MrX=MM= . . . . ;. Estooso.l)'_l7Bo..,i'..- '&C. ,LLAN.I3,IIIDDLE, . •. • ; Pletaistat toJobn MAUI Ilifker • •' ,00. 183 iiilXlity BE , Pigelburgb, a FOUL PHODtlat. 131100ZRY • • imPatraify NtHted. fe46:l3d IMMO* WIIPPIL..10111:1 WHIT.I...JOBIeII WIUTI I • WIRTZ 1311,0TaiRe. [ VORWARDING - AND - COMMISSION 1: MERCIIANTB, in aus.* la PROViSIONIS AND PaOI3OOIIIOIISIILALLY, No, 996 I.llatray streets Pi th, P a .. : solfultacin ASULIOYER, to' mtnission tlerchant, • 1 Dukala Praia sod HaiaeA . ctatoost oILB, adtga, lIION. marls, -. So: 183 Llbsety Tq ORAM.Coimuusiort Mikimurr, tiika jj. ' ,miacamunarppm.• , bro.:aisa LiberV Street, P1TT1806011.14.' Tricuutissas. , „ L . jaiwo &tumid= equipos*.cortar,a (.Bpschil rattlar• Tit Else- ZI :44 -c! 0:r , toonsauiortimotra;, ;Ouse* ca. vrruoLEBALTE. -GROCERS,' . - eaten - Wood snd Water Streetis. ....7iEiousEG".s. CO., F 7' w 110 L A L 3t - 11 0 ti 00.01188/0/fl NEECIIANT2 Cerner of Smithfield and Water Streets,' krijra' rtrreeintoit. , iitgimart9ta 8 tql4l , isrAr*T, - : Melees% ttroCere & Poniniisinan Merchants, 107 .WOOD STREET Joao JOHN B. O;9I4IIBLD'a , Coranditaton and Form * rding Morahan , And Whojetialo - Dealtrt WHSTERN JIHSEILITH OREEBB, • Barran, Lanz, rout, ItAPON FLOM Mt ' Pot MA Patti Amok Batatigtg . Lltsatell - awl LudOP.. Pried Fruit sad Prodtketweieraly. No. 141 and 143 Front at., Pittsburgh.; I=M!!XM4M • • -:-CU LP •41i.--ssziwiltio • . • : -AND.Drau.,... IN - r et.ourz;• •G}& 1N 'At V.Lidlit:JC-k., Ito. NCI Lipari, NtFott, PITTSBU/1011, M. Cholca bookie or VIJJOIt for Bokat's asollfatollt i 000loactiti ea 11.1 d:: PahlC.olar ALLeutlott-ptit to - Olitog Wets hrt tlorchandlibegeotrally. ' oaklyd ' '" I COM MI SSI C!B MRRO Elfr - B TB, . , PRa 461113 IN PAPER AND HAW. Avitit.s . for 'l* ' MahoniOg Brick, and POt ' - ~JI A I Wow &met, near BLaN,PILUntilt. 113.Wzapplog Paper at Idatuarulurare prim. Orli P.M Sor.IINP: • iIIIMIZZUIIOIIIMI..I2IUNIN ..111210....111LE:IRLIT411111.1 SPUINUICIL 111/Iate&ILMU 6 CO•s GOMM' SSION: ISERGII ANTS, • -- DIUMISS iN Wool, tildes, Proviiions& Produce Generally, U 0.209 Ltirotty Stiost:Plttsbuzgh: J. 12 NaAblUtal. B. FLOYD tk CO., 110 COIMISSION 141M011Alltra, And dcnlar• in flour, Gin Asa Produce annually. LllligiTY Iff6iClV4Pattwiroles Now Mock, pppold . t•thl, Pawner sallyd — Pll7bnOßtiti; PA. , Brugimmi. . gd A. EALLNCO.,ESTOCK CO WHOLE • ale Dtugglota Wanleadown of Whits taw, - and LLthargo, comm . Wood and foul Wrens. Ms. naDsum CIAVII- AIMS LIMA. 111L&1312- & RE11141t; WIIOLTeq ALE AND JJ BectsJlDrcolita,coniatof I:ll: . .e_irry St: Cldr: l3l6 l fictabargh. : t: jOSEPII E1441319,0000.8&5VA TO L. . WU=• Clo.)curoes o. Kw keep itoartaatly m - am.lig full and ansrplet•smattaient at Dew, uadlancy Modiclas Cbai4l, Patpla.erbigigt all 'alb* p e r. Ulan Whit Inudavoi. • . • VS, carefolly cxe4ioicruld at all PR. ,ago. U. :KEYSER, Druggist, .14U Wuxi moo, co, R ot of Wood Woof macrflfWo ono7, suaberogb, Pa. • TOIL& P. bOOTT, • Wholesale Pealerq in ee• Drag" Paint., OM. Varalabou and Die Eters, Itai2Xl Liberty street , - PUMulgt; - • • 611 orders will toxin, prompt attention. toL2 • I Ideal lastatt !agents. VV12.141 WELL , DEALER IN I.PROMINSONY NOTtf3, 1J Bonds, Martgagai awl all aocartika tor mow. • ..yersotureso palm loam thmigh ray Agwo7,oa tiOixt Thaw washing to !afoot- their moat 7 to:4W 4h.0 ,1 410i tan ohms Mid 114ot sad ligicoad dams mot army GS." boor qlo. • , /1.0 cotommtabkloos sadlosenrio r ms oonikiloatiol. =atm 0114.11 T BMW, oppookto St. Pooh Chahoiral. Vroouct Daunt, JAllgolbaito:lc. co., WrkDeiiiine, and Dada* to ProviOnna,corner aMarkatand from VZOLI IIUTOLIINSOB, - Commission .1.4 and iontardlog Itottlanta, dog= la Wm:oft Sr auto no., sh; Bacon, Datttr. Unsaid 014 Pot cad Pearl WAR Grit; Dried trait, cad Prothsco zoorely,„ Bad tavlUy Boor Wrap es Road.— Agents tot tho ale of ItailloottCkdo celebrated" Patented Pearl Manta. N 05.116 *scold Rod 146 MR sta, botweas Wood eald,RadthAtLlOUß,lll44.6.lo, Pa.'aptlyd pii.E;66U.Z Vaittat i r , • wtmarte,sievinak4 ,ti Oleos, bat/et, Lat. MA Rad rte.** pattsl4, 0 IYM I "P . M 19,11F.FMthuridi• . 111111, Au)r!c,..!‘c, I WIN IL MELLO% •No: 81 =: WOOD ST. , Ibetwain Diamond AU. sod rocirth ittset,Solalgoas PFIV:44- 1 -" 441 Jk 1Bala) PLANO 1011ThEli geN • •LIAMLINII:1110DP HILODEMIS sad opus. PaimITIIPMI'd !WV?. K. 1 .4 1 '.." , 4 . 9 , 9 ". pro II - 1S:1113E11A - :BRO:; . No.. .171/Tll 111,81fri of theaol4nUoop,bot. Agnt korNONNS tiLAIt lw.. - Yak) swindled *sod and 11qmin PIANOS, and AMAR? A 'INSIDIIII2I3 rasstsi MELO kned (pow tuptatorquits,treasn ha Nada ad --- 01 1 / 1 114017E - BLUME, MANUFACiirIt: ‘,# an sod Nabs Is NM* Port., and topollkt *kale and Moakal Inirtzamentn. 5,114 i Unit bites liana IMO nABOS,abo tar lIALLZT,DAYLIs £ Ca'a Baton Nana, i17.:1 Ilf!thOlit .144au Astachmso... No 0171 lb Nyeopt ' /*Nil ••P% fl nirats. D Boo,Sicretary Alleghapy P. JuNZB,- - Agent North America, T:Blocs of 4oratoillan ipfof forj banana QAMUZE RCA. - Secretary Cifizemf bop. 167 cornet Itortorfaul %dor otc phtsittrankp.,,* ilathol slnd Re r ItiortWer - 4 cons. Woad sad TAli ■tnevnnaw 110.1.1030BDON,&witail Cetera Inonr . - L .Agont for 'Delaware • itutstal Emm mos(b.,llwaseastnet. IlitE eons. rinr,_6• CO.; (ouncoatori to, Mar. pby * Barehileld,)Wholmik and- Baal PAW. lowa Run Dry Gml., Notritteed amber Nandb aW -liarketrA,Mt~. • C 7- 11. - LOITI9, Dealer in Staple and fanny r Dry Oman, sign ar the aillipeal fka din, Non- RIG PAILIAISB, No. 105,Market Daatirin &numb, ads eta. trtmadan, sod Ortmuitilio,*c. - TOSERII ILIOUNS, Dealer in Trimmings, tl Eastraktulas and Straw Goats, It Itartat at; Pala OII&RUCS GIPNER, Dealer in Dry Goods, jrnbiradarted, Mutat st., Pittsburgh: apla T • BUSK Dealer in Ladies' Drees 000 do, 0 .Notlono, rb Patibutit• 'OS g&TO , MUSEUM do CO, Dealerain:Em , beateiniar. TrhtimiegS !rotieoN°l4l"°!l,lY.74l9_ ac. -' t :uitigners, Elsplaoolidspellsotemes ard , Job Platt Ka 17 Wood greet, Plitkcilb. Pa. VLY CO BOOKSEJ.T.: Rs srs. - 801111114 No. as Wacd *sec mod door loth* wk. Thirdortis44V4Pa. BcboDl 484 TAW BOOkIICOI. 1/6 BRAD, 800 :t : - AND BTA , u !JONI% !To. TS Pow* straelt,/ pone Balidttip. - sots & $500151. •-Jong CL.iPEtw, ItitaSIIPACTIJItiIt OP OOTS"•.. Au, mut I was a.aiWd. aaaa isa. ommuramanss....; - Ul9ti-5o bo lo: largo Po. 3 ilackerel; bk,bl, 2, liaceivaioaligt mob tnr,,..-'II. anoide.zailawa4.i: r. ittaTIINEB---20 ads itt atom Tor Baba by or,. Lig Ran I ogt I etotms. FRANZ 'VAN aoaxpno, . • DRODUON- AND COMMISSION- NEB IL MAW!, Dean m lloar, Brazos, Oisds,Thatter,l4.2. Chews, rork, - Dellod saa 47T0m0 Mao iux2 Pecdobr posrally . . .111411K14and Cob Adnuxes made co Oomtroments. • , Warchouso,Nq. 114 SecogOtreet, Pittsburgh. Emory lthua, /Salon lj no,NUaborgt . L. illosao Cotha, do IBbriww t. Dilworth, Drwthdor therbdagb D 00. Ducts abacluy of Us ha. Oros of D.! D,lllllostaid a roam Auismsai. n., Pittsblsb—cail.-auctu,Plttablb. ' • ' cDONALD Attlit/CILLZ, . r . W =MALE OROOSA Piadiiect T oaniiamaxo Mosebsate, Jobber" N. O. Semi astr pkyaeaObaraa.dalsral possaan d Syrupy Slow. Bann, Bice, =WI MU MUM mut ounoir LaLtd33.E.ECT a KELIPTON. WHOLESALE GROORRS, Produce Deal- Zia 6 nst istnet; rh, Pa. UM MTh" ' LITTLE i TRIIIIII.Z. TMUMMA GROWGBI3 AND':00B1- ISISBION 111111011aNTS, Dalin; PEADDIM mos, now CRUM MM. (bite= and Lard 011 y rams Nana, du& avrron yawn. and 14tubta01: Illanahotanme gaserally, 11l 4•;01:113 BOW. prrnsuita a. ea. 1•341/11111‘111.--.....a.11.411101•30.111. • .: - .1::«111Z.INITIOIL & J. WATSON I 00., M. ' Wholesale Grocers. AND inssLans Iff Bops, Oakum, MPitc In c Oils stsj Pittabgrgh an. . - 190...136 W.5.111M1L ST s, U/SECT. • Aloo.• Omaha. • sullayd iss rrrrsnuu, PA. NFILLI4II.* BACIALBY, W_ I3OLf3BAL 1 , Gai.OctEzze , , are.. Is•ant 110 Wind'Unmet. JelAtt PITUBURGII. SAW& • '—rose Loa:maim. QIIRIVER t nu.Wosxu, .W.IIOI4BALS . Bzocus,No.l3ol=ll32 Beoond striet.(bawais Wood and SmlthAdd,Plhatergb. situa esurts—.....--trugua guns. TOUN • FLOYD . 4 CO., IX t, Grocer/ lust Comettestou itercluusts, 6oITS Wood sad Yid Liberty street. Pittsburgh.. . Liu ATT& WILSON, WIIOLESALEORO •OILRB, Coesselselati Merchants sad Dealers Ittyr. dace sod Pittsburgh Ilanotectura, N. 168 Mon, street, Rittebero. /PP aunt AMU-- In- ..Cp A TWELL, & CO., WHOLESALE sZ Unsara Produce mot Clootmlorion lierchaktiond Malan. In Prato:TO linnararturea No. 8 Wastrdrest;bs. anon Warr snd rrcat st, rittstargtt. npla KUM ROBISON & CO.;- WIIOLESALE Oncers, Ocznalsdos Xnectukiio, all Ida of PnrdaSons, Elul.. bad menu& ismaKtune; No. 1511 Liberty sired, Pittsburgh. - deqZ LAM ..-.....-161111121 11111M1141. p OBERT DALZEL L -& CO., Wholualo .1.11; Grown, Oommisaloa end Forwarding Ideretunt• and Denham In Prodpoe and Pitt•barglr alantMeture., 'AA Idtorty street. Plttabgrigli. ISAIAH DICKEY & CO., WHOLESALE Grixen, Ooateoladua idecthantsond Dealors In Prod." No.Bo Ono; Whoa Unbetaltiaboriak. • JetanufaCtiltits. ------- THOMAS MOORE, M-ANUFAcTDRER OF AND DEALS ANA In all kinds of • • PORN BYE %HUSH ADD Valli VINEGAR,, NoB. lie, 1 el, 103 and In First strait, between sad Omsk streets, Pittsburg% Pa. SD-Private orders solltfted. Higbee. market prim mild for ill. SFr foul Oil and ail atter poisonous ingredients earis folly cetraeted by • prams Dear and leopromil. mil JOSEPH F. HAMILTON & Corner First and Liberty Streets, vrrrs B MANUIAOTURISRS Or SUPERIOR STEAM RlffilliESl mylLtf lI4CIIIIIIIEILY. 4111. • • - JOHN OLIPHANT a CO.. Eero.vaarai or n...trime,l • gi :MANUFACTURERS OF lIOT PRESSED , nod AND • Iron CharcOA Darseabip• Iron' Rod ILA* Deer and UNA wo rorrre. 00, PA. • . L1;1:10 Wareboess, NO. IS Woo-IAL, FlDAtirgh. ' EKCaSIOR GLASS WORKS. J. A. WOLITL.-T. T. PM/MUM-T. cArregu. WOLFE, PLUNKriT &CO., CILVES-JUVUFACTVIZda3. Warehouse, No. 12 Wood &treat, (Ocamenr i d PliTti,SlE9ti, PA. mddr Os. •. as.suas.......nav ADM.. -aaa. I..lN:sax& lIOLDSIIIP, "ADAIR t CO., 041Q60111 OIL AND LusawaTmo Wing gone to.dardad anemia!' Wading oar Woo siandin aop with many lcapronament• apt yet koanta, loat and her ea fent inns that oar Oil cannot baler .Pa al alma and InailAnZ arAta ofkaddia o dor mama. IC SIP bead Idlmnbator anade—oonatandy en band and for Pia st "Oar o@oq In anseeell Block. Hilt Praia batanealiarket and Wand au.*DU' • nice.irrosa, nweemtg. al co., Corner Pike andiCY'llara Streets, • Hair CO Rata, Marko, 'La -4 1 7 4 g•f -- -e4:l, NOANUMAUTORKIIS OF MACKINTOSH 1101PIIILLII 111PROTIMPITINTOSCILL/M MNI 1:30124163 ADD. FILM VALVES of all also bosi=pot op 0 tb. th vs on= to if do hump) aail sad 13. pat WOOL ta talo 1100, Imam dud tq proaptar mad Na ebanstor elm walk to merit piddle piMito. Wa to yarn special =intim to oar BAL IMMO MUNN 08014 IMMO.lofolblta,r otelartlas Mahal= kohl/Alai inagalsod la lkh taus of EaLloolt • • /• • acmetick otafterporor sad good pelt, To tot. INILLIAE & co.; 41 Penn et., below lilarbury,,Pittabwgh.' ttEA/11 BOILER MAKERS AND SUBS? Lj Iron Waken:, Illatainettnell 01 fßatnbtW. Ann Better, Isceetotive, need en Cylinder Sultera Wow=s Brethen, /be Bed. Steno BPip e oa% ets, Idendentra bow Ilegso Pula Loaned; Ids Insetenetif Wort, Ittidgidnkflitedect Inn; don WU* gonna en tka Ail thee • distanoe porn= attended W: - Ilttotturs at Eat)) JOHN M. g76IIPATAICII—..--.-..J01111 M LIAM, .. • , 641,1 e p4w4'izetsupp. HAVING Tuts day formed • OzepaettamAlp b tb. practice of thi bar. .10111 M. KIIMPATEICIL . • _ JOUN MELLON. ..Plllabargb, May 161141 PR. KIRKPATRICK EMELLON, • • • , WE'rOIOIIGYI3 Al LAW; No. 133 ioaith Street; 6 hoots above awitaw, • trlt6altlldoll, PA: J - 01IN D. 4ID!0, •ELTTOKNILY , Ar LAW j 1 • egIIERAL 11141pLECTOR, .012114 . Wolres.ThimbultOoootr,Ohk•. Q 11 0 - Y J nxrosivlCY. AT LAW, No. 139 Foulth et., Lowrie's. Law Building, i,3 eterseuean. rn. B F. LUCAS, • ATxpatisvy Acr clic% N 0.72 Grant Stroet, , - sus Pk. l" B. M. ribilTll, 1 " 1 " Attorney tutd Colineellor at Law, Uss VOlocuei to lIIN'd La* uviiinkail, No. 13 Diamond Stost, mid ildis • Tint door to St. Potor'oChorth. FTMOMAS EWINO Attorney and Coinsallor at Law, come Fa ISO fourth dad, TM' Oh b rq .lla7, mill) 1 / 1 •13T niranuaaa, PA. IWO a. 1001111......—T1011. L TOO/a..4.....w40as LTO a., • . :WOMB& & COq ma~olo.m 07 Milan= AND „011.AJR9 raeroui—AdenstS,agimen Wata Yl . '40410i Ilareltonso-los. k4O Smithfield IL, - -- RtsAisso fi m mats-- inns 10.0101 OUT, • iiitlUtaiiolllli, • TDENN . - lIANCOOX wraartozias psirir.., napes ma lIIMIDAT, w. si dry ofBRIVOIIIIII. Time slsfair =dap of Als epcaglig.i Jg SEM% '.7 (14 BRIST BROOISETurit irocosived a fresh' My lot of s46.lclegpili Begoles.' Ssiters wag alao.RO , kw.' masa musonrotu Itromme. fbr lab at Ili! INsshalal promiq _ . l . of JOUR • - Wet, mairmastanott... a l11 : 414(r faVr7isoat .•- , - . .-,--._ . ,:_t,„.,...„..„......„.„,„:„....r..„.:,_.....,.........,.... „.,.....4 .„......„ 5 _.... :„. i ....:.,_.,, :..„. 1 ti ... . .. ... ... ...„.....„.,,,.....„_;,... __ANT)_'-:' - ' , .Q.0.M.M . R.,::C,-TA2L - N0i:253 Litiertr lIANTITACITRZYS 01 Sunittuct. • • „ . . . .--:„,-..', • , ....,i .7. .;' ,. .*;Th^ . ^...r. 7 . --.,‘,.•••,..-•••',,,,,:.,-...,.,,,..,,,....,....,, • ~„..., ..-.. . '. . -.. . • • _ .. . .. , . . •': i. , ii . . . . . ~. .. . • SB . .. .. .. •. .. - ...c. t . . .. . ',..:,:".". ' . . . -..., I !i PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY POQVW 'NOTICES. ------------------------- Llr":011. ASSOCIATE JIIDOZ.-Whi. N. avaotuuL.u,ofmUb tv Roebito tetra gal , . wiled to thi2loctdot of ttai Lponeoa Calmly (Immo ts. ; ariZtto .:. . " . IF FOK CORONEIL-BEN NET LAKE, Itog,d the Vete IllseicEarth been - Pieeldeted" Cate( the Akio to watts ho wee elected tee peu 0, grin tie supported for Clerceer, eabJect to the,YeWe No.! , tuella Oceseentlac - ' • - - myrtle is-. :Is ' :4: 'I irla •of Ifotillotoeuothorill proloot.d no•=Moto • Amon of Alliogbovy month sutlowitfo eh* Sofebticoo otolootiot fkomsfico .1"r7.1013 •CQ KUNER.—FREDEIRIVISE,' of thiThtrd ward. rilbtarabOonf bii sta tor thstooor. reshot fo the dad** of the lived taxa, Ckilif "anon. ; %Milo YOUCOUNTY TRNASURNIL—A. turrporthoweed vtll be* easellaate lb/ lb* iltdes " Data. th• epWle•a Nom. ikaniallan. gaga W..: U r ulw! loyQogitte.ittalitalbuittorilltasit et dlitsta Ice.thoottbitve Mee, gabled to that dettdpo thp litopabileasOonat, Clonutotket. Ist 2t frVlOlit PROTHONOTARY,—DANIEL !nit , t AlliterßOMOurlll be 1 - cuidatate for notalnallon WO" Republican Oanvent'oa na44 as PROMONOTARY.-N -.- PATTER. SO% the Singlet otillrottoghato, to • auteldsts .for the oat .7 of Prothonotary, subject to the docleioa of the hotterte fr". FOR • PROTHONOT`W:=IBAILO i u..46.11,./i... of 'gains= Township.' *ill be • candidate rot Prothonotary, aublect to the Republican CatmeotJou. toledtto .Ir7e•PROTIIONOTARN.-JONII MOIOU, ‘ ntr 11 30 S. of Alleaheey , will bee candidate, eoljoct to the deeblon of the Reptibtlaert ConeaUon. Koh21:0 .'V.I'IIO . I.UONOTAB Y—Z. PATT • c = I 'Mr et India= To•ublp. Jo • cataldsto toi Prothonota. 1,. iatjw. to'llis dead= of Ito liromblkan CbovvoUoo. I'LI'ItOTIIONOTARY.-JOHN G. COR• , Alleabroi dt,.L a candidate for Protboto V ctioct•to ills &shags at ,th• kagmbilcan County OnLIIOMD kn:10 rePIiOTLiONOTAK VAPTAILN n. WOO. ot-UPPtt BLClalotowoobtp, alto the vitas of bto Mood! to obtain ttoo ilopobllcso Docilastioik Prothouttati windy—the infirmity of by hi Mod not Wo ft(bt the oPPoetallirti tloTtitin thoconoty wit Aeolus them ma feldh •ICI,I'O O n T o Z a , lon tO Slab 11toolr• CAM, an WM. 10 UM dee#4 o l/ 01 Om 14;0. Ilwu Clooventl9. fr:.I".ItOTIIOISOT4I.ItY;;—RICIIARD ! hAtl V 511, 1 ,1 Tomaship, mill D. appxted for the above Olcs, mbject to the ; declaim of the hopabll ate Com otkm. 1•11.3 to EVIOR: COUNTY. UUMMIS.IIO • JOIN- Pllual Wen of Wllkino To hip, ovill top • 'walla. for Ootioti tlotomboboott, ostjto; to to. B. pototcouVonocistion. , mytt-to .frtIOUNTY COMMISSION ISIL-4011N weY of eaud.onu maidatii tor above on* 'Kaden to thodoelakos of tbe Republican Con- UOUNTY COMMU:IBIONBN.-- diMinittr u titatTA w rth:V= Comeoikro. aultte 10. SHEA ! re.—s. M. BEINION, or 1. a ptublata (air; If wad. WO sod'otart.d hal:wages to pay 60 Tor OWL of the an profits of dr blica ttba Omni, Smeary for Um .. of W. 00,01Y.Olut wltl xacata bowl. oatitfoctory t 0 the Jallice4 ot 11.01.1oart of Oollainou Plots tot cosiptlaada with Ills &Wm* PnlXattka. " uktV:dattel r:F011 ( ; SII&ItI1ef.—AD1111 WEAVER; the Ihnshth wird, PlLlabargh, min Mkt Mead' mulidatit tar Emil! at Alkibehy coemty, ftateel to the floputo Ocerentb. • ft•ttlonew? • FOR EILIERIIi-1110111y IL LISWIB, .741. d titihrpohmg. ht • esedldht• tut /half et Alts ioetity, estdhat tu theßepdhtl4il . 1 4 w ...inSLIERIFF:-IFIABUY WOODS, of Peo. Mae totrimbip, mks the maw of Waif:tan& to *Mats the Itrfonbliciat nominatkm for Ellttriff al Allaibmireona ty. bnitaraa vfll pot alloy him the oppo.tOnity of tramming tta. county and swing tham OIL Jam+•2to fr - SIIIIIUFF.—JOHN AMEN, cf " T - r Ziabib 4,evd.Pillabereb.citl v, owe gat; for the above eats, entJeci l ea dog:Wags et Rpebtee, 0000. t7ooarn4au. cabala IWSXtiIne.—JUIIN- KILLER, of Ka ULt i 1. Colltd totroahlp, I. . canalises he Merl!! of Allegbooy.tocoty, satder• to the doetdoo of lb. Snot. Ik.. thniptiCosmatlos. nth/me inglile—Tiao friend,' of Gen.J. or.or 11.'NEEILIY, of (telling toinaldn,naprottolly min ida itomtpatim. Ills ptallo ionise*, both to his country and party, Incll.kolivn allergy anal aanlaty to wet Pnb/io myna, oolitic. Ws dolma to every couttlaritton. At the IMMO time s b. nweis In Lla dUd.t entitled to this tam. 6,27,10 ; SIIE RI FF-1113G U S. FLAMM CI, I+4o•d Ili'Cloto township, ootjoct to not dostokos ot• the litopoLltoto coorontlott I Glirto IhrlMitg.• 4TRACTED I„ ;43 wrz.u.otrx 411/. BY THE Nal Or AN APPARATUS WHIMSY NO • • DRUGS ON OALVANIO DAMNS' ANE Cold weather la the U. when the &oust. ma be mad to Ifs tort almanac". Kaileet gmtleamo sod tholr lan tad Lb* tee , extracted by my art- env reedy t 6 empty es to th the safety yr.. - vig; or the opetatice—erhateree Ina ben eall by tote rattel to amertiog the met m„ !mini' no knowledge ut to/pr 717101.4.4 TUTU tutted to ear; style. OLIDECY,' "Dentist lao Smithfield t irObEPII ADAMS. PENTX II2n . Na al ilrat stroo6 Ptitabrugh. Dr. . tu b "- P , k, raire. Dr: Mika, Theodore &Wm : t- Itr - mr31417 Vamins. ..... W. J.tur.Tarcylkr.44... Ijoa. aa, ; Sign and eital Tilintea •• •• - "Arrii any* No. (II Virru Emrr, OPP05 . 1?11 ODD-WILLOWS HALL, • ..P117311011119 air 81p. work dose tae the tude. DO ' YOU WANT WILISKIHIST pg Top WANT WHIBISIRsi J;KI YOU WANT A MSTACTIE? DO lOir aunt a IDIZITAOLDI BELLINGHAM'S OliatittATlD STIMULATING aNUUENTI r-or the Whiskers and Hair. • Tim ea beriberi take Oman tat. In eananallag te tha DU. sea of 'Ma Mahal lhaere, that thy ham obtained dm Arnim tor. had narr ambled le otra la the American Math, the ratan panty celabeated sat weld moaned • Tits ,FrimULATDIii ortepu t ry kp=i by Da. O.P. luausanix,mi ozotooolpbpdcloo Lo ' sod ti warrostal totting oat itplr.4 e 4 of , -V•0184.4103 04 A4IIJSTACHE In from three to Its weeks. article b the only ea. of the Weekend by the ?nat. cad fa London sea Pads ft to II bilailtuLemooskal, amebic& lot athasibillas caspoluid, adios as It by mask, tom Ibbrootia isatalsig I braailfal sheath of !uxorial bar. If otppliad la the mails, le can IMISPUM4IIOd WWI to fe plias of Um apotaaboo pewit of Dm &yogi aocordlag to dbrelooa, It will *repose *repay* barrio% co meet flallaafr Ibi .4 0 1 1 4„ :41 aolOrdartogWooft, loaxab ant bauble. SU art" to UV riiid}pMillblii Labia la I= 4 llZa s ttlill emasmuko ' r . olll.ll a aeril "01 .. they sablerilisnaro &glibly *pats for do aria& kith's tfaltod Slab*. to all antral mantle adenoid • Ma Oils DoUor • bas,ka. WO 1/ al/ Droulita sea tialam or • boy of lba “Origmaliff (animated to by tail dadtad eirool,) oat to aay orb* dadra 'l4 by mail (dlrecl4 Was* ipadi4 on reatit al Tripe ital. potted. St le. Ayiey to WOW: - 1' •': - • ' . ' prd4rats. acci.. . , . lia lemmas earaol,N." , Y. Ikea .10116.1/I.lllllblo, ratan 41/land lOW. sad the • • altressilarS ra WHINNIES— . , - • 240 knot L CiAltitir—isti W PtiML ODD bbls. Plaatalk. )14111 106 - lb° do solortod Reflood Biruoc 100 do, do do - ~Msodord Sodom go) boo to to owes*" closA% IS do Rosidas _do 100 tdoud ordled brand' Totems, r 20 OP, bozos Wool do redo . 100 YOU etude T. Ho 602r1,0!t . Twr .. t.' 100 do llooklOwalon , l IS Id*. Winter &ram! W boi O il; .:400 do .everted It* • , , 000 do Iris and 1 / 4 44011/7 Ed I - Fleur. Ix story and anlYws ibt. e W b • 6 A trimut, war Wood._ I:lltNitistomt zeBAo tair os uiry.Al4loo:auFllSlP— attetitimh , 1 111L-nr".. " Lake ---- c0n3 4 4 on . 64 ~d en! Pr be bY. PH sod yowl/4U ri ml t de 11.*EL .011,- ALM 8; 1 Furniture k .4.,,,Teurpmet Orem 0104.11111401,15664111111. abbi.Trillidigaisiod Maio* in that°foods 'lnd is bonaggatialb Mr mak lb , 'it'll,* 01101001 Wars, roma, No 4 9h mad la ft Mk • , + , • soli_ • _ . TRODUOIfr,-. ,8u blur, . adore ip atop) and ' 'eh artimotru, salr; ' • Se- sadLliMaalidstr 111)01t0.17bte:Bed Potakerree'd sat *CY, 11.1123 T WILZOII/1. ~L'k~Ww' rJYe y ~Ysi~w6lW> t)atstarghNate. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY BY EC I EiD, I,U dr. C 0 . m PVTTEHIJItGrIa: WEDNESDAY idICIJINO, JULY 3 lIIG aLT IMPORTANT NEWS. iAlietusaros, Juuet 30th, 1801 The gores in and nixing Washington. There are now over 6 0,000 troops in and abotit Witehington, counting those on both sides of the 'Potent:to, andcoit counting those who guard the river oppositnLreshuig and beyond. In making this estimates We Offset the rick spinet the recruits, which have, from timelo timer arrived, the precise somber'of both these classes being nest to impAsible to reach. There are sixty-four Reg iments: of Volonteero, averaging 1100 men each, some 1 - ,300 regulate, of whicionly,3so-five corn. panics-:-are cavalry, and several hundred „District Volunteers: , Thirty-one Regiments are from New Yorkoeven from New Jeriey, four from Pennsylvania,ftve from Maine, three each' hom Michigan; -Connecticut, and Maassehisells, and two (rem Ohio, abodri Wumonem, Yeratat, Minnesota, and New Hatupeitue. New york ban One, New . 11.impelaire one, and Pennsylvania two between here and Point of Rocks, where 1,500 District Volunteers, a company of United State. cavalry and two bat teries are also posted. The N. Y. Tribune, ever fervid, and mahatma., impatient, after giving the above facts and f,gures, goes on to say: With 60,000 • 001 at witirld seem possible .to do something , against the enemy sow, without 'witt— ing for the term of the three months' men to es• pire. They do not relish the prospect of gain home withont hariog a Mate of marries in the field, and will Melilla incitement to stay beyond the pe. nod of enlistment if their experience ofa soldier's hie is still to be confined to tents and ditches. Wthy the Forward Movement Ls Delayed • Army officers declare that it it inthocaible to make au decided forward 'moverient oath more wagons have nrrived. By the 14th of July, the builders have contracted to furnish I,opfl, rod it is claimed that to much wfth a lets number I. simply oat of the finection. Quartermasteqlen. Melia has preened every manuinctory into her set- vice, from Baltimhre to Concord, New Hampshire. But he ho. coffered hoof the inefficiency of has predecessor, who was kept in place month. too long. Day after day, we urged upon the member° of the Admini ttttt ion, privately, the importance of placing come man of proper capacity at the head of the Quartermaster', Hepartment, while our public commithipattons from Washington were filled with nothing but approval of the head. of the Department. Now we ore abated by men who see whale, and camel. in clouds through the samespeculum—the men in power—simply be. cause we are out of patience and tell a email port or the truth. ! o Comproili44 with Traitors. With inu;ie coniiiiiition (for there have been great mimes of Isle to be borne) the correspond ent of the New York Tribune hoe to report that a gentleman, nigh in the confidence of the Pre.-- dent, assures as of the President , . determination to entertain no propositton for truce, pacification or adiustment, until the whole rebellion is reduced to subminlen. Ile will recommend and esecate, it anthorised by Coopers, the most thorough and energetic war inemares, not lookieg to any partial evectsa, but an entire anhjection al every insubor• dinme and insurrectionary section: or citizen of the Union. We believe the to be entirely authen tic, and we ',make the announcement with more genuine pleasure than has accompanied any pit men. declaration of lant ef opitoon. The ..Amoy will bail bite with applause and gratitude in a ice libation ao full of pstisotiem. A Lady from Virginia. A lady arrived here loot night from Richmond. She prepares! to leave Virginia several days mace, hut item her well-known 'mmHg, - clam'. to leading Homo pen ss in Vtectoia r was say relaxed sr the courtesy of a pals limo Jeff. Day ~- ..ft •uhae- Trent 'pollution to Besurrgard met vesti 8 a pond ar radon'. She escaped, however, se.l iiriou reaching the bank of the TotoQic several miles above Wash. ington, procured the services of a boatman, who brought her down She neer duseng the ought, and she reached town to safety. She salivate me that scattered along the route tram Iticamood to Man. emus, and thence to Fairfax Court Hones, the Con federates have a large body of troops'. 4 rsen. Bean regard openly declare. - Oisii-inteatA -ko^ spore towards Orsaisiagtca, aad bopeo yet Li he able to taker it. His plat is—so this authority nvers—to get u near our Arhagton outputs •• possible, with bis main forge, aria to .0,11 the city. Thence, meantime he designs to push has column on, tools rage our forces, and carry such points as he is able to conquer, and with a reserve march finally arm the Capitol. She add• that Gen. Reaare g ird, through his emisuries, whe tie coustantly coming to sad nosa3 (rota this city, la Hiormsgbly informed or all the movements of the Ka; cot; bares, and biaows how many inc: Ise bare, and the character of all Oar positiOne and defenses on the other side of the river. . Another Lad/ who went the Other Kay. The wife of a forma clerk of prominence in the Post Cilia Department here Is the toroino of cults • stay. Per husband Twinned a few woeh , *tor inangiiration of President Ighscoln, end now beide s commission ti one of the Atthiazt ulnacsn 4 loneral of the 4ebeil flovernment -Detail town, and tde wife remained behind until about two weeks sines, when she prepared to follow him. She procured panes, and knowing that her effecta would be searched, she provided for this. Ha trunks Wan examined. All was right, and she deputed for land; bat, awed within the folds tiler under dram, the carried her neinerous dis potable, jettos and draislep of 'our foiliications and paitiounirhich; of eourse,eh• succeeded to de livering to the rebel authorities without trouble. Ha friends ben btrcrit of this .pirrfatuance j and Ogre VII atilt left fa Wuhingten soma of tamales of Ilka stamp, who are ready to decamp, in • similar way, and for similar purposes, who delight In thee famishing mid and comfort to the enemy. Ilealth of the 'Army. • It La a gratifying evidence of the good health of the troops, and of the clilelent sanitary regulations which hero been sdoptedr that Waal' iiabitaltala bad thrio or fonr ilek - Osen, and some not even ono, in the hospital, and this in the midst of Summer, to • climate to which all of them are vatacenstomed. Army medical men consider Thor per MIL about the average ratio of tick to Well, when av . ncmy is on sabre duty—that Is abont tbirty-two anon in a re giment. ;lag vr ones here falls much short of this, showing the condition of the army to be ono of ODUlldal good health, ktfectillißseire The commit for the lipeakersMp is becoming ani mated. {{',rested of the atteodaut Cierkship, it seem pi:cambia that Crow would be the successful' candidate for the Speaker's Chair; bet that would rule out Forney for Cleik; and Mr. F. don't take that—consequently, all the strength he can handle will be given to Col. Blair, or to Mr. Colfax. Col. Blair mitred this morning with his family. There is little doubt that the Senate will elect a new Clerk in place of tticketm. The latter is bo terioasly Meet:l4.44*ot, lOW no coiorlinisly hostile the pteseat 'Cinternment. iris removal is a po litical and patriotic uecemity. Burin lam sight g cotioulisklrmlth occured be. ten tte nilvnaced outposts of the Pennsylvania Iroorth and the rebel. near PalliChurcb. Three or lour rebels were taken prisoner., one was kill. ed, and several were . wounded. The 'Brat picket of the Penney!verde Regiment was ',also killed, Fora short time things looked very serious. Tlie dead and wounded were brought into camp to day. Httle Ileums, of tieo%etowu, was Arrest ed on Tuesday; While nutting in the shade in front of the White . Wien. The erred ride b 7 oiltutiof of the Glistriot detective police, and with- Oat ep examination, or an opportunity .to defend litiemell, he was thrown into jail, charged with bo. Min s.j, where be remained until Friday, when, 'Obtaining an elimination, tie - was immediately •eiseharged. Dr. Hughes bas acted Z 41 0 .011 ones. poedent of - Geoicetotyn (49 . a newspaper, iiumn thf let ti ! reeloodths, abd is as thorough talon in hte sentiments as the President himself. Alteserved :Promotion., •;lohn Williams who behaved ao bravely io.tte last - skirmish .at Mathias Point, canted Me &merman 02g out of the tight in safety, though it wait Compleoly fiddled. with bullets, as he went, has beon promoted to the post of Master's Mate fui kin gallant conduct. . . . ' 'Fat 1110rIgissrp,UviAlk—lt Needed. Mr. 11.aisoond;;a1 • the New York 7issa, who has sisiissd Fon Mcßoory,lhus speaks °kit : -Fort blellearY is now in very good condition to rails% any assault.; When the Baltheore itiot occur. red, is waif very folly ,explabsed noon after in .'a letter - from the 'Volt to the 2Nann, it was in a very bad condition, and could scarcely have resisted a sigorisni asseelt. - -li is. a mall work, of the old atyie, eerroundedbradry ditch, aid scarcely pro. sided with any defects* on the landward aide, from which, when it we:liana ' s° attack was never coo. templated. But now, thank, to the energy of some Mears, of the regular army, who has been for some thee hatommandanl, it may defy attack from any quarter. limeades have been erected to guard the entrance. An - 'bitter of tree! with. projecting. bu es nch, bsi been erected trounethe fort. dowers.' pimiento hairs been riatemporised 111140 the cortabi originally Intended only to shelter Infantry. Band , bag -.guards have been plated over the door and window of the snagssiee. - Gutters have been pro vided to jell band-grenades upon the beads of an entailing force. Fresh guns haws been mounted, and . I.obsenred that all the mortars and a part of the , celumbiado on the landward , side are kept loodeal—:ta Presiaratiort ` ldo any el i ergency. Fort McHenry is. about two miles from ' , centre of the ,city, and it in well understood tba it could drop obeli*, hot er otherwise, into ell Abe boosts in the lefected.district„ with the attnoit eine. I tnist the „lef , so doing way Never: mite; bet it In itotiodieg know.'thati...W. , dots, it can , be prompUy met. . : )tl H 4 . :10, 'I Pa. tan MMWM MMIIM= J URNAL. r,, 1861. • , The 14etls In Southern Meat=lnty. The Carr c' nnepoodent of the Cincintati Gas zdle writes, on the .29th alt: The Tom IScptt, a boat plying between this place and Padneiliilyeaterday afternoon brought down two gentlemen who had been driven Iron. their .? homes by the cession desperadoes of that place. They were foe,. a ho r or more in my room and gave me .5 i von ntlal account of the iffair. John & W ' ward am been for some yeare-back a reeldeet o Paduca , having a large farm in Illi. note, upon Sick most of his time is epent—his family, ho ear, ding in Kentucky. Ills eon, Samuel L. Visid ard,ia a wholesale liquor niers 'hut, 'gant l et wh , because of hi. avowed'Union_ lam, the rebel treillains'of Paducah bare, for some , time back, lieeklio dreg mortal grudge. Mr. Fred. Rennell res denin t. Loeit' and;for, a•few days, has been 1 kO4 W t e Woodwind family. Yesterday morning, th father and ton and Mr. Ben. nell, were uletly mated :n the front doorlay of /.. the young Rau'. tablialunent, when .they, ware inla a approached kya og ol rebel ecoundreli,autonpt whom:who. and garlic tarty consPiCuous, were Deputy United dtattealtd hat James Turk; I.llylifieh igen, pilot gra anier Eutman„ - and brotherfol the er- Foot tn ter Milton Kinkeador ball-witted tool of the kl i tig,l ed a member, in good Paducah needing, oil t e Preebyteritut Church; and Charles Phillips, sonin-I w of Nolan, the Castom-House ••.• . officer of this mac Kin head, I air; sy camels los the. crowd, •in the moat insultisi inanner, told young Woodward that the time naCcome for him to tleave,• . that they would give hint twenty -f our, hours, aid if. at the .ili end of th at 'h, he was notgone;they would treat tom to a co t el tarand feathery. - In tho me time, a considerable crowd of citi zen, were g thired around, indulging in the coars est ribaldrsliol jests, at the expense of the "damned ; keen." The Woodwards and Don nell, huwern ',I stood their ground manfully, and stoutly poles .d against the proceeding. Reneell, who wry a tinge ;, in hopes of frightening them ell, said tha i,.tt was a United States . Officer, and would see t. ti that the rights of private citizens should not :try be outraged. 4t this, United States Mere. It Tqrk etepprd up, and, placing a cocked pint. tt Woo to his head, remarked that it ,was just as . ii—d thieving Yankee officers as him they were • at. "You, too," mid Tvk, ...ire a nigger thief •ed you and Woodward meat leave together: , 'tt . This, mind i7oo, Ism mid by an ockcer el the United States; Government to a seaceahle, nnof lendiog chitin of St, Louis, against whom the ecoundrels could have had no pciarible charge. During all tide time, the indiriated devil, ware' 'llutiriiihing their loaded pistols and bowie-knives close proxiinity to the personeorthese men. What could be;donet The Woodwards and Ben• nell were onstmed, and, at best, their GM show of resistance Would have been met with q 'shower of bulleu. They kept quiet until the crowd was gone, sad imMediateiy boarding the Scott, came down to Vaird.! Gen. Prentith, tehl them tbat jun. now he could do nothing to ll but, that, withm a eery short time, they. nod the Union men generally of South western Kennicky, should have ample protection in the unmololed-enjoyment of their rights of cit izenship. Oar American PiabilUY The proceeding, of the great meeting of mina l . ployed workingmen in Philadelphia, last week, wean( a spectacle of which any nation might be proul4-but yridch no other nation ewer inhibited. Thin si what We save to show the contemptoons oligarchs of Slave Land, in place of the furious mobs pi niarviirg workmen which they fondly hoped to bare let loose upon oar cities by their wicked interruption of the peace and prosperity of thi country ' It in impossible bet that ao appeal so noble, no touching and So onastwerable,nhould elicit prompt and efficient iti,eastires of justice. la a tingle One of the ward. represented, over one thousand 'persona are mainly oat of employ ment, and same of them have been to that condi tion for fuer," five, and eves at month.. The chairmen. Mr., Matthew O'Connell, on taking his seat, mod, efoiczreferring to this thffering We have been patient tbrongh all this. There have been noViou, and I hope there will be none. We hare taken the best method of redressing this gilevance, by ; Mating our case and laying it helots the city councils, who have, *suppose, both mean. and sympathy to site as a trifle—not in charity; we moot no charity; we want labor. We want to permrm lobot ! 'that will be beneficial to those who come after ea; not for those in our two time,and to: cm.. labor ;we most have It Certain COMpentl tier. I trust ;that oar proceeding' will be con ducted in a becoming manner; that you will prove youreelioir watible, steady men, and then there wilt be some regard had for your caner. There ecems to have been but one speaker, Mr. Michael Ward, who began by saying that !anal speeches—mod is regard to the occasion ,of a meeting—Were eat necessary toil care. .man knew hie; own poverty." He mid ' ' , we we chtractere, bet we art mamma to pro duce end create things for the general weal. But, as our tires hang upon a thread, we now call upon oar mil lathes" to save that thread tram being broken." Herm:woke of the workingmen who had g"ne to the war, end the women at home who had nothing to dog with twinging about thin frightful state of %nitre, calling for sustenance." The men for whom lthepoke asked only for work. An the pradneess of wealth, they asked that they should be protected. In this simple, calm, and candid way did these mdrering men, whose helpless childern were wan and irsitthil for the lack of food, tell their troubles. How touching their duet sad untaught rehtnric ! They adopted the following petition: Wiesen:, 'We catt no longer refrain from making one wants kneirn to the ottiaeas of tbla eanalclpality. .and believing that it n the Interest of us all that we choubi io ;Dui way be employed whereby we can earn eteusthinig to sustain life until trade and *dul ness resume their forma channehi, which we would fain hope will not be long; Therefore, We think it uebeesmary to prepare nwalations orpreeent riens. All we think is is ordains for tiv to do to to awaken the sympathies of the people 123 War behalf, and those who are .elected to ingislem (stubs people of this ally can soon de vise means td! employ abut* we believe their so 'tines in so doing will be indented with pleasure by the people et large. It only reeking the Councils to look how the masses have 'been employed In Haropean cities in times like thole. The goverment at each periods have created Work which was unnecessary, reason ing that it worth* be far better for it-to pay far pro ductive labor than bear the taxation which would be necessarily ird • •••• • upon It by stinting people. 0417- knit iiikiiiii;viiiiiiiiciii -- *KW 10)11.11 AJID lAtiflitf, I, I.4•Noir and' kobarktoir QUNIIINoTOWN4 tholand.) VC "' it . Of OM AA rtillaalphialltesatatilp Cloorsocer to derptektog ego ral.t.potrefoi 01/0-041111.r0s so he follow,: Kfitniamo • sooln ta . Oh Jt% ' B mi., UNIO tlManyntas. U M M / s. sod •nrty isateAsr. st nOOO. tram rtier 44. North Stmt. 1.1 A ATP' rissisc VLOAtittli fr ii s Lir gar= in N Moamar iteumeiZetAs. Tar NM ..... ..1101110 rammusrleicorar4t4 Uwe. Sissostreb. an• Itnia.Ml=4 &e.. 111014911 , 1 Wanttins. IFIN" Nom Wlabl. Wm ratt their 111.114 nal Li Uelets Ma at Om folimit. rata. to An Tork : From I.lmro.i or Vimonoms: tat 4.1a6M. r 7, 1.15. - .411102. Mamas from 1..4.150. Prom umming V* Skttl&Wta kw WS on logimad. sod WAN. -1 Th.* inseam Inn sannor sossiono4ikes to pso• ...rt... mom= Borgi.c num Wit WaumUstit .Miri biro ridast bilMom . haft ' • JOll.O U. Dila. 41x.L.15 timed.r.ll. T., or JOHN TUMIPOON. •4110 I.4lmrtr stmt. Pliti=l. If airNA . - Einooessore to A. 7I Itowand, Ste* Book Bindery, 1 1 amp BLANiIIOOIi MANUFACTORY, I N05:,;72 15324 74:11dret Plain and !Ornamentrd Binding, in every ; - variety. Blank Books Ruled tq itar tcUicato pat. tern and*gndla overy.doilsable fem. 40'411 wan !warranted I. glee natbdactlota - Pram; •t the Lowest =ate.. . . . , 14110111.. P. PAPYRI. autlysr.Yeal! AIL W. NNIIPIia. E . 4.IOIOI.4EITUATIC. OF ElritiallidlLl. ;1 IN POWDS.R. AN Alin CCi , LE 11.1111111111,1141T;411D LAXATIV/... TAkeo In tha orntrut. rsirragrLy. It ism' ono 151110t1ODASIA aka kleadach• And Ilonatlpatica, eampotlair anall, and moans of Al kWh. noundatnts. II ba* be Salt a•Wy by Um matt &tansy At say amt., abut sordid yarestly• II rrn• salmi. , It to a iaperlOr and seentomtellotbstitote tor lA BIATOU IL and Irma, allneral Waterline anoollag &Int. It au*. hunardlnli• ['Walter intl., AtiNtlng UNA heals- Par nalgbaboleakka. bY B. L.Patill= ay.. sad a 4 tba Rlanntanter Ir. Ne. 193 Barba: Meat. 114. Ynda. and marl byname yozglata. Prim 111 beatniar liattha mblArtur• ..q -' . '• • . 811.79N8T scasaiBDB 1 .- W . E HAVE COMPLETED ARRANGE recede jinni for the manutectune of • sedikhest quatallyy of ft -Jabber& to equip the mend Iteschasets of IDIVANTSY tall* Home (turd. of the county. sea Invite those cos:pasha derides evil issestaeexpt to MO to their orders early. The heabborde rer• ths• name sr thaw ends tar the melee Service. • wawa, mous a oil, ielSossederf 2151.1berts sheet. • • • t• &Wt. QEVERAI NEW PATTERNS JUST RE , oelnd troli the End. Also, OAP POUCIELEB, 134718 DAM, BEM PL et*. Iliate companion deaistng to equip Wane go heft a ]alit should nand to tank ankas at on. WIILL2. IaDDLI it 00. Jel3nistr24 21t Ltharty Amt. oppoolt• 512tb. 13T1M - AaltlL. • trsietiaor • tha.;• /orient* 4u. 11: HATS &ANL 41V•0 114 81;, =Mar misV ." ittilt i VA l N :. 4 - _ 519 T Ideety stmt. • Nan ==EZI ZETTE VOLUME LXXIV-- , IIUMBER. 184. insurance. Indemnity Against Loss by Ora Vlr. 111111UrIlliall Company Of PHILADELPHIA. Office 435 and 437 Chestnut at., near FifOt &Mamma of Amax, Yummy IM, lUD, publlgted area. by to an am of Lmembly. baths Firm Hot War, amply mowed —.—51,1166,393 68 Mal Wade (prawn! value $103,21361) com 102.963 Temporary Wank en ample 0011atera1 aro 69.135 Etzela (present vol.. 186,667 72)mu-- 69.780 69 Notes and MIL 1,821 00 tgi 2 U slll3 IT Th. wry Credits from Premiums wa r Ckm de pin tery a ined.m diebtle by Ism art trots Biota widen Was be , .. m Jameson made mi every deecrlptkra of Property, to Town fled Conte), at Mrs as low as are conaleteat with eemility. Rizzo Molt Ittoorporatiou, a period of thirty yearn, (bey bars paid Loma by firo to so amount exceollog ?bur = Nab. of therit7 allcatlng ovidttice of the VaartaLto of Insurance, as arolla• their ability =I dbposb Wu to matt with prompt:am all tioWptln , - Law pald doling the Jeer 18.56..—.....-...51061,085 67 DIUMOIS-.C6arles N. Hawker, Mod D. Lewis, 'Er Way Wagner David B. BIOWD, Elarnoor Grant, Imo L. Jacob 76.1316d1D, Edward C. D ated Geo. W. Itlcharda, (barge OiIaRLNS N. WINDIER, Nioddoqt.. EDWARD C. DALN, Vico ProaidcoL WK. A. brae, Nacre tory pro tom. .1 .tiARDNIER 00/1117.. A pot, .1e 04100 Northeast oor. Wood and Third Vt.. OPIUM 111111111LAII Va. By the &thanes Mutual Butyrate Comp% OY PIIILADILPIIIA, On Building., 'Limited or Perpetual. kterchadize, incur tare, Ike., In Town or Country. Office No. 30S Walnut street - 0arrmV,29.610.-Anstigt2o3,soB 01-Inscated Wow* ghat tdengage on Woo sedllty Prop,rty, worth double 00 0 wood rent. Drat Hut.._ 2,71c1 60 P• 111211. Railroad Bo'. 6 per cent. Mort gage Limo, iaOAoo 019, of per oeut lOLA 10.003 00 Allegheny county 6 par cent Penna. R. R. Loan. 10,000 00 Ck,llateral loam, sore moored ---. 2,600 00 Huntingdon and Bread. Top Hountain Ilatlxad (Inopany, a Rollo: neortgage 10an...... 4,000 00 Patiesylvanlad WaStook.. 11,090 00 Mick cif Hue Ilellance Mutual lalimulo:Oo--.. 24,1180 00 Mack of Bounty lira lnauranc• 1.050 00. Stock al Delman 12I.B.Insuranea • TOO 00 Ooinenercial Bann do 8,135 01 Mechanic.' Bonk do 2,092 60 Union 119.Lnuraixe Co's 160 00 Raohntla, barite= paper„—..--- 111321 18 Book Antoonla, aecruad In UN 12 Book on hand and In hand. of 11,395 °MITI NOLIT, Pra.Went. - Iliaphasn, Won 11. Thor*. ma. Hobert Sheol, !lromn. Wes Alrannr, O. du, imam, Boob W. Tingley, John H. Warne, Martha& OW. rollmop, Rohl Tolland, Ohm Wand. rred'h Lannlg, Jacob T. Hantinx. O. B Wood, Smith BOIFM o. Woodward,B. John Elam% PO shares. H. If MUM 4N,searstary. J. O. °UNPIN, Agiult m 76 Northeast corner Third and Wood most.. Delaware Dana! Safety lasaranes Company becorpersewl by Me Legtebebyng ofreyeseylembia, MEL Ofrioe, 8. E. Coma. Third and Walnut eta., PIIILADILPIIIA. KARMA ANSMALECES _WSW* Carm sad !tried so all porta of tha world. 1.211144 ND 111 , 37 7 / 1 .4111148 on floods Alarm (Snob, Lam and Lad Carriram, to all porta or u. Pies AMU:AWES . Idowhandloo genera:l3%—On Storm Dwolllnallooasa. dr. Noumea 1, 1601. Called ,Blatee Seamy Notes and latereet dem-$2111,943 34 Philadelphia, OM 6 fl vest . . 126.203 31 Pemmican's Stale 00 . MAIO 42 0000 01miliepo and PALI Istabr 31063 36 Peon, 66i1ca61 f pet cent 1/ortgiaro Sonde— 43,0 00 00 Tenebelselltata b per cest.:Losc.---__ 21,X0 CO litcoba in Penna.& 14.1.15 s sad Immune 34,201 60 Salaam due at A gencies,,Plemlams an Marla 1 51 , 144 03 -Polkitek Internet and Giber debt. doe the Oo Oath on band and la ,103 61 DMICToIe WWl= !(olio. a.m.{ E. Stoke.: kJ= ad A. Bonder, J.l. Pon Iston, Theopitun Panlalpg, Ik ry Bloon, • Jahn /L. Penmen, Edward Dwane.. John O. D. U. Joon* Its•ooltn, Jams impair, rpe um afellesio, William gyro, Jr. Thome 9. Hand, J. 0. liana. Hobert Barton, Jr., William O. Ludwig, Jacob P. Jona; Joseph U. ioaal, I Jame B. Meterbail, , Pr. B. M. Unstop, Joah. P. Eyre. George 0. Leiper, Duals Craig, ' Jobn R. Somphs,Pittsl.4. P. T.Aforgan, Marisa ibeilry, A.B. Verger, • Wig. 111AIITIN, Pessigent. 11108 0. ILIAD, Via Pugh:hoc Han ILrtausa, Secretary. P. A. MADEIRA, Agent, IS, Water street, Pittsburgh. Western Inuaznno• VoixiloGHT OP PITTSBURGH. 0 COILOII WAB2III, PrealduaL F. U. GORDON, Decretarg. • Oga. Et. D. COOURAN, General ANNO.. OIYIGN, No. Ri Water that, 020ng 03:11 Wucitcom„ • • op sink; Pittsburgh MI Ware most ail kinds ofFire sad Marine Richt a Bow tactithatess MRlll6 4 7Lig bl Directon oh. an Wei bt , 3..a W thc araoaaadir rasi who an darrearied. by promptness loci tibaraiiiir. to seaulans the character which w they nag ack:car a wndaed, inacrat. ae girerincrtha but prate:Sim to that hbs ASSISTS OCTOBII3 30, 1680. Matcaooo oo at.dop tao co (lime 7.80900 18,361 89 Premium 33,04 36 Note sad NOV 174074 14 George Dade, IL link; Jr, Ewsi J. mu. O. W. Jaction. ammo lickule.y. Akcwatlw Spear, Andrew Ackley, Wm LkKnight. Natttanki Mame; Alai. Mona, David M. Long, Illsm H. IBMIth, O. M. likketsua F. 2d. 1:10IIDON. ems•, Fire, marine and Inland Iniarance.. I NSURANCE CO. or EMU A?&ERIOA: . Laporparsted 179A—Osplts1—. Aug; January 10, -45 r4.131 ?sow rule. Wy. ARTHUR 0.00U13, Prod. INSURANCE CO. OF TUE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA: PIELADELPIIIA. lourporsUd. 1194-0ap1te....4103,003. Loebentary 14111,118 U WOW D.BUIRIUUII; Mamas, Rum, W.I. Pnahlout. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO 11/1111701/D. Incorparstrd, 11 iO-01411ta1......5600,000 Amu thy ...----$ 2 547 6 4 Tam 0. twy. LIIINS/110D011. nut. Wieloenrebee la tie above OM and Bailable Oompenhe lan be ob Weed by spplketkei to W. P. JONES, Asset, 57 Waite st, Bagaleys• Bundles. I.llolAdelphla fire and Life . ICIIIII/.210)3 COMPANY, N 0.149 Camel Stud; opposite the Custom Donee • Capita s2lo4oo—Arks Will soaks ail kinds of Imamate, either Pr , P.M./ or Limited, on every description of Property or Merchandise, rautonable Mee of premium. • itt111141.1 . , P. SUNG. President. N. W. itteLDWIN, Vice President. Itstroro oo C 1 __ BeYre, X. &Corsa I. 11. inglish, Oea W.OrtnyA P.B. Earery, Joseph B. Pool, O. Oberman, Joho anr00..1. 11 . MAP.N.A. N. %nor, • P. ErIACTOVIUM tlaretary. J. G. COFFIN. Agent, deitScdlyto moan Third and Wood latest.. Callen tuaraice Gomm of rittshargb, Oft; cor. Market a Water streets. - • 7toos,) W. BIGALIT, fleekt ean eet. Bum Itab, htentaiy. 1118IIRSII 8111AUBOLTB 0,1300121. awn* whoa Lou and Damp Le tho Navigation of the floothern sod Wester. Mom Lakes and blow. sad th• lesiiption of the Teri. Ibsen* aphid Lae sad Wow by The. DIZEMS: We. floploy, lion. T. M. Dove, ha Oooper. .11t. Put. Jr, o.Zog, 5. loam, Capt.& C. Young. i.0•1 11" 7 " 11 ' Be b 3r Ihentes liellors, B. U. itter, Jobb &Daiwa)). W.O.Jolntstoo. Jobe Ittiltece. .Itarelty Pluto. amalgam/1r INBUItAJACII comply OP pitiTsavaan. Orricz—No. 37 Ilfth Street, Bank Block, INSURES AGAINST ALL KINDS OF WU AND MARINI SUN. JONNA, Prekkot .101L0 D. 163005 L Yla President D.lO OWL Ikastarm 044. WILLIAM DRAM, DinAga t imas loam. 0.0. Itam7, Warm M AL 0.0.. LW tm , , John A. Wien. B. L. tabamtacl.4obx D. M'Onnl, OiW. AAaai LP. Math: g. OmpL MMus Dana. itob. L. Manor. Dimas MIAS QdL LIAM LOCL.Wit) NrAturciltlN72 In Steam and tmcesplzesio Hammers. LETTERS PAT T were granted on Sept 4t1411100t to Thorns. Dosch, for • tarp simple sad enema Impomenteut Is Mao andAtassphaio thamare, whereby the fall enoko of the Samoan boldsboadosones• tor 'tut he the thickness of the masa of trap to be bass Tarp sdectikt a gust locrasee of poser ethers Tlmp plasm of mend we to ha operated opal, sad s cam* poodkg ming of =puma Tfte enterbtrers inn= of sell patent, sod aro alit.nocte of gel bug dents to use sill Improvement, as wall es. territory under mid patent. A model of saki la mermen! la let so the oak of Mean. DakawoD A vahmF Attor neys al Line, mak of Grant and lbscooad streete, when puttee totenatel osy all and as 0 4 sad bark seem the berme of bonne man 40, P. IL WWI& • . THOMAS BUM; Pr inert. Amato:sow as. Ps. TRUNKS, TRUNlitt—We hue now on bud tbstalest style of LADIIII3 rittNol/ TRUNK& LA In' SARATOGA TUNES LADLES 2A01L126:1 TRUNK LADLII2I DION MIAMI TROMP, LAD11211:10 . 2111ST BOX. 11116..; asyra TRUNKS ;IND tiu2sa of the Wait , JOUR WILL OR, shlNo. /A Wow , SUNDRIES—=2 bbla. Tallow; • do, Link Id top do Ite;Oca • ntr, *Waxy •-L. O. 61.11,11 DABEST W JJ IsmilLtas frOsi .16 11, • WB-44 " bundles' now muu.rturlorr • WI: ltilt I ' • Fiala, 'Trout au , MIZIII/X111214 ME= fathoming Carts. G9LD [s PENS, trona w••'' WHOLE:3ILN AND MAIL. Cases Repaired; ;VED AND GOLD PLLTRtG Doom at the itoirtest cetko, .t too comer of heath and !Luisa streete.secomi .tor,. • NO= /MI% out of tbo city, Wain Pen Mare= oche them by r i. =hely FirrzeArawsx a CO. #AI'S, - CAPS, lit B T t- o:o mik PAICY ILION* . la RTC ibusotance azd okhealloroto pots ta_ H -41 rAEDIDaNABLA -EAT -WORN. lift 75 WOOD STREETV • - null Inus4-::-..-maim v (1.01—.......31172 WCAXIA&M f _ W HiS ON, - 7 CARR & 00, • :, i LATE WILSON, PATRIC & CO.) '- •" 1,1 7 23 lolesale' Dealer.. In FO , XCEfr.T dc DOBECEIPTIO DRY GOODS, I; '6l.s. Street, =LL hoax. above Dlasaaad Alley, T .. I_- 4A; ,. R. 011 I& 00 4 lion tkrrrorr Situ ALLIGIEINS 'CUT, i 11/X:111101111711 OP . 8 IL-BSS BAGS, i AND 01 , 08 A_BURGS, .4 r , ' Iles to 4.0 inches wide. Orden} 1 ALIA R. Childs i oo.'ll, 188 Wood ';', Woe% pi gborill rculvt attantion. • elit• ~. Loafer Oil ' orks. WILL ; Ali P. WOOLRIDGE, HINITACITUBRA or COAL , AND CARBON OILS' SSD DIAL= 1.14 CaIIIINEYB, 39 Market street, Iltetween Second artd - ' Pranotatiiitpa A. ":41= tire SPourthand noel streets. i PITTSBURGH. PA. . , ttinG for the rocolot and solo of • • 0.41..nn0m 011..8. . [(Oen roattoitly au hard sal to 11BILIEfitivsLand &Jest llibe:sattabio for !liberating awl rerroteS moth elli bo mold Low for Crusbi mid Only. . sol•cira r I WELLS, MIDDLE Is. CU., .215 Liberty et. , opposite (kb, Pittsburgh, Pe ; I stssiSlaftlait OF Ul LASIIES AND SWITOECES. TV and diary dadstiptlas of LEATI.IIIIII BRAIDED MILS. EMMiiZi;ll=2 BIAION . JO: most 7 77 pEALER IN PURNDEUOS *ND OHM , WAGS, Perfani o -11'8310r 6 0 ; 341 4 liming' Muhl, OWN, "funnily DI ed ac. a*, of strictly prime qnstitr t .W(4 be altos ot LOWERS PRIM. . CONNEICEINI77i7IELD AND zouara , rm.tpa l . PITTEIBUB.OII, lira33l.4yd weal, emposkied, at Astir UM. Lat• at littler it Ilablaroes.l ; BE & & asovnisas, " po&emor. to Unita At Azar:Mal IVIIOUISALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN 617,7 "Pillto"l:,Triattrilfew% ETEN'T. abord nab. Vaim & wow &O. litinsgb. ; fr&lni $904,9(17 61 JA6K3OI IL WRISND, P 0 ELK P A.OHERB. 1 sad badges - 1a itacon, Lard, Dried Beef, Mesa & Rump Pork, Toirrth Area, tar Minty, PNl,srib. 'MARSHALL =TEL= CrIEZE/ PAPERS, BORDERS, &O, AT No. 87 WOOD STUZT. JACOB PIO METAL,' D"4,- 15 IRON ORL bagAib igoN BORAP Arum. CANADIAN GLASS SAND STONE. 11 1 _3.0/ OY illOnT AND BMI2II/111.1.11 irbsisTs. nartaaltl J.tthlltGriC.fria; Co.. Camatuors to R.. pudgy, jr.] taro , 4 Till AID °MAINS/II ' : . AHD AND COTLEELY DT 1.01 Market Street, PITTISUItuaI.PA. (te/Tide rDWILL & BRO., • n l .p rjl ika T FL1LN 11.4.404 L1111116,9 A= DIAL= m 04. 8 aliVilacLidext sz=u'ilkb'lrtm. sad OD[ . I Na 08 Meer and is held 'aft& CZ= FINZ ;GOODS.— SOLID GOLD WADDING RIISCIS, — ALNOLD ADDIS AND CLUSTES, DIAMOND ZING I LADISS. GOLD WATOHAS AND illcor Artklal In cormAalukis 10a WASOLug Pialallti; Sac of Jitcklei Id coml. Jo; Asosthyss, Purl, it; Ulm • Dopy and IMAM for promentklL ika: Rl . CHARDSO GAM WAS Onass,N a OD. As. : I 1 -.; *DI.7 I I Omar of filtli sad Harlot at olk • :uuTyagnii—Do Tio AULILDIWALUJI YOUNU, (sucxxesor to -OM az4g..Y=J.bkr.ll 97 ni Vrod =Fat Elf/Vl2, to aciort:tag *own aiXteccultrAosias. Th e irsrioty IrUk le irna as hereto a d pion lower, "waft the Uwe.. C Com iL A . ku.i(1,1),...w.V1,148 B• • ELSTOCed AND MASTIo woluata, PAPA nano- IA AND rungs= o- ps.ozwrase and MAW:2V= a a tfiga turnaticis ca aunt notie*. All ordain left at No. St Conrad and, di does tem Palau'. Wall Paper Slam, Na. 91 Woad at, ta palatals Wooded . : fIYNYEP23IA AND CONMPA'IIO/4.—= - . ~&,,, Potbaps ibms lo no oos thin so eliktoot to r Amos aillabittisa toe ample brise. known Sy the ..''.r,...ia ;Irma.* Noll* of Stratton, tlibt two tbs stolOscb., .od bight.* oattilloss. al., MO molten Crocks* tor bo woo parpina. Mob topptko ot bXbiutt . J.6 J. Li. MW, 71. ain arm.' Jileitri S. KING, BftOKILS, for the sale or Ireftbase - of Meta, Carbon 01.4.11in.baiultu. tiotesiie.. Modems tommaii . lon charred . Ix making cadtractsortal and pFehmeen. • No. 47 St. Clair- .ROMP CM , DANIEL BENNETT, -. i I • sturoyarnmiss air ' k ALLOW' 11.001{11110itall, COMAII ADD /MOT COL. 1 I OR&D WAEXIS. : . AppOfflie ill the Dlnnahctory, cornea' of Witahtnicts and 'ltraakltts nine; Bllnalrytham,oppcolte ritagbargb,rs. ' MYLITI I ADAttiti,,t CO., Manufacturers of .. .._ BMW. GLAIIIWAWN Ala pi. term= lillrood aaa Iftent eta., • AI" ar ara4 and Pad NEWT .71111, el the Ma 114' runtsusa,ra. W . . E. HAVEN is prepared to furnish TT • P: .111WS MATIpIaLI3, of every 61ecgirkm• B 0 TING CLOTIIS, of better quality aro at loweelyake thee elantbere ta the hut. ectehly GEORGBI. LOGO, Wa.r.rrine. Pa. saittitistuutt. J We &tibial:A to Mum&7tborgar,lig: Pinctins 11.1LTI . DRAWINGS end 11P201110•TtuNO tor rdl landt baddlep, end tapatlntendsthdr erection on teunonto tam. .1 , : . :1A1011 ON AND/01130N • C UAS. zes.TBERa . s,a; • • ..• 4111.0111TEGT, 01/141.14 I Oti BARK 1314101{, • i • . _ _ /anilines I, • and epee description; storks rap inytilyd I 008—, 1.21 and far fIARBO OIL-50 bbla..extra No. 1 thud %Am 011,15 w banana ow la atom sod ow lab 0Q...: nolto PIM Wood, war WWI. • DIILED PDADLIDS--32 sacks , Dried icet reed. Ite ails bf - maul Dimly Ai OD. (1111LF41--100 Wm. okt Cream and 139isbat!: treal.ti; 1 :721 5° raiwnicga a co. to OTATpB4--ITO brus. Bed Potatocts _9OO do Noittoosoelso,_:____ Walfridby 1r.112143.W1Li' EFITEOLEphIOO ,b 411." .112, in Mori kir gale by - . ARBON OIL-50. Beftned Cuban Na.onooreareisisparscondosa__.__ ma , 3.CANMELD*OO, T AKE 'SUPERIOR. WRITE /11311-100.% jj Dblkjad, melted awl far tab tar ',.• • • 144 1 0. OW , . sa QUILIifitCURND- JULAMS-40 , asUrocorsd ml tars& by a. MOM *CIV APPLES-50 boa. for este by PX4.0 1 10. 4.1 MESE ;=!3 =Z3 rzn STRUT: .111adions lot bengzep et *Teel sad co =dame term .h paakc4 just =WO MANE BANGOBBIB. 80. nt Bawd 0 , 81 . 1