fight for it—to resent all en. crosehments of the gang ot cat-throats, with whatever force may be necessary. Let the Union men betray a timorous feel ing BM their enemies will trample them under foot without hesitation or remorse, and the &mai fate of Diktrouri and Th.- ginia will'be Kentucky's. The crisis which li to determilie the destiny of Kentucky ap. pears to be close at hand—tan. Com. Werrnso will be well if the public ever learns the truth of the following words from Air. Partaa's Life of Jackson: "The chiti t f employment of a soldier's lifo is olaitin4. Be waits half a life-time for *a" breaking out of war. Be waits for months - after the campaign opens, for the day to anive which decides its fate and his own: Through the Fong hours of the day of battle, be waits, comprehend ing nothing; of, the burly-burly around• him, till it names his turn to advance and be_shot. Be is a man whose life time's work is done in r few thrilling hours or minutes, and the test of his life is a wait ing for theta) hours or minutes to come round." AAttttscg itOtigeg Err Will LAVE you askars alaite!NT m Tarday, at tour dela* p. 0 4 a* mamas, Doer being totaled by the imam algae/. MD %many welbe lattoedlately .gained and marl WO Li/MD RIMS • tempts atlas astebrated weapon may be seett at the rectataag alb. All alga at* to as actin mad lammealata Nu eke call at mast the aim aa Wad !meet, below Dearth. tauter Lablette Mat: astealea ' D. MI. MOD& REORI3ITI3 WANTED! —4O Men tul up the nuke of the TSOOP. Lute bat good insa Did apply. 011ee In Lyon% Buildiuge, secced deep. anattut ONE FULL COMPANY MOSS will Di takea m OA. 0. e. Ifilllaume : tamp at Saffolk Put, DlillodePooL This / I +lo=o. la , D• 6 and SPIPPwI. awl will law Waselastou amok: Do paint ammo to ipa tato Oasiip Walla sod AU up mod apply. DAVID II WA.= Oil Cbemataling.lll DM Pa. Vito. nr itO, Fus WAStiINGITUN WANIXD. *BLS MIN, To Ali the ihnhe of MS; Co. - UthNegimeit, to the war othipleasect. Tide C Deny tun both In mike sad hr bees accepted by Oat Thai. A. haute". They be WI, eCatYPett beamls 'aiah the city lethuldah alio. No.ll W a ndtreet AIL C. saLt.ao hID, Ceptele. iatllll 1th34,11006, let Lkatmoust. anti) teARLTe 11001:112,111 do ITW• ALL 11011101 Y OBIYB.—The ll_ m anibothod to roma 50 MEN. To all op the ranks of the Alleghlay ems, for Gol. Lice tlarellesiotent. Oaloe al Wahine= fell, Seto= meet. apply to JAIL D ILL, re 'anal • A. N. (frATTENTION3—A few more men wanted to 1M op a Ootopaarpoo morostlas for OoL A; lowtoy'a Bagiamt. Apply at Collop Hall, alarm% tos men groat WM'. unmans, 18th Batimmet. aul tf 44 P. cLata.o w, enessal Make. 'Wit eget fubltt ACIttCSC WNUTLU is hereby given that OVrne D. Ma ti DOS tu our employ, sod that in wet ea sokixorlota• any trionactious toads b• Mai id O ea hay IsS at &blob time h• was Obohars. ed. . uito:4ll D. SION &CO - . artaratar Pan Osnos, Malta 19, 1361. /, AM PREPAktED to exchange Goriasasal POPPAGII STAMPS of the bow for Ober enulvalont of Me old AO., darts, • period of Piz Der from thl• dot% Wur rlnch now lb. old damps war not borsoognlied In pay,wast of postogoo elm.; anbo:ft 8011:111. iIIDDLif, P. M. Pan CrICII. MiamilL ?L August Ist, 1 11 6 L POST-011710E NOTICE: ET.A.Z.ZP I 3. • I as prepared to exchange Panel el AMPS d the New Mlle for bequivalest amount of the old fame. during • read of Ins data from the rate belr or, aif ter as UPbI&U of mita Mae the old damps VIII act bgtrcetvid to palmed of pato on Were of papas mot trots dale ,dlae. trboostag Post. leaders can exchanp bare. 8019 8. In XOlll BOA UORST, P. IL Fos Uinta, AILIPIOT LIST. *WM //4. .PRZPARIW to exchange Witt. Dew style et Oevamoseat 91ILOPSEI fbe thehequiselssit at the oidiewse. daisy si period of Mk Weft= this date. After stist date Gas old stile ot nerapsd swatches will pot be two, hised payment of postage au hewn iroat twee doe cake. • The NW style et Pashto Elempe Is hot hist, yet melted, but soy be ozz octet Is • few days, of w duo me Ike with he era& :BIOME, /LIMA P. M. solids -14 f • Star arstaa ellastisos. *mast 10, Ma or POST OFFICE§ NOTLOI.-1 am prepared to maim 111141140P111 of the ter ow ettntralsst sumo& of ttris aid Issas dating • paha of its awl from tit date of this s Oa. Th lather will not , thaiiifhr I. mend to payload 4f poldsp a 0 attire mina from Ibis solfset: a. C1'00(11011 yam= 1., if. irr 10 ASSBOOIATS JUDOS.- 4WD L. ♦HDIE3UV, of-itetdasta town. So via be ifseldislars for Amelia Jodigs t entlect So Um B•Publfres, 00111117 Scremszke: maxavillwatY fl cm flbittlustments. C,iPTAINS OR LIZOTSNAN3B, immix° ompunts :FP TEL El WAR, Would dowel' to call =daft their Paters ea Heed• hiW of W. B. HAVEN. No., 84 Third street, Who Ispropsiol to pzint small or hap, saordoc to i".4.2q02 COLORS, .Ito ATTNNTIOR. I.o ill 'ooo' 1"1- r l6' sow rershter A, pin all; nal at KOADOOWII OAKLAND :mooo, si will as • some I strW Pair Tree& • fourth oboes out nor oat to DArOardra Awl Komi agnate. • IJOIST.-1V COW : strayed from the yy•mtiss of Use asbesrftNri, Is kelsrevllls. es tar IRA at Asyut. Abl Is ot rod , has • risAS 411,114tA • Sae bon ander 'sob sat lambast Ws* yam , DIA. Asy yews illt larrAstkla st bur siMmosbasis sill Os Morin/ _ -- , 01108.—Thei eurderei ed .desire, to 4 , 1 'POMP Sip pulls Unit be DOI Si a:wadi. *US*. scoUnstkon Way tw Elossistios,trot willless tolosesi t asS4ash , os ony Weir& prepostass goyim SO see alai. et Os sot proaskilums dßes tato .tbs 04 , astr StessorS , *MeV say scathe, Ho it ins on err coplitions 'lmeoAll bites" eptiSsA mipsers , `seSSIVIew• , 'S. V sairmrs. 1112130A8--40hb. New Orleaps Nagar, syhthol rad as soh by sot us eitszedanet. - - iormsz.--zo bans Rio *Are& in store la aid tor olio bi IS&OU & sal 310 Sofa& *mt. N OTSIO G. er.ti or P.M nvocak, Allegheny IN VIC COURT Of COM: of oak! coact,. N 0.307 October Murphy i Limo; • - vs Et•Nabat Oriad Tarim Alexia , * au.d.,.t ll'Manti =Ater seul %taxa anti AIL 0. ovum le. Noti.q is hereby given, that by virtue( the stated Veit of attachment tatted out of the Court of Common Pleas of mid mutts, I Willi a mtached Gm stesmboat Grind Tait, owned by sad - Woke C. ITlllonds, t heretofore tbs core of Plitborgh lb outlays lomi lately commanded by Alex ander O. billinuis That the mod steamboat Grand t will be sold far the payment et debt. contracted for west dose and fur materials provided In tte re P.M , ' of the Dem. =lam the owner, conaignee, comumader et .ours other pm - eon to their behalf shell appear end pey the wen or otherwise obtain the dl.. emerge& the frame, the steamboat Grand Tart stare , said within throe months from the date hereof. I hat ell pentane hewing a Ilen for any debts contracted as aforesaid are torah, required to els the mem within three months from the dale hereof, or be debarred from pm:amain; their clime undo maid writ of at tachment. 3A 18 L afteHetf. Ptieriff. b hairs Ofdre, Pittebergli, lag. Std. 11304 • eats TN THE (OUT of QUARTER SEE--I KOHL In and to the tonoty of Allegheny, In the matter osene extension or Pnney!: Menne to Mb Streit tin. 2, Jane Term, an; And noir, August Ifith, 1861. tie report of the An alters eppointed to the above ease, Jemmy 11th 1861, Wog Ws day presented to Overt, it L ordered en 1 db noted that the eame be flied, and confirmed Mai: And It la ordered dist Mammal shall be confirmed abso lutely, on flint day of August, 1861, emlahreaoptlon to the same bs Sled to the commtlene; end that notice of thla coder be published to the linttebarth Oasttte sad Dispatch, three 112116. [By the °aorta Aiken W. A:1111M30111, sae= Oink. IN.THZ COURT of COMMON PLBAS, of Alleigheny County. And now to wit: Augmt 1661, Petition of John IL Jonee, of ALVeabot,, county, for the mild provided for ineolireat &Mors, prteented In apes Cps ea upon oonvideratlon donor, the Clout It 1412011 DAY, Olt 24, 1681, at 10 oklail a. of the Oommon Pima Mort Soon; to Pittibareao ter Merin the neme.and direct sottoe to keepnbilaben mow rieweperer, at 10ea5 dthao da. bAfoge sad haulms, 167 the 00orLI All parlous intarrated in the above matter wilt plow take natio: of tbe above order. p, JONA& Attorney for - 3. H. Jones. salaULue ETryfutunan. Wan& I Cinesoo Antineitt • • Plttaboradt, July 10, 10.61 PUBLIC NOTICII--Is hereby ( Avert, that the undersigned Is snowed to autos all matron duly anthenttWed, 8080 the Plttabotro. Vat Wayne I Ohlcerotlinotl COMP=7. utro o for the purports of trangtortedon, prior to Brolcat ter 7,1662, by toy lay therefor twontyhre per mut lu loa, and then =lnder In script, conreritble the Qua ntortpge tends of the nen Warm at not to be oripardzimi, under aOm awned upon by the Oorandttee htcekholders end Itandholders 01 it,. said Pittliburatt, Fort Weyne • Otticsgo Iteilood Contyinty. detail October Ilk. 1501 Pestle. bolting imp daysoarrfOapply lanordtately at the dim of the andscifined,Do. - 1B Fifth street. T. D. etaplatz. en2o:7er Attorney for the Purchasing Cotataltteo CLOSING CUT DRY GOODS, J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. Fang., Silks at cost and less, Fanoy Bilk Robes fur $2O, worth $3O, Embroidered Collars 50e., worth El, •t. JAS. THOMITAN do Bute ►t hall' ptioe, Drees Goods of every description, at cost and lase than coat. call woo sal mono a buttero* A LL THE LATE ALL TEA LUZ ALL THE LATE tiIiWB'PAPAIII AND MAGAZINES, NIIVAPAPIRN AND MAGAZINC3, NIWSPAriII AND bIAGAZINILI, kIABOTHO HALL, Tina STRAIT. Kamm HALL, virtu 1511111Wf MABOXICI BALI, FIFTH IMUHIT it Deane supplied. The trade Iletle cow teed" eslo.4auT 161111 a COLIALLIMI, for 25 mita APPROVED STYLE'S OF GEMS' PATEN MUM - 8111 E? COLLIE 0 Shlrt . eollars for 25 cents, EATON, M%ORUM & CO.. &an No. 17 and 19 Fifth street. CISVEIRANOry 1.7• UMW, WATIGYA - PITEMBC 111 ; itaauftetarer as BOHM HIFLTA WWI:QM 641816. 00)12d0A and RAILROAD. at 'you air coptioo. ratttoldat dud or shaped APll[lB AND lIIVDII4 lam or an% made to *raw at short notka. • srA pod aapetwast ooaltantlo On bond. tatiDite bl. U. JUNKS, 103 11/1(110 1 wrazET. N EW- IbsaRODMILES. the cheapest Mamma= and LINEN ARTA of COLLARD sad PLICINAZ .•rr avow% tO tbe city, Do• aeillas at RORDWA THIRIDUACI isTORIL anU - 77 Mattes were. BACON, IMOULDZIE, EIDES, mute, la cute bowe awl tor sale bW it l. It FIATS *co , VI Wort, straeli• BAYONET .80ABBARDS.—Anot 6 er lot pull meivid. Campub not vat !upper will pow mesitt thetr Was. iliaLLB,itnoci k 00 . sof of TAW, etno.t. comfit. Rata. QUN UMISMILLAS, AT ItS4JUU4D 1.7 egloll4L—k int rate Ui of Ina Umbrellas at • Urge redaction thrice. te Olen out the atm*. . . . 'PATIO. SUGAR CORED Hang, equal; 400 llama of Low% Gray A Oo", eating, equal: ea by maw la this market, sad for.. by anlbin 'A 11.11/OLIL I...berlY amt. FLUU.K. . 60 bbli. =tee leanly White Wined, , '6O do Baperine, Very low Gar web, for sele by __ U. RIDDLIII. ,0011i1 163 Liberty Meet Jaconeta*d Swiss Idging.fka Inserting.' Gent:e:Pir:e Collat.., and Neckties, 'SlIk ' - Undershirt. and D rawers. Au an loted tto call aid outiolio oar stork bo. ton potcbottni ohtsAtim AbTILE aOAP-125 boxes for tale Cby •A. 1411tAlltTOOK 100. u ARRIVAL IR ItPST: • - • - SUNDRlEsleactke feathers; • '1 liaz sod 1 bbl. Ginseng, a new binding far ala by. ISAIAH WORST • . GU'rna TiIAUAVANTII- 600 lbs. so . D. A. VAIINMITOCK CA, Oaring of Woo 4 mid hat Haute itif/lAN BRD—.BOO lb.. for sale by: A, war .9. LIMESSISTOOKL JO, 25 bbli . MuLaiitild,-113,store and los ask - .I.II.IFONIT I 00. lista - UNIIN r JUTS AND 001 e MIT slllO2llI .42 - • ' IT UNA** meet. AMY BbANNOTS AND BOOKS-- Tor ale chop let HOINWS, mitt WAN street 123=1 05-6 Mai:, fresh, received cad for ENu . - I • P A SPDIJI, • • inftS7 street ,CLNYABSED. itAhltt— , ea- Kasten) "Ala or sib by B. HAIM* ClO 4 oak= • sirr betty street. ZBB PORK—Romp Potk [or tale by - - ' HILTIOIk on: rILLEIIBII.z-80 boxes. primes Costing. N.l Oriagh tsettv«i ua 1br.1140 by - L lIIDDLY4 111 LlblatY stmt. Ttieroee, ;barrels and kap, awasi•or• gams -, ,W.1.114111t0u. 631:111tt. t Team, 'rem nu do 750., worth $1 25, do $l, worth $175, AND ALL TOM NZW BOOTS AND ALL nu NSW BOOKS. AND ALL Tan NSW SJOILS can bit bid at can ta bad at can to bad •t can to bad at MINT% NNW MRS. HIINTA NNW MIRA, NORM NNW liTant, FOR 1861 OF AST STYLE CUBED PrreAunuln C`ltT A. BLE WASH STAND. Ttth i• a eb• bulmillial article. It la ad UOl2, and =de In mutt • way ma to colablin B•lrl.,l3tand, ACt. It mar • vex, neat &tibia, sad le comp!ete oat wad wdrk. This Is %Its tbing that has long Won wanted by tenants who do. g WWI to be at thee:pelmet anything perManent. The et•ed above &seethed can be taked down end removed In s Iliw BALI BY BAILY, FARRELL & CO , Pla:ltEß ER/3. }so rouivra swassv. ' taus surrattuso inks MILI3TILLAS, , LEGS tEi&rr cowr. Gray Dress Oro& at Goat, rtalla Ehawl at coat, • Panay Bilks at iioet, Berages and TiBEIIII3 itt a ost, Berage Robes at half price, Jaoonett Lawns at 160 worth 37 A large lot of Domestic Goods jut i paned at W. & D. HUGUe. DAVIS & PHILLIPS, Brass Fooaderit and liaaafactirers Gas AND sTriucas. mastrrAoirriunu) AND Dl/LlB6 IN GAS i FIXTURES, Pumps & Brass Work 01 llVllltif DISOBIPTIOII OIL WELL 131711/SPS Braes, Copper or Iron, with the mat approved Member, sad Vane at ell wood; and werranued to ea eatable:lm MANUIAGTORY, 110 Water and 104. "Front eta. jrn•iyinat PITTSBURGH. BEN MK: FOR wzmovieva OIL, BOTTLIL, TALLOW. TOL WAX CANDLE, IKIIU PAIIT AND From lornitara sat Mottos. It la dm need For Cleaning Glors Without chtneni rudr color. It will also nano. Omar, Mains train rograstons, DrairlDp, Plans, and .11 Mods of pooh. mid Mao from link hibbcros of all colon, which it *alow look equal to new. Directions for sue accompanywch tout. Yor wdo by SIMON TOIINSTON, I manor Basithfald and Toroth Ma. DRY 004" IDS AT COST LESS THAN COST, .1 J. W.i BARKER & CO 59 itdARKIT RI SENT, • Are eelli4g ofr the balance of Spring Summer Goode at from 25 to 6O per cent. redaction. 1 GRIDAT'BANG!►INB crirvEm. Jobiorer NEW ()PODS! xsT W ci ca 3:6 CHARLES 61PNER, Market etzmoet, Br just Toe' eln4 large4Dd earstally rlected ucli of good"; sag wbbb may to *mod Chimillo Nets, ,;Cord and Bilk Nets, .UmO•pressett, Linen Collars, Grifaadine Valhi, all colors, Magic Ridding, all widths, Law Sleeves, eta.. etc Pabroid4ed Sete, Linen Bets, Lace Coitus, sziar razz Goons, HOBNWS TRIMMING STORE MT_Market street. bettors lino" .iibaker Hoods. Map 1111str, etym. Oosisti, rHailsts. drnirts. oh ftsbl. liolkes and bac, IRO'S,. . . Wkolet4t: 61407itypp R lio& at Ike vary tomtit it& sal FO 0&118. BA-,oN BIDESr-7. casks Olear„receiv -try * CO . mat • - IS Water =6 92 Mot streets. „farads .BOLL!!--Litte of OSeer•-- MOW secordisi to the United Indus trwir „frads el KAI ON* Wool et, tlif ANTE], T DIATZGT. 850 ablm Bodied men, between the age* of 18 mid 36, tart yew ttimi flea feet lour and • half Inches to height. to win the Third argument U. 8. Cavalry. Zech man wilt 5. fur. sighed with • good bone and full aqiiipmrnia. sealati clothing and urbableacie at the boa quality. Tire pay mope ram $l4 to $33 p.r month. according to Wawa ad the soldier. lie savor will .bee s isted withotit the written cannot of parent. guardia or master. by an act Istaly puled. We term of enlist. Mint is *tiered to TI MM TIMM and every aoldkr who ans that time te entitled to 180 Ural of land I*d $lOO boanty tram t United Era. rittention Wiled to We fact that t he he government tat Um wisely commend to promote soldiery and non.commlaalon ed dews from the make. Adrancenadd hrtheme. kW (Pm to all "whom:WA. $2 Bacot) will be paid to soy attlami, hoiremandsdonedefflair or *other who Prearlata en accepted remit. ell men to the now bar of 86, will a mallated far the Compaay of BKWIII.I, H. BROWS, That Lientenant Third Cavalry. Baeroltlng 081oer. ANT SU--Bondo and Mortgages for W too ootoiriog nags, for three 3 oarg Ogg Idostgago for POO: nue do for $1,604 One do for 111,1100. . . one do for SWIM Ipply it WIWI PKTirtl,l3 BC Olgfr moot. Sot „Sato & go 11..5t iOR SiakiftixbiriNift Roo) beat. Oonnell•Ts lO Coke eta) TOEITait..T • on. FOB eN r.—We well rent, the El large era ccanmodlons Wands=le COW CO AIL copied by as ma Wholesale Grocery. on Tea e.o.m. able farms. se we intend changlng oor Na ea nta keliliollll one of lbe oxen Minable In the W. net moots Mthen anus II number of applicant. wad lw • PAX T. lICOUIdBI3 IX. • LBT.—A first-oltiss .I)Welling N. Home estlrely new, olthil rooms. sal utthlßl ea modern . Improrasessts, bested cm ?nand. tee elan Wiley street sae Pexpleyirsels Terms salett L. G. ORAII. VALUABLE OIL PAUPEETY ruit BALl—Situated on Branch Creek, embracing between 10 and 11. acres.. There ere cm the property Az wells In ration* proctors, three of bh me at erAlcient depth to Suety ?pasting. Connected • Ith the walla Is a powerful engine, to cool Tanabe order. Tina property in did:Liu the celebrated ArCormlck farm and b perhepa one of the beet all Ines in that region. e olLr a great bargain ou easy terms af Mauna, or with escharbe for reel Inuits or ad pining the city. For particular. spply to IN . A 00__ I lenA • No. lAyg !fourth Kneen ESUW I II, ta t ) TT W;:cf. t " " a proem In thla oIDo.. WW as tiorzebut Ss. ;ants .e.tt Wirth strist.aborii liarta3ad. ALS—A seaond-hand SAYS, in IS ith double dom. fu,stood order. will be odd toir by lINYME3 & BROTBSIte, Ws No.. Ida sod LW Wood meet. t, Vii netalr--That splendid lieinqn, due a, with was Lace Monad, rrull TmetMot and Matmaerl. altaated= within two minutes' trate of the Mltimbal Railroad dtallan. The home a fuze and Gobbed In motlarn stylis at pretest oimpl• al ep Moore Thompson.' WM co mold on remonahl• terms. Apply in - W. A. ANDlMlala, sees% auT at 111.1.310. wale. aa_ eta a areal ea ItUR ItEN'r-=-Tbi) bTOICE SOUSE, corner federal sod Water streets, City of Al legbeoy, cos incurs Wow the naerhet, sad ham. Misty mantle the damsel H. P. &hearts and J. L. Darnagbau I 00. . ma4B4f EL H. DAVIS. SWAM ENOUSRB FOR 13/11.13 Two - MINKS, in good working War will be sold ea aecetotoodo Ole tutu °Aladin 11 etches diamater, with icetstc tO. - 1:11k• aborre may b eon on application . t the AN B. NIR CIOPPON KlllA.Alleshan7, end an be deliv and on the Am of July. je2A-azad PARK PAMIR 00. GNAT fiL4WAINti IN EC 0 COP elr.xlvra. IMPOBTAAT TO OtIR wtrotaserm,Aan Wen: CUSTOM/In The fotkowtngetitee we bantam% =primly to oar own order, by reteible mannteetanns, and son be re lied an far imperkrr vent, end stria ot eaten; most cd them ere entirely new, with ell West tmprovw =nee ALODIIIOI7I33KIE, extra wide, emblotdered tve„ with rhea dups. rim. extramide, cabroldered tapes, very cheap DIAMOND, coried, straps and bratry 11.11311{0 BUN, cordod, pod rciauadr skirt. 131011.0,corded,eztreraly light for rummer Tango! the abate atylna an well salted to awing crws Wh . dame Vann =polled atlowaat cult peen. EATON, MAORtifil & IT sad la rtin aunt • AulitiON TOWNdearD, PORE PELCIVERS DICALM.FIS IN PROVISIONS No. 12 Fourth street. Harlon Land • nu, assortment of Baron, Lard and Pork. tares of stitch la of Mak cin,tara. ' Btrai R GUSTO MU, of Cincinnati and other canoe. PL* SAW, with and without canvas 9110IILD/10 atDl4 Nizok.d and to dry aslc. 111188 POWS, HEAII Mr M&D. in bble &Mos and palle:' Put U? eL prestistor family use, and .it of cher own tendering OKLISS, anttablo far rain =III pupils. • . . Um= s: o. it.,lncentescauta Sousa.. 1. Pittsburgh, august 17, MI. SEALED PROPOSALS will be reeeiv se for 0051t1188Alira 11T011114 at - this orlisk. until I 2 o'clOtitis Augest teib, for the imply of tba United roopent Gimp Wilkins. Ti. fol. kiting euppllee will be malted for the month of ho. gust for the eubesquent months the quantities will beincreased as tug ho requited, collo exceed rations for 2,000 awn: irty towelsEft—Th flour. 1000—One Thousand pounds of Bacon. 6-111.1 brothels rne. — 400-Ikur Hundred pounds Aka: WO—five Unwind pounds Osage. 90—tilisety wallows flamer. 1100—.0ne hundred pounds °lake. , WO—Three Moulted mints Soa 400—focir RUSCII7II.I pantie Balt p. 2000—Two Tluxuand potions hub Bad. —The bids •111 be wend at the time those tudlentaf and the waved will tie swaged to the lwes mild er t dder who can give rodlttent guarantee that he o will supply articles of the bat quality. and anoply with thb con., bast. JANIS A, BIM, C. S. A. eullitd ' LIZUSILIA r, U... M titistrarge, Angina 1T,1664 J ►O,EALEDITAPOS&LS will Augeco ed et up dice, until 12 o'clock m., u= 24 h, nor the following sappliee for Camp Wilkins. Tor tee abseqtent soma sae quantities will he ineroseed sissy tw ma:lW ' • 1000.—Bin Thousand pounds of Bre. 140—One Hissedind sad Mite Dubois °sty 6000-412. Tboustnel pounds ot Draw. Ttu bbts will be opened at the time Indlatted, and the cositract will be awarded to the lowest bidder who an else euilleietit guarantee that he imply as- Ibles of the best quality, and comply with [WA GOO. trail. /MU A. 11111112, A. COL 0.12. n. L._ DEDIaII !DUI! MID lIIVINDA Bak ClarrierSlXoo Bud Wood Streets,. BASK OW MAGOU.II2 Ann 1011CPOPX. CLAA:PITA.X.t_ I 7 IIOO , OOO.. _ ISTOOAHOLDSBA 111LavIDOALLy 1140.11 L -AIIGIAITOIS 110 ITELIIIS, trasictaxi. iPrinß. KrimgarbazAU. ier I kesph L Adanlß mo oirtegnin. _ est T. liaTeketros, 0411410 n Siebert, Attbany A. Yrainstiebi _ DIWOUNT mnr DAS: ayllkaly JOHN =SWAIM ChrAlar. CCARD:—From the let of Jul]', 1861, ear tiros, boa to the wholesids sad Mall de. Prom". aura be , OAS% Olt tame , : elms: MINT ZVlev !MITT Of Me adnatiges of Ow Casa Bra= VS bops - to mamas oar eastassns, by tbs lora egalie_Latdott: =tea be cold. rs !I WU x Urs ' • IScr IT PM ANORULTIMI OFF/OW-" STERS , • IN PLAIN OS FANCY COLORS, at 'host netipoi" Oosaylkaster Rollo co* p a w WIL JOBINnON +IOW , lts m3* Penn= 0111.59.651 Mood UN eTtillg,"and for ezils;, 2 btids.Plsheoin . edlism4 - -, • . • : be dol. S u m alk . - - I • au23 VOIGT de. fl/I:4S.I3IiEBJCL. 40.1:44a. No. 31orP klusrm• • 14 bbla do ,do do. Nor slob., RATE& WILSON.. lul2l--- 268,Llborty Pau! UST BEOZIVP, ' fl - pso*Fic. 010. AMU, BON k 0)D; No. 11 Wood st, mews of Toasts. '. uUT--------7—ef.t.I3EUNLVBD IN 8T011.6, and for 'so pia. or. sucktir7. Who. : • - • s bb1:1111d 06NA- . b la 'Banta Clil, • w o ws 14,1 'gsetlted and far We bY BATH .10106 JS-23 Ws. for Weld stal B. A. IllWillBM s Otoi AMU SEMENTS. PITTSBUBGLI MEAT is.. Ihmorell liaaatt MISS AD4.11 IS&ACS MILNE ati. Poeluvely Abe legit 0,4 t, but eue cl . call p 44% of L 4.3 from. wasat.La as, daze play • CAM I LLB. 1 ~ TRlpla scrallo, Aril. SSa, UZI. i IBLIANDDEIVII4:.-.. MIL lIICSDIRB{ OttLILLIII--... ..:.-- ---itte3 •: L MINE . •F1V0Y.D.1.N01C4,—...".--...._.1i'LL8 MA% IMaTos:::::011115 It. FIFTY NEW WOO-HAN D PIANOS, iron A 411.1-14 .6116'.1" .134.1..KGr.A.LN nal outacritar agoffiloi'to radar. his stock 01 sc.. odes tor •ali. dant, this stol oast nwoUt. N., ban' toculad bind Iln. at greet bargsloX club.'Mesa riantchava tmarit Lora wade .14 any rut the anlmcrmer, tur rtutlort porposas,l4 beat Make* to' the conotry, also cols t.e ra ttad,. donate and sobitoctial loaourovota. Pan:34a= are i*paottlally tuattca ,o ran and saliva tip= Iruiiew obi SOEIDE „ . iY 14 7 1111 - Si Wood btreot Q.E.CONV HAND PLANOS--oo4xl owl hula Plittos, irlatch xlll to ce1d114,03 tollt”,esab.;.) Also, Mu. to beat, (row $7 to $1 /6 ,sa qtr xeW PIANOS, $175, wintanted to tatipnttuct In eery covert for Ate .) 821rifth ' it • • lE' butaticnat. BJUO RoB. it.UNG Lala LB, W2llbs reap ?kind on VIONDAV, eertenaer 9 'mutt and Latin to agbt vatleo,l (Via charge) Mr. Tatadanz, • nacho al raea and graduate a Wings Onariamagoa. No 148 hipl 1E- it...R . 1112=F 21 2,—Ttu. Ititnan,benioJeieland auf ?Oman cannon by tha do-d., au a9vier M 11. /11. Y taty A '''"ltEromcp4.T..B.• sßaarci A.ILY Ete °pit. the Mat Illoaday to piettbr et her 4/.".1 tiO.PS HANCOCK Sr hEr.T. Oompataut loquortors have tx,ri eaNnared for i departneat. • . ram Ina Brabant Le b ea monies. Tnltinn In iheAcedemte repartment..---$2 3 On do Prepuntery do ---- lb dc! do :Ps Imery do --- 10 All Citmementel brenchee ext.a. Cbrenlati nast be hat et the prlnApel Book nap storm. and at lbeiresA.nee. solchnob NVIIYMIS g.°WILLaIALDIEte Hat opened a Normal School at • :B. 23 Bi. OWE. ETIIIST, Ed story. , Tedirarmy of fradurt. 13. ii she catinsellor of the Teacher., the nut wh "3 ad‘L" sod lnatroalua I c9n cur :lro " l/. 2 2 20 / • I dutifully ioncur to the opinion ez v flog ra t I tote plesaire In thing It as my opinion that , foregettskivecCoimehdetton Ls ratty merttf i3mm I know of ni . one who dreorra bleier imam" his favor. , 8.. N. ANNE !Italy concur to the ittu.se recomio . eilgr i t io i can prepire pupils for the IVO bawl quit than any outer' tucker In the city A.. T. an j . TitastP—Et 'per week, to sd , sint• 0 LiEtiAKAY Lilt and 1621i13PEAMI STEEI?, PEIILLDF.I.,PI • • • This Ittatitnta, condryted for two yenta pail tbis CRY. bl Macao lf t:001AT and be 060. VELatants. spodihe same priaciple the Oli New Vora, esiablittied there at tho )eer 1614, wit open an Moodily, teptemher 15th, with its drag pia antkotroptete provision tor the education of Ya badJK under: the direction of Madame tettat, Modem and all requisite ioarmation, cut hal tamed on appUostion to the V rlutipel. sti/t2maid WM.4. WAlitliA2V B Eelea Echool for Boys. . . . . 'Ebb lattitutian 16111 I a te.cpeaed on MONDi i eatitambac 241, 10 the Lactate roam of Chrtat Ch ' , Lott eamittoat, Alleghatag. Zireuts lobo lash to their mai ttaaer Mr. Wig cur% may 11.1 tint naldanon, natt the echoot rou t so. 37 Mations Maateotanaai. WI .16STAElN ..0 VEtibITY. V, next term t Iratitutiou coma! SoAstober SS. There be oilman he [be Frei{ tory Ciasuoest and ingthh . Deportsoouto, noed b e co Ovate*. A Norma Dtpartnient .iao be comitoocoO to these of both wits lobo pole to /each. _ ON,AtOti WOODS, aulll4lw Pitooi • WAN LAD—For the lin schifels of Chartists township he • S isisetwe SitTliftD.LY, the 24th of uils won • o'clnek el xto.4, linowp as Hodgson &low Sten ' BP order cf the !hod J. IL LAWBOIN, woll UMW - -,•-• pIINNINSTITUTt, ,-.FLUNOOCIL STEEN% NEAR PRNA es Cu MONDAY, the 841 day of C TOCLIG ra Pat seosion of floe mouthy. -,aflard J. M. limiTEL Prfoetl QPALDLNO'S .TLiktuNi CONY' von, ii2ne.DING'd:VIROAT 0 Ni EJ ?lONS. • PFAU/158'd 11111.0 AT • !' GONTEGTIOian, YOH RELIEVING ; NOR liaLl EYING • • NIA IdItLIEVI24I pouas, lova SEURAT. APTIIIIA, DATARI: •:. BRONORITIfi, ac. Eleo rarferilylns the breath and etrecgthanS the vote. j i t Jest received by JOHEPII PLREING, Jut received by JOSZPiI FLEMING, ; • Jost VICOETIId by JOBIPII &LEMING. ;cornerr et lof Market ctreet end tbeDientscr anl9 :cornedertet Wort sad the Min= reality T bitUßb .• • SIMOOTIELIG 71ttol I No wore trouble cleaning Flat Irons. No more trouble uses red bot etose• on Ironing di No utOrlf wattling. about toiled shire or dna No man troublesome Istia irons. ;. But thd good old AT IRON =id with a bi, Illot MOB 81.41VE11., et 1 O. se, 1,111.1 . 11 ST REST, ; _Oppoidte the Pomo:Wan, ! JellitsdkuT 1. . i 'Nisi Niii CoirOtil.neil .0.1. it. Vii tit...K) i JAMES tri. WATT, . . !Corner of Penn and St. Clair s Baspectra Invtlas yablb attention to his i mach of flPitiElitl GOOD& oamprlaing all the as style" ofllhastdcmahle Material adapted to wad itare-wiuut, moaning an early call, and trawl In his slaty to exhibit to thaw favoring hits the sana4 a Flock of raw g00C.3 !Kral toany int awata ellf.llll4lmt road to Ma aid era:Di:am magi adacel H. -4 T Ariv tiara, STRAW GOODS, Lea.mrt. PPSIIIO•CYLIIA. - • CO., inalacausa and Dada; Wholesaler and Ba wit •01 Wood tn., Pittsburgh] it 011.011d5ti rhir . aioian and Snrgeo. No. 36 Federal arrest, Oweisite -Colinktiade row, nest the Mu**. j Aelgtati,BOßE, NO. 89 1110,EVI 19:MOtL1hO.VOOT$A.IND BEOZS graIIT VAILYST:Ir ASD :1149.10 .: riErpre TIIIIIIb :rad] aalbartiatos Itta stack befoza parched as daiirtakaal to sal CaBLP. • .161 9nrum of mot ITttorotoo !sebum CO, if Conks' of r M= Wator woes, Mitre lop mt. TUE cut Ihteotcos of - onapott Eno tar eo &stared a Dividoolt Poor Dollar' pis sturdy oat of the prong ot tio I raiontturi s t ylkable to the roooottoo of Ott TALLIPAPFZI WALL PAPIELI ' vv. • Moltitick kW) Piing. erne' , and dor altgalces will MP band dub; *Meer, at bid ono, so. IT Wood steed. . ; t, II *MAU MJUR igIIGAED CAN IrAt.SED startles W,W.Tticassie - boat , , in nom LA. Nis br)y , ki. VONT a ra 24 Warty grail I: s BeItiNETS, ice. 4, et Lgoll INT MEN