The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, August 16, 1861, Image 2

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    Vittsktrft 6aette.
8. RIDDLE & CO.,
•113.11101•: , IND PIO. SSSSSSS S.
Publication Oka, Fifti rfrea, mar
!morning awl Evening
containing the Latest Nowa up to the
boar ofpouticatian.
„iforntrw /Cclinno—So pa annum to advarme, or no
w 'work from carriers.
Zorning gliakm—sB por . snuom In admmoo, or ta
per nook from Minim%
Weekly I.l4Aitgos—lllnkla eoplos, $2 p.r Inner% One
or more, 11425; On or upwards. fl per mmarlN
vselebleves 'slums.
11111.A.DVERT1151110 Jlr RILSONABLY
inc Republlein *teeters of Allegheny county, end
all others in [aim of the perpetuity of the NATMINAL
U6TION, sod maintaining the NATIONAL OUVRRN•
61161iT in Its effule to pat down Armed Rebellion,
are invited to asismble In their various WWI, Re
familia and Townships at their tonal places ; bolding
elections in mob precbmt, on SATURDAY, Wallet of
August, to sleet 101714 DiILICATIDI—two, to eaCh
comas convention—both conventions to meet on.
TOTSDAT,RMItember 31, at 10 oclocic e. cif., cc fol
lows: L The Jadlcial Convention to amamble et the
City Hall to Intelsat. a President dodge of Common
Pleas, en gauielisis Law Judge of Distriet Oxon, mid
an,Associata lodge of Common 'Pleas. one Senator,
WO Roe Members of the 'Souse of Representatives,
and Director of the Poor. X. The Political Convert.
Hon to meet at the Conn House, to compute &Mir
Coroner,Lirettionotary,Treasarerand Commissioner.
The primary" Inoetlage In the towiveldps will be hold
between the hairaof Sand 6 p. eo. and in the titles
and boroughs between Randy p. m., of said day. The
XlppointMent o(the delegates In the townships will be
by markbig, end In the cities sod boroughs by ballot.
The chairmen of the two 0011Yelltiolui will Jolotly sts
Obit the executive maximittes for the ensuing year-
THOR. P. WILSON, Seep. Chairman.
•"Llbetal Proffers of Peace."
The New York Democratic State Com •
mittee, in their letter rejecting the offer of
the Republicans to unite upon a -joint
, ticket, and in their call for b Democratic
State Contention repudiate the idea that
the Anion "is to he severed, in which we
heartily concur
.;—but they also insist that
the prosecution of the war shall be occom
anted by the "moat liberal proffers of
peace." The phrise, "ail most liberal
proffers of peane," has a taking mound with
it, and its ;others doubtless think it an ex
cellent trap to catch gulls with ; but no man
of Renee will be taken in by it. "The most
liberal proffers of peace" means the offer of
the utmost concessions to the Rebels and
to Slavery. It means that and It means
nothing lees. "The Delon must be pre
. served," these demagogues , may, "and we
are willing to help you fight the battle for
Its preservition; but it mtistibe upon the
condition of tendering to the Rebel, a con.
canton of ill they have ever) asked."
Of OCU110; the s e men get ;their cue from
Jeff. Davis. "The wire-pullers of the party
"In this'city," says the New York Times,
' "have maintained an active correspondents's'
" with the leaders of the lobelia!' ever mina
"the war broke out. These men are now
"very emphatic in asserting that Davis &
"Co. are telling to treat for peace, --that
" they will accept just sod reasonable;
"terms, and ' that theredo'n may ;but pel
"restored. It is mainly by the machine.
----"iiiiiiii-it litesii iiiialhat the=litimoiiitio
" party belch's State bee been led to take
, "iti pretest ground ;audit their conosele
• " are followed, we shall i unquestionably
_ " have a ' party organised In favor of non',
'ludas to the eticeteionistk whstever they
, ~" un demand as lbw condition of their re.
"IniMiat Ittlkif Dotal.'
, : s:., This, thee,lsthiaeciaof the "fte4asi*
'- - tattoos lima la mime querteroihrough
, Peng the North. Jeff. Davis is tired of the'
war; liosaants to get, beck into the Union;
and he relies upon the Brookintidge Dein
'°orate ad* North to' brink ltint back with
'dying adore by holding out to him "tbit
• 'Atilt liberal of pesos:"
" NCIKIVILIP Wings - tcm,peiiii,iipips.
:` •• -,- ibarrettOralon of the lIaloii:bIlt we can
suits giVe oir_coneent to aiipoiksay
, 11113 4.0 011 gab*Ctilitiki ''.
It eltiate I
isit 4
' ''
isifo the Babetylkitti lb most Dem
I,' " pion. ii imam we us etistmit Ito, see ten-
IttaitlTihitc , ^ Yingra—c°lldiiitis:ittel43l4-1
: 7 -...'.4‘,P4esWme 4 r ' oli;•l itt it e . iliolimillis lt ,
.• - -
is' .see billet terms offered emt). iitetA
' tally the'enemy et kis country and • the co-.
'Akan , of these in' arms against it. ,
Pectries..--Thert Is In Con
a prominent Breckinddge politician
ffjjearmietit .. W. BMay.who, darleg the ack
beret*MAhl ittlooklentyl, election'
I • y.
7 . 1 4 * . oatMirdirdartrl that tho event
eleiy triopii from lilt Btato AS.
sheiill4:iiiiiiiii.lignat down insurrection to
lb. diairetstee. coed only do co over hi,
dead body. Ha miaow stomping that Butte,
'advocating "peace 'propositions," and the
- a:patina, of letting the Btrath 'go on her
owe terms. If he la ao anxioan e fir !!pesen,"
why does ha not lay his aead case down
and let the Union troop/ much' over lit He
iicersiplleh mot, for."peate" in that
Ikan oitur.
tqCstaers cc Tait' Gowns Ctactn."—..
Lodges offralsbia of the GoldenCirele were,
11, Is known, bsedtated in the North before
the commencement or !ha war. May not
ale feat actoonat for the Secession procflri•
lies of some Northern men at the present
moment! It is not likely that the Lodges
item absedoued when the - war broke out;
aid the tone thea aeod soarliyamoog the
Brinalaridgers !Idlest,' that this 'caret and
treasonable orgy tzbilon hi meting,under
soma neW Impulse. Taus who are 1:0011i
active, jut cow, la abowleg their sins , -
' tilos
,wltltther Bebellloo, will, at leut, best
class 'stoking.
• Korrocrrr.—Tbe Legislature of Keattaky
will °nano! la two weeks from blealay
next, tad among Its Ilia, prooeediso wlll
• • doribtlea be the pious' of tesolallooe
ottuatlag A enstars Steeklorld se acid Pow-
• all, and chichi's them lo thalr'epes Gem.
with 4rpal:44 - 'olle at Ole lime time ,
elgoreter - saruiley will be ifteLltnied into
_ ; the hat/ref Goventar lid I 1 lust
i- - .. he,hpiyiyecteehickh huih‘beeri hlleged esinet
• = •..%• • Id* is 'lmpeached i9tl removed '
froilikOtigh'nfiers he had no ehtemilenly
10 1 000 1 '
wcar Er..settos,—Ths retoros of
the tereopkyl,,yetitlattes alectiog, as far . rt
• • ' :1494.fciet tip as follows I
. Mecum of itereseenairsi hfl
SI 18
j • ' Choi fox Zan INSLIOBBIOLt
Lotinillo Courier lowa. that 8,090
• 'stead;of -anus pump 8" error tie
• Cpriagtou
ti lakettcat Rallroid An' eat BLti esilWl tor
, let
YAK Tuamotu= who adhere to the Fed.
aril Dormer= Wor hope this ea, Led
that they will mealy ouch theae.
Chetoral Naltiaidol Lyon
Brigadier-General. Lyon;late commander of
the Missouri volunteers, and slain at the late
battle near Springfield, graduated at West Point
in 1841, and since confirmed thearmy, bold
ans. the commission of captain in the Second
Infantry. Ile wan in the were of P.orida,
Texas, California,• Oregon and Kansas. In
Mexico be accompanied Gen. Scott's division,
arid was breveted in 1817 for gallant and meri
torious conduct in the battles of Contreras and
Chembusoo; Ae was wounded at the Belen
Gate of the city) of Mexico, September 13, 1847.
His experience well fitted him for a campaign
ouch as that of Missouri, and be died at the age
of forty-two, • thorough and accomplished
General Lyon was born in Ashford, Cenuezti
out, the eon of a respectable farmer. Ilia
mother was of the Knowlton family, to which
Ono of the distinguished officers of the Revolu
tion belonged, Colonel Knowlton, commander
of the Connecticut troops at Banker'. MU, af
terward slain at the battle of Harlem Heights,
New York.
The cause of the Union, in his death, has lost
one of its ablest defenders, and Missouri will
And it hard to supply his pilot'.
'" , --cletrisat Melts Military enactors.
General Lyon, while at Springfield, accord
ing to the most recent reports, could net have
had with him more than sin thousand troops,
of which, however, one-tenth may have been
regulars, under Major Sturgis. By General
.Sigel falling back on Rolla, he strengthens
his position at every step, as- small bodies of
troops base been — Inellaed at intermediate
places for the purpose of organising the Boma
Guards. At Rolla itself Colonel Wyman'.
command, recently strengthened by several
regiments, is located. This place is - in direct
railroad connection with St. Louis,
Fremont and all the points at which troopo are
stationed in Missouri. St. Louis being on the
Mileihnippi, that highway can also be used as
a means of transportation tor troops from lowa,
Northern Illinois, &c. General Fremont to
rapidly concentrating large bodies of men at
St. Louie, where they can readily be marched
to any point where their presence may be de
suable.. They will probably, many of them,
be sent to drive not the nordes of traitors under
MeColloch and Thompson.
Catinon.—A letter in another column
from the agent at Krupp, the Pramual: steel
maker, throws still more light on the subject
of *nand steel cannon. Hammers of forty
ton. and ingots of forty ions, turned down to
a gnu of twelve inch bore, muat make sound
work, and we hope our menufacturen will
improve their facilities to a rimier manner.
The first of Krupros steal guns we shall
have, are to be presented, we undentand, from
some patriotic Americans in Pans. These
two guns are 3.1-10 inch bore, and 55 inches
length, called four.pousders. By themselves
they will hardly form a battery, bat four more
with them would constitute a very neelnl and
effective flying battery, and we hope the Gov
eminent, while very properly encouraging home
manufactures by large orders, will import
enough to est op this most celebrated make of
cannon in the world, as • mark for oar manu
facturers. The cost of the finished guns is
some $B5O, each. The ingots can be imported
and then turned and rifled here, as well at
anywhere, if the noel should prove superior to
anything we can produce, and thus give oar
loyal. machine shops a pan of the-work. At
all events, let us have more steel gene. The
an hundred Pennsylvania wroaght4ron gene
are undoubtedly- superior to bronze or cast
iron, but the Albany iron Works'-and the
Trenton Iron Works , steel are thoroughly tested
and should be used.—N. Y. lama.
We base some steel works in Pittsburgh,
also, able m-morn.ortitettergnas then die Al
bang . or . Ttentna Works, and -bre: issistabst
(War - steel' tmble:men Motet - 1017 tested shall
-To:iiiirtoweittiltMetteThestrmito ate
itt_faror of hatching. opt page :with the
rebels, may profitably ponder the following
extract from the Mobile ectiy, showing
Meter= which we here to expect from the
- ,
..11fos must dictate the terms of pesos, the
lindarticleal ..uhich shell be an unbolt!,
iddissal 4 gAimv ,ll o 44
a frardantental principle. The next tirtichk
should, be that shelthe Notib) pay, to the
uttermost farthing, the expenses of thie or. ,
The third is thus: she pay for the destrua
lion pf all prepay 7, boa public sod printer
',WO ohs nistapproiriate to beiouci use.
The fourth is that, as an evidence of her ein.
ocritioduslinpeach and 'remove from ,dila,
44:•Lismoltr,' 'sad. and hug 14p
brews ant -other crime." '
Taa,C.locisznatl Cexiserciat tajw,oliti at.
arli4ibli. Ibs ibit Boo.:Job Oalitt
to el blu i'bitt'apoti Ogeir
hook, -.hi . , the coming State If.
irslkroick tbi 'Pagel_ . 1 0, ; dropping
PutrlFP l 4 l l oo3 !.., lo l .2l * l3 i nt.
irizatta'ociirdbotty_salt *
WAL/1113101 . 011, August 14 —Thera Is au truth
in the rapois that the rebel Amster Page hu
mak as Yank's, the fat -ship of W. Potsotse
110111 s. .
The Ourrnunent mania LLe parole , given bj
this prisoosms who have arrired bre tryta" tba
robot lion as of oo law L.—Special Diqastsi to
. JET). Diva Of MR Uirtoi.— . llls vast
aaumary viii ooatlatat united,. Tribing polill
tians in ths South, or in lb* North, or dal
Watt, any ocatisat to talk othaarbia, bat kt
will be of anatalL - . hey are Ills lbw inoaqat
toss LT onsid the ox; thug aneoy, bat easy can
ape wound, sad never . Tana worn to.
words at Jilt Davis, In as address, Jai, telr,
Is4l3—nad Asaersl Scott proposes to shay btm
that hs via correct.
Itraciat. Cemmeacrs—ln the Evening
Poet of lionday last we stated, upon good
authority, that s large trade bad - italorne
time been going on between this port - arid
the 'put/fern coast, by way of Nassau,
Nair 2royidencs where go od s were trans
shipped for Fernandina, in Florida Yes
terdey.the United bates !bustle for this
district took possesdcm of • vessel—the
echooner .anittatti—vingsged in this bull
nese. blus was laden with leather, shoe
pegs,. cutting =chines and implements to
act ups shoe factoiy, to supply the insta
-1 gent armlets, who 17111 probably in more
immediate want of shoes than of anything
else in the wsy of eqtdpments.
We tryst that the rdaishal Will follow
up his discovery, and trace the persons
who are engaged in this treaeotiable work
of giving aid and comfort to the enemies
of the Union. Their names should be
held up to the contempt of the. public-
A than:nigh and lnllcazinif
whole affair will probably do morel° re
vent other attempts of this Idodftbin
the confiscation of half • dozen vessela.
—IN. Y. Post.
Ifzuss the active =isms which Q.:
gorarnment of North Carolina is taking ,
tor its interval
preeertatien shall !weft that
danger tithan, ilia country may eon et
pect to hear of formidabis slate murrao4...
tains in that Strata This statarnenta of
our special cmratpondent, wtume letter
era this rimming, are emphatic upon this
suttees. The "ammo! are porfectiy well
inlerroad upon all pining events, and ar.
pear tube secretly organised for my work
whichlbeir leaders may call upon them
to perform, The Indications eterywharti
are that tbs, are already ripe for strolti
and o* . iintlt the word to spring into an
sit - . 44"411 ' 1611141iiii. or DitgrATCHAL
soicsimltivisfist despatches ltrltit
secession Gilitillilkostra in Pat ii
rested nn bisid the Africa at Jamey 01%
is the itossuretras gait tonsil this am.,
I Hi Sins taken oa sham with. Ida trunks,
and his bump sod person will be emus.
bad for ppm by the • tiarveycet of tha
Itat.—V. FOS& -
The . tle !is Bllssourt•
The emm will ring-today with the 1
gloriof the eiploits of our army in the
West, tight thonsaild national troops,
implied by e ardor of a leader who
purcliased vic ry at the cost of his own
life, scattered d drove.before them three
times their n mbar of rebel adversaries,
undo; a gene whose name alone had
hitherto been tower of strength to their
cause. The ilionor cif our arms has been
nobly maint nod, and, while we mourn
the bitter 1 which the nation has suf
fered. in the oath of one of its bravest
commanders, we share the pride which,
will, thrill ughout the endas the
stors , of t Missouri battle becomes
known. lie ceformard le there be no
wincing at southern boasts of "supe
rior l'xianhood ;" let us all rather rejoice
that; this gal t proof of the true valor
of northern has so swiftly followed
the l'misfo into which we were led
upon the p ' of Manassas.
The repo ' from the scenes of action
will be eager y read. It is sufficient for
us now to ow that our little Western
band attack and swept before it 23,000
of the vaunt d troops of Ben McCulloch,
andthat, the h from its very weakness
in numbers, which made its daring the
more consp' ous, it was thought best to
wittuiraw it to a position of positive se
curity, it no stands where to efforts of
thCenemy endanger its safety. The
death of Lyon is a groat calamity,
butiwe mayga ther some consolation from
thelect the he died as a soldier can best
afford to die at the moment of victory,
andwhile co plating the good work which
his courage and sagacity had begun. Ilia
epitaph will be spoken to-day by a mil
lion tongues. Of the incidents of the en
counter we know little. finch details as
we lave, ou readers may find elsewhere.
But the facts of our success and our as
ceridency are in every way confirmed, and
upon these alone we may joyfully rest for
a felw hours.—(M. Y. Tribune
.7 Betinsaum—Gen. Beau-
sated his campaign against
Virginia by the issue of a
charging that the United
were marching upon the
banners inscribed 'Beauty
In various quarters in the
hameful he has been repeated,
bt myriads of the benighted
believe it.
regard CO..
thq Union
Stites armi
Boiith undo
and Booty.'
tioiith, this
until no do
w is now invading Missouri,
has issued a proclamation,
and repeating Beamegard'e
r .mpanying it with the savage
"no quarters will be shown
king under such banners."
g to murder do the Confeder-
I. • by rapid stages.—[ N. Y.
Ottn. rill
and he,
hi; and
'Wawa tha n
totroops • ,
Bo from 1
!Aim P .1
ox BnEcKINIIIDOZ. —During
e Buffalo Committee on the
Holt, at the Fa" One of the
• the Judge what he thought
Breckinsidge. Mr. Holt re
. • could not answer the ques
tasby relating an anecdote,
follows: "What do you
Breckinrillge.„" inquired
in of Humphrey Marshall the
Why, Sir' eplied Marshall,
alive, eraptarystir
the call of
Hen Josep
number Lai
of Senator
plied that I
Lion better
which he d
think of tir
a Eentuck
other dap
'l4 •
iRLYS.--Tbe an
"? )ipcnalt
Ilaahtsy Oirra tar not.
as at .Wrobtairtaa Ran,
A. N. IMUIC1011.21.," outer the
. deb mas anti be for
MI .gulping'.... mole
I lb. bra qoa, Tbs.
pot moth. soeurdlag
max •401.1.11 -
'4 7 . V!ttbl. tt;''
---7 " 7 ] - 7
ga4 ww l 47 -
••isestlitodacvzsamzsi of Amu
• tb•Oxilted SUM. 4*
lb make. , itiesoosimeat 11,
Moir:all AU ilia la tam pos•
- Arai thoopitiolnWNinkr. '
' Maw.
et tee*.
r1 1 t5. 4 7
02r4. ""•21.• fem:A:tote ma
•• inustoktiolum*
4, o: a z so . , 000 4 0 . 2 . IDM ternatit*
guy• -
Lu 'inLwailmilakiiret'... :
;lam P.ClAGDOWaromrstAlaer.l2lb mom
01. 11 W 012=gerWilt:
balladry/ forta,pcmciolottocagodic.
• r 41)36.14 Rtn SIUSAII,AWUPS MISS
sT OFfIC NOM L.—l ma
ed to oxduaro • Ithirtf.Cd'l3 of Ur
r ho oddtroh.ot olooeult I.lwohet koom
•• of 1uta , 11.41 mat tho dab at a tla la O.
lama 'AI sat. tharsefter w rftv.l•l4
poshild oh hdtori mat Iron ,
16.11.• ON MVP. flOan, P.
irg - Pi
Pew 151,16
dailat• .
lir. Via
modal; •
0 ?Man=ia= us Iketal IMOD Oo
_PlttAgalb,•ag 10, 1451- I •
US.,--The Pus.
1s nachos of atm Ptitetaigh Ikat
'cooped, day apoo Oingtid
Vidalail Of Re iglu par &ars, pay-able
Ann or Chair toga room= ta ti no, di and
CAT, I ha 11th toataita.'
11101, 11.110111 Treasurer.
LA 111.
Mock, I DI
to Walla] ,
whirr 11.011
soli lir
yi WI 0 Attosl/. IMILIGIANDKraaI.
ALI, a, /15114 I
. d tb. tl ArlutlAG *INDIO CON.
daclarild • drde.oall of too &alma pot.
• co Ili, Atb tiaao I, to s< ar
•priiiri sppairteig M seek St Umt
ma Me olivine of Ibol3O J 011,1144
of tao Word a otrwomk,
Aaniasi.aooriut, TVlROartg.:
Fl •
PAN} ha
thAr Hest
dam al • •
op' abotttuonnints. •
mamma 0131P/19111.1.
fUB . 2" 11,117• '
to call sod get Ode faitenralit Niue
- W. 8.
No. 84 Third street,
red to pent mall or Lk (aura c g
the dears la,
4a.x.ra - v - COLORS,
Y., *Atm* .
ATTE Wit° N:
oUea to 0•Moultors: • '
, 03A LS will be rewind it
at Os Mor.lasd • r Itnbersh
.2 loWMtae.h,oa SU sal? AT, dital•
the assetrocttos Ma ;La. OM.
4 Beira linos si that
1• a
as ;Mt pace as lbss soy.
401: sursaixotta ic*
•• nominal. teen.
Da, for
aN THE . 'lloolo3.—ldezilieri
tb• Tong 1440 111•thantil• Luau" An.
mad Ali abet ps baring Boats t yb•lf
Wagontl so tho Amostat•oe, ate .arwriall
• 110 niarli die sae to ghellabrey Wthoat
Itt• roping( nailed • um eatioJairs•.'
„ ,
WELNIICD—For the Val:s
ue &Tool. of Chatladas tawitaltio ka bard
'lna matt Ca skrukuh.v, Oa 211th al ills manta, aa
2 o'claak at Ho. &Amara ea Hoag.= Bawl Mama
Pi advt. Qui Ilzara J. B. LAWKII,
salads raw -
0E331 IIfIUATZ, o. 47, far
Ina lawn of ruck bi a. aorwaskaso rot*
Doniseh bisrl M MAN SUTHUJOAP. diu ad U.
lobar TailailL'• yolk* lb booby gtim mos antic}
sinsso woof mos% for,i siirboso os ata DitUD 0114.
kIIIATEN bTAROLI-50 bums,.
and .10 lbw sackraaa suriats tiEdly
twain( aim %aim" SU kV MU 14 tr
grain emr.a Jau A. ziEnnirc
ages“ utretv sad Rand Mans. -
,OTUDI MI. lot Jai° bg 2 1 low 1.1 bblm. istra Balmily, in
wawa{ Ars ami Tam as_ ,L" man malJat lak tm J. ILSMIMPID 490.
Ml26_ El. A. 137SZLIT3EVS.
(Lae Prereptrese of the Allechenv city Collage,)
tea TOEING L MACS AND 1112912,
Corner of Beaver etrbet and Pcnith Common. Alle
gheny city, commrnei* MONDAY, lieptember 2d
wp.ber of etudents Limited.
Circulars can be bad on appllostion to Mrs. Bmi, te
or at the principal blob eon. jo Pittibargh
15 and • 1.
legheny. .16-tx.
uncials Warw.s Ovrics, August it, look
THE following sot of Ousgress in rola
tlon to the Corp. of Mettles! Cadent, I. palatable:l
for the information of all concerned
“isc. 7. Awl be it forth, enacted.. That there be
edited to the Medical Staff of the army • Oerpe of
Medial Cadets, lib.° duly it !shall be to set as drese
urs la the postal hospital. and usambalence etteod.
ante to the Geld; ender the direct!. and minim of
tbe medical alien" alone Thu eball have dm elope
rank and pay as the military cadets et West Point.
Their number shall be regulate by the intim:idea of
sereielaat no lime to exceed fifty. It shall be compo
sed of young menet Morel eencation.stu lents of med.
loin., botwiteu the age. of eighteen sod twentrthree,
who have been reading medicine for two passe and
bald attended at taut one course of lectern In a coed
lone College. They shall enlist for One year, and be
subject to the rules - and articles of War. On the
fifteenth day of the lad month of their in rel., the
war aeprroch of their discharge shad be reported to
the Burgeon General, in order, If dealred, that they
may he relieved by another detail of applicants.
Application moat be mode to the Burgs. General
for admission Into the corps, In conformity with the
above act stelae the date, pl.. of birth, place of res.
Ideate, period of medkal steam, and encheing the
certificate of the dean of the college (or, wbto not
obtainable. othor satinfectory evidence of the lac.)
that the applicaut bag attended one foil coarse in a
medical college.
Thole applications mast else be accompanied with
taWlCOOnlal• of the good Moral obarleter and woad
Optical condition of the ousedste.
. When ea application Is favorable considered the
candidata will re-elve a letter authorising him to
peer before an Army Board . of Medical Itzsmicars,
who will make a *cid 'sport In each owe, from
among three approved by the board the Burgeon Gen
eral aril select loch a notate? as the losw.ce may re.
As the undoes of this class of medical sad surgical
eminent. i.e at once required, eppllcations, to be coo•
ebould be promptly mode to the Surgeon Gan
end, who will diner the candidate to appear b. fore
one of the Army Medical Ronde now in .sateen In
Washington end the city of New-Ycek
Acting Sorgeou General.
LEOS T.1.3E.4b..w . OOBT.
North•out 00171 of north and litat tut street&
2 to t 0 par ant. Dm than-amt
lot a cent; worth $1 60
hat sit ki nits of goals chest. than to Imo band say
pugs la the city.
78 Market street
Black taco Bow for 50 mita,
• - Linen Colley for 250, worth 75,
51intette 7 into for 37f, 50,: 62 and 75c,
Straw Bonnets at tuff price
Oaboine 'Cikeeeeman's 30 spring
. •
poop Skitte for 5.1, worth $2.50,
Embroidered Sets fur 750 and $l,
oh leo than ;anal prices.
Aff d . Ity Invited Ss call .is wad:afar
itteaftivie purebiughw ••••••%.0 *mg
DR '' "
.:-T COS T
. 1 j
• .. , .
ji o,
,31, . BARKER CO.
6, MARKET ersztr,
'' Are ieplog off the balomoe of Spring
ineff l,64. l
Eter ocoe at from 25 to 50:per amt.
. .
4:31e, - ii"Runibra caviaN.
10 T COLLARS, for 25 cents 1
MY TAM? 1 11111140 Milit COMA
J I .
.VOR Is6i.
10-Ohirt Collars for 25 cents,
S4fOliiii4&CßUM & CO.,
`ants No:. it end 19 Fifth street.
Ifteacb Week Oollus end Sati,
• V.,.!ma Ogles ea Bole.
- *dug 1120 rw,
Bleck Loa Vells.
- /sort alk
Scar 61..w1eg eat,abesii forrOadi Y.
Romani:Tummies Mal
sod urxxv • . 7? Mut.' amt.
- 11111111“1 1 a4 ?Ow Wan. ai - Cmcoo Ilductoce Od, L I
s,••, • - • ,' -•• ' 1 14 11 010, 1ehaell het pla I
Iptißuto NOTiCZ-4 harebyigtrail,
.., .. ibri or pectindpeed b prepared to millie *a
issuss, deli anceeeteetete..agehtml th• PlhebeceN
'red Wayne I Clk hese heltrescl Ckdapand,
lir tbepe heal la eleteerduldn, trio/ to eneedt.
llre T, decay - bp pri*Vhker•bc Moo 1111. pr rat ts
auk arra Ow istrz AB lertyl, scrarrilbis tato
Oa•ialliCaslp 01441 if *a my Ocanalill shad
to be Aden • plea tweed nem eg the
CoemMdd 'el thethahrt Ea tseedhotetrt od thh.
3g i
:mu.. eon Wave' , 'h Weep 141rairl
Carpal ~ Welter lad,'llelt Putty. - Ways
nob cd til reply heterdnesty alike dem d
Mr , ll ttfth . h
..6..T. ll .NaIIUIL ....
1 • Bata , . , AtiOnlel Li db• fedoltiefide Ocamllece
• •
• osidioU4o,
111110 . Or nuoilikfroon,
• - -4! ' -
, 414 1# 1116 !12giagght 4). .
, , worm of IDA aid Wed to;
• Da
& • •SY 'XUPII.—.2IO4 of micas
Ailit Mitt Et. ,
rilltgBt--40a0.10 1 1 Table lanttiog j tot
gla na1.24,41i1 ler sok
.a. , IL till PTILDI 0.
-OVil 1861..
TUE t U. 51111 TT E E up - p - doted by the Select and Common Coanetlg to Audit 'the
necortet• of the rig iTft tt &)&D XDOOSTION. hare eserulord the Boot. and Voucher. of
reser...l.4nd Ser.. , " el.d nod erld ecrounts to be corr. cr. The balance in the bands of the Tr.lllllrol% con
the .2.1. ojj Jon* .On Teo 'I I. uiraud .i:1 SI ..ets Dollere:aud Eighty eeren Oen. .1., t. hands of JA•
Kelly, t di, O. 0.. , 41 .10 fOrt)001/1.t Dollars and Threat Cents gab,olued we present an abridged eta*
west .1 the Velour-I'e nun Olll.loni Account.; also the Teaching Sup...atm each of the Ward dcbooti
and the Whole ltsiense. of the High and .i,lored &boo., lir the }oar ending on the First blondes In JUIW,
I Sox SONS £TS. 18tl0. TS mums% 11,0.18/1.
it 410t301JYT WITH HKSTHAL HOARD OP nutplAr.oN
• 861.
Jane b —Tb
Straw A ppropri .V0a,115t0.....-- 3,1177 63
Wm Phogeo, Cot. 6.h
300 70
or 1859, ale:
Ace fluting. 04 ward, fo roll 675 91
4th da 2.4 2.1
Joon Wallace, 4.45 do do. 211 95
Aloe Wl'r're• . ty 7th Ai, do.. 189 61
D. flotchluson. Bth Ad, do.. 1,147 02
It. Ham nowt. 9th Ad, do.. 0.6 54
Coll•cturs, 1860,012 account 2:1,102 .7
O. W. Robb, eolleetod from co,
Troasneer, prxesde of eats of
Unseated property 716 04
MO. /11411:16a
11 , 1 AOOoUNT WIT a CUNT%
; To Uuts mom J. D. 80 On
Mats Apprpriatton,lB4....—.. 9,737 23
Collectors, 18CO, on ncoonnt— 12419 CZ
Jun. 12.—+To balsam In hand
4n CordeL,
IS a i).••To Dapl tato 0..
June 1.,-"To balance doe. Ent,Juct to C 01111131 !.
done laud .xon•ratione_........._.s MS 72
Miraol firatito,
I 60 1 :11To Duplleate $7,281 t 2
s7,eal 12
.440 bailiee due. suldect to comma.
alone and exenerations ..... ...$ 421 12
J.sarplt Beatings,
811 O.—To Duplicate
,„,....._.........39~79 79
.—To balance do., anbJect to coronet.
WWI and Oiolooratlunt $1.779 72
kit:heard Bop..
Jane 1.4-To balance due, autdect to anumfn
gone and aion.radona $1639
Joseptc huriq
1 SG O.J—To
June I,l—Tci balance due; subject to commis
elms suit ezorteratioca--...—51,3 71 EIS
_ _ _ .reseple A. Butler.
180(6 1 -To Duplicate..._ ------
June o—To balance doe, to coaxal.
slop sed esmenaloar-.—.--...51,721 29
I A/mender Areecery,
10 eqi—To SI,I CO be
to,a $1,96666
Jane o—.To b damce dna, inblace b e-ming.
alarm and ezonerationa----- $5:15 66
David Thatchisms,
I SG 0 4 —to t opltcs
Jun. To balance Otto, subloot to COMMiI
doom and 627 Al
Rog% Harostowt,
$6 ;P:—To 40
p ma 43
jou. i —To tolattes 444,4utbiset to ocmmts•
sloe•ned ezotterattotti-----4 333 S 4
_ .
WARD" Fodoota
—Ptinelp4l---.6 1165
.64414tazta-- 8,60 7
61104 16:61601.......—. 14 13,810 74
&a,si 855
- • 4641414606 2057 60
111,661 &loot lag to
00 .01-- 3;96160
rard do—llrboripal—.-- 855 01
Mostdats..-- 4,13376
7004 11/0 00
113 - 00- - 5,750 75
F. 4,4 do—Pctorl;4l-- 555 CO
Aridatralr- 1,100 CO
19141410.0:01......- 100 00
Muir 90 03— 3,015 00
A 125 da—Pttordpol--.—. 866.00 •
(dr) 04061 irsec S 0 Oil
4,807 60
. Sight School* 0Xl•oo
Mork 9J CO-. 11,547. 50
arl 855 00
• . 4.05 00
Night School-- 125 00- _
90 00— 5,105 00
AkecolA do-.Prtitel,pal--- 856 00
401staista--- 1,658 00
7111414 00100/I—. 100 00
• -• W/01115..--...-. 90 1:03 2,703 00
Zig4ll do—Pdadpit---- 9 55 0 3
• 41061.014.—,—.. 9,863 76
51104 Setiool.. 1.15 00
Orrittag--. ft 3 03— 3,033 76
Nish d.—Prlorfpol 865 00
2,058 76 •
Nlight 5ch001...._.. 13 3 53
• - Idea& 90 4,037 03
. 535,705 31
• 110 1 1 1 1118 i
ankT11e.A.3:11E134.1: 1 34.14A...: .
In tonnedlate neighbothcon of the Yobbton Bonin
• oallezlon, third and Chestnut streets. the mantle.
Lag Mos, iterchsnat Exchange ! in, 41c.
Per Day.
' 1 .
. - •
Aloresuseosslas regrind as Ori itatOPRAN
HAL taws final 60 caws aid eprode.gre liars'
inil Soh sr slime Qua Ur warm mum. 10
til. Dna Prices *ascii* go the Bei of ,Itirt•
_ • . ,
TM " MIT oars take Passasigsrs tram ,
siaT Stalleas - TO ar CUOMO& TO ,2210 .
ri natal. .
' 4 logibb.lrrneb ; ila st
rota esZ Epaulets spokes.
JOST 11201.11U1D...
lading Wain Woad tarp Waal 'oilmen& additod
• •• 'Galata To sod ani , .
Oman ltata and pang sawn:, rif sad ra
Was* Moro= alid ltW OM do do do
'flasusaisir alma aacua Backaida '
" • DO OW( Half Hooss.t.
o on o or ß o l A ood l l an lo d oa
D 0 WLm
. • NO. 89 MiIiENT MUM;
VilAtT '14111117 .13D
At, mesa' silos - viz Taw. •
Aram tat sumatee Ms diet bib» pszoisehm
or le 10 detsradoid to sell CaIAP. ids
-IM. Discaratias Africa, 3.701.,
Lhlogobalt -do do
tykes ?mob to able&
Intitoob Lake 11011100, of Oiatna,ll dia . k. .•
tbico. ; • '
Pike", BOIS Lib hi
I L - Jobab. attlinstaani the Libyan Dioact. _
;I foe odoby. SAT it 00461 Wood
a RO OCIS AND 00511110 z lON.
iholos Oren Applis,
Jf . do :,14110:11W.B.Chises. -
60 , *.,"ao •coeliziosr *Aiwa, •; - -
das. mai P.O 7 arocrs•
4/AMMO est 02? Me - • . • •
,liAltra vA0‘ 2 8011.D136
Noll{ r~lVoed .. le.t
INE10:13 1 14.1110 -4 ,4415. I /over..
tiCkwasi 'Pia Pub inoo6oenstikl , sal
d Idlow.l.norrbr w idth .. - on
fee . tocat pica. irbeal& sad nun Elba
:abet ad. .... JOHN 'Ai - lIINSFILIN -
oPeser.,Ubanzr ink Rand Omits.
„„, ,
11.1 6 entrlo6 16 6,11 AWilay odstM b tbets
twaisataS Vall„,aos, mio tbs. gins-. 4
1410111112'. 6111Primi a OD, _ the deemice teee ,
bat ♦ 664 60611 g;g1e istol6 by Wm' ‘60666 up,
vd ad (WAY saw.. • • ,
Nicinanyb..Titris , LOW
Du PSA.l3ll,la—We wi ll
mem b., dab st woe, tr, io Nauss
aps!ii paws. Pesch es. nadir and Poplin 15p
.16.41666m4ary by fh• budrat, -
.4 •• . • , JOON/6 1111ABILIW.
•Am . - ..Opretialkorty and BIOS anew.
InARBON 011=40 ,bbla.isztrs No el .. i
W Out= OIL Ihr barli tli
sas or mkt" - 301011 B. aalgriliblaloo,
.r._ Tali_ z • •j, 1' ~ - - lira stmt. asar Wail
4sedemi6v 411iatfle
. /id volleyed a esplay d Mao Jinrs *SW
' aurae bal aid /pal maim - Yrs ails 67 U.
atniaa JXO. .1111111114111%
, iturAOsetf Mad Mitt.
By 1..6 palJ Toa,brra of ward &owls ..aa2 4to 0(
do do High do ___. 2.01 R PR
do do Cotoiled do 168 ;a
1 :Teo.. or 11i46 :. cb001..—.-----._ 1,1 31
do Cotored do— 'ZR4 ilig
&crab.) Gronrat board of Educe ..
i0n..... 202 !,0
11...foodo,1.1a.:billouar,Collectotlstwar ,1,
. . VA RR
Ravortlolog Audi or's Report_.-.... ...... .. 7.6 RO
Wana,t, hoc:Mot, and Pay boll BOOR/ ... RA 80
Lmai genic.,
Joao IL td•Cooe 10.610 00
Datum, lu haul ......- 105 03
14m, 1841,
I. SaARD OP 10110 iTION
ki, User yard Dracn.r• Warn 1nin0ti1i,........514 , ni
do do do 1,31. - fi:80
do do Colored do ... ...... 318 , ,76
Secretary Central Board of education.-- 204:31
Diaconns on depreciated earrenoy.----. 48080
ltipectres of High 5ch001_...........—........ 7.8'70
do Colorer do -- St*/
Balance------.......—.---......--.......—. /o,oooi 81'
r 28.475 113
10,01.00 64
Pint Ward.
1861.—8, Gish, pold •
Joao I do do 111Va4R--.....
1 , 46 1. —Bir Cash. p 414 41.4)14 ....... 2 1 OCCI CO
au ao I. du 414 20 4 0 00
.......... . 42L 12
21,221 12
IEI6 1 .—By Clagyvatd oo
June L— --..--- 4,71'0 72
/burlA fiord.
801.—By Csob • SOO CO
Jan. a.— no .o 1,80 00
1J4.0 B 7
$8,29; 87
113 G I.—By Midi, paid $3,4f0 00
Jaw, L— do do 1,060 00
1.811 82.
-.-..55,711 SS
SYzh Ward. • .
1 80 I.—By Coati, pataltody---.----...5 2, P 00 00
Jaw I, do do NO 00
-$1,034 Ti
Serena Ward.
6661.—81 Web, paid 400 00
7a60 I.— do do 06 00
• • 666 66
Egrha Wind.
1861.-0 y Cash, pima Kelly.- .......--$ l , OOO 00
Janet.— do do proat.C. -- .:---- 1.00 0 0
Balands.---..------ VA a
NUM • *rani.
1861.—D$ oilb, pea 97
Jane L— do do 1433 77
• : •
2,220 004014 CO
300 00.
112 10
46 66
1114232•47..*.-- .. 44 72
I.lbrary. 17 00
Wishing 10 00 •
flopalliog 12
do 24 ,
o • &me Pipe, - 126
Corpoutst 4 45'
• .... 27 00
ao , .
SI TS -!!
"Jaw, 1110
eton Chad urste..--- I
2 26 :
Samottog 00
36 •
JanliarBo CO
Recast 4064066 Pipe. • 4 80
Petztlsg and 663 IL;
00 V
Whitsiog 1 00
, 7 1 s
Wiser 1160—_
• ' • -
QTRAY 1101141L—A10113.1istimiIiii
50n111 Homy own to tbobtlllii of 7314 i,
punts Paaatial. at ?Wm. thlk IDA w orAa=
UAL Tbs tollowtop,_ 16 a desetiptiota d
bores: • Cbeatnas Sorrel Davy aboattibasitt 110;
about R put% old, 'ea DI" Id& Mt loctirbitaNt
tb•postatujotat, a owe on Ow top • of. CP, aturantml
oppeari as lila • tuddltr Sitats• We of
&not; A. D,1661 . Tto'cms , trUI co, vows pn,i.
Duly Pay dam, s!sc . tau It slump. az It• 111 boob!
g • SBADIff, •—i
=Mims! Ithittot DADA Plittbatsh.
„County. adaaat, bridal acing
0,1004 Petttata• at Jobs H. Janata of 4110abasi:
amity, ite the rend peovid ea for tatabaat '•.b Wri t
preasated ;la ocatrOoatt. • sad apcat atealaarattoi
*amok tbaCkatrt An SlATllRDAlotaatit 14,11104
at 10 chltrat waif,a tbaCkausaa Plate Gout Sawa
PtibiaugbAbt atatitig arataaall abaci bake
to espallbitma fn ape tampapar,' at haat Mutat
dap . bsiote nut war ins - (ft th•Oxtria • !
possoes fairresteC ta tba oboes saapar
pier take wake of its lbws totdac• • , F
snitl{ps%Statuary fts.T.ll;;atsali,-i
1111 AtoN,v ; ,
- 511014.1:124 - . '• • ,
• • 16 X 3 4
:la stooks Limo glad for a& by
t eO-4
YiSYsi - • - 9Sor Utgirtf smt.
riARTIMAIX 00200 arid OA • BOX-:
13-4 tor IndeposdsissOce °pp la
With bats MO Belt 11 116 w i l i zi. BD . t i t*
-sari • la Lnsitiarmik MIAMI With
Q'ON 11BIBBIALL.&9;:•AT 011.1),
tzi ratass.—a 1124 nts' Ms of ram 1121b1•1111 1 ;
at' a law ir,doolloa tupelos, to don oat tbs stock.
- EArce4stagauit4too., , i
• • . Nos. 11 owl IP 'W' sermiC
VLOU.R. • •
j 2, • 53 DM'. Nitro Moony Malt*
0.: rki Barrios.
Tory low tor 'ftoN tor ogle by 11. zipplA,
*alias ' taortltittnitt.
,r►toustasof3lo Potpie. Of 'NW lilt 01110:
bie 'Wm, sad at ell vigor 'win beldestlieellettall
enOtosw, Os old !mad. No:111111boilleg t'"
i JOS ;
Ut.QUITU -BAKS--Whitai Bhp,.
y'AMIL-Itimittat'Pcnotecaorsticadusiiraid •
sgir macriunir*o4 w
tur„ r. mit worn 'Kul *too.
42 too maw at Lowb, 11112:01 aetheao*al:
ea efieeketrala saarke‘lealler ,
N c . s wats, MOM in moor
rilinaJL- 430- -boxes: -p beatit*
i.tinsar, realised sad siisibk!ty
. -entail& - :U. RIDDLIV _ labimr.
.‘,# attic* for salsbr t : ri.ll.llllbaft 111aCIN
- isidlaur • .11X &A sitzrol.
8613 POR.S.--Itaxav Polk for rate by
y ARD,4I dam. 4gizods sta. kap; '
1.11 far sale try sat= Ws Marl
A la3ll-40
bble. far We
_ ' •
arra rot ltrstondWaid itrimfi" -
. , .
- wow Pint iiiitWolasao.
13ALLIParii-45, gross geortriod. o
"I"7 '
A.J1100 ,40 4^. - --
‘ .41 ft« morcarss;
riIiSESIL-7 6 boxer UnitiseAbleal,
Iv Ice bow inthiliDsigrAboesei
KRIM Rowa--thtsbrostoerit--
mod morns'to' the" UMW ittatos Atm
Ito nu JrAlt 00, 61 WOO&
othotii: 4
Cff3-25 I ,
to Limoges o.
1 id dot! !di sod** lobby
_Juana iLrodiass,,
....... BusDll.ool
PepeLt and lust •tpt.tutto P but ore of Mas Addis
PRIDAT SVIdNING. Atutuidli, 1:561,
A. taw doutesac drams out Mod
Addle Proctor.
11PULAti !daltlll
.... Pror.lor.
ALL - •
. goo:n.11- 1 0 -
kr tC4 .111
The subscriber virlaaa, to ra,.uu Sts Pi•
snit, offers for sale, &Om: thib awl next mouth, tiny
No Awl &wand hand ei‘nli St punt harm,.., Ids
Ca . These ktenue have nest:y 1.....0 wad, “pecl.
Olt for the subscriber, far rmilog purposes, by tho
best taker. in the country, and con t•ereltod ou se
durable sod oubstanttal theta amen ts.,
turchomere ore reepectfully Invited io cell ,at en
anitee thorn. Vor este by
zonza Z. raiszaiaz..
pyl3-ur. 81 Wood otreet
h CON LI 1141 N 1) P 1 A N ood c
ond hand Plano', which will Lo sold qram $BO
tuti/1713, earb.
$213,1ir (r 88
41'464 La be portct IU .Tar) fur Gco 3 caret
mv next Una tl tbs 11.1.11otleu will evmmetwe
30tecolor 3d. There wt II l,e elssww to the ttepara.
tory °Wales' and Itoglfsh Department., sod also the
hill Collegiate Course. A Normal tworttnent
elm be 19 , 1X1M6110 6,1 lot thww of both ...vs who pro
rob o leach. 1iE011415 VlO.OB,
14014.3 w Prinelpal.
Fifth Woti
137:60—{ 637 60
lao, Climes to 'eta, from $7 L., $l2 ier yv r r
NEW VIANOE, tll6,csab
LBk 'morn? - 11.UMIS.
rl7 No G 2 00 at stroet. u d Fed duildlos
N OttaAL, blit.loU/s. 3 ,
. 'Et. WII....TstiIhILS, 3,
, Has opsned a Normal Atho,,l et
i ! No. 29 BT. CLAIR eTRERT, 231 story. • 1
TeVisony of Teachers.
i 1
tie Is l
the counsellor of the Teachers. the men to
ream all of as tarok tor *mice and Instruc tOLCOTT. ; ion. - 3
Inns:us . most heartily with the atom. • l
i I cheerfully comer in the opinion ex e dimey amt. f
1 • -- •W B. istRW. l
I take pleasure in hiving It um, opinion that the i
koregolng recommendation to fully moulted.
A. DORTT. . ,
LI knew of 00 ono who deserves blahs? I estlnsooy la.
s favor. ,
.1 N.H. AkiRY. ‘,
I fully &acne in the shore teccialmendatkon.
• D.Dxsigiadi.!.
• He Can prepare pupae for the Nigh ftchool gulches i
ihan l any other leather to t he
T. D
THllkil3-11 per week, in is anik2tand l
. ,
kriti and 16 SNOW' Iffitgla, PLILIADJILPUIA.
t' This ,Institate, condtotesi far two yews past, In!
V city, by MADAM C..wOUT and tier niece tdalass
;11•Wint4S, epon ftie esconilptinelole se the one in!
Vet York, established there the 3ter 1811, win re.
§i,on eta blondes, evict:ll,er Fith, with its usual ami
pie andixosplete provision tor the Sauce thin of Younc
iLadies, hider the direction of Madame
eiroalass,'srol al requisite Information, can
Seined on appljestiou to the frinttp.l.
stniittoonl .
- - - -
I • iseleot ectiooi for ;Boys
• • .
Inatlention will -le le.opagwal oa MONDAY
Plaptambar 2d, in lb. Lactose room of Meat Cbo
;Mut Ammon. *Mabee:ly. Parents sem whb to p •
Ither mow ender Mr. C7.'s care, may Pod Lem at, L
!reaideraea, near to. fichool rotan,Mo.lST Upon area
ion tel
Lucifer Oil Works.
COAL A.No s 914.111301101 L,
Li -
LIXPB, 8, &0., &0.,
No. 39 Market,strost,
&Mel &mud PPS "f td •
win 12044 PIPTaBIaBGEI, PA.
LAIJ-E L P #i 1 A
IL J., Oro and a half holm ride from •
de phts) b nuns Ireonented than say other plant
LL 'Hit bathing, sidling and itddng facilltlea Ira •
• Ito Made and Eceralng . Bow; width •• •
reedits stout Pere* Thocumff,peratyna, ma ea
loct an than of Wain+ and Newport..
Its Baden fa ntntrudiee length, affording a
fallow aim white tats atatorpbera of the plan in
aortal* as Ito tunes
The Naffs ate anted MOD dolly two and MI
Thliadalphis; gaff • telegraph =tondo too .14
heath ef thorn&
Trairdotthi Camden sad Atlantic Railroad log
Allan Meat :Wharf. Philadelphia, at, 7% a rt. arm ti
tn. leartrAtlantta at Oda L - K.llOl, &4d P.
boas Oat, mass. Rare $l,/Z:° L. i
mean's - Ira (Campa tissor)llo2lL we t oaf
ailiL IL 0.14 infla boadinal sr dd.
wzantne Dowystaii, sc.' it
Y e r , "at 1.14 b, att d
oat wood work. This ta the thing
to . a bat boon wonte4 by - to:mato Who
int 'OA to be a ibiaxps see of szkyth
BAils, .1 1
tar.asi; ,krEANpowr.
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