- - ~-, -.. ': 1' . . ,L --,.- ~..,-,3,..77,-...4.7,-5.:::7,;Z.,Z77 . . • , - I. .. T„,...0.,.;.7,..,..m.;;-.t,.:,---",,,:t2'.;'. , :" 7 .; - .17-'- - 4.: -2 - - ,-.':;54.t.' - ,'•,-7-:-<''i,,,1?..---=4,,,--4A,-..4-... 5-ri.-,-,----7..t-t:--r--4-.',L477',.z.,.'::?:":3:-.,•-:1:.'..P.:...;':'_.-1:,:',.,....:,,,:.;,';',.'...'..:',::-I':'::::::f.:-.-..,,.--.•-',..--.• .., 's~ -. j. , _.':.':,: . J7•5 - '7 ,- ' ; ',t..*.',.! 5 1'''.',': , '; - ..'-':,-::;',sc ' -.'-.: .':,:1'.'.,,,i:'.:"• 4P 4 . mu4 33t . it /O DID /ISO CV. : . aftig ) 1 3 1104111 s 4 alto* maraittMel . 4•• ost sta gMi n aW li filte d it r' Amour . .litisib-soyerlismilimonitattrziie nem ardor& ilt=e 3flillia4Spir wssi Is our alit Ine3ft dkn-ilsWsip tit mum; of etioarihilleceak t e *PT!!! stilip $ll psi mask b• : - 11/4=11111:1111N0 - St PALSOSIAItIa FIDIIREMFatfit3_II- - , • -' iiil49ll*. 11911.111159, -AUG. 8,1861. 2 - Alliilirmi k i oovicrz.anuirrpllll , 1.." , b,ag0r thiadviddiastgatycoliam• at m Q. :19 !woo jar au. if _mina's a items is.7issr,aiiiignoth. azotaaixta. la `2 a , `,...- .510*.1i.Juwarga, - ';‘: 'fr r ' - Irt.l oll l ol . g. sieti" , casamsa. .taaalloso - 4Va *4 Pabibb. ad eon` Iriilaa Maid as Oinatat 647; the ..., bill leg s'dltettllstlonal Tax. $ t - i.'''zffia, _ a ' o_ _ _-• --Page*lliklmdir t h a t big, le !I 2 iiiso,9oo„4lltonad nueibigni. It • WWl* . kihe gate intherlike to eel , lied for the Getetsinett or iseL If the -:, ... dliiiiindliimitles collect it, it ladgftlant of --:'-A s Olitio4:irintams 6 ; u Bei, the 14$14,1Fili IWO* litessoriatut Medal fot ii.illift" and'ileille! t hig thii' fall Milli erithefif ii'•ni. - ' -.07 • We iiiiit re no good trillion why the Siete Afield nit of dettakillhe iiellecolineof 'tits ii i ii.'" , lfflie - lait the isoitilite - niseliinely of '.. liiinfdliiidir and 30111011dia Is her owls blin# ll, tan cute thinolketion of itmutt' leer 'T' " aka *taint°. to 4 1 104 10 thao,teepante Mani.would be on the put --. or ilditiationst gorinunetit:. .The /6 poi 'omit abatement Fhb& trill be -:' allowed it thoi tare iindettikei the 'lanai tles„ - would, red4ie the halo $1,666,900- -, tka sum now" annuli,- ridabi tit Bate tat;" The for 2114 tokarPooilo tiloslildelt the Bats tsl Ii --Ikea, la $ 664 , 000 . 00 0 - 2 to to* on in . lionise. "bolt corporation profits; died nadnr ,iklasot of Congrug, may fart/ Di aetimatid to yield $856,000, -.lanai' 1 1 0 3000 I. be WWI on teal caste, spa' • iix of 24 milli on the 'Slate valuation will 10 ) 4 6 stalnotnit- Ambits, the fitatrundatatel this tax, es she undoubtedly ' Okada do<tis be abed bilk levying ex-1 • iiiolles2l:oliFiupos our pout manna; whiles ti sae tail beitit into the hands of of ailliont °Moue, we shall hat's • I lew Ate magma, of sow sum 'Awl tolloototoo *ad the stoofutoo of Wein Mee. - The 1 246311411z1186624 14 sill upon 1 .oklolltO sod * va s upon tbo 1300 1103 Of oorPRRUOII.- Theme upon reilesiatijiikot -fixed; that-Fpon bonus Aatem.:*A percent Won the nil rafts of all ouporstioas and upon MI per. ioltalltaints 0 , 52 $BOO ems. The Meant to bit Saul a sea Elate is find by the w; and eft/rale tai on homes is eseer -4404 .41_11117 tae-Shits, the remands? of,its quote, whatnot that may be, is to be -tolled by loy ilea seal 'eststa.:-Thuo, 3 the : - . , 1010 01 l'ennulseas ik51,950;000,. _ - less ant 15per 0011 i.. it Us finds andutekes t0. 021 / 0018 . - 0111 *os 007 1 4411402 Pro' et. and Inconiis iosehas $856,000, u . lase estiasted, ths leitainder wllt hue to 4 1014 12 1 by ths'aisiaf of reit Tb. banking capital of the Stets is in :..o*llla** lll **s 23,ooo . ooo- • Pa Nag. prost, 07 $1,660,000,..8 p.r Liz*Po* Oat 0 1 1 1 0 16 $ 41 , 3 3 0 : bit patios of Ali le held - cut of the 131ste;' • Tod therefore Pay 6 per vial. -wool ' • 4 0 - lift the emoaatpp. to $50,000` ThO' oatotlorPorottotoffill sok.Prcob ...j, ably weed that of the banks: . end we may thOnfOrfOOt delia $100,00068 the ;soluble • did smloataf the tax to be levied by this bill • 4 0 0 corPOntiotko. What tkiits upoilnaliteawilli yield 4e -- _ .11 bled poi. Tie numbs of ilmill ~ ii:.;.i. 4101!..iiINIFIts szaud POO is compare ''',•Kll*l7 lain, lad, is sSiate lilts Peassytva i..NTN:krlery fat will be fond outside of the - We have assumed tits& it will yield 1::::?it W,OOO, annually, sad it will regain very • . 'rp asseedag to bring Ii opt. *BOO,OOO, • That saw preeoppoess the csiglitele of 10,- 000 Perms la the Stela whose blames am age $lOOO sack over sad above Me WO azetepted from tamales; and it will require 'harper sossotors thee gay the Mats hag yst 'eallined Wiled that =ay, These, however, are mere speoulatiou. Tie tax has been allotted to us sad it will hays to be paid; sod the question§ to ba dieidieknow eimply cousin the most prso , tatide, equal, and lout bardszteome '" ealipida of collection. It is a enbjeot far kit h l / 4._ giaill*4laulderstlon ; sod we throw out ..' . so:ityii . ealetbms for the purpose of llettiog . Iturgiairdstlo as of otters. ...„ ' iiattiarryout IA 1110071.—Wil pee a elate '-'igiitglialigs 'the rounds that 'hie Mats has faigtetat 62,000 troops foribs wu. It ' • . would be Pleuast to balisve,this Inn ; bat, 11,1111KOtadgriod nye, .‘ It ws weal is thitrkr.,:c . . - - -2,-Iftalikietaiat the 'pa oat of the Be ;;p/ asiled en ID timid' 16 nil "ajggirtitlllitettnaostits and 10 for thrts years a Lthe ! ,liir•rjilke faraisled,riutead, 26 iiiihtfir Ibis. 13204113 i sod not all ..far thar*.ci,.Abiet ills time of the Ball Bas difililli4,flts time of the three months regtmanta exalted sod they returned home. The f3tate theta had 15 regiments in camp, ew • llisaria lortle. enlisted for the war; These were at ono* Wadi over to 4.'24- tteasi government, sad thee. 1011 all the imp which the Eitsts, as a ewe, hag pi famished tot As war::' "' •.' '; '. ~ - . ,11l .add1141.71.0-08,4!*1aliliita4, ire -• lons theta mitts/Wm gushes* made apex the 8 0i46:0 the 'Wei 11iil'p . 4essiit, for 12 1 eti l V- “1.0 110 .,. Idly ildeltatel.oow recrualsg,, WS ligrbs,P l • l " lo .. VA .. 6ll4 alieVnalk -- --- No -,INI* lhibiiii- ,' amid lila) qui eter 11 ellbillVP Mir fee *jeggite, sad - it is therefore perfectly ads to gay that these 12 regiments will won ha l fortletadttg. This will maks 27 regiments famished or to be furnished by the State, for Ike war. El4lll regiment Is composed of 1,04.0 min, Maas a 'read total at 28, 08 0 . .., altelde led ladepondent of the Este ;salintitoldib* Villa a ameba AI. rulinsoul 1 : lies butralsedla lksl3lstabille, _ , I . g gggeograd,by the War Departinglig: Of' ' 1 4keilthall ere already to aka fish Alin re:7 l Olivia" of_ pots.' - ' Bain, shwas, rhsti, Murphy sad Itisok, lad Prahabij nay 61- - • .. .. '' ', / - : 2 ' .1 . :''' ''' -• , "::;'-f-41f-5,n....f..!;; telifolliers6silsbelwls944..bi WO' Wu She, ebsll be nay, slthlie s - thes:c It le_ Iseposindoie#es *scion sonsberof thoste,- M.lbel At does sot; however, ix &tom ire sli fdled *Mils !!r Moro pSe~orrbed to nab: woepwa-: taitrallyditesek bye from its dide—there irldlbertereneV righeirwrigibed by loAl ilti*rdallbill;.*likisis Wait WOO Taking ttforetemedahat them regiment, mill ell be BUed, the Stitt entlumittee fivideb, bj tisk end-of the month, 28,080 cies, and tediiidest _.2.0,800=0 iota of 48.800, men. Ot, them, bowl?, 0017 itront7 ttlllaMals;or 20.809 men, ere #iddei l theie; 44is a anther of clips; Idee-ImeCbetai teeralled la the Mate for mittoenla in other Meths; enough probably to *eke two or thew Mighneate, more. , 9Praincr-Tni but 'lda pow 1k Zoom, antltorlibig oseh Member of Coo grew (Mai di* loyal Moto to appoint 0118 galalliradd tool9sSul Gad WIWI Wohools, was Mel 'the Mate., noel young mte there" who have been roe log fie imolt appilownento. 1011 have to watt_ aoth the, nail session of Cobra& oitlr appointments now oPest Sr. the lei 41 twee, to be made lq the Peeddent, to whom appUoMlon 010n1414 made. 1.1C141411 mom wasinurros. MAI OCITVIrb ' - . , 141113111T0116 Aug. 6,1661 There seems to be nothing doles: A. few seginteati. ate liming on tble and the other . side of the river. Tbe-9th, Colonel Jackson, moral thu morning gene miles up the Pons. grumpiest; the anket the Chain Bridge. Their orders came, and they attack tents at daylight. No general asoiement of thigrand army will probably, be - attempted until the weather be . - gins to coot. t. - I learn shatitie plan of campaign proposed p . Becinal .bleClelbm will dammed _mo,poo es. Where and whea - this inighty boss will be moved, according 'to what general plan it will act,- and milder what divisions it will go forward to rietory, are of course thisp to be kept_ proLonsd:y secret.,; The uprose, ci the goverment are now about, one million of dot. lan per:days There are here end this Si. chitty, Including Baltimore:, 109 regimento—. equal Is about 100,000 ZOO& Oar - Pessarlunia troops, it is understood, an to be ender Brigadim General WCali., Bach of the officals as . I have heard speak or this. an wall pleased. They nave con fi de's.; is the man.. 'Bub Bripdier will at mice; Make op - aid take command of hie brigade.' giving them such drill as to accustom them to moving is large bodies. The strictest discip-: lies will be enforced, aid doiabdess with t“ best result& - • LIIDOVICOI. -•-• pm the Elszata Niumdiudloss fent the Leiblatsm The Democrats of our county seem disposed I to man noT:puty nominations tall, whether Maenad by .piusly patriotic mop tires, or by the plospectsof gaining more bY that ag; 1111 than by a pasty nomination; I , wilt argosy. The resolutions of their Cooley Con. . Tendon, liowerer, - are not mach an to secure the confident* or Republican: I item this Republican piety 111 not be 'deceived, but will .. make tear own nonshistions•'am lima And especially 1 tustthey will lallitOgoodsom. Motion& There's/ever was a time which se.. gland! more care lid caution. We need in the halls -of the legislature,. both State nod National; our fervent men. .Rll Wisp of prejadlcs.and pmdality 'should he bunked Rom our minds. • Let none bet good, maned competent men_be thought of. It is a time, too, wires good ones should bearilling to make some unifies by accepting nominations or effaces they do not desire, ft the people want them.. 1 hese loud thatldr. Penney will not be a candidate tor roldectios to the gnats. I revel list, iad-I ma inclined to•think that be'ought to be nominated and elictedieinta apbat bbramoastranot: Bat if keperaino. orgy Mesa to Gene, I would angst for kb place D. A: Whiny, ,of Sicrickley. Mr. Whit. is well • known in the eooltl sad tkvonithost the State. He is a tree sad good. stun like could _W.-bested, sad' who would alert a-good .bilasace at liastiaberg. If Mr. : Pussy will so back to the Saute, let Mr. - White be elected a the Baas,. !Makes Again—Bow to tAlue 11. Platens. - Thu Mobile locuitig News gravely put, forth the followisg propoalllon : - .Lsi General Bragg dstall s few thousand of his tan thousid to the work of catching makes, sad se loos as they kid eallsolad venni out !cab of those istaresting rtp- Ulu, Lin or sheet iron shall, at osalstan, becharged with then—eke esolosare bolas vitiation aid of du to Al lhe largut mortar, sod so made that it wiA break te plow sad liberate Its contosts ups falling within as fort. We would warn thou who charge lks shills tort' the sass swiss tato sack, as If the Unrest mhos wens ailed lk.y 'triad Wig sub otter to death holm Staring saloons to twit* os Billy Wawa's nuns. The comas sad Ist/Talus Is sick aim might bs fitted op silk a Ism quit/ et tarantulas, scorpion, ceralpedas, sad Wards, kowera, to mats noes work, se the rukse would pack lintooly." A Nam WAY TO Arras[ Pon helms. —The Mobile Evening Flews gravely puts ' forth the following proposition : "Let Gen. Bing detail a few lluxtaand of his tan thousand to the work of catch. Mg mikes, and as soon as they had col lected several earl loads of these inter esting reptiles, let tin or sheet iron shell, or canisters, be charged with them—the enclosure being cylindrical and of aim to ill the largest mortar, and so made that it will tweak to pieces and 111:smite its oon ' tants upon falling .within the fort. We would warn those who charge the alas to put only the same species into each, es the different snakes were mixed they would sting each other ,to death before having a chance to operate on Billy Wil son's &mum. The corners and laza:Aloes in each shell. might be filled up with a few quarts of tuantuiss, scorpions, con- Sipess and lizsrds, however, to maks close work, as the makes would "Fick closely. A liwirrocxr Parra ow Jolts C. Beim nramoz.—The following from the Win chester, gy.,'Union, of July 26th, would MID, to "a casnal observer, tolerably ex plicit : "A gentleman remarked the other day that he thought that in our last urns we ware rather severe, wheat we ewke of the hes 4 of John C. Breckimidge, borne aloft an alas, being the banner under which the Home Guards of • Kentucky In a; march to victory. We did not say that we Inferred that Breckinridp should meet his fate In exactly that manner. We did mean to intimate—we now explicitly &thus, that he erwrita death for hie crimes. But we ehouldrottch min. to hare John C. Brecidmidge inn loted acid tried and hanged on a gibbet for treason." A ray or two ago the United States paid ova to the only legieleutre and fee. ogakede.athorities of the State of lirisgin- Zt fall amount which the 4 01 d Do wse entitled to receive, nada the aillharable act of 1841. Up wenle of 141,- 000:inn pall in SOLID ouzo to the tram sittkial govern:mad of Virginia. What iiminac.is this single fact oo the far wa4astwy of Hatay Clay, the author it-jlbei'lbodon Bill, under whops pavilion QM pDlsa tun of Western .Vlrglida. who bare witlutood the Awl; ktit cmptineiphd preadult of Rick mad, now radium /rat On, stibtedi 1, orb Miss ser_MW, a/Masi 1 I Ile Stweand . either _ _ _ . from eloofimMa molial7 farrnio; that :lie , rEivaid Dalt, of dhuleston., has ..., , oimfm.°4-d .ko eighty OlioMmot-Pok9i of shoes in . the sothisis army. ea szza . S _ , ~ Oh and Imo modomModwilenta m . • • for Ming it.at a profit *V 7 ,t4r ., _ oats pa pi* . Tarp aides for • *WA boots and Awes are.. t tial to se been giros in ; S -for anny, and osW llthi Inealtior of ilio - erpaol alai Chailiwani limit now • • lap Goods to Um - mount Of a •ii • and a ball of thilhwo ; amount said ashy,' • • W and for oaken& now to be •• • 1 Oar blocluallois nada will his to siateh closely *mouth attempts tn • nip titer T. lop o dsbillpits of them i , We - • boner, th at tin mistake will he 'aaamitted of Watching lot • • it the mouth of MOM= _ • • ,We doubt It they/ems meirtherei bat thy nsay,appiar at some little port on thi mast which is not eo 'May to 1* ilimilP of and watched. . . Ataisral gaud our the whale aid, and a watch tar dipaido bons sea or shoes to What la now .wanta—Ploitati Advection% flttit Matsui. ash BoBLININTOI4 lows, Aag 6.—The gawk s's received the following"' special dis pel& bray Szoarra, lows, Aug. s.—About 1,500 mounted rebels attacked 600 Union men 4 at Athens, Mo.; this .intaulag. Hating two cannon, they were repalsed and with a lost of 20 killed and'inanywoune ed. A number were taken poisoners. and 60 horses ciptared. • The - UnkuiTmen, under Cel-Moore. were greatly sided by Capt. Beikaare City . and Captain ausfilee Prfelq, of Keolimki oil fool, using long range rifles. The ba ttle lasted two home. Oar Nide wale idnfonxd by McDowen's division of 400 rasa, which left here this' morning.': Eight hundred troops left t6>a aiternoon Under Col. Worthington. • A nisrwrois from Ilichmood Maras that Col. Cansman, of, the New York !Sixty ninth,. told his captor, In that city that *he want into this mrs with his whole acad, and were offered m not that ha would accept s pa w& if it hi or ATTENTION I—The member' of the MUTH WM SIMI aro tombs Mtatesatinet to stood a *Mot Otte /14 , t ,,i1 0a THU tilot) MINI DO it tyi tido*. prom et tocoottog stoso?oto IN t _ . y tot% od to sties& - sae banns Ibusbenelee. been Boot; SU Aeon Ili Ve lAM AUTHORIZED by th e eo. gm , retery await to robs In Swann el' 1* bony babe seestern We amines nee es hewn Ines lills=nedal situation el Abir Moan, no sad at Knees Intiente. It le deend On the (nasals* noble be o.i'n• of an nib 2et.d . lece mi ratble d'aty are wa n: •E. MUM sae *Pohl we.a. Ilitiblizt4° " °-1.-ll let net" Ooseneedln 0 apt 1. nnut jsm eme saw. re s -! COLONS% HAT& vrir 'burp at attharlay &rhea tho abaltaa. isano..t IllasAlint argisaia• 1.1=4.• Tim war.tamassamaa at . os or Nese milli& beast. 1114.111asamatt arta sanibl at an (10) Omplaila, a* Company WO 1.• raised salbflow taw OtOtell. birdUlattitts_t. and alecarl I.l.aaamaa. ana ow` psata,atikt arra* gin Ileadmat. ewwaaewa assalaismialma gum at praugat aealacsaka tavaatobia ants. h aide.at Ocepaaass ar Datadamtassa bed* eats' Nemo at satin Mn L toa Otritufooldela' NikiißtraltriL 6 MOMV: 4 * . grATTINT 1e 'moos UM to 111 • Gown saw nantlohqg A. *MI" VMS al Hatlosteme• ea tiftt sersa.- - LIME. rimming, latti sant AL catuoir. tiose. Mtn% 'Wit SCUM IdiROAN'TILIII BUTS TAX fox 1161.71 w beats we wow reedy br rsattteg Abe Iterceattle State tat Ow as fief left, sad wbe wads fe este Awes irtll de well te ail sad take eat elk Wow widows - • • Inc =mum. - twerwa. Tenn Waal% onA L Coly 1g UK. Mar DIVIDIND m NOTIM--The 0 '- wow. rioters of obi 11/112U1IAL MMUS COX. PAX! Moot dodorof &Monied of um iolllies pat oblo la Ullo Oa WU% Is italindalb et Marayfl.fYtlAtisoloNdif N Nth .M Cho ohm fo do mob. of Umolikt Jal7. Int. By odor of Ofto flood of lOSzooforoo Willi _ JANIS IL 0001,11.11WoOrm. *s abbattiowts. (APES Of Tilt Tiro oho* oboe lag an Qs Forta end litations of tbillDllllAL •ND Rim A 12115 N. B. Timm Yaps sre nu, jog Ind trait thiOnes. Er grand on art , NU MILL EIUtiOUL. H. WILLI.II. bl . Hat *wild a Hama' &Mai at U. a St. QUM MIMI% Id Mary, ratlataty d riselimr. We la Oa apartallot of ba Theban, tka moan to aloe .0 alas bat 'or milkstaattactloa. JOEIN J. WOLCOTT. I °mat mast bearttly ,Ii Yam 11. MTV! I elltaafally ocanat to ths oataba .z start W Elitiw. I tale ;dawn ta fitWal It r MKI C Pelk.a that Aragon* nacrawawittdoo b fatly at lad A. 1111137 I know of Do aou oho &urn. lk tent tar= oat to I. N. ATAXY. I fall; coact: b W. .ban raamottodataro DlattllON. H. oast proper" DWI" for Um Mak Waal vasty duality abet Luau la the city. 6. T. D0172E1122. Tulsa—fl pa weak, ta admen aaltilavd MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. -1, GlOlOl WlLAullf, CR of las CA, of f !cis Was this my pros Lmontlam Wird Bull by too cso d lourificattag Llcreors m Mr* idly 4.14 prat:slog riaaill • nod rtMonforty emodo et, sod vastly dtmarbtog yoblic paroao ltd missy good cUtsass &re 'lama surd syyssMostoo of AM oorbmooss d. scrim Comm! lloscotas, to Its mei Last tbs pot 1.1• psalm sad fro:notify ail)* frostrialsoa, 1 ona, coda sad dtrota thos 11l FOB. LIU ILLOOINIS, ?SYMMS. • D Lin WAWA, stars totaskostlai drlsks ~. solo. AIIAL& Ili cmosiD .visa all partials from OM" dal* ustl.l ISOIDAY, ti. ISla day of Asysil,l6Bl • . 0 lora Imam wry Mad sod sad. dly of A.. rut. A. P. I{e, al In dcl isforesoi. GOMM WILSON. MOysr. On.as ornjearsoiras es stanuorr os.Ps,t iticassT,ls2l. • CIONT/lA=--tquiled'pmPi• oats ,m be emistral ea Ode Ace seta Taws DA y, nth ter, oniethAg the rumba Wes tome et dr arras ersr tall Crest; la the fermi Ot TErIIMMIL Tho bergs se te eleriersearytios oar we them She raielletelflahlrareLteriums ta We bid Lr the tree me OWN ell WI Mewl otnio• two. We Oar ttss ilneramehare to be roe* by the ' tcos Mon ot4 to oull alba conk lido try the yerr, tt triery4r. able hot Sr regabias the sloas wort cd moo bold 911 rile he reestr,S. dtraxlre of Matalrleate, sale IT LA 11111111 T, IS DIAL Ho. $ I ugo 11 do 14.1 $O, Late WILIto rat, 10 go ok. Slortfsg, I o kw* ind for solo Ds J... CAN7IIII,II CO. (1111V311- 4 a) boxes prize (hitting tut NJ sisastrd satl Its ids try • wd J. IL 011K1121111.1) 4100. A Uliul.--70 bbL. 7. an. 91 p. a. try - B.A. lAgniTool 011. &raw sad Wad am DAY RUM-201:) s-AT sale by yip B. A. - ILICSIMMIIa C 1). OLUIOO BOOT-4 forrle by LOII*-60 liztra , in ,AL: inn NA lb" psis by J.11.01.1113.16D • 00, _ _ t _ _~ • `~` ~.. r _.:~ ~.. ..,.. •••••••4. few•• 4 . a amose_ imams* OD t i DOM 11 le bare r - si g r leo- tee-asiSfrotykol la toriyozof Is 000 4ftlfir ' mason Us It • ikyoo I Mow mood IfoolyisT,' . A< 4210 Imposts oil prkiy to bpi low 7, AIR try yoylog Womb, loom .4.111 Ow loWlidir fa sal" Nem Ma A sa Ur bow* of do an Climerney title ' Woe *Mr mud we Ity• Ocuastiam of Stoolbalfori sod booffsWiff of Am sill 2111ftioWliort =Maui Mewl 01 •0 1 0: dolliOdabor . ow riga. Wen ma• dasseirfil me jta Os ofibi der uillinlymt; No. •MI *let V.V.' IIMOI•ai alga* attonsoy beets* Punfoodoi Onoodille . --,.. i y JOL OASSOVIL IMlnagr7 /SAT Of 1111• It 'be ode at W. 111. err= woos ilid Tk Anglia lA* _ MOS, 4:11P ALL CO„LOR a r iatr, IPBOLIKULEAND ipsurt. Naiad MM. 71M- o$ N&Dlb6 VSII4 , ''six& emakt 'gown 111403 e:. etv,mzirsh.p.triz unisir vimmus. NSW MILES or IF MOE COIUTB, row Tina) ot awe ruin; scalars :Room TT Motel TIOTTIL UMBSOINCRISS, miles watig Oahu gait sm. Lties - astlll•44 • and 091. Week La Val. nary l!Mt Wank Ras dosing our. Mo 6 far club 41 - zioitors Tarimem. IT Illarbs una. (GAT B—_________ __ I 7 , .• .23 0 co' No ' ear. 2 3R.m: ii,„ i t s _ nuo i. " II! Or , . . ... wsoimams. ii .iiwt. otrqtxsaiL . tbe liglorteg rite we Mersa& 41; to oar awn order, by nibble masztese red isa be re Iled os Is espollor sway erit styer ees,le el 114•11; east dr Ws slat. . ere =WO —, with ell Wed tagerve. lIq) nled% sett:CM:6d Pile , . erta 'Met dogs. 1 . . ._ : • • Erl.ll, elks Iliihkll6llTol4lol.l tePee rel chaPt ZOLlKllkeerbd, size:killed *W. lunge amt. ax 4 OM aluziwairt . . 9t ol * eatisd. Bilrnels nak.ll3r eionser. 'Ans.! the 'torn! ielfei its well salted to enatry Invis Wlkolosabi tarn lappfieduwrt a l velem. zirctif, ifecnums a co., . 17,1'241111Mb woes CHARLES arktt street, Waal/ respiettilly Leans tbs . publb this M ft vow Xho stlx= 11051M.M011 XXIX • DONS= XXIBOSIN nom**. avian, own% scokips:_ff.ae. HAM -1120/11116. umisnres -En list% mete for 15 cents. ifealisnio Cone* Beal ?nub Ornate, Jranbridered Conde, sloop Elt,'lrts, beat wilily, Lacewale,. Grau‘difits ..all colon. • .11. tail list otioosoe Itualslitti Goals, st picot to 101 l the gamma riTiriPriiiV 1 J. M. InaCHI'IELD . . Ha. arnindsWl to time at kb salts stock saga. • -1 Bemge ratite& from 31 to 121 'coots. Dew*cited inns b 0 to Z 5 onto. lams tokeed fircck 25 to 10 =AL Callan reduced et* 8 to 6 anti. Calicos reduced host 124 to 8 canal. Black and White Oilfcm from 12 to Beta, Yam Bilks at oast and lees. Xmbroideriu at half price. Bawls, !haters, Mantillas, ball mos. CM mad es Uu pram% bet - gala rrel witsrea. rM De: 000pii AT COST. -:ua THAN COST, J. W. BARKER & CO ABILIT Arlan, of/ the balsam of Spring at from 25 to 50:per our. Axe sellin Yammer • • minctiatt. Awasarre faxviarr Biwa ski WM* spotted Awe %tie - Drab, Graatime'sad Time Irene; * ; . Wide Awake &must A New Etgli) of Flo for 10 cents ; - Black Otdpare Laces NaltOkaflOsailisaad Cord Head Nets; labs*: imatrall &brie 7xprefs, mad ars Mr ill T. • 6, DIAOIIIIM & 00., wawa, so. IT mid IT PM Krupa RIO ZMIL • Joantrors =SLY 00110/iriLTID IJSZI. Tor 12a tausoll Ito row al of PAINT.' CFNICA.IIII3:I SPOTS. dal tar GFLOVEIES; arallicage. ' & As Mimi Wm' to tiossit'lltaillbaawat sant, libtaliunifteilesitoVllKAMUNA oat tu Rapala ao ine_lkomul -111bo Lgre*r 4l4 l l l , l. l !:. l . 4 s l l l 4,.l l PlU ll "e armi stilotftgaibroN auk cantor Banta Sell MEM sinuL C• ARTNIESIII - -"ZAXIBIRT a MI PIO!II lan Ms 41 14 ;7116111i arta lbw* Ur. /1.1113111.11Ata wakiM emir tb• Vs et . W 1131 1 12, ULUVOINII - 03: blob= a Low bona MVOs will be JAW Matte al Oa .01 ge- II Rath Mies& WI AIM . l ON T ,WYLIII WIPJUIST. ii' , wirars ",'' ;t . IEAWLM ?:b ACIONBT i~BBl~itiB MII 18,1 •Clit !LT EV, lIV 0 T El I T 16 OUTS. nun% aftst Styles, All of tikii W. 1 D. IiIIGIJW. ud isaufanturonf.- =II GAD AND friMABI llA2rotAol l litiai AID Mai= Ur . .. . GAili.. .. . aup2i LIE irlilifi; ~ n" PO , OkiB ais o Work, ...:;,.:... cii iris. p OIL ~ OiI:NTS/L i . Ptrlia:24l; et liras, am. the_ most iipprimd IVYra all di Xaal. sad wermitof te eve itiedsettan: X . :110POIT, LW Water - .cl .1.04, /front ado. b111470e1 , ' Prfti111:111198. MINSBAIoZtaa, WATU; M 1 NIOII4IL 11141.12, 11•113, _ . . IWI Liolissir autaliewilur listsisof direst tram be eptiadi, sod trerrsititt Irish at JOSIPS mimosa% at JOBSPII !LOKI:MAN ' nom of srbttttiSlSM tit Mims& 'rams/ et Itarisit strait sod au litsisood. soros of Stotts' edrestiusl ttoDisisald. and ewer of idartst oast sad tbstlbssold.. ILI - lif.011V11.)--In store an. fa . t i me . i‘e Oared EOM ' G lithda.l9sion ibasktorw, IS bbli.N. o.llolvaish Allow IPthis Haabarig Chew. 10 do W.X4 ems as I, a. li Ddr, ao. somag.!areems. , GaAs. Ils t arm II boob I Pildisb, 30 & aPfala. B. TIGU __ 1S _ .. a 00..- ----- &11/OUN & UWAtiltrob, 111AZINILS INI PJECOVISIONIk DEALERS Fourth .treat. No, 12 primwarea aylecoa. Lied mai maga/up tur, andanausna cameeni. pum Wilk w 1114•04 "Mott awns. Bove oi bead • tai raft. eon at ',Web 111001.01111 t : • 1111D111.11isokod dry spit. • ants POU. ,) 1.141/LLID. to PPP! Matspen& tat op at: proldpkt ask mad all of Orli ofep itathetng, 0111.1114 WM 1401 papal& RISSOLUTIOI 4 :I 4440PABTH S 3— DaLT,—taa lafrosofora efloa• Werra JOSS_ P. a and uzirr tin trio of MIS Xbol% of. din amt.& ay Ernest woonalE Tao aMmato of aio has 'lzot Till Off maul •T flaw, law , aalbootra la Ica tan sumo of t, .lr. to t ad Nim arallT ea. HTSN BY NEM, signiori TO • PC 17 NM' do bit X 1..7 21 R 1nt01.11111.3 LAD MAIL /NM= 6111111111i111, Noe.. 7L 73 Filth Street, - sort Tux rem anat. _ by rerirea o&06. P G. 1. V ON , ARNSTIIAL. IMPOSTLR AND DULLS IN THII soli mies 4 kW, Osisalam • HAVANA CIGAHII, MID 41•14, term Of . "1- MOILING AND (MEWING TOMCOD II vasimucauur mak be la I r a selley CrO Bt. :Vta: L_4 in& 'gnaw se muss brim Hall' INUIT u 11111111111111, carnirr sixth ond Wood Otrusslas. BUNCO! DISOOOII/ AID Dorms. O.4II..ITZTAL.L. 8100,000. lITOCIZZOLDIAJ INXVIDVAIXT LUNUIL *COMMIS 1/0117111111: Prookhat. Nat break, Was Ihenwa , J. /. ClirinClas aagm'a /MO uii snit Dlr. I JOBS OdIWEAT. Odder. 1.)1(1 1 4P - UNTER OIL L'ORPANY. I R. a. DATIII. Prodigal :OM I:1W IS, Jr., Sagsvory Rid roomer. 171:12:1104.-L B. Du" T. O. Writs, J. L. 013111. or, Omerab JiMeplits. • • • • - t Ot 114 lre ZA a triS/ • 0 12 17. 11 47 .mew, sou amok A eimpliwrociossiti I. lboate. ig ris •• as« a 1. IL 40A. mytarie IN. Big WWlPllWeriet„ AYONIT 1343ABBARDS.--Anaher lat Jend molted. Cksepaaidi not ntAlled vizi ewe mai tr,. r erOtra. IsILLEOLTDDLI • CO. pi us Li-b.nrlarlsil, %gam I 681 L IMMWM, A 611ra•on, Y• 1016 OSs.. X I : 6 91XIMOd IVA% rs. 34 1/4411.systi .frost, ism near the illtiesak paTINT tittOla smoonusta MONS. No ow. treat* drab[ rid Its. Ira Woo Douai err roll bot ONTO. ykootogLam Ma vim to shoot Kass Atria or trams No roe iroatimmo Nos Item Sat ON ehl MIS 11011 tlMs ittii I kir BIM el r ILAN • AAILNT bOAP.— • dos icadlic ram warm, oespcsaa hr bon Ws issomMlP• mil Is We ..ram NI do taxa, linen Owe _ JOaii 11131111 AW, cal canoe of Lanny Mild HAM failoCtllialB-- NJ! SOSOIL MOOS 0 SASSISOS oak ;oasis 11:01dakii t is er-4•101101 - wit Iry peva • - krionier lull IP Istoh ' lDtra filr4 .'lli6iOq • 111 ... stclea" . ' 111"1" 13111i2 411111NOZTIE. • . Li In lissort stmt. ME!ME==== .MM=3 -- - - o•SielllD.rizorshatmr- !Wit SALM, OI - - NSW .1111.111111. DINILLA. ii .13Wicais U muntsa.two stsa, Ta...htileolabt taceasoilth tube mom ise pa vim IteleeotHle ape_ awed gleaultaie daeld - Vith Obi *fa , ' = Al" IMO /11JJE11110aleM.M taw! eadttot tree ea the fon ' Almotaitebour al Ottae 1/1111•11.1 111 _We eti*Lbaestaloweetastdallte ONSdiall 410111 =Pa /11111111 aide INF ilsetribdithae. W tar piing) Taut friittsollethOgliSrat enktb• Mr ta se wed saaviatermest• W.ll. Atelios et rdesteogleta Nee e l k _9llo4l."Temetter &Woo Ids. dearth eterth 41:1171112 1 0111111S 1 ZEi . 10 111--111 . 1111011 T. gO i avana . JUST: LIVERPOOL, h*la the mdst of • Ise palm immatth • N.Ol. b order, alto Mt tea at IPA* ead Sae efts* ma% • seal hoove,iad eked di' maid bad goat* the mitt tt wet atetbdt 4 e . vottott7 Mr• metiast sitter et esell" logy tit UM% awir, -.--- W. 0. BM navisevanwe ..111116inlia sT - :.• , was • : - sabit7: Into INGINIA in . good woo s . der - wel be sg4o2 Imulguido ea 1t0... dodos 11.aueso1damitstortlk 4 tam i - 13* above 6• mar teappllaiDes at die SAW MIS 00170 11 Attepeq; aid- cut- be 141, ea caesium eta . - - - k• !- jdillaid , • Tisk ruins/1s miUG HARDWARE BO litia lON Milffl eta centality r aft ri-Divp, soli moortaost of Bardinnormanttagot cog prom to pos. 21s• Morels dtosted as Os ward an al 'Nand bad sir 'Mte of 12•••/11•1111/OM • liiiii•ltabell••• sostosi.,dlolog • Wen; tusli• Stassisttis afiloatiehtet tomer* boa,. ads Rotang , vbilitse k• lz prolltdisbaidsms e s . 1 ... ispmen, rneas *IAN Omni. Ti,... D.WIIBIIII • 0 • mir,easellt arm. OS aLLS--Ttuit splandid San, is -.4dam via tarp kid GroasdaretTntalllyt We wry, titbits! trials tea. stttutte Ina K lbe 11111101mtli Ittlitts4 Mt/gm Ibilicos begs sad Mast la maws iftia, at pia= id by Miss Tboupbra...-Wlll is molt ea tits& Arty AL gwOfteik SOB ti.A.1.3.--A bright lbaj, firm tors oia,;tott bi bus= mad mks tbs saddle; ts 404 and weal& aka salayol• bat busby Urn VW by obi too by the bbblerber JOERI A; 2111018b1Y, Cbmar Libibby sel end stela*. • ascals six 161 WOOD 87501 . R. AND MAY so* tam 1.41 a. cummtil alio% Ilkh la Wool gm& itUS :/tIrSTThe IsTO4ll - 7liouss, tome haat sal "Use. slnole.ttlty Ai. isibeay, cos open beim the issitikadd- Ammar &IWO MOO* awassid H. P.lllawarestabill.l. ormadira - LST.—a -Arstigatc-Threllinkait , .110tagoitatily imarivabilraust,istettb,Eß' maim Istatalassa. Mats& at Togral. er arm Iplitrost sal Paarttaaa mom Tam son. 1011.1111.0/.., seaoluHumi a-- sub bomb loom 11..,j1 ardr be sib lair by t 1111011111 M joie •-• • - - • lieb Masa 1111Weallausall.: womastathke illthrsol • Ee BATHING ILA 'EL - P H IA; XZEUILA Pity, 1.; (roe sal •WI bows Me. fres 'Mr u. le mono tuppromkstiop eizobir $' m binds& to!itfai aced WM* * mei Br** aid Ilaiiireig Scam Wadi wil seisis about Om Warm' Istica!, : an wait kip. so than illkashop sod 111~. Nab lista Mist. log% s sae dinatidieorldi• lb* aumiglion gibe gem Is vs. ametabb akernis = s= _ I n am earted haw May two sea tram eats, taa WPM Met dap rad. . . Treks at Meer dee asa *UMW UMW beavi flaw sena WINK niladdpins, sil); aa. ell s. a.:Loss Albs" GI lair at. sae 4:141 La. ZS isms alley alba Nor 111.110. • NMUISINII MOW States).llo7.l3, sad cam bniss Wm' - . maw 11e4 360171111 1102111 M. ORIISTNIIT £BOVZ THI D, • inECIL."3:OO.Oi s *T.L.A. t .. , it: huisatit• sakttortme or adikadesilloasui aillostat. Weil see Charbtat Walk dr mks. 0," lierakaaW Board par Day . *1.0.0 6 - , • , AamszaMms, slat ;Negri Is susorus etas. lasi Mst INF Ewes apomkperelll. and /We .t • hastesso laissisunt anassal_se en Ike& 4,fitaietsintarlsai MIN if Aim Was City Cirs sake - raiidisigers I trill :say Boas* TO .r 1:11.011116, TO Sae _ ,„ • I !" .s * 1, 1 &1 413811 , 11. ° * BAUX, InlitSlJeli • - 10, sty rovirrit viva . - : 1.2"ta1l inixtaild or stall I giorosidis ea Ns .9 tituurizeztrs—nuri ri oolaNd to Mora sad for al. boa:anima Limn Mows 41timoa Rove ernid thou; 1000 fa. QUI Oil ibooldem . 21111 L P. a 11 rely Dried Poulton AO doL Irnotor Boom; SO 43a.Otiolocta 0; - 10 Kis Ar Mown 111 bob boltrooloa rotator; II bail tato Mae 1101; 15 do fo Lot. Barttag. IL GUI/. Mad _ JO I.Thart, Arse& Itit'fLUZ.—P‘ratory to toy remold to kmalicised act 11ack aM Is to Yarn. L. 10101 k 011. nits 001 4:01110•111 , Postaco and Cbooatsice Et 11111, difiss" laT WNW, atroot I vary dmettalty paw fwd Lbw to al Wadi and pitman. • 0.011117. 1 SO 000.11— : • • .40 btu Mrs hadlyncit, • • 1 NIL Oman' 16.4. . • wiz" Petted PAW . . L Mona/ .11:111V1111 sVI LWOITE. .. .s 4 fsl soma m..:. IQU AIN NITT—Tor making *AY NOY. to • Or sissas,• =al adittca'as aaeut.r Paws. Dlt WA be•Mfal dad tooalv.t. Dtractions aotaaplai wit b:00 for ittatag latpastilitt sal nava& • larts, trait swit mama tram Ms staitirattairry art Ike .= taadara R. stmt. MOa at tin Illaretr likratery lam orOat 4. AM LW, sal . canon of Warta era R& WO. MI n't Cu FOR ?AV, Itta MIA rim —Ylk. 11 140.60 'two, wined to itual T al/ 110:11511151•1 9 detect, as 1,911117 MEM 5J l nottag as at COW watt, bona. g gym, taproom' ta Gimp =MU. taf t tli nzu. it Orbit at DAVID Nam limas; Ofted Ocomastmir. atout. ' illesilurkiluli'd 1 AUR - 4 PJWD IJ-214 bad la vas. se tau ma vb. bat Mal tt lailtry. egi ma I pm* *giro, , ):a s o, "mar& rsuala nrinu .$5 - - wan at lAberty till awl net. - iitLAGIBBIR OWT. A. 4 CI: *I Lill bbig. llbdas The, - be di resift Mt new 1;3 . 18.11aillY .11ALKUJX,—.2l) - CU/ ft.*. NOM Sabra, nelhol Itadaa. egA lakilirr rasp est audit linuithial• ty sal Os 'AM ellbsi Jl lfinn asst 0. 1111 • or_ Lawny Band aroma - PTRIDUI BOMB and OAP BOX s—zr imayeadiaal amiasaa ela WIMI ON* lei SO2 8",'" 1141.11nr • WILLA JUDDLIII aOl. W. • grad. imistes • - MEM } i,.h it 1:- ryALt. , , pnat..mso -PLUMBE DAS AND KRA FIT T E tti ,_; ,_. .aO_S - ft - .i; 13112/1111;101/ 'THIATILS. ir 14glitsr -I I . ' ' wit: ....IfttruiLic-, haft - dais oviLetufirib. butsehts“ FA* sans. las ADDIS PIAWIWNI. 6 11 .-:-, la' WBOWIR_ iWkW l *WW9abit S F ,- 11L.1 , ..:-.' , _ 13 4 13 e0 10 1 . 11111 k4W 1 W 1 .4 6 /.. ' , -- OlTrOititAtPir mum?. - ---SWIM 111.*11. - ' -- 10 11 , 3 - $ -Eiran.. .. i-:- - ir - -, W a . iwie td.Wistoirts II lir.,orpolL" sad. . - .11 1 ?.... 18,1 .;_juy14,WW118.4. -- 1; .pirwrc 4..cito r it.`,.'..- - -:- Wl* essallileaptiet soil bbiltliblias." ATV _ MID IMC I P" a " „rtIANO.II, -- zroona,*E. A.T 13414ZGA11414.1 Thaltatatadai 'stabs to Mao :tookef oaf* On kw el* datiall tido sad out aata,lai Nor sal foxed bead Maw at loot WWI% tor " sob.. now Maim osattpal totalooto OROS. • - ally fai tao OW mow ouoscgockr tout va*to to amity, sad goo INV•1111011' dotobla oat toottosoota. '- • - pm rid noopooodolly Braid to WI sod so. sobs doom tie ma bo • .8011111 lIL ZIRIZZSBOIL i 714.1111 81 Wood street. Q/CONDiIIAND PLAI•IO . 4--130od sec-. 1,7 ensi basil pun* WA* irtil I* sold trap, Sao • abo,i4larca mkt, from $7 to ;111 ptt cautir.. _ _ _ PL101084176, cub. to iTorf re44‘ , Pe B Wt agyruire.Z - 1. _ autumn noun. • _Kir. WM drag, 0,4 Iratiorl'Eantleg.. GU SPRIV(I G(10.1J8 'ars-•Amr. -NOW TT crecnoT ADD IMMO 11005. Ot GOSS Ls ow RAMO Ul3ll, web* too bI sehatsil Ira tanOr low am Nkit MI &MOW {bath sicimelis,4 or valiant asp twirtaki : 1 seacco.....usa , -r . '1 1 .,-, lital** 4l4 otra" , L ' 0714iiinailimr Id Aas MIT GOODS . offboksi sos WM* *limy - marinate uspistiSdy NIA so NB frog oar pima sad lb. deda'S: uo i 4,4lo Prlf h t Ele go fals!ftqns• ~ , -, A . , Sam • ' itray .tr, Son ; .1118011/JiT TAILUEL maiiii, '._ as VlFldlil 511111.1111111. ,', haw . Mink I NKl i rl j alang . , , , , . . ..- FOOS , " 71 r • . st a fttg lit i oll 'i tl l lst e iss&) re -.' .: -,--: -. izi t ulatt= mend itsugg=ma iiv idl ., „: . . gin to nifflaoss. • eatardrir. illta Ausist; - '. mina110044.....4.. . : .... astazdas. Mt An. . • '_ ~ 171.84......44.................1a5craa, NU AIWA. SMOOnrealinitr, - ascaLtrosiP*lll. Ilkm, - /,.* --: --, • : . r . I lain Or rassiiii I ._.., . , .. ant surei.......ofmarmaer . .... 01 • rio hooltio. ...wis on do ..;13 Lame ...i as . ..sussor '" tisittgittoodl login Ma alossis- 0 , ~_, Amo.""roar=4.4o..,(l.,witaZo r ": • ..,-...., ilows iiiiiiir to bet= eat Ibikr ifillit , o ll lS '---).', iIOOMENHISIK tO XIW / ~,,,:.• 146 "W"lt ttli=lri at& W i t . h -.' Vif i l r' .. _____AltAilifr nig' is Suiiii itel4,-.: ' -•.: r=grrV i 'mol atsieigi amiesiottinswicr.•-.: 1 11 os e ptAr w irstras. l 'andims7M- aras a tr iti gi. Immo I 1 . - oz• 07174. - Trt RUN crruATlPuir.Wßl:,as, Oirmists_uiriponm LID ;4xivr ys. saki/ exestt=lt=im i Xau asehromplitite. u am ..... zessetai Wns vas s r ne s ur ttawarzt airtzlet- 4 4.itirvezint .• • • • torr. new MOIR ire Tait. ro,ll-: *MOD inros. 411=0,1111 • Hopo8do51(II 0 10 01 v ' 615461 16 ic-of N= RIM - COWS 8 " '!"; 1 . 110 Aki t : - -nolkutir Nod gists's& urnll2 ANDSITNIN, '..- kriddrdoodtarbo ardatiot aticet datiodr,.. - - a mitesat doefoladon too& - • 'II2 I 44IBRIVAL tor -11141. x isebesisosbiaramuumW- soa sos do 4o -. • -01441iNotZdor. , • >I do' iol Nohisormido : Si i qaOldidillalco:Rontog - - • - Ithito 1141—oik I JOHN I. 11011111 s CO.CI. wad wart.; E'B6bgrok. Ps MIPV • ax:. -2,000 bbls. Organ ALas, ht.. ' S. i Ame I - . , • • ~ : i NAN do -NC Tomas do do , , ' t WO do Concordia do do . 1 !i.... • lie 46 Dego. MU; A- W.daddo, do a j :E. . . WO do Oroads• Oloay ansio. *a . .%' ~: lIN do luau brondA '........ ir are odds, a. Loafs Cdo *NAL la S S l: . "A g. 774 .l.l atrld i gat " '''. `} 41 .1 ftes• of Ana Tallinird, On:aid cod trdOtß enrrnits texas, .nits n ass go slowed vrimissais AM ratan 41 tluk swim itin 01 JOBS A. B.I3IIIELW, • 7. • 100 stalestlLL*, 7 e tilers tad Ihr tale by El. 6.IELOYD•OO, ' - SEE LEttrty start. . 121:70A$ ataxy 11A111--Put up e:- 1 4 7 yperoby FR au Wally Dam b 7 &Ea V. Will s Obouldlor Isis by Ut• betocribee t 'kits ar mitt! t I . JOHN 41. asseEtryr. M . canw et Liberty bra Stand sta. 2finDAß. OttUDIA Utir--Duisabla for toolat•&, nestylas bas 7 rftv.r„ l and Ix oaf PI ;aim Da a boa . sof , . W•Ser W. i Qr.leh.#ol.lßlß OANVAtiIIaDnAMEL I "..13 tWas W. W.Tliposesad NA by , YL Alf Cla., 11,100 u baqi. Vats in' otoza and , Q*if NA b 7 ' ' n .,'• ^ -t•-• - teur.l7 stmt. 111JrItTiU oTelserltAVALlaal l'Au. • by 'girt of tas Mir Drpszt• KAT a Ca. la Waal amts 1:1A 'o LUDIE-7 claim Clea.r, reettiT ed •a• meJ. I. 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