MORNING: - JULY ^24 Impresameit. - 9 he rebehrare - evidently beginning to de. span. Intliciffreiky they are impressing in t; their ranks; in . many counties of Eastern Virginia, all citizens between the ages of nigh-, • teen and forty-five. This conscription sweeps into the army loyalistand rebel, compelling men to tight the Government of their choice, ;.. no matter how revolting it may be to their f. feelings.. By just. such means as this they have lug `. _.merited their armies until the aggregate of - these in the Old Dominion amounts on paper :to one hundred and eighty thousand men ; such it 'least is the tenor of advices recently - received from headguartere. Meantime, the people of Loudon and. Fairfax counties are es _capitig in hundreds to the woods and across the:NG:mime, in order to avoid the guilt and fate of those who have given—way. before the falsehood or violence of the secessionists. - Let reverses; however, befall the rebel hosts, and it will be seen how much reliance can be placed upon bodies of men who have been . forced into their service. • Asir Isysnrross —The Wir and Navy Pepsitments are overrun with partuts with new war weapons and inventions pertaining to the army and navy. One man has a new projectile; wttose destructive merits are said to be beyond anything conceivable hitherto brought out; another" presents an army tent, capable; almost, of holding all out doors, and of being Packed email enough •to carry in a pocket; another exhibits an army trunk, of smell ante, which, when opened, is converted into tebedatesd with bed and bedding, mos quito canopy, cup, saucer, plate, knife, fork— in fact, a dining table and all the dinner area ails ; half a dozen others present forconsider- Mich hospital beds, soft and downy ; while as if all these . . failed to save the poor soldier, a legion'of others fill op the rear with anibulLa ces;viammted to carry the dead twelve at a time, which, as a matter of comfort, are each to occupy 41 ,, aeparsto apartment. Each of these, and a thousand other invaluable articles, are backed up by a bulky batch of certificates of utility. But the 1 / a partments ate slow to appreciate their respective merits, much to the dorappomturent of competitors. Perfecting the - Blockade The wonderful energy and rare buziness abil ty which bus distinguished the War Depart meat Of our government since the fall of Sum ter is about to be emulated by our naval au thorities, who are now aroused to a fell sense of the dangers to our commerce by the dep. redutions of the rebel' privateers Naval offi cers ere now in this city and Philadelphia, char tering Steamers and fleet clipper ships to be need for blockading and coastguard purposes. Over one hundred and fifty merchant vessels, steamers and tug boats are already in the ser vice of the government, and this number will be largely added to daring the coming month. Before the time arrives for moving the great southein cotton crop, one of , the most efficient blockadts the world has ever seen will be in orce along the whole Atlantic and golf coasts, front Norfolk to Galvestom—[N. Y. World. GOirRIINXISHT agents are already at work in the great Atlantic seaports, inspecting vessels preparatory to chartering those which are suitable for the sea militia. With reasonable diligetice we may expect-to see a fleet of fifty steamers, brigs, and schooners put to sea in two weeks for blockade service and the Pur suit of privateers. With such an auxiliary wo need not apprehend mischief from Jeff. Davia's letters:of marque ' nor give ourselves mush uneasiness about the blockade. But before a week is over the star g& steam era ought to be-out, or we may wake up some fine morning to find that the California treas ure ship has been carried off by the Confeder ate baccaneees.—[N. Y. Trib. AN American gentleman, who has resided in France the past three years, writes . *amp Bonaparte told me the other day 11 one day at dinner, Mr. Faulkner, th e Anuniaari Minister, .said to her, "Madame, many of us ardently wish to see your grand son 'our Emperor.' Respect for the gentle man at whom table she was dining, alone pre vented her (torn saying alodd, 'Mr. Faulkner, although his family has seen evil days, al though one member of it was a bigamist, and another rogue, yet, thank God, it has never yet lad a traitor.' " xiciwics . • • NEW SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINES, Are idiptat to all kW* or TAMMY 6614160. worth= *qua( 4.6 sul the Magus nad hewn !MTh., tuakizw• the : . - LOCK STITCH -SEAM-7 • alike on bAlialdev.mhteb 1.16211 NOT Bit IinVIILID OR PULLID OUT. And tox II *Aortas. /Ibid. 'Walla*. Clatter Mime 11. ad etrce Hlmllar these Imre no Kaput.. Ca and me them et 46 Fifth strect,•or Matra W. R. LASCELL. Oo‘ach Factory. OdRR & DUNOAN, AtracIMACIIIRERS of COACIIES,CAIi lIISOM, O.IINUMISSM, BASOLICHM. BUGGIES, hi:ILIUM mid arms° waoovs. of creeedmeriptiou. wa employ the Eat weelmas sad me to. k. material be o.d' a the country. Particular Menai= paid to Ss PALMING. New Workalwaye on haad,M. •- • No. 1 SI. Clail arms. jy121:11, SCAl,625.—The undersign: ed Itsving Leen appointed &J. Agent for Wawa., Pennsylvaut• tar tglilltAtialle BTANDARD WALLS, deaala tL vatatceatary to enter foto any extended wake ea their matitr, as they hare mod tist test of thirty yew. The no - Ulnas anabracs• um• thirty eartattaa, so aftdcal . wiling two . gold dollar to • lottotaauve caa pg. velem& ray sale at asanntactorarr, prism. PRWEMZII ONE cBK LOAD POTATOES LN STOLLE AND YQ& SALE DT JOUN IL CitilL6l.o & CO., CARPET tiROORS—Jubt receincre freak r o t o t No. I Carp. Brooms, Eastern mat.: taw. lb* bar sod Illckory Split Scrubbing Brooms, kr sale al Ms lamuy Gromry /Nor. of JOHN a. unusuAw, Jab Cory Marti and Band stmts. DEAtnires—so , bus. prime Dry Pesehea .11. In Was end for Iftle by '147 L. O. GFLA/N. Llbaty argot. LW OIL .BABRELS-60 eight hoop genes One dn. by no, MAI A{l MCA ler • 1.. SAL Nolo. Extra No. 1 dolt, . for wk. by WATT A WHAM zny2 2ea Gloat, SLIS AND COTTON SUN UMBRELLAS at 11019/11'n Tlttllnuto 6101171, /7 6 ' T 7 71.2704 attvel. POTATPOTATOES -450 bus. White Pitik.Z3e3 - OES-`LSOfn {nod coaddlob;rowiled and kw ..1. by _ J. S. LIGGETI' .1 GO., • Wator .ad 92 /rapt strum MIL LAKE lr'ldkl -100 ball M4N0.1 Whit. Nth; tO. do -do Lake Honing. In =would for a* 10.1511/Altl, 41T Liberty ACON 13110OLDISSA.-14 hit& of Cin amstj =MN on ouodir3witibrikVrosiim, 60.12 Noarthstnotomar übmi. A 14 1191tiZEDBY1116 WAR PSY.&Et3:- 411•LIII T—lastrootionv In./ash! Artllltry. ?.pond D).•• • .1 Astlllary Moan la I vol. . • KAT 00.111Wcod - DBODUG I lbs; • des and /Would la stoni and for ode by ORRITIIit • DILWORTH, • tarn lda 130 and 233 becood street- POTATOX' I tible. White Pink Eyes rarolrul and for sal by J. B. 1.100.12 T a OD, WoLor sad 22 Brouillar. fILTAISSE.--.50 boz> ' • A... . 11..) bend sad Wags by 'VAN Chinni, Ifle llt frabobtstma. 5 0, - .1 NEW JUST POBLISU D Z— raw exam wAND:Matr I A, KAY £OO .W OWSVILLIC. LIDIZ-200 bbls., s\ rime LAI &rack , . far rM bt *J. B. CLAttniam t .: I pp, : agar murmur! to Ono} 188 solo by 85,19 WV DYlls A al. No. 825 LtbAlB DETKOLZUM.-300 bbla. (held° Kook 011, WWl* fur rarlos, Irk stow rad fatale by mrSID DriLZIILL .6 belt. U 01111NY-100 bble. in store and. for sale .11. LS; Mr" MUNN & 0017121' Td OIL OLOTIIeIt--24 large 'apply of dlfliment otaskod styles, fur cafe et 78 sod 2 , 11 lit.ekte street.:: • JeIN 1. • A. PRILLI.Ra LAKE ERIE WHIT& -Fp:AI-100 half bbli to nevi, for nl• by - T~l illaLH MUT & On. COUOA NUTS -- 2000 fresh Cocos Nuts just . riled far We by MIMI it B$OlllMl4 aff MI nod 113 Rood ..ts by wm Humor U. COLLIN& OAT 6-500 bug. Vats to arrive end fur ettle R. /LOYD It 00 1.013/1-100.bblo , 'Sx. Funny blowing! for ah by mow 4.00LL111111. pielT6—Z3 etlakl now-writing fin 18111Alit PICIZZY AVO 111411 L FNIM-;I6U racki 'iv:aired and for : _Pa • ..J.B.LIOCIETI . • CO. SAT LI Cii..l-Novi arriving and to Saliva tar see , • ,ar.V. la a Tait Dialtalt a na. _ _ • CIL WORK C0t.E.11.10 2LISI Zr - AT cost 0. no aNxivralnsitibo SMAIL EAU-3W pioa I,cad lei-vale by .- J4I':.,LIAPST UMW. !Dr: Wholesalq:Druggist, MEDICINE DB.S.LEIE. No. 140 Wood dtrest, Plttabusgb,i - Pa. • TRUSSES FOR TUN CtOF I.ERNJA Pdandes Radical Cure Tram. Ritter's &teat Tram Fitch's Supporter Truss. Self Adjusting Trutt& Dr. Banning's Lace or Body brads, for the Don of Pro Lap.. Uteri, PLs, Ab.losninal and Aptual Weaktivisr. Dr. S. S. Fitch's Silver-Plated Supporter.; Pile Props,Tor the Rapport and cure of piles. Elastic Stockings, for weak and varicose vain'. Elaatio Daps, for weak knee joints. Ankle Supporters, fu; weak ankle joints. tikuiperisog Bandageo. Selfljeeting Syringes; also, every'l4o of Syringes. Da. KIMIJIR has also a . lrues which will radi cally cure Ilenda'or Rapture. • Office at his Drag Store, No. 140 Wood et., sign of the Golden.tdortar. DL 8111102 Proierfbee in CINC•01 0 kIItUNIO mazissa wd bar II otruutoit.i far D/AINDSS ied &moat Ivory IMMO* MCI" log ow-bazar:al oapport; ant,vArnossrmay rn• sLgarao tiaoxerid MA 01111114 for soadkal Names, of • vary ramie.. kizol, Intl Os *oat trawl ozpnmom olarms. Uharenrs.a Ixlmorr...i. upon 4 r000lltano• of Too Ddlaso. Addreer. 611 , 111.11. o. 140 Wood otOot.„ Plitobtrgb, PirANOTLItIt DUMB BY DR. SCOP.IICIB.-1 called on Dr. &beast some Um ageln one ol Ws visits to Pittabotgh, at the office ol Dr. li.i.t•er, No. 110 Wodd Ito Ile waa @omitting potent. wtila Dios Mom. One u l m 7 bongo add the bronchial tub. wets !onion to be bartili di. maid. Oftentimes when I toughed t espactoi•tral hlood uid utaticr in large quantaloa. 1 had night swam and • groat cough, and was gitatly dabilitattal. Dr. Schenck prescrieml to toe hi. .IhnOtonto /300114".daawaid Til*W' and ...Lonna...2 Plus,. and after taking them otot Mouth I boor es tar recoverad that 1 do not orpit any inure blond or mutt, and Dui cough Bab hearty Belt me. !lira in Co. luntbiana county, Unity townatitp, Ohio, where I atri,Well knows. You may publiah this 11 yoi wish. Pittsburgh, Aosta; =,11550. ' /TWIN Kohn. N. B. Since awe:woe was written, b 1 r. Both has entirely rteureroil, and caution. well, hoeing resolutad him aortal health. StO - I, WILLIsm W. ALXIANDtk, reaidini on fine alien. Allegheny city, do hereby ;certify that /Imre been a adierer from severe comb and - vain In the Maas' t for about eight years. Dozing the whole of this tiara bars had ritual debility end demeadoe of sprite I Iliad every antrum I could bear ef, but nothing took hold of my dams. I beard of Jactor gamut's 'Unman! firellr," bat knowlog no one praonelly that ft had curate / bid no wmfldakce in It. In April, MO, I took • severe cold ac ccentianled with a violent cough, difficulty of reepire.tlon and night nue* which ao prottotted ins that I was ion! Anal to toy room for two mouth.. Several of my friends who called to am aturpokit in Very high praise, ea they knew whet It had done. ley proetuded oonditlia discouraged me molideadoly, and made air my . mind to waste ea more money for doctors or toed tine; but would aka the theorem, lire 'or dle, es I imitate aong net that I het completely discouraged. !framer, Oiler mediae ...rid arimathieunute io the•Pittabargh•Manta' felt lodurni to jr t. Dr.Schimet'auredielne• Oar trhdi and now, wearly tad ruin Varaards, I am In good be= Wang Inte then an dotter.' worth of Dr. tichikuck nook I anbeiltatingly mate that It ha mad..M.4ot cure of me. —I am • well matiotad I.ttriooa my good health mid vigor of conalltorloo entirely to Dr. Schmuck'. oteo-Ichaa 1 eolOy better Width to day. Web. 4th.1561, the. I - have done foi tereuty pima pat. It pima. tone the Talc. or Dr. SebeneVe lueetimeble romillok they would an bed We to all on Otto to Me viola to Ina plane IWI like advising *very pram to cell on him, at I beeithe Moue& mulatto. in his tonlicaneu Any pram waking to know the feet. a hare eared me call co toe at my Mare of Maine., et Wm. a. robes.. audwths, le mi. eity,iir at my resideoc., Ann at,..!. Allegheny city. Dr, Schanck'. kialiebore era cold by *stotng Matt Ines GROVER & BAKER'S SEWING MACHINES, =E! PRICI6B nabtialtD TOR TUR 146XT TIAIIII. PAIC33 PROM ,g4* TO SIM IwaL.tr3=eXlsT Ca. .W...EINVIA l I•CREASED FACILITIES FOB. MANU- G;trrtolt,audthecnrtallmentet Moot= expire. ootrrequent upols I went Scala:met the Dolled atereaCoart, effirsoLati the tradtry of tee Wronger t Voter lawapentre Pewele, esiahlr tble move., to famish their armies N. chime, with bapurtarkt waprovrtram tr. et OttiaTLlt 'MOND PitiCta. Tateuperiorltr at three lawatala aw family twe awl far maaufretcrarr. to O. mom Ir." , .4 purpore sad grants!, Is etteetr4 ay the toss of [homer. ashy' thew Awl lbw groarrete warm* which therm now into plane theta wrthiu the reach of wad planet. W escrihe for tamper's:tit with threw inferior...4km pilard merbtsterwatch fame etto mach prejodkett the seminar.* chine torderm. Beery werStrit eold by we Is WARRANTED FOR THREE YEARS We also eve loetroctkots, tree uf ettargs. to porrhoors to ensble two wiles% ►.ll, Goober TocX *ad Staraldaz. Wien tits set. owbird, Airelnaba. ran boo .d at oar atNp., fr. tbarpi t by applyingaltber pep.. or by mall. N. 8.--/Nrwisa War Maya, tiewilea, PIM Taiat, Oriyoa ale, a:mescal, ua band. NU. 19 'lntl eruzar,ecreanonan WHEELER & WILSON! ' SEWING MACHINE! No. 27, STAIR; Ptrroatmoo. P 41.1136 OP 18601 LI. de WI LIESCSST iwarded the Pin% Premium at the United States Fair; MEME!MI Kentucky State Fair; Tetuteesee State fair; New Jersey State Pair; Vermont State Fair: Chico hlecitianics' Institute; Louisville Mechanic? Institute; Cincinnati MeOttani& Institute; Allegheny County Fair, Piitabargb, onA caw Canty "Wm tOOO ouro.moo to mention.. WE olio to the public WHEELER & WILAON'S thIPROVOD binVItICI macaw, AT MXDOCID MOO. Irlib 100 cuulldooco lu It. merlin as the boot awl mart nhabho Fatally Solriug Medan* mmlo ant. *Ms oisal. Iy trail oar ltko • hickAst .od alma fabrics, make. Its toct• KWh Impoutibl• to annul, with 16. emeutlal tidtuttraw of being attka on both aidewforsoing as Moor chain re the. antler eld•—ta t4mpld In construction, roots trek* is goommoot, God mote doniblo Um say Other eisChlaw, W. airy follAnatntakma to .nat. Mir purchaser to law orttinar7 teams, wadi, boa, fall, quilt, What; OW anti Nick, all on the aims Marais" and warrant Whir three ran: throulant„montaining tottnxiontala from lallas albs high. en standing. laat and Well, giving price., La, iltlll be Mr. niahad gram, oh N, KOMI= 10 porous or DE {otter. (. Bowitig Moak. Ihdadleadillk, Twist, °Ott= lan Oa cow on band. mykirdifirT DOLL/1/111 MAILVIOIOB SALEM, No. 65 Fourth btroot. 0 Im.l so OPIN DAILY ETIOAS -9 TO 2 OVLOOIC, groat Widnesd ymn! liattualay arstaiige, from Hat trot to blonraitor trsk knit 71. • terlarki krat iika ferntrit fist to Illar&A from* to o'clock. Deposits , retelvid bf sfl amoa Atl hs $b&D an* Dean. WI • illtkletirr or thil walla &Wand lark+ p Mitts Ituto sad ilectisabst. LOSS* hal tow deslarstriasolks4 amity, la Sim and' inossoksti, shies tbs. Dank try area. lard, at th• rats ial - per mt. • pan ' • Worst, Lino& A m on Oak bpi:mai to tit• er•dit tba , ll. Online MI prinalpal i atettbass the arts•lat•rarttrom Molina /lays otlitris awl Dsternber,easiporntdisz Mass year Tills ant troubling tin dm:roam boal or son to proo• paw toot. At this ray assess tot &mins la Ins thartl.l pas, snaking I•tlat surosata re man num main :Rcessossiansidit.satisrasti 1.1,y, mi. s a d h a * idioms tanditail vst.thon dam itaitgent—lllo.ll2l ALBS= Win= 7. Asians. Amai D. D. Lo - D o t M fluorin. Dim D. Pefuso. Djanak. L. ishaencaL A. M. Poikk, Dt. D. , Rqpinati Lieptreun, Easzt Robb, Jima Llrdmon, .lAtein IMO*, : A1a.u1313.1111. 'ING 01:1111CtiE 113 LO Jk CO, ltnt otraort. Alszauder Bradlily, Jam U. Sacludso, Georg, Piaci', • John a OnatlOA, .Alonao A. Wrier. Charlie A.Ooltr.m. - Wallin Douglsm, lotus koala, oleo I.loluoo, • Clam, Pe r H. Banker, 11 " • 11 .Trolr. unt Vresstrr 1j NGLIBII-BSKAGE CRE4P... XtrIIINITDIINNUDI anise. , H . - . NOZANDIMge COUP, ' • - ' 1.. - : 41.0ENNO1 NDDITINGALII4 0111 AP. ; ELL. AND BRIT DRUM DUI DMICNINIUDDOO.ISI POM 0103-5 loads of No. 1 quality kg (ta snit.) by - ' 6.11. Wa.1417 Marty an* NI I N WALL PA' • A Taper for w The iltsec for We by YY HARMIrALL, m 125 M Irma .I=4, SU • • ' ...Yes o. ,• 23 •do \ artrslsrgai ID aeon and for 2313 by 3122ti11t tintoresna. .1.14 . • • Nat 125 mod Wpatarro2 DIXIVIT9E3-1 ear prime Illinois ashen- A. ooc totatnaa Just nocalvsd and Inn ado ' "I:KILF enieste Jan No.= Liberty ACON-2,000 lbs. Clams, Sides and Silo • Is flora and far odroltt Id ZAMA & oorrut., LUEE.-7 t iLbblo. Extra for oak by lalo 1110111.7 tr. tinctimi. YGGP-50 bble. Golden=in Mare old int lab by US. 1101 V OR RUPTURR. DH OKORGII U. lIIIPAT.K. Iw Waxl ng. CIIATONEY .t WALTER =!! Ohio State Fair; ws. amearini. John 8. Pew it.'itattets, John U. Wee, Jew WA. Jabs Ilatsh4l,• Waller li . .lionttelt. lately L RiteMit; Jobts U. hhoetbatite, Altesn Spew, • Willem ew Lb:haute, lose Whittle., , Mestizo Ytegw.... • ZEES .1.4.006r0N., IMMME M=M "0 affirAß'S" Vermin Este:mil:Liters! 4 0N LT INFALLIBLE REMEDIES RNOWN,. Dsistroy lasts*"ly %VERY "ORM AND SPNOISB or VERMIN.i Than pniparAtions Matto all others) us `Wee from !oboes," 'Not dooproos to th* human lantly." •6.r. mato oat of thslt balm to 01.• ILI TILLS igul more agablbitted In New Took city. Used Oily Post Office Uted 6y—the City Primus and Station /louses Used bp--City Steamers, Ships, &o. Used by—the City Hospitals, Aim Houses, Ste Used 6y—the City Hotels "Astor," ''Bt Nicholas," Em —the Boarding Houses, &o. Oto Ufa by-more than 60,000 Private Families. AV' See what the People t press and Dealers say lIEDRY R. COST ‘ll3.—kli toe mercer 1 barb beau troubled with Itoeoltee Lod Wm. 1 Imo armed! orb mud or the boa.. for the tor tore 14.7.b.r. Prralreeell w ° : box Oi to Itrburmlustor an& toed It., arid to ore week thus Om sot a Youth or tdceree.te the house. Jorrd B. (item. 80. Ham Iltreet. lIOUSZKILEPEBB—troubIed with Ternfa reed be as nu tome. It they we "Cabrera" Itxterrmlnatori—We I 4 weed It to our extlatictloe. and tax mat E. ene would have It. We lad tyled phloem, but they effected no. tats; but (fortea% article knock. t be breath out of TWA. btka and Pad quicker thee we eau mite It. It I. stet d.m►od al. corer the ocuotey.—Mattua KA) Gomm 1101313: ORAL.. and prodaktoa anfdadlopfat annando ta Want Uountr bo warmax, than von:d ow tendon. of this NM and Lama 11.111ar.—Leacastop. (WI.) Erma. REFRY fl. COSTAR—your Craffsolnator b xa• mind, naed, and t r i oaonneed • deeded :aroma Ws used • borer tt, sod way *ha asta and Men annual -oar pt. Wan ^ ndafd Clad that Wont area aanidon to annum tile.. Mad a I. • Ltd or Mayor to. boa hand fa knob. or ddttar.' 4l dff.fOO flown) 1 tow. 1 HAVE BEER SICLLISQ—Yoar latAnststatm tot the last mt. eott hats tousd 0 a nere abst Uma • 1 have giOt Imo.lll to tail inA steel. lostasos. - 01teltes Hat, Dnurgin. Oardlostoa. 0. WIG ARE onsuratima rapldlr. Whemarther have bah and. Mita. Mak Balictur. hall V...1.111.•Pr0ar Imaadalas. _Sam a mamma Druggists. N. hl4. To Putroy—ltoto, Rosobse, &A 7, Destroy—Mioe, Moles, de. To Destroy—Bed Bugs To Deaboy---Moths, Pies., Lou,e kn. To Dansoy—Bloequitoes. T. Datroy—looesta on Plants and Fowls To Dastroy—Lasesis on Animals, ao. tte To Destroy—Eng forto.sod /peaks of Ver min. EMEZ3 Coaxes" Bat e Roach, &o. Exterminator •Costar'." Bed-bog Exterminator Costar's" 131eares Powder for Insects , I C. Me. Asp 11,11 , Beim games 4.1. tuna U MAD p pm rot ruNTATtelita. Nun. Doan, lionna.&a. JIM" z U Enerywher•—by Wholakals Argenia In Pow York Cityl rbielrello Arab.. & Co. Hurst Wales & KlSehe. A A. Vahsostoek. Noll & Ow Bush. 0 sle & *Wm. A. B. & V. S.& & Sku M. WAAL Ober & 00. Orbseteer & Hart. Malmo & lobblos. D V. fiszoos & Co. 1 1 7 . 7a11. Noel U sh ° oo. V. 0. Wells & 00. s t roller. (molls, Ilona & Dudes,. P.D. On. 11•11.Dr000 at Co. Postal& rata & Slower. Most lio. Malin & Btottird. Connol Vol. Philadelphia, Pa T. W. Pro & eonr. j Robot Shan:oaks & Y.l. Pahno&ock & 00. Trytuth: Slchards & 00. ASO OTUrIII. Boston. Ma 4 P_oo. 0, Goodwin & ON & MUT. IL I. Nett &Oa. au& Wilma. Jr. AU the principal Cities and Towns in the United States PITTSBURGH, PA:, B. L. Faliliestmk & Co., Principal Wholesale and Retail aamra AT PIITEDITROIL Lad by Inman% Gloom ara pumtly,l3 IlgragrmaY Duane can ardor Y bbov% Or eddrear ordirs dlreet—(or If Prkes, Tame. ha Us &end. Mend lee Otreolsr to Dosloroj—to HEINEtY B. COBIAB, OWAL DINO; 8.619 bloscrey,(appowa the et VW- ititicaancous: Oard to the Pablic. Tips avooeut of tiJaiy Loo teal mo.o, r.kjal e ao.Vect el said cuoplatz. le itXuNtial.4 . , awl u I. triers. lore 1.1 the otiroat sloroortaoco that • 'stria al.faLloa 14 lot haes and 'meet Ishii:, timid,. Owen., ehocid I.e bath for dtscaam oil the Wit inrsmcsniy attics the =lnd. Jf,JY• VAT% YLGISTAIiILk LIMN IIIt,DICINCS, in ever, lustXnue where they have been lb roughly need. have Till UltlFllltti °VIM DISEASE In alroott all its diversified tuna.s. The Watery erects of the Lift , Abeliclues-have.ln Nut., heel: vio universally experienced, that they have heroine fully eal.ab. limbed no the must ratty, mate and peal ructle of crestaieut neer uttered ft, the Wll.. I'HESE MEDICINES Have now been before the public fora perjud of 30 YEARS, and during that time have main tained a matt CHARM:TER in almmit xvgav PEET or TUE GLOBE fur the extraordinary enr ative pronehien which they Nevem. IN MANY THOUSANDS of articled Inatome., th•y bays area lIJCIATIAD 00/1 , 11111111 from She very me. 41 AN Ullillllll outs, alter alfdbe deceptive sacrum. of the day havulnyariably rauxa. jbe gnat, indeed, has their efficacy Invariably sod lufalliedy proved. that It hes appestat warcelY len than ruiraidons to thaw who were acquainted with the beautifully Phlla eophial principles npon whktt they are compoUnded, and upon which they coneequently .et. It was to their }nand. feet and mantle action in purifying the eprlngs and chart tale of Übe and enduing them with renewed toss and Tiger, that they terra indebted for their name. 1110FFAT'S LIFE PILLS!!! Arc composed of VLGETABLI Isass.Dull7B 1.1- 0.0811. Y, es ran be mcertalsed by cuntioux testa, Their prominent qualities are those of an active and marchfug, though perfectly mild and agreeable detetgent sperieni of • gentle soponficommeting the Inerumble perspiration:: of • pleasant dieseUc, Invigorating the lidueye and blad d er, and of a delightful lento cimilao, exclUttg appetite by tin derustid• of active digestion, nod theerlog the mind; with that grateful ammo of renovated health snarl I. owl of Os DMA. folk-110u feelings of oar nature. THE PH(ENIX BIrfERS!!! fi., eetrumlusted Men weir tatuuleirlng puvrer of ereetfug DOM We audedreugth, as It were loon lire very Relate el (be hart dlloplistal cereclintioes--ore were strongly I,rlie sod were ltunrerlstely Invigorating than the Prller cot, talbrug the gams choke vegetable extracts am the lareqh., • differeut mediation. Although really leee te.thart In tliet, l a true Lllrli l'Eras e they uteenheleae be la to cleace. , the eli mental, camp C.l LI Ch .weer prune ly ellxLrly ;Nu Itriug within three ur leer bonze, auJ i,rii. dug a , iichi.ll iretlee of relief to the Bead sod Ei..mula; sod exhllcreticir {he Blind, urea le Its. Mau Llasu tills , bIOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS 11l In MUMIons °echo Item!. sick Ileaclnaba Or Nervous Headache, these PUI. wLII be toWld to possess Um moat salutary ealcaey• MOFFAT'S PIICENIX BITTERS!!! Mate been happily used for the cure of Favia AND AGUE, With INVAZIAIILS lIICCESSI BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. AND A MOD* ErnfiX/171 Q 1 wellaegnisted and proportionate quantity et bile Ryon the atantsch alwaye ne.pthig• fur the promotion of woad health—lt Mt an tastes titivation end Iteetts the Inteetb net canal free from all otatenctions. la ban there Ie a ,doll• etency of bile, lb. body le cimatunly costive. On the ether hand, as bandanna of bile cense. frequent nanabain the atotnacte and oily, promoter very MUro attack. of dl. nanta vihkti sinatelltee• and in death. Dr. Moffat's Lila Modlatneslll • Elhoold he tam In the SAWA b71C1113 of Bilious complidol• said If pereeTtlfrel to etrlctly am:toning to dlrectium. POMITELT WM • CCU! . ' PILES! PILES! PILES! Alog rented y for tom most dletremlog sod olentoste the V IIdETAHLII LiflG •IlinitlitiEd dowse •Me oct and emphatic remnmeodation. It le weld knows to huii droda lothlsolty that the former proprietor of these 'CP. Media.• was himself aftlicted who Mt. complaint fin opnaids of Marty/,e. yeart; and Walls. vied la wino tend/ remedy proscribed 1•11bIlk I.lecompao of the Salmis /edam. lie however at length tried the itedlcloe witl4b te nor offered to the poldk, mud In , ems ourod la • eery abort Uwe, after LI. rem , very bed been prtmonocod ttot only Improbable, Lot absolutely Impoestbh• by any huma, EIIOaDS. MOF'FA'rB • Life rills and Pinnenix Bitters !!!:, 014.14TSCSIPSIL, by thurecest, cleenelog the first and. st.a ood, and cre•Nnit • flow of ow, he•ttirl 1.416, hottead of lb. •tale and w 444 4.404; Lola Or /17•111411. ffYat.o.a,, ILL fit. •n , f 9rtUtcnm.i . which at. life getler*,l itywiptorti• of Ul•pep.t•, ►til vet.,.h, as • n•fnHl anwtqattoto tJ Itscorti. LIFE MEDICINES ! tot Caßol.. Jw LITa. Courtatiers. with their mac, Cu.., we chat. , th/tow. and .41 Ilnathackr, irwiw aatil Oppri,lasms after MasLa, thaisne., Diszsuras, Entraiam. Lail of AjTelil.e. axe aclum• brawn] to N vaatly aupwritit lu itayllbilni *vat tiethero of.,eil 4IL. yuktic. MERCURIAL DISEASES. '! Pawns whom. cousthutiutta hate t.orythe Itopetted 1.31• Initeithlotte au et litthzar, *lll Pod theme tordicithe pht tett care, a. tkay helm WI to ethilcalto (ma the eyetrth the .Ewan of Mercury. tialtattety *whet than the mot Ime ettul prepetations ct SCROFULA! The obtel bormble n... In • Ldtb ab. Sec, Boom Lc! Lbtatte the Maim bed been preyed opub dd. the loasttoble dletam, pro - ted by undeniable; etdborlty of the malletore thoommem, le bee. been nomptemll ehred by Wpm poorly Vecetablo Melleltote, on. ell otbem bad Deers found more then melee Aente or Inflammatory Rheumatism; ADTIIIKOSIA CU . H.OIIIIUA, Olt. cuUOII ' • =E=MI Thom damars, which ~e =bong but fated, and, tiy loomed treatment, Ih. temiloreterMa m widen mdrnna boometty .t. CCam , rpm/4y and perwandadr mrat, by . proper mare* ed the Wm Pula .ml YuO•U Brnsfs. MOFFAT'S PILLS AND BITTERS bat It is ataiseeigary W ear.rat. th e neatly ramie It which th ese parity vegetable asediclaet have bars .tank 1111. but lei a* legatos, Why ue they lOUTZIWit to the4r happy enacts? Itatana• they Ytlttl/T Tilli .LOUD, and taw a tonotaidl cocoa of dawn* in Ina ayosem. BaiIIIND Mu act power:nay opott the acanatnata of ittno hod;. and renton..ll Impurities at oaca. ..0000. 10.; do not led.. th• &Ward but Invigorate. It tadeitlag no toottatot from plusare or naatimla darltat tam operation. Tlllf Try but a !Nagle Dose of the LIFE PILLS SI TRY THUM t LUG ■ATIDYUCD II . ne V Unit D Iff ra•PARIb BY DR WM. B. MOFFAT . ; 335 Broadway, New York. Auo fur WO by .0 thmaatna ate! Medici. I).nm Planl Pins. IA coats pea talc Intim; al bunts. tatillatad • • tABLE LINENS, Towels, Napkin, Crash, Diaper, Sheeting Muslin, Pillow Muslin, Linn Sheeting, Pillow Linen, Furniture Calicos, at sp9 41/ UCH /110.0 J CO •3. F ISL-25 bbleT. No. 3 Mackerel; 40 hStabls. t•Ei 3 • do • , 10 WU. No. 1 21121; 16 1.11112 No. I do 10 Ibis. 1.1.120k0re 14r1,1111 10 do N.. I Whit., Flab; 70 Wads, du do 40 do , do Lalo !terrine, for ..l. by m 0 W 0 AIT ♦ WILFON. 2t3 Liburt, F lBll-50 bbleo. No. :1 law:ker.:l; 11 do No. 2 do • Lily No. 2 4o SO tit do No. 2 do .100 Whitt. Whits lisb; 00 do Lake florin& kit Web, to :11 J. BA•NtIRLD • CO. PROVIbIUNS-75,110(11b Baoon Shoulders; 40,Citab PLAIN NANO, SONIXiIb Extra INMAN CONED UAW. 90,0000 6110H111D BIDNA, .; for We tram amokabour. by myll !WON A PA Itkilleß.llo9 lawn, At URN NNW WALL PAPER—DIndo AU. prerrly fur mid for sale only by W. P. /11AltdELALL, tfl Wood raortorr la open until V o'clock. eraulug. .oplers re! erlvad for Paper Hangers rnd Wkitagrash... an 4 ; INDIA itULIONts 116L'fINO, tiuos AND STICK PIONINGI, the beet lento,. tut Isle It the lul Robber Depot, 20 en'd 23 Bt. Malt at. , layall J. a it. PIIILLIPB. 1 tILACK WOOL DELAINES, CULP, it „ — aill • BUIIOEISIRLD a 00.11 1 OttANUX6-41.10 bze. Menials OrangeN sapartor 11=11th/wit reed /or sob by • itXTUIR • DILOTLIZRB, 1.2114a11511 Waal d. I0151M16811)N.-2 bbls. fresh Roll Butteri vi 8 bbli Moat Up, 140111 sal aemi o, for ado Di If:DONALD IAIIBUCHLII, =7B RIM Liberty tow Wand. ; AtiS AND COTTON— AA; Po bmp. ugr. II balax Colton; now lauding One Lluden„ for We Li aplll InarAll WHITE ItlBll-50 bble, No: 1 Whit' 911 rah; btbble 111,4 for ob. bl RWAIT a w1ta09.268 Lib.rts .t. ; ,c, BUTTER-9 bxj. and 1 bbl. Fresh' Sal Bolter. Put reed for We by 600 J. II fle ttYlabD A 00, /In West, gm, Wood. ivi ILITARY TA.UTIOS— lii. Boon, Goober, Hard.. and calm standard tfannat , on band and to arrive by &sprees. v. •p 22 KAY • da s 66 Wand at. 1: • j UBRIOATINO 011...—Jurt received, 55! i bbl. choir. Lubricating 011, from rho celobrataali M 7 ai r EMIL 112 ganond at. .1 00087-PO6lll-600 sawed LocumPosta,l m1f.14 for salinll - „ WART /10411.8014. L ARD bble. Nu. 1 Lard Oil; 15 - ' tint own mannfactan, Ib .tore and for few emyln J. DALZ ALL A MON. POTATOES -200 bun. prima Neehannockt;i 2IXI do Mop •Ibert. Potatoein; i • 100 do add do Rannwod and Gor sale by minx, .11 001.1.110 Y. 100PIMA. AND NEW YORK SYRUPS jad re..tved sad far tab. by m7/1 MILLER a kuoarnikni. 14AKE LigNNINU-40. pkgo. No.• 1 j ammo sat torAsio by' ' La caw sa low: dr*. is 55tobts, *tango, Cutts, &c. YOCUM 13110TEIBRES, Duquesne Fotandry, Liberty nt., near (Inter Depot Pa P EM=l•ture 11.0 T VLUE mad 1,.(./LLINCI MILL CU LLN ACE Q/16 :rING-.3, trer, Swart,. OIL PIPE, BOILBELOASTINOB,FINS FItONTB,GBATB BARN, WAGON !lox gs. BAD AND DOG IRONS, GRATZBI AND GRATZ PILONTB,BTOP DOCK BOXES, A., shray. on Dead And fog eels Orders left with W. W. YOUNG. corner of Wood Otort ud Illandoad dkf, win mom. pnnopt atloutloo. mho TOI4I STOVE WORE.S . .13 R A .11) L IC Y Hauufeeturto every wallet, ul COWL, PARLOR AMU lIICATINIO STOVES, (i.H.AT:G P' RON a r 'S. FILNL FLI Rd. &o. &O. &a. Solo Proprietor of the celebrated rArzsr acx BURNING AND 8101(71CONSUADNO A AMANOICIiffNI7. Office and Salo , Room, No. 4 Wood Street, Way PITTraIURGII, PA. 8T017235. STOITEIB- D. Dell AVEN & SON, SIANUFACTIMXIIB Or COOK. 1•, MUCK Mtfr a l HEATING S ' l ' 0 V S • 131 Warehouro, Federal Str t, near New SUB pension bridge, A lAA/SOWN We ask the ettention of de/tle to our large anortment of Cooking nod lleet/og Storm 1 Wood nod Coal, which we are selling at the lowest photo : Thaw, vieltlng our city will dud it to .1/ sir advantage to pre on a call and examine our stock to tore porch/Wog elsewhere. Out Iron Homo/ Vrasta, Iron Railing, Braley flodow Ware, Wagon Dozes, Plain and Fancy Orate Fronts, Fenders, oto., 0.0110 1 . of all Hods made to order. tylfelyd D. Do lIAVIN & SON. ALL IN, taccottreitcs. it CO., V.dIAL,I.IP.It FOUNDRY. PITIPBURCIII, PA. Warehouse, No. 52 St. Clair street. ANANUF.ICTUiIERS OF COOK, PAR INI_ LOIt add llr.a INO itTOVIdd, Parlor awl /Inchon Were, etc:, dated and' dila Mould; &tiling Milt °manage, Mlfi Gearing, Gam, Water and Artlzaa ettott, Had Irv., Lt., two& Wagon 50.., Poor Wattle; Pol. tort, Umtata., tir W hnvie , (30apilege, and ttaatlage ober all, Al., J0t..., not 31.1.11..... CA.(11.1.. mods W order: rereatad ith ate,,al or 11.141.1 rumor. udlttart , T is O.° 1-682 LL a C 0. , NO. 235 i.IBICKTY 19"1"R z ItdrANUFA ()TUBERS of all kinds of Cook- LVI log, Psrlor and Ileating Stoves, Cooking Oangee, Fine and Common Remolded Orate Fronts, Fenders, ke. tn. Tire mdebratml Cual Cooking knoem. "Victory" and "Triumph," and Wood Ouctkink "Black Oak" and "Forest Home." The , Capitol" and "Eagle" Cooking Ranges, arith nitlier nyydrtaralle ur 13.11.yy, which are mare oitutialauly in ciao in lbw city and vicinity than any othrr Waren. The very Pineet Frauunelett Grates that Cl/2 DO mule ciywhera Persona building Ant Rouses _III please 'wait this In mlod. 12:=1 "Olympian," an , !us Inynreement In the gray a Pittlor &nun atm extant Thistbar with Ex. awes, Thu Mute Mows, Mahn, Nut., Landry Mute; /ninth,. Claim Eska-notAre, Wt rod Cboking Stow,. BARK 1111.1.4. Warle Iwo% HAM ii0H.11241. OVEN AIo DW eIELL owl Putera, &non% FLOE 111NOU, ire m Vault Mop. tVAZII-UDVAi CAULDRON/I AND rURNACiIt Da - en-raccpsaest for Me Wash /Awe LAW is Ana in us Jamb Orate, 611..hea Oral., Tea Natclaa, el.. M. no paella me 'en...Valle locttal au call and elatnloa oar ea telUiVo , aceck aa9,lAcrida RIAARLL 600. itztu , tort. flingrttstrunta. 9 13.1.013 ELHOblaild ON 'l7 - 1 FL /CU ELOPE: AN PLAN CITY OF NEW YORK Niugle &t)91111, Nifty rents Per Day. City Qall Squaro corner of Frankfort at., trpnit• City O• 11.1 N.. 7., u th.y way t nrd•ted:ln the , wparione 11.elnekwy. Thera la Da. !loop mad Bath 11..,m• arta‘bed to the N. 11-11 • ff, aso of Rueoers nod Ilaleltoxfo, who as f.frf lull II VMENCfI. PnryrMac. BIN IN GER'S Old London Dock Gin. (3 IN 1(14 A. Ittelbl.lll - MtLA.I. A. 13 PdPr.r. obit Toll Ilt:1.101008 TO:110 STIMULANT, SPECIALLY designed for the use of the Nohod Prqrranos asol Ma Anady. having per. .I th. so-nollrd "tllca,....trootatle," .1.30rd1a1,. `Medi. I,..febnanyar atc., 1 a Dow endoroad by all of Um t at phyadouta. cbculata and mortottatotra, ea yams all of totom tutriand tordidnial quallUot (lotto and al latlc)mblob belong to an old and pore Gin. lot op In quart bold. .nit ...PI by all grazed; grcoarra, ad. it.. 0k". H. Id CYMRIC, 140 wood ed., , Abant. A. H. 9ININOIOI A 00., lbatatllatod to 177,1 Bole Proprietor., unittly N 0.19 Brad drool, N. V. Rice AHD Btifi'ei DAMASKS, DIAPERS, C. fIONSUNIERS OF RICHARDSON'S LIN %) ANL oral Mae geelmes of obtaining the CiIiNILIDIS OthliDn. world . e that the artlelan they parch.= an goal. ea with the full name .1 the Arm, I H. FUCLIA.RDSON, ON a OWDIN Y • guarantee of:the waindneeesad durability of the Goods. This eaotSan bnwcolored eseentlaNy neteassry, es large quantities of tcledoe and defective Linens are prepared, war:wafter wenn said waled with the ma* ot ILICLIA RD. BON, be Irish Mos., who, regarding* of the Iglus, thcs todicted elite on the American cousirmer and the manes. tortes of the pnolne Goode, will sot readily shawl. • lewd.= endltable, whiff parchaser• - Fin be Impeded at with floods ol • werthleas chancier. J. NOLLOWLIII • J. EL LOCKIt enklid agents. 34 Meads Urea; New York. EVERGREENS, FRUIT TREES, au. -4121 W. would rob the attar Mon of thaw who mill amonting their armada oath Ornamental Itvergreona, Tr.., 00000,, A.... mr mtansim colloctkol, minPrialall all the principal hardy voriotim, ma follows Norway Uproars/twirl., acoten, Wielta, Heml o ck, glimr and Nog. ilah Larch Plum, Joulpots, Reel Caviar. Common Box, Up right lion, Liberian Arbormllm, Nnallell Yew and Mama Arborvitaa. 2 , 03 Wrong plants of thy giberian Arborvitea and Uptight box. no hand, orttkit we Invaluable for soot. nom and Wanly. Al., iii,orguippla, Peach wad Cherry Tres of good Ma, and many of extra viva. 300 Mn., commenc ing to bear, of the oolobratod Itelle do Choi., Cherry. Neergreom, from two to Om feet high, in variety. packed and ehippod as Mtal, et gal par dozen. Some thou sands of Nsorgroatoo, mog or uls from Am to ton feet, for plandog la the immediate nalghtorhoud, at very low take. Reim:loon lion. Judge WHIM; John Parker, It. L. Montauk, Wm. Itolmea, Or. Donny, J. Jenne bet.. to mar odd.. ihmogb Wilkitio Umtata., All,. /May wan ly, Pe , promptly attendad to. Pinata:ugh ileelpe Faroe Normry, altuataf so Wells. sl t am eight mioutra walk from Me Kist Liberty Pitmen. gei n. May Pwloch, p.c. PAM LIM - rty. 1.2.20dm MIS . NM. A JA& TIURDOCK. rif.Ulll', ORNAMENTAL TRISES, 9 nod Kg, An la mturolag thanks to the pobllo for Moir minnow% LaMar. so illevAlt. tafondod, I would mil their .tauti ou to my very largo :tack of TUZ/L9 for thin tail. My stock of Apple, Pear, (otandatd and eivatf,)Poacti mid Cherry Tar rialvelo anything I have over mood. Allot We Mora •pproved 04 r 1 aa im, wrought by pommel having a full knowledge of Um Luitiou, and .very mar taken to ham ovary kind true to mum 01 Apple Trees ohms we have 110,000-88,000 of widen are tbrassyrer oldr, trona 0 to 8 feel. To iamb se want EVE/L01111:08, from 1 to 8 feet, by tbe 100 or 1000, bar gains 'mold be ylron. Extra largo Maple. for abode, por 100, Tab Lyra lane American .ad Anglian Lamb, per tab $2O, An Trot-blartters, plosee ales cm rail. Bate Wines mot frt.. applicatloa. Addreme Plttaburgh .ad Oakland Naraezlnn , Piltabnrgb, Ts mhTinewr JOHN Mllll/1301:111.1. COAL, NIT COAL, BLACK & CORE. RAVING purehaeed the entire inbred el 1.1. my lots pourers la the arm of Salley, M'Kehl • CO,l am trow prep/nod to furnish to nor former ehatearers end the Nth... of Pitteburigh and vicinity rgtoerellv, • nye. for guelity or COAL. NWI. COAL, CLAIM mot COEX. to large or aroma queraltlee. Orderemot Ihroohh the Poet. °Mee, lett et Ure Toll !Armee} t he Mometph,le Bridge, or et the Work., van be %hooded to wtth promploem. :Owl Works sod OM. rdtooted la $.1.11 Plttobarrill, ohs 14111110 • bOVI3 Skawriphltili BII)ge. Jell:Mud JAMVB W. ZIAIL.6II. _ Lubricating Oil, A T TIIE LOW PRICE OF 25 CENTS PER jak. OALLON, co head sad for sole by B. O. A a. 11.11AWY1flt. Oa to the quailty, we refer to annual certllleita: ?menials Mo.. =,30). 0. J. 11. Symms Golottr.Stre Lobrkatlng 011 we an rttleir from you we sod to be the beet for our portmow we here ever wed. Tao L B. rd. It. It It n 0573.11 By ty• Barr. 14 . 41 BACON-W A X/0 lbs. bhoultliorn. 10,000 do !Ida. . 10,0n0 do llama. ,17 10000 do Buser CtITI4I lI• MiS In atme and 10git.. , 1 t . W ti I CY 1001)9. myi? No. =I Liberty stmt.. CON SIO N Ibis. Sweet Cidor; Nowl. clear diden' alb:. oew W. It.Cbears 40 km Lard; ' 2 bbl.. do 1 bb.. 7titlbw, - l 0 More and L., aate by L. 0. 0 RAW/. 211 Liberty at B Ultl FIE.LD a et.). will closeout their s t i R 3141111 STOOK 0/ 0410081 at tmsually ins , prison. mpg UGAItS.-25bbls. Crushed Stgar: _ _ _ '