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PitOpttpl, WELT AND CIDIIKIMON itnOlanT nopeettotly moUdtad. /4 1 1--mul wags... wit= . • " 3111:011,11MBL' r a`iVADDING- AND COMM I SSION sicaomuns, az, 'swan. l/1 paonaloas - KODU CM BII1 X4LLTM46.A!)ll.l*Ilmety. ittriests 1 „lin:ow:sty Pm:. • winnows* A SOLIUYZIti• Oommisi!ote .Merchant, cle3Eacar oics, ctuis. IRON, NAILB • gay t No. 1 3 Ltbiity strut. T (1 . Q$ ANT. Cousteau= MUCIWItriLnd sitottatwislu lgram, • • ' No: 283 tibertyatzee4 etats.- Dad, P h "" lP " t '"•{= l %?llatar . lia 13 Nit di, r rzr, 111T.LX 8/4, , ARg og* 8 • Wood Street% 1, won =JORN.L'Ho 0- L X B'A L tr"dg' 00.. E 0 B 0 0 .1188- 00.11,M1881011 JtERCIIANI'B, Vornpt of Smithfield oad Water .15treeta, idaya, • nrrasuaam PENNA.' llDEMpirratir at • bril,WlB2', : : Wholesale Greets.. Cotwassion *erohants, F # is, 107 WOOD STOLPET; • ' • ; , • ; /11i • JOHN B. oaNforlti & CO., Qoulruttalon and rorivarding Merchants, alai hi WESTERN RESEBITZ.OIIIEBB, ! Burna, Lau.; max, ruocef,prima. .L.otugi Paul Aiimp.;lialitotia, , sis 4 Lad Oh - Dried trait mull Produce passidly... _l4O. 14L and 143 pimeist.iElttalrugh.: 2. _ o3.9nuis„ 77 -- ) , ; ; u m." 4 " 146 eft. PRODUCE:. G===2 Pl/111301MM FL !.otii4oo brood,. of mint, tot /lbw's and iality aay Coonootly mg bond, ltirticntar stopottoo' paid to Onto' ontoto tut Iderobsoalsomotol4.- _ 1 - - =Mad s. • . ;., CHADWICK & - 1101, • 2. 0 0 AI 111.18 ill.A NT§, ni:Pairat:Anti*acis4 Aseo. km tits .ssie flahoniug run Brick 14 Pot Cloy, 14V Ud Alm woo singe, 000ssiziketuwasse6 -is.wnwLa g gvez at nustieuor t e P9uL Orb „IRMO= ifalituMill-JILIJAIWI v. terat.;.vs..irreseaan- SPALDIUSII ALIAILSAVOILI 00:111h1“3G:I0N :Al EEO T 8, lildea,Prolneuxra - Prodaee Generally, 2r0.-i0.3:0)04, S AP4U.KL.R.I".LOYD & aumatibsioN led dtaki.on ax.,. cid Prmiooe ihiseady.: • sca LialarY STAILIM PattegmeaNsir i4tinuits FAXNUTOCK & CO., WIWI& adaDragthia sad Mara Lava at Maas Lava. sud"agManue,Wo,24 rg art.' l " 4 4 at* Mum= mama ' ' • Mimi J. RAIIN & agITEROVAOLIBALBAND Rou nProggat l 4 ool lo6of 4all a. oadr 3 °SEM,FIArddiNG,IBIRHIESSOS TO L. SkoOinloet ilaziortioroot anti Ipookbaspo smunity co hood &NU sod complete Oloonoitog c; Modiciaco,a l aav mi t anoels o o%!ottoomolipiokol,9 rig Pt. minlytkiso cqeany cosopoeiaditen ;pit. osu; -101Y8E11, , Dtugg14 140 Wood west, acoaor of Woot!stroot YisiOo folio, ITWIN P. boort, Wholeank Dealers in t/ Drugs.ratiita.on..v.iniinnpand Dl* e". / 10 . Liberty street, l'ltinsuzb. _ t„ #ll,ordeni wll.l reelvie.posept sttalthe..” ada — Etat letitatt Stints.- • :, . vv.auum... wenn. ShLKB IN PROMISEORY NOTIIB, , , x.r.u.d.,m.gg k e. and GU seem:Mu far isxmq.! lagoons= pr=or,4l,,,LtFoos* soy Urrisiosil,esow: Thaw wishing to howl Ittwir ittosai to good eiteukols. {pan &linos ant '&4.mo:id dm wpm sips allay** ) Antortuanumui).;lietwayieliedkiiiii.). =44l4o6BAlMlTAPP*o•ll',ragrlichthui,L" reatis .110Lifti riro4 Pork Desa ans; and Dulaimip troviziltaillOamd 14= • ' 1 AV -.SCH HUTCHINSON, Comniiiidaa 4'4 lead Tonnnefees : Altszelmelyotholoas In Winos Zee, sem cbspie. JiterOlab, Bac" Bartir, - Loved cm, Pot am:MeadAA Ai i. de, tint% /Med sod ha kr -amt— " Panay Meat abgarcom - *pats lor sato geedlsou Colo i Patented Neal Stan& Ma iiig igt anin wooadb.itrsta4 idiom Wood mut Arnie/della ottelittebeeegb, wave fiILtaW.E•yWARMOUFIL-41X11_11,Y OULlM,Ranranitas solOrmidriap iimbeatoadi lhaertn Oho Barb, bar• and Probe. gessially. Wood at, •baymp Watatafttabungb• ' ; Aim fetal.; #la # TOIU U. MILLOS, No. 81 WOOD DT, 1,0 bstwom Iriannad 4111., 4.1 /oath Sas Aml fot 0E1CE13121141.11. WNW 1 Boalcm) PLAJSO ISaN OA MI MS 111013.4 X 11091017213 axed OMAN VASECLNIUMAIhd Deadithz mark sad ilisacal Gaslll. ..."KLEBER.& -as rwrii • SC, Ara afla•Oal4salSanylkd 441 4WS (itaa Tart) oarivzll.4 amid azk.4 PUMA, .id Unita IT I Ili/DEUX% pidasiao DSONI3 aid ONUS 11121Z0 b 117143. Daiwa la Mr. mad .riIIikiLLAYMBLUNIS, IdAli UYAOT le__ _mur bilks la tiro lartroa4 Impartarogiedd W anymiliassuartis. boksjlrat ibabiatastimia 121somi. toe 9LL462. D/MA 00.11 /aiak howls,! iblikarllnibest demo 411:8*, /lb la ltila staMt icitintiluut Stunts: . • ■ IL 'ZOOK, Siteretazy AlWarny Thaw J_Jr. rams Compsar, ST MILO I.t. VIT JONS43, Agent Vann Biala al haraylvaas• sod aiirtiard beetnene Ortoproles, IT Ws4r at. • QADIUSI4 Bs4, eecretary Otizens' hum. fJ tsime Ocr, COM* idAttet and V am oft J. 00131. Di, Alma fal hi. 0014 DON, tfeceetszy Woman lama . almOmpsay,PSW•larstivost.- A. MADEIRA. Age*s for Delaware 6 *atm% 1ap56u.0.0411.1 Wataretnet, Bhp Coribx. L ash sr. mou DUROHPIRLD: & CO.; (enopeeporp to Alv a; pay* toodutoo Diakini_ an* sad lbareyDs7 Ikethooest carom fourth =MI Noted sta. PftwbartiL d , CI'LOVE; Dealer Intltaple sad 11 • • i Dry ikools. /Igo of lb* orlgtosl 800 gin Xo Mutat stmt. Pfteotoorgb. - _ - fad, 1 - N. - mai 7 , 77 .....mpL7 gttritniftsp; , 0 1 0 SEPLUBORNIK per ID &oink* 1,4136321 M * iod. p aw .13,0", TT lbtkrTAL. II ARLES 0/Pll4B, Naar in Dry BUdli, Deal= in. ladl? Dim Goalk orouom..tau fttestoutii. *PI SaatseUitii; WAL' 0; JO BTO • 400 ., Stationers , DLO Do* Idasatertanki.. star Job_ Madan. Ito. 4 AY &CO, BOOKSILLERts AND rres; TECOSIES, ecc. 4 / 1 11,301 02+0. astt &eat kr the ear FEN Stitrd, Pittsb,eb., et taw Ilocikap* •L. BRAD, lioo • : . : . stek. TS ft:tat 101144. 41411111spdap. :OOt Jona A S.N UFA 0 T ERB Of- , areanamessimtedkfoom, insuimmeop... „ow" — r •0 b large So. 7" "..f„ f ro erbbia. 40 I • . Ilikeware sat ear • . . v • r • • Igts id.miar•lbr Alatutimauis a - . • •~ •~; ':~ :... • - 6034111.: ..; . PRAMS . VAN romans. 13RODUCII AND COMMiSSIOR MEE CUIAT, Dam en irtai,acciecisaskei, saw, laid. Ow% ratty Dried cod thus hid& sadrrodoeo penally darldbodd! Climb /Ulmer &Mom Closslousoot& , Warehouse, No: 114 Sexind St:rook Pittaburei. ---r.ni To rams, & Rah* Tioldb zan F. &an • dlo , Fle&bonift. llooda & Odds l - Idtailror & Month, do . .aptope Sootods&& • - • ooMf . lroooiloy, of tOo Lab &M of DAL D. IrDootakl ami wpm; as, Pllttobth—Oliao. llttstegh. I: j., _IeDOIIALD ;. ARRIIOI[LIa, UrnOLESArag amxism Produce and Iry Ootaalidriollafebontoolobbora to R. Odlogloo mut nobsigu a llood flown and 1470p0, Moor, "gm BOA, as boa — 240: *153 - Libioitt sh."' vaudmilarr sEtri n " . lIOLISAIM GROCERS, Produce Deal . 001 sad Citeediante. Nci. 6 aura atnat,. - Pitisissispl, Pls. • 1.1 1.1111 2. ' • • W JAR; ..„, .0 xe uon NAILBOILLSB r OrrTo/3-YLatlarand Pittsburgh - - P 111311011411, IPA; ea =pommy v 0 "D & J.VW.ATBON .4t 'OO., Igrisotesuste Grotwirris. annsuumula us Rai*, Oakum,' Pita, ' 011 e and Pittsburgh - - Monufsetares, oc6._ O. 138 \NANDI,. ITUJCZT. anuald : nnesuzau, ra. _ I WILLIAM BAIGALBY, virlicosalusw.z.zi amooz.n.„ I nos: is lilt a o jwad sereet, 'alum . errissuaaw 11711/ OJM -FLOYD • C 0.,.. WHOLUALE W r ontee and Oomisirbiltsichania. ea Vilrged arid 3111 &Mail strut, • Jen WATT WRSON, WHO/MIMI& ; I OM; Ocanialike Ihectimis and Dialers • gaai an& ritleparip 31astartFm. No.llll Üblo7 A • na SRO Z. • •••••• amnia. kock, wuoufmaz and annailndon Iteretassed est=tiog a rnheternhoiro. Wo•Il tvessla Wear Gad at. Mean* 1011UPUL :#BISON & 00., WHOLICEIALK gloom Oomoofakallbethootookod Dodasla tl~dr Provfaaso,Pooloco sal Mahal* MIS, Rat,,,, DALZSLL & CO., - Wholesale oesixilidoa sed 7onnudirts KIIMISUI and zes sad filkbargb :Shag catty's% J36:13.1 LEMUR DICKS ,00., WHOLIMAL.II Oroceryoxnadalsellerebxotpaod Degen ia Prahm, Wiitentred. sad Fircatetrest,llttabush.- THOMAS MOORE, ANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER mit In an klub - • • a?pexte•Dninuao •- •• • PODS RIB Wlllldf HD //DILI - iiNEGAIL; M6.189.191,1= Ladle. first itrest, betrima sautherna and araxtt4re4s, gittirbaszkriL lot 111P.P21Tais Uyibad antkat pica pall _ hail Oil sad; AU °that Padosetim lament§ ear. WIN istradid by. QT01:411110011 , and laOrand. 0:12 JOSEPH nultucTos k co., omannistasid ,r4berty Streets, VOTSBURGIEfaUL. ACIMUMIJIY strnalot STEAM • ENGINES, :setter Amtnisimatr. Ai. • JOHN OLIPHANT a Ca. WSJ num as ir. awirty tj IigaiNIIPACITIIIIERS OrtIOTPRESSEIi AlmurtsAND Withtlitt; Clams Ramada ins sad toil lads, IkereAnts sa4 atm'. TAISCIPAPPAI IKON 110 1 / 1 ,14 PATATI 00, PA bltasd Virago" Nail Wood It. 'Boland, FICKLBIOII GUIS WORKS. J. L 110L11.--.IF. CAKPBIIII. vroLfz, PLIINKITT & CO., Oradd Imasuricrozzas. Warehouse, No. 12 t Wood BOct:4, camas. or al rrrriaoaou, septlyd 'l4 t!legooatos. •TaIrOLDEIIIIP, LI. Chiliaolll - 911. AlDiminuoimum -urais.pli. to "nit some to balldlat oar Killasiry =Own !sap "la num hopeavessents out let holm to oastMain, in b.l.maretzutt oar. Oa Camebe a m Sam& bides LA Onlileatortik all oilman o dor moat{. Illandnallar m61....m0mi and Sad - ibe Me as Oar Mice. htßrivasies Meek, Mh newt V. a. itimarOsit—.. e. oaurrom many/um. & Co., cktreer Pike aind:CPErers Street. Akevilitr Wek;iieki. T rsause,a gnVANUFACTURERS UY itranwrosa MIDI A PUILLIS lIIPAOVIMPATINT OINILLAT. mums AND NEN VALVE MO ekes ahath.... . ' at WT. eVidt, Ot is. - Pot IP bet ore 6111 WA* bony Job Nag, sod is. Odt wet llithtnatlag tba; by Dgvivtris sad ID* donor otair *art. AcKveziktel4 1 .25? mue , We lt Tetividel attleNom fd car BauNCass YALTA! MU, Lamm NaGINEN roomgnfat Advantage ImetailX• tuttatosa m thisdriotiftbna, `49P Doca - am sum WINE Yid ped Va. No LH s.mas VW Ladd &N ISAEILIMILL & co., 61 ream et, below littabory, littaborgh. Q.TE,AM BOLLER MAKERS AND MAE? Ina • Ira kat, hanni lin of Earskillfs talent ilearr. tc new ...a cy Ikaors, o. 11, .. 3L Man= Ooadnoses, ems raw cep"alma, Iron 74•16, Li Bag., Ma I. bawls:ow Work.zrotio nod Thaw& /moo. dm* at as &ones so. Ws. An Groom nos dbisecorreglapooded so. 1 — Afto _ _ 1111117111. 'A. PcritVL INCZ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oinall, Tina mu" atuonsina omax or MARSBALL Z 1110111.14 Pitts/m.O, Ps. JOIN H. E1EPAT100K......... ll LION. LAW rAwrankuusie. TDB lINIPENSIONED HAVING TLIIS Viv'areera CbrancorablO la tli!Enattoo el the L it, 0•L ••• • , • 'Joni li. IIiuItATIJOE. • • JOBB 11111. 1 / 3 21. El '-ite mow_ . -- KIR AMOK & MELLON, , , 1 AZT() LiNJECVEI AT LAW. / 1 a 18 t rial tinm, I eicon awry M 1121844 rriTs !OBOE!, PA. jontr D., Atha, - Laaw, Anii+pasugasages; Kati ...4111170.TrumballOatarty,0211a. S 8 CM: O X B B.;t • : ) ./PSArg AT -LAW , No. 1.3 ram it ; Loosi a rom savrog, rrrroomoir.VA, B F. LL10.48, Tra , ,siorirr L aw, rra7.2 C. mialFi;ll„, : .:aaorney sn4 Cowaiollor at. LW; no ammo is • • • . KULUNI LAW SUWAWWW6 rw U Iriwww:A iwyla.tlAki ?bit etw,r telt PiKetitChena: TriOHAB EWINO. AUorney and op. w...iso fourth .tril.l4 mew sall;d41112 ' armtWat. sus s. I. mac S. TOOLS di CO. .A rammul lidinalliss AM) CRAMS Of Intri- Deeniption. toronr.Addratic.rMain /too& Anaso - 1/initrau—los. lc 41 killifish! al, SIILUEBOAT CABIN FllairtOOß NITURC—WS STIAItiCuIT CUMIN MUraMi l"" OLlAlra 1114 d diwitiiindig Is hreildtqg pats. ,T.i Youiroiai ; Eibrialrl(ollB/. UN —; • .nl.llLumeax ortut'inui • .L • 1111141401; - 1 • AND :c:0-MRCI-..14,0V.A.NAL.- irPROTIIONOTAIt .—JOHN 0. 001 F. trAlimtaadhla ix Protbo%Liwatz WFRU LIONOTARY.—D.U. : ULTZ, of Mnowden Tonattlp. bsiceiftistio for manta. le Me above altni,ict sods of W pot. Duda Claamtko. - ,:; fellzta PROTIIONOTARRIOLIARD te,l,l6. D at trill. of Itasent4=l,ll:4l:l4.7. .11 - IrOR COUNTY AX)NAII&IIONSit.- wr ..mut titan ant 0 1 1111112oottnrooldo, rtpa • oliontatit lko• (booty Clonotimionor, subject to oho 80. "Mikan tlonvcatkoa. ' RllO DN 7 . d IL)N. 00UNTY (10MbilbalUti&R, ""kr, DAVID CIOLIMIL ol has Torni•dp..fil toi • cia• di "" kw "t , a cloaDer. mallesteguivatacsa frW.SLIEJLIFF.-8. - kI.:BRINTON, of Pat. =W ,r'cr,oad too tamable. he • coodldete foe Illbiefft, If aced. to bemire Covey 10 per ams. trothda of theca:oleo) sae Cloonty trefeary tor the ow see of taw tool:Loth awl wttl moot* boucle eaffdeetory to the Judges Of the Ocert of 00611120 it Pfeil fee 'acospllmn NW the ewes peopoeffkose. • aft,likdaerse, SIISIRIEL—ADAM WEAVER, =taitiet=iriTne g ti *in " y. 'abject to liotailailoin Ootorrotkos. ' 7 -11•Mteasaan MFOR tUUSRUT—USNUI U. LEWIS, r et Skisrpnbarig, la • cand lb** nouni7.nntOnt Wain a. ld Ibr 'aid" AU. rinUan Anninting Ctn. tall* [WIIiIIDRIFF.—HatICRY WOODS, of Pee. bustein=ttio voter eft& friends to obtain the tor Sherif of Allogluay Open tr. l a at r l ittm, will, set atm hla the ty ot trete:nine the malty and reting them aleaasto IaIICSIFF.-401114 01K N, of the Slebib mad. Pittsburg* will b m cootOdato tor Zs oboe* olltotootOta to tam docialoa of HapoOltoso eaao• CloOrootiost. • . itttiloo r&StIERINT.—TURN MILLER, of East ;men:. Oollhas 431111thip. IS • an ke ISbeeld a w n= naZiNt JO the &dike of the Bomb ishiae fr")ll,2llllfftlif—The hinds of Oen. J. BOSIRLIITi of OaMk nossethats ergs scsattualoci: di. petals 11117i611%. both to his mous AO Outs. velliamiLseiryy soxishito moat palls 11.17.54•Athhi bbi elsfossto esety comiclerstitil. At ape issos Wee, *ls nabsJY thodlotrla astilhol to Olt *Alm .117? FOB SHERIFF—IIIIGH S. ILZMING, of wow. townidup, pct to tbolltof dos of Ma flopittfkas CkaTootloo, • follkto ,TESTA EXTRACTED a, - VI7TXBOITT PAIN. ET TOM 'WS . 0/ in Alt EMITS W 11.11111117 AO • OIIIKUI OE GALVANIOBATIIIMY £BB MED. Odd iroothir b tbo nos inn no nppvtlaaou by and N no OSlgadTaneir, ROOM testa not nolo-teslninton bad thereat Val. on peso% sot aro may totoosty so to eh no malty sot peolorosto Ler onnono—totioom booboo oalttpopontesluta note la omorltogo butato by i t t irgrge al re ...y.p lbe co oar t it E. °UMW. Dentist. 134 Inbasso aC JOSEPH ADAMS, DEZITIar, lb. 1:74 First street, Pittsburgh. - ; - lisesszscas—Dr. s. itt. Baikal', !bailors Itobtair. Mown ins et. lay&dly bigo: and 'Oriinuintal , Paintez AND,autnia, N0."61 Finn. Snur, or iesiTx opp:sitz.tows pirrasueog' ra. • imirso work 'dam rate. 14 @do. tl OU WANT WHISK 81113? Do 1':00 WANT A MUNTAO/127 IS at. Rate. . . STIMULATING UNGUENT, _ For the Whiskers and Hair. . . rtr mistecrthen tab Own n ln .evened se th• OtS. map of Me VOW nada, that tby t. , . atm...a it. iigiuur cx, and are KM casbhd Is odor IA 1.1. American poblk, slrs aborl lattly oehbritid sad world nnoweird of loodoa WMmnetd~bq~y~e Manly \ ldclan ~L oat ~ V~ rt of WHISKIES OR A . MUSTACHE le from Cho. to in mita. • Tide ands be C. only one 01 th. kJad cool by LN. In salts Undo' sad Pori 11 la bon Wel roof& of lawl bsine/e.looloottsoilllng. yal con point, ai by Naos Ur roils, . nippily& toLI= IL well .n zabralskoad ems to 11(111 op Is of no bald spa. • Am Fos% of onr bedr. Ip DOW y d dllionoos ofU tam nd troy &stria*, cod mtty t, Os relent 00k.611 ones( 11 se. lielooth set The Kamm" Y Yl.lltho ankle II ivory genbionaa's toils; soil QUIP cam "WO/ Oa lig mold toll Lo nay opoidirstk• to stile. IL , _ oLbositon coty &pan Soy len NAL& lo 11011.1 d Slags ...ban all ordet• WWI Do atieniloc • hen Clo Dol.lar • ben—fts isla by ill pot aa Ws of Li. iOnnisr townstiol to Do easel& mirse,) will be i• day to dedrf adl (4 Inok) minty pact&Li 7.0;4 of plea .1.4 po&oge, ILPPI7 Ls . 1 110111.101 L & ; /Old b 'JOS. nom°, corner of tilairkei New. oil tad Act.ROOKRIEs- . NA no Ikeda S. O. llognor—C. tr to Wood -aoo blAa. do leastsieno Idrema KO6o do Co i =d B agar% KO 1:6,6 heir io tholes db Coil* ICO bozos broods Talmo; 116tudty bozo, bati7 6o do 14)half time, 1. K. Out porim and Block Tom TO oozes Rohl Pap • 100 do Yeah Oftdion SI MAL Whets, Strained Weak OE4 30th do ascrevi Irtik I.ooj _le San sail 11.. Itally mad hag n ear , Ta oicto Oil SOUK, lad lee NM 6,7 BE TON= & ILIBDONLI, .-• ..-• • - 1311 Llbort7 me, mar 1161 d yen at. Lit . w t ' .4 .6 •• &ISLE ARRIVAL Or 71811.- 412 beta tot tarp M/1111,11114 100 ,d 0 tot do - do ace bmbi. tm: u fasto,t; ICO bblitNol 20 aid St 410 10 lie do 1204 ktf-bbld Labs UseTtog 10 do Mao Iftth—ob mastirbasal {or WI at intim prim by • Joan L IOVS co, f 7711 emir awl wars Ptlbiberek. a. rues o -uwrba;.' random,- ,0414;0•Npaniet emu Oil 0101114 Made. nodal% .Oholarziolatap,oso all atter kit* ta that 11.• of pop raloi~ss, am Ws /ow. 14 We Oil Mal W... Swam Naa. Waal II It Mar emit: TAB Ca mil, 'dick lo sew rapidly dlsapp la marls issd Tkatahstos caws; so tailed frtuo Wass aboorredtill, ask:owl to sr oa lb* seaming eiths'a k at last. as Its way - 16- ) 1 0D1)01--su • bias. Posit's, La l Ism' It Rad wards the Is It la tow es ha Melt Intik lt, mitt P At, otitby • • • - wlJlaaoa.ba lost to ottlit.'-' Thy Otarttt approtoll - rnnt ' • sza httitlioll2l6 to 4/iv on li.atlc casapalad to be ' • wts. nomad ItswadolnOtc• toilllodo of matlea,.: Tkatttlisros iiil utta it i a PUT -41X1bda:Btxl: potsweei sisr,tsai' al !guilt „Iw w sot knew tiocatllsd k auu tzar, Precadiag COML. r n~ . - 2. 2" " ' • - f;F : ."• -- i-,t - • '• - ;- - ; '..„!1 . • ;-; .0 :1 - PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 11, .1861 POLITICAL NOTICES. IllerrOft ASSOOIATN 'JUDGE: I -WV. N. Ulatllla.D. - ot Math Peobir towestdp, IRMO* to the &dike ot the Bomb -1‘ Omit, OXltifr ttoo. frFos SZNATOB.—DANIZL L. EATON win ba • arialats Ewe reestar,sehtlet to the CaIIONSIL—WIDINST LAKE, wor' Alq,of ta• mob Was. barb* bean " 14, 0• 44 . 4 " dolt of Ca Mare to eakhlk• was elactad by the plopls, nN impporue for Wow, subject to the lopnbilcia Sm- Intim ClormatSon. Ito 10TJION/111—MILTON IL lIPCIABIL , llovilletcnrasktp,lM bspnersteB as esididat• gar tomer of Alkstray Farah guided to the Ilvablican Aftelnatthi Oarmition. • • gotta GirosGCOHONEII. , -FRED&RIO BESE, of the Med wid, rithsrie. sill ibes aandithts for Wow, sablon la Ms &Odom of dm Belabtleaa Oveatt, Ootitimuoc. . mhato NOR COUNTY TESASURIIIt-I. icon) et the Boomd ward litlabwO, to • maws foe nt• *bon all" tykes t f ZeribUeu. Misting 021111111010. , ogittrr -, f - - .Ir:PROTHONOTARY.-0. W. A R itOLLoe the MA mid, Pittsburgh. wUI b Ana. MAW ke.the spats also, abbot to tb• olladaloa of its Repablipui Coen* Cbevsatke. trrli WIOII -PROTHOpiOTARY.--DANIMI, beton ute trrw" *al t lks= 4),l " milaika mill es PROTHONOTARY,-)i.YATTEJI w_ an, of the Boma of Iltrodatbas.„ r • candidate lei the atqa of hrothoarytom pitkpes to the Oche= °Mu - PROTHONOTARY:— IeIAAO -Iv , - vacua , Jr, of ik61121.36 l to go %cla VOirtublp, will be • far Pnxboootarr. Pedam ClesmnUoa. • jr - PROTHONOTART.-.-JONH 9. boa. or allaktinsy. be afatlidad. sada* Id the ðicist of the liambilna Caseation. satin*, .PRIYLHONOTLEty-Z. PA'2II3BBOM, of Indfam•Tooaidp,is • etladidato roe Prot/moot'. ifEIsOTLiONOTARY. VAPTAIN 11. .r.lorot Pppoellt.estr fob the %0(o 'of pp triads to *bola Oa itopobtkas •000ttnatIon Prothono.ors of Atlogliso7 coanst—ttio bjlirsity at lat bond eot 1111011bIg ttiu Iha oPPongullf, c r flommlnif tbooooney solookos them aIL ' Moto zuntistrp. Vamtax. VO lOU WANT macaw DO TOD WANT ♦ MUITIOTIMI BYLL/NOIIAM'S CILLIAILATED TER Birmrtinsa ONOUXAT intsburgl! OqFit PUBLISHED DAILY ADD WIEBHLY BY B.•RIDDLE C O 'TOW trio, assennan. PI;TTB.BUILCiS THURSDAY MORNING, JULY IL LATEST. FROM WASIIINGTON den. Position. A Wig's . cti' aru neeivad from Ga. MeCiellana this afternoon, He is still at Laurel HilL - Ere' eprisseettU his soldiers u in fine health arid spirits and sager for a fight. He believes biiiiwr acquainted . With the jpeCilliarities of Gen, Garrett , if and • ibie to beat him at it., The enor94a force its, ia• nurilling to attempt to state itoith'preeiloi until met him. • • The global Yams in Virginia. According to the latest .thtalligence, received . from' iniormed• souratr, the rebel forces in' Virginia, exclusive of those at Norfolk and Rich:- moad, mount in all, to same 47,000 men. Travel ers familiar with the Country, and with eyes sharp ened by the buinen on which they are engaged, report that for milesated miles in some portions of the. Interior not e; man is to be thin, elf hawing been Impressed into the service. The people and the moldier, are alike eafferiag from the want of things which we are accustomed to consider the necessaries, of lire. Tea quoted at Fader.. icksburg at over 112 it pound, and angst at 60 or 60 ants. The Y. P. V. ladies are unhappy: TWO Raba* niarvlng. A desinter,Who came into our camp ittßeerport Weiss yesterday, eau that hone away beans, he he could pt nothing to Ur, u the rebel troops in the vicinity of Hamptoa mehallinarved. The Captures by the Connecticut. Scouts. Capt..Pdascus.whose unit by a scooting. priziy Of the First. Connecticut Regiment we. Chronicled in this motnities Tribune, Is a brother of Senator In addition to the liorseei males and baggage tak en possession, of, were Wan segues and the seer; . The notice of Mason ' s in tended remoirel of Me effects win gins by one of 64 contraband, pieces of property which were seised. The Fiat Con necticut Regiment has twenty-tied amble camp. The Vales" flan fa Viretwia. On. Wheat, of Wheeling,' VC . , is hers alter arms and ammuniCon for the Union Met it the Western' part of the Stater. He nye ten mil regi. WWII eau really be raised there, and be ready to enter the service in a few weeks, if the.Gotera• went wilt furnish arms, clothing, Re. • . ==!!! Information remelted Alesaadria to-daj that the force at Mammas ,Janctibn. has been decniaied within a few days. Theni is'a great deal of sick ness among the rebel troops, two hundred beige confined fa a barn ased as a hospital. News bad beeu received at the 'auction that Richmond was being fortified on all sides in the, most defensive manner, in anticipation or an advance of tee Fed• oral army. , A Skirmish' at Great Falls. The skirmish at Great Fah yesterday and today, in which two district troops hue been killed, and several of the enemy killed and wounded, has caused - much excitement among the residents here. The place of the'fight is at the tiead of the Wash ington Water Works, 'tittle° 'mile* above ' on the Potomac. Yesterday 010Illieff, at an early boor, a s cormiderable body of aecemionists made their op pomace at Great Falls, oppoeite Major Gerhardt 's, counnauli and the Eighth German Battalion, of &boo two hundred Men, and •commenced firing. Major Gerbardt'e battalion returned fire, and after exchanging a few volleys the enemy . retiredi but re turned again ia the aftenoon, about .5 o'clock, with reinloreaments, comprising a body of cavalry. The firing was kept up with spirit on both aides tar severelhoure, and two meet( Major Gerhardt's emaimand Were mortally *chided, end havesince died. Their bodies were hronlht to Georgetown this morning. No other men were wounded on our eide. Major Gerhardt , ' aberptheeden emptied nveral uddLeatin the 'other side, mad it is supposed they KIM haze killed at least a dozen before the enemy retired. A New Devisio".if the Aripy,agoisel nue. Colonel Miles, of the United Stutz Third infan try regiment, wan yesterday !Wailed to eommaed • division, to consist of three kgy,fgarlee_of three regi-. msntt each. •Col. I:toward.* brigade, comprinig three of the Idaine:regimestv, and Col: Davies. brigade,comprising regiments eat yet selected, and the Thin brigade, to comprise the Garibaldi Guard sad two_ other regiments not yet designated, will) =triplet* the Oriel' on. .Ther fact that Col. Miles ban beau detailed to this command is evidence of his fitness; hence it is a tumor of surprise that he has not been commissioned, so as to hold the rank compatible with the place. Lou of IDs Rebels at the Hawesville Fight. Recent artivallfrom Gen. Pattemonieleadrpear tem bring the information that the battle of iilollll. rills occasioned a viers loss to the re tell:l.k visit to the Neighborhood of the battle field ground, ar! ter the burial party had finished, revealed the fict that there were one kindred and one new made graven. .A anther of their dead, probably officers, were also known to he carried off through Martins. • burg by the retreating rebels. The principal dam. age at Gainesville was dons by the Ent shall from Perkins. battery, It exploded in the midst of the rebel' Cavalry, add its.effect was terrific.; It, Da manned a scampering which was the Infiniti; of the enamrs retreat. • Ten Advance Toward litabmiamd. The prospect of &deuce of the Orrin tarns t 0... ward Richmond' may be better eirtimatetk front facts than opinion, of correspondents, holden au. tboritatively ermined. So long se the Vita body of the rebels remained at fdanusu /manikin, and between that and Richmond, there was amain for delaying the advance of General bleDoWle/Ps Col. limn until those of Gen. McClellan aeilattemon bad attained positions whence they coulideo.ope... - rats in the movement upon . Richmond; If - it be tate, air reported, that, the principal part of the rebels recently at Manatees Junction bare joined General Johnson, with a view to attack or resist the advance of General Patterson, it may be ju.. dicions (or Gen. McDowell., column, to be pushed forward Immediately to intercept their retreat, and by hemming them in compel thalr=aurrender. Bat tho preparations of this column Is not entirely completed. WAIIIIII.OIIIOI, hill 9,1861. Thole oho have seen Col. Taylor's dispatchca roes the Rebels, at6no that they coatain notelet moonset. A tompsal al the Garibaldi Goards, 70 atroag, mounied last sight, on account or their dismal, tactic. wlth the moskets fornitinui them, sod de serted. How they managed to get across the Long Brides is a mptery, bat somehow they did, and encamped near tb• e Smithsonian Institute; with a regular guard, at 10 or 11 'clocb. CspL blutes company of cavalry isu lent about mid. sight to afloat them. Then had been threat", but the captaio, a German, ordered the men to stailt their gene and muds?. They are now to the custody of Capt. Chssatiliia lo the Treasury bond. iota, when his compasy are quivered. ttersoty.osit of Col, alleskeos regiment are Is jail for contumacy, is relosiog the goes provided for them. Col. Blitokses Brigade will cocain of kis own and Col. Stemwheirs regimest. The cavalry sant to Great Palen bare moron!. They found so essay ars. T. Adraaao. Do not b• di oppotated LlLam la no important advance for • week. Than are may good ru. sou wary It moot be 41c4sa asdaztilidui, sod not be sorprieU it it is delayed even longer. Ryer, prepmulon will be nudee, boweter, with all pueblo taiildltheed elian the colamu dons move, It will be to eirtalo tictorT. - 'lt lithe g:al nesuan titat them will be ott fig Wog it F m airtim, sa isp d 11144, 11 any, at fdaimum• Josetiot, bat thu the tutu will coueritnta and penned a bold !mull lileimosul. • • • . . Staratowurail at itheaftinort--Ctowd Cause roe is: The publlo naiad In )ruttatl was moth agitated pesterity. .1/Rlll thus, the lams we hors already mouoned, ofiging Goy. Merolla to min wpm thle end of the Lorderills and Nothilibe Hall:e for thend by mew of the . Stale Guard, aid Amp trizaprrtallon of k node of. IWO in deluge of the traits& Staler Ovreie mina seresal as la and Wont Frankfort: went so-opsraning with tho TIP 114111•14141 la sulgthe the ntimson upon tki Clamor. k. Hie Esedlopy, early loot male had not deol• dad how to act Ho held the maar an canelder ab CI. RCM be STOL 41 4:141101111 '"U' 00V. Kr Rahn shall do lbs dud telmeesed - to do, be wilt do It with 'fell keoelefigeOf tinmdlnlooneetpaan• on—with • fall It some ghat bolo cheaglog peen sad asnaHr Litto it/ilex! and horrible war—with a fall knowledge that he Ii doosolag to blocd7 Lion lbw Buts that boo confided to blot its desttolea Hp will In taking upon Ms Sloe* scat • nisponelbil lay that w. should think a million mu timid not his thin to bane. . We an notholetaken In whet wiharo stated. Let oar people mina the tottu—and be prspand for IL —.Lowinille Jvanteu. Tina liar-Bars.--701amorai or .Lp.Rapa,* td Lamers . fatrat for a fonalcallon to Hampton goad; Imola locialdataa I from tba math load aartlt aad oda tit. 11 ta rltastad on tba alto of tM alp alma:al, tl d comalataly aosamiuto aarlsallou of flue Jamas Shwas It but tota 'for. Kum years loadad wttl kandrodo of-toTliosqb of, lbw ss, ta aid b eattlini UM la riot a a do marralartlleatios ILMJ4 It la 6 14, tnbla Ph" fart Kea &aloft Wray, ma bi Mows by A. took, TIM which Arita wars /.11/91/11 tato Buralra „Patel WM7, thha infra" oL' • 1111111 sPlodso off Capt. Howell. V. Troop* Lesino qulnew the the Pease of Eta ailment. 44erscr, 111., July b;lB6l,—Letelligence 'mired at, ens o'clock taw monrieg Ts= a Canton, M, (Canton is a poor villagoof Lewlecettoty, Ma on the bliseisampi neer, one hairdzed And neieq ogle miles above St. Louis, on the opposite aids of die liver] of the assassination of Capt. Howell, of the UMW Stater Army. It appears that at the eel striation there yesterday the Bm:sambas hoisted a I g, which' Captain .Howell ordered taken down. Ties interference with their Sat causedlery bitter 'feelings: :Some words passed between some mem. bin, of - .the Forth . among' whom were Richard Seniard, chotal keeper, and Captain Howell. The latier started to go home, and when passing the hate/ Seward camewst,4lll4 atom Howell to do. reed -himself, IndlmMedfately shot him dead. The Germans surrounded the manient/a house to gaud against his escape tills legal infest could heated., and sent messenger* to Lagrange, where the} chartered a ferry boat: bank to take usis tanee from Lagrange.' COL. Palmer, of. the, Blesenth Regiments left here et o'clock the morning with four hundred Men; all that remained in hie camp over the etb, accompanied by Quanta/taster General Wood and Adjetant General blather, for the scene of disturb- Utica, and a tinily time was anticipated. riplarihat Senator tintonse brother has a ions. put, organised:abort an miles from Caron, who were-sent for by the secession party. Cat/t learn what etrength they can master, but Caton had the reputation .. of being. the. hottest &scattier' hole in Northwestern Mimed. The celebration of the Fourth paned off finely with a l the anal amount of powder hornier and en ' Teo companies of cavalry, In ilia . tegilar mu. vicey paned through here.yeeterdsh blitutd east. rds swo Taanz.—The principal bushiest at the castOtn-house is tie withdrawal of sew._ During the put week sugar merchants in num city base paid .duties amounting in the aggregate to $265,000. One :Outer pain $BO,OOO, another 116,000, and others leu ammonia. One firm has paid $31,000 dzities'ou sugar to-day, and oh smother with drateiiisi $llO,OOO within a week. These duties _were:almost entirely paid in treasury notea.—,./Y. Y. Todd. Paorsason BONN the llama Obsuwatory, speaking of the comet, sayz--Cla the 281, theme passed' class .to tail, which erossiall our path a daior two only to advance of u,so that wistoria. b escaped passing through it. Th agues of duo oomellrom the earth is now about twenty.flirs lionsof. miles, and it will boa satisfaction to soma perhaps; to know that it is increasing. It will soon fade tat of eight. • FOITIIO ee Pill 17P01111. WA.I Pooftea.—The Champlain Citizen learns that Ft. Montgomery, at houses Point, is to be Plaust on a war footing at once, and that active preparations to that end arena progress. The Government pro. bablyjthioks it well, in view of the .pieswation• irp , tharease of British fortes in Canada, to:take' some; weestitionary measures for the protection of the frontier. SiIi4TANIZA or mu Margo Brans 13111.11%,- 10 . 11 parlod of Mr osty-two years the Banta bar had hot foot Elemstarla t Samoa Aljoi Otis, of. Kwt admit% sorted from 1789 to 1814 ; Cbaa.. Oat% of Nat► llampitaro, awed from 1814 iota 1836; Walter Loin* of Prooryliaals, 'wood' from 1825 antic 1838; and from 1326 astil the prompt flames oaks ►iu ham bald by Asbury Dickson, • A Tce AAAAA PAZDICTIONo—One Of the leading financial' of New York, Mr. Gallatin, in a ietter to the'fiecretary or the T y, predicts that the currency difficulties, in the West will be corrected withm two orthree months . at farthest, and that within, that period trade and commerce will hive' recovered in a great pan from the Amok caused by the war. FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, AT !! REDUCED PRICES. holes W. Woodwell, RA 97 and 99 Third strut, in. FOUR Tl 3 B ' TSB3E T ii elt Yarialla of Ityln and Finio, • Sittnottlioa HOW!' ang Filtrate. Dwellings- Irril *rein promptly otbootol to. IMO thr Yoraltoro cordolly gaud and baud • Ellmastoota sod sootot abort Boas. GrOloot. /IlLtara sappilmt with miry IMMO to all UM` SPR 1 G GOODS ;Seas oW ozognnwo 01101 011 • r• Wadi STOOKW BALI Ws bomaeels! wD ll3"6 lttal all osa3 avq, a. 41 caollbut bat b m976 :CEITTES br !ATTIC TED WETIAI' Hairnets of Price. they win amass ear Goons ore* sibs seie only ca c rett 4 o l 7e1e, k ..5 esti the = I • it:: Samuel gray & SON .Tenco* water m av virrat I tag* Ny i raur.v esivvicira MILD LlVilto Lead*Eade cobaktrup Peaseratos at tallionrfd quiusuamis . aa 3110 IN reSaid. natanter. 13th Jai% Orlyllitardar.lletit hat. • WA lXtiltitt llll4 ...llstardap,ll7l.lllly. • Aoa rywip , Mantis. at nom ham Pits Y. *Nth Wm' P 1682 CABIN &MPS Ot • .... werusaink ' as do to tdrodos. dee eel do po as .I:=Atam 'MULL good kw nts forwarded to par% Hem Man Bs: Illdato,ttedtero. *atm). ILL. tit reduced Warded tobrlns oat Stolz' bpi 7 ltetho totkrwlad rote. to Dew Yards • Liv e rpool: dr lidoputown: lit OWL Pk Pk and VOL aroma* treat Liverpool Pt 'from iloaseeopon Mir tUoitt drafts tor WO es StrialsoiL dootliod ~Thw n A ro have oovertor poopappoodatteet for Ind ta"Wed rror=.tod i Varolitsangil i al Winton a s DLLlLdsvidt 3 eLlroadis o a s i., et - • . mb1341 I • 4dtt Wtretted. Ramat 's orrnAila or 11A4110 111 A; • • ' ' ''l IN POWDEN, • . '' : AN AlittitiAlii altrillimitillT ANI)/:AltAVit4..; . . Takeo tn Tim l i zattolt litity, It nmtoeslEtticduitmA 6gtVr m e tatefis 116Ws br the son *Oat at lam s mild lii• r4VO L Gi l trittosst "4 . 17=4 1 . _ . Ilr bEM4 .111. 6 1 ' t t k i . jam t .r lP W lVZll . j , taint 7. 1111 1 4ittitfitzliet, NM 0dr.....' tom . ..1 , Me SiagatuTcr WM& . JAMEti ROBB, NI/ MO wain min autitig 'BOOTS A D maxi suer TAarircr Atm en= riuoziso EUIT rum nxis. - ! aarasit .44 =sato, Ea suck ntibie partudeg.'r ti Colzntga:Botat; Cape /alaugl. . rrlllB 01101411:041RTIL ii= g otro c s=l4 4lB4lB o6. ord. 'Pa imbapozuctiptitmet POSEW. it'llihdolralsaiokas bin.lsgsgeil AAR**, LW .thilbc 4l l l o4o.l: o 7 -*UM asanstot ltanitEcopill arlimaimminth islattaheint. 8414 Use kr Imes WOW pompom. dippiletikeirlbirow. cc cejettpxtietUrl. -w.41110 moo 21.160trinieggiber• PfOWl:/".i. if J. = BAIr CiABTI)CABBANIpIit. , :-r'- ' = Virli HA • ••• ' 4:101!PLITEBD ARIuktIOZ. '• • taiati Bast he the inaaalketare , . . of. • aeallaint fra , Il A ga . - 4.; • to c =gh• mei% Sferaratmat • .1.... Ictitra roo= Us& any y.; The ;'•• • • •ant i ruse at - thormaga fix , tharaccar .. •• - , magisocrout a co. - Waft - whit . atubsetrienekaproasirsuos . 1 : 7 :3, -): 112ittillarNEW.:PATTE1168Arkiiiit. 11.7 Itira the Ur& :Alio, aar . .29Faute t glow, mu% - - t , • nor cos deolrfaa tool* bolhei the...repro 5. lonigswiWr ," ' Warty etzsatAPPclite 51.13 k; Q. ..;85101,a4SAIThli r , , r , 1111.1_10, Illaaaractator of 'songs wzovauserncis; oommOP Azia.u.a,noascorims7 &urban. - Plutieswitaipioraors Irian moo aturitiare or mall to Woe if Mort Dabs. • _ AIWA toemA marquees cautally Go Ine4.-. - ern lot ' - ri=ll - • • . • Kin he lie , • ••• - WK.I MAri BitatOlL. 4Late Its tiatl ienn . ler Kama la Punka to a., 9 aorta RAWL am car slab X. lit a Ft% TM 9 CO. M 4.4 Itar i.t atiltan and lb/ na)rw it. L i me co, 111 AO ON-1. cask plain /112711 and 1 utak akit Obi a:m*4 J. M. LN= CO. GAZE VOLUME, LX IV---.NUMBER WO. fissitrimt, • Indsmatty Against -- Loss by phs 11PrankIlls rlr. laisimaatfle• 0050421 RY or .othee. 435 and 437 Chestnut Bt, near - - Inatomosi of Joottary I,42sacr, pomp= 11 0 000. DV to on act of befog rim Yfootgors, amply locund-...1..51,565,223 Beal Ifilatolocoootilloo $102,57251) coot-. 25 Tosoporary Loma, onsmple Ofeol'Bs. 74133 Bkcito (prooforniefo $821,607 72) 49.755 U . Notes Ind 8 1 / 1 2 rosolviblo .7.511 03 27,21.9 . Ehm only Prodito from Precolmns :oxecei Oom payoladaol. dhfda by law as from Walui .arbich ban o tkilanz Inawanon made on awry dateriptkas of 14cperly i to sentrity Nowa and made nate am tow am an conactent with , , Bloom their bworporafkm. • indod of thirty Yearat bats pato Lunn by an, to an amount escroding Apar ma their 'Winn rf Aellaimt t_ adordlas andcoce Of the ad.' mamma of fonnow,u ma actE. Eau to mat with promotes all ability , 7 Loma ar Iran ; •law ei.e...„..:41pa1d .yaw tb ing • •MR ST N.Baricker bliardocif D. Low* To , bias Weimar, Rand B. Bravo ; Sttmon• Omn i Two ies. Jimont R. bmith, Edward C. Lai liita.W.Ridarda, Giorgi Yaks. GRARLINI RANCIZE, IPradanit. Wm.& Elan, bonsZtarWy. R tu ALE, lco r i i t n u d t n . t .m 6 Offo Noh w crWo o xf amnd.Wordno ?WM .111111111114 1 / 1 11:1sa, By lie. Wino Milani hunralics. tariff, 07 PHILADILPIII/L e : Ou flollangs, Limited - or Perpetual, Ifenkadtte,' 10rr.6 tors, 4a4 In Them or Occltry. ' . Office Itle."308 Walnut strict': • - asicria Sess,lio..4sesis woos 94—insssilas; foam ' s RIM Nottpietm lotprondalnlnpan e wo, -- 0011618 the ancoutt ilia,feki 00 annul Tanta:steles, ' :Ma 10 Peon. Saffron! Co7o par not. Ithleapge Laaq oM 77, 0 00 113 Ell sor Iphlo, *per or; . 00=0 00 allegbany coons pnond.Piona.ll.ll. join • 10,000 00 Oollateral kW Holabidc y and Bran cToonp M_ nntaln linat :1717000 Cbtona nartgn .. , 6000 00 Pannactraola Bathos/ I 4 at _........._... • `.0,01K1 00 Stock of tbsliallanoe klotnal lumina oo—t. •1/060 00 /Mak offtecon Ilre Ineuraose 00.-----4. .1060 00 Stock of Volawars tontranc• .; TOO 00 Commend flank do 6.116 llectonnee Bank do .2,012 W. .11:rolca ll.lnsotance no 00 BIM Becaleable, Intenenpsper..—..... 14 2 16 B B Ancona, accrued lo two 0 1 7/0 72 cam co band and In bands of sputa.... , 11066 LI . . . . . V E:Laiii al loadiebert Simibilo • &pomp ~.. _._. ,E=i7ottama L .....,. umoz. **takaaad.Cillealebakiredlg 11adinni,iolutt a L lit W. * 0 , 4 04 Boyfe. E, Jai ,Ilicestia. . . - int - NceitNast a. Cl. comet Third and Awl s t ray. 11 . 9 n ms lunar saLur mullet : mazy Caw& IL'Oaket Thlid and Wslnatits. b'aOitimascure oa ii 4161 mil of the mid. - - • • ! 1117117214.54V:f t rtxlll7o:_ r =ou Marchaadida Mona Patina' Paeoses.24- ;;. • • • . • . AIWA OP Z E CCirrairr. Nyman bum. trout isise.rmary lots and Lanais oe4akimi Bl Philadelphia Otty e p woe MOW 27 BlPnonlvaala elate LOW 117,9111 &comm.— a __ _ mow 42 Mood* Moitgegee dad Real llet " 7"to i 66463 26 j/11/4/014 Spat oeat _410:40 lo TOPMNIIM ataie 6 aroma WOW OD !Mocks Le Penna./4. Y.Or and titearano•oo... 244411 . &haat elan at grades, Preadolor oil Kith jj. Azi Roads, Intend othardobto duo OoJ Clask oa hand and la Beak. • DOB 41 • • .• • • 6604 r 61 mwu Idarthr. 1 . 4 .ru1d a. &ruder , Tb.csdh. PeoLtizic Jaka Parra% Jotur CL Davis, leaser 11:niqtratr, MMus Dm, Jr., Jinn 0. tad, WU= D.Druhrlir, /mph H. &al, Dr. Ihrricr, rake rit lArtier, Mario, Hillry, elablost /I.lltober, J.,. Peatutoa, Retry Stash .;• Revue Denintoo, R. Joan Brooke, rook., Robert Burtou,,r.', Jacob P. Jolter, -; James D. Joabas Pape,; - -John R. Aorbrast*Atilto WEitortsbe R. Reeser, §. ; TIN, Predate ,;;; BARD, Vim Pre d. sktent. P. A. IfIADIERA,'Lgeog Warm stmt. Pitttbergb. Bum U TtIO 3 MW!. Boastary. Ward:-42.;23 No. . 121•Mortnen vompanT Olt 2227111112R012-. • mune Dons, Proiaits. Y. M. 13011.203, &mrstary. apt.t.D.coanarttommtniagait., 077.1.03,10. n Wa ter maw, obni t 00A92111114Fm1... w. eue NE 3 tilialrb %Won mg Ands M aumt'rmiat Dm Alabaman annat by thrb= oho Abbina none to U. annamin. malt lobo ababnainalb by and alberattly. to natmacte LW character nal lak=mtmae.ma gra v y bba Plantaa Una 'Medan tobs imsared. ants barons 44, ieci, issooo ob il•cips• l.oX lao o. 4 3 0 03 13010 &cam; ' ' TACO 00 Cub OS Preeolam tfSol noun am mak 1/141:0QPitd...."174-0,. aorP Ankh lags./. Sem" IPEAradsaaa; Jamas McAuley.' *blinder Ipter. Asarn NaLtualal AIM M. Wog, Walla= II .lm Watictotno. r.x ooluva; - fin, Rube Ind labia inaralica.'-' runtelloz do.or•NORTH ..iliguOA ; PEUGADALPRU. Dicarw.t.d no6-04,4d.. . Assits,Jissara Tiossarihrt, ENO. , A. 11211171111.004, j. UO o TIM OTATE .01 MISHITLVAiIIy MUD . _ ,ILLPHLA. • Lompontsgt, Ast l "' m g. 401 # SOWS " 111 " 4 " li tit. wunotp rtax ANSUiLeiffil amo rarartkil"-(14 , • Zuto.O. aannitusa Koh Pa+ gu itlasersaobWaev elm &befit nil ReiLibp, C l l2lllll ateligr, Apniorr _ Philadelphla Miro Iliad. LIM .. • •'‘ I NIUE A 11011`1708P 11 Y. A • N 0.149 Clinsem E2itan %Teas the Custom 8049 •. Witt M'ilks C ra tai kbte, ° ,l e"Ameu W. Umltat, az every dosaktko .Proporti 01 1#srebs . raunamblacratas prsaluse. . , , pcm, Pa. ki.Ph 5. rguliCiSheratft.;ol.ll3 023 J.ll. Megulie. 1 / 4 P LIna F s . •miarr• • , • Cl. 03117111.lisid, corner Third and Wood asouta,' •Clanal lllames Wilful 'of Ilttibtfal , oases, - oor.LlMitket !Wan s hoes;; '..__.• -______- -"- Oicaistsoceo .- ' IT& Ja!aurrilholeisas. ' INIDIONI - MNANDPANS AND . - ~' Wilma , ammo Maas Dal alaiDaset• la Lao kr Na *lg o - OGNUNno sof , sal Ow isilpalcaMinch the at lima -- ,i .- - boor ate Laarid amtaataaaDsaNi try MIL . ~ 1 . .: Wa.jtopla. _acii.r. NI. ikon, .Zais. IL Cloopie t ," '...10. rtan. ' ' Mfg& FL 4 11.7.J0na, • a: J . J. TrambliAlta - R. IL Wan Jan 3.ollirLa.. W.O.Jacaxi 1: - iNlA=ai , 'BINAT J . t•FAta. , , ~.. .awicunirty =au: ca, com Erst • 1• - •;3 r or prirkantaciii. cre - -16. ; 37•P1fat - litrectt, Bank :Arna'rAGAltiST ALL' SIAM' 07 -lUD WED MARINI. W W S 0 JODI; Prirldam AMA , D. WOO= TIN Diaidea%'o. BOOK,Ds!niiirn Dart, intuam.vm.!, . Dlaxneosalays&sr. - AL Mow IliinoOkaile, ORK.D.D.Oisy,loha A. , W C hoa, ar.l , oord.oo. Mara Jacobi, E.P.Sletiloi, Doms.Babt. L. lielhour. 141110'. E/41.8.411! M)!Wi,3oy=Kii;Al Ls Steam aiii2 Atracmgwido asinmasii: • • LETTERS — PATENT stiettninted Sept LETTERS Itte. to IStoeue Bei* her a' very- shaele sad haprordadado Steen sae ateseepberto etteteltylhe hill wake ot the baaware le °Mame, ' ek, 3 = t Irma he the Oakum of the are at Iron to be huh. reeeed—ibreehy elacttos earl Immo et , power where large ideate of m aeal ead ere to be wasted opogsod tot The eatertores soe enters Of edit Weak mil en deep meat Wilma Agile to.aie emad seven et terrtkry cadet etutheteed. *mood et ora bha et the dim at MaleteGatiewell Oa = elle et Ls ,mire a Great sae .Dleneed arse% Herd Perlin tetedateelaei eat and see sad bee, ahatbe meta el Doran sob, to. P.& Ihelelerti Arwood AL I: ITIBUNK4., .bu e 'Dow cat; 1 4D126:nitiiOtipstrisas. • Immo maxima NUNS - 4 - • • .7' lams ithurriisciaz"CW 31 o"amunig4 afeelwu . No: 104 wooe d.--.'; ONDBISSbbIe.2.4.IOn =bt• -do" 'Z4 • RAORS/%iiVILLOWS-44 3 Undies'al lasibli hop itgamoseenarissitnr IS !MAW =OW ' • ''" 31 . 10 bite, I ibettla Ite ale - wow u.coLzgai '.: . 'Z: : J' . : -. ' , :.7:f.:•`;:i''': ,:, ',t.::',:'. ll 't-'.il T..-i,:'4,',•,--ai,:'.;;-,g.:1.,'iz,.42:::..;,,,4z,-,•-•,if IMIIMII! ===M itliatliantous Cabs. - - c Pena and Cases ftwao epauisizamareAiti red A. • eittss abroIGOLD - PLAYX ; 7-:::: - laza at the "batted notice, at V Luletatceeta,.coM tae,. ie 'ciesumi 11'Wutlk ' Yan' tbrtug out of thoulty, bllTiong Pew to ttfah;•esti ttma4. 2'll. PITZ eaTruca a Co. git - .. RATS,. cAps, et .1. -iv .A...wr , G 43'0 3, 13,, OBILDLIZJits L'AICY Wait ..lagrmaidandaratiad at Roka at s ui Wolk : . H. s laillorman & Co.'s. PABRIONABLEI ' 'F*T -;ESTOEIB. No. 7S WOQD STRUT. rota nupor.---Juraisir,ona—:..sarawn s:wt , 'W:IL . SON; .CA,ii li . ,E, 1:1-0;, =,... _ , (LATX, WiL3II4P.ILIVE & Co) .• -• ' Wholesale Dealer* Dealer* in 0 .113ESICEIV as 2:11021C1218Tia Dirr GOODS, - . II il. 9i viraOdsirait, '- __ - id bonia above piamputadAil•y. JA.M.6O : 7i. OLULDS & 004 HOPI cloms Ku& ALumzin' War. SFA MASS' BAGS, SNABUnGS., 32 inches to 4,0 iztateit, wide. as left at IL ,Childa ie Colo, 133 Wood fittaborgtorill attentlez - =WY Lucifer Oaf Works. LLIAIII Pd WO . OLRIDGE, mug lIMITUtin 07 @AL: ARID CA.RBOIT OILS AND Dann LAMES, OEU2INEYB,-&a.,ac., I `Ol, 39 Market street, • Buries. Samo a end Third. . 7 1 - xi_- • 13.1410 - JOHNSTON, F ALMIlki PUEEIDRUGS AiD MEM , Lulli. Perftuner7. Minor Goods'. timing Fluid , i.), lisamuy Medi. crates, go.t o os - stecttypreme spmity, INA% be allbee " ! comrade mums= 41 . 1) . . ni6gra ars, .. . . Plillibilialli,Pli. • ' - Sr eerefsyystsees44 a Sr kneri4ft 1: mum us Vat. at Miners ktio2wooat.l apaa 44 BnewnAßAs t 18.6 to Unita Ationsolsl WHOLESALE Dm A !NU IN FOREIGN mViariallr " lanalnirTßl ST.ltAta, atm. IMO. cum OW WoOd 2tOtabonth Ali Comer of ll'onitti Rad /Eitos. street% . •• PITTIMOtaIt - I ,' .Mat forth. matt Add ail. of I: Qoth•zelt.orr fai.r.t - _Hops cautatta b atlr toad and firiotaldoi t 'nun sod toad pi& sairforlahticattu r sod Mot or vorixtosi imkoorth be mold Low for Coati arid Coati Vale. WELL% "JELIDDLIC 6 . 00 4 , 215 Liberty et, Opposite 611 i„ Pittobary,b, Ps . . I V MPS, LABIT I NN AN D . SWITOILEB, gadmq d =r -adaltad IDED nose.. artadas Mao las buts, - and aucally 114 ' Paaaor scarcanaa - - laanacia OJAAMT4IOII , /l p ec A TO o la ss alad z a . D n i. a sad Deans a Bacon, Lard, Dried Beef, Aim ilium:lp Pork, Fi fi-,19 iamb meet, near raw% ratieersa. WI . P. tridBISHILLL .._ Anaconda lab dalval of -j . -,... • NEW WILL re.Pzies,. BORDERS, &0., 1 ja7 No. 87 Woori Beano.. • . • . Alqo is REESE, . PI U DEAL= in NPAL, DION OBE, AN glli.SP IRON ' D WRAP MEL, OANAD/AN GLASS STONE. DPIAPININ—OOIINEN Opitr.o42.ANDBzurBifiam rar/Ctal J. /41131.1ALajam ki.11jtki2iitt dy CO..' tOdexcisorito 17.4h11.44p. Jra - • lIPORTSZO AHD Eubitriviatm: A D..CIITLSSY NO. 101 Market street. ernmusixateu,rA. [ukatti •_L c*.aws ,, Maim; .11. n AIIDWELL e BRO., . T.,.. Iv _.- BOAT NUANDILINBA AND, DiIAtN6A DI DrAp sad OateanOadagr, ~ • • • Oakam,Dur;Ptich,Baiin 664011 c Dart, 1686 A sadDsaryDratings, gr.. _- • • ova* • .No, 66 Amor ami 76 .Pred /16/664 -, .1"INS 000,1)13.—_ ...- • _ .. ...i .. ,- ,ED .O,OOLD winnia - ilutaN nuicaLa WORE AND GLORIED DIAMOND new ORE :• , . LAMM' GOLD WATCH= AND WAIN& Ellirar Ar tialm 66 • aminiNibliw 11* , SINADAt 11661646. Rep of .76vela7, In can; J66,...Ametolst.tre4A66 61/#66- Dope and Dowels 6A. passaatation: Gold Head 0.66666. ' , I , • • ,_• 80.6 a 00,, Apr!. Is ; '' oortar of WaBIOUAADnd Marto awe: $2A211. 7¢ corsamit.i.swllLYGlM/Cr Wain WALLS% sIW.. -101itilJb - ( SUOCOSEtt. wCART; imam i Imo.) ha lity WOO 4 street, soma ktoomacr 0n.% make tit AU ki.d 3 of BULtS, R214.14V5&5, . • ' ZrA hags oammtaam of the aboto food[ . • mLt . Y. itAIW 11i t iu 19144. havin .ours fl ,ot raPar Ixthem boa conntry &arm, be ea et se hetetobwe ie ri tidbit laver, •mbrdtlas the --.•••- • T 1.; 0 W 0 A to • I JAIII/gli- 0 WALINSI,' - ' • • • salifirptioo WQRSAR. PLUS AND riLumspA ss.ugemuzs ova tousamerre of in kio6 - tiyiithilt • dil otden left et No.'9l*Dobirtse sliest; biz doors froth . • Willa, wild Palatet's Well raper Ebro; Ito: Id Wood rat to pilociptly attended John .• fIYNgZPSIA AND UONtsTIPAILIJA.— Pezbape theists both. thIEL m, etbbleat to relletlag them allthetas ea tnsi simple feline luttien by Unmans or Amebas& 1.41. of dlbettleb, Daht ePoll gm - w bletlb" bottitloss. *tht, the aralents' emblem for 'thew. purpose.- le!ettintppllte of bothjan teed. - •, Joe ' 4 , • - • J. I, 4ILICAD,IB. littt street. " • KNiuts. KING; Jilio 10? 1 4 ; .I.IL of !Me m. at. Mug, Ruthaikew boa* aux l olol4oo,4a. Madame 10 Finkklicasttnicts,sus1.4 9 ..=, g°4 awrd I .B°?. 41 / 2 ,4- VAiratteet,. - . errrastramc I)trini, BENNETT, BiXtRICULalif, CRUM AND MCO OT L. • ' CnifiD wawa 2 as flo UNosfo:fot7. moor of WaeLagtea . ttlld 111 " ja " n ". , ° "o"°.°FP° { # l /11,4faVa• A RIMS Manufactma l ,i2einir vuji woograte jacwf pe. t4 1 43 7 1.tup La IMAM= insAutr'ato,. W 8. LLAVENis_prepared.. koluzoiah • JUNTKlrirMATEaraLßv.9trxlANFrytioa. IPPOLTI I OLOTILey of _bettaiquality istid jj at banepdw than .41ml:we In t• ••• asoaaaasoao.zwinnin.,N. AliDitaiuraL • -BALPH. ''' . cr ItMaatoOtras.Barsbuggr,l•l 4 •turcpans =- nun DAAWINGiI . ad *Fr lilt lands acthikili. sad stspatinewtstlkdra iiisacetas team ' - el!" B A 113fp,:rwt, - -- . . -.. , 9 1 nP, Bins - 41i6/.1.1a6 7thbt ,., / _ 4iinii . , ~. .: • arrnveruarr.e' dawdou,. work ii gr ... 1 kr-bdiaptir an* , rePayd I 1 _,- ~ _ • : “ . , "?de'S.Pita a lhic ,_ EGIGS•La lohls. freikpaoked " • ' ...-ANGOIII43. "Nallfbiontlegnot; rN OIL=4O bbla. lia A .1,7 ' . W ears,* otiaoi bitrenz pat ilK listars ' ad kW r P 7.1 :-, ' 3O.liX SAWN I .Maa 0 - . --- ._( . ‘ , 1 IMO 10110.11Orrleta,-7 W4 7 '7r l _ muszzzoitcraci:wi *..ab s Us_ 14 ("ream anctOodisior, do ors.-do " poreTo 'Sr, • twited • • .. I'ETBOLUJII-100. • : 141.p.114) Ari a / 1 419E1A ja; lalarlriOt • • , 0 1 1! • -;; • ; ..• • ' . tsur&B 1 011 - WRITX„.146H-400 _ - lattuig.pia rucelftltail for italis Yr , . . "aMum CIUBSD-11Alr tag. and* , aid neared and lbe ish - - - m 4 buswfarmaa .16-Nua :_~_ .~ ;>Y -~ .;:c - -'.-:.:-: . : . , - :: . .. IR)Is: Retimd: egitter s . Ibrairtur y 1. axuaninD *co: