f i ' 4 - f:,• ESN -Balder' read' of a Itetianed Volunteer. Oa Thursday evening, ebony after seven o'clock, Lieut. - .Gawp.: Geist, late Quarter. matey of the Seventh Helpmeet Pennsylvania V,olantieri A died at the residence:of hie father in,tite Third, Ward, Alliakeny, of typhoid _ fatter, atter us illness of eight ilaja,'....lllr. B. „ • spaded MGantry company, was elected , Aleutenant,and Adelina*, promoted to glutamate:yr, a very :responsible Pen - tion, sad one which he filled with credit to &waif, - aid winning the edam:OM& manual Teapot.% of the regiment to *kith he belonged: Bea alas kawas_quiet and; reserved in Ida demeae. our attentive to' hiadratini, and - always at his poei His deatb, coming at . unex pected - moment,-ha wet a gloom over a large chi of friends. The fantail will take plade treday: at two o'clock, and proceed to Troy 0111 Cemetery Capt. Gang's compact attend, 'remind accoutrements, a nd ,Cersts. Tronlo,Tylair, , Wallacei and Gerard trill also have their companies pretest . at the funeral ceremoniew. • Thmilitary portion Of the procession will `asse mble on Smithfield ,street, right resting on Sixtb,at halfpast .Thu Lida Riot on, Brattaitatd' Street. 'j• A few dhjarithice we reported a disgraceful tint at the saloon Of B: Beth . on Smithfield - itmet. A *Adler anted Grimmins got into* dlOenity-with the bar kipper Helms, during h they hater struck the forma a Walla blow co the bead wlth'acliib. This happened bithiliateinona' Daring the eimeaverang, a - _ - party entered the beer hail, beat Mr. Binh and his hrothar in a shocking manyirr,•=d smashed tlhi g u ' llal / 7 * • 8110'1 then, three bf the par. _ - "'des have bona arrested upon a chirpier riot— Datfd Hall, Jamey Bowler and John Strain. . The lade" is so ill Bout the affect' of the fight *bathe cannot pi abate., They hats all ea : -ball fora honing on Wednesday next. also been held to answer a glaze of wad, and buttery with Watt to kill Cummins, and be all. ham' a bearing at the same tima. • 11:Buth Cummins wore both badly hat. bather will, 'probably tata 'Ala to - attend the Inial i .- : ';': , :1'- : * - ,;1 - , ....'. :::. :*.-:-::::..ii.:.:::_'-:::t!.-7.,.',y.t ,4 • • •• • - [MERE .. f . -5.••' - '• • 1.. =EI ‘••••• 0 0: , • • .14 • : -•: : :•4• • •-•., •ir;;,:E~ti, . • INSIE ' 7 ! 1 , :f.;.; . ...:::' , 1t5:::::4:'% .;-'.i . ;1,;.i.;::-:t;:' .:: ~:-;.•,....y =ME •• . • •• :• , ••••? • •NN...:1044-..•.A.;,;!:, • •..• • •::;31 : 5: 4 ::' 4 . ,- • 1,, !!'• :"0; , i r; !•Yt• 1 14'.• . 1.1;t:161:41!;`,4::i•: - • • 0 3 4 11::;r: 5 .. • • '• • • :• 7 1: , !te•Vrkilm.11: 1 7 --- !•• • t`l•464li;s4t:all4+. ' 4 •.4%!' 40 . ' N'Ate. l, :gt‘igitN : ;' • • ?: v .: a •:. : • . . ?•% 0 ; f.;• ••••• -• • • •-•:, 1 .•• ,•,.• • • . ~. • • • RULE Pautmus.—Tbe Ektalitirmith Ohio 'Begird as a, which united at Zane/sillies Taw - day Las; had , la char's: eleven prisoners:- . ' stsalcta from Virglata: Among them was a • • , lawyer, a doctor, a school .taacher, a pod - ••'• mortar. Cad a spur.. Sours' of them were Ilarare-looking met, who looked as thalth they woald carry their emis,let the conuqamt. can bs.erhrs they may. _ - Bosar.aar Weonsaday night the r r daau of Aran! Kirk, Obis MAIO, Allanhezfr • Was estates by a barear t yaka carried Off sores clothin and twodoloantalsonsy. The Mama was cawed Unmet ta.darw, the ahattera of whisk bad been lenandistased. TS' thief viiitatd him. Stark's roalwijnian carried an a por . time of her clotidzig. • Iticeszaum—Vord, who ens dabbed-by t. Pate: Dalazry, II fair days - dew, reeeerrina drily, and Is cow regerdal old of dicta. tabaily sill here • hawing before /favor WU sea ea ilioaday, sad appeal' del the Wend isaa's life is do to deeges, the ddiaddit I* admitted to MIMI . . . • 'noon Eimisto Thee:day evemcg, - tam of roadie, who fisd'been leugteg about a c•atic.pirty near.the Crams Tree tavern, . oa the ldidempls road, tot lett) a difficulty , • wits some ace about the bar, sod Wok revenge • • • by aroaleg Lire house, the •ertadows,_ and doles other . damage. • -'• I ‘ . . AawairlavrearAllee.:—Wm.Ortrea apploiri below the Mayor ye:arils), aedgtalemarks; chaste of smolt mid battery sploetsfereeph . B; Liars, of Peebles iimraehip. The ilfereefo tic* iota Corti) .bat the dafeadaat had baitsa a boy' of the prosicatcr, Miming W 02124111 upon hie body. A wsmint eras lamed. . neat Acciaxxx.—On Thursday Jut, Wei. BrancLoe, son of James BraedOn, of Sochlandi .• :Ifinange county, whilat trappd to nab; • . dews a Om), recolved a fatal soots from dud Ilmh. With come asalstanoe ha walked to hie louse, bet died the next inornhig at i wo o'clock. . Ha leans • wife and Liar apartn. Cox. Morass's Raguutar.- i tialleectely program la ataktog In the' work of Immuring sicrulla for CoL . .W.alainuel ragimmit, at Eris. Bees& of the cemplaise are ussaly full, and • p tin* camp Ark a few dap. 'lee time for Oomptsting tioe miaow hes bean extruded to the Alai of September. . • •••• Pen 011101 Al74lllL—Us put offee at nevi Valley. Bradford carroty, Pa., LI dtioon glapd. Rairrlaw, Brie enmity, Pa., Muir- Pain Swan), Jr., Is sppoLoteit poioaasta,,Ylso Jolts V. Chapman, =tared. • , . • • Aware the Rabal prisoner' 'taken tram Graf ton to Wheeling le • hale* osaiod BLnt, nP = to fume woosided Colcoel Maly at PhlL i• '• . . EWE MESE • ,;•••• .", • I ; 1. '• 11 `' --- +•- .1' . ~i . ;..; .. ~ i . : _ . :, ~::. Vittinu l , : - ,rg ,„. .!.1. , ;. aletteJ !011170141. .P 4 114 qr SATITIIDAY 8101iNIA. MM. 10, 1861. CITY I,4FFAIRS `MATAAIAtekIICAL ObserfatiNlS. for McGill by G. 12. fisaw, Oputian r 5s Filth meet 4-earreckid daily: . - I sus. =swum. o:ealrg.k. '94 ,. 72 ," 111...•••1•••••4119 I 88 1 3 .- 1 -78, SW= • 29,9-20 . . he Plitebrusti Masi. " 1 We have rec ei ve d f rom.our- . Washington . ..,, correspondent. the 'names of tles.' of fi cer* of .. . . the . Rieth Pennellvsnia.Reemitet,- Reserve Corp., and .the master roll of company A,' Pittsburgh!.. Hide s ,, whielL we ; pu bli sh with plaiumrs:! : ± , CI EICIO Of lUM Ole laarlipl:llCF ?Mau. RAISZILTIS. ~,- ltioloael—a. & Jacks= 0. 4 4. Ideates= ,Clolooll—ltett Itadereoas , - Xejar...l. tB.. analyser, 4, . pm. ' I tr T. IL 11 4 .. r. tbg"°' kick; ' r " ! : Q 13argesahl. P. .Dottestos; ' 2 . .-0. & Matta= 'esegeset jor—les. IL PsUiatlasa . ' f , . :Di= !War—Wm.& Bova= _ Oasellomes Lk Pats ..,, . . . . ... , .— , . . 1-... ' odseetor ;WM IttetifL. 012113317. - 04dabt,' W.Adtaa: laa Corp. 'LODI/ a N . • IsaLbut,llll Ddrfloataw 31 do Uldtoad 013 WV, dal -I P -Beatty; .31 do Bowers J kl. let ANIL, U Bawd; AMA) NAM IMD do OA bLElemay;lab do NM BB do -OW Orion; dtb do Duff tod BIM r dalt. do WA Boblasotd Ttb do. Dams , * Anhui, . am do 'dt,pDatbdgbdgltb do bkarbon a.ll Ails Wm,; llama Waa WaDataTl Jaw 7 BiallOortit - Tarred Wm I 11alaW5 , Jdo 0 BaaeLYabrH ylaiabai• Jno J doblzme deo/ t. Maar UN I ' Ohm Wed Bad Mai 4, 31001Tais .."Eaditoa Jai II aid Goo W RradaltarJas HasDat ato J Modes T 0 adbar 6 bear: Um. Baidapr 13411 - . 0optay Jain' - Irvin /darter Badgers Jae i • ODA &mph SaadJaa W ' Attiatler H W °reloads 011 Kirby Tpiaktbte Joe ~.@hrallWl Little John Jd. dam& Jobs J ao Jaa Ewa WV ; Goland' W - Ltda. %boa dm, OrattasDanlLambda' 0 atanarnsgel a, fl app ew lied Jam sno ,Leaftstay T t -Smith Aiazir :, LIDA - Darrtd.l • Taggart 10 . 11, oadpbsa SURMA total' -Tamar L Carat 0 "ltaidootalii Tom: of • tg . .151213 Bawl L ihuopson BD WlAtatao U ra7ll,T Wadfroy.l9 'Acadia* Jobs Dasdada Sao .111eCone Jos 11 Wabace W TN: . /TAW UrYlarey stradad Jai ao Vardar OaW , , - al Odardhary,4l W Ittalebtar:, ;Teamster, Jaa_Law.o3. , . . f:Mdse . autored—noremas °paned. Tie chain of the towered during Tharadiy bad a der:Madly good effect upon the conduct of thisoldfem.- Thu was especially; noticeable during the avohilla, and on /rids/ morning ad, Ale eases were foun d m the Warolt4onts• A. ,- Nearly allot the son-reildatt soldiers hate named to their_homes,aad u goodardir bas bee' ono* more restored: in- the city, Mayor Wilton authorizes us to state that the Peoria ' matron will not, in cousekuence, be rigid. ly seaward. His -Moue' dodoes to 'sheik moat-CordiallY time good 'citizens' who paid supra to hie proclutadoo, sad hopes that he sea! not :be 'laced 'under theaecciwity --- of achina a uspusron oftheir hominess.- Ten Cht., , llosntsas.—The Franidie Caicos = disconeses se &Hoene - “It mid that'the oil - _ balsas is, down, bar we judge from the im. i.e...oomhor of barrab, empty mot folli that are - continually , passing ,thounktw_ meets, that _off. M:,•comider ep.1,14 - Mmuntifirors Oil Creek it is wafts up le tarp quantities. We Mew ree half a doss* Coned hail , boats an let Sa /day, ait sppsiently engaged in tie* ii i ii. oil' Wain ~ We conebide, from all the -in atestion we urn get;that the oil from; is gettitunt be !helm:mu of Vaumngo county tor yams, probably'sges to' come." - & resident "of. Chnolunburgonnired before the _Mayor interesy siOnnig, sad made an Mformatipu. charging Willie/N.4' bete ,boom Will: Miser" Graham," With obtaining money 'eider -hike pretenses. Insole allegits that Graham irkdd him him pay' ro4tor one moutb,ln Chambers. littrg. for 11013„ sad that he subseutmlly drew the amount here himself, leaving Fromle nothing but the - paper on which the roll we. made' on for his. money. Whit makes the Matta waree,is the fact that the money we. givsn , Gilltam le a- alibis, of autoutodation- He represented that he hate wile and chiloren dimeadhig. - on him • far their supper's and:t his earned entreaty Frani. bought the . .Giabam anent! amount which it called for, only to wbehla brougbtit here thin rt cestiert,that the 'canna we. before him, sad hatt dawn - the money, -- 4 wamutt Bitaernoi, deenaire74 - utost at ooki4 me& dent osturredin MoSamposSirn Tbmiday. re sulting in the death *IA little seer of Mr. Wm. Osborn, aged Stunt' fourteen months. It aft mrs that ha had Just got;thrones, with his 'auppor. - and. went out into thi yard to gay, and stragid into the privy Connected with the house. He bad Amin Missal but s. taw Winning, when marsh wag Institute& For some - reason the parents surmi s ed that the child hid fallen into ths prim, and upon repairing to the spot, covered It. It was. taken out quiokly. , but was Inundlif beilivilts dead.; -_ AT Irtirsusil.—On Thrtnraiy afternoon, tap the Wheeling Intel an' Irishman ea mad' Causer, who woe somewhat under the infinence of bad whisky, threw a jet water upon Michael Haley, who works at the Belmont landing. Haley made him desist, but thinking it fine fan be contin ued to throw the - water: Raley left his. work add unit .COsear:a few blown upon the head and face, and turned round to resume his work, when Dosser drew a knife and stabbed Haley in the right side. Dr. Halley McCoy iru called and entertains bet little koperral his recovery. 7 - . - Deana 711.0 X Sua 13ramrc.—The Cleveland Leader of Tnarsday rap : An batman, Irom Pittstrurgb, who was engaged on the gravel train of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, while working at Bayard, on yester day afternoon, fell from sue stroke, at three o'clock, from the efacti of which ne died at five o'clock last evening. He was aged about twenty years, and his remains were -taken to Pittsburgh for -- burial, where he has friends residing. We have not been able to learn his name. . Muammar= Draw/T.—The !Wheeling &rad olljeatliday sant ."The. debate 00 the .Untrersal Salvation of all Mankind,' truly a large subject, betwepp Prof. C. L. Loose, of Bethany, and Rev. A:latcon, of Pittsburgh, nag been progressing in Lagrange since Tues day, and will probably continue until Friday evening. The question involver all that can be said for and against Universalism. and, al. though we' hams not bean there to bear, the eigumentation is said to be both strong and spicy. Tnere has bran a pretty fair "'tand em..." Itorraray.-00 last Sunday, while Mr. and Mrs. Johu Campbell, of Fairview, Hancock county, Turns. were absent from their read° deuce, at 'church, some thieves entered their house by clunbieg through the windows, and succeeded in taking therefrom enrol .350 or $6O worth of wearing apparel, jewelry, &c. Two suspicious looking fellows °wars seen lurking about the house before Mr, Cornball left. Sointra KILLED.—Jacob Meyer', a told ter of the 16th Ohio Regiment, whist on his re. tern home with_ has regiment, the other day, was accidentally killed Si short distance east of Cambridge, Ohio, on the Central Ohio Rail road. He was. on the -top of a car, and In passing - ander a -bridge his bead struck the timbers, inflicting asirjary from which he afterwards died. EllllwsE l3 .—Peter, son or Peter 13lankea. shop, of Wellaborg, Va., mos ,drowned while bathing in Molnar on the'evening of Friday. the 24 inst. The river had recently risen sonic feet, and he, not taking this into account, swam oat into deep water farther than he intended, init oink tenni exhanatiOn before he could tn. gainthe shore.' His body was recovered in a very short time, but lice was gone. RATIONS Cowmen* -aihs 12th and 19:h Regiments hall their rations commuted, the tormer for six and the latter for Nine days, authority having been given to Lieut. Benj. T. Hutehiiimid Cavalry, U. S. A., and as soon as funds are received from the Treasury will be paid - to the Qaartermasters of the Begs. _Uneasy or • Warca.--Peor O'Neil aF peszsd bifore r the Mayor yesterday and made en information charging a •man named Oliver with the Weeny of a silver watch. valued at $2O. A., warrant was_issuad. Trig/ans.—A crowded and faabionable an dience attended the Old Dcuty list evening on the ocepsiolf of the benefit of that mom bewitching actress Odin Addle Procter, who in her character of Nan in the Nis Nowa was most rapturonaly encored. The introducing of a "Walk Round" is a new feature in the character, and , which did not fail to bring down the house. Her character of Bob Net. ties was excellent and did certainly keep the taboo( in an uproar. Glenn's Dutch character isV•Der Nix Noma" was most insainibly fan ny, whilst kin Richird Three Timed wagi mensei. ,US kept the audience la a enntinned sprain , during the whole performanie. Oa this evening hfr. l B. W.,Glenn has a - benefit, npon which occasion we predict for him a' crowded house when will be presented the great nautical home, of the "Man of War,t , and the "Privateer," is }hick he appears in a Daub character entitled "Jan Datiabersrelle , as also in his greatest of all characters, "Dutch Richard Throe limes.” MiAr Prottor also appear* in her rewrite character of Rosetta in the Sw4ll:Pratha wiktrhei sop and dances. DIEDs DARZW/Cl.--On Matt Ituitant. at 'lb* . read4uu of bb atoffttotr, Ws. Ctittlag. aaq, at Urntoes, R. T., WILLIAM f. 8111119114. of alit plat. , In lb* Mb yam of his ap. - 0111111 T—On 2trutda7oreollog, tth tort., at Ma raw Idaspoof Mott:tom to • lfthany Ulty, Lieut. Wotan amt. gala Qsactormaatar of the tiattal Ettatabatt, Panoryloatlt Volta lout. Tho funaral . vll.l4lii plop. at 9 c/.1..c0.k vast tomm. Wan= the imilrocio ol tO. tuber of dommed, car. Wit of Sicced Moat Mid Last Laos, Allribray City, to plumed to Troy HID Ormesory. .2911 Mends of Oa hOOl and fettaird onlookers of the foronnth and Mhos nialmanis aro roopetthilly lathed to atiamiL Ofitcent sad mmodem nf costipentoe of the differ. eat ' roglaimate 021$0"0 on Emitted aid Monet, risk' riOttni oo etzth Ong. At 6altp su twoltio o'clock,. Ibe - AlloshellY RANI. 08 9 t. Gimp, to Which Socemod blontad l will amemblo at the Scott lionsoi,ot flmllhtleld West, at 111 ckkelt, mith .41611 sad axmitlfeininao._ Ckimp.yl,Csiotate GA tut!: OmoMial 11, Clapialn "'yin; Company A, Cap. fain Walloon, and Company Si, Osp min Trarlilo, of tan Berrocilli Seirapht, well samonAle al lb) forming e r rata at IS o'clock. DOCTOS !Lung; pater Caro and Soma. =PhYliiiaiN Also neat for aniabow's eels; ix Swum. 00111 U 14 Pima and % Iran tar arida • • t Dernnsv.—Dr: Q. 8111, No, US Peace attends to all beaaehes of the Dental prole/An. ALL'ahould not fail u'd read the wirer *mama of Aar. Wmxt, 4 tertlsie• vow., . Mir To Hone Owners - ea. WIMEDIII IYALL&BIM LIM It. IffSillt /OR 110E1411171 t atunaled by wcYl WI MS d Lamnr, hither= gpratos, Endow attcol is' an45.1w1 wad anal= Litz :Nis at BMW. Gail; linatchaa, Rap, I c. It will Cu:.alc itpiedny. 4prfla sad illarboa• may lac natty pwrnand and canal to mar trichina stages, t cow thane awn win berwah ati pcsatafttly tea notice ohm Pio can or thetied.baw.tsr la so damns*. se boohoo bat It maybe ailhistad by hat Lhilaunct, sae Its Pithrti ilestias will Always ...?"‘• Lin lanetins sad CllO4 WI Dona b taunt with =spa nitre ear . Shan bone wan sbObliti tame . WA reload at brad, lb. tat 115117 124 e Lids* Int swam= of will stlactoally tDawa tnaldabla dawns muntftrlnd. all home On !labia sad nadir to macry so weir, Illbitabla bones nearly wortblns. • Dab sdhattareant. spfklidast.aft BIAOD FCMD. — Att.antion fa aided to aloamotnisurs..bs. sod Wet Ulla prepanalea, 4tiatleal fa snatharcolexiui. It Le' aaemtle.4 no. litawarrY, aad matt' sot W cortreasnd with aay of allammeroae relent Ilatelklisee al th. Car. It 4 a **tun remedy fat all th/ Musses rpeclud, at,d .110Pdalbr lama a etuvahi aatane—,,,twou s laeelereeka amasto. aad AIM Da ews, try Id Kamm Osvium a 1:1970” D. er , Of D , YOri, do ads netts ler It, and flap prop:Ware el Du world. 'peaornatl Dr. letoife larairrun Caattu., as arti. •Irbscb nary ttother Ewald here to her medtelae 'abbot Diem a f wade ae4 wale:alp& at , 4014 Do pantgrata ntata el any Med, tt cea De relied pm tie Inman coalldeaoaead mill be rennet ea in. ,insibie mac ID eta all arm tateattla aciapl elatae— We Rate Vemerpoi, Cbtembae. Maas adetetlmerseet. ha eale ay SIOUX IL Ilil4ll, 4eon, 110 Wood et.. FtFilm!•li. tIiTTEJL:FROM , . Prow Cur Own Corouporuterit.-- WissusaTor, August 6,1881. The weather still 'continues exoessinly hot, though a Ms Mitred' to.day by a braes,. Yeirterday, as the 9th _sediment wen =king . their march for their new encampment; the air was so dose and the haat so powerful that w— ad fell out by the way. Tha whole regiment got safe In, however; to - their new eamp. It is not en good a place for shade and water as the one they left: They inner within about three miles of the seceedoit outposts. • The 7th, Btb, - 11th.10th and 11th regiments of the Pennerylvanii Beam* Corpi are now all encamped topthar at the woe place,'(about seven miles up the river,) and Brlgedier Gen eral filoCen has antually auumed command of this, his brigade., Very general thtbigairtetut . eipreued at this 'Arrangement, and soon than troops wilt show the afoot of the new order of things.. The various evolutions and :Son: menu by brigade will be practiced, and the men will become samiliar.with the solos and appall,. anoe of their commander, and, it is hoped ' will in every ease stolen to repose con fi dence fn him. Coe serious dthwbier.k still is to be regretted in the 9th Regiment, and perhaps in others. In the 9th, I ant, bolveeer, certain, that bat two companies hare reliable arms, Captaie Smith's Rifler, Co. A, right wing, hare.that moat superior also, -Sharpe's rifles to. B, Capt. 'ilartreeryees; (I think it has the Minis riffs, and are the left wing. The other (eight) companies hive the old altered mos. ket cir 1847; ff Us= not mistaken; It it nor safe for the_ bearer to carry that atm into a fight. For the "Secesber&' it might be. k hope the new arias will beat onea Oren out to them, and - wail yesterday .I nerer doubted it. Bat the 'regiments were marched to the Armory and: there the new eatteket was provided, prepszetory to the march to the post of danger„ fin the case of the Sib, this has not bees done, and that is what troubles me. Congress—The ; great war Congtrosied. journed at noon to-day. I think the people will agree with your correspondent, that in al most sit respectethey came up in their action to the temper of the times. That they did their beet to give the President the power which be needs in these trying timer; OW they acted together with an ardor and a spirit of patriot ism worthy of :high commendauon, and I doubt not the pelvis will yield 'them a worthy mead of praise', They were obliged to Iky taxes, but who ()been In this uses! .Who, without a government, can ever have property to tax, unless indeed it might be the brigand, who converts might' into right ! It is' tree, there were somer-diacordant voices at; both ends of the Capitolo Now and thane brazen traitor like - Vallandigham croaked an apology fOr the treason that • sou made even fouler by his favor. The elegant Canna' of the Senate occasionally duo /1 a: rhetorical wreath ; upon the reeking carcass of secession as If to hide its inherent foulness, but even he—the man who presided over that body when the 'Water. eyed Davis, Dentiin,lToombs, the ailver•voiced pickpocket, Judge Danyeenn, (a descendant of the Impenitent thief,)- and the white-haired plunderer of hlis neighbors, Houma Slidell, poured forth treason by the ream—even te, sustained by bat the stricken Der. alwolit 'S peared to loathe • the task. He felt theleary hordes imposed liy the wry eyed chief of Con federate thieves, and though be bon it, it was evidently with pain. What answer shall he retina to the faithlel emotes& and tens of thousands of braveold Kentucky, who have just spoken in thunder tones at the ballot.box, for the Union and the Constitution ! Let him speak for them, or Sinner 11112 f hold blispeace. Lanowcue [tor the Pfuebersh Gasettsa Mesita Frevoispezerritt As the Repub. lean County Coniouttes meets this morning, • I allow an outsider' to . put in a word or two. In these "piping ti inns f war,+ meanly do we see any quantity of gentleman anxious and willing "to *me their Country for their cOuntrra good," in any efAeval capacity, but the manta seems to extend to the civil positions in a no lea* extent and remarkable degree. 'Looking over your paper end pausing under the bead of Political-Notices; "the minder grows." From the number of candidates, "subject to the de cieion of the Coniention," Independents, Vol unteers, and Union; no party men edemas, one would be led to believe there war a chip thing" somewhere- The appeals of broken. down poltuciansand old eaters or. hacks— long-lived Democrats sod' o th ers, soliciting so . . party committees are peculiarly cool and refreshing. Some taken with a suddea aboli tion of patriotism are quite anxious to Ingrati ate the dear public; and feed at the people's crib, or "grind their axes at the big stone." May we not bopejthat the Republican Com mittee, at its meeting this morning, will stead firmoind make nu overtones, or receive DODO for an affiance or Union Convention. Gentlemen aide to the textj pin jourfaith there with your:principlee, ends let us have ao "milk and water” proceediage. r Largely in the majority Iv the• calmly, why should you throw away or divide your harnathrued honors f I Nowyou should be more united than ever. Give a fiim and strong support in the shape of en endorse. meat by the talife 'election of your National Administration and eta manures. It belongs to and should emanate from the 'Republican party. fluder_not Your councils to be din , treated by the ' , licentious ' wiles" and asp proaches of your old foe, otherwise you are de moralized, and your prestige Le last. Geitle men, stand firm, united andearosg—bp to the Administration sod the war measures which have bean iosugnrated. Lower sot your standard or-your Oman neither sell out nor cheapen'Republfcan principles. We want no dilutton or infusing of doubtful and weakeniag properties at this junction. If able to rule, "rule wisely and,:wall." Let the DOCIOGICY clamor for union lad no party aomlostiona; that Is its forts here. You have the. power— keep It. Bold frau Convention ; nominate your candidate. - le the venal master. Give' evidence of the faith that Is in you, and if the Democracy wiehlo have a Union ticket, let them support and vote that of the Itepebllcan Party. A Loofas Or. - Arrest of en Adjutant General of the Habil Slimy. , While prosier:adios on Fourth street yens, day forepoon, Cal. J. V. Gathria, of tee Pint Kentucky, nes a gentleman whom he thought be recognised as Col. Tyler, late cribs U. B. Army, but now an Adjutant General le the rebel army. Bo strongly was he imps end with this ides, that be tanned and followed. Presently he not. Capt. Dickerson, and upon coon:nation they both satisfied that Col. Guthrie wu right is his surenini. Thereupon Col. Guthrie approached Col. Tyler, and claimed him as a prisoner of war. ?yin ap peared to be somewhat amra.d , but coafaued his name and rani le Beastregardra army, cad said that ' , graveling se s citave, and without urns, he did not inhibits an insets"- Cal. Guthrie delivered his prisoner to Capt. Meta**, Amstrad Adjutant Galena of dig department, who conveyed him to the Now. port Barracks, and telegraphed to Ger. Scott for father insuuctionr. CoL Tyler liked to be placed en parole, but Capt. McLean refuted to vent the meat, astil he beard from head-quulars. Col. Tyler came to this city yesterday morniog, for theostiveuuble popsies of visiting his wife, vibe hie bees bowling In the city all nuenter. Mrs. Tyler is said to be the daughter of Dr. .1. J. B. Wright, of this city. It is also reported that abe telegraphed to her husband, both at Louisville and not to Gem. on, ait wan datgerove. Bet, II seems that antes:of these dispatches rerlah• their destination. Copt. Tyler Videlted it West Point it tits clam of 1548, mild served le tie cavalry uhia Peal the bleating out of the rebellion-, wean be realgued. He was then at Wait Kinney. Ho is a Member of Gas. Beauregardg staff, and serial it Minoan as Adjutant Gsnaral. Asthe Barnett Heine, he registered r.C. Tyler, Otr.n , This Li one - ol the moo organelle perform ances that has happened none the rebellion began. for what could • ieduce set officer high in rani. and sarviag in the last great bat tle, to go where ha win entail to be milt ed, and tried for 'his life f It is certainly a remarkable Instates of putting one's head in I Hong mouth —Cie Commercial. dr Urnrosstrears Rearm r.wr.—A Baltimore paper says t “The remainder of Col. Mann , . Panneylvame Reserve Regiment, sent op to reinforce the cloy of the Shenandoah, mem• ed bome ma Tuesday, via Baltimore. noshes been a molt oolortooate regiment. It tea been broken op by peaew.maal. When ilium who retuned yeaterday were ordered to stick their arena preriotta • to tuerchleg out of camp, they threw them down npoetheground, and ssawalW id off, &salaries they had beat Imposed upon. Of all the officer', Pal. Mann slaw remains el Sandy Hook. The armee the entire mental it. re:tali:lVA • • TEM VOW LA.TESE. , . • t Fattier iertividere about the "mkt lee* tripsitterfiebt 'au erefdayr-'Citna, Lysol Paling Data Upon elpresinstekiu A gentleman who arrived itt night on the Pacific Railroad, gives as a following late and important particulars of e Movements of Gen. Lyon near Springfield : • , On Thursday , the fiat day al Anglin, Gen. Lyon being satnfied the *bele were ad. vaticlag on Springfield in three coluales, de ter-Mina to march his command and meet their center and strongest Comm.,u drive it back, and then tarn on the most n trthern colemitend pat it tovaate.. Accordingly on that day he ordered his command, then ly leg at Pond Spring, to march in a Southeaster ly direction to the road leading from Spring field to Cassville, and in addition ordered Col. Delirier, with the First Regiment Kama Vali:steers ,to follow . On the evening of Thursday, den. Lyon's command encamped at Tariel's Creek, twelve miles northweet of Springfield. tie Friday the -command moved forward on the road to Caisvillo, and after marching some four miles, the advance came in costae% with the picket gas of 'the. rebel forcei. • mambo mof their not dreaming of danger, had taken quarters slog bat close to the road side. Capt. Totten,with one of hie large game shattered one corner of the build ing, greatly alarming the inmates, who fied_in greet diamay. The alter then marchlito Dag Spring, and encamped ler the night, a. Lyon being aatified that the enemy bad session of the water at Clone. _ The camp was tamed, 'part/mot eaealry sent obese and aseartals If the rebels were approaching. .11:sfprad 'of `cavalry ot twenty mm observed's -regimen et:SIMI infimtry sp. proachhtg, sad thelientanant gave ardent to chuga. The twenty pot to Light the whale re,. 'hunt, killing thirty 'of their, nizmber, and wounding ahem, Oar informant says-thane. moat numbered from eight handed to one thou. sand mezi,"baktha wounded Men of the enemy; with whom oar Informant conversed. lilted the body of Infantry charged by our, caralry: num. bind two hundred and gry r - The charge was a gallant glair, bat was not Intended by Gen.. Lyon. The Milted Owes loot is the charge, four killed, wounded, It is guise likely, had oar, -cavalry ,sand,: the enemy's 1*(107 would hare charged the main body of our troops, under Me leualcUate room. mend of Gin. Lyon. The were poorly. posted. They bed no idea , oar army was so close at hand. ' • , 41. tarp body of the rebel cavalry took an el evated position on tbi pointi of a sidge for the purpose of observing °Or position, strength, eta. Capt. Totten routed the whole force with Gm shells. This fora of rebel cavalry had a prisoner, and whoa the shell erastbroura in their midst, they kr coked Mai ofthis horse and fled. Therprisonir lay until =orals& urban he was picked up by oar troops.- Be says there were subseathirty wounded by the explosion of the . . Oar Informant oalled at th e house whore the rebels left their woandeel. and coutenred with Mr. Perm of Jasper loamy, who was woendad In the charge by out cavalry. The wounded appeared 'towlines to hams bearliii#On and ware doubtless uneasy at the swatch of oar troops. They ware kindly treated by ow foram Drt Como went In and eztodned and dressed ed nub wounds, their own ;argon hexing absent himself. . . . • On Sataiday morning tee army moved for. ward, with great caution. On appruclusg Curran the rebels ware seen in form on the hall side, immediately stiatbarest of tit place. Their advance was three thousand strong, en der the command at Gen. Rains. Geo. Lyon immediately termed bin' army for battle, and gave the order for theist* advance. Our infer. mint wee presaitwhen Guarder, to form were given, and says they were such as would have insured esteem. La oar two columns were approaching Ow timber, is Sank the enemy, Capt. Damns opened a spirited Sr. from lie battery of cruller, upon the position of the enemy. His Sr, caused them to retire to huts. It is not known bow many of the enemy wan kilted on Saturday. Oar side did not lour a man. We took several prisoners on that day. The army. encamped for the night at Can rut. Oa Sunday morning Gan. Lyon deter. maned to retrace his steps and return, to Sprieg• field, furies, as most the retorts are mennusli they might flank him and take Springfield. The rebel forces foot up an Hales, Price and Parsons have twenty thouund troop, and !Steeliest' has four thousand well armed and effective men.—ift. Louts Dem. Governor WriA rneght on the Fo s. reign View or rwari Affair Ttuo Chamber of Commune sputa meeting this afternoon, tor the pupate of Ile. tsotag to an address by Governor Joseph A. Wright, late trotted $ taws Ittinizter at the Conn of Prussia. Palatial Pall prodded. *tut then ♦se an anaaeall7 large attar:dam of atunber& Goveraor Wright said that we wan wimps tented abroad. The London. nuke end other foreign papers sedulously miskpresinted The press abroad has been subsidked. - Oar in stitutions are attacked from m keener, entire', and by those whalers isterested in its downhill of this country. . • , The German heart moue skill; but it !NW warmly. .fri the welfare of the country. While Mr. Wright was in Berlin he leaked more than des hkindred letters respecting the eke. tion In this conntiy, and front those *lto were anzirais to 04,01411 and tight the battles of the Onion. He wee obliged to publish a milk that he bad not opened a recruiting care. ' In his last Interview with the King of. Prus sia, the Bing took km by it. band end said t. .God grant that your papier**, bi able to otk bold the insprelosoy•of Thsi:Whole German people respect the 'griternetafit of • America. It ire expect the eld end eimpstke the tovernensti of Earope.;tre must help oarselna. What ts our dots ? tie must mare that the ag of our cowry shall be rationed to tin poll. lion In every state and the laws restart& . Wi toast mace millions beton we sutualt to this standard of the metaled Confaistaaj. We eon never bo two people. We must be on. or noth ing. We can nenr hate place la so abut aondltlon.—N. iirrlvals at the Principal Hotels. OP TO 8 O'CLOCK Lt?? moo'. - 01118,L13-ooraw of Thlrd dad Woad etra.ta Limit WM1.16 PIOMITOIL NO kW,. O 8 • D W Likbload. N ; taboo nalatood, Clo I O bola., nolo Itomodea, mos it Gomm cia 11/Worry 844olonroftle 0' WE*, coot ove POtuntat,Omsoost , o 1111 Darden,ltunt*Hy If Wormer. Nootoovd Mallard B ro Wtrf Ills JDPelttSoliAlmotooo 00l o■Ham Rath D 0 1 ,1 4 6 DO 0 B Wallow, 'taloa IS Leo* PoDa 11111818103 1100811- 410308 o. 1544 Liberty Kam& 13=83, 1 44.4 J IlAntor, ir 3.0. n. II Jury St Bar/tick, Wlacoo.lo Al ea ia , fDrtr , if y 0. Maul, atom* ... ULI Ulm do , OOP 0.831r8, N Urn) A V Ilemlat It, d o 8 El 18.•111rk, de a J Tkr icr • LAI) ,tallab's am VI ill !a, OnarclAca 11 A e I Ictl• lady, Waal Obalry,Coanalsvilla PIT ry opal+ 8 lldadaoot, AJAR CO J CI eprindat• 011 Winn, hummUs,lll D Ileeram. Ob 4 L ebrrock, Zsaantlla - JO Wilson, • vita Wlllb,Cestkohnilia L Ptah Ka Anew., PhDs I 61(ser Ohio B Ibickinhato a Mater, Ynß Lloydsr a daunt tar, • IlmintrAro I • 1:14-nro Clod, do NW .1 Fonsw, Jo NW L baleen, do NW Boa, WO= 1 L OLIWIL,Plynost6, 0 ttoliww, It Loots J 0 Booed% ausbnills, 0 J klanolollMenter L001116,1'1 0 F 00., CoonOwill to I A 0610161 : 1 ; o=osban Yn J LI Wood, etninaVo ■EL Andrews, do LinTl4l7lsroliod F Uanwieb sal URDU, r%III P Innioro a Iny. 111 KW D tlnlo, - • P Lando* I Lady. IAOLI sonic— JODI 10.3. U now*. Cb=borenn T J Oallhut, U W YIUR, Pllll5 01 Idonnlo, Or.oo.Darl W Lavrr7. mr.uotwida. IWO, Yocum J 1 1 / 4 00,0110 Brown, Obto P Dail; Illaratban J Jenson, PLIILI aura aarn—u. Mreek blialVill —' .. , . . ~ . . , J-Taa Dan% X , 6 Roblin, Psalm* J Curdy,'. do' • ' . J M odabead Tellarit'ei • J Rieks oo beegb. , Alkaiuk II Teyrmpolady. - • - oireesabaeg - I Ta b , 1 1 It lacQo4o, .113:0044• 4 IfelPer., , oulul - ' " n ' _. . . of Nei teol 111116 I.PADMOTCA. .1 8 IJoude ilidapeodeacei : oD [elle , • , .. "\:- , , • B DroerA Clenoomebarg J VrlC rt l wi batlie, - ,- • . J bikleJranne7,llffoit J W . WalitibilttOm J II Campbell, ilikkory . V Blob. . Clod • W MOM" Palo, P. I, II Crow, do A liellrateei do - t 0 Drava, do ._ .: I II Chlmos, balnandoin .1A D lkoll,ftall'ilat ,,, . - •'1 W 14441011. - 814111ftlill ' D Ample, Daebloome: A MAW, !Helmer (-,- .1 bank Oureombaer . • -..,-• • 7 Pollock 121 - tipionellio IlLso, allsodlabl' •. - - - .. . , - . ._ .,. 2 . BID xacrs lioni , - 46.1.4allak'spief. " ' - -A. A ooKomi.scaltota. ' , ' . ~. 6 Drown; ansurfitrAid., J L Coto* illivailimi i W,Oansed,CamecM Writ A Rama PACs ~,..,.•,: D 0 Cale V. ' • ll P Dank WWI fer , , L.'..' II Pottrozaalloo. 0 --- . BLI loaltb.-31111aum!419 ' ![donna, Denlotterills. P Rkklia Woo d oe bTmembalL Imatleld. 0 't Dad; Tana= a W Barnett, - r -10 lag i . ffallopou, if MIL-Ifo. M. Water AMA:: n A Winked, Shy Lleboo Welolle. US 0 :- . - ... - 0 SpeetkPlue Auk „„ , J.lmanee. du . , . ~ J J ftmseezei'Olde '..' ill/rodeo, do' .. -......,', G PammAbCbbrad6llo - b`b_Wm.. ..:-._" ' a b 1 e .1" . .. ' 1 " 1114° "46, ,'' 0 3 ikesoi , '.' V. . 71 t ,_il 1 cvtabik 4 u*vitfilii':. lußlebariek. do .-, ..- 0-tber,liere -CNC; ~ - D.Coolt,- --d0 .. . ---...-•- I/ 0 Ameeldeatieammt,i llNAllamy• is , 0 11114114; 00 a :-,,,:::?, P 14411114 , do ''' ...;;:.. i • _er...:-.:,.... - . i, ~ ... ;.i. wi. 1,, t1 ,- * - , ' . .. n -•''' '''. - - • _ - • TER LA .1 ST NEWS BT - , 1'416 , 8AP E.' RECEIVED AT TIE V?JLY GAZETTE OFFICE Foxiness Monaco , August B.—The village . of Hampton has bee r band by Gas . Magruder, I. . in his advance with i e rebel forces. 'A fee. tire, yesterday mo a r t :g, brought word of the 'potluck of a l Confederate three from Yoritown. Thesemore were confirmed at Bp.l:by an fatal/ t deserter from the se. cessipolina, named R A. Maheir, a - native of l in Maine bat a resident f Georgia until impres sed into service , wh . Punished en account of the expedition. Mr/chi/thew has beeh station ed at Yorktown since the let of June. On Friday. last Colonel. now Gan. Magruder left Yorktown with *force of 7000 men,istr.ind• I it* ,Ito_ cavalry and bight pieces of artillery, Ion: three Parrott vine, four howitzers and one cannon. Pull of 'the troops were from William:tabling. sjOn Monday sight they encamped at Great Bethel, which had been completely deserted.' On Taesday night they advanced towards Eilimpton, and at noon yes. terday took hp their°anion on Bacon mar, three miles from the wit, where Mahew man aged to escape thro gh a cornfield, and by I . swimming - a couple ol f be reached the Fortress. . - ' - - • ' Be ma the object expedition wee to a t m draw out outlaw to Idea Camp Hamilton, near. Newport News, pricticable, and Ulu* to destroy Hampton Wo as to prevent las but using it for Kuhn quarters. Gen. Railer at ones moaned to this 'end of Hampton Bridge, "liken he remained until eleven o'clock; I • - - Col. Weber, erected chemicals near Qua Hampton end of the Fre, and placed a strong guard at ratios yo on this side of the A few, minutes put midnight, General .Mr grader, with about , five hundred Confederate some of them belonging in Hampton—entered the town and . Iminediatal fixed ' the. buildings With torches. The Pia part of fin Un imam. Ind houses were built of cod, and as notate :has-fallen lathy . UM; ra g Beath wind sou produced a terrible ore There were parkape t anty- white people and double that ambe rnevem remairtunr in town from inability to remove, some of whose houses were fired without waking the ism awe. ' -: I . • - - The rebels gave - C'' Jones and his wife, both of them aged sad infirm, but fifteen min- I See to tamers thole! articles of limiters to the garden. Several' of the whites and also 1 ,of the negroes we - hurried away be we; to pressed into the. Cot ederata service. War. Scofield, a merchant; took refuge in a swamp above the town.robe a upon ware drowned while attempting toe the creek. cothe A compare of attempted to force T emi pasugo of' the ridge, bat were repulsed with a lore of 3 killed and 6 wounded. The fire 'raged all night. ' l l , • • 1 ' The greater part of the Confederates with.. drew towards 'morn g, and at noon today, when I visited the place, bat seven or mild building Inuit& smiting.' TO destrucnoa of the lowa was 'wilt/tweeted act of washy to the resident Uniorteur.and moreover earn. ly aselesh, *l64* Beller intends to winter hie army beyond Hampton. An attempt will be 1 midi to fasten this act epos the General, hat alter ten o'clock otilWeaeaday night there 1 wu sot i Federal erol ter 'in Hamoton. ' ' A flag of truss, Jett in from Norfolk with Mrs. Mayo, a aloe op Gen. Sue, on bar way 1 from , Richmond to New York, states that the rebels attribute theto Gen. Ba th er. • Gen, Kneader h encamped near New klettet Bridge. Be 'ardly tannin to at- - teak Newport News. I - . . osot i Mr. Matsu states theater* been about 7000 rebels stationed Yorktown. Boma tea days ago* battalion came down to the outskirts of Harep?on and canted away 180 name. Provbions are abundant at. Yorktown, and most of the regiments'ere neeivingnew uniforms for the winter campaign. . . BUT/20114 Aug.L t B a . —Brachia:ads! and Vailandighani have p lour of a graze die ear at the Eutaw Rene this' evening, given by the Baltimore goiressionets. At *lvrea o'clock they were mom by the. Blues , Band. Breckinridge Ano alderman( to souk, bat is constant y is' pted by cheers for Costenden, Gloa t ed 6 tt, the . Mesitarby election, and for the Ma a. It is impossi ble to hear what he IS en savoring to say. There are several th ohean - MIMS present, -* majosity of whom' re Dion men. They calf on the bind tor a. tar Spangled Bale, Dols ar ear,r' oYeakes le , a Ike., but can get' nothing from thrombi ..6ix4 l, and the oilier *Muth rr • .„ Attempts to quiet people ware respanded J . to by ales of o bar the 19th of April." Rent "Remember the we t of terror." . Berms! fights took place , and once of the secestionists were roughly hand! Be was finally cur. palled to retire ribbon speaking, and the cheers ef Ms Mends were dr w e ed amid groans and Muss. ; Vallandigham did t attempt to speak , and the crowd dispersed, Ith cheers for the Union and groans for Jett Davis, Interrupted by counter cheers and h Be:Avon August 9 —Breekeuridp's ef forts to speak . contentd half an boar before be was eampellsdi to desist. Amur brokan',san- Pout beard were that he desired to speak for the poor end weak, d not for the rich end e9wiefaL (A vo ~ You Ile, and you know you den ' ~, . , . - Be marred to, th position of Maryland , whose adieu bad in and gala been out. raged in then,dearest netitational eighth aid to all respectful rinq . as to charges alleged ii i mallet those who bean_ rudely torn from their homes end famll , nothlog bat °outruns. ens responses bad ' bard. 'Do you , be sad, call this I f (Cries of "No." oils," interainglad with and - shouts ` at "Oh, 63, up , yen traltur, ) • -, , . • Mr. Brudreasidiyi *tired why they want snout. if tut did= 0 , desire to hear Km. (Cheering. followed I. Ilame Cid* drowned nis voles ) A violent commit i . was not obiervett mops the crowd, whieb strayed from penman to permed es an'lronic e xc itement„ and the esputoons of th • police were plied with alga upon th e beads ; f who seemed tot, dout z Mn., reekernbigs; g amid the din, said that thou whirr him with oppro. briou epithets and kisses, were poor fel lows who were Ugh the degrading fitters which bound theat.,Alienedied ,cheering, fol. lotted instantly, bt r ail mtewid. of Violent db. . Mr. Bradunriclge-+You Your Main may hiss me now, but 7 'ehildren will bless me. (A voice-i• Oh. go Booth Carolina and be vi l esis e... .4 to year) .-.', •:. , 7 .. SV. . - , . This was met 'by t cheers and it rush the pollee. follow by a ging of men right towards the: side fro* whence ~ proidledird the rheas.. Another, seems t emulation ensued, which seventeen were sinviely beaten and harried bleedtag from the street. . Mi. Brechearidge-;11f you don't — intend to allow mite neat, then &spine the crowd. 'I did hot' volunteer to, fodder* ytra.; (Renewed Keen anti , Illsees.)- - ,; - ~, ..... ,- , Mr. Breakearldge...llf I did not know that Mauna otiose - dieturbing Ibis ustuablege were no expenente of:ir sentiments of the ple or Baltimore, I ',Ma despair of your city. (Chain bir Jelf. Deviit ra ind Gen. Elute.) corer .. Aptioirtrunitdo. bt • ptione, - the fip proonaded to say that oe the time= stltutiors tad been designated as limits to &e -podeker; nothing 'et' eatregenthea those *V soled b y the admialstration -MA satielloostred: liberty, he sald, existed before the constltutiou .wee farmed,sind widen* en hauls presented Weems that Amen. band end it mere foes ~ et government on the, the form wopld •perigh, hat wouldPricolyleee i 1" unit*., (Misses, grow* oter end ehests.) ~, Kr. B r ackenr i dge -o: feel personally 'on.. dale for the pooffelidis so radar bI pine to think . any lifts dealt& KO Kiley account. (Cries of r f Go on."*lld demi tor /A Davis and the :.. them Confederee74. ' Rout, Mo dug.l D Mr. . Borden, etas, proprietor, from iltrusgaeld an Zdanday,,lPMlN NMI/hill th e following avail - JJ Citatril Lyon, lent bola forest, beillithii bank on Spnogfield, births reacted thematic Monday monnag, and wu preparing_ for Moron definite. The reheat were annnohig by tour dlflerent roadn, and this 'drum wee Ocartained to DIM tee to fifteen miles Mutant. Gen. Lyon bid called et 2,600 Hems Gaul, frost the conomy around Springdeld. It was 'reused the ermaii woad Mike so int. mediate •Ula, Ova the fact that their 1:01110 coinariat was lo s nulterablt coedlUoa , tiler bolos obliged Co dopood on forced CollUiba. LiCilit for terupormy somplitic it was guarelly tentubsd to dynagfirddatiat 0". Lyn yam Oct's" 111 isaie of as 'trench:Leal', botironla di artUllarJ_lntblopaa dins with proviiictukvi eollfdni Ci t. He bid so el ,d upon ins spiel Fitty lissom bi sa Ain Ti• 0114, -. NE414.. attdeld . lasX , . , - :1 You, Lag, IL .:rind, but • IProza wa. am, WASILINGTOd, Aar. B.—Prises , Napohio. who stated to vita Iduiiius, did Rot sitar* to Washiogton tlus musing, u he intended.. It i. opposed that ho-du sztanded his 'visit perhipo to Richmond by iatitation of rebels. The Naval Constructor; charged with that particular duty, reports that he has twice en. 'mined Vanderbilt's steamer, and considers them unfit for the unto required, namely: for blockading purposes, and the Navy. De. partnient m view of the Mute presented, con curs with hint is his opinion. The following • Consular appointments have recently bees .made. Some of them have been confirmed by the Beanie,. and- others made since the adjournment of Congress John T. Neal, of Kansas, Consul to - Kings; ton, Jamaica; G. Hogg, to _Trinidad; M. M. Jackson, of Wisconsin, to Halifax; T. G. Kilts of Rho de' Island, to Oporto; 1. G. Bowman, of Indiana, to Matanzag David IL Wheeler, of lowa, to Genoa; Lonige Monti, of Mass., to Palermo; Charles W. Goddard, of Ma., to Constantinople' ' Arthur Pelson, to Cape Hay- Kea. Wm. L. Baker, of Md., to Guaymag L. Pierce, of Texas,.to Matamoros; Jas..L. Orme. by, of N. Y. to Naplm, rice Mr. Hammett, who has bateau office for 62 Jura. Boren, Ann. 9.—The stsamse Europa. ar rived at 5 - o'clock this 110111inge ais Hal Val ' Her abloes hen already. bens published. • A letter from a Hostas_ merchant, dated at New Orieses on the list nit, statse that the pi r ate steamer Molise ran the blockade on the , Itylag artillery loft:hare at two o'clock tkla motalog for Now York. . • ' • COMMERCIAL - RECORD. PITTSBURGH! DIASILETIL • [Boat oopookddr, At. tio•Pbtaborgd Groorts.l. • • :Irerisouros,3z4o;Aoipart, FLOVE—mooto . withs limbed Incubi, end IW basuardban reigns id • tio *mama . tO`OOOdi kit bownsr; dual fa mobs** Po oats War - ollt,bbbbpelbssod Motor Wheat hi* ot dd.Oo 85,1b110 do do ad $01 , 854/r, 40 do Whiter Whist do id SIAN 9001oa $4141 tor Etta and $114,005,02 it GEOCCIOIIII3-1* fair nowt eh& pk b sais folly tai_ -. . gala irarr. to We law stIPAq• do tholes do at t3MG 40 tugs &dee at 153‘c 20 do clads do at 153‘n a WIG Yo Was, to emotes. at 375( n a.' 81100 -b tradted dosnaintirldianStowever dump In orient Woe II 00 0 , at o for Staskiata and.llssol)go for Fiala Bato lol n 2000 00wA an kJ:iodates at 11350, and 1,000 its Plata basis at 234 a; ' MODS 011,-.01 bettor boydry - sidle pion ass s abate firma-440 at 911) bbL, twin Oil Croak ntb, . at at Loll pit—rads 11/11—oolot tat anctuusgiol; Salo . front anari CI II lodge* Vega Ms • CORD—In good request sod oraroalo of 500 both prima Yellow at Sto St bash. OAS 6-4211 and drooplag tale fromstore of 100 81100115-11als of 20 dos avail /AMY it VAS It dos 11311.4uslumand; Aka 11 half Ws Whiny Hob onsess-43.1. a 10 bimis W'B if 6 1 ,0270 p it. .14114,001 7 -4marai aod Ws of 1,000 IDf V L11.5-4da of an -•- naiim hails -sale of 30 wino Tio 9 boob. , lob of $ bbls *pompom aibo 11101119/41,111 AZEt • Wi anonoottiooltl - To statilwent et th• Meat/ r .'ash of spade) tem se.-York to ibrolito port tor Maine!' $1,661,6118 $2,231474 MK= PEMouly maned 11 . 8 b. 101 40 .e 96 . 2113 74493,6118 . , „ Ede Jee / - ' b". 07 0.0 00 14002407 $11.5470103 Ta•sulicas at aeon f lathe mist appears to be la antadayvalls Um mudded tonomuto ars quits Ma. dad. Madmosad. on, Mrittly elide) collation* tba gam ramps from a to 0* am; atldom hammer 1 Mau 41 mast Tbds la a Imp dammul bairn clam pleuras 407 9 efts, sad toad Meat movamests la adva, tea uad law ,sad Mbar_ immense btu mum moat Maimed, Ma supply watta la tug, &aid at tbo .aboro edam ' Etas tnutaidlom an suds ad IMP a.ss mot lot laddlag marptaame. . Book epode today at illlbMo.ooo, or 121 9 amt. at 1 at *mil; with a large ammo* la lb* arty Ofb bet tomatod. The Ma Maas coatione mallow . & kiim sedaUbdatatiag Ma ataemmate la fies . haus MD GIL= /122222, dogma L.. Naar—lisadute VIM Edda !Mt:mum 0,400 bbia— (lake sad DM. gas tram 'DWI. Octifiatetal cbtdoe white aura at 44 61 4 'so Sad aid 1111 to Mud at OA 300 had thou= rod winter at son Id blab dot 114,044;100 bbla red whiter et IMAM MO bbla Wbacouta mesa sutra at Ill.C6:lool:6laDonesat at 10.00 10 bbb tradadd at SAO% -JO bly ba icamonllstl9, tight Them le etta, tette a faro qualittg of .bias set . , 1 Pitismtuz , 1, 0hm 0.114281 882442 hews 8.40 bble whistsy.2ll' dot Imokes& lambed 11119to= I oar cosi tag, lUir 43 WinPIM. tenths, Karl* & to 2 bbla wip;111 II ORM& * 101 Ms draw HRH 001102 2411 11022$11;4132 1110001: 13 lopty be Jai Bra&110 do 42,0 2.11201$: $ lesthar, 0 2 1112 Moth . empty esooso,42s Wit% 4 bblis apple% II •G•rwisbibla b000..a DO. worth! 17 told Nubo,H.Js & limp ISO holm door, $22110101 I SSlD.Llagust Sabi sheep, Eusis•• 1422•21112e'ealase 1 so sheep, • Ileseri 2 eke wooye /bedew 22 hides, 3 I Mee Otemdlo Odle pew, foster Pleemosr. pb db dp, 18 ocasta - ,A tota 81,811 2284 11 1118118; hts Osseo, unto ThabiellS.Vo6), 11.8 Urns eses 4 0 0400. 41.VesepxOss11 22822P1e5 t J..liession 1 obi Oulp a tbepard; I bOhr %axe, 02 pee Atwell.. Leo Ina SIB tti* ibed, , Vosphtly 11 Zoete tot pll • Jehs lioaehert .188 a/09114 13 EOM Aims whest,S, Iltioutbs ltt theit.. kt*mut 1%10 do do; Ladsß 112812210 h. I Tha rlerrwattier to secs VA 7 bet 7 baps timfdasu44ll7 met lug Tiositaighar 'ammo iraz as; and 111.11.SINtakebas of Esti; Cb• ftiat awl Its dotes.. Tbe &WWII has Whealltag OM 4laa4air still' NM* Item Alkci rtplar. WW I inis sot ik Noel &Wank. The thr oo rit= s r DiadatiCkstAtdrom, Nance tor sad Lixdsvalii. thtirelvo• tom Beteg noir bast.'ot Tay ftlt drtlettill" amp 01 mod inumismVoille" dna lippprPtipolows to both Itipsepte nil *Wok! 'Ka" eta lriTaiagnisikk. , _ .. ' Nair Tom Aspoi 114--Cbtles arms balm 1.14 tallailop ime.A. mta , I. van ims ineeletaigig# gale 14()1 ban. • Wiwi las advassa tr.l4 l 2o3bailb C:losakal chag, ot mil !Wank jl, net 1 lei oaths Lam/ rlll AL Olt . to Wag ems age ma ... _Bad tem. ilis/ . s'illai =lllllllq agAllallikr. , ~ , z - ...,,,..tv , 4%. l amax man sad II WWI cam •I 1 ROE mire* 4.2. ,,,,.... 111 , 11 ,,.., + . 3i ,....... ,xt ii tt... ,. I MILD ssisn, a mut D... 11." ;tont • l i ii j al aapetaa• ll P TWA LIM .. la do. ...,t,aio. la:a !Wand at Alt Viand whit. al Ariel itik • OPlns 06 . 0 2. a N , 110 1 / 4 Ai dun im , nem: itt• mat Oolfall Ilgliq maw al luo ill 11)Allol. .. . _ rOOOII3INNA7322I2ID iiii ' LOIIIIMELIJI••••110,410• swim LAXII. 0 wt.T.11111% !Ka Ism 1 , ONIM• sae Worus4Yas• era entrzomr. ISM Islcfabdis /1. ' 11411114a4. 1 41 4 ios:e 7 r J.l. LITINWITO2II,I 1 / 8 11. • l EVIL. 1 'JZCL.O.-.101§114, il ..; - ,- , :, • ,:. , 1 0 111 Wirlaita.. ll 44 ll l, in -•- • - 4 , *outs • • ''-: ''. ' ' -"- NIUMUCOM . ,~, ~` -- • -- . , Spscial its. Dr. ;Orb. ' 'Eerier. - - Wholesale Druggist . icias Dl;UZint, no. HO wood gems; rfttabargb, Fa. it MOSSO FOR Tilt' CORIII' iNIA OR WPM& - min k s cure vroas. MW)te Patimi Thue4 M=== . Trail: • Dr. Ihuieineilso - e or BOcltlysee, ter the one otrtsupas AID °mils Dr. 8. 8. Pittkettilier-Pleted Supporter. File Preis, for the 'support aid ourit of Elastio skaiingi," for weak and nankeen . Manic Knee , Craps, fot Weak knee jointi Ankle, iktrifoilenkTer lank =lb joints. • BelfAeatilkt Ifiningenialeo, ineri kind Utana hail also a Tines which will radically card Hernia or,liaptora: offioe a t his Dreg State r KO. 140-Wood• at., eignpf the 'Golden Meter. Da.KlllOllll gatottlata Ottawa ORM= -UM _ WM sad Iwo I IspiztuoaatoSotD =aad aloitientdy damilintpdstaitatottaldool It• em.vAitaiskruar 111LIVERO YAM= ILidata"tor modal pawn* of 4.1 , adLtspia . loo Idadoild Eosof Itat of maws dodadt= an°3l4 ". . 00 ( Roo a rosattaacaot 'addition • Dtt. GSM EL /11111U14 -• Moat. Wood ateut.Pttlatradorrit • . • • . nIARRHEA OURED- - -By - ifirijnefli* JJJJ aomnlooll#lll.. Itvla Wait witesalial ot =ma ltddadott. , bold at DILEMMA% - 48041: • - • • afro 140 Lollar*. • • 0B 1) i3llosl, ROACHES, &4.--Tip Eloellateepseli am,. fold 6S wllic2d,f!/r 4 . 11 .• 1 5" tuam * • • bATS AND nuns - sure dattation Sothis& lambs by mew ThltXPlfil Tsa6lll.ooll, ea • eatuvly bow wwil" apt Warrsabid.le none Mrs rot ban WOW Bold DI. 111111 AMI. j1R 4 410 4111Wcad Mei • ETS.& 7/1a011,3‘-4 hate tr4EoLionyrlikbLyglleiciroGlOSlßlL : 2 10011.14i1 . 7 • :•. 6 21111.2134011411111414.'.. kriglitte j_g. kr Usatialie ritlestess4ll ULU') hasatal PILI4. Try Om. MR. D N0.1.401/04 stmt.; , rdos IS amts. • • - Bair Dye! Zitair zore saw aye t sATCI/111•OWS MAUI mrs ruorifistatott kit& air'Wer&ll All Olun'are'iners holiatians, and. dentate renidel,llyes via lo loapeditioa... --.--` . GOA; 111 D. OE itunirluni Di WNW to • tosedebl and 111==li*Mili or Woke 1,266 at , Or limit 'elm, to thitatrei Ma: "r ' --• • - ' mee lb . im ,. i v a a t . ~ -Al law r ik riallt/1 to: d ;moo 491=== hare beau lode lett* ell& * - , W11.6.116,14686/466611A111D111 • &like gm lo Or 46061666661 16xa War% audit irs,aor to 106nre fat= 144,1xeryter knit Oa , iroWme. rad 6W! Ill'eribcia ornet Din r* tisteltslr Wripeiftt lb lab by Orlimprovill Rik , ' *,:*:. `11614 sold or- *,l Oa II saute may ! e Ore - , Ille to f0ry,12116; Seri Tat. , .. ~ _. Solrl te ALI dilerredeeirms oir Our Milted Probri.lq..! ' Dm** oadlewor Goads Dealers• - ' • ; .- • - . or . Tbsverahmo tee Qs mew End relkterslllo6 • f r r. 111661161661 1 66 ea lbersidel N of m e ets , ets bak, ' - ,:11661011,66 ,WILLIAM 6. 6 , 16 Bond streur.ffew T0t.,,,.; 4 ribastlft. WOVIP/111114 !RIMY r • _ . _ . as zit. coll,.is : - risassuscia.. . . t pitut, 'won= 'a cm; , MANINAOTIIIUM. 01 13WILATU taa. siOras , awl MLR OOPPIII. MOW *TM iplangbir, liaised Etat Nadi g, Veber Lulu. abo, isciartere astil Ds In , ta TIN PLATS awe isos,wiim at. catitatps. bliAllosiei Weabluisad ?ids: VIER ear rit*,B4o49JYrot and Ll. 111,4 *my Muslim:ga t Paula. I!MiMiEFa sum 'was. ROBINSON; 'MINIS & MILLIE; TovaDsiuY- AID 'lll.ACllltinaTi l ;' • z " : wA$ EC re; Grx -*WORE • " I ! `, Rsirkst et . ze,et.• .• _ lkiisdiof ibie>alenited UM s iisical=eg i tr oa. , puma Wady • slam il l obbtag wit Saystsbidorans skirt - - lAA „Roan 0P11621 COMMUIN. filopk`itUvriek....:-.11. 9.11141021. Pasomier. • (40011ami r error, 4404 4 4•44 . . Mlt, iciAni _sruczs, mums = ANDIWAT BAKE comes 4 Wave Saw and Mew allsw I== boa Railing, iron Valls, inal Venit Paw Made*: Wain,' liurdi,ll4 Asr„i;nam6iustrodisset smposne,- 3 - Isa frodso mmida irmanmea, Aan bawd it prio7 of tow rstkat4 ttiitywl piaiseiteate in *ilium - pagilwast akime odd to fooketw 'ow. Low, Abamigibiostibart mem 1 , al, 0 " 411 1 1 ° • - ornugnokaatur.. 130.1aNCEN3 IPorsigiud .llolustis auglipata' op , sauxstr, •', • 'unt xoTnhID Maul; MR IT WISNER ItraUT. eyerllglankra. , rilikidiecdoss imam ose .Pftttniiiir , arms •st.theLtitttott C eti • WM, •, P.,:# Rog -TiMANIIIMPX I / 1118 4 „.. Odt ;Ipstermair;ureviamdt lLtr eit ' , .16;1 2 1111106'. F. 1414.11 4,.. P2 1 1 z . Arca dm. sc9poOtt, thogibig Subtami. • • I - Pittsbargb Steel Works. low= Jorrica. Boltz , an co., NCIPAOTItranta 01"13.11EIT • warm al" sirm_now Rag M 4 , • tx.111114. Corm wit sad Wag Dap rUMMbrilk ps. 1 suriall-1111a111411rIlliev- •L - RAMIE/AB% wiew;ASIWZOU- Intim'. am, *Aqua iikikalSiat . : 4 = 4 liesd tioNiiiirieriprz:v Rotuma% when arse Wigs seppirolq, saa =WA. t. • ISIaIVdhOWP 10 IMO IJ. M. • .piclartaMV l AL .- t 17- - t; so. -1,41 scl.mar Pllllolslllll4 Li* ror,!401114 1 i,10 - 0. , ' • '3ll**WillaflailUttl - • - ..._ 1 --- • .01tiVlisik2hitter.1111Sidii , *#S -- -,;.V.V.:46.llstassissar. ti0;.tii.:1• 3 11..i.a..4. "Mira e• , 2 -:• • • 110616w4NIMPIT1iNNV 11.--.0.44A9an simitormito 134 ,.. a c i oo r um : shwa 1. or. ipso avessactr , usrsit 8014.6.--Lista of • • • , i 1 MOM scrodtvglo Cho llotiel Itt lobby 'Aar &OD, # 1 , 64 "!,, SkraTTEl