... , ::::...,...,...1,.....,. ; . ~., ~...: ... . ~. .4, T fCI ,::::,., MEE= EsfititB.llEll, IN 1786. coinimcifir it thj4 " RIDDLE. ,„2 m N 0.183 kteOUI k fre, st ntgb 31.1t°11Ain. AND "/118.31°3 TIMPOCailly , wil4,l!,ei wams.....nnthi-waits..stratien WIII2I r. -, .... _7 .WEIIINZ-BROTIISI34. ‘ - C m o i s RWAUDING: ' 4ND., , POISE 810$ ~, I - ;milsomorra '1. , ,, .1. h: MAUI .141 D ODU01161111111•11.14Po,1196 &Molls, trot . 'suaoyza,- comnfi,uliort bl eMuuit; . 088103 OLL9;131048, IRON, NiILE4 118.183 istbsititB 1181141•te. G. GlRlVF&aftitusaior Idauniarr, and • "Mg mai mama. N0:283 .Laberty eltreet„ • prittausau.ViT " W.* 11.33 . I (UM ieciazass • -*mums L.0:),F1371 6 "r 1 P"t""1. 010 , 414 Ml= 110LEBAJ.;E GILOOERS i Wood and 13treets, " PITTBBUB:CII4-Pl. /01111. *VW.. MILD MALL fi acirref /..Ito .- TJS & CO. • JIL.O 74:..8 8 1., G sitio cQA(NISE.ION= 41EliallANi'8, Nozgee of Streets, -. pals& I —tED ° 22I Tor ia " I 4 ,74I F ART . rwlessliOncerskcanksionldmharda; 1 2 ' JOHN.B. WIB4OII 1 JOHN -T3: . 43A14)LU11J) . 11 - CO., Cottindialini and Forwarding Merchants, egd.wa4f d. p.m= th- s- - WESTERN' 11 ! ES.EBVIVCILEE6E, burrs; Lan#, - koldt, naccutsunnt, stia Past Aami, &Wasp, Liana' lug LAIOII4 Inled Inn saB rroduarianemill•VV" i NO. 141 and 143 Front its Pittsbunrgli. ' sutras& A ND : mtAiis. ViACnikt.: GRAIN PR01,1130111. Ilbartr se F.'. 142. I . prrpstuaan, re. ,C l b4te salad. of nout. , . for 14k.es sad /sadly use. ecastaatly 04' baud. karticatar attautkm pad to SlUng admix. gerelumtllsegeporally.. cocelyd oseasta---,---cues. Calollllll6 CHADWICK Ti SON, C 0 21 A1'38104/ . 211.81(0114.11T8 DNALEILB IN PAPEIt AND HAGS, , tud aPhpljet the sale d bishoning Fin Brick and Pot Oily. ma. 149 mid 4sl ásow, sat Bath, rlN&elitt INN.Prtiovieg raper tieededuzere Octet C edyd Cub pita tor Nee. !Maas LIMIUMI.-111.11.1/OMI P. mere...Witat. SPILIZUKIL iIABAAINIII & CO., 09 and ISSION : DIEBOIIAN TB, DBILLEIta WOOl, Ilidete„Prolisionr Praitica tionorally, Ito. 209 Llbe4so Street, Pittsburgh. Ate faANUEL B. 114)Y1) lc C0.,,_ r. ••• • • CATAILSII3.IO2( 111LIIIIEIABTS, Led 441 m to flour, 9410 sadPr9datoqa.nallY• 142111112;_ratteesan's isw Rock, Oppadt• Os" ' Passengst - /aritgaums. . FAIINEWTOCIK' CO., WHOLE dale Draggidta and' Sbantacturata, of Widtd Lead, tJilijland Idlldage,sccOr:ldix4 'lndAhddri, 4drezi4 Mr. sinewy". Immo— lungs. 4-111tJLT.4 9!11041034LE AND .114 i.Usiel.NFT0 ,411 4t*M, and P."(ndr ()SEM FLEMING, (SUCCESSOIL TV L. Wirmr. cio.)corwar ELvlusatrost and Dissizta4 tarp' Loustently ott h=4 143.4 so.pkt. uoetm..tof Dru lua to m aukudoseb.4., rednpiernand snc!"P". r. r° , 1 ' 44 ' 11"1 . 6 , - ."-" 117 ?wlarF4j.:4 E. OEO. 4114YSER, Druggist; 140 cod street, cotoir,at Wool mod worOdmip ditch UUN P. 2RIOTT, Wholesale bealers in teP i..palatal, 01* Van:lpata sad fte Ltd% 21,61.96 /Oat, swat, . 1.111 olden will recalls prompt. atkulion. zolat minatt Aintta• wu+itskWAßD. gT.vn PROMISSORY NOTES, idaripssmia at leettlidall ittr EtiOff.y. r.a/1""tr14°10 ba "8"4. Mane wideng to Mut their momyto petidestAiss, pn slew And, CM ant Ascend dr paps, saw stilco, for issinnissi *ad interderiedict4 =425034111•1XT Wilikla,oppoctita Si r Paariathigna. . . ~,„ • foblice--i dg,Gl?*•• • IF-riggs-#42 tJ ? - • .. XEKOU .111;441.1.NSON; Commission fonnthlioi Morilial47 &Odors is Waiters' 11. ". • • sorra ahem; floor. 1104 Buie% Waifs Lansom3 0/1. rot • • Mut koszkAshm Etaloi"Grolo. DIU& .Itralt. and. Praists B 4 m l Wvgdo Irma, Maas always cm lowa. , zany. tor Ltm solo of Ittodkeon oliebrated Patfratod • Hi Ocob, Nesllll kiticontl bitthiso rod oudtmlthffeld Oa, • • •r. 6 • spt.lyd CBIBBSB . • WABELIOULI • BY 111. 11.1 OOLLIATE, Forwasilnyd dad Cloadabdon itsmiumi,dad SOaWdt a d . d m Che Do ,Bottei Um Ihd n Prdue geddraUd, &m Water • idttabore, min you, &v. i ni • 11Ei a MELIAM; NO: 01 - WOOD'IST., bbilk.re Diaaumei Allay andlocult igni•Gaibl• A . CPoll CHICEILRINGIirter tßartos_ )1IIMOLROBLI: Mr • - 4 =MUM :OM.. EXPOWW dig MOAN WNW, am! Da4rm Mode ood kiosks* Goods. 111.K.121BEErarl[RO.i-14.7.6 - 373rikili ' ' Era, Elan - oft/to GoidaoldsrAdoho Apar totGGIM ~... Si ridMiirlCY Wow York) imirWad Grand mod Nom i MGnn, • , .- . ANOWand GAMUT a RILIGGIAM'Et m =GA ains t - = ' and 9"24 sl • —..tu r t, 114D..21. , rousEresasa - -.% ; • ..-, : Ileita,, 714/datfl. 44 1 sufert , • - Goa aria Pisa. lorry and la ado .' .and nodal Instramonta: Ws lona lbscnaLlAMlUllo ild-GoB,atio Go-HALL" Walk i 00.11 Baston - Yrasoo, . 41 " 44 wntwat""° l ; 4 ! Po% WI ito".• BROK;lk Alleitheriy Ruin ranarompiai, , • _ - P r ,-.J01448, .agens Pi tea - Antorias, Nue et ParnayireaL eat ipitucced lasarance ANUBL--ROA.;- Bearetarr CEdzetdlosa p.: eoraer-IWartif. lad Water att: JALUIDINSB, 001101; Agent ibi Friatk-: un 2bUsUlpbbl ladliklisaciaermax blarthwinta cqraer Wood and .Third littredi — r, • • • r - F.DoN:seuzetauvV • ant•Oaakpalk7,9lWaitustnet. S _ i'.l ~' .~ .. ~. STD GOObli. ' ascp.s. =Wu Bintoinagur a & CO., Cencoesim's tour N. vbj li-130:115•14. WlRSiumk . I - • and Ratan Dallas in litsplmuutruclitil 0.09, ffertioiort con= Antth am! LOYZ,Petildt - in dtaple and Fanny %le Dill ficia d le irou i -ths Mend Ito lbw No 14 1010 PALMFA tila. 105 - Market &rock Doily, findisto. Bath ClearTelmsobp, "ittrawilderalls. tunimingr. Org. I'OSEPII-LIORNE, Defiler, in.Trimming4 Astrokrk, and i Maur Oak* IT Minket st, Pitla bud.. . - ciiiitaLES 01Pli Eft, Dealer in Dry Om* Emtici4erka,ll4 IS Embed st, attabarib.--avlb BUBB., Dealer in ladies' Theis Uoodi, 'orreofPrhateardera aulfdirl. 11 , gbeet olarlirt filer rdd tor /CIO- • arrow Oil zod all other poiroaues ingradluall Gua folly .:tutted by• pr 0..... and Itopnrred. oela -JOSEPH F. .11AMILTOR & CO., Corner First and' Liberty Streets; • PITTSBURGE.P.A. MASUPACToKERS or - SUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES, mi udr mncrtlt.SUY. &s. • JOHN OLIPHANT et co., L5c.9.131. Or F. U. .•7.1 a t +• AVUFACTUREBS OF uqr PRESSED 4.11.111:178 ADD WASUIIM, Charm,- Ilulso-FAve Iron and Nall Zods, Evan Iron and Mom. FAIHOLIAS4III IkioA( Waltlitt, /APT= CO: PA. 1131:17d Warchouse, No. 11.5Vca4 at, Plttsbargh. EXCELSIOR GLASS WORKS. WOW/L.-F. T. PLUNECTT-....T. CASICBISLL. 01, F. 13, , P-LITNIVETT k 00.,. O&M? JIAATIPACTORSR.S. Warehouse, No. 12 Wood Street, (Oman of Wintt,) PISITBUUOU, sep&Ayd • C0L1MM.P.......JVH11 I. t➢alt—AVO. eaqoutics. ADAIR & CO., • • mutvracrtralas or • OA/1110b! 014. 4SO 44111/lICATIIIO . . . 11rIng Igloo to post expense in building oat Itedriers aturAtOot It op wlthi ma n 7 Isuprovemanla oot pal:Awn. to other Ballners,tra teal sore Mat oar OU comet be tor prowl.. It la clear aod .brfilleat, with all dieted.* o dor moored.; .She prat Illorolostor made4vostaraly on hued rad. tor tale at Our dace, luitreveP. Mork. Pah Wltet totweetiltarket and Wood •tit. . I:1 • fl fri macutpTosra,MMlS PE114.1.0 & COii s tszid:lo'ltaris Streets. • Wear eV Water Werke, • PfTTSBIIRGII PA., ;•', •MANUFACTUTtigES MACKINTOSH &WM P 11,11.118 I.6IPCOVLD PAST= OSCILLAIt War 1111GUITS AND RUDE Verrtta °rail ate• and teat ortyle.• • Ilsetod pat rip Machbullet large tepidly end of the bed qoality, We atop:epe alO. do beery Jobbing. wad so.' Bit work Oa We Lag L - exicr Eet. PromPLAO =I the Wender of oar werk,Eemerit pubLo pscronage.Vie he dee rperda aneaeloa to oar BALLAVOAD VALVE 08011 e LVlEolllsol3lEl:l4laWaLlalairodriatesee bereadbre onattabed la Oda elan of Zoginew . . Air Juan with Ann power wad dio9llgL4To Idt MX= - VITILLIAM BA 11.11111.1. ak. CO., . , , 61 F ern:et ; Way Marburg. Pittatrarg4. • • aillAg BOILS It 151111ZEItS AND SLUMT 47 Vaal Workers, Illisstsitimrs Barablti's Attest Bonsr, ILicamotlys,7lsadasul Plillader Potters, Cbicasel s, 11 ;stems, /tie Bed e Attia Pipes, Cloisdassem Batt Pass. Baps Patst.ltesaYawla, Lllalkats, eta, , Watk, nap sad Viaduct Irma, doss at Us aborts@ soPlaelanalthe. Alt , ardent Crop sllblUsatper.sptlsttendcst to. • iltlctztußs at'itaa. :0M , 1•LI. LEVI 4 ick.l.4e•reftTalis.suze.• • . - . • •• . . • • TELE • lINDF.RSIENED 11 - AVIV& THIS .441 formed I 00-putoanhly lb* cxecUa of dim JOW( af. KIit6PATILICH.. _ . J9AN al4kwzi. •. • _ • . IVIRKPATRICIK & MELLON, 1 " . .A.T'Z'q RN:RI - vs Ax zro. 123 loattl;Street, I doers above Smithfield, TOIIN D. KING ILTTORNIGX ..11" AIM CISNZIAL bo#tirtor,, 14240, canon Coanti. ;MK,. sung EA, S A.TTORNRY .AT LA' V 1 No. 139 Yotirth•ot., LIU , . Building, J 4 _ PPITEDUVOIL PA. 14E-.; tra •-• Ila i xonroDy Office, No. 72 Grant Etroot, 11. M. SMITH . , Aporuey and Counsellor at Law . DUBS'S LAW BUILDINGS, 11E612 Dismatid Streo, Hist door to Elt. ' , dor!. ‘l3. lIODI AB EWINO, Attorney and Counsellor Alm caw trei. ISO roar tronet;comi men, alley, ' Trmsuitort, r.a ialtdiml3T , - - gitimittutt. - .i.too a. unrga...3.1.:... - tiggi: ii, tbirsoZ.....-tfAJENS L.1(117 g e. 111 , . ore Inie -111 GO s• • aLLIRIUTOW.II O 4....? ' ' . 1 117BNITIIIIE- AND 011.4/39 Of Evory Description. 1AC410,2..-lagratß4/ s ritupe Ifylle nod inina. liunw _inrchonte—ht.lB & 40 Smithfield st,, EV12: 1, 30.AT CABIN FUFINhi:IRE—Wa an'ecatauntlramt STEASMOAT WETS 'isgul.ollATES, rod In Ite Mennen :1n crl Qom lutereitadln,WaPagogla4L. . - . ,-, -.-.-- -; • ~ ~- -.....!. iStititaille. - ,' . ' .. , - ..' • - ...............-. . ,- L ... , .........- , ...........-:,..........; L ::- tIgNINSTITIITE; - • , E - 11/ItCOOlt prßtar:iniaii:kiisit. .. i.... a .• a )110NDAT, 114.14 dsrot !OPT/dip* limn 121kpeel .., odmqll7e,akintbi, - 44, lIRIATII, ~ ~ f'J ABEET BROWttS-40e6 rextived fresh 11,3 ;ao! No. 1 Claret Rrootai;.rootoroinokkotoo.looo BR sod Illekory 414 llorotblzor Broom', for silo at, Um tw017 . 1;, poi , JutINALBEN/S B AW:- , , 14111 ". • meow I.ltom sertligur:l quota jLIMBRit--150,1)00 foist Linalmr for j ads by ajuuraticunft: '.',•::'.'.'.••-;.• •:; - •.:':„. 1., .•.:::; , ,.:.':::.','.'' , '-'-- - f- , : . -1:=.:::. , ._!- , :;7::. , ..: ,,, •::; - !,1 , _ 1 „: - .L'' - -'..:_A , ',1.: 1. :.:i. - - - - :' ,,, : , ..... ,, :i. , ; i,'...". , i , :1:,,•:: .-- .--:';'.'..,;,:.',:.- ' 4. '2.*:,' - - I ' . ~4;4'441:4:-',-,:;.',e't.',',7':',-''t''':tt',E.t.4:4•,',ttt•,,,...7',,',",,•:-»... T - 0 :m. PITT - SDUR H. T- POLITICAL NOTICES. 101'011.ASSO011aN 417DGE.—WM. - N. 10:11(0111 , 1111.1), of ZodLlooffy, Nobleo fry dealp ! =Week &c i s, Sou of RosiblicoaCkunty 0061415. toy9Stit, .FOLL EENATOkfr—DANLEL L. EATON %my bet eusbaldetirfor state Otnetor;subjeet to the deefefoo of the Repaltran Covoty Oooventioo. ai;10:16 IWFORAIORONZILBEN NET, LAKE he th Ward, hut, been "legtalatett ooff of the* Z i elz to ersibb es ..aolectot a bx the psoptei be Rupp% riot far (bigot, inflect to the IfooPohihoth Soto' lastirg GoOreottoo. , „ . mylLte .irtatONEl3,--MILTON 11. WIJABS, taTa" of Neville township, will to prenameett se • raroll6st• for Comm gof Atllegbily want), antdect to the thiPtildthen. Nominating Oeuvention. • •Phm COKUIVER.=-RREDEBIO BEBE, Irgr of the Thtra ward, PillahurelnUO be acanthi the for Caroller, eubJect to the dada= of the Republican mh Mutt, Cony entice: kate Ka COUNTY T$ll4BOUNN,— , t. 11107 D tka geoced w ird pi tti b tra w will b e . hndldatefoetheabotaa l is, bekiro the Republican Igo. luting Couventlea. ap2:l4 IE - PROTHONOTARY.-0.. W. 0 A It ItOtiNekt the /Mt yard; Pillettragh. will be a care Mate ter;thesbeve otaesorallect to the deaden of the Bepublieatillounty Ceavonthea mj2l Ig*IYOR'VROTUONOTAUL-DANINL .I.I4I4OSSONG aril: be a cotodidatip for nomination tea, tne.tiati mp 4 t. PROTIIONOTARY.-N . PATTER. 1304 of ths 130=hhh of Etrolloghsm. Is • candldht• for the Oh to of Prothonotary, 'object to the deablon of Me Bopoblleso Cloorsotlon. • - • toh4tto, ggOR.• PROTHONOTARY.—Iehtee WALKER, Jr of Ilioblcuots Sown.hlp, boo esa4ldato ?rota:Warr, subjectto the Ilsobllcao Ogovention. YBOTELONOTARY.--JONIL ISTORRI, UYY eciit illeatiein will bee elediesie, elselegfto the decbloo of the leepeelleenOoereatiou. • totVada *Mr *filial.= Township's iotiolldtte far Protbonot. ry, tohlot.t to the &cid= or tht -ll.Puhlicah ooutt.tbn• rWPROTIiONOTARY.—JOHN G. OUR TLij of dflegiunty,etty. .• candidate for FtoILOOO tem webpsh W the eltdden t„: /i.ephbiicah Ocrette 'Oottriutt., - • 4.18Ae 110PAOT.LIONOTAitY.— eArTeust .. - n - Atog, of tipper Bt. Cliff . toirarbfp, mks Oa rot. of Irgi•friends to obuda tha ttopablloso nomluatlos for Protium:l42y of Allegh•or county—the fallrollty of kir tart land tiolallorrleg him Orl opportFaty t f banning tbiousiniksroll imolog Mt 01 AIL • - , i - to fr.....Y.R,UTIIONOTAN.Y.—D. U. HU LIZ, of Eoatrdea To nublp. b• mandato lot mato. tloo to Ito Oboes office, ooloJect to thodoefol.ot of the ILI pub. MOW ClooTealloo. felt= PR OT LION OTA B. - RIOIIAND Vitt, .1 Reserve icennahlp, int be eeppoetal tor the oboes oho, slanted to the Oacnton of the liepubll• can Coueentlen. - if Ja te hod from,. COON br ,OOMM180LONN&- JtINVISSSII ol Match Township ; vill tao a candldele Go• County Joinmlostonar, salient to the no. onbilcen Compd.= te7lt.to COMBUSSIONER.—JOHN u , c7 *iILLY3y Yaa. of swam., will to a caw:Usti kw U. atm* atilLiy. au to the &winks at the Itscatttilowt Claw attow te.s.o f.E'Oll. COUNTY 00111MINSIONEN.— DAVID COLUMN, of Penn Torruitap, LII bs • son. die &talon: Wont, laoruntookolor, Want to the Republican Coaveatiors. atylarto Z. rrtillo TON, of at• un'taltaabtp. la • cati46lat• for lit. IL If amt. au. d sett elected harr.sura to pay 60 pat orat._of lb. COI profit. 01[11441w fat° taw Ckulaty Throaty fai lb. an of I. county, and .111 azacata bonds rathfortory to the Joefips of tb• Warta amazon :Pk. for compl with the proporttkon, • r..EUrrta %mei ,r at SaERIFF.--;ADA.IR WEAVER, t Brientb Illtabaisti, ofkr as a naadidate L.TEllatiff of anoghtny *may. rub/act to abe Kepalklkaa Coarenthla. 1• . latttaataairt O.IOII,ISIIERLIFF—IiENitY IL LEWIS, of phirpalmrg. coadldoto for Elarill of Alb gimpy conly, =Nett to Mil IlloyabllctocootToActiOost• IL".SUIERIVr.-'llltliii:T WOODS,' af Par ur".. 44.1toranbip, make tin wtm of hie Edna& to of taia ttur ileputiina nagednatiou to *raid at A/Wm) , Ouon Sy. Lam Ovulsaal will an Wow blartheoppatualty of Witernies a congas %MI /11.4111tbao all. tAksto Lt".7SI.I6KIFF.—JOIIN. AMEN., .of the vw' Mandl gmrd, Pitabungbanli. be s amaldat• he the above officp. subj.% toles tiscialas of the Repablift.o 0013 Et ty Ooarnalos. . • • V• . -mbs.to obstitatier..;--JuLLN AULLISH, of Eme lairtty, CollPsa Ulm** le • cm*. Me. fo /theri Alleghelly cusinahealdert te W. declaims of the 'Repo e lk. thmuty Cthiventith., , . tab eto b Li Efiltraho. friends of Gen. J. 91WLEY. of Collins townstilp;seepettlalb wlts his tfilmin4stion... UM ;whits ecnipso; bah to his mnotty end psttq,wsil•haow entries sal anxiety to meet patio respect, entitle- hi. slew ;newsy cosaidoration. At the ems Uzi, he tatides is the dis{stot entitled to this oaks. rorx FOII.9IIEBIFFLAUGH S. FLEMING, tomnbip, entj?cl to the decision of the Bopere!ksti r. -' .. • • feuto EinztifMP. rrEET,II E TE , AC:411:4 WITHOI7T PAIN. I I* BY INC MN OF &kJ *mums NEWBY NO DRIIOB OB aALyeNio Rarrigirr 4.u; Ccld valuer to the time when thriayyaratna can be cool to ha beat advantage, ' Xtedlcat gentlemen and tbedr &Winn hive lad thole feet extracted by my prows, and art ready tett:olly ea to tb tee notes. and yeinterraen of the oyeratton—pbeteve bee beep Mkt by peptone Int* need to areprUpg the eon tsar,. laming Do knowledge at my room iuserkd In every atyle. Coppay, Peryttint.. • •• - •:113, Saalitheld at. joszpn - ADAI4I;i : DENTIST. No. F 7 ,1 First stilet, Pittsburgh. Itaxourlicm.—Dr. A. N. Pollock, Dr. Hillock, Tbsodon Bobbins. grassiell Irnat, VAttatro. .T. Home, Sign. and_ Ornamental Painte: AND OILAILIEB. ; No. - 61 Firm Srmr, OPPOSITA ODD•TALLOWa "[ALL, work an° bt thOu /021:114 TIo YOU WANT )VII;SKEtt: t 4J • • DO YOU WANT WITISKIRst DO - xop WANT A IIIIISTAODS? DO YOU , !YANTA' LITACILIS ' B E LI 11 I; 24'. auas. . . STIMULATING',ONUUENT, For the- Whiskers. and , lair: its" anbeartbers take plums In Antionnetnis to tbs Citi zens ol -the trattcd nessisclnat• sloryjbwr. °Wined tbs zone) , fott.ithd ltd newinsblld to east tbs Apsnicsn ontille,.tbo , *bats Jzstlf sobittrattst .mlO *n al ressonose aE snafpLATilli; onrOCIRNT , , . . •to pieriroa Cl. P. 414.1 041110. oliolooof obyfloloo of .Loodoff.ofol vionuatod tisiss Got • thick riot .ViIIIIREERS OR A 'MUSTACJIIE fh f:om fla6i, to six week& Ilia Wide V the out, One of the kunt deed )1101mb:16Na to Leedom es 4 Pule ft Se • It • • .beanilla*am= ka i ettlagi t.atlmnlating cinapnial, acting MI if m c y an lea nieta,eataAng a beautiful yrawlh al 'avid** 'lt .PO l4 In th* It rill corn Ilauisaaa, and alamtannlnil AP Plan Owe bald epoti • c.. gamin of new balr. Appliadacconllng directions; It will tarn rat erGrow:Aaardask i and rotes pro Mir A. It* orlaloal cdw, lag.llt.ott,amabtb and Its "Gaacarl" I. an Iwimpansiblii•aillnie la . ..very academes talk; .ad yaw tea wed:* inia•tbry roald pa{ for a*, aonidilatailon - • The aabcrlb.rdu. tba only Apart far tninelds In the llnitoil Stake, towboat all oral= AGA ir . addreard. , •Prini IlyA Della • .box—lar.sialal by' - all Drugging and paanusi - ar a box al the laNire the dabud.4act,)rtll ba mat lo say 'too .dads• it, by mall (dime%) wanly_ peke.; an MOS of price and pntaya, Apply Su oar SHldnals • : //011.60/1l L. IIIZIOLUAN s 00, ,••- • : . _ Tirile a t io. - a Ve+y gold 309. F/J1111)10, eiincr of turbot atm% Cr d ita; Diamuoa: - , •204mazAWy 11 Kt /CERISE.— ' 1 - 230 hhd.. 11.13ogar—fAIr !me. bOO bLbi. do bloocalloo 30,1 ••do . isontodßoerod 8111104 100 'do . do, .do . otandord Bosom, • • 006 bny yyly 1119 to choke 00394 • • • •do 110.3114 e - do ' 100 bolos owned broads Tobwo. cbtty bozo, linty - do 4d" • 33 3 bon' db , • 331 • 11 .4/tinivitder m!4, Mt* roi, 100 ae. ttiolda 04.4 1 .4' bb:wiakr airsitted Wbido 04; 10, do opolntgd Flab' • COO do 33fra wyl te al, my and Fancy 'logy, la II bto 'load artlibig $ od te by •far, jot IW3 arty st. our Woad OF•PITH.• , laige . lllolllllll64 1,7 Miters); ' lG 233 do Daltimor• ~ • : • 11)! do do 1 31 .'4 ioo ktbblA LskiThdring: . to" , do tat. rkb—?,l coo dl,ltumt tqr Atlas at DOOM sayl;"xteppr Pomo:lad .d 'Wiest et.; Pitt.l.-01, P.; FLooivoix t . .01,01114, arAitavy>.oll 00111/;!fr.iiispirein gran Oil Utah.lsi, %tea Qat ti , mei suds .cole4la lor:spili - low, at the -on Ote . myrafti imam Nova init2llBl. Clihatrwtl - ", • ' • DitODIJCS-441 bus. Po Am . in !lire . 6r' " l ' bs N Mint 184 tkeosul.... e (plilaTOM--30abtia: , lietti : laigaess3l4..AMlSWAlSlMMieltit = _ ME_ - RNALJ. • MORNING, JULY EIRSDAY (6atttc. PLIBLISULD Ilftilt . *ND WEEKLY BY . RID x. E .!5.1; P 0 Trim! cram, ADM. sworn:La. ..?I'TT6I3 I / 1 3d-,H: TIMIRSDAY MORNING; . 4 HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS. WAIIIIIIGTONj July. I,'ISCI l'Orward ltlcrriviciat at Han 4. PrePirationt for the great movement Which is expeettd soon to take place m Virginia, are stead ily progressing ati_Washiegton. Troop. Goodrum to arrive by thousends, and the grand army across the Potomac is swelled proportionably: The greet desideratum now appears to be means of tramper. tation adequate to the 11AUIll of the greatMt,body al men whielt hoe been collected on this Conticent, and ad. want is being rapidly supplied. By the time Congress is ready to lastslate fur the army, the army will be ready to more for the nation. No doubt need he eirtertahted that the enpprossion of the rebellion -will bepromoted vigorously and without halting. The administration done not in tend to lag behind the almost universal demand of the people of the loyal grates to move with celerity and *outlay: Zesty day brings us nearer-to the.- grind movement indioated In the despatches of last night. It may be begun at any time that the other division of the Union army is ready. The prepare: done here are ample, and .101 that is allat4d the signal of et:odious to tavoperate elsewhere. To.doy an order was given to supply the whole force op both tido of the poe mac IF it 4 rations for six days, in addition to their legator supplies." , This ledloates an expectation for a sudden movement of greater magnitude than the simple advaneii of out- posts. Three regiments have already been sipplied with theta extra rations, and will probably hi thrown forward in advance of the movemenr., From guctimond. Lott night two gentleman, Butiab sobjectr, ar rived thu city from Richmond, via ,Slarlolk. and Fontes; Adanroe t their nationality,; having secured their tracill mid immunity from tnelence. One of them, a Mr. Robin, wan chaplain of the Clay Bat talion during the "dark week." If the rebels had known this he would.4iot have escaped so easily. The other, Mr. Jame., in a gray- haired merchant, long midget in Richmond—a man when, until is beyond dispute. From the Iptier, though his lips are :salad to 'Cie number of armed rebels. in Wir. ginid, I wither many general items of insignificance. Ile says that there era unquestionably two . pallier fa the Suite, the radical Secessionist. exercising a kind of terrorism over the lukewarm. Governor Leteher and the civilian. immediately in bin confi dence are inspected of? r ing necrotic onauld to the rebellion. There uousequelitli a Warp, continuous epaulet between the civil nod military authorities. Governor Letehetir pawn ;p:o longer "safe c'ciodoets." A 4el4rea de e.uhtet aye. tam in in force. no LafflL'hut—.., 01 otherr.ponon maintaining ireedolp of speech a nd love of liberty, '" cap telel,.littiain in Richmond. Mr. James ICA because he was consbinly in danger o asmeirint• lion. The 'Staab coasts ;a half frightened, and half in the ret,el interest, and glances over the out rages offered to hi. lellowaubjecor of the crown. I. the meantime, the entire ejjectireneness of the blockade, resulting In great dtstress at Rich mond, has caused lend merman and disodectmo among - the populace. PrOVICOIIII are scarce—cur lee and salt menially so, and very high. Drugs ate anything but • drug; not hall enough for army purpose. can bet obtained ; .the Sauthern mock of alum' and Acids quite exhumed. Tho only ar ticle or consumption which can be obtained to quantaieele a miserable kind of liquor, known a. ”fluenetdenoli ar whisky,? Thetroops to the Ncrtb of Richmond, Under Besategard, Janson It Co., are truirenng the serer eat hardships and privatton. Arrest for Tampering odds Soldiers. John Rives was arrested by a squad of the 26th Pennsylvania Regiment. xesterdikV. an a charge of tampering with the soldiers, and inducing them to desert. A private testified that be wont to Rivet' house and caked him to Mahe o khepaach-box. Rives ashed bow he frinid. and he said that be did not got enough to oat. Rives then asked vitaen why he did not loam Re then went on to chow the advilhatagte of joining the Southern army, and if he would leave and go down there ho would loon tasks Mr fortune, and might Aarry h ;Leh pientei■ daughter. Witcoee told him he bad ao clothes to disguise blrasolf, and Rives gate him a dollar with which to boy clothes. I:actg.'s statement was corroborated by a companion, and - Rives ins tom- Mitrad fOr a further examioation. number of other spies have teen %Fretted within the last twen ty-four hours. Gen. Mama and Ills Movements The movements of lien. emits have created no enrprise In sr ell-Informed circles hem. Ten days ago he irrote to the War Deparlsainttat it would mem be imperatively neeeihriirtiira elnrcrmartial law le Balumore unite* In some otter way the act. of Marshal Seats could be clopped. lie ad vised his anvil and the-appointment of a Provost Marshal. This step seemed ao grave e ore toot the Secretly - A' aid g ot ;eel et 14.0.4 to authorise tt withopt a Ciweet consultation. A Cabinet meet- ininal held, tied ft was decided that tenthss some decidedly overt act was committed by 'Sane, it , would be ill-advised policy to arouse the :pint al opposition in Baltimore. Of this decteme General Banks wart notified, and until now lin tit.: been quietly watchleg. ' There can t.e no dopbi that c.'..netal Bank's has stopped oneof the moat gigantic and treaucabie plow of the'day. It is not permitted in to Gill) de. tails yet, though doubtless eacial report will be publiibed et this proper tone.,Suilice it to lay, that hatfthiarthat (Chanel been delayed twenty four hours, there would not at this writing be a continnotut line of railway communication between Philadelphia and Washington, mad there would not be as many loyal States in the UlllOll as there ore at this time.. Score. of Baltimoreena are bete to. night, full of blood .and theeder, and vowing amongst thetotelvia vengehncif on Book,. He can stand tt, if they can. It is gratifying to tics and hear the loyal men of Baltimme, who are lure from that city. They at Imo feel.tecnie. They thank the Government for stalthelet Banks there, and hope be will condone in the good' work he his so well begun. Their property, lives and °pinkies are now their owe. The Chesapeake I/1 0 0 ml' Ro3lect°4° • The brig Moro, lately arrivitlhere with a cargo' of /C4l from New York, brings curious news as to the effectiveness of the blockade of the Chess peake. passed the Cape. in open daylight; saw the fleet lying off Old Point, and cockaded irk the Bar withoot displaying her colors; nor till she had arrived off Acqttia Creek did any vessel of the blockading squadron take soy notice of, her. At that plaCe the Pawnee brought her to and sent a boat aboard. The officer in command,:expremong astonishment that the oriels papers "ere not -in dorsed, reported to hie !opener, wbo also boarded the brig. As there was no reason to suspect the captain of illegal intention, he was sent on his way, and the Pawned' boat took bock an acceptable load of ice. But suppose this craft had been en gaged in carrying arm. or munitions of war, she could have taken them up th e York or Heppe/ion. I nook rivets abet.no oda would have been theruser. In whit Annie Is this an effective blockade A Treasury Clerk Preying gor Rehrtr. Among the nierks who latest the ToUsury paruneniii orieforinerly a hletithdlit Meal preacher, born in Alibates and appoinud from Virgil:K*lw to retained,' although he refused to tike the oath of. ellagianee.:woo present a few days Mount Union prsyir mooting, over tibiae toe - f!raddeac or' Coltutbta college :044d. tsutly to test the , .Cheirmatee tepidly. • request Militant op that pray.l era might be offered';or the Union nun who heye been driven oat of Harpers Ferry. The chairman, who au : accused the other day or . 'fleabag 'signal. lights to the Rebels to he teamed on the tohiof the College—is Charge not proven—lntimalad that It *tight not be Inappropriate to pray also for cubing Disuakitaires.mon mar TrekittrYiderk ; end suaest i , l 7 c4 6 ." 1 -4" P te, et [Cri both 144 sad disloyal man=onn slime; the prayer - with a speech, in which he thanked God Aber his God was-not a metional God. YOin% Aladin, of New. York, a nephew Of the Vim , President, who has recently received an. appolotatentlo the samy, rajained in a speech whidh showed the, alloyed clerk the difference between' q section inalitaluing the Ouvernment and a 4101,100; defying . it, tu: tFahlpling dpou'llinitty end order s , ,iCanitresalciaal /Ulcers. . The crotteat for the Speakenhip anal the ether officer§ of the House is not 'to be a . protraeted straggle.' Whatever of contest there 0, will tej, mutate on the night of the 3d; for I. think the filar, rote on the Otb w il l none a choice: The friends', of Blair, Grow and Colfax appear to be; equally eauguilatt .r ec • i4ccen• So far, 111 outside popular 'mourner:it goes, it decides in laver of Shill —.his late gallant exploits In. Millwood and the sagacity he unattested, giving him a strong hold . open the young tad viliclrous men of • the country. .. i t ' he majority of the Sonata ,bate decided to , itt.' move Dickens CC O iO tiii_Clorkthip of the Senate; ;t fair to Mr. hitheridge testate that, while he acknowledges to • hive Interned Col. Forneyl that Ito was Dot a candidate for the Cleakstitp,-oti the day immediately following he withdrew . Mailer' and inionned.:lo4l that' he woo blithe. hands of his friends: Then friends 'feel confident' of their ability to l let; blot,' bat Col. Fornaps Dap. parlors area perhapi, equally sanguine. . .The Preadult Slam Against Conikonitse. The correspondent of 00 NOM ' YOtk, .7ribune again returns, to the ',abject of the fortbeinnieg Menage, with al. following farther atinwatioN - or lmS 4 ? 4 , ,-; t. Was are enatilitt to .verily end emphasize /Air declaration el yesterday, that there will he no ref. create tO any compromise, lot will the oaeation of Convention - be eta 'Waded to, is the I.7esidentlil mentge: - V6 thlak we are not wrong in stating Menthe .r.residentincepies the berybighesigrisand i n . , aaaat a, i g the polor el the Goveramedt. All.that thecoanitreasi ask of hint, heiond,this,li tole in fact *tin beta lb office—the Commander.inrChiet al the Army and and apply bis vigorous di; be has amptentoresi Whin strained, to the proaceation of the war.' - Western,Ciatoulaii needing ter : alas ea lf weary, or the Mini int the ..g.1,4 the aims_ gotilletaselitis rip his cies to the hills of the Weil, cud there lienof~ssacit encouraging 0, 4 a i m to moziopolfis'lia =E! -- glory of advance. The Indiana troops have already reac ad Bnarly, and are heading toward that center df all Interest and attraction, Richmond: Take °camp, men of war. The blazonry of our stars and strlpes shall yet float under a July win, upon the bights of Shock°. Hil ls. ftierdansents of Armed Vessels. The Anaosta lies in Hampton Roads, together with the C übelt d, Minnesota, and several pa. boats.. Th Reio~ute lies o ff Point Lookout. All c, was quiet a pith as Point, no attempt having been readout ert , ba teries, and no troops being visi ble is the olughberhood. The Rebels -having pot the steamer r GeorgO Page in motion, It is supposed ilia will atetthe Freeborn, now lying aftoo l oia ti Creek.:.The Piernee will probably return down the river to-mo ow. The lea-boat, with an armament or two 32• undo ls, a 9-inch shelSgun and ad-inch Wen dorm t rifle - Cannon . o Alexandria to-day, to relieve the pl i. ocabontas ' is which ordered to relieve iniareehor ,surd willdoubtlese attend to George Tbe hellelites Salgado: , Hon. Leo on E,Penton, of New York, had an interview w th ilie.Secreuiry?f War to-day, for tho purpose of fir ering the interests-of the so called "Sic lee B igsde 0 in which fottr companies fronilibt dis let hve etillsted. !r. Cameron said hehould lib a nothing to aay about a brigade: but that any re inenfrom Camp Stott which might, by their Co onels report ter dory, would be an cePiolli at pa aan mastered into service. , ' - - Illw See an es allow lin Closet{. t i, The Rich oed taper's of Thuriday contain the following o rd er fr m Goa. Beatirestrd forbidding any person *malt rto enter bin lines 3 _ Hain-QUOITLat Away or PdSOMAC, 1 '-• .. ! - Manures Junction, June 25. f Oa and el err er Sunday the 20th instant, no person , Whatever Ith or without . :pusports, (except from the War Dikartment) will be permitted to enter the lines o copied by the army of the Potomac with intention to paw thence or thereafter into the United Stale or the lines of the decoy. ELIO. %Cll. BLAITIM.CIAILD. Twos. JP41416 A. A. AcPt Gel:. • Word Cl to iffee Its•litere. The folliing othcial notice has been promo!. gated n , • l ip, ftNia In es of diplomatic or consular ap pointments will be entertained until Vier the adjournmen. of tiongresv.f. . . &eve fralltary Prenststans. Atnong the provisions of the hiti!navy bills to be introduced i nto the Bands by Gen. Wilma, be ond . reducing the term of enlistment for the new il i .egiments added to the regular Army to three yelirr, and offering a bounty. •Wittioat l i r, such leder. manta, it might be difbcolt to attract men to the regular in place of the volunteer set. vice. Bye edict provision, the number of Gen erals will e increased so auto give - the vegeta{ army Oiled •Major-Geeerals instead of WO, and .112•Brigadii re instead of roar, and still furth,er to ingretue tiis'euntber of each class In the Twee teer curps• • Gila. Vremosttlal Coritodsaleisa. it Major-G eral John C. Fremont received his commission in the regular army. The old; other fdpja -General to commissioned is Geueral McClellan, to whom he therefore ranks next. Our other sjor•Generals are in the Volunteers. Prank P. Blair, Jr., of Igo, vas auaaa r night la larsiblngton. 'After the molt, ailed for a speech, when be spoke. as The nom. ded the oth his triode t pretend to militat7 knowledge or se 1, perhaps, hod some right to speak of end propriety of conducting the war with re he had head in a slaveholdlag Sista, • at tba modority of the citizens of that ayskoidiog States had been pat under •e minority by a corrupt and Imbecile on, the most corrupt and flagitious which er knew. • a duty of maintaining the Government, delivering the people of the South from But Tunesinse, fur example, aturotted i livie's myrmidons, although giving 115,- for Union, might be cradled unless the kithiabed arms and troop., wbkh he auk! do. The resultresult in Missouri, so Union man we tarnished with arms, itt other Buses were ready to do. Nine -en there were for Union, but they could ithout arms against Rebels furnished uns... his. Blair want on to say that he • war far to prosecution until not one , or room), raked a hand, and against ry compromise. (This part of the 'peach • sty interrupted by the wildest applause 3 !moat that compromises is forever die- I ociproinuto .iii breed worse warm. fit compromise—none whatever.] Toe I accede to none. .The Administration t.ake a compromise or a peace. ,Bet • en who favor it. They ate a little wane ho bear arms against the country, foe y give aid and comfort to open rebels. to a brave soldier, whet acts ion the °When you see a head, (mike it." ale mum to act ea differeat principle. 1 ts impatient for the victory which We 11. Scott can gale for to at any time. it come/ , the utter. This is the way bout it. The wooer the deliverance men o the South the better. Wears foe the long promised advance movTi. . _ 1 11,, Viit a (Teo popalation of 354,000, • r twelso thoitsand troops to the out of Covernbr has rattysati to allow any Sotto ; • LOUISTA N a r ;teat co Mai. Thal more to la B"N Plait' lua Jks naiad to any labloate pat. tam arid Bound la *vary &stratae tone. sa - su tridttrarranted It girt tattaractlatt Prieto At nut Lowes Kati& at4atiral EMEIC,ILLX_BETWXXJII OEM ADD Lltr i Ja• • • .. L.n Pletnte 91:1111VigtO . 11. tl=. Tao /0•moo -- 1 kiladelphlo , ol•=sllly 0000•03, InUma 000 . 2412114 Ills ' lalliovinniplyboilt Ism ISteasoo.oloo as ollowo I I ; ammaloo • Itstorisy. lilt aeolr. • BIWA_4._ 111.11 # - flatextles. MA Jolf. 11D11101.1:1 Saisudai•tnn J l d7. an/ *WY ell I , 7.itt ROOO. from Plot 44, ba th lbw. ' - i - - 101 l or lute-tot : nisi? tf.i t's *7s_ es , wrimai ' Ft . 1 . 7 do to e:,.-..1,00 NI •do to - OS swam Mown neut.. itoo4 tot sts liontlas., - of to • PtorzrSt . troreker..... t , Vat t t,... 4 e1:e1bmt4 , 41r0., a rt ... larlibm Wag if sista Wt. At lbe 10 mia. fi t:N .Ifaile :. Rani I,lverpXLttQat List WO: 174r,i , and pia; 15101.00 LlTsrpool $1 . teem 4:10102 1.1. 20. -•,. , 160 1 ". ;0 - I,la:dons RR solo oit gooOtsol. Ocothiol Thoto Muttons Itt lIIDO7IOI , oaxotorrodatfootO tot it osocors• sod Um so owed glosoloso, • T•bp an wit fit Watastlotit Loa Itoos.tot boto'• PUNK' An Anal. kflototo ea boom • . - •- ; O Mitt Gr - 0.14,11, Anat.& Itrooding t . e ge, or • Atoit l • totastf • • tilts Ulmer ofolot. Pitt. no' . • Roo 01F.1.L6r0 OF IN • POWDSR; . . Ao VA= AVD hAXATINte Tahoe Li the tionitog. regaLtely. revolve 131110 lek Llea4se he sod (Xcelllpetton, eerreothes eal4l=l pooh= of al febrile ova plata*. lt vue be tate. 'vials by the most 4sLeste at WY Woe. whs. turratte• Is to. 41014. It DI • sepeDoe and ecoeouslesliratetltate foe 111. vATUfhtalie Dump lklleurellealera se Soooling htfat. It eaves featoedusto vibe after estipiDe &tablet too. hoe eels. ThOlevelh. eft DAVDSDTOOK 6E1 1 ..14 at the blenufeettere. Do. lei Evens Afeeee. K.Tort. Y/ "tali b """ "gleht7L MO 44 4. - 2 . 111.61 r tot: MILITARY COMPANIES BELTE'DELT PLATYS, BUTTONS, BIULIDB, ANDIEATERTALS O UNIIOIOIB, AT A MALL , ADTAXO3II 0* TUE ' I3 4 7O NEIT letc4ttailliaDo ' 'ily•uAra COMPLETED ARRANGE NV. %mite lean for tile - nomiemoritee of stilitalitit • quo:1110y oilgeototards to equip Ile Niteroi Iteattottito of iNVONettt to the dome Guards of abbe county. sod tarns aloes connotatio &deice opal moots loon tabloid la Wet ciediite its*lV The Peobbotito eh the ISM 111 Woo undo for the Imola aortic • WALL& RIDIILII Q 0,,. i ' Jontos *UP , Ittglittierte ateeet ••• to DMA. • CAW/ 4 411Na acmes. EVEt u l, NEW . PATTERNS JUST BE hr cool POOL' Moo,' 06r POinlar4 P9AB, ItoRDI, PM, PLITES, sta. . • • ? Thooo twolpooloo desiring to Kett Ware tholtnntla of tfly Oswald nand In thole ordni ovew • • • wiLta. wavtai • oi. jollnts wP Ithony awaits !Kith.' We bite e itimo Weir anti: to the /a Were' house Kto Ins oar works ea IV &peel lanai. Wiens al at Ikensfter be einuo,oeleili • . Wersh temenm a 2 a!irr a. C 414 . . , B A " ) jitCf*Ll:umania• 4 ;""kh"f W Y: 8°1". .4,0.4 15 7 KAYS & 130.. ST iolk ilatTagtitors WI fair*/ ‘`, w aows.aom t ; _- _ _ -. e 5^ —: 4, 1861. a NIUE% Successors to A. ti. Rowand m Book Bindery, WAD BOOK MANUFACTURY, 77.3 Dad 74 Third at. Onnunontal Binding, in every variety. BkIIOII.P.HATICII. VII. W.IIOIPIIII. ivsataiun WITII IdANUPACTIMERS' CWT. EATON, BILORIIM C 0.,& No's. 17 iiad 19 Tatat. 000011 lb& eldeo • ~i~ae n coaldmp .: wet, N. otart*az). 250 ?Wm; 160 Binala. lIS Kate; NM;, si 8. HATO di —re taws, euvii. • VOLUME LX) * (IV- 1 -NIJMBER 185. liustaanct. _ Indemnity Against Loss by MA Franklin Firs 111311.11111011 Company 'at PHILADELPHIA. Office 435 and 437 Chestnut et., near Fifth Statement of Ramat" January let, 1860, publlelled agrees my to au act of leeembiy. being 71tet Mortgagee, amply eemlreel-.......u5u 363 89 Real Fatale ferment va1ue5103,31361) CMS '4606s 25 Temporary Lame, on ample Collateral Se. 89,138 8d Etcoke (prewar value 286,667 72) mat.... 89.70 CO Rears and 111111 resalvabie......--- 1.822 09 Qat ,57,91983 • $2,203,031 es .g Tha only Protllta from Prtmlama wtitch this Corn dp. aa y can divide by law wry from Mats which hays be , atmlned. • • losameces soak on every deacription of Property, In Town nod Country.et nitee se low es are amateut with eecurlty. &nee their lecorporation, • period of 'thirty 'year; they have paid Lome by Me, to an antenet exceeding Par /Zion, of Dorlars,tbereby affording evidence of the ad vantages of Inserance,aa wallas their ability sod dlepcei liart to meet with promptness all liatalltire, • Loma paid duringthe year ISSS- .—.5106,C86 AI DlX.rtrosS—Cturtee R. Bsocker, Mordecai D. Lewis, To , blse Wagner, David 11. Brown annul Drant, lane Lea, Jacob B. Bat ith, Eduard C. Dale, Oro. W. Richards. Utprge OLIABLED N. DANOKE ir., President. EDWARD O. DALE, Vico Preeldent. Wm. a. 1317,..u, &cram,' pro tam. J. tiARDNIE 00/11N,T Agent, ml 6 (Moe Northeast °or. Wood and Thitd sti. ruts ■uscuesci, By the Lilian. llataat Mariam Comp'y, PWILADXLPItIA; 'On But Muse, Limited ed Perpetual, Ifarchadim, rumf one, lo q In Toes or Comb": 4 Offico No. 308 Walnut etroet.: Oartrai.l224,6lo—Aartsi2o3,llo2l96—Lrrasted ea follows Hrrt Ylortgapori lroproralCityPropartyorortli doable ttiamoutd------.....21/.6,600 00 arrant' rent. Mat . 2,662 60 Perm. Itailzoad Cog Oyer cent. alortgage Loa*, $30,000, cart.— —..---.—.......... 2790000 0107 of Philadelphia, 6 per cent 60.000 00 Allrghenryorturty 6 parceat.Panta.R. B. Loan- 10,000 00 Collateral loam, well secured.. %bre 02 lloatleadoa arid Broad Top bloass ."- tala railroad Company, mortgage 4,000 00 Prionaylvaola Italoroad Oda Rack 4,000 00 ego* 010,11841 am, liatual losorairoe Co-- 24400 0 0 litzoa of County blarlaaaraaar ' '1.06000_ Becak of Delaware M.S. Ituroratico . 700 00 M @chortles' Beak do . 2,912 40 CO/011 21.1batirame COI WO 00 llocelvabla, twiner* 16,227 16 Book Acerrants, nailed 6,316 72 Crib oa bud and la baud. 11,366 16 1r.00,609 90 OMIT! MOLES. Pruddent. ey,.l3eml Bisphnse,Wm Ttoorda 10= a- 1 41.21 !1tc0n, Frederick Prawn, Win lionrer, 61. lonian, Bad. W. Tingley. Jahn It. Worrell, Marshall 1/111. LI. 00 = 9 4 Z. Lothco",BobtToland, Mee. ',plena, heel: Lena*, Jacob T..Estotino. C. B. Wcod, Smith Bowen, Joe IL Woodward, John inioroll. Plc sborgh. D. 1012401111.0 N, Secretor). J. G. 001/13, agent Third and Wood Presto Ziorthes.t corner Mann Mini Sakti I iataau Compacy tworpor.k4oFugiviaahmorennwmadOsas• Office, S. X. Corner Third and Walnut eta, MEINMNaIa=I • INLAND INZRZNANUIS on Goods by Ellvors; Lidos and tacd Carrirgee, to all porta of the nal INEU:ANCE3 on Merchnadiso gonerstly.-013 Ototea,Dtwalltoit Zrodmo..ko- Novesant 1,11860. • Vaned Stotts Trastory Noted and Intateat du5.11219,1X2 411 Philadelphia 0117 .6 f /zial: o 3 Si Penothinants Blade 117,1113 Bilis Bond•,llluripigr• awl Baal 4 1 . _ .1161 Paoea Ihllros4 e per mat Blongsge VOUOMMIO Bate b per bout. bob b 9, Nimbi In Nam U.S. Um md inturamo Om- 94,901 Mame Ale 14 AgeacimPmattutm on Main I , 4 0,3 Polkim llama end ot.km4lebta dm IMOoJ amb m Mid iti 29./08 pi, bunco.. Masa, .1. V. Penlatqu, Maury Moan, I.:Award Daritnatoo, IL Jones Brooke. • Framer Mcilraln, . Thomas B. !laud. • .1102M,Burton, J r., • 1 Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joeb on P. Eyre, Jana B. Bensple,Plll.M4 D. T. Marra, • A. B. Berger, „ . . ARTIN, President. 0. LAND, Flap Neeldrat- lima Martin. Elan ad A. Booder, Ibactpllrte Paolnbag Juba R.. Petinot, Jobs O. Davi*. Jama• 'Draw:Lair, WILILuto Eyre, Jr., Dwane 0. !land, %Minn, 0. Dalai*, Joseph 11. fral, Dr. K M. Roo.. Glom Q. &Alper. 11.0 A Craig, Mark* E• 017, TLIOB • Elan Lnatrax, &cre ,taq P. A. MADURA, Agent: Water meet, rittabargb ==l Viosturn bunmoios 'ClOzo.Dan, OF 1.11 . 71181:111011. GLOBAL DAWN, Preaktr. • Y. M. GORDON, &annoy. C IV, L N D o 92 .. ° Il 011 ator arroet, epint t. co.l W ap Moho Pittatorah Whitman ayatoll all /hada ofttire arid ..16crial hicks: Bose halluados 'waved .Nrccurra ohs ally wif halloo in the cousvcsay, acr9- oho 'an dammed. by prooptnear and Btht:rah:y.le istafn.is the character which WIMP. lltranolr ac gram? a but patellas la than solo it,nr; Wee tontral. Anna ocrona ao, Ism • Block 43.000 00 IWO 00 Yarriltan----.--- 290 ccr Oyeo TAO 00 10,391 99 .1 97,09001 Natea andarlia 1203 la Wm Blauleit, Nathanld flames, Alex. tiimic-1, • David DL lona, George Pare., K Uhler, gmb Jr., Tboas. J .U. Jt. am ue. s. McAuley, Airreaprier Mpeer. Andre. &Ailey, soya° William IL Math, C. W.lLkletzion. P. IL GORDOM, B