The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, July 11, 1861, Image 3

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01R0141. tAila , 01 ,r141"47.1t7.,.-
THUBBDatY 11101 MG, NAN • 41,';:1881
, .
- ,
MangoLa/CAL Obserratisoiforiii by
O. B. Slt*, 14tioiaa. Stria Ett.—ocinlatect
_ ,
• 99999. 99.1i91‘
c(9944 - _ lB
19_ "' 00 •
8. • " • 65 -
&stomata - 212-10
-: • 'the cisholseglisnit 12=etloai Car New.
ii •
~; ' • Yatterday;. in . the ClOOliAll Coot, - before
I .3irigifi "eßiliClere, Mellon s Adams and Parke, the
motion for a new trial in the cue of John Car
' -•
ainghten;COithicted of murderer the enerultl de
.. _
..: ....Agree, - wee +ailed ups_hcsrviment. --•.;-:-: - - ~
"...' .'" Mc. '/dinti °Piped * Mlimsnt if rapport if.
- '..the motion assigning id rowel Tiy a new trial
-; ........shcinid be grunted, the first of wigili ;sag th i ssio,,,
-__;.• :verdiciwas.ipina th e iiir end ; the e vidence."
Exceptions. were. takes to tie : charge of Judge
Mellonkand •the priscipal rdfoee assigned were
• - mare in the Arena, Rawly disc o vered testimony
assigned u a ,In ,
was also reside for a new a.
.. : hits'? an
-argument Opon these points; Mr. Mar
, 1 - shall submitted a number of depositiotS, Of which
- the followinglis lut ithattiet: - . ---'• . -.
- - S. Prunes depoialthat he saw the litth boy,ltob
' ~. ert Cowell (the lad who testified Oaths killed David
r .. Frew) the neat morniag after the murder taw blood
).- '. • on liebeth's pants, and told Milian:ill It; Robert add
-, .it was not blood, but paint. thiblood spot Wes about
. :.-;• the she of hall a doUir. ; ' , : - _ - - • •
Adam ShoUrs was with Prance at the time above
",...4theignated, aid corroborated met es to the, ipot of
..: blood and thri conversation., - • .
__, • •
• _ Wm. Colvin. was pinata the night Of the klilleg,
, ... - sad beaasotaii one *eyelet; alarm mantel COllOll .
had done IR ,i Ile saw the person who said this, but.
"- ' dld not know Ms name; . - -..
. .' Wat. Grails, brothavin4aw ofJohn Canninakalls
-deposed that ltobart, Cowell (the boy) came over to
his hoots the next monies; tour blood on his
.. i,..
,pents, - as he was leaving—itoPepoi being over the
hip. lit.lbe . 11itte110032 ttli boy told , deponent that
._•-• -he had stabbed David Pin. : [ - ~.-: ~.. • .
In reference to toe to:Ulm* of th e boy, as ad
- ' dated npon thelrial, Mr. - Marshal! remarked that
- .-,-, be never yetiotrodoced a witness epos the stand
, -
whom he did itothimseir belieessad he this and
... -,••...• now firmly believed the shitament of the boy Cow.
e1.. - :_The,.pista. worn , by the. boy had ;': bolsi sub
witted to: a chimist,blr..Weynouti forth. pursue
of baring the blood epot asalyseditst". the lism
.. - time which burispeed aince theltilling taadered
•,-• ' - it very difficult to 'determine the age: and ebaractrir
- .. ._ of the blood; had further, the bistatthborities low
agree thatit he impossible to 'distinguish bet Ween
.'"... the globular:it heaths blood end the blood of many
--'. - animals.,4o the eery good ramie that' the eysief
•••• bbienation itself deselopcs a groat degreerot-iliV
(ironer in the site of• the globale&' Tits idialyisis
- ..... would require wash • time; and i beery expense,
which the ditrendiutt wee unable to bear, and hence
; • it wee net . . . . - ,
;-. ' • District' Attorney Miller opposed , the motion,
reading from the testimony at considerable 'length.
lie also submitted the deposition of Jobs Casket',
taken since the trial, who states that he residaa
two;doo*below Cowell ; that the
-night Frisrussi
I killed; he looted over the fence and -sew Frew is
. • : • the alley:; now him. throw the. atone, 'ad.'s:etas
pesitively_thaf bo could authors bees crasher the
_atone wes throwsqu'lowne weat near him until
• ; , the blood began to flew.. die concluded :his ergo
'- mint by asserting that therein* vary 111110 in the
Tessier assigned for a new trial. nod as hr se the
;__ • testhnoey of the boy Cowell, wth corentsaadi , he
believed it wholly irreconcilable with truth—in
-coesistent 111 • itself. aid incoaaintent with plass
, r every fact %danced on the trial. • • - . - r•
Mr. Collier concluded the argument. in su pp ortpr
• ; : of the motion, but time will not permit us to give
; - even an outline of his address.: Lila appeal on be
, half ot his client, whom he solemnly and conselee.
tionely belreved Lobe innocent, was touchiegSid
eloquent, and overwhelmed the sovietise' is mare:
All. he asked was that the 'defendant—Poor and
(Wending, without insane area to fasksaosasel—
. should hate another chance fix his liberty; which
was certeinly .dae to him 'wader' all the rcithum..
scythes of the CON, and which eauld be grassed
• without oetraging a sitter priaciple et pence. The
interests 01 i the Comnonwealth would apt suffer
should a new trial• be granted. Justice would not
gainsay the acs. while Mercymould - moat heartily
At the concloeion of thejargnmest, Calitt ad
, j2arned - until Sitarday, trims Judge : Mallon will
- . perhapsrentier a decislooln this case. -
The Central Hoag et gausstioniffle co Timis,
, Pretent,*ilittn .13fnit6., Doman, Unalal..hlet ,
...,ah.ll,.:ltedaley; Sargent, Vartinin .sad MO%
Pafelden.. - • - -
TO monthly ros!ti atffia Principals of the Mgt
and Colorld fkhoolt sad Blan tarylrinratad tad
ordered to he received KO - :
W6TO entenal fa payment . piths
ing Tin --
xty a Co. 130012 cot 11441 . 4 , 102/44'.'—. 60
J W4140n, 92 /0/
W. 19.114440, blebs sod Blank 12 40
11 Bake. Isselllng tows#4o6ramarles subbl 1 , 15
40 . 113414, 0 . 444-
Ci W 1.00
22240402, water 14 26
' The selitint of, the l'iunf hers of then Ward, 1411'
&taiga &Wools, and of tha - Jaaftatior . thelligh
• aad dzimols, wt. Arad at as follawieg
raze foe the corning ; 30ar,
Soodurs laGlsolecar
intennoddo *. , • ---.... - 970
Tambon b rsimsry Der9999ll'of man than out • •
• • you 9 exporlooceto tfratll99 hirabhaffdfoolsosebs
191oury Deparromato of is dna 79ofs flfor. •
rime. teo.fhlowl.oPobbo'bebols.:—..*.—..., 200
. . . .
Professor of attbautler... SOO
Pimlessor .r 1.50
Jaeltor ,
leachers ' were allotted to the. Ward, fliih , ind
Colored Schools is follows, viz: - - •
Pint Word-40aw Prineipari one Assieuutt to
Principal; two Teacher. -Is Grammar Depirtinea,
three TeiChen ielatermedinos 'Department, Awe
- Teachers , Primary_ DepartMentr , • ...- _.. -
&rend IVard'--Oos Principal, ose"Aellitant to
Principal, one Teacher le Grammar Department,
two Teachers in taterinediate. Dirpertmest i , four
Teachers in Primary :Diparirrient,
Third. Werd-!o2e Pnairipal ; one Amhara to
Principal; ;'.jone Teacher lig Grammar Department ;
• four Tinware, inqatennediate 'Departmett ; ten
admirals :Pricier, Department. • _ - •
foltrliviVard-Oas Principal I• one Anriltent to
Patin.; I - one Teacher in Grammar Department;,
tie-Tea:Mira in Intermediate Department -;• three
Teacher. in Primary •Depa!tineat. •
• ••Offir Wore... Moe hiemPti. ) °Ur Amistant irit
Principal; two Testelumi is Grammer Department;
frier Teachers in latenriedlate Department; eight
Teachers ES 'PrimalrDspanaleat. .
Ifitsd-Ose Principal; nee Moistest. •• to
• Principal;. two Teachers in Grammar Departmeat
'IVO Teachers -in -Intermediate Depertarestr‘iries
Teachers in Primary Department._
Ifariarir Ward.-Ooe Principal; one Amienuit to
Principal) e - se Teacher in Intermediate Depart.
"taut) five Teachers la Primary Department:. '_
- - „Word-I-Onn PrinciYal vomfilliwismat
Pacipal)," ore Timelier is Grammar Department;
tour Teacher. in Istermediete.Departmest ;
Teacher. Department:.: - • •
Man Ward.:lthis - : Principal ; one Assistant to
Paternal ; one.Teuier I Grammar Department;
TeStiiefir 111, fatennieliate
;Victim-11S PrialliDerpaztment. •:„.;
Ifigh 600 . 41.410nd:Priacipiq; one - Profaner of
Mithematiee) two Peale Ailidatantel' am Teti*
er el Perimineblir and Itooft-Keepthp one Telleillir
,Colored Principal; naltir,4leataltt
Jacob Gineeer: WM - ridertad Collector or: tan rint
Ward.. , • _ •
-Go motion irdjourned. • „
Chid Janke Dunlop, oi that Cirtult Cocut. FAA.
on Dlstolot k hat made as Important Wart dacition
la the nue of Di:lowan vi, Piens.
In APtUe /Ws Thous alimmito, United sham
1. 4 „.. t0r s t the port C! Pltlehargh, obtained &pair
eat= t valash'e Improvement Is boithilig*lkall
water of Oplazi boline b 1 Duo direct - sioNio
the lire stoam the boiler. 61,1 *Ta 1114
EptralM Pence and William lloClarg =deli*
rats applications for paimiLe for tha sum Invegaggi —
Thu Commlosionmer ol Patents, awarding to
of patout; &dated- sa laturfarasa . b.ttai%tltu
Walt of &lewdest and tha told applloaticest. At
the hazing before the Punt Otlem Friuli/ of la:
venal= ors/ hlceloug was awarded to fiturwdoe, tad
priority of Invention um boil! IfoCliarg tad S io n
don Will kWlLidid to Plana Prom thia deottion
Snowdon appealed to btu Donor Judge Danis*, and
the decligon of lb. Punt Othee has ham reversed.
The Judge Toth, that an Innutor, to =Ulla Mamaf
to the promotion of the taw. mart b. Mum) to pats
fading Ms Invention and In obtaining hie patent.
• otherwise h. it.,, Ala rights; and thin tors, LI
Plea rooted span and morned idon tura than
two gun after Ulnas to hara pudaotad thalso
and to ths mend= Snowden, Indeputhertip of
any knowledge of Pierce . ' Innattha,dlecovered and
redound to practice the ume Innen tin. surd
appliad for his patua t, Petro* mut lose h=
god flizoildl2l De madded as tho tlghtlal
, .
akin Ban..-1.12 as Oriatkal CoarfoiTegardrl
fdr, Laois 'aypitad for as dliattiro o ; Ago lacti
wonted Yolwatd Dock sad Jame )Suit, a mazahte d
to pm by J1:111.k• Boboop, of Daqswata borate'. for
um, woozy of a Woo dollar bill from Edward do •
abata. :Moo risme =Doi far tbs dlocharp cd the
La., win buseudway of du eatawatoisals. Tba
c o w{ bred Oa commaloostrota, load cri
I/WI . The bolt , haul{ , 'rem ra wad upon
eons thy rosa ;a f sp. 'sob. . ,
, _
,g,aarocrutorr ' Bouts - Non3.—Buirtr of oath
two. NW. three d A 1 . ,: billairm: the firma& aid ,
'Th om e.: Doak of W opt oobarg, Grooms oawary. 1
That tub W kr ,at booed no anal bills, and all .
Oat ant in circulation aro hernia.
. . . ..
Alma gait DisiblisipkoePegt a Paaaati•
- Last i t attuary, Edward McCutesy, a . reeident
adds place, bad a dificialty in a saloon it frtak.
lice,' Vona* eouti,*iinring which, it le allegidr
he Amyt gado e • i and trid.cii life: of hisnatsgo.
Mat being need by raising a 'cheer, the bottom of
which Mopped the bali.4 McCartney wu . atrasted
for emelt and battery With' intent to kill, and bail
_. ,
was catered by Kr. Milleniy, of_Allegheny, for
hie aureate, at the April term. The accused
did net appear and MI bail. was forfeited. M
amie few weeks tiIICO, girt - oat a bail piece, and
(Se he alleged) placed itit tie tub of an officer
1 bens, min him pis to Arrest McCartney and re
[ . kiln to Veneer, coolly. The snot, how:
nose, was sot made, alliimigh Mr:McHenry states
that the officer iris afternards seen in column:sloe
with McCartney. - 1 - '
Abbot two weeks since the warrant sou placed
in the hands of officer Bowden, of .Allegheny, and
on Tuesday he arrested McCartney and lodged.
hirti in jail, intending to take him op to , Franklin
on 'Wednesday. The slime day, however, Mears.
Coyle and Basulete applied,to the Judgessf the
Csert of Stilarter flisaionei for the diabarge of the
rooter; cilia aathiiiitiee to shoe" that his deten.
ilea !nth* jail of Allegheny .-.eoarity". was .etstar.
ranted... Judge Mellon! ordered that' the prisoner
be dtecharged,and at the - same time handed the
Warrant to later floutil, ,, who•paited it over to the
Irink of th e Court .- Oldtai Bowden demanded the
ocalsa bat before be. weld get - pauession of it
eCartna had reached the street and made good
his escape. Coasiderable tailing was manifested
it the result, by the (deeds of both patties, and i
rtgorou,effertWill be mide to remmistlif.Carmay.
:items Italibrioad AC nginser
. .
On Smiley morning, 'as a freight train on the
I , Nninsylvartinlroad Was coming Went, . about
nix miles east, of Harrisburg; a rail broke, when
the engine wig capsite end brokers, a nd a number
of freight ears, were piled upon it; The engineer,
Rudrerillkoseer,.__wai melded and bruised to each
an intent Mello died s - feir hour, alter the anal.
dent queried. The fireman; Michael Roger., or
ilt6ona, we. also scalded and otherwise iajhred,
but it is thought will taco - vex: The MI were set
on are, and mme eight of them, laden with Gov
eminent storm, and consigned to J. ft. Eby, were
ulestioyed.- ke stores Minuted mainly 01-groxe
ries 'and yrorisloal., I . '
IlT~hte man 9tosser raided 'in Coinmbia, was s so.
bee, wan, and leaves a Willy. -
L ' r T e . il it e iglt " t h w are ° at ILI:1% 1' j It ch w n :s human oae
eve occurrence on' thelPennsylrania railroad.
Samuel b. Young, Reperiateadent of the East,
ern'Diaitionrew alluding to this nefottnnste se.
client" earn report being purulent that the
engine boiler wu deka:Xis' and exploded is inner
! Petri and it would be dein( this Company great
justice to ' '
L . Vtuf inset 4 1 , 113 , Ind ier7 IsriS 6l 7.
susadedin Tuudsisuaniagoind was clasp quid
iad - ordurip. , , •
" 1 ),11!Zig tosomn Wee' Odeietanding 'boot the money,
the ap:nista (Jadp- , iscelt,) did not pay out any
*Galati as was expected . . He informs in that be
expects to resume this Morning. •
Mach rain MI during the day ; b ut to ; the after ,
boon - the appearances. MI Indicated a may hart
ratek 2 The Tenth
. .Hestment wire out entered* at
Wiliam and the stemmata caw to their quarters
On "double quiet. , The Ws came amordlegtsi ar-'
ringentents without anioonistannandompenston or
lanoirtsinty. '
The question, ;QM II ;to succeed Col. 'McLane
as officer Commatiding,tor the camp, iaiaireatly els'
Citing some comidarabi r e interest. It' was tar
Souse time, conridered settled thing 'Alibi:sacs
Ceram would be Cot. hteCalmont. The spot:tames
now seem to be quit* as favorable towards Col.'
ham, or the Ninth Regimait. 'ls fact, a tumor
Was unit...current eamp, Muir.' the eveniog,
that be bad already been appointed successor to
Col. Maine in the command of the camp. Noth.
ms cPaal, believer,* bee' seceived.
N 0 aaoea/toew
' . Corrected eepuebillyfeithe Gasottehylliemrs..Faid
I"Lareiof the RatkemAilotsk Note Reporter. Rates
ancettaln at pntsent
[lulu, July 10,:,186L
, •
Luitandt,latea. Diwi t
:TINY Stats.---. -
New York 1311.---
1Ntw'j.2.71.14t Die
.Peonsemediki (assa.) :rag
" anie 4
'Dtst.of Oatumbta—.... 110
Leterlor. . ,
• (whattusit blebs) 1113i4
ebe saw.
&lawns .. 0.10.
0b10 2."2" :6... • ..—... n . 7Pa/
t• par
Do mob.
WLocoooto—...-- no oak.
.. .10
Kiniond ------ •16
Nom Irtsti,2; co pburut•
BEN Nods,
ph* f per ems over Bank
Oyu—Eellbg t erer
Harm . Paroarreivia..-1 hat Presbytiry of
;Mercer gnat at fdahoatag oa the .21
:". K......t0m05id accepted the tall from
Itostigatorroinil:Wanen, and arrangements 'were
!made for hit lottellation in Youngatowa oaths dm
r Tandsj ,of September nem. liar. Thos. Winter
:Reattead a call from Mahouts' for half time. Rev.
'l9..C:Jachon deigned the charge of West Greats.
coagregatioiorliich was accepted, the eon.
gregation Minified Ita - aenatessaca. He
goes to atisagi- Iterl. - 8. R. Mew was recanted as
a .mamber , of rasbytarp . from tha ForsChareb of
1 9 1 . 2 , 2 4 1 . -
" Amain.? urn Barriar.. , —Lean Patterson ' con
ductor esicar Na. ofrhe Birmingham Pass/anger
RdWay... MIS berms did. Suatt yesterday, on - a
charges( math and battery, prArred by Valentina
Crispin. , This prosecutor alines that while ha woe
on the ear the datindatt. without insmroiroeation,
atatoptad put Min off. Mr. Patterson claims to
hays ben tally *died in all that ha did, and gave
talfienzortinan Cotrrr.—We lawn that
Kr. Btoiner, who has been *imaged for two months
111 boring for oil; on - tiro farm of )r. IL. Blinker,
!war Munn bu smack a flow at the depth
'0(443 fest. The apontazurotte lump le about twelve
.banraltdaili.,' lle
_u preparing to babe, with a slew
Em p sok Boocattauva.—WlUtaat Stewart, pa-
War,itrst ward, /Akitaany, was putt:Arty dead $5
It'7l , lls,7or.Dnldradr bajiag gyms ht the 'nuke, to
wall mob: Its ndased to pay the SON aad, trwatt!"
dcw td .P 504
Au.iosssrecivoci will bold. speilat motto&
. .. . .
. RLOPESID.4iIiCO the in of Jolts, 16611, 11, W.
leioliotti 9 i Sommer Resort, Ybillipsbolg, Beaver
'Conoty, Ps. ' ' Imo
BLACIVITOCK—Oo 111,1arday. Joll lath, Hr•,iiF
STONALIN at Fm.Bigoak•locly seed b yeart.:.
_TM FehlUTI4 and frirada of 1.1 i• funny are nom tfalfr
lititedloittrid TlllO (Thande)) Arrm
at to eloet. from tim in . ll ! we of her ba.4114, c•
dines itatetolliaitaaarif tty• • . • '
1 lir To Horse Owners; • -•
1/01111011#211 is tairfniod by say; la in
a•Not Lariffxis, eiblagriten 'mein; linden of Wileieb•
tei to MOM Y nakikal - Mtel mind°. itentom or Soditle
AMIN dastdook Minsk! de, it will am cum nittegif•
14. 0 tis Ina Sunatom batmen, pretested end card In
Made Imelpfost snopLeed OlantlibMi WM ore broad tb.
matibWly cis rediad ina4. bre Me of lb* kind, bowetar,
IBM dryad. ar 111:9•414 bat it may be admitted by ltd.
Liniment; en& Ile taltbittl Mattmettia wlu dame; mime
in•Lintomme aad embte the hone tit Used with maws.
Iwo bans owner Weida needy at Mad. foe
ila timely !mat the find spymirsom of Lemur rid .lb
Madly sernont Ammo foembiabbrelbemmt mestioned,
orkkb all bargee era tl.ble sadaddcb nada so miry elk
ermine nimbly barons Daub woMblim. _
nolvirtimemiti; • • .
larillYlo9/•711 Tui Sirrsii.—Two-tbinis
of 0., eller+ proceed to derea permute of the gamma
sad lb. room. • mat of vigor la the llWenn orgluet•
Oa..r 1111•04.10 wennt of diethrefort, loth 10 bad) sad
milli OHS itif•SATION AeIDONIII ONLY, withal
the came a the corneedaocseoryhtediscoallorL Top,.
wrench to lb. watered slowath. to cola 1.1..14.04W
Wens nod to mews that revilattly el whets Is ell the
mpo. which weal tele partect breath sod trod 10 Won
lon sae 70101.00 111., then le Ito roadie oe tow Whin the
weld stskil 11111 worm. erlth MOIL
LOB 11177111. It world be an lewd to the ruder to
nyewre that 110.13•• oot Ward 01 their ersourry woofer Lo
Dretevate, Liver Clawitlaf et, panel 42011117, end all the
theoriers to which the efoawo, the lira, the Woe+ awl
IW berroos Heim we othirct. lo narvollons I. 11-8 .act
• of OM crew netcesttn that ithyritiazo of ea , once do tot
1111111tota lo efts their tamer withemee to the irthsool.
Ole pt Fano. was kale base nened hors •01141.1 mad
dialigla by lie Vitus, .b.O the remelt. of ma May ewe.
pp bat all hen triel seil
eittentL • •
tlokt tragstat tnonstats. maim!
1111111r31,00D YOWL—Attention is called-to
ildresitimmosseksadeeiaatdo mowsitatootrastbod
el MAW ellems.. It It an eating pm titscorto, sad
tlottrgoesstoodad vim may of It* assisross pates*
littlieloslatt sadly. II la • cartels needy Pr oil tbip
11111ssosatseti0et;sod ottoteialks ett . s . dmift w e an
.4.4thegatiotthst—or wotts, isoaths,so rent, SaffSr.,
ses.tly Is
• • Iltoot - Cocsoa A Davos!, ot. Plow Waken; Qs oat
ISM , Ist Howl siv otoprlttort of We ittstammoovsso
Istrunsts Oototti, to said* .0..0 0m)
Itoatitaboolo Sim la tiat totelloit. club 1 fa ore of pod;
dalladablik SI dassz. ero panylo or ists ot s
al Its notitt opt+ elth the ahead co romnlideuee,end ay
+lWWfoudeotonhothleW oollo i” ,, ...wailcW 4 W
ottavabst....oast aku Joava, ad-. 02 4 . 1.
adnesimea.a. For mi. 07 GPO. rt. It 1781 ll
Amy wood 0. rituelnre. P. &maybe,
Jur Docio a C. Daus, Waltz Coo. asd Host.-
pastas Pbyttottay also atm t ro,Rwoboo calsbnitatt
Trust tot &Van& tlontar of Peal and Wayn•
DzoTtrrir.—Dr. C. in, So, 246 Pau
op" attend, will bruiebas of the Donut/ profs,.
, jifirLtrirFa . SzatikUitilViST 111011.11110,
- -
- .0 101
fr.. - To i o 'er W7IieIItACIELNITIJI,
Wane; ew .. 4 ,1 Ara raSaribie
/WALL ehovild not fail co road the :wirer.
Otrnew of Perim mad St. oydr pbn
Ilmisstrety With publlo manta w Wig 1'3.1444a et
11.11t11111 (3COM eta pains .11 th. smolt ****J'ash.
lama& Itatirlsi . alerfLlUll32 1/IAII.B OII .
1f1•[ r astraoll. nal Cnattest 11.12 awry se
Ousii Inarbsi NA with the am • spa * wairlOSS
sqval . = sty. wnlad nsork thal
eumnat der sad itfloi, Nib at ai rid ITZtatt
am* Yell 7.1 IL MMUS
ov* apart
,;. Lune Haim, Bmiamiss P. 0..
• I • - /sly 6, 1861. j
After bur uojoymeat of the pierole end kind
treatment extuded tees, we invited our kind en
trainers to Visit as is the evening, and thus Masi the
day, to vilticfrimnyttindly impended; aid after our
puisißeent supper of shoulder and dry bread, the
1 . 018 r 14 1 0 , 6 est Ma t the erasing began; &ile call.
ingthe toll tad mounting the first pud,which leiter
in frequently, end woos this ticenion, the source
considemble menimeut. Alter this came &goad
drill; er,+rather, L half company. Being one"of th e
second, or guard of coarse my presence-eras
required in deidnlattg. It appeared long
bed, but could not bare occupied MORI than ball as
bony, att'd too many people were' arriving to weals
time ismarching end . handling muskets -on the 4th
;,,Jaii; boyish, everytkingelse,itrime to an end
at fistful:A when the Orderly gave artier' ..Arms
port, break nuilta,wWe all went into it with a will.
bluaketsibaving Wei stitektod in doubts quick time,
and blouse on, those having shams of the pyro.
technic department commenced to et. their ms
chine!, end stands is Order ' while the baled, men:
dosed in previous letter,began to tone their in
struments, and it tooting of dates, sueenbing
of fiddle atrisgv,and.twanging ollpitar chords ts sel
dom Weird; a part.. undoubtedly, for use, but the
greater part for Went. She vocal performers now,
began the throat work, and sound, of every coo-.
tellabletone come loath:Borne were the,. basseset
.1 Jinni, all was at:ringed to the lute of the ac
ing. Yuri= bad poured in, • and tents could
hardly he seen on -account of the Tut masses of
crinoline which; like clouds, floated in -every di
- timid - Thee: music the vocalists led off; the
ad played the actompaniment,ned alter a few
foment; the swan sounds 'mud like a contagion
find:the ladies yeined in, and, the enter,: who . was
- kitown tactician ivy Innincal ability, had to
lry his Mee. The music wu first rate aid brought
own the bones. After two or three songs we all
alted Crew momenta to see the balloon ascend,
bich had gradually -been swelling into gigantic
proportions, and which wee expected to be the
Main reitare of the entertalament„ but %refold=
betely, Otter baying ascended some Oily 'feet Of
more it declibed leaving the company, aid having
become,dismotted either with the material of which
it was composed, or the imperfect machinery by
toothier ii was Inflated., It Vetoed over on its side
with the motion indifference, and its thli proper.
trios iodic fire indium our pride was nothing but
'u maiaf thin vapory althea. We overr.ime the
disappoalmost by vying three times three and a
',tiger fo rthe officers and men instremeatal in try.
'ipg to add Moen terlloyment, and the band struck
cep something lively, and in a few momenta no one
would have imegined , ' anything. bad immured to
damp& our pleasure. .
i The fireworlui now began to Within the ant.
-rounding dueness, and rockets, Roman candler,
Mheela sod the various other articles in the fire.
mark depirtment were rapidly fired, amidst the
,sounds el patriotic airs and bunts of admiration
'from the lair ones. who, appeared loth to leave
when all was concleded, at about 9.15; indeed so
excited had some of them become that a company
requested, of oar,pllant officers, the cortices of
'the band for theetemaindoe of the evening, and
an impromptu dance wan btaugtuated,which lasted
until midnight, when the relief guard was called
i and elf turned out to stand their guard. The
I I whole allele, ao en the common critical expires.
isles, 'turas • complete sateen" • Unlike . home,
Ewe riad; not the. privilege of going home with the
:girls, which wan rather a bard operetron - ,on the
young nu of both sexes.
Thu Monies, at rollticall, none appeared the
worse or the preening dare exertion, and we he.
gin to think that, like Charley (Malley , ' Irish dra.
goose, our boys are able for any thing. At making
;love there can be no doubt, for this bas Men set
:tied for :some time. The fighting part his not yet
;come off, bet if it ever does,' have an impression
we will go in and win. We have main melt—
' some few have bees Mimed accidentally by the
. molest handbag of teems, especially pietote, bit
. nothieg, or a serious name has resulted. Troops
have been ;mules datly,'sumstimessis high Aetna,
regiments per day. Theme pueleg have bees prin.
lethally . Sew Yorkers, who are magnificently
equipped and armed, end with look to be soldiers
of which any nation aught well be proud. People
mei talk and With as they please, but good, sub
stantial, well.made clothing, sot only add to the
comfort and appearance of men, but it creates*
cenahr pride, and as a consequence, *firmer deter
aunties to sepport ; and defend to the last the
State or nation which so bountifully supplies their
*Very necessity. Yon hear no Complaints of hall
made epitome, no semi Menem when called onto
parade tanker ants, and all are contented and dap- ,
py. How we wish itcould be so in our owe read old
State, for I wars you while we inald boglad to
go ism active service, en woald'sia regimeet, be
eshamed to enter the cities of Baltimore or Wash.
ippon.' •
80CIIAINAIN P. 0 , Baltimore co.. Md.,'
Relay Houle, Saturday, Jai; 6, 1861.
Another week is shoat Mooing, sad the' period
for whacks/to enlisted to rapidly drawing to a clout.
Many of ' as are anxiously enema the days, and
yet we • feel a regret Diet we hive not been more
assist to our cement, or, more properly speaking,
have not - been called to meet the enemy on th e
field. It !mks ,
as though all the time and money
bad been eseended kale:den, and that we, of all
others, had bees called simply for the purpose of
filling lap. Ma, iiibiligh it toots thus to an as
'well .as to others, Julw* have had the Mullen lot,
wham or asy,Peeaylnefa soldiers. This ever.
.asting maadhig - game Without say prospect of
meribeg the foe, tov the hardest one can endure.
!Eight alter eight, the lame dull mane, pante/ ep
and dowel crag/Ain , Mat avowed SNOWY in the
neighborhood—eon-alarms—so exettement--the -
Able, becomes' almost iinindureble. Air thing
new, however archon, would be gladly welcomed,
and danger would not deter from attempting to
do something to drive away ennui and perform
some wateuible good teethe cause. Thews ree.
loge an sot at ill ameliorated, when each day and
night timinient after .regimen, butening to the
poem of danger am passing es, and cheering "we
are with you,' beta?* Petturpte we have become
soared in dispoeillan fu wan of cheap, or bare
too this breaded over what we think 1711 r orbiter.
theca. s, We lutve to growl sad groat and find fault
with every thin ironed us Meuse sake of variety.
We may, pertain, by knowa bunker as the Reef.
Pool of Growlers; bet even this is preferable to
haring , no distiection whatever—on the same prin.
ciple that a man bed tannin known as the most
in-tempered mite in the settlement this not rang.
Yesterday, we received from Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs.
Idcfleamead others, whose nuns I do sot 'now
remember or did nut luta, several- bores of the
good things of life, article' of sebatenta u well aa
ieseriair, teteaded, tai understated, to be said on
the Fourth.' Well, they did not arrive in time for
that, but did hit . - a time se .opporlome, and each
mesa as it received itaTquots Oinked the kind
ladies tor then very generone and bountiful present,
and I butoepitat the sentiment or rather thelteg of
company li., when,we thank them Madly and wish
'them all meaner or happiest* sow and for all time:
Oar Captain and First Lieutinint left for York this
day, on the early morning *DOR, on some Moines,
contracted with the mimesis'', but of what' nature
is not Wren V they will retard this inesing. Col.
Campbell his not yet rebuttal:am ban riot• home
to Polettergli. ' :Lieut. Col. kleGiffill is quite ill
in Belt/more, of dietetics r; he has hods von. hard
time slit foe the past three week'. Major Hays is
.iii command of the regiment. A few days sine,
on my visit to 'Cockeysville., the hindquarters, I
bed the pleasure of seeing the City Guards lad
Zonavu on bottaline parade and drill ; they pat
ronised every duty is a soldiering mullet, and
went through the various evolutions like veteran,
bat, like Interne, they looked 'boot as seedy as
ourselves. There Might be, perhaps a dozen pairs
of whole peat' in the. two complain. They an
in good health,Can groiet a little and eat a good
deal; like all the trainee of the Twelfth Penns*
mien, they do not: throw - away any glob." The
other comanies, as far as my knowledge extend',
are getting "along ns outselves, !ally as fay, *ad
so Guth. - No Mat datigem Ilitalitialf. .."
' - Today Ills vary Matey, and dllullag rain is fall
ing; I do not know What to do; eta hardly writs,
and Mai are as th ick In tbe tens and tankthotue ea
three in • bed, and, other bisects too often foetid
in bide, bite wickedly.;.. Home of am suss hare boo
rowed two shot Ides, and we wall take the boat (the
old one) and go, frog /bootleg; perhaps we may be
obis to capture enough of them to make *good sup.
nor to,day or breakfast tennotrow, sad I will bring
the and for Mathis email le a Glom I did not
get open' tomb this mining to mail yesterday's wealth guard until di a.-et. ; Went to bed,
bat ,cotild not get my season ' enough eolleilled to
loth* what wits the matter,' Orr to shortn It, did
orstileop myself; oconsinally I do this--that la,
Orman chants offers. Enclosed you will And . It.
Should anything oociar,l will Into, yogto•toorro!r"
Wm:Cooper (Diatnond,) Wiest entreat' wahavio
juaklarited- him to i take tea: with us this. ironing
how he will look when he seas our Ilts pennant
but ((he has as good in appetite sa we have, be will
not bans moth time for tellsetkei, Keay... . ;;p,
RIILAT nOOllll4 DsMaori, Co., Mt 1
Bodleian* P. 0., Joky 1861. j
r day* Jen WOO to writ. a for thus per bud of
Mr. Cooper, and that ears a postage stain, which
shoot Ude limo, to a poor soldier who has not yet.
tacalud psy, Ls quite an item. By the way, th
speaking of our postmaster bark • few days Since,
I Mart that be teas a euessionLrt. Blue then I
hats frond oat Lb, vary roreras no. the eau, and
that his Union regnant' at strong as to 04,11111 the
most violent anti:omit, of the asoaaioniata atoned
him. To-day, which has been one of the hottest pf
the mason we hare unused onroalras by dtemosaleg
the Pewit/It's Memags, or rather Bathing the ar
putout ',blob began on 1, Iday last, and althoregb
we dllhrt In pollnee, the majority of ono company
being oompond of Dusomato and VoLon an, its
here enno to the contlnsion, - by a east majority,
tbal it is the "bleat mate paper which ham emanated
from the Presidential chair. We an all pleased with
the dotermication to -pat down the rebellion, ant
echo ovary sentiment aplomb:tacit:a the paper.
1 au by' advertisement that the 12th noglatont
has spend a reerniting anise In the aid ally, and
assareyou it lookentighty strange to cm Guys, wbat
think we Suit fill eat corapany. U We bed • dom..;
In n very short time; bat this thing of resething
for a regiment of rilantaers, without knowleg or
bevies anything to tey In the choke of salter', or
to what company one is likely to he attechod, Ie
ausstbing the aditileAbal and a good many odor"
ors not willing to try on. If ve wished to go it
are might as wall go into the ragtime nuke
&loom and the we *nit upon! to be pal jest
whore than no. the greatest toed for oar ionizes,
and gemaally under °Morro of arporithee.
bare also aedaretood that an the others an op
ts:dated, lathed of ale led by those who de the dotyt
aid If this U MILT the cue, they any as well bin
food -bye to nise-Lathe of these who voted to go the
three I hope the tamper:it the Itch her re.
togsthm with the glory they hare owned,
• .
may halm the tendency to fill the rants by the One'
our term of enlistment expires.
You must not' mink from the Usti that anything
ben transpired to which I have taken any exception.
The treatment I have intifonssly received from my
GSM" has been meromes, gentlemanly and kind,
turd- the very. bast of feeling ten existed between"
them and the'has In the company, Mal consider
both and this man should be consulted in the
racrinstrueilon of the &shunt; two of these are
willing to wires for the war, and we are added ;
the third ere wish to choose for ourselves. It is now
raining, which I hops will cool the anneeptors in
time for evening drlll,erhich - will come off in the
(marmot an hour, in, the meantime, u the (Muter-
MUMS bum arrived and distributed frish rations, we
will 'ham a good supper,' which it wlll take some
timi to bide. We have heard nothing new from the
seat if war, t, from the rapid movement of troops
to both dinatlone, and the constant statements eon.
tathed ths papers, we are looking 'for and un
truly expecting the news of a battle having been
ought, by every train. - It It strange tlth Anxiety
one feel, to hear news of this kind; of brothers and'
Dien& in hostile arrayi meeting and arab:qua'
others heart's blood; the feeling of, a soldivr is
much Ilk* the Mercury ie . the thermometer, and
rises and fells is goodsr Onese nun mocha him.
Today one of our men revolved adaguirrisotkie
likeness of the old wat horse, Lieut. ChM. SUB; and
our boys crowded around to emelt; andlingered long
over the seamed ferstereei had it been the Menus
of the'most celebrated be auty:in the world, it would
not have half the attention, or mused the
thrill which cd every heart. Tai t simple In,.
stenos wilt ow hew. Much the gnat hero la ap
precated. t enough. D—
Cum Scarni STATEN .11111111 D,
Tuesday, Jnly 9;1E61.
• You would hardly knot our boys as some of
them ire tanned as de* ; as the heroes of the
forget, and several have their hair so, closely mot
that the scalp hu the most prominent position.
Bat on parade we defy couipetitioa, i. e in the
hriiade, andleince we received Oar
. eiviipmento we
look terribly warlike., Madame - Rumor says that
we wilt have ow' marching orders for Tens in
two weeke,,atid shocld the order be countermand
r ed, wilt go and fight 4 re our own book.". •
eihme bad i glorioas time, mean' the
company, for I,wu herd at work in the Hospital;
dispensing inedielers) , -A grand soaps dinner—
speech.msking, ace. All New York seemed to be
oat on a visit to our camp—the ladies In particular
—but al myrtle beauty, give me the Pittsburgh
girls, for they can't be beet, In the afternoon the
Hon. Daniel It. Sickles made um an address; and
thee we had a grand brigade dress-parade, and
amidst firing of canner, beating of drums, waving :
I of flags, he., we pained the "day. le the evening
we hedn grand display of- Fire Works, the hetet
that I evereiltneseed. - .
Pines I lent wrote yop; I have been Oromoted to
the Dispenury of the Hospital, and rate give you
an idea of Cie : health al oar , camp, by . actual
iernuoo: Theta are but three eery eirk—one of
the New York Zouarem, and two of the Michigan
companies. Some twenty or thirty, however, re
ceive-mediebteenvery day, Wide the large gum;
Min of epeoni and castor that aft dietributen, (or
rather destroyed.) Thisi think is an unusual good
report for Dearly 5,000. men, and at this season of
the year. A great dear of this healthiness .may
be accounted for, in the fact, that the men are
required to eleaue themselves by ees.bathing, end
gat nethinibut healthy food, and abundance of
that—other report, to the contrary notwithstand- .
cur company (Friend RAI es, Co. A) still hold on:
to the position of right of the Ractilsior Brigade,
and mean to do so until we retina from the ware
Degithd upon it, the fair fame of Pittsburgh shall
never suffer at our bands—tar frOM itk
- .lealson," my magmata and cortespon dent of this
Dispatch, left for Philadelphia tan week. He wu
not satisfied with our good treatment, but went
where be perhaps will not hula, welt'.
I forgot,. in *pestling of the 'glorious Fourth, to
mention a sad incident that occurred upon that
day. One of the soldier, wishing to go beyond the
lines with his friends was brought to a halt by the
guard, and informed that he, could not pair with
out a written order from the Colonel ;eta baud!
persisted on going, and that forcibly, when the
guard charged bayonets on him, add ran him
through. Ha died almost instandy. This incident
ban had past edict upon the boys, and they are
all at roll call ads., eight and morning,
All our bop-are wall and in good spirit,. We ■re
expecting Co. 11. to-morrow. However, more anon.
- - Yours, • ' -Pica.
Arrivals at the 'Principal - Hotels.
lir To a.crouxia Lust MIDDY. - •
BT. CillAildl3.—Oorwir of Thlrd and Wood strwls.
Atm MU& Paorrurtoi.
J licoulaud A lady, KAMA- 7 P Orosalya, Mt 800., 0
alag. F„Knosiload, kCiiisoulog
II li ThetopoOn, Cri WAIN* I/ Id Canswo, 0 •
II Clarks. , do .1 Ilescarll A lady, Wayb's
A A Brows. Ilitlimalag W • Hoven., New Brighton
II Trahr,Jr., do . Ulm° Hooper do
JJ II Hoorkts.Trada. Po B Obaerowe, ' ' Slaa.Clty •
0 W Thom Goorreogra a Om. totem U
I A Tildible, licoaslown W T Cop.. ballosevllk.. 0
I 0 0 Os. Tiollktaystaryr W IC Allttiabt, elm..
OW itood,Op Wright Mos C.lldloaloa. itacare'r
It tool. Wooll. Po • . II Delay 2 lady, Moo. edit,
J Ilamiltod,Cp Wright D Il ltheab.rsor • lady, 111
IP It Min. Talle.arlo. / T Wright, tthio
t tr Li tram.. rd• posts.. /nd
MANSION 110Ildig—Na. SR Idlorty kraal:
owoos £IIIAIIII. P2O/11114{. ,
I ci
II Addams, Tosagdown • II ftsyaolda. Child
Mr. Cask& Imily, It Jaw; •17. d.,
J DaDDVIN Vosireat 111 ,• .. T D Mau, at Louts
A lirtsboa, Ohio J Odour. Etna
J Tram Carlisle I II Cbitabora. Apollo
ll' Ohdl.loolalt. Costallarilla J Lama, llorduistolo
.1 W roam& CpWright 1 A Ahl, laroorillo
J ill Inobalre, do J,II. Waltera,ll•oll,R .
P T Pramdsoi, Colmar. 0 JII 0 Tarry. du
It illersaW. It ItArropool J 110addls, Mateo ,
Yrs LII.T. Hancock IR Clerollo. Va. 0
W . P ClookThrotiloVillo lika._doodgyaw„ Groinsterg
J Todd, Molar
I. II Ptilltlpl. Rect. co
II Graham, Snip. 0
r tad POIN
J Itrown.Op Wriest
BSl's, ?kits
11011 ntrrn—l
D%tilMmm, du
~.1110trapball, 1 lady, Ell: II
belt. -Pa
°Mitt, lieuebestcr P
b, Phlui ,
ky NnN, tolor Br.ventl
7 flimLtb,lmlo.4llllol.
I' 8 Marrow, ra
O Nkt rt. Contolinill•
1' Wtits, an
111 11110. r,
Wok Cfp . . INdittd .
JO Kilo, do
.1 anima, Wad. D 0
J MOON, Wll4/2014•04
0 I.« 1111113: do
/ P 'Wear, Ormeddrorp
W Westord
It A Cocheso. Mom t.
J II Storm; Cp Wrlsht
.1 W Ilcnaplinob Cp Weel,bt
Dll Sodlere.,
kgoo, do
J lir M, Jeff wan rn
I lirrseoe. I...uataws.y
n P 1.4.111
I Onibazi • •do
J Stonllt„ Ilantrbarg
18 Cam, Bauman
T BtoCasts. Otto
8 Kt gler. Wrgnoonlsod
W Pplla
• nick. impart
11 leleCatetwa. rat
11 Baker, AMNIA
.1 IP larlmrt, Um** elly
champs:le, Milt lintmtig
J Rao. Alltihedy. -
' • •
illb bold awl Tblid amts.
D 114.11140. • W TrOa nob, raj title city
ti Food. Whatnot; Jots LIM Pb OA.
A ttrabilocid i 'Llit.toth Jab• tittemy,
libAA titalibmid, de M atudel • mdr, Chitias, P.
Rabe/ ilibitsitib" do I.l)lcattit,
L►lr I/OTlLLltiettit ott•eb toot Of It Mb..
atrvn FM, IPA4Palbliail.
J WJbq llrbN J OnL.m, threw ca
D U ?buy do .1 W 11cUititaagb
► Wiliet, do M D P•ittincro. lIN ca
WJ ailmompegitgal•
g Itg MoTWo,
W Young, Ostanomburg .
P. Dood.s, Wow Culls
411 Waller, Leb.on
r. CD
P Derrell, Warrett,o
P Salem*, Boller
D Gimp* Waalloston, Pa
X DoGam do
J Tirdor, latano
J O literrlna.,CloodoneLarg
A J/11111eL 1114:01,
J nooks, Cocoon:plans
J ?anew.. Illoomlosum (IL
. IL P. 110110:01.
D Fronk, Illmokalto
J Altair* cs Wrishl
W rout de
W Woo, . do
Clopt W Lamm, do
J Naked, Namr .
J Went, and 0
Y Whit, Haw
Trostanm MOM'
0 Bobo. do
W Thomme, do
X nomad, Lloanoss
TJ /datkolL Wood ells I
odr Haskell, do .
DOI:UM& ' do'
1 1
0 W Onallad,Lhoolowd
• 0 neeksoy, Mow Sans I
•No.i, St. Cletr *inst.
W 11 0 Meet, Weeds ter 0
J Itlmproo, Somerset P.
Ilatteell. do
8 Brelth. Skeen.
LI•ot • II Cammbefs, 0 W,rl
J J Um, do
/,; 111 1 4 . o•Ver
U 01010.81.3leedota 111
Iltorgeoe. do
1:0 Monaco. du
J M Thome; Usboloere
II Bell, Cp
4.1:1, AWN street
1.1 0 Meson, 0 8 Celreir
111 Medley, Oenekbrede
lir li On6l Wrlght
I Leonard, Mew,
IJ Badge% do
Cape May, Cape Wand, Now Jitney.
noralodo soiled Iv as minion of goesta, op
SauaIIDAT,J UN, Nth.
Jellied *UT f 11101MION, Proprietor..
Ashes 1.011 smolota4 Soto *pat for WuLure.
imas Gar /AI ttilittnilr STAZIDAID WALKt
dersoi ft oritsocemety to Sew tam say Attsalleet Don• ea
nod" writ% to they mod lb* too of thirty 'pre
The calatoor• embncro Am. ntlrly "Arlene% es le hid
ma MAW •= do i t. to s loccemotarecone to Inig trai.
Farrier at roan Arra? prima.
W. W. YOU SO, lawn. Co OKtenlaittY4M;
opt, 97 Woad ("mar . •
MANHOOD—How Lon,. How R.
was ~...J.4 pa t 02.614, of Ur rlatarstrul.
MOOS sad Itoilool Word tirtrOlotoribro, or Sololoolitert4
toolkrvot DobilltY. iforroomooro, lark. Rimy Itottaloor
ntd O , P , It*C7, rosoitOtit from Bata 0110, ie. 07 11.1... ft
J. wind!. IL D. ttoot 11141.1 MU. le .a plata corotots.
to any 'addroto. put 50.14,0 u ncalpt of two @Lamm by Dr. -
0iri.21.4.0. ELII4I, lit Damn, Now York. Pool Wk.
boa. IaVAL - ' teb21:6•17.
itEFLNED 800ARS-35 Mils. Loverinee
ow.. s al limo Pette~, ennead sae Akite, sod
icer rreerwles engem ob kb ev • re •• 4 11.14 el reelaud
Ow, eteoleal• awe retell ma the /wetly Ornery Sump of
V •: .. • - over MOW VW Med
• loco lea who hot Cored &snood
2000 do do Cloward Cord EWA
lOW do. OIl•CwW ddoatdora
To don odd tor duo tor It. AIDDLII.I63 LibOt t 84.
A. IMO FOIL MAOLIINIUM-111 the different shut* is
rus tbaloillo Asps' Niqp(4.26 .4 IS CILLr •rvel
.II 2. • H. PHILLIP&
- -
Dill LAKE tltlu= •
is star: 4l .state ' skiab: ' I. a. eau .anuews.i
12 Alto N stiouidgißs.--14 Oiig;
etamel on% 018 andir ca lHle a tg r a u 4 na ,
stat 1114.12 North miniskirt Libiriy.
WINT—Imt• la Ma Arl.o.l.ry. Prnarod
baud of /Miry Is 1 rd.
: int Evirsao.simuraa.-
po s timpur,....looo ibs. ew ilart . Ham, Sidfor
in i s • • i nT2 4 aAl:worni. •
LASS • fiSit —WO pkgs. Whits Nish mid.
.14.1.thstisit amiss 1:11
1.4 O. 0 Mat, SA 1,11 ern gmL
0 14-21.1 bbbi. beet quality Carbon
'ao urge,* og.
Isaphea sa4 tot ahlo MOW E. MUM
• .;
Daperate Conflict in Rawl:
YiAltff CZIT; July 9.—We are Indebted to the
Kaheam .fiurnal.lor a copy or - the Scott Demo.
met, of the 7th, which cootaiae as accents of a bat.'
tlei between the hlieschiri Slate troops ander Gni:
graham and* Gen. Raines, numbering by their ac.
congas from 10,000 to 13,000, and the United Mates
joines.under Col. Siegel, numbering 1,500 in all.
-OU informant says that en Wednesday, the 3d inst.,
Mil State troops left Rupee' Foist end moved
South to laferny'a,siz miles. Oa Friday Morning, at
eight o'cloik; they broke up camp and marched
floitih;•in the directionorCarthage, the county seat
op:dasper county. At Abbey. Fork, seven mile*
'mirth of Carthage; they were met by Col. Siegel
with 1,500 men, who immediately gave biro
battle. The first. .;oneet . - malted in the
Stale troo_pi . being driven back some distance
and the officersordered a retreat. The centre gave
way, but the order not being heard on the flanks,
the advancing U. 8. troops were in danger of being
euitounded. The flanks finally fell back slowly,
keeping up the fight with their artillery, which
nuide Marla havoc among the enemy's nabs. At
the' creasing at Dry Fork, our lines were very near
being broken whew, by the timely arrival of 500
Milos men from Shovel. Creek, they crested with r
lose of bat. fire killed and two mortally wounded.
yhe battle cautioned, the' U. S. troops ,altar.
naly fighting and' retreatingi oxtail dark, when
-they . reached Carthage, baring crossed Back
Breech and Spying River an the way.
The fighting we* all done with the artillery, Col.
Siegel retreating as soon es they advanced. It is
believed that Col:Riegel , ' object was to draw the
State troops otrto Carthage, When % with a Mar
hundred reserve troops at that place and expected
reieforcemee is from Neosho and flarcoxie, he would
be; enabled to, turn and drive them nether real
The loss on Jackson's side wee very greet. Our
leder:east me he counted seventy or eighty wound
ed:no the field, in houses end by the weyaide. At
Dry Fork *large minuet calmed' was,threwn out of
the wagons, it to supposed to make roOro for their
. .
notherinformant, tessient et Carthage, Mates
that be passed over a part of the battle • held yen
teiday morning, and nor warm and hacks Fam
ilia( in every direetion,gatheneg op the dead for in
she ion on the part of the State troops' cannot
be , less than from three to fire hundred. The
gritand in many places was strewn with dead
ho'ires. The 'teach was sickening. ,The whole
country waslaid desolate, fences torn down, crops
trabpled into the earth and houses plundered. Ha
met parties of women who state that' everything
hid been taken from them by be State troops, ex
cept what they had upon their backs. , .
'The retreat was conducted in a styli worthy of
veteran troops, and with as much coolness as If on
parade. It was only the overwhelming odds en the
aide of the Seceralcoists that enabled them to mry
the day. The victory, however, was really with
It was reported that a night attack bad been made
on:Siegel, and four hundred of his troops killed and
sithuncind taken prisoners with (bulldogs of ar
tillery, bat our informant says be overheartlitnes
sidpr from the Beemion camp SO that gu7 had
killed bat ors man after entering Carthage, and had
taken no gore.
, Jackson announces his intention of fortifying him
self at Carthage until Pries and ideCallough arrive
from Arkiltial with feature:wants, when he. will
act on the offinrire, and inform the laws of the
Siegel retreated in the direction of Sarcoxie.
llitre be expected reinforeemenin. Nothing can be
beard from Maj. Sturgis or. Gen; Lyon. .
Aran—July 8-8 p. at--xk cttixim of tliis place
haft just arrived, having left Sherman, Jasper conn
ty;at daylight this morning. lie states that after
leaving Canbage, Col. Siegel moved two miles
smith-east of the town, where be encamped for
the night. His command is badly eat up. His
lonii la variously estimated at fromM to 1,1100, and
that of the secessionists from 1,000 to 2,000, killed
and wounded.
Vol. Brows, with 3,000 troops, is said to have
jiiiited him
:Major Sturges is north of the Wags, and General
Lion, at last anconota, WU at Warsaw, on hi. way
Booth. ' -
iio Priiity, the day of the battle Ben hPCulloch
and Gen. Price arrived at Nuido, twenty miles
math of Carthage, with 10,000 men. A guard of
200 left by Sirgel, wu aurroonded and taken pri..
itoners. One report sap that all were murdered;
and ancther that but a small portion of thins were
kdled. Ben M'Cnlloeh sent Conrad 2000 men to
Lebec Jackson. Be expects 5,000 additional troop'
Brun Arkaneim.
, rer. Lunt, July 10.—Tee Springfield correspon•
drat of the Democrat, ender date of the 6a, mays :
Idimediataly after the antral of Brigadier Gourd
&Weeny, at Springfield, be dispateHe‘a memeager
wiCols. Siegel end Solomoa,'who were, encamped
alltemilso, to move their , colitmes to Carthage.
Tfils was promptly done. Last eight aesestangsir
arrived from col. Siegel, statist that 'Jackson and
PliCe and Basal bad netted tone forest!, about 4000
Wong. and were encamped 'sight miles North of
Cirihagei Siegel and Solomon pushed forward
reddly, tucked. the rebel force early yesterda y
morning, nd continued fighting daring the day.
kiimengers are contiaually arriving, bringing in
formation that the rebels are retreating southward.
IA between gillY.olle and Mayers% falling ;back'
ola Cagrille, with begets and plunder" wader
corer of their cameo, and Siegel is attlekaig their
raid airs afternoon. Gen: Sweeny commands in
parent' a flying column, moving eouthweetwardly
toliatercept the rebel* at Verona, thee ermine'
thews completly between our column'. Large
hi:dire of mounted men are congregating west of
alb Plaine nod Fonyttai„ will the Weenie.a of
joiniag iseksonleforce, but Sweeny sent a detach-
Meat of '250 managed - men through Doirgiu county
tri4irevent their union, and drive them back
wird'. Gear: Mcßride , . command and a - company
of; Home Guards arrived last eight, bringing Col.
Ceiffee, lots member Of the Legislature ; as prisoner.
I.!Later advice', wry that • report reached Spring
field on Sonday morning of an engtopmerit lbetweim
600 Federal., under. Col. Wolti, and HOW rebels.
Wolff excepted • prairie whim the battle hem, but
tt. rebels retreating to OM woods, he followed, mad
le skirmishing in the timber lost SO, killed and
Went:ld:4 he hinmalf bang among the killed. The
leis of the rebels was considerable, but is not defi
nitely aseertained.. A musuangee was then dispatch
ed to Springfield for relnforcementa, and the *bole
fides at that plat* immediately , plashed ferwardJ
'',4leo. Lyon was it Melee county,.og
Sunday. morning. Major &urea was at Clinton,
1 10 01 7 costal, on the same day: They estimated to
form a }elation about tea miles south of Mato:ion
Sonday.eigilL . ,
Er: Loris, July 10 —A special messenger erre.
yed Ibis evening by the Pacific railway, with die
pushes' from Col. Siegel to Adjutant - Herding at
the Arienal.• The following abstract was written
atliolto for the Dentocralr—On the morning of the
11th, Col. Siegel with a particle or his regiment, part
of;Col.Solomon'a and ten piece° of 'ninety, io all
from 1,100 to 1,200 men, attacked a body of 6,000
rebuts under Gee. Rothe and Cnl. Parsons, about
7 mina out of Canhege, on the prairie. The
enemy only had fire pieces of cannon with many
eta : mated men. Siegel, begaa the attach at aloe
attack a. m., breaking the eneeire _ centre twice.
After en boor and* hall's fighting he entered their
batteriee. The rebels had three Gage; one of the
Slate or Pdisseori, which was left °shamed, and
two secession Olga which were twien'abot down,
and raised po more. The emir had 'outflanked.
air troop. with the cavalry and eat off oar bag.
gage, but Siegel made a retreating movement,
keeping op a constant Grigg and collared the bag
gage train to advance,. which was formed into
COMM, with n battalion of airman', supported by
lour pieces ot artillery in the rear of each body,
aid the remainder of the artillery la ,Irtiat os the
Oinks of the rebels. They then attempted to cat
of his communicatioe with the carriage with their
cavalry, hat our artillery took them at a cross Ore,
'thick' played havoc in their...ranks *blab opened
'the road any Siegel fell back on Cirtliage,the Emmy
hennaing his flanks to town, where another stand
1011 suds the rebels. being in possespicia - of it.
Siegel the; surrounded the town, throwing idiot end
grenades Into the enemy's cavalry, and ulag his
Infantry_ with fatal - aut.- While attempting to
reach the adJurot woods to proles' the woof ear.
airy. -the rebels made the Most *Nous efts*, and
the bloodiart part of.the battle mu fought, bat the
wismy were finally routed and , forsed to ,withdraw
their Comte. Siegel thou fell back on Mount Ver
vain, where be could be supported. - Conse.haptire
°Soon; taker *boat 5 o'clock, !sported tim..low to
be 250 on l put, bat u the aerialist fighting war
done subsequent to that hour,', It is be li eved' that
their loss Is coulderably greater. Forty• Ore prla
Dian were taken: Oar loss's 6 kille2 and d 5 wound
an -,.
ed d mhaing. 1 . '
iTho battle la Which Col. Wolff wit: killed vat
[Wight Saturday, SO miles from Springfield.
lidnanassnito, July 9.—ai9lt,-L-Ttn9 Mailers
ant Johnston's camp *atom In ,yestotday, and uti.
tinted Johnston's fora as that point at 16,000, with
ID stuns of cannon. - -
~ . /tollablo Information has ninon both isoitivalihst
Johnston has *bon hien Wilton:4d from Maoism
JoSoltoo - wlth, ATI reglttnetts And Ors . : of
'!The Mean Pennsyismete ploketa horus
aid this nbit (Uppers tbt attermion:
:Moor ofeauglettes barite's's taptaredorestudey
aiid to-don it war liareb i n g be r 2 4' l * lq
truer atednot corn bread.- • - .
:Ths turners near nahtentleibunal us thigrasei
sof, ten &mit who were Mad la the late light thus
apt mere tumid In the Moeda horribly metilatudhl4
utploded 'shells front Captain Pertlns , lovieseiti:
posed' estimate the number of, the may billed
and wounded at slaty, bat I do natant" its, nigh.
I: , .Thagsairtirs say that large numbers Witt follow'
tholr:ersapla the est opportentty.. azaleas* that
one of the woe:tided et nalauslUe deolitaul to IL
'dhow that he heanot Pad Mutat ths engagemileS
and show:4l'bn :the aillianflasleas dead op
Wit have bad a rumor here Ail_ mead, aDd it ,
Was received elk great eithealasm, that Geri. - M.-'
ineuere bed . routed 41 - 114111411011 1
AISIDICKOMWS ore Deir'apiirciaidei
thevisport, vidett will' sir*. us at anUebie; form DE I
2000 woe (Dame forward .veitir.
ferivard mune - meat *ay is repotted within tireity:. "
for boon. Our 31181111111vumbliag Willi Impatience '
and met to mote es, bat It Is billeted that
alit will 411 beck to Winchester, ant II le there Up
4 1 4.5 ,
loly - 10.
EltiverLA micange was Teamed from . the Sen
ate informing the Bonn of the pinup ;of a bill
retandiet and remitepig the donee on amine import.
ed by the United mime sines the lit of - gay last.
or until January nem.
Mr. Stevens uked that the bill be put on pasugn.
' • Mr. Bumettarbdied to be indulged in a, few re.
marks, to which there wan no objection.., He said:
I am perhaps one or the few members who think
duancitinly the commencement, but the proseen
lion of the present war might have been, or might
now, be avoided by proper edorts on theism of
the National Administration: Entertaining this
opinion, ; am one of these indisposed t ar resort to
force, cannon; bayonet and sword, kinder any eir.
cumstnnees, believing, under the theory of our
government, the Union can never be held together
in that way.. Hence it hi my purpose, representing
a Congresabral District of Kentucky, to oppose,
both by voice and vote, very movement that
leads to the prosecution of the war against
the. Southern States w ich have ';seceded.
Thine being my views and sentiment s cannot,
or will not, under any tire stances, give my vote
for measures which look to e involvement of our
common-coutry In abl y atruggleote the re
sults to both sections will be edesuriction of their
matetlatatidliest interests, and the prostration of
the RepublicaeGovernment on this continent.
Mr. Mallory--I have risen simply to protest in
the name of Kentucky and her Union representa
tives on this floor against the remark, 'nude by my
Mr. Barnett—Keetnely, by a large end over
whelming majority, will supported maintain the
Government and Constitution of the United States.
(Applause on the door and in the galleries.)
The Speaker quickly reminded the untleman that
!pellets. wan in violation of decorum, and he would
insist on the enforcement of the rules, and hoped
the-House wrivM sustain him. He had no desire
to clear the galleries; but if disorder therein be
repeated be would feet it his duty to de' so. He
Misted that all "estates would observe . the pro
ptiety of the time and the occasion, and to remem
ber that this was not a theatre. [l.. Vette, that's
tree ]
Mr. Mallory; resuming, said: I do not desire to
make a lengthy speech. I insist that what I have
stated is the opinion of Kentucky in theeenfintu
nate Este of affairs. We in Kentucky believe that
the peril and danger, the destruction sad ruin of
so many material interests, have been broight about
by these very seceding States of the Smith.
• • Mr. Wutthurn, of Illinois, called up the bill' re..
ported by him yesterday, further to provide for the
collection of duties on imports, and for other pur
poses, and asked that it be pet on its piseage. •
Mr. Vallandighun regarded the bill, in:two par
ticulars' at haat, as unconstitutional. He voted
against bin colleague, Mr. Bingham, thrice last
session, and would pcirsue • similar copse now.
The bill wu then passed; yeas 135; nun 10, . •
Mr. Stevens moved that the House resoles itself
into a Committee Cl the Whole on the State of the
Union on the loan bill, and that the debate be con..
eluded in one hoer.
After debits, Mr. Slovene, of PO/112.14 made no
remarks, thoigh the rules allowed him to do so, bat
he simply moved that, . the Committee rive, which
motion prevailed. .
The loan bill was then passed; yeas 109, nay. b.
Mr; Bingham, of Ohio, introduced a bill for nip.
Pruning rebellion against and resistance to the
aws of tbe United States and to . amend the act
providing fitr calling faith the militia . In certain
cum, he. It was- referred to the Committee on
the Judiciary. •
Mr.- Curtis, of lowa, thlroduced a bilj retiring
upereanuated and disabled °Mars. Also, a bill
to replete contracts in the military service orthe
1111114111 Stater, and a
.bill for the relief of certain
musician and giddier* who loss Abair property in
the removal from Von Moultrie to Port Sumter.
Os motion of Mr. Vallandigham, of Ohio ' s Two ,
baton mu adopted instructing the Cominittee on
Military Affairs to inquire u to reisforirig the am!
biguity in thiract 01-1796, presidia& for calling oat
the militia. ' . - ,
fienewe.—hLr.Orimee,of lowa, hatnothiced w bill
toproolote the ,efrieleoey of tae army . sod navy.
Iterened to a select Committee. , - . ,
Mr. Wilats,ef Mai., from the &GIRO, Com . -
miuee, reported backs bill tor . the bowel- organ.
izatJon of the military establishment of ibe United
States, with ameadments. Laid ever. ••
Mr. Hale, of N. H., offered a resolution that the
Senate proceed to elect a chaplain for thy - present
cession of Congteu. Agreed to.
On the ballot, 35 votes were cut, of which' the
Rev. Dr. Sundertand bad 33, and was - declared
Mr. Clara, of N. 11., oflared a revolution declaf;
inctioat whereas a convpirar.y has beektermail in
several Stew against the vvernmentot the United
States, and that the people in several Stated (nam
ing the seceded States.) hays attempted to with
draw them 1/001 the 'Vale; and certain:. San&Writ
knoarintit hattnot advised the - govenimeint of Its
progoem; therelme be it
kaidoed, That Senators Mason, Hunter;Clitig•
man, Bragg, Nicholson, Sebastian, Mitchell and
and other, from these States be expelleihlreim the
Senate. Laid over.
The joint usohnin to approve, of - cattrin tots of
the President was tab, np.
Mr. Polk, of Minoan, wished the natter laid
over as be wished to make some remarks:.. :
Mr. Bounden, of Maine, said it could not be =-
pouted that banns" should be done inAhieusical
Ivey. and put off to give thus for speeches. Is ina
. en extraorlinary three, end o , necessary
that. badness mut be,doee raPidli-ebslutely
After further dLteussion, Mr. Polk moved a, post
ponsmant till tomorrow, which wu notegroed to.
Mr. King, of N. Y., offered an amendment thatitr
six mantas after the neestablinment of the atithor 7
Iv of tbo United States the standing luny be re
duced &gala to the footing of the net of July, 1881.
Mr. Latham, Of California, raid Nato a member
of the Military Committee be wished to explain
that be bad riot agreed to all the proposition of the
bi 11... He saw no nun for a:Vienna - erth*reg.
Wu army, or for the suspension of the aet of habeas
corpus, though he was willies twendorsothe ether
eel. of ths • rr -•
Mt. Hale moved to add the word "Naiy," so ao
to rodeo* that to the same manner. He end It was
quite evident, from the manner In If kb* the people
rallied -to the dill of - thiligovernment,. - :that ; the
strength of the country erayin volunteer
Ha also wanted to make war on the hernia whoa»
buy around tdo depiumenta and wasted to bare
the treasure of the gavermumfas well from being
stolen by the rebels and filched by fain filend4 -
.Mr. Esanady,-of wished to Callell protest
against a rupenskin of the writtif habeaseorpus by
the President: 'Rethought tt salinity without war
rant by law '
end was not prepared to vote the reso
luta& In all
Mr. lessinadve, of - Me., proposed to modify the
amendment so as to read "that nothing herein con
tained shall whorls* any permanent inatiese of the
army and navy," which was neepted.. - .
Atter debate a motion prevailed to poetponeihe
moieties till to-morrow, which was nun* to.
A bill to authorise the employment of Volunteers
for mippressisi inuirrection, and protectiig prop
city, was taken op. The bill as amended maker
en appropriation of $5000,000,000 to enable ihe
President to accept audit number of vole moue as
shall be deemed necessary, not exceeding 000,000,
and provides tor the franking privilege to-Colonels,
Lien Colonels; hision, Adieu/Lets, and Qearter.
Mr. Shelia -1n , titoved to guile out pie claire
'making . appropriation, u it ' , avoid ation , ocoadirom'the
House is dehul. 'Agreed ' ••
Mr. Lane r Of Ktittli ' wanti ng
moved to add the usting
oririlege to"Captaizar._
Agreed to.. .;
The bill was neatly passed; yeas 31, air 4.;
Latest! News from California'.
Fore Saananr, .laly . 10,.—The pony
n oxprtas
passed bore on the Stb, at 11 o'clock;:p. m; A
brings San Francisco !latos to 29th of Jima.
The Ban Fihnelsi asenteti remain as last &g
-rind, extremely dull, with no proipsot. oR & revival
of trade until after ibis dth of Jaig aelefirsglOo;
which -automat preparations In unathig at an
Francisco and la ail parts of the State.
The nut .sites bound 'steamer will he the St.
Louis, which goes armed with two fine tirus pivot
gun and a Dahignosa gun, bosidu sonallirms, aan
all the secanary preparatkitur for making i vigor
ous defense la WWI of a hostile attack. She will not
stop at Uvula* or 14 sap Mbar port caller deint.
ward trip, tort take aboard atßenecdanarauorgh to
last through to Panama. •
The sssss laa the departure of the *pony le
The AM overlind emignints this KU= froth the
meters States salved at 014101 Yaps, on theAtthi
W it !' " P Lc l at ir c t a ° I ! mai? - • ' •
A sewing circle has beim formed by ttie patriotic
hake of San Franeitea for the manntantnee of gar ,
meets for one of the qpittanitais rrnclutentti. -This to
the first movement of - the kind In the tante.
The Hernholt Thus of the 22d alt., ipontatha aq
account of operation' against the battle Indians;
in the Northern part of-the State:. Singe the col
%tante and Wats Collins took the'field; one ban.;
dyed and seventeen Indiana were killed, without'
lon on the fide of the volunteer*. •
The lian!Bsnisrdino Patriot of the '42,1 repro. ,
earns that them- are many Secessionists in the •
ernithiunnonittire et California. It nye that the
pletmeslupiels are Penalties aU throsigh the Seethe= .
Poultice. Mexicans are being esilisted, - kud every
one who can raise • horse is bury drutoming en
recruits. A compaay.ol over 200 mire boa left,
within the - pest few day., and the SWIMS/II we
expect to hear is the capture of Port • Tuna, It
imespies an isolated youth:ll44nd tteanbery may
aid the Sectstionets in their scheme, *id -11 they
=CO 11111414te trnit itiotwa
Southern COnfridericiy to' have pined: 'fears
of the Patriot do not , sppearbe 'Very well
minded, or its information -otherwise it
is not probable that Gee. Stunner woulikhave con.
contented Pederal-troope at Loa Angelal.
Loutarril.c, July "10.—The Picartele haneg
Ideated Atwell's statement in regud to the An.
preentutii of Britilh itubjerta into the COutederate
'army, the British COIMI it New Ortega), re a let
;ter, corroborates Atowellia statement. •
,Ths.Peterabergh Eapras has as acetrni u or' the
Zghiat Newport- Neweibetween.lso Imaiantene
iild Dorrea'a regioiest, which the Solara are
iroported to have tosta great uumbariwhilar, the
Lotrisieniana lost only two, aeons ;whoa was CO.
A recruiting officer for the Southern Cquildeney
Warne es that 2000 terrelaie left Kutch, for the
Coati:dente army within Skew dayrotilt dasher
the urns time theltedend enliatmentai have tot
ruched 300. Hi tanks, states that he ;dull send,
Southwerd to-eight in filmier& kook Aostreetabi
eamp, arid,would'lnt plntylsont II the spied &holt
eaap were la Mitt. Other authontiatagrte that
00111 GO to 75 per darleare Struck* lot paean
taidente tray:,
p Tammh.
- ' '
11117 • a. ea vort•
____,.leiscunintiLmigb bug L by- ibi
Pm...:kurbses aPPoz b: aabui-
UM* 611 UN MICUIC7ribp Dow* . C
Ges..l4 l4 the non' •
.--,:,-T;—:,--- , ,.. , ----, , , , ..- -- - - - , _.
- - . •••••,- -..---. • ~,,,,,,,,,:.
.14••••'-.:? - -:':i,': - ,- ., -- - ,'"- - :,: - ...• .. .*;- -- .,: - .',:•: - , - - - ;• - •-:::• - ,..: , _s' . .... - :,t -, .-'
..., ,
Leztviit of the Canada.
11alutkx, July 10.—The steamship Canaia, Nat ,
Idesrpool, via Qnsenttown, on the 20th, mind --
hkvat 4:30 F. tn., with 36 papsengere and i 016,000
iTbe Austral:llan, from.- New York, armed
.-et - - -
Qattenstown on the evening ,Ortlue2Blb.
Eneuxn.—ln the Itoossit -Lends, o- - ;kst
the ant Lord Chaneellor tdokblkieat /Indic th;tatle -
of Lord Westbruy. . •-•
!In the Boum or Commems.Mr:BerkleyVialutd , . -
tefiethvr . the government - recognize* the - right wf
tfilw Oneida" to"eicse of blockade citteln4cata,
Lard John Reuel! mporta that, in ass of rebellion,
arty goveznmant had a right to desalts portkt: bees .=
M case of civil mar. tint Patti." " 1"1° fteaPlad
by bumr ed. they could not take that
lltg to international The . Briti!.:...,......artandar
Would therefore recognize the closing of the pmts.
In the Houle of Lorne; on. the 2Stb, Lord Wood- ..
bung in reply to a question, elated that the Turk-,
b Ambassador bad announced that the Foreign
pniiey of Turkey will be unchantd, and the new
a:rotten tetrad" to carry out salutary internal ;re..
. Fasscs..'—lt wee stated that
.bfarsbal Neill Arai
- sowa to proceed to Terin to notify officially to
I kin government it - recognition of th e a w
iegdons of Italy by nee. . •
EThe Legillatitf WES tongued cm the 37th. -
ITlte• case of Patte a selintrflonapute was
aliened on the 28: ', The PrOptratur COncluded.
his speech in favor of . n fi rtuntion of the:lnd:Meet
p Dammed by the 5 exibunal: -
The legal proceedi a against the Duke de Bra
g i for his work entit ed - .Viewe of the Govern.
ant of Pronely , hod gen slipped, end the copies
iced restored. - . - .. n.. -
The The Bourse tens qei t. Reales 671.55 c.
Irs.Ls.—The Bare -Iticasolrywesear..l to the
Chamber of Deputies the diploma., ..,.,,spond.
ekes between Frolic. and Italy relative to the fa
e.Ogeltthe of the new kingdom. The following Ur
a; sammarOT the. French Actor The Emperor, on
dead of -Victor Emmanuel, recognizes hint as
king of Italyi but by this recognition be does not
enprovenf, the past policy of the Cabinet of Torte:
in,ILTIIIORC, July 10.—The:Meamer Chute:, that"
wee vent dowe the bay yesterday to capture Col.
l'homas , schooner, returned at midnight,..haring
laded to make the capture; though they got cm
her track... The schooner had mopped -at' Mill
Btoin landing, on the Pate:ant, and had about 30
Mee on board, all well..armed. The federal gun
boat Bee Wood, was put en, her track and she will
iery likely be captured - mon.
The appointment or 'Mr. Dodge as. Marshal or
Polies, seems to give satisfaction-to the Union
Men, while those of opposite viewihare vary MUe
tio say against him.'
The De ICalb regiment lammed hero at 7 o'clock
this morale ; . for Washiegton. . •
I•Rumora an relation _to the rout at Pattersiio
divinion have been Vevi?ed tc.tlay, hut they .tip
trot credited. ,
i Wesnrsotosr, Jelly-10,—Tha diapstehee brought
bar Mater Taylor col:thins to excite Inquiry and
einament. Tne administration Is evidently taylnir
the experiment of keeping.their purport a profcMtid
Mast This south, hewever, is professed to be 44.
abetted, namely: that if the MOWS of them were
oinelatly regarded, Washington: would virtually be
sinverodered to the (Al:federates.-
.. .
Large droves of homes oontinne to , arrive to sim
ply the want of cavalry to eo-opirate with Infantry.
c, c, Charles P. Grant, of Company C, Ist Regiment
0 ltamebusetti volcsteers, aged 26 years, died at
amp Banks lut night, of congestion of the la gs.
llis remain, will bo sent North if his friends de
sire ft.
l Pour additional regiments will be removed into
Virginia to-morrow.
8UCK1311111413, VS. • Jalyl9.-..- Via 'We Wog—
Messengers have josennived from Gen. McClellan.
11. reports .tbat the enemy-aro strongly entrenched
lies than two miles from hlepiimp, and directs the
thecae within a radius Of 49 miles Mull join his 61-
Men at MIN. 'Ms Indiana 11th will lease hers
elarly in the morning. The Ohio 10th will be recall
ed from Glenville, end proceed !ajan the main col
umn which is' now about 9909 , st ro ng. After the
riessenger goeMider Way he beard an exchange of
'hots. The - dispatchei.freci Gen. 111cfrellan
mate that he would atiselCthe'advancts position of
the enemy. to-marrow:. The forces are so near t 0...
ratifier that the rebel troops can be distinetly men by
Mai tome;
Vol. Tyler, with the 7th Ohio,_week& Glenville.
The rebels had fallen hick some 1& mile. into • a
-.entry to Areoldeburg, • . ' " •
WASZLINO, July - resolution paned the
-lower House to-dsy, - isistrnetiair our Santoraand
rhquenting our Reprerentativer in Coog real to
toe tweessuy ippropristioas itif men and moony
10 a vigorous; prosecution or the war, nod too*.l .
paw coloprowles until thiirebellion is crushed
The following - resolution was offered by Mr.
laneeof Harrison: -;
I Whereas, One Owen Lovejoy, member tram
bas offered a insulation in the Hoare of
• eprenentatives, baring (orals object the repeal at
t • e fugitive Slave law,
herefore, be it Readue.l, Tbstotir Senators in
,ngress be instructed, end Representatives re
qbested to vote against said resolution, cr any
okher ofa like object. =
. .
ST.:Lotrie; July to . —Judge Catron's charge to the
Grand Jury was read-la the U. S. Cfrenit Court to
.4y. It treats the question of treason at great
length, and fully prate, that the Judge hiss not fol
lowed Tennessee, but remains true to the U. S. get- 7.
. L . [Mild Wright made ipplication bra writ of hatter's
eiirpos In the ease of Ex.Senater Greene and John
Unlined, now held In custody of the United Sates -..,
fres at Canton, Mo. ..
Judge isekland also applied for a similar writ la •
e case of Capt. Campbell, one of the-prisoners
; .1
'ken at Carnp:Jaekson,urito sn w W
oipe:els and
d leered Muriel( to Adjutant General Herding, at
• Arsenal, on Moaday lat. Quite a smother of
itnessm wilful:tare from the Interior. -
. .
- Prrrsisuulan /1:1•811113TS. .
.[ape topic:lto/4/m at rittobteriA Gaeotia.l
Prriirs Wtomrsomr, 7n1 7 tOOSI4I.
r111411:111-,Stiere Lino nee! ortmportene feet. to notice
4 1etairclati:.- dentend medicate light, and the tram.
iffti le conergoenee were limited, pal entirety ofw keel .
'titienoter. — The oleo irggrecilietl riitS bble, At $ 1 , 25 toe
i5tre„4.1,714305 for rprinfoinif 18,16 t 055.50 for Winter
• test hinny. ,
. •
IGBACINILIMS—coaIIine gond .daamml, andlap ma
fd11.5 mabstalnadLllales pais: Siblids EMMintlallde; 5
a °bob. do 2550' 20 do: do private . tame, 100 bbl.
te (s:dolmas atanc7toda do at 06c-rub; Z 60,0 Coded at
157151 do do. JO Mro foto, at /5,55 d - • • '
irlllll—doll bat ondeangob rale" .110 nal? bblo; Ink.
amibll. .10 do dint SW: 15 half bbl.. )71411
a! Pl,Te; 5 do do No allorbend st $l.- -
INURE) PitUrt—smebangerb tale of 10 bah' Peach( at
AM; da Apples at 160. -
UAT-rdtaodp with roMlerati rrqdra4 ale of 0 lade,
-nor and old crop, at Irma $9 tattols too.
CllllsBE,e2ba demandto treprentom but 'inlets remain
tfactmesodiaalo of 15 board plum W E at 702;p3 sl_ls:
' POTADYEEI—Iaieof 200 bt& Ptak Byes altd Nestaasocts
BACON—Ha eleatseld, lane prices estaila steady tot att.',,
changed.. oat, sale ye could
.I.rar of stu 2,(l)oltst
c fri, it r itrf l Oat rja i sttb a Modseat &stand
Lash Is 'atom! Estes 1 . 000 bath Wpsat saS 900 Scab Syr
. • -
W1111414Y-Lactlanged; rata c , no bi. coopnim et 17,
- -
(111ERN APPLES—BaIe afllbblisa ft
. .
nowirmaitur *kg? C,olllllll=o,tl IA Ihs •
_, Cesium Tam area diem . liiitn:JOll 14-Plour
moan= .IIN3 bbla. , "Slaputeuta 3.670 DOL. Market ann.-
Naha 453 tans Wacoulta as; inn bb6 Neuttnes SS .4
Sh la Otis choice at ON: NO Mots Ihnveat XS =pp; .;
60 bbla htlattlisats3,43; NM bbl =per at $3,x11 del; --
1 Mint-iteneipb,,-- in,2l9',My - nhipensuat liAtl - bst.
Nadia buoiauthad pat ea advanced dailis.- &lea= ta •
Northwatant dab at Me la afore; 1400 bu No b spring I. .
Nana at 6:1I4o-ubldt Idol ba a* at tla 1000 tat do at GCble;
liaoo la do al a7G ispoo pa do= 64134 q 9,0t0 an do of dig
inid ba No 2 apang to atom - at 04544 pain I. 4o .t .8.. -
Y2OO NI aoat tlaWi,4oo ba litiectsd la .store at 40e.,1600 la "
;Ithlat 47e; ad ba dolt Ma. - -
cru-aloseitoa lid,,M3 bit. ' '
inaants 113,1= Int.: ltu.'
anchanged.' - Palm wars indlo Ito pains rhar al =I K Y .
348 Know, 1000 a ba dal Ito olitan NM= Clatla ittland
II ns-Xe anoad lIV %al bd do at 21%01 o b: 6000 in steukr. ,-
(rebstm7. ihssh and April recetptal at Zola .tore; 112,000 ',:_•--.
ea Nay read Jane mains do nl xl%a 130,000 tti Jain ras
-ti ta rado =la= 11000 Ma dolt :Ma /0.003 La do at 2.13-(dt :
ba relict= tuatara at 10)0; gal Da do at 1!%4 WOO .
ILO-Bacelpti Vl* - la' Shipman* -,-... Market
. - Wei won .100 bd No I at 1-3 1 40 In atorasstiourtal. -
i t !, Mawatnan hope OND - LW= Maniiii, - - Jai,' -I -
sattadara Won was hall sea= tor wile= ibis man
bag, bat to •view ol the idtprontatata at Nest•Yott, hold=
Man ', koldne 161. an =nine. .Ito tradaatkaa
=at phoilaw fullyon ail platlattuy adds from • leV/ Sake 0( =Me ..
dog aunplaa at 711(NSlo Ire caltnary Warp cholas qualities..
pot ths dada= graded WNWo sets ofdad in aindYllSdd
MO . /P.l4a dummy, .-, , • _ ,
un 'du= an Went/ at lawaistlenat icr albast.ha cur.
{ f oal , Tadao =Nod, and ids Oa No 1 In Atom and its
, PO.* di is tba =anus at Veda, bat the= was no
Was to ape= of atslis sit 'akin war tedelej St 16213
above tho prices =tad. Nys= =owed no elleiMiliOle to
dam= unto the. am, or Ma road; and =aptly' =lra
allassaioua Is opals and aosbangs' Mae wrsno =atom
IT, _ taTtr g ati:L .4 =l g a ' ai anis itiatipatisi at itl,76iiihr
ass tat to good trash 'nand ammo ea r./.--15satInel.
I Taut weekly statalaut of tbs Phtladaplas Baditipseant ,
tbs follosiogaggispnea so coniputad with lb =alt its pap'.
t• pita fitock---.. 11010010 111,81020 .
La5aa.—.........--=967,2:0 21317,113 Is& /59,951
Blwele- 0.5.550Z1 6060,111' 199.467,719
D59,1m9.941ter baaks..- 1,315:,561 . .,1,38.7.6 3 L. 06,440
3 . 111 . 5 c 1 '. %WOW 199:..107,877
Desalt /5.351074 :15 , 9.1450 D.
3 4 0 4 3 /. 2 , - 2 1 9 M 35 BOS3
"'War" br AlUlrcad.
hintinnorie **Ands Car.up as Iloun-4111710:::.
Oa Nom to* I in Sher a or; 'do do Ilroolo;g1=
g• coo, A+.Toinnond; 13 do pipit P
1117 Xic X and , / =IX/ n61•01bodo • Perna; gi but
ar, 1 bl.l oars 1 elf Amp.
Ilsogr: It dodo, Ilsaalr iltddinioyded 1. bbl oxgo, ma
,Intabrf bze ate" bieDooold k•strocklg do- doar g
F10g34/8 ay.,/ 'nonacid It oo: II do d0,L,00,,,,t kbi k,
Ws WM oil, J Oogoas: 121 d bins .11•01noindoo -•
_O4 zoplo.lsal Aildgbono
. - driooaX. 1:00
inda k or, do do do, tinorositor Lox 100 do do, /or.
1 .7 a *X • biddiShier Lick llMera 01 flaming:
Ihrtiate4ll Llll - CUTILUM RAU Boun,Jolr
tnidillnof tops,' II II Coiling 4 of .44434, l4Ol.
X llbluterg Ido do: L Xox• Ido ononi,4l. VAL.:4
de do. ltwoo•org. do - do.• - II Thorgew...lo
0w.% n NSW; ato dos Lk& a• lisectaososal
ob Broolocil iiklbaratay* fltonrars ladelk , -
Ilatiagh al'. bb4i aleHm. • 14,4:1 this 414:,
OM A al /*Cnaotia Ilactoldon. 2 0 . 00 the.r.
ido homei,4 austm - 4.44 nogliof/t WMtba dl.
W-1 !" 31 .F!' , . 0040.15 At•ns. -
. _
Po,l6=lll4oleis-M-10a; thitl
stop toisliciWoulnidorx.Oungt it _ OM WWI'S , sower; .
ilia at 01.1. 011 or mak sada MIDI 2519, vt4s; Com':
OM*. ato smab add 04$10ite Sas,vflemla,
*bilk) 41010 '
-371CM6P 111 . 10 / 11, itsoke tri#oll,F;,
;VAtietlOinagMlo. ilidlOttabr ,, •
j4ll • • .uctirrnawnwi,
'l764l,Tkil6Bls—titow &Trivia& sad - to Anil/L.:
41:3orlimblvr - 605 ractivrrsoo:--
I -;
. .