The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, July 01, 1861, Image 3

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Apia OP- „Tali Int.?:
110 gDir::;8198.811810, "4 . 1:114r. 1;1 1861.
XErnoatmostcas Otamittos s +'
EL R. 6hsw, Optio*, 68 p "°T thi qautiat b 7
0 .4,
ok. ~.
. Nx ,. .. " .; " •4l r •'i" Z4'
.••uiv L k
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u 72 m
a; i 1:0 -
Darometa ....... !'"'*"!!•••• l2
,aporossd 112 •1111teliber Shoo - by Idtstake.;
On Friday eirertingi the let of June,a lid named
John Elwab..sied tOuriiiim yeare,went out with his
Paii!!+o batliol - Bvreb residieg at - Seat i Mills,
OleedfieldtelitY,•Cabecit 4aai. -Aboat 9 o'clock,
tarepike , ' th i. ~ b 4 61 . lenid saietbiag move on the pike,
a 4 Bred "A
*Sri come running towards the bpi,
aiming; - ' Yen! ! have shot me I, lam i dying !!!
• &fell deed at the; bore few, the ball - hiving ea;
red- the neckand, severed the jegalair vs n..
The deceased's*/ 'Setter:germ the skied% and
either[Won "could be found. on hie pendia IW,ldentiCY
his name eV residence. ttlictiocksts: con
tained pely a knife And a small ' piste trt=lobacco.
IfeWu sis feet Irv:rumba high, of noomulair bead;
bad very' black hair,. sallow compliWw.`, heavy,
-dark eyebrows. mid augur about one inch and a
voider lelengihroUntifig up and diversion the right
side - Of his right eye. - He had a high nose,ta broad
chief and cot a Very, heavy beard. Aged probably
, . From - the above
.description, tole belieeid - that
... this- utdortanate- men was none other thin beta
Irellei,"who iraiLlaisatly. triad and convicted in
.. , ...010,'U. E. District Court, at .Willianorport, for rob-,
Idsg• - the mail in - 1252; and, moped from:thV Gist°.
dy ot the Deputy - /darshal, jut after the-verdict
.--. Dletrict Attorney - i Carnahan spent. three day, in
trying - ' he cue, and finally succeeded** cowries
- dig the 'emceed:- !Aerobia Murdock wasmuch
mortified at the -Coupe of the prisoner Item the
Devil -..lSlonbili and vigefolze.efforts blies been
mode terewrest hiM. If the above dmieription '
Keller torreet,,boweirer, the.wprid it done seitb'Lmse
. .- t.
_ .
, .
.. .
.--.,' TheXrum of tiosirell. Bled wad ~ •
_ . Some frAr months agg, Blush Bolell, - .lohn Bfrd
arid William Arnold, three mituirial amnia% were
' ` ~ asrested upon a abuts
. of blghwayUl* bolsi
Caged . that day kiierhad dirt! sad, tiibbedi ht the
,val l o-sutet: slow* RerriOtt. - 4 &Tat , rejetf.
- towatfdl4. Tbff'"liie." iWWI Mayor Tiffw wee
SO minalusbre'that be 'esizutiiitill titsputts:l4r trig;
- -,` hit ivy uomillawards the presseither wait iamb&
sad the °Mew, Ulu nrustid MLitt, have 4134 to
got potd. of hlm. - .Tlie - Dlstritit Allow, in the eh.,
lea of the proisouthrg witless wee nub's to try
Mt din and he held the dthothants small pmts
sue rut Bit .144.-,
; 8 ~ ,I llr:Cloyle,asiduelfoi data:ids/a - m a d e -
I - - - til thiti'forlbalr, dlecharge, . the law seeing such
_that prisonailinnotibelnild tangs:than twit:arms
Wi at atrial:, --: .. i i
Id . Ahltstr, ahn', District 'Attorney, arse d to 1
their discharge, !Or the reason that the! resent
term had not yet expired. -Be also awed at the
moth rot Howell, sad the enter of Amid , bad
Wilt ' thri house of Capt..lferriott soon aft r the
'obit ry, and se if was alleged that moire had
been t amed- or the purpose, the inference w e that, 1
the lthesnhad been Imbed or tampered
.wi .
1 1.
Ju ge hfcClore remarked that tha mien term'
did' a t close until ;the first Noticlay of. Of ober,
who th e sew term eincnenced... The Ca could
not p s upon the facts until they were sworn to,
and y ,further - probeedings in the ease Would
have I. be by affidavit. _:The motion to du karst
the p inners Wu related. - • -''- _ ,-
f i
An appeal will proaably . be made to ha ' - ther
men ischwged by, Rome of the other' heal apr
a writ of draws corpus. • -
Jll Sitits.4supertamc Trot Ma ate Caren
• court.
Os Wednesday next', the 3.1 day - of July, thai
will be , a very imPortant cue in Chancery a gar
to eforj_ Ron . R. C. Grier, of the Sommer Co trt
the tilted States, and Ron. Miami APCsn lies
District Judge. ;
Fre run French, James DI. Townsend, al Ws
A. Iv , citizens of • • the State of 'Coact:odd° t, al
Rhein er Brewer, Jonathan. Watson, JUDO* , yet
Bator Pierce, rielson Rintiland, and' Fredirte
W. A ea, citizens of 1 thiState of Pearayhtinia
Bill in Chancery, filed May SU, 1861; slime ime
motto made fors preliminary injunction. - 1
Jade Church, of Meadville , is Solicitor for m
t o
Plaine ts, sad A. B. rd , Calment, Fori., and lanow
K. Ke r, Esq., of Franklin, Ventage coital e .
coons 1 for tae ruspondeots. ,- -- - : - - t
The present application is for an injunctfo
restrain . the _ defendants from boring and '44
, .. •
e od honked wells'on certain
ii property
Region.: • egion. , h is alleged that the oil open U.
• cantrosersy ie worth one hundred Wont
'Bus, Ind those interested In the oil bad
II detivel some light on the 'abject of leases
elle, by attending on the day of the sht.
Jodp Grier is expected hereon wanes.
• d the case will hisbrought op on Wedges-
ludo '
sod d!
of oil
diy, a
day ma
••• . a ntswerbeirrlastu New TorN.
The . pleuras of New lyork eity are just co en.
. .
. ' joyiny. • Otc
ury of a deb supply of maw=
from th. well.known -fruit film of Bev. S.
The T*, e, of Fridaj last, after naming ithii
, . ,
• various • lam nt 'fro whence the Gen/wades 1 0r.,.
, tperly g•t their supplies: says t
try .' year we have Winged the Southern utile,
bat we • eve opened tipia 'new 'wares of suply.
;... New Y• rk city 1110 the daily receipt of straw *tr.
ries fro.. Pittsborgb: Pittsburgli r Peuusylva a !
• Reader, do you know where it a1•It is .hey ad
the Alle beaus. , It is aren_ beyond , Braddoel , s
Field.' It is on the site of 'Old Fort Duquesne
that vor .far West , of ottr,boyhood. And 'Os r in
this far. •!f er
point that we ' yet strawbenise with! Or
tea that ere growinte 'SA II - Patabargb Yardee at
tea-time . yestezday.. Wiruderful, isn't. n E 31! ra.
Wander+ will it round lir smut ol:eur.rearlell,t
bear the intre.-not Or lbll . ¢erries; thous!' ibex
five inehOe in eireuniferente, as a. common tillig.
bat—of the garden wbere they grime: Fifty tiles
in straw erne. That is the etas of the , patebell It
is owned by the ROI. Mr. Koos. 00 Teat- Bill. ,
about two toile. froze - tb e icily. . s : The two priseiilal
vartetieith. ire .. Wilson?. ', Albany-;Seedling, aid
Triomp de Grand, both of which are of such Aim
restore that they bear tranvia/titian. and ere jko
prod oeti a; that (00 bulbele eu sew is oot a large
estimate :t their yield. Mr. Koos Juries his trait
to New cuk, Philadelphia. Elayriaborg,Clevelaild
and Cite yo, 'Ad we don't koow bow many other
Wfue In • •• usLar a ward...itestretttost of Cap
Tbor W .13414 larllignseer, of Saturday, haa tilos
following in reference to this 001X1p127 : il
~T he E mode: Gaudio, brought here from Plitt.
burg, undsr downsaad of Capt. Owens, dome weeks
ago, - have acquired an enviable reputation'far sold,
telly Works and.postal good acoadnot, and became
In conseqenv* sable - Ft to genus' :await and adult..
_ration. n ittlif'didlcully width !!cared la the **W.
pally the doer en when they were about to be
mustered to the terries of NFL Craig, hum boob
pretty eat drivel, (stead about. AMU* Wing sta.
tared in, p etition - signed signed byeonseeighty odd mud
btu of th v
otliPlD7t was presented to Capt. 0 ,1 148
requesting bleuto ;tilde, which he promptly did,
and a new on wax had. - There swum be to id
tie doubt t h at
at th e petition sou got up sod presented
in conteri awe oi ..the swell known fact that Capt.
Owens, baring a ptide in the company ! sad feeling
bw i eg fa a groat degree responsible for their can.
dact, - onforcod a rigid dLeniplise and Interfered with
this arrangements and desires of thawed. Partied: ,
to compliant! toy haws been mode, bat the abovir
embraces the whole dual?. - - I
uWe carotid= th is explawiticto due Capi . ORitIL
IL is exceedingly auk/utast to bite, but he feels{
and wo ire ly both" the whole thing nunitod (roar
his earnest • &wrote to do birduty to the wen, dui
;orrice and tolenself? , .
l'eklamwF. l'of#4.ooncd.
Elm and
onto sod copo,,attorpois tor . Mu
uaue weiiseq, cony:cud-at louotio
'leg 2 1/2121222 at their beer rt.:looma pa tbo
of Filth and SotitbSold streets, asked the-Court to
_.:postpone sedtecce until Saturday pest.. T_hey atat , l
--ed at the same time; that thedetendsets had abat , ,
ed the 12012111122, sad , thet hereafter -they would
obey - the law 'tried,. -
Judge stated that the reason why see.
tence was Idot passed 'epee. theta -immediately,
waa berries& the Court . . rlehred toy learn w h et h er
the derendaits would respect the ,verdict. or the
jar]. Tie had been proved 'eu tritotaabit
nuisance, to be gave the_ defendants, lair notice
that ir they 'did pot respect the verdict of-the (orb.
• they would }Amain!). yid the nutteoce of tbeteerti
All the Court had in rile*. Arse. e abateeteat or
the inuced; and . that they. Were 'determined-to
_ .
sgazi 00 • • l l
.quart:of whist'? auzil Digs.
On 81 " ' di; .a man citece Peter Timmy, am.
piciyed at 0 'bra Coal Wink/ above
to cop . en; with two boon .eompulanr de.
tanniead to, Ave 100Sopo spree, And. An ,
. nn i s
*moss pro lined a qua of wkialty—dlims
no doubt. A nimble phie vas saluted, and the
b i nabsi a l sOnensuned.! Its drat bout baying
been imbibed by three.. they, determined to.
bare a .spend; which au Mao drank. Their eon
may be imagined.:_ 'They Witt not town.
li do, however. udvhirdqairt wu obtained, and
while engaged, in drinkieg donbt • for the
iatpft. of Making each man Muter of bier-.quart
...Peter Fame,' took A St sod:died.
c orona Bating& beld'iMitganat,, and the jury
Mud a verdict At admit* from Jafenmuunta
The dectoucAletireirt
I. :' A 1'-
. Sent"P" I* OA Cria sisal Oink:
1 ID the Conn of Quito 011**21,. 933 ijatints4
..-. getweeS Watifilatiiifiaoillyt - . • ',', ,
atairo it gt:47,contioted itt '11.414 a disadealy
I - bass In di Ekgbilt Wir4 trotoormio" ....
____ _
:ra tha onagjill...."! t777,_
ow IloCaellui IMO plas4oll7 t o p i a „ gor
ion, vu OFt a ! ° 6 4 : POf .*frif if %Disdain , .
3 1 aaJDDUW z w „,,.Tholjp.0% ocaniatat itl thil tarmity if two
1 4 goats (rola -,lbakief_veol Wanbog4gi Imo attionold
A go opera In - iiii - POSIMIIir/4 . --.
' y • gitorri poi...:44strieeleek Saundailtioxime,
Sts accidentally shagitt . i3 MD 'ail tad Imp not e
- 14 erw. pitadottakhlistkist:itrahOgAiii&O.caid
lait Tiara. If WIC
dire o 7 Animal, out liiksAhtattuticri saillt ban
4 ,biNta van ',tow full toping:W*44oo the 4-
,4m:sub!. 0u.4411 - 1 114 tte 114111tIP
• • '
CTrattiOer Own Cursipeount.l
- ' WAhllir4TOF, Serie 2S, 1661.
1 am not gum:feed 'that the northern press el
'White some symptoms el uopatien ea at dm apparent
'section of the army now lying before Wastihigtou•
It is natural that the heat of patriotic...ardor should
beget feverish and restless anxiety: liercitig the
people who have so nobly Men UP eatilett forth
I one of the gnat armies of the world'fbr - the de
lease of the national existesca. But ie this impe
-1 deuce wise aril well judged r I, for one, have the
most aebounded con6deoce in Gen. Scott. He
Dever yet lost s bottle, or campaign, nrrr eoes be
Wend to lose either, bow. 'He bas not yet men
enmesh here to mails the onward movement upon
Richmond. There are, say 60,000. None less than
about 76,000 'will do. Moreover, the co-operation
of McClellan, Patterson and Butler le_not yet
eftectirts ! ..doe, not yet make itself felt here. When
the pthering at Alumnae :auction begins kw feel
the tittle lesseumg around them oo all moles, then,
forward will be the word.
- Bud , / army is gaining here every day, not in
numbers only, but indiscipline end ealf.cong deuce.
The few dunces some of hie Geateralihave bad to
show their ability, his happily eliminated them is
Muff= the supposed effective sieges of warfare.
Selunek,wide a locomotive ' will not again appeatio
' his favorite - Vote Tierce ' na 'oda rent, will Wad.
on thereat Fourth ' ', year" before the delighted
denial otßuton. Real war is a touch-atone. I
believe that ova! Ming necusary to the success
of the eampaige is just u rapidly , goicg forward
as thumb all of us editors hid the war Mimed, and
had joined feed, and made general hotelopotch of
our brains in the cause.
I do not 'appear, there are more than 20,000 men
at Manassas. Their immediate coder:non by rad
with Richmond and Lyechhurg, would enable Mem
&dollen, now, to concentrate a large army there,
with their rear elle, at that point. net the-public
do not seem to tee that the movement of steam
boats. at Pittsburgh, and on them the troops to
Putout:nub was really u touch a movement ' in
the line of defame of Washington, as titbit many
men had been massed here.
As to the alleged "compromise," I em firmly of
opinion, ea I have ever kin slue the story started,
that thaw la not • word of truth in Udall. - White
will the people loam that oaten New York - papers
batsmen her, who are hind at so much per line to
maCe op saws to meats a senntlon ? It Is disgrace.
fat; it la en imputatko upon the intaWgenbe of the
Pe9Pl4 but I Artily believe It to , be tine that the
whole stag about Hunter, Bayard, and; the alleged
comprombe, i. manufactured .out of H:whole cloth:
There will to, probably, fred the North, two traitors
in the- corning Coagme—the note:lona gambler,
But Wood, width, man who late showed • pale Of
twinkling heels at Dayton—Vallandigtun. If the
etinititeents of the latter would at him ha jail as a
spy, it Vonidsate the Public the latter Of re-damning
blot. As fir the Utast one, the oaeoe of the country
may feel content that aucti • noisome creator, dare
net even seek companlimship with honor or ugh.
I hate talkie:l4We many membne or Congrau, and
they all utter but one volea--"down with the teal-
Mrs." Slaty thousand bayonets In and around
Wuhingtotr,say "down wire, the traitors," and wo I
tolhe" mini - who dare propose purer or truce to the
vile and reeking nest of thence, who, having grown
fat at the tenantry, now raise their arms admit the
nation's life.
I think the Prealdeet'a ineisage 'will be full up to
the neassittee of the times; that he will ask and m
ealy' power, men aid menu to iroisecitto the war
to the bitter and, and that before another Congrese
shill main, we shall have no enemy to contend with.
There it, however, one cursungency in which the
enemy may, and dountlese bug , root nue to thrive.
It is that welch contemplates the cOnt/UUbtiCe 01
diritrpti men io , places of triae4 and the tried and
eve* courteous treatment shorrn towards rebel,
, taken with arms to their betide. They take Me
ie oath of allegiance freely becauenthey contend that
it is compulsory, and therefore nut boning. A
tae abort shunt 'and - a strong rope is the only good
me remedy I ever ttrheard of. And, as respects the
kind of createres we have had ,for a long tone in
the depantrients hero, and to 001/1* easel bete yet :
de this very, week, a man named Hal; of Timetssoe,
was lodged in jut tro t epy and a traitor, who held
ore a position in the Lard office tlp to the is of
io d March, and , has ever emu, been prowling about
Washington ' God know. for what. Ile weir in the
Of begrime of the Interior Department can hog on his
4 g3 bleeds, arid Cute be was poroted ou ' t to me on the
day before be wee 'meted, u has been noted.
to . About the pose Boomore celebrated her own
en, death, viz : abort, the, lildi day of feat April, a
id , poor, deformed little creature from klaryised, who
held a lucrative posturn ender Secretary Thomp.
- non, and was trelliferrett by Bachman to the pre"-
. ,
eat adanotstration u ohe of bin jewel", resigned.
" Ties of blood" bound prior marinikin to the
f , Foch." Paur hule chap Ile 'came to a friend
A , of mine a week mace in the enema of Watieeton,
re an fbegged for a loaner dollar, The answer was
Viola wul go with me cow, and take the'
to oath of allegiance to the. United States, I will give
nto ou cheerfully."rio,v , said the litle man,
" I ca y nnot," all the ties of b.ood are t wok the
it "Booth," mod no be went on begging, a much more
nerpectable character, by the way, than they who
who, traders at bean, 'till teed toil at the pulite
crib; stilt take their daily bread, from the band
they are eager to see smitten to death.
The public bent it again easefully shucked, !ti
dily, by the news of the death of Oap:_ain Ward, of
the United States ruse !' Freeborn. It seams as
though a terrible fatality awaited"al! proceedings
down the river. Since the Great Bethel error, there
, has been total silence and dearth of movement,
thin sudden and dreadful loss: lin very eery I
to find fault, and warp it not a thankless tusk, we
would complete that, with twenty or thuty thou
and idle and very mazy drunken troops here. only
forty men could be taken to erect a battery just
where it za well known the rebels have been nee
',tog te lotus They have now an intimation the undue% of the Governmentlo occupy th of
commanding and almost impregneble point, acd
they will , therefore, forthwith send a large foree
there, erect • formidable battery, and dtapute the
pastiest of thifitver. The channel for a loot dis
tance runs close in to the shore hose, and dee
they are hoed, seat Sawall , s Punt, the capital will
be cot off from the sea. 'The only thing which has
hitherto prevented their seizare of,Hat point, for
the purpose indicated, is tho 'difficulty of convey
ing heavy guns scram, the awampy_greptid which
lies behind the - wan - on the river Once they estab
lish thounielver, it is pain to see bow much dam
age they will inevitably do. Life had better oe
seendced in bolding then in lain this pennon.
While ell these mauve here are dragging along
slowly, and not nemiegled shit bleed, sbed by at.
quint, the .fosireal of Covneroa and the Baltimore
Sue can scarcely annual their delight, and spare no
paths to give aid and amnion to the traitors.' This
hi so trms for parley. Marshal Kano and his alders
and Odeon should et once be ortuhtui. The Gov.
ernment is struggling for ha life, and It rout lay
about hull Emmett, or all will be lost. This is
the Untold Tacktonlen firmrien, arid tbe same prisun
that holds the men armed &eaten the lair should
hold the man who h urged the traitor to tits overt
co Mormonism:hong. the troops here.
1312 Ci th ey have beim paid off, the decide has Men LO
pay sheet our streets. Dreekeenesi, fieree,.groes,
itavaile, maudlin—of ell grades, shades and coed!.
thaw, has rendered day and eight en:woes. itghte,
oats, ;hot* and braises are the order of the day
0400 6 thee, and the seater the money . Is gone the
beam. There is no prospect of any Other fighting
here than nob es I have drecribed.
oily shows, alio, syuipteme of the mooting
of Congress la the number of persons buttonholed by
any other camber of pastes, the lame; wanting
some Mho', and the tatter learning the mama why
the former, of all mint to the world, ought to have it.
Fltresunourhe Duravna.—A letter, dated at
Wdliatneport, Junii2gth;rialt g '
wficerge Wachner, or lit/anion,. Fe., Conrad
Valais and John Scioto , of Fittaborgh, .Pa., be.
longing to the Fifteenth Hegimenr, with John Cor
oner, qf the:Eghth Regiment, were brought to
blageigtown, yeaterday, baring been 'remold ref
delettioo, _Thou chances are
"errs ialotablarfor
beiag hbot.
FLIO PALlttirAllON.—ito elegaat 'lll will he
presented tbis ereeiag , at Oli the .1.1-
/eghesor Greys, Capt. llama], at tba 'recdieco of
bl• Coopos, South Common, near Ciantinaky
sues,. lion..Tnot. bi. Howe will auks the pro. ,
'emotion speech, and John llaianedl, will
respond on babaltol.lhe company. 'X ha Coluatbia
&ilea Will attend the preaantation and the oecsaiea
will ge quite interestEg.
- , •
Mon /01 A Now Trizay..—Waellingtoo flum
pen, cotayietcd of passing counterfeit,bacili doter,
wu brought in for sentroca, when his coutraci,
Mr. Kohn, pruented tearoom io support or a too..
ban for new. , Boolean° was deferred for
tho'present. Welah; who was convicted lor a aimi•
tor °ironer, woe alto remande.l. - • •-• "-
Ors . son CV .31')Coight
tad Hon. I. K. Moorhead, representatives from the
2lst and 22d Districts; will lenvii lot - Washington
city, thie(Mondey) afternooo - at (our o'clock, :o at.
tend. the curt session of Coogress caTtd 'for She
4111 ofJely. , ,
Cies:in.—The St. -- Nicholas'`comer of
Thud:and Greet streets, hsi closed. The hotel
rt =lnas tottlekei Rf , the general depreulen, cod
there eseto be 06 men, belsee for the Ltnited
Aeetdeie defog.
?les Ga anti —A final decree bii-mad e
~ttardy r !
byetu_tg: AreClareialtoreloi Bliztbelb
I bapd fliimuerBmlth.2
BiOIICPiD —Since the let of Jane: lB67
ClmliktU , o 'Bummer 4.4ort i , Pkillipstigq; Beater
y. , ',Myr um Day ruub. s k chkotti.j
:. Ear; Gartitrr , The trim:4'M T.J Biug
liam win teapots . Int time for the seotte the
int Convention; Mr: -13. his tittd a lave expo.
dues lir lgglalatiog, batiogssid it that capacity
t or ', T i n y lees; mblati would tender bis maces
to tbe pools . •
1' White al iturisbats be ins' allitaya (mitt at hit
.poitt; sad Tigibuy guarded 'do _interests of itis
eoltulSittota. N otrue' - doubts bit ability or bis
hoootty or isttegmras s legislatar.'.Tbe uperiesee
at the tart .low years bat taugbt Abe peoislei 'bat
these ate rare qualities to be found among the ss. •
&ante for larinaskort...The roods- aids of site
'merit euirtiell:so have Abe ofitoo".6lled by,one -ot
their ottp.gorr. - Prrr Toyrretur. -
' lillr/ j oat 041 : 1 • 7240 ", (pater Qumpa novas.
ruble Pbpiolae, Ora aPttlitortirlabow'soolottrated
11 1 ,,, w „...:G0tair of :Peso ant Ways:*
Dttaata l
7ts' . . Pion
Strigt; fttp7: 1 4 6 .4 aabraltcalt o;4 4l .Ni:tat wan
lassup__ 17t - Sn r AND:m*4
the later n*l_o, W. IIearIINWOM,JII, - as bla)Ark
tiltpildilforlar WI. dsa fut at. .-
~;~ ~~~ ~;
~~': _ .._
A.itivals at the
C J Pigahtt. Phil
Itiddtr, Iloa City
AB UM% Dolltaa rbarg
0 Barry. Butler
A gachleer.-balt
B 0 Ilaroploo. Palm; 0
it ft iliapharak Chards:id
W , it'll mat A lady, Ileadrilla
W 'faulty, Clurathati
W.tiartz, !smut,
J B Loodilf, ameba
It Jacobs:Kola •
Co! J J Pattirarta, Chicago
T. Pill, Wadi, P •
B SfcCoiluell.P4taatoth
J Shalßald. Dartford. Ct
L'rJD think, Chuhp Wriahl
W Bse do
()Atm, rt. Colontoira
uerisios norisz:•4
• ansie
Penton, Latrobe
B 3 Eterston:Clo •
Pi LI Owe • do •
0 A Trimble* lady,ohllieolb
D Daubs. blazbary, Oregon
A 0 Chamber. tin
)1 itamethi Freeport
0 Brio. 0 Weed
W. II Thome,. i lady, Ind
MW Simon, iligendown
hire George Mason, do
A Amer, efo
J lb Lord, Omda, N T
Mr. l
J o.lta,T&
ll Stewart, nenJ eebo*
L M natailton, hit Jerboa
D Dam!. Cp Wrlgbt
P Lemmata
G Minn, Lembo • "
O 0000442d.0ntoiattnni
.7 Gardner. Piedmont, Va
O illte4hey, do
I W Oro••&ladyMaciannU
W M EllPaUdek, 0 Wright
G tKum.,Cupp Wilk** -
Mt. • tonnarnd son, My
t W Maybe*, &ninety
Kra rkbroan.
crams% eLcd tlln
W 11 .41er. Pn u.
XA9LX 110TEL..-Liber
M Mtaissn, Wre j t o rn " Ondend ll*;
JJ Mutate MrMN Station
J a klogetend, Bum Pula
; eToonlo.G. Greensburg
A R B Itanny.Brooksilis
O beenser, Beaver co . •
J SHllenger. Mt Plestant
I Sheol.. do
JII 'Mnreb, M..T• . '
J Stowert, Mt Jecluon
13 P Reiter, St Moyne
W Wiloa'
- Mn klundman, Ls. mere Ste
a Al klamkton, Mt Jrckeou
A Wier, Carap Wright
A Mauna* li Two
• ' 11 ./.. =LW.
3 illfidoughby A I sdy '
0 etcrart, Camp Wright :
Of lamb, • •
.100 °web.% Ballets. '
B 7 Herd; Shownsvllle
R Hunt, Creaks's, 0
1 P. DOnley. Germ. co
rasa Stephen; ,ceemesogg
Pn4 Metzger,
7 Miller, . .
It A WlUlantr, Camp Wrigtit.
A T LeuPobrn,
10 Lappobe4,l: S.A.
Ilowsainlis, Locust Bldge 1,
coots lOU.
Jet Malcun, Brimetlle l'
Thoa Audreenir,M.llcrs 800
'3 kl ne '
3 A Ttionass, Butler co
s= wi, Woad woo, ri,
.6 1.1 Hester, do
J..boleagbartwr, Ott Creek
Al. I elreasieyi Wean, Pa
D 0 / * gulag . , WAsAlust‘o
JO' 3101 1fA. Fonlar•
0 W Wlicosoi do
1 PI Mseenson:Crots Creek
; WoOollonsb.C.Doesbur
W O DGG Candor, T. g
Jaecb Gireloge. Gerrleoo cc
BED, raw nom—.
e, r. eaSbol,
atilt.: Cnble
a Phl.l344:ll,oceengtft
C.A , At, Wadilagicri
! W Devute.
Attruzroog. Peon
Ltoam),oupp Wi lklw
W II Lukens.
3ilum., idtidville
N Clark. ' Qp I
NATIOItiAIIt . 1101
.llsban, llrwcuertile
J D ' R r
"fl b -L, Brtldocre
It Wto4o, Gnostel4
NY Do rilttri, Via b
3 37.,P4Yitirownreil•
Cause ut tile Recent DiatUrb i ancee at Jell
The "Bank" excitement st Milwattkie has
subsided. The "dentinal" of Wednesday con
firms the telegraphic report that the banks
have perfected it plea by which the bonds of
the seceded States (the basis hitherto of their
circulation in part) will be withdrawn from
the Comptroller's offlat and, their place sup.
plied bithilenda - of Whictinsin. It is also
stated that within a few days, the securities
of the banks on the current list will be made
up to par, except the ten broken_banks, and
there le Prospect that, even some of them
may also be brought up. xi, proceedings
bare as yet been instituted' against the
7 A writer, who claims to ho well-informed,
thus states tho circumstances out of which
this unhappy excitement grew :
Some three, months ago, aboutforty country
banks were Ihrown out by the hanks of Chi.
cago on account of the character of their secu
rities, their entire meta being in south=
bonds. Stdistly the rtundirbg banks
met in convention at Miliraulde, and agreed
to receive oic deposit the bills of all banks
which were then considered good, some eighty
in number, until , the first day of December,
when their new, hanking law coMes Into effect.
Be that law tbe banks of the State were not
obliged,' between March and the first of De.
ceer, to redeem their bills in specie.
Recently several of the banks' in kiilwan
kie, which were represented in the Banker%
viz the Buda Bank , Batik of
ktilwankie,Junesin Bank, end Mitchell's Fire
ineuranes Company,' the heaviest in
repudiated n their own action, land refused
the bills of the country banks. This action
prevented the; from country - dealer. making
payments in the usual way, to the wholesale
marchanti of;Zdilwankle, cabin great inter.
ruption . and difficulty in their business,
Hence the. uprising , ant mobocratic) demon
stration. , .
. Itiusuccesalul Masi=
- -
the efforts of the rebel, to qui tho savages
of the forest is attended with soMir discoura
ging resat& ! We learn that Albert Pike and
Bhp. McCulloch, wholave recently beenThk
itiog the Cherokee Indigo for the purpose of
intlycing them to pqt . an the war paint and
t egao the Scalping krdre,- have left in disgust,'
as they were unable to. induee the latter to
!engage in 'the bloialy bu.ineea. 'Les, savage
than their! titiopsie, - -They could see no good
reason for making war 'pleat the United
States; and tedignently scorned! the brutal
proposition..4ohn Principal Chief of
the Tittoo, in &Proclamation to hie people,
minds them of their obligations arising under
their treaties with. the; Federal Govenuttent,
and impresses upon them the proprkty of at
tending to Their awn-bad-tem, and leaving the
secessionists to fight their own battles and re
! dress their own grievances. • !
Wtuit'a rebuke to the miscreants who at
tempted to tedmie them from their allegiance
and send them forth to murder and pillage
&T" tUf.l2l7,2lll474lshriilmiigglt.Llrrtilr!
et of Dr. Mootten dent, Cl 00n..—
ens boon
üb n
Vi d V i rte l ilt=s j 7
= 4 a wave.rtl, and will it
Tara?' 11:11.11
vial • One mar hendred moVlicatee et recur. able c on e.
cr a frL s mognitm it with tin last two ream
,4 =*,
• Dirloviccmaro run Sysrue--Two-thirds
! of bar Cl .1.. a proceed Pont derenaemente of dbe sumach
rVeit . i....=2:Deo A w'u n t orOV ' c i rtrc7o,= t ;
mnt. ritoraarrtotr Annoys o
IMe cane/ and pro oaaregoeumie ef this ditcomtort ere
etreagth to tb• wesaenel alomult, to calm the Waged
Ave. and to rosters thet ingenuity of d soden In all
origentwlttch conatite4 perigee hmita ..d nod to wenn
iong inta pelotas, lirea Mute is no medlcitainow Wore dm
world arida will compere with uthrricrraurs 15TOtd
4eopprre 01/ .111,17.111{8. - It maid be an tomcat to the reader to
thet te bee not beard of, their mole* emoarel le
Dopey,* Myer Complama, cement debility, anet:lta the
Menders toarblrli the troassoo. the Ilya; the ,hotevi bee
the Daunt lydep 41411,1abjept. mareellout vi,,,,ff. ct
or Ode crew reetoratire, that lettrida•Cl pf
baldest* to affiX. their camee as let theme to the teetheont.
alt of ..1. 4 9 UM be
netted from rite- Ind and
- denier IT e. , riditere. when the remedies or toe dispose.
rp bed ufban trier without emu. - -
Bold py e &
n Were ererribers. • inyMalwd
ser-Btoon, Fonn.—Attention. is celled to
tau mart renursable end edema & preparathis.edrartheid
to another colamta It lea enemyy-now aleareery, and
out not he ainunauded with any of the numerate parent
mealdnee or the day.. It la • CIMINO remedy for all the
dieeeseespecilled,end menially thaw of • ohlordo aunts
torlat.Temw...of weehe, Mothe r and owe. Boar.
caßci 4 Dl:Mina er trim/Toro, en the mate
ideate (or it, end ature a' the woriddeocirmal
keecres israst an Weds 1 1 11 1 01 Mr,
Ifiotberenoold 14mM her medicine closet *a au or new;
:Z. e ft 4w caotto n :o u d '"
o. 4: 3 17.1: -.l .r ig w e= Dt
eat tx• raced an loralsetr• ereoldo in all c.m cr WW I / oo .
7 . I P'lS.:B•4l'"-O,N4ta6Osaut'44 1 1 1 0 N 4
1. 41C:nt, :11:11117Brn
wens Plttabe '611041h1111.
,sarArtationld not fall Id read the &aver
vv.,- vr-i.e is mats.!. . •
La novii.os
OaTs—.soo bus. Oats to 111'610 and for sale
by - aroll_ B. a novo •co
R1EV,14.P.P.4.1... - -201;1 bus. in stun and
• Ml::,Aruba a 4-tmaita
:DEAN ,re ., —§. -, 9,; , iwT•Whise Beans for ralo by
JJ *la - g DALZELL L Cl(..
, - •
. .
Pryppal 'Rotel&
.: MOUT'.
r Third' dad Wood Arsons. -
. okoraoto.. .
2 l i f Olt i , ' Hittooolog
0 J ,P.m, h. Gms
0 : 8 Joao
J II Lou, Doll
ficoo a a licOdJalout
W Comm WSW. PhDs
Mrs Solorodad At sulk Clu. 0
SW ClToormul, do
D SW Soot*. do
0 /I Sembly. Et Look
J Sebes. Poo.
1' A id .ban, Phi to
J ODnnoder, do
0 illf•al, do •
" 0 I b00t.,, at Lox.
SW II .1 COttoons, do
Hantarrows, June 28....-Tbe body of bootie
Welsh, or York, Pa., Will sent home this morning.
' Mayor Doubleday any • party of rebel troop*
clattered around Cage Woods, open the high hill
opposite Williamsport, end threw a 21. pound shot
at them, this afternoon. They scampered over the
crest at more than a.double quick.
Orden; for a marchof the reserve guard, twain
fell of the Ist Wilt mitt, the 4th Connecticut, and
the 11th Penns* nia regiments, were 'need thiv
afternoon; alio, Medullae* Independent Rangers.
From the fact tha. this corps ta the eepecial body
guard of Gen. Pat .erson, I presume that he, tool
moves hie headquarter, southward.
Lieut. Rider, of Captain Doubleday', command,
learned from the party who brought in a flag of
trade, yesterday, that the Virginians are forced to
feed thelr horses exclusively on corn; they bare
no o ld bay, and acknOwledge that eat only proven
der, but provisions of all kinds, are very teethe.
Theytesid everything is the valley of Virginia has
been literally exhausted.
It to hollered that nor troop. will crass the Po
tomac pertly at Williamsport add partly at Shen
pardeford, nine miles below. Both are excellent
fords: If they excise at the latter point, and posh
rapidly forward,. they might succeed in capturing
at lean 200 cavalry troops. All are inspirited at
the idea of a forward movement; the enthusiasm is
chilled by the fear that they will be marched ten
or fifteen miles,
and halted agile for weeks.
Intelligence from Stevenson's station, where
Johnson's headquarters' ow are, declares that the
force encamped Immedietely about him,ls lull
6,000.- He has sateen pieces of artillery. 01 these
six are rifled 12 pounders, two 24 powders, of the
old hied, two 12 pound howitzers of the old kind,
and the remainder are 6 pounden; none of the
latter are rifled. The • troop, are well drilled, bat
not so will equipped lacers. tinder very strict
discipline the men seam discontented and are !
slovenly in their habits.
Two regithents, one of Alabamians and the other
of • Idiselselpplans, reached Harper , . Ferry Ode
morning end destroyed the balance of the railroad
trestle Work, and came over to the Maryland shore,
aeizingall the beats they could' get, either break.
leg them up or taking them over the river. All
the Union 111411 of Harper , * Perry were again
driven enc.
Alvery, the aecessioniet leader, was arrested
here ten days ego. He leaves here tomorrow for
Port McHenry by way of Chatitherstinrg Anil Her-.
ntheigi .Ills trunk is already packed. Ile is un
der a guard of McMullen', Rangers. Any attempt
at rescue would prove hazardous in the extrnins.
1 have Jost learned that McMullen , / Rau--
gers encamp to-morrow night at Shappardstown.
some regiments will be thrown forwent with them,
Ths head-quarters of Oen. Pettersou will be ad.
sauced farther southward within a day or two.
Capt. Newton, of the I/agleam, has visited Mary.
land Heights for the purpose of ',tootle, the inint
upon which to erects battery to- command liar.
per'* Ferry.
, 0./Hf. Liberty Meet.
lE Crouland, ConceDerlile
JNomboo, Brady , . Deed
L a Lichen. Spriagedd
G W tialdermaa.Ducler co
GIL PhD; Stills •
U It H Den St Antony; Huh
D W Helen, Holiest -
II Hares, Threat= • "
J 0 Bo hard 41 ma. W Obeli
A Ce Sheffer, WlDlewhoct
6 3 . 1000 7. ffes taboo - , -
DcgicooteuL Votoateura
IlittliaZ do
' .
111 st L Cowes, Ginansbnrg
LtJ,W Patton =
• argon., Greensburg
br Esc , . WK.*
Ile estford, New Wilininesp
gr. gunialD.m. Vartianouth
1 Tbadar.Oldealxtrg
Mny Coburn A reedy, But
Z P It altnaed. Maaatiloo
:May - . Memo, V. •
J 8 Batiddt, Dolma, Ye
PM Pantmottb, Ctn. 0
P I. Astbraok, 8t Louis
D Illgter.lndatonolla
IT .7 81matcats It ladyai Y
111 Morrow, Oblo
rtr atreot,Dalow boyinab.
nanirlrol. -
M Tboaapaoti, Wilk! ab r
kW T II Davidson. ] t ac o g
ac May MoOlalland, Da
Yrs • MdOloilaltd. it hada
DI A Nosblt. Claw WHOA
W foliates, do
N Mealallsod, du
W S law,
Lim o Z Ja
J Moon,
boov lII*
G N Bad* Butler
8 Pallor,
BFt Bohn. Ittmatabore
ZA..wV, Bottway, Ye
isdadidd add ThBl streets.
'. P•Ottlrroa.
jV TI Batt,
18 • lloOddita.
D 1830•Ilbter,
L P Mau,
W D Doom,
Joo 11 Now, -
0 W 18 4 3 3133,0001dgt0e, Ily •
18 3 Wbwolock,Clirround
Jortbdo Dostly,
Jar Mom% Mos airy
It 8 e1=1313.31te30. vlllo
3 II 0334 lIPTILI3334ort
T 11133 • do
IC A Pliker, ks,
Clinplaud ,
07 .anus, toot ?I litUt.
Li rot. • -
IF a liadbold, Wittabld , I 7
31330 fltiocklatt,
J a a..d. ConozsbaTe
••• Zoo_ ,J• 1 1113. Y. litatlca
Thos AL00.7. New ew LI•Con, 0
/ LI Et•B3r3,Pt
Jo Artowoog.
too lleiloorm, WWI co
GI W Foot*,
a Litt* aura. •
C 8 W•do. OLuis r.
(1 it W 4.3. ukb oL
anou, Pa
I. A Hagar, PLS.
/oath, stormoo,
- No. Is et! cw, mat.
r, tionatio/L
II Latsl,36, totter
a J Branch
3 Dayy.33,
W 7N"davj.4l:llle"W"
If Wiwi, cro7,;_
IA 8a114,1 . ••••,,
01033:0833p Weght
d K N1CW1.146114/164C0C CO
a A ". 1 4 . Cat45FLIllair
-No 17, trmat drew.
0 II P Orion. Tdonborg
8 Stanley, WLlbot
J Almost., JllKelopott.
.I Ilicksbahr, do
Lonnnung, Juno 30.....11. R. Walker, Britleh
.Conwil at Obartenon, pund through this city last
inseing; going south:
The Jaunt, of this morning, eau that the Col
onel of this Btu" Onard Regiment, at Catawba,
cesium being unwilling to aupport the neutrality
policy of Kentucky. dials a ericeseionle. It n
tethered that the punnea of than:client at Colum
has will 'produce much trouble, and is only a trick
of Mira* to mane a outo in that region.
The same paper bas a Internam Padinah saying
that the 'Bona men did not rote in their strength.
Macy ware foteed to rota for Bunion-
A Mr. Brigham, a Kentuckian, was nupeoted as
a spy. lle was amated. Shot at three ttmb , and
started for Union City, Tecuunas, to be triad for
treason. Oa the came day the Coroner or Obscene.
ty was killed.
The saunirmista say that ivory manumit deolan
either for the north or the souk, and that northern
er. mon bulge.
The day after the alectioo, a illoitthenc fl so. was
raind, and am Preotiss invited to take it down.
A light enured between' two troloniam and
two SecessionWs in Groves etTooty, la whieh• one
If mune:Asti wee killed, and the other had his arm
broken. Two compaolcs, ones Uoloth and the other
a Disunion one, were &filing Dolt by. The latter
started io pursuit of the two Tfoionien, whom the
train company followed after. Nothing was beard
of the result of the affair. •
The Neabville Urikns, of the 28th, says that Cols.
Hardee WM Magruder have bean appointed Belga. ;
din Generals In the Confederate army:
coq City Council appropriated 1:10,.
OM/ for the residence of the Preenient;no an Induce.
moot to remove the capital then. I '
Joshua Pearl.'
of MAU. Eilp6lll:lLifitifili of the
Nashville PublioSaboolk llar been nodded to leave.
The Mau:pais Avalanche of the :Sus has so ac
-00000 of the seizure of the eteawer Cif) of Alton,
tied the probable copier. of 1000 Ohio troops.
The New °Man Dela, special, ears:that Merl
ben was amen:A at Auntie ao a spy, sad deliver
ed to the Vuglnian authoritree. If the andante'
is not rufsclent to coovict blot, he will be turned
over to the Confederate enhonties. •
6tephens was advertised to solicit subeciiptione
of canoe for the Confederacy et Linton:tot, Ga.,
on the :911: of Jane.
t U Uo•taa t lady.
Urslaktar It 2 claildrao,
• • .
The elate Trammel - or Georifia'alvte notice that
on accounts with the Northam ttailayeryStakee.
lutanist on 'coupons anttbiAbleet ihiStiiiti payable
in New York, Inuit be redfamed at Savantah.
An advaitisemant announces the re-opanlag of '
the Cooled loan at aeveral places in Georgia,
nod says only $11,000,000 of
,the slssoopoo kas
been au bacribad.
Damson& Juno 28.—A eorrecterFteport in rely
don to the saistme of arms at the Marshal's cam,
asps them were only about 230 muskets and rifles,
Instead of TOO, w as first stated. Two ila.potinds,
mid two four-pounds gnni; half ton of assorted shot;
400 weight of ball, and 800 rule bait cartridges
were &Moog tho dlicrixerlea. They were seemed
beneath pleas of coal, aid some were found under,
the flooring of the back bundle, of the old City That
lately occupied by the Marshal. Tile search for WOOS
is Bull in pretrial.
The United Elate, Marshal hiring oath.
dent InfolOtion to pimply him, lagged a writ ori
edam Tesomasd & &mai - where the officers found
Ore field pieces, ais, eight and twelve pounders, ill
sew and well sweated with earnsgre. Also, three
siege gee., winch had been mentifseuired, tt is
stated, at the order offilanhai ff,site. Thera Ono.
were supposed to luxe been &allied onginally for
operations ageism Fort Mcliecry.
Thisaltornoun the Twentieth New York }Logi.
meet, Item Antilop'', Junction, proceded to Pat.
tattoo Part, where they are encamped. The Fifth
Name Regiment pasted through hue this aflarnoon.
The First New Jerssy• Regiment etreyed bore ,
arc s about ten o'clock to-in Vet. the Sixteenth New
Centfal R ail ro ad, gi ia about ll reach
Midenis cit las the North. I
j e t. The Fourth
Michigan Reennent will probably teach here about
daylight. The Second and Third lotattry Regi. '
menus are minuted to the morning. ,
TM" funeral of pr. Thomas Healy. Orate 112
Col. Lyle'vregitnent, took place Ilhle .efternoon.
The corpse was escorted to the ears from Camp
Ponnityleania, uo Locust Yuizt, acdompaniad b e a
full band. TO. body left by the miming taaiu for
with a detachment of twenty Ease.
- ficantiotz, Jute 29.—The new police her.
lotted at the &asleep Police Station-house several
drum' beloogios to the h2amactiusetts Regiment,
which witty taiee oath other trtiCloo from the bag.
gage 'car on the day of the riot. Proms much
broken and defaced, but besting the name of the
blusacbueetts manufacturer end the nage ci the
owner, were also found.
Elannefonal, 'IUDS 2 2.—The Titied Jenny regi
ment hai lust parsed 'automat', making the sixth
ietito sat that has Parced through Balumore la less
than twenty-lour boor.. The city eootintles quiet.
Thera an many rumors as to the late/Wed action
of the police board, but nothing definite yet.
Fuatimiploxsos, JYo• 2 8.—C01. Cate
_ ..ego
meat armed this morning Irma Boston, and pro
ceeded to Washington without landing.. Then ,
privet deatinetion WAS Flatten Monroe. The
faTamehrtretts Third and fourth Regiments ate
ordered to march to-morrow morning , they will
probably entrench themelesa beyond Hampton
Bridge, and form an advance of an important
moyment to march to Yorktown. Tbetr time
expire. within three weaker, The Nasal bri
gade will probably accompany them to Hampton.
J. W. NiltiOtt, et the Fins Regtmeit of Vermont,
died, yesterday, at the hospital, of %name lever.
HI, br.dy will os taken home.
Over one hundred sick are now ill the hospital.
A large number of "contraband, 6t weer have
come in, to-day.
Tiro rebels, tile morning, fired two or three shot,
from a new battery on Jamey riser; directly oppo
site NewportvNewer
Among the Maier. at Old Point , today, is Hon.
H. J. Haywood, of N. Y.
The weather tore Is intensely hot. •
FUITELBII Masson, Yana 29—Fie Baltimore.—
The 3d Massachusetts rvgiment will Morel rout the
Fortran, early to-morrow, to a Woo, pooltioo
beyond Hampton and near Newmarket Bridge,
where it will be joined by the etb Massachusetts
regiment, from Newport Newt. Col. Alletoll real.
meet goes to Newport News. TAO Incessant rain
has prevented Mese movesuects to-day.
Col. Allen was placed under arrest, yesterday
inorriteg, for disregarding the ealeguaid maid by
Geo. Batter. He is it large on parole.
Col. Cary /cove, of Hamptoe, bee again been ar.
rested, probably on account of letters found on the
schooner Tropic Wind; implicating several • -
mdiadaals., • ...saga
Mr ' Wlitu h " ittut . ' a appoiated Sutler at
kid Point. in nl:r or Mr. woody _ The oppotot..
m 0! fr - ont Waahtngton.
Br. Lotus Jeep 29 .'' The Calm eorretimadent
of the Derkeral, sayitbat handredt of htisami.
rbillY,frOm different parts of the State, are neaten.
tratiag hi Arkansas , border, where . they receive'
Irmo ramlebed from the hontb. end where they ea.
peel to be joined by troops from Arkaaste t Tea.
femme and fdiesneippi to overran the elate.
Bird's Point Is now atone, guided by two
tegtatente and a bamboo . of flyleg andlery,. ace ix
'faetlyls capable of , notating any attack Win • the
rbe. . •
Sr. Levis, Sane 21—After a session Ofehout ten
day', and a therongti emunination of a great num
ber of .
.witnesses, the Coroners@ July nindered.the
following verdict in the Seventh street shooting
affair: -That the inbJecti of the present foggiest
came to their deaths from the elects or gun-shot
wounds inflicted by.Blinie musket bane, discharged
by certain members of Companies C. it; H, B apd
1, of thellceond itegisient O. S. Reserve Corps,
wbAsi amicaing down Seventh street, on the morn.
tag or the 17th lament. The jury further express
it is thest.opinfito that said wound. were inflicted
Without any proveratiou,-tor the discharge "at tire
arms tram calmer then preeenr, and also without
any order to fire having been given • by th e officers
Of said . •
• • -
Lakeville, Isar( 30..—River -rdstietaary, with
tires feat three incites wate e nrthe,cateel; weather'clear; 'reroute 74 degrees.
F - '.I
Re.L -
ayee, Tate 29.—Tlas 2i Raw Fork Reilt
mant, Slow at Ball's thou Rae* wW soon chugs
their oilmy letworai Miler thence. It mamba. *boot
850 mil and one company parfornalog spacial duty
ail am ,cotomati.
W. Harkin, of Now York, baa been aointed
IS additional Paymaster to the Army. pp
CoL member of Coageoto from hilswharl.
who will
a Berne/darrive to-night, to to be complimented with -
g;dtlenien, just arrived hare from New Orleans,
report, that a British 'hip recently MO the blockade
and broight to that port eared hundred tow of
powder *rid 20,000 stand of arm,.
Durig thin morai heavy firng was heard i
the cei n ghboriniod of ne
Washington, i but it was scar ..
tuned tb be the totting of heavy ordnance.
The South Carolina Soldier who was erratic
yeaterday afternoon, near Falls Church, had. like
too many of our own troops, imprudently ventured
beyond own Hoer. Hui arms were of the best
deserlpilon. •He represents be Is it idestachasetts
man by bir th, bet long a resident in the South,
lie was et the attack on Fort Sumter. He also
statei that altbough:mooey is searailbere Is no
lack or iithatanual food in the Coofederate "nay.
Owingito the number of dray . , which have late.
iy occoried, the military authentic." have detailed
a numbet of regulate to patrol the streets during
the day ii well as night, for the purpose of arrest
. .
mg disorderly soldier".
The N. Yore Sixteenth and firat'New holey
Regionals arrived this morning; the other two
New Jenby Regiments will arrive today.
WASEIZINoIIm Carr, June 20 _This ernoon
*ha President hoisted the National Sag o'ver the
canopy ikeently erected south of the Executive
Mention it, the grounds attached there. Among the
disunguished spectators present were Secretaries ,
Stewart and Smith, Gen.Bcom and Gen. Mansfield.
Rev. Sind? Pyoe,. of the Episcopal church, deli.
erect a prayer appropriate to the °emission. The
military Ware represented by the New York 12,h,
sad • demichmant of Regular", The salute to the
Sig, the booming oflcantion, the strains of mule,
the cheering of taw Preidient end Gen. Scott, con
cluded the ceremontea
Capt Craven hu been ordered to the comand
of the Podoman in place of Capt. Ward,
deceased.] • -
The Net. Jersey Brigade, which arrived to-day,
will ininseiliatoly sio into camp near this city, in
the neighborhood of therlthode Island regiment.
Two taiga scow. us Immediately to be built,
each capable--of mounting eight thiny-two poun
der gnu With moveable barricades for the pro.
tection of the troops thereon.
The stehni-trinsportiJunes Goy deft
the Navy
Yard, this craning, with supplies for the Freeborn,
which is reconnoitering between Main Point and
Acquia Crick. •
The steamers Cambridge, Ben Deford and Pem
broke arrived at the Arsenal, this afternoon, the
fast named bringing Col. Cu.' Boston regiment
and the other vessels. army supplies.'
The Cambridge, napalming Mathis" Point, threw
grapeshot into the bush,, thereabouts, under the
apprehenalen that the 'Coefedaratti might ba
their knelif biding. planer; no revenge, however,
came from the shore.
Had COLT Cate bees aware of the recent action,
and the erinaeonsot death of Captain Ward, the
Boston regiment ; would have debuted nod thin-
Gustily meowed the neighborhood.
The remains of Captain Ward left hare is the 2*
p. m. train,ite-day, and rill unve at Philadelphia
et feu o'clock todiight, mad then be carried to New
York on Sunday eteamg:
f , r. Loasej Jtes 29.-.. A whole block al budding.
au Mississippi street, in Danaideville, La, was
bunted on Oiday lest. Low $20,000; muted for
~i .
The Meet is Appe a l notices tbe.deptrture train
k h
then. of Brig{ Gen ht`Ci atm, Col. Prentice, of Ken
tucky, and ;Col. Jeff Thompson, of Missouri, for
White riverl Mimeses, taking with them large
geanuticka arms. A apental dispatch to the mime
paper rays at Leonidas Polk, Episcopal Bishop
of Louisrami, has been commissioned 'Brigadier
General, andleaergued toile coma:led alike Lower
Mississippi. 1
The ColuMbm, Missouri, ffintallimiE_MintMeCeas
oti the autbaelty of a gentleman tram Newton Co.,
that there Ort 20,000 smod of 67014 arid 67 ,0111
troop., at Mayerole, Ark.:
J. W. Budgb, Poperiuteedeot of the Board of
Public Werke, and Wm, E. Docacotott,-elerk of
the Supreme Court, took the 04-03 of allegiance to
the United Stites, at Jefferson Mir, to-day.
Sr. Loma,. June.oo.—W. IL blebbles, General
Agent of Me 'diurnal 4r Weetern Telegraph Liao,:
embed from a try au tba Plaint, We Morning.
The settee, t etas sent oat by the telegraph com
pany are progressiag eatistachtrily. The first 200
mile, teetotal beyond Pori Kearney is being con
structed rapidiy. Mr. B. reports that the Clad°,
ale overland c!lXiiigliltaxi la mach larger than Jt has
been ley year laiaee !EAT.' 'The uveriaad Mail Co.
cammouso Mt daily Nervier, to-morrow. It le con
, espe tsd that toe telegraph line will be
completed to 'Alarms by the Ist of December
Reliable in proration Gain Springfield nye thitt
the 3i regiciedt, Col. Siegel, end a part of the 5.14
•Cra, Bolomoni reached taus on Sunday tact, an d
Col. Brower, revmant, 4th mien. corpe.end bat. 1
taltoissth, would arrive Beat day. ,Siegel'. rost•l
mint started• West and cot o ff Jackson, who was 1
lest heard fre e
t at. Sthekton.lnth 2000 men, Oily
partiailartn..,' • ll' , ' ,
f It is tns
trade: that the Kaa. resonant bas
guarded all ou lets from !thesauri on the border of 1
Kansasand lb. Indisn' i Territory. which. with Elie-;
gaits outposts }rest fr Elpringdetd, will entirely
hem Jackson 1.4, end oebtless result in the cep- ,
tore of his who). force l
1 .1. P. Knot:datum General al bluaturi. al
now a prisoner at the .
' The Dancercree ear pondenee says the Union
Boole °nerds, it a battle at Cola tramp. on the 19th I
:net, lost 20 killed and wounded,aad 33 wins taken
prisoners. 'The Orisonernwarataken to Warsaw, and
well liberated Ms taking ati oath motto 'hear arms
against the Bambara Confederacy, Tt. Union I
tore. was - 100 • add the Secessionist force 100 mount- ;
ed men and 20 0,03feet/7: The Semerlonfet loos ie.
reported to be ..12. . • l
• I
J IWO Tlis7, 12 years ,old, a erotic linlon t o ar.d a aleveheldiir, was tied to a une by acme of
Jackson'. man, Ind Ws body 'literally riddle! with
Dios into, tenlltoce of powder, and • small
y Lil cf Armenian captured by a compincy of Feal
troops near Cbillioatbe on the /heaths/ sad Bt. Jo
seph railroad, ofilit billeie last. Trine man medi
tated the destination of the railroad bridge In Met
vicinity, but they design was freistretetl. They ere
now bold ea priers/a.
Lowiritte, lune 3------
0. ~._
--Thomas Brown & Co,
banters, hare s pendect. Their liebtlitineare not
loge. I , .
ttotscati's regiment go Into camp ta.monow. Re.
Matthaei= bend vary: encomia. A company of
Artillery has bead formed for the regiment.
Wicklble. Odder. IdallOrY, filltdingitud Jackson,
zneraters eltei totongress, left title, noon, for ITash
legtan' via CinciricuilL '
TheTezineseee Metals passed a remintlcel efitt,,,-
&leg the Governer to take possession'ef &portion of
the Sailiollbe rairroad In that &fats. The blouse laid
the same on the 4,1i1e, and oleo chute:laths lima:-
ICAO Lotter Eiprese of Jeakins 5 McGlll,,.of thls
4 '
The preetedtags of the East. Tennessee Conlon
tie° bare bun received here. All the comities of
that portion of ISO State, *low Rhea county, aro
represented. ij
The decimatioe of grievances quotes facts log mat mat the righ4 of .fres 'zigzags bu been ob
structed biitito i'llauatou goweramentr that they
had been sadjactild to Itaults,Alege grad tipon and
torn.down, holm" rudely entered, families Malted
ea children and womeu nu
shod at by rcilemi
eoldiery, cldreai
robbed and acuminated{ and in
new of these fan it was reudred that the action
of tun State Legudature, in passing thaTroclaration
of Inderendence;and form ai a military league.;
wee necritualtaitatial and not Medias on loyal cat-1
aerie, mat in order to avoid conflict with brethren,
• committee be appotated to prepare a ailinterial
asking the cannot of the Legislature that the East
may form a separate seat. Arrangenients were
made for holding; en election to the nasalise of
Burt Tonneaus for the choice of delegates to the
General Conseil tiro to be held at Kingman-
The Coutitutit.a of the Confederate States is
unpopular lu Georgia, b ease of theabeence at a
declaration inakidg the te.4llhe back the basis.
of representation') Th Augusta Chromic!' says
that, without "until" bag , the Constitution cannot
be ratified.' It would b unjust to a large part of
[the State, placing the alarebolding portion stilt
mote in the powerial nine with few slave,.
The Charleston ,‘fiferc of the 26th haik letter
from a reliable emitter. eat Manassas, sayiag that
r tfto 15 000 Mee tit ar only 12 Manua( artillery,
iesuor mama' Won gaze without bayonets
' whole amputee r t. ..cape, cartridge bons ' ,
teats, &a. lam no nen lee of immediate success. '
The refusal of the lona o for ens year was
unfortunate. ProMptit de is our policy. Fifty
tbaaaand troop,i o4e mild make quirk:work it
war. klelf.that mangier our weeks ago Would have
pat, us in galtimorje by this tune. We are well
entrenched. It th • Lee .. remain not with Ull,•We
shall fare badly. Oar d yof a great fight le not far
distant."l .
. .
Autzanna, June 29. , noticed.- b. ?
of the State Legitlanue,ti?.-.; i n . ta g memo,
which was to bare nu been .
Paned aoL. roesday. I dose not appear to meet
mach faroreral among the Linton meeratidlog
hers, and die pauperises:a, n I. underatood,bas been
made in emisecunooof the diftimilty of obtaining the
nommary number elf the election commissioner, u
regimed by the !aerie( Nrogiela.- •
It is now believedjhere that Gan: asoDowo will
not be eoperceded by Gut Dix, although such a
shaman iru unman* in military. Chaim usual
days aloe.. If any change It to be maid., it inthought
probable that Gut 4rement will be placed hi coat: ,
mond of this department, Whitt ban new tumor' id
extensive, that* higher grade of anninanding tam
la rendered neetuarl:,
Geo. So moat wuidetetsd with Secretary Career.
on et Wuhingtob, *company with Col. P. Blalr.
most of to day. •
There I. but, little' probability of a .apeedy ad
vance from Ode quitter . -The want of caealry4
NOtiellfly jell in guarding ,sgelest the encroach,
meets of the enemy ppon our. ;Stir!, and for t he purpoile of seoutinifr; • •-• '
Companies! G and ,I of _the zouaies comprising
the scooting- party alluded to yeiterday, heparin.
tendent &rouse, 0% !the - military' teiegraoh, pro.
needed to LialtunuroloeflYr ea rode ftrFOrnell-
A telegraph line trilm Fortress Montan to Now.
port News will be - etunplcutd Tasiday neat.
Private Matpby.'wtose capture snide. cm picket
duty, bi the Secesnooists, has bode's - mined, is
repotted to have amid heroically in hill dons to
;Moue himself ;mini his esptots. . He. , wrestled
watt Latiparldr•otimbsts for some time, when. ina,
looainr iielethed himself' tram their
grasp and -fired upoti Otato; irtficidilfoicianii kill
log another. He wad qa.ia piptuntdbut sacceed-
Id la throwiog sway pia. pinot whi ch intbeffr.
Toady laeaddoa this load 41.17 kla siva Asa:,
A ildrazith es Bowntaa.l
, June 30.--ffiajor General McClellan
and stab re gone to Clarksburg. Geo. Morris is
in con= d Phdlippi. The forces hers and
there stationed along the railroad. from Parham.
burg and Wheeling to Piedmont, are placed etas ,
the command of Gen. Rill. Col. Plielpe,'Pay.
muter General of Ohio, mired here to-day, and
will•begin paying the Ohio troops tomorrow:,
- d skirmish took place at Bowman, twelve miles
from Cheat River Bridge, yesterday, between por-
Cons of the frilteeeth and Sixteenth Onto and -Pint
Virginia Regiments and a °pitman, of rebel caval
ry. The former were sent to prottect the nollei and
the latter mistaking their cumber, attacked them,
and were routed with the loss of ser'etal
among them the lacutcaant of the company end:
mistral homes. Tn. only tauten outside was R. D.
down, of the 155, who was buried bete urdiy.
nooearms, /um: 29.—A company of abOtit -
Home Giants unwed bete early this mondug from
Payette County, for the df procuring *Moe
from Gee. Lyon for 600 Home Gouda orgatitzeil in
this county. There men came in wagona, Pod
carried rifles cad ahot-gune to Pmect,themselnea
from the Becterionists.
J rrrrrr crrr. Alo., June 2.9.--hlesers.
son, State Treasurer, illoaley, State Auditor, end
Houston, Reimer of Lando, Look the oath of-nl
legianee to day, sad will enter upon the discharge
01 their official Melee forthwith. Attorney Gbn.
eras Non declined to take the oath, and la no* •
prisoner at the Capitol.
, .
. ,
prrranvuou autasa-rs. ;•
pfejx.rfaa eepectlay for Na Pittsburgh Gasitto4
7..6_ rofrostraos, 6 annuta7. Jac* 3/. 156;:Th. anal doiloso cootatoom to be ma leaotai
character of the door market. Tta decent/ to exceedto*ty
/WWd acd the tratteactions cou.qmottly are natrictett. to
the trams of the bomb traria This ledge from core arc--
14,76007 fora Ilde; 11101(alkid for Lett. /molly; th:l6
egg{ og tor Pancy-...h0 • omde Ileum, for eprlos Wheat.
leo cootO hear al Ito &Wm worth repotting.
0110 CENILZ8-4tterAutet hat otcbarectl; tala of 6 Ithila
ptlatit at 7c. Of doll; bale of lobe. at 86e. Coffee
*rm. mole of 83 la atliMp
d B
gad; "ale atom tb, at f 3. for Shiel
4era, awl 110 for Apr Cord Hama. The plural impote.
atoola that prlcee have cached the lowan possible liptltt.
lad that art Improeement wilt scwo tale place.
,POTATOLSo-ha light demand; tale of zo barb Whlga jit
II bosh. i -
1 4 61)—Sale of LOW be nye aorta at Mc* 100 Ile. '7i
Wll , olST—doll We Of 7 Dbl. common at .160 0 galf*
• RAT-oamhangel; .a. of 7 lamb at thy icalse al tell
10.00 to $lO * ton.
81. ?Tat t LiGt—The dinnn4 far Ostter co:Alamo
110 t, mot prima T ta dell at 70734e10 Z. Egga In mod.
Lace rova-at at 8 Sto 3 doo.
OALT—Bale of ^ bola flo / lictra at tra,is pi bbl. "..
Atilt eau utriurtiCas.ol*.c..
Knr Orrisns blew; .June i. 1 .-Oottati-Thene wit;
mete final," oo Retarder, but we dl.l eat beer of* sale.
irt &got nod klotessesi-We heard of only retail taloa at pre,
Eska atine rant. Moor -Bopertate retaduto at V 07,30. end
did 1411 bt,l ran; oatmood bran,
Oet beer of • sale. Prorteloos. , lfese Nth 1. mem We o*
00134,601 thl lo lard, prime to tleraterstalls no 10)(5, - ,
onova lb. 1. benoo.shataldere mail at
bed eldee at !l clear at 'lac mid eager eared Mut:sat lie
100 1 18 Whitey le Mantas at =mme.
• GLIM IN Erne LT 111 0 7 74L0 , 4116 following statement.:
above the ammot of von estimated to be beldto Moen]
here by the Western Leming (imam,. lorlitalni CS,
that to the Rich moulßievatur. on the motolog of
Jane 13. Jenne 6. March O.'
... 1.878 e:3 1,2.1.8:46 uncut:
711,601 434404 506,M1,
190 ROD 134700 180,818,
10,815 37 8:9 82.078
19,703 10,1014 08.1.80•
2,546,847 1,551,337 2,151..1.11
Coma° Mire Ann Ours Hann. June dolt.
feellos pavane to the Wheat market tide nuenlre, and we,
b.. to wale a further deolloe of nail' both, with salsa at
Om for No 1. and 614556,i(0 tor No 3 norlng. The demand;.l
for /lour wee km enure owing to • efrpreenon at the Emti
end miens doilined 1010 a 9 bbl, with Wellat $3,7433.38',
fair to good brand. Means.
(ken wee fair demand tor ehliii.ere sod theme:kat was
tett closed rather quiet at 130 for nand. and 18a ,
for ' , Jerold. (tatters to Mir namest and steady at
Rye qulit. Dailey doll, fildee deli and hairy.
twain raw lar,ins tt? iittalitrAZ,4ho Maims forc l
portsat asinetione for Ms week ending the 30th lossastP.'
stomata to PlabO of Arbil% 321,723 wen boa end $42„
TWI duty paying toxin the intim ot mimeo esparto 0.0 Me
same period wee $178,163, seabed $1.11,366 len week, 10.
dad., to the esparto entre 83.2 b L 11mr, 1100 been cot..
bad MAO the of copper Incas.
Tee Ciotti is Illicristutri,Thentib the 100. 0. ie
9.00 0 0410.0 mul, the prOltilro (or all the crom to coml. we learn from dgferent motion. of the Mime
look* as well mit did lest yiar ac thlo time Cora is very
Outward, but Wl.otilla .wily has good torn weather to.
fore the month at Jaly.-.{Wlecomln.
J. J. eleirtil lure MD 0001. CaCIIt4L-{For tbr
week ending Jane 2510.
/mar, Wbeet, aorn.
Lble. Ibqeb. bush.
To 0 110t.10.9 ‘439 logand-- VASS 6671196 LOAM
To the 9,316 2(4609
To W lodk•aNd N Amertuk-. 21137 -
To Flattab N 9,2.4
To caber NM.-- •
Total roe the araellati ea34g
Jaw, 23, 716:0 770,001 1 / 6 .410
Sept 600 17.75.v.8e 615e,432
itaretata of /oar, grata, /a, at Nor'York. far the arra
anflas Jaa.2oth, 1801:
our, ITOtot, Cora..
bbta• bulb. bulk.
Total fa the vreek-..-. 942:. ' 24,1111 ,
otagi Aualitt 1 .100450+ 1600 •:00168,451 10.9833416
!dace .74,a 1, 1661---1,b31!= 601,174
imparts by Railroad.
Preurcaon, Fr Wiirs Omar) R. 9....inne
bblawilatsl9. R A 0 Datmat-le rlywr,2-
Togrnaa,d; 10 bibs oil. John royd; 15 dodd,( rant Taagor•
der; 35 do do, Corral oil colls do do, W P Woo/ridgy:9 bdlr
potaah,ll • Vahoratoth etc 3 bat., 7 pea map tam, J
W 00d a.: awls lead, Alksh4a7 a mail; 100 DOR nor,
/lb° stakar Lauf;1100 do do, ir Walla.
Pirtaaraoic us Cltsruaso It tt„..Joila :5 and 17...
I 5 do* browns, J B Onapball; 10 Ober loarroo, 97 bbla
aorta • Ca; l Ohl rehady. a D 8.0. a • co; 8435,dabea,
rca de: on 1
Linmap 1
am 47 bar awes., Clsavar, 75 dodo, B Bola.
Roo potato., Vrogordsr; h 0 hi bbla b,
On 7 b bibs cored • apples. L Oonrea 3 this oil, B fla
0 .11 Rowe; 3 ura rberp, W
31 Oil paw.% bbl ergs, Vatia.cdorl ba rap,
1' I. 114C1.114444 Iha bacon, ehrher Dilworth; to bolo
dried Dalt, Jam • /eta= 1 hod tobanto, Riddla co; lot
pls Joha lloortred; 02a lumbar, Baja Itereare;
tabecao:Jobn Or•r; 5 ciao Wog atachlara, 1 Doer • co;
/ 00 .11. Boor, A blrot l 47: bozo do, D Wallace; 41 0 Odlr wan
paper. Jar J Last; 00 bold than Atjer.
ta il Pimalnazilia /am 22.—/lour drill, at St 75 to fro for
a•mtmtar sad id/.5,25 far extra. robot tit fa thartad
.5 $45905,25 for 5.4 dal PA/WA for
Caro staa43r at 53... Whisl7 dull at mot%
NM fuzz. Joao 411-.. ottou laro/dalt d.j.. 10 : 4 _
clraucg 11.04. //cur lowa arid Navy; dales. 17,600 aaa;
drag. / 1 //4.1al Orrito /A RIGS, &Mbar. $3,0 4 / 4 0. Mart
14142 d salaalo.o4 &a. 55 Chkago Pralarr trim, BIZ that/ adatill red "wham $1,0143114/X. Con
%. 1 •U dara 42.000 ads. mixed 40 , 16b0a 'Pork firm, Elea.
/ 1 0‘10.5. Whltay dull as testill eager AMU alp.
anal. Cita : ;ir. Rods Or.; axles c d . Cfra bltla j =) (- O Um
0 •RDRN LIONS. 11.el(SLARI6,
Ecrnus eI'ObILB, Al'
A... So, ac-. for aal at
.V.l.Yti ot GETTY'S,
Tt Market areal. near 'Fourth.
/or Colds, Brood!Itlo. Coach%
Yor Colds. Bronchitis, Gondbs,
For Colds, Bronchitis, Comas,
Croup, Who:play n ought &e.
rad mama, Croup. WtossPldE Comb, ac. •
EnDorass. CanY. Wacoldoir Coosb, at.
Yawed Dy .E. SELLERS a co, Wholculs ICrop
alstayaorlasr of Wood sad &mad strectli sod sold by Draw
(formal 7 of /mite cooott.)
LAND .A.eicorr.
notiNotary Publio and County Surveyor,
vaa, rola morn no.
nab In 111
rmaps attention aim to Itto Irving and LoosiiniWat•
1.... t. Rainaa• remllly•OP
FASS PORII-2011 bbli3;
ts.AP Lutn—ma tr.., •
Davie' warmed HAUS ano D EEP—Ior W. b.,
m)9 ENVY & MUM, FO9 Uhi,ty aL
Bacpx—mono lbs. Sbouiders, bides and
su Mau, and clear bider, for we by
man • WaL Dna 00.
WiiKET • SVILLUW;3-45 bundles now -
lauding from o'r J. 8.7 opt, Or sale by
bull* it DU MMYI OD.
- •
aQUN.-31 WRY tiaoon Llama, Sidea an,
aseemers, in stun for **l* tr...
No ISO sad 1.62 8.'04 N.
Q. Al. 2— I'
to for sills by
bola. Extra No. 1 -
warr i W/LBON,
95A UhArty at.
uw toe %4. tiugar Cured, " 34 ' d %N♦ No. 513 Wool, ot.
P RODUOS-600 lbe. fre,ll Roll Butter,
: • 40 . 3 do (tech Kam
bcceinsd and Comae by II. AIIDDIA. 113 ÜbertY
a. it/(ADMNNCTU i II
... C J EJSE—rime.
ClliTCBE 2 .:6rtxmai --- law W. E. Cheese
Adjust Lieelard La atom aad for awe by
Mat OANTTELD • 00.
DR OO OOB-6000 lba. Bacon Bums, sides
12 24121021ers la Moo' and for =No 12
21111112122 k 1 , 12,12011111,
2 17/2 . , No-122 and 232 exam amt.
BACON 8110ULDERS.-14 htids. of Cin
ribuati alll. l on rosolirbibitet. for we by
..„ JAuNBO9I N. yowystriD,
N 0.19 Fortrthetteeloteer Liberty.
: lo 21Pard; .41
I 'ld
m)97 11411.LYR RICHETBO;i:
%13ExauLa UM. —.300 bble;...Vriaido Rock
mr 011. Imitable Inc tattling; la akn and foriala by
FneTurats—Now arming nudge° atrin
for male to .p IS/LIAM LUCKY a CO
3tl bbla. for sale by
‘I.J =Tr' , atnrrtitn &no
pIaATIJE3-31.4.) bUldled 1104;
TOG go.'
Etse•hsci MR,R cod far emiln. ITRARY n fie
OTATuroS— car load Lake bhp, e [mime
tattoo but mehod by • •
L 0 Gull/. 20 Mut, stmt. •
EA.)--500 pigs Lead f”r sale by
IA NIT . . 00001 V 0 ‘011.1.7W0
lisztkEu bb!. just reed and
re... 1. 17 lw7 FIIPIKT p 1,01.1.11ais
CtitEBE-30 Dozen Comm Cheese just re
dirndl* ell ORLI,. SO Llbenrit.
'LOUR-40 bbls Family Fiuur just rued
and Ibr who by . . RIM RIP uoLLINa. '
- - -
13 - °ALM Y—J,OO bble. stout and ibr •• sale
' .
.:***ooo as orwinw
ILL:lIGIILI--160 sacks, re ctited and for
Ida try - Ita J IL Wallin? a 110.
&& I , IOTB-4,'S sack& noTr arrirmg
salet7 ygi • siauts D.T.aisr ar-00.
.• -.;••••••'-:;
*mat itatzus.
r..* - it is atupslumi
i iztr...rzbici-s - wonv cs
PARK, arm:razz a co . :-
PER 4: I TWJA, &Lad atilt Bottoms, opdtaisalourota.
Alms ii2porun and Neer, to TIN PIA=
!Ent 10.0 N, wLer, to. Ocactaatly on tisad, Staas
liastdasa and Toob.
We4,40,,,,,,,,Ya. 140 Ara Gad ISO asocradetraff.
Pltiabargh, Peaualt.
atardpect ar si orawn alOavpar onto any dew*/ Caltaa.
5O A1tr11.11.11.6i SLOT SIG Hatt SittTEUILIIII3:
Don't fail to procure Alia. Window's ikoth
tot ilyn t r ter Chlldres teethlnn. il boa no stnat on earth.
It treaLy Unlit:atm the yrnmar otteothlog by eallsonst the
stune,rednclag all Intlaromatton—vill allay pate, can to
taro to Mgclare the bonds. Depend cpo.l;mothen,tt
will stet nit toyonnatvee, and ntkf and health to you
latantsl Perfectly Wein class. , •! " • •
role olltrablepresaratron L. the prescription at cue n t
g , e ramitsSetthrMd amt skilful tarsals Philtdinsill Set
Iriglandi and bas teen Mad will. - weicstighyg =OW. Le
W. bsitave Is the best.s a scum tenady/illtniticll4.l4
W moo. Dysmmory and Diminnea In Chthnesorhetbo lt .
ernes ^ tsstblog or from any other eau.. . '
If ID s .1 btalltt Can be antguatsd by &WIMP/ bsUSA•iI
Is worts snotgin In 01,1,i
llllliosa or bottiSs sr e sold every year In the Vented .
States {SIB so old and eretkried remedy.
! valog ONLY a orsto • worms. , " _: -.-.
OP./Tope paean. orders the taseoll.... ha.= SM. '
NE, Nz Dr entim r Yors. la on the meld. 'mope..
Yard e a Cro
bnitiont the world.
SSA ISEYS/114,Agant for rttlatotqa.
- •
Witt; A. own ismnortos LIMA DIM
Original wad tart ith tie Wild t
All there are mere imitations, and should
be weals Ilion slab to escape &ICI:WA
CRAY, nee. 00 every UL Dyed bniaallp to •
Oman,' ed nat. al Hamra or Meek. vita= the thana•
la," to Da Weir Ala.
71 MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS bra bon /marl
ed to Wan A. Eatehelar glace and Me SOOSOIPP/Plb•-:
Dona time been made to Ma Belt othri siarose War ter .
orate Dye.
W e e. eaten/wan ems Dilemma • Wet eat
to be dietlagelat.l bons waft; and wasuerie oat to
Ware lotto lesaaareit long it - nu, be eaattinweLiad
1 1.1OrWla CI Bad reatedled: the Betr.tertgarsk4 fat
Lite Ba ate Die
Bode. ale or Venetian 9 prints arra) et the
& Wig ho
1017, =I Brll a: eathy. ew B
N s ark.:
le hi Akr ate tan at
tbrta pad fancy (kale Doelaa WV:IIW Stabil, by Drag
Throortaloi has [be nuts mil erktras 99 0 4-910901
Phu =PIM ay al lbeirldee °teak bar. et
JeiblidthinsT Id Daril MakenSeer York.
RAM ROAD sma cohavciurr.
J•impix *. C. 1111.Ortins
• t to *Aria; /NA d D:Wdt-) ,
oi Water &zest and Chem alley.
• prntinnaat..rxwa.
my asit—inacha—av lea,
sorpan all. [no am dogma 1101.6.4 lad amiable.
Itttlos tangos op boblod...ho ourtakt v
of the bastl I Wood tble Is the oak" setabileusiat vbere
tt;sathipp are propfrlyAndlastaxl Wanda
lateltdAvi" IS Mood stmt. Me Tart-.
/4.4241E6 -
'Aryan"' and C9IIIMIIIdOiI iltiarobonat
• juinminis •
'..cnaimisa. Burka. Eleedshriab.
and Prcd4o• Gaseragr,
da.lf N.. A/Abaft\
Fordo and DJmeatia Ells at Haehaaga,
ounnoins or Dinars, .
H iteBlL KUM *BD
LIO. ifASILE'T IM OT. 111113 ; 119ROB, P.
11711-Coliecdone made on Witte printipal Wks *MO
,oat the United Rates- •
entains =art
tumor advarAnd__....—.--iesidos mama. •
sotrziffirata AnciususTs, •
larzis izzNoTorr WORKS,
P4t•burlh, Penna. -
Am.% arq.2l Musket attest. •
;;ILextutsesccre hat Wilde of fUeste kneued and WU Nubia •
emiting.,l4llroail Work, Steam Beau, end Sneed Inn,
< jab g sad itoatikai daaasa she rt ea me: - =agitate
stusazza t ,
PdPEA 111,1711FAOTtritER3
"' • Arial:44..l n 'I
ZOOK, PBll4 t, CAP, Lama Alm ALL maim 01
n 4.1 P z c - P..e. P
Din removed 4= N 0.27 Wood aavet to N 0.23 Ilmltte•
Elrod. Flttabust4 Es. •
'411.41.11 or Tn.d.for Rap. • atpluttf ft,
mamma:Ms ca • '
Icon RaLlingh lean Valens, , Vaiilt Doot
Wihdow Ahnttera, -Window Gordol . ho.l
. •
Fa. al eclat out Se rya
I l atiaseu Wool sad aleataa PEREMO,I4__
nim. ea hand &natal of tiell htteraa Lem/ aaa
sattablab.for all )lurpcion. Parlactilaz ettaatka veld la ea
inahurank. Lola .robblaltdoa* at awes melee.' mug
1 g or
ss i iantig s.6* . ...—roga.m... aTe ir o tclu atisa
itirANurAcTußEns O cuer STEEL;
ill. UUoq , 8p I4 . rta. umti La. enseitsPßlNo3l3
as49BLEFj. Conic Bar and /tea w , •
ar32 • - PITIntraGIFI. Rs- •
J. AL,Larl"/".L.Ta
) 24- 332igaar.."..WZ,
% NO.I 54 SI. •Cnai: S OR
tvratuiebmvplau.o, PITTiMalt.
candrit• -
rtOpt:Merl POT ritrithobill4 Wall Leek& •
.-! ' ----.
. -
" . Pun Orncs Duaanustil
. • • • April =, la= i
S ttiLLD PM0P03.11,8 for . Mahlon mail :mks and Moo
of one kladel to be oardituom for the locks and keys •
now used on the I Toned etatas math, erni be ruched ot •
this Depatimeot runt tam nark in w. the tenth Os, of
3 Q 1 7.18d1..
It bring dealsable to obtain leas *Mitt!" of • dine thri"
anion, and trriesstod exprewly tor tha asolnatne the of
thollmitad States Mail% ao medal tspneedbed both.= -
this:Dope latent 'Mb log for Ita soled:Ka on the molts Of::
toslbrusind skin nod thrailatty whirls • OM twaspedslon.
imbed, may in:dom.: , It Is dome" neceruy ably to .
state that • goal N. should be wiflockistd. a0=2 . 1.
°our priocbmi twrateltae ars aatisreorth_--..----,
dressyth, donshdor, oddly o_ f Orot tructkat, Ind Itriaiript,
Two lards of to locks .a 2 keys,..ous of braes and the
otbir of 1 sth—ditfasent in Mine end constriction, On T .
quirel; nod lithlt lama* enedlfY, •thanithly, lb* bolos
of ' oa th Inns lock with key, for same, mob ban lock, sod ••
each braes key tot e.• •
Poplicede mambo or patterns id oath mac of lacks pm. :
pm. .1 ass rothind to be eubasitod with tb• propos* : '
ens of with kind cif 'ample locks to be rinsed up and Oil!
isbrii, and soother to bs opm or tholnotedoss that Its tn. -
tooth •tructure May coldly be azindised. tray amps ,
should be plainly *lathed wi th tb• bidder's cams. . •
The lochs oliarothhould sot be pauestad, aor aboold Math
Internal constro be othorwise publicly Imenro. WS
dolga to any Wks, bantam, loth awl they man be
I thineated pots in IMP web to infringe-a !stately %than' '
Indented Innualeati • . _ . ..
The vssloaa othipla pocks preowned by bidden; will be • '
=blunted to o D.M•d of -smother% to be onnodsebsed
the tuannutor Owneral, bar th e purpose of athastotog sod •
Intoning oo them; 1 KW, unlace Kw Podowatarthinand abaft - '
dead It to be tor the laterals dam tombos all
tbe Inopowsle and speckams anbealidad this whop •
dattnent, 001:1U•Wi willospun tbs apart the examthers, '
I. mired Into, se Moo ma pranimbw, wi the . thaw ' -
Wol' whose Lallans adopted, tor g olsollarlocks
sod. bays for tour Join, ail they may be land end on
‘ r as
e! with the neat, ou dm part of SNIP
Mr the Um* bang. to mussel and motions tbe MUM.
to for ace • addllsonst term of yeomen estop so-. •••
ticolo writing. to tb.contrainew, cos law than MX mouths
boor* torodostims of tto Ono taro of . lour yearn Cr. •
at tb thpirstiro WA* but tarns of bar beim, to °comet '
writ, y otber party:tor furnishing similar or dliferant
Moth had keso,as the Poeta:KKK Gement owy dateradoe.'
Tha coutratter Mist agree aced be able to tundsiblf rt.. •
eltdred WI «r-un,i, emo Musa lacks and NO bona thrts, ': !-
wain thsee maths from the tans. of 'Marko Intescotn: •
than , : toad SMOKI Imo tooth and 20,000 hew keys, with* • -
lull months froth ouch dam But thaPannowtor Gionat 4
with • Tothitholialw: ' ,
"di . - the neat to Mama er dleutedats. as tth moats :
acs arid anode co
the berries m,yol datoard. th e quanta§ of
0:cli key. above 04 . '
Is Ithiebnce crams III: ish dune. ' . . - • .
at the looks farobiud oy toe contract= most be war,
rauttiO to keep to good, woridostorder for two yrarr4 io the
Ontioary air of the Oerrics, wiwn Dos autdensd to *brims :
riolior% &orb so than. &forum, during that tans, to be . •
nudged with ponied labs. Withent chuso - - - ' '
I that cantroctos lan be minuet! sof:lather the lecks,at Dia ' .
dwo 43 pros*, at the Poet vs.* Dcpasthent s WathlososeV.
' D. Cl., put up ote _ sakMo Mr.. Lai *spasm bundles of Ire
lockamch, - aud woody Wks I la woodth borne, contain
Itia oot own duo taro
If locks oath . 0 1 , /mm
1. bin &Herded So ereni 4 f ths toparman duly aka,. - _
•inthelly 011ihollool oath cur to take thugs ea and ocia,
se ttu. mum, from . II coutramorb motor, so the Lepel-
tonnostors ' both • liseks an: la. are toed Inspected sod .
epoloyed totals they skill be CM. ' - .
tn. contractor 0111 be nni, there tsonib'with Mugs •- -
sanity, In stoisant 01 toasty Cr. tboulaud Wiens Awed ; .. s•
bludisi portimm:2l the matron co his path, to „.
Gissoldusdiss throb ortlowd s and Suardlog the insaufm.
taro or the Kati kith and keys will:mos in meth. thirty
sod ears.' flO p will tharelors b. cowl:Wed. ad..% ..,
led with • written ittunauts. nom the orotund '
n=ler bow noploidoUlts moot. be- contled by the
'-- • • -
pcsameater es the louse of theft maideacej MK will -, 2 ,"
tiotool4 renOositO•Oil tbs regrind tOOO, I. the
op the cotarsct by lb Warr, lo cam nub popmaisbe sic.l
41 03 dlut on Ills Ormicialo and anidassm.the Pesfmo. - .
ter Mows' nub dmoi is eopmtient to odors tbs Irmo loth . .
- - '
ot ion., (Atha ano don Kos lab of shoed-r. 'fbr tbdwthro -- '
riAllrril 110 Mitt of Monomials withodfareet Indwasila '' • ':
kri Inch Macaw kMs of lose Sabi they r an i ._ ... . ~
Proposal. &tumid . It. , candully lisa.4 - adaremld tO - the'
Poatmeiter Gems& andenderesetoo the • enrelop.ontros
I '• • • -'. ' . . ' u.siLisa. -...-
14. fTigil----11 ;-
lma.; saieo !: , ra!tcp
HA VA X C A`alli
AND; ai4, /INDS 01
attrriSPANCIM UlVAlLiiitki PIPSI' , " 11111 , 113.
• I Av. 4fre. to iltma ne w/.
n4er tho SR Obarlailiotek‘httqWlb
/a .
a Tnkter we, wyglanll
Egorta..-4 - 1114 - FEKIN -, TISA .
c.inkisaiond . t)ith lime 10 •
17(Ch • CLA _
IN *9ll AND l'o3 LUSBY
nax gaziato -
I • • I 11.
, 91.
• ••• ,
- --' , -'")'''. - :''' , ' . :':. - :''' , ' , ': - il::