: T:2l l'f; - 4.- - • -; : , , V.i.tt - . •s,l*-x•i.g . i',":--,i.,.41i0"e t 1111 0 7101 AL :1 . 44PA1G Or' Tits air" IHURIDAY I,IIOIININO, JU L Y -26, 1861 CI IRS ', , 24 arcoacznalcas. - Obseriati ma for ih• Gamic, b 7 ie. E. Shaw, Optician, U Fifth St—to:Teets& daily: -'• '• nl syn. kw MAIM 9 o'clock, A. w' • • • 92 • 72 12 " . • 1f......... . ............1M - 78 ' a g! t.. vt...........;.. 1 lino= the anthority end in punning) of the i'Malutiona pained at thimeeting held at Mirth!! On the evening of the 23d inst., the following named gentlemen have, been appointed to let u the Committee . :Tao.. M. HOWL Baum McCoif-Goan, ESQ., Da: J. Cikaoritraa, N. F. Joins, R.Q., War. TIIAW. ESQ., Joao( Scort. ESQ.s Acrx. Nuitar, Reoiectlally. f S. F. Vow' Bonsuoaar, Preen Piillsburgh, July 24, 1861. %h. Railroad Mummy In Allegheny—Coro • nerie investigation-Cause or the eau. dent, etc. ; Coroner Boet*lck, on Wedoesday forenoon. b.- prath en investigation of the tenible unread casually which occurred the previous evening, by the break ing of the wooden bridge over Goodrich street, by which a portion the passenger batmen the Cleve land and Pittehergh and Fort Wayne and Chicago reads, were precipitated a distance of abouteighteen red, into the attest below. George H. &maker, as We have alteadir'reported, was instantly killed, and Jacob Reuther, who was severely injured, hail' since Iliad in the Moray liospitaL They were bottratmy. Sumstere, on thelretay from Cleveland.to Washing ton. -The following testimony was elicited ; R. D. Brigg-4 sworn—Am Conductor on the Mail train, Cleveland sind 'Pittsburgh Railroad; we were an time , at Allegheny station, 3.30; was standing on the 'platform, between the second and third pitmen- Ism -can; saw the equine and baggage can go down; the can ;that I etood,.between uncoupled; I got - dawn 'on: the. Dismal work me forward to -Slop the pasiengeri from. Tuning out of the ears. '..Then assisted the ladies out co um second car. and put them 'itithe third car, are tied them taken to. the Allegheny leaden. Did list see the Fort Wayne train go down, as I. was looking the opposite e: de. We were going the usual speed.- Mathew • Bean:, sworn—Am -Viakeman on Mr. liriggsr trairrons on the rear end of 'the first pas- senger cat;: „the crash,. and set .my brake pertly, - when• the, - passengers began to rush nal. Then went into the second passenger ear and pre. 'vented tee- pa:augers from leaving it; heard the crash, but did trot see the trains tall; we were ma, 'tag very .lowly; at the time; trains peas on the tree. ;net work at all tinteeduei as it happens. Clanks Arne/d, sworn—Am train boy on Mr. Briggs , wale; was talking with the express menu ger and baggage master in the baggage car; saw 'the' Pert Wayne train coming and felt the crash; 'jumped into the post office and caught hold of the ,move, when the cart went down; • looked ant of the post etfie.e, and saw Mr..Kennuder train muter. and Mr. Irwin; UFOs messenger, tumbling to the other, end of the cur; let go to get a better bold,' when I slid oat , on to the venal work and fell to the ground; there now two of the teamsters caught between the baggage and first pesserger car; after these men were taken oat, I told her. Brier and others that Mt: Toirence, baggage master, was in. , the baggage car under the baggagr; We then went to - work and got hen ent; there was nothing on the track that I saw. James C. Sample, sworn--Act angiaeer on the Cleveland and Pamburgh road; was taking the Mail train over to town when the, accident hap. pelted; left Allegheny at 330, on time; passed the ; Fort Wayne train, coming back from Pittsburgh, at the regular place, on the tressed work; the tracks were twith perfectly clear; neither train was running teeter than four or five mileeper hoar—not over' Lie - miles; we came opposite one another, I heard the timbers crack; looked and Imo the Fort Wayne engine go death; the baggage end expreas ears of my train followed; my engine just got over the smut that gave way, and stood on the stone abutment; I staid on my engine till all was over, and; then cot her loose from the es» and pulled her away; examined the timber', and thought the; were not' very strong; they looked so if they had a dry rot in them; the Fort Wayne en. gine wee on the train when she passed me, and she went,down a moinent elle;there re timbers in the railroad bridge over the Allegbeay river -winch are beginaingto decay; the span between the canal and the onithat went down was =mined be Mr. Beano and myself; Mr. Beans, Master of Trans ' portation on the Fort Warm road, was, pawing _ along the treseel work at that pointoome time ego, jut as I paned neer with the engine, and he re-- marked to me -this morning that he was afraid of • - that span—that it: shook -and exhibited signs of weakness at the time alluded to; I can only say that the heavy , limber, were-not sufficiently strong to Muslim the weight; tench heavier trains have passed there repeatedly, carrying large amounts of freight. Jelin Tr. Ccirdaer, sworn—Thal Wit4lolls was firs man with 31r4 Semple, and corroborated the niate - of other witneema] The jars, then adjonmed to the scene of - the ecal dimt, and examined the broken timbers to the fallen sena. Two or three of the heavy bottom timbers were found to have been badly weakened by dry rot —one of them'wee decayed far more than two-thirds of its thicknees, the rot being from the entre ant ' werdlY. the outside presenting a emend appearance. The jury ibett took the testimony of Simnel Frew, fireman'on the Fort Wayne trate, who stated : that the - accident was caused by th e bre aking of one of the Ih:ribose directly, under theirengine, which, in falling, sensed the Week and broke down the tim bers meter. die Cleveland train. The jury than adjourned until Friday afternoon, at two °Week; when they hope to be abbe to take the testimony; of John Arbuckle. engineer of the Fart Wayne train. who Is now suffering from an al- fiction of the brain, superinduced by' his leap from the loconiotive. The other patties injored are said to be doing . wel . L . Dia% of Cannata ineCiok—Latter Wolin a Lady In Washington to her licothor in this City. , - i WAMititiGTON, hfonday morning, 5ii1i,,,2.2. Dear Brother; I soppoee, me this, you hain heard cd. poor Charles' death. He had been eating, and on return In his Regiment was captured, and re fused to aurrender. 'Uncle and Edwin called out to aurreudei, but he replied be would die before he would give bimaelf to a rebel—when they shot him through the spies. They caught the fellow that shot him, sod one of the Eighth New York Regi ment, 'hot him.. Uncle aid Edwin -wean eye. witness to it all. He died at one o'clock lam night. Uncle told him be vas - dying, and asked him If he witirprepared.-.Be refilled all wu right; but 'would like to have leen- his dear mother and' brother, wad ariater..4 Col. Alexander McCook to wounded so the shoulder; but to what extent we don't know yet., Hai shoulder is completely per forated with' bull ete,"; They any Captain Anson Mc- Cook fought like a tiger. Is is yet cafe. We hue beeu ea badly beaten that we fear they will come into Washington. We beard the Snug of _cannon all day yesterday. BURL* KAL7I. The Solioara lateiligeacer Teeedity, contains the following; _ • • ' Yesterday. morning the body of Charles McCook --broiherof, Vol.kleCook. of the 'Second Ohlo Re. glment—was brought . to"tbe city, in is little wagon Mum bY - thr. venorible Judge, the father; of the young "man, and escorted by a equadbf his regiment. Judge McCook has -atx sou in the army, and this was the youngest--a youth of about eighteen years. The carriage drove up to the dooi of edge MiCook's resideeee oti the avenue near Seventh strut, and immadletily surrounded by • crowd bismuth ifbote'flonvithlit Werboatiab .0z01,41 by the Abbess , exhibited by' the - , . Le - (ter from catnip Recut.' Our torrespendent,!"lhelt,.. et-Bolan - bland, New York . iendsei a lettei uader'dote of the 22d it: which he states that this - First aid Second keit. Mints . of SitlllsPlirigads, were getting rendy , start tor , Washington: .We eppend.i few intreetir 'tethering space lor the letter emirs: "Last night 18 of the Priced Mee lait on La grouting a speditioa, aod as the orders, to touch 'ware 'reeeireil mace diet( , deperture-they be rumemonedOlok to.morrow.. They looked reteark ably well as they 'paned by... Every mantis, lid his blanket, coohing !Nereids, Lod military equip. meets with hirs,ind As they marched out of tamp /poked quite -.Tee eeiltbol our Pittsburgh boys Is exeillni, except two members - of the Zounis Wine, who are inmates aimilmipital. lbey, are notsertous. ly ill , (a Wight stuck of mesales,) , and. are sow .eonsaleseeut. :The Frond Riders hays not , hat a sneintrei. op the ,hospital .Tbie. Veldts for "otireompany,rand goes to ebrnr. - 0 1 1-I.b ll / 'Lukewarm ewe el then:mann: , - •: sqhmiel F.:„Siekles to-as, returned from, Wash , . legion City, end a far an f can learn we go. on Thursday tisalM - iliaotations. Chum b 7 Messrs.lobi Tar4l4yoei Broiror. iltst! .... . .... J- &till& Sete . Corrected oipeotatly for t :- ,- Ai Ltire,nt the Diftße t o nioortilii ' t pirisr.iii . ..:. . :. . - ~.... ', T. • , , Yuma ra -- iv* 102 eaa';,- - .Sr ••' aro York atete.—,..: 'par - Kew York e1tp.,...;—.. - . • • - ..pne /Alm Jen.). leaslX••. ' " per . - Pennoloenle, teelJ '... par .. ' '`(lo2or.+W oo 9,. , . bellilreXa.: " ... per Dist:ot Ocannabla,— - _- /0 marylend, Ilalt.—. par (whoellaik brebey 1241 k " (menern) .20 1 North Corciloo.—.roo ma : - , -Esobottte—eittheg nm. 00 , ....pedsoN salami en* Ileakabla .... lapta...setungll433f, over bnkable, ciao, Jai, 24, 1861. ; IntanosL Booth CW!na-.w- 1 ".• OassOL-L no inn. nova*. no was. man pn• I titolmata. De WI. nowdo. , ' Ei":!MIE 'New. To, .I%i 00 riiia444 durtie - Aiiiisn'lluaia::-42Geintaaaboamaker niaieil I: Bebrrp = erswas; , takeo _attars . I .us_tice_!;Obar 01 l 'a n at e t i Panj e ;=. 4ll r 7 p s, raint-ine. ;,hoonntion:tigr.iletiffilser pub: • naao an Alliglei* i . Vaksb/atti rafiecUng.asthar , amenai the ammeter al .Weldman. — Tba'ac. alMai entered bail for bin appearance at Courr.., gettif#r, of 4ntral of 311gatilsaral Msj. Gen. McClellan, whose brilliant triumphs in Western• Virginia have given him a prominent place in the hearts of the American people, ar rived in this - city last evening, twin Wheeling, by the. 8:30 train on the Cleveland and l'ituburgh Railroid. He was received tithe Allegheny de pot by. eight or tee companies of Home Guards, tally uniformed, by a large number of firemen in their uniform and with their apparatus handaomelv decorated, and bran immense concourse o 1 nig. tau, all of whom gave. rent to their enthusiasm by 'boots and cheers of 1101C01130. - Long before the arrival of the train, Federal street and the depot grounds wire literally jammed with *oldie re, firemen and eitizene,and the approach of the tram wet announced by the booming of can non, the firing of rockets, and the shouts and cheers of the multitude. A more cordial welcome was never extended to any Ainerican citizen, and whorl we consider that the ovation was wholly im promptu, it proves that the distinguhihed military general sow lives in the keens of the people. Gen. McClellan was received at the depot by members of the Committee on Home Delenth, and having taken .his seat to a -carriage provided for hint, the procession took up the hoe of march for this city, pawing down Federal street to the new Eluspeneion bridge, scrum the bridge to St. Claw street, along. St. Clair to. Market, up_ Market to Fifth, DO Pifil to Smithfield, and along Smithfield to the Monongahela House. All along the' route, the etreers were thronged with ladles and gentle- Men, and the darknesa was ever and anon broken by Innumerable ind brilliant displays of fireworks. The Suspenaion -bridge was literally crowded with people, all serious to get a glimpse of the distin guished visitor, and the spectacle was animated in the highest degree. After reaching the Monongahela House, the main body of the proceemion moved to the Water street front, cooling an immense mass of people to fill op the levee. Load calls were made for Gen. Mc- Clellan, and after some little delay, he appeared upon the balcony and wail greeted with shows and-cheers, hearty and prolonged. After being in troduced by : Judge Shannon, he proceeded to Make a few remarksi to the effect that speaking, was not hii vocation, and that the present was a tune'. for action, and not words. He thanked the people of Pittsburgh for the enthusiastic reception which they , had extended to him, and amulet another round of applause he withdrew from the balcony. Eloquent and patriotic speeches were then made by Hon. Wm. F. — lohnston and Col. S. W. Slack, alter which the crowd began to disperse. • The Rome Goads tithed out in large,numbers, and looked remarkably well. The firemen contrib uted largely to the eclat of tho occasion—the Eagle and Vigilant steamers being beautifully decorated and - greatly admired. , lien. McClellan la a man of medinin bight, rather fleshy, but roundly and squarely built, and is about thirty-five parser age. Siting second in command in the United States Army. he wreopies et this time a most Important es well as nrotuinent position. lie was socompanied by his wife, who isquite prepos sessing in &operetta', and wean • very pleasing countenance. She is not larking in physicel devel opment, and evidently postman& the nerve and for titude reqzdsite foe asaldier's wife. .The Others' and those accompanying him left in the midnight train for-the east, and were escorted to the depot by the Allegheny Greys, Capt. Bohol, and the Twin City Rangers, Capt. _Thompson. A large number of citizens eriteated, notwithstanding the lateness of the hour, and it was not twit the Wain moved off that the streets of the Smoky City *mimed their wonted quitt. A. narks,' PO Wag ids Mrs In Old VitglAny Bee. A. M. Stewart Chaplain to the Penneyleas nia troops, writing iota Wincliester, - nous the following amusing itin deal : Employed at bead.quutera of the (13th) Regi ment is a genial sorot a being—muter of all basins; waiter, con k, butler and errand boy. We call him Skinner.f The hot mar of Virginia boa no power to darken the, completion of said Skinner; only causal it to glow with a deeper .ebony. Skinner is a anent' ta•orita. 'By Vanua. honest means said minter of ceremonies as come Into pouession of several rather damaged. articles of soldiers' wear, is the shape of an old uniform, pants, with military eat, of the Pennsylvania order. A rusty old sword ieMO his by donation. In ed. eaten to home Maki, Skinner occasionally rides the Colonel's hone ti . vater, and on errands into r the town, .0a such o Mona the military dress is donned, and the rusty old sword not unfrequently dangle., at hie side. Skinner thus attired, rode said charger, yesterday alteration, with more than ordinary parade in town. Time pseud, and Skin ner returned not. What could hare happened to Skinner I Could he have seceded with the Colo nePa bone t or be dallying with ebony dalcinea the Limons old town Word at lecgth come that Skinner, by tome means or other, had got in limbo. Actually seised and plised to the guard house (army jail) by order of the Prevent Marshal of Martine burg,.under direction of oar milituy. coati:modem What can Skinner hive dune? was eagerly ailed by all. Mao be killed's seeessiordll, inraluoi tome pompons military ; or acted up Mlle other mischievotia wiekedneia Skinner's previous good beherior precluded rich suspicions. The matter most be looked into. At.., the oath That enter. tanate old military ay, that dilapidated uniform, that nasty sword! They oceuioned all the dimmer, An unfortunate order had been larded from bead. mariners, of which pull Skinner, until the moment of his arrest and unhorsing while parading through the town, was wholly ,ligaorant. Tn. sublime mili tary. mandate was of .this import.— , That no ebony biped, no Wavle head, no donkey being an attache of the army, aboald wear any article of military Mese, or tarry any weapon, tiffensive or defensive.' Does. the ruder logutrefor the groat occasion of State polity, lb. impoitatit Military consideration prompt ing such grave ? No other reason cati suggest Itself than tai. pander to this inexorable spirit of slavery—ln older to soothe thou F. F. V's , thane traitor slarreholding sweeksionista among whom we now are." , • United Smits Ellinnet Court. WEDNICADII7, July .I.—Before Judge gliteand- The jay in the elite of Henry Morse, indicted for mail robbery, alter listening to able speeches be J. 1. Hampton, Esq., for defense, and District Attorgey Carnahan for the prosecution, received the charge of the Court and seured to their room. After a brief absence they returned a verdict nt guilty. The-Coart then eenteneed the defendant to ten years , imprisonment in the Western Pen.- tentiary . --the shortest', term under the few. The case of Sebastien Tice, of Somerset costly, a lad aged - about fouMeen years, against . whom • true bill Inn found it the preeent term, for mail robbery, ha. beau codtsaued. . The ease of hi lens ei Shearer, of Johnstown, Cam. blia county, indicted I for passing counterfeit coin, wu seat taken up. Meow. Copeland end Noon, of Johnstowo, and? tare, Hampton and Swans welder, of this city, potter for the defense, and District Attorney Carnahan for the prosecution: - Several witnesses tenni examined. for the prosecu tion; and testified td, having received counterfeit cola from the defends t. The defense was that the money bad been pass -Mum:mealy, or without the guilty "knowledge" finials to woke the offense complete. A hot of Witnesses - ware called, and tes. tilled to the good character of Shearer for honesty. • Cotirt adjourned till tea o'clock .on Thorsday morning. Cot. mates not Kilted. The Harrisburg Te graph of Tuuday, Gays: "It eflorda unstieakable plathiwe to contra dict the rumored dealb of our gallant 'Ming taws. man, Limit. Frank A. Davies, aid to the late Col: Cameron, at the deventy-ainth Now York Regi ment, who Was reported to .Itharlallen at the late battle of Boles Ron, in which be bore a distin guished part. Intelligence reached bete this morning that Lieut. bavies had returned gaiety to Washington. In the first skirmish at Ball , . Rue our brave young townunan bad a horse ahot Irons uader him; andlo tan late engagement at the same plate he was gallantly aiding CoLtameron, in the thickest of the fight, when that- officer, - with Sis other, who earritheded him, were - stricken doWn by the bullet. of the enemy." Sozoian grunt... l 7 4n accident occurred on Saturday mornlng . ,lait, at Camp Wayne, West Chester, from'. the use of a revolver, which proved instantly fatal.. A soldter'namsd Smith, belonging to the Cumberland Guards, was handling a loaded revolver, whro oneArl hie companion's requested.to see it. !Smith cocked his revolver, seized it by the hendle_ked banded it to his companioo, who seized it by the handle, end• in doing so, touched, the trigger, canning it logo off. The ball entered the left .breast and pawed' through tee he'll. The wdooded man, pieced his hand scrota his broist and ezclaimed,w h dy God ! I am shot I I will die!" Ile. wu caught by hie. friendiand carried to hie quarters, where be died in a few minute', •- Mozsisos Gentarsi.-.44is ocompany , alter W. J.Morrinces, Fero of this city, end and er command of Ceptain James Littell,pur city gauger. -They have been - accepted In the regiment of Col. W.Blait: and are under marching orders . The company. ing sot. fell jet, there M a fine oppor tunity for me of our young _coon wishing to figat for their country, as a few are yet wanted. Their Tendencies Mat Masonic Hall. We are certain Gist they will readmit good acepuot of themselvde, se they as the alight cossesial•for soldiers. • • Tine eletbieg recently famished to the Penioryl• Tools trootel (says:the liarriebair relegraph,) ie Or Moat eacateol. quality—eclair better could he desired... Had thit fianumed iu the beginning been of at all comparable quality, the credit of ourbtaie Tread nes; hays nefirred. is a .comparsoal of; er hoops withany others is the service. • permosiii.'.-401. Leeds?, or the Western Y ghat forces, attired in the city. on Tamely *Asir noon, and pot up at the Monongahela House to await the arrival of Gen. McClellan. He is ar, companied t, , r hill tchompitabeil lady, formerly Miss Davenport, the dgrees; of_whoni hundreds of Ofrr Clan= tr entertain.thd most. pleasing recollestione. - , ;. , Te.*Pcirstrt.vesta' Tenor' at Baltimore, who have been paid ..by: the , General Government lid realethad by the Mite,' hire, 1i is repotted by Meson. Coggehall mkt Hallowell, the aide 0tG04.. enior sod been accepted by ih• War !Smattered; for , ,tbree years. Basil* description. at Booli r ditd, and Job Hat ing media at this 'Mao aIS the .61 ad ratibniats term', and 'spun *a abottsst bottail.' rani: "Or taPapar Booka and hand )3111L I ASP:Docros O. 'Butt, Riser Carl and liogim ZdoPhPlol,ool64l4Pnt for Raliiboteieelebratsd for Buptroa: Corm of Perm and Mine strata.;- t .„ 'jar Bin,;- 416 .Perm firrer„,apozAr Ack0.1.70:51* MOMMM=NEMME ==ii TOE . LATEST NEWS. BY reLselrepa RECEIVED AT THE DAILY GATEIIE OM Illspateh - horn Washington. • WAIIIIIIIOTON, Jsly /1 Tl 9. F. No Boanhoraf. Eau. z —The loss of tae Fediral atm, is supposed to be MO kaiak'. The number of. wounded is unknown. Th. Itsbel loss is triech greater. The day bad been won by nor men whin the panic liaised them. The rattle of our cwo baggage wagons was taken Inc an advance of Rebel cavalry, and thus I believe the panic com mented. K. biorraircao. THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. cfpooisi Sssdosa' Wasirmarow, Joly 24, Itulott, of - Mum., from the Coto mittao Go 06mineree, reported a bill authorising the Preildent, by and with the advice and mount of the Senate, to appoint Consuls at any foreign parts whans he may dean it advisable, for preventing piney, at a salary net eameding $1,500 pa annum, thebi otileel to cease when internal peace shall be restored. hfr:Sedgwiek, of N. 5., from the Committee on Naval Affairs, reported the Senate bill providlog far the epPaintnatint of aboard of three naval offioas to Tama on the eoriarustion or completion of iron or steel plated war liteaulall or battarlas, and If the report be faverable,to anti:Mice the oonstruatioriof enier more, as well as appropriating $1,500,000 to carry the sot into taut. Puna. Also, the Sonata bill authorizing the appointment of in Assistant Salutary alt the Navy, et • salary of *3OOO per annum, and eight additional elute. Paired. Alto, Senate bill providing for ►n Morena of the mtdical cope of the navy. Peened. Mr. Blair, of tdo., from the Military Committee, reported the Senate bill authorising the Pmaidont to accept theaervioea of ilve hundred thoturand vole°. toots. Paned. Mr. Bingham, of Ohio, from the Judiedary Com mittee, reported a resolution, which was passed, re quoiting the President to communicate, If not in ounipatible with the public interest, the grounds, realm and evidenee on which the Police Commis sioneri of Baltimore were arrested and dataioed as prlioners at Fort Bielleury. Mr. Burnett attacked the bill. lie spoke about theVrenident, usurping powers and trampling on thee rights of Maryland, km. Mr. Richardson, of 111., accused Mr. Burnett of helpiog to prOdoce the disastrous conditioo of alJnita by aiding to break op the Democratic party. IBr. Burnett denied the charge. Ha wished to hare no personal cootroverey with Mr. Richardson hefe, but be could hare outuelsewhere, it he de sired it. Mr Richardson declared himself in aimilar terms. (Great excitement ensuing.) Mr. Richardson spoke about the battle, against theijudgement or Gen. Scott, and related a sootier eation.to prove it. Mr. Stevens explained the bill. He .poke of the Maryland Legialation as a move of traitors, and the chiel of the Baltimore police as a traitor. O. twig, highly exciting, and interesting debate enised, anti the bill was passed. Mr. Stevens, of Pa., Iron , tbe Committee on %Vivi and Means, reported ■ bill appropriating to!psy $lOO,OOO to pay the police organized by the Coned States authorities in Baltimore. The Rouse went Into Committee oo the bill to pro. vide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of the Ouveznmeut, and to maintain the public credit by]the assessment and collection of • direct tat and inionmi duties. Mr. Colfax, of Indiana, moved to monad Mr. Cifokliii'd instructions by striking _oat that part of the bill relative to the $30,000,000 direct tams ap pinioned amongst the States, and to provide in ile stead tacos en bonds and mortgages, money at in. tenon and incomes. lie said that his motion loft untouched the recommendation of the Committee as to'tatin on whisky, stills, wattles,' earriagse. boas acid bank bills, sod that tau cyanided, the bill intitstentie $20,000,000. This era] all be thought uaeoseary 'noir, bat if, whin we meet again, fuer rorinths hence, direct taxes on land are emaissarry, it Will be time enough Men to levy it. If Mamba. Goa continues he was willing that every dollar be pried should go to the Government. and so with the mejurity of his oonstituantr; bat be was for pinking these taxes only as feet as mosettary, and have the bMdens fall in the firstinstamee on those most able tokay taco. Ilir. Conking's proposition am adopted—yeas 60; neje 20., Adjrurned• icitarr--Mr. Foster, of Conn.. presented a Te flon and memorial hum the common council of New London, in favor of einablindeg • Naval School at New London, and urged the claims of the State to a leer remake.- Referred to Com• motet on Naval , Affair.. - Mr. Grimes, of lowa, offered a resolution that the Committee on Annan" , be Mannered to in gine into the expediency eel requiring the oath of allepence to be administered to each military sod niirel aliens who are incapable or inefficient, or who violate any official duty. • Mr. Wilson, Mn,., said that this um a most Ml plirtailt measure. Palmy of the negtments were utterly demoralised by Incompetency of officers, auk the east the other day shows the effect, when officer. ran several miles before they stopped. de thought that the time had mum whoa Meer°, &amid be call to these things. Mr. Sherman, of Ohio, thought this was no time tricomplain of any one. There never wen a braver army than the one repulsed the other day. We hive a daly to perform for the retina, and should de. that. Re thought the repaint of the army .bold do good;ind route op the war spirit all Oitr the country. tie bill Cor;the better organnstion of the milir was returned from the Rouse with on amendment as a mberinte. The Senate 44.,d to, concur in din amendment of tb• The bill to punish fraud* en the put of any ea ter entrusted with soaking ciinuatts for the gov ernment, lowly [taken up and postponed until to g*Tow- !Mr. -Wilson of Mw., introduced a bill to pro ante officers Of the Volunteer forces of the united blntes. Referred to Mailer, Committals. ~The bill, to promote officers of the Volunteet !drew', wee takes up a second time. The bill al. kiwi. the Prettiest to diseharge ao officer or em. plnyee of the government. Agreed to. iMr. Trumbull presented the memorial of the ca. into,. of Alton, 111.. in favor of establishing a Pa geant Armory there. Referred to the Naval Cam algae. I.P4r. Rice, of bitatiesoth,thaid that he had for merly been for peace, but tae country kid been plunged into war Ines now our Colunitution replete oh to act—not talk. Democrat se be was, be Witold give every support to the administrstion and leave detail* to the adminiairstion. Let as aft to wont like men and do our duly here and leave die rest to the administration. Referred to the Military Committee. Fenenden, pf Mame, Irom the Committee oh Finance, reported back the bill to provide for the payment of the goveniment police for Bath. Mari. Passed. ildr. Johnson, of Teen, offered a resolution de= Oaring that the present civil war bed been forced on our clumsy by the dieunioniets of the Southern Hate. vow in rebellion against the Constitutional Government, and in this emergency Coognms bans tilting all passion and remetment will only read. lint Its duty to the whole country. The war moot lifiged in soy spirit of. oppression or enbjegation, or for-soy purpose ol overthrowing the institutions of those States, but' to Maintain and defend the sdpreamey ol the Constitution sad the laws, and that on noon as dill it accomplished, the war Might le cense. Laid over. _ I The Satiate then adjourned. Foo oru MOIIIIOC, Soty 23.-Au important and Airy movement from . 01d Point won to have taken place today,' but has been deferred in nom- Omens. or the nalortooate news /fOIII Our troops are impatient to avenge the disaster at Great Bethel and KIIIIIIIII2I Junction. It is hoped 'that Cot. Mastodon may be induced Mattock Camp Munition or Newport New.. A tenting of gloom has pervaded the whole camp, Anth 00 despoodency, however, or doubt as to the ,reault - ol the war; - . .. l' The 'OM boat Penguin, stationed at Newport Newe, yesterday allowed a heavily 4111112 Baboons,- limn Norfolk to pan op JIM li , T. She was probably loadedwith gun!' destined for Richmond. Only nit 'hot wer fired at her. The confederates to the .vicinity re allowed to do quite u they please. , 3 , ? Prof. Magoon Kt, the,sc mint, Is at Old Poirot, ind will make an isomision y after tomorrow, to rettoonolfer the position or ' sodomy. " Sept Oyer, of the Ordnan 'Department, hie ar olsed here from. Weehleg , . L - . ::; Large quantities of arms, clothing and mumunl. flan dmuttod' for the Now York State Regiment, snared from New York this morning. Se. Loma, Jolly 24.—Tho Springfield correspond ea of We Dirawayal, undid date of the 20th, Writea de follows: Cols. Siegel, and tsolemon are raugmb , [sing their regiments for the three years' sertioe„ and are nuablog many recruits from this vicinity. .The entire foie* now ben la over alight thousand, easily all of *bout will re millet for three years. , Gen. Sweeney, with a -force of twelve-hundred don, Orate to-day for Poisyth, 'on White' river; In Taney:K*oy.' t The balance of Can. Lyons' command left Camp filepl, twelve miles northwest of hue, to.day:, They wilt go Camp Little York, ton miles on the Mt-Ver non road. -What offensive movements will ha made = McCulloch is still at Camp 'Milker, Ark.,: With five thousand wall mud troops, Jackson I, some 12 or 11 idles this aide with ton thousand poorly armed and undlsoiplied thee. Porty =nine men from 0411011 and Macon °outdate, ;trimaran, arrived leiretbdThuridey last and enlist ed for three years. The Home Guards her. have; been Mimed from active duty, u they an now harvesting their trope. r Much complalat to made et iho tardbleed: With Which our troops are lapelled , with the neesaudy , ~' Loostritiit," Jill/ 24,4 special dispatch to the itempluks Argue, !root Itpstnosid, dated. lb. 2J, /41 that BOILUDIgIa 006=0 dOd on the Atilt it Staeasiss, and - .Janson on the loft. Bbarman's berm to captor* j.. 11 mamma's horse VS4 carried Oran ander hirrhi I ittonandi Bartow, of Georataiind Tien, otthisiltr lir olina, - arsil killed. The lopert! Seilinesita ire c to places, ~ .. i......ti C. 7- ~ 4 The due* eti dilly says that Gee. 3 sekien is. ointly addnis • number of fdiasoartaos ,' now forming. Into a gimlet near that city. who me teloilOog rapidly to ratora to Mosul. Ikiier,YriitiPitit24.-- ii,:ejsacialfdittpathto the ;.c..-.:7,-.....,,,,..,..7..r.,-.-',:-,ti---.---t+-.,,--e%3::,..,.., cz s .. ~,,,_ ~~; From Washington WAIIIIINGION, July 23,—1n the present confused audition of affairs, it is itn . pouiltle to ;rocare full lists 01 the killed and wounded. There cannot yet be au offiet4 report giving the information. The names of ' , deb, however, as can be reliably eirtertained, are transmitted as soon as received. Affair' here wear a more cheerful aspect to-day. Fresh troops are cootiauelly arriving, Rod they opium to •he of the most desirable character illiggsge wagon. and comnilwariat supplies seem to be BO plentiful ea hsretoilire, bed altogether there is a gathering, up of the army fragments. Major Bidwell, of the Michigan Ist, who assumed committal of the regiment liter Col. Wilcox tell, was yesterday and la to-day gathering up his man. lie estimates that 30 or 40 will cater the number of killed, and double that mailer vii wounded, of his regiment. The telegraph dispatches hourly accumulate— the senders tendenag troop, in surprising number.. For example, Illinnis has tendered seventeen and Indians ten regiments. Borne of them have already started, and others will be en route to-morrow. Ambulances containing the wounded continue to arrive at various hospitals. The hatelligeseer. of this morning, says we learn that two Intelligent aims of the Ellsworth Fire Zonaves arrived in the city las{ night, one of whom left Centreville at 4 o'clock p. in., arid the other left Fairfax Court Boone at 12 o'clock noon. They4eath report that op to that lime, at these respective points no secession forces had appeared, a fact which would seem sufficiently to indicate that it is no part of their mews to undertake anything like no advance toward. Washington: Wastnewroti City, July 24—Senator Lathan, by earnest aolicilalioo, has obtained, to.day, an order from the War Department to niae a 'loll reg. robot of infantry sod 600 cavalry, three year.' vol.. melee,., in California, to protect the owe land 021111 t and 'immigration from Carson Valley to Port K y. Col. Carlos A. White, I the 9th infautry, leaven no the lit al August, b Panama, to take general command of this force ad give it efficiency. The Californians here are. ary mach gratified at this important step. Most vigorous manures are beingdopted by in the War Department for a thorough an complete reorganization of our army. Old &plc , • will he changed to practical modes far the bet r manage meat of our forces, by providing reliable officer.. To this end, the Secretary of War h sy e tamed a i general order to d, that all officers of regiment° will be 'subjected to examination by board of military officer., to be appointed by t e Depart ment, with the concurrence of the Corn ander-lb. Chief, all to their fitness for the position wignad to them: Thole found Incompetent, will e rejected sad their pirouette will he filled by corn test offi cen that may have pasted an examination of the military board.. . Up to 12 o'clock to-daynearly 00,000 men have beau accepted, and are at- thin moment being mar shaled into maxim all over the North. Many are now is motion on their way to the national Capital. The energy and wellbdirected eliwu of the War Depinment and the: General-in-Chief hove done much to restore confidence. The prompt appoint. meat of Gen. McClellan, who is now on his way here to command the grand army, haa given ea doubted satiafaction and created much enthusiasm among the soldiers. They are worthy of being led by so great a General as McClellan, who hen re cently given each decades proofs of his great *balite.. Watimunnoti, July U.—lnformation reached here this morning that the rebel pickeunow ex tend to where Gen. Tyler wu formerly encamped, in the neighborhood of Valle Chinch. The moat annum apprultenaione are mill felt for the Hon. Mr. Ely, who went to the scene of war am a apecuitor arm to he of am to the wounded in the regiment from hie Conventual District. He is supposed to be either killed or a primmer. Jam - none CITY. Jolt' Si.—ln the Cuoventiooi thb morning, dir. Mess introduced a reaulatiou to 6.o:fen that any change la the Executive or ov unman of the titate, by the present Convention, would oot cooducet6 the welfare of Id Woad. The resolution was strongly debated end finally referred to the committee of seven chosen to re port what action lila Cesureution shall take. fled a Tom been Mtn on It. it would have been lost After some other unimportant business, tha Coo• venticm edjosissedttli tomorrow morning.. The Convention Is awaiting the report' of the com mittee of wren ' whioh represents army Congress ional district in the Sate, before taking any action. Itwill report to-morrow. Tait Bute Borernment and the Executive De partment will b. reargealled. It is thought that the present Governor will be removed. The city mu throw* into a caul of great excite. meat list erecting. at *loran o'clock, owing to the picket; bring at an pricer who galloped put them, not knowlog they were them. Tee artillery sum moned the troops in lb. city and fair ground, to arms. no the report got oat thst Jackson was ap proaching the city *WO a large fame, which, of coarse, was Gauntly tape. Jarrawant Cm; 'Jell resoltalon was adopted In the State Contra:aloe today, Instructing the State Treasurer to stake • statement ea the ear liest moment of what's:oral:a there wore to the Treas• nri; also, what amounts had bean expended sloes the adjournment of the last tostelatero and fur what porters,. Cot. McNeal's re:Anent left bare thle cyan ing per railtossi for St. L-nle. Principal lintels. 14:81' krrlials at the UP I'o 6 9 . c14e, WT. WIARLIL6—ono:: 11•111/T MLA .Thled sad Wood Watts. riarturtos. Nn Floyd. lb. 111. 11 .1 Mast, NpOolobl, 0 8 Ilya., tit co IC 0 L.lghty, W. 44. Newton R Wllww, WaOstaatoo J A Nt.oban, P. 0.. R 0 Rios, Nom 081 J Roolowo, All. to W P /041.. r, Pnnßlla 101401 J Ithrick. N.• Cikelo , I a tlotor,baltax,o XS WAL do 1. Mak, Stosdafllo TU Williaos,Mv&REao I 0 Ue.lrul, P. Psnonoo lady,llan &lig J U Padonea, do 111AN8/ON 110081— &WIWI • C U W Sonctoor, oohnobla, 0 J 8 Pood,Clovoisod llttocosicr & cootber;Rrova ' mow W L °onto; -A ofl It R W bMout, ds 0 ttooo, Mn.. N flalLlNJutontown CO POMMY'. liaoLgeorg W Bothlibeso A 1108100.18, Altoona R Wood, Notookmo If Mbomou • 1&17,111 0 Know, 1.11110240.4 J WhOorboUost, dO . - A Zettaady. Joboallovro' W Eingruesid, Philo • Loohort,,lobostcoro A Pore, Wortmonelood RAOLS I.IOTIL—Li . • J0n..,.. oPrct.oo , l, 0.14210.fic1.1 LI.I. Later, Cp WIIL. U $ .11 *scat 11 r J P.e lk.i lady. 60tat o /fro 11 H ILlgtlt,PMla J a tutma • hdr.altumai.a J A Throb ItccactooPo a. o co J 11c Hutto. Wacto Pa f 6 ILIUI •WI, Okla*, moor, PA 1.0 NMI.; Ps J D Pta.bluee. IlzmJen, 0 ry Weblrr, J 8 caw kat, W lititabori CW Watson, 1814 disses o. Sit Liberty Anat. O•wholy Faye Us CU a am**. P. 1" Eduar d, likastrisbarg J tl Brawl, U e e U 0 Tye% farallogtoa birdelisaiv Pi.. 6,0 " A. Paver., Uookirevra 4 0 Jean. ai Lady, Wastirril W artact.ClcoPonburg W A J liinterasa, Blairsville Ilisaish, Fayette ra m v Rabo..cp uhiabg J bf I. P II IR 111Blixo. In op f==Zl ECEI=CM3 IJ tralgotsty. do atrak, below Itorsolb. flOrllrtol.' B Loudon. BAIA, follow A N 8.11,.cp Wrlrut Nlct•l 0 Mat, , 411 J T Joclwo. Apollo J D kloCulAto.— a Wlips, Sutler J D CAWlet. FranlOW .1 0 Goon, Bailor i1e110,4 do W Morph', John.tuo J L Paler, Contr. co o /emu tool Tareotoco IlloOrogor, lirldrporc tl D L Th.ona, 410 oaollo. do Modem Ocallu Atadosoo. Potlo 111 I J Penney, oso 11W 0111.1. PlOl.l J lbodgrus,Olarlon . 0 Betio, do UIIL&RDZI0U011-0oronr Rosoll. do 7.ladoassoso, rI n enalm 0 010er, WootsmrplAnd • Thais" WoolNo• ton Challally Alla w Robloood, tochol tor DEW YaoA.rwerkeo,Chkq• W goer. Clarke oo J g WOO,. Rittanning I 13 Bailor, I Imlttor,bloutgomory a Waltboaros.fted Bank 1 DA OrIVIII,Coll•ooborg kloGovrse, Ooloolbus ,• Ithlloldand Third extols. Mph*. ftlyor.,Ohlo J 11 All.bsogh, klimantows J R Orrgiu Ornneold, Ps favor Hatted.. H.01...•0 1' Cnwfard, Browomllo • Chembm, Al Pishor. Booboo, Llerwo D 11 Cudgel., McKeesport J W SI tor, Jael mooted, 0 W Latta, Ide. CM. J D Darker, igtr Neptune W Dedlibe, Waab co. Fla J Xmas% do Pratgay, lloteeeport OOltog, do JuL Tomato, Walleallls,o n> tee norn,'-u • MEM RAIZ Johd II Valle, Phil& d Tinker, • tM= street,. foot offllth. • noisaioa. 4g.., Wash P O T 1 Town, Ellubstls, Inilna.Ononsabons A Innlier, Wnh. Pa .1 Pollock.Thompoonnlls . 1.1 /A Wm. !Minn Doyle.. do T &Aaron. Calambli co J W Walks. t 441117. Win P rabbles, Inedom .1 B tinder, U Annul X Mira, Wash. Pa .1 Dinse.ann . Bronangtoo IC 11medy. Anna - .1X Tornino, wollnlllB W MAUD, 1101311lAnn J iv *MP% IttniOtinn4 /Wombs*, Wearer 1111 - Browo, MoroiSold 11 Loo, I Ol !lain & lody, Boo do kslow* 0 Nye, 0/ovolond A Attn. Bridgeville .7 limy, tipper ItOolr D Doesklaoo • Bon,do • • do 0 Nerroy, •do . • 011pillon, do / L Orobak*, • do 11 111 Nets, do - Ulm N N AdomA/efferoror. MEMiI RED cum uor *Div amuck, Hob, Oa dots, TO V" firth, Po OortoW. Orwillno 0 W tory* Jarman 'H Hunter WO ktimbors I /WM, I Promo, Wish Po NATIOAAL. HOUR,— Colmiert, 0 8 WWI, R Conan, n tisk, do • IP -do Orosoly, - do • W Hammy. - " do 0 011erry;Hol I T Poona,. 1111 Vanden Lisbotoon WOWINIVine o II Boother,Colomblo EM BMAIAT. Wool Po I I Beane, fa • BOW /V P cooloar. nod Bata I 11.0copon, Oolom011.: . Bona, Cotonou Na IN4 WOE Meet. I,IIIIIPILIROL I A A ettekdala, 0:98 08 w. ! V Partet, Shonsetwnif - : , J 18810.8, ► NoIB, 0 8 osralry • ' 18 Abplar, Roth.. tot dß.ek.tAeklld,lBorktity Mtn 118 18graso, laa• * O 11, Mom nonastinru , J Wl**, Wu* a. ()ammo u. nowN, /Elaris l ClAN 4124 D ettftet7iON OSlime. O. 30 Federal 6 Aniadt•Oduanads raw, our ilia, aawsulcak BtW I. Jr 16.13 AtLeanuriv crirc ' QIINDRISS. .; • %. OJ bats. TOWIINDRIICH. NO. I Baal:non' SO do do . No. a tap stv-kirg 10 ball lodi do do do; zap Cason Maar ; . 10;0,3 100 r.. do& tr do land noomm idit DWI ; ; 4 " 4 ) . 6 Oldaa; 1000 Ibis do Mao; Le estn• and tot*. Ol 1117-na . ... ulubtLe. • tibertyOutel. WALK PAPAW WALL PAPER 1-11. hal so& of wig' PAW. a ww sa4d.imbl. l 7 l “. a 4 AS All pkor loose dattog Aosusler tho old alassd, MA A 7 Wood AWN: SI.P.MAISZIALL ; SFINED 5t.:4A11.8-35 bbls. Loraring's Omni an/ Mae Pulverised, Crobect sad Wllto. and dart Pia .nloa MMus, shit vr• sres4lits at odago4 i 4104, wholosikimbl alkintal thy family Clmuarrlitare fl V.LII.IIV4EVS4OI. -_ - ~;r.--~- _ I =EZEI ie Stampede at BMWs Roo. r t .' Putnam, of New York, give, the fol. invent of the late "stampede" to the or, of that city r trio of e disorderly retreat of our main ;rowdy untrue. A brief statement of • what I witnessed will chow ibis. y, of Rhode Island, and myself Winona- , a Kelb regiment from Alexandria in he Foirfox Station on the Manassas Hap e reached there at 10 a. m. Heavy was steadily going on. While the re ed for orders we walked forward on the Rhin floe miles of Manauu Junction. ;there-sending hourly reports to General firing. Returning, male regiment still y of four of os, with a soldier, walked x Court three miles, and thence on the twilit'. o'clock we began to meet buggies and Midis returning to Washington. All t the day was ours, and rode on MM. at half past 4. an officer on horseback, ly, said, with emphasis, trio, no, Ws st sae.' The firing had coned. anvil*, between two tong Mlle, we vs army wagom and private vehicle. n before in in hot haste—a few soldiers .k rimed in the crowd. Looking hack regiment coming fresh trout Fairfax in ick.' assail. of the London Tinier, was on among the first from the battle. ew Jersey Colonel instantly formed his Joi the road, end resolutely touted back :very soldier in the road, end in twenty emotes p•ricet order was restored, and the whole flight of the vehicles was shown to be absurd, so much se thatlWe waited two hours at that spot, drawing wa ter Air the peer wounded men, who' began to limp along frem the field; only two or three •mbulanen to Ire pent,. "Al half-port sit, two bourn alter the battle wa• over, we started and walked hark to Fairing Court Hou/e, helping three or four wounded soldiers tote the i,isgora. "Tbon who were unhurt, nod who had got by the Jaen; boys, were stopped by a company of the Michigan Fourth, from Fairfax, and compelled to torn bark. "At Fair ax Court Home we quietly took supper at the tavern, and never dreaming of any disorderly retreat, we{were supplied with good beds; we on. drerted a ri meet to bed roof cueleep or 11 p. et. Al S iidloe Monday morning, finding the wagons went rmoeippppp g on to Alexandria, we started agate and Welke quietly along with them to Alexandria," duink erha little .we could to aid the men more or' leas :light ] wounded, or worn out—iuctuding some from 'the orpital—for still there was scarcely an antholitoen to be seen. "het, the whole rood from Centreville to Ale Intiri , I am confident tint there were not fire bun lied the in all, between 6 p. m. and day -1 ligl so hat it is grossly untrue that the whole arm Ima e a h ut, retreat. ,0a the contrary, all emend c Oaks that a stand was made at Centre= vilirl;of the ,whole of Om main body, except only the irate era from tits firit panic. This pante was explatued y several, who agreed that owes purely accidents ..; 'Mike with at least forty from Maine, Massa cheer:its, Ithode Island, Ohio, Michigan and Win. cookie regiments, who gave some thrilling Mi di:mini:of di ff erent part of the field—which I have no time to tell now—many grumbled at their effi. cenr,i hot it seemed plucky, and I said that oar trolls ceeld beat the rebels easily in an open fight, and hrould do it vet—bet the masked battemes on sae tide and the blonder. on oars bad "done for m tins time." 1 reached Alexandria at seven, havhig walked - forty - miles: Meth. from ohs Near York Everataarg Papers. Aivices just recelmoi from Washington through prirsio channels show that of the braes 69th !Logi metiOnely 40 are mitering; of the Bth (Col. Lyon's) of 15 ore reining : and of the Fire Zenaves only thee( 100. The Z/ fought with desperate cos age 'alma, who swan egroiritnera to the fight of the Piro Z loaves, says that they made terrible havoc do the rebel cavalry. They shouted Ilki devils and cot and dashed with their saber-bayonet. as if each mad Imre positioned with the strength and fury of ten. IThroughout the fight they sheared a perleet i dimpersonal gard for their safety, and exhibited the moat :dauntless bravery. The gallant 69th fought with the same bravery that was displayed by toe laniskultens at Waterloo. Abthit 140 of the men had been felt no a reserve at Cacdp Corcoran, but 60 of them, becoming imp, cent at their restraint, no off and took part in the fight. liae whole con/parry of the Fire /.."ones was not in the battle at all, so that deducting the nemiter oo farltiogh no this coy; not more than 70ii or Vill were:under fire, sod sal these user 60u have re. ported in ashingion. Wenn erne, July 23.—The Aesietoot Surgeon at die tae treville Hospital ha• just mused here. Ha left Centreville. st Mee o'clock yesterday mooting, nd reports that he left nee hundred end tweohy ter elided midge,. in the hothimil at that plate. H does not believe that more than lour herldred f our men were worteded,nor more than nod bond ed killed. Cap]. t we. of Motored, belonging to the Firm lir Califirell ot Regiment, captured five rebel., and bright I ern in. He •1.0 Mort an Alabama colonel, .ho Trade up to the front of the Connecticut reg.. I meet, an brought in his sash and some Virginia money which was found no h.. person, together with 'a plan of the rebel onlenote. Another authority !Mee that the rebels had re. occupied Fat•fm Court Home, and were wild with eitultntinn, Orel the incase of our tortes. A negro . o s inaterdny fiddling to that lows fur the mum. mu( or aowd M Bncealinnints, acd the rebels had mot nut cr a large number of men aod wagons to remove the rest miswrote to government stores whirls bad been cost ewer by our teamster,. In the Ilona:die orininalite of their d.ght. Thousand. of 1 dupers' worth el army norm have thus fallen into 1 the hands 1,1 the enemy. A r.rottirectit member el Congress, who mated oar' ramp at Centreville on Saturday eight, says ' that Le conv•nred with officers who declared that "there was little hope of arranges the battle to-trimmer?' The Adjemet of tbe German rite regiment, whirl/ handonetely covered the retreat, says that enaM-y stomachs mulled the rimester. Oar men had clothing but dry biscuit to eat en Sunday. Want of proper and soffietent food est:maned them, and left Meet in no trim far fighting. ' The Thuile at Butt's Ram. A gentleman, said by the N. Y. Posi to be a dm. troguished cnixen of Indiana, who was a spectator of life battle at Bull's Run, states that the aingle emie of the panic was the charge of a large body of Manly among the teamster+ and etraggang 4101. then. win were to the rear of oar main finnan, be mein the Rue and Centreville. . This charge Buried the cotton that the army had been over whelmed, and that the enemy was driving in 101 l forte upon the manna Immediately the teamsters cad unarmed soldier' rarbiapread the alarm at Centreville, when the order ' we's glean for a retreat. All the organised comps :lt:SU withdrew in the moat peilect order. When Mel)oviall found that hie reserve was on the retreat Hens too late to counteract the mistake, and he cols:Mind the main holy to tail beck, which it did quieily an in order. The in who had been.fightint all day, without wabir and ithent food, were id • Mali of eomplats eabeuttiee. They would have been called - beck from active service, In a little while, even it the paelo and retreat In their roar had cot muffed. Ile to that tine, a spectator, a a Engltahmae,wbo was present at all the Crimean battles, eagasheir fightieg had been of the most splendid kind. Such chairs as the lure Zoemes sod the Saitynnetb (Irish) regiment made he had not gees at lakerman or 16. Aline. 01 the forme under arms, not a man ffinehed, tram the h egioninA of the battle till the tem°, the retreat.' - itat • &ening Por "Thu mom a-my'pro gr small part • Me. Td patriot the the care to I Railroad , caunnoadln 'lomat Wat track till A molt Hcotl of lb halted, a p on to Fair( road to Ca I •Illbont wagnou wi repoFtrd t hint, until, riding Lem going Agin ' auddenly • coming do on horseha we !Hind a 'double qtir "Mr. Rt horseback 'The Ni 111•11 I MI lingostrairr atom ;Coarscarairro - 0.0.—A • citi. seal of Mestere Virgima, en flute for Indiana with hi, family,.assurca theliarrodsburg Press, of Saturday, that he'PaMed through Cumberland Gap a low day. Mace and found 1,500 troops of Tenses aeeptle and Kentuckians, with a battery of tit field pieces, entrenched min:role* Om side of the line, while 400 troops are encamped on the Ten eluea side. He aye that he was mforrued . at the that these iiribps would soon take up a line old march for Somerset and Crab Orchard, and are odl'y waiting to capture Andy Johnson before they cufixe. Great excitement exists in that portion of thOftate in consequence of the report.—Louisoille $ To Horse Owners. IL /WILT'/ I CULL LIMI • E...•T 908 'lonia% le trilifeied by any; In oil c 4. of Laineniiiii,'irlehgfifim — illarallia,Bialue or Wrench Inir;ite affect-le nianikal and certain. Iderneee or Boddie Sorokin*, Mange, ilia, It ..o core epeedllY. Sneak, end Itlenboue mey be will; {demented end cared to tbalr Incipient sesame, not oorittroted eases ere beyond the letalblllty of • rodaost noire. No la.. thirhind• 1mm0.% • desoorate or bowleg& but It my be silevlated by tide Liniment; end lie baliblad application trill elireys remote ponaueee and enable the none to travel eilth conipem qtrri " " iboe bores Idl bate Oda Itqlttneny owatth. tint apprislioli of tiunsom arm Wally prevent those formklable &seem meatloned, to 'blob nil bores are liable end width render no =soy olio eriehie 'slash% home nearly leorthlee• bee advertlennent. •OrtlydAmPAlt. joinirßwori FOOD.—Attention in called to tbli moot rataaraabla and actantlflo artparatloa.advetnatil iotatkier,colluin., U !Ist ed . tkrolai acnidnOirary, mat na bet btasatticuidecl iritti.inly of the nitatroaa patent .113 .• • of tba day. It ta • arta/a remedy for all di* dl,eYw?padded, end especially than of a ehroato oataria —,pl bong 4andlatcelrrapta, month; and yam. &Mat. Icor ara the oda abliqtrpri o W. f the ttitz:Tronorted Idblbet aboald barbslea salaliclaa ckaat nay of ich "X. M:costatalagnii 10 dal Pacelo olo 0 01. 1 0 of an/ kW, It can Oa MAI upon with th e .tome confidante, and stll be found aa laralaabla specific ha an ewe of lataallbe o*plalutn—Ohio Sat. Journal, oirowbst. 406.1ww, advertbeataaL . Bala p 0,131171. H. gm* 410.1.140 Weed Plttatastait. Ps. daltalltarlial I.IIIIgiuATINO OIL,-20 bbla. Superior Lubrloartaa OM from Dook Omen, warranted rem "awl, remind and la Ltrr vol ic tlit aluix h' 11.2 dettowl aL ESS A D NO. 1 MAtIKEREL—Just 'n•ndvgl trap 80•100.PeibP lb klitatar Weil, ub ta mile by the posed at redbeed prices by —.lmo. RIOS 11A W • 00 lizige lo L'OFTEW--In store and ar, Uvula per Potionhauls Ila Mood, tor oules by WDONAI.D t AIRISUOILLE, ACUN, lIAMS, 81I)ES AND NLIO - 0 - 1 - L- 1 ' Lit 011313-11.10ki sod dry Met imiolte.benuo,qur wb 14 lowest =abet Istea by EbOX PA kiln, brig 503 tabwity stria ,OFFSR-499 - bags Prima- Rio received b.f. tvaidaßaitm.e..as invde br -' - .. ~"~._% COMMERCIAL 1eE(:04:b PITTSBURGH MA It arcs. Eaporta aplocialy for tAe PiVeburo, G. 414.1 Prrrumlyaly. Waa>.:nir, July 21. iSCL JJUkt—We have . material range to not• tt.l. MlM2fff===MMl mom are almost entirely mob-kW to the Went.;st the local lade. The lblloartng are the Wee b 414 Speaks and Whiter Wbrat $1 b tor Mira, SI 8442i5 f r Fatuity and 55,40 for Fancy; 40 .13 yamlly at $0 fot 6:0; TO do at $4.17 for Matra, and 55.754 r :10 at $1 0 1346,2n; :0 do Fancy at ASO. 08005111kb--coutlnuo In falr demand, and Ninos ate dm nod folly malntalsod. 811*. are: 10 libel. N Sugar at No; 10 do do at 8,54c': 7 bhds do at 84—ca.b, bbl. !dolmans to squats) at 37%. 20 do do at Eat- 16 0I do st 265; 1011.1160 s old crop at 31e;30 bags )d. 60 do do at 1618 c. HAOON—Io fair request shlls prlcss remain unstauged. salsa 20000. at 0540 for .boatels... alai ayie for plata . beans, NM do &boulder. et 634 e, and 6 blels alms posit at , /11111—In In4dorrrte rryoret Wat outmoded: sulk of 10 balm No 3 otasterel at 87,1 Na fl de No ft do at re; 15 141 f LAU Lake Ilestiog $2,2u. 011.18 1) 6 d 21016 { — al n u oct o a a a sd ;ale of It boss. foferar it lat 3681 Y m all—all but not bulged; du, t onlea 14 loud& .1 81 0/5 1. N 105- Dl5lllO PESCIIBB-1., fats demand; sale of 74,1 beat gutters at $1,2681 lamb, sod 16 do prima haloes .1 8822. 01TN—Thachau.sel ; We. at depot 660 balk in tO o lots, St VA. ZOO 2—Sataa s bbk at 854:7. EITAIIICII-3.1.5 0110 02 a Woogra at ba /1 ID. Pult:lnewita Cams Maass?, Joly 22 —Aboot 2300 Ileof Cottle were offearao at Patin-pa' yard, thi.trao moi mostly all sold at Isom Si Co SO IL. 100 rot nat. Oa latter forams qualtly,wlitch .. alight What.. .12 quota. Hoot of 1.4 Week. ••• . . Aboot GO (km vary .old at 00 to $W sub to spr'lngers, and $3l. to $lO for COWS and calved. , About 1500 Bop arrived ao &sold, Including 101Iat lin bor. yard, at 434115% for still fad, sod so%®o rot corn du: and 3 - !0 at the :Avontoi kora at $0e..6 the 100 C. root. no malice was brisk, and all &Goad sold. , Of Bheep, some 3,000 were repaid and eeld el 607 c t, Which Le an 'drug* 1111.11.111 Ccm■ Waage,. ;Icily —The Coft. cosi tat 0,1311M1111 galls buoyant la 'feeling, and balder/ gen«r• ally are demanding • advance, ahtle others bra 0 with. drawn theft stake from the market tar We pencil& In the present conditton of the market It Is Millman glee coma gootsdlons, but we Maui that NOMA good total of OW are bold at lIQI6e. The stock if M. One'. to teat bands awl:Pante to about 22,000 0.05. We bare beard of ho gelds of any Importance to note today. Tile weekly ewetsgte of the Bank. of tho city if NN Yolk, oo Nwtorday, July 20, lain , proflent In the switregito the following change. I rum lba pr•vp.exlxlbit of Joly 13: - Itlse;l3t • Docrwass ko ... . - 1(.169,434 tease to thsth awls Inchthlua the Ckeerluphoewo operattesw of the emit. •hlch phew th e lutsewthhuni m between th e bthlts,'Wod °Ludlow also the Slab Treasury statement of raturdey. the fullowtvg le the Rimers! tolluTetwou elth the bibl4 sod Quo w.th the rthweeseut also I ln. Ila.n2ws. July TU. na. Jul, X.130PW,1 1 1. ..... :—.462,7b9,1/00 $60,050,u00 $C.1j,3u7,000 Loesu.------1T5.42114NS 112,08e,104 11.1;445,6, 23,44a.a4 al,anata 113,016,6:10 Catenate:re N,e8.3.G14 8.344 al 1tA99,092 Olnea Depoette-.107,717.216 100.393,6 , 6 /03,204,11•4 rkehangett--.--- t7,45778a 16.091,470 11,308,841 I:lndrawn bi,259,455 91,299,105 84,8136.9 T In at.Treeaosy--. 6,432,13) 6,735 8151 ' Titalhel2 Trix weekly aatement of the A•ltlledelphis Banke'peeeekt the fol lowtog aggregates se competed wah thaw ot ate pre. Clout : Jelly 16. July 2. CupltalStoch..----- 11.610.620 $11,810,650 3296,316 21240 3.11 42,661 .... 7356,1911 7 477,326 Inc 1 7 1,600 Due from Mbar bulk.. 3,345,151 1,1.29234 leo. 115,8.0 Due to other baula_. 2,739320 2,651,735 1n5U2345 D.poalla 16y4,765 16,122676 lucy 01,111 $361,611 2.133,2131 bee:, 20 390 10,4A,Trivr.14ii(ro.Tr'Itifit9v1 Now You . . July 34.—Cotton tun Went aniroiortant; .unidailage 141. Fiona luzsor, tans 12300 bbl., clo.log .t 60 bAren ut.o. 11q, (Aka ft 00@4 91. Wheat bassi; balsa 143,000 bosh; Mc sgo ayring 7040491 G zi , a stk. , duo 9kka 93c„ rod $t Lao' 16. ttiLe 91 Naga 29. Corn vas; 114.390 tuna. Deal buoy.t. Pots heavy, with taiksrs SLIZ 12%. Whisky arm. Sonar In:mynah MostvVado 474 401; root. 111. C;;(4.7; Banana 0y2:.-3i. Cadiz arm: Ulu 110Z1454. Turpsuursa doll at 134.490 A. lloato boos -394 4 i 49 aokk2 76- Btu steady atss46j6 euxqui higher, Chicago! hock Mahn 4254% 1111tOL Con hal 34 allealgan Ihrottrarn 19 N. Y. geom.; 70.1; Bead/sat 37; Iniltraoken I kitsaknippi 13%; Virginia di, 49, Al lawar 6a 49. PHILIOII.II7I, July 2&—)lour qnlet MO U. Gory imouro *mu family pl4l INN SO 00140 I'S. Wheat so de amok 4,000 club old 00 $1 not IN for red sod UNO toon Nt . /.0 for while, I. atom Wlllakey 1634. A New Book of Martyrs Mr. Olmstead, of Nei York, hos puhlished the following The undersigned respectfully solicits au thentic information of every case of outrage and wrong perpetrated by the Eouthartichiv airy upon Northam citizens, and upon c?outh ern men who have suffered on account of An ti-Slavery principles, in order to put Om on record for the information of future generations. Every person who has himself suffered, or who may know of instances of commercial men, teachers, preachers, travelers, young la dies, &c, who have beon hung, or killed in any way, tarred and feathered, ridden on rails or otherwise outraged, v'rith the amount Of Pe cuniary loss incident thereto, togethei with the amount of debts which remain unpaid far th.aast fifty years, is desired to write out and forward to the undersigned an vicariate account thereof, giving , names, dates, locali ties, &c. Let every cotomunican give his name in full, and Post Office address, that the facts, if necessary, may he verified. BOY SOLDIERS AMONG TUE REDELS.—At Camp Boone, in Tennessee a gentleman who visited it reports a sad suicide of a young man of twenty years. Eis father was a devoted Unionist, and admonished his boy that if be took up antllitara, inst his country, he'Vvould disown him forever. But the excitement of rebel war proved so seductive for the hot blooded and imaginative young man, and he joined a rebel company at Camp Boone. A few days only sufficed to dissipate his illosien, and thoughts returned of the dear horde and gray-haired father ho had left, and in the de spondency of the momedt he ended his: camp career by cutting his throat. From' the same camp, the gentleman reporting this case saw two boys borne away, both under fifteetk yeare 'of age, who had been reclaimed by. their rarents. F"' -- 50 1.125. No. 8 lags If aokoml, pew; •; • 100 half bbl L N 0.2 do do; t. IS AIM N0.2d0 do; o. • 43 bbl.. N 1 Wh it. WI; i.' 05E01 Obi& No. I do; 45 bait Obis. tic,. I Lake 11Prrinj4; -: For ale by WATT a wiLtioN. . /2/8 2,8 lAbortriarool. BACON CONSION3IENT.S.- 800 lb.. of namn bOOCI lb.. .1 Btabakbus; WOO Mi. el Mao; • • IA .tote sad yawls. lade by . ArDONALI) A ABALUOISLII, .1.0 1 Wbninwile Ilrobers.YA3 L!tottlyyteeet. NEW CONSIGNMENTS.— 50 box. W. A.M.., new; ~. 5 bola. Ego, to mi.: 156 blob. Cboicn Potato.; . 8..1nd and for s.l• by !FLANK VAN Gonna% I .1,12 . Nn. 114 Pamectftreot. OIL -250 bbls. Roc.,l[oil; 60 Md. Kw 1 Lan! 011; 011 _ In 'tars and tor We by JAB D. &USU.! WIN 1776 No. 83:and TO Wet:atilt:nett. SD UGAR CURED DAMS AND 13 $&F. 21 Unroll.. Davie Cincinnati Sugar Cured lisian: 10 do do Canrsaeol Baez; for sale by KNOX a P ARKLII. ./Yio Cob Libergstnnt: GOViCkiJetNNT JAVA 11011 , 13.4.;—Juist rushed •oply of Priam J 6,3 1:101Y.6, bunt bop sad pip mikuk Yoe tabs by lb. bAit or Mel by JNO.i 11121/313AW. - )ltd cor.LtDerty and 1.51 15 ,1 L8. * 'M t l' " " MA d l O " J W‘l.; 25 Jag tivotwad end far aide Did anIR MILLIR a ntorwrson. INDIA RUBBER !STEAM PACKING, 0111112173 and kQUI.I3II HOPI—Par gals at 01. m tit.lar Most J all. PHILLIP& QUGAIL--100 Mai, N. 0. Sugar, rrumived LI by Ammer Haul Dell, 1¢ store for eue bY• 17 10 111• DONALD t ASH VOLUM, 253 LlVerty CEIdENT.-50 bbls. Hydraulic Cement, kJ Jost mains" and for 11404 jy2o FIENILY IL COUPS: DRY PFACIIES- 2 -25 sacks bright Dry Peachee rceetvect sad Far 11110 by etstiliT IL COLLIN& LEATIIER BELT I NG—oak tanned, of the beat quality, kwala 26 and 93 bt. 131 air Jyl6 J. a IL PILILLIPIR: QDN AND RAIN UMBRELLAS -1-AD kludikehlos prlare,at 11011311111. AU MT& BRANS-2f bum. in stint) as Tv s. .41111. %UMW 0110111:1 LUMBER-150,000,feet Pino Lumber for lia• bT . sn26 GROWN A 111111(PAttues*. eIIiZESE;--130 taxes Extra Create Cut- NJ tiara 11. 01).1414.18. r i RIEU P15A911.E.5.-40 awe rye na".... • I ' II2tNBY 14 ccicians.• R HENRY Ia~IIC 15U bbln. oati. for esla L 1: b 23 - I ,' K. atTancs.l F 1311.— 'packages Whitefish, IlerOng, 2.00 ?net 11:111U14n11. 1., HENRY.EL COLLINS. CatZtlo boxes Cmam ebaegajttstia. mamata L. a. own, s4T Ltartyd. I T AVE LEATHER AND BELT BAJOE JJ Pot ale at 213 sod 23 13t.Ctslr Idned.' •. J. a U. PIF;Lat& .DOTATOICti-;--361Y bus. Rod Pottit4'es teed !MI for **Mb, • ' Je4 . 1111149 u. ClOl.lJlill. VQFFEE.-450 bags Rio . Coffee! Oceiying pt Pitnasylvanlaßahroad,ani fa sole - • • liar! - • •• J&M. PALZt4L 4041§111. nA.TB.-10,000 bulb, for sale by NJ 1710 3. a. 7.104110 . T. • 100. ===l ULOUS-50 Ion Famtly• yu Ilotrf 10i ice/ , ass 4 Yer rd. by ' • • • n army • coLbTitit hi 7 , 1,114•14 I HAYS iii - 064 Ito 7 Mr* YbuYb 1111101 RE.tleoltl4lsts: "tql µea 15.1011.114.1imak to Smoke Roar. awl br sal. by - •V.ll. ttATII 4 CO.. ENEMA IFUEBOLD'S OILIERAIBLIPLIAMUM. -EMILY 0080111THWID Compound Fluid Extract Buck% • PooWry •ad SpedEs Imo& for OPCPARIzt4 OP TILE EILADOICI... KUMPSE. GRAVEL AND DitorsicAL UH ;ATltwri This lisrtintss karma 12s •4 - ss of Digastios, sad ss• Vys_Sts ABr Oa ULM is Iwo hslsltdr tIoS4 whtell . 0 A se) ACS deposLoss. And AU Urs- PA 114 ANL , I NV L L ' AVSITItTs ' Att oto4 • f nad ps Wm. r♦al " Wm. Woman and CLOW ItElailloLD;S IF4XTILACT srlvaefry> imzefen ~ 1 11, Z if Dtanntln , Earls Alit nd with the following lireupweess todioyosttloo to Axertloo. 1... i of Power. Los. of ilmorr. utelonity of Brestenn, Weal NtllrOA. Trembling,. Horror of inu•ant. . Weeelnlnees. Income of 'nom. - Polo In Um Met. Univac...a La... Lula of die If mauler ?wt.. Hot lion,. Meet -c of the Badly. -Drruese of te• FOOL 14 - aril:nu, of the ffOot. Pallid Countenance. Sheen frontons. Ir allowed so eo on, welch als candle:los Inn/1101y fremovefomooo fol/owo Impotency, Fatuity. lip.leinte Fits. ht one of which the Patient mos! Ervire. Who eta UT that they are hot hilettentle renewal b 7 it,... "D/rtlhl Dlaeaseee" Inasulty and Cousomptios." Wee are aware of thous... of their tolterrac. Tilt GECOAOS or TUE INSANE Arlltntre Atd the thrleachely Dpunby o..mmti om tiaQ Aorpto Witness to Na ^rruth of LY haterilota. 111114.101STITLITIUM WWI AMOTED WITH ORVAIVIO WEAKNESS. Ikeatree the aid of medicine to etneerttent sad . Invigorate the outset. Which Elelmbolds Extract Bab toverishly Com • 1114 Win Va.... the Aloe& 'teeniest. PIMA Lra—rtiat ta--rz)! t.,. OLD ON WONG; BILVOLN. bILBILIND. Olt UUNTiIf - PLATING MALEUT.LAU E. • In many At(cations peculiar to iromalaa4 Xmotor of beetle nmeoehed by our othor 11.041 , m in (Atom& or Horontfon. Irmonlornr. Potnfranme or Mrs irate of motor:um rammtiona. Lllcerstad or &Arthur. gat* of toe (horn. toncorrnms ur hit.. Sterility. and (CO ell tomplof nu Ineiden too Memo s ',bother anent from lrellaererlun, teslits of Ulkolostron, or In the DECLINE OR ORANGE OF LIFE. Eoe Erraptoms Ober,. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT 'Mono turn Boleaso.24Crezu . r. or anplavant 11•.11stso for dtaloleasant ivd taagtro. iIEMUULD.I axnuur L )ram, 00.11 SECRET DISEASES In an then. nue. At MU* iiMr411011: Utile or nu amuse In Tikt ; Ale Isurosiver.nne: swit Co 5170.1.1. It enamor a (Stole= destreend Areas etrnisth to Urlueta. thereof . li•mu•lay IJbatsIICUMM . rresenting ant curiae htnetures of the Urethra. Ansrhur rein and lunseuurstron. so frequent In the dam of diseases, sod else Ulric all Potersone. D wand got ow* indr /War.. . . . , . %CEO HAVE LUCK" THE VICTIMS VI QUACKS win rho bare pa ht heavy tee. to be In n abort time, Woe found toe, mere coceivo.land that the "PULAION " ban, he the tube of weerfulastriarecas,' bear dried ap In the Mk., to Went oat lo en aggravated fort, end • • mbethar axis Um, OUGAISTS, ',Di. whatever .10.60 Oligi natio,. and DO MOAN' 01 i1u\v1.051.4 Dlalaore of these arises rennin/ the aid& s Dinar/10. 'Asia:A./3,IMA Aia tract llstehu As the Great Dleiretla. And ls certain to bete the dendnal Ghat In alr Maar. Per a, Welt It le littoral =curled. Llddence 01 Om meat ruin ant rzepoluribto [harem. will eceemptar the medicine. 'ClikaliA4ll . l4d OF COR29 ' • Frtan a to au peen Stiladdat With names known to • AcisriCe alar r 1 rtL 2 . 1100 $1 Per battler .or alz.for Centered be NW Marne serrinrit packed frosibbrienstke. Letilllll22 antrTusta 10 ALI. OilithitralitArltnta . . Guess Guaranteed t Advice Grails! I • • arriltatit. , • Pence:mile appeared before me. im ALiormeo of the at? • f Pbfade'Plla. tt. T. eistarsoLo. who Woe duly room. dolt. my We ereaaretfoo mamma oo nereotte. no memory. Or other tmurtov d tom but are Purely vegetable. 11. T. 71 SOLD.. Krona and subaesibel before me, 16la 33d d of Nov= bar. itls4 W. V. MIMS= aldarmno. tflo , h .treat. .bun inert. ihtladelottta Addreee Tattoo for Infornualon Ist oonfolenoe to H. T.,11 61,15180 M Chemist. - Dern, 104 tic... Ufa Tenth at. below Chestnut. Ittltr BFVITAILE COlEletTlfailiMOTAl, r•D Ut.ral Neff,. ED lICALLLip • Rho et:Weever to diet.. - 01 their Own" sod "otiorsod Se ttee.- oo the AVlAltattOrt attaloed by li•antne Preoustloat, do do Jlotract. itacad. do dd do. rarsapartll., do do . ilZ101:11 , 11.1 XOOll With, &MD .131 BEOKHAM Be KELLY, Asdalt Druggists iiverys; biro. Ask far Huttobold's. Tat Do utbior. Cutout itissiirartletuieut and gena2 far ft. avoid iiripoiatiou .4 esougure. nitlr I.I.ENZIN.E.--Fur. removing Paint, lirease .1) spoca, cleaning Glocca, aMama, DRVILARtiIa POW DEZ—Fa - t 1 reutoval or arpolatton. La, ALEXIA oP P KAU %lAN BAKA—The 'rood agreasbla sad ..c.ctual Tonle yet d mgcovert4. . B RUING LI AWE ONO L" 1.114T-16,r F:luring a thkk and t , mai by growth of War. • LIIOOHIMON'9 ft CATOONATE OV KOLA PILLS—T 14}1.004.flering Irma Acidity of the Ntom.c Sls Invelesnto.' • Ti.o &Lure, ctrie everythlrg nsW awl rahrAllo In the Drag and Medicine nor, for We ty and De.lar la plows SPRING GOODS I WE ARE .NOW RECEIVING A CHOICE AND 8 MS= BZOO6. 0/ 4.11.*Dd for or r PPEING BALM 100,1' have treen.arlectod oral. more L.hos =cal ON, and lee tc-Itldaat. tbst to tbio PICO11110:111S OP .VAIERLO .41/1D 1127T1.2 • tb.e IA 1k illirAixl AMY tit1434.1X tZko kind net" betemopecedick this clip, and mould Frepecttully whet to wetly tram our ',oxeye end the puha% to *wok* the Samuel Gray & Son, DIRROTIANT TAILORS, BT. LOUIS ZIOTEIXEJ OLIESTABI`STRET, ABOVE TiLED, la the Immediate height...hood of the Jobbing Ileum on ilesket., Third tad Chestnut Ungar. Om /Wien P.st Mos. itershant . Yuhtno, &a, dm • • Board per Day, $l. 50." when required on as X 1113.0 PRAM PL •N. Awn,. frets 60 mut sod upwards. per day. and Heys at a in. Ci.tas ZUT1111.11X? .24C1111D 111 Ta• llo• Prices ararrdiagr to the Ally e./.lhrs. • Th• City Carr take Poiseslgors Oros .a• 7 Slattom TO or CLUNG TO toLotrl. rfar lingltab, roach, Goma •aa OPoOI RokilL Jrl7.6m L=II=::IMM=ZM=I JAMS C. • GATT; - Corner of Penn and St. Clair staro Respectfully lueltse pall etteettoo to MI new reek of t3PItING 1300 DR, ctsoptisteg KR the newest ibis abaft. IntiehteJ3sterial adapted to 01114LX1111.111:1Y/LIB,eollo• lass au early CM I, mad trttellsug:hz bit utility to exhibit to thou leverhig Mot .tth the situ Bork of our goods equal:to any Wads city, ‘Rboatioesst to Rut *id of semi. 50h117..1e GENSIIN TAU6I: AND Sllllll6 . Corner Sixth and ' Wood dtreeta. BANK OP RISCOUIIT AND DAPOSIT. 613.00.000. • EITOCIMLDEBII . INDITMVA..tLy 'LI/MX • • Ailol7B2ll' 5 I.IOIVALZA, tariaa. • Rainer aobagtt, Adaro Itelnelosa. E. H. Alms, Jana% LAZA • .1. Y DaTokoice, Chrtatlaa Olebert.' • Anchovy Pryer. A. Promadleld DISCO on- zrzar DAT. mita, . Jana _arzwimr, Cuttlea 11ATti Aril) VA - Ph, STRAW GOODS, LATIBT SPILItiO iftodietarare:ans Dsk*a:W bde~Y tolag 131: Wood et, Thdtabingtt.- , .ocaspaz-sziess . T-1r rzr , :PaiS 21 4 ' ay Pips. MARA.Ir a t anto "rfaw.— Trs WELL: KNOWN -FIRST , OLASO tunaL 4111 to °taped Sar the reception of cart% an THUIIIIDAV,./171 , 11 Wet. Nord 12 per day or $l3 par witFrf Triompsoll.ftnnutom /01114AY .ORAT atii's36nFnii3rsta3.— • iamts. snips, lisitulounuas, St- wzr The atpaio nee of arellaaarnolthttow of tab Caalfmlauf- IA gar fa prose that 11XELV8 MAGNETIC OIL la the smut effectual reMeolf yet Otaveared - fur. a. am of .B Tata, Cocia . luotaa, - Borns; buff :dole; s , autstgla; ace' kluda of seguake dilemma All other Lfulsoosto Ea Pala *foam aro to emeparbou Inalalata, Nokt 1.7 Allyulpe e ta• onloN zciratercrs. soa - - lamphOold attd EourrEata. hulf-bblet.Whita Fielrenlifiak= • ' ' 1719 - 7b Front dneuna 911 Wear sre: LL-30 bbls, &et quality Carbon 011; O • Thld d or melted and la dale bir_ • ' - ' ,FLAIslb--Bi_bagS_White Bops for isle 2- --";•.::'?" - N. IL iLIVIIISiA2-03. BLIT AWNS WILL conts.n. ==l=2 MALE OIL FKAILAL.E4 In=ll SIMON JOHNETON, Drugs Lit, torn, Pmlt64oll and /north ots. otdosa,:sa ircll cr. 831rnoss Of Prime 1=1:= BONNETS, &e. Sc. MORD t CO, ORNY sonninitralwori • , •