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', - , , ~~.."~~ ~fl' _ - ,:pOtsbutit.7o:4lltf . (... - Mal MAITOAB AS. fRO P tttttt • • Ps 6 Oficx, "Al and, mos Baiaflail Marsala; sad Elmslna L4lUoaa daily. cam. Um Latest Marrs lap u Lk, hoar of ci • !tit/canna. Morpiiir pal onus in sansoriorlk.Pie • 1" ;- ' .. Amami" Zaalos..4l per wrasna le: M . wurAL tmin wat P Pe ari er sifts. toe or war* V pre saxes, turriablp to IiratTAIIMINI AT ILIABONAILIi ROM. *.rXeI•MB33I;MZ*23 WEDNESDAY 11058150, JUNE 12, 1861. • •Tus sum . ire DM lasi egg from Fortress ?douroi. via Bablatorl, ores both rUsettursgrog , atud doopPolatlog—oo uutoh ID, todoed, that several of obi :olduser • mated Looredulouely whither the ortlialiOnioh the mews caste tree eh trustirorthfoli to tears co reabosablo room for doubt T - Hot ere sea CO good ground for dlattrodillog the general truth of the report --au! km the diteelteblo Lad mortitybig char toter of U should oppou ea mob. Nor seed 01:17 filth thnbramry cad meadleme of am trooper bele the lust degree shaken. We may deplore Lhe nausea andLecoespeleace of tone, body who Monk' hire eammendad them,' bat did aot '; may regret that dm; Boiler ranks/ to roe of the Ileeeellry palates which most be famed la a mearammats Cleacrel, mune. 17, the dlsemetlag of split', as ri may call it, —so that he wroall antrum tie command of to eipedllion to ao iffiest liable to love "Ile prunes of cited" . in the hour of action —When to mcoh (lepuids oo Me pram= of every_ freettliy—rsarilaese, coolness and fertility of resonerre. We easy Inetlflably feel Atm, brit We manotjtielliably feel any fa , thir dimartragement, for even emplacing Ural, Wks foic onzirpopo met with Wes all It is re preesaled to hampast, tie combat of the troops . —flair atoll:en 1114 eowspaus bearing, When .ao helplessly aspoiwid to the ere of . the deadly rifled cancan steddenly opened on atm from a nuked batleri; 'Wu altogether edrolrable— worthy of LIU yarns' Iraq* lITIT brought to the beld. Let as hope they winnow hive 'lifter absuiciat *tit anssalis. Tsfs froostrvischuss crude.- .Tice opposing testa In Ilia gram cavil war are daily spprosoblag nester and nearer to that point where rest sad perriule decisive con. filet Le inevitable, in the wholeootwisyswalie to palabol anxiety the reatilL Whatever may happen' st. Hisper's . Parry whether the nbels will flight or fly—bletill an . tertein. Bat klensaces Gap demotion to the plus when the greet singes is Likely to bs. Prom IS we can laaro Ti incline to the belle that the Beessilectists will be troacentrated arts in very considerable force, perhape 20,000. The ground Is broken arid wall wisitil to de fense sad diffuraltto assault. flea. Boott is moving fof wird with great se ,orecry sad osnlion; and the people of the loyal Slater rest In confidence upon his skill and din cretion. Several regiments marched within the past two or three days with sealed orders, to be opened when they ehould resoh a certain point. • Tet(e is indicative of some movement, of which probSbly the path° have tot thonghL 'limier:Me Mat the Sooth are "conflieting as to the stile of the prevailing spirit of the peo ple' then, sad in donbt but that it differs in diffract sections. One mac, who lately srvind front Georgia, represents the easeseisia feeling there ea balog natal, unanimous sod very err. thalamic; another, writing of the state of fsellog in Booth Carotin, represents it u being Vat mach tailed. TiIY 11.11121/11.11 VIILVIENIA. • - • Baltimore ocrrupoadsat of the B. Y. Herald claims ea have bergs paths posesmioo or same Mthly be pease t facts, "by a nom t atilval from Rich mond direct" • The so-call el facia woold cmialaly be of toms itoprittaeo•---yrovidsd they ono fteta Bat as Limy comp to as, they Jaye a est, qamilonabla leak, diflrmlog so widely ea they do from the more satimatia %sporty already before as. • Ms "treat arrive rates that thus at at and near Harp 'a Fairy, nadir Gan. Juliana, 18,04.0 troapi, and to V treble; now to the sad end under orders, 147,000--atit3 can be Inemesed by 10,40' • mom from Brae& Cerullo% when they ate ander arms and ready to search CO say point In Virginia whairru they are needed. Davis, Basaregerd sad - Lee bed been In csossolatkin at HistamoncL Ls% it would appear, wad to firm or sursalve action. He advised an Istroadlue attack cm Wad:duet= and Aluandrle,employ tog three cap dame. of 15,600 - men sorb. ,Hls ears did not pnrvativeltb the attar ,eutrals, sad Ii wan lastly 4pcidsd to act entirely • wri the defiatalnp- . -that no troops should eras the Polossan, and that LlMpo's Ferry 'build be held or abandoned as aintanatanou may &mud. Amord . .lag to Ws plan of eating on the defensive, the Hu entafivrey 'from Minesau Gap to donna Creek be the rebels' ant beau of military operation% ei.ita Three :Of 55,090 man, to be aura Ohm . -at by 16,000 sum, If necemary. Notwithstanding the friendly call from the rebels la Frederick end alttaccrsi, It may.. be dilated whittler the doisablj . Hurls and bit tionfedmate chivalry mild Cava got ail mono enough to arm Cu Putnam—um If they bad 147,00 - inn in arms, not merely °la Lz-rwsa ' ammo isirmaa :—I Lee jet{ imbibed reading yenr!iniggestian" in Mokpo Gaudfir, ia refer ears to a Union ticket at gis coming alactioa. I duly predate the patriotic' tad sseenlsh ttpirit arkich dirtatad ft. To one; who; like myself, ho beta for e few 3 eve past naked among the btu weft boo of that punt dominant political party 'la, aim cooly, your, ' , oasis:lion" b peculiarly triar.z , az as stieleacer at tli• devotion of all 'parties hors to the common con of tha outstay. coaftua that, for Nome weak. rut, I had boa ladalging in some' q alat party pride, that in ibis Oar of our cos aura...logo, my own party, by ita satin abnegate's of old ;intuits prejedicee, end ill •Lacrity with •hlck its sumbera. enplane: man,ml aims, and its rank and Me had 'Mead to onus oar Lualted National nag, tit cosUitteneg their time, sad . thee money, nod offering their too is done. of, that nag, had deployed • pa triotism Not likely to ba Nulled by oar former political lon. Bat OW orgy lalormaleffer by coma of year Indict man, to divide with no the office. of Ma &utility, aad tits worry formal aadonemrat of _ that odor to-day by the old bitter &Ukase OozeUe, " - he., torridls the agnisabla invoice occasioned by it, tails all the march out of my party pride; ht., in fan, Ulna party out of my heed, lad at me to thanking of what ix best to be dose. Yon ask ma calm discrolon an this objact," I presume from thole of, your ova party, bus I boo yo• will permit caw of Out oppcwilloa to Leo • word. -Yoe Oil doabtlesa be. orprimed that one O alto an I hays been account/4 should object to a plan which would certainly give to tha Democrao • pin. ' ties of the offices or Um costly at tha nail elem; tr.; yet I do object to year play, so as a DODO. • crat at party mu, or on tirepltital party goods •rgied by year corropeadeat. •X, ,, as Friday lad. (••XP whoever he he, 'hold leave the cozetry for aow cloiths, fat the coaatrre good. tech as ha arai.not police., sad win gin trouble.) Bat for tit town that I think are sow teed the best mu tithe coantri-toe right MCI ID th■ right place...— and I do pot Winne they Cu bosomed on the plan you sagged. Your phut involve lba selection of caldidstise, &Oats , ba elected, bY the old party az cklaery both Odin, aid it timid Invitably malt in ate set olio*, tbroolk favoriterm sad propesta or pot. ' . Itc Wider, Of max at Least snit fortbab6luylf ••pot aboolalsly Garrott aad diabosest. r ..Yrutitly,Jdmara. Wain, look over the moot whom year party have put lab office—it the few whoa we leave mugged t 5 pt In, and at the many whoa wi bare triad to elaco-aad way whether you Nihau that either party has prescated lea Eaton or beat man, or whathar both have Not too frown tly pat forward Not only mualfmrtly iNcospeteat but alwolately gronly diabolist and coropt candidata. The premed is a time /or froley acknowledging lhie griavou surer, aad alas for correcting It. Bet tkie &enaction cannot be had diesel slelt•chlum borr committee and nerd mocking of poialua out, by intimated political leaden Haviag cod/toed your plan—white graufelly easomteelites lba empaximile cad patriotism which prompts au tofoutiol organ of • tromphast - majority to propos • division of the holm sad -.• . moles which might seam rigliffally to beton to Ito • -fejdada—allow as to offer what !Ala smock bal. • Lel the Repaleicul and Democratic putts. noblest* Oats tickets so nasal" 11 you piny , 4 11,,t, good mu, der, mill be elootari, as they. ought to b ei you kale as majority, .94 b ets the efficsa, if year aconlown donne theme Both partici win donbUno occupy Ow muss plate. form en 'ha only grief aatiosal sew este tating - thir comity; 61 merely local .1. 1 1/M O . l l bOthi blew (Or @timid year. Komi oe ono •gronsA,' Fait, en iy'poic bly fled lostrthing Lithe paMorow, dac; of ['Oen ol thColker, ilimmulialf cps a. rebtikr; bat tabu all are ow of one Naiad, t leo „pot errors of both may, lad doubtless will, ponitted to await Data» gaimsdottaide..,." Ofcitist Forty will COadallll.olll from • • • ••• • lbws whio noerie the midot.uf our troellidi would 'pant's& the ono of the people, either by direct aid tad canlort to the =Napo =Oar at by directly rendering nob aid through official. roo tawy of the eadiazaad the treasury of the people, by officials °robber party. Tins we le have two tickets of I mpolite. political organizatloni, Int both,—pramitally, on the some plaUonn, from wbirh the people easy thane. Then let the "leaders or - Oda pull*. and their algsee-the Ge_rtte oo the Rtyablicabs sad. the Post as the Democratic aide-411.1.304 ,as bonnet and open Pleat* " •Olopport the ellteal and bast man. 70110:1111M1111;10, abould. soralnato haslet or homompotent csad2ldates„ lot It be andar , stood that they wonsot tars yo. soppon. And sea: Oa ear 'Lis; lot than be vo within up al Yenta' fan, a portant and political • OW SON: stay of dolts and Idkaui for allots nigh logos sad badness qualifications, manly bonne nom. Wee bof oar own party—wale an enthral, At and bonnet ono may be word to the palls service by laybg our own man on the shelf tad voting far I ate Ow, awash ha should be found On • ltai Tsto be the opposition tick= ar now bass my soggestious. I tblek it bettor thmo your own. Yam'. generonaly proposal to give as a chants; bat it subjects no to the trickery of managers. Mins sir= to enry =tar desirous to Ignore party an noel chants to do to, and at the same time It will alato ai am* both partios to arm their inn men, DO that the sots will not WI limb= to ollobean's nobs.' Bat, some one will say, this may malt la the Cacti= of the whale @goblin= Motet. flappable It does; If the whale @goblin= ttckat Is oumponet of Ironed and aosopetont man, it neat to be sleeted; and, as a Democrat, I 'paid b p h 1.1„ and rejoice ta the rout. Bat II you, &a bantams, emanate magi or diekrooest nun, and we, se coculonally heretofore, nominate Inas and mon haunt man, than the whole Republican ticket will not be dieted ; Ind you ibaslA aid la pro/acing, and doobtleao would, rejoice, the moult. . . PITSUCTIL ELIMMI Th. Particles Voyage of the Egad of We The Maid of the Mid, the pretty little steamer that reed to may weaves for fifty mots each into . the mart of the dremb' spray of Niagara Fife, mid gam them a good waking gratis, is mimed from her accustomed moorings. Between three and four o'clock yetterday riflemoon, u we learn from a gen tleman who wu a looker on, she left hn wharf in charge of the pliant Robinson, who, with his skiff, has -perfumed so many deeds of daring in the vicinity of the Falls, board for the peaceful waters at the mouth of the dyer. Ile wan accompanied only by the engineer and another man, who was to mist him at the wheeL It was a most perilous voyage— & current of ever so rally miles an hour—an immense volume of water crowded between narrow banks, and playing all earls of mid antim under pnielpices—a whirlpool right in' the way, ready to gorge a steamboat or "nay other man''—an unexplored cbannel—who would have thought , that a boat of any de enription could 'have rode over such a lad mete of waves and toured anchorage I It boa been dam, however, sad hundreds of eye wlt names can testify:to the fut. The from the Gilts to its mouth, has been safely tanned by the Maid of the Mitt. It wu rumored at the Falls shortly alter noon that a bargain had been made with Mr. Babson, and that the experiment would be made. People hastened almost- Incredulonaly to the vicinity' of the whirlpool, expecting; of counte, to see the little steamer and her crew 'wallowed, u the whale did Jonah. But the staunch craft had no time to be swallowed. Wee was in so much of a harry that aim gay' the whirlpnol a clam go by and glided on cm harmed, save that she only lost her smoke stack. Barnatirnes the Maid washed to sight, for an insUmt, in the angry foam, but she kept right side uupp and right on her ONUS% and in an incredibly short space of time was safe and sound at the wharf at Queenstown. This is, without exception, the most remarkable itecamboot voyage on record. - We barn that the Maid of the Mist is to be employed in the vicinity of Queenstoem. She haa never been profitable at the Falls. A Bar blonian In said to have had a mortgage on her and he went dein to the Falls yesterday just fll time to be too late. We don't believe be will.adrance money again on hats of *the tamale persuasion"—they are eo likely to run away in company with a heave man.—[Bnffale The forty-Bost annual convemtion of,the diocese of Ohio wan held in Columba last week. On the subject of the great national crisis the convention took high, calm, and dignified ground. Bishop Moat-eine, in his eddies; spoke with great force in defence of the Garerriment in its present warble atti tude spinal treaann. We make a short quo take to show the spirit of the whale •It is very far from anything like enmity to our brethren of the seceding berates, or a de.- sins to interfere with the protection which the Constitution has thrown around their pee- I collar institution which they united in emet ics& and with which they have professed to be satisfied ; it is not wider any angry ex citement, or spirit to violence, or desire to visit any part of the land with the calamities of war, that this mighty uprising all over the Heath, and Feat, and West, in every town and village, and on every farm, has occurred ; but it is simply cat of loyalty to that Oon stitution and the Union under it, end all its rights and securities for all; it is oat of • conscientious determination to stand by that Constitution as our dearest earthly heritage, under which all sections of the country have prospered, and which has been faithfully ob served kir all. It le that same spirit aids a lit tle while ago, out of the lore of peas, was besting la such singular patienos and calmness with provocation" of the most exasperating =inns, till to the anthers of them and to foreign nations, it seemed a spirit of salutr sire timidity, preening the selfish wages of uninterrupted trade; to the costly userbois of gust principles of eight." Bishop Beddell, in making a statement of the condition of the parishes which he had visited, said : `'lli MIZTHEILS -WO have met analk cincomostsoces which the wisest cannot IA terpret. Tha majestic crpriaing of our pee* to affirm and Mend their nal,L , e. l lty has iY agamred cm. But let us not bs tempted to trod in human might. Our confidence is that the Lord migoeth, and that Jesus Is exalted Head over all tidings to thi Chorcb. In this 03atkamtee, whilst we continua in oar work far Rho with unflagging seal, let us passed car 'Emig in perm To His grace which is able and which is pledged to eatery Big Church through all troubles, sod to prss sat it Goddess before His Imogene° in eternal glory, faithful ly, hopefully. and affectionately 1 commend yoo." The Augusta "Ccutotitationolit" cif ths 30th ultimo laza tho following signifleant pongraph: DAVIS'S WAS Hollll.—President Dais's war hone pawed through Ws city hut night on his way to Riekozatad, Vv Accampanykg the animal was the k'n , • 'a addle, on the horn of which LI a compass, to be used is can a. rides /bald lot, Ala imp" Davie has =Alai in his madam it is clear. He prepares himself far all emergencies. A war horse to go Into battle with Le a good thing ; and a campus to guide him, when the time comes to make an escape, is also a good thing. He is not at all familiar with the thickets of Virginia, and to his efforts to get away he might mO7 mistake his path. He t be galloping with all peed due North, when his policy was to go dos South. His comae, La the horn or the addle will direct him aright. While he may amid HaDolrall on one sale, be can steer clear of Butler on the other, and also give I wide berth to Me- Clellan. We admire the sagacity and pru dence of the compile' arrangement. A thin-faced, white headed old gentleman, by the 6=o or Peters, dressed In sober black and having the subdoed and quiet look of is New , Engtarsd clergyman without a pariah, came Into the State Department this morninp and was handed his communion ae Consul of tho United States at Tunis ; Wary 83 000 , . per annum. Mr. Peters Is a South Unrottfltsn• Ltd daring the late Prodder:Oil contest exerted Mansell to defeat Ilecoln and Hamlin sod elect Bell and Everett But, Mr. Bell having gone over to the Beeemlosdata, and Mr. Evertrtt being still a Unkm marl, it was highly proper that Mr. Pa. tau should be rewarded with a good Consulate. Mr. Peters to also a Smith Uarellnlan. and U a gentleman from that State cat be found who is willing to accept office from the Government of the [kilted Mateo, rutty ought to have It [Cor. of N. Y. Tribune. TEI2 VOTE nit Ifacuaosn.—The vote in Rich. mond city, on the ordinance of recestioe, U it shows myths; ecuaelasive, exhibits a complete reign of tenor. There were cast In faro, of the onilnance 2,4100 votes, end only four sgalort It, sad among the grater number mart be courted the ballots - of the soldiers who are encamped thus from part. or thelitift: At the Presidential election Hittunceid /5,400 vote; without the AM of troopr. - Have the voting population left the city. or were the iujerity detured from expressing their Cooed Onivietlona at the ballattax The Episcopalians of Ohio; Preparing for Escape. Ilus U. S. Cenral at =l;== • mg, rtettzgaita. Mk LW. 01:111011TTEZ ON HOME DS -1011302 1.111 met itllol aneory;Crty 19111.1' DAT. holm I tonll 10 lo morabiwiadt bon wttl/ thmo allmtactsorbar cotoptdde tat Wm Guard take* sloport eiwtotterot to to orsaioo4. • Al!co. doer .4814 the Seer, tat - • • 4012:11 _ icon 11.1=11=11,ftenbay itel23 • abbtstusimunti.'• • MAP t 3_9l o _ SLAT OW weops MEMI lAcalfilitul litoickow _ i ^I • - aft* fain At-saa)azilz, • mi. immure. ammer 11440101111190tiftai N. B. Then INp are sm. Jag Ina from Ma pram, nr grand ea ateaL alga F OR •THE WAR!!! wmmVaCMOMM*MS. WUH BCC! warm% .11 sun GIMMTLITS. WIRT QtrALITt GILT BLATT) TON yannara CAPo, owe GILAID 808 TIIISIILIAGI OAfIL BIERSTAIT norm N . 11.1:11TAM • Paid 3 TAIL111:11101,, 11130111, ILO LTD auclielot. COLLAILE, I ' 111.1110TDILITD INIZOLIMIIIO s►sutTTOUII s. 111111201DIAND LIDS ICED GLOYLL 11,114. GUOTWA, L• 171 KITt c % - 00111 T! , - 11 e, ao, az, .6111.1.0 q MY camp IT CHARLES HIPNER'S., 7$ S3II 'TARIM. Jelt-mr•V ' Cola= La B cruse, Cap* Liana, A. J. rEI CELEBRA TEDorpiIos ROTAL WILL BE wood int Oa nat vamp as =Si 11110.1•11/ climb= el lb U how le co at tl• wit hosatital ge Me Used, ccomeediag o thotetroctol eM of the me.. • and or node Me tot cooed oretetvely Is Lb/oboer tor the ennot. A taro auto of OM limo ate coesectle ulth the mtablishout &e el Stabllai b. Ormei ettiebed to the lonia •ppffiatioee O roo t or Mir pith-Cm. mILI hoe eith pool he OWN bJ sabterUm. J 11. 41311.1 e, Proprietor, 'Oapel . CICINGEFLAII2III3 MILAILLay, • • Caps Way, Cabs I.Laad, mew Jamey, Xllll3 WELL KNOWN FIRST OLAtid Writ, .111 to °woad Ibr tharicesaloo of vast; t• SEIM, J =b. • Idttlird Wm! a mailmen, rimii/un,J VII3II--50 bbls. large No. 8 Nacketel; • ' ~10 do do 6o a do 10U6016 do do a do - ; ' llll6 . 1 ; 6 1 111 d 1 2 :o lob 01 11.1111/61111:1"11VIAlteril rased primal Card Crayoned MOO • : • WOO do 62 Memo Cond [lonic OXO do at. Ooord &madam Is stars sad tar ads by XL ILIDDLX,II% Marty .t. Ylßli FIim,MAKE too ball bids Plo.l Mita the; SO ; do ea m I. dr. sad for indiolry La 0. 0114/1. Lttrrtr rt. SUNDIII66-2 bbl& Tallow; 4 44 II lop dLot&o *3 tom W. IL Moor. 63 doses Moo, do ow bis L. a. aura P RODUCII-600 lbs. frosVoll Batter; • liaosivsi sod Oxide by • " El. f l=l. l r At; tabertpt SUGA tolls. Crabbed Barr; do CL brlvortord do 2) r. a. do la stomas) br lOU 22 / DAISILL 807 SYRUP. -60 bbla. Golden 13yrop in atom sad** WA by . JAI. DAIMILL MON. Dax PEAOWIS3B sacks prime bavai hr soh by • .L. 0.011411.5 n LIMA! I)EMIti-r8 bap White Beana for tale by 161.2 " DALS,SLL II CO. . D t far aale b QIIAMOLS SILLN, O enurois um. • ._,. . SHAMUS DAIS. -:.::.•: ro~e Sue A SUPASIOB•ILTIOLL, eaa aH~rmdeclll4. . . A BOPS:RA BLITIA1011.IO& ASTIOLE, • • Annout. • SOPILIOI ARTIOLI. POI SALA LOW, • .1011 AIL. LOW ILLS LOW, • !paella UM, .14)111,11 /MONO, Oar=cf nukes N. ea tbo Maas& ATH TUBt3 OF ALL DESORIPTIONS, M RON= M To O r L w L= w WW AN I D. MIND, POILTAILZ WAISH STAND. 111113Lairf QOM muff Of ALL &CUL Liao fir; BLOM Ma fn.; 11011 emu or sviar OLE, oOP►il 6111118 do do 01:1011:11411111 hull!, MDAR, B& II.114 FM*" E&(1. siso foURTH 'Tani% Ql/11 ninanaux :BROOKED ON'S 81-OAIIIIONATE OF • aoiaih. A nanal ptoporsU. Lr Uu rind of 1012D7r1 07 SUS A7OIIAOII. SLY Ars aasnro.nei 7 7 P7 1,7 r 7 7 1 Sindinnrj frogs Um pus 11.0nrboleut• ot. Bann °SASSO Any Was adzolilsr• sh•grror. fly Melk. IBS of ap Og COOPN ali4 I. M 1.01.1 4.d " fig do add M Isoonnitsta Sold by ; • • SIMON JOID3TON, Druggist, .. AI A Amin le ae.ico FKetty bledlcteeti . corm Stab 6;141 sal Fearte eta. ACCRPTCD FOR CAMP CAIMIL6.- . , . • . .. TWII WIT ABM !MUD 10010 ILIIR • To 011 Ur rant. cl the BIMINI]. V 11111.1.0,14 marc b ft Tosid.y conL Erabms pm. idol b. 440459148. ./4. gain moat. .4 astr •raary, N. 4 roams! stru4, Allo. Oozy, woad door hum lbe 44 , 4 bridi. • —• • , id 014 • V. I. !ro be._ Rt. Y Q 9 . 0 D. CALLI volannan iwn attatisirmiar:. • :Tan 61111/.11111 ATARI MIL the experiefto of Atli kaniim eilltmeselr Ible immissal. ti Dm go vv. lit LIAM YAQUATIC OM Yaw Sad agrawtall needy dliconnd tr Lla or d Abeam. lina, ban& Law* Wok All fail~ NowslAl 15 sled all klolsollAervom Mama All caw Lemont. AAA Ns dray Am m cosputArs worth law FAA Pr •11 Serloct. iNDr!tslreµ at. . _ ad= JOILMITON. Dala;Altua• 1411 w ., • • farina Ilmialleld sod Vaastb _ GUNS' P.IBTOLS, 111151.411—The Mien tko of Ligon to north of 0U•/, RIFLE/. P111T0L111.16.6e, ellsociof la atm win:4ld rtx.b. W. - W. YOUNG.. 46 T/7. £l7 1V:0r 1,4 . I NDIA RUBBILK -PA SOLDIERS' ELABILITE. • Anal:At k. 11.14 remind •I * 1 . 401111 DiPo . ' N0t.13 m.l IBLCI•ir street' myri PAULY KB, TRUK th—Ws . bite sow ao A b to. Utast Vika LADIES /EMU 1 . 11 1:111101. - - Ll Lir marrow, Titini 111:311Z LADILS II AN TIONII3, Lams Boum soma, I:ll2iTa SIVIMI AND VALT/113 JOHN GILL 1 CD, Plch. 104 Waal su.lsr etitts. sad • 'LOUR-2,000 NAL Ocean 2dilla, Ea Louis, 2,000 to Id L Vanua do d • COO do Closcordio do do • • no do DoioDd KU* 41. W. radio, do; 60 do Onago • P0W1C21.1., do; 116 do Or Ile gm w cede* i.Voile t li s :I sh i te branes. sa. by d. UN aoh • Wee elltmstels 80 _ ...sivenitkubs CANDLES mob* as/ Ow volio mum I attaitsow: MORM ff===iMMM Acta Illittinutsmnus. 4 . • I NITIPPONIaIra I t • 0011FillIT M Omen itathlid t • • leatogkillr•••• Dollar ream. - boo • • WI Lida 410, Panbli• tortzvlUt a p t tto• oft* at The M. M- _ - 11114, r e - : .. i .;—, .. 4 lllWete • rtttstmult. I 1 -----:. - a!t i. immortor smog 'fat waft Ibillfw 43 r . ." 1 ".:" •Me *-1 •WO k• C[OUL•riON BLANC Ina • MI nb aOYlli W ve7 &NAGS • • . . AUCTION GOODS new sworn Maim.. • -Ow MOOR • LWe twitaw,gtio. eraiw; ! ' ' " • 'I • •. ZWP Ar_D__wrzawi ' 1111311 1 .-itm cinuiurer EtATIt arQUIPNNNITI. HOOD! or ALL nom, 1 . 0101:11 NUM )LOlllllOl CHAPIC/1, • . BLACK 30111/AllllllO, &a, ac, tr. INIPHOllotry tr. toaltoO to all owl monhos otz dolt. Olt JOBlltit 8010111. TT latikot stmt. J UST .RSOEINSD THUS MORNING & D. HOODS,. ♦ LAUI AIIaDIMIIIINT OP MANTUA DILL DIMS; am saxia DIMS. CLOW DIMITS, Brut mcrtruis, PAEOY nun otacrtrirm CLOT I:1 01110131.11111. CHIA} D 17111.11.911, 41.1 LIS boa sad chearwt assortmsat of Dim GOO Di ?bit It •me cemr.L HILL. OM" Vide in .11 Neillag at pally ralacerl pries, - • ' =ON orzir cowmen. : THIS 18 THE MOST COMPLETE, THOR -01:1011 LIND ISTLIDIVI 00141118E1AL =IDOL Ib. datted ee.e.t 'lmirirardl 44 ■,OOO Etzulants, from al ■tataa, baring Dam idnetted ft 4 Inatome bar En PllO/. COWLIT. th• e.orldaeoo►od Panami, cot ttows aiLh. bead of 1k• Warr= Dreiltrmon. itivenussATics. • dapartamtsomyridna tas till, 'wan% Incla•leg all Duamisics, ander do cock! cdtsrp al hot .100.11/11114 Is gaP.lrirX.d ocenstal lagruclor: cpsurstof •411 the Oolk•ge. aireksidaft War at is, Wm. Mo yanlloaa .. ITlUgwarf was kafpricse. testa slag tellatormstloo. odUlteli lM Mod** , dIiNKINS & SMITH. . FlTTsevaaa. PA• TJ. W. BARKER A . CO., U• •it OV/XllllO aßur union IN DIMS aeons 11/01411M1 IN TWILINGI NOON. !latching& uirsuie. uia link w moans. ~~ il- i a 11110A1118 •N&4OAINB IN 110111 NY ►ND OLOTILI :DAP *ll5 lit runts wipsaienmd. BY EXPRESS svERT DAY. NEW GOODS, AT WAR Plttollll. TRIMMINGS—New styles fur Dresses sad Dusters. CUSS AND FANCY BUTTONS—New BONNol uee 11 1 11;011S—Plegent stiles, very cheep. PALM AND ,WILLOW SUAILEBS. STRAW BONN - XIS AND RATS FLOWERS, RUCRESPLAIN AND FAN CY BILKS. EIS B'D SWISS AND CAMBRIC COLLARS LAClfilateM DOLLARS, do trummed . £MWD, MUDD A- PLAIN LINEN CAM- BRIO HANDKERCHIEFS. LAOS MITTS, CLOVES GAUNTLETS. LADIES' ACUILDRENEr COTTON Hon -Extra cheap., BILK; GINGHAM AND COTTON BUN UMBRELLAS-50 cents and up. ONTLEritur a' SHIRTS, COLLARS, URA VATS,, NECK TIES, do., An. ONDERSIIMS AND DRAWERS for men, . 'yeomen and children. CHENILLE, BRAID, CORD AND BEAD HAIR NITS. • - Gall and buy our new, "DIXIE" SKIRT, and other makes. MILITARY OOODS—Orey Pitts, Mar kets. Belts, Gilt Braids, Battens, Country Merchants and Milliners will be supplied at a small advance on eastern cost soli atm -EATON, MACRUM So CO., wittarrir! Mak at.a. 3,000,000 . Tag 81:1BSCRIBBBS JIAVINCI BRIEN mob/whim by the tionnat tau Tremainr =rej:=0:11: . • = 7 sell paelotatia - si7cAMTP• of Pear" truagar La itam haw andel Mit II tees inward sad onention thelr lon of 01,11 ctismoureat!b y a prolopi aao contal rupous loM' o•E — C• 7 -77 7 • • 10.1=isal of dial tootles. of patrigggra, there an of egkatmert •bkl oroy be euedgersd idervoce 10 Uge WM: It le . SU per mat. Leary rnie bon say taziltt•••iletimet, sal Want out b.,. tin rt 1.116 its at IthalitgONltliewas of 11104 ppm or lan lerd Slam %gime or IrarairgOL• firm • lo legal Three Li geared Moaned = par ausmii Is thin Loa, all Irreird, .ad bto be acct./ to Om pommel al tba Warne ye Me lay sal to the p• rpm.. td. • Ilbstal Malin had. 7to MU crn Fails nested say bat sa aot•oettotl sad lull a.....l.metiart 0l lb* mem and Larger argued to al► bretsmator b• am ib• a:lmnd ard at the Mtge hence, [be wog sallthetoty ebta• ttd tt , tt• =atm at hake Mllabesati WlLlts tbe • Stale la mg watt Soma El =tad Tbarse—bbas .sacedis( Mel I ka stars Lam .24.1 ost44 Nat sa aws ta. pf lbaz &lien sad II fly brats bar aid taxed% sad bsad II le cosdd.atlr.rp.cvd IMt Wit dr Ow funds bawd's. maul. Mafia milt la .ad M Oa eafOrbealatOrlll be to tau awe nanras4 lams Tnisiel. • Mass adv.. as am at Issibre the 141.42aa5, inallla lips 0111 es baud be DAILUIL a Oa r • " . - SI licanl - Tbint *fait,' • Mr opu, - Ili s tir•Oa:eiiit. • *Air; ( Mial`rOis l .4J UL ASO /XS FAYETTE SPRINGS - UOll4 ' • 'MIAS unionnwn, BMUS% 00, Pt. Prnridoi ' fsi*O! ' 4 41 SP " 111100611011• 43116 trim& an• furore pankul, .red bp at lam. who S.; Oran . b44.11b7 Bender retrot with emasfotalo mit setl ocamry, lbal Our not•I - at 41.19 Ohm m4lb opal lie will trees aaA the .1001 J.. mil. •-•• • The Witin of 1b... Pprlap bays boom* io 0011. Immo ire W pack IbM 00 sal 010410060004 to dared. . • , ALFRED bIeOLELLAI4D, - • Uniontown, Fayette County, Penna. UI TAZOS LaD WATER EiHNIVI. AItLL PERSONS LIABLE TOR CITY and Molars ' TWO atterWatt,r Imes to M. Cll3 d , N.. hereby notastl ttut lb. Ow, Tula and gator UAW us Now tee and pa) 0b)..4 lb. Ctry Trodount'a Moo, roorth drat. On ILLI pal on.ola cede tab,. Aosuct Ant, • d kocca of An per onaL will b. .now. &testa •ogoot Aryl lead 14 tor 11 Meath, a 414r00n o( por not, Mor. °ciao, trot ...t1 Norma. Ant, to ea Ilk. 1021 to outs of In pat ant, sod W ftmototaz trot, all rmottilog .pokt will b. pot. to lb. b. O. of I:oll.setcrrs, •Ilb • Guth... oddilbse, ofanpprrwt .Rif wr . iummutl., CU, T111111:1117. . ' - Orma or ezirJaanal atm. Costa ra— ritmearsbAtay waist I .4:3SZSEESI II NT ZiOTIOL—The F tack. Wenn idriba Dlotota Wain 0.1. L.. bon*? that aa terallomi of Ilerr wants mu) pit she. km tom layi.d op - Lk. CLOW me de 1.1 di, of 7.. 0.. l. et tins alSa. of Ito Oesapsoy. la tbe clty el 1.111.1...0.. II mot. of Um threat% -- - _TIMM JAIIIII2 IL CORSI. Mei ILI ?nag, lions fiVAIIOII Z 141101111131111111:. 04arrictothn ziox Est. • with Ostia sal Asian 'molar • u rA' laza hold*" II toilseg a gnr sta. _ Itiottt - ' AII ttterti am% °roans Ca. sumo =Lit r„rzt LAVA COI rES—Jart received a lot of II prime Gancrn .ornt ins Nam Me% ones Litsitrit rsoynd std far olglrf ced beg co a Mail _ 40,111 1115/114W. ter 91/11a1011,140 .tlllOlll noun iltaninia wrong. BOINVaI TRIMMING max ' • 'IT NIEMAN:mi. .0811iP vas 0211110 Akio, slvy ,toc2 ,toof A. 111:1:1/136113. Se 111AUELET ■TRCBT its. I. nu. • 94 Stibtriturisubs. Viilt . P-Z Ti:E.Bli,-.VEL GRBAT IiEDUCIIOPi IN PRIM -- J. W. BARKERS CO. 59. MARKET STRUT; Will close t the tislanoe of their 'LAT_EASTERN COST, CARPET STO BRUSSELS, TAPEBTR 'AWE lAL. - izor, _ IFINE, ES T and - . SUPERIFINKrINGII4N Bitlear,litrAramr, INIZE2 COUNT 1 . Y. MERCHANTS; COUNTR MERCHANTS : AND PBD -1413 am be sepplbil lath DRY GOODS op EVERY DESCRIPTION' AT MAIWZMItDir PAICIES, AT J. W. BARKER it 00:89 69 MARKET STREET. Dal..Goode cut, for the trade at the pieee and and package price. 'esnnewP an ARRIVAL STRAW - 4,1 oo ' D s i . MIL FAY GOODS, AT i . ROItNE/S ,TRIMMING STORE, . . ......• .11'1 rket Street. - . - (111 a thimsped 13trair. alai . and Pignuts flaunt% irattrily . Whit• rands, B w. Pedal; Coborg. Hair .trsir, -Bmatllhrd BL c t Ohladnue Straw to. - - - - 7 • -- ; - 03berg,lirakl an Straw Gala. • - •• • ,'- • BOP' BMw 'Now stylos it W bites. . '.. Yroite.h Iknitarg,llizebes sad INte. • • ' Thai tdrks le dlerereot colors. Oro de Naps sal fkreecoi. • • fartitann,fltlif !Mt, Orovra Lining. Boome Itimayeauts, Ribbon Wird,. . ' - Basn! Wino, ito..lla, az. . . . u s laptionotty Keitlmola awl /dll' liners toclud to as sail. oor Wick. which will bo sold at • Waal! Wirsocei ow Now !ark cat FOB WU. mita LIIIIWTI SPRING GOODS 1 WI. NOWIRZORIVINO O.lolos SSD 811 MT GTOOS OP GOODS tot wr SPRING GALRB;•Okt ban Iwo atittatal with man MIN INGIa tama an/ km acadtdaat that to W.• utvasseis or IPAii/10 cd floods, se mil Halansi of Pitto Mop •JU suarAss ass StOODi at tett Mai ant . Wore *mid to Ws city, mad malt ropsettralp 'Attu ratty all tram oar WIT= sod the poNlo, to Mott* Ow Samuel Gray at,' SPni ?MIRIAM' TAMILS. ClC=t32=3 LIARPER'S WSZKLY.LES.LISTBZWB @ad N T. ILLISITILATED .2trirrogith illtatra TEll MILLION lIRCIORD—A ' 'Diary al AreiliCO rnata. NNW bylThaltiteara...Pablidsd vaaliy. Pelca w NA Ti t es OP WAR. itiLITART liii. Rt. • enter satt. UNION LITT !AMR AND INVSLoll2l—stait dr akaa. =M r ROSITTIII, ita, eta ALL TIM ST Da= A LATI MILITANT /01318 PATRIOTW II DM SONGUNNIIB. WTI OP GIN SCOTT 00NPLITIS—Astlaelis. PORTRAITS 0 /WON ANDRIISON. /dee IS eta TOR SMUT Tit/ NORTH—A 'Outdid ALL THE -LA -NIittSPAPITILS, 111040/1111/ 11 7113 LITSRART PAIP caa la Sid at tia lova/ mat pilaw • ilipTnada au - --- DOW/ da allilia, -- laylasta ••- .. - - : , , 711/113 Mb attast. CORNY ANTES OIL COMPANY: JOll3 IRWIN. Jr. Sanitary and 'ensseuvr. Dizariosi—lt., EL Dads T. EL Starts, J.lslAnagliash; a. Oimems. Jam Erwin, Jr. , a piE . T.gc2Eiptrila Creek,a ri . SIM draw; n Vamp toroth anslant4 llorS es 4 MMM!MIM '0 0 SIT . A 0.14 WATJEBTp ITITUDICIEf; of BOLLIX wieresointotraur 11P/nal 01311.110 A AND EAUMAAD,of amp dimeriplico. Putiodar dud or shard spnuts AND or weallorols to onto Mike% actk-A ' - Pb good marteint corticoureu bred. . us. STATE INSPECTOR OW DOMWATIO DISTII4.IIO YOU TEL cower di Ammo:awn JOHN GINITLFIY. - • 0111soi Bro. 111, senior Dlasasad Ally; as. • 41tP.Oraire tel tab Mob beithlitiaboad lamb will tlr'ata tIo at ththe eirs la r it/mean, totem *hi ibtharirCesetioas et s, Ala terrthtaw.. limet lreu tha SPIL-4theyrsoi that meet. or bar ika expathtioe. the Port ththathythiethr dtettlial rtz . eas= " ller . te=tbr m su reh d h ica rz .0 UV. gmeb pilaw 'OW kat* eat pq tea dollars Ith mot WM, awl throaty Metal the met arable banal ma at Ohre ark awed ateteletzseach Maar etta t im t ds"e is = ""Em r i bt/l lMbiPsd"kr.. the eltp earthy of lot aid of ,t lb. Genii dip ent amity. . lathe poi U 4,41.1 Own wit larprethei it the Part of Melt be lerththth end glued bp =keg et fothesno thitffira . eptdth appobital semen St, pogo 111 W-Any piton who abed beasflar sot ae taepettur or deputy to enter Of &meth dartiltod orrlts. balloon/ or outot7 af lob( asthortset fee thsa patter, kir own anti laden and ppyf lb nun of tweedy moist, kw Llano d tho noel* sad Shadier Welke the and pontoon 50 Mr Sue% sad Abel= the shal bde .d l for nor, each oftu% sulks au butelloamsall ■the conatylall for *wk.! of Weeders. MostkotilCpap _4111.-4tourp peers who shall coaster. Mt. huge re- huMtlftely laver, or easha Um brand Nary or any amber or °Mir. mark Owlet* inspector, or a mark oft .amber, at apa'say arta cis lOW to laspeotlog at upon say orator ether vowel osataledna etch artloisor free alter, Moos, °mug wenn say Inspectlou utarlt, duly wi==lor story each edges% be deemed galltr of and bo punlitable by aline ad weed,* Mese handful &Mom or by Inuolieument ammullou stu tooottra at tbe disoretkes of thecourthealserfortedktloa of Ural:hem Bretton llia; yap 4k4..09te,ry poison one dull comer. fel; forie w freadublanysepos 551 wilds Ilabla leltelyeethuprroyaniery wren mud flos= 4 "lteali ardolealso broad oath se Mbar meth of say , U marl franthdentla alter.dalhot or erre Mrit slab mirk at etall fraudulently Impale tie broad owe or other math 01. any-biebectorinewsuy rib =thin or seigol, be ebentod 'aqui,- a shatimoror.and elan be polite:table by u due sateedlos three husdred dollass, • • • hfurtlielnunt. Maths to tea lunrsoun IV/011/ doolosiSO Wahl the portal rwayielphlta whather dr aspartame et atberwlaashall to Inapeolid and saupd by *ha dulyoppolutod toepeetors of doona protlasitlo dadllled visite, or their *WWI, ta the sow, moon by sty other moon dual In. eneet mot honors, Mot If ion. ilbr web aka", to new to ail the data peoattlee set *nth Is the 1110 asetkou of thelot cribs tub of dierll4l4l). • • - An dot s sutharlalsg the Gomm Somata sa i l= of Doettle Nulled Urines thssonsayef Mottos Lb h 'aided by denldo Int ilul luss at Mg mentallina of the Goatotetweel flassral Aseetably nut, end It iam th b, i - ruir - • WM; thorhy al the uses, 'Sties the tioveruor = bendysallu s : ', . Ind to ambit an locactor of Doommate DYtllWlewes err th• manly of ltkelosy, ober duties sad adayonsh MO shall bit Shames as Ogees, the lOsysator damsels Mandl knots for no city sod luentli et Mbar& ' tteMartdef endwr ia = " Allo dg i t ats 4 l ra ft= =rof hat duties, tuba& wet y bat o g itlhonethe alma sectlous sad ell laws sp . plantain to the Inegoolloa of domande , • ' • ISTIM.VONSIGNI4Stab--- - . Poo lb& boa ausi,s6t . 60 ioolcortmoßlZ:do (Ostrci) :26 Ws. do appal • ion! rod ord OR solo pa . raime.vait ooitzia. IgODUQE—• -.- 110(01bi.clualtioos Inhin 1000 Rs. Mama Bor. •Nems Per Pshebilkbalm) • • • :60.40 q11211!%)'• ". ha Elm bt =by a arciroirra; I .1' - -0. 4 .r. e :useless A c6;:tx k ukal aostoro Lcesidao YwaephJaa She • Improonments geed ,o, b* order. for perUcedere !mobil of 010 FLURY 8. KUM Broker, tr ed. czar EIME:MM= ZUWIIII, la rod can. nor drlstsi .tLY nowt mon la Mb cam wul be soiara t helia..l.leUe 10,1 f itmo.aboitiffeLtAL-, HFOR tiALL—A bright bay, semi penal. tiots EsIMAW' sod nets cadre Wend. 1114 Is quiet sod lecold make•a* -*Fallell ClOO7 bon% LIMN soldkir by the nkeribet , , ‘ 1 0 9, -- • -•- war übtricir tor ads.fism.b. E , , 0 41 ,,,w. 01111 . 1101 i Wye_ 7.1,!_31,i4ai1l tifi woe. grearreport, _or Mask hairdesoila drat iguiety od=l7,=_ lik Wok Z ud y i ll== atla se, ;blot Vdreddl. M 'sod 1111.1.1ag. well alt .fed` wow sin * Silt %enp.. Puts ts pliessatly JeaO% Minr, and Alleasitas isfassanst 'WI • no& ' OW MS la admirably MOW . erstidad sr OIL dAiPIIIII3 inlldistbsplomudietory. - Fondior dad Um?! adidr to. Sr 11114 id( di - OAKLAND - MOFFATT FOR SAL& ONE mnit 'lllAtitlV:biggreLiNi HOUBIIttaTIPINEetwv too auto ~r eeraemtlik ben to the ceetreoelbs dweue,,e&& &mead 4 w 11 , / _ 111111 kee& &WOW° JIIIALL "SAKI gotisita, Mona 03 Ike NOM Ull• Roe. liewszamter elbow TALUS= WPM lek& aintedaa Gram" taalidelbe=llllll tra to 113211113 &OW! adeiew, iw OX ita;mni•liitilireii.;'tio•Fiiistaiksk • 04,,Kr# mei& mewed& W. 0. MELIA, : • ; - • - atallesof Pftbearg& & lad Muer • • sigUldlia himenit Itelmay Co.. Tani* strait.: WILIiLNOWIt• T ES riaexiiirovitilitauicin RAN% -1 amkaowtos obywety,o44l4,. thiClll4lNasibk, '44lsobl los Bpi Mast 141111441 yaws. IMMO, • 11x1 am ab lel 1a gu ihnodry tegmlos mandlsma rp dkenos;bECONlMlON tb4 e ! eraf Afome royrbior, tab label Nleboles 04.114 yd - Tbrawarty Wok. tbb tad-Lo Bobs by4l3i hott' 11441 es Boom 11 by eil Itst.ft~l4o.lllby 11 144` 11ffaldlag Ram n3lllbst. eas 10 by 11s Labe One Loft ow rad .110bba..14 Writ Uoplls - : by $2 s$ %Meta •Boom - IS by 111 hit AU Cu awe Ramo as vat 11y14454041 - 114e4-12 416 now 14 tbeinumaiiiiii,:pai.-.14 Labs. Tools sad Pattscos.,4lll4bli fee ibs Ingo at theadlV. Ibandearatry, whit:birth-17=1 beat vary boilable Wry yerldis deltetn NW May !mist soy 14 7 . dd. For beeps opplb to • • It. crosancsr,ad.' easwou,iiiimaht, MI. • zabll2alcs at la Igt r lAA c t fejt =Ms . u e T u ra t I to t h r t _ML Mame Lod: FZ sum time tbn atm I. orwootok oontaftlw hsgasoaft uWOO% hi wed 1.% to Ur goesit of 1101001 bolts. It lo la a loaf mull= 6.0 % mg us still. halt Moo to opoinloo,ot FAIN. PM tato . osioltdosi OA Sim* fro, Woo fund_ . fifth s -Of •401 mW 01 to goal Too if magma star oaths E .l Ttio limo Intl to foloootzg im lOo Two IT ad TM to sold saw ow Oaf of. d% 12.. of sow to , Boottroof: . &AAT., out, res . at ..! 70; 8 4 U r i - -..' ' 7 ' !".." l'A tit'si 1 . u.: ' 1: LO:A . FAMINE' LANI1 1, --The sulaccribi . await tussah so Imarabli_langs its lanstrat: sand Lands, dastard In Wight -and KW** anallML aiLlaMirl la Milo( lailsOads ilmanmaras al, simanio, Lion, widow tractbanm sensate= Coosa, mei •., . .Illis alarmisill dism pt. 011114 gX subougicl Fat larmtas lands in ttds or radlds mm.. ~. -:,,,,,, -, ~ _. =3O _ ----. IiaLIMUMLIEL.IIasirMasi ', 200 Ms beat - gott se ur.--Tbat - Ilidendia,RedidellieS with Wig Low aroma. rrilsTives tea an* dtaatod arlthla two salindeir iralk of -the lt bun Zama Station.- The boas Ile law sod sawn enfant (=OM bY 111 , 24“. aold 01 . 1.11161144 appal 1 “ussaisssisr - at ;Wyse. nips. ss•.so is sts4 Lila RIM T--The ZIORCUOUSSitionier Now led Water stms. ago ct Awl6m ow Kum wow the esartet, sal • hateadietely.. dam el ELF. Schtrarts she 3: L. Gerneetkee 411 — • • ath2lett ' - a. u. Ram. F N al .. RENT- . 0.161 oc i o nu ", srro 11011.811 AISEDATIIT W° s 1I 1° "!"! ° : • • ottatrnos:s sow, t • No. eras: C - • Devis Bran Foindeiiiinii Maeniactnrer JOIHIPH HO: NH' rsiVAIIMEAs, ..L 451-4s-A-14117.wrImeas4- ILINUTACRUMN.4IIO:ItIILZIN - IN I ' Pumps and Erase iiirork, oT.,IVXII4,DLNNUn7O.A. OiLl:NArata. - of grim elo t yper Yen sad Vane efidt Mail" see woroomo to dm lot* AILIIMMACTOILY, . end 194 Pront BAYNE. & kIIMPER, Iktocesecree - lo tc.. - H:Bortand.;. Steatii &oolL BLANK BOOK'NUNUFACT9 Nos. 714 and. 74 shirdf .t. Plain aza Aitiaig; .6ixei Blank Hanka Balsa ttiani tasinit4at., tan and Hood In aveny ieit4bla kanu • SrAu "a lll gtnilithbe s3l l Psi**, at the w*lntagis 4111) urea now Remedy. ais alai= CLAIIIIII 4 II 7 CELEBRXTED THIS INVALUABLI - 18 noon is Ibe .is dill aim Fedi' wit dam disrratheutstitto I.t isodonsos w socooookosid *mom alk ollltrallkoki. , from odullwror emosioall ootoody_tirro mf te WSW kc to all tort offlorvoce wok POW 'Allkotkookoakis to 1100 Book owl Melba Brittano, tallow as AIM Polottothlli of tbo Wan, Lomas= ot ma . h . • mum. ma raiderammeig lull dincllooo Is the poottlak oak. should too eanhlly onsorrod. • a bottle wah, io PlYy auras amp .Beekih of!ele! Pet*" k." vl u Ouwal 104 liockollow, N. N.lSold Dy Cli 13111DIALEVILLS. - illiclltor l!stmokll.llotuseilli bo Ord au earisoi Mattis at =I the Dlaisook".. Naval Medical Board . _:, Iit:BOARD OP 'MEDICAL OFFICERS Ma Ir via mammal Loititai, No* rat. Vlllli VIM or Jul. NUL fas -ma anotaaata of otadidataa lbw alohaloalo , I. Von* of the CleaUottoo.datitiaL baradettaa la apron bakes Os Baud moat mica opottaatkatilFtba IlasatabWaocavain at tist Navy. .woo abate t tabissoac plate Audi AMR*/ bhsb, ateaospaabal with reapattable tattaxadats osataiail Apolkaaat tatad vat be km Ittaktminly-w normtn eau tireati-Ono • aro expotaa la Wowed bliGeraralaral. to (salami's ab , boding the Not °Ma Saud; 'avasocaostal osambja , gas Is. *gal preragablia fat toot:damns ta Havoia', N1CW . 13.00.t1181 NEW GHJOXII, Corner or oil'emi paid Si Callite-Ote.i.:r ,allllllll44ftny WNW_ VOW Antal/00 if, ith DOW MT:kg seam 000 tis, a mptistag ins sowed ottko 01. el* krnallk Iktatia algpted . tiantsive cora Wltilt:tottto Wog m touly alt, sad trading to his ibilio b =WA ta 'Moto -Wolin Mi l li= th• Moo - *to& or pito 'pod to Ulf I. Oh ',About nowt to piosid aim* GURU !RUST 1110 'lllll ft borner , :stzth - and 'Wood Streierii. ; DARK or anCoylnVennwpolgsyte., Moirws-4.W; • -.- '-. AUGOIP/133 11011.1TAIX., PielliEU:'''': 1 •:;,-, - For L. N T .-Atlast listwasn, • . '..' , n. .. . ._ .-. .. JABRA LalaiiiA.- .•:. r * • ' .. J..r. 11weekoth., A . ! ..- ' Ciaisdan AAthany livar..... . , • -A. honabbi. ...:. orscprqr AVAX.r DA?: ',, ,;:-.- .• .',-,,, ' - - - JOHN avarmn., orm.i,_ LYON AIiNSTIRI4 - li, IMPORTKR AND -DIAALIW ItA • pp! INIANAI11.11:1 IG-Ate - • AIM Ala, - arate,o4 - SMOKING AND ITHRW/NG .T 0841060, utort.rettotri keite atiescatemrstres3, etnessi: ee,eereer,. Under the St. Chis eelet kellt46l. Pithiburitht' et—Theeieleeeepueseeueseettlesse, sts bet • O • INIPELZIIIOO aILILLISTI. U NITED STATES -MINN'S Pilltrat'T -Ituolt in Atroa l ioak suLurra da. buy Kate al tad. arensm atw al_ashA 0201 =UM a alladae — • in sad SO Wage amok Myr Ttiti, - . • DOTATIMB--I , ear prime )11incdr „ eck • •‘• • arisamts;'.7-: : Jai _ IN9,ll4lllbutratriet._, ile* vrowctilk—atatex,ll rattozArfp4;,si ? • - - wavionim, _ • - .- 111E1811UL I A LAN= LOT JIIISTILIFITTNO-:::,-, NW 'AND SNCOND-DAND - P/A/JOS sispituittAtiir:zira,ralcices AI;L: 0 yeti oinmi enie4leaaatrifinet& • Ateimibb Dam It 0,-a 000 erioeLlltinnooda"neadsonomdt.dobi bpliallMillion, 4 lica co Ow I Cm ltdoscod isa6W oo4lo kPodsk / 10 , 0 7 grmtft .jIIW-Ir " dr . nantadsebip...-- I M I s o o Cb = 2 forLoayOr" dok b 7 ' 0 -Ors ? tot carpod Moot bi11n1000 1, 4% . dee AI Pm OW lism Teel sudian.ten/ Ble oo OdsdnsdinadTooLlltnimodamfallllndifislid, *lO 00 • ncoedilrad o tanomln - *it= CS 00 P1 ,0 4 0 7d= Wow Aso go • dicarl 001.114411511.0% tog t Boar, soft Oos mixed-idad ijkOorldbe floso;Unbut-.... - 141 ao - •ad .03r Load It CAIN do - 1, - do - - set; by Wm— • • 00 fos Val)' ' le(saL • Oa 00 '4O 4 , , do 0n .06 00 de- ed. '7 Mini dedndis air pa:thongs 1 , nal: • Anal dos OM kW Itendse ' , sonar-a h ')NO.Voropektrozre, • Assat_sw_adandag a &al CinadMirlati sal Dnaeal4eolDrr4 te 14 4011 , 0 Ikg Nlawit=l* ifflorPl lll l. ig 9 0100.K9filippg iitdi.ois faZ mne VlZl Z i l n aNs o Ws f A Or Di leel trOdUge%gwft e•i m II M s I o M r V o A I e L al QUAD AND MAIM WA t bmoth"the' mid ea NEW .ZOILL - MOIL -They /CO sertsetei ItutINTS raw cetletilmathe Woepanatites ebeulaina lawns& sto.oxtin 04 "i11.0.13r nem sound...imirlui.7l - AVM. IL WWII& • ; 110umwAlltufir. re Anus' JULIO, otatuDirm 110.111111111 Strait. lIDOLPHO WOTAFES 41.ZiONLA.TIC SOEDAI MAPPS, a ormearri - - Tonle; Diuretic, ANT I-OYS. PEP TIC - IND INVIGORATING CORDIAL PURE NOLLAND sh _ FOR MSDICIAL N 73 P ATE ,Ip:I9LPLIO ,WOLTIVB PURE O. oClfi LA 0 BRANDY, bapOrted and battled by Massif. usinabull sad Ms but quality, stilt Me tertneste 0 she =sad .bblmil an the cortc -• • timitalio *bitra PUBS - PORT WINS, lakpotted ma bottled by himself, pat by bayebliciabl no, Ittlbbk wallets co the bait* baingibmi yam bribe bob quality_ ITDOLPHO PURE'SHERRY Wlo.. 11DOLP.116 • *014E14 PURE -MADEIRA _ WINE... ' I mpwrd • aid mum b 7 for ptivaliandcosdlobtal ust; the NE Woo ever ollbred to bibs Inds to tab •••,;, tbs. Ibis b o s n.ntd petrify yetts. CDOLPIIO .WOLVIII Pun JAMAICA 111,1:114ST,,CROIX RUM, SCOTCH ..:AND 1111811 WHISKY. - Sis shins Isspottonsateltnerbr. liittlratatimy repatliticp MAIMS; laili/312/Cllllll vieskiat of tlurty pm= nolaines tlisaityarifigairk, art idat 'gad. sad bet* wrier ay imilkialde. aid my 11 c5ract Sid !RI', Isasilit" l l aItTS ifimittipptilinsto Maria laqtantli.Pair WV". theakl heals bp all 501 /gaaara"......d 2 .mt 1 , 4 /4*cl.Par4 , ,lka#V- 4 PRotte aid 'lip Swift itna,Sar Wat t &limits 1.0=1:41311Z104 wafts* . - 6..140 Weed stpilL UKNITURE AND- CHAIRS, ,ALT REDUCEDPRICES. W.0.011* siti IS - 4111C stied, - • iii V! 0 73"Rg'kiiii.- - I '4ll Title ties . --=-.llotes and - Ptlvaw:DirialliitaK:' a:iata.hataa wad Mg wm * krallid det allost sales. -• 4- 4 Ciattseirlialas *aced WA Im, actiga 121 shallow 4 AXIA 74IB LIsi / 11 W4iM ) V 1 4 1 4 11 M'S anis mai AW3lNmlitsdce naisomers: -I*:ETZIRB PATIINT gentedmi gift. MighAsex imam. larkir • wry ids* oil topnovanuato cos/itpmpoodallowoon. whoollop tolLgooto Olt the bonnowiloobloo sot. Mr Weal topOoptloldtopoat,6o It kaa to be INF somv4-41wodoo orellesborpoput Immo or pont 'ton Ilin si ors Oasts! an po bpiopmeof upopoot • mom' , The odoprthooo aro anew and& pato* oall an du& 41 : 1 11 2 4. - orolibi i ri IoPO Mt bowmn:km won op OlOoottool loodoo podloot.:,1 mid dada lopnoomooss to Wu the cam loolapotea Mato& attor• atoo OS Loris. corm of Ong IPoiipai draw. time parer tollergol Pow IQ ad Jae mai Mom oho do loolilst Won , _ SH O O [lifiltft>Q, poppalop- Proorootalosotoopeso. .• 11111DPOIlD BPSIZORS; Ot I3 . 7 ALLEN- im zei - inform. ilia - list& MN Ms infl NA Nodat..NNe- Om 111xm fps IN Ns NoNica sal arnamicasco, , a 10,8324 'nu b. kept alkalnthelisci Pear. U N la sa ssa Nibs surtati _itaza vvaita arkr . lo f t at IN NUN lonniNg palr,Nr.. , - -, 1 N' 1 NAM NAN; :Now ar."?tetailli2NlANli. INONNININIsi ZOI s NB ' f- , . • - ---- :- - a iii: . :. , ' . . • . -.- . vilrb. TBi►W 400 A& um= /MIND num. ~CO., - 3 ear alltallk Omen IdamooktemmimeL. oarteur.lhatutexpess "Wl* sgendliaMesv oor powhiosteirilatiia Afakeotta • Int den ita .; Cain 4iiditCO"CiaeM aloft thelkaaseinsUmmuilhigliplaralivastaagEot, .01 Inn iatftell !aria Mawr aledlihislamiklirr' - 412 - ANDS' EULIMPARI •;—The A„,7 mils pubes 'Mao II I IPar gamma es biseL vitialiftnimely km; bakity4llo., derc-Tbe espetlsoalt menr=bat Il iow arabilmio• • 01 OS hin Wartime Mile Wow. misame Oise thonimily amid la lapvillimadlor; anstorilb so* liftdeinmairtikallr-a• - W.a Tot* Illuk sonlimmirtless,kas.r - I.l=reetadlletbem2. - . - :.• . ,rai so rgraK SW ats- * Ad striiatnt..4_4Xkintsibitrils; RirlovAlc.---pluun .14 MITT' :13", 110 `orsAil :•14.1 ~~.raora.,~:. illffaZiliQQD-? , lioirUin.:lloW.; ts V - .w.rm' iiiMl,lkaa 1.1031 mod aild !labial Omar ftliniklmS=*ainmitMl ok ; ' , ''' im IhDi=i w _ ealaryKobbie --:, ore. ,aiwilk se. arotorst-• ' a.ortrinsa,alt- was iesibr.ourt PI Phil..l*l4,i' • FM& C lll, 'COM 'ltanitaie- 0117:= 7 ; Aloa ratmannwilamr01101111101111104111041‘7,11: - lama aullaslhartiyislalpriteisfareill. • mid Is Westin 0144 1 7!ft , r amk, ""!- , 118 3 Ant MOM readlavicia • bee .01P11 1 4 1 1x 1 0. 41 104 1 7,,, r4ls_ , Nree: hiltthigalaaait -y --- : _