kle tisl)iirg§ Oact PPR2OI4t. Parrs-o!_res. BLIVEDAY •MOREIMe k -_ J_USS 1 1 - CITY7AFF.AII4B., Idsulonouiztai:Obimillticsideit Gantt* by U. &thaw; OpticisairMilLto‘4olllibri 6444 61=3;, - vapoir,. 68. 6 - - Tun iFti# l 9A l *e, faiibisT:inisk, .it out, cud die berprocniteg# 'inir ' innetir?,' Mier or ta- WlliPlii , cni 4 dY .."iii*ifig:.': , li - iontaktli WI the 1 E4 07 *f:9 ,48 o f the I #o l 4 4 illl iiiiiekv 6 Pbit edito kokFi i iiiiiirtia:s'isiliiiteße/Wbati mis iOrliinegPf. ill Piakal - litalli; C. , Pricer s i6. ' Ml* lIIIINIti-ecssilivri.4pasusmi-Vlrisited. Mut h.dtlferesu of :oPipion osiste.*Peetbtlibs ... ' Act otlifeetiiiitt of 1542, which nays that "rnOl4vi. fultilm ' '-iiirprocess skill ::Mtin- tialut aDy cAcer, ......nontioniMissioned offMairir private of the mint's, w b9/*/ 6 i iota ac 11 ...v• 44 Mclintidlif• - 11 -L.qui' lll 4 of thePieeidenitif the United Miter; or in elite. once of the dervarnor 'Of Shin Colinioewealtif nor , shall nY mid proems bine against him - ota tiirty b‘ dapter be shall have returned from duty to his / usual lace of residence, or until forty days Mier bee I, have' been di:Austad; and he Court, Aldennan or Justice of she Peace, from which or from whom any snob proems shall have been breed,. shall quash the same so aeon moths fact of any such g. e e rs u or i a no b v e , i i n fi z . orgsLis i d on the co p i : t i:l w ie hh titz tv o s hal . l have , . in tom/mein or Conduction any such 'routs shall be pm,' -oy the;person or persons who shall have applied for the :said execution or other pre - :cesr” - • - EDAM the lawyer. are of the opinion that the law applies to laodlord and tenant case.. while - others are of a different opinion. The magistrate.. 400, arn divided in opinion in reference to it, some of them, refusing to issue a writ to dispossess the virally era volunteer, while others'do it, in the fall belief that they ere right.. t Constables it the offices of. tho - latter are placed In a very;napleuant and rather breardnus situation: If a writ is placed. in their hands, tbey are bound to execute it. By the execution_ 01 a writ el pone lion, they not only -become-liable to muck. tenets*, bat run peat risk of violence from an excited crowd. Ooe of these cases ibould be takenn - befere the Court of Comes' Pleas that*:Judicial 'decision might be had upon it. iltis would save trouble and annoyance to all Bazirtirble t Antigheelre Petty depredations ire being committed almiut nightly in the low:dr.:put . 61 the Ent tied Snead weeds, dillegbeny: galle i tiambeiof dwellings hue been catmint Adring' the put week, but u yet no !Use battle have been made.. • On Saturday night, the collar of Debt. M. Dickey, carpenter, Western avenue,' wee entered, and a clean sweep was made of the entire 'tech of pro visions, leavieg the family with merest, enough to make a Sunday breakfast. i On Tuesday night; the . cellar of - Col. David. Campbell was mend •I 7 anew wanton-, or periosai who curled of "it quantityinf butter:milk, Ste. The &blot/ 11 _14d oat' gale access to the boom itself. Col. CimpbelPir residimeo seems to have peculiar InitletiOtti for plunderent, u this is the third Mel cation at, the kind within slew years. Oa. Thursday night, the residents orbit. Giiine, also on Western arenus,was entered over the back door,the sub of the transeekhaving been removed fe'r,the perpose of ventilatimi: ThellOble made 14 the thief aroused Mra.-Gipner,whothoughtlone member of the family was up. When she saked what was the matter, the fellow ran oat of the 1 house end escaped, taking with. him the key of use of the doors. ' Tale was all he got far hi. pile, I although ho would have fared better if he had nt bean quite so awkward. , Other houses have keen iiiiited in thatileisitY. and no doubt these robberies are all the work td one or two individuals. We are not certain thit the night police ever eatend their visits west of the West Common, but if they were to cruise round that way lilt a few nights, they . tnight succeed in capturing one ar two of these privateers. General !McCall at Camp Wright, Veaterday ottoman Gei. McCall want op on the A. V. It. R. to Camp Wright. and proceed to organize two Regiments—the-Bth and 9th l Bth—Col.'! Tye G.J._ Hay", . Lieut. Col. 8. 15=04 Oliphant, end Major John W. J:loncan..-he composed 01 the following , companies e - • Acdenon Wets, Caps. 0/1101.14 • ' Doacsa 0 cards, 12114. Ettonberpr. i.pett. 06 , 1,MM6pt. Gardluni ' wcrffil•Orays. Capt. Owner, - A mutt ottii Mks, Caps. eastrellV • Clation ljdoo Clued*, MEL lemon,' Jetrasonitil ltmetn, oB PS.Jobo.... - Hopkins It.f.atry,Capc.'Wieurt. Lippman 11113 ea. Capt. Ekbentetor. arrow Grainy Illkopri, OW. . 'The Col. 'schen, Lieut. Col. Robert An 'fluter', Mej. J. MOIL Snodgrass—is Made up a tallow*: ' Plthbozei Rlifts, Copt Smith. Mewl •Ill• 'Volunteers. QV. '• New ItrlctPoct Stan, Capt Cattilkertec: Glaribtldl Gouda. Oopt. ilszttcemor. alirgbeny Ration. Govt. .11.ezdag. iCharders Valikranard., Clopt,Banus, Covet malt °curd., C.Pk• 1241..7* • - And three other completer, the mamas of which we have torgotted. The "General was weleomed by a 'salute of jg guru. The men were all - glad to nit him. All o'clock: he prOceeded to review the troops is cam • . *retest of Ray. J. J. =orals of the teen Itaglicauak . Rev. J. J. Mark., Clisplaut of the 12th Peen sylvan ia - Regtmeet, arrived incite city' yesterday,' on a abort atilt In his friends. `He trill rehire on Tees; dey' next, toregime his duties am Chaplain. From . him we learn that the' manners and mends of the Men are very muck improveri.. They attend re. Alines exereista very iegelerfy, end .11steas idea. lively and reipectfally. In regard to.intemperance, the" great eerie of soldiers, the improvement has been very gratifying._vildiny_ of the men enlistedd with this habit deeply rooted; in them, but it is pleasing to, cities that theY are nearly all gradually losing a tune. for stimulating drink end in - many iostance the ;practice - has been abandons gather. Ae twhole, hespeakevery encouragingly of the morel& of the.mea:od lbs 1 2th Regiment, and his assuMaces will be very gratifying to hen dredi in Oi vicinity wholtel, a deep interest is the welfare o ftheir soldier friends. PEACZ fiablentatically represented in en original d pen drawing by Means.' Dee Mid lCiriclusi„of.D lo l l .Collegna -Fdiaburgh. The-Goddeuri!of Peace is represented offering the dark frowning-melted :God 'til War Ch• olive wreath. - Reside the one are thicitoblems of peace Lend Pleity,hebled. the Odin , the tomibitarer, her. on and 'dmilitction,-wreathed with che 'emblem: of baireinesk the thistle. The whole design is eminently appropriate and impresarre ; and for chaste and eseeisitelg flubbed dectiritionk it is masterpiece Of the penmen's art. ihlnh tendate authors in et way worthy of. their position in. this splendid ei ery thhlishment, whiek, for 2 . f yeah past,• has Ailed the tame splicer for a , commercial edanation, that Wen Paint lin fir a military one, Arrival ofeol. Eniary. , tient. Col. Ramer arrived ii this-city on Thom: dap, and will' pen his hendviiuters in, a daiitr two, for the purpose of obtaining recruits for the Third Regiment of U. 8. Cavalig. Cal. Emery is a amity of Mnpland;ind his late axplolta in Ark. min and .Texas us well bairn to :our tnadan. The, Regiment ',hinthe - intends - recruiting will coninst ot 2,t00 horses, and lionseqututtly pt s. went a tonnidahla.and itopoldeg appearance wben falls m 'milted end equipped. /be bones will all be Pk* , - - - I - -`'- , laonr:Crrr Cosikaz.•=kfi. C.'K.'Reeler, late Tauber of Penmanship in, the Public Odhools of Allegbeey Cltyikt hereafter 'like asuelated with Prof. Cortlayu.the WritiaeTriipartmeat of the Iron City College.- Mr. Renter need, no other recemeteadatieh of, bis Ames* far the p,osition thin the :simple autinse.ement.that he As regarded u one of the most eoccessful et:ldeate ever iIIIMICUId by — Prof. Cowlei s *true work fallwaya on szttibl . ticrllt the. College, and 'challenges conipm/son tvitti , anythitig ever predated in "America. There being no vacations during the SUDAN?, the present is a favorable !time for commencing a course of _tttsdy i in this dderredly popular invitation.. , Vonnorrow oi,Hazewir Cntana.—This liienda of this gatalitaaa,rwho cams so btu losing his lib by as unfortunate rallrad incident neat_ RAM. more, a iaw,davy no/ Ode to sit up, and out Of all dirges. Ha is 4a/devil's, in the can 0 his frieids. UM WM .111tOpIttated" at ph6 abbillder joiaa, and -Lis pbyalojan states that bad be not been blessed wilk - eh Won ebastitatioli IN Cobld not nave survived. He is sow gradually no. si thin his kireaigth, and will be able to walk abbot to a few days.: • 4.- - • ' _ - ' Jammu. Itontsamona.—On last Betardar Dem. *credo Conferee, from Washington, Fayette and (* t eens cenntkor,for theism:we ot accialnatlai a can. didato for rimildent Judge , of the jadlida-pirtske I composed of the otatattes named, met at Ileallswilla. The trashluiton pointy nominee wits Jadir Mho" the, dolma montabent while Joshua 73. Howell wu . named from Fayette and J. Madam Esq., from d I. Grease. The conference tudiad In the nomination i ; of the gentian:so tut named, who will ran apoe the Ll rep . ly Democratic ticket . . ? i uad, psc.se r v.4. few days sip, a men nanied '3.i . ,, vile. !dowdy+ Pres killed about a quarter of a mile 44 east of Irwin elation, by w a imanagisi: ride colas e_ wi g ream 7rwm ato _Hare i ut. t,o li ad l er ir tra 44easeol liqiior; and so thatnia , - . 1 . 1 , 1 ,: i r0 bed him, be attempted ha cross from One tt ;7 a L c the °the'', sad in so doing fell ,backwards. - The Won woo madtately t hat too late checked lat r'k to use kis lire.' tie lived I°9l twos o°!ntliftel be - Lx ee , — „„ Le e owitiiii:—Capt.S.Forejtheistut hien terniuter and, J. hi. Buddy= '.i.„ • appointed °Lea "' sorer fd the Foarttimith /iv: ri i-t0.,....."i wi r Volunteers, i W.; 33.. Miley ii meat '''''''- S B . gads Inspector for the Peon , v - bas been appointed ", ii , eau iMpi " Geri. iftglera 1 Month Mtn Filte o Oth i rii ma ~ -.. Brigade: " ir __...............------- 4"14"d al 1 to Week beide lut e a child P lii" A. - ZZ1"..... Hattie don Womb! .] or ki n B ee ry Cole, tit Trout , . $ ii . - Vicainiereland Wdlanliii"thill"PrA = ki t - 'd is lwill eer t e e P Z " pre ei cli p 4be isetla ii We l w ilLd to , :he . bottom, ~....,_ r acme roy'fotOr.4. lb .l %! . ... 2, 77`4 ., 77,77 ~ shoat lii e yeary. - .-.. ' ' ' ' :p .n+ p . ?) ef, , r,L - . 7iP " 'c k.,?:. 14. .V . ' . , ‘ 4 A 1,14A*116 A Mom wad Teta • ww•• . . . , , : • - . _ We Matto:it'd paten* mania& that Giaami Orr, Of IGUasater, bad _made a mey,liberal dose ties emerge, to Capt. Cantrtadl, of the Armstrong , Rides. -We rue • permitted' to mike the folloarieg extract,' Ircna the letter that seeompulea the gift: • • ' Kin Amuse, Jose 18,186 • _• i You are wall aware, toy dear air, thti, age has 'unfitted me for the active duty of life, especially the soldiers life ; but the dole'. aiding: to the extent of our mesas,. us the demise of our Somme!' Egg, the mainteniume of our Coanitutlon and the enforcement *Lae laws ends only with - e taws lifr: Is early . Ms it wu my privilege to do some lit. tie /Army amity.' then -leaned the many priva tions and trials through which tbe soldier to called to pass when led on by patriotism and duty to es. change Lome and Melia, and the • endearments and comforts of social lila for the privations of the tasted I esteem it, therefore, a very high t vilege to contribute to his comfoit and relieve You will pardon me for saying that I had hoped that- that flag-‘the pride of my youth 'and the protection of my metered years—would have way. rid.- untarniabed over. my ;rive, and yielded he dare yotection to my children alter me; but, tur, - alu a as /num de/faders are arrayed against It. What oscine can thus rebels hays for their parjuriee, breaches of faith 'rind indignities to that frig whose besutiful folds ware wont to float to the brae:sidle emblem of thier, - own surety sod of hope to the - world • • • - • • A.rebellionsuinurked by . perjury and lender, p and crime s ban no parstlel the annals of tbe civ— ilised world. God grant it may never have one! An outbreak sintflar in opirit to the present, but leas formidable, 'bowed heel! daring the admizistration. or the Patriot, Gen. Jackson. it had bat *homes.. Mance: He, relying on:the justice of the cause end Protection 'of Prorid ince, proulmaced, at once than `tie Union-mutt and:ball be preserved; and .the GoSernment mairitamedp'and h was so. Sub lificaticin ceseedi'and:itn authors liumg_their head, I in disgrace, dishonored. ho, - too, it shall be in the prevent inglorious struggle, the aim of which la the overthrow of the neat Government on earth, and the juitifiestion of Bentham pride and insolence. The fiat has gone forth from millions of true hearted - men of tee North, whoa, strong arms and brave hearts will not tail, and oar belltaige of free. dom shall not be low, even though; - colt blood and meatus to defend , : Go forth, then, to battle lit the - arthy of the Re. pablic. Hesitate not to - fight her battler.. Her casts le jots and , tight.' God will smile on the cause; and nerve and protect:the arms drawn to hat defence. History will trees year nadies upon Its brightest pages, and generanous yet unborn will rise up to eall - yeic- blessed. • azoivery respitctlisily, yowl, Boesky Oalti' _ . . Interesting Letter teem New Tork-Mlltti. drawee of Clempitieval.eertesul mew, and Compallls U. 8. foam,* Cectets.rew tees- A correspondent, belonging to Co. B, Friend Rides, whidh body left this city, recently, and joined the Sickle@ Brigattei'vende am the following statement relative to their withdrawal from that organisation, and the nausea which induced them to take that step: New Tose, June 27th, 1881. In con.seshenee of the many earners end rePorts that have been circulated in.regard to the way PlUsbuuth boys have been Used at Staten Island; We,:: the. undersigned, -members -of' Commie, B, Friend Mae, in juatice.to ourselves 'and fo r , the Information of out friendi thhome, who may Want. to enlist, with to make a public statement in regard to the awe. vs received in the Sickles Brigade. Oar troubles began on the Pennsylvania Road, when Captain B. failed to tarnish a. with our pro. visiting as he promised. On arriving at the Camp, we were ` id on bread and•dnigged coffee. •We received no clothing. Medians was topped by our officers-being superseded, whereupon wa re solved to leave the Camp, when the ;General drew his pistols, pot oda treble guard, and threatened to shoot the man that. would of to go, without first reloading hi. purge money. We resolved to go, bowever and shortly wards twenty-seven erne broke throngh the picket gourd, led on by our gallant Lieutenant, James ttithop. •of turroingham—givang three romans . cheers for Pittsburgh. We came to New yak, ancrare camped with the-bitty-Ninth, chi the Bat tery, wrote wears waiting for company C, United Stara 7.ouare Cadets, who will leave Camp to day, when we intend going together to Philaderphia to go into Gov. Garrotte/paint, where we expect to be used as Peottaylvaniana dinette: Most retheattelly 'cure, F. Zimmerman, Wm. E. Jones, B. tioaeywell, S. Lantheter, J. Pamir'', C. McCoy C. W. Smith, I Ye!! . , W. W. Keithr. C. Groatoeyer, A. J. Book, T. D. o II.; W. Collier. Inc. , J.lAtitheriew. co., .E. Easel! I 1:1! Harris, J. Hives, 1 Thomas Lewis, J. Drumm, John Latter, Abraim Cowan, T..Stevection. J. P. -- Roberts, J. Willtanir, Wm. Fteldhouse, F. Riser. B. Edelutt, Conunenenuant or Waver Seqalnary and Tn.; The examination and closing ezereisea of this Institation at Beaver, Pa., took' place on.the 25th, 28:11 and 27th inst. The forenoon of each day was devoted to the examination of the classes in the respective departments. The pupils panecLa creditable examination, especially those in the higher branches of study, indiciitTig the thorough training they had received. ' Tuesday /treeing a miasmal imiree wax given at the Seiniaary budding. - Considerable attenUoe irs paid to the teaching of inetrumeinal and vocal music under the direction of :the Presidents lady, who is an excellent teacher of both. The next (Wednesday) evening, the !ter. A. G. Williams, of - thin city, delivered an interesting address' before the. rißigourney Literary ilocietyp . competed of the pupils of the Meantime. Tee Commencement exercises proper occnned in the Presbyterian Church, on Thenday evening, ,before; an immense throng. The exercises We/D :,opened with mush: on the plant., after:which:the iteD. •A. /Endeley; pastor of the Liberty Burnt Church of ibiA city, addressed the Throne Par Grate. The - programme was as felldwa : Rs jaay—Thern le no night there, Cecilia Cunningham; Sewickley; Paper— u lnan—Edited by Rove psari Coshocton , 0.1, cast thy Mitei Gertrude 'mph, Sharon; Co ll oquy—The Old Country Aunts; 'chat .tO.lllll City; g hare is Beatity Every. where, Lizzie Colton, Marlboro', 0; Women in all Linde, Rebecca Lauck, Bridgewater; Colloquy— Meeting of the Mums OD the Crowning of P/OrIDIDO Nightingale, Paper—"Casketn—edited iby Emily Henry, Faliston, Colloquy—w-All is not ;Gold that Milted.," written by Menu Cromer tied Long; eharacuan represented by Mine, Milner, Henry, Worthingten, McCarty, Bergen and Hire; Vale. dining, Amanda Crozier, Marlboro', 0: lune. mental and vocal music were interspersed through out 'the entertainment. President TIIYIOf then conferred diplomas on Macs Crosier. sad Calton. :Quite a member of pupils from this :city and doaaty were in attendance during the past year, Partly because of the excellent arrangement for boarding in the family of the Principal and the rtiet,_bealthful locallon n, cif the inatitetio Tments.—The Tolunteeri bild a meeting at. Camp Wright, On the 27th' Main, at width they paned resolutions retuning their wart. est thanks to the ladles of, the Second Salted Pre.. byterlan Congregation of this ally; (Dr. Prostbra) fora sup ply of 77 fleinst atarte, BO pairs woolen socks,blankets, '22 palm stout *hoes and towels for the company. CompaorS, of the Ittitylleglntent, san s `eturns thanks, through Sergeant Dean, to the ladles, for 20 paha of pantaloons for the company: 101ontos 'Yokota—One day last week , a party of friar or See permute went to the house of James Vanroorhis, in Carrot township, Wathington county, and demanded money and provisions Vats did not li k e the manner of levying Untrits items, and refaced to ceibpiy, bolding the old doetrute \of tuition without ' represontation u ulatrary to the eustitution. They loaisted, when Mr. V. went for big pistol. The gentlemen smelling* mice, left 'the premises. We under stand the farmers are Inning .thernselves 'to giro :alleach maranders a wares ,reeeption. Fano Pausisranotr.t.The Koerner Guards 'Capt. Fredenek B. Holmes, were pretreated with a beset:We Hag at the resideace of Capt. Dean, See• ond-street, on Friday miming. The presentation wit made by Rev. Joseph Herr, in a few wall Mild end patriotic remark', and-eppropriately re. speeded to by Adjutant John H. Ricketsoi. .The Itair was mane by Nines Annie Stonciand Reims Rotate& Turviss.—To-night, kiss hienken appears in `the-American three act drama, by U. Lewis, Eq., entitled the "Land of Washington.” Alter, which, she personates Jack Sheppard on honfeback. This of Itself will hi a coral% and we weld not be tailwind to gee tie /muse crowded from floor to nailing by in UMOIIII andience eager to tee Miss Makes ride tram UM stage to the uppermost part of the theatre. " - AIIAULT ADD BAITERT.-4. WOOlllll II31211:14 Mary 111181 Dorsey, was held to bail for trial on • charge of assault and battery, by Alderman Jones, 'ester; os oath of Timothy Murphy. The prosecutor alleges gait the defendant applied some very bard expressions towards bill, or' ibe conclusion of which eltlt give him the benefit ofa bucket - Odin, water. • TS Tat GCAID flovie.—We got "into the Guard House, r the other day, at Camp Wright. noti how. eire4,thr, cey misconduct on Oaf part, hut • through me politeness of . Liept. Nesbit, of:Mutant Jackson Gnaw% who happened to be officer of the guard. The . Guard /Immo to kept Clean and decent. It I. not the otost:onticlog hat Fertilely not_ the most neglected place iuthe camp. na . _ rlslu...Boaste....The residence of Faustian an suOut threi - Irom Brownsville,. was totahrdestroyed bi fire On Sunday eight last. rtert . win the flusher° was LW horned. elates of the house barely escaped with theii The lase hes sot bees sissritiecd. Two PitLY PIATta MCZTIP I / 1 1 are coadatted ttdt4*FiTe Camp Wright, and we fount at !east do dompaitee thlt Dire wore* iegalarly morn• • 'OotAttelass,loss.gone to Ms baits, In Erl on Walnut, and dating dbP abittto, Zinc Crot. Griot -11 - Clossmsadinsoodlosto: - COL G. sttoods to bit duttos inuPd7styktfsditaLth... , 4 - . • ;.• , Mta watts'. ealiscsefursot wilt foierCap% portanity. aniirttaierskifnkir St 'Coq , 17,1, 41 - 61110 0, 44140.1;: 7ZAT,;:-;. SEM!M ;~.6t;IAEY Ilicitiwifk. 0., Saturate. Co., Md., - . • - Mkt, Iti4E , To.day m among.' a hose which might with pro- Priatyli Oyaued as dull, vary 4tall—so much.im OM it was almost insposidbli to gel op amassment enough to harp ore from going to j sleep. The early . morning mod fbrenoce trains bailee newsboys, end the passengers wets generally not of the reading eoet, had given away to th* ioldies above and below u al l that/papers, and we mere thus deprived , of one or two hours of retional enjoyment end quiet receipt of leformatfou on that all important 'abject —the Wu. '1 In the train going-beard Baltimore, Mr. Sol. Scheyer. Jr., was seen standing on the plat. form, to whCm we most cheerfully paid oar reveal. I had to opportuity of shaking, him by the hand or speaking, although I might have done so bad it ut been that my patient was aitting up In bed, and feat of his Jnjaiing himself would not snow me to luxe the door. The 111°10416u at preset on the sick list, some tea Derions,Vahlle at private bonus, and scattered in various places, are some six others, making In all sixteen weak and disabled; all of these, it is thought, will recover but one, whose name is He of coca. pony E, (Washington Greys,) who Ike very low with typhoid fever,' at the house of a' relative In York. You need co think Oils composes all that are motif for duty, cr.i you will be 'mistaken. There an in every company Crowds to twettj fellows who are lit with whitey be celled ramp fever, whkh Is quite contagious, and develops itself *spatially on warm days when there Is rather more than usual to do, and, on *et or cold eights when the guard is called. It develops Itself antelly In the following, manner: Ay extensive appeelte,a listless iediffsal once to talk, or be talked to, to read, or to hear; tendency to complain and groat at every command; to abase others and men, and stubborn &tondos. .tionef doing nothing, SO lane, .developed that; they are actually too lacy to digest what they eat. It was called Spring favor at home; early to the sea eon, when the sun shone brightly; bqt it is plushy biotin in books as pure, otadulterad fulness. We have hid no accidents, no' rowe and no fun of Conscyvane.l no money. Ouly one thing transpired to 'relieve the immaturel dullness—tho arrival of the Qua rtermarter,with the rations for the next three days, which came just in the right time. It is astonishing to see how cordially the bind of the QaatteratastO Is grasped. Officers and men vie with each other in paying their respects to him, and questions, which must please him much, are propounded io rapid mcceuion,es follows: "How are you Pllow doe* It' ome you are so late Bi "How many days rations do we get P. ./Hare you oar overcoats: B , "Our tents P' ,"Is our Balt meat flitch, shoulder or ham I" "When does the Bal miest. Roulette "Have you any lettere, any papers, packagat t” &c, dec. It require* a good natured man to answer all the questions asked, and a bet. ter to submit, to all the complaints and curses when the true is abort. This morning, three men from Washington, Pa., were at Zdelvitle, one flying visit to the Washing ton Greys, who bad Jost retqrned from Wiebington City. They give us informetion ;egg:ding the numbers and deposition of the troops in that all they having had puma fur? General Mans field, permitting their puling from camp to estop. They report the lumber of men In and about Washington City Si 70,000.-intheeeet, one wank suppose, to defend the Capital against any force which could be brought to attack it. They speak of the troops as fine-looking and wall-disciplined, and very anions to 031711113T0 arms with the enemy. It wu thoullbe by them that active °perukes ' would commeke this week, and en attack would be made by cuf f e or the other. ThitCoutederatee, if report is tree, are oat of provisions, and most either fight or. run; and Gen. Scott is determined they shall not; mope without to some estent tEFpuelehment they so richly deserve. It is a good thing for fur as we are going home in * month, or we would be es ragged as Lazarus. The clothing ere Petted with was mined by rain cad want of staff before welelt, and our moukey jack eta end loose trowiers—government Clothes—the latter snide after the pattern and cut by the same ineuure the lenickerWekers of old were, are so rotten, that if two people look at you at once they will tear. While ppeaties of these clothe", might as well intone' you, there are tot ten pain of pants It the Whole regiment made of one um form quality of goods, either in testers or color, sad the State evidently intended to dispense with hiversacks, Rhea the hinder part of them were blocked out by the cutter. hot enough, it is grow. ing late end I. 191 *loopy. Yours, D. 'Arrivals at the up To Is o'cLoc BT. CUARL.6B-tAwnot of 1 1 / 4 1AT 8413118 O Brown, Ilar.overt,!o J W Traditaraugh,li y z X JOl2Oll. Ed apt Tins., BTi 1 Ilaywood, Nut. I law n=lllto9, A W acott Cannweibarg Mr. IN Morita, Obit , Ci IT Morita,' do I Mn alas Wr E. Pantl. Alabama L.Banson. do! MW QL InAt. dal WD &rota dal B A Clarke, einoo.bati A 0 andtb, do , ft a Dram. ablia J D Putman. Wattlidd NTi J 0 .11. 0 / I lady, Brow W AtcOmetarty, Baldwin /alb T Bum Browyrdta Zwaca.AblaWdWe i , 11l LIANSION //DU Azoaai al Principal notch: R 1.815 T NNW. Third and Wool street.. , WIWIMem ' _1 i Ban(4/1, ainitoy 3 Araokt, /lick ' 3 R Kerr. Franklin 0 W AlitEillar, do It D Van Tamall, N Y 1, Moon, U 8 a • W Buie, Milwaukee 10 Ital., Fhim J B Mors. Brownsville J 0 Henze; Maim 3 Ramadan, Mila II Mclntosh, Biala co 83 Hoffman. 3Lchnisr 1 11 Ivan; gellemtou $ d 7 Bbai tack, klea Phil drue Ccobtagb; . 1 JP klanhatul. Wash 11l Balmier, Havanna, 0 El B Thompson, Ohio o. 844 Mort, slat. A 0 greltb, • ! • leornoto.lteß•tante Mr °same. Yeangstewn O BssobkterA Amisbleld 1Woltr„. fart Leeteororth A 11 Lot man, Steabenville 0 Greene, Port Gleeto, Mire, L reondson, Elizabeth Phildpe, BlooruhVa M Inns it deottter, , W Absdreek, !at Plettact .. Hero, Patterns mem. Hale T Kaolin • fere Hy& nine • blind poplin, Peas R P Bultet,Coltara,*o WOoodrozo,MlLlersiocen I Mn Horner • lath Met es•ri • H J McAleer, Pb Hs M Se. do i U Gunn, PAH& J P Bruton, Mt Mutant, 0 Mine, U baling L O Styer,PAß. EAGLE LUITEL.:4II•3 • _ _ _ Jra11,12.11, W It lip Tadao, inoput Iln Kot. OUlaopie, do It R Wllwar, Loanatar 8 80101, 0 Monti & lady, NB Port.!, 0 Wright lt 8 &Dab, do D A Pallor, Ind I ITi, Pa IV BlLlirrli i l.ltroto I MiAfts, , A aitosoiatiad V littorsalrA.Litrabo r B LalavoWr; .I,m Wend.' A Gouda. llnialatnuo TO Alarm Cloogland Hs Ithobel I, East J 0 81. Itillatoro T 8 Tlghtoo. do a I Ilabow !Oster, narlo a child W Badman A lady, Elmwood .I Atatcal4 Troylloool, R I TE4.di, 81. Louts 47 street, below Omagh. nonittal. ligill We ceing, J soborg W nth Isdr, G AGG N Ch o a lwaerille Dent; Brerlfga J Wilms, Punxsutawney P f, Iloadar do 0 Mimi; Indiana J Piggish Lenoutra co W a Banter, Fointion 0 Wlleon, do Smitliflehl end Third Mega '.PSOIII3ITOIL la B Brown B isoly,Browaree II 0 Boner, Omens os Hugh Lonbaton.Venengo co fee etcanister, Warren Jobn Rhode., Aabegae, lowa rty stra it, foot at 11011. dols% McOregar,,Bilibieport Js. Egos. flerrista B Pool, rarAbstb seibs. i•ii:Trael Bennet Ablffilo Wm hillteep, Wishing° J 8 Illewsrd it lerly, loktnle Berry , John Banks, Cancembory Ales Petrchikl, Onmellsstlle I Elarman. Ballifescre 800 Barrimall. do I P MoOonnell, Osnocabsrg WO Damn, Mangleld P Haman, tem W r* Joba faitspr no Iklady,Alles Dma L OPsirrr:dl wirlstd,— Ara ADi o .ar KlttA o n I tg - • do J Gold's 0 003201., do V Qafild,lnwheoistalko lir OftA ll i jld4 llD'lo IDII 118S—Oilnier L. Mum Capt. II L Damn Cp Weight Jana B 110111atai, M. olty W ll R a y aa - . Maw Yk ' _ B ined,Ommto musty M 0 ?Lain. HAUT MOTE t... 1,114, emu nu. Ed WYkins, Burton .1 .1 B. Jetwessus Browosville Briseutbal, Buller U 0 Olesson uder,. eloionsburg T Alsite Jr,Uerriouseve lc, Blelleown,Bridgeilla .hnies Lake, Canonsburg tiotellisoly,grisisbors Jae I DMs', Canonsburg Ca Helm; Washington L II Catlisie, Bakrestown Wes Plummer, Pella 1 A dole, Weytesborg D Ewan, do: I BED LION UOTIL - 11. 11011101 t, 50.5, Bt. Car stint. 111071Tmal. J MX& Glade Xllle • 8 II 40Dav/daoa, wry Lawrence 16, La atollnua,flesTlabwB IT A Krim, amain ea • X Illthlduld, Orsa fan! odi W Auks= P W OH II Partial, Galt, • NATIONAL lIIOT • T. idicilaa, A Al.. A lady. Alllsaul, 0 .11111si • lady, nano Floadt aloa wry Dr,l7,ao, Me MAl limpart TJ Adak. &NS 4 N Cary, Oaruilthaala Cr. NIIMOLAB nor • • Ika.aaida R D Scott, Veala • Drott. %Rom 0 I I PhlllipcWamblugtog Restllm Op. WOO /Wilt; Browns,Dß. : WI J 0 Auchn Cargo, mo, Cp. Wilkins 1510.13 T, Warr stoat. a Led* sick, Pt J 0 alklor. 0 Walla. J Baru. Matta tp nant., Id Weight, Pa thigtetport • • raw Greats Youth eta 10aPturroa. • J Pacaarapa. Pa IJ Pattanao, Pa Wm 'Maw, edlaataa LLlPrim. do Para. do.. oilautatal, Waiblogloa 0 Myrna, Alla co 1 Baron, • Jobs Wfl Wu, PMl's Lambert..76beidown It 0 Pollock, 11lotbotk .111 Ittantont, Pa Wto Toodoo.Mtubeth .7 1 117:11, bk.'? 114 RA., Woboior - :Tee entertainmeit, given by the chinas in the Fourth Ward Public Schools consisting of mimic, epeechee, recitations, dialogues, &c., came off ac cording to appointment, fart - evening. The at tendance WU quite numeroris, and th e very credit able petformaaces of pupils were received :with , marked manifestations of interest—end al. most every conceited forth warm applause. The artiole entertaiententhvas highly creditable to both teachers end , pupils Of the Fourth Ward Schools. The Big preeentatios Was accompanied with the usual enlivening i.licereetances—and the company of Cadet' which theelvad • a beantifitt nag lut night, will 101 l remember the eccaeriodwith in. tercet end pleathre. I • —•" , „ , FATILITX .00 1 : 1 11T;f0113EATION/4--Tbe Ropubli. cans of Poplin, octant* bare placed in nomniation the following thikoi: • Prtoidau Judge—„Tames Vomit, EEL • Amalfi, Judggs...Biibasthin Rub, Urleb Men* botham. Asseaddi—CoLJohd 94eamirer-4osbita N. Elepbeis. Coositinioxer--Jobn' . W. Etherboodi, Poor - //onto Direof+-14uwisk Miler Anditar—Wfillamq, Crow. "Now You Liss IT, ATID . NOW you Doe'r."—Tble le literally tree ortbe whiskey 'at Camp' Wright Om de); a legally doomed hones le In onottelotel op erstlon, and the neat, upapt.,Whlskeyrts In pinion with doled dome.- At one how, no "ontelders" eon boy* &WI% at the noit,,there lo mid to be not • drop on the preinliii, apd next'following, a guard to stationed round the boyar; Then thelweg' Uinta ed. Lotuses thud front one room to another; and whiskey taken by the battle toll without either lairs or Oman. 'Nest bollonlog Is a strong &stand for the...odttor," then an *um appeal, and oat *pos itive amouranee rthat totsdrop can be - Otsised. Yho"obaogoe wtdalogydritddig at Camp Yttight am I.divetima," , , thiramits P 04 1 1$0,—Tie qfphib *NI psi tbel!-Airdtir cluing' It THE LATEST NEWS. BY TZLZGRAP El RECEIVED .AT ' THE DAILY GAZET I E OFFICE. FROM WASHINGTON. Wasematoe Cnr, Jnee 2b.—The steamer Few ness anired at the Navy Yard chi, morning, bringing Interesting, but painful iztelligenee from Matthias - Point According to the statements of pe:sons, Capt.' Ward, of the Freeborn, yesterday obtained from- Capt. Ito.wan, of the Pawnee, a relaforcrunent , of skeet 20 men, end, united with others from his own renal, comprising between 30 and 40 in all, Masted in several matters for Matthias Point, tablas with them about 250 bags whieb ware Oiled with sand on chore, and with which breastwork, were soon erected, the proceeding& being ander the directian of Lieut. Chaplain. While la the act of returning to the Free born. for the purpose, it le stated, of obtaining can non for the hoary, a force of Confederates variously tat:mated from 000 to I 0, suddenly emerged from • thick wood, la which y had been thaneroated, and poured • volley of 'hotlnto the Federal party, who made • busty retreat. mural of the men escaped by swimmleg to the Freithofn. h i . Cape Wald, of the Freeborn, protected his men as far a. poulble with his guns, and fired 10 or 15, theta acmes the rebels, with whet effect it nouliinof be ascertained- While In the act of righting • gun, after, It is said, the gunner had been wounded, Capt. Ward was struck in the breast by a bullet, and to the coarse of an hour thereafter died from Internal hemorrhage. A sailor named W. J. Bess was' wounded is four pima, It Is feared - Mortally. Sew.- sal others were also wounded, &mon them Jack Williams, the eoz.swain, • ball entering his thigh. The Sag he carried was completely riddled- The men all meted the vessels without farther damage. •' Capt. Ward's body was brought here to-day by the Pawnee, la the funeral procession which smooths. clad it from the wharf to a place of temporary de posit., in the Navy Yard, was displayed the riddled banner. The gloom which prevailed In this locality was oppressive. The remains will he transported Notth. It is said that after the federal form retreated from Mathias Pettit 'the breastworks were immedi. &rely coupled by the Confederates. The information had early in the day been tom. miaMoated by a negro belonging to Dr. Howe, whose house was burnt by a party from the Resolute, on Tuesday, that. the enemy were in the neighborhood, at least 1000 strong. The negro approached the federal pasty a fugitive, with his shirt on a pole as I a kind of flag of truce. He hes been brought to Wallhlngton,' quite happy at his agape from the rebel asighborboad. The object of Cepa. Ward in throwing up breast. works-at Matthias Point wee that his boats' trews might be able to hold the place, with the aid of • small howitzer and covered by the 52-pounder guns of the Freeborn, until Ms tome should be reinforced by the New York 71st regimens which he had sent for to come to his support.,Tl weal thought that the regiment, once there, Gould fortify themselves and hold the place against a lore, short of vastly gape rior numbers. The Pawnee, however, arrived at the Navy Yard with Cape. Ward's corpse before the dispatch mulched the 71st. The register* will go to New York, under mune escort, to-morrow. The steamer Mount Vernon, Capt. Woods, left Hai Nary Yard this evening, for Fortress Monroe,yith dispateties from the Navy Department to Genaat ler. She took .a small force of marines god • de tachment of Company H, N. Y. 7lit, to relieve their comrades who went down there about tea days ago in the Ansoosta, as guard to the works at the hip hags. Tee sth Maine regimens arrived tomlght. The Adams' Express Company were notified by the War Depatuneas late In May, that it was in tended to stop communication with the Seceded States. Order, were Immediately given se all their often to cease receivicg letters. It was soon uppe rcut th.e the only result of this movement was to start up' numerous !cuar ezprethes of a character not, easily reached by the suthorities and It was could mad prsthrable to penitit perfidies:47=2lnm.. laws to beforwarded throogh &responsible ohaanal, which coeld be supervised by the Government Wamusprost Crrr, Jane 20 —P. Magnin°, of eharleaton, b. C., it is reported to tee proper au ttionties, ham bee, in New York making merge. meets fur eendieg both moo and military equip ments to the Sonia. He by been also to, or won about to depart for Europe, air agent for warlike .applies, in the employment of It, Confederate States. Tale morcieg be called at the State De• Foremen with the passport of a British Consul, fur the purpose of obtateieg thereto the signature of the Secretary. la accordance with the Mine Lege. elation of the Department, he was regaeated to make affiliation of his loyalty. to the guveraseent and the lawfulness et Ms errand, which he did, and was told to call at 2 o'clock, Otto, op maimg hie appearance, see was arrested, at the 11111th.C. 01 the Secretary of biota, hy Capt. Steve aced two thl -1110114 who memmete toed been runt for and were present for that perpose. Be is in prison aweiting further orders of 'the government. Already practical malamute el legislator. are being prepared. &motor Wilson, it is understood, has bete 1 4C011,131•111011 with C0ngth..e,,....c1 as high officer, of the govere meet, and at an early day of the extra session el emigres., will, are chairman of the Committee on bliiitary Affairs, to. troduee a sense of bills fur propoeing—thrm to le plains the ezerones action cater raiog the pre. that delensice or oarlike preparations; secondly, tieing the sanction of law to the plan already an. nouaced for a permanent increase et the army; thirdly, retiring infirm and disabled army °theme; fourthly, to arguing a National Guard, to be all I clothed and armed alike; fifthly, to increase the 1 number of cadet, to the mutat of 613, or to the number of Senators, and authorizing the President to fill vacancies ceased by reeigealion or otheirwiee ; in that instruction. Beside. It Is designed to re. commend as appropriation of V00,000,01)0 to carry the -defensive measures into effect. Tao shove are eatiateetially the object. contemplated. Owing to the eapeditiom calling of so many troops solo the filed, the Quarter Mame& Depart. meat bee not been able to smash uniform/ nu as to Immediately meet the demand.. Methane hare beep taken, however, for au adequate aupply at the earliest practicable period. Some of the member. of the N. Y. I.2th sett% meet of militia 01140 in a request that it he stated there le no adenuate graced for the report that their commander; Col. litutterfield, teem them otherwise than with kindness and a doe regard for their comfort and ratereme. Gen. Fremont probably arrived here to-night, as nub was his intention. Looms:us, June 28.—Tba Correspondence in the morning papers between Gen. Buchan and the quartermaster of the State Guard, attempts to prove that Collector Colton, and W. P. Malin, spectal agent for the Government here, had refused to allow frappes for the troops ■t Columbus to pats either by none or nil. Sit hundred ,rand of Govemment erme and the necessary cartridge', artinidlamsrday. It is ru mored that they are intended fa-ihe Union men of East Teanemen.. . . The Journal atattoritativaly denies that Col. Not ices is recnitung troops for use Government. Tee Nashville correspondent of the Memphis Appeal of the 27th inst., eats: The Legislature is enaeavonng to conciliate Itsst Tennessee, whose Commissioners are now at Nashville proposing to the Legislature to allow East Tennessee to peace. ably secede. Their memorial wdi be presented on tieduestiay. Bar pony preesila, out a storm is erpected before the end ol the session. A special dispatih to the New Orleans Delta of the 26th inst., from blissisalppi City, ails that a 'teaser anchored off that point, and capttned fire echooners, with which she railed Eutward: The blockade of this point, the same stater, has been permanently instituted, end that the Mobile mall boats were discontioned. The oramepaper intimates that the India, China and English merchantmen will be rich prises for priviteers. The New Orleans Picayune, of the 25th, pays a United States chip of war, with mitt gime; ia anchored at Chafe'''. Lovisvu.mi, Juni 28. The sorreyor of Ibis port announces that be is not granting permits for any class of good, to the acceded States, or condemn ing carrying contraband good.. The Democrat ii credibly informed that Rot- Beguneat goes on to a camp on the Indiana side of the river. The gun boat Tyler got afloat to-day, and with the Lexington and Corioeatoga pawed through the Canal. The latest accounts hom the East Tennessee Convention show that a large body is la favor of resistance to the Rebel Goverament. A majority, however, are se favor of a pray:atonal government for East Tennessee, The pn boat Ceinestoga is at the Dry Dock at Portland, Hy., leaking badly. It is dentin RI if either of the gun boats can get over the Portland bar, or, if so, whether cam get to Cairo, on account of the low slate of the river. Haminone, June 38.—The public mind In quite milli here today , and there In much subdued ea.. Mtn:tent, but no demonstration ban been, or is likely to be made. Considerable crowds surround the pri. Ikm stations, anxious to bur of expected 'develop ments under the new poling regime. • 4 march has been progremieg in the filarahars ofoeo, where a large quantity of arms and ammuni. don was found matted In a cellar, in the walla and beneath the doors. A cane of minable pistols, over eight hundred rinse, twenty-five of which are of the Mule pattern, ware among the diseoveriest the latter are supposed to have belonged to the fdassaehtuetta soldier*, who were disarmed by the mob on the 12,..ii•0t April. An trom.nee quantity of perensaioncape, estimated at $1,000,000, were also found, as well an 3,100 ball cartridges, 6,000 Minie cartridges and stations other warlike articles, including balls for the steam gun. The search Is prOgremlng. ^ It is suppoled that a consider able quantity of arm. will be found at the variants elation homes. This morning Pen.•Banke untied an order direct. ed to Col. Rally, in reply to the 'prbfest of the Police Comanisaimthrs, so which he says : "You will take special notice that by ohy proclamation of this day, neither the law,, nor the officers ap pointed to muscats, the law, are elected in any manner whatever, except ari it operates upon the Board of Comminionere and Chief of Police. ery officer sad maniwith the 'eaceptliiii of these POrmins'eamedorill be 'continued •in the cornice and in the isosisions they now occupy ante.., they shall refuse. In such cases the Provost Narwhal is to select others to WI their places." Among the articles found at Minkel Miners °Mee, was a 12 pound cannon ball, bearing the in. aeriptiosi, "From Fort Sumter to Marshal Keith." Be. Lome, June 29.--16 e Claw co nviPotdani of the Drmueref„ laYa that Ituadreds or Milieu. rlant,irom ditteret4 parte of the State, ate minced. tratieg is tarlatans., Urder, where• they'renelve areal fornlebed from 116 6021 h• and where drop - ea: pact to be to_ined troop from Arkansas, 'Tool create Al , f 4ll uPPI, flaerrun lite Ntate...; , • ltirti'sqaiak *pow ptropilly (tweed" ; by. tiro trekstOts aid a tetttaltqu no Ai fitly gapabb . or,itotattg sotutack Srum tho I - he A.. •Mtr;• ALIS B'.z4afturtnalitut reeitived here this teona June I tinz. bran e etates that tot 'th .- Hown and' tar ton camp, the Zone?* Ca Cap - nun, whom ' protracted absence on last night me' rise to feats tot their seletY, returned at : mbiltditht unizjared. I . Lieut. Sweet , e compeay returned at. midnight w [boot meeting with the secession air. •ir). Prier Morph ) is gill missing. The cad e t Cloud.. mill. seems to have been oda anothe :attempt or ttie enemy to barren the picket., erh:are, at present, th e only stetting of . r, donly they motify as of their presence. They made l two captures, neither of wham was prepa.ed tor rats Stance. 71107.1•11tOpOplICEd r i , Upon by ab Pt fifteen rebel carat') tram • aide road. nfu by ...al, for the moment, of his hone. The other, Zone', was engaged in picking cherries, an iwnhout his arum Another portion of the renel-..ravalry, about drove in the pinkie to wi th in a mile ofC loud ', Mills, and then retired wittiout mocceeding in making any captures. Lieut. Howison and Capt. Pedlar, of the Zottavem,Lhompany Ji, did not fall in with the enemy ite the nbeence gave cause to apprehend. The tom meets paid to the Pennsylvania troops by thel,lnspector General, yesterday, was to the Fourth Rpgiauset, Cot. Hannan, and not to the Fifth Re anent, as stated in yesterday, dl,. patch. I. - Boonton. , ~ June 28 —One hundred and thirty men have arrived bete from Georgetown azd'See lia, Potters c bitty for the purpose of being sworn i into the U. 8 Sera es as Home Garde, to serve In this State. hey - are Americans. -Seventy more are expected morrow. Lugs bodies - of menin Johnson co ty: ate preparing to take the urns mt.. step. They ,lilt a 1 he .wore in and receive arms as 'owl u possible Gen. Lyon is still here, but it is thought thailie will Noontide hie departure with a large force,, tut his destluation Wino: transpired. Col. B. W. rovr, of Johnson county, terniahom the followerg, 1220 Union men in Johnson ' co. have fanned a regiment, ender Col. Grover, for the purpose of basing swore into the service of the Coned Stateliend acting u Home Guards throu ghout the State. Tney are constantly drilling, and Col. Grover ii here to Recent arms from General Lyon for them ! He alto reports that 800 are form log,,,, in Permit aunty, and 800 is Caw' Tw o . bun. Bred of the P nis men arrived hen to-day as a convoy to take ilia/ back with them. Tatirron, Ni',.l., Juno 29.—The let regiment of the three year -,, New Jersey volunteers left here 1 this morning I s Washington, on 21 ears, with lo• comotives, at i o'clock. The 24 and 3d regi meats left ibi afternoon by way of the Camden and Amboy A in road . The tante and other camp equipage, whi b ;quartermaster General Perrino hag, ander the irection of Gov. Olden and at the request of the War - Department, supplied them, greet with ens :regiment. The homes belonging ,Jolla.'immediately." to the officers ill to.low Each moo is provided In h three days' cooked provision", and Gee day" , tovisions is bulk will also ge with the troops to prtvent the gas a 1 complaint of want of ration,. L/;• ; It their arrival at Washington they 1 are supplied w tli 80,000 rounds of cartridges for the brigade, 27 rounds having been delivered to each man. Gaerrox,Jun 6 :2B--Corporal Hays', with twt lye men, belonging o Cql. Wallace's regiment of Zola aeet, while ace tine on Patterson'e Creek, twelve miles east or 'ombetleed, eight before last, en countered a pa y of rebels, numbervig about forty, when a sharp e l ogement maned, la which seven teen of the eat y are reported to have been killed and a number w boded. One of Hayes' party was killed and hill badly wounded. They captured a number of hor ee. The rebel for li. a t i fforhaenq is repent:4' to bdve been increased ,:r41,0X1. Be. Louts .—Tbe Hon. A. T. Lau • member of de L gist j f e ' i. au "wu arrested at Gina ao yesterday by Ci. B ed:.lately sant to that et The primer w Oat .4 on board the steamer J.C. Swart, sad will y obs•ty be brought to Mb 017. Messrs. NOWMCII,its and enlace were enlisted a few days since et osimeica, blo, zed talum to Cairo, acid released upon taking the oath of allegi ance. Beurzhcac, J tie 28.—pdaseegera flop Fortran Monroe, by the bolt this morning, repeat that noth ing had ' , wapiti! there in the part twenty-lour hours worthy of .dte. No letter was received from the correspoodent; of the Anociatea fro f et that point. June 193.-- Soonott, lone 14:—Thr Schooner Seamslle, from Cape Hoyt on the 31 ion, reports that the Spaniard ■ to k, tI poueson of Fort /ndepcso. d•nce, 14 miles Font that place, on the 13th of May, nod fears were entertained there or a nal Sather nrraeion. I _ UMLIILTON, C. the Loodim /I • °ler the Great W •:, June .28.—W. El. Aquall COTrelpOndalll, pitied east Otero Bak'rout this morning. ILotrisvithe. Ju• with .3 (ha 4 Inche this atornooo ; It :B.—Sher river Is falliog /lowly, So the canal. Weather showery ;now cloudy. Mercury 71i°. Minuscule., Juii2B.—goe. Binds bus issued a call fur a company nt narp•atoctea for Budgies regiment. linaoters.—Tifei Res. Robert Pio:Millie, of New Castle, will &Leh is the Font Reformed Presbyterian Cbur fi (Dr. Douglas'), of this city, to-morrow (Sabbath) morning, at 103 leek; sea in the First Preaby)arian Church ( rtes . John Bk. NWlases). Allegheli)f city, 1123 olMeek p. tn. Juan Vita= Thud Ward Home thin evening at 71 Punctual attendee. • 011 Z GVAILD/A- Company A, Guards, will held a masa. Helock, at the School Home. it'.lB required. Hos. lone Covo terday, and was w friends beloogin camp. , e visited Cusp Wright ly received by his numerous the variouo companies in RECITIMD—dint Cloth:meg Summer armory, Pa. 'the Ist of Jane, 1861, H. W. Beiori, Phillipsburg, Beaver lmo riO• To Boren 0 • • oars. lilt. SW infigT 4 s; I • • it/.4,/ DLL 1.111. ' r •XT TiVII• - of MI ' Wal L=imed by nay; man ill Lameacea, iffoat Splataa, Braises or Wmact •g, Ha anal fa ma *ad anal. Llama or Walla , MU, Ecralclue, bla to, It mill also care apoaddy• • min and Itlngtione tte be many prevented and cared to • 10 a:minima wages. t amenned lom are beyond lb. • allay of orbp*. No n ee et Ole band. boar ..deenemlm addel bat ft may be alienated by WM ninvnt, and Ha fat nu app sill &Iwo remark • Lameaste and enabl It. boa* to naval trttb coarparn .sers. I i teary bona °soar aboold bate this remedy .t band, for - *emel t d jzillAtof idunen.ammtz.M.tffec.. ' • mat o& r(1 - bot . ma era Oa and *bleb nada no many otb. valculda bones y moralise. Bee ademneement. ap77lytter7-411 da • BLOOD Foo , — Attention is caned to • .....t naaeraatae a d'oletatto priparatkesodeartbed a smother I:alma. I Is no mulrely um dlacomp. and - all not Co confound yul any of lb. sameeroas patent •• A.:Holm of the day. bto • carat, remedy for all th e • Loam epeollled, and ;legally Ware of a chronic nature • long standup—at "aka, await ',and par& Buda .4 try iti , ! KIM= OM= • at, of Now Tort, Or* tat sofa • to for It, cod Woo ton of lb. vorid-renorned . Jambi muu.o donut, an artkbe Irttictt aril, • • . a:OmM lam at himmedkda* clout fa was of m ead ; d containing, ea It doksassrosom. or oolote of sot ad, tt an to raid ikotta no amens gonlieerotha lbe (gaud as Inrsla le apache fn all CNN of baba ••mplalnta—Phkrdfair mama, Cbtabbaa. ME.* ed .. For do by 0110. 11. ILLTSIII „nt i r twat. lid Wood et. ?Menorah. Pa. dalfafilalcall Pit • Doodono. lats, Stator Con and Home- i • ado Phyeletan; al, mat for Rainbow , ' o•lebratod run for Rapture,. Cotner of Penn and Wayne • meta. t 'Kir. Duman!. Dr. Q. BW, No. tttl hum treat, attends to all motes of the Dental profs*. lon. seirldarca Br e, le . Ur F•vesr Mimosa • .• 101111 12, bra- W. ltdlAolll 4 / 1 111, dl4 .t 14y Brant. earner Wyfria mit , Alit du. atlfal.rdtw -nu ter•ALL fthildifl i dsritil to reed the aster . at Pod. W.N. I ea pow. Illigiligiagg IYIP4II3VEID OVAL • CUL • ON OIL • LAMP IIIIIIIITEYS , THE BEST T T UAVE EV.ER YET been offend to the p Dlla. TbOY it, the best lief the laboring Nunn : t. Bunn. bong of so iota' ahem the gists to every. where equally dbisot the flan so MO the draft is stronger and more fogtil I. The oraltbspe Is hotter adapted to nslat the Olen of thiden expinithrci, so that lin Isepowillthi to auk these s .. B.he glen le nude largely of lend awl Pearls* n logegrat degree ot streatb and elesticity. Tbs thin news weigh botieenettion bare lethal to be so brittle so to nub aren wboo Dot In uID, era louriably nude of f.into Glue lamed of the T 1444104 of which nu sr* mean t 841 the menet sdnhtsgs of then Chlinsors le est shwa you here on 0 wilt len foreur, mid if sny hour keeper brinks on 4 Os honor Um lamp. Ist bey 411 st 101, 28•4410/Con7r Winthenon then. Inn Te a of annum sod es will rofibiCe bon nuked chimney by s dozen whole ones. This grafter doss not t o accidents or than cues of blethers when thechlonwilunthrougb lototherienes, been screwed so olosoly to the lamp as to prlsoont 84 expansion when heated. Those wbo bus hitherto denied thanuelres lb* lawny of the Carbine Oil Light on weronut of rho gnat expert. of chininsin should loos tint Meth Is no knee • finineif for them to endure the uvular .1 thin ..f the sou. ousted billow none,' itt IliTtiltlDGMe 11191101,ED uGI TN hes 41104113111...4 MOW) 1 8 1 11 0 node t. kW" and sot merely to be fold. ; 4 1 3Pitemuntier, the plsrdli al thi MT PITT OUR WOOlOl, vaitEtcworottliktiliXT, brew' Penn . :lnns AMU. jelinswdathiltf E. D. DIIIIIIIDGB. suena—loo bbla.)3.ll,cifined Sugar; ' 16 do 'Vrashdd do Is. do litio Platrailed do - ID do iCOstas do dq Just rstolval sad for ode by usnlia SHOTIIIIBA . Sus ISO sad in Wood stsvoC. VAttLNA LEI ACT 'tki—A fresh - supply of Mato Delo brood Twins 4:hoketito Jo ni ricohook woo Boston, Groliomo Wino W 134 StatorCoictoov. tor** al lb. T.mßi Grocery awn of !r JQUS E 1110114.17 - • (brew lotbetty wod Wind anuito. r ruRPEDOES-:1003300 skint ..and for " KIIIVI1MV• BROTEISaII. eiYEAUP.--,luet received a r,..n lot of Lorraties Bloom Simla 1131. or tet.ll, b 7 Jon* A. aasseam, Core,, I dotty sod Mod stmt.. CINNATI ,SUDAR CURED , Rei.llB. C —2othui.• Plan, Eris. -A 00 , 41 awebraad !agar. Curd ilsauJust ret•lrorl and for rile b -' • • Lirmi ieraigam not . . 117 - !wood atria.' g liAis.Elf.l3UUDS;" . 9om 12 to' 14.—A lafge m Juin reedvalitt •i • • • • doaars tantmlito, irrozz.' IT liatstastlet. L. bp • ENT ' tto - rarbatitteoutfir iw sestagseisaspisk .KESS.VatkiJUTK..,;., kalbji t. releinirtioa iniukairitesai. i•ik Beriardial; =M:MM COllOll - .ER . CL e u, . , . • privisavacti nut/cirri,. RAPectedt•Prefealy for gm Patotonim &rags.] • Itexuallit, 1 Tamar. Jo. 111 1551. I.oiono-230 market oonuMew daarbrany sad (bit demand being Ugh and lb. trausactions prbompaly. confined to tba local Cr.,... rams, aubourk rad.. um. GO, baron/Wagons bo material alumge. Saba wars o Ws raring and Wham Wbeat Wally ar g 5 for Me imam sod 045 to gkeLS foethe bazar; 50 do Waster Wlmat i se g 5 2200 oe do as $5 for Mara and 1 8 . 5 0 to 15,03 tot lasopy; 500 do bpriag Witeat gamily at $ll to 0,12. F ' unamasedfre.la air bbd. at 707 1 4. Noma* dull but prima 'Maar eels af 10 Mir at 111,136 c. Coda man rme or 10t:Nr..114%46 dodo at 1.e.. BLOON-No change to notims. ' Teas demand common exceedingly Malted, and we mold notbearof a IMAM trod. sales womb noticing. We quote aoadnally at fl>eig;01110 dbcolderm bids* at Meg= Plato Hams B.44ogjgc.erld angar Cored do litfretligtec Wenota a rota of 4,140 IDs country moat. Micmat at to for , booldsra and fon for Bider: I •Plikia-dall sad woos rksoriptbios drooping ; .mle or 111 1 calf Mute 840 at 1124 25 dO Lab. nerrlng PA% 20 ' Eo dada; do at g 050% 10 tibia No II Mackerel at 17.e0; 10 do do at 115. "- - 0 ; 1 AM-earn Mar, sale 01'400 bosh BMW at De. Goa aormangsd. Whoa vitae; ire note =alias*. al Had from wagon at alkeliti 01 comb. BUTTS& • IIs 4 US-Ttie demand for Batter contlasim Nicht orll . o Ds mina aortal ea 11 et 17 411.1 uaa If 6 bbla at lia:o It dos. WH ISKY - anchaogoe; aala 0110 tads COMMOI3 IA two lota at 15017 an te—cash and tna POTA.TUE-e- av tab at 440 boob. doll; mat.of 78 Lamb prima Mau. CHCEBN-lha demand for Cheese Is Improma g a Mtki MN Of 6 Imo W R of 154 t, and 15 dt do .t trqm 8 to B. 11.11Y -but Moe mooing to at present in do cloaca of which prima bare edmatateb male ofl2 load. at =aim at Eno. 67 .00 a $lOll ten. • RAtidooodaolutral; We 4;11117 lbs at 2tge . liactoss—aa • of 15 dm Fancy at 1511:5 gl IgOllCTAtill Alp altattLatintilOidta. Sr Lona Slannir, 141— floar-Alarkat, doll. Ibe blab. price offiirsd for c, t ,, sur.ti.• to M 1.4 } Ob. W. nalsloo bap Mt Tamils at VAS* 6O .d 200 bbla omptry bnudga aura et p,76; 60 bola at:ruched at SUN and Ile Dbl. dosibls maw saws in gold. .141saat-.Dag ind -languid sna lower micro ciao! , bot mostly mislead. Salo GOO .t. prime club at 1384: 1.20 aka haw amp [allot 70; and 620 .0. do yoatarday at 77 Wo.l. W Nis, Yon, J.. 40:—Thers tai mull butane &dug In this artl4., boon Apt than in god time the nimbi would bit corialOrrad Mainly at a nand. Tba op erations have bon data). ansOog dealer. A gals of aboot 100 00188, laseparted, the particulars of which basis not base male pabllo. Prime rola low Oix all 'Ueda of asis wool, this demand being nimt to natbing.—Oon4 •In g. Ws annex a statemant of Ups ozprirts,(ormnalro cloPenk) from Now York to Coralge ports, for lb. wash sod lance J. 1 , 359. ism 1864 far tbe $ 111,194,17 T $2,303,991 Prevloaslyteporkt.—. t0,u01,010 40,Z0.674 151,21,003 !Ince ..... 4E0440 1417&161 $60666,680 Cataaoo bloon ago uwa blaran, Jane 16.—Thare was • lair attendance on 'Change today, and the tootling markers were tolerably active.. Whoa/ was In good Isquait especlAlly 120 2 Aprlng--.11; II aimblug, tb• raark“ for tau grade was mkt. About 7.,000 bosh of all 'grades changed bottom at niedso for hie/ Boling; 860/1 , 342 for N W Club; and 67(O1ktac forgo.: flpring—the tow keg eta Wag Coady. At tua opening there or.• • fair kooky for Cm, InuerdaPa prim wen, paid; buts sopel gg. receipt. wen pootad-416.1g0 boohola—thalinaket beams easier, cud eloovei at • Oadllne of 3iolio. heat 172,620 botheta of all grader changed hand..., 1.4,2710 for river . lifted ;Cloak Wig(O"Mygo tor Mlxod ha wont; ond Iflo liejacted—dlo•ing at =la for bfliad, at wlikh drug the gnat bulk of W. trausacCon. took piano. The Inquiry for flour 111111POry 1904114 M., and Ms mutat 1M guns, with wawa shout 5,000 Dbl., 61117,,046,!0 kergrade good axing eito....42ttb. 16 Import& Br ilailremel., Perm Mom. it WATIN• 01711100 8 1 . IL-36n0 4 poi nortdo, J I Woodruff: 12 Lb cleesr , Bert • Wow; gg 6se cheese, H it Thoopeont 20 60106 bos.lllller • alcketeen; 4 dog robe, kluntwod • Oonnor; 2 LBO potailh, 1 et Introa, ablor s DllwczOl 10 otePl7 0 616,2 nni Modes • Verner: 10empty lON Lipooor nierrost; lot wrap Iron, Hellman. Ham •.4 4 111 a wrap Ban. Blown • co, 2 bole pooh, B • ratincetook & co; 1 DOI tobacco. Atwell. Lae & co; 10 Obis lord cd l .lllcDoneld • Artnollle: lot scrap Iron, Load a Bleck:102 bide', H /Islam; 6 bhoo scrap Iwo, Jones & Lionin 2•3 Prdtietw. Borten BO fabL, Boar, 8 Lludes7;2o beet Killer lilcketwo; lit 12 T .124007 on 10 dried beet)Wien • on 114 de p I{ atetoce,'J ii Liggett ,5 co, 0704 L flow, kbonte. be • Long; AB do do, 1 1 Wolin & Prenzintow ana CiiiTZLUIJI B. IL—Julle 25.-3 casks ware, J H Ortroon; 1 do do, orna Baldinger;ll Inns wop Iron. OWL eemett • ccc l bf bbl pipe; Martin Hopi; 4 be do, It Habour, 4do 40,14 1119 Alltwort 2 atoe ware, II /LION , Brooliw 44 1,614-sobeceo, Club I co: or cottle, J T Sheol's: 1 do do, J Lynn; 20 Ma ale, 0 .730 W toll& & co; 6a. rap, 2 kg. Lou,,, j 4 bnl do, 3 bbagge, LI Biddle; lor mile, Li rozd ; 41 Ibis ceL •• aka rag; P Wolorer; 1 1101 eggkllo Omani & Arbneltle; p .la row, 14 pot Loco., Atwell, L. &co. 5 tg,h Boor, /ones Ht• t kt hod, Brown • Eirkpitaa; 1000 11,12 Cob, Gardiner; MO bob potato., leas ld iroorbesd; 100 800 Boar, J b 0.604 • co; tog drat. B A Toning*. • .0. nivaan smuts. There la nothing a the wharf worthy of notice. The ricer is stationary with 82Inabee 07 the metal meek, while the weather !sat crating tudinabyg W“ 11>Gt • Idnile or &SWUM for below. nor lama an accunearmat ell probable tar son, thus to name...—. The Poland left 121.1Kinuatt for Pittsburgh on IVedusaiar. TEL 11104 042111.113:32A80LET8. Nur You., Jana V .—Carton !Iran aal.a 0000 balm, op lauds 1050,4 N. /floor ram armload 5010 r; sal. 18,500 Mr; Mara $4 1.0410. 0610 $4 9305 10, zioarbarn $5 000 soo6Waal 0(3o lova.; 64 000 boa sold; Chicago aprtrar 750955, 110armurea dab &Soap 1.3; rad wrestara.2,l 100 $. 14 Coro .toad;; sok. 79 900 Doak; mind 4200. Lard doll at wax. W alaky doll a_41.635012% Woe ataod. amp, .tool ; ;;.anode 4 ) 40.5)$ /146.0.5 firm; salre oyf 0000 bl..s 5,33i4.187. rn...u, arm. Bto4ka beam; %.2 , 104g0363i; Mama Camtral bonds 10034; New York Cantrrl 71; l'irgials'a 43 , 4, 2.llmoarl'a 34%. andpanannyto, Jam, Zl.- 0 1car dull, at $0 far imparfirm $5 fqr to, the Inspections for tab araek amouct to 18,0 0 El. la cot mach lYbaal.<2.llag. and the am kat to WI and noamtlad; Was 30503 0045 a: $1 160173 for rad and $1 3001 40 for %kilo Cora comae to •lo.ly, and prima lloattwro ;allow ao:d at 63. INktity 1054017. DOLLAR IA VIALS HAII H, No. 65 Poor* Strom. 1 CII.42ISISRED 211 WS. OPEN DAILY PROM '9 TO 2 O'CLOCK, co Weibunday wad War-hp evenings, from Slay Ben to Narcsaber Ent, bum Ito 9 o'clock on Rom No. timber Ent to Mei trot, from E to II o'dork. Deposits received or ell value oet Os= ono Dolls*, .00 • Strldend at th• prollte deciered peke • ll ine sad December. Intureet bi• Imo declared rizob•all busily, to Jam arid December, truce the Bask was caw, !mak at the rsta dais per cent. • yew. Interest, tf not drum oat, Isplued th, crecilt of tbe de. Pieltuthe lialualpel, sod bare the lame Lateran trom Jczo satiDeoember,ung raises rear bee Pe trednt es trouthos lb. depadtor oaks ems to p.m' bre Oal• teak At thla satoy Bonny will doublets lon thrall P T ine ta•laibr to Du tinitaltate Mar mous ;Luz in 011111 ALL • it.ku.uulaktbip the Marks, lry-Lews, alba hild I talons reredos:l gratis, ou applisittorrot tbe °Nog. • 211a1106.4nr0R9E .ILLDRAD. • PlikaiNat WIIISam BM Burrial 3.. L oderloa • Durie• B. D. Ilea . % n. Dutlasilo L. Puboestoalt. Io AL Peamo ok Pollock,. AL D. giormrell liettstra. kabert Bubb, • haws Hartne MD% JazoteD n. • • Alma arsictios. and banded sopmeely lot the soodastes L. of Ms fished abbe malls, no modal hpremribsd far biddissi the Ds mint rolling for its solsctba ea Ms molt, of m•ceanlol skill sad I itmosmlty which • hit courpscltbru. sow loritiod, may produce. It Is deemed smosary nil, to sta. dim took look should be sellthekbp, sad don lb moor ptiocipal regulates are iaajorsodp,scoarif - /M yh 'Daggs, d/msbilay, dimity of cad OP bob Two kith of mall looks and taidof brim sad tho other of roa—thdessat la form mid coastructkes. an . poled: sail props ail should specify. sew shay, the peke of mob lota look, ..oh key for sum, mob blase lock. sad oath tomalley for ulna. _ Do;p1boto mem ha Cr psitorm of oath Wad of locks pee. . puod, aro 'required to, be submitted with formomia am of *soh bad . ample /mks to be timid op sod dd. ihrialtr lo h. °Pm at tiottrotal, so that Its Is.it i n ark lure may Sadly be cumbied. Sony obool TM ample d be Plainly soaked wick as babes hams. leeks ofhrod shotild boo bo Dor skald to aramactloo Lee pubdoly Matra. tr Meer hs dmilar Id soy look. herobobrs mak end ths7 mug Ds wtehisitedorty *my, tO orletorkrswlth Nay , would tamatioa.• I ' • Tile Tabus ample locks prsattd by Cl IMI wIII lb mbmlttod to • boom asomtoot to be atiml to, • m. Paitualmos Ostows; for We Whim* of cutioblud ropottlias Os thou; sad, solar th•Pommostoresuseidstial doom It oirkisSor lb. 'atonal of Me Dopertmestoo Nam elf lb. PisPopas sPiltimeas sobsolitsd seder Ole advs. Usaand, sootrocu will,spou the re of the exembers, bo esiandlinco, ae so with hos amaissful • bolder whose looks ore , toirfornistdre daps , huh' sad keys for lour dam ss Stay may be ropdasil sod ad dont silk att Me port of dm Pcsatortaresom • rot for to bang, Masts:ad md tratfaue malrect In foam tot sa teem of Dar fam= &Mud leo' dm, be Vriliod, to ths Matra:tor, ust it thou tfzmaugs dam t6alermlaaUoa of Ms Mal tam or bur re; st the tomirmisti of Me first Wm cifibor Isml, to coa with say other pony }yfroadstilog similar of Orman kok• sod km... th• POtakasur Grans& amy detersdoe., Th. cordractor most sem *ad Cu obis to furabb, seii u sad ndid ordered. OW bars /acts sad MO brim key; in dab mouths Moto ths clms of eaten hob aiso tram, mod:BUCidi Iron auks out 10,000 ism hods, witblu 1.5110. from nob &law Ball strePteseliall will amnia ths right to Massa or dialaisicas the mutts or lotorestsi et the son* stay d.ma.d,ib. qualitkis of •• Um looks pad key. shore riesoliled, with Sitivaitoca l l i anolnane• lithos to hinoldi theta ths looks fmahhal by tau coshictor mist 'bit Sal rimed to Ids" hi gaol Moab( atdor Dor two/ma, laid/ orflomy roa ths saulso, all an ad:Jetta" to Oak= skileaor. .nth.. beemem dottousw. daring that tima to Is reploced with paha locks, damn stoma 11, contractor whi be roust. od_co dollatr Melt:Oast lith own imperils, at lb. Pod adios omportmeat, Weskhulloo. D. 0, pot Up an soloks, brains smarms Inuallse of -In locks siaboscid securely tack, fa Iroakia bms,.Cosibitto. tod zoom tbao two btaidnd looks setb Tao hose.,. a be didlimid to on seat of the Dipartmetit. didy mad - spischils author:lmo in loch um to tato dame al sod sma• • dry the mas. from sostrootoesi dump to. the Mama • • rent. wheel bock looks bad km. us hi IMPtels 4 *DS r ent. Ware tam Medi oe peed Dr. Tbo Matmtor C. monOvd to gin toed. molds mourii7, Is abs not of Mew, dro ttionsaud bums e: ha • tourdui Piltlotamooo of ilia corium* oh WS pert, both os lo fundsaine ibeeoppllm cress*, ead suitable Mosidols tom of lbeboad lock s sod key o with doe pstracy.leudit7 • sod maul dopoml will thetelom roostamd, :NI urallumiad with. widen gueremese imam the propoeed eliretleo, Mrbose terpobaltaller Mimi be cerilded by lam ' poottossmdat the pesos of. Mgt 111430Objtilal= 1 , become Impoesible Mir requital bead, err the of Ms ColltfiKi by lb. Mb; la pm suck prop:lsm be ow- • Ilk oa loud spadmoos.stheDiatoomi tor Umorol UM: deem It Mealiest to Mimi tbe bus ,' • of obs bid* sad tho boa lock Cr tic. .. • Be thablom • roams the Sioldi of costristiag WW2 atifirsot tobsiclush - , for sach dldemat badge( boos MILT admit • Proposoh •should C. atrohilly sidhosoki Wes -•-• - Paammtor Usual. bad sadonad oh sulelop.oftolid - salkfor log - Docks.. , - • ml2itintrw • T A IMPORTER AID DEALER IN TIS mast watt brands °Nona* , 11.41-VANA CllleAltea • :Asp *LL Engin or • SMOKINit. AND (DIMING ,TOBAOM enunaacivanueoluipa souk Qnderthe 6t. Mules littsbe fe. tart TIMM , : bfft,t2.osl44llt!a* 1ft ,4110113, glad ' .t•Ak , t, rIC ST.. sr =-)Zeta tl Doors • 4-; • a LOAD INYiAluAs_ . o,..joastimmtniumkar. - - .1•14 I mai? truis„,- MIR 10 11 . rD TOUPEES P sad thirable. • ozlalloi of Wlmrs