„: Y iii, •.-Itl ,- - - ';‘+'-1.- -::',',..•,• ._.,-'...i:, BEENNEE ': r h. :Akrsitf,'lTlV'ef* le:1.._ ! :•. : •.- : . : : : 1::,::_:, ..;;;: , ...c(-71-14.:.:.!;.::..r. , •4- . ,!; , ;. 'l,'•-*,.71c..:,:t1..,-....;-1:1‘!..:-!it • , • Ia alluding to the arrest and escape of Edward Itl , Cartney, the other day, we Mated upon the ,thority of his bail, (Hr. al'Henti,l_thit he had paid E 25 in an officer to secure his t arrest and that af - though the o ffi cer_ had aftenrarda Emmett' in company with the . defendant, sourest had been made. The officer. Alluded toj Mr. Hague, tailed upon ,na yesterday; ;and gave idiffenrit 'anion of the matter. Re ,rates that Mr. &Meaty sent him a process last spring, enclosing . a cheek for Vb. He bad never aces M'Cartney mace, although be had Made repeated efforts to arrest hint—visiting the Allegheny mountains,three times, upon hearing I that he was there, bet failing each time to get hint. He spent thirty diallers in making thaw trips, and maims that lkPlieary, instead of insinuating that - his money had been taken without an adequate re warn, should pay the five dollars now dee: He pronounces, as utterly talus, the statement that be had coeverer.d with M'Cartney atter receiving the proceed,. • ... , ;.4 , 4! , , , ,...,... , ;' , .; , ..: 1 :.;:: ! ;,, -, „•; 7 '! .. ..: , :.• , ; : ; ' ;,17:1: ;, i':; : ; - :: : : : ' . '" T:1-, t. : :•,:-..-,-;..:-.:!:::,.....-.1•4;::f7c.':'%•• . . ••••-!.t!''s .hr: : : , 'i7 1 .!!Si,•::'>;;;:i:'• •••:7-...].:.'9....: • : • • 'd:Ad ;1•;;-:.44,:fe,`,11•,,,,:;:tie,..11,:,.e ANOTHEiI .CACBGT--ForeOalling has become quite common in the Allegheny market, and i most of it. it does by Pittsburgh hucksters. Mr. Montgomery, the Market comrade, is quite • enure; and.not a leis hare paid dearly, for their bargai... Yesterday awoman named Joanna Mar pity r was caught in the act of buying up large qua. Wiest of ripe currants, wick a man and. boy follow. • lag at sale dlotiooo to take the beagle u they were filled. She had two large -tenets fell when the ea. arrested. _ Shit-wee taken befiere Mayor Drub, but being unable to pay the fine, the fruit man j _ T ROM riACTICL—.4 squad or Capt. company repaired to Snyder , " Hollow; on Tholtilay aftersou, for target practice, and it wee ,conSeds4 all roved:that:the shooting was highly creditable.' The target wu eighteen inches square. At the &stance of one buirdred yards, bit band, thirty sir shOts were pftsed in the target and sew. oral lodged ia the eye:4 They'd°fired by — platdon, at the word 'of ' command, and Dot a We igle that escaped the mark. If there is any other company, or part of a company, that can beat thin, we would like to record , . - 6110=Ufa CASUALTY... 4 little daughter of MG Thalami McGowan, of "Lock No. 4, Monongahela neer, fell into a; etas pool, ode day last yeah, and was ,drnwhed. Mr. McGowan was away from homd at the time, and , the balance of the family , busy at their usual areestione, when the little girl was missed.. Search MS, Immediately made, and the river dragged near the loch, whir% of course —.was all In traio•S The privy was then 'searched, and the lifeless frody of the little sufferer was found deep in the'ness pool.. _ ; - - . Ald. Taylor, yesterday. qa a charge of assault and battery, preferred by Johanna Loftus. The prose. -4— eutor states that the defendant struck • her In the face-with his Ist mid abased her othawiwk Sim entered ball for trial. - - . • John Wilson was before the rime meglstrits, at the Maniacs of his wife, Isabel, who snaps that Ith, made tome violent WWI towards her, and thatch. was afraid- ha would pat :them In essentlom John also entered bolt for his 'manna etCourt. -Swo .taksgraptdo ,dispsesh Ito 64. ocarp; r statoithat Capt. ;boom J. Wes crompaap (U. ELEZineses Caddo, -Co. C.) from this oily, wen sworn into. 111 0: 7 / 0011111 4 rigimmet on Tharesisy. l'bo . espies- has Mae dispatoheal bag to alibi Afton mom min :tre mak, Ma tall emsphomat lob Thb mill afford mon of oar 'magmas so scs7., collast:oppOrtualty to get iota actin manta, mid& regiment tc mow complete.!'• .;• •1 • • 1. 7 T .cjac.- k kr.ccrino.—Ret. Ar- D. Clark,. D. D.; Dieresis:W .l n the Onitedl Presbyterian Seminary, Anegbent, bee accepted a call tendered him by the congreption. In Mancheatar, formerly under the charge of the Rev. J. - C.,Stiele. Prof.:Nor Clarke is an ebb:fluid talented Meister ' and wrSl doubtless' prov e embdactory to 'those who hate called him. •_?„ '' • ~ I -'- ' '-' *" 'r•l • , -• •li MlAtr: *runes in e Id bei nub Cagd st, the Pittaistrgb-I..diourlctogr opposite.the . Wu It'isittl;rBe• New York dally mem to be . 44 kat Mori agent r it'OPPOd b, Thoetne. . - 'Aw ls for j emmy compsuisse st the Pitttherrb Reestestoth Waits the 21,8 - , 216 - 1 ". '-~`'' Vii'* y ~.~'.- w' xa,,., ;~L wss ~,~ a~~y~.a~= MEII=E Vittsburgt 6 a /4//e' or.nsma; ; ;pArdra gATEFEDAY 110101150, s XCILY 113, 1861. CITY 44.F.FALILS. iSfazil9l Ilsezinosoiwis Oborrailens for- t. 10; , i E. si„„,Op t ipla s , 68 Plablitoorneted daily: , .. 9 teelool; 95 :12 . 00 • I ,65 . 'T 65 liaraztiptire 5-10 camp Wovelab--SCitt a t e p a y m 6,;g., ....ipe., • , srestniqpiidepeeeett or. mot. limosose..dreodan , Ma Cesup...Cioesdeig; fad suilesas sof th• g The eitnininent at Camp Wright,in - consiquience of. th c. mil ' 1104 0., 2 . of "specie payments , hes pretty tonel - stibeided, although the eoldiire of the Este . _. . .iirtiegiment are anxiously OA the loolibitior the ar.. • rival of the Par:meter. i eaterday morales the' 1 Bailment wain''ordered ',out for - Iteginuental Drill i and underwent j a Nip of three - hours in the broil* •,' beg sun. Cot Melanie; having termed kit batraboi ) - • _ il•innitiostaa n i ria l i l l: w es ", fo u lt are oWe i: 7 '4 G dr ei "l iitfem a e d n d , ie it e iree d ii iib o e' nes ' thing I watt you la undentand, and that is, that , I lialend to. commend this Rtginent. I undenteed Mere are an u mber Of you dissatiafied and -uneasy .. . , ' lateen your pegmente.have bean copped, . There ie eso doubt bet'that we hare been badly treated; and, by the Ennui!, the time shall come when we shall bare one afros, sod our wrongs shall be re dressed. •lii the')nean time, admit you to act Like eoleHeri and gentlemen. If the State Miasma to do its dritytairerds me, let ea do ours, and then they can have no fault to nod with ne. ". Itlf there oSany 'among you. who wings to leave', ' , the can do so, indi wilt pre him a kis pan home. •II hope there is no one who will desert Ms poet 1 now, and who retie his patriotism' et the paltry. *on of $l7 23. 'I have aims' 21,000,• and have not received a cent. in` elure, bat I am determined to ,do:my duty; audi if the Ste te of Peemaylvanin be too 'poor to -repay me; I Will make a free gilt of my 'aervicee to her: , And if there is one among you 'mho is got:willing td do the lamp, I will 'pay him 64 wages nut of , My own pocket - . ..- . 1 etl am glad to!aay that, so hr ; you hive a lway s lbeen reads to obey , orders whenever the authorities eidemanded you to do so; and I have en doubt lot that_if you were mecca/re marching orders to . Merrow nornieg ybo would obey them chemfally. tLet us bboor•onnielires and Mose. we represent at home by behaving like gentlemen and soldieretr , : - i - 'The temarksof Me Colonel, of which Me above is lthi iubstanee, were. rewired by the soldiers of the - ftgiment itith soiree marks orapprobetibiz; bertha _feelings of the eoldien have been too much arena& by the unwarrantable behavior of the Stan author -Itlee to be satisfied.: Col. McLane •will ItedeiTOr to IO lis duty to the extent of his ability, whether well or ' ..btlialY end, and be ill endeared' to excite a roper epirleafenhordbmtion among the mum;. - And: it is probable that the men, out of *aspect for him, will condone to do 'Nde duty; bat Moir oonlidence - In the autitoritimi at Harrisburg is gone, whether the payments are continued or not. .Ho Paymaster had arrived up to the time we left Cane in the arming, bat ft ii "earnestly hoped and confidently believed" that be will Ile on hands thin morning. • - We saw, yestertlsy, an official letter, from Adj. Gen. Biddle to Capt. Dieter, informing him that an agent of the department would - be Bent to Camp 7/fright tome time durlag the present wiek--Fridey •kr Saturday—to diskibote arms and clothing the troops, so that the men of the 11th ought to impost hone:thing today. • ••' . • : • i An accident cosumei to the train which left the city atcue o'clock.yesterday afternoon. Nees the place of crossing the Piaui Creak ticidge, neatly two miles below the camp; a collision excened between the lesion olive and a eow. The locomotive record ed in running over the cow,end en did the first pas senger oar, bat the hind tr uck was thrown off and thetrainerasin 'consequence delayed. The dam aged ear can taken up to Helton, and only one train was Presented from making Its regular trip. Our Book Table. sllki Murk. Jounal of the lledlcal &Imam 0801 Lilted by Jame Llays, 01. D. Pbaltde ' I Dtaacharl k Lee." It is:hardly neoesiary to drew the attention of our , medical readers to a petite:mien so long and fairotably 'known on both sides of the Atlantle iut tide: Qoarterly. The present number contains is all teretity.firo wham, Of which seven amosiginal eon:. munthatione—filemalrs . and Casso—genendly iii written and. evincing eotopebmt abßlty, Then we have - Traumata' et!Bothillae and a urge instal' merit of a Prise Ewe, on The Morbid Effects of the Retention in Ms Blood of thilliementa of the Urin ary Secrietion,-by. Wm. W. Noland, If. D.... After 'hien welled four elibentillesimm and twelve Bib. ltogtapbiaal Notkias4-ht which we ha» a condensed view of the am and nnbetanee of recent works an the Medical seleneosiboth thosegmblithed in Berne and this connti%; presented in a suctrinet form, lininh=will either satiely the wants of the reader or serve is an index to'gnide him to the right book to be consulted, if he would presents farthunny 'pe eled ealiJect of ingaity. 'Ton Burraitcas. MaaraDis Ton Teran:—This number of the Historical Maguire nontains—Let. ter of Capt. John SMith (the Father of.Voginia) to Lord Bacon; Unpublished Memoir ot La Belle in 1680; Melon's Field Notes of-Mum and Dison's Line; The Nesmith Liumusge; he Woodhill Discusaion; Sozietiu and Alai: Proceediagr; Notes and Qaartes ; Noisy on Books • and - Zdowellaity. Piblished by Chilies B. Richa rdson & Co., New Th. Gar,itle Job Offleo !deism liergnean fe,Snyder, job platen, Gazette buildieg, having r ecently increased their- heilities by adding the ustderiai formerly used in the . Jour nal jab office, are poi fully prepared th execute all kinds of brink, Card, and hilt printing,-in the htest style of the art; sad on the • fairest terms. Their-office ia coMpleite in every department, and' their.viork will compare favorablfwith any in the eity, , aothaly in mechanical elocution, bet in the' style Ind variety of their type. With the modern appliaeees at the art at their command, their prf-. cee are correspondlenly low, end the patronage of business men and 'other', is respect/ally solicited. Books; clanks Steamboat. balm,. patient cards, tickets, and allworle, plain or fancy, will be done promptly, and 'eaglet:ton guaranteed. Orderefeh at the Oarettr eines 'aryl receive attention. POLEC Timms --714.14at'.Cuttibeil iu bolo» Sea Azar at Oesitel•—AL ettisam letwrilanei On Konday night buit,'Mr. Robert N. Noble, a highly reapeolible citizen Of Carliele, was murdered by a party of drunken I:leited States soldiers, under - the following einintutieces The deceased, in tem. pan) with several others; went Into-hire. Lobe d% atlas salon — , about eleven o'clock, for raftesinenta, ,there An or 'Lt . soldiers from the garrison thereat &betime s Tato soldinidemanded something. to Met, wild was refined them by_Nrs. Lamb, when they commenced a violent slow of all present, and threatened to ague the house, end whip those prearrit—Nr. Noble and his friends being qnletlY nand all the time The soldiers then suddenly es the illtbloind commenced an attack on the canes prune, by throwing glasses sad tatting about le the deck with knives, and before Mr. No ' We mold make his escape he received three seven wounds, balloted by a belie, one of which entered Immediately blow the should/v.6las and penetrated Um lands . which caused his death about three o'clock the following .morning. Mt. Noble leaves a.wile and several children to mourn his loss. An tannest was held by Coroner Smith, and a verdict rendered In accordance with the above into.. iiix solellerse named Charier Focht, William 'Jones, Stephen Whertzbaneb, Francis Wiley, H. Nine, and Lewis Serbeir, ban been arrested and ideattled as the Mawho eommitted the marder—the last named bidly inbred and will probably dia. Thant An are In prison, and will be tried at the ilagest Artaxerxes ro Euro Briantur.-7We learn : use the`Wheeling ratell (gamer, teat a negro barges up town mint to the waste the other day, threw . arope over a limb and wu in the act of hanging blmsaff, when bla wife (who, rospectlng bls dasigo, followed him) robed. up and commented 'belaboring him: The barber, upon obeenrbtg his better. belt, ran away, hatless and bootless as he 111/14 'lad - jumped Into the meek, came out again and reared and ea sorted about: ins very Insane manner. Ilia wife judiciously kept at hie heels and continued to Ws corldm, until be decided not to do so cruel a thing as to kill himself and leave ber unprotected. • Pursorrate—blr. &I—, of Paris, PL, is in formed that, is our judgment, the matter sent us i not suitable fur pubtication. The anonymous let loci, a contemptible production, end the write is doubtlese ■ cowardly dog, wbel will never it tempt to bite after so touch barking. Tan' WATNIMIVRO Baum—A outlier In one of on" banking tottiintiou'informs u that the pub. Itahatt statement In reference to coanterfait Mitt upon the Farmers' and Drovers' Bank of Virsynetbarg, It not eorraot. - Et 'taloa that them are no eoziatafeits upon this bank, u far as can bit asoortalaed. taut Parrcnen.--Samael Melamine wu rested and taken before Alderman Bong, upon e charge of obtaining a cow from Hobert Barclay, by false pretense. The defendant made short work of the matter by. forking over ftfieen dollars. the amount demanded by the prowcator. Ror the Plitsbargb Gaulle IiDITOSII 2 I noticed in this morning's 'Wee a redstalol7 of - the teachers salaries for the ensuing year. Contrasting this with the following facts, it seems tome a. merely taking advantage of the present circumstances to the unnecessary detriment of a class whose labors see poorly enough remunerated and appreciated : tat. Teachers in tide city have heretofore been receiving lower salaries than in any other city of tyre! States.population and resources in the surrounding 2J. The tax is the same as belore. 3J. Au races. of considerably over 3 0 . 0 00 is actually In poisession of the Central Board. Now, why, under pressure, a deficiency of tax should not be met by this land rather than by a atop directly injurious to the echoed', is what I do not understand. By the way, I hope the present Smeary, whb mutts high esteem for his attention and consideration, in personal intercourse with the teachers; has set down the arena/ salaries—tor owing to the extraordinary skill, or tortuosity of a former Secretary, the Gala:ies were from twelve and a half to forty-fire dollars kss in pocket than an papre—Ln the newspaper. It is time that was changed. Eloping to receive loom some one who knows proper reasons for sorb a redocuon, I remade, &a., An HONER leen:amt. [for {he PlUaburgh Gazette.] Another 011 CHhien Gone. __ _ . . . Ms. I. W. CHADWICK, known to our booinesa community as one of our Wood street merchants for many years, expired at his residence, on Penn street, Thursday night. Mr. C. was one of those correct, straightfor ward men with lawns it is a pleasure to have busi ness trsatactioiss. The scale of josisce be never tensed from its even balance for personal aggran dizsaent or gain. Is an age when fraud and cor ruption seem to override almost everythieg and to challenge the euffersice, it not also the approvieg smiles, of the world, st becomes us to honor the aprightandjost man While living, and to cherish proudly a remembrance of him when dead. Mr. Chadwick has served, with his accustomed fidelity, In our city Councils, and ebown purity of character in publicas well as private life. Verging closely on his three score and tenth year, be has been called to his rem. OVAL ARMY CAULILIGSPDXIMJICX.- BLYCHAPAPI P. 0., BALTIMORE Co , Mo , RELAY Herne, July 11, 1801. j Pince the last of mine, the weather (to use the aim Oat COlTCtual introduction for con ion) has beenlomewhat variable, for Oman every night dace the 6th it has rained, while the days have opened with cool, retreabieg bred err, when toward Roan the heatbecomee intense and, toward evening the thunder clouds gather rapidly, and usually winds up with a regular Jot, gnat, which rains in dpration from one hour to six. On the evening of the 9th, the date of my last,- which wee knocked off in doable quick for want of time, my duty wee -to stand on fiat guard, and you should have been out in it to haves feeling seem of the stele in which the rale poured for s period of three bourn. Talk of damp feet, damp clothes ; even deluged, drowned, almost annihilated in the torrent; bet last night beat it entirely. it the farmer - was bad, the latter was wore—tor five hours there was no uthermismion in the stream. The other division was on datkand we Masked oar stars we could set is out teats end watch the "war of elements." Playing soldier on ouch nights is never contracted for by therecruit ; they are some of the conuteen. cies which periodically occur, and man be gone through with, !renewer implement. There is one good feat beat it. Our education in tios line bar become thorough, and we area) aceutorned ut worry it through, that no rte, other than one or ' two of our inveterate growlers, ever otter • word ot complaint. We appear to grow healthy, and some lot, under the treatment ; and people may talkie they °laud about the hardship' undergone, the unthvorableness of the weather, and all such cuff; it leabsolutely healtbfolos soy one who will take the unable to reel .the.pok.s.and examine the temente of our boy., will freely acknowledge. Somethrierin amusing iaculent wilt occur show. ing the utter-indifference of the boys. As en in. return Oa the •fidi inst., a mesomate, on whose 'beat I had trespassed, Was slated on 'a large atone r holdteg out • hard meeker (pilot bread) is the rein, occasionally taking a smilt nibble, after giving the command to bait--'? Wkireom es sharer , anti Teeth,. tag the osnat response, we Inquired, "What are -you doing?' "Braking my here bread in Nature , . coffee pot," was the reply. " Wear& you divided" •"No; why didn't you bring your own I Who the d—i ever thought of &shin a soldier to divide his last cracker, such a eight as this. And so it let the commissary, the staff and the elemental do -their worst, nothing will break the spirit of a Penn sylvania volunteer. Tbq old- saw, or saying, that, lagged and nosy," may 'well be applied to us, for we are all three; bet it will not continua forever; we ' gear weihave 'anthem and panties the way. and to-morrow is pay-day. Who area for expenses/ In two weeks our time will have expired, and "Home sweet Home" will be realized. This morning we haveal committee placed on duty for the Purr , " of cleaning the muskets and bayonets for the cam. pithy, (when for the whole regiment are called sr mourn) It is -like other offices, entirely oftrust; vary honorable, (over the felt,) Tire- principal recommendation requirtd_ie an utter disregard tor. order, and a gentlemanly determination to do, es yea plesee—for instsnes,tt you obtain leave of ab. einthe foil period of one day, be certain to pro. long the time for two or 'three, and then you are Nee of the appointment instanter, howevernthey' *bent are in waiting. It Is very netensary for any one, who aspects to be a 'good soldier to gene on j this committee, for by so doing yon become ac- quested with every part of the arm, without any close application to the theoretical part contained ii -the bowl; and it le especially invigorating to have e- couple of those who consider themselves the - - best soldiers In the tcompany going through the cleaning process for the benebt of us, who are slower. Laker Rolled, the artifi. dal lake, 'whieh supplies . Baltimore with pure 'water, and on whoa, banks we are encamped, is now Jai and the niter is pouring down over the dam In a most picturesque meaner . ; the late; which, in my . letter describing It, was said to cover eight to ten screa - , - theeld have barn eighty to one hundred, now lathe mestbeantlful, and one rionld live hole forever, profiled be had money enough, and kind friends end relatives around him; It reminds one conatint ly of the pktare of elle lakes In the Highlands of Brettand, and a mom rementio spot could hardly be kind on the continent.; - - - - • Cot, Campbell returned li far as Harrisburg yes. tard4 afternoon, and plated on to Philadelphia, we presume, on baldness 00OLIGABI.oritt the regiment; we beer he brought packages and letters, which ace now being distributed; I bops there are some forme, even If the ordeal of answering them should follow; I have not heard my name celled, and conclude, of consethabere le nothing for me; perhaps I will bays better leek.nute Balsam amtthuss Brisk on the ithilroad—eras train pasting containing tioops, horses; guns, camp 'Tops% wagons, cattle, ammunition, and army Mores of *very dssoription, ova's, with the large canying sad passenger businsss of the gonna. Ga. trai t which, of Waif, would mate this one rich. Very,tearly one hundred thousand troops ban passed tue since we came an this road, and no train Itas been detainad by the effort at the enemy. D. CIUDWICR—On, ands, ...obi. the Ilth *Mt InEthDA/CE, In the sivylesth leer of his age. Tummy of Os humpy an Tamaralty long to it. tenthli Tatars] on BATUGDAT JOINING at 9% WO*, !roe Ida laSai miesoca, No.llll Pont drat. • jrpooran, -Burs, Water Can and notate mob Pbototaat able ,wt tar Rainbow's eatabratad True far llaptawat. rma . at Pout raid Wayne pe , D arms% r.--Dr. (1..8111, No. 7t6 Fano otroot, attend' to on tmotebto of the Dental para. THE L ATEST NE BY rszserlAzili RECEIVED AT THE DAILY GAZETI E OFFIC Wawamicron, Cary, laly 12,--Tbe Freeborn gulkloat, Lieut. Lowry commanding, arrived up trornAcq us . Creek at ball•past sit o'clock, to-dey, havtsg been craisier atnight up and does between that point, and the mouth of the risers menthes communication between lower Mary land and Virginia. The service is active, arderoes, and.: dangerous. On Sendai, at noon, the Free. bore was at Acquit' Creek, with the Resolute, Pawnee and Poe/Inoue. Two large oil cut:ewer* discovered floatieg done towards the demi with ebb4ide ; when within a quarter of a mile, a small boat' wee sent from the Pawnee to recontiodre than!. The smell boat discovered that they,were infernal machines. Gus struck the rudder of the Resells., and became detached from its cony, and sunk; the other careened over,, and the , fuse' was pet out by dipping the water. The latter Was hauled on board the - Pa./nee. It had a; ylinder made of boiler iron, five feel long, and eighteen inches in diame ter, filled with' all sorts of distractive elements, designed to blow the Potomac sqcadron te at. oats.: The machine weighed about 400 pounds, connecting Abe cylinder with a cuk or buoy, which was lull of a coil of slow match, which was an India-rubber coated lase. The machine took' devilish. The Freeborn bropgitt It up to the navy yard, where it attracts great attention, thoaands having visited it . The James Guy went to Port Tobacco yesterday at font o'clock p.m., after Whites*, hteclerk in the Navy Department: la Virginian and a son.in law of the late Senator Mason, of that State, lie went thither by land yesterday, and Capt. Darling, of the Capitol Pollee, discovering the fact, charg ed him with being a spy of Jaff Davie, end obtain ed the James Gny and went in permit, The par arrived at Port Tobacco in the ninha, last eight, and toned Talliferro, who wu arrested, taken en board and brought here a prisoner, arriving at the navy yard at 4i o'clock to.day. A large bundle of letters addressed to prominent citizetis in the South' were found on hint, also plans of our ellen, in and around VS ashington. Battle at Rich illoaatala, Itoinran Bun, Va., July 12.—A battle wu fought yesterday afternoon at Rich Mountain, two Miles east of this place, where the enemy, numbering about . 2000, in command of Colonel Pegran, were strongly entrenched. About 3 o'clock in the morn. tog. Oen. Rosenerause, with • portion of the Bth, 10th and 13th Indiana end 13th Ohio regiment left this place, sod after a very difficult march of 7 or 8 miler, cutting a road through the weeds, succeeded in surrounding the enemy about 3 o'clock In the afternoon. A desperate fight immediately ensued, luting about an hour and ,a half, resulting lo the toes of 80 of the enemy killed and a large number wounded and 'taken prisoners; some of the latter are officers. They retreated precipitately, loathes, behind six cannons, a large number of hones, wagoni, camp equipage, do. The loss en our aide about 20 killed and 40 wounded; among the latter is Capt. Clint.i Miller,of the 12th Indians regiment Sr. .Louts,-Jaly padishei a procisiUstion to the people of Mhtao l 2ll, stating that the suppression of the State ✓oeraof sawn eons'. queue* of its giving aid and comfort to those In an. tiro rebellion against the authority of the ticked Stales government and encouraging the people to tate up arms against that authority, to commit au lot of violence and oppression against the loyal tit hens,' and by the fabrication of false reports re specting U. 8. troops, 'netting dings:tad citizens to the commistiob of overt seta of treason, with a view of entirely subverting the Federal authority In the 'ats To Clinton (fdo,)Artowai, published by the prin ters In )dol. Sturgis' command, mates that outrages are being committed along 'the vacant border of Miming by a lawless banditti, led by Pdontgommy and Jamison. It is also anthdrised to state that they are acting without the authority or sanction of the United Biome, and will be treated a outlaws by all good elthans and soldiers, churns found. Er. Lbws, Jake 12.—A geatleman from Hannibal List night, says that Col. Smith's command at Mon roe mureheforced by 800monnted man from Illinois perusals,' afternoon, where the rebels were attacked end disperse& Gen..llarris was forced to abandon his house mid take to the woods. A number of the rebels wire captured. Capt.'llicAllister, reported killed, is only seriously wounded, end will probably recover. The Hannibal mom Guards arrived home ;Addy Jut night Sr. LOure, Jelly 12.—About 40p of Col. McNeil'. Regiment of reserve corps, visited the 'Slats Jour nal otOce early this morning and removedthe type, piper, Ira., and read an order Rani Gen, Lyon pro htbiting the further publication of that sheet. The proprietors will respect the order and 'lay the whole matter before lien. Fremont on his arrival here. Lonrairctc, July 12.—A ceaolutions eras odered in COUPcli last night requiring the revisioe Com mitee to enquire Hato the abduction of }bully; ea. der age, to the Smithery Cooledarscy. The State military have decided that no more money shall beepent on military encampments. It also demanded that the Gowiarnor call in all the arms-sow in poemertion of the State Gaud, and make • lair distribation of them betimes the Home and Stabs Guard,. Movements look to the disband ing of the Guard. The New Albany (Indiana) Dirtier to authorised by Collector Anthony to my that hereatter no oh. stroctloni Will be mode to the passage of PrOTWOOS sod other articles from New Albany to Louisville. D. C:Btone, late Captain of the Louisville Bat tery, publishes a cud denying his disobeying 010. Min orders, as charged by the. Buckner, and thnsatens to shoe Union papers to prove that Bock noes decision against bum wee false, and given through mere prejudice, and that the Board com posing the Cowl, incieding the Judge Advocate, knew IS to be so. The Richmond D.pefkb leans that a large num. bar of negrou, captured by the Federal troops, bar* been natio Cobs, to be told, a ono meant of der. fraying the expienuoi of the war. t Lootavizas, July 12 -A special dispatch to the P.easnant; from Richmond dated the Sib, mamma nee that Gov. Ellis, of North Carolina, arm at Red galphur Spiry on Friday last. CILICIGO, July 12.—Three complies soot for the relief os Col. Smith, at Moore, Mo., returned last night to Buibal. They report the road •mob.. strocted between Llanibal and Monroe. CM arriv ing at diktat's, place they found a Jemmies with Smith's totes, who had entrenched themselves at the Academy buildisse. The rebels, 1200 Woos, were propped around over the prairie, oat of leach of Sleuth's/tam They had two picas of artillery which were brought to bear, but the distance was So great tbat the balls were almost .pent batons they reached oar lime. Fdrith'l RTC-HM.O looger range, did consider able execution. The Sight lamed until dud. The Lm ebot frinu smith', guns dismounted one of the wimps. :net at that nutmeat, Gov. Wood, el Illinois, fell on the rear with cavalry, amt from Q4lney ee rWedoestlay, completely routing them, !lithium 76 prisoner., one gun and \ a large camber of boniest 70, or .31101 the enemy were killed. Not one man Cl the Federal force. was bitted, although several were severely wounded. Col. Front' to determided to shoot some' of the Most promMent rebels.' Gen. Tom Hardt., the rebel leader es caped. Vonencris Mormon, July 11.—J. T. Songster of Col. Hikers Regimmit, a native of Philaedlphia, was shot by climate by 'entry, on Sunday night, and died yesterday. Thirty men of Col. Wardrop's Regiment made a. recoanoiesance within nine miles of Yorktown. They went up between James river and Great Bethel. At the latter place is pooled two hundred Confederate cavalry nod ono hundred artillery. One hundred recruits Iron, New York, for Col. Duryea'' Regiment, have arrived bare. The time.of the Alsenchasatts Regiment■ elpire on the 16th, and that or the First Vermont Regi ment, a few days later. Wartime's', July 12.—The debates io the House of Delegates within the last day or two bare been very interesting. They occurred snakily on the resolutions Of Mr..Crotbers, of Brooke county, to iirstruct the Senators to rote for men and money, without stint bathe Goverament, and to oppose all' compromise until the rebellion was crushed; lad upon the resolution of Ma. Voice, of Harrigan county, to protest against Mr. Losajore repeal of the fugitive. sievelike'. Mr. Brother , . resolution was pseud with only one demoting voice. Mr. Arnold, of Lewis county, is merited u a doubtful Union man. Mr. Vaiter.Pa resolutions *ere tabled by a large vote. Marron, Joly 12.—A brig' from Bangor arrived at Newport.this mornlog with the crew of the brig Jobe Welch. from Trinidad to Falmouth, which was captured_ by. the privateer Jar. Davis, on Hat. ordey, off Cape Hatteras. The crew were put ea board the ship Joho Goodwte , fmmitew York and booed to ktoottrido, which they also mucked, but allowed' 'to 'proceed on account of her draft or water. The same privateer also Captured the schooner J. C. W rrrrr r of New York, sod an on. known brig, about a hundred miles lopth•siuti of Nantucket South Shoals. ! PORTLAND, July 12.—Tbe dip Mary Goodell, from New York to Bonne Ayres, bas arrived. •Blur reports baying been hoarded on tiTtb, off.Nolltuck. et Booth Shoals, In MP 10', lo g. 30',by the privateer brig Jeff. Davis, but bar Aorta being Brit, lab property she was wileasid, after putting aboud Capt. liefield; of the brig John Wash. Cap of the schooner. Li J. Warning, end Deverdent, of the schooner Enchantran. Tlui privateer took from the Mary Goodell fin of hei crew and a lop. ply of water.' Borrow, Julyl2—Clapt. °ardor, of the Frith& bark MOW - Norton ; from St. Marlins, reports that on the 9th that., In lat. 99 long. 88, he saw a fall rigged brig 'bowleg French colon. which 111114 him in Foglia', bat be replied in French, which they did not understand; they; twiner, chased the bark for three boars, bet were ontsalled. The brig nu of about 180 tons, and American built. She batt,no name on her stern end wu nadonbtedly a priors. tear. MONTREAL, July I2.—A severs. chock of an **mho sake woe experienced here lot night, and Imams several Initiates. It was telt at several places, at the awns time, la Caaada West. In "Tt towa city chimneys wore thioint down and band lags shattered. raw Pow, July I:.—Tho schooner Roonantrou, from Boston, bound to St. J. Inutosi i r i nd by the pintas . Jett Darin on dm 14, and VW mono floutban port: ',*^Lorca SCIVID Ur I 'k o wtow Is, by A. vt. ICHACILLIU2I3.' Sumo, emu. Maio PM MA .flih I ~. w THIiMEVINTH WALSHIROTOP,ty It, 1861. Honer.—The following Committee. were an nounced :—First, to inqaite and report colours to the establishment of a 'National Armory west of Uri Alleghenies—Menu. Moorhead, MeCernand, Bingham, Kellogg * of Michigan, Stritton,'Delatio, Rollins, of Mo.,V*Weyer and Wallace. The Select inmates to inquire into the sub. ject of Army Conuacts—Mess,.. Van Wyek, Washburn., fithean, - Fenton, Dawes, Steele, of N. and Jackson. . • Oa Pacific itailroad—Messra. Carlie,_Cam bell, Mallory, of Md., Blair, Cox, Webster, Fra ebit, Arnold and Thayer. Mr. Valbindlghato, of Ohio, offered a preunble and resolution substantially as follows: Waning. It t rumored that Gilbert Manton. of N. H James E. Kerrigan, of N. L., Charles J. Biddle and Edward McPherson, of Pa , and Bonnet R. Curtis, of lowa, holding seats In this House, haws bean acorn Into the military service, under the authority of the United Stater; and whereat, James H. Campbell, of Pa., has also been:admitted on the door of this House, be holding a military commis sion, th erefore Rsobrod, That the Committee on Bleotionabe in 'touted to inquire and mart, without muumuu, delay whether the gentleman above named, or any or them claiming seats here and at the same time holding military aloes under the !authority of the United fitatea; are emutinstionally disqualified from being members of this House while holding Inchfummisskins. !dr. Lovejoy, of 111. , desired the resolution to lie upon the table. • I Mr. Vallandigham, of Ohio, said that two similar cases have heretofore been ecided by the Hones, end it was determined that they were disquali. Bed as members, owing to their military Commis- I lions. He did not wish to trespass on the patience of the House by elaborate remului at this time, but Uses being a grave matter, it should fie investigated. I Mr. McKnight, of Pa.. wanted an amestament Made, namely : to insert Mr. Vallandigliainis name io the resolution, after that genUemanta speech on Wednesday. , The Commluee on Elections ought to ermine' into Mr. Vallandighunta credential., to ascertain whether or not he was accredited to the wrong Congress. Mr. Vallandigham replied that if the gentleman desired any patronsl conuoverey with him, be could have it elsewhere, wh d wh he should decide. He. (Mr. V ) came into the Houle to abide by its roles and the usages of decorum, bet not to violate them. Mr. McKnight acid, neither did be mean to vio late the decorum of the body. There were cries of order during ibis epirited colloquy. Mr. Campbell, of Pc, said that a. for himself, whose name was mentioned in the resolution, he held his seat here by virtue of the confidence of the people of the Eleventh Congressional District of Pennsylvania. Ilia commission as Colonel was under the authority of the Commonwealth of Peen. eylvania. He had no two offices under the Fed eral Government. He had taken the oath of alle giance to support the Constitution, as Vallandig ham did, and in this respect they were even. This matter did not rise to the dignity of a legal question. If this House ebould decide that there was any conflict of commissions in his eau, be would resign his seat hare and follow the Sig of his country in the open Yield, wherever it may be. (Applause.) hdr.. , Bingham, of Oslo, did not naderaland Mr. Campbell to any that he held a commission under the Federal Government, and therefore he did not understand the facts to bee. elated in the resole. lion. Oa motion of Mr. 011 n, of Nese York,L resolu tion was adoped requesting the Attorney. General to lay beiore the House a copy 01 his opinion in relerence to the Preaident's Message to the epeeist session. The resolution was amended t the instance of Vallandigham, so as to cell for the report of the case of a surpension era writ of biaeu corpus. The Hon e took op, bet merely read through aid passed, a bill ankles , appropriations for legis lative, osseouse and jadicial expenses; and also, ■ bill making appropriations for certain civil ex. pulse. Oa motion et Mr. Blair the House went into COMM:little on the bill to aethonse the employ. meet of Volunteers to Lid in edppreseiog the rebel. lion against and defending the government of the . United States. The bill proeidee that the Presi- dent is authorised to accept the service of eaten. leers, either cavalry, infantry or artillery, se be may deem proper, to the number of 000,000, and to pay the expense, extending the same, $500,000,- 000, to be appropriated. Alum a long debate the bill was paned, with several amendments. one which provides that ell lettere written by 'oldien me, be transmitted by mail without prepayment et postage, ceder regula tions prescribed by the Postmaster General. Ad journed. Beebe—Mr. Wiluo ,or klao., introduced a bill relative to the Botha., communion. Referred to the Military Committee. He alto gave notice that he should antrodnee• b II authonaing the Fed eral Government to take posocel property in the rebel Sint's, where the owners have been sound in rebellion against the government. He also offered • resol awe instructing the Jodiciary Committee to enquire what legtelatioe , if say, is necessary to ye. elm( the sale or spittle°. !Noon to the District of Colombia while Omuta ten are true. Agreed to. Mr. Tomball, of Illinois, preteuted • resolittim ukiag the Secretary of War to leferon the Senate whether any untruth hest bee. made except by thitufelar Commissary OT Quartermaster'. %pan. moot m' and if so, to ley them before the Salute. Agreed to. Mr. Saulsbury, of Delaware, offered • resolution proposing exuandineeta to th. Constitution for the mineable adjustment of the present dielealtien Or. heed to be gtintd. Mr. Sommer, of Maas., presented the memorial of chime of Measeehusetts, asking Coagress to sane. Con the unitary eomminloo ; also to provides lan. Miry board to go with each large body of troops. Us also presented • petition asking Congress to re mon all.,cease of war, which, In th e view of peti tions:l6ll tha eentieut;d permission of slavery. Mr. Grimes, of - Lows, presented a bill estaldirh- , tog a National Armory on Rock Island, 111. Re lined to the Committee on Naval Alliire. Air. Gale, of N. LL, reported back the bill to alter and regulate the navy rations. The bill wu paned. I Also, a bill to provide for Assistant Peyniastrar, which was passed. Mr. Foote, of Vermont, promoted what purported to be the credantiels, from lb. Geismar of Kansas, of Frederick P. Stanton, se Senator, in place of Lute. life. Lane, of Kansas, said that this looked like an attempt to bury • man before he was dead. Ito had been employed In raising • brigade in Roams, and when full, itthe br io defined It, be would itabo chirp of it, and then would surreuder bfB ear .tineata, not to • gonerumont actuated by hail!, Ifestinso, but to the people of liansu. He wanted the poop!, of Kansu to select a summer, and when that Is dons those will • man on the Senate floor true to the Union and to the manor human free. dom. The papal were referred to the Judiciary Cum IDtites' Mr. Brownie', of Illinois, offered & resolution that the Sitemisry of the Treasury pay to the legal rap remnitallrea of Staph.. A. Douglu the mount of salary dos at the time of his death. The Mouse bill relating to the farther collection of imports, the force bill, was then tale. up, cod the bill pasted; yeas 36, nays 6. Mess's. Brick. innihu. Bright. Johnson, of Mo., Kennedy, Polk and Powell, voting in the orgstive. Oa motion tat Mr. Wilson, the bill fur the better orgasm aeon of the military eatablithment we. taken op. An amendment luta palmed providing fora caper intendeat of the Military Acadia', to be selected born the army, sad the 'alpine', from the topo. graphic and ordnance corps. An amendment was offered increasing the army ration'', providing 22 ounces of bread or floor, Instead of 16: 1 ft.. hard bread, fresh beef ia■taad of tall, when required; beaus and rice ■nd potatoes, when procurable, three times a week; when not practicable, other fOod equivalent - la value. Without Yob" , on the bill, the Banat, adjourned. Tii Porn's Itxxxsu—A letter from Rome of the 16th ult, says : "On Tuesday next the Pope will probably be conveyed to his coun try house at Castel Gondofo. At court and elsewhere alarming rumors about hie health continue. What is most dwelt on is the gradual weakening of his mental faculties. As to that lan able to assure you that the Popes Wass Is In act rather moral than physical, and that it prooeeds esjedall. y from the deep melancholy in which he has been plunged by the reports of the Italian bishops that schism Inevitable, unless the Church be put in cc cad with the national sentiments and the present needs of the Italian people. You eau tinily imagine that the Jesuits are already (ambling ; consequently they surround the Pope as much as possible, and take him into the country In order to removehim from Gary other influence, and manage him after their own fashion. I know for certain that a per highly placed and closely connected With the General of the Jesuits, tuts stated that the Pope heiv often moments of Mir him in which be says that it is ,desiable nobody should hear. It may very Well bo that what they all his morbid eccentricities of speech ore only some sensible talk on his Part some expression( of view more in confoimity with the mterests of the State. But it is most likely that the great appnhen aims expressed as to the health of poor Pia 14C. are only too well founded." Oaora rx Onto.—A gentleuum, resident o the southern tier of townships in this connty, skYs the Cleveland "Herald," in speaking not only of his township but of Northern ()hio generally, says that the present wheat crop iss the best yield of the lest ten years. Thirty add forty bushels peracre -bo realized in zany &Ids. The wheat is out of the way of weavil rust, and the , barrost will commence nest week. Oats, too. are. Tarr heavy, and ,on new meadows, is good. There is limo enough yet for corn, and the rain of idondst sent the water to the bottom of the potato Ma. . - • lOLVOIL-51.1 bbia. -Xs. Family W. Wheat; _ /0 do . rapoisag 112 • /ITO!, Whit& Wkest. IMO do old Itailloh &by. TO=OL—XI box Oho Noduk:kg &mina aid *cab o 7 iItDDIJI Moamar°, s. at hle Ws illgt4lll. - ~'•,,,-,-,,t4;>,..-4t:,',-4t••='4.,;i' (Spiedia I%rkut4 Arrivnis at the Principal hotels. UP TO a O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. BT. CIRARLILS—Corner of Third and Wood street*. BLUM (ULM 111.01 , 11110 t. MeHomeland lady, Lo-5I Robinson & lady,Claarld,o tea Sam .11 Pau, MBA 0 otanlay, 11 Ayars, E tr. Boma Graham 3 &GM Olikt 0 Ohrefiald A lady. Altooos B Brsokost Writ P. L Blielaston, Phila. W B Lianhlry, Canmonsborg D Muria, New V. Sergt. AoHnon, Cy Wright P M 1144 Wash. P. WeIMO h lady. Booker lr D Bogen, Hp Weight lIIILIII W lifoors,lllt newt, 0 Lt Wilkinson, Cp Wright IA Mashan, Sergi. Mimeo, do J W Benbridge,OoluMbus, 0 LI Meyers, I do Eimunm.N Y NJHartsell, do IP A Revd, Kansas 11411B1DN 00Udi—No.5111 Monty strac •iOl4ll anoint, Pa471.1170t. 12 Markle, West Newton 0 Markle, do WAleer,Phlla W Bea, do (Wrote, do .1 Hahn. Garfield a BoaliOdie LimrpoOl Ohio I .1 Putman, A family lowa N P hil 10apt Wright 5, Praha, N.. Oalik , n D Wolf, Artadrorg I. l lralleson,Orsertord co Oworge, do 151 .1 Wyman. It IC T Woodruff do SACILB 110211L—Libet Wilma, billow !Ramat& lon arm. rounixeron, Al !basin, Liverpool J Koch Adatraborg BOamireli, W Orate, N Calbono; U SA JT troth, Cp Wrighl U R Hawthorn, loOL•dapullo 1 A Craig, do —Hollander, N Y W J Murdock, New Culls Howard, Phil. Eiger. Pei Mater, /mkt!. 111 Wits.. Punxsutawney ti P e l er . ken Cp d' ivegia fr:t4 a cZit c° 7.:t; Dud— . IJ B do I P Palle Nati, dJ 011iARD IldtlB6owner Smithfield and Third arena. At %Wei; 864840 O W liefflogiforth, faggot' frOBARTIts. •11 Bkb BtltUaors :Now Oas II Capper 0112. 0 0.1 Mayor; 83 8 B IlAgp,'Portmoath 0 11 Wtrakr.o32AneOprille W W 11 .61841.1', N Salem 8 LAAdis,'PoOstowo J Wbfte faulty, Cox lAg lAsft. 00l Attu, 0 8 A ' Dr A O f. do EIAABAL3, Lucian. L. EMMA?. fIOrLTITOI. olt Vleber,'terviline, 0 Trod Dippadend I lady J O Boni; W J Conan toter Cake, Bristen WoQ Ellevbelle John Penneit o K Ornadvime, /ode lilliWei UOllll.-11berty greet, foot Of fifth. .azcn itutz.nortter.. • W R ervidbowl. J B Robinson. Cp Weldne Ifartiounrille 0 Chaeaserma. Le:logton, B! D doom. Nobledeonz J J &mem do B MoL.ybllt , Pince ip Ut_J Melourgbile, du W Burr. Noblastuvre J WilicWillbecoa,Onananig Winne!, Weer Greenville J J Graben., Mercer co G ♦ Whit., do W bleCnilengh, N FLA,LI, Ally, ro J fl.tae , Peop.ti 3 5 / 00 .Pb.D. Ukkory U POW., Claimenebarg P Cant•lttuk, 3 Wlc 4 1 ..5, Q Wuots, p. "Lb' 8 Ld DH ■ 1 1.1... Prider.ela,Aro . Oul A 14.1K.,* A blalliorro, Wash c. IL P. POILDo U u.k.....1.ri1v* 011 A Marne/. rilirLicd, 0 J P tar, do U Portal, 0411 on. Li U Iletler, 00 Wright NATRMAL 1101T1.— • Wogbt Bru, Cl a. 1 Hum, Wash - Pa Or' To Borst °mixers. DR. Will:VS 1S PALLIBLL 1.1 31. BENT Pqh 110113 II Is wastralsd by nay; to all "sect of Lastgeniss, from Sprat. Bra.. or Wretch• tog. lts effect is magical a... 1 czstal.. Barbs or fla4llo s...tat4, Usage, a 4.. It 0111 alao ran speedily. 11p.i. and Itlogboos my be psavested and careil their loclpleol; Mice; int coullmed mos on toy.od the poialhillty of aindsoal cars. Nom . et the DM. hornet. I. so daaseratoes Impale. hot It may be allodated by Mb I.Jblascat, .4,1 U faithful .pphostiott rN drays moors. the Lastenne. tnel enable tba horse to trusal with acenyarn tile esan . tear/ Dom Moor rh.la hare fhb remedy at h.. 4.1, Its timely meat the. flna appear...a of Inumeni mil/ eats tually Prato. than fosandahla diem. snottlosied, which all ha. are liabla and which render .o many nth amble calnahtaborssa utarly worthless. Ste adverting...l. •p27.lydBerlhlt stirmaso FooD.—Attention is called to this mat remittable and WWI& preparation, advertised I. soothes onlausek. It Is . est/rely beer dhocrecry..4 meat sot 1.. coohnunfact erlth aoy of the nantrosoas patent media.a of the day. It la oartala remedy for all th• iltsema specified, sad especially time of • chronic nature —of I.ag a tandlog--ot maks, conatbs, and yam. BOW. .r. ,try Mart Ceara A Doront. or Neer rock, ern the note agents km it, end oleo proprietors of the warldaeneaned Ur. Laval lieraanta 001.1M1., MO ankle whkh neery Mother shook! hive Ilber inedkine closet In can of and contalolni. .. I dunk no paregoric. or opt of say kind. It ran be felled pan ella the strum ronAdenee,and le 111 be found maintainable vendee In ell cane of Infantile aaenpleheta..—Otale Safe .fastennt, nitenelnes. lIMPee sdnerthement. /or nate by tllO. U. KEMP". Artnt.llo Wood 0., eittandlat. Ps. deltatatellar StrALL eb . oultl not fail fo reaa the saver- Wnnd. In ln+Wi• T W. BARBER A. CO., LADIKS' DUSTERS, LADIES' New Grey a 0 DIM Goods, jeb:ml/ The [ JettEnglish nemedy.. stia! l amass CLARK WA CELEBRATED FEMALE .PILLS. .I BIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS pundit tig In the cum of W them Inlaid aml - dentin' cam deem. Inca:feel to the Mule eonetitelloe. • It Moilestmus all element and rectums all obatroOluna. tram ethateirte tames, and • speedy tare map be relitql on. • Well nu. otHervoria and Spinal Affentione;Pain In the Beck and limbnlleseloateastlgne 'on blight ezertlon, Palpitulon al the Mart. Lono r l o of aplrtts.. ndekarra, lick headache. Whims, end all Ai 4114emea ocamidoned hp a die:enema erdent thee, M nib aired . etuy uhm all other means hicrefled,' • Pell directloas in pamphlet 'around each mast% widchettould he care Ilppreeiremd. A bottle containing 00 Plils.and ectelrelei with the One. tentertit Instep at Grist .Itribiln, can be sent pint It.. for Stand 6 mo etioner. • • . Jolt MOSES. ues General Agesit, itoctrateri N. Y. Sold by all geopectable If/raged& • - CLARK E'S FEMALE PILLS. And i sflather Oat Patent bledlciam can b. hods[ !, , _ . JOB/Zell PLIMI2IOI, %last stead the Mum& L N. ERIE- Warn ..FISU-100 hall , Iskweitoroent..l7- . NIAIAIII DICKIIY • OR I Oft "- riOOOA NUTS-7.2000 fresh Cocoa Nuts inst pea fur alibi sigma ascrrium4 ftIETS I DOES FUR U.S. MUSKETS AND V Annus awl'. am Land: alitridsal for thine" Mar a, a .na oo bona DOWN d; MUM: ; - 148 Wood str tt.- 1111 OUP E HINTS AND CORANTS all AA. klub sad "Drips, at H rbra TRIIIILINQ BrOlt u i n Market t. • • AND ISUN UI , II3.KELLAS . ' . Bows '2II.IIMINQ OTORN:: 17 442 tit omit ! , . No Compromise Ram Mina ETentes romib oI Jai, Orathal Ae•to the concessions of the North, . Everett said: The North has compromised until the very word ;has become almost sickening. (Ap plume) With respect to everything sub stantial in the complaints of the South against the North, Congress and the States have af— forded or tendered all reasonable, all possible satiriCetion. She complained of the Missouri Comoromim, although adopted in conformity with all the traditions of the Government and approired by the most judicious Southern statesmen, and after thirty.four years of at- . quiescence on the part of the people, Congress repealed it. She asked for a judicial decision of the' territorial question in her Omer, and the /lamina Court of the United States, in con travention of the whole current of Our legisla tion, so decided it She instated on aiming this decision into effect, and three new Tent tories,', at the very last session of Congress, were organized in conformity to it, as ,Utah, and New Mexico bad been before it was =- dared. • She demanded a guarantee against ameadatents of the Constitution adverse to her intends and it was given by the required majority of the two Houses She required the repeal of the State Laws obstructing the amender of fugitive slaves, and, although she had taken the extreme remedy of revolt into herpplause.) hands they were repealed or _nicslifktd. (A Nothing satisfied her, because there was an active party in the Cotton growing States led by ambitious men determined on disunion, who were resolved not to be satisfied. In one instance alma the &nth has suffered defeat. The North, for the first time since the forma tion ortherGovennuent, has chosen a Prosi• dent by her unaided electoral vote; and that is the occasion of the preSent unnatural war. [Cheers.] I did not, as you know, contribute I to dist result, but Idid enlist =der the banner of " !tit Union the Constitution, and the En forcement of the laws." [Cheers for Mr. Ev erett.]r; Under that banner I mean to stand, and with ft, if it is struck down, I am willing to fall.' [Load applause.] Even for this re sult the South has no ono to blame but her self. Iler disunionista would give their votes for no candidate but the one selected by lead ers who' avowed the purpose of effecting a rev olution of the Cotton States, and who brought about a schism in the Democratic party di rectly calculated, probably designed, to pro duce the event which actually took place, with all its dntadconsequences. !um uton 110 50.6. EL CUD draeL IPIOPEMOIL /I COM.. Ihrrioa•the Waal.. Pa All Copelan Pa Lt D W Dim; Cp Wriyht N. 131, Water Wart. Tamura". C Lova. low, V Vki s c7. Ohio II Coal.. L1U...1. X Root., Weetworsbord B Little, Peter's Creek IV RIARKIM STRZIIIP All DUSTERS, CUILDRENS' DUSTERS, MISSES' and CUILDRENS' SKIRTS All Belling at Low Prices. COMMERCIAL RecoRID. PEITSBIUBGII- llisavarm, .I#4PCikedoPaddclUlf fro 11171stong 0414114.1 Preminmem.7l76ko:Mg 12. Aga. SLOOR—The Pleat motel Ittoliadorggno no %nada change. n. Wins Ed boctlvitt. which p crapea No loogattll With -1 p 7,147 L±4. 1711 P00t olhonto fur the bother. 'I littioled aggregated 0td7, 220 Wit* Le low 33 bedoEpring And Mater lihsat loran) it 114.14 V 113,74 40 do do at 44,6006,26; 65 Motor *hall 404646,4 6,50; 60 do do sus litre, ILL t"L 6o fy6,l* Wt 0110 0 34 1 1 / B —Cmtltunt II good demon), d Flom or* fang manth.tood kin mere:: I:4 latdi gehool N 0 Ittgoc, to en 76 nip Ltdo t mode, e at 71(to 6 do chola do at 7,14 c. 40 674 dn 0 alulmmo at 34c—orb; lb do *ot loSm 10 do no, to connuyott 37460 bop Cdho. at 16c; lb dodo at 151boVift • • • • boOdN-Tery doll-la tact there amen to bell° de. roac4ohataser. •1 ho only mud hear of mot 1,030 Th. t It:lob/aro aad Palo Hato. at 634 nod 1140. -; boot anchaagat oda, of 21 half bbt. Lake lim $1 ing at 112.11.1 i 10 do *Oat UN, lo half bbbhl W• /Loh at 2b. / 1 / I Y-to regular demand; not. of 17 !orb, new .cold fromll tap_ BUTZCS • 1.11.7-.Yoe Outlet Unto L. but llttle r ldoot. 1 1 old ton error Batter at 6-Xo, azob Z:10 me priorsn no at Se. Ibm-nak ol bale lb. .• WHBILT-anebeagall; bale 01 10 Mao Common id 161 17c. and 4 do Old 11” at $1 $1 CHNE3t-Bale of SO boxy. common W It at Its qi 113. DRUID P 11,11 211126-unchanbed; axis of 00 bto plate at $2,31, aod , 10 do choice do at WO. 8 1 1 .00•13-Bale Of 10 dos COMIDOLI at $1,60 04 .1001 EL Ow do at $2. Pettr olB -ttothsogoi; bale of 0::* bosh Ne.baspoclo K n. p huh. EYE ILUOIL-Eale of 5 bbls at $3,2.5 tiit 1001-• decUna st, 1.07=7//1..11.1 vu efiallellati.ollAZ.V Qum° ,Pbobacy MD Pionsthrt hens.-The bccolPt Yasebbitif Thar,Oraio, Lilll Stock, ProFtektie Ake by all toe Rearm& leading oat of tbe elty doting the, put week were am follow= Itnceiv..4. =5,8u3 24,414 =,361 55.154.3 ... 764,490 1,10:*8 . 16.914 32,740 • 3 'ad atixts Bde, bas Parley. Do Cot Blest; Bod 0.111., IJOMO 3.958 As compared with lb. week pentane, Mere is a device. In the receipts of 3,600 this flour, BLOOD be wheat. teed 13,0.0 be ate; while there Is an Icemen of upward. of 100,000 Imolai. la lb. rerelpla of eon, 711275 t also an . Iccresee In the shipments of awn of auct,too bockats, tip/ a deerwess In the shipment., of wheat of 1 . 40,000 bombe!, Toe lot/owing table show. the recelpte of flour, grafi...Lc since the Ist orJeottary to July ft, am compared *oh Mous of Um two seen previcum 17,0 2,00 1561. 1580. 165.9. ' . 613,14 '40,625 210 4 891 Wheat, be._ 16.243,41.4 1,343 20/ 1.45k=9 Oorn, b 0....— 9,4151 3.4 Lk:123999 2580612 Oete, be ...... ..... .... 611,553 nu,tris 311;386 Rye, be 227,4:7 61,747 lA= Maley, be 304,350 190,356 120,469 Seeds, Me— 2,463,953 2,000,654 1,367.,668 . Pork, ....... 31,8.31 17,379 15000 Out bleats, 6,788.55: , 4.854,480 Lard, lbs..-- —....6,870,1118 2,971,49)2,797,583 ..... 358 460 137,678 119,088 Liv e Bum 142,634 78,974 47,058 Droned liar, 141,115 45,11:41 26,382 Beef Catale,3lo.-- 79212 6 7,845 33, 2 in 'I Ise folkierleg table r . 112,4 the aracout et Dour and 'Meth In store la Wla elty ow the Itto of J. 17, compared With lbe etatemeneker the three previous weeks: July 11. July 1. lace 24. .1.4 17 /lour, bbfs 23.7G0 1./.110 3a , 166 82560 Wbe•t, 174.803 scu.szio 512,254 412,02 d C. 21,214 2,201,636 2,220,110 2,•81y73 (M 4., 226.603 400 • 533 475,115 471011 —[ tribune. • Linerao Onor.—Withht the peel week, tier tuanotacturare of Unmet' 0:1 In the Weet, held • tomtit% la Ihie elty,for the pupas. of compering note*, with 1111•11,0 LI tame eaten. The etalletlce furnished, slowed that the shale amount of seed given oat to farmers, In the eering of 100 a, round lumbers. 59.000 hostels, and thtt the n o se per Ia duct wee elsbt fold, or eight Umbel. to the one sown. Ttile jeer ibe whole amount evert oat Old not exceed 25,00 hoshele, end farther that there hes been touch lam itele peortent Ned wen this year. 'heti leer. The aurae of Chis falling off was the wet weather In April, which rendered eowing In all eases difficult, end to some essay to Mit lapd Wilt a clay eel:moil Impossible. 'I he growing cop, we at. demand. loot • well. and promlere an average yield, to eats the weather storm favorable. The • hale number of oil. mIIM lo the west le slalom, ill of whkh we believe were represenied. Now, the product °roll!. generally two gel ions p bin hit, eo diet tueleac our csiettleuous upon ;he shore ttsuira, Irving oat the deficiency ha independent seed, the to m s,lwo M followet • Product.of Oil }Loot upon We feet, than made tromth the 01.110131bc. rent agreed rat to melt their prneot mock of on leee it& 66e, ottich le so advents of 446011 /Li 10[1 over the tato , hod been oe:Ilog st.--(olnototett rhos CarrettL - ' • Ctotexcio Ilona um Gator Maas.,, July 10 —Theia was so toffeassd trashaem 10 the general =green kw lard. today, and Ile tt totem, lu vicar wax Emmert% owing partly to • dreMae Is treishta and tartly to limey orders (rum Gaud,. sad dm Rasa Th e deniand /kw rem far. and audit lha Influence of au improventeot to New-York, we not* an ad...Oran?bbl, In Prima Abool 2000 bidb to all ablated banda,at $5,22 for oteeice whim winter run, and $3,243,112 for lair to Muttoe twiny aeirm• 42 Um bob raird I.e dal. xaa • 1 .41 Ocular. maid have been Maancied. Thera we a better abipedag and enrol:dative loqulry for wheat. and the mare ' let loss boosant and active, prima clooing firm at an W. rano, of 2,32* VI bash. About MOM/ brothels of all grader changed Mame, firellSo for N W dub; 01442 c foe No 1 eprium 6141123f,c (o r Nu 2 odor, and 1 1 / 1 015c ra', Jetted. A lot of now md *lnter wad sold Ly auopa, a, a ally at Lk on track. the Corn market was comm . ally feta. and owing to an Mclean In the number DI Loy ae 3{o wra holden had the advantage, prima •howlag• an advance •f hush. l`owanls rho rim., hollreaar, the market' we mormiy no firm. Almat/AOOO towbetarb.34.4 head* at 24025 e for Catml and River Mixed atios4 21* for as ,rcelyta 11/Mad in Morn 214,32013{0 tor Jane sad Joty roe relp-• of same ire, wed 170317%0 for Rejected ta emme Usta lonsansaction,—M y and gala at 13 , ,b• 12Ilet in more, wi th Light trit, Remo as Cann If , July 10_71. Doffte mar.' km amain ma until hot arm and a/iLacoth than waa • fale !ovary for it today, Os are without franaecttoto to nowt,. 1141• re mo u nd eery firm la their Com, and aro not db. - poredtowelsalt.attolnte. The stool of Calm In drat hand. foots op 20,000 bag.. We now goota &Caw aa 10 00.0010 f 12 to 1210 for low Madre lIkr; 12613 1 4 a fear xmol deg 12,4 , 414 e far mimed% Immoym 13%m lb; ated Java . at 1731 to I& pas • laaports by Railroad. 3 hi OPm4aO•M P. rWtsAoTdIL I & * (baser, . 100 ttA. WD o — a J r u l L y a 1p & hopard; Lib do do, thou:Laker,* Lac*: 2pa natio^ L 10410,10 la s am" 110011los; 2 kgs lard, KU barn& b boy :am; lo to bun& 'Y & cu , lot pr.:dote, • libeaertne: I mower and ru, halal Dickey & cot bbl. W WooirlAgec 6 bo o lf glasorsre, B L s loe, *Co; =reels land . a A lirel,ray &cocoa; GO bloc., Cap • Porrrart 66 pkgs 0 bax. 2 hh.l6 old copper, Park. Sireur dy & coMO Was f our, D Wallecac 00 co do. B L labor& coca & . 01 117 tddre, JII Rotator, 1 ELL I map Irob,Jooce & Loath Pr macaws AND CLTIMIAND Roth Horn.—,loll 10.- 6 tars cart.. McCraw & WIleol; 3 empty 111.. ?moor & Garrard; la J B Prseath big csp. mcDned & Arbuckle; 6 react, lti& &hairs a Tamer; a cer hiof..l co;1 do do, Chen, d, , Bud & co; 1 carhrr, lobo& L Wllroarth, 61 empty bbl., O W &ebb.; 22 boot. clone& J • Caoaeld & a;131 10600, a 11utra,h12.37 Cop tharta. J W 3lmpscur, IS boa mem. IL Robison 4e , ; 22 clo dy LU Ural; IUVAGEt /BMWS. • Th. river matinee to advance steadily with 3 lent inch ato the channel by the metal mark. The weather cc matne dondgamd oneettkg, with occasional Amnon of rain. Limey Woe are mild to hare (ellen atilt,* bead we. tenet the Allegheny and Wonongshola riven, and arise la limbo; tor boil, etresece-.......,.The tad l . came op front bhoneitown yemerd., efternoon, when she has been re. palsedend reiminted. bhp will commeac• biding for 1:11c cloned and Louisville inanedlately. It fa probable Met the Wheeling boat. will ramose their regular tripe. TISLHURAPIIIO BUSIZALIWIru. No. YL4I, Jul? 12.—CaUon Sun 167.4416i4e. • Flour aulou rain or 11,C00 it* Sian $3 7043 W; °Moll 14.4 471: Southarn $4 tive re. When needy; mite' ot 100,040 Leman Mena aping 6661124 Ullaraakta Club 80002 q red wean. $1 triSli 10; +hue St 1241 21; Kentucky SL 27. °nu tinn; n 4.190,0110 bush; mind 2 0 44Aa. ruche:la; nen $l6. Whisky only at 1444163.54. Rice firm at iy4OW,o, Sugar Urn. *fine firm. Atalanta Om. Nasal atone sant. Reighla 81, ./0 41 .U.11 Chino .Z; Mohr Central sh.. 61X; Minn Qualm Benda 02; Mich.:pa !Southern K ti ed York antral 7a%'; Pau:ninon Mel Company Z7o;; Baii4. log !toad 111* lidincurl Sixes 13; Alininfilpt .3414; Virginia Elan 48. PIMADILNIII, July 12—flour undiaulled Eat 4 01% + 11 . 4 a 1444 U for ourpeilne, made hem lining Wheat; Si MOS 474 fur extra $O4 extra funny. 711. en thinning; ale. at 41 1041 12 tor fed, and sllB4llotor +bite. Corn gain; =OO butt at 112411 k. 800 1;61.115161y mold at 10416%0_ PITTSBURGH AGRICULTURAL WHIMS, Nos. 49 and 51 Perry eeeee rrrrsounnu, PA. FICILDIK B. WILLIIAPIS. PRoPutltTort. WOULD call the attention of - Femmes, Deanna, littesaa, and dhoti, to the oolatoatod Telegraph Hay, Straw and Fodder Cutter, of welch be a saw wanntarturtne • large ameba. 01 oZ - 1 . eel due. Oar Hand and Power. At.., Star Corn Sheller., Cher Doable at Bing% for Hand or Power. Ball's Improved Ohio Mower and Reaper, • Rona Powom and Threshers. Dog Powers, most /improved Pattern. Ingersoll's Hay Press, - AND OTHIN AOPIOULTDDAL KAMM DM wholeeste and Mall. for nether Informellon. addrre. u above. de.LwrlyT PARMBUB' DEPOSIT 13.a218.11111 CO. 10. 65 Fourth 8 Bank of Deposit and Discount, la TAMEST PAID OE DEPOSITS. PAR AND mann" PONDS RICEITRD OR DRPOIIT.: TRE UNDERSIGNED Stockholders aro in divithally manual* to &ignitor' to tin Abolvizant oiJaws Mgr print'. moms • amine! George, John Irani'', lb/ Wetter. ,• Jamb Long, kinilla Low, .Wilatal Om. t John Soak 'now+ El D. Robb era. D. A. Atmore,. • w. w. Wainer. .Waller, Robed , Mohan! B IRMO. Jacob Paulen Ttmoms B.rou, D. IL Ualvay, James A. Hum, John flo,rd. IV/Mom Toon& - • - JAN 4.13Z0Z0R. Csahler. PreadenL • accUtly•T 4'AROS AND. SEASONABLE. SHOES . tifitst...enjag.”Zatl v a g .tg'con g at , 71 and 81.; • lagellog Clain and faded tianklan 7'. and 81. bench Itoroc.o and Kid Dos do do do ••• , Quaaomerie Rowed Congress truckglo GaltoiL. Do - Irsocch Calf Hatt Boots. • - j 024 • ORURO ALSEtICV, PO:IAM. ' Comm of Wood and 'ninth dream,. • • 14' - U 11--2,000 bble. Oman Iditbi, !St: Louie, j: 1,003 do 111.11ernau do do 600 do Oondordta •do do • „Rd .do Depot /dills. A 12i.Paglo,i,dcd 800 do °ropes Older bast , dpi 'Allot the 'ion, en tildes, /31.. tools ty ' aelarld And tor Ws by J. 0. Limos= A 'W. MI_MI • Wart au2 92 /runt • • •-;••r OW"AND ,MAOkfIAUCIIIrS,'-gPQOIa: II aim n Ehrtitlite:at. Ili/ ILL FatD-16L1 eac.ke reoeived and for *buk by WI &UGC NM • CO,. C IMSN —U/ boxes prima Cheese ix IV! ectd awl for AMWAY B. 4,1014aDA . . . maw i.wrsaw. TEUEFOLD . I MErr.A.BIJJ3EULD Coach: PAtatory. .-•, CA R.R. it. LI CI /V 0 A Ar. ItIiANUFACTUREIRS A CIIE.S. CAR - MAO ommursses aut CO ouanss, umes. tw3 SUING WAGONS, of mury dew , odow Es 6W bainziams.aacir thotiti , LV: 4 l. l o . Pa. 12.40! Now Work 41.1171 cm ba44l,st No. 284 Mir y &ma. I112:171/ 1 11 " NEW SIIIITTLE • SEWING MACHINES An altaplrd (411 alcals or /A 6111.1' 15110111. u. oortrtni anon, ' , al no 3133 natant and Ugrian !Abram 'matior I LOCIC' ITCH SEAM tato an both arldea..nbtra: • t)Att .trt BB ii.YRI.RD OR PULLID ODT. And tors al Wenn. atart ntratagi 11133.tha and-Shoo 111n41er them tanno rotation. tan 1 and 4.. t hem at 28 Fifth street" nattalts. - • IV. B . LASCELL • . . W AILDLA. Bboksoller, StatiOner; BLANK BOOK BIANUFACTURER :PRINTER AND NNW, 63 Wood [Street. near Fourth, PITTSBURGH. GoLo rims i WHOLESALE FUT.! IL PEN AND CAEES REPAIRED. SILVER AND GOLD PLATING • Done at Use shortest 'milks, at the comic! Fourth dad Masket:streeta wood dory. roma. Hying oat of the elti haviderdra te therm send talc asalL jaiciw FITZPATIOCk & CO. C tirL 1t y 1e......1..,.. -- ` 1 ) t • - 1 ti f - . , 5 t CHEROKEE REMEDY 0111AILING1 OSSA /OS Con6rriniea and all Disevivi of the lirkergau, TOL latootrettree when ell other - proarether flu: It Marx ;.:%Igt: . sor ;put compo nasoas rt conterr i f itU and softly from Liolo r tes . ltarla sad=t;t4 be las Rr weekended down arm one enterstioa to sooner be the Cherokee Indians...it ts aimed to the 10 00100 .. ,.... ems Inmost, aorta .ft manor Its Mar mot thuoahlr. tine Unfortunate of ei th er sel'iritr6e a mid be smo eteniedy astral of plegok Ono aka st th ge germ' of some hack ' e ck or Probes:v._ sots Bar meg) , Orate et the rem hoot of th e Clem : tea away te tat rattly to stupend the poleon. het to EasetOve the Cause onsrldelt Mamas fell tUneflons in pm seat form mammy 01011 Doha. Via steeds Mod fu my antra/ad adonied by air tonak lOW rammer Caesar. ril v or I I XII: e s t l=rlj . 11 . 11 t a t =guy . tl= thaturitu estonleoret the mat selentae men of the ego Ti. getuds not 0017 maketa ellraison camlee System wo. but Invigorates the most debate cambia t It doe. Eat Affect the Brrath or Interfere .110 11217 Class of ktuelneek, or ratan ma derail= hoot tee osnalalet. It +soaker enhance from other meadow • , mut etat It nheneeklu Value / .10. Entire lance of ell Nausea= Taste, be n se Pleasant sod Ltelirions ',fruit: $O. • - Mir hie. VI bar bottles or turria thre t e itz bottles Be,' ektlf. handotoss.at.Louto.ilz . . I DR. GEO. IL R.F•YR&R, , . I 40 Weed= Wholaale mad Beteg Sir to • trr all Draststo HICLEHOLHIS HASIIITIPAAPARAHOB. "IIIUELLT CONWINTBATID" Compound Fluid Extract Buell% IA radii,. and lipseldo Amid? far DiqVARECS Of THE BLADDEH. ' KIDAZYS. I, ' RAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWRLLINCSi This lifullefie incrusts Ea power of Distatfon. sad vs.' tilts toe ABoOft BAN ts into Outlaw action. tn , width tan EATiar Wit OAbOABIOLIS dtpultions, and ail OH /NATURAL I t.f.sA6BatitlTO an rednoid. al OMB an AND LOLA UM a.IION. and to rood for Slut, Woman nod RELMBEILDA EXTRACT RUCH% • For Wtaksits• Arlatits !frau is For Habits of lion. BUIS • I butscration Abut, Alttdd with the follinving Bysaptonnits Inthspotinoa to Artutton. Low.__of routs. Lots of Hectors. adEctat7 of ountunm Weak Hama - Troubling. .kiorrarof Watsfuthria iconasa orileutort Pala In Ea Butt, oirantal istasitc,t of u t Itnactuar t meta, Hot Banda., Slostdos of 1134 Bod 7. thsocita of the BUD. Amato. of the Era naiad ieousatuuuteit. Amu uniptutus. alknrad to go on. V;del suEgtlin inrailatar rasmatooort !Amos • haslX!Darwle Fatuity. Epelegate Pit,, In one 'et which the Patient _ may Eraire. Who ens toy - that they us rot hattountly Wawa W them .!/I.%ttt.l4l,l;ease Haar Y. Oran at Um camas of Utel”cacrtor. 11 . 3 UT AONI 9 1 / 1 .1. 0011,RS. TUE arm aor TUE INSANE ArTLOMS. ant 0: latemettetr Dunn 'by Oramarastkai Bur Asn RUA= te l Ma /MY si Ma Assert:km TBN COBSTLTOTION 030 Z AtYSITTHD WITH 1011.61A11/0 mrsaminrass,,... . I:4quire• the ant et coedir.hm to atrarretbsa ant _ tararotata thoannon, Which Hatiabold's ExtraMt Wombs. torartably dim A Olat riu varknate t. Hon damned. r k I L I LLTJ — TEMALEs-7231.11.E5. OLD 011 7O b HO. 1311 IGLIL•HAIDLLID. Oft 430W1234 PLATING rhIAILIIIIOI, - In many AffeettOrm preoltar to Wemalesa lbw iturses of wham Is oehomuod by soy other rowed y ft fa • Gateman or Asuottoo..trolgalarity. Damnation or was. :mod. of extstaxarr Braman. Olterame or nue el the litants. Lemon-tem or Dann. IpeQrS for all onaylaten Mean* t to the mx. weather minas mot Lad , ar..rotioa,ittabilei of allealgtUan. Or la the DEO,LLVE OR CIIAIVGR OF"LIFE: 1— et Ban teal /that - —a - - bIQ FAMILY SHOULD 811 WITHOUT IT: ___ tattoo sate fratearo. Slarena. or ernpleatat Idedlethe bar unpleatar i l dagandurdlatate. li sULDO LATAAt..7 SUCHII • SECRET - DISEASES aaaaa In th ,Lair steam At Intl* Kimeass; Little or to than It Mat : fro imuresuame; 1 ANd 40 2•7041145. . .. It atm it frequent dean and ewes etreath to Urthatk .1116111 b 7811 Sne00111211CL1094 • • , rano ad curios Othatarme et the Urethra, . . Analog 2 sod to freenattleo, Ire heat= to tee thus al/Waal. on Natter ** 1 .14 , 4 1 1 1 ., fa flaagray,Thsared out seam . l 1 i THOCIAIIIe CPO.I 110171111DS lITO lurk taiga Tils Nevin UP QUACKS and who have Dal heavy law to be Cared la a abets thaw bat rouratthar weft theared and mattes "PUMP "Law fro the CU a .)oweeni astrfairests," both teed Up In the Mi... I. hr - • at le a tartrate tom and rthepa otter Blarroao. 1' Clee IthlealZafrils Extract Mah e . for all affeetfrat ad thanes CI , • • 1 .1 Item.l./AISALLY 0/341•1911, whetter tile Ung ut - RALE OR FECRAIX, 'tree elteleretensearigivetlos, ate es meta. of I teW LIVANDIPIIO. Ulmer of them lenearnaln the old or a DIVILITIO. ' I/al mint tract Buckle 1 • le the urvai pia:retie, •And I. tee-eon here the %tend teed Caen insignia - leer welchllt is ilecoommansisd. Bruenoe of ate Owe: reelsceia see forpeaeleffi charecta • sceompain the vatatences. • - cifictiFitivaAas . cy cuasta _ &met us, to xernaristiethe • ! - I seance LCD ream. • ' peace te I per betels, or six tor $l5. „Delivered to eve Wares malrelf peeked from observance. PlittWait■ dYiIiTUAIS nab Crites brunalliteed t Advice OraW t - I .' Persoluni b ietered Wan eaten Aldermen of the ofty ' of flatneolp fa T. net/Mote; Who Was dale swore • cloth leer hie priderstion mentos no nenotio. CO glattery.' - or Other conetes diem bat are sandy. weestate. . si.T.Lucuasow, Sworn are nbscebeit baron met Ihn Ind day of Iforeat : I W. r. tUnDisr,Awerroaa. , . - ninth dram abimaties. rnuaaelgua: addree littera for I alcamation In otecildenoe to - H. T. HIMBIBOLD. Chemist. D. t. 104 loath Tenth Woe - Criteenat, !Ma OR,WARR. OF WIJATICJIVACITEN Ann varleinCirarD DEALZIIII, Who ondemlit teener `of Uttar ova and %then ar. • akin - on the reatetton attend by than Opera dentst•Priparatkes. r. do . do aoi • .l am p • ',. • - , do ' Imtrotedeli.; BECIICHAVI:da KELLY , =-•; A44IIGERZIT 1111% Antall Vitieshee ennarhas. Ask far Hentbolfs, eo other. u.t °atm* adurthismant asid, 1.4 for It, *o4' Seed Unmet • a are exesere. • - nee , . 4.4>, TP. I 4 IILC• of U»e and ismararn a/aelr moesst V s l tchme, of all delimahatioue, - Permit arid Delicate Diroldras. IrelLid bum. Dlip. emu or Mucatlonammutop aed locklimt to. Youths of huh.- rens. arid Adage. *forte and surdas. -Bemuse Dr.D/tiaff - • OrritiJii publishes the Ma data& Ita Dimonat aod modal. ma ihrumfellr amt thlair. Lt a out 7ry I auaon.l. untt. ceataummtrou amt. cierrU= emus their Id? ca.' it Wag we sad dauhten. IMMO abi o .l. at o be tatalloaa to Amp etema Ditrae.„ that they do as Dr.. DitiallaTiltiPitempt _ Pablishlum) lest a locraU re_practice nadir& be lost to mu; mood mud& Weep modest mad permaposoal pertinent nand to tutorancemtnunt up as umudirott g a who comma* soMety. trdelltipmce.imme.ele . to dollar. CUM. mratertrottlyi -meanly or Maumee. it late poppet. , T. t boaraver, maittattlefunagantatsandmalanaarathuk. rat that their sow &melte., atd emu minfouls Mau . sully amt 01 millcate mounihmiost am! ap Neu mstoted to health end Mutts Dr. SlialtistikU _OS- • macs lour; NW* and 'atter .uittririte on al o ars • taut wad matt kullerincutver alortitleatlon.U. ' „tb.0.10.00a4e of omir Deny tau' =mum* mad Ob. ; aeiratiom uoommuoils he has suparlor 00/11 to the host. Main of abeatalooweeee. wed who la da1.17 °untiediset wadgal stratar .a. u ad andutudad remparubieci Putilimera ormirtstort ef bottle. Mo. Orlice 86 Done • Area. um lhealmod rms. _karate cortimitureadull IMO - • - an, parts 01 the ,Dolan .truth &usual to. • Direct _ • .L: I norl9oo. ritieborsh PottoffkOL- nabs Slit/BACII raaVitris tiose—Thu, S , *Alois eaables thaw otiose neat or clitabitii • s v g ,msust Amour o4 i lassilig.i, fort: or licolt lbs; nlm th•VIPZ4 so:161m yorteatlr r asslost mastt[nd "., o : tat Doeoss. The sews arida can be suiS by mil lo stol- • • soli •Uis Vatted Aswan uanada, two Ur 111/1•Iold Igo Dr. U. M. ' Bo WsMinx Rom= Psu"— , ..- • • nom tills are I only, oustobis married ot Wads Miss cso rely lima with zeds Ana Certainty-for tho ussealisto . lionotal. Wolimtiloos. ftregalsiltles. to. jagyaleilt - .silo used tisisistyrtsviciey: stip par tor.. sash , • .7..• costalsa real by man. rtts Dvme• cam. all &mass s stints wit5ir5.=161".4...4 42413"'aistr4":1thil stiossiots7a+eliosioo"""ao46 Tuns ricrxr. 13 as UAW Masc entuaria. to tea& to the al• Awe Zama lotas ells sad amars; Able. idOSO 10.0114 =bard sal alartsalla. la ands oreak-' 114110 lad Wasjartitiaan an/Saba maella vas _1 ukiN, BetYIT Whokerale Dealer. IaDWIPA TINA', 1%401188-25 asap I;mightAy Pemba rwthtd sadist tubby - - _ Utliti • 14 tab by ISOVUU feet.. leitOWX i ;~.,. :;~>- Lumber Itke