-? , ,,,,;v,,7;,:: 0 •: , ..!:_. , ., ~ .';' .. -' , i!.•- ,? -17 . ,: 1 t.: , , , , •v:-:.'.:_•,.':-,,:;..i:-:.:,,;:.1:,:-_-:: - --, Vittsburgt '4' lette. rOrtiv . l4A;al..ipili o ,f:•1'11.- WEVIEBDAY MORISONVAINI..,;. - 1881. (.11T _AFFAIRS._ , 849120R0LuaicAL0 4440740 0 941 :09 9294 8444105, 82 g;,Suw 4 +44,61979iftb934—eca5eb04 . 11194 m. - OLDS. ieek, -k, i. 98 74 42 • 84 . - 80 flato=stet 9 20 .;... „ . United Matti litatette Dowse. i,' - I OA, Mondeinfteritoon atter the-charge of the ..,-,. Court is tbe, cue of_Deeier, W. Oiighaoar„ a Jan wan siMpaindleitie try George lUtotenberger, alio ,41.' Jalfitetowit; charged with pailiieg eoaatetieit 'ttiotiell;tbytkiettiet Attorney stated to the jury - ' that; aithaitgb! . • true bill had been found, (and , . arty p roperly, too,)etill he felt obliged to eaj that 1 the body `6r.the'offense conkd not be made-out—ln _.•!- tithe r wear; that 'the -evidence was not aufficient -",..7.-:t.)-ast*-conv.ictlan. The defendant had been te "..-. '. - .tho Mistrals' War where he wu one of tit...forlorn hopit9 in Col.', Black , * regiment, and isow - he de. .-:. .'• . sired to enlist ;under him lor. this war. Under the ' earcurnatances, the government would produce no 1 '-donee against iiim,and a verdict of ..not guilty" gr , ..larenderriC and the prisoner discharged by pro-, -.- ... cfainatlon, .. !.. • f ,,,,,.: -- Toe Contt then adjourned and met again at seven , : :Onion!' in the evennig, to receive the verdict in the . '....floughbotir cite. The jury cline in cod returned L- :-. •it verdict ~,.‘, g uilty in manner and form as indict. =''' isil.W. Via 'defendant was remanded into the ens ;;;.':; teal !:11 the garehal., and committed to jail. ',.-..,.- -. "-On Tuesday morning a jury wee empuneled In r...',,r - ', -the cats of Uri O. biotagomery, charged with pan -44-2..., ing tiorintetfelt money. The defendant bad been ~ . ;,.:, : einfilifyed As barkeeper for Joaph,Shounaker, pre -* -.'.. pr Wier of theVainbria Huse, at Jolumitown, and war '.', ..,;' , ,ithArgiut with; puling rations pieces of bogus money ~ . ....tipon GeorY;Ziericomer = District Attorney Carus. 'l'. ', ~..tiitrtemarliiid to.tbe fury thin the defendant was - 1:'.."*.- , ;employed ia ea bumble position, by a 011111 who had :heed Indicted _ in that Court for puling eounterfelt ;bean trial would come up'ln October ~.a,, . n ext . There 'wino doubt about to pasidng of - the ~..,,.-1 , . r; - money, but the Distrier:Attorney fah It his duty to ~,-,.... ~ .AlaY that Lahti opinion honed tot nett testimony ea s• 7 , ' . 4dould prove the oitilltp.knowledge." Under these . -eirriurnemeces`he weed not fordjudded in holding :'.,..-.' the defendant in jell till October next; in hopes of j getting additional testimooy. 'lt ass not the duty ",-.L.:-of the ollirrir of the Government to do so. In this connection: be woad elate that the defendant had organised almilitary company. in Jobastown, pro ,l- stow to hicesteat - , and was now anxious to go into the serriee of tie aeontry. The °outmost would I .1 -- .offa no , testimony, for the reason stated—it wen not f,'„,„.. • of such a eliaraoter ai would warrant the premix - ~ 7 tide utiirney-itiarlibig a °conviction. t . -=..- Judge :11.1dCandless charged the jury briefly, telling thew.% that '. the couleepunned by the Dis ,-Trict Attorney in this ease fully met the approval t .- °tithe Court: When be hid norsufficient evidence i.. upon which to mk aerfonviction, ne vu &sclera ,..;.„:l. mg A plaid sari ,CODICiIIaiDUI - duty in 'erasing to -`,;..... prosecute, whatever Vo fault whaver can be found with \-- - ., , ,1bb Grand Jury in finding a bill—that was right ~, i 7- . .7..- . and: piwpesi .titit where the testimony failed in a , 1 "3, material point, It Wu the province al the District - Adttonter 10 say. so, and let the privOner have the - -,. - -ibenefitiCeeerdiet.. ' '. . v The jury. jotted a verdict 'or "sot guilty," and - • Ir. the de..d.t..,. discharged. .As he got op to leave, Jedge.bicOandlese espreued the hope that lie would-wipe out on the battle-field any diegraec ~- isrlifolt - had ettacbed to his character in Cense. ' Outs of be arrest. The defendant nodded as. neut. - and left with a happy lacer • 'I T u The cue of Puller, charged with making and .t' y . uttering counterfeit C1:412, was next called up, and ..7,:i. upon apptlation ol the Dittrict Attorney was con -I ~;.. tinned en the October term. .... .There being no other eau* ou the calender, the 12 . „'itiry wee doetiarged with the „thanks of the Court. ',..: . ..r yr. irofielen then made a motion for a new trial in the caso.M Goighnour, which will be argued in e few days. .' i Conntherfadlostrned. - - cixarge—tathvie to get roar Boots gtplpts~wad rears. mijifelhapi, Intents some tof our readers to barn that - the partnership heretofore existing be -- V:-teeett . Masora: Muni lb Minor, the well known:Book Paiodical dealers, Fifth street, hag bun lis t .. solved, and that Mr. Miner, having ourchesed Mr. Sneevilettirist In their large sod flourishing Utah liehment;' the bagful:ex of *thisConhario hartafter . condintsclhy Mr. M., who la now to sae pro, ')Stt. :Weer L ono of the pioneers of the intrindvial itr Pittsburgh. Upward' et er r yeinolinve elapsed tines be =balked in it, and throughout that whole , time his career ban been, one lof nags illied sneeete. - Beginning on •small scale, behei Mum hi, basiness kerma atop by step end / 'yearly Taxisista now briatienphis one of the moat intonate* In Valuable betiding, in the. ally, and gin boar% is patronage not eseesdad.by that of any edrsintninnitt- of the same etisnedar west of the 4 laritaitains.-: Moving spoken of • the -building coed. - pied. by hir.; M. on previous ocussions, It is mine. terto into any lengthens description Of • ; Lt hare.: 'it is '6lOOO . to -say . that coati= In _ • ;:tn.2-coliab7 bo. frond ;an ,agallliabscosai _so i 7itarizr alriti"tiataili: -It is provided with ~ ..,....,Coingenteutial to the proper tranasetion of the '"MUlsisti to which nit denoted, and to tD all rapsets - a model -stare, aid one to the possession of which any man: might well feel proud. if,thimelt is worthy of praise, the whichj - lt is filled is doubly so. Is the biiokelthere is an eodlees assortment, 0111W:ear.; en it standard wears of the day—hie. toricar; politic: * al.:Scientific Mid descriptive; works which would adorn nay library, and without wit,* ao Wary can hi considered mnopl eta. We advise oar readers to drop is and examine the catalogue. -The rarest sod. Dem bootee's, be found on Mr. In,‘ shelves,. while in the' matter of work. of fie ; Hon, every author of note in Europe as wall as insericis te represented. Bat it is, perhaps, from i the extent Of na paper and periodicai Dulness that 'the house has acquired its highest reputation. As I . sole agent for the sate of the. New York Ledger, BA,perts W.,Myi Settles Nam fie., it not only Alocs introsiwe local basins.. in this line, but . One hundred covotry dealers receive thou .eapplies regularly from Mr-.15.--the parties Boding It, moth aeranterietme to deal with him for their inagssiniss, papers, irc., than to seed for them ;to New Torli:=.ll.te sales to 'gents alone are ono: , monii and, despite the - war excitement and the tightutuis of the times, thej ere, we are informed, ':steadily mien increase. hir.Miner also keeps on 1 . baste tall assortmeat oldie mast approved school books, and la alWays supplied with stationery and Writing materials of every descripuon. Slate the War broke out, a great darned has . sprung up for -military storks, maps of the seat at 'war, hfr. Miner has mem in every style. All I the Stand ard works on military tactics may be had t at his stag,as wall as mope of all those polsts is Virginia, and clartarherc now of interest to the gen prat pantie. There ii nothing, in fact, that can be told amy well regulated boob attire that he can. oat you with, and, as he is a clever and en. tarp:tinny barmen matt, end takes epeeist plias to . please bin,, customers, we-tee no reason why, in -110 a, the lain and moat important of his bnainess . nbintr.kings, he Should not meet with abundant seeress. We commend his evtablislutent to our ; - friends as ober* slay way worthy their patron ,.,.l dl.' pica' will -bet bend aa moderate, at . wit, us Mose' of err other house in the both:ten ; •id the city, !stale - the proverbial courtesy of his clerks,sod i th air.readiness at all times to 11CC0111. reediw their cusiotenre, should be a mon Ind tree slant to all warning anything in his tine to give him Oa!' i ii 1 . A , .., 1 ,,-,,-., .11;- --- - 1 il -. ;cackle near wheeling. I .oiiYriOsylant, a man named Franklin Lock. an old and &deemed atlven of Bel• i pool county; ti• hio, opposite:Wheeling, committed ;by_ Opening thriertnries la both Anat. cot. tiiislargegaslo.Fn his neck:With. a butcher knife, afterwards atteroping to • hang himself. For • •••• two weekn • • 1 be - had eshibltedsigae - of PT l !!" ° ' l a toted Mental deintigaMent, and his b ro thers hint tie Colusktuae, Ohio, stoppieg on the way :house: of a friend , eight :ppm - front St. lie; In thonanraing khavashed earl dressed Whit more than'tieual - care, ate hi, break-,•••••-• bun; and talked cheerfully:and istlooally. Whilst rake brothers, oreru preparing to reseme t. th e elrj:N r-11..;\-bet"tiannr_titti;ordint:brd%,°. 11:P11r:thin - .451 4 iittf folliPtied him loo ,and forted-the finor of the - aimed 'with - bd. bit Franklin was gone. frbok tracked him;in a that[ course through the lade sad - woods edistruice of about a mile, where ; 4 .f )hey ftiond him !ileitis, kyttg upon the ground with gulp 'fiat bark tied around his neek,and the C: bther si ° n r d w farror t ed t o thd body of - taMitig that ' • . aideof leaning log, the bark . - elootr ing d biZ egbenough to bold his hod ;.'•i'••.j•'"--•.iirarliiyo!Nttri.giorsued, evidently showing that he had - Crawled Itilthclos to Mitten the bark to the tree, ~. 101 l owing to.weakness from lova Of blood he rolled 1 . 1 •cd and -spired, perhaps viithoitstrangalation. '-,,,i • -- , ~. - 'io- irnment of the Voltutteers , F. 1... eta }l edgy night, /1 Government Paymaster, ':••"'', 'tag , charge $lOO,OOO in gold and liner, Ur t......,,::;, -- rat In the Alty for the purpose of paying off the ~ •or•' - : : f" , ''' monliti(volunteent. It was expected that 7- I -1:::-.....:',.. - -f, pluthant 'duty Weald commence on Tuesday, i, ?t - - "k.',.. 't it netts that, the Po-router Le flow obliged Ito 4 •:' . ;-;t:' -:: ' fektiilt the Captains . . .01'11e several companies I Xr.hitt thelo- pay.yolle-4 matter which, it is h- s 1 V• • • 7 .- . 1 •1 11,••-ilioald have been attended to before. 't ,,--- • '-'• • • ayeiLlaki•CAClPLOieN, in all, to be paid ;e..1: -:'• '..- '', - ' or of: frar:Tweillt , and Tbineenth Reel ''•:l* ii1: • ,.J. , ., e'•:Pihnttr. , li. vivifies: about , $40,000 to pay a -7 '. 4 . , ' , . -- . ' nit tritthrecisonthi , so that thy aggregate of )5 . ....,:": .. 1, ~ t hgrergf langur too much to 'QUM lICCOWItI 4 1 :; , -9."... . lib 04 l osligiliell 111111101:' of, daemon, a large ;? "4. 7 :', , f ... ::." .10POrdill vat be spent in. our titles and lolanda i, - t. •• ~ :• • moinny., end_ (wi th the exception of what is OW &ay on whisky ' ) will be,. productive of .?:1 - .. ••'• - e g iooti. It ill 'spewed th at pa Paymaster •ii , ::; • ttr be:able to commence. butous to.day. par $ imi company et &time tuna all are sego-a. - . i r g , " .:.. " A Narri.leixtair COSSAISy4-7Gaptain Leopold . • ;• 4)- '2 ' : . iyni and , 8111 di . H/1 . 1 1 1 041 /ii // e or/itdirld4 ll l e th • oorbead Car. ' .'t'll -,.'-:•:':": t' f . •o 4 l l : t ri r pto- 14 ;' t 1Ti . al as teldy eictiptea, and will 1 . -. ? (:- , 4 ''. of ii, loge priportion ro-rthore , months Mid: tf:l4 .. , ;"'dattle,Mili'lwilt. " 4 r° tr e ff - tot,' d ! i' , 4-• 1 . : ... ?° . ! ,!! j! eget d':l" %:i e t i tro . al. ll :.'t• Hama I L "W. - jk . ' , .. ..:41:7" 1 ...;7:..... -- War tax' Paugetyti.o lb. 'comply. • ' r...,1 , '41 . 1 . .. 1 " -- it i p i eso -- 61,14 , !1yit,a4 . 1114,111,11wintit,it Set. f' tell...! ' i T4ffi• ffg f".4 4 .-,41;•'°,-•TI,T1•;:k-,.. .. . • .. - 44 , f . ~,..._.,:e,..:71'm,g..„, :.-,.. . . - Iltabblas Affray. - unoue stabbing aray o cc u r red on - Liberty ff 'Weld "au:- smittised.yeeterday afternoon, which Will Probably iesnit in the death eif a man named JohdFord, who received a very ugly cut in the left side kif. the st omach at the bands orPeter Delaney. Dt SPP r farls front the statement of Ford, that while puettig , along Liberty street be ,wan accosted by Delaney. and umber man, whse name is 1113., known—the latter making a request of him (Ford) to pa hie knife, (which had been presented to aim by imam Mends.) to which he wanted. He then handed it to Delaney, who had it in his poesenion for sometime, when Fird requeated him to hand it back. To this Delaney replied by saying that be -could snot,hays. it, and that he would cut him aboeld he attempt to force it from him. A sec file then tact place betimes' the parties, during which Delaney mit Ford in - the left side of the Stomach, the - mat penetrating it considerable distance. Ford wu than conveyed to the ogles of Dr. Badger, who, although considering hit case hopeless, done all in hie power. to alleviate the unfortunate manse suffering'. At the instaace of Mayor Wibui, he wan subsequently removed to Dr. Wallet , ' Hos pital, where, at last accounts, he was lylog In an exceedingly critical condition: Delaney woe arrested and committed to await the result of Ford's injuries. He Will a member of the Firemen's Legion, and is said to have been under the triunee of liquor at the time bf the difficulty. His companion managed to make his oscine, hot will probably be arrested soon. .Ford m a resident of Sharpahurg, where he has a wife cod family. He had just enlisted in one of the volunteer companies now fore:deg here, and the knife with which he was etatibt.l sad been 'presented to him by home friends. He Is said to be a quiet, Ooffensive and industrione mac. —Aimee, writing the above, we heard tt rumored that some two or three persons who were present at the time of the &faculty, allege that Ford wan intoxicated, end that he wee stabbed by falling on the knife, which he had in his own possession. This story, however, L undoutredly incorrect. It ie not at all probable - that a man in Ford's condi tion would make a false statement, expecting to 'ive, as he did, hot a very short time. Crane Captured. On Saturday soothing last a dock of seine twenty. eight cranes alighted near the residence of J. 0. Patterson, in Elisabeth township, immediately ap— petite McKeesport. , Mr. P. fired at them, and. succeeded in capturing one, without (*nog it. further than inflicting a slight wound on one of the,' The Standard says: "Those who haeli seen the bird are by no means unanimous in res_ gird to its epeeist-4:nd it has consequently been' called stork, snipe, crane, etc. It is a beautiful , bird;and we consider that we were amply repaid' 1 for all the trouble a :art ace ationed es, by a mght or it yesterday. The color of it is pure white.; From whet we cart end crilaantory of the bird, it le en Americas crane; although not laity answering the description. it is probably three feet in bighti and 010/111:11 . 811 &bone lorry-two Inches from ; tip to tin of its whirr Its legs are stilt-like, and of dash, leaden color. Ith neck is the most peculiar part of the fowl, being a:most Eat. It can swab low a pretty good sized fah with comparatiseeasei. Drowning of o. On Mouthy evening. about dusk, a Garman named Alexander Preivath, • mem* of the Seigel Guards, wu drowned in the bionOisgattela river, near Nicholson's foundry, while bathing. life lift hi, boarding house on Fourth strut, to company with a friend, taking towel.. seep, rte.. with kite., Freivath jumped into the water before ids complus. lon was randy, end being • good swimmer he !truth out and soon disappeared round a W 1 1411611 °PO' site the roundly. Ms companion called, afters little time, but received no answer, and itsoon be came apparent that the man was loot. Search war med* for his body np tilt ten • o'clock at night, but without success. In the morning the search was Or . newt& and the body woe recovered about noon. Th. deceased was a very worthy man, was 111201{1 , esti, end a painter by trade. Post Oates A flat So. The • following post face changes have !Wen wade in thin State by the Departments laabUstasaa.-Flora Dar, Adam. money, Pa ' 214 a. Wrlaht, pt.r...crortut, Oa room tram Outymbora to food.. Talc !Sutra Clue, lloatommory moan. Pa.,tateld Knits, proforma.. to • DA, oopplatl IIGI9 Phomatorille, Cb.our ...AV. Otto mile `.`t wo •ha neer. Or oath uttor pots.% as the poltatamar may makes. Boydetoart. Outlet overtly. Pa. teals Spur, potatimatar. ..app ttiiiamagm—ticnry minboa" pba....a.r Z•itier . bloatkAtory testy, Po, irk* Bohr baccom , mpottl; Quinlan a. Matter, pamtlasater at Inalerick, Was. vault.) conaty,vtam AL. Pty. rututrat Jt.ha J. Wells, pot. mutat st Pio melds, Isamu& wanly, t .. ytot Woe tritr, remould; filaralakar J. Lnotapro. roaster . at WrtebonoWe. York toasty. Pa,coce Joao err. retaared; Nerd W. ktrerackaa, paruwour at Borer, 01aullekt °may, Ivo waxy W. Vow ',Aped; Wont. WOlo. tiAronerwo ot,tfue'llloooteol,a.froty.,:tostiAco,J umre roe Pe, sta. J. J. Mato, temgv.l. At West Uttkla, Ikaktride county, Ya„ *llll.m U. Chetenaru, pomtalamta, , ka ilkkheal Lynn, rutattall. 110Winetere ther Alleged Seeeseloniet. Oa Monday oto con, John Coyle, E.g., Attorney for John Mcicinstiy, recently arrested in this City upon a charge of uttering treasonable sentinente, applied to Judge McCandlen, of the trotted Swam District Court, fora warrant of removal to the Western District of Virginia. Meginstry had been takes lidera 3. U. Bailey, EA., pained Stale. o,oco. misaleneri and 'waiving a heeneg c wite vomit:duel to )411. Be imputed a desire, thretysh Du counsel, to be removed to Wheeling, and headed over to: the authorities there, townswer any charges which Wight be -preferred against hint. The Court ordered his removal. and a warrant was accordingly placed in _the hands of the trolled States Marshal, Mr. Mar• der.h, who will send the prisoner to Wheeling in , custody of one of Ms deptitisa. • A Pollal PZlTOollailtl AMIONO ran Bsaac PlLT4Ontis CA11178820 AT 1/111 Lott BATTL*• Among the rebel prisoners captured at tee battle of Bull Rae, was George M. Briablo ' formerly • resident of this city, and 'well known by =air of our citizens: He b. a printer by trade, and writ ked hers at that busing., for a number of years. 1 4 For some time put, how ~,,, he has bean residing is New Orleans, and at the commencement Of the present war enlisted in the rebel army. At the battle of Bull Ron he wag taken privicer,aud gob sentiently manned at Washington. He maeiged, however, to secure a ciliates dregs and escaped to Harrisburg, where, it is said, he stooped over night at doll house of a ?alibi., and proceeded nest morning . to Alesandris, linatingdoo county, gril l ers be was arrested. He was then taken •b•ck to Harrisburg and - confined in prison to await the action of the authorities at Washington. Cot.. Hinnies Rsoisszarr.--The itarrisbdrg *graph, of Monday, an noticing the arrival of Col. Buck*. Regiment at that place, says : .“Col Black's itegiment of three years volunteers 'frayed here yestercky morning from Pittsburgh, and took up qusrtera on the public grounds. This men compelling the Regiment have a fine phyeimil ap. pearance, and =pivot them have already imelt the smoke of hauls. They are commanded bT offi cers of eaperience, under Yr tar:gelled they will do good movies in the war for the Union. This reg. :meet will remain her• wild they recmre3 their arms and equipments, after which we believe they are to join the column of Gen. Banks at Raypeee Ferry.. anYZISOI COUDTT Nonmarrove Repot:di ms or Jefferson nclultY, ibis State, hove nominated the following named gentlemen as esudidates tor, . county Miens: Judge, LG. Gordon; Associato Judge, J. , .T. Y. Thompson Representative, C. 11. Presoott ; Cam misskessr, T. B. McLain; Treasurer, James Camp. bill ; District Mien:ter, U. Arthur,; Auditors, Ire Brownson and Daniel suvia Trosues of Academy, B. T. Perry, lin. John Todd, Prof. BroltbZ Patriotic resolutions were passed, and COttrome Committees appointed. el,Cleitig another Gee bill ,will be offered at the theatre, consisting of ho :lea than three different pieces ,In which the heauti. fel Min Procter and the comical Glenn both ap pear. Wile Marie will dance a NattonaUidance .between the amend second pieces, which com pletes a programme of rare. 42601m:ea. Ewery one ebould be about early to-night. , ' Oar?. JOILII L 13111WMIT. late of the Phan:wee Legion, (a ,err -popular editor, by the way.) baa accepted the paid= of Lieutenant ht the Unlock thealfy, coder Capt. ?attune:l. - . DZAD,Afir. Jinn Hprintet byttrorea tin, died alma lingenng ilium, on °ads, Doming, aged 10 punk A COMI'LLTZ ESTAILMIZIIIIAT drOppitlit In at the Din Store of our friend Johaston, cornet' of Smithfield and ,Foarth came. we were surprised and gratified to notice the improssinsate wadi he hu,made.within the last year. The Morels now lammed to doable ite former dimeasione, fitted up in fide style and col:loins niche stock a; Drugs, Medicinal Perfumery,:-Cigare, Au., affintent to show that more room was seeded to meet the re. qairamente of- hie increasing baiinen; now pretty . wall understood that Gnat Johnston don't 'Deep to baying. of Mediating sea Parfamery is sot worth This Mend basiong been celebrated for the parity of the Medicines dispensed, end the prima proprietor well 'utiles this imputation by dealing in the purest and beetor esetythiag, which his long experience with - the prinepel triantafactut , ere enables him to , procure and_ furnish at lowest prices. • , - • PAUDINOZ JILOISOWSILiI I 4 el fazeuel Saner. and alottierin tam er Hens Weedso l 9 l4 • • : Fount Wlllyill3DAT, at 9 o'clock.. to. Tint city of London I. supplied with sister by alms Cluttered completes, and the aggregate ormetity ;used Amirante - to 17,000 million gallons per *amid, at a cost to the public of $12.000 pot m il. lion gallons. zed the average supply of *lf institu. dont, 00660111 or tenements amounts to LSO gallon' per day, :costing two CAMS) Or $7 $0 Pgr4anum and on 171,794 institution d th e. gross annual revenue amounts to $1,950, 0 0 0 , of which: amount l a o nd l 9 eon o nitioa of I t n h t e e r w ne o t l k o s n ; tahned' ealpaitvanl ignrasted a SUN plus of $794,000 to the credit of etockholders. Not. withstandisg the apparent low fignre of one coot for .77 pilot', the mobilo have been patitioniog Parliament !or soma years part for •en ibereared and cheaper supply. deoptetnental chatters have been - granted to dile affect, deting the lett ten poise, giving an Increased supplr filtered weer at , the chore cent. - .:It also appeam,:takleg the population.at two millions, shot the water to: ontonnts..tiesorlY $1 per bead pet neteini.. ..-- • -.-- D ... Ithit ia . Cornliedllotaw Z ~. . 1: et 44 .N. ".1 Cl ' — fin ashaboVa *Amid ' to Plead* 0110 er mit :o f run so - we* ~.., tHE LATEST NEWS. Br TBLIBB4PB FIECEPIEO AT VIE DAILY GA/EII.E OFFICE COSGRESS. ispia4 • Wasiewirrox, Annan 6, 1861. (Conftetudion of Mewing'. Proceedings hr the Slnts, yesterday, after an executive session lasting neatly eight loon and a hilt, the doors were again opened at half.put tin - o'clock p. m. The House bill to increase the number of rep• resentatrers to two.ku odred and thirty-nine, was taken up and alter i shaft duel:tutu laid our- On motion of Mr. Cantle, of Va., the Senate Riven proceeded to hold an executive session. At 11 - elflike eleven o'clock the Senate adjourned till half--pact aloe this morning. Westunoron,lls. 6, 1861. SENATE.—The Senate Mat thin 'morning at 9} O'clock. A toMmanielition was read from the President in answer to a resolution asking if Hon. Joseph H. Lane had been appointed Brigadier General. The nommunication was ordered to be printed. Mr. Dixon, - of Conn, reported a resolutee to pay Ashbury Dickens, late Secretary of tbe Senate, 0 salary for one year from the present time, the anionot beteg 33,000. Mr.thandler, of Mich , moved to amend so as to mien the came of McNair, late Bergeantet- Arms. Lost. The resolution was then paused. The bill to punish canna crimes against the 'United States was taken-op and passed. Mr. Powell, of Ky., offered a resolution In re gard to the Pollee Commissioners of Baltimore, in ;order to amend the report of the_Commene on 'Judiciary on, bat subject.. The preamble sets forth than Wuness,:certairt citizens of Baltimore have been arrested In violation of lave r iirsoired, That each emus ware unconstitution al and illegal, and that the parties should be lm. mediately released or else delivered up to the civil authorities. The gentle related to consider the resolution by a vote of 7 yea, to 33 nays. • All the papers relative to the contained seat in - the Kansas representation were ordered to be printed. • Mr. Wilson, of Man., moved, to take up the , joint Imitator' . approving the acts of the Pfeil , dent. Mr. Doolittle, of Wir., moved to go into exert tnexenion. The motion was disagreed to by the following omen: Y eves. Bak or, Bayard, Binghe m, Cn nil e, Chandler, Collamer, Diann, Doolittle, Vessendge, Foot, Harlan, King, Lane, of Kansa., Morrill, Powell, Rice, Saulsbury, Teo Rycli Thompeon, Nave.—Masses. Bmckinnage, Bright, Browning, Clark, Cowan, Foster, Grimes, Howe. Jobason, of Tanemee, Johnson, of Minoan, Kennedy, of Maryland, Pomeroy, Bierman, Sumner, Wade, Mr. Brecatetidge of Ky., said that at the early part of the union, ;he Senate won very Bolton. to vote on this ruolution; approving the acts of the President. It now seems that they recoil from et, which be thought was a sign of returning reason. Mr. Fauendea„ Of Me., said be had always been ready to vote on this resolution, and yet the gentleman seems to imply that the Senate is afraid to rote on it. He could have all the benefit of tech an argument. Mr. Trumbull, of ill., said he was not ready to vote until seer further counderatmo. By common consent, the resoultion to pay Hon. F. P. Stanton for mileage was paned. Mr. King. of of. Y., moved to go into 'factitive session. Agreed to. After a abort essontive Malan, the joist refl• °lotion authorising the Seeratary of Wei to pay the volunteers. she, ender the nommand of Capt. Mud* acconlhog to the order of Brig. lien. T. A. Morris. had grained to protest the ?Mined bridge and other property In the vicinity of Oakland, was taken op and paned. Oa motion of Mr. Grimes, of lows. the hones amending:its to the bill providing for be repair of the Long Bridge, wasooocurnd Mr. Solana, at Mass., prieentaii the resolu tions of the Legislature of Massacbuette In stranteg its Bunters and elongating the Ittp• tomeatatrres trim shot Sum, to use all botionble tame, to swam the reingeltioo tithe Republic) of Hayti. Laid on the table, nod ordered to be printed. Oa motion of Mr. Grimes, the Senate again preceded Into exenrive session, after vibleb, at 171 o'clock p. m., the Senate atomized aim die. Housc.—The Home paned the Senate bill rela tive to the'Sepreme Court of the Vatted States in easel, of apnea. Mr. Bulbul:4ot Ohio, asked the unanimoui com mit of the Hone to introduce a bill to define, pro hibit and potuiti certain unlawful communication with the enemies of the Vatted State.. Mr. Vet act Ohm, objected. The Senate bill wee pined with sacmendment appropriating • iP.01:10 for replies in the Long Bridge overthe Potomac. Warthog measures were propene to lee taken up by different members, but objecuone were - pond on each OCCI2iOTI. The House paned the Senate bill to torment pay in the regular army aid lot yolunteen. The House disposed of nveral matters of not publie importance. - I On motion of Mr. Cos, of Ohio, a resolution least adopted calling on the President, if compatible] with the public service, to commenic•te to thel Henn at the next resole all correspondence hods by the government with foreign nations since 1353' with reference to maritime rights. Mr: May, of Md., asked leave to make personal, explanation, but this was objected to from the RBA publican side.' Mr. bloCieruand, of Illinois, offered a reacilutioff providing for 'the purchase el a cup, of the On{ rear:non Otoae cud Appendix for cull member of the present Haan who pea Dot received the same. 1 Objection made. Meassgeo were from time to time received frcid the Senate, the Committee on Scrolled Bine ocean atonally reporting and the Speaker signing the camel Toward noon there was moth harry among the °Mears In trananling badness. Messages wen received from the President in', forming the House that be approved certain OWL i Mr. Milani of Ohio, moved that the session be extended thirty minutes. Mr. Colfax lef Indiana, said the Secretary of tbii Senate bad in timated to him that such an eetsneuth was desirable. Mr- Vallandigham add that such a motion wai l nervily cermaary, al the boar for adjournment held expired thirty minobth_ago. 1 Mr. ineley'at motion was agreed to. The clock in the House number bed been stoppid at ten minutes to twelve, for acme time. Mr. Stereos, of Pa., in an apparently BOTiOa tone, implied whether it woo d be in order move that the clock be allowed to go on. This remark °ermined owl:tants of laughter The Speaker, afipr giving a private order for clock to be euendetd to, laformtld the Mame that it wit now in moans. - Mr. Johnson offered a reeolatiee that, insuncih se the cloth had relbsed to go by the hoer, the House mince to go by the clock. The resolution was objected to SI ont of order.; Amid murk laughter, Wlehliffe, of Ky., took do. euton to say that the intelligence from Kuithelly to.day, Is that Kentucky U for the Union. She Will be the lit to go oat of It. This autouncement was received with wild de. Sabi—the friends of the Union, both on. the 114 or and in the gaileries, clapping thek bends and other wlss giving vont to their famines. Essinmatinne were beard of "Good 1 Hurl rah fur old Kentucky!" The miniature wig long continued, sod a more animated eases is seldom witnessed. Subsequently ! Mr. Wick. idle retired without the bar of the House, when crowds of member. gathered amend Met to bear the particular. of the good news announced by him. Mr, Dover, of New York mad* a person tonal ! eiplabstion relative to his resolution Of fered yesterday, declaring that at a time white armed rebellion is threatening the integrity of the Union and the overthrow of Govarnmadt, all reacilnuone recommending or destitute( to make terms with treitore le either cowirditie • or treason. lie said he meant nothing per " weal in connection with their rescnuon, tint Meant Simply to condemn a principle and dot to quetion it. mutual., integrity or 11 neatly of anybody. Mr. May, of Marylend, /lid he we absent from the Hence when the resolution was offer. ed and did not know of the tact until he eaw it In print. Mr. Cox, of Ohio, slid that when he gentleman from New Ytek, offered hie 40021110 resolution, them was a flash! of indignation from his side of the Noise. We who bad supported the war policy of the Government with a view to peace and Union, and those who had the nano indict view with• out approving of the mantel means, felt juitly indignant. Nonce my resolution. 1 wonl4, it were in my control, copings my resolution se there was nothing in it particular, and the Boone sou waiting for the Senate. ' Mr. flolfax, of Lod., said porbeps it might be lithereating to the Monte to bear from the gen ` tlemaii from Monona, something about the condition of the frontier. • Mr. Stevens added, "and also about the ilea dear of the North. Cries of "sgresas." Mr. Aldtieb; of Minn., then rose and Made some remarks about the Nortlowsit, sundial to vitiate member' of the Untie In. tons of plus antrj, 'dab repeatedly convulsed the Maser with laughter. The Speaker repeated the gentleman to sure. pond - his ?smiths in order to receive the report of Mr. Kellogg, of Illinois, who, with Serena other members as a Committee, had just wilted on. the President. . •Mi. Marie& said he Dodd give way for him, but for no other living man. Laughter. Mt. Kellogg reported that the President!bad no farther'cororoonleatlon to make to Coo. - geese. The Speaker than said, "lhe - hour Asa for the aiijonrement!haviog arrived, I therefore dealers this Noose adjourned sine die." Mr. Aldrich—Then my remarks are cut off. (Latighter.) • The Speaker—They will coma up at the neat union ae unfinished laustneas. The members separated, all being evidently to good hoisior. Cosecs, :august 6 —Great 'activity pr, veila at Charlestown Navy Yerd: The Cumberland all to-morrow., ,The .Cambndpe bee been taken oat of dock, sad the bark Maul bark hauled in. Both wilt shortly be snipped . The rohrtmunit and Fifteenth - Iteemiste wIJI leave to.morrow for theses% of wee. Alen Cobb.t.,Listn Battery. .11ss - nreysitingi Tsai .,-.1)0 fePlbig . 2 ~ .„ w I w -r• - • - , -- ,.:.,* - 7,;.: -,::•::;:fi...-.'ii'',". From Was ington. Orillit■GiON Cirri; Avg. 6.—The' Senate _ in executive !Seaton astil 12 o'clock last ni4ht.l The following nominations for Briga dier &nem!' in addition to those heretofore annotinced, were, ii iii said, confirmed: Geier&le Hier!but, ififtcieroand, Schenck, Grant, Baker, Lyon, Cos Pi:enters, Ander . .., Kings Sigel and Couch. The principal officers for the new army regiments Were also coo. firmed, while the rejections composed only a few of the woo, epputarmaints Lieut. Col. Emory , . nomination was also confirmed. The President and several member. of the Cabinet were at the Capital this morning, the former attendieg to the approval of bills. A latent lore of 'Coogrear, authorising the . Secretary of War and' the Secretary of the Nov.g under the direction and approval of the prestdent, to tumble it board to determine the facts as to the name and occasion of the &solidity attach officers as appear incapable of performing military service., with a view of their retiring from the army and marine corps. The report ol the board is to be esoject to the President , . app,,,!. Those who may be re tired are to receive the pay proper of the highest rank held by them at the time 01 their retirement, and tour rations per day, without any other pay, emoluments or -slow:ince.. But an exception in made in fah: Brevet Ltedt. Gen. bcott. Should be be retired, on• der this act, it chaff be without reductinh on his current pay, subeistance or allowance. All the tolls which parsed both Elouseswere approved by the President, who yielded a re luctant approval of that for the confithation of property used for rebellious purposes. Yesterday each House provided separately for increase of the 'pay of volunteers and regulars $4 per month, but to-dav they united one bill which increases the pay only $2 per month. Many members leave to-day fur their homes. Senator Latham will not return to California during the race., but sill remain to transact the, bluing. of his conatitutents. The Senate ha. confirmed the appointments of Commanders Craven, Unß Ladner and Foote, to be caotaine In the Navy, and the following named Lieutenant. to be Command ers, Vie : D. U. Porter Almy, T. A. 18. Craven, Strong, Fraley, Baldwin, May, Arms rang, Patter, Houcaendurif, Lerop, Woodhull, Par rott, Wainwright, Ithabser, Luton, Leiner, !Rarity, Stembil, Colvocorems sod Breathier. Various rob r promotions to Lientenancy have been made, Inc tiding those of EJerard A. Bel. deli, Charles Groves and George R. Law. The &Mate -al. confirmed the appointmenu ors large number of Surgeon. sod *imams Sur geon., Lieutenants of the Marine Corps, and the following named Eogineere to be Chia} Engineers a Geo. It. Johaun, John W. Moore, Jdmen B Ytmbslf, Alexander Henderson and Stephen D. Ilibbert. The Senate confirmed oily two alejor General. for the regular army, namely, bleCteilan sod Fremont, and Briga dier Grams+ Manalield, Erne. done, Audersoc, Mega and Thom., the last named as Adjutant 'General. The following it a correct list of the confirmatione of the highest officers commanding tba volunteer., al. copies from the official record : Mai. Gas Banks, Ds and Butler; Brigadier Generals McCall, Curtis, Kearney, Reynolds, Klog, Sie- Heinistlman, Porter, Franklin, stone, Tomas W. Sherman, Hooter, Lauder, Baker, Belly, Lyon, Pope, Con, Hurlbut, Scenes, Prentice, Grant, Couch, Goy. Sprague, Barn aide, Montgomery, of N. J., Phelps, of Vt., bitch., Hooter, W. T. Sherman, tell, o.ls, Usnet ton, of Wit, and Ale- Clernaud • A number of these gentlemen are rep ar army officers, while others kayo received a mil-, linty education. Al! navy nominatlone were Sopa:mud to a few captain, and lieutenants. The tienate also confirmed oh. nomioatioo of Geo. W. Pea:. •nt.-Yy ns Consul to Cadia in the Turkish dentielons. The name of John 'Joy, of Bedford. N. Y , 4 mentioned to prominent omineotion with the AUITZUD litession. Mr. fifoClarnand's appointment as Brigadier General Is very gratifying to many friend. of 'that gentleman. The Navy Department to in receipt of a letter' from Commander Goldeboro, of the IL 8. Matt, !or Gatos. dated Hampton abode, yesterday, Err II which ha nye the brig mbar° rear Cape list. term, about which there woo oc much spotuia• tion, proved to be the Martin, of Becton, which had been to pal/1.144M of its rebels Com mander Goldsboro adds that the men wore un- dingbor .Cm b. inniout." ter libelling the plea, eat fire to the vetoed sod -Been:tally destroyed her cargo. It appears by ether ntS , lll advleee froarthe Golf dquadenn, thou on the ads of July, off (Isl. 'eaten, the IL 8. steamer South Carollns, rap torsd elz schooners. Un the 6th, she raptured two sad ran on. mimeo no the 6th ' • and one an the 7th, making In all eleven volldnetroyed or ceptured. The 'mutes of the captured veasels are the Sbuk, Veen., Arks Ryon, McCatillield, Louisa Dart, MdCauldeld, Coral, Petcock, 800 Baker. field and Sam ItititiliOtt. A portion of them bad esegoes chidly of lumber. Amougother captured were thirteen mall bags containing etyma. matter. la the so..eth or July, cif', St. Mark., Fie., the ttfobeera ceaoted the 'situp George Sloat,.attnerYttieglifires toe heralds. 'I here were ae pateengera on board the wife, three children and enures of Adj. Deo. Donated, of Fonda. Mn. klulleed rlarmed the escee s on flag to be her private property nod secured it to her ten.. A. toe ozptain amid not ob tain pteamegon of a u/ttiltwit suing sioletce to a lady, who wee to a delicate .unction, he de slued from taking the prate. Tee Nary Department will at once talon pro prwats in connecuen with the conetruretou of twelve side-wheel steamers and one or tome al the iron clad vetteb recently author:red by Caere... The inereage of 12 per month OD the Dry of eoldiera, teeroartuer, t• authorized by Coedreil, will lac eeeee the espouse on • totes of 300000 melt $1 000 003 per am:lm, or no 00 000 cies $l2 000.000. There is no increase ciriceral pay. The bills passed by the House ailed in the Rebate. From California. For? KISAMILY, August 6 —The pooy ex po.* paned bah,. at 3 o'clock a. m. Six Francisco, July 27.—Tte pony express artreed yesterday, with misters. dates to the 113,21 instant, with acoutiou of Gan. ItteCiallso's toe evil In Western Virgloio, and the °optioned re treating of the rebels toward the loterior of Virginia. The news Is Inspiring the Union Mtn. Tho *garland mail continues to arrlre repo tarty. The pries of passage from Eloceameoto to ht. - Joseph is find at $l6O. biota the last diepatch a cm* telegraph .tattoo has heel opened 25 miles farther east, with the prospect of soother like extension, be- tore another poky. Toe candidates of 1i the Political PBlll-ti •ie to the field eogaged io acute census of the elate. The Union Democrats and the It.. publicsos bolo largely Beattie the Adminieun lion and the war policy. The Brackturidgets seem to fairer the policy the Buchanan Ad• tainietratton was pursuing on the accession 01, Lincoln to power. By way of Los !Logelns. later new. of the party of Seceenonist, tecluding Gen. Johnson, o received. 'they were last hoard of at Town ! in Ansonia, numbering about 50; several ried pitied the party after leaving Loss Angelo'. Ranch owners in the bOillhirll violate. of the State have commenced etaughtering their cattle for their hides and tallow, and only; th c Ate, there beteg no farming worked loril beef. As we anticipated there has been no satia- f . factory reetatfroin the Neva Peace council: at Lapway. The Indian' were "iota:tree and'. iudispneed to take the suavity or goode., Some declined to take the preset:lto, and some 250 Indians refused to take the beet of the; agent, drawing up their own cattle and ; , slaughtering them In float of the agency. i, Trouble is anticipate. with the Snake In. drunk The Indite who shot Judge Washington wki glean up. tie confessed his crime and wee hung. Correspondence and papyri from Sim Diego and Los Angelo., by the steamer Senatori , have been received. The Mar remark" that by , the arrival of the mail from El Paso, It bee reliable tolcirmiitiotr from Armenia that the whole country lies ati the di meicy of the loses. .The Apac hsO' made an &Beek on Fort lisehanaa, asd prettSi' &boringly cleaned ft out. They took ofr sesi: enty-are head of government mules, killodi two herds and , took-tour prisonen. • EIMIPCITIILD. Mo., Aug. 6—. A battle oc-q carted to-day, at Dog Spring, 19 rode■ mink ol.thia place, between-MI Yederal force der Gen. Lyon, and the rebel troops under, Bea McCulloch:, in which eight of the latter were killed, and thirty woo 'Medic end forty Of the latter killed medium-leer wounded. Geri . Lyon toot 80 stand. ol lane and homer 11 Two hundred andoerenty toads a chirp oti a body, of rebel infantry, ,sopposed to be 4000 andwut their. way through them and reii turned with • lose of only:One men. The charge via most gallant and terrible, eevaral of the, rebels being found with their heads eatlrel.g , doyen throne'. The -enemy retired during the nlght, and- Gen Wow took posmesion of the - held. Another battle war mOmmtazily erreeted, the 'enemy being in - large form west of Spring, geld. Partlealars will be emu Ai 00011 as poi. tible .1" • • Damucate, Aug. 6.—The foundry of Coil E Hash situate just ~beyotid the etty wee burned last night. The loss amnesia Ifo $20,000, Oa which there la an iesaranee of $ • l3 ow., partly in New 'Toil' owl Philadelphia. The news brought by the Otd rota,. 11101 , 06 t to -day Is usiimportaut. • Hon. PleaX Solite, of La., it is mild, isle Union men attend, rod eothieg but the ande l:none depreciation of his; extensive propeity in real 61000 00l0fl him from - catalog Ner(b. /, .611411,10,11.1,110ANT08, V E.1:13, Moil. *1 Anon 4. latil. (f .fr" . um , . retry of War to raise t o ass inn of I. tatali, to as awstead, tztto sor• aa sosa as fottoid. lotasafria to give special &Walls , * • to the WV , 01,11 , I d tioa and NVIIIIVDIIIt of thou lie laisata. it is dtrirsd that dm Gooopaalas shooicl Os topooed of moo wilt. 2 :,:.° 'Mori ta g tag p.;",%; to Cro Alt :It. ailtaWl, au4 . oaptato Ws :fatal 6,2.1 littaulta. VIWYMIs" tom, 14"4 . 4 JAW 4 t117; IL 1 I.atta. i . . l : '•:. • -. • Stiaadlar'OsaWal Comatiadlai• ....,Capf.lf, 11. Vito, /404eatep. - . atk ... .... .... ' .- :,:' ., - . .•-..,i', - :1• ceu. nu ler on the Contraband gneg• The foloiring interesting letter from Gen. Bntier has been received at the War Departrt "Gnarl CratT2ll9 DIPARTMILAT OF V WU, FOUTZB I 3 B MONBOII, ' I July 30, 1881. .11ori, billion Cameron, Secretary of Wor— sts: By in order received on the morning of the 26th July from Major-General Diz, by a telegraphic order from Lieutenant- General lic.ott, I was commanded to for ward, of the troops of this department, four regiments and a half, including Col. Baker's California Regiment, to Washing ton via alrititore. This order reached me at tit o'clock a. en., by special but from Bel imore. Believing that it emulated becausel some pressing exigency for the defense o/ Washington, .I, issued my orders belore 'd y- for. the embukation of It the troops, se ing those who wore among the vire bee regiments I had, In the course o' the following day were all embarked for Baltimore, with the excep tion of some 400 for whom I had net trans= portarion, although I had all.the transport force ILtj the hands of the Quarter-luster here, I aid the Bay line of • steamers, which, bysame order from the Lieut.- Oenervili w s directed to furnish transpor- 1 tr. baton. 111I II to and at the time of the or der lbad bean preparing for an advance movement by which I hoped to cripple the resources oi the enemy at Yorktown, and especially y ezizing a large quantity of "negroesl who were being premed into their service ! in building the intrenchmsats there. II had five days previously been enabled; to mount, for the first time, the first toinpany of Light /artillery, which - I had ben empowered to raise, and they i . had be a single rlfled cannon; an ironer.- ponade . "Of course everything must atid did yield to the supposed exigehoy and the orders.l . This ordering away the troops. from this department, while it weakened the poets at Newport Sows, necessitated the wi t hdrawal cii the troops from Hamp ton, w ere I was than throwing up en trench works to enableme to hold th e town ith A small for ,i, while I advanced up the York or James river. In the vil lage of Hampton there were a large num ber of Megroes, composed in a great tier SUM Co! woman and children of the men who had fled thither within my lines for protection, who had escaped from =min ding Flanks of rebels who had been gath ering Pp able-bodied blacks to aid them in cone tructing their batteries on the York and jemes rivers. I had employed the men ip Hampton hi throwing up intrench- I menbi, and they were working zealously ' wail efficiently at that duty, saving our 1 eoldidrs from that labor rimier the gleam ,of this mid-day ann. The women were wrung substantially their own subsistence in WlFhilng, marketing , and taking care of 1 the lothea of this soldiers, and rations ware being served oat to the Man who werkied for the support of the children, Bait by the evacuation of Hasiipton, ren dered necessary by the withdrawal of weeps, leaving me scarcely 5,000 men outside the Iron, including the force at New Port News, all these black people wen obliged lo break up their homes at Himpton, fleeing across the creek within my Imes for protection rind support. In deed, it was a meet distressing sight, to see these poor creatures, who had trusted to:'e protection of the' of of the Ma -1 A' tad tates, and who ed the troops of the 'rated States in their enterprise, to be t us obliged to flee from their homes, aol got homes of their masters, who had des*ted them, and become not fugitives 1 from fear of the return of the rebel pot ' dierr,iho had threatened to shoot the wee w bad ' wrought 'for us, and to car= rY dl t e women, who :had served us to a worse ,than Egyptian bondage. I have, the c iefora, now within the Peninsula, this old of liampton Creek, 900 negroes, SOO of Oho m are &kilo-bodied men, 30of whom ere ;wed , substantially past hard labor, 175 wodien, 225 children under the agi of 10 Years, and 170 between 10 and 18 years, Mel many mote wining in. Theguestions which this state of facts present are very embarrassing. . ;"First—What shall be done with them? aid Second—What is their suite and con dition ? : • 'lilpon these' questions I desire the in streetione of the Department. .irrie first qnution, however, may per hops be answered by Considering the last. Ar- these men, women, and children slaves? Art they tree 1 Is their condition that of teen, women, and children, or of property, or iis it a mixed relation? What their suites was tinder the Constitution and laws. we all know. What tuts been the effect of rebellion and a state of war upon that since?, When I adopted the theory of treating the able-bodied negro fit to wort . lit the trenches, ae property liable to be used Maid of rebellion, and so contraband of 'war, that condition of things was in so far et as I then and still believe, on a legal :aid constitutional baths. Bat now a new :aeries of questions erne. Passing by wo : rano, the children certainly cannot be treat ed on that basis; if property, they moat be prinsidered the Incambrance, rather than tale aasiliery of an army, alio, of coarse, in ne possible legal relation, could be treated 'al contrebeeid. Ara they property *1 If ey were eo, they have been left by their blasters mid owners, deserted, thrown away, abandoned, like the wrecked vessel upon tocean. Their former possessor_ and 10, ere,' have ceaselessly, traitoronely, re dellionsly, and to carry oat the figure moo elcidly abandoned them to be swallowed up Property the Winter storm of starvation. If Property do they not become the property of the salvors? bat we, their salvors, do dot need and will not hold such property dud will assume no each ownership; bee Have therefore all proprietary relatlen ceased ? , Have they not become thereupon men, wo- Men, and children? No 'NMI under own erthip of any kind, the fearful relicts of fugiuve mestere, hive they not by their Masters' acts and the state of war, assumed ~the condition, which we hold to be the maul one, ol thoee made in God's image. ITS not every constitutional, legal, and moral, 'requirement, as well to the runaway master :ae their relinquished slaves, than answered ? II confess that my min mind is compelled - by this reasoning to limit upon them as men 1 and women. If not free hero, yet free ',manumitted, Sent forth from the hand that held them never to be reclaimed-- "Of Couree if this reasoning . thin imper fectly set forth in correct, my duty as a hu mane man is very plain. I shotild take the , game care of these men, women'and children, boneless, homeless and noprovided foe, as I would of the same number of men, Woman and children,-who for their attachment to the Union bad been driven or allowed to flee from 'the Confederate States. - 1 ahould have no doubt on . this : question had I not seen It stated, that an ordethad been Wined by General liellosvell in . hie department; substentiallylorblddleil ell fOgitive slaves, from coming within his lines, qe Wog bar. bored there. Is that order, to beUalorced I in all Military Departmental if itoiwhe tire to be " contained fugitive 'slaves? ' . Is a slave to be conaideredfogitlie, whose master rune away and lemis 61m ? felt forbidden ~' to the troopito old or barbot within their ' lines the negro children who are formal therein, or is the soldier, when hifinarchl bee destroyed their memo of anbsistence,:th' allow them to starve because:beta driven off the Rebel master? '. Now shall the coin-, mender of regiment . or -bettalliin i sit le , judgment upon the queStion, Whether any givein black man has fled frinn Us muter, or lb master fled from him ? " Indeed, - bow are the free born to be distinguished? Is one any more or lees a fugitive elate became he has , labored upon the Rebel hi:trench, meats ? If ho has so labored, if :I ander. stand it-lia is to be harbored. By the "re- ceptioh of which, are the Rebels most to be distressed, by taking those. who have wrought all their Rebel masters desired, masked their battery: or - those who have refused to labor and left the battery on masted. '4 have very decided opinions upon the : abject of this order. It does not become use to criticise it, and 1 write in no spirit at criticism, but eimply to explain the full diffi culties that surround the enforcing it. 'lf the enforcement of that order becomes the policy °tithe Govemtneut, I, as a soldier, : shall be bound to enforce It steadfastly, if' not cheerfully. But if left to my -.own dis cretion, as you may have gathered from my reasoning, I should take a widely different course from that which it ladicates. . • , ?In a loyal State I would put down a servile Insurrection. . In a signor relnffiblei I would coriflscate that which was used to oppose my raps, nod tete all : that property, Which constlinted'the, wealth 0 that 13 4 45 _ .:-:EL:,::,:',.-..:•:--.i.-:,:,,.::.....,:" .. ~... 4:—..t.'471'g-4-':*.?=':-"?:.-:i.,::.-.1,-.,:.s.4;•,-,- --.-...4'.',4,..'''"'''''.4.P.:' -. -~ r ~~ ._ T~ `i and Punished the means by whi war is prosecuted, besides being the arise of the. war; and if, io 90 doing. it &mild be ob jected that Initasn'..h&gs were brought to the free eojoymeit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, each objection might not require much consideration. "Pardon me for addressing the Secretary of War directly upon this question, as it involves some political considerations as well as propriety of military action. "I am. litr..your obedient servant. ./InraiaalT.l4 7. BUTLEIL" 'OMMERGIAL REVORI► P Ii'TSB O 11611 111AILIECTS .. .... Bervrted drpookaty for Ma INlZsinid•gli Grtnettra Panama. TII4OAr. ibpse PLOllft—e confirmed dull ntarketorhtle prle. to cloche aged. The darned I. very. .llght, end the trans. does are altogether restricted to mall Ir.. 13atee wrre ; GO ebb; of goring and r Wheat Omar at 441 W; 6,25; SO da Opting Wheat Go at $1 00; 00 do Op Ind not Meter II beet do at $4 60g,410 for Matra and $4,154 623 (or Fatally. BLOOM—The demand Is Improving vela** prim read+ unchtnged ; Wee BOOM, at 6).fie tor ..lciers, 4348 toe 'plain hams and 6%0 for plain canesnual ; 1000 do canyikeeed hematite; 1,030 do Elbesaldere st 15%c. Loll.oCZBULB—qulet - but Om sale 16 ads Melt.m to radar, at 11%cs 20 top 2.13 Cralfereat 16e; 60 dodo at 165 y. finger Is deed, at trued% .6%e. - 108--rtnetian,o 4 ; ante of ID hall bblelate Bening at VP: 8 do do Melts jdsb at $1,22, .4 a bbhr No 2 krae.rig at $ 0 bbl. MT—untbeept oda la los& at ecalesat VW. Inti; . .. .. NALT—SoIs of T.O 661 a No /at 2410 ti bbl ' ~ 08610n.—..b..00; solo et lo 60.2 common W Hit, 6S(a .. PrIN II WilSig St tlie. ''l4.llDol:—qutot with mall oaloo making It 60c. gilt for No 1. . r , 228/21[Y—Virce with/mall .alco of comma at natio ZOOS—oniluosod; so.* 2 bbls Inc fk 12 dcs. ' $. MEOW AAAAA wino totoMIIIIIII.OIAL.. W. atioes. • comparative etataraeut alike Impala of6r. alga dry good. arta sews' merclaaudire at Naar York for the week audl , 4 Aug. and alma .7.12 1 for Ms I. MO. 100. . -1881 ' 10,310.0 W APIA. 1018,185 Alarctuurdise—.. 2,615,15iia 1.00413 'feral wr n. ...r_ te,i92,379 $1:4113,466 Previa=ly repurted.34ll,l2o,lrl2 l 1b0,02,119 • INI9Cr4O) ... 8 Ince ./..n. 1.--10,1.17 $111,1411.6113' vm,8708 1ne...6,1 10 the toboedrok ere tho following ny goads ..: . , ... For the week. lll6l/. .i 11160. 1861;,-, loured at the port--. $4.210.028 $4,1141,000 6 17 11.1 30 Throws on kletkot....-.... 4.225.06 11 0160 00 Isetqa Elute hot 1. entered et the p0rt.—....511.7112.681" fp:Aimesi 5a1,51406 ?blown on taarket........ 71:606. 601 63.18 4 . 61 6 12.4 1. 4 10 ? Woe/mei &attainment elate exporte,(eztheoln *lipids) froto'Nete York to foreign port., ' lot the sett . 6016610 . on 1 J 1: ' , .. . . . ' less,. law. , isei• 800 the we .-;... $1,10 3 . 610 . 6 1 . 011 . 1104 0 4 .0 0 *88 Prerloutliroported.—... k 5,121,548 419,066,2911 74,01463 —....- ......—.....;', —...... Ellie, Jett. 1............-'.....g.yr,m,t0t sed,ososs Vtl,ll%kall Toe ezporkt dote J.O. 1 we Incrtteed 2063,04"ike kennel imports ass otkroseett . 60,000,,000,104 the. 60. k00d022,0tb,0011. , • : .. . 'i, - the topOrts of onto for the watt front km. Iv:motet wem 1e11t,003, sad the receipts from Ge11f0rk1e66,11111,219. 73 tusking the two edtuttoo to the stock if spook, LaboaL 112.• MOW., _ Ib. butt bold about 46,000,060 today. and their weekly Owego 1611 be from ;MAO to $300,00 2 Imo than thid of -. . Imports by litallsbads Prtrtoott Tr MAllob Ce 204.10 11122 Boat. —Log ar 1 ..o Mane^ Job. Stamm; 4/ bib poper.Pooklm4. 2l . 2 . ! Mk I co; 10 dts toasts, Lltus • Tsisaluo,7 btds rye Par 0 Toscom • or. 26 ep God. .10•12,erlagtoo ism 6 Mds Br.D.r,YII t as; 1404 do. W Woolrldge; 1 b2.llllolrom my, Hare I'o4 S'oropy , 4814 !mom oil or. lot tosthisto. Ifigts • tiros; 20 eel. 104000, Mama • ItrkpottllB: 43 In Wm, ti•pr.l4lallek leo; 10 BbLi Sow, Shot I, Ito Cloltod; lb do 60, Jolts Ober. Pr/tunes • 411111114 AD 41826 i10m.—•41 1 04 ,21 9 an drop, L to Boalllo;3 800 vim, bletlasold I attic& 8438 tolls ishoot. 12 do Molts, noir lovirboogll l 22 , .B l / 1 6 four, liscioolm• Mow bets omsp stool, llosery9l4ll6 • on ISO loopy oil Ws, tkosna • Hlrldottiot, 22 04 sopOos bola; 684 1,144 8.801100 Tonssiillrells 4. .r, D limom 1 mot dr114,1 F Weigh 2 118 n lasso" I Gram; 2io lads lioa, Cal p • Mopird: 1 pt0d1606414 1.21,16. • 0061•1100; 10 4811 trlMlty..l4 801 l •so 200 do, 11 eCtStbort lan 120 4410 Cam, 101 l 81:18:01,• oo; 10640 do.llo Wald; 164 081* estr, D Walls.; 100 40 do. Sion. Ovoltont os,ltO do do, Yam • Mello*. /2 b.d mio4 4 : W Jimbr • • ; Al V 110 FL 11 EMS.. Ma river continuo to needs grsdaally, with 4 iisel 6 I Wawa In the casnosi by the metal marks Issi *month& The westber iverrdsy wet clear .od Wer. I.lld torpiteatly c1ad_._.—..... - At the wharf bseitereinypeared vora - ewhal inieksr. Tb. Nashville for 8/..Losls was remising * cina• Admin. quantity of tralibb to was idso lb. .tur Marianna and Inalevills. Tbe bruin . tent Wog Doable to complete bar trip mu prevsetad from getitog Wit evening. tbs Cab, !MT.'. to relied re lesvisg thiikeVere. lag. kir. Jame. the geollem. l 7 olethewlil IA WITT to oodles Move luring boom. with lb. bog- Ths Harting,. Opt. litablssoo; pod ileely lairs' fat Ohaciasati .ad Loslevale oo Tioiretisy. ?L Tbe arrivals jeslerday wore tb• Juba T IdeClooths front Wbeeling, WOW, tram osllipolis, end Lemon tr 4.2 Cm. Aslds Ueda , . r 1161.1" sestets then waraswitie. pumas Blaskais trt Toloirrinsh. Vor Toss, August 6.—Cotooo flnkr, suer of 1000 Ulan Floor Area; a bhlsst $1 1144 far ttatepUi 001 . vare• Or, sl9ossss 9.a . Ohio, sal $413,78 fur lowborn: Whnd adlrsoord I% arias =AO NMI at 99495 Sa . CLF ass ay' or 94.351 Cl far killsr.ttkas dub: P 21681.33 for whits grosser. $. 29% for Eautss:ky. sod $llB for law lodlans. Ckos firm; /cO.OOO bosh add ot 458148. W lady Aral Exanyir PUTLIO.I7I I II, llogost 6 —llrmattoffs pular. r.edpb al, Flour scotlf, tont deas.kod 115011 salrs at $3 TWO fa old 1a.% mord,. ..4N T.®4.73 hyr swasorts grosaid. owl $4 EolsBl for extra. Whalt facer; osiss4ol3 boshot $llO 0118 tor rad tad SI $O for Ont. its/4 6rA1r.7 , 00 0 hash elf.. Wl4 as 14)55833.4 Whisky soiree sod:llris 04 19 ,i,29c. Arrivals at the Principal Hotels. U 2 TO 8 01:LOCH-Lin NIGHT. Thlff Pionbistca Isdy, Brides Kendal, Washhienla Rend 1.11 Thompson, So Jto sass, Waynostaug S Lewis, do •,i •• J Y Lbswrown, Um. dig T Atelfseand, do D Elder. do 80 Phillips, do . 8 Tottel, do .1 limy, do J Owner* do J - 11otowdy, do':.. • A Wilson, Washington it °Trout, • do ! 13 • Porrianos, Go 0 Vow, do J Orr. Wbssinig I Widenissaa. do ; J . Luse, V. D Brady, do A 11tiotlissys, NT al Hut, do • D Ayers, Hansfistd, 0 T • Durant, dO Ono. P Ir.io. Ilkidietown fl Rosana, do!: • Lt W O Mitchell, 12th Reg% 011 Mass% Clo. 12th Reg. H Pda, 'Middletown • W Tunipbtas, 10, ~ )1 Ir Abwin Philo W Good. r ho, , W W e. - CaPi. J ArnatfOng,do R W Pia) Wed, Diowntelils .1 Barr . 0 0 Elliott. do Moulton,: :do , MWsMI Elliott, do JD McKeeverr. ". T Worthington, do J 0 Langhton: 410. • L Haul, Wwdiltron I 0. Cong. id* ' 0 ft anidareli. Whoring J it tintnita :40 .3 B Wilson, Washington 8 Tbonipson, . rr . 111=1,.. . do' i V Bruin; do T lorry. t W Bailsman. do J L Genets, do •• Lt. 8 T eighth din P Ilkonherg, • old J awroy,J Taos; do . TM do f Losfman. Perrits, do 0 Wait, gaisat,Hi, • WW ilson, do , Tll Stanton, Wsslgighin IP P Honors, do - L OssewL A lisattn, do • Jll Id Denby, Jr,,andlinti W Morrnion, 41a. Ifelt,Wastitsgtim -- 8 Steep, do , R W assitisy, El Brown, Co' . 118811101 110081— . 1 'woos /mar W Illorshorf, 11 Ilatin, Visliaodlo . D 14.0117. Philo . •-• NP Qrs.% istfason ea J S cor,Cuslos • W W Tally,Hansas city, Mo 188 HINE, • . do I 0 lindßay, Toingsrsoortills Ms A M Andttow,New Dash l.Eam. Pa W S Pump, Jr, Beam Wln.krit.P V. 8 IPlis,trem art Oampt me ssil,. Mooting W McGibbon, Ns - I W ihrtnnt, Thdositowit JI Thunissanint.Stogstoini 7111,1011itiolddillhovi • Hotta, Drooksiu• -. T J oaks - W Flitlaw,Wwitifidd,lll l ol J Coobraos, hike. Lt. 11 • Whitowinelndlawl El Ha n ds, WashingtoonD J Hands, do OI )9 Raley mOthsr,ClO_ rbin _ PAOLO HOTIL-1 Jo[lll MINN E A tciela Teaccgo 00 -• J Jltwowm, BrwragvllL . 0 11l Gantoos, •do . , 7N ThOtww. ' do II 0 DpwoW, BMA TWA' JI ilowlthoohOStoodowin• • 01141/DIG)IIIIIPTOotoor i - SiTt. 0oop!i:.liw.0.110, Ildg. Ste: W w Itowappm.. 130 - ..;ii,3)=L.,._ : L . itbanto.... ti,.... BoW Urde #,Uou.OwonOdk S i gi l t=i,iTlia IWP - 2 - - 15.004 1 FW•gw,OnsuoBl3 P Wm ., * IldlowPoW . ' - II 7 reuney, . ' , tuars ncrtra,-Labo lit L OWDWth, Cwwwitnari 011 ItcOrsby, .do , A AI eltac.o4 Ofklnd X, o id Bsooks,'Whatibxe ,• II J !midi, lOwoock to ~, W ay .n. }. NW tilliXin 3 Wowoo.llansoop T 0 ambler; St Louie T RCM, Mane 00 -- • • 'Mrs Oct *.e.hod-.-; - ~W iftwckliitt— .. , - NATIOZIAL -11011112;-- 11 u nin.bio, Isit, sty!' HEIDE, . do • ' T Nordin. --, W Oos. do •- , 1 J 6 Vwtht. -Oa " ' a L Cook .lalieommt .. ' , ' 11 a Guthrie. Won 00 --: W J Owpor, do • : A,Orsoi, do , i D /) Two, do ' STD LION 110TILi- IL t. OMIDCIO ffSSMI O 8 Ilatta— W A Lbserman, terBBoB W 0.8.10.Cr0w11. Tntoic, gay T W Cbuidkr.oBlo B'B 1.111.14 WwB Pa Ilotebtbs.Mody BlB 4 Walurs, 1 „, ott oiNcin i ,, N,,A ti , ir,,,.....„7 4 ...L. it . ~.. -" la all ll 1a... n for the abaci' _ . m.O. ax avaatice.d • , J Lot SC, . • li ” b"' LOU/S1 ' 7 TI = 4-- - ' tioiNNA. j 1.4,.. watt , k: y II a 1 „. 4.,,,,.....„, u ,, 1.. , it ", timt GS, 0444,......./I.l4=Mlnitd, II i rtlit a 1earma117,7. ,- atar l n.rZTAM t ' fotleek P .M ' , • JoSCUT .•7 ,:..^., ? - : j-:. Vii'' ,- allf::-1:: ~..„,,-. I ^.,-1",.:,;•:-..,,,-;4....,7, t.,....-z-5* -,. S ,, z 4 Ve -, ;fr i -"-A 4 .:1.:...ie4 t4,...z.= , '''';'4‘3. t t ?- f Witextairron Crrg , . laid that the rebels here only Vtanghttliteen b! • loniOg to oar army. ' • Se*eral nights ago the retail ware ere 7" alsbaed, fangiag attank.was to be median thee* , Mee neighborhood of Fairfax Coast Howe. cordingly &bent 1500 men were eat to that vinitt; lip 1 Strong parties of their eavahranseontionaity steering the eonnur this side. of Fairies Court - Henn. It is eat kerma what member ot rebel trotiiitthey have there, bat they areaatiing pre petitions, by means of the railroad, to rebatorea - Vienna, Centreville sod the Conn Roam whaiter•gl, Alit may deem it necessary. Late Obligee, -MVO emboldened them in their operation!. "liSr Ripon Foor.—Attintion caned thistacat rserarsablo and chotiDa yroperidans.P.Ma•Nk:f.''.• to anothori 0311121111. It it an *stingy mew discovery, mat sot bet confounded with no, of tho punisroas pasta •_ . lec=l ..p.a ug tae day. It is r, certain toady for slt the Pal Maul', taws of s throat nature' -of Wog standinV-or inso, maths, and yeas- &WNW ..• wintry r Casmic' A rurawf. a Na. Tali, ore MS WAS,-; • • , - st'-'2•l ode to to it, shd also yroprici , rc itth • Dr. latotrs Israritth CORmII, on afir-to which isleat• -, e - -: • • Naha awed hays to her medicine tarsals ma stOPAEc,•••••?::•', -- •• • aid cabala& Si it does, co pastorlo ar oast* a . 0.1U 1 . 1 . it am b. rolled non rata the ammo ondlandaend er•lbe toad en lassiosta !marina Maltase ortc • ithibits-Onlo Mats Amnia, Ochowas.. 4 - n" 'fboas sdrorthamena to sate by UZI Id. NAM= altat.l4,o Woed e. Pittsbands. Pa. - • 41017a/that) • ter To Horse Owners,' • ' t 4 swarm's r 111 FALL 1 Bldg ••• •• O NT !Oa EIUILEXIII sortrawl bra th y; .all .. crinmontek andoy frost dorsfos. Broad otWitioarE l e.lts dr.i Is mead and Maths. tisztioso a Bach2S - - 2 oww, &thaw% Bison% Se., It will .le can rpotatv: -. .': - •• - Sava and ilabooe may beastly browny! and cora te" gi toil+ o=4 , W:a moo" tat mamma wows we beyond Ow- - pcandltry of • rascal curs. No owe el ths kind. bowersor Is So deetersh , or hombres bot it may bri by Vali Stalawati and its matira aPticalost all alloys oto.:.00 " ' . .••••-••.-.1., .coilasoonootsoo sada the . norwiso Vaal Witt arslaVt . . t yr roy brawrowner should hath ads reasdy It haat, ea Nasal meat the Inc aypoirs i re of Latham wiliadt . wag a i r=or, h ars c lisl7ls and width resat wasp' ota *Man d'srt ahorse watt worthliss • - •- - • tr. Dzioretztr..—Pr. C. No .i 246 Fart attends to ill broochto Of_thoPßOO, pre*. • • ••- • .- roman SSILPID Ur Evrarliocriso Nona l0td:111Z by O. W. BOLLACKI34IIII, - As, bid Br . timant,corarr AIM and Ara sts• 11110 liff:ALL ehonktnoi fall 01i:46d:tap th a 11 UNS, - %P.PJTOII3, • RIFLBS:-LThe miss . IA L don of aims thassich • EXlPplith PUITOLSift.IIO.• ai dnstil erviaigpindid iwek. oorrcia3zuss 73. AL. X. X.. I Cape May, Cape lalana„ Maw ;eras) rrlllB WELL:- SNOWIEZ,3IIII , ST OLF E & Barnum tooraoct iti.ncepilca of gar r I. IIIIIbDAT, JUNE lush. SAM $4l per day iasitw OEM i TEICIIIPSOBI.P.teggIe. iII'ALLBS, "!! ' ' •, - AUDS or irsiosorunil lull wiling off lame. sad ler then tont, incedidr at auaNra TE1110111159 InOIV • - 71_ didalud r F' 4 ) l " 556016 MVOs Aridly add iroddi-didd', • 150 do Aixdokise /last. 711 box... Peon 07dtleg Clem . Qom Oft ' • Boolrod and ear .0.14 IL oll)D1 183 IdWIT,' ACON CONSIGNIttIGN.p. — .Lp torso lbs. of Mani ' • ` •• 6000 lbs. of Shoulders; • now lei. of Sides • • In alga end souks. Im Ike by 61111170k1r1, Witelotele 6roners.tl3 Minty Art, NEW CONSIUNELENTb. --- 60 Dour W.:11.. Cheese. 06611' 0016. Rtes. to arrive; . - tae bash. Ch 0406 1 44660 1 4; Beestved sad 60e 6.1007 ISOM VOl6 Oa ItDl VLOOIt OIL ' OLOIIIB, Furniture - UL Calm, Trampannt Gl:curd Cloth. iliMamt Nude Trimmlags, ama all other lands In that gmb• mad to 6=mM:dying, for sal. low. as, Oil (WM Wino ram.. Rm.= and EC Clair ofirmt.. . • • ymul PftratilL-' rrHE ONLY AUTHENIIO Val Woad lhotimisol Llonelsard Gvneral 101,10toid soxs 14.11d0n501D.i0ur6e1d,..4.111.E......... In an. HAY it CO.. 56 W.. 4 Exert. QUNDILIES-2 bbla. Tallow; • • 1.7 II boles W. IL 0141. e, • aldose:a taxi BIDAILK WO) lb.. Omuta /Won, • -• Jett sir O. °RAMC .. , .. A4.RMY blUrirrat litri..t.ri drill. RAY. ROLL23.—Papar railoiedwimli tor Mostar stal Pil ot .11111...ty Cbmpsugeo•—Garrroutuit ratters. For_ •il• ty . WY: O: JOEUASTON &OD,. sal . , ' Stationer' a Wood street. ' suo l s.R.—loo bbla B sugar, 10 do Cradsoa do _ /a Otos amitor au. RLTOIt 150TE1211.4 anl Nos. lab sad lid Wow. avast. ItalUNti---V) bow rrime Tench Lege psAJust neelvoiand for alio 8RY113114 EROS, SO • • -.1. - Na 116 ono US "cod ergot. - LLIIOIII 4 I4TLU CEILINQb-soth.-an dqumemoa.ea.7e.wm' ILUREELLIi - - - Tatra •od Wood stadia. PIM3LE2OI. ENAWHA PETSOLE-100 bbir. tor.ll.l.'Asian'glib, 1151 .Qo43eg OURS') .11,018 AND -BEEN.— t„, 20 tiara* David Cllddalatt Saga Cowl Maw; - 10 do do Charidowd Bee;t. _ Tor ode by• - - XHOX h PLEML4 LUBSwATfNtt Ull.-2.0 bbla. ejapet LatnicouingtX l ; from • Pact (Meek, trorralatel far, from ant or mad. kat mated =dim , aas by . • - - Inwood u*: CRMO& RIO COFFEE-440. bigs very \ clues Sto Oodos,joot roodowl; 0100 ► imam of prim Laval's sad JavoColf"iddoll 'fate sold low; , •- • .., 7 47,-;_7 , . lobotomises rota! try :JOHN LSSmtttlliW - ' _..eye. , • . .00rmor of Lityny and RAW eta 114 EFIN&D.'13131111.118,- 60 bbl.. itsfuled AyQela mill Salim Itagarajest resietat mei foe oda. by ma barrel ee at retail as lomat inarle tte _ haft Watery Mors at JOUR' onset at Maly asel Vaattets; CIASICPBT BROOM : T usYieoeived s freaff.. Ai %clef So. 2Wra Eacoloa, Meters =eke. el" Oa!' `l' ler sad iticlory Oplitakintbeing get, tar W a !be`.:: lemur (homy Bioni al . JOBB! 11:.WSHAW,. .It/l • - OcienciLlteses Pael 11•124 deortik. 'ruWkittallP - and LOIML I.,AVirot of; , nisszTLVAlsia—ciamptuanem tne Ade a .Ilek wady. By' Rd T. Odds. (ros rrtaegt lA. ' ALT A CO. i 6 Wood d. 41544 Liberty stei4r.., J J Karr, Marlon --' ' . ,! J loan, JoboourroD I ' . , ii G Onarrnoo r 141 oi.ut ti ii - O jli. : t R,:,,,,,10. .r.0u. 4.,.p.0pe r0ne... 04,i ; vi lit D. Boott7,lllotrevlD,l - : I W Oturey. do r, ,' '' • 11 ; A Dud. - 6,,, , 'i' ' w www..lltbitins ll OI) Bop** OUP I 7 ' - ' • .1 Town; T.Doshbut •-•, 1 . l , Oot, Ligonier . ',',l I. , 11 A DILDor, BolUasoto • , . _ IT,J;1"•2 1 :4 • iii - . P a ii.h.f, !WITOLD 3 Annie. Lem* ;-, • 1 D II Roder* PbilD ,-; ,,, Deems. , 111 Jtoott,Oblo , _ •, I , J Ms__ „ loin I.' I ' . • OM lionim, 7411= l- 1 0 J (*day, Itneactg ~ , , I P amwdell,V.gazo Co IRO Purualeidahi 1 • - , I I W Wolcott; tamtktoii,l di itnit. l4lll * ll 4*thl 1 11 1 10 rx. 0 °L : ,•::.[ , .1 Bomb Dop lIDIDOtork P Mom. Jo , -torook,ari • I „, • 11 11 lOootoreold r .l6,llll i i : A. J Jenkins. Decalot. I r• ~ 0 Guard, Torootio .. J 5c005b0rk3 , 474•34D 0 Dialibedd asort•DO•D•4l : z . Join )10 Ma r Mon .,e4 , : s -. Mrs MoNsolor;' _ ; .l,' • :,, kr •: 17 2 8et•T• 71 .. 7 1 7 4 •.17ab rl If A Magna! 41:: ros, lifte , JoaDoooet*mol Ivor o • 's D wiDoe. Mph 111 C A (HAAN PolAl4, 0 i• Aa e hire!. 9a4ret • 1 11 Wolf p 2112stooD • • ' , • •. 7 uh_ba. Koritesti , VI 2 t { Wtnto,Dorp r lUlk Be ' toot WOW r ' -UNION:. W ALL PAPIJA—A , rspsT Or • • - ,; 4 ft• dolt ! saisb7 W. P. mawswaht, - DOTATOSI3-4t* bble. Pnik .Ayes_ naive! sad I:at who by 3.ll,llanirr co,• .J - • - W. inn 22 rani iitemetti. C 1147.8E7 -100 . bms. Cm* and Oodusw , . malsby ms2l, 3.8.0A21111iLD 4 k CIO. DLCOSATIV.E PePEWHANUINOS=of • I Walkir, Ps - • 't : 1 0.110•11,11101er',.7j , I S 1 illitroy, WAISIddI.. D l armss.NdS.no lui O'Pallz. _sprt T . r6o4=iSoo cIS TlDorset Isle LOi • - T.ltselsomn main . : - - IT r. littokwilectiam l l ali ISoDOrrs COI, 0 . 1 ' J 11.11•44,010, .11s. 147, Wsler sena. 'I , 1 T T Postmy. lirsesSso OIF 0.014 4 , PA : 1. 1: O MIIIJcza, 1 :111 0 T p.5.,001.5t0 . V I ; i J Y Wittor.Ch , Sltrostsc. Wessilme t eSTE 1 !I'7ssteD.Nolll Tidal 1P•ot,II 10 f t it is iumtt.ao i, II .. =il Thempien. Walnut s Carol'. Ma Dm?" J P Jas: New D atm. Wan* S /wile, t Brew. Itekekelni e Wetar, RN& - Tr 3, WOW —Th• int ow i, Copt P.- tatmwee• le*. me m& . for :nista ar Sonalrk P, - r - ": W. YOWL._ ynettitot t. otrtmtett 'Atm& : NO. • 97 .Wooct - Street. --- • • eater arDfidactetke I9AILII.DIOWIT.O 00. OTATOEB"--5 car loads of iiO 1 quality su tto int'', by -L. G. GIUJA ASK= WLLLOWS-44 btuldlos .naw lasyllni tams i*.l22.l.llkailon lor Ed* : - • , L 11.17 MAIL b'eflL IKE SUREBIOIV Mkt= 118 U-4011 ke sale . •.. 0. emir. 20 Llbarts 1. PRIUStIitXDUUND---Tot. the ettaion, on, WI kinds of I.v.r; oda • " It IittAIIIIIALL , iratereet. - - -t or—For 20 tierces itt ft eIiTRIDONSNOR U.& biUelliZTB AND 11.19.11taia Imtd, Clarteidgis ice libmT4F: " "' swots. so saw wet sows Twes•wr. SIG , • lin Wad er IL ar; Q. 00.0 1 0() hdi5.1.1..0. Su tot by manna Had tt Leli:ta sore ler ia g ts by • isUk :;111 , DOSX13) b•ABSOCILIE, Libor* . WITH-75 bat: Xstrii for tabs by J.' Nilo 4 • - 'PTAH FL WU:MIL 1 . 11411 : wib'lb a l a:.cla' lAKIII,-50 bbls Family Fisear , just rsed .adtabi.l4 by lon - -114 , 111TAL chlartiaz_ IaBOOMVOIIN BRUSH.-40imies; a wi ll raw artkla. Sur ems BMW, it'.01.111914,-- 1011 001,V AND yISLITST-=-Nmele; Atr br "Ltelltb.: rt ----------- /LICBON ATE IadMOI4IA-- 3 casks: belt far.l. b 7 A_Peusarrooros am. Bunt,l3ldes iridßhoc JD dos ta doe. saa br.s,l7- Amass swifts. M ss ' 4° 1x41511 jaial 114 WY' rzeouzszao • 111 " . FIIEU-4 00 I tgg' Ilanigaz thr " I I I " Il ke now arrinngfca IPr" litlls-28 5545 mkt it OTOZJIT 11 a° ... 1.1 " O.TONIi-W,s.TEB, PIPE, from. 2 to 6 inch eigneedd OOLLIMt. alli6Lt67-11°If19g.7fitiliiirdonV:. "FIRIND PLaILLES.- 3 O lade A.Af. Hwy,. raORY, H. voLitss.' • Kk&BHOW -- Tir -- D - 11/13113--30 eumuk-.. 14 ',Keno God ibr_tik!2l% 3 • l _ll______ 4ol iL 4 - 3m ort - 7 - gdp:.:spp p;6si;es~ for sale Df; ' '::y: 1J 9nßf A: Miy7!~~ /ITS.!.-5 01 ) 'lsm Oak to arrive rad 14 - ALL Rana • ";:rii•-.W , LAIL--15, 0 t!IAL Fifth far Bak A/ ' • " 7 , OIDIAY - WALL PAPAR—Voreiler bi 0tu. , ..- 4 2.5bb1i; No. I. seficus& - MOAT a.uottora..- bia.,ittdlSlabir alSajgg" :' ; .11jimi•bir . - VATfi--10,000_for _ < ~ , , , ~. >` 2\ !i l iA ' : I:4' ..- . ' ; ' '.- -,..':,, ''' . .t.,• 4, :" , ;:144.4 .4 • .? - :0 ! '._ - tt t, • -- .:7"4--, ii ~1 _ .rz -- f." - $:;„, I. 4.f. ;i -'' ~,., 3 4 , E ~' , - - kvel 4 ' ~... A