IVittsburgk ONcite. - plrllol4i, 4.4,11.11 OP fill cury kRUMLY MOMBIO, JULY 12, 1861 CITY, AFFAIRS rdsracatcaaarrAL Mamakris tar UN Bomar; by O. E. Lihul, Optidan; 6B Flab 84.—eorroctsd duly: . - usowi omea. IV seldar34 . 44. r.„.:r.„.:.1 ......:..r.„.:.1 ......:......:.00 63 72 6 64 29 1.10 The Old. Pits&biter/An Hurrsiwg Ground. At therm/nest of a friend, we paid a visit 'ester.. day to thVold Presbyterian grave yard? , on Centre &Tennis, for the sole pirpose of *summing the ne. /feet and rein which are everilkere observable throughout Oahu ancient necropolir. This is one ... .of.theeldest burying le the city, and when ofigiuny selected i&wu out city limits, bat no ilt Lin a thickly populated and rapidly impror. 113gpart of the city.l: No interment has trees made l a her fat year,, a, fetus we are aware, if we except the temporary dopoalt of the remains of Henry Fife au Charlotte Jonesithe famous McKeeeport mar. d rs. Our object, however, is not to sketch the hudory ortlus place, but to an the attention of those who have control of the gounds' to their unsightly, we Irligbt ray diegracel ol, condition. The fence is ling dome, and being carried off; hogs roam over e graves; the tombotones, monuments, etc., are oken and scattered about, and wreck and ruin are eterywhere apparent. In the lower corner, a pit Marie ten feet deep, and perhaps eighteen or twenty feet square, has been dug, evidently to ob. ioin stone for baddingparpotto. Around the Irides Olds bole eight or ten coffles can Written, some intruding twelve or Lateen inches, with the ends d Sides knocked. ant, and ' portion ' portion of the bones ing in the bottom of the pit; Sock &spectacle, ina civilised age and id a Christie° community, is certainly not creditable, to say the least. Near this pit is an old vault, arched over with lunch, and originally doted with it. heavy iron door; but lime has weakened the fastenings, the riciari has been removed, and ruthless hands harehroken open the coffins and scattered the ro tation through the vault. A portion of a skull lies el nopicuotudy before yon as you stoop to look into the vault, and fragments of coffins, - with other &dolt, are strewn all 'over the floor. ' lint enough olithis sickening detail. We are informed that this ground belongs to the Trustees of the Second Presbyterian Church. If thia be se, they are hardly aware of it, condition. kviiiit to the place, however, will convince them that something should be done immediately to bide this disgraceful spot from public view. Female AWraes la the Army. liar. W. 4. Passarsint, the wall-known philan --throPist, of this city; having visited the tut of wu mainly with the trievi of witnessing the operation, of the army hospititis, writes a long latter.fro IfortUis Monroe to tlie Minioner3r, from which we extract as follows: Kr we ever bad any doubt about the importance and ncontsity of Chi - Winn women going forth to the Mist of the sick and wounded soldiers of our easy, thit doubt would hero been dispelled by what we 154111 and heard doriug our visit to Fe. Monroe. If it were proper, wo might refer to the high commend. ationa of the medical j uteri who have charge of the hospitals, but this 13 quite unnecaisary. While the receive is one of mat caution and more than usual s4f.denlal, it is at the same time eo fall of mercy to sulleang, sad to attended with such benedletiorur from the grateful recipients if - to place it the roost privileged agencies of Christian ascii:lasso. A wide door and anneal is here opened to our dea conesses, and the mercies of their hands of =phial. cally the patience. or hope and the labor of love. Nor are their endless confluedlle - the slot room Only; but the 'photo Of. their usefulness extends in -various directions. Through the money of Miss D. L. Dix, and the. kindness of Chrietaln friends over the lead, they have been furnished with a tolerable supply Of Testaments, Prayer Books, papers and tracts, as well as Havelock', soots, towels, shirts. Ao., had other necessaries for extreme cases, which they : are enabled to dirpetnte among the needy, not only, of the .couvaleicent patients, but' in the en campments and-regimental hospitals of the vicinity. We made arrangements, when in Baltimore, for the weekly shipment of oranges, do., to the for rho Hospital, land only await the Means to carry it into Sited." • •The County Lags Family. Tine institution nos contains one hundred and sistpkone pri duets-Arty of whom are femalu. Thin is an unmorally: large number, - particularly uponfthei heels el general jall deliairy! , by the Quarter Sesaieno Severs, causes have operated to produce this result. tinder the °Pennons of the new law, aldenbeir and janicee are I prohibited rim committing vagrant and disorderly-persons, ano the Mayon of the two cities usually send op this class of offenders from -than to thirty days. Apar; ttie Commisaioners are not permitted to re. laze the jail fete„ aS bee been eery cOOSIDOU here. telaiiii'„audao damtiatgat are °Matted :without the' ppanairin able to pay 'all jail fees charged against. him. Farther, the District . Attorney ioslot that under the kw, all prisoners held ;fur oats of coif--when the emu neared, fifteen Jottare—most remain is jail for ninety days, if 11. colts are not paid. If the cats are under 'Steed dollar., then thirty day. isadded to Lhasa:. I tesCeCir the costs arena paid.- Liquor eases are an exteptioo, the term , of Improwinmentj . in default or:coals, being thirty days. For the reasons stated, the jail a tiled to oveitlowitig, and as the Court does not meat agaie stout October, Jailor Susi: may taped to bare on immense family by that time. f, The prisoners 'are all Ithalthy, and folly stile th .; hole-the rations , . laraished them by the county. ItAllr4ad Earabsge. The:piloting is a 'statement at the approximate oarniogs of the Fittabergh, Fort Wayne 3 Chicago liailroni Company, dating - the month. of June, compated with the same period of list year, as Ra vished TD. ldesaior, Auditor, Itutit 61404. $l7/008 70% 83298 18 - Paimagert. 63 847 VI 03,870 93 " tirpress - ^ao 00 9,000 00 7,n3 00 7,825_00 i Beef ormed 7,003 23 7,083 33 3.7leooltao'. ILO 00 tis IL Totlal 0200.273 02 010322 ea t 4577 4810. Earning. from Jao 1 to 202.6130, '6151,377,9221 1M1022,220131 $.125020 0211na . • , . in consequence of the refusal Oaths part of this Compsoy to, carry troopi, tie., at less than rerun. noraure prices, in competition with other camps. tile, their paisengerearnings no not show is ray. • Gratify is they might hive done had the ICompany transported only thins troops that legitimately be- Immedito the line. beirigthe shortest andmost es! —pada icies route to the seat of war. The resMt, however,' ot the aggregate hissineas for six :moothir, in view of , the put end. present. depression of burinees, will doubtless be entirely eatislietory to the propriators.• 1- Tetoperannenlite Colonel*. The Commit of the Borough of•Tempenancerille held its regular monthly meetiog Monday evening, July Sth. Members present--Mesoro. Robinson, l*lcHride, McDowell, inplen, Yergeson end Ber gen, Cnebrane. - Minuteaol the previous meeting . were read and aplinred. COmdlitteed appointed - to_ examine Alexander 'treat and hare the iwater course cleared reported pregrecii. • --. on Motion, bleisrat . Mcbride,yerguson and Bar. gent CoChrane were appointed a committee to view the sewer no Virgin alley, and.employ some parson to make ouch alteration. as, they may, deem ;zeta. on motion,. the Burgers was authorized to draw tits warrants ID favor of the followmg persons: Morrie Borden for cleaning water table on Mob ingtou street, $3,90; also Henry :Vieth:whey $lO .for grading lfarkerra alley, per contract: A petition weir-presented to Council asking them to make a sewer from the Steubenville Pike down Walnut street to the Plink read. After eoma-con sideration on the 'abject, the Borgne and Council were appointed as a committee of the, !thole to examine Walnut street - in regard to ranting the sewer asked by the eitmens—having Amer to M ire:dee and receive proposals for malung said sewer necessary. - On motion, Council proceeded to levy a tax for borough purpoa, which was fixed at the rate of four milli on the dollar. lames Kelly, was ap• pointed:Collector for the year 1891—also, that- he shall reteiye five per cent. for collecting.. On motion, adjourned. - Lliflll Independence day, was celebrated at :011 City by the Grog of cannon,' raking of a liberty, pole with stare and 'stripes; followed by a basket plastic n Haagen% thou, where a sumptuous repast was graced by a large number of ladies and gudemen, who enjoyed themselves with marked hilarity —the young folks dancing to the sweetest of music by the Oil City: Band. The .celebration closed with it dram ball et the Petroleum House, ;conducted with the nicest propriety and the entire 'satisfaction of a highly intelligent company. Greet credit le due to Mr. Mere, the-worthy landlord, sad big lady, tor the order, decorum and propriety observed throughout the day cad eroding, u well as the elegant and sumptuous repeat rehashed their This day .will longbe remembered by there who celebrated the glorious whoversart,of i our hide• aodencit at Oil city. , A McLain= Oaciaorzen...TheoNcers of the ear. eral Llgtitlnia o try =non ills in the county or Ann. strong, met at Kittanning on the Sib leaf, and or. ganized a regiment under the name of the " First Regiment of Colombia Cadetsp by choosing truant. wooly for Colonel, Win. C. Beck, late of. West Point D 4 dusty Academy; Lima. Col., J. 15. Finlay, of Kittanning Bank; Major D. W. C. Hervey, North BMW° towrablp ; Adjutant, Geo. 8. Piano', Pet. Der ine., An encampment is to be bald in Sep— temberorhen S. permanent organieition of the cam. parries nhd regiment will be completed ender the su creisitin of the County Brigade Inspector. Haney, entir Amoctcortoz.—At the last regala mo oting of the abovetioelethbetd on Monday, Jcily sth, the following onions wore elected to ware for the en siles par djoa. (friction ; ourdint-Somotatitc:Johlt n• Chapman ; Assistant doi, 11. 8. Snowden; Treasurer, A. P. Chapman; I? r d i nly SergVnt, /10,1140 Saimaa:l. The &de dim been organised but , Short time and now sten o 4 , 4013$ tho first of ita kiniL Bona tea of ha male • webers left for the wary; and - libeled the trials at Bethel. v• -• •• - • - Li l'iliti-commltled acrinr -'-; Pliiseit c h as e .auwer. lest_Jarceezdanlybpirelgred9. jikingH, arattmr Timm. at Camp Wright e" ..69 " , " ittPlasat Imptatiteda-Ths Pmasbar 14,ats tlaa-ittlltary lbartmal. On loot Tuesday, u we have - stated, Sedge - Teach, Pay Muter, arriied at Camp, and, in ac. cordance with the; instructions of Goi. Curtin, commenced paying off the Erie Regiment. Cent pules A, B, C, and part of company D, were promptly paid, when the payments for the day closed. The next morning the Judge received a dispatch from Mr. SliSt?, Goy. Curti/Ps Secretary, to cease payment of the Regiment untirbuther cr. den. This fact was not made known to the men till the evening of that day. Tee news of this countermand created en intense excitement, and the indignation of ' the men kne w no bounds. Abbot dark, crowds of soldiers col lected together on all the streets of the Erie Regi ment and were loud in .their denunciations of the Goientor and 64 policy. The expression heard all Through the Regiment was like this: .If the State was poor and linable to pay her soldiers, we would willingly fight her battles and care nothing about the pay; but to have_ millions of money at her comintad, and for the Boveffor to appoint a man andcharge him especially to pay off the Regiment, and then to pay a part of the soldiers, and, without cause, countermand the further nay anent, is a little too much.. • At night, the excilemet became more mad more intense, and the boys became aproaroas in • their gamier*, and began pounding, stamping, whoop. *ag mid hallooing, and it was with difficulty that their oOkers could restrain them. They family, however, calmed down, and yes. terday, although the excitement had not ceased, and no Paymaster bad come, they were confident that justice would be done them. This unaccountable proceeding of the Governor and his adiiiers has excited the indignation,not only of the soldiery of the Erie Regiment, but of the whole camp, as it has made the other - regiments enemy a. to the policy hereafter to be followed towards them. /edge Veech, upon receiving the countermand, immediately telegraphed • letter to Haynesburg, asking an explanation, and is still awaiting farther orders - . He expresses, his determination that. tin ker he ia permitted to go ahead and pay oil the Erre Regiment as be was first instructed to do he will at once resign. We have heard nothing fur. ther with regard to the correspondence. The Dispatch, of yesterday, contains, in it, ad. vertisieg column, an &anonymous reply to - oor no tice of the arrest of Rev. Mr. Munson, for failing to answer to his name at roll call while attending • religions matting in the camp on Sunday night. There is but little in the article that requires a no tice from ets. Just as coon as we heard that the Lieut. of Company A was not pleleed with oar no. tice of the arntst, we cent word to him that the Ocizeffewonld be open to any correction he de aired to make. There is not any foundation in truth for the 'essertiop made by ..Prevate , -(l4 that the Rev. gentleman had "drawn quite exten sively upon the imaginations of his reporter." We never knew that there was each a man in Camp as Rev. Mr. Munson until we heard thump the Camp an exprenion of deep indignation at his arrest, and we never, to oar knowledge, exchanged words with him until alter oar notice was in the paper. gaestions of veracity between Mr. Munson and the pseudo "Private" we leave for Octet.° settle between themselves. We are not the reporter of Mr. Munson or "any other man." We stated what we believed to hp !acts, and they have not been contradicted in any material violet. Mr. M. is said to be' very good man; bat, he, no doubt, has his short Comings. We believe, owever, that he is "more sinned against than shining." - We bare read that, in et heathen country, "of and. night PauTand Silas prayed and sting praises to God, and the prisoners beard them." But, we learn that the religiome exercises-which this man attempted to Conduct in the rotunda of the Guard House were, at the direction of his Captain, io- aulUy stopped ! We are neither his apologist nor his &tenger. "To his own Master be standett or falleth." By the way, the Dupata 'aye that "the volun teer who died . In Camp Wright on Tuesday was buried in the Cemetery on Wednesday morning. Two companion of his companions in arms escorted his body to the grave, with .military honors." That was very clever for his devoted "compan ions in arms," bat the peaky fellow didatt.die thOugh ! No death has occurred at Camp Wright. Allegheny Councils. A special meeting of this body ',as held la evening. in &fa f, tho report of the Sucet Committee was _presented, with Important reaolmions, author ising the opening of the following streets : Ridge street, First Ward, from its present ter. minim to Allegheny -avenge and that Jam Div a% Wm. Dilworth and Wm. Martin, Sr., be op. pointed Viewers to assess damages etc. Allegheny avenue, from the no rtherly line of Ridge street, is the Pint Ward, to inland lane, in the Second Ward. Viewer*, Samuel Gormly, Samuel George and !mac Morley. Green street, from Rant lane to Charnel, Third Ward. Viewers, Jamestlrahtm, John Dyer, Sr., and Richard Brows. Long alley, Third Ward, trout East lane to Chesnut. Viewers, nme as last menttooed. Tremont street. timed Ward, from Ohio lams to line of property of John Taggart. Viewers, N. Voeghtly, John Stoddard, and A. Davilion. Tho nsolotiorn were adopted as road. An ordinance for the construction of a sews; on Island lane was read three times and passed. The following resolution was read and adopted: Bemlocd, That the Committee on Pin Nogines ke instructed to invite into the economy and propriety of the city purchasing two or more first elan Steam Fire Engines, for the on of Allegheny city, and the best method of serving the num, and report to Cone. clis at next regular meeting. A resolution was adopted, authorising the tarpon. elan of main against parties charged with wharfage, until the wholo farts be reported to Councils. - The report of the Committee on Water was pre sented, and resolution; &lop ted for the payment of sundry bills. In Compton Council, the report of the Committer., on Engines, Markets, Gas, em, were mad, and war. ranlsordered for the payment of sundry 61111. - d remonstrance &Lane the grading and paving of Airylain alley, was read and feared. The petition of coal dealers ' relative to the oollec lion of wharfage, promoted at a former meeting, vas laid upon the table. Comte'le adjourned. - A Rolla of the Past. Dafeeferron, Esti, the worthy Treason/ of Al. egiuny city, was not a littlo surprised, a day or two since, on receiving a borosah warrant, for twon ty.five dollars, under data of May lid, 1829, upon whirl payment is now asked, alter a lapse of over thirty-two years! Tito warrant fella Si follows: "No. It—Boum/at of Allegheny. May 1341829. Sir—Pay, to Jacob Blottorback, (IL Columbia) Twenty-Lre dollars —cents, and cbargo the SUM to the Borough of Allegheny. . Jou! lee n; linigtes. Egan Davis, Esq., Treasurer of Allegheny.' The history of this ancient document LI as fol lows: filottettack was the first high constable of the beniugh, and the warrant wee issued In pay ment of one month', renriros. He sold the warrant to Thomas:Semple, Erg., • well known claim, who has resided for many years in Lawrence county. The warrant was so ' , carefully" put away, that th , bolder regarded It as lost, but in looking over an old took meetly he found It between the leaves and preterits it to the city for payment, not asking In-, threat. It Is a remarkable eirmunstence connected with the warrant, that all the parties named therein are still living. Mr. Irwin the first Burgess of the Borough, is still bale arid hearty, and the Treasurer is the venerable Judge • Davis, known and lespected by all the old residents at Allegheny. Ellotterbaek, it is laid, 101 lives in the Blida., The Treasurer la not clear as to his obligations to pity. the demand, as the corporation has changed, and the debt is oontlaied." Council, should make a special appropriation for the pupate, u the war rant!, worth SSS as a record of the past. - Etatfrond Aoaklent.,,Mighanar Botany In. On Wednesday etternoon, the express train on the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, which left this city at noon, met with an accident four miles east of Steubenville, by which the engineer, Robt. 'S&L:nightie, lost bin life. The train was proceed. legal the usual rate of speed, and when rounding a curve - the engineer discovered a tree lying scram the track, which had recently fallen. The engine was immediately reversed, and the speed of the train was coneiderably checked when theobstruc. Uon was encountered. The locomotive, however, eau partially overnosed, and the wood in the ten. der was thrown forward, burying the engineer. The goage•cocks wee forced open, sod the steam rush. ed out among the wood, so that between the crush. ing and scald ingl,kfr hirlaughlin was fatally isj tired. His promptness ' n reversing the engine prevented the train from being thrown a the track, and thus saved the prusengen from danger to life and limb. The injured - man was removed to Steubenville, where medical attendance wail had, but- be en. pired in a few hours. lie wan formerly it resident of Wellsville, but having vainied some four mouths ago, he took op hit residence in Manchester. HI, wife wu.iniandintely telegraphed to, but did not reach her nnfortnnate husband until after his de. cease.. He bad been on the road seven Pears, and was a very worthy and competent engineer. , Clamant; non Gannon.—Mayor - Wilson has received a quantity of • clothing from Pittsburgh, soldiers at Grafton, to be returned to-their friends. Packsges for the 'following' parties, mom cans, -can be had on application at the Mayotte °Rice : Jacob Wyman; Was Weaver, 170 Penn street; Jacob Fagan, 2 pkg.; F Marsh, Duncan street; Mrs Matilda Gollablegh, 151 Spring alley, 2 pip; J Moniaaa;64 Fourth street; Jos Oliver, Alla shaky; .Wm H Huiab,H McBwiggin, Birmingham; J W Prophesy; George Deary; Jos Richardson; T McCrea,lifechaniciburg, Indiana county; Miss 8 Ittrkpatricii; Michelin Kelly, Allegheny; j M Rich ards D Lineup* - Andrei, White; T Campbell, :Simla/ham; Gib •Ftembour, do; Matthew :smith, High Street; Peter Weynnta; Michael Donahue, 130 Webster streer;_Aodrew Rube, West Pitus haiku' L Bombe; John Lehner, Birmingham, R M Law or McCaw; Finset, ,Rawley; Patrick Slat tery; Daniel Boyd; Carson Denby; 1 D Reynolds. McKeesport; J W McCune* Richard Carroll, G, Federal street; WasbingtonifeCallem; Mrs Thos Fate, 3 packages. Z T ZZZ liON• COLLIGC 001 1 / 1 11■Ctillifirt.—The au mail commencement of.lellerson College wilt lake place oa Wednesday, August 7th. The address before the Religious socieues, and the Dacestaunt. 11/011111/11100 by the President, sill be delivered ' the preceding Sabbath. The addle,* before the' Literal) Societies,on the Tuesday evening preced ing. > The honorary performances sari gned hy the Faculty are t Robert A. Clark, Veledie tory, (First Honor); John-Campbell, Greek Salutatory ; - -John Idartht, - Latin Salutatory ; flannel White, Eoglish Salutatory.- The graduating class numbers about EMIM PMMMM .01 • or :be Boys." Amting those now fighting the battles of the Union in Western Virginia, is a well known ham berm= from the Olean district, at the head waters of the Allegbenrriver, on the border line between New York and Pennsylvania, who was last fall • devoted supporter of Breckinridge, and has ever been a friend of the South. He owes • lumber yard at Efemphis,and hearing that things looked "squally" down there, he wa• about visiting that city to see after his property, bat beard at Cincin nati, oil his way,thither, OA he had better give it a wide berth. He telegraphed to • friend in Memphis for a solution of hat doubt, end received the gruff answer, "Damn you come on l" lie obeyed 'the dthcourtitous invitation, reached Mem phis, and soon found hie hotel surrounded by • mph of among yelling for hie blood. Aided by a friend he-made his escape from a rear wiridow,ran several 'miles across the country, to the nest BM bob North on the railroad, there took the can and had the good fortune to reach Cincinnati, whence be telegraphed home that he would meet hi. friend. and neighbor, the neat evening. He did sa meet - them, told them be was in for the war for the Unfon, and, raising a company of sharp shoot ers on the 'put, as atIll• at its head In Western Vir ginia. EVON:ACIUIII.....TWO men whose names we were unable to learn, got into a difficulty at a hotel yee terday, when one of the parties challenged the other to meet him near the Two Mile Ron, with a friend, where the matter could be settled by as. certaing, who had the most muscle. The challenge was promptly accepted, and the parties, with their friends,: were reported to turn left for „the scene of action early in the evening. The matter coming to the ears of the Mayor, officers were dia. patchedia that direction With instructions to ar rest the whole party. The fight must have been postponed, or the location changed, as the officers were unable to discover anything of the kind in that vicinity. The difficulty is said to have origi nated about a game of checkquers, one accusing the other of cheating. BAD A Iltaatuo.,-Alexander Bell, one of the parties implicated is the (rand/ on the County Treaiiry, bad a hearing before the Mayor yester. day, which remitted in his being held for trial. Mr. Bell made a etatemeet, in which he alleges that be has been stouiselblly imposed on by Lewis. lie acknowledges that on one or two occaaiona he re ceived order, from Lewis on the Treasurer, and that he had them cashed. In doing this, however, he had not the remotest knowledge that there woe any tread connected with the matter, and that he invariably gave Lewis the money thus received. Ile appeared greatly dietzesied about the affair, and declares in the mat emphatic manner, that he is entirely innocent. 01111111 FIT.IIIT.--Atoong the 61017 fruits exposed for sale in thls market, we notice green apples and pears, and many persons wore green enough to bay them. The eating of snob trash is the cause of much of ;the sickness now prevalent la our city in the shape of cholera mo th s, and similar complaints incident to the season. Alpe and huh fruits of all kinds are-probably the most wholesortie articles of diet in which people Call indulge; but those who have a proper regard for the health of themselves sod familia, and whit to avoid the payment of large doctor bilis, should ignore green 'poles and other annpo friths as they would poison. Flan Fnastravanow.—The Mt. Lebanon Home Guard.' I{ tre presented with a - m4st beautiful flag on tho morning of tho Fourth .by the ladles in that vi cinity. The presentation speech was made by N. P. Fettermn, Ifsq , and received la behalf of the cum panyby Bev. J. 0. Boyd, after which they am down to • moat elegant dinner, also prepared by the la dies to the vicinity. The Union Valley Guards were else, on the ground. The above companies de serve great credit for their proficienoy in drill, and an both number one companies. ~ Sounnite.—Ois 'Tuesday two military oompanlit composed of bop from thirteen to sixteen years of age, room down from Cleveland to Welt,- villa, crossed 'over the river and encamped on the Virginia side. The young Fellows were thoroughly armed aid equipped, and attracted a great deal of Interest Their proficiency In the drill is said to as- Welsh Fhb beat tacticians. After spending a night in camp they returned to their homes. Panookan.—Clov. Curtin, has • pardoned Janus Bbillipa, who, scone pima ago, wee convietod of murder hi the wood degree, in 'the killing of bin cousin, J: Cloaver Bartholomew, to Cedar nollow, Chariot county, and eententied to firm years Impria• otiment. The murder occurred in . l/157, arid Phillips had still something over a year of hie Imprisonment to servo. Ws cut. the attention of our readers to the stock of Dry Goode that J. M. Burchfield is closing vat at extraordinary bargains. This is no lub ea tablishment, and you can rely on what they coy. They are selling for cash, par money, nod those that want to get the worth of their money will do well to call and see the stock --- A Sant l wo Rant as.—Barnom t•yw it down as • rule, in his work on ons Art of Making /donoy," that the.'proper time to advertise flidisiaai4 1. mks takers doge' It strains ns that Barn= is very nearly right, anthis worda we command to our easi ness MOD ot iho thea when thy wino to awed an ootuageuitint. Foe IU Casse.—Wm. Our, on oath or K Lliam and lianiah Johnson (two commitment") wt" lodge&inj Ail !awards, by Alderman Taylor, to •ri ewer a charge of surety of the peace, ...lactic. Stevenson; 01 HirmingLam, also Committed John Stewart for a auoilar aflame; Duet OF A VOLUITZta....AM TAAAdAy {Doming, one of the Connuquennessing Rugger,, in Camp Wilkie., died of the measles. Robed bees so mach better on the preceding evening, that b. recovery wee couidered probable. His father was with him is hi. last moments. fist.uuroi lainuon on Suanar.—James Paul, of the Fourth Ward, Allegheny, 'I before Ald. Scott, on TuudaY, on a charge of tolling liquor on Sunday, on oath of, Won. Meredith. Ile entered ball for • farther beating, which taken plane on Tetchy next. Limn. G. L. SALAMI bas.been transferred, by Gen. McCall, froal the infantry to the dying artil lery coma. Ile in now detached on reuniting ser• •ice In Una county. RCOVEN ' E.D—Sieve the tat of Jane, 1861, H. W. Cieniuttee Summer Resort, Phi'Spitball, Beaver county, Pi.. Imo le" To nom Owners. OM SyltiffiTlN 1 'ISLE Lillis RENT POLL ItIOILIS Ka Is • toilvaLsl L 3 soy; I all eases of lartientos, &altos from Ninths, Brutal or Wood.- log, its serest Is insalr-s1 otrudo. llama or Saddle Ecratotios, Minsk tts. It •111 atm rare Speedily. Bpsan and D.lngtione may Le toady preTeDisd and cored to &bar lodolent stages, bat conlrosed cum are beitind the soultdllty lid • ratios, acre. No atie 4 the land, bosom, Is so dam:moaner hopetWetal It anty Ed abated.] by t►b Unlinent, and Its &Matti affuestion vIU *shwa reams tneLamanesi and clads as twos so bassi ssltto caw* the am. 1 liters basis owner Amid bats this remedy at baud, *a its timely meat the ant immoral:moor loitosseas strop. dully provost Muse formidable disown mostloosil, to trbkli all hauler are liable and srbitti render so awe oils arida, Taloabis berm awl, worthier.. 6 e e sta7a.nlA•talt sdecrthreassot. • ltirlormoiters its &Instr.—Two-thirds of oar dresser proceed from detainee:rots of the stoteatie and the non... A rata of vigor to the _diariee again camel an tremenee amount of desconefort, both in body and mint Ogg. PIULP/IRATION ADD ONII ONLY, reaches the roar red the conerq acacia of,this diatom tort. To glee eueugth to the vothened Womack to cairn the agitated are.. and Limiter. that recolarity 01 Salon ia all the omens which constitute parrot health and tend to We.. • long ens painters life, there Is no medicine isoir before the World which Will combine with f1ia1t1221111.73 &TOM. dell 'angel& It weld he an lam! to Iles tartar be retiree that Le Ira not heard of theit'aessalog ancoese in Dyetsepthi, Liver Complaint, general dainty, and all the disorders to !blob the Korea, the Di, the towel. and the nervous eysteen are anideeL m.netlonab Iteeflect _of Misr:teat neetoratrre that phyldclatrof ereinanee do not ireitate to Min theft names lie eilinews tnthe thelhentel els of persona rho bine beep rescued from regale' and dancer by the Bitters, when the remedies of the dhperiat. ry had all bees tried without an% , gold by all ilrocalite everywhere. to)3ltird DerBLOOD ;•Fo3D.—Attention .is called to this most retharsable and steletdltio prigandon,adeethired to another micron. It ben entirely new disarray, end mint not he coolooduled with any of the otonaroas patent reedicioca of Ws day. It Ls a oortalr rained, i2O all the dimmer toroidal, and capectally thereof a chronic =lore —ol long standing.-01 rocks, mon th ; ad - yam Darer! mu try ill • ;_ lirsera Canon ~‘& Donal, of New York, are the aide agent' for ;and shat protetiatora of the worldrenairned Dr. ifatoret , .!enema goatius, an article with* sem • Mother thrill' s oba in her mceliclue closet In ore of used; wed containing, s It does, Do parecorio et cotate of any khad.lt ran he relied ithoo with the atineet othildence,and rill be bocci as invaluable shelvel. 10 ail cases of tufatithe coinpheinthe— GAO Ante Jowled, Caspar& *Libs advertisement.' for rile by 010. If. SWUM apol,lo Wood et.: litialrenth. h. • dallalgerlall Doctoi C. Denny Wider Cure mad notate. panda Physician; also agent for Rainbow's misbrand Irma for Raptures. Corner of Penn and Weyne filtreets. JOY. Dmerrranr..—Dr. C. fin! Na. 246 Penn street, attends to all branches of the Dead profs. sloe. • itlip‘lant i cc tSzaviip Up liCrzir fifounto; Dom 101111 A by O. W. 13/111ACKLIIITAII, Jr, at lets RO► truant, cornet Wylie and Aft/4 Cy, seLllygar igirALl: should not foil to read the Myer . INI Pm!. Wend. re badiesl. near e 0 11 7 2 1 b e . kr i l b or d O d i o l; Just manta Todd for Ws by UM mirl3 OOLIJNY pu'r4n.!tai-4t 2 ) 0 0 0 btels tr *kg ilao•lnd IC and for sob by 111121111(11:CULLIN6 YOTATUES-1 oar load Lake Shore prime White Poktogy but reefed by pD b, a GRAIN. rft Lftertyytnet. CLIEESS--60 bozos new W. R. - ,Uhoese Joel nab*/ In stars aid for do bj mos 1 J. U. CANVIULD . :' UNION lIAMI3-20 lur 00 Bogur (Jared. d. & on! No. 1125 Wa;.rty DETIiOLZUM.-31.10 bble. Ornide Bock 0U sall•bla tsr nalnkty, In start end Ow RI. by • , n 2O J. DALTAILL • bun. OMIN Y-100 bblo. in otztro and for sale 12. Mr mmHg 111111411111 & 00/111/ Cairn) boxes Cream Cheese just re,. by .77 L. 0. aus rr. 247 Liberty sl. OUISVILLB bbia„ a prime •able. farms. by J. U. OAHVILW hOO. MILL. FE RD--160 tacica rooeived tad for rf•Os r J. &LIMIEST aon. IOpriLLOWS-39 bundles just reoairxi and V, Evahl•by !LUAU DICCIT &C(L D RY PEAVIIES-20 , 'sacks blight ! h ) rug.hes nalreel for , ILINAT WLLI.N.II. , . . THE LATEST NEWS BF reiffoßA PII RECEIVED AT THE DAILY GAZETIE OFFICE Further Particulars 01 the Fight at Carthage. 84. Louts, July 11.—Lieut. Toekin, &eget'. Ad jutant, and bearer of dispatches to Col. Beading, gives the following additional particulars of the bat tle near Carthage: The State troops yeti posted on • ridge in the prairie, with five pieens of artillery— one 12 pounder in the centre cod two C400{1.0113(11 on the right and left, the cavalry on each hank and the artillery in the 'ear. The artillery .of Siegel apprcaehed within 801 yards, with four cannon in the centre, • body of tits/airy and a 6.tiounder un der Lieut. Cal. Hasse ;ideal on the left; Col. Solo mon's command with a 6 puueder on the right, and a body of infantry behind tho centre artillery. Set gel's left opened fire with shrapnells, sad coon the engagement became general. The rebels had no grape, and the artißeriste behig poor, their balls flow over the Pederide heeds. Alter two boors' Wog the enemy's artillery were entirely glanced and their ranks broken. About Moen hundred of the rebel cavalry then attempted to outflank Siegel and out off his bast age kale, whieh wee three mike back, when a retroglitive movement was ordered. The train wail ice:had a !? good order and suttoundod by the infantry and Allay, and the retreat continued till the point w' reached where the road pane. through a high blulT, on each side of which the en emy's cavalry were posted In large numbers. By a feint, as if Intending to pass around the bluff, Siegal drew the cavalry in solid body into the road, at a distance of 950 yards from his position, when by • rapid movement of his artillery he poured a heavy crossti ti fire of °anis Into their ranks. At the same time the infantry aged at double quick, and in two minutes the 6 te troops saatered in every di. rection. Eighty-it it riderless horses were captared. Elizty.five abut-guns and a number of revolvers and bowie knifes wore picked up from the ground. Sei- Eldid not enrround Carthage, as reported yawn , y, but attempted to reach a piece of woods north of the town, and after two hone of desperate light ing, in which all the forces of both sides were en gaged, and is which Lieut. Took thinks the enemy lost nearly 200 bulled, he snomded ht doing so, and the rebels retired to Carthage. ' Siegel toll back on Saecesie, whence ha proceeded neat day to Monet Vernon, and on the evening of the 7th rode to Willa, 150 miles, In 25 boars. He met. U. Sweeney's command 5 mils and Col. Brown's regiment Iff miles from Mount Vernon, priming forward to rein force Siegel. Meat Vol Wolffe Is not 4111x1 , u reported. Lateat from Buckbannon Bucietannon, Va., July 10.—A meneriger from Gen. McClellan, just in, reports that two regimeum under McCook and Andrews; made reconeowsance of the enemy , , poeition last evening and were fired upon. One man, of BleCookts regiment, was killed, and three wounded. They got within one hundred and thirty.five yards - of the entrenchments and ware nrdered to fail beck upon the main body. The rebels are so strongly entrenched that it will be necessary to carry their fortification by assault. Gen. McClellan was to commence the wink at o'clock thin morning, and was making every pre paration last eight. 1f the rebel. make a detcrune r ed fight, large lona of tile meat ensue. A courier left Camp Morris, at Laurel Gill , at 11 o'clock laat night. filorrior lam fighting had been going on for the previous two days. The fort.* were within abant ace mile and shall of ouch other. The rebels am very strongly entionehol, and sup. posed to be eight thousand strong. The ennui; bad only 6.pontiders, end the shot fell three hundred yards short of our lines. Tho 12 pounders of the Federal troops applang to ha doing great execution. The messenger saw mum fifteen or twenty bodies of the rebels an he passed. Col. Steadman yesterday advanced a hundred men to draw them out from tbeirentrenehmenta, and sueneeded, bat a shell mattered them la ever) dime- don. The courier on. but one dead body of out forces, a 2d Lieutenaur, but the lois bad doobtleris been considerably more. Aceasation of hoard. hies took place at ads o'clock lastnight, in cone. quence of a severe rain storm; bet the fight would be resumed this naming. GM. Mimi.' forces were posted on Cite bro w of a bill, commanding their entrenchments, and bad hopes of dislodging the rebel. to day. The Indian Planet:abstained early this turning to join Gen. McClellan. Col Tyler will coolme to hold Grenville. The Tenth will return this way toquoirtivr, on their way to the Maio column. A courier who left Gen. Welellsn's camp at sine o'clock, antved at three this morning. lye states that Gen. M'CiellaWatorCO has divided, and atoned in two divisions to surround the rebels. Two prisoners were brought tn, and report their force twenty- her hundred, but were very strongly fortified. Bucttneenote, Va., July IL—Later intelfigeece from ben. bl'Clellan to twoo 7 clock, matte that he had commenced erecting hia batteries on the bill. Bide., when the rebels opened fire• hot eo damage had been done when the courier le ' lL Geo. Morris mill held the rebel.. in crotch at Laurel 11,11, await ing orders to advance. ekirmishieg had barn !week ■nd freqooot for the past tweett4oor boom. Three a/the 7th nod I.IM ladraoa regiments were killed, and one of the Ohio 14th, and seven Wounded at the three regiments. no. occaessunal shell lounge:it into the camp a mile add a bill dietatit, to keep thaw in position. Jelly 11.—A /paella/ dispatch to the I Gaulle from Bealtegron, sear Laurel 11111, rays 6 brisk thitheishing was kept up with the eaomy all of yesterday p. m. About 2 o'clock p. at from a high hill la the neighborhood, two large belies were seen marching out of the enemy's camp. lostaat preparations were made to resist this formidable at tack liy 4p. at., the skirmishing in front by the Ohio 14th, and lodises 9th, became very warm, the enemy advancing under cover of wood'. (tar air rubbers rushed tented, pouring in a sharp volley, killing several of the enemy. The enemy's cavalry then advanced to take our shire:tame in the fink, Oar bays rapidly retreated, and the artillery dropped a couple of shells, one of which exploded amoog their cavalry, when they lastantly tell back, and our boys rushed forward and poured in another vol- ley. The enemy now scattered In the woods, and the eileen were then attempting to rally them, Lai they could not be brought up in a body again. Meantime our skirmishers picked off their oflicen, several more shells teeth thrown in, and oar rove made a Anal rush, driving them clear through their own rifle pits, and bringing back several of their blanket', coats and guns. It was a Georgia regiment, numbering 1,200, and Is their crack regiment. At dark the skirmishers retired from the woods in capital order. AI matablog pluck was displayed by our skirmish ers, and the only trouble was to keep the men back from rushing Into the enemy's midst. • The whole skirmish was a most spirited affair, and oar Ohio and Indiana boys gate the Georgia hors new ideas of Yankee courage. ' A prisoner who wan taken says the Goorgians re fused to come down to the- woods opposlto our ad- Tanen position sgals, sod all wary very much Woe ktied and terrified. Their supplies of provisions an cot otr, and they must soon come to extremities. Our loss is one killed and three wounded. Indications seem of au attempt to cut a new road through the woods, by the enemy, to effect their esespe or bring in provlsioes. Arrangements bars been made to 'bead thorn off, and ovary outlet is watched. Qou. McClellan's ultimo reached Beverly l.a night. Oar One is gradually advancing. Fourare. MON6r., Jut, 10-17 a liallisnere.— Gen. Butler was so wall pleased yesterday with the experiment. with the 11olcbkis. shells. that he ■t once ordered a large umber fur immediate use. They can be prrjected from an ordinary ruled ClOllOO. Foie hundred hokea, and lunge Idr the Genie la enttity day., are on the way to Old Point. The frigate 15lUtee aided this alterootin to jai the Gall lifituadron. The U. S. steamer Su sgaelmana, instead of go log Southward, as stated in yesterday's dispatch, will shortly sail fur New York fur re . airs. Several persons Dame down from lialthnore this homing, with the intention of going to Norfolk, hut Coin. Stringhstn would not permit o Sag of tines to leave the harbor. No military movements whatever are taking place near Old Point. Tho heat to excessive hors, bet ihe health of the troop. generally good. Two hundred and bRy moo, rejected from the vision, regiments, have loft for Now York on the propellor Stars and Stripes. The steamer Quaker Oily, this morning, captured the brig Amy Warwlek, of and owned In Richmond. She Ii from Rio, and was bound to Hampton Roads with b,loo bags of coffee; part of tho cargo belongs to English mernbants. The Quaker City, yesterday, made a rooonnois awns of the soul 110 miles eolith of Cape floury, sad saw fire wreck. on the shore, all old and entirely duetted. The labels ue felling and butting the trees on &mall Point, indicating that they Intend holding the place. Lourevatoe, July .11.—In the Kentucky Circuit Court, la the woof Cradle/3 , mnd Davis vs. the Louts. vials 4 Nashville Railroad, Judge Muir &aided whist the plaintMs, end la favor of tho right of the. Pediral Government to Indirect freight sent South. Tho Cdurier, of this m, ruing, gives maim to the authotitios in Tonneuoe of the Intended shipment of guns to Union men in that into and names the routs by whist' they moo to be sent. Mout. Ctittonden, son of John J. Crittenden, de nies in a ostd to the Deemani, that he has joined the robots. Several prominent Secessionism have left here for Richmond. Several of them are connected with the State Guards. The Richmond Enquirer mays that Majiir Gen. Polk% command will comprise land and watitiAle. tenses, from the month of the Red River up to the northern boundary , of the Confederacy. This au •ercedes Pillow. he Mobile Tribune says the sum•ol $.100,000 Sias duerthe troops at Penne°la on the Ist. ST. Jon en, July 10.—The express train on:the H. It 8t..1. R. R , bound east to-day, wee stopped at Monroe by lour hundred rebels, and an (fart made to take possession of it, but it escaped un harmed, and hacked to Mallon. ' It la repealed that there are =I rebels at lion newalt station, who will attempt to burn Salt River Bridge, CA.{ Al Palmyra, to-night. The Station House at Monroe )tea beam burned, but the telegraph line being cut we ate enable to learn to 'tint client the drptedationa are being carried. This blockade duce nut eirnm the travel between this place and the gait, an the locality , of thrtrouble is east of. 'Judson, the junction of the North filissouri Railroad. Vigorous efforts wall be .made to disburse thenehein, Latta.—Jury 11th. Fire hundred Federal trOone tett:heri thief:tenet:Tend will be joined by 700 mere et nodule: Au . uenceersial ilttniiipt was made to buni Salt Myer Bridge int eight, the fire going out alter the rebels left.- • . . . MEMENII===E TitliTY-SEVENTH COIGRESS. (Special Session.) Wseraincion, July 21, 1261. florrinMr. Stephens, from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported a bill making additional 4 Pl. l, Ptialbmk for telltale:inn, executive and judicial expennerfor the year, ending with Jane 1862, and arrearsgae for the year, ending with June last. Also, a trill making appropriations for the civil ex pens. et the government for the same period. Mr. Hlal, from the Committee on Military Af fair., reported a bill to promote the efficiency of the army.' Also, a bill for the employment of vol unteer. iii aid in mapporting and defending the Guano:1010u( of the United State.. They were oil referred to thy Committee of toe Whole on the State of the Union, nod Ordered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Stephens, the Hausa went into Comnlittee on the Army Hill—Mr. Wishbone in the Chi+. Mr. Sdrnett said he had no opportunity to ex amine the! bill or the estimates on which It is based. Millions on millions are reported and hur ried throdgh without opportunity for instigation. He desired to oak the gentleman (Mr. Stephens,) whether the bill was framed in accordance with the emanates of the Secretary of War. Mr. Stephens replied entirety so. Mr. Barnett milted what aggregate amount of appropriations. Mr. StePhees replied, $167,000,000, [Dian. $6 000,000. ji Mr. Burnett said that this was the find time that Congress Was called upon to do what it had here tofore rernsed to do since be had a seat on ttos floor, namely the increase of the regular army. 1r for no other reason he would vote against the bill. Mr. Lovejoy would not vole for the bill .pro posed to itierease the standing army to more than double what it now is. He would give 500,000 men and 1500,000,000. His constituents would give their But cent, and shed their last drop of blood, for;the suppression of the rebellion, but dad not dame the increase at the regular army. Mr. Mallory insisted to know how it was that the enorMous appropriations contemplated to in crease the:army happened to be presented to the House hellfire the Military Committee had made their report. Mr. Stereos stated that the bill was purred on estimates or the War Department, and that it was the dearth p 1 the Committee of Ways and Means to finish the., business in the lean pouible time. They would not wait for other Committees to make their repot., as they hoped to aomplete their beelines solhat the House might adjourn on next Thuniday.!. They were disposed in these war timee to give all Government asks, trusting that before a hell year atoll 'pan away peace may be teetered. : The importance of having disciplined troops wimp° obrions as not to require any sago meet. II !the army should be too large after the rebellion nippreuerl, It would be easy to reduce it. The bill proposed a war standard. Mr. HicKman said lam for the largest number of men. Ir the rebellion in the Southern State. requites twice SLOPS men I am fur employing them, and the eighteen loyal Northern States will do the aau46 thing. We intend theoCucatitutme and Untoa'abol be saved; that tteuon anomie what attspSlt may and marked by/ithaterer num bers, a t oll !nut destroy either one our the other. I out in Giro, the gentleman frum Kentucky does oat speak the sentiments, of has own section, mach levy thoserd the enure State, but whether he doe. dr nut, I sky fraokly, it matter. not to those en• gaged in this work of preurving the Conatitution and the Union, for whatever may be their action the governnient will be untamed, and perform its legitimate officer. Mr. Vellindigham, of Ohio, offered a proviso to the bill that no part of the money appropriated shueld be used for the eusployment of forces for the propose of Sithjugating any State and holding them as conquered province', nor for Intarrating with African slavery in any etas. Ilia object was to dismiss from": the mind, of any who might mime &rebind the purposes of the war, that it was ruffled oa for ltioSiSibjecal. Mr. VeWtindigham's amendment was rejected. The 'army bill, after several minor amendments, was laid guild° to be reported to the llonse. The bill nicking an appropriation for the naval ureic° was taken op and read through. There was no debate. The eomuilttee then rose, when these two bills trCue saverally loathed, the !Luse toroidal; to order the yeas and ragys on the final vote. The llocuid concurred in the amendment of the Satiate to a bill for the payment of the militia and volunteers,: and the Rouse adjourned. Scoara.—i.Mr. Saulsbury, of Delaware, gave notice that he should Introduce a joint resolution, making amhedruents to the constitution for the peaceable adjustment of the present troubles. Mr. Grinths, of lowa, presented the resolutions of the Legislature of lowa, for the establithosent of a nationsiarmory and arsenal at (lock Mr. Browning, of Illinois, presented a petition from the eitliene of Illinois, to the same effect. Mr. Chandler, of Michigan, from the Committee of CommerrM, reported beck the House bill rela— tive to the dillicction of duties and Import:, Toe leace ;1?‘11, to called, or the blockade bill, anti a recommendation that it be palmed, was 101,1 over. The 1...0 iiil .rue received km the Nonso,ind re ferred to the 'Came:dine en Finance. Mr. 11.10, df N. LT, introduced a bill, regulating the cmploymkit of Vetantalum in the Nary. Alio, • ern to Monism the number of Paymaster. of the Navy: Alio, a joint meolution Mild?* to the Naval Academy. 411 the bile were referred tcYthe Coin. mime on Naval Antra. Mr. Ten Myatt, of N. J presented a resolution from the Legothatino of New Jersey. for the estab lishment of en armory to that Stabs. lieferred to Committee on !dither, Again. Mr. Pesantideri, of Ms., from tho Committee on ,Binance, repOrted the Nous bill for the payment of the militia and vulnitteate with an amendment, mak ing the emus! appropriated $6,750,000, in/teed of 88,000,000, he amendment arm weed to and the bill was ease Mr. Clark,Ui N. li ; called up a resonation of. (trod yeateropy in regard to the eapalsion of Sena tor's Masontilnuter, Clingman, Brittle, Cheemit, Nickelson, 8 basuan, Mitholla,Wigfall and Hemp hill, bring Lb ' • Senators iho have not made their appearance, and vacated their seats the last 11L/01100 Mr. Boyarfl i of Del., caw no reason for anything more than deClaring their seats vacant. The peo ple 01 their tteapecuve State. bore gone 001 they think in theVezercise of a right. He thought it revuluitoo•ry; bit saw no reason for charging these Sconce. wilk.lnonsPiranf. Mr. Clark 41111 ho wanted to deny openly the right of aecetinon, gnu that when he places himself to opposition to the Government al merited sepal. ! sins. He wanted the men who turned their gene ageism the nation to be rejected from tlth councils of the nation.! The resoujUtion palled 1 Yeas, 32; nays 10, Menem. Bayard, Brekinridge, Bright, Johnston, of Teen., Jbonsob, of Mo., Latham, Nesmith, folk, Powell nod Nice, voting in the negative. The resolution approving of the Ptexident was taken op. Mr. Polk ronmed his remark*. Ile said in the State of Missonri no law of the United States had boon obstructed, and the Bute, by no protest of law, bad boon invaded by United States troops from lowa and Kansas. Ills proceeded to argue that the Pres ident had no right to invade a State, and no right to give power to!proclaim. 'nutlet law to 11 mere Cap tain. iill thou reforrod to the Lai of Capt. Lyon, and in some ditail to the oecarroneos in St. Louis, which he chatimudited as illegal and tuthonstitu tional. 110 also roforrod to the course of GOD. Bar. noy. Ifs was; tollling to do anything to pat estop to this unholy War, but would donothing to continuo iL • WAI.III6GTO CITY. July 11.—The newspaper statements which elicited an inquiry by the Hone of itepreseniatives, that the Secretary of the Navy, ban issued an irder to receive at the recrutUng sta tions, note lint native born cilium., ore untrue. The facts aro that the number of landman offering, was much lefger than the seitice required, and Boston is now the only point where they are re ceived. At all the stiller's seamen are enlisted without regard, to nationality. Get. Jim lione, 'of Kansas, today ieceired an order Iron, thin War Department, for the immedi ate muatennon of his brigade. The skeleton, therefore, aro ;1,0 be filled up hereafter. Nearly all the nominative. thus far transmitted by the Nevi. dent to the Senate, cover appointments made during the Isle Congressional revise. Those for the army have,ltel yet been submitted for naafis motion by that body. Not. &few of these ap pointees, howpvcr, batik donned the uniform in advance of swat action. Naj. Ceo. Fiemont wilt' probably leave this city to.day, to enter upon the dutieset tho Department to which be by been autwatd. It la doted that Judge Burton, of Ky., and lion. V. P. Blair, Jrl; of Mo. , are each getting up • com pany of sharpshooters, be their rupeoUroStates, for Col. Borden's regiment. The Governors do not m idst, as do thorn/id other States, but upon application to the President, be - expmued himself very much Interlarded in their regiment, and promptly gave Ca assurance that nil expensou would at once be reim bursed. Mr. John T.l 'Braxton of Paris, Ky., will receive applications front that S tate, and Mr. Blair from his own State at St. Loehr. The teat is to be an aver age of five Inches; ten shots from the centre, at 200 yards at rest, or, the same average at 100 T ardy off hand. , . The ratolitiori of the camps on the Virginia aide of the Potomaei on Tamils, and last night. is rep. resented al more quiet than heretofore. The Con. federates gave yin pickets tlO - 0.1416 for alarm. In foot it i 3 knot briourn thatany of the former paid un welcome visite Our the Federal Race. . . Si. Lours,ly I I.— . H. Bowen, agent of the Hannibal and ih. Jose Railroad, Railroad, just How Han nibal, bring. tie folio leg account of affairs in that section: About two W 7 clotli on Wednesday morning the canto of the federal troops under Col. Smith, of the Idth Illinois regiment, near Monroe station, some 311 miles west of Hannibal, embrac ing 300 of the lowa * regiment, 200 or the 16th Illinois regiment, and about 100 Hannibal flume Guards, were rpttacited by 1,600 rebels under Brigadier GinerslMaines. Although the federate were eurprired,:they repelled the attack and drone the rebels 610, killing four and wounding and capturiag Bre prisoners and seven hones. Harris retreated- to MOnroe, where another akinniah curred,in which : the rebels were again repulsed. Smith then tookbp a position aid sent a menses. ger for reinfordemects from Quincy. Smith was afterwards surrounded b a large force, bit it was thought he could hol dout tilt reinforcements reached him. Most of the rebel troops were mounted. The 12th Illinois regiment, Cal. Marsh. Felt the Arsenal tiaterday for some point down the river, supposed to be Cape Girardeau. • 'recto ere noW about a thousand Pederal troop! encamped in tho!eicinity of Pilot Knob. • VA JUN Jgl/ 1 1 1 ,—A gentleman trot Momphis re porte that a regi ment lilt then yesterday far Mb. mar. nu also !spors two thousand ronel troops at Point Ptomain, lilo4maklng proparallons to &Hoek Bird's Point. OWL Pillow has boon suporcsdod hyl 04 Atkins. Aig quiet kurk ..7 Quincy, 111, Jona 11.—A nuswengtz Yost =kid from Hannibal, briage intelligence that the railroad bridge between that place and Palmyra was Mont last night. The bridge on the Qobsey and Palmyra road, across the same stream, was also destroyed. Oen. Mather bas sent a detachment of one mm pony of artillery, infantry and cavalry by boat:to Marion City, six miles Booth, with ordeal to pith from there by land to aid CoL Smith- By the route taken they will avoid the bridges, but will have; to match SO miles. Mather also sent a large detach ment by the Qminey & Palmyra road, with order! to open the route by to-night at all bawds. Col. Palmer 'mind this evening with 800 men. lie routed a camp of Secessionist. yesterday, taking one lieotenaut prisoner. One regiment bas been ordered him Alton Mid ono Otto Chicago, to this place. Tha circutostrin• see of a vkirmish in which Capt. Peter , . compavy ware engaged, to reported as follows Tba fortes stationed at Monroe made en excursion to the coml. try for the purpose of capturing a party of rebels. They neglected to leave a sufficient guard behind. Upon returning they were fired upon by the titters, who bad bathed the cars and elation booth, killing eight. Seward, murderer of Capt. Rowe, was last Milo taken to St. Louie. Qurricr, 111. July ll.—Capt. McAlister, of tie 16:h Illinois Regiment was shot by Secession ists concealed in the Regiment while passing , ' a picket guard of seven men, five miles this side of Monroe, Mo. Five men of Capt. Petrie , s company, from this city, were also killed at the some time and place. A lorce of about 1200 infantry end cavalry leave tonight to enema,. Col. Smith. We have no further new, from him than that tele graphed last night, that be wmarrouuded by IWO cavalry, and in great peril. Es-Governor Wopd and Gen. Mather, of this State, accompany the en. podium Heosasrown, kld., July 1 1.—Dilworth Hemet, ' a private M Company I, Second. Penna. Regiment, was struck by a locomotive last night, while on guard. His left thigh is fractured and he is also badly cat on the bead. Arrivals at the Principal Hotels: UP TO 8 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. 81'. OLIEHLBEI—Ooenat of Third and Wood strada. tune 881/111, PWJPIUNKII. N Mean, Brownaville • 11 B e 8 Hoge, Waynesburg 'Campbell, Phil. D Crawford, ktliglintown ; L Outer, Beaver 0 =km, Jr, Indiana Ilfas Perms, N Y Ws Perna, do P Bente% Freedom El Pollock t latly,litad7,on,loo B Bertent,ttenbenvlllo J N Cook, Belpre El Stewart, Peoria, G Nor,* Wlndaor, 0 • J 0 Thome., talent, 0 N 0.341 Liberty .erect. PWRILITOII. J 11c.geoban, Cincinnati 11 Hampton, Cleveland W Hoge, W Wilson , Greensburg. !' D KnLown i Bl d more r Peockler, • B Bradford, I Fleeter, Erie • 0 N De Long, Le3Jugtao, B y. D J Beale, E Beitleman, N Y •. J Jamison, Freeport • • J Wittier sister, Watb, Pa ty street, below Seventh. nu:TIMM f !doyen, Olon lon JOUSII Vermont IJ Werner, Pewlekley El Zack, Westmoreland J L Wee,. Corlaville, Co W 800, Bittannlog W 1110.11, Cartml CO W McCullough, Lambe I 0 McNutt., Worthello W 0 Mike, Now Lisbon, 0 if tall, Alleghony co Itcolthtleld sod Third street/. PLOPZI.VOII. Hary Underwood, Oh lo Hem Witt, Cleveland Geo T Thompson, PhDs Bev A Whits, New York Mrs Oalharine White, do DO Noel, du ,11.1 find Bowden, Phyla W Heals, Oinclanati Ttl Llverreak Op. Wright A OrawLuO. Nut flamer, 0 T 8 Browns, Pa 0 W hlcDanial A lady, Liand m inaburg, Pa B Wick Youngstown, 0 D A Hammond, Op. Wright ./ 3 1 cir do do lN Vsunialts, do 8 U Demme, io A Al Judson, do Omit. LI a Plendog„do B Dick, do T It Hannedydt: W llo.itt, Cleveland lIANSION 1:1013d1-1 Gina/ aUlliCtl Z A Bolls, lloloolowe Maslow. Connellanrille T Lobenting,Northumb'd O N LleigleY, Philadelphia W Smith 1 lady, do W O Lowman, do J Omer, do W Blackwell, Bovlcti J W Nieolik Ilarriabarg B 8.111., Allegheny c.f., I' Joon A lady, New Orlesm A ti Boating, Wellsville, 0 0 L Daggott, &llalr • . O B.lgerton, Rotlaud RAO LB UOTBL—Liberi ZOOS 1111.11. I J Bomonllle. Brookville J U Reny Op. Wright J Outer, do W need, do o wear, da WJ b Pttitt, do (hater, • L Beath. Pe do W Lieder,Latrolie 0 E Witch, Jell - aeon co OIitARD LlOUSS—Clorecr S. L. MOM?, J V AlLim, Mar Trrk GI Tinter.thereland J V 8 . 8 "mb.. re-blo. to Mr.* Itaux, Locust Burge V 8 MarPb7.Brownwrille J 0 Caldwell, en:oath:Le TII BAIA, Jr, II A Tomplaton, Cheater MUM LIOTILL—LIbe siren ray street, k.Lof mamma. J Oatusalog. Addimon . 1 ,., 8 ... 21 c 8 i10. Baltimore /oars DP loicomb. Ornmeauirdle U A Cobb. do J Orml7 . Vmango to -J Lariat, Oil City . W Cloward. Una city T P *Mabel]. Waynesburg Ilartse 11. do Dr HO Egbart, BED LION HOTEL— *. ft Riddle. Herm Y. G02m14, I N Comm, E gala. Cherry Valley 8888 mi. CP Wright do W e e ke., P W A Cli p 'I) Maim, NaW Castle IP &Mw, WM. lA.& Pa I landau). 011C - rotk RATIONAL HOTEL—d p. pappl 1 J Vaavoorhs, Mem kltyA r a. A T Otordsla, Caratkimattlit Ontatio. Prat:Alla BllNoer A boy. Non. city B Tutor. do W.lrnetl,Orecktiold DT Bligbk. East Liverml J Warms,. U B Cavalry 8 Larga, /Memo T Tate t lady, II Ma:milt; J RChrmpbell, Mau city J 0 White, lerc r Imo d White, d, J Gatzge, Cp What' Oaropbell. filekary- Cali We, Bakerrtoun Ilarqult,Cp Wright I Damn, Outoratbarrr Jlllutokborn, elardsrnavid • N 0.5. EL Clalr greet. nan111.034 W Cap, Knox Who. 0 W Illacketon, AT Hord La N Prober. Moravia IP Crooke, Bllsalnalle W M roan, &ayete►n W Crime. Ohio ÜBlair. Earltdkat Hara.Hareauey I Hobert, Mercer Na 157, Wider tenet Plloll,Mos., iWto 0 flaming d lady. He Brighton 3 e.bellidg,U H Wary 0 d Nett. Fayette co W Dewey, Upper Et. Clair J (Tharketoo, U b Cavalry H &bier, do W Mclaroo, do ALM:MI= Cana Mawr, Jolt 11—The nutlet for beef Cattle Lea audergone bat Uttle change. Theoffertngs were ler than teat week,lo anusquene• of which pima were a etude better. The [alloying are the particohrs of the sake: Offard. iii Whoa. 16 W U 1 6claddev, 26 Wm 13.313•33 J, 2D Wm Worst:, L B Dodd. 6 L 8161 M, 16 Ed Whltildoey, 18 Den 8 Phillips, 18 B Adamd, 23 It Wblpp, 18 J W II 8 061734. 10 WIl Wavy, Id D matam.sker, Is J White. 60 Drown &Coleomo. 86 Bundy Grey t oo, 24 John Eadtb, 21 Shinty t Um% 101 W 18 J Grumman. " SOki. rd.. lb 23128 28 28083,4 Ito 2%01 V 4404 V 2 8N284 18 18 Wg 13 r 20 2 (81 18 340 18 10 1eV13% astillB 22'0,62 100 Nat ast. .. t. Sal soot Ewa. guar—Theft wore AM bead effaced, ot which only 417 were sold, the prima ranging from $2 to 62,71 qi IP3 One lot was diamond of at $1,60 p bead. . Loan—Abort 16 O had wen shipped !mt. Hems—The offerings footed up SIP bead, all of which wore taken tar the Gorernroont. no prime• were not made poblki. Ws annex a CL1019.11 of the 011101141, (eulogy, of specie) from New YOrk to foreign ports, for tbo wok „nod sing Jan Li 1850. 1660 — lBl5l. !or the ...... 31,053,013 $1,477,831 .. 1P1,434,810 teeketelyreptetol...—.. V,4551,902 43,643,420 ..00,7112,103 121:2!XII .P3,4113,03S $45.111,351 $69,20,921 al Vll3ll 11X1 WS. • The river. under the (labium of the late rains. vai ad vanclotalowly last evening, when there teas 2 kohltacks by the metal meek. The ',anther caution= cloudy, 03.1 and unsettled, with easalonal showen of rale. It la aid that there have been Wavy mks at the headwater" of the •Ileitheny during the past few daps. If Mil be correct. • rise perhaps reef sleet to admit We varomption of umbra. lion may be looked for by our stemnboakoon--....—The Linden, in charge of Out Andrews., la plying- as a regular pastel between Louisville and Headman. Na. You, Joky r ll.—Oottcm Am; We cdoooo Wei at . Allrgo io 11?, Wee( 1 llomtberm 1100 bblocrale v e ofoadf: Obi Oath ZIA; ChfoaCo oOrfoß klisB4; 611 / . orsokea Olot. at 80@ing rod wagon/ .641 07@i /0; white Minoan $1 M. °aro Ora; 666.6 of 10.0440 babel. $t 4bc. Polk none mon WWI @OIL MIRO, steady 14 OIL Ifloiqulot at 0. Beau firm; Idemovado at 4.4(4ooo,aratflorstuob Wel fffoo 06.66 WE of WOO bogg Itlo at 11014 e. We of 'MX* LW at 61402 00. • Btatia ton.: Mesta and Rock Island ZS* New Yort Coaxal ?43 nowilak MX; Virginia Elam art MAMA 4 ei Frataastrata. rich Thar.S NI Ix raw the latter mad* rowaw inter wbeat. to lam Mara offering sad prim narattled; nal at $lO6 l 12, sad white at $1 1801 SA sad arm southwa rod at $t Mitt It, - Clara anctutaawl. Whisky at 115010)4, t1C13.111 (4WD iaTimarmtaralato • Coach Factory. 04.11$ .4 DUNGAN, RANUFACTURKRS of COACILES,CAR STAGES. OMBIBUSerd, BAROUCIII2B. BUMS% ES and 8141116 WAGONS, of every descaption. We outplay the bat toerboon earl two the bat inetanat to be bed ln the country. Particular ottomans poht to RE. PAIRING. Ittoor Work &Wasiak hiattoit • No. sax ado find. 1,114.t1yw • Rowing • NEW SIIUTTLE - SEWING MACHINES Are atatted to an Sladeot FAMILY lIVVING: "Milos Mulls Tull th• Ilehteat end hese" tahtles• !swaths the LOCK STITCH M;.;=Ska sale se both st4eaterbleh Usti run BA HASSLED Mt euLLsu Out Arai far Vethales. 5514 I/Wm &latter Platt UPI Shoe eledias lane have no neuter. till sad sae them' at US Flak street, upstairs ' LABCELL.. J. Et. WEILDIN, Bookseller; Stationer, BLANK BO OK ItIANUFAOTURBB PRINTER ARD BINDER, ca Wood Street, pear Fourth, prrrmzueon. GOLD PICBS • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . YENS AND , CASES REPAIRED. SILVER .AND GOLD PLATING • Demo at the mhontet mike. et the motet 01 ACM hod Market Atreets. ..mad atm. ' - • - remota /11111, out W the env battne Pew tq malt esa nod them hi m ull Jetiw , FITZPATItICIIi&CO:z' VLOUR-50 bble Family Flour justroced 11 sad 'W1.'111417 len -WIIT 6 uobisem..... rttlnitt-3U . MAL for oaio by . tam - VILU.ALD 4410. • =EOM= NONFAT'S LIFE PILLS AIM PHIPDNIX BITTERS oo• -• • taro =r bum batore the val. • •• , Nod of 111111. TI iiCb, aed darthe that tune , . tahosi • bleb • • ter La almost erne Dart h . tb. ,410., tut Matt et awl. frarsorltato pOWIfr reetortw mita health to • • tratfertog under Milt , •1 of alomeo. N role the human tram* to ILoble ttebilhothi. • =mt the cliatzestag entety of Mt. 131•9 ellsetem w the VEG.= • LIFE, riEDICINES AN roll Immo • balotalllble. spepsia, to Iltorouetilf eleaOslat the ant sod ••• 0t00.0b5..• mall, ILnr of jam beano/ LI to to steyl of till stal, Mina Idea r • Flatulency, Loa of IPfollio..tiosrt 114 tto,. Jloosionanose, molt. "". 0 . etroPt.t. 01 Yea• pate. • fit va.olah. lur • sutural =se- Off.o.of ly cuts. oLnfomfoo, by clososts, the ohvie -f tho ...of.. +altos.. .tr pa...ea, Rod onto,...•koce: vloleut Waco lea • the booth! eQetlyte oltttt: two too Yeireet alt luds• rultoc4. blood to a mll. the pn.c,tia of re•priatioti la nth Man tad the CtretdW tholothm eoluttua of all littoetto•l Otettitelltha to °then. - . the Wonted/slue hay. been sans to rum Ithirama. nem pormuently to throe week, endC.oua...ln half that tio removing lout lollanunatbso tram Unitatancles and is of the Joints. - birkiqules of ell kinds. by truths and . the Limey. end bladder; they areal. " tur n aentlt organs. nod hence for. Wand • Mut re tody for the worst oar. of - Also Wlormas tindotrius front • tar tarsibeira tette bouts the slimy :nava to winch dine auturcy adhere. Sc urvy 1J ice ra, and Inveterate Sarah by them feet pu • hka u.ao 14.11 a Iii.I4III7LINIO rtal W the blood. also alt the bunion Scurlattlo linsasstlons nod Lind Conardaldrates by their attentive odyst-pun the Rosa that lost-Um_ akin. sod tea morbid um., of dutch orualone ea aro 9. - re Calms. menu% cloudy. ant oxen ouineble oratplealone. The use of tbses tills tar • .11 short thria will effect an In sou of Salt the and astaldsur taprocimut le me inuaneyeof the min.o rn row Colds and la- Ilannza CU always be cared by one dna, or. by two tat unit onus tPtle.e original proatetorof trans ilodtaluaO• .0 camel of Pau of Is ligtdUlturn aka.run atandlnir br the oust its Lill braver and Ague.-for this scoot, sr Vesture country. these Leoalue Wit be fund aaod rertatim k und tabor tuellotnen ttlieUtio;nobiest 10 a Mama( the dlseuri-a cure by Uwe 'Wafter te MuUCUtohms as Laivsfrie d Co . mau s ud en . end UebUtty. Loaf of Apo du. and Inasues of lemtlla the kfildhlus hays been nut with the most bauflad re. to to nue of this deer.radloo Bat and Scrofula In its mat farms, ylelda to the mild and POirstdol man of thus YeasYkablo fittbkOreats. Verrone Do- Witty. Lierrons Couplet:ate of alialoda faltdtiltlan of the Murk raltnere' Rona. nis nudity oust, McMartin' Discs sese-Yersons WWI* constitution hare bus yoimpatred by the 1 oludlolont war of Mean_ f ad slit kid these Sadistic, a eeriest cure. Ytheu rm terir L to gaudiest* fr om the antea,•ll the effeete of 10. Sonia,' goober tau the moat somata pranutf ons o ar prepared and rola by W. B. MUIfrATT, My ads by Datartate. 335 Broadway. New York. tykl-wlyr (1111f.R.UILKIN to er.ll*.lut ~.... ~ '..,a -,...ti'-:-"‘-• ..:•,.-Th 2 f :-. /, V •,'‘ - : •'. ' ' .::‘ : ;=-"*.•,. ‘- i rk•• ~. :,.-..._ _ . 7 ,1:' 7 _t' , - ' 1.V4. .-: , i ''..;) ' l ' ?, 1+• IA REMEDY.. • la Doralune coal 70a Gonorrhoea and all Dmaseases' of tho Urinary Organs. • Thl• Demob cum. when all other preserallom btu. It to embody unlike my other compound; contalolog no ! Mineral Poison or Nauscou. Drug; as It to PM ' Pored solely from Roofs. Narks and Loaves, sad boa toenhameddown from one generation th e ther by the Cherokee Indlans. at to offered to pubtle on Ito o,n netneele menu. It perfoom its dutj entekly and lnuoushly. The Unfortunate of either am will he nr told by mind tat. nomads.. bawd of planar them' ea rot at the mercy of some quack or Profenor. Tole lte• mode Minn et the very boot of the Moon. ; tan-. doom le not timely to amend the mbar/. bat to Remora UM Cause on which It &pooda YoU direetlone to parr,. 0 01 st lono etumnor each bottle.. The needy tual som mat relief afforded by thie tentedy. In all coon of Gonor. glues, blest. Caravel, ktrileture. Muter 4 , 41 . 4 a OA/ lobe. In tremolo.). and Mt diseases of Oa th‘ana tun anonioned the most salentille nun of the am, This Dented, oat only endlotin all enteon bout Me• NYttelmbut Invinoratal the most gaunt* eenalha• use. • i It don Not Affect the. Omani or Interfere-with . any Class of lluatuosa, or moire any derlatioto tam th. uoual diet. /I mina. ro manometer= other =Drina And what bettutneca Ito Value I inn Entire Ab sence of all Nouneowt Tame, be 60 saPltaasuat and betlelsous bwrop. Nir Orlca NU Der bottle, or Mtge Untie. for d'uT klaellf, lola Yropri T to rt St. Lot ino to SAM flit. OEO. U. KEYSER, PHI Wood street • Whointalp and linen Dealer. &Yr 84/1,1 t. 17 all Mogen. HhadiustlPLD'S WIZIMILIP2SPIIMIT/ON. ./KICIELLY 001401WrndTsu, ^ Compound FIRM Extract Battu. A,PonlLtre and nee& liencedy for tipik**4r9 oP KIDPIlltn. GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS,, Tide If &Rothe Imre.= tho power of OfMo% wed re cite. the AlrotrattleNTS Imo harth,' aetwor. be which the Wrench] , Wt. UtabOa.ll.lol.ln depuectkohr. Lod ail the. tretrUltat alitlrelaterd ere reduced; as well at rd-tri AND 1 3 11 1LAM3LallUrf. anu to rood for W411111.1X 61 21.111d1V/1 4 ••••••• IiOLD . 8 ICIETILACT MUGU% Sot Weakness • &idea. tram teesteme. Bahasa Therpatlon. Sadr • ' j indlseretion or Aborte. , Attired With the following 5 yno plowst tale to latsUort.' of Sower. Leee ad Weak mory, saltietelty of Irreathloc. • • ,Tremblirdh ,60her Of ;mesa. Waketalnese. plenum Of Vtrese, Palo UntseesaMsultoon et the Muscular mt... . me but. Mot nude. • Phu.. of flag Body, .I.hynele ot the Skin. /[an. of Um saga I Mania Comitenttes. Theis goptexos. tt allotted to go on. which We randlcino tenarlahlytunons.soon lotions /Fatuity, EpoicoUc FRS. : • ofte of - watch - the Patient racy Expire. • • Who c ._4..0 they are itst fregandly (aliment by • Wasik 4 • - •mstrat ' • !innualtrianalusu. ption." . Maus arsons. of the tense of theta-ann... iiUS AM! NULL CAM 1 . 5.48. :Yak Anton]. Or Tilt loon= Alnratnns. Ilenneholy Deaths by C005n0.... Bear Impid Wilma to the Trona Of L. Assernest. ' TEN iNtartZtrttUtt OSO.IIAMIJIND Willi • ORGANIO WE• tlotaitros tho aid of auditing to strength. and Inn:orate he fish.. Which gaol ti's Extract Dacha Invariablyt rya s O reat arts non.. =a Slut haesocaL rcitgats—rEgrAits- - Frateaga, OLD oa rollick. ersatz. Nassau); all. corms* • PLATE:NI MANHIAGIL In mum) , Affections petulant to Vennaleis't.. Cl bongos la owtn al be torothur remedy is In 4.lblozons or Listenuon, trravnanty. pahnsison oy atm. proud. of enatotosty isaanations. Wanted or Neirrhoos state of the Unman leoznythass or Whites. tinnitity; and for all ooloplainte Walden% to the say. whether analog from laduerencet. !Walt. of tayalptacc:cy m EA DECLINE OR CILINGE OF LIFE: • hes liymytonts Alma • • - • NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT-IT. - --. .. -r.. ' Turk. 1. 0 Mari Fabnon.iisasuis. or unalssautt. Widish. for anslessent and desstrous dlaswou LIELaftfOLIAI .Y.XIEACT. BUCIIII . . :. I - CM= ; . twit {SECRET DISEASES ' I. WI MM. Al little FaZtonas; laths or ...so le Mat ; No Losonsetusons ; 1 .: A. VW iSpOatilt. it cans. a frequent deslre sad awes etreetth to Urinsie. thereby tionosins tastructions. . -,. An zle g ottna• sod carrot gneturss of the Vretias. eSSO .4 to slam tJon. so frequent In the due ab...W. aud ...Joe aU Potroxosm,Duagg4 amt word :VW dlaster - , I • i ,-. t 1 iroCalln, o } . oll 0110M141115 ;-. IMO ITIVELBWLIII TIM VICTIVe OF QUACKS and *Wheys 4 hears toss to to eared to a short Woe, has team they Inc/ Seeelml sad that the . WIXOM . b. Ds Is. we o .• mrertel asu Wows," ban dried up to the SWAIM. to mak out le an severs:el torso. and C-; Porttapa atter kloiralge. 1 . ; Vas Lle bbltVi Eertrect Babratu for au &bestow farel dlsewlsol the ' 4 , bothor ono I this Uto ILINAILV onciress, ••i • - MALE OIL mmatamm, ?god ohsreins. orisinatina, stet no motor of . LIUW WSU LiTADIDIZiIis tu t . U... of theie Ur. o resurarethttuse to the 1 1> i t ur na e s il ti c u : Id'slauraist Machu 'end ea rr la r ato bass the dearrat elect to. Mawr St bleb It is neartnlitseridadr • Ukase lA. JOirst rata.. sad rcrportotts eat7ecies , oul y the tossilases. il - I OIiKV/F/VADA.4 OF CUAS9 I. tram Id to Ms anti stand!. '..) With oozes krsont to 1 ISCISSCL LSD rAlla. • , P mft CI per bottle, or 'Ls for $5. Doha[ to soy adore. mom rah , puked from obberrs ' lloo. ;.',14160U.11.1k o V elYnnflolt/ ALL uutimuriludnuNd. I.luso nunrantoodl Advice •11 Gr 0.11.11 '., I nDavrr. - -•-- p.ocuoi Jui r spies:ea Ordure toti, Abloom. or the Ells .. id o. rhuadallad* ht. T. Statamoto, who bens dinswwww. doth no his noon/anon Antal= on nonotto, or tonvou7. Or otbsc blush). thus., bat are swots...l.ls. . n. . f:tisolulfaiinificlibel before res. this 114T.11 der 4LtSBQLD of nowww. taxt.lls4 I W. z.11114014X Al4snassu - -11:010 stmt. &bor. Dan,im . n,k,uaac ,- • 1,4414te5s Utters tco•inlornumonla ocandeoco to , Dwll3Li. T. 81:61BOLD. Chemist. , 104 Math molt .tom Who, Chant In. Phila. U.KWAIU4 OF 4XJIIIII`I4II.VISIThi t ... Anil unri/ISCIPI.IM [MALLS., • •, 7 WI. sodossor to dispose .of their own" Out . otheie si , .' VOes" on U. rinuttattos attained by _ ktelmbuers ( I ...Preparstione —• - . ... do do Ittudet dacha. -- •'.- • • do • do ._ do Sonsowllo. do do hod.rovel nose Wish. - -` '• , Ihn.l) BY • . - - - - ' .13E RH AM ; 4 . se KELLY; -.- .. - '4 ; ALL4OI/11BY 011 Y. Add .11 oserevbsrs. Ask for ItelosbOhre. Fake- : ' to otr. %/utast tbeselvertlaetosnt and se. for It. and ~1 014 Impaction and examine.. -" - tyllt" •' ', 71.1 TISIC IPllBLlllyeapadaby !la tanoraot sad • falsely" - Moist Ybyalelana., at All donotaloatiOte." , tiaat&at and • Dallesto Disorders. tkelf-A boas, aW of bit au =mann gad ineldant brYootha of butt Nook sad Adults. ylgla•od a antel. 4... b,. by. 13 as : yutbatias bot dotty.. lb. tgaorant and - Wooly toodost as draa.if ally aboOlot. and lldak • groat ado. tory Immoral. aod bar coutatalnatbso tad tom Woo •• awns thou. whoa, protatatod mous and daughtana Malt ratan: alayakian s=oup to cautious to trey them to . may tau ttor do the sun as I.b. Bltalsornu. abblishint.)lea y t a Iticzatita oracles might to loot r to moss , .tepid, taunt modal and luticiaptcluus bona soil meal lastOtsclee.rotantrUly as lellitirooren, Sod ictio ...pus society, totelii,map, ssisse.olc , todolialmssid • acts. salsterloguilv. cloudy or It la to v.:bld ty, trowayertuatna.annw paryota and eta/discs naratjaanla.. u lV i trt rod elutal .: J r=alttata ti rl uc. arax i yzytot.r rl i ti , a 4 • bean rdtawal to health ond tic or by lb, ditaN te- OGO MlO7 ibtlos• lual attar marriage tbroustatiat - • • - Wen Wad mach, auffuloe.anxtety toorlifle•ttoo,ato. bay.. - - lag tbat landaus of cm thirty 'we exmi. gaga Sod ob. oirratiott, cocamanutly hu imparlot IA tta beat, ' trialtol apoclal Mama& and vb. la daily con. it a d m a Inalsamon. ap aa reenamaatalad by ntoemabla ctusena, n o t. orosiston. n ote. WWI , 8 tfaxtthdald Anat. tsar Disoklnd sly•st kneatet comtanokadido• bon ab panto( the Won strictly attesded toe Utract. -• • • dab. 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